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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1908)
12 i .... i i THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1908. m mm u m- stTia-ifi RAI.K OK Mt SMNS. WATCII I-Xllt THIM NEXT i MOVDAY A SENSATIONAL CAR EH, 8HKKTS, V.TV. riLIiOW Sale tfReal Irish Hind Msde Uces i Price all this week at just TnTTTTI nil iUi lil i 0 vx Don't Miss This Splendid Opportunity TO) BOSTON STORE V Shown for the First Time Thursday Hun dreds of Modoratoly Priced Designs for 1908 EASTER MILLINERY Stunning Merry Widow Sailors VI 7 on Silk Net, Lavishly Trimmed in the Very Latest Styles for $5 Do you want a moderately priced hat, yet one that is the very latest and swellest stylet We offer you the choice of hundreds of the large Merry Widow Sailors, made of fine silk net, in hrowns, blacks, blues, etc.; elabor ately trimmed with flow ers also hundreds of other up-to-date hats, at . Charming Easter Hats at S10 Beautiful new designs in the large and medium shapes, showing the high crowned effects with graceful rolling brim the newest and most artistic schemes never such millinery elegance for Paris and New York Pattern Hats at $15 & $25 The most exquisite hats ever beheld in a store west of Cliicago. Many are superb creations from Fifth Avenue, New York Easter's most elegant models, at Don't delay buying your Easter Hat until the last day. Come Thursday while the assortment is at its best. I5-25 Moderate Prices Prevail in Our Great Basement Millinery Dept. All the favorite spring styles new trimmings and new colors stylish hats, at 1.69 Mats , Trimmed FREE In Basement Thousands and thousands of bunches of flowers for trimming, every variety and every C color, bunch, at mamOC Women's Tailored Suits $15 $15 These smartly tailored suits are in the newest modified Prince Chap styles with all the latest 1 . am . siyie ieaiures newest oi shades blU3s & browns extremely well tailored just the suit you'll find them selling elsewhere for $23. OO, at , "Fashionseal Suits" at $25 Wear a little smarter suit this year try on one of our Fashionseals, they are certainly the dressiest, most up-to-date spring suits shown this season. Every "Fashionseal" is perfectly tailored ftrfeP and correctly designed you'd pay $35.00 to $50.00 any where else our price is fjdtr Separate Tailored Skirts in the Latest Styles for 1908 New arrivals shown, very attractive groups in the light weight spring materials self strapped and trimmed, at $4.98-$6.98 Women's Elegant Spring Coats of Shantung and Cloth, of Gold Merry Widow and Eva Tanguay styles New Iace and Braid Coats Very j fashionable this spring at $19 to $30 $9.98 to $25 jmnru ry ir-v ptsii r- Rnwt oils Skirts Voiles are the smart est of spring skirts; blacks and colors; many In the favorite models; walking length, at jj Hosiery Sale Plain and lace lisle embroidered lisle gauze lisle, lace boot and allovers fast black and tan worth regularly 50c a pair, at Women's New Neckwear All new arrivals in pretty ascots, ja bots, bows, etc. regular 50c OC quality, at UOVt 39c Lcng Kid Gloves for Easter Elbow length kid gloves genuine kid and includes celebrated Perrin's (gloves blacks, browns, navys and tans all sizes, at our A SO Q25 glove counter, for , . . M mv Embroidered Laundered Collars These collars are in white and colors they are spring styles and f ftl worth 25c regularly, at J-A2C .Thur,d.yi "Chocolate Day" at Sweetland e Ad, Those New and Popular Milk Chocolates, a full assortment of flavors regular 40c 1f value chocolate day special, per pound ; awlFC Thousands of Pretty Easter Novelties Gifts for Children Candy Easter Eggs See the man put your name on while you wait; each Be and 10c Candy Hen's Eggs Chocolate cov ered; each 30 Candy Duck Eggs Chocolate cov ered; each 50 Candy Bitter-Sweet Eggs Choco late covered, nut centers; each, 8c Jelly Bird Eggs Assorted flavors; ppund 10c Natural Ducks Each 10c Candy Bitter-Sweet Eggs Choco late covered, nut centers, at each 10c Candy Toys, Rabbits, Chicks, Ducks, etc., each Sc Cotton Chicks and Rabbits at lc each or 10c dozen. Cotton