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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1908)
R THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ArniL 19. loos. Tim Omaiiai Sunday . Bnt, OMAHA. HTTrTDAY, ATOIi 19. - TIILB a closer race than for many 1 A tfuoni la expected In tha Na- VV "o"1 I lhl" re'r' tn" n II. riant 1 generally eonceda to tha , . Cub. Few expert tout will ad mit that Chicago tight to walk away with tha flag again this year, per h ape with a lit- . tla more exertion, but safely enough. And this opinion la the popular one among fan. The Cuba are even stronger tban laat year, and no other team, unless It be Philadel phia, la believed to be ahead of It class. - Of courae. New Tork devotees profesa to aea In the Oianta tha contenders, but thla conviction la not shared In extensively out side of New Tork. While it may be severe judgment to pronounce It a one-pitcher team, yet that la precisely the verdict that already has been passed by some who must be given the right of opinion. But New Tork simply la an experiment MoOraw haa traded some veterans for aome other Veterans. Tha most ha himself hoped to gain by tha trad waa harmony In his own team. That .alone ought to Improve the flaying, but will the Improvement be such as to lift the team from fourth place Into the contender's eiassT Philadelphia roust be reckoned with for second place, and maybe Ptttsburg, now that Wagner haa ( signed. In tha American league the White Box were picked as tha favorites at tha opening, but sine tha opening develop ments have suggested the wisdom ef going alow In tha matter of picking the winner. Th Sox, thla year as last and the year before, have a fighting team, but are bar ricaded by so many aggravating Ifs. If Davis haa another season in him; If the pitching staff holds out; If this and If that The Athletic ought to be atill good, so ought Detroit, but Detroit appears no stronger thsn last year, when it had to fight to the Ust ditch to win. The High landers and the St Louis Browns have friends who count on them for great thing. They probably will be stubborn warriors to tha last, particularly the Browns, with that great array of old-time stars, but they have not yet been picked as the pennant ' winner. All In all, tha National league appears tlie stronger. Omaha's Infield looks better thsn ever, even with Graham out of tha line. King is playing at shortstop Ilka a veteran, and Buck might always have played second, judging from the work h la doing. Autrey and Austin are stars, and the whole quar tette la full of pepper to the limit It Is a stone wall, and the absence of Dolan will not be felt. In fart, no place was open to the veteran among that array. And the outfield Is doing just aa well. House holder, Welch and Belden ar a great trio 'and make up a defensive aggregation that Is hard to equal and can't be beaten In the west And aa for offense just look at . the score tables. The week witnessed an event In base ball which cannot help but command the sober Interest of Omaha and Western league fans. That waa nothing more nor less than the transfer of old Joe Dolan from Omaha to Des Moines. Dolan put In many seasona of excellent work for Pa Rourke and - Pa Rourke and all his friends hope the veteran will be able to do the same for Dea Moines. In some respect, chiefly, pinch hitting and general balancing power, Dolan ., will prove a moat valuable asset to. Des, and If he is In aa good condition as he thinks ha la, will add strength to the Inftsld. Certainly there Is cause for congratula tion In Omaha over the start the Cham pions of the Western league have made. Of course they opened the season with a team that, unless strengthened, will not be one of the leaders, but even at that Omaha haa gone far enough to demonstrate that It Is a well balanced team, playing tha Inside game, much stronger at the bat than ever and mora capable of winning the pennant this year than last- Josh Clarke's experience In base ball Is almost unique. Ten years ago he was with Louisville In a major league, then- he dropped back Into tha minora, where he remained until 1905, when ha joined the Bt Louis Cardinals. II stayed there but a abort time, going to Toledo. Now, Ilk a "fresh stripling from the brushes, he jumps hack Into fast company at Cleveland and promises all kinds of things for tha season. Of course no one thinks that Han Wag tier wa holding out tor more