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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1908)
The omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVIt-N'O. 171. OMAHA, . FRIDAY MQRXIXO, JANUARY 3, 1IKW. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Orientals at VanconYr r Attack Three ! Firemen with SaiTei. ACCTDI5T TAKEN -V5 AFFRONT v'e- Breaking- of Shop Winc -nal for 5aT.Pt Assaal. . CITY CO MP AJLaTTVXL Y Poor Japanese Arrested and Wt Be GiTea Fair TriaL ESGLA5DS POSITI05 DELICATE , Attack mt Slkjrrli of Its wllr 4) a, r era in I aiftrn Raise ties that Mar Dlealt to Handle. VANCOUVER, B. C . Jan. 1 -Three dry firemen. Frost, Anderson and MoEona:d. wera aet upon by a mob of arrr.- 1 Japanese yterdy at tha corner Pw-li atreet and Gort avenvie. two blj ka fr'm the po-lk-a statloa and in the of the Japaaa dintrtct- Tha men were clothed ;n uniforms with braaa button and tr.e attack of tV.e Japanese I ail th more r'oi:s for that raaron. Py accident a firerrAn named Frost fell aa!oal th window of a Japanese nor and a.iaahed tie plate :ass. Ia an infant the Japanese proprietor rushed out and many of bla countrymen came to Join the Ma-hf- The firomen were ovirpowered aft"T a Pght. when the flesh of their fares had ! been torn lnt ribbons by the raior-l.e kntvea. which th Orientals carried. Frost was seriously hurt; his neck was cut, a! a hod and laid open for four inches and two Inche deep a!ongld the jug.lar rein. The other two firemen wre fr;gi.t fully rnt about the arms and breasts, but were still fighting over the body of FroM whea a iuad of police arrived. Fo.r Japan wen arrested and the three fire men wre taken to the hospital. Tha Japanese foueht like demons and the knivea they carried a foot long. ThT I no ext ltement. either in the oriental quarter or throughout the city, ever the stabbirg of three members of the fir department by Japanese. It Is con sidered that the affair was primarily an Incident to a New Tear celebration and Inflamed cy a mistake on the purt of the J a pane, who fancied the Jovial firemen wer attacking them, whereas one white ' man fell against a window and broke It. No reprisals against the Japanese are ex parted unlesa Froat, one of the vround-d flramwsj. should die. but this does not se-ni pro bah W. The two other firemen. Allen and JtacDonald. are reported Improving by tha hospital sunreora. Members of the A ntl-Asiatic league do not attach special Importance- to th affray, although It may fcava m certain Inruence on the civic, eloc tiona t ba- kald next week. No meeting of tha Antl-AalaUc Veaarue has been call-d. fcttt In any ease the rh'of of roiv-e says fee la sufflctently on his guar 1 to ptev-nt a race rtot- The Japanese arre:M in con- j nection with the stabbmg affray will b given a fair trial In the police and rounty J courts. 1 Eadaasl Delleate SHaatlaa. tiONDON. Jan. ".England 1 eTpf-rier.c- tng what might well be cal.-d a startling awakening to the grave pp.hlerrs oaus-vl hv the emigration of Asiatics to its w:.iu colonies. The principal poi.tioal t.p.c fort a week h been tne situati- n in the Trars- vaaU where several thousand East and Chinese were given the alternative cf ! saibmtttlng to what they consider a av gTadir.g ystem of rg'stration "r of b.- -ig imprisoned and expelled. The reports of further racial rioting at Vancouver come at a particularly Inopportune f-re. c.i a count of the regulations now un.ier aa Vet woe n Canada and Japan, and t.iey ar; very annoying to the g..v. rnmer.t off'cials having hoped that Japun s w.llii.g nees substantially to restr-ct its emi-rratl.-n would soften the anti-Japants.' prejucnes on the Pacific coast. (.rest Brltalas Probleaa. It la recognised tht th.e race c,ues'i?n is more sends for G-ent Britain than for America, because the In.i.ans are British ...!-. iect and the Jatnee are its a'lies I The Transvaal has temporarily refraine,! from taking measures S..n.l thoae Indiana STRIKERS ATTACK THE CARS who have refused to r-gj-ier. other man to . decline to renew tre tradi rs' h -ensrs. all : Riatisat Rewsaaed at Moarie and Mae of which expired l-i -n.ber SI. It s pro- ) Persons Are lajsred Is posed, however, to eiecuie the law in a few v Flsbt. daja Two thousand Indians, frtm all' part a of th Transvaal, met recently in ' MUNC1E. Ind . Jan. i Ryting is r Johanneaburg and vptei to n f use to sub- s-..T.ed t.nlay between the s' err.-loyes nolt to the law. of the street railway company and the tJIWEH OIVEM SECRET4RY ROUT Jaataaea kstrraseil Sabsalt vot a lBaaaisratioB. WASHTNGTON. Jan. I-sVcretary R ot today received from An.bssaior O Bi,en at Toklo a transcript of th reply of the Japanese government to the submitted by him son-. time ago in relation ; banon have been ordered by Govern, r Han to th regjlaUon of Japan-s immigration jy to be ready to move at once In case America. Tr.e reply is irry 1. ng. dn- , f further troutl on ac-coutii cf t.':r street cuae.r.g Mr. O'Brien s prop, greatest detail. So far Seer Bot had aa opportur..iy to sidtr the r-piy. bt it is i t. .n in the ry R.i,t ha :ef..!ly cm- i :a: 1 mat in detriment 1 t lie par: of th the opinion of tie Sia' exhibits a dispcs:t:kn in Jataneae go ernn.e'.t t.i meet tr.e .je-tres America m a tat sfac! ry Am bassador O'Brien coincides :n t:..s vie of tt Japanese response CAPTAIN ADMITS HIS DEED Ceraaaa OsVer t ossnlred wiik lf ( Ma.'or to Kill Her II awl asd. ALL EN STEIN. E-ist Pnui, Jin 1 Tapta'n van G-iehen of the army has cn 'essed tha' lie k lied ilal' r v ...n r-nls k t brotlier of':cer on duv. af.