Chicks and Rabbits, two for x. 5c Cotton Chicks and Rabbits at. each Rc Fancy Embossed Paper Eggs, each 25c, 15r, 10c and 5c English Wilton Rugs at $39 These are the genuine seamless 9x12,' geuuine "Wilton rugs in those rich Persian patterns, light or dark other houses ask $60.00 for this $ x rug; special at :39 Thursday Specials Drug Dept. 60c ilu Pompelan Masrajr Cream , tbo else Pompelan Massage Cream ouc aise IT. Charles lent) Food vvv mtmv . i v iim im I mil r UVU 2be alie Kaatman Talcum Powder, Violet and ror Sue also Foannnt'a Complexion Powder 26c alie L'a Eg Tar Hoap it&e Rubber Massage Brush Jims. Armstrongs Snow Fluff Cream Everything In Toilet Arttclee at rut prices , .7o . .S7o . .BSC Hoae . .lOo . .S4o . .14o . . . . .85o Free Cooking School in the Basement, old lor. Evry day BIG SALE LEATHER BAGS SATURDAY Thousands of Fine Leather Bags Including soft leather bags fitted with individual change purses 6aturday at 5G0 OO .Fr Cooking Demonstration Daily-Old St or Basement. Real Irish Lce Making at IW-ande.Ii Store aU Neitt Week by three Expert Lace Makers from Ireland. Di rected by Father M. O'Flanagan. Ons of the most unique and interesting demonstrations seen in Omaha. - w "e, Jh- w .fr- - DKKIEllD PL-iN TO TAKE VOIR NOOK DAY Ll'XCH AT OMAHA'S MOST POPIMB CAFE Courtney's Restaurant SecondcFr,rey.. Always the daintiest and best prepared foods Everything Is good and wholesome here and the price are ery moderate. Little table, at pleasant window.. COl'RTNEY A CO.. lTUi and Douglaa. IREMNANTHIUISMY i KemnanU, odds and end, and leftover of rvcry kind gft j"lrk rlraring price put on them on Thnrsday's. Tliry must move. They clog the wheel of the husinenn machine. Kavh week's arrtiitiiilatlon of these oddments go on sale Thursday, making a great day for thrifty People. This sale embraces, diess goods, silks, wash goods, linens, white goods, domestic cottons, of all kinds, rays to look them up. Millinery at Popular Prices .?ver BU an Ea8ter display of beautiful moderately priced hats u vuib uny ueiore. iever Buch remarkable It's the woman who comes to Bennett's for the first time for her hats who la loudest in her praises of this department. We say posi tively mat not another store we know of sells such magnificent, tastefully designed hats at our popular prices. $5.00, $7.50 $10 to $15 The entire strength of this great millin ery organization Is centered on ham at thee prU.'H We aim to have the beM that money enn buy. Thst rrent shipment of trimmed nat- ifnin juei in irnm records this week iew York Is making new selling. 4 Iteiiu Tailored Suits at 16.75 Here's News That Strikes Home It touches the question of spending your money to best advantage. mk .75 Suits of this character, with the splendid materials, the excellent tailoring and the ex cluslveness or individuality of the styles rarely are on sale at so low a price. They have all the appearances of $25.00 suits. You cannot fall to enthuse over them once you see the line. These are new panamas, shadow stripes. In every new spring shading, embracing new Butterfly and Prince Chap fashions, at An Easter Week Sale White Lingerie Waists $1.48 , oiiauun 16 Waists worth $S.OO. at Half. Very bes- tiful dainty wash Waists either long or short sleeve stylos; open front or bark: earli la sumptuously trimmed In flm at laces or em broideries, well worth hurrying for .Thursday, price Muslin Underwear, Valus to $1.50 98c A e1eHner mi nf odd lot, inn'na. eorFet covers These are wen nnisneo garments aim in; 'hiihj chemise worth f drswers. skirts and well .50. sale Thursday at Two and Three Dollars Saved en Shoes If You Can Wear These Small sizes FOR MEN A K,r!,sotrnent.n0df I FOR WOMEN "vEIr- - regular 14.0" and $5.00 Fellowcraft and llalston Health shoos, all blacks. In patent colt, viol or Run metal, sizes 7 J1 QQ and 7. clearlngr at X.iO fords in tans and black kid, and pat ent leather, sizes 2Va to 4; widths a. b and c, all are $2 and $3 ffil Oft values, clearing- at px.Ot Quality Gloves for Eastsr Tie to tha stora that makes unallty tts predominating feature. In no article of wearing apparel can one be so easily deceived. This store sells gloves that endure; quality gloves In Its best and truest sense. ILZ GLOVES In 16-button lengths, the famous Kayser A Kownes brands, at (...1.80 and 93.00 All the latest shadings for spring. a-CXtABP BHiK OIiOVBS All with . guaranteed double tipped fingers o0c 7So and 91.00 mow LINOTH KID QUOTES Best Imported, sll colors. at 93.50 and 94.00 All Kinds of Hosiery For Easter Our hosiery seotlon has everything one could wish for. blacks and tans, fancy all over lace and lace boot lisles, kUBies, in DiacK arm ihiib. biii biw.miio. -.. 