money," for Barney Dreyfus told him at tha outset ha could name his own figure. It only goes to show how Is for a great ball" player to quit while yet In hi prime. Well, why should hT . Captain Chance say It doesn't go any further than tha name. He 1 taking no than. es, . but propose to win 'em all If he can: Jl still haa MordecaJ Brown and Jack FTlester to fall back on. Harry Bag haa established a base ball , headquarters on Cuming street, which he I proposes to make especially attractive for j amateur players. The old veteran of the j diamond ought to know how. ' ' Tha day that Wagner refused to sign had just on counterpart In the history of the game, that was tha day Casey struck tout But Pittsburg, Ilka UudvUle, lived to tee it star shine again. Householder Is likely to have some heavy bill sent him by team owners for boards i knocked off the fence during the summer. . He Is making his name a terror to pitchers ; and fielder already. ' Htgglna ha mad a hit at Dea Motnea aa owner, and tf hia team geta to going a little faster be will put the game back ' where It was when Brother Mike got bold of it Pa Rourke never drew a mor precious prUe than when ha got lltUe King. That's the man Ducky Holmes' Lincoln press ' agent signed. Denver Is starting with a rush too. Bome , thing wlil happen when tha Grtasliea and Champs get together at Broadway park ' next week. Other paper may boast of their sporting pages, but you still have to get The Be to get all tha new on tha day it happeoa. Omaha should fix a, day for thanksgiving to Cincinnati Autrey and Rat a a. Up to date Cobb looks like a good invest ment medal, ,ouo and all. ' Brother Dave will blow In the peanut roaster next Thursday, Just as Buck Franc JJ ons continuous round of pleas ura. - . . ' . Maybe Waddell has determined to get re venge. Don I forget next Thursday; It tha day. OFF WEEK FOR CORSDOSRERS Athletici Interrupted by the Annual Easter Vacation. LIVELY WOEK FOS BALL SQUAD Flalsfclaaj Teaches for Sprtms Trig) After Yaeatfoa Brlafet Ontlnek for Tenata, with Praealslagt Field f Candidates. LINCOLN. April 18. 8peclal.)-The an nual Easter vacation which began Wednes day at the University of Nebraska Inter rupted the work of the Comhusker athletes and retarded the spring training for a week. Nearly all of the men on both the track and baseball squads broke practice Tuesday and will not return to the training camp until the latter part ef next week. Only a few of the faithful track candidates remained at tha state school during the spring recess to continue training. The base ball team played a game with tha Wenleyan nine on the day vacation began, and none of Its member wa seen In a uniform after that When tha candidates return after the recess they will be pushed through the final two weeks of prelimin ary work for tha firt big lnter-colleglat contests of the spring. The track men will be put In shape for the opening meet with Kansas at Lawrence and tha base ball players will be trimmed for the eastern trip which Is scheduled to begin the first in May. v Manager H. D. Toung. of the Nebraska tennis teams, has completed arrangements for three Inter-collegiate tournaments for the Cornhuskera. Minnesota, Kansas and Missouri are tha school which will be met The Gophers will coma to Lincoln for a tournament with tha Oomhuskers early In May. The date for the two other tourna ments have not been set, but It has been settled that the Nebraska player wilt meet Missouri at Columbia and Kansas at Law rence. The Cornhuskers participated In no Inter-collegiate contests last year. A tourna ment was scheduled with the Oophers for Minneapolis, but rain prevented the meet ing. . The most promising player on the Ne braska courts this year are Slaughter, Toung, Post Ersklne, Rltchl and Racely. The work of Slaughter and Post has been of a high quality In the doubles. Toung and Ritchie show up the best in the indi vidual work. The preliminaries for select ing a team tf three men to represent Ne braska In the Inter-collegiate tournaments will be held during the next three Hreeks. Gymnasts Cosnln to Lincoln. , Tha annual meet of the western inter collegiate gymnastic association will be held In Lincoln on April, 1909. Dr. Clapp, who returned this week from the laat con test of the association at Madison, Induced tho other members to adopt a plan of rota tion by which the meet will b held at a different school each year until It ha been