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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
mK OMAHA SUM)AY HKi:: XuVK.MUKl! 17. 1!K)7. It SOCIETY CALLS AUTUMN DULL Nothing of Unusual Character Sched uled for the Cominjj Seven Days. CLUB MOST NUMEROUS llwateaara iiii)nln of Pti nr t unlit In firil ttirrleMN tit Ml nr Thrlr mii I 'on v rn Irncr. of A H lick. riili- tninn :i linnnti noxlmiM In riij In lntw: lmlll!l a !. n K I- n i in i t-i n K irinn vl'-w, oli. 1 1 - ulni-vi. cliiilln ilh two 8tw iIihh not Sin- Ikis no li tlm nul I'm, Sli port eye or most brW Itchlnn 111 le. Sim Iihm no ItniK. froji iM inn rliln. No yellow fans. no s.t rthliiK s'ar. No evil ciiarmn tiro lii'l-h-n in The ki'wk.iwh hIii' (J' llMhts to woar; lint Hill' is lull' Anil has a nail Of Hps that inn kf on- Ioiik lo ilaro. Sli liiJK no holiy, rrutikctl cl.uv. 2 5 Tin r Is no elirillncyv in Iter tunn. J.!ul, ah. sin- Is a witch. Inc. him Men never Inivi pom- I'urth In sli.n A writikliil crime Who cmlil havi- knov n ClmroiH Hiirh as win n sin smiles FllilW n. ... . j- Ihv Hoclnl (ule-liliir. Monday - .Mr.- Kmc i-oi.-s. Hri.lce clnlt; Miss Mini.' I'l iiiiist liiii'Mi- eon for Miss .Ininiiie ll'own. Tt'KSDAY- Mi s. .1. I:. ShalTel . I'loi ailot a rluli; Mrs. i". K. Meilii w. Iiint lieon lor Miss Jeniinie Hiown: All. uinl Mrs. Henry W. Yates, tlinner for Mr. anil Mis 1'.. M. MoiHiimn: Mis. V. P. ;erker. hidlMf1 for Mrs. Ocoi'Ke W. '1'rihhli ; Mrs Alvln Krunk, I In n.seont Park t'anl ilnh: Mrs. f. I-;. Yost, luncheon tor Mrs Calilwell and Miss Baldwin of TloK'i. I'h-. Km sts of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell: Mrs. Cassias Crawford, Tuesday i.ititf heim chih. i:i)NK.Sl)AY-Mrs. 1,. .1 Tiaxiioi. I.n Vet;i I'luli: Mrs. K. I,. I.nwlir. Di'Kinn chih; Mis. M.. K. Iloiinhtio. alleriiooii card V'lt ty for Mi'H. I.ueiati 'ol k of Atlanta. '1m.; Mis. H. C. Peters. Koiniil lio-,:iii chih: Mis. Charles Koiinl7.i (hiKinal Cookhm' chih; Mrs. ('. M Katon and Mrs. John ('atliiTS, lit IdKe pal ly ill the hoine of Mrs. Katun. TH I'HSI 'A Y M s. Jtrtin P. W't hsli r, Cotnls chih; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Plalli. ev-ninrf hluli live party; .l. anil Mrs. (1. VY. 'ii(tles, dinner for Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Hamilton; Mis. XV. It. Nichols. ( ilil 'i'linu chih. FKIDAT Mrs. Ililnu. whist party; Mrs. I.oiiIh Clarke. Friday hi IiIko cluh. SATl'KIM Y Urown-I.auer weililinif; Mis. V. . S. lleatmi und Mrs. Arthur Hoover. evcirlnK nieetlnK f the Conils cluh. ' As tlie autumn progresses it hi gins to look ps 1 limit; h this Is to be n seas ill of club meetings rather than of "fum -lions." For i lose to a month the club meeting has been the most iiiimi i ous entry m the engagement hook, and a glance ahead shows It appeurlng with umuziUK f reiueiu y on page after page. Tt Is rap Idly bet timing evident thut ) pie lu prefer something more promising than club gatherings will have to he up and lining. Kveii the approach of Thanksgiv ing seems to have inspired plans for noth ing more unusual than family dinners, with a possible dance or two for ihe tichool folks 1 near enough to come home. Anil, speaking of clubs, more than one liosteHS has complained igorously