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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1908)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, .TANTARY 4. 19C9. IV ID -WINTER MILLINERY REGARDLESS OF COST ! I" Bn-itlful MM-Wnt.r rtrn Hats will be sold Saturday ABIO- t.UTXX,Y KZ9AJtOI.ZSa OF COST. Exquisite Patterns at $2.50, $5 and $6.50 in iWnti aatiftU Black Ostrich Flnmee th balance of our sample tine WIX.X, Be Sold at Actual Cost Price to Us Saturday All II SO and 11.00 Birds, Fancy Feathers, Flowers and C f Coq.le ffoCtS jllP Saturday onlr RYDER SMASHES PRECEDENT an Ihim Binii Ballrtla Con taining; Srartilic Richard Pearson Hobson. wno want! the government to publish a newpaper. would donhtIes enjoy reading miniature f hla federal Journal If he could see the "report"' of John J. Ryder, deputy commissioner of lalmr for Nebraska, copies of which have jast been received by the Commercial club of Omaha. "It's a regular newspaper. " said a mem rx r. aj lie turned the neatly printed pnper. Her is an article on 'How to Cure Ho Cholera.' and another on Irritation Canals.' ' Aa a matter of fact the deputy labor commissioner is getting out a ' Journal" which tells of the work of his department and praises the "fair state of Nebraska." I U sides tho crop statistics Die publication ontalns a department called "Remarks by like "Our Letter Box." a department of The. Bee. Then there are a few Juicy editorial paragraphs, and one of them says: "Bc'.entlflc farming v. as a success ti e last yr careless farming only was a fa'lure M "A r v-v l D ; v. ' uiniq uuuri vii .lruiMna 1 . . ' nrs, la the subject of the "lead editorial," w'.ille the "Ad Crop News" appears under a special "Iwo-derk" heading called "Crop Pictures In Paragraph." being terse state ments from the "exchange editor's desk" clipped from "steemed contemporaries all over the west. But 'he Illustrated section of the labor commissioner' official organ has no illus trations at all, though the public Is deceived Into believing there is a yellow Sunday magazine section because of a heading which reads "Halftones of a Happy State Closer examination proves thnt the half tones" are picturesque description! of Xe breaks life by inspired country editors, and It mould have been proper to call the column "Second ad telegraph pictures In paragraph!." WIFE SAYS HUSBAND BEAT HER Valaly eeka Reasmlttasre tm llsae Where He and the Children Are. Mamie Revins swore out a warrant for the arrest of her husband, Pnnlel Bcvlns. an evpr! driver living at 2119 North Thtr tecnth street, Friday morning on the charge of assault and battery. From ber appearance no one would doubt the woman had been assnulted and bat tered. About six weeks ago Bevlns renorted to the police ; .Tdi'jy'fe-" had Taken about ' tt wUlch he kept Irt the house, together- with Ms three children, and skipped to part! unknown. About two weeks a?o he got u letter from her, written from some town In Indiana, saying she had spent the money and was sick In a hoso'tal. , Bevlia- went to Indiana, got the children, t brought them home, and about a meek ago the wife arrived and he refused to let lee enter the house. She called on the polce for help, but they advised her the onnty attorney was the proper person to ': Apply !. She persisted, hut the husband has refused to take her back, and in one f her attempts to force an entrance Thurs : ('ay night she savs he beat her shamefully. , TO rREKT THE GRIP. Laxative Brunin yuinine. removes the rause. There Is only one ' Bronio Quinine." lck for s'jriat.r.e of E. W. Grove. Sc. ECZEMA 25 YEARS Limb Peeled and Foot Was Like - Raw Flesh Had to Use Crutches, and Doctors Thought Amputation Necessarv Montreal Woman Writes of Cure Seven Years Ago. BELIEVES LIFE SAVED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I liar been treated by doctor for twenty-five, yean for a had case of tcxema on my leg. They did their beat. nut lauexi to cure it. My doctor had ad ?iied me to have mr 5 lee rut oft, hut I L said I would try tha "''J- Cuticura Reniedlea i'-f "rat- Ha laid, "Try f'J'V f them if you like, but M' I do not think they G'VV';S will do anv good. W7 V At thia time my leg was peeled from the knee, my foot was like a piece of raw f.eoh. and I had to walk on crutch. I bought a caka ef tutkura Soap, a box of Cuticura Ointment, and a bottle of Cuticura Pills. After the first two treatments tbo s weili n went down, and in two months my