-r he had d.ned mr.h t'e ma.H'r and 1. s a le in their licuw. Aftrr sa!.' g g d rig'.: the csptain pretep.led to leave the house fcut instead t.e stole up to the major s room, w.iere be put on a mask The major enter.-d anl hfarmg a suspicious rustling In the derkners caTed "Who u thereT" Von GoeHjn res;itnded. ' I want t) sp,a with y.-u ' V n aV-: .xr.tock d d not leply. but drew l.:s revolver ar.d en deavored to shoot. Th.e earirdge rn seed fire. 9 Von Gceljn 1-.:n drew t . revolver and shot in its. or ieav rg t .e house by sneana of a key preio-siy fvea him by U rm. Vos Sthoenoeck II 1 cvklenl that Von GotUo. In hia In complete confession is aocavoni.g to shlell th wlf of th major, with whern it is ll-g ha conspired to kill bar kwabaad. SUMMARY OF THE BEE Friday. Janssry 3, Ut. 1908 iAkva' 1SOS STX' ,vnx' ZZ. to I?J- 22 -r- -t J 2 3 4 5 6 Z 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 1Z IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26JZ 28 29 30 31 -r- tits wuma . FORECAST FOR and K"jri)r fa;r .VEBRASKA-Friday F (RECAST Fo IOWs.-Fair F-iday and Saturday. Warmer Friday. l'emce-ratur.- at Omaha yesterday: Z-r 1 ... U i .. IT .. 3 . . o .. .. 42 .. 44 .. 4 .. 40 .. DOatXSTTC. Eurkett a.kj Nebraska editors to heip him puh the g-railns; bill. Sena tor Brown favors ear'y convention to elect deleirates-at-lars-e. M 've to abolish the Broken Bow land office. Fa 1 Sunday chool workers are In session 1n Boston con"lderin a chajige In the Sun day school lesson methods. 1 Fhvs'cjar.s are seriously consHerlnf rlan for shortening 'he number of yeurs' preparation nessary for students. raar 1 Attorney H.irt of Minneapolis defends himself charge cf Insulting the, supreme court "-3" 1 Eiirt year"' sentence Is g-'ven Roy How-j ard at Drs M lines for murder. Vag 1 France and the Uni'ed Stit are l-.kely j soon to arrive at a trade agreement. 1 Far 1 j Captain Fll'.shurr has been appointed ; chief of the bureau of n". iirat'on. Fag's 1 Tobacco war t HopAlnsviile and ' throughout Kentucky may be settled by the action of the American Tobacco ;om- j pary. The Powers Jury has a dif'.cult time , rearhirg an sjrreement, Faja t ' Leslie M. Shaw has not made up his : mind whether he will be a candidate for, the presidency. Faff 1 i Women are now allowed to smoke in some of the flrst-cla." restaurants In New Tork. Far 1 House and senate at Washington are lik!y to engage In rivalry over financial legislation. Fa- t FEBlaSXA. Governor She'don will take his staff with him In the near f iture and present the silver service Nebraska haa donated to the battleship Nebraska. Fa-a I FOavsxaar. Count Bob! de Catellfcne and his cousin i engage m a Tst fight in Paris. - Fa. i Japanese at Vancouver attack city fire-j men. severely wounding one as result of i mistaking New Tear's carousal ror ho. , tile 1- mc.nstratlon. FT 1 j Th.e Bank of England reduces the rate j of discount from T to per c.-nt. Faff 4 : One Russian col'-nel was killed at Sa- , mara. Fa, 8 SFCaT. i Coach Tost of Mi -1 ian unlvers'ty re- popds to the .a-tac-'.s of President I-avld Starr Jordan of Iceland Stax.f j-4 uni- . versitv bv declaring no money was g.ven to secure the pret-n-.e oT ' . jregry at Ann A-hor. Faga COlOCSZCLaX aV2TO nrDTSTaVIAi. Live to. k markets. FlJ T Grain markets. Fag- 7 Stocks and bends. Fa; T KOYXStXltT T S CI wCCXS BTrAJC3XZF. Pirt. A-rtve4. aalle. K .Finiaid IS? V T Ra NET V. rk . C:tt 4! Btssioa. - NniHerdaoa . . . r. V T R n - Omalf. V n! VS ;: . . v?-!!!'1 Giotraacl. ... S(!.e ttaua 1J1TB rO i L Pirrr IV?TOS CS-axr.e If ,n tr-naa. BT WIRELESS SAELF. ISLANI'-Minneiiana. from L.m dcr. t Nem- Tors. eus' at p. m. yUEENSVOWN Arrived of. st.-atr,er Saxon a. fn.-n: Boston for Llvvrpocl. and prfx eec.ed i u--ahle to land faaei gers u act ouni of r-ugh eu:her. srke bretakt-rs. Two thousand men began the cars shortly oef re II o clock Sr.ots mere fired and pe-s.r.s were inj.ired. IXDIAXAPOU3. Jan. 1. Three com- 1 panics cf the Indiana National Gaard spent t..e night under arms at tr.e barracks and are being held in leadiness. Comr-anies at Winchester. Kokomo. Greer.f.eld and Le- I ilmay s'rke ir.g the line n i'nes. it Mun. ie and ,t te Indiana P- EIGHT YEARS GIVEN HOWARD to Trooper mt ee.. Cavalry at Do Molars. DES M"INES la . Jan 1.-N neieen-y-a-- 1 old Roy Howard. convi.-t-J of murderng Martha I n ray on 'he nght of Novem ber mas s-r.i-nee 1 to e ght years in t.