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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1908)
THE OMAHA' DAILY REE: THURSDAY. Armi, lb. lyus. It i jtv r REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTV FOR MALI (Continued. $3,300 Knr S3.2 N. 25th SI., n. w R room houae, hard oil flnliih. with hot watrr heat, two man tle! and grates, electric light, everything right up to date: lite VmS, harn, half block from car. This la an Ideal iioma. Tcrma, 11,400 cash and balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Main Door, N. T. Ufa Bldg. (19) va 14 BOMB EXCEPTIONAL, BARGAINS. tlVA 14-roonl. 2-department frame lat. 2 Stories and bafwrnrit. rented at HO per month; hot water heat; lame lot, oru 2Sth pear fjrare Bt. A splendid InveRtment. 1 2.1 no A dnndjr modorn fc-room cottage at tfd and Manderson; lot 57x124 feet; fruit; barn. A snap. IJ.KOfV New -room modern cottage at 2th and Rpeneer Bis.; ready for occupancy May 15; fine neighborhood; close to school and car. U.ion Beautiful 6-room modern cottage on Ppauldlng fit.; paving paid; a lovely home clone to 24th St. 13.000 g-room Bpauldlng St. home; maple floors above and below; paving paid; houae would coat thla to build. O. M. VNDERHILL A CO., "Phone Web. 105 and Web. 3709. (191-M463 13 $5,500 ' Hrand new -room, all modern house, In IVl Farnam dlntrlct. Hot water heat; "Vayne INVESTMENT CO., Tlrat Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tela. Douglas 1781, A11W. (19) 413 15 1.P.TUKEY&S0N, 4643 Farnam Street. We have a 9-room house on ti e nOtith side of Farnam, Just -tit of 481 h. The houso needs rnintlng. hut the lot la a very e-nd one, and the house Is In fairly good condition inside. I'llre tl.SSH. A. T. TUKET & SON, Mo Hoard of Trade Bldg. 'I'hor.e Dotiglns 218X (1) 4M IS FOR SALE Pest quarter section In Perkins county, Neb.; N. W. section IS. range t. town ship 3f; without Improvements; 5 miles from railroad town; good loam, no Band. , Price, m per acre; one-half cash, bal ance 1' year at 7 per cent. Will exchange for span of in una or stock cuttle. NEU4 A. I.l'NIHlREX, 635 N. Y. Ute. (l")-405 19 $1,450 Will buy a nice 5-room cottage In splendid repair, with good l ain, fine shade, near Harney car line. Come In and let us dhow you this property. Payne, Bostwick & Co. Sola Agents. Main Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. (191461 It EAL. ESTATE TITLE! TRUST pV . C'HAS K. WILLIAMSON, Pres. V. 3 ' t ... - . m act LIST your property with CSrls Boyer. Kd and Cuming Sts. (19) 861 ORCHARD HILL SNAP. 7 rooms, all good aixe, new furnace, hard pine woodwork, large porch, excellent plumbing, gas and elegant fixtures, houtie well papered, lot south front, SOxlRO, nodded and terraced, a number of bearing fruit trees, five blocks from car. but tho prhie, -only $2,200. Juwt think of It. Here's a snap if a anap means an excellent homo at about 60 per cent of It true value. C. O. I'AELRERd. 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 119 M482 16 Truck Patch Seven and one-half acres one mile west of Henson and near paved Military road. l,35n; S50 cash. 'PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L Bldg. Tela. Douglas 17, AllMl. (1) 412 IS THE REED ABSTRACT CO.. ast. lKa. Prompt service. (let our prices. 1710 Farnam. Ki9 S64 $450 AND $500 LOTS SOUTH OF HANSCOM PARK. We still have aeversl choice lots on Vin ton and Spring atreets. between 29th and 82d Bt., that we can sell from $450 to two that are from one-half to three blocks from the Ejd Ki. car line and paved street; will make eay terms. These are the beat bar gains In the south part of the city. HA8T1NC3 at IICYDEX, 1704 Farnam St U9J 410 15 NEW location. Benjamin R. E. Co., 47" lirandels Bldg. Both 'phones. (li 637 1 WANT an offer on the property, 112$ and lM 8. 31st St.; two modern houses and uood barn; Well rented. This property is ned by an eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BRKNNAii. r:ooin 1, New York Lit Uldg. 1 110-861 REAL ESTATE FAIIM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALE Cl.rado. FOR SALE 8TO. acres, good Colo. soil. Aidreaa owner, 1211 bill 8t., Oreelev. Colo. t20-iIJS 21x " " laws. . (JOVEIINMENT BONDS And Iowa farms are aound Investments. 4i acres hlshly improved, fertile, level land near IVa Moines. An Ideal farm with every convenience. Cash rent. Price, fco.Ooii. Terras. $& per acre. Cheaper than adjoining farms. Write us. STKIMJER INVESTMENT COMPANY. 148 Bee Building. Omaha. Neb. (JO) M392 1$ Kaaiaas. $6500 Splendid, all tillable 16) acres, close to F.I Dorado. Kan., Hie great corn and al falfa center. Ow ner inluhl consider income property in Oinuha. 8TK1NUKR INVESTMENT COMPANY. 'Phone Duug. 1. 4J8 Bee Hldg. (20)-J71 li Narth Dkta. OUT THEY QO On tha new C. M. fit. P. Coast Railway. through Adams county. North Dakota, which U . attracting linickera to aa . unexcelled larnilua- country. Sunabine fie ooal. pur water, aur crop, a hum and profitable occupation for you. Land tut $10 to $a au acr row. Easy terms. V hav homestead reilnquiahmeuts (or sale, bmi V ra. H. Bruwn Co., Haynes or Molt. North Dakota, or 131 LaSall fct Chicago. 1IL Map (n Mention tiiii tap. Or writ our Mxndan, North Da oia, offic. t2u Mmm 1 ?1 n,,n advertisers, remember It takes but an extra atroke or two of tii pen o mention th fact that you ' m the ad lo Th Be. REAL ESTATE rARM AXDHABICH LA5D FOR iAI.H .orh l)aka..t oatlaaed. BCT of owner and save commission; 130 aerea hlixlily improved farm, all under fence, adjoining station In southern North Dakota. For particulars, address Box 2, Lllandale, N. D. ()-M990 17x ckrmakak. kealTtiiis We can sell you land for from $12 to $1J per acre, every font of which can be plowed, and which will produce more than $20 per acre In wheat In one year, besides the In crease In value of the land. If you ar looking for a good Investment, see B. E. BIERER & CO., 411 Bee Bldg. , (20)-87 1 SARPY county farm of 240 acres. 