pulled off at every school In the associa tion. The new rules of th organisation provide for having thl method of rotation oontlnued. The old member of th associa tion are Nebraska, Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Washington college of Bt Louis was taken Jn at the recent meeting. The annual Contest of the association will b at Minnesota In 1910, at Chicago In 1911, at Bt Louis In 1912 and at Madison In 1913. New rule regarding entrle In the event and changing the plan of scoring were adopted at tha Madison meeting. Hereafter but three men will be allowed to enter each event and the number of men representing a school will be limited to six. At Madison Wisconsin and Chicago each had a team or six men; Minnesota had tavr men and Nebraska had two contestant. Tha method of scoring was changed so that tb total scores of the team In each event will be counted In determining the winning ohool. Vntll now the number of firsts won by the teams were counted. Under the new rule a team may not have any firsts, but may win the contest If the number of th aggregate scores Is high enough. Zeldlhack, of Wisconsin, who won the In. dividual western collegiate championship at Madison, had the high total of 893H points. Mitchell of Nebraska, was second with S46 point. Zeldlhack ha won Che Timely Tips for Over 1,500 auto registered In Belgium. Indianapolis dealers sold 200 cars during the week of their seoond annual show. An automobile club has been formed at Boyertown, Pa., which boasts of, just an even dosen cars. The membership of the Associated Au tomobile Clubs of New Jersey ha doubled in the last year. Fall River (Mass.) motorists have or ganised a club and have obtained a char ter from tha state. A Mitchell runabout ' wa sold by the Rambler company to Dr. Sutton of Shenan doah, la., thla week. The Automobile club of Lancaster1, Pa., is planning to build Its own club bouse with garage attached. Bicarbonate of soda should be scattered on tii bottom of a battery box to prevent Injury ifroin spilled acid. The oldest house in the United Slates, built In 1M6, In St. Augustine, Fla., has been fitted up as a garage. . Motorists nf Pottatown, Pa., have formed a club, one of the chief objects of which will be to work for good roads. The pressure of the air In tire never should be allowed to full below seventy five pounds to the square Inch. Dayton, ' O . is to have an automobile show, the first In the history of the ctty, beginning April 20 and lasting six days. The Detroit Automobile Dealers' associa tion will have a reliability run, covering about 412 miles, April 29 and 90 and May 1, The Chicago Automobile club la planning a twenty-four-hour track race, to be held as early In the season as the weather is suitable. There are now from 700 to goo motor 'buses in London, of which more than WJ are owned and operated by two large com panies. As aluminum paint Is heat retaining. It never should be used on an engine. The most satisfactory covering (or cylinders Is black lead. Members of the New Tork Athletlo club who own cars hsv formed a motoring section, which already ha nearly 4u) mem bers on Its roll. If a ball In a bearing shows wear, all should bo changed, as to Insert but one new one will almost invariably result In a series of broken ball. Russia's annual automobile shoe will be held ttiis year by the Automobile club of Moscow from May ( to ' and will be inter national In character. As the first csre of a driver Is the safety of his passengers, the br.kt-s should al ways be tested on starting a run before changing to a high gear. With the arrest of the promoter on a charge of uttering forged cheeks for cars the plan for a motor car service on the Island of Jamaica full through A Buffalo member of th New Tork legislature has Introduced a bill to give garage proprietors liens on car for Serv ice la connection with them. Robert Allison of Port Carbon, Pa., who was the first purchaser of an American made automobile, recently celebrated the teullt anniversary of that event. , Commissioner of Highways James H. MaulJunaid of Connecticut, ta purchased a tourhig car and hereafter wlil (erret out bad spots In state roads with It The Albany, N. T., Automobile club haa Issued notices t Its members urging thein to be courteous and conacten tlotts so as to win and hold bupllc eateein. New Jersry Iti 1.B8 miles of rosda. toward the t ui' lntu of whirh the state hu contributed $-' i.J