-.e penitent sry a: .Arimosa today H was g:en the max. mum f t ;::r: slaughter It Sitt i':-r-lnl t) shoot d a -i:- ocia rival ar. 1 shot Ms P'.cray instead, lie plea-i-tl at acc.der.t as an ex.tire He mas a tT'.op-r tff me d 1 cavalry sta tioned at F-.rt l ea Moin-s. H j home .i at Feorla, 111. ATTORNEY ;.ARJ IN DEFENSE Miaaea-Mlia Lawyer Say Ho Was tollkla Rtabts la CrillrUlsaT tssreme ''trt. "ST PAUL. Minn. Jar f. -Th s-c:a. supre-:e court a ; p nt - d b- lo erne r J xin- .n to cjns'J r the r-.-oluti'D ff ti. State toard o l-ew Exa.iir.ers trat A torney Frsncs D Hirt of Minr.eapois be dls tjarred bees -se he ir suited the supreme court, net today Mr. Hart addressed t.-.e court and revewed a.l the c rcumstances of hs seratioral attack upoa a number of d.revtkT.s mao ry th suprem court and contended that h tad been s'.nct.y within tua nghL j -JSC Kt": I iJtf ifl 1 4 o m. 6 p. m Ae4JS m. T p. m . ' (i p. m . TAFT FIXES 01119 DATES i Priaiariea to Select Delegates Will Be , Held February 11. state cosyestcos maech I j.wrsvkrr ortrn of Seastor Ftrf4 later Date for Botk EtfiIi Haahe Start OrftaliillM. COLUMBUS. O . Jan. 1 The republican tate central comniittee ton'.g-t after a protracted session decided to issue a call for state primaries, to be beid on Febru ary 11. and for a state convention to b held In Columbus on Marob 1 to seieot del- j crates to Uie republican conven- j t,un- Jm- R- Oerfieid. secretary or interior. wHl be chairman of the sai con- ventlon. Tr.e friends of Secretary Taft i ' wer in control or tne commituee. mei supporters of Senator Foraker on the com- mittee favored laier dates for both the primaries and the convention. Haa-aea Oraaalsattoa Started. NEW TORK. Jan. 1 Flans for a state organization, in the interests of the com- i inatlon of Governor Huajhea. for president, j were made today at a conference of re- J publicans, lea-lsiator and otners. at me ; rwenmore liuiei in line . j . sw. Alfred R- F-ge of New Tork presided, and there were also present , Conirrf ssman George E Waldo of Brooklyn; Stat Sup- . erintendent of Prions C. . Collins; State i Water Commissioner John Slacher; Re publican State Committeeman IL G. Ten- i nant; Charles H. Tour-, president of the New Tork Republican club, and A. B. Humphrey, who introduced In that club the recent resolution endorsing: Governor Hughe for the presidency; Senator John RaJnes of Ontario, republican leader in the ; senate: Superintendent of Public works; Frederick C. Stevens. Speaker Wadsworth ) cIude tK, proceed In Hardn s bed and Senator Saae of New Tork. the attl- j room. Th suggestion was re.w-ted and tud of each of whom Is of special Interest I court adjourned antii tomorrow. The in this connection, were none of them j Tajrebiatt affirm the report that Emrmr prent. wiiliam has concluded to restor Count The conference was called somewhat In- j Ton Moltke to active service and give him formally. Senator Ptige sa'd. under the a high position in his immediate trntouraga. ausmces rl the committee appointed at a - - r ' Terence In th.e same Interest held Just ; fore Christmas at the Manhattan hotel in i con: befoi New Tork City. This cammittee cnns.rj , cf Senatcr Paige and Messra Slalcher. j Humphrey. Tour.g and A. R. Smith. j "Those present at the conference." sa d : Senator Paige, "declared that there was a! FORT WTLLIAM3. Cntario, Jan. strong pubile sentiment in favor of the j Twelve IVHikhobor pilgrims started' out ye nom inatlon of Governor Hughes and It waj terday. without clolufrg, for one of their agreed that a provisional organization strange marches through th streets- They should be Instituted by the selection of a man In each assembly d.trlct. Further meeting was left subject to th call of my self as chair-nan." The organisation, he said, will be con fined to republicans. "T believe the state republican eonvenlnn will Instruct Its delegates in favor of Gov ernor Hughes." he concluded. The governor was informed tonight of th action of the conference, but declined to niaka a comment. p AMENTS ON INSTRUCTION pttlbwwe Caee (,ei Over Tatll T- xeorrwOT Rrsieit by Coart for ritatloaa. BOISE. Idaho. Jan. .Ju;g- Wood was not ready to furnish the attorneys copies of his instructions to th.e Jury in the Petti- i bone rue this morning and an adjourn- j ment was ordered until 11 o'clock tomor row rr.omlng. The Jury was brought into ' ccirt and only a nrVf session was held. Requests for instructions wer presented hy both sides yesterday and Judsre Wood then asked that authorities on them be f bmitted. Th.e defense asked that the J-iry be in- i -P' "'n" 't cm 'iot mow ot t.