leg was cured and the new skin came on. The docur could not believe his own eyea when ba saw that Cuticura had cured ma and said that ba would use it for hia own patients. I used two cakea of Cuticura Soap, three bona of Ointment, and tiva bot tles cf f Insolvent, and 1 have now been cured over seven year, and but for tha Cuticura Kemediea I might have lost my lie. 1 have 1U of grand children, and thev are frequent user of Cuticura, and 1 always recommend it, to the many people whom my busi ness brings to my house every day. Mrs. Jean-Baptist Kenaud. clairvoy anc. 377. Meiitana St., Montreal, Qua Feb. 20, Iu7.M SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest for Mothers. Instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, in warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment, the great sain aura, and purest of emoUienu. rwurnra aaaf C?V . CMtieufa Otatmat not ). n4 l -icur Knvwl . bur ) I at u tons as -MM HI ZSt ft tsl a Ml Sutd "WftHI I werwl PaiUf Llrus a C W(& Cwv, rnws.. m ha SUFFERED WITH 1508 Douglass St. t CUPID HEADS OFF DIVORCE Connie Remarries While Decree la la Haaaa of J a age Whs Graatea Separatlaa. While their divorce was In the hands of Judge Sutton awaiting the expiration of six months for filing. Elisabeth Haffke and Herman Haffke made up their differences and decided they didn't want the divorce at all. The hearing was held about three months ago. Mrs. Harrke said ner nuaoano orani to excess and did not support her. Fol lowing his custom Judge Sutton announced he would hold up the decree six months before signing It. Thursday morning they both appeared before the Judge and told him he need not llgn it at 11. Mr. Haffke said he had quit drinking and had not tasted a drop for several weeks and his wife had promised to live with him again. Judge Sutton' struck the case from the docket. ehraska Sfwi tes. BLAIR Fire which started at 2 o'clock this morning almost destroyed the resi dence property of Miss Etna Outschow, occupied by Charles Tsylor, a ilrayman. The Interior of the house and the furniture is almost an entire loes. The loss on the property Is covered by intMiranie. NKBRAPKA C1T V Wednesday after noon, at tiie home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snlttker. two niiit-s west of town. Miss Emma Snittker was married to Herman Berger. They left for St. LAiuis. where they will visit for a feu weeks, cm their return they will make their home on a farm near Julian. NEBRASKA CITY FathT J T. Roche, for several years rector of St. Mary's Catholic church in this city, has b.en tendered the position of editor of The New World, the otflcal organ of the Chice.go archdiocese. He will accept if Rls!-op Huliat uiu will permit lilm to h ave thi diocese. NEBRASKA CITY The terms for hold ing district court In Otoe and Cas counties have leen fixed as follows: Cass county. February 24; Jury term. March I; May 4. equity; Septeniter and urv October 5. Otoe county, March 30; jury, April 'i: June 1. enuity; November 9: Jury. November Hi. The first day of each term has been desig nated as the time on which all applications for final applications for citlxenshlp papers will be heard. NEBRASKA CITY-In the district court last evening P. Bridges, who was con victed several months ago on the charge of incest, wss again arraigned and sent enced to ten years In the penltentlwry. Hti case was taken to the supreme court on a writ of error, but that cqurt sustained the decision of the lower court and now he alii huvf to serve his sentence. BEATRICE Word has been received here of the death of (. G. Oodfrey, one of the first business men In Blue Snrings. which occurred at his home In California a few davs ago. BEATRICE A fine Norval Chief 3-vear-old colt belonging to W. N. Farlow of this city, fell yesterday and broke Its leg and Mr. Farlow waa obliged to kill the animal. It was valued at UiO. . BEATRICE Iewii H. Lilly and Miss Pearl Whitehead, both of Virginia, were married here yesterday by Judge Spafford. BEATRICE Yesterday B. H. Conlee. county clerk, announced the appointment or J. C. Penrod as his deputy, to succeed W. D. M'Mire. who has been in the office I for the last two years. District Clerk Jueln has appointed F. E. Bourne, who recently returned from Boise, Idaho, as his deputy. The changes become effective January 9. BEATRICE February 10 and 11 have been selected for the dates of the Oage county farmers' Institute by the executive