ou. In a.i.l.u.m tne coun ties have tulit fM milt wuaoui stale. sad. championship tltle three times during the last four years. He was defeated two yeeara ago by Johnson of Nebraska. The record made by Zeldlhack this year ia one of th best that has been secured In recent year. It la a follows: Rings, TB points; parallel bars. i7H; horlsontal burs, 81; side horse, glH. The record of Mitchell Is: Rings, 71; parallel bars, 0H,' horlsontal bars, 64; side horse, 67; tumbling, 17. Preparations are being made for the an nual track and field meet of th Nebraska Inter-colleglate association, which will be held In Lincoln under the direction of the university athletic authorities on May IS. Dr. Clapp ha completed list of events and rule for the contest, which will be sent out to the various schools of the state the latter part of this week. The Nebraska managers look for a greater meet than last year when the entry list contained over S00 ccntestsnts. The meet this spring will be held at the slate fair grounds. There will be fourteen events in the meet this spring, as follows: 100-ysrd dash, 110 yard run, 120-yard hurdles, pole vault, shot put high jump, discus throw, 220-yard dash, 220-yard hurdles, 440-yard dash, 1 mile run, hammer throw, broad jump and one half-mile run. Every school will be al lowed three entries In each event Part of the railway expenses of the high school athletes wha come to th meet will be guaranteed by the university authorities. The amount paid to each school by the uni versity will depend on the stie of th high school and the dlstsnc from Lincoln. A banner will be given to the high school winning the meet Individual medals will be provided for the event winners. Silver and bronxe medals will be given to the winner of first and second place respec tively. A gold medal will be presented to the athlete winning the Individual high school championship title. Pawnee City, winner of second place In ISO?, reports the addition of three or four new men who are doing some excellent work in the dashes. Optimistic reports have also been received from Falls City, Tork, Central City, -. Crete, Aurora and Shubert. Mar Be an Investigation. Word was circulated arouni the university campus yesterday that two of the deposed members of the athletic board would de mand an Investigation of rumors which im plicated them in Irregularities In the us of the athletlo funds. The charge made against the men are that they made per sonal use of the athletic money in paying part of the expense of certain members of the 1907 footbaal team. Th room rent and board of Captain Weller, so the rumor said, was paid by a certain member of the athletlo board during the football season. It Is said that Weller refused to play foot ball unless his expense on the training ' table were paid, and In order to keep him on the team the men who has the financial means kindly helped the captain settle his personal expenses, it is said. Careful In quiry among members of the faculty and former members of the athletic board proved that no 'Investigation, however, of the rumored Irregularities would be made by either the men Implicated or by the university senate. , The rumors of Irregularities among the former members of the board directed com ment to the new members of the board and brought out a discussion of their ability to do good work In the Interest of Comhusker athletics. A glance at th record of the three men convinced tho skeptic that the professors were well able to serve In their new positions. Dr. H. H. WsJte, Dr. Phillip nd Dr. R. H. Wolcott ar the new members. Dr. Walte ha been connected with ath letic for many year. He wa r. student at Amherst for four year and during that time was on of the best football men In s-hool, and was a star gymnast. After graduation from Amherst he went to a southern university, where he became the head of the athletic department and gave the school a clean athletlo system. Dr. Phillips during his college course was a prominent track man at Michigan. For several years he held the Wolverine record In the one-mile run. He wa secre tary of the Michigan athletlo board for year. f Dr. It. H. Wolcott Is a graduate of Michigan, where he was one of the leading candidates for the football and track team. I . Automobile Owners and Drivers This year automobile week at Ostend will begin July 14. the affair being pro moted by the Automobile club of Belgium, assisted by the