7 miles anuthwest of Fort C'ook. Neb.; no better land lays outdoors; Iks under cultivation. 4i acres In pasture, fine orchard, 4-room house, large barn fcwlth haymow, wind mill tank, all ncessary outbuildings. Price, $M per acre; terms, psrt cash, bal ance will carry back on place In first mortgage at B per cent for term of vears. ORAHA M-PETER8 RKAIJY X.. 922 N. Y. Life Bid? Red 659 PHONES Independent A2fiM. (30) 461 18 oath Dakota. C40-ACRE improved farm. Brown county. South Dakota, $25.00 per acre. Two smaller farms at bargain prices. Sev eral quartera unimproved iand. All fins Investments and nlil stand rlont in spection. Cash or terms. Box s28. Aber deen, S. D. (20) M91& Ml EOMB choice farm a In eastern South Da kota for sale or exchange. Easy termer H. J. Hicks, Big Stone City, 8. D. (20) M4U4 Mix M laeellasMoaa. WESTERN LAND, large and small tract; sal and exchange. National Invt. Co, H2 Brandels Bldg. (20) (64 WANTED Readers of my booklet, "Land Values," full of good Information for all land buyers. Free for the asking. Ad dress Wm. J. Mundt, Pierre, s. D. Dept. A. (jn) S9 20 REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO $10,WJ0 made promptly, f, D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 870 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FArVtAM. (22)-7 MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city prop erty; building loans a specialty: no delay. W. H. Thomas, Hit 1st Nat l Bk. Bldg. (22)-M741 All LOANS on Improved Omaha property O Keef R. B. Co, 1001 N. Y. Life Bids. ' wm LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. (22) 871 PRIVATE MONEY-CASH ON HAND NO DELAY. J. H. M1THEN. 202-1 18T NAT. BANK BLDO. TEL DOUO. 1278. (22J-875 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4t Co., 1320 Farnam St ; (22)-&Sj frH PER CENT money to loan on eastern Nebraska farms and geod business prop erty In Omaha. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. $09 First National Bank Building. Tel, phone Douglas 722. (23)-71 WANTED City loans. Petera Truat Co. (22)-7l MONEY to lean on Improved city property. Hastings Heyden. 1704 Farnam St. U2) 7t MONEY TO LOAN Fayne Investment Co. (22) 87$ WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy secondhand furnlturs, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy th furniture of your houue complete. Th highest price paid. Call the rUtht man. Tela,- Douglas 3071, Independent A-3971. - (25)-MC BEST price paid for 2dhand furniture, car . pets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 6401. (26) M87 WANTED TP RENT WANTED TO KENT Farm, from illW to 400 acres, good corn land, with good buildings, in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa, between 81oux City and Omaha; near a town in good settlement; la willing to pay cash for stock, crops In ground and rent. Send all information to J. C. Hansen, St. F. Route 2, Minneapolis, Minn. () M1M9 16x WANTED Two or three furnished rooms, and board, by lady, and two children aged 12 and IS years. Address M 200. Bee. (2U) M47S BUSINESS woman desires neat, well fur nished room In plear.anit location. Address, stating price. Anna C. Moore, General De livery, Omaha. (2) Mi8 16x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS r Kenwood Realty Co., to Levi Curtis, lots 2k. 290, 291, Kenwood addition.. $ 15o Margaret E. Young to Richmond An derson, lota 11, 12, 13, 14, block 6; lots 1 and 2, block 19, West End ad dition, and other lots 1 Richmond Anderson to Kraut us Young, same i Iwrence Plk to Ella Scott, lot 10, block 3, Liplon place 200 Mary J. Koutsky and husband to Axe Bergqulst, lots 1 and 2, block Maxwell's Second addition 4u0 County treasurer to tlertrude B. Gamble, lot 23, block 6. Mayne'a ad dirion Saundera County National bank to Gertrude liamble, lot 24, block 6, Mayne'a addition 5 County treasurer to D. C. Patterson, trustee, north 125 feet of lot 3, block 2H. West Omaha Same to John L. Buldlng, part lot 12, Barker's allotment Robert K. Landeryou and wife to Warren 8. Frank, lot 15, Wright P'ee 1,600 John II. and Eliza J. Dunn to Dean 8. Efner, lot , block "H" Lowe's addition 1 County treasurer to George Vraden burg. lot , block 6, Comer addition S. Wakely to Fanny D. Wakeley, lot 4. block 1, Omaha 3.0M Highland Realty Co., to F. J. Preno all. lot 2, block 8, Van Camp s td dltlon 175 D. O. Clark to James E. Cox, lot i. block S, Plainvlew addition (50 H. A. Kuester and wife to 8. J. Swan eon, lot 18, block 17. Bedford place.. 1,800 George W. Mason and wife to V. D. Glen, lota 7 and s. block 47, South Omaha j Uarah Melster and husband to Anna Gamble Savldge, part lot 17, and all lot IS, block 1. Avondale park 5,000 Elizabeth Kountia Real Estate Co., to Taylor F. Day, lot 12, block 27. Kountxe place jgq Hastings A Hoyden to Christian Juhl. lot . Hastings & Heyden s sub division jjq W. A. Hlxenbaugh to Nancy Ppigle", "t lot 4, block 4. Kountse & Itulh'a addition j jj j Peter Lindblad to William Llndblad! lot 21. block 12, Rosa Hill 1 Hastings ai Heyden to Charles Ross and wife, lot 4. block . Collier Place a joo Orrln E. Stoddard et a I. to F. II Baher. lot . block "K" Saunders ft Himebaugh's addition 125 Same to A. J. Segleberg. lot 8. block 'K. Saunders Ac Himehaugh'a IJ5 Katla Oldemann to M. Greer. e Iota 8 and . block 3. Hascall'a sub division 300 William R. Morand to