committee. Governor Sheldon has ac cepted an Invitation V be present on one day and addrex the farmers. BEATRICE The marriage of William IVttlaff nd Miss Pauline Strangenherg was solemnised yesterday at the German Lutheran church. Rev. !. Poeverlin offi ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Dettlaff came from Germany on the same vessel and have oeen residents or Beatrice snout a vear j BEATRICE The Hinds State hank of Odell made a good showing in tts last statement. The institution has rt:t.V) on deposit. Iiesidea a large reserve In cash and mi-.a TKICE-Harry B. Zook and Miss Bess'e Barber were married here on New Tears day. They will make their home at Barneston. BE ATR !" The corn harvesier and husk-r patented hv F. W. Well.-nsiek and hirlt hv the Beatrice Iron works was given tryout ycattrdav In the field of Charlea i.reen. south of the city, and proved sat isfactory. The machine is hullt strong, yet l'Kht enough in weight so that Iwo horses can pull it with ease. It can gather from eight tii ten acres of corn a day. i " KATRINE According to the report of William Waxham, weather observer at this point. 31.11 Inches of water fell In 107. The heaviest rainfall ever recorded here fell on the afternoon and evening of July 14. mea suring 4 Inches. The normal rainfall for the last thirteen years waa Sl.16 inches. TECl'MSEH Mrs. T. J. Watklna of this v rece'ved word yesterday that her son-tn-la E. A. Gray, haa lost his stock of general merchandise bv fire st Manitou. Cikl. There was but little In the way of particulars over than that seven business Mocks m the town were destroyed. Mr. Gray'a loss will amount to considerable over his insurance. Mr. Gray was in busi ness in Teoumseh several years ago. CENTRAL CITY Mike Lavelle. who reg- ! ular'y absorbed alcoholic beverages In so great quantities that he waa last spring adjudged to be entitled to treatment In the duiaotiianiar ward at the insane asylum and who was twice discharged as cured. Is aaaln manifesting his old-time affection for the cup. Bob Saddler, a friend, is In the toils on the charge of giving him a Cask of alcohol and will have to answer t the same at the next regular term of toe ilintrtct court. BEATRICE In the district court yester day Judge Kelllgar confirmed the sale of the plant of the Wahaska Electric com pany at Blue Springs and ordered Receiver Marvin to use ihe first money realised from the sale to pay the taxes against the com pany, which amount to about 2 Mo. The only bid made In the sale was $1.0. which a as offered by C. A. Snvder, manaa-er of the electric plant at Auburn. He will dis mantle the plant and remove It from its present location in Blue Springs. BEATRICE During the last year about Vitf, Una been expended in buildings and i tmprovemenfs In Beetr'ce. Of this amount !i'v was spent In building and equip ) it g the new gas plant and for the ; new Christian church building. A number ; oh ' business blocks and many residences i costing from Sl.u4 upwards have been i erected. W. H. Kilpatnck a new home I built during the last few ruoatha cost in the neighborhood of ii'ux). FLA 1R The thirtieth annual bull of the 1 volunteer fire department was held in the J opeta house last Tuesday evening and was , a record breaker as to attendance and re ', celpts. Several years an lae firemen ' started a fund for the erection of a city ' hall and the net recelpta of f13a frum this ball will tie abided to that fnnd. which now amounts to t2 Zfi. Th- firemen now look forward to the time when they will occupy their oan home. Thev mill hold j their annual maaauerade ball carU- in I February. I TECl'MSEH Lieutenant Roderick Dew, accompanied by his sister, Mra E. P. Bracken, and baby, and Miaa Kmma j Bracken, departed for oheridaa. Wy , ; Thursday, a here the Bracken famllv re ; sides. After a visit of two weeks In Sheri dan lieutenant IV w will got to Spokane. Seattle and Portland, and on February i ne will sail from Sun Frarwiseo with hla rginint. Ihe Twent -third Infantry, for th Philippines He expects ta be ao dotv in the islands for two years sad oae-half be ' tore returning to the states. 