Antwerp and Flanders clubs. E. A. Beascn, banker at Audobon, Ia., together with a frtend, visited the Rambler company, Thursday and took home with them a Rambler touring ear and Mitchell runabout. ' Aa n Incentive to good road building a sugar firm at Alma, Mich., has offered a reward of $100 for every mile of road built under th state aid act within eight mlies of Alma. Th plan of classifying competing cars according to their piston displacement again will be followed In the hlli-cllroblng contest of the Cleveland Automobile club on Memorial day. ' The Touring Board of the American AutomoMla association, las half a dosen assistants constantly employed at Its head quarters In Buffalo supplying Information s to routes, road, etc. Public sentiment on the farmer's influence are the two prime factors In fostering good roads, according to Prof. W. H. Hotchklas, director of the Wisconsin Geological Sur vey, who is a inotoriat More than fifty members of the Auto mobile club of Washington, D. C. will he elri participate in a three-day run that will ben In May 29 and cover about ail miles through four states. The snnual commercial vehicle trials unier the auspices of the Automobile club of France will begin Thursday and continue until May 26. The alcohol en gine competition will follow It. The great Rrooklands track. In England, la governed by a rigid set of rules, which sre lived up to the letter. No driver, no matter how prominent or Influential, Is allowed on the track after t p. m. The New Tork City aldermen have given permission to physicians to speed their cars in answering emergency calls, provided they display red-croaa flags by day and white lights with red croses by night The Quaker City Motor club and the Automobile club of Philadelphia have Joined fortes to prepare a complete series of road maps and touring guides of Pennsylvania nd adpolning stale. Congress has a bill providing an appro priation of r-j.0u0 for experimenting with an automobile post coach service for pas sengers, mail and baggage over routes to be designated by the postmaster general. Five Rambler automobiles were sold this Week to Staples at Sewell. of Burlington Junction. Mn , who ave taken the aawuy fur the Rambler car at that point. Tb ter ritory Is contracted by the Omaha branch. D. W. Ferguson and O. Alexander of Gothenburg. Neb., purchased new cars at Omaha this week. Mr. Ferguson driving home a two cylinder Rambler touring car and Mr. Alexander a Mitchell runabout Interest has been revived In th Nstional Retail Automobile Ieaiera' association, which was reorganised during last fall's Chicago snow, arui it now haa over SO mem bers, nearly evey stale being represented. Canadian road builder are having good success with rruuadam roads in wnlch the smaller courses of Mono are mixed with hot tar, the roads betn top dressed with limestone dust, rollled luto th tar. Overheating la the chief cauae of pre lsmltlon. When It occurs. If a test shows the radiator e be cold and the watsr jackets to be hot. the wster Is not circu lating, probably owing ti Jump stop Ige. As si additional argument a favor of hnhilng tbe Vamlert.ilt cup raca at favannali. cUlmens of that erU-rprUtt, cifv are uYferine in ,t.i. .a WITH THE COLLEGE ATHLETES Doing in the Field of Sport in East and West FUHD3 FOR OLYMPIC GAMES Post-Season Grapple of Wrestlers Folwell and Foster Reejaest for Harvard Ilea to Let ta Athlete Sleep. Th post-season wrestling series between Graham Foster of Tsle, and Robert Fol well of. Pennsylvania ha been an inter esting "thing and an odd one. Folwell having met with great success In th meet before the intercollegiate championship apparently was piqued when the Tale captain threw htm In the Intercollegiate contests and asked to get satisfaction at a meet later In the year. For the second time Folwell was beaten and again It was arranged that they should meet. This Is hardly like college sport, but more Ilk personal rivalry between two wrestler. Whether It ia exactly In the line of the pur pose of Intercollegiate athletics is hard to say. To some persons It might very well appear as having a tinge of the professional about it, not the professional from th money end, because It stands to reason that there Is no purse ' and no side bet. but solely on the ground that it Is so personal a mutter between the men. It Is almost ss Harvard snd Tale, after a baseball scries of three games, should go on and play