-.e aax structed thai a verlict of guilty could not : i't' -'x1 ,-' Mount Royal he d.d not at be returned on the ground of conspiracy j "rapt to identify the steamer he passed. If the evidence showed that Pettsbone was a member cf such conspiracy Haywood llty. The having already been found not grill defense maintained, in asking for this in struction, that th.e Haywood verdict was : binding on all of the defendants. Insofar . ! as tile conspiracy charge is concerned, i . The prosecution asked that the Jury be In- I 1 structed that if the defendant had in his pssesiiion evidence which was not pre- , V r.ted either by or otherwise, the fact may be considered by the Jury. At torneys on both sides agreed to submit . authorities on these two phases at once. I i It was announced by Jjdue Wood that ' r.lght sessions wo -.Id be held, if necessary', in order ti get the case to the Jury this week. The v-fnil. tion of Pettlbore is im proved, but he returned to th.e hospital after court adjourned. POLICE COMPLETELY PUZZLED - to the percentage cf Increase in the volume Clse to Ideality of Wosass Fossd 1 cf the currency, but the inclination of Dead Is Posd at Hsr- J senators seem a W be to as large rlsos. ?l. J. j an augmentation as the conditions of t.-.e banks Justify. NEW YORK. Jan. 1 Repeated failures ! Senator Ea.ley expressed the opinion to to discover the identity cf the moman wao ! day that if t.-.e l-ll to be SJgjrested by m as murdered at Harrison Thursday night ' republican rr.err '-rs rwJ. na.Lly approaches have ft the police m th no apparent tan- ) the demands of the democrats it will be gibie clue to work. The work of the police ' permitted to pass without extended oppo has been greatly hampered bv th mis- i sition- He deemed to give his views of leading statements made by many p-ersons mho hava attempted to Identify the body as that cf seme missing fr'er.d, of which the cumber in and around New Tork ap pears to be incumeral i-. The talk of em r loving the hounds owned by the New Vcrk police derailment In an effort to 'race the moverr.t-ns of th.e murderer has le.n aoar.wnrci. . c.v-r nas oeen en: ploved to search for the underclothes and sloes of the muriered woman, whii h are ti.l rrhs'ing m tr.e r.r that some mams may be f .r.d up-n them which will reveal identity. The mife of Albert TSiofnr- s. n. one cf tne tmo men who ocrup ed r-r ' .ei- c.-.e crime was committed and mt-o nas teen detained by the p-iiie. las been found in Sheffield. Etglaed. e.imirat.rg all suspic i . that she ! as the m -rae.-el tonus SMELTERS MAY NOT CLOSE UP General Maaager .f Clorad. Cms- rers Takes More Hopefal View of Mtaatiu. DENVER. Cclo. Jan- 1-Frtrl n Guter- man. ger.e-ai manag-r of the smelting and c"n-.pany v asxed t lay re garding tne truth of tie d.t-a'-h from Helena. Mont., last r.l!.t. that me sn.elt- ers cf olora lo mere to be w. s.d d wn or wages re l.c-ei. said he Hi - erv oprimlt over the sidered a situation T 1 a eonferen he ma'ter was con- e some i ago. he tali, and it wis agreed In a t-ntatlv wiy to reduce pr:-duct.h n. T.-:s mss b caMsc thei mas no market f r k-aj. oce of the! produ-tion of the smelters of CPiorado. Since that h has recaived a4 vicea from New York that thor Is an la crassc.d demand for lai and bailer th dacisios will ba revoked. Russia makesclean sweep; lidlrturata Arr RrtinH .BSlat Iar sei.u.t ptT. ST. FETERSFURG. Jsn. j were returned todav against all the mem- . bers of the executive commit! of t lie ' popular socialist party, ard their trial t- i fore the cov.rt of appeals for !lged at- i tempts a: revolution will begin shortly. The accused men belong to the intellectual ! section of the social revolution. sts. They I are mostly veterans of the revolutionary j struggle, who withdrew from the social revolutionary party tn order to participate j in the election to .the third Duma. Among j them are M Amriisky. who In !Jo was exiled on account of his political activities; Iran Mlakotin. tae well known Rusts an aathor who shared Maxim Gorky's Impris onment in a fortress In 16; M. Latugia. the orsamler and firr president of the Leaua Qf . whicft co-operated wl-h labor orp..r.MtHMM d-.irlaa; the era of sink- m )Muaa,, of tte o-toter manifest j, and aevtial prominent attorneys. The men are accused of beina; merr.brs ol a secret or;anix&lioa a hith aimtl to over throw the rovernmer.f . The pena'ty on this charge may be penal aervlti:ie for eig-t.t years. Tb case has the same avn eral feature as the trial of the social dem- pcratlc memr-er of the) D-uma and that af tjj9 farmer deptitVl wr;o signed txe Vloora; n-.anifesto. USRnCN NOW SFRiniKI Y 11 I I loi iw toll I w tftolllVWl totaj E-ltwr Trial far LI Wei I aaale Ipsrsr la fart ReraaM af erlowa Candltioa. BERLIN. Jan. Z The closing scene of ; the Harden-Von Molt it e Hbel suit was not ! enacted today because Harden waj aain too ill to appear in court. The court's official pryslclan was sent to Hardn s hou lm verified ihe Tint of his illness. The prosecutor asked the court to crm- i FANATICS GO MINUS CLOTHES j Daakkokar 1 Ontartw Try Britfl ts Air aad Laad lat Jail. f raid were finally rounded up by the police. S"ven men and five women were tn th party and they marched a half mile In canty attire before reing stopped. RUSSIAN COLONEL MURDERED f kief af Prwvtartal Geslarsiei Fatally I Skat Crwwded at Sasaarau 9ts SAMARA. Russia. Jan. Z. Colonel Bo broff. chief of the proTiocIae gendarmerie. wwav- ahot and lrttrsw is) a -erowded her today. Trace f Imaslarrast Wtessaer. I ST JOHN. N. B Jan. 2.