1 Lieutenant IVs has bevn In tha Philippines that length of time with another regiment and likes It there very much. HUGE EXPENSES LIVE ISSUE Judffe Manner Bale Them Part of Adami Company Case. FIRST BLOOD FOB THE STATE t alsa Stork Yards Saltralag Charges Jeeil at Be raia ei mam - a ess I'ader the Present I Caadltloaa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. I ?peclal Telegram.) A vital issue in the fight the state Is mak ing against the express companies to se cure a reduction of rates is the huge salary list the companies carry and the heavy charges they pay the railroad companlea for transportation. Attorney General W. T. Thompson today received a memoran dum ruling from Judge Munger of the federal court to this effect. A motion of the Adams Express company in the suit brought to prevent the railroad commii slon from enforcing the SlWey act, bring ing about a 25 per cent reduction In ex press rates, was overruled. The motion was to eliminate the mater of ealarlee and high charges from the case. In hla answer to the petition the attorney general said the Adam! company paid ex cessive sums In salaries to official! and paid In tramportation charge! for goods carried to railroads what practically j amounted to 50 per cent of the sum, re- celved from lta own customers. He was striking at the system which would r'rmlt the railroads, through control of express companies, receiving dividends on two classes of stock for prictlcally one aervice. Judge Munger holds the matter la ex tremely pertinent and he refuse! to Itrlke it out of the pleadings. The attorney gen eral filed a demurrer to the company's petition, but the court decline! to rule on thii now, as he say! a case is pending In the United States supreme court in which a decision may be exrected soon which will decide questions practically the same as are raised through the demurrer. The ruling of tha court Is favorable to the stats contentions and was extremely gratifying to the legal department. Followh-g the ruling of Federal Judge W. H. Munger at Omaha. In which he dismissed the exceptions of express com panies to tho suit begun by the state, papers were prepared In the attorney gen eral's office tday. and tomorrow a suit will be filed In the district court of this county against the Adams. American and United States Express companies to com pel them to make a report on salaries paid and other data. The action will eek both to enforce compliance with the order and to collect penalties for violations. Stork Yards (barges. The railroad commission learned today from Attorney Frank Ransom of the Union j Stock Tards company that the 50-cent switching charge the company ha! been seeking to add to existing charges at the yard! will not be enforced untib a suit In supreme court Is settled that will decide whether the company Is a common carrier. The commission today was informed the company was Insisting on this charge and that the Missouri Pacific road, among othr lines, was adding to It! schedule of rate!. Attorney Ransom said no bill! would be presented for the eervlce of Intrastate business pending the determination of the action. Interstate business will, however, be subject to the charge. The Installation of the charge will mean 1100,000 a year to the stock yards. Sidetrack at Maaley Ordered. The Railroad commission this morning ordered the Missouri Pacific road to In stall the sidetrack asked for by the Manley Co-operative Elevator company. An esti mate of expense for the work is to be submitted to the commission by January 25. The elevator company will have to foot the bill. The commission also ordered proper approaches to be built to the stock yartla at ManUy. complaint having been made about this also. In these cases the railroad claimed the commission had no authority, the road be ing an interstate carrier. H. W. Marshall of Arlington. W. A. Har rison of York and Peter Younger! of Geneva applied to the Railroad commis sion today for 'a reduction of ratea on nursery stock. They ask that the Joint rate in the state be made 3 per cent of the locals and that the western classifica tion be changed of osage orange seed and on butterrtuts and hawkeyes. lowering the first from first to third class and the latter from second to fourth class. Jehnaon Cannot Come. In a letter received here, today, Mayor Tom Johnson declines an invitation to the democratic dollar dinner of January 15, for the reason that the J-cent fare Is to go Into effect on street car Unci of Cleveland the same date. Irwa letter expressing hi! regret over inability to attend the Ne braska feast. Mayor Johnson says he does not want to be absent from Cleveland Just att he culmination of his long fight. I. Ion Company Doing Well. The Lion Bonding and Surety company of Omaha, of