Emma Mor and. part lot X block 1, Bogg A Hilla' Second addition jna E K. Pralley. sheriff, to E. 8. Flor', lot 1, Washington Square and other lots JOJ Ida G. Hende and husband to Robert l. Johnston, lot 7, block J. Clifton HIM 7io F. U. Veev and wife to F. D. Wead, lot 1, block 37, Albrieht's t"l-P 1 Paul W. Kuhns and wife to William J. Norman, part lota and 10, Mock X. Boyd's addition 1 August ua F. Kountse et al. to Joseph W. Thomas, lots ( and 7. block 12 Highland plac t. iyx) ' ToU 4 ifMS OMAHA STAR1S WITH A WIN Flay Championship Variety of Ball Atrainst Det Moinei. KNOCK THE BAIL ALL OVER LOT In Addition t (ante I Pat Tkat, an Errorless l In the Field Regan ss Clarke tl posing- Twlrlers DE8 MOINES. April 16. Omaha, cham pions of tho Western league, played like champions today before a big opening day crowd In the stamping ground of the former champions. The youngsters of Des Moines performed like youngsters. Omaha bad the class and led from the start.. Two of the premier , pitchers of the Western league bucked up against each other day when Ragan went to the slab for the Champions and Jefferson Clarke for the Boosters, and Ragan, Just handed bark to Rourke by Cincinnati, had the better of the argument. But seven scat tered hits were made by Des Moines, while thirteen swats for a total of nineteen bases adorned the bas-hlt column of the Cham pions. Omaha started off with two hits, and after a put out Clarke forced Belden In with the first run of the season by giving Householder and Welch bases on balls In succession. Yeager dropped a bkll and King dashed In for the second run. Omaha continued t add runs from time to time by the aid of hits and errors of the head by the Des Moines youngsters until the total swelled to ten. Fltzpatrlck. the first man to bat for Des Moines, made a hit, and McLear was given a base on balls. A hit by Manager Dexter and two fielders' choices brought McLear across the plate. Des Moines did not score again until the fifth, when Clarke knocked one over the fence. He came In on a clever bunt by McLear which was chased by every Inflelder but the third-baseman. Omaha showed great form, not an error being made. House holier made a great Impression by his playing. For Des Moines, Caldwell made a great one-hand stab, robbing Oondlng of a hit. Score: DES MOINES. AB. R. If. O. A. E Fltzpatrlck. ss 4 0 1 2 2 0 McLear. Jf 3 1 2 0 0 0 McLaughlin, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Dexter, lb 4 0 2 8 ' J 0 Ycager, c 3 0 0 9 1 0 Hopkins, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 Mcllland. 2b 4 0 0 1 1 0 Caldwell. 3b 4 0 0 2 0 A Clarke, p ,.. 3 114 6 1 Totals 33 2 7 27 14 1 OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. R. Belden, rf 8 2 2 0 0 0 King, as 6 1 3 S 1 0 Autrey, lb 6 1 O 9 1 0 Householder, If 4 0 3 3 0 0 Welch, cf 4 0 1 3 0 0 Austin, 3b 4 10 2 10 Franck, 2b 4 2 2 1 8 0 Oondlng, c 5 2 2 8 0 0 Ragan, p 4 1 0 0 3 0 Totals 41 10 13 27 11 0 Des Moines. 1 00010000-2 Omaha 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 3 110 ' Earned runs: Des Moines. 1; Omaha, 4. Two-base hits: Clarke. Dexter. House holder (2), Welch. Franck, Belden. Bases on balls: Off Clarke, 3; off Ragan, 2. Double play: Franck, Autrey to King. Passed ball: Yeager. Wild pitch: Clarke. Struck out: By Clarke, 8; by Ragan, $. Stolen bases: Qondlr.g, King, Austin (2), Yeager. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Haskell. Attendance: 2.000. DENVER TAKES THE FIRST G AMR Pitcher Olmatead Wins Ills Own Game 1'ltk Three-Baraer. DENVER. April 16. The base ball season opened In Denver with the usual parade In the morning and a slow game In the afternoon. Both pitchers were effective, but wild, and the hitting was therefore light. For six Innings Pueblo made not even a semblance of a hit. Then Craig beat one to first by a hair and Peterson brought him In with a single. Two double plays, one by each team, were the features. The game was really won In the second Inning, when Pitcher Olmstead, who was at tho very bottom of laet year'a batting averagea, sent a three-base hit between center and right. The weather was cold, for the flrat time In weeks. Score: DEN V EH. AB. R. Jf. O. A. E. Caxsady, If 3 0 0 2 0 0 Waldron, rf 4 2 2 f 0 0 Downey, ss 2 0 1 0 3 1 White, lb 4 0 1 12 0 0 Belden, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0 Irwin, 3b.. , 4 0 0 1 2 '0 uterhorn, 2b 3 1114 0 Zealuasky, c 3 1 0 7 "0 0 Olmstead, p 8 11 0 3 0 Totals 30 5 8 26 13 1 PUEBLO. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Craig, If 6 1 2 0 0 1 Cor hen, as 1 0 0 2 4 2 Patterson, l'b .'..4 0 1 10 2 0 Mbttlck. cf 4 0 14 0 0 Zollinger, rf 3 0 0 2 0 A Cluncy. 2b 3 0 0 2 4 1 Nelhoff, Jb S 1 0 2 2 O Smith, c 3 1 12 0 0 Jackson, p 2 0 0 1 0 0 Good 1 0 0 0 0 8 Totals 30 3 26 12: "J Hatted for Jackson In the ninth. Patterson out, hit by batted bail. Dei ver 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 I Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 03 Two-base hit: Waldron. Three-base hit: Olmstead. Stolen While. Corhan. Sacrifice hits: I'asstdy, Olancv. First baa on balls: Off Cassady. (; off Jackson. 4. Struck out: By Cassady, 6; by Jackson, 2. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY. ARTIL lery, riding aud saddle horses Chief Quartsrmaater'a Office, Omaha, Ne braska, April 13, 19u. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this office, unit! 12 o'clock m.. central standard time, Mry 11 190s, and then opened, In the pres ence of attending bidders; for 18 Cavalry Horses, -4 Artillery Horses; 168 Riding Horses, and 97 Saddle Horses, for deliv ery at Oniilia. Nebraska, Cheyenne, Wyo., or other prominent railroad points. The animals to conform to specif (cat ions for cavalry, artillery, riding and saddle (Kiaes. United Slates reserves right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanka for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be In dorsed "Proposala for Horses," and ad dressed to Major D. E. MCCARTHY Chief Quartermaster. A13. 14, 16, 16-M 8-11 CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha. Neb., April 14. 19tig. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to th usual conditions, will be received her until W a. m.. central standard time. May 14, 1904, for furnishing transportation, drayag and for handling stores in Department of the Mis souri during year commencing July 1. 19U8. United Statea reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion. Envelopes containing proposala should be marked "Proposala for Transiiortatlon on Route No. ," and addressed to Major D. E. McCarthy, C. Q. M. AJ4-16-18-17-M12-1S PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. DE partment of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 27, l. Sealed Proposals, plainly, marked on th outside or th sealed envelope "Proposals for Improvements at Crow Agency, Mon tana." and addressed to th Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Waahlngton. D. C, will b received at th Indian Offic until $ oclock p. m. of May . ij. for furnishing materials and labor for th erection of a hospital at th Crow Agency. Montana, In strict accordance with the plana, specifica tion and Instructions to bidders which may b examined at this office, tbe office of th "Iteco'd." Helena, Mont., th "Be," Omaha, Neb., th "American Contractor," Chicago. III., and the "Improvement Bulle tin," Minneapolis, Ailrn., th United States Indian Warehouses at Chicago, 111., bt Iau1s, Mo., aid Omaha, Neb.; Buildera and Tradera Exchanges at Bt. Paul, Mmn Minneapolis, Minn., Omaha, Neb., and at th agency. C. V. LARRABEE. Acting Commissioner A-7-$-U-14-16-18-21-. Ift on hane: Denver. : ruehlo. 7. Jv,nhle plsrs: Olmstesd to I-auttrhcrn in While. Corhan to Clancy to Patterson. F1rt base on errors: lH-nver, 2; Ptiebln, 1. Time' ''no t n phe: Davis. lOI V CITY Wl TIIK lirFNER Wlldneaa ( Mnenln Pitcher and F.r rora Tell Ike lry. LINCOLN, April 15. Lincoln o-ned the bsae bsll season with a defeat at the hands of Sioux City. The score was 4 to 1's wlldnes esrly In the game, with errors st critical times; gave the visitors thflr first runs when they should not have been allowed brvond second base. The wet ther was cold for ha.e ball, hut a crowd cf S.0U0 saw the opening and rheercd each teem impartlslly. Furchner for th fiinux pitched a strong game and his support was generally good. Preceding the aame the two teams paraded the Bt rents with a band Governor Sheldon, who wss nn Interested srectntor, pitched the first ball. Score; LINCOLN. n ,, , ab. n. h. o. 'a. n Davidson, rf 4 O n 0 ft 0 Fox. 2h 4 8 0 1 2ft Gagnler, ss 401 2 5 0 Per Ion, rf n 1 3 0 0 Thomas, lb s 01, 1 12 1 Red llck. 3b 4 0 0 0 1" n Pritchett, If 3 1 1 V 0 1 Pulllvan. c 3 0 1 7 2 1 Bcnno, p 8 (1 0 1 8 0 Totals 9) 1 1 27 15 "s SIOUX CITY. . A"- R- H. O. A. fc. Campbell, If 4 2 0 2 0 0 Holmes, 3h 4 0 12 10 Andreas, 2b 8113 3 1 Weed, rf 8 1 1 n 0 0 Severeld, lb 3 0 h 0 1 Spencer, cf 4 o 1 0 1 0 Orsnvllle. ss 3 0 0 1 " 0 Htnry. c 4 0 0 8 1 0 Furchner, p 4 0 1 1 5 Totals 32 4 6 27 13 "2 Inroln 0000000101 Fioux City 10100,9020 4 Stolen b:tses: Weed (2), Spencer. Sacri fice hit: Thomas. Double play; Granville to Andreas to Severeid. Struck out: By Bonno, 8: by Furchner. 8. First base on balls: Off Bonno, 6: off Futchncr, 2. Hit with pitched ball: By Furchner 1. Passed hHll: Sullivan. Umpire: Brennan. Time: 1:65. Attendance, 3,000. E GIME I XATIOVll. I.EAGIE Plttsbara Wins From St. I.onls hy 'core of Tkree to One. ST. LOUIS. April 15,-The Pittsburg Na tionals today defeated St. Iiuls in the opening Rama of the season 3 to 1 In ten Innings. The wiather was cloudy mul raw tho ground soft and slow and both teams fielded in poor form. Score: PITTSDl'KO. ST. LOt'IS A H O A R A.H.C.A E. Moell , rf... 4 1 I 0 irturles. 3b... 6 0 3 2 3 besrh. Sh S 1 1 (iRsrry. rf t 0 0 0 0 Clsrke. If.... 2 1 0 SPeletKnty. It 4 0 0 0 WIIon, cf 4 0 S 0 OKnnet. hy. lb. & tl i 1 Ab'tlehlo, lb. 5 0 2$ OMurray, cf... 4 S 3 0 0 Swirlns. lb.. 5 1 12 0 t Rvrne. m 4 1 1 4 3 srr. M S 14 3 joilbert. 2b..., 4 0 2 0 Olb n. c 3 1 4 2 (IHoatMlrf, e.4 lit I 4 Camnlti, p... 3 10 7 OLush, p . 4 0 0 t 0 Tolili 37 t 3D 14 4 Totals ji 7 30 15 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 St. Ixiuls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Two-base hits: Delehantv, Moeller. Three-base hit: Delehanty. Sacrifice hlta: Wilson. Camnitz. Double plavs: Hostettnr to Byrne, Charles to Konetchy. Left on bases: St. Ixiuls. 9; Pittsburg, 10. Roses on balls: Off Lush. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Lush, 1; hy Camnitz. 1. Struck out: B Lush. 7; by Camnitz, 3. Time of came: 2:00. Umpire: Kigler. Games Postponed. At Philadelphia Philadelphia-New York gams postponed; rain. At New York Brooklyn-Boston game postponed; rain. At Cincinnati Cincinnati-Chicago game postponed; wet grounds. GAMES IX AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Indianapolis Wins Opening- Contest From Kansas City. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April 15.The opening game of the season here drew out a good crowd to see the contest be tween Kansas City and Indianapolis. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. KAN8A8 CITY. . B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.E. Buh, ss 4 1 1 0 SMurphy. (f.. 4 I 2 0 0 ''ook. If 4 1 2 S 1 Hill. If 3 110 0 Hmyden. cf...4 110 1 Reekley, Jb..4 2 10 1 0 Ctrr, lb 4 2 12 0 DDriuhPir, Jb. 4 2 1 2 Davidson, rf. 4 0 0 0 Knurr, 3b... 4 10 10 I.Ilniuon, c. 3 1 4 I (iKrwlii, rf...4 0 0 0 t Williams, 2b. 3 0 8 8 OCrtws. as 2 0 8 a 0 Hopk. 8b.... 3 4 3 1 OWfwda. aa....0 0 0 0 1 Eubanks, B..2 1 T Mulllvan. C...S 0(20 Swan, p 2 0 1 3 0 Totals 80 8 27 17 2Leahy 1 00 Totals 30 84 12 1 Batted for Sullivan In the ninth. Indianapolis 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 Kansas City 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 Struck out: By Eubanks, 3; bv Swan 3. Two-bae hits: Carr (2), Hayden,' Beck ley Brashear. Balk: Kuhankj. Sacl riricn hits: Brashear, Sullivan. Bases on balls: Off Hwan, 8; of Eubanks. 2 Time: 1:80. Umpire: Owens. Brewers Defeat Distillers. LOUISVILLE. Ky., April K.. Schnel berg was Invincible In the opening game of the season at Eclipse park todav and Milwaukee won. One-hand catches by Stanley and Sullivan and a stop by Quln lan were features. Harley's error and a nffla kv U i . 1 1. ..I.l. . v. .. - . i . ."., win, mi,-n Biuien Daaes, gave the visitors their runs In the first Inninff An nv.pfliu, ...., i , . . o- - - " . 1 u iiuwu wntt'nca i tie play on a muddy field. Mayor James Grlmstead pitched the first ball. Kcore: MILWAUKEE. LOU18VIU.B. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O A Own. r 3 1 3 0 OSlanley, 10 3 10 J... .v ,, ... . vn.rir,, ri.... a V 1 U 1 Randall, cf... 4 1 4 0 ORulllvan. lb.. 4 0 )4 0 0 '. I 8 4 1 OHurk. 3b 4 0 0 1 s MrHorm'k. !b 3 1 V t Woodruff. If.. 3 1100 ,b 4 1 1 OOulnlsa. as... 4 till R,)l .la, IK A 1 A ADi.- - T . - - v . a v ' ril , c Bkhnelbers. p8 0 0 8 "Pulmann, p.. 8 0 0 3 0 . ToUla 33 I 2t 8 0 Total. 37 4 27 13 8 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t 1 Milwaukee 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Sacrifice hits: Stanley (3). McCormlck. Stolen bases: Perrine. Harley. Randal, Roth. McChesney. Two-base hits: Peila Woodruff. Bases on balls: Off put mann. -i; off Schnelberg. 4. Double plays: Sullivan, unassisted; Qulnlan to Perrine to Sullivan. Left on bases: Loulaville. 7; Milwaukee. Struck out: Uy Put matin. 2; by Schnelberg, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Perrine, Green. Time: 1;3'J; Um pire: Kegln. Colombo Defeats St. Paal. COLUMBUS, O.. April 15.-After the pen nant won last year was raised amid great enthuslaam today, tha Columbus champions defeated Bt. Paul by a score of 6 to 4 The home team bunched hlta In the fourth Inndng, when St. Paul Inflelders had three errors. Taylor was hit hard in the eighth Inning, but a double play put off all chance to tie the acore. It began to rain I soon arter the game started and play was stopped or twenty minutes In the second Inning President Pulliam of the National league and Prealdent O'Brien of the American association were visitors. Score: COIA'MRl'g. ST. PAll.. B H O A K. B H O A Jarkaon, If... 4 1 0 nunl-avy, rf. 4 0 0 0 Kruser, cf ... 4 3 3 0 AKIood. ;b 8 1 3 3 I '"I. Jb 4 1 0B. Meyara, cf I 0 S O Oonsaltos. rf. 4 1 i wtlcicr. If 4 2 2 0 0 Kibm. Ik 4 lit 1 1J. Meyara. c. 4 1 3 10 Haldy, as 2 12 1 Rowan, lb ... 4 114 01 Wrtilay, Jb.. 4 0 3 8 OTIamyer. 3b . 4 I 0 0 1 fohl. c 3 0 8 0 OMcCutera, aa. 4 t 0 3 1 Aaylor, p 3 1 0 3 OLarov. p 3 J 0 0 0 'Noonaa 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 33 1 27 It 3 " Total. 3t t 24 13 4 Batted for I-aroy In ninth. CnlllmhiiB OAAaAAAA-- St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0-4 stolen toaaes: Wrlgley, Fohl. Sacrifice hit: Raldy. Bases on balls: Off Taylor off Laroy, 1. Two-base hit: Tlemyer' Double plays: Taylor, Kihm, Raldy to Frlel; Laroy, Food to Tlemyer. Struck uf By Taylor. 1; by Iroy. 3, Time: 1:65.' Lmptres: Hayts and List. Game Pstpoaed. At Toledo Minneapolis-Toledo teams postponed; wet grounds. American Lragtc Games Postponed. At Cleveland ClevelamVSt. Louis game postponed; rain. At New York New York-Philadelphia gam postponed: rain. At Chicago Chicago-Detroit gam post poned; cold weather. At Boston Boston-Washington game postponed; rain. Bradttaard Crown Reorganised. The Brodegard Crowns of last year have reorganised under the same name this year Many changes have been made in the lineup and some new playera hava been added. The captain and manager feels that he has a much stronger team this year than last. The Crowns opened ihelr season laat Sunday by winning a double-header and despite the fact that many of the boys hud never met before played a good steady gam and allowed learn work that la prom ising for th coming season. H. E. Mitch ell, captain and manager of the Brsde gard Crowns, wiuld like to hear from the amateur teams both In snd out of the city. Address H. K. Mitchell. 823 South Twenty-second street. Telephone Douglas 34.X SOI,niK.n ItK.FKAT OI.I.FOI . Belle ne ( nahle o Hit th Slannl lorpi Plteker. The Bellevue college team was shut out at Fort Omaha yesterday by the Signal corps team In a fast and Interesting gRme. The collegians could dot solve the team work of the soldiers, nor could thev hit the soldiers' twlrler. who strin k out six teen of the pposlng batsmen. On the other hand, tho soldiers lilt when hits meant runs and took every advantage In base running. Score: SU1NA1, CORPS. HKLI.EVI S COLLEGE. B H.O.A T. B It O A.E. Stokes, Ih.,.3 1 8 1 lPor, If 3 I I) 0 Neppor, aa 3 3 0 0 1 Fowler, rf 4 ft 0 0 0 Sherer. r 4 I 14 t Marvel. Jb...S 0 3 8 Hinder, lb.... 3 8 0 tlaraoa. aa....t t 8 Wella. Sb 1 0 0 I Ohman. p-3b. 3 ft 1 (I 0 lf, rf.,..4 1 ft 0 OC'asnian. r-rf 3 0 4 3 0 Jordan, rf ...4 1 0 OHarman. 