-A steamer, j thought to be the Canadian Pacific liner 1 Mount Royal, twentv-flve days out from ; Antwerp, for this pert with immigrants ahoard. was passed Monday night of? SaMe lsiann ry -..-. steamer lxe champUin or the Lake line, wh ch arrived here last even- lrg from Liverpool. Captain Webster of the Lake Champla n repents that hen off Sable island he passed a schooner about f.feen mile, away on tee same cours; he was steaming, hut was moving slowly. No signals were seen. As MONEY LEGISLATION LIKELY Rivalry Develoais Betwees Hosae asd Sesate Over Flsasrial Meaaare. WASHINGTON. Jan. J.-With the ap proach of the reconvening cf congress there is rer.emed talk of flnane'al legislation. The house and SK-r.aie committees will both resume sittings on th.e subject and it now looks as If there might be something; of a rivalry between the two bod'es as to which will report a bill While the house com mittee Is ajarertly inclined to m-hat Is known as an asset currency, th senate committee ia proceeding on th theory that only a very limited list of ?eoUr;jj.-a should be accepted for the 'nerea.sed issue to be provided for in the bill. So far there has been no ag err.ent s what its character should be. TOBACCO WAR MAY BE ENDED O IBeial of sasy I ts-erir.. Tob.ce. Co i vestsrh.y t. uri l -silk tiros-ers. rER. K .. . J.i. ;.-P.. K WINCHES' I . Smith, v.i e ireni irr.t of the can To- lo meet n.em- ! taceo company, is here t'Juy i be'S cf the ! Tobacco s- iHT.I bcarla of t.-.e Bjrley I ty ar. ! r.;--t . pounds' j cf mni'e hurley sanities reprts-nt nuMied crop of t'. pour..'. ::: the .'.'I a v.ew -P If the , ti me purchase of the r.ifr ' purchase is made :: mill n.rk t..e settle ment of the io.-.g c n-roversy betwe-n the ; American T tta.-c t company the m i::! j burley growers. Hundreds of gromers are I here to attend the tr.ect.r.g. Practical y tmo-th.rcls of me Counties corr.p -Sir.! tr. I white ouriev belt lave vote 1 r.vt to ra t. . t .hacco :n - I : SHAW'S MIND NOT MADE UP I S'orsaer Secretary of Treassry sa Telia 1 DeslMS Frlesds .. Visit Tber. I I PEN! SOX. Ia.. Jan i Spe- ial W Hon L. M. &raw who is here, spent New Tear s day at I-enison v.s : .ng oil (r-r.ili aaJ ' locking after t i.- connected h he is in', -en-d. , with the tan t.i I When uestioned at to the e rrect.on his ; name with the c-mlnatlon f .r the pret-' dency he state. wLne he had r. v.l many letters urgi-ig h.m ta ask t. e support of Iowa tn th convert!, t. he was far from decided tht h wo.lj d o so Ha hl:evs th delegation frcm New Tr will esnaa tured. was sentenced to tn pen to th. cavsc-a .Jt porting Haa-vak j IZXlVZM TLX " SHOPS OPEN ON OLD SCALE Union Pacific Xech&nici Resume Work After Lay-Orl of Week. X HITHER. F03XES 502 TLYE CUT ntsrtsl Say Exactly aae Cadltio.s Ob. Is aa Existed ike Holiday asd Taey Ho Will Caattaae. Work aas resumed In th various shote j of tha Union Faciflc Thursday morning I after a week layoff for the holidays, j Th company has not. and it aays it will j not reduce th workday from elitht to seven hours as a means of ctrrtalltnar the volume of labor. Officials announce that 'exactly the same conditions that obtained before the Chnwmaa wk layoff will re main In Ttaue and that no chanaea what ever are c jtitempiated. It a stated at the a-eneral muiaer a office that all the men who wished to re- j turn to work had been put tack on their I old JcL ar.d that r.o cut in th work-na; ftm had been mada. In October the work- ira; tlm of the mechanic at the she;- was cut from mc to eiarht hours, but stroe tha: time no further cut ha been male. I The men in the shops at Omaha. Noril: I Platte ar.d Grand Island were iad off for I w' ,1,. Ji ' .vl.. ivm B. ' ' i . , . m . !9 L k .11' 1 . ' I.'. Hj - . -" I ' to continue with t; present force and net t make any reductions in f.-wce or time. I bjt that it de( d entirely upon cori ! dJons that arife. DECISION ON COMPTROLLER Jadge R Ity lick M ill Determlae alld t Law t reatise Coaaty 0ce. The validity of the law creating the office of county comptroller will be ile rlded by Ju1ge Redick either Saturdiy mfirnlng or Monday. At th.e close of two days of argument Thursday evening he he would decide the rase Saturday If possible and If not then h would announce his decision Monday morning. T r ci osir (T ifiit P Breen. who Is declared null, we The closing arflments of Attorney John seeking to have the law re based on his conten tion that the companion bill mergi.