which Auditor Searle ia a stockholder, is doing a landofflce business around the state house. Thia company yesterday wrote the bond of E. M. Fair field, state accountant appointed by Aud itor Searle. for $1Q,0"0 and also wrote the bond for Samuel J. Stewart, physiclsn at the asylum for feeble minded youth at Beatrice for IS.ono. It has filed the lowest bid for bonding the various captains of the National Guard, having agreed to write a 12.000 bond for each for three years for $T.S0. The legislature has made no specific appropriation for paying for the bonds of captains of the guard. Heretofore the captain! have paid out of their own pock ets Id.lie a year for each bond. It Is up to Auditor Searle to say whether he will issue warrants to pay for the bonds out of the appropriation for the expense of the guard. The Lion Bonding and Surety company filed it! articles of incorporation with the secretary of state October 11. 19CT. At this time Henry Haubem ii president; E. L. Culver secretary: Henry Rohlff treasurer, and J. C. Root vice president. On the letterheads of the company besides the officers ijamed are the following names: L p. Larson. W. T. Aulii. Henrv eKatlng. John W. McDonald, E. M. Searle. Jr The company his its headquarters in Omaha. The company has written a number of surety bonds for statt depositories. Caaaet Limit Liabilities. In an opinion filed with the state au ditor late this afternoon Attorney Gen eral Thompson holds that mutual Injur- Common Sense If coffe don't agree, change to POSTUM "There's a. Hi-son STORE Formerly .&SC0FIELD liaOAK&SUUfe SATURDAY Will of High I ax USTT MALF-. TAILORED SUITS $75.00 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price Q"i nn sale W lUW $05.00 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price 32 $55.00 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price 2 T $45.00 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price 22 $39.50 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price Ifi7 sale..... I3,D $35.00 Tailored Suits, January-half-price s (" 50 $,J9.75 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price 05 $25.00 Tailored Suits, Janu ary half-price 1 25 0 ALL OUR FUR ance companlea organized under the pro visions of section 61-7. chapter -43, com piled statutes, cannot by means of ad vanced premiums or bylaws exempt from liability for assessments necessary to pay losses. This decision is of the greatest Importance to mutual Insurance com panies and policyholders, inasmucn as a company recently attempted to change from a mutual to a stipulated premium plan. The opinion waa asked for some months ago. but owing to Its importance and the work In the legal department it was not handed down until today. Examination of Gaard Officers. Adjutant General Schwan has Issued an order for the following officers to report to his office for examination January :'8: First Lieutenant Robert C . Chapman, First infant rv; Second Lieutenant William N Orris, First Infantry: Second Lieu tenant John C. DullHghan. First Infantry; s..r.nd Lieutenant Wwln r.. Merni Second Infantry, for promotion to l'lrt lieutenant; Sergeant Fred R. Shearer. Company G. Second lnrantry. lor promo tion to second lieutenant; Second Lieu tenant Frank E. Crawford, hirst Separate Infantry company, for promotion to tirn lieutenant; Sergeant Roy E. V oodird. First Separate Infantry company, for pro motion to second lieutenant. The resignation of Captain Albert H. Barker, Company E. Second regiment, lias been accepted by the adjutant general, as has the resignation of Captain John P. Madgett. Company D, Second regiment. Elections have been ordered to fill the vacancies. Pecaliar Laundry Bill. Deputy Auditor Cook thought the limit had been reached when he received a voucher from the state university for a hill for $25 for gas for one month, when the institution has a lighting plant, but when he received the laundry bill for the month of November he was floored. One bill from the Evana Laundry company against the home economics department was for 11.40. The items enumerated in the bill were as follow! : Spreads, sheets, slips, towels, bath towels, roller towels, tablecloth, rags, napkins. side towels, aprons, !hirtwaisti. corset coven, night drehses, hose, saques. sleeves, skirts, dress. There were six corset covers, seven shirt waist!, five night dresses, three skirts, one dress, thirteen sleeve!. This bill waa for a period from October 31 to November ST. A second bill on the Incidental fund ac companylng the same voucher waa for Kl.'S) for the month of November. This bill was for towels only. Of the towels there were 5..HS bath towels. 