of lute of amazing disregard on the part of mem bers if time. "They tiulte ignore the hour set for the game and stroll in at nny time during the arternoon that hap pens to suit their convenience, quite i are less cf the fact that tln-y, have perhaps thrown out -a .whole table, not to speak if seriously inconveniencing the hosiers." i.'unipluluetl one woman, whih- others hnvrf coino to class liiim tnnlily with t leanll ucss and Godliness in the list of virtues.' I'le umireM Past,. Mrs. C. W. lartriilge gave a luncheon j Haturilav at the lionie. followed liv a theater pally at th- lloytl. Her gut-its Included: Mis. Hobert Ohumbley, ili.i. Kpeneler. Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. 'I'. A. Thompson ami Mrs. Stevens. Miss Anna V. Hnilth. assisted by .Mrs. AY. J. Swoboda, entertained at a linen shower Saturday evening at tL':'T Harney street, complimentary to Miss Mollte Colr, wlnisn marriage to Dr. Glen llentoii occurs Thursday evening, November I'l. Tin. dec orations were beautifully carried oul in yellow Slid red. Among those pn sent Were Mollie Cofer. -Jennie Gofer. Miss linker. Mrs. Poaidwell, Maude Wykoff. Kdiih Steffee. Louise Sleli'ee. Mrs. Shatinhaii ami Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould t ni. rtaiii, d the Neighbor Card t lull Saturday etching at tlnlr home. Fic lubles were placed for the game of high live. Those present weie: Dr. and Mrs. William Sherradeu. Mr. ami Mrs. Kd P. Smith. Mr. and .Mrs Van Milieu, Mr. ami Mrs. A. D. Man ieli . Mr. and Mrs. M. Gv ger. Mr. and Mis h. 1 1. Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hut iuinaii. Mi', uml Mrs. A. ei nher. Mr. ami M -s. ItHyinond Goultl. Mr. and Mrs. Carrie: ami Mr. ami Mrs. Gould. Mr. and Mrs Vance cuteltaliiel the Poppleton Avenue Card club Saturday venlng. Dinner piecetled tin laid gum -. the table being beautifully' di corul.-d a l t'llll l plei e of dark led iain.ltii.il4 billed Willi fvi in.. The plate i ard.i ditoiHted with t lunt.-ii. t f wist In. Gray of Chlcugo was guest .,f H.e The members present were: Mr. ami If. J. I'enfold, Mr. ami Mis. J. P. ; aid, Mr. ami Mis. 1.. II. Korty. Mr Mrs. I-.". I-:. ISryson. Mr. ami Mis. 'leii!ng. Mr. and Mrs. Jehu K. Mac. ter antl Mr. and Mrs. ,i,ne. hi com Were .Ml i. club. Mrs. :i in h- i A. I f onie nail (. I.osslo. Mr. II. IK l.oniax lell for Chit ago. Miss Allele .Moore has gone to pm t. Intl.. for a isit. Miss Hutn Momchead Mill lean I. ig in. Monday for u week's visit In Cliii ago. Miss Mary Morgan it turned l-'iida a lew Weeks' ieit in Lincoln. I vnii Mrs. r. H. Gaines bit S.itiudav t.n few dys' visit in I u s ,M.iii. .-. Mr. uml Mrs. Loui.-i Xauh h.u, i.tuin from an extendi d easii i n trip. I.l-u.imli Speed of li kslnn c. Miss is tin- guest for the winter of A. II. lain,, and family. Mis. II. T. Leinlst .,1 1 m d bom,, s.iuu flay froin the east. here sin- I the MimilliT. l Mr. Many M. lb. ward ami soil ',( Ttelk. ley. Cal.. are tl.e giii-sts i f .Mr. .md Mis. K. i:. Fn neb. Dr. I.e lttiy Criiiiiiuer. wlm has b.