a couple more with the professed object of determining which Is the better team In a longer series. Again', Cornell and Columbia might want tode cide that very close boat race at Pough keepale more to the satisfaction of the oarsmen In the two shells, and with that In view might arrange for another race to be held on. July 4 or some such date In connection with some other regatta. It doesn't look exactly fight, although It may appeal to both men a a perfectly proper procedure. If the men are not. tak ing time away from their studies to carry out their series of bout the colleges can not well object, however. But it establishes a bad precedent and Is of very little real use. It cannot upset the result of th in tercollegiate wrestling championship, be cause Foster Is the title holder.' On that ground then It is a foolish procedure and on any other It falls short of the purpose of having meetings In athletlo sport be tween college men. j Cornell Will Not Compete. It must have come rather aa a surprise to the American Olympic committee to learn that Cornell did not Intend contrib uting to the fund for the Olympic games In London. The expectation waa that the Ithacana would give 1600. a some other universities had promised. The reason given for refusing la one to which no ex ception could well be taken. "The athletlo association would not be justified," said Judge Irvine, "In spending money for a purpose entirely foreign to the principles of the corporation. The Olympic games are not a college event and Cornell men could not compete a representatives of Cornell, but a Individuals If they should go." Cor nell did not want to appear "mean" In th matter, especially as Dartsmouth, a much smaller college, pledged $00 for th fund, but the expense of athletic management at (Cornell ar much greater. There are more team at Cornell and more of them which have small Incomes or actual deficits. Dartsmouth,- for In stance, does not support a crew, an Item of $10,000 or so m the Cornell budget Th track team at Cornell always ar run at a loss, and base ball can hardly make a great profit In other words, about all th sport exist at tha expense of the foot ball team, and Cornell' game bring In about enough to keep things running well. The track, base ball and crewcaptaln at Harvard have published an appeal to the tudent body In general that I perhaps serious in Intent, but amusing as well. The Harvard Crimson hsd In It column re cently this letter: "The track team and th crew have already gone Into strict training for their spring contests with Tals and tha base ball team will follow soon. take in spectators to the number of Former President Charles J. Swain of the Quaker City Motor club. Is pressing for the appointment of an official referee who is not a member of the club committee, to supervise all meets, races and other con tasta. Newsnapers 1n India generally are In dorslng a plan to have the local government advance mcney to officials whose duties require them to travel, to enable them to buy automobile with which to expedite Business. Carload shipment of Rambler cars for Omaha have been altogether too Inadequate to supply the demand, and on Monday morning a train load of Rambler automo biles will leave the factory at Kenosha for Omaha. The American Automobile association has completed arrangements with an express company by which automobiles may be shipped to foreign port by Its members at a rate lower than can b obtained by a non-member. A syndicate of French motorists Is plan nlng to build a race course of about nine mlhs In circuit, which can be utilised as a publio highway when not used for contests, on the high plateau above Spa, the famous Belgian health resort , Mr. B. W. Jewell of Omaha, has favored the Rambler company with an order for ono of their two cylinder Rambler touring cars. The same is being fitted with glass front and top and will be a very complete and swell looking machine. So successful was the recent one-day en durance run of the bay State Automobile association that plans already are under way for a two-day affair, to be run to a point either In New Hampshire or Maine, returning to Boston the second day. . On anything but very stiff grades It Is customary with the general run of drivers not to drop from the high goar when coast ing, the foot brake being applied upon to supply whatever retardirjg effect is re quired In excess of that provided by the motor. The