9"2 roller oi. . n.i ?i hand towels. The deputy or has not v t figured out why thel state should pay for the laundering of corset covers and hose and night dresses, though he can see why the state might be responsible for the balance of the bill. Incidentally, though the Itemized bill aa shown above Is filed with the voucher. C. J. Ernst, president of the Board of Regent!, and J. S. Dales, secretary, sertlfy on the certificate that the bill ia for "washing" towels and table linen." Mlstarlral Society Meeting. Tha thlrty-firat annual metin of tn Nebraska State Historical society and of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' associa tion will be held In Lincoln. January 13-14. In the auiitorlum of the new Temple build ing. The first session of the Historical society meeting will be hel l the evening of January 13. the first address being by William J. Bryan on the subject of "History.' Other speakers for this session will be J I- Mo- Brten. state superintendent, and Dr. George I L. Miller, president of the society, j On the evening of the 14th. the principal ! address will be by Judge Horace E. Teemer ' of the supreme court of Iowa and for many i years identified with the historical depart : ment of Iowa, at Des Moines. Judge Drem- er'i address will be on the s abject, "The ! Part of Iowa In the Organisation of Ne ; braska." Other speakers will be Richard L. ' Metcalfe, Lincoln, and W. Z Taylor. Cul bertson. The business session will also be held the evening of the lttiv when new offl- 8i rers will be rlected for the ensuing year. I Membership In the Territorial Pioneer!' association la limited to those who became 4 ; residents of Nebraska, or whose parent! ba- nnnnnieinrin OPEN SATURDAY 1510 DOUGIAS be Ihe Banner Day A 0 aktaS Grade Coats, Tailored Suits and Furs STREET GOATS $55.00 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- mmpm ary half-price J f yJ sale $45.00 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- Oft CO ary half-price Jf QU sale fa $3!.50 Coats, in fitted or loose styles. Janu- f ftE ary half-price M f J sale $35.00 Coats, in fitted or loose styles. Janu- ITRH ary half-price I I UU sale $29.75 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- i jflP ary half-price lmA)9 sale I $25.00 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- I APn ary half-price I A OU sale mmm $19.50 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- ft"7C ary half-price M f Q sale w $15.00 Coats, in fitted or loose styles, Janu- TRfl ary half-price g wU sale SETS, SCARFS came residents of Nebraska prior to March 1, 1867. MINGER GIVES ADAMS A RAP Co art Considers Plea af Express Cans paay Impertinent. Judge Munger! opinion state! In effeot that the bill was filed in thia case to enjoin, the State Railway commission and Attorney General Thompson from enforcing the a at of the legislature of Nebraska, April 5. 1M, known as Senate File 355, requiring all 1 1 press companies within the state to f;la certain schedule! of ratea charged by them for the transportation of merchandi within the state and prohibiting them front charging to exceed 75 per cent of their charges in force on January 1, 1007. until after the 8tate Railway commission should provide for a greater rate, and providing certain penalties for the violation of the act. upon the ground that the enforcement of the law would deprive the express com panies of their property without due proceaa of law. In that it would require them to do business at a loss. To this bill the members of the Board of State Railway Commissioners have filed their answer, and to this answer the Adams Express company has filed certain excep tions. The first, second and third exceptions are baaed on the ground that certain alle gations in the bill are not sufficiently an swered. To these three exception!, Judge Munger says: "We do not regard them as such material allegations in the bill as to require specific answers thereto, respondents are not re quired to specifically answer, and we re gard these respective allegations aa imma terial. The fourth exception ia to certain averments in the answer to the effect that the capital and funds necessarily invested and employed by .the express companies In conducting their