-en niu r.diiii,' iwo months In F.i-rope, will sail for home Tuid.i. Tl T. W'hMe. iiceoiiipaiili d In- his ilaiih tfr. Miss GVi tidul ;i. has gone east o i u t'tW'weeks' pliunure trip. Miss Grace M-yef left S.iturd.iy e lug to srend tile winter In .New York Cliv Hi.d Cleveland with relatives. Mr. aiul Mrs. T. J O Hiieii. who left ti Short llllu- llgu III ;,ll uuloinoblle for Col taij.i, lll return heme Monday. Mi. Aul Mm. James Farm.) wl.l spcafl Tlisiikgiviug with ncy'3 pan nt.. Mr. and Mrs. li s.m. t,i'I l.uiiy Mil Kur il. Itiiliin- Jln. W'illMiii IV tlj .iKhtcr nf K i uf In r pun iii. Mr Si. 'i li mill liliiiK . , are St i n. an, I iiitle ill-- .. Mo O. I'. S.i- ell. Mr. Hllllilll 1'eek Hi' .M'llille. III., WUS tlU' KUent (!' Vi-Vilill I', at vveeK tf 1 1 i 4 hrtitlirr Mr. l-i.i!e N. I'tik, un.l Mm. 1'e.k Mi. William li. rai uii'ije uuii rt.mtlit. r. Miatrt Kllu-1, ef l'liiiiii;ii nre nik n.ling a erk in Olliulia ellluille tn Anti lr, rwl tnr th Intel. Tin y are l vt Mr. Mii.l Mrs. Churl" W. Trl rlln Hiuilli Thlrt.v-K.-ct.titl avenue. Mrs. lioliir Kluki' Is o-nilltiK f 1' iluvs In Wist point. Ni b . nml Kim Julneil l-'ihl.iv HftiiiiiMin l.j Iiit iln imhtiT. Mrs. I.'.iils 'lmk,.. Mr. uml Mis. l'mnk l'nwr ('tnnl'iy liuv- Kturni'il liiim tlnlr ill i iik trip nil iHf ill liMini- nt 13:.". Smith Thlrty- !"itl S'l'i'il Mr. W. lv Il. ilwi ll in Xi w York wa the Kii'Ki IhkI m-i k of His. I,. V. Ollr ami r.nnll.v. Mr, lli ihvr-11 was on Ills y In i l.i' Annil.s. wli.-ii- lio will i-i'Fiilr. .In. Ik. iinil Mrs. Clia-lis H. l.i.I.iiiKlt-r will .nl in xt W't ilm s.luy from San Fiunt lsi'ii on til" tiansi.orl Cook for Manila, while JikIk. 1obliiKii r will v. minio his ilutle. Mi. uml Mm, John A; Witkelli M uml Miss Ji iino W iiki fli LI. who liav IUmk ilt illfr. r. nt iioints In the heel east, of VIS w ill next return in .a, I h. I i . t 111 Mi ll have I Pasa.! w Inter. home about tin niiilil mil Mrs F. G. Spai-linn from a trip to Canada. have They 1 1. will for the ilionl the iiil.l,!.. of Dice nibcr tin. Cal.. where thev will spend Sue I n I hit-thai. Mis John I'llori Is sutTerinif from an nttnek ol' t phohl fevt i. Mi. ami Mrs. Alln Johiison are ro- Joli-lnir I, M ,.. I.iill, 0 ,,. Sirs. C. T. ltleliHiilson Is slowly ncoV ei lnK from . a Kcrlons Illness of several weeks' Ion A daughter v i s bom last Wet k to Mr. and Mis. A. II. Nt 11 of Ottawa. 111. Mrs. Nell was formerly Miss lieinlce M. rrlani of Huahii. A diiiKliti i was hoi a last Wet k to Mr. and Mrs. T. . Mallon of PhittshnrK. Mo. Mrs. Mallon was formerly MIsk Alice Cra iv ford of (nnaha. Victor Itiiyi'ii ater has t . tcUetl ami lie- "'I an invitation to nttend the tllnner to he Kiven by the Gridiron club in AVasli lni;ton. I). C Di'timhcr 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Weir. who are spentlliiK the winter with Mrs.- Weirs parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Hall, Joh Iiik over the birth of a daughter. Mr. anil Mis. Hubert Hicks have pur chased the homo of Dr. ami Mrs. Fred erick Spnrllnx nl Tweiity-seveiith und Dewey a venue and have moved from the Wf iniiia. Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Paxton. Jr.. have taken Mis. Warren rtoKcrs' furnished I nous" nt Zifix Fai-nam Htreet for the win ter. Airs. Puxton n mother. Mrs. Short of Cleveland, O., will spend the winter with her. 4 oiiilnu Kvenls. Mrs. Dunn will give a wlilsl day ufiernoon. pany Frl- The Old Time club will be entertained Thursday by Mrs. W. K. Nichols. Tlie Monday Urldge club will be enter tained Monday by Mrs. Isaac Coles. The Hound Dozen dub will meet Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. H. C. I'eters. Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Piattl will give a high five pnrt Thursday evening at their home. Mrs. J. K. Shaffer will be hostess Tues day at the meeting of Ihe Floratloia club. Miss Jeannle Hrt.wn will be honor guest at a luncheon given by Mrs. C. P. MeGrew. Mrs. Louis Clarke will be hostess this week at Ihe meeting of the Friday Bridge dub. . Mrs. Cassius Crawford will be hostess at the meeting of the Tuesday Luncheon club tills week. Mrs. L. J. Traynor will be hostess Wednesday at Ihe meeting of the La Veta Card (lub. The Hanscon Park t Jo ill dub will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mri, Alvm Frank. , The Di gnes club will lie entcrtulned Wttlnesday afternoon at Hie home of Mrs. K. L. I.swkr. .Mis. W. P. Durkee' will give a bridg. party Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. G. W. Tribble. Mis. Charles T. Kountzi; will entertain the members of the Original Cooking club Wt din sday nlteriiooii at bridge. Mr and Mrs. O. W. Wattles will give a dinner Thurstluy at their home,, in honor of .Mr. ami .Mis. .Frank Hamilton. The Conils club ' will be entertained Thin sday afternoon by Mrs. John P. Web st r at her home, 24:;i Prlslol street. Mrs. C. .M. Katon und Mrs. John Caruth- rs will give a In idge party Wednesday af ternoon at Ihe home of Mrs. i-;aton. Miss Malic Croinwst will give a luncheon Monday at her home at the llamill In honor of .Miss Jeannic drown, who Is one of the Week's brides. Mrs. C. K. lost will give a luncheon Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Ouldwel! and Miss H.ildwin. of Tioga. Pn., who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Culdwell. I ompllmt ntary to Mr. antl Mrs. K. M! Moismaii. w ho will h ave soon to w hiter j in Callfoi uia. Air. ami All s. . Henry W. j Yalcs will give si dinner Tuesday evening at their ht'ii'e. "Hillside." I Mis. w. S. Ihatoii ami Mrs. Arthur! II. urn r v.iil eiiterialii the members of Ihe Cuuis t luh ui:d tin Ir hushamls at a high five party next Patunlay evening ul th. hoi, i. or Airs. Ilcaiiin. LTiiiT llnmilton street. i Wedillugs uml Cutnin-nii'iila. At tin- Inane of It. v. K. It. Curry, p.islur j of Calvai.v iiapiisl cliureh. Air. Charles I A. Tola y i f Jai iisun. .Mich., ami Muts Ay- i ms X. Seigeunt of Jackson, Mich., were! mauled Tiiiiivuluv evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tol.ey h tt at once for i In ir home in Ans- 1 lc. i Mr. and Airs. I.lihlell announce the en- I gagi Hunt of their daughter. Aliss Irene, lo ' .Mi. John Karl Fulvt r. son of Air. anl Airs. ! C. M. I'uIm i of Oseenla. la. The wed ling will take place the latter part or IVccni- j her. Air. l ulver Is a mcniliir of 1 1 1 . - senior I tla.,.t of the f't.ighti.U Mi-dleal college. The engagennnt lias been announced of1 Aliss lieriha Phlllppi, daughter of Air. ami j Air. James O. Pliillppi. to Air. Klwtiod T. Ilailey of St. Joseph, Mo., son of Air. and I Sin. J. P. Wailcy of Uiiiaha. The wedding . w ill ake place Ti esday evening. 