-.g the city comptrollers office with that of th.e county comptroller void, because It amended the city charter of Omaha with out specifically setting forth section of the statute repealed or amended- He held that the larger part of the work per formed by the comptroller would be the checking cf city officers and that If this law were void the law creating the office of county comptroller should fail. too. RUSH LOOKS FOR SURPRISE Bays If GsTrraaest Briar Harriaaaa Salt It Will Be the Eavst ll froaa "If the s-ult to dissolve the relations existing between the Union and Southern Pacific la brought In Omaha. I suspect U mull be filed by an attorney from Washita-ton. who will juleny dTT in here without any heralding of h'.a coming and file hi papers before we are aw-a-e. of his presence in the city." said Special Attorney Rush for the government, wh-n asked about the reported plan of th.e gov ernment la the Harrlman case. "I have I r.o right to speait wu.n lamoniy on vne 1 subject." added Mr. Rush, "f r no ad- i MoM naTe br,n ent me. I know nothing 1 j of any a- tlon taken or contemplated. " , i Union Pacific officials are still untvl- , y)Sed on the subject, they say. j VESSEL SINKS IN COLLISION ! . Sekoosrr Ellssbetk Palmer Meet blp aad creeds Is Ssv- lag Crew. EAL.TIMORE. Jan. i. Captain Delano cf tht iteawr Por. Uro. stich .rnrel t,r, this mcming frctu New Tork. repar'sl passirg the schooner Elizabeth Falmer at 4 p. m. on January 1. ten it;!i southeast of Hog Island, the last named vessel re porting that she had been in ccllls.on ol Earneg-at last Saturday nlg.-.t with a vesal whose na-me Captain Delano could cot un derstand. Th. ULknown vessel mas sur.k and t.".e Palmer took off th crew ard had ttera on board. A dispatch frcm Cape Henry to th.e Maritime exchange says the tug Imperial passed in the capes towing th.e schooner Elizabeth Palmer at II 40 a. m. today. The schooner's bowsprit wis damaged GUILD ASKS FOR REGULATION Cowrrsor of Masascfc aaett Sesda Mrs sage to I-ea-lslatare Cos erralsg Railroads. BOSTON. Jan. Z. Jovemor Guild ln his message to th ler-slat jre of Massachusetts today sa.d no steam railroad ln th.e state is giving th.e public the service it shoull. lie aid-d: ' Existing law is inadequate to deal with cf railroads The Massa I p inl-c control chusetts Hi.:roaJ commission, me pi r.eer 'n state control of public oorpora'ior.s. should be clothed with ample p-.s ri. It should at Vast he giv-n t.-.e control of railroads m"th-n Maasacnusetts tnat is g'vn to the Interstate c. mmer.-e commis :..n tn regard to roads an interstate h-.?:n--s. ANTI-FUTURES ACT IS VALID Federal JadaT- Hsle Irksauu 1 egie- lalare May Protect People's ! Morals. i I LITTLE R.CK Ark.. Jan J Jidg- Trjeher in the federal court her today upr.e.d t-.e constit-ith-nal-.ty cf the r.h- futur a-t The court s that the stte d.d not ex-eed its power in en a t.r.g the statJte as a po!.-e res-iiat' r. to protect the morals of the public. The suit maj begun, by a Ch.cago bre-kera'-firm 3n tr.e bsis that the law vtilaaed Interstate rlgh's. CAPTAIN PILLSBURY SELECTED I resldest asd Seereisry Meteslf Select II I as tor thief of avl gatloa. WASHINGTON. Jan. T Af'er a renfer en with Ph-es.dert Roosevelt today Sec retary Metiaf announced that Capfa.a J E. PiUsoury hid teea se.--.ed as chief 0f tre r.avirati.-n bureau of th Navy depart mcr.t. Captain P'.'.libury parUc'.-at.-d la the coDfereroo ltween tha prosldent trd th Just prior to the i-ncas-nr.aii'. E sea Bed PriMSer Arrested. ST. UJl'lS. M v. Jan. 1 TiA-y. wanted on the charj r artuctpattr ! in t.-.e rohe- y T.i.. tar. in S--rte: i. lam A. .f navlrg tr. coin, er 1 S' i. m as brougr.t here today from e p. rst ow a e D. wner n was vs.gratiey Th Ocln cer.tiy arrested for, !r was roMi of' f ght with citlien 1 ll Ct'O. ttl after a Tracy and Hnry Coi-man we.-e cap - !!?:T!r.:!.L'BURKETT ASKS HELP Time I aw R ew Ire 4 Pre i. rat tea. FITTaiiT'R'J. Jan. 1 An important HMT.I of lead. eg medical men and edu--aiors of the rout. try convened har todar n the hall cf th Carnegie mstltjtei. f residents of colleges and univrIUea of the ccur.try ard meliial men. both profea- rs and jc-,rrs. represent'Jig the American Academy cf Medicine, are In at tvriJance. The meeting her Is not the con. ventlon of t:e academy, but the work of l i s as it Is tertned. will turnlab, ! i .e 'ealirg t-.. ugMs for the annual ctn- ; m:;on of the American Academy of Medi- i to held ti.e sword week cf June ! .it Chicago. Two great questiona. rrob- ! ably the most important from a sociological : nd ed.H ational viewpoint, will be d.s- .ssed and the inf.uenco of this meeting . t rT) piaie in i..e unca " o tear fruit. f-T-ST P.-:il r that fo ir res-s 1n cot- R-d f '.r e,s in a rr.-ujcal school I ii" too ncii c f a mr s life to ask in . trarat;n for t.:a profession, the Acad- i J" 1 Med.cir.e rT' P'-ses so to amr 1 -f co'lege o'.wj ard 1M me lical foi'fi int s-x ye.irs only will be ro-ired. Tils li-sti. n wtii be d s.-us.e-i fr. m the v-ew-T- nt f the by Fres' lent ja-v-h G . iivjTirur cf '".itrf; ii".;versify. la'd s'arr jordsr. pres dnt of and'9tanf rd. . . university; Jamea L' M ffau. prescient f Y;ti. nu-on nd JtlT-Ti' ii college, and thr lead re men. , "iTnd-Pt.i'.e cai eita-iiirat.-.n laws, i rl h state requires a state '"ed .-a! ex- ' u-niKn hefor a d.x-t r can rrt.ce 1 1 .-. . n N-rders. Tl"e a.itin r roroses t vit a usitem examination he heid in ott sis'e ar.' mat a doctor who hn.s t lis'on In or.e state n-y e .Irr.itte.l t.- rramce -n any stall a:t nout agin t.tktr.g .an MODERN SUNDAY SCHOOL WCRK Ira ia This Briars l.ilkrr at Boa toa to loafer Over Uelr ability. B"'STON. Mass.. Jan 1-M'ti represent r.g all of Sunday st.'