business within the itate are small and of nominal amount, and that it payi to the railroad companlea for the purpose of conducting Its business ovar their lines, excessive compensation, and ex cessive compensation to certain of Its agents gnd servants. This is excepted to as not being an answer to any specific averment of the bill, and as Insufficient, Irrelevant and impertinent. We think It pertinent to the allegations of the bill to ahow that the complainant ! expenses In conducting Its business within the state are extravagant and unnecessary, if such be the fact." TOPI LISTS CALL CO.WEXTIwW Doenmeat loaned by Chairman Mannrl and Secretary Walralh. ST. PAUL, Neb., Jan. 3. t Special. )C. B. Manuel, chairman, and E. A. Walrath, sac retary, have Issued the following call for a populist convention In Lincoln, January IS: A meeting of the state committee of the people, s Independent party of Nebraska has been called to assemble at the Lincoln hotel. In Lincoln, on January 15. l'jos. at i p. m. The matter of fixlna- the manner nf se lecting delegates to the national convention. ' I V mr IIBtlUIWI CUIIt rilllllll, I ortr-niun for the next cajnpaign and pre- paring to enter intu active wurk for the coming year will be considered. All members of the stale committee, mem bers of the county committees and workers from over the state are extended an Invi tation to be present at this meeting Nrkrulu with I Ml of Arms. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Jan. 1 (Spe cial.) James H. Foote, a wealthy farmer living six miles south of this city, la one I of the few In this county that can boast of a, coat of arms. His comes from Charlea II of England and consists of an oak tree with the inscription "Loyalty and Truth." It was in the latter part of the sixteenth cen tury', when Charles was being pursued and hla capture Imminent, that one James Foote took charge of the king and secreted him in a large oak tree, where he remained until danger passed. For his loyalty and truth fulness Mr. Foote was given tha coat of arms. In the family book of Fooles triers are now ,5u0 names enrolled. lasared In Baakrnnt Inmnany. BLAIR. Neb.. Jan. X. Special Tele gram.) Charlee Taylor, who lost tha entire amount of his household furniture In the NIGHT UNTIL TEN O'CLOCK s(c in T5) ST. IINN I 1 1 IS) of Our Great January Clearance Sale stawMtMtw OPERA GOATS $87.30 Opera Coats, January llf:rri:r 437s $75.00 Opera Coats, January Sr:: 3750 $07.50 Opera Coats, January half-price sale.. dO10 $59.50 Opera Coats, January 2975 $50.00 Opera Coats, January half-price $42.50 Opera Coats, January half-price 21 $35.00 Opera Coats, January half-price 17 $29.75 Opera Coats, January ;pri.c: 1485 OR MUFFS AT burning of the Gutschow residence at an early hour this morning, carried Insurance of WO In the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance company of Lincoln, which went Into the hands of a receiver yesterday. This company had In force In this city nearly S4O.000 of insurance, several policies of which were rewritten In other companies today. J. II. Platx. agent of the North American Insurance company. In which the dwelling was Insured for $700. reported the building a total loss and Miss Guts chow will receive the full amount of her insurance. Hi JOKI5G REMARK PROVE" REALITY George Broil cf Holateln Killed In Aatomonlle Accident. HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 3.-iSpecial Tele gram.) Within an hour after he had laugh ingly spoken of a premonition that he might not live to return to hia home, George Broil of Holsteln was killed early this morning when the automobile he was driving went over a bridge Into a draw sixteen feet below. Two friends who were riding with him. Roy Singer and G. L. Fisher, were slightly Injured. They left about midnight on the return trip to Hol stein. "If you don't go to bed very soon you may hear something of us." said Mr. Broil to a friend as he climbed Into his car; "something may happen." Mr. Broil was driving his car along an unfrequented road. South of Juniata the car struck a rail of a bridge, plowed along through the timbers tc about the middle of the structure and then plunged Into the draw, in which there wa! several feet of water. Mr. Broil was pinned under the car and drowned. Fisher and Slgnor were unable to find him under the water until they secured assistance to remove the auto mobile. The accident occurred about 1 o'clock. An Inquest was held about noon and the Jury returned a verdict finding that Broil came to his death by accident, owing to his losing control of tha steering gear of the machine. The Jury also found that the accident resulted from the defective lights on the car. Broil was extensively engaged In the implement business at Hol steln and operated brancn establishments at Roseland and Norman. Collector Charged with Offense. TECl'MSEH, Neb.. Jan. S.