machli es which will compete In the ruu from St. Petersburg to Moscow May 81, under the auspices of the Automobile club of Russia, will be divided Into four class-s according to the bores of their cylinders, prises will range from fOOO to Si.iXD. "It has been demonstrated by actual ex perience that automobiles make good roads out of had ones." said State Commissioner of Highways Hunter of Pennsylvania, in a recent address at a meeting of county hlKhway commissioners and road suoer viaors. Two large -cyllnder Rambler touring cars left the Omaha salesroom last wee a, going to Paup Hroe., of Harland. Ia. The maciilnes were both equipped with speedo meters, tops, and glass fronts, and provs the statement that the wealthy people of mill towns know ho to rig up an auto mobile. W. B. Paup lives in Harlan., while his brother Is a farmer and lives eight miles from town. Mrs. Walter Macfarlane, wife of the well known Honolulu capitalist, recently pur chased a forty horse power touring car and has already begun to make plans for a trip from tne Pacific to the Atlantic, ac companied by her husband and family. The car wtli be shipped to San Franclaco and. according to their preeant plana, they will tour from San Francisco to Portland. Ore., and then through Idaho. Montana. Wyom ing, R-mth Inkota. -and so on eastward. Mr. Macfarbine says h expects to lower a few records snd to n.v the splendid touruev aeross tha 1'nlled Slates and Inci dentally demonstrate the fact that Honolulu takes no aeennd place in th matter of titinwUJU stunts. y , part of the car. After seeing . noting the extreme care that ia used in the making of every part watching the rigid inspection and the thorough trying out that ia given each finished car we know you would be convinced of the superiority of the Come in and let us show you what the Rambler will do how it is built to endure why it docs everything that the highest priced cars can do, and still sells for $1,400 and $2,250, according to the model We want to show you what the factory testa and the factory guar antee mean to you. You don't have to buy a car in order to find out all about it We're willing and glad to tell you. Will w w yuu t i us r 2044 11 v Vaaaeng-er SO-Hors rower STANLEY STEAMER First elaas condition mast be sold Price, $300 This machine la worth a great deal more money but It Is necessary to turn It Into cash at once. Investigate. TOiIT X.OAS CO., IBM ranuum Bt. This means that the members of these teams are In bed at 10 o'clock. Of all things, to a man who Is training, sleep Is by far the most Important. Especially near a con test men find it very hard, even under the best conditions, to get the requisite amount of sleep. Atkletle Street Unlet. "The object of this article la to remind the students of their responsibility In this matter; maintaining quiet after 10 o'clock not only in tbe dormitories where the ath letes live, but also in the streets nearby. It Is never 111 will that causes a disturbance at night, but 'thoughtlessness pure and simple. A thoughtless noise, however, is Just as effective a an 111 willed noise in keeping a man awake; and as sleep is of such vital importance to the teams, we ask every man to make a point of keeping quiet himself, and second, of reminding any one else, stranger or friend, who may need the hint, of the necessity of quiet for tbe sake of the teama." There la a deal of philosophy in that note, brief as It Is, because from It may be learned the deleterious effects of noise, whether with Intention or not. In the care less Joy of a Harvard springtime. It may be In order later. If this warning falls of its purpose, to organise a Harvard sh-sh-sh club to patrol the streets until all the ath letes are well asleep uttering sibilant sounds of lullaby. If that doesn't work, an appro priation might be made to cover the streets in the neighborhood with tanbark, so that the Harvard water wagon rumbling home ward In the early hours may not disturb tho athletes aa they He peacefully in their cribs. It may be also In order to do as Is done near the hospitals In this city: f : i : ; Athletic Street : : Make no Unnecessary -. : : Noise. ; The athletic council at Pennsylvania has awarded the 'varsity letter to the meinbers of the basket ball team which won the champlons'ip of the Intercollegiate Basket Ball league this season. Tha men to re ceive the P are Captain-elect Kelnath, Cap tain Fitspatrick,. McNIchol, Spoe.r, McCrud