25c. 35c. 50c, 75c. $1.00 to $5.00 Plain lisles In hand emhrolded r iiiii r -And BENNETT'S DIG corrxzs koabtbd daiit. Bennett's Challenge torree. pouna nnu i, iiD,t iffee. nound 3oo And Hasket Fired Japan Tea, pound 38o And Bennett's Capitol Oats, package Malta Vita Breakfast Food, 4 packages 850 !8c bottle Queen Olives for 7o 75c bottle Queen Olives for Heeds, all kinds, package S"" Chicken Fead, pound J Ovster Shells for Chickens, pound 10 rresh Hew Kipe Tomatoes, pound..... .So Ripe Tomatoes.tnree pounds . . . , Oyster and Soda Crackers, package lOo And Pure Krult Jams, assorted, large Jar .36o And Best We Have Petit Pols. peas. 2 cans StSn1 ii&.i v. iiiv. Cnrrt. two cans. I oo And GROCERY 10 .11) 10 Green Stamps. ?reen stamps, tlreen Stamps. Green Stamps. EASTER CHICKS 2 for 45c Prsnro-Amerlcsn Soups, quart can Minute Tapioca, two packages ...... llurtman's Imported Marmalade. Jar. Va Mall vn Bennetts Capitol Kxtract. quart bottl .35o And 900 And aOoAnd 800 And 180 And c)ril rnrrMt C l.OOO pounds rresn naoy nanuui anu neu nnimon, fljll 3ri!vlAL3 sliced, per pound 130 liOO pounds Flnnsn Haddles, i pounds for Imported Holland Herring, per keg a E . 1 f ; H M y i I to i 1 i 5 Green Stamps. Green Stamps. Green Stamps. Groen Stamps. Green Stamps. Green Stsmps. Green Stamps. Green Stamps. Green Stamps. a&o eso rot .. mm mm swr n.:WM.!"ta 44 A simple, noiseless" lil tie mo tor is all you need no boilers, no engine, no firemen, no engineers. INVESTIGATE OMAHA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO Tel. Douglas 1062 V. M. O. A. BUlg. of 7 MORE AND MORE Every year the custom of Easter Gifts becomes more general. Our store li full of Suitable Articles for Easter Gifts. Spend a few minutes with us. IOOK FOR THE XA.MK S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 IMll'CiLAM HTItKKT DR. BRADBURY, Dentist 1500 Farnam. Extracting... Sftc up. Crowns 92.50 up. Plates 92.UO up. Bridge Work $.ftO up. Porcelain Jllllngs up from. . . . . . fl.RO 17 Year Name Uffire. Phone, lKtUKlas 17Sfl. Alveolar Dentistry specialty. Loose teeth made solid. Nerves removed without pain. Work guaranteed ten years. A Pape for th Horn THE OMAHA DEC Best L West Does Your Piano Need Tuning? Phon Your Order DougUa 1)7 Piano Dept. THE BENNETT COMPANY Special Sale f PH ff F?P Special Sale New Waists n My P Tailor Suits tor Thursday ULLni li lILZziiUu for Thursday TMsT RELIABLK aTfll Extraordinary Garment Bargains Thursday Seldom, if ever, before Easter have we leen in a position to offer such truly wonderful bargains in ladies' ready-to-wear apparel. j 100 High Clas Tailor Rnlts Merry Widow, Butterfly and Prince Chap styles; splendid assortment of choice fabrics In Copen hagens, londlnes, Navys, nrownn and Fancies; sulta In the lot worth to $30.00; choice..... y $19.00 Crown Jewel Suite More new oon to select from; we believe It the choicest lot we have yet received; most charming values shown anywhere, at 825.00 New flrairicd Itutterfly Ooats In Copen hagens, browns and blacks; values to $20; choice Thursday 812.50 Silk Shirt Waist Suits Manufacturer's sur plus stork; In princess and shirt waist styles; all new shades; values to $30.00; fhlce $14.90 Xew Covert Coat Made of Mohegan Coverts, in ail most popular style effects; values to $12.00; choice $0.95 niack Silk Vndersklrts. $2.98 $1.50 Moire I'ndrrsklrts .79 BOr IHn Kimonos ; 15 Xew Dress Skirt An immense assortment for selection; all newest styles, fabrics and coolrs; splendid values at from f.10.00 to $5.00 Muslin Underwear and Furnishings Several