-1 work in North A--r,ena are in Boston today to at tend a corferen raile-1 bv W. N. Harts horn. rH;nrin the e.. i i ie rnTrirl'tM of th International S-inday School associa- tion The executive committee, the uniform lessen committee, the Sunday School E.H- tonal association and the denominational pubi:.;.:nir concerns of the country were represented in the assembly of the leaders, j who are authorised to pe&jc for nearly all tha denominations of the Ch.rstlan church. rnr-sent ir.g some 14. .'.'. members con nected with loi.OCO Sunday schools. Topic f r discussion Is 4 How Can W Improve the Lesson System T" Th.e International lesson committee, prompted by action t.vken at th last tri ennial convention at Rome In 1S9T, haa under consideration the question ef chang 'r.g the s stem to meet advancing condi tions, and there has been much discussion of plans by members of th edltoraal asso ciation and the publishers of lessons cf various d"nor-.;natirns. While various conferences hsve been held by several branches cf the international I w,t,r front w1thou, nnl,rn),rj htn1 nortaUon this 1. the first time In the i fr- My pc.ltlon 1. that if th go-em-history of the organization, founded In ITS. , ,. that the four great branches of the work have been represented at such a meeting. COLORADO BANK SUSPENDS Rocky Ford laatltatlna Forced floae its Doors Ftllswlsg Severe Rsa. to ROCKT F-"'P.P. Colo.. Jan. I The State bank of R.vkv Ford closed its doers to- i cay following a run. ptate aar.K Exam- Iner Beattv is maklrg an lnvestiiratlon of the bank, which has heen regarded u one of the soundest In th.e Arkansas valley. Tk liabilities cf the tank exceed 1410. 000 and th.e assets are placed at over S6TI. malniv loans on high grade farm in tills vicinity The bank is capl tal.ged at S37.100 a'.d th.e surplus Is 130, 001. The officers of the State bank are: President. J. E Godding: vice presfVnt. Senator Swlnk, cashier, E H. Smith; s:str.t cashier. D W. Barclay. Thc7 are two othar baass in Rocky Fcrd. th First National and th Farm rs and Merchants. Neither cf these has he'r. affected ty the of the rtj-.'j 1. a.-.k. Tl.-j tfhirrs of th.e State bank hope to utli.oss In a short time One of tr.-n n.aj" the cr.irge to lay t hat certain ether financial!t ia this city corptrc-d to secure th clos-.r.g of t..e State bi-.-.k by start. n? rumors last meek that its solvency k4 (iiiestlonavbie. POWERS JURY HAS HIS CASE Art-sal Cossideratlos of Fvldence Is Marder Trial Begis at (iearstasa. dEORGETOWN. Ky . Jan. 1-Th Jury in t'.e trial of Caleb Powers, f mier secre tary of state, charged mith c. mrllr1:- ia th murder cf Ser.aior WilUiin Giebej at th time the latter was contesting the gubernatorial vote, began the consideration of the verdict today. Arguments mere closed late yesterday evening and the JurifS retired, but decided to pcstpor.e the.r actual cons'.d-rat ion until tcday. Up to this afternoon no verdict had been reached in the Pcw-rs case. An Impreci sion Is growing that the Jury may not be able to arree upon a verd'et. WOMEN NOW FREE TO SMOKE oase Xew Tork R es t a r Year's. NEW TOR X. Ja: the p.. an cf aliomii the public dmirg r cf t:ie prominent . I So suei mas g somen 13 smoke In or.., introduced at one Fr a Iwav restaurants for the first time m N ec e that an'ther of t' ea'lr.g places has f -i! York New Year s the famous P'oadaay .j!.,wj su , jt !s ,T more of them mi.l fa.1 Th- h g hotels, and p-e, ted tr at severa in lir.e ;rr.mecl;a: e the Fifth avenue rs'a mil! not. so th n ar.agers say. f .llow s-i-t. for the present at lrat. Until last n'ght no f.rst- ' ciass restaurant in New York had per- w. men t s-r.oSe m the ONE MAN INJURED BY BOMB Exsloaloa laid to Black Haad Wrecks Teacsaast Is .w York Oty. SLW YORK. Jan. t A dynamite b' mo hei evel to tav been set off by meoileis of th Bllik Hand soc-ety wracked tr.e er.t.rr! lower V. jct of a f '..e-i'ory tenement liouse on Ett Sevsr.tli street 'ast rig..t ard caul a psvr.i? T.o-.g th.s oceu-ianis cf the Uulliit.g Jte nan. wis 'rjiri by the xploKi.. - ' " " " . P RT s.v i ; rt a ra . ear r Robi er eariv mis mora.rg liem- ar. the w.ajt r.f it - M.-Curta-n cjtat Dr. at ilot'u'ain Ok! forty n :nm l.nre s--curd . J and si!- er and esotped .t.r : " '" in go et-a. g r.o Wants the 5ewi?cr to Assist la Pnsiin. Grazing Bill. WETTES LETTXES TO ALL OF THXil If Yeasure is Objectionable Requests Them to Point Out Where. " LAJDS SOT PRODUCTIVE ENOUGH Thinks it Would Deprive Water Front cv, t c f !I ScP- BROWS FOR L7 ?.IY C0S"ESTI0S laterler Desart meat t'aatessalates tlsli I m Ik Brakes Betv Laad Oflre avad r brmakm Uelrgs tla Objaeta t It. (From a Staff Correspondent l WASHINGTON. Jan. l-.SpecUl "' gram, t Senator Burkett proposes lo aoer ta;n the sentiment In Nebraska ir. r.a lor. to tha grailtig bill ha has Introduei addrcssi:-.: a lettr to every r.ewsr.;t-purO'.s't-r in th state, asking his ass-s'an-" ! In hr ng-ng before th peop.e of Net.