1 iec iiiIm-i- i la, at X n't lot k at tl.e residence of Air. and I .Mis. PhlLipi. 1MI Caliiornla sii.,t. . Manx OinHia p. ..pie will be interested In I the aiueiiineeiaeiit of the i Lgagt-niellt of Aliss Leity Lemon of Si. I.-.uis id Mr. ' J.uni s Carlton How e, t.n inci ly of Itosion, bin now of St. Joseph. M i. Alias l.,ino!i Is a Diet of Mr. ami Airs. Henri- Yules t j li ml I .1 iHilcil wi ll, Hum will t.ik, t t'i,' v.nuiK com I ji'iiv. A Weililllig lllul hen- many lime. The ! place in the spring und will reside in Kansas will h. Will Uttclldi.l jy it i m xi Saturday even- O.iUlllll'e I Kcllllih e Ir.o Id tliut til Ml, Jeiiiuili J. J. liruvvn. ami t.f I.imi.l'i. ii will be u Ilruvvn. iluruuUi -Mr. J. 1. Iiuer ' . 1 1 1 I heme Weil- il'inu iinly tlie intimate fii,n,s aiul relu tiv. M tif the llll.le Ullil Klutilll IlI Lc plVHent. I Mit Luuer, lter of the grncni. In to he the i.ialil of honer, tintl SIlns Kailli IVittr-r il i l Mi-t Mi.iie Oriuins,' w ill be the hrl.l, a. Ii!a:tl8 Mr. uml Mrs. Ltijer will take u weiiiliUK ui. Hiu-r which Uiey will t,. i,ti li,i:i!.- in 1. an i. In.- It l Bluci-re'y ngiitti ji by llruvvii K l.iany irlimls that, her iiiuinati" will lake In r away Iruni Omaha; iei iauni lit 1) . A vif iiii- iiiii i, i ju (iniaiia wus I limt of In-. A. K. Joiia of Omaha, w iicm! tin mi of Mi.- I'niun raciric- raiirouil. und Mis JesMiu S ( liliiim uf I), aver, which l-rnk ,l,.t e liisi evenW B at T:3u. The m. il. iiu,B wan a ijuli'l affair an, I neiiUi- brltle ur (sruoiii Wita utleiulej. The ( i eiimny b, (i.-i furiiu ! ut the hunie of Dr. K. Leiiiun, cuuvln of tho In Hie. by lti-v. K. Vojur of the Flial liapliat church In lenver. Only a f . w iiiimetllaie it latlvea and intlmat fricmla t Ihe iitnii wu iirexnt. Among h.'e wire Mr. ml Mrs. George K. Plil wcll or Omnlm. win) wi nt with Vr. Jonas to Denver t-'rliluy evening. Tlio ctupl will all from New York November 23 for Kk-ypt. when- they will ml tlnlr lioney inoon. n turning to Kuroix' niiont Kclinm ii ry 15. Tin y will rcalile In Oiniilni. Mis. ( haili s lliuiKiitf. clilnu tlicm iitor; flrlntf iIhIIv. itfl'J X. LUth. Tel. Wfhstrr ti:X WHAT'S THE USE OF HURRYING? Pen IMelnee or Ihe slmplp l.lfr 'inil l.rlsuroly I'sri- oil Vpnnlsh KnllrunUs. It Is noon. In the railway ard u Rroiip of yatdnieii wore making up a train. They were pushing cats about, one by one. swInRhiK theiii around on turntables Hiid iKiiorhiK the efforts of a solitary shifting eiiKlne which every now and then would steam busily lank and forth with piercing whistles ami dazzling puffs of steam. A hlue-hlnused KWltclunan ran up and down the tracks." throwing levers, blowing sharp blasts upon Ids horn. Since the train of the curly morning there had been no sound within the station. The ticket windows had been drawn down. I he throng of por ters had vanished, the platforms had been left deserted. Iii I he wnltlng room n group of dusty peasants had lain asleep, stretched out on the benches, their hi ails pillowed on their sniped blankets. Long lines of ears hail waited motionless on the tracks within the shadow of the shrd or stretelu'd beyond Into the'ynnl and (Ik- glare of n midday Spanish Two o'clock, parlure of the sun. It was the hour of riV afternooii train, and life