den and Klefaber. Waite and Yerger. who won Individual wrestling championships, also got the letter. At Syracuse the 'var sity letter was given to the basket ball players, bringing up a curious situation. In the squad were two freshmen who have the right to . wear the letter now. They are the' only members of the class of lWl at Syracuse who will get the letter this yesr, because of the rule which bars fresh men from 'varsity major sports. Basket ball Is a minor sport and was excepted from the rule. It is understood tnst there Is some feeling at Syracuse about this award, because it grants to these two freshmen special privileges which otherwise they could not have. PRINCETON TRACK TEAM ACTIVE Oatdoor Work Shows Meat to Be a Creditable Let. PRINCETON, N. J., April lS.-The Princeton university track team has begun outdoor work, and despite the fact that several of the veterans of last year's team will be Ineligible either through gradua tion or deficiency In scholarship, the pros pects for a good team appear to be bright. Coach Copland believes thst some good material can be found among the mem. bera of last season's freshman team to fill the vacancies In the 'varsity personnel. The spring schedule, which has been ar ranged, contains six dates, besides the twelfth annual lnterscholastic meet, which will be held at Princeon on May ! The schedule follows: May . Princeton-Tale, at New Haven; May 1, Princeton-Cornell, at Princeton; May 23, Princeton-Columbia, at New York; May -K, annual Intercol legiate Amateur Athletic association meet, at Philadelphia. Motor dabs sad SapptS teres. Reports from a number of cities Indicate that the establishment of a club supply slure ft which members may purchase ac ceasoiVa at discount rates, such as has been opened ty the Automobile Club of Anierlia in Kev Yurk wilt iou tecum popular throughout lUo country. I X X Ai-enU Wanted. 1 The Car You Ought to Buy We wish you could visit the Rambler see how severe and thorough are the testa the largest automobile factory in ' y RAMBLER. AUTOMOBILE CO. Farnam St. Omaha. Liberal Contract Given. . S jr s S S'X ffric ,,the ibiljicik:- 1 FOn THE HILLS and 22 D. P. Price, 01250 A Guaranteed Car with a Record of OO.OOO Miles ' -wwmmtwwrr-fvt g -risMy. mmtm i f"A siiar ,MWM---snsaw' Four Cylinder. Shaft Drive. 39 I!. P., $17SO Equal to Any S2SOO Car on the Market , Berber's Automobile Co. 1 0ffra nnrl rninnm ?Glt Omntin. - - " - - " - - LiVLj LEaUXJ If you are menaced with diseases and hav not consulted u.-, ui- acetic ,v..' medical attention, don't think you are not paying for It. You are and per haps many times over. If you procrasti nate ami postpone treatment from day to clay, week to week and month to month, or experiment with uncertain, dangerous or unreliable treatment, sooner or iater you must pay the penalty. If you do not heed our admonition you will then more forcibly appreciate our advice that trie least expense would be Incurred through the early employment of genulns profes sional skill. Commence an active and en ergetic courj-e of treatment at once, and avoid suffering, snxlety and remorse. Ws treat msn only and ours promptly. aafsly and thoroughly and at tbe low.ut cvt aOIVCHITl5, CATAkftH, BLRV OU PlBlilTT, 111.000 roiooif; gKIST ,.- Bltll and all Bpacial Vtssasea and oompUoatlona. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE E?TR FORMER; Call and De Examined Free or Write Office Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 1 Only. 1 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Ets., Omaha, Neb. rernsanently EsUblMied in Omaha. Aebraska. m Chicago's -mm ,v k ADfto.nieiy A faiffb-ciasi OM of tut moat .til L 1 4 Lar bright V i N , ; I C I nc puai totna ihom au:tin.r patron, r ar enough il L t 3 ' I from city mii furretrul quiet. wlthm ten miuutet' vtal i o! huiueB center. Brubt. new at. car (2 bio ka away) to 5 Y f uiiuuiea lata shops and given every the world V Neb. STEADY SERVICE I J . ' , t A - - I :-A tnelr UUiiilUIII Ib0l HOTELS. Great European Hotel The Virginia rireprftoL Ha lea, 1 1. 58 And op. Tram and ReaMcotial Hotel, a Hud ted la elect tiajrltt of th citv. kniuDiai a ksmmnw i j 'in iiMilaa niartMe, be-uiuituJ stsituary auU cathedral (lata, .' -J 0 hanJsoiuely famUhcd ouinl room, ft irk e or ma auitttu Iiuuitf liui. with touest cuiiiue. tTerycoDvao- you 10 mm auoppiutf aitrtct, paaalutf Iha Coor CfcO. W. kYNCLD. Pr... ki. ad Oku gu..