special hour sales of unusual Im portance to the buyer who cares for a saving. From 8 Till 0 A. M. Corset covers and drawers, worth to $1.00 garment, lace and embroidery trimmed, at, choice 19 From 9 Till 10 A. M. Ladies' muslin gown, prettily trimmed, cut long and full, regular values to $1.50, choice 49C From 10 Till 11 A. M. Ladles' muslin un derskirts, handsomely trimmed, values up to $2.50, choice OSt From 11 A. M. Till 12 M. Ladles' knit vests pinks, blues and whites, pretty patterns, worth regularly to 25c, at 10t From 2 Till 3 P. M. Ladles' corset covers and drawers, regular 75c and $1.00 values, at, choice 25 From 8 Till 4 P. M. Muslin gowns, lace and embroidery trim med, greatest values ever of fered at 39 Men's, Women's and Children s Hose, big assortment, 15c qual ity, on sale Thursday, pair..5 19c and 25c Hose, on sale, at, per pair I 100 Children's Rompers Made o f heavy blue cambric, trimmed with white tape, 60c values Thursday 250 CORSETS Worth to $1.00, new models with two sets of hose supporters,, on. sale. Thursday at 490 29c ThursdayChocolate DayThursday j lb. Extra Specials for Thursday 9 to 10 A. M. One case of heavy unbleached muslin 7 He grade 10 yards to customer, at, yd.. 50 ALL DAV 7c Apron Checks 3 WO 7c Prints 3H0 8Hc Lawns 2H0 15c India Llnons 7HO 12Vc Ixng Cloth 5 12c Printed Duck 5 25c Printed Mulls 100 25c Dotted Silk Muslin 1Q0 From 2:30 to 8:30 P. M. 1 case of Fruit of the Loom, 10 yards limit, at, yard 60 ALL DAV 25c Scotch Madras 100 15c Percales 7 16c Toil du Nord Ginghams. 1 00 15c White Goods lO 19c Voiles 0 19c Fancies 1O0 25c Silk Warp Ginghams. .. J() 25c Shantung Pongee IOC Several other sales. High Grade Wash Goods Dept. Side Band Batiste, 15c quality, at 12H0 36-inch French Percales, 15c qual ity. t 12 HO New Voiles, 25c quality . . . . 18 c Popllnette 250 69c Popllnette 300 Arnold's Applique side bands. 190 39c Madras, double faced... 250 18o Ginghams 12H0 Several other sales Thursday Grocery Prices That Mean a Saving of 25 to 50 Per Cent on Your Housekeeping Expenses 10 harK bent brand laundry Bonp for 260 10 lh. heat white' or yellow Cnrn Meal for 16o I lba. but hand plrkel Navy Benin for a&o lba choice Japan Rice tic S lb. tan anlld parltd Toma'r'n. per -n 8Ve 4 lb. can hen fanry Swet fluur t'orn for a&c I lb. tana Gn,d!i I'umpktn, Hominy, Bquash or Baked Means T'-te 011 or MuHtarrl eiirdine, ptr can 3o Fancy Red Alakn. tfalm'yn. per can. at lSSo 1 lb. can assorted Houpa 7lo Quaker Oat t'o'K Toasted Vhai Klakes. pktt So The beat crlap Ui.iger fcr.apH, per lb , at 80 The best rrisp Pretel, per lb... 60 Gallon cans New Vurk Applox.. 95i Haarmann'a Pura Milt 'lneir, per bottle 80 Glllett'a Washing Crystal, pr. pkg. The best bulk Ltundrj lb. ry bcarcii. The beirt Parlor Matches, per pkf., at ia'10 Bronianteion. Jellycon or Jell-O, rer pkg 7H rreuh Vea-atabla Prlcaa that Discount all Competition ai to 60 lr Oeut. Kreah ST'inac h. per pi ck )5o rh IVas. per quart 6a M n lieM fresh Onlims for 60 4 lies f itbIi Hadlnhes 60 Kkih y ijieen or Wax Hi'ans, per lb. at loo l.arire ( McumberH, each 60 3 hum-lie freuli Keels, Carrots or Turnip for 100 Fresh Asparanus. per bunch... l-'reMh I'lepiant. per ill 60 Kresh r(pe Tomatoes, per Hi .. lOo 2 heafrt Hesli Leaf Lettuce .... 60 l.are-' Grape Krult. each 7V4o l.arne. Juicy i.emona per duxen.. llo Kancy Hard Iatcs. per lt 8aO Fancy Halloween Dales, per il. .. 60 nhh Walnuts, per lb 16o Quart boxes fancy ripe Straw hen lea t ; iaio Another car of fancy Ida-bland Navel Oranges In. to gn on sale Tburndav, per dozen. 13o, ISo, 17 and too 75c Silks Thursday 29c A splendid assortment of plain and fancy silks, in newest spring shades, some 27-in. silks in the lot, beautiful weaves and patterns, all clean, fresh merchandise, the greatest Bilk value of the week, positivly worth to 75c a yard; on silk square Thursday at, yard . . iciiviuua tv iufpcu ui c 0.1x1 wiiuwiaica, 10. Regular 40c quality. Peach, Lemon, Strawberry, Walnnt Top, r Vanilla, "Raspberry Almond Top, , Plain. Don't Fail to Take Home a Box With You Thursday. m HAYDENS' Elm M f 1 A 't 4l )f i i nn i ii i li )