again awaktneil the train shed. beneath the low inch of From my turner In the carriage 1 could st o the platforms filled again with pcyple; passengers hurrying up and down, peering through tin; open doors of the cms, looking anxiously for seats; station porters in patched and bagging corduroys, struggling with valises: yelling venders: pompous railway' officials; civil guards stiff ami straight benea'th their tri angular leather hats. 1 watched the train guard with amusement as he hurried back and forth, unlocking and locking doors, crowding thirtl-class passengers roughly into their seats, ignoring those triwellng second, bowing and obsequious to holders of firstclass tickets, und gallantly escort ing a Is-vy of senoritus. painted and bi powderetl. to the bet Una which hud been reserved for them. My compartment filled up rapidly. The rueks groaned with lug gage. Packages were thrust .beneath the seats. The air was soon full of the smoke of cigarettes. In life dim light within the car passengers appeared large and vague and indistinct. All at once there came the sound of a switchman's horn. It was fol lowed by u whistle, and leaning out the window I could see the engine coming slowly down upon the line of crowded cars. It wus little und grotesque, sitting low upon the truck, with toy wheels, tall lean smokestack, and trimmings of shin ing brass. I thought of the locomotive of America, a mighty mass of Iron. huge, black, Irresistible, panting beneutli the vast dome of the terminal. Here in Spain he engineer looked absurdly big anil out of place as lie stood beside bis levers. As the switchman lifted the coupling chain the station gong clanged loudly. The last trunk was tossed on board. Iate passen gers entile rushing up and scrunibli d Into the already crowded carriages. Again the gong-the slamming of many doors, the rllck or many locks; a piping whistle from the guard; a shriek from tlte locomotive; the creak of axles and the hiss of steam, and the train pulled slowly oul into the open. ' Andalusia, bleak, rugged, barren. Hill rising against hill, their summits dark antl jagged against the sky. Whit towns perched upon the cliffs. Ragged clouds mounting from the west, and through Inn rifts glimpses Into depths of blue. We were creeping up a winding roadbed between two cactus hedges, the little en gine puffing, the cars jolting over the rough joints of, the falls. The windows were ulive Willi heads. Tilt; passengers were leaping out, blowing whiffs of smoke from I heir cigarettes ami Jesting wftli the guard as he worked his way along the running board collecting tickets. He was a sallow, narrow chested man with a ragged coat thai blew loosely about hint as In. climbed In ami 'out of tin- carriages. . brass number plate gleamed upon Ills cap He moved slowly down the line cf cars, opening as the train would swing around a curve, stepping nimbly from one car to another, ami dually disappeared into 'his box at the end of the train. As i settled back Into iny corner I sud denly became aware of tho passenger sil ting opposite to me an chicly Spun lull gentleman traveling witli his son. He wore an immense pair of loiiml gold ilmmcd glasses which were constantly di-npping off. His little waxed mustache Htood out sharply from Ids lip like needle points. He teemed agitated tibntit something, and kept tldgetlng about, tapping the floor nervously ii HnilNERY REMOVAL ' Our Entire Slock of Millinery at a DISCOUNT OF SO PER CENT For a Few Day -Will Remove to Our New Location 18th and Farnam Sts., About Dec. 1st KAHL STOCK AND FIXTURES Mh'aMMMHWOt -' -" ORIENTAL BAZAAR v;j FORCED TO SACRIFICE ' tili.