-( Special.) Frank Runatorf of this city has been placed under arrest and taken to St. Louis. Mo., where It is said he Is In Jail. Charges of embemzlement or forgery, or both, It ts said, will- be made against him. Reinstorf Is an agent for a wholesale liquor form of St. Louis, with territory somewhere In the north. From the Information at hand it would seem his house proposes to bring tha proceeding! against him. A detective wa here the first of the week, and the arrest of the roan followed. Sheriff H. I. Miner took him to St. jula yesterday, Reinstorf agreeing to go withAt requisi tion papers. His wife accompanied him. Reinstorf maintains his Innocence and says he will have but little trouble in clearing himself of the charge or charges. H i firm, he says, has loaded him up with a lot of poor accounts for collection, which It wants him to account for In cash. He usea Dy Millions C Bohing S Powder i ftkvstt Odb)1w vita th Pv.. t" Formerly .ItwSCOFlELD ACLIM&SUITCq FUR GOATS $150.00 Fur Coats, January l'Vm 75OO $125.00 Fur Coats, January half-price CORf. sale. b-.0U $95.00 Fur Coats, January llf:rrice 4750 $75.00 Fur Coats, January half-price 37 $50.00 Fur Coats, January half-price 25 $35.00 Caracul Coats, Janu ary half-price 17 $29.75 Caracul Coats.- Janu ary half-price 1185 sale 1" $25.00 Velvet Coats, January half-price 2 Si HALF PRICE inr tould not make the collections. As far as is known the man bears a good reputation, and he la connected with some, Tecumseh families who are of good standing. DOG STANDS GVARD OVER MASTER. Isaac Mlsrkt Dies While In Hot Lot, bnt Body la Protected. BENEDICT. Neb.. Jan. 3.-(Special. Isaac Mincks. one of the first settlers In this locality, died from heart failure, lie was quite old and not enjoying the best of health and for some time had mad. hla home with his son, John Mincks, While all were in York shopping ha walk. J to the bam and hog lot, where he fell In among a number of hogs. It is not known at what time of day he died, hut when found life was extinct. A faithful shep herd dog left at home had followed the old gentleman and during the entire day guarded him from attacks of hogs, and when found the dog waa still on duty. Mr. Mincks was well known and most popular, having hundreds of friends. Clark Perkins Sella ewspaper. ST. PAL L, Neb.. Jan. 3 -i Special.)-Tha St. Paul r.epubllian. which for the last fourteen years has been owned by the firm of Perkins & Perkins, composed of Claik Perkins, now secretary of the State Rail- f way commission, and his father. R, C. Perkins, ex-postmaster of this city, ha been sold to the Cooley brothers of Ar cadia, who will take charge of the paper and plant next week. If. O. Cooley, the senior member of the new firm, has for many years been the owner and publisher of the Arcadia Champion. The Republican is widely known as one of the brightest and most aggressive country weeklies of the state, and the new owners will strive to maintain Its high standard. BONDERS DODGE CONSTABLES Companlea Reject Them and They Have ta Haat I n Private friends. toug!as county constables are harassed by an unusual condition this year In secur ing their bonds. All the bonding companleg represented In Omaha have refused to sup ply these officers as they have done In former years, and this makes It necessary for them to hunt up friends willing to as sume the responsibility. The bonding com panies have taken this action because of the unusual risks taken by e nstahles, es pecially In replevin suits. Several officers have recently been used for alleged Illegal levies on property In replevin suits and the bonding companies are now fighting shy nf them. Nlcoll The Tailor la offering yon a full Suit and an extra pair of Trousers FOK THK rilR'K OF hllT AI.ONF.. IT'S A QUICK WAY to clean up the surplus stuck, at tha end of a busy season's trade and keeps our large organization of skilled tailors and cutters . active between seasons. Suits and Extra Trousers, 525 tn 541 WILLIAM JEKRKMS' MJNa. 209-tl Sw. 15Ui HL