8b- p 4 0 8 10 Perklna. If... 3 t S 0 Mohr. lb 3 0 1 0 Cass, p 3 8 15 OSInkart, rf-c. 3 110 0 Total. 29 10 37 8 1 Total 30 2 24 10 0 Signal corps 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 1 07 Bellevue college 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Cass. Nepper. Three base hits: Wells, Slierrr. Bases op balls: Off Cass, 1; off Ohmsni, 1. Hit by pitched hall: Dow. Strider, Perkins. Struck out: By Css, Ifi; by Ohman. 4. Left on bases: Signal corps, 4; Bellevue. 6. Rtolen bases: Strider, 2. Sacrifice hits: Sherer. Cass, St rider. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Jacobl. The Lce-OlHSs-Andreesen Originals will play the Blswal corps at Fort Omaha Sun day, April 19, at 2:30 p. m. RVESTS OX THE Rl'X.MNG TRACKS Spring; Meeting; of the Washlnatnn Jockey (lob (loses. WASHINGTON. April 15 -Today br.o;ht to a close the spring meeting of the Well ington Jorkey club at Rennlng. Summary: First race, for maiden 2-year-olds, five furlongs. Columbia course: Witching Hour (W. Kalrhrother, 15 to 20) won. Claiborne (1"7. W. Walker, 6 to 2) second, Black Moso 1107. McCahey, 10 to 1 third. Time: 1:05. Flatfnot. Footloose, Miss Granville, Harold A., Frank and Huddy also ran. Second race, selling. 3-year-olds and up, seven furlongs, Columbia course: Simple Honours (106, McCarthy, 9 to 5i won, flervllo (92, Bergen, 8 to 5) second. Bob Callshnn, Jr. (92, Fairbrother. to 11 third. Time: l:2Mf,. Oraculnm, Miss Msrjoile, Trey of Spades and Lykcrs also ran. Third race, the Jesse Brown cup. 2-year-olds, four furlong, old course: Taboo (112, McFadden. 11 to 20) won, Hswk Wing (110, Powell, n to 6) second. Al Busch (110, Brusscl, 4 to 1) third. Time: 0:oli. In somnia. Sir Cannon, Cheek and Spanish Price also ran. Fourth race, steeplechase. 4-year-olds and up. iihotit two and a half miles: Aiken (140, llajren. -) won. Runner (142. Huppe, 8 to 1) second, Yams Christy (1M, Hayes, 15 to lii third. Time: 6:07. Essex also ran. Fifth race, handicap, 3-year-olds nnd up, seven furlongs: Howard Shen.ii (91, Mc Cahey, 3 to 1, even and out) won, Poquess Ing (114, McCarthy, 4 to 1, even and out) second. Smoker (116, BruHsel, 13 lo ID and out) third. Time: 1:29. Kcldmoorc also ran. Sixth race, selling. 3-year-olds and tip, one mile and h) yards, old course: Iady Karma (99. Fairbrother. 9 to 5) won. Banker (llrt, Bruseel, 7 tn 5 second. Peter Knight (107, McFadden, 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:63. Brookdale end Venus also ran. OAKLAND, Cal.. April 15 Suammary : First race, six furlongs: Governor Orman (110, Fisher, 3 to 1) won, Thurbet (9S. Lycur gus, 11 to 2) second, Arthur Hyman (1W, Goldstein, 8 to l third. Time: 1:13. Kuinltma. Rone Cherry, Mischief, Eckcrsall and Azuza also ran. Second race, four furlongs: Woodlander (. Wnlsh. 13 to 1) won, Bill Eaton (99. Gil bert, 13 to 1) second, Workbox (lo9. Mo Intyre, 9 to 20) third Time: 0:47i. Del cruzfrdor, Mauretania and Lady Ronnsaeller also ran. - Third nice, six .furlongs: Creston Boy (113, Keoprh. 6 to 1) won, John H. Sheehan (109, W. Miller, 17 to 10) second. Belle of Iroouois (1H7, Kelly, 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:13. Prince Brutus. Emma O., Triumph ant, Aunt Polly and Tom Shaw also ran. Fourth race, one mile: Frank Fllttner (10o, W. Miller, 18 to 5) won, Edwin T. Fryer (107, Kelly, 6 to 1) second, Bnggs (96, Goldstein, 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:39. Ona tassa, Timothy Wen, Vox Popull and Veil also ran. Fifth race, one m1I and seventy yards: Paruine (120, W. Miller, 9 to 2) won. Tavora (120, Sandy, 10 to 1) second. Nellie Racine (116, Lycurgus, & to 1) third. Time: l:4uVfc. Maxtress, Lucrece. Mctlakatla, Part ing Jennie and Storma also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Dulelnes. (1"6, Rice, 12 to 1) won, Peggy O'Neill (10S, Sandy, 11 to 5) second. Senator Warnur (107, Lycurgus, 18 to 6) third. Time: 1:15. Lnrose, Nonic, Agnola, Eudora and Vinton also ran. AUTO MEETS TRAGEDY IX WEST French Car Realises the Force of Dealk Valley's Fame. If it does not win the race from New ork lo Paris, the French car, De Dion can at least boast of having come to a forceful realization of the name and fame of Death Valley. Here is some tragic experience it had while trudging through that desert of-hideous existence as related in an au tomobile journal and which the press despatches did not tell of: "After being stuck for twenty-two hours In Death Valley, with -a fierce sand storm raging, the French De Dion car was pulled out Thursday afternoon by a rescue party from Rhyolite, a place fifty miles from where the car was stuck. The De Dion made the run from Goldfield to Stovepipe, Death Valley, Wednesday. Proceeding from Stovepipe early In the afternoon, everything went well until the driver got off the beaten trail, and the car was In stantly deep In the sand. "Every effort to extricate the automo bile with Its own power proved futile, and at last u messenger was dispatched to the little mining camp, Skiddoo, twenty miles away, the nearest possible point where as sistance could be obtained. Tha crew abandoned the car and took reluge at Stovepipe Wells. "When the messenger reached Skiddoo he found that there was not a team In camp that could be hired, and he had to telegraph to Rhyolite, fifty miles from the scene of the accident. A team was started from Rhyolite on its long drive, and Thursday morning the horaes returned alone, drag ging the empty waxon behind them. From the appearance of the horses and wagon It was evident that an accident had happened, and men were quickly sent out to ascertain what the matter was About five