-as'-.a the pruvis.or.s of th Burkett bill. , Following is a copy of Senator B'irkttJ's letter to the editorsi "I enclose a copy of the grazing bill that I !ntr.i need. You will notice change from last year's bill they are Intended to protect mor the h'lint steader anl to promote homestead entrv. Homesteaders and small cattleman we al ways want to protect; and then a want all th.e land put to use. The government lard is certainly cot belnaT used as aeil as it should he. It 1 net being utillred for the best interests of the federal govern ! ment or the state or the people of thi j community. i Pe.ieve tr.s gr-ai tracts j of oVernm-r.t land should be made a ' ourre cf income to the ststes rather than ' Permitted to remain a aourca of expense 1 forever The stats makes Its own lands prodjee an incotnewty siutuld government lands remain Idle and un prod active? Au thority should be lodged somewhere to d-vse a p'an to make them a source of income snd also for their more economi c use. There Is no reason why anytr.lng should be wasted simply b-ecause the gov ernment owns it. Privately owned lands In tie same community ar sustaining mor than the public lands on an average. I was told the other day of officials of a cattl comrtony opposing th bill because they owned all the water front cf a certain comnmnity and nobody would want adjacent government land without water. But reverse th.e proposition n 1 1 nerVaea finSwtv a-nnl.t ne4 ett ik.t I landa as It has after Its forests. Then I water front owners mill rav to maka te m i instead of dirt at haa" them. " "1 want you to hebj me get tibia bill b---fore the people. If the bill Is right I want your support and the peoples sun- ! port for it. If It Is wrong I want voj to p.ont out the errors. I shall be glad ti h'UT fr"rn rMJ -ln'1 everynne who will he'p le interest trough In It to writ to m. ' ' " ' p s1 x uie i-sieia- "or wi.i sefje me coniraversy over the pu1i"c lin ls that m aged so long." Brows for Karly Cosvestlos. S-enafr Pmm-i sHid today that he ita In favor of ap, early convention to select de!erates-a! la-re to the national repub lican convention. "I see th.e state committee will meet ot January . and as the law provides that thirty days must elapse before the meeting of the state convention It occurs to m that February S would bo a good ctap.e on j . ," . ... , , .eieKm--av- arse. . -. r rnrciit ia ex- i presly exempts th selection of de)etaes ' at-large by the primary, but the peop i cf the state have a perfect light to vote ' their choice for president at the primary at which tim delegates to the state ar.d district conventions are chosen. Of course that Is a matter for th.e state eomrrl'tee cf the republ'can party to determine at Its meeting on January ." , Among reputlica-is hereabon'a there Is a ' feeling that the deloe-ates-st-laere will b Governor Sheldon. S'-r. .-.tors Purrctt and Erown and Victor P.osewn:r Proctooe to ( oe l aad OlQff, S-crt-tary Garfie'd of th I.-.t .- or -1 part n.ent about decid' d to flos- t' laid office- at Er-ii-n l ow and lit e.' r th ! b'ks 2nd recoria to Allium-.'. TI e :rjn; e"t kir. 1 cf a pr.teal win b n.d- to ;'ois ' acuoa by the Nebraska delefa'ion. n..: j withstanding it is In llie witii the pe l cy of the department cf cor son ia r.s offices In districts where the lasils are pretty g -!:-eraliy proved up. In c!mj t-s B-i.';i-n Bow :t will throw out of e ."r. nv 'two old s. Idlers Mesars Pevo at I An s 1 berry. il.i records ere f :rst-. las. An !r.pector. however, las rep rtel in ?a.c 1 of th d:s.ontinuar.ce cf the office at 1 Broken Bow and plaur. tho records i-i A.llance. Th entire Nebraska delaai-oo- mill figt.t this consolidation aad has al ; ready entered its protest agm.r.l (.1 p-t-post-d action. Btecs Waald Cr t. Cssgrts.' W. M. Keece, who has beu a c.cik :; th committee of .r.ds - f '.. hcuat sioc the Fifty-f o ir:.: cor.grsj u.-. r X.a,." ; Jor.n F Lx of the t.i;h i ,. ;i, il l, , loaves for fcji hcrae t.rr.otruw. th. i. .eat of Major l-acey and the iel :u.r. t - ta 1 R.aui M-ndeli of 'iVjUjruii.jf at .-..inan terminal. r.f M: P.eecs s . m 'committee. Mr. F.-: ha; "' ' f-'t , years n '..e s.-'.h utrci and ha 1 av a' ! decided to !.'-r ti. rac for th S :v-.'.rs' Congress In li event M;or - v dot 'n:t desire i-i j'e a t si'tllts u if'; running f r cor.sriws. The- . 'a 'of Lucey .- r.s a (ami. late fjr ? -.eruor j which iJiJ fc.inpl:' matters In th in- : id.s'r tt connderaBl;- and t d I.ce.e 1.: : if in.biiiL'i to rtprt-it mat d.s'.r'c: m'coi. ' jfi-vs. r-iec says he Is gmg ij ;rt ' ;ar of f.obna:l shoes a d .-a.i-p.Ia-. lie '1 strict fnni (it enj ij t c the.-. Rcf.ada I (.rat. Firsts. 7m in'.rrsuai C an ere Comm.ssian '.- cty snnouaced a reparation o:4t j hs teen issue!. uiracllr.g tho I r:o . ptc.f c Re .read company to refuuid 11. 1.1 tj the Ot.;.: ili-vator oomaJ: . trer.ta cf gr n from various pv' braaka to .-.u:ic:': Bluffs Also . me ! icago. fct. Paul. M . ;t..a.. to reunu S-i TS lo th Tr i s' G : a. n company on a or ' oats .'rid W'rj.oe. Neo . to C'juro il Mlsor Matter at Tasltal. i , , . J jia-.i a .err. r ; p . p.- . .t.J' t r at i N- .'. Nr. oi r-o:u ; dj! -n of Cong. an K:rk.J he body cf Rji.o Kira Uryaa,