miles from camp they came across the body of the driver. His neck had been broken hy a fall from the wagon. "The body wus carried back to Rhyolite and another team started for the automo bile. Messengers were also sent across the deBert to learn of the condition of the men In the De Dion, who had had a long delay in the scorching sun of the desert. Food and water supplies were carried to them." GOTCH A D AMERICIS MAY COME Champion May Wrestle w Ilk Ualtt. mure Man nt tk Andltorlnm. Following the wrestle of Fred Beeliand Jack Carkuek at the Auditorium Saturday nistit; Frank Ootch and George Schoenlin, "AinerU'ua," the Baltimore light heavy weight who recently won from Hetll, may meet at the Auditorium. Amerlcus Is a good man and his friends believe will be ablo to give Gotch a harder run for Ins alley than any other American Just now. Amerlcus met George Harkenachinldt in Baltimore before the Golch-Hack match and made a great showing. Hack wus to put him down twice In an hour and failed. Auierlcus' was Hack's principal second at the big Chicago struggle. He has never been thrown In his home town. Since liis victory over Beel lie Is regarded aa the American light heavyweight champion, though there Is considerable sentiment that Btel can yet beat hlm. Jack Carkeek la one of the real old-timers of the mat. Twice he won the Interna tional or world's championship at Corniali and those who think he won't be able to make Fred Beell go some are said to he In store for a good surprise. Old Jack la In good form and aching for the match. Dr. Roller of Seattle may yet come to Omaha for a match with Gotch before tin season closes, or if not with Gotch then Beell. In caae Pvcll wins from Carkeek. Roller has written that he Is anxious for several matches In the middle west and wants one in Omaha above all others. WITH THE ROWI.F.nV The Mctz Brothers learn won two games from th Omaha last night, hut the latter got a running start en the first game and never were headed. None of the Hruwcr. were up to form, but Dad laid the loss of that first game to Brunke. Of course he might have rolled lao more plr.e, hut his mind seemed to be elsewhere. In fact he stuck to the bail: row of chairs most of the evening and there were others. The high total went to Marble with after getting a 217 game for a starter. The two men teams will start at 7 So o'clock sharp tonight. Score: METZ BROTHERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Nesle IPS ?1S 1SS RC Brunke lf.7 l:oi li t. Cochran 1W lo ?it w7 Blakeney 1M IMS 191 Ho H;inllngton 1! ltti 1S2 HH Totals sift) STS 874 2.RJ O.MAHAS. 1st. 2d. .Id. Total. Morse .., imi . m 414 Larson im I'll 1(9 41 Hea . 214 1M IM M! Ohnesorg l '.l 1x0 1S9 41 Marble 247 1) I si WW Totals Kki 7bV 771 2,475 iiAt'isn iikgixs ix ew tork Joekey C'lah Take 'Irpi to Eliminate I'lnnalnK nnd Small Bettlnc. NEW YORK. April I.Y-ln spite of the bitter fight waged at the state capttol to effect the prohibition of race track betting tn New York, tho Metrojiolitan season of racing will begin at Aqueduct park tomor row under practically t lie some conditions that have obtained the past few years. 81lght modifications In the rules governing betting are promised, hut these are not ex pected to change materially the syslem now In vogue. AlthoiiKh the Jockey club has made no official announcement otytlie subject It is believed likely that Ihe "plung ing" of tho spectacular sort will be Inter dicted and gambling by the very small bet tors discouraged, if not altogether elim inated. Minors are to be barred from the tracks; the Jockey cluh stewards deciding at a meeting held today that urjless ac companied by parents or guardians per sons below the voting age should not be allowed upon the grounda of any track In the metropolitan district. Furthermore the Jockey club has declared Its Intention to keep under strlrt scrutiny the habits of Jockeys when absent from the tracks. A resolution was adopted warning all Jockeys that their conduct nnd habits will bo watched and those keeping bad company will be punished. Trainers are asked to co-operate In enforcing this rule. These chaijges are concessions to the sentiment against race track gambling and others lire expected to follow from time to time. A program that promises close and ex citing 'contests between fields of the high est class of racers In this country has been made, up for the opening day. The feature will be the Carter handicap, a race for 3-year-olds and upward, over a seven furlong course with a guaranteed value of JlO.OUu. Sixteen horses are entered. With warm, talr weather promised and a fast track as sured, "opening day" will no doubt bring out lt3 usual crowd of 26,000 to 30.0tl0 per sons. CORMIt SKEHS LONE FIRST GAME Four Hits and Two Krror In One Inning; Do the tluslnraa. LINCOIC. April IS. (Special Telegram.) The Nebraska base hall team was. de feated In the first game of the Inter collegiate, season yeslertlav afternoon by the Wesleyan university nine at University l'lae. by the score of 5 to 4. Four hits and two errors In the third Inning, when Rodman was in the box. gave tho contest to the, Methodists. Farthing, for Wesleyan, struck out twelve men and held the Corn huskeis to four hits. Ward and Rodman did the twirling for the State university team. Four hits were made off Rodman and three off Ward. Crescents Want Games. The Crescents would like to schedule Sun day games for the season and especially for next Sundav. Address Theodore Stnllnski, 1941 South Twenty-eighth street, or call Harney 4174. Cars Skipped to Vladivostok. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 15 The French and Italian cars In the New York to Paris automobile race left for Vladivostok yes terday morning on the steamer Akl Maru. Th German car broke down near Pncatello, Idaho, and the American car, which Is on Its way back from Alaska,, after an un- Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind. When from any cause this vital fluid becomes infected with impurities, humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Boil, Pimples, etc., while they show on the slcin, have an underlying1 cause which Is far deeper an Impure, humor-infected blood supply, and until this is corrected, and the blood purified, the distressing; itching and burning symptoms will remain. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Blood Poison and all other blood disorders, are the result of a vitiated, pol luted circulation, and will continue to grow worse unless the poison is re moved from the blood. In all blood and skin diseases S. S. S. has proved itself a perfect remedy. It goes down into the circulation and removes all waste matter, humors or poisons, and makes the blood pure and health-sustaining. Nothing reaches inherited taints and old chronic troubles like S. S. S.; it cures because it purifies the blood and restores lost properties to the impoverished circulation. Not only is S. S. S. a blood purifier of the highest order, but a tonic and appetizer without an equal. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. jfToDrivers and Chauifei The following rules are suggested in the interest of safety 1 Keep to the right of the road as the law requires. 2 In turning into another street do not "cut the corner" but make a full turn, keeping as far as possible to the RIGHT. 3 When crossing or turning into streets on which there, are street car tracks be sure to have your horse or automobile under perfect control. 4 Never cross or turn suddenly into a track without first making sure that a ear is not approaching from either direction. 5 Be especially careful where the streets are crooked, where the view is obscured or when passing cars from which passengers are alighting. Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. I Omaha & Council Bluff s Street Railway Company WE CURE mu uerore mey oegin ireaiuieui. Always find out positively If the fee Includes th MKDICIKtt. If you pay for medicines every tune you get them, you never know what the cost of your treatment will be. ro not he caught In this great medicine graft. Ws will ears yom lor less nouey than any other specialist and aocept the mbnay In any way yo.i wisn to ti, aiBYOU DEBIX.ITT, BLOOD FOXSOV, STOMACH, SKI AT DISEASES. KISKEI k-id BLAODEK DISEASES, AU Diseases of Men. no matter how at., urea. FREE Examination and consultation. Writ for free booklet and symptom blank for boms treatment. DR. McGREW CO., rf wans Dr. EDWARD IT. TARRY, 330 McKIBBIN HATS ARE THE TOP NOTCHERS OF HATDOM." THIS NAME WAS IN VENTED BY SA TISFIED WEARE RS. THE McKI BBIN SPECIAL" S ELLS ATM, IT I S "THE HAT OF HATS." THE OLD RELIABLE 4'STA NDARD McKIBBI N CAN BE HAD FOR CVERYWHtnC successful attempt on the road out of Val riez, will reach here Friday and will b shipped on the steamer Glen Logan, which sails for Vladivostok Saturday. I RKKI.I. WILL TAKE OX CHRIS -" , l.lltle Frllo Willing to ;!- Die Swede n Cfcanre nt Once. Some noise fias been mail" to the effect that Chris Pterson Is anxious for a wrestle with Bocll, Burns. Klank. Carkeek or anv other wrestler except Gotch, nnd has V00 ready "to plank down aa a side In t. " Manager Glllan of the Auditorium says If Plerson is In earnest about this and will really put up the $f00 he won t need wait longer than Saturday night, but can Jump In then Hnd take Carkeek'a place against Fred Itevll. Mr. Glllan Is awaiting Mr. Plcrson's action. Monarch Pool Tanrnnnient. Usher worn from Sclplo last night,, 125 to 79. Score: L'sher-1, 4, 0. 10, 0. 3, 7. 1, 1, . 1R, 0. 4, 3. 18. 0, 0. 1, '9. 14. X 2, t, 10, 2, 6, 8 Total: 128. Scratches, 3, lifi. Bclple 1, 1. 2, . 3. 0, 1, 1, B, 1, 2, 3, 0.. 8, 7. 1, 0. K, 7, 0. 1. 0, 0. 0, 2, 111, 2, 1TnUI: 82. Scratches, 3, 79. High run; Usher, IS. STANDING. ' Played. Won. Iist. Pet Keyes 6 6 1 833 Sciplo f 4 1 . SOU Usher 7 6 2 714 Harscli 6 ' 4 2 66 Reynolds 5 3 2 Vk) Swahson 7 3 4 4:1 Stephen 7 1.1 143 llaaze 7 0 . 0 . Out Wednesday: Sclplo against Harsch. Sport In ar Gossip, Stone opened her up with a hit. The? n ornlng paper looks right now. Peace and prosperity Western league. Thos old war horses of th Browns broke away In good order. Cobb made good on that medal nnd salary in the first game, anyway. PURIFIES o THE BLOOD Pay Our Feo When Cured Men afflicted with any ailment should go the dortor longeat . established, most experienced and beat sucees. Our twenty, five yeara suicesfctul practice In curing MEN' has enam us to perfect cures that has never been aurpaased It equaled. Thla succeNful experience W valuable to Jur patterns a4 you pay when cnr4 Established in Omaha 25 Years This reputation we have held so many yeara. as the MOST RBMAW-li and 81'CCKSSFL I. iHK'TuRfc for MEN In tiit west. Men come to ua knowing their true condition will be honestly explained and treated. After a perfect undar.itana. In if of each case, a fair, honevt price la agreed upon between dot-tor and patient. Including all medicines until cured, Ui.r pallonta know just what U will coat for a liermanent iun OMAHA, VEB. am and ixjugla. Uo r.lonoyTifl Cured riSTUlA. ULCERATION ,m4 .11 RECTAL MS. EASES omm4 witfcwat Ua kaita. rmuM ms aaraatMO. i raara mi wnaooa. Wnla lor fra sooa ea Kac I LMiaiaaa, fat aura sad Eaaaalalio. Pre De Bid., OMAIJA, JJEDj! ISss j