-nlul Kiiks at u buraain huntl-iuml-' l.iir, 1 5c sn to 7 So Japaiu He Jacket, antl Wimiuio. 7So up to W OO Tin U IhIi Slliier. 70o a pair xlraiitht Tin kiitli Tuv. i-Im, J to 5 u luili tii.tli ItuiieH, B op ta 3. Veil an- Welcome 318 MaOag-ti Blk. Tal. Dour. For The Holidav Season SELECT YOUR PRESENTS EARLY WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE Calendars Desk Sets Bridge Sets Portfolios Writing Cases Card Cases Poker Sets Engagement Books Address Books THE MOYER STATIONERY CO. 1616 FARNAM STREET. rut r.SC0FIELD UIY CLOAK &.SUIT CO. No Store But This Great Coat House Ever Knew Such Wonderful Cloak Sale New Models in Tailored Skirts. Some very new and very attractive models In tailored skirts will be placed on sale thin week, all made of finest French voile chiffon, iianama und fancy ma terials. All have that graceful appearance which be longs to the correctly made 'skirts, and for which this store Is becoming famous. The special numbers shown this week $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $19.50 with his stick, anil looking or twti at Ills watch. All of very nilniitt" a sudden lie .lumped up and pulled violently at the lever f if tlie. danger signal. Tin- train stopped with a terrific Jerk. lJtmrs und windows were" Hung1 open, passengers poured out on the track, ami the railway officials ran about excitedly Inquiring for the iiersnn who had slopped the train. The Spanish gentleman was now quite calm. lie stood in the door Willi his watcii in ids hand adjusting; his glasses. "Nothing has hap pened to alarm anvbody." lie said, smil ingly, as the guard cume rushing up. "It Is now 4 o'clock, and my son lias,, lust he roine 10 years olif. As I had tnk"h only a half ticket for liltn, I stuiqit'd the train to pay tin- other hall',' so that 1 limy not gi-t into trouble when arriving ' Hevlll"." At the next stittioii. ainltl ;i .leering crowd, the scrupulous Spanish gentleman was escorted between two civil guards I to the-, office of the , .li fe de Kstaclon to receive the reward or ness. Harper's Magazlm bis conscientious- ! WASHINGTON'S NEXT WEDDING Assemblage Will lie t'uinpnrat vel v nmll, but Its Personnel cry Interesting. Among the interesting personages who will contribute lo the wedding of Hoot, daughter of Secretary of Stale Hoot, anil lieutenant I'. H. Grant :kt, the inter est that will make up to that assemblage what it is lo lack in numbers, are Mrs. Nellie Grant Sarloris, aunt of lieutenant Grant ou the paternal side, and Mrs. I'ot ter Palmer, his mother s sister. The wed ding' is to be held In Washington, Novem ber and disappointment seems general thut the guest list Is very limited. Mrs. Hartorls, whose wedding as the da lighter of President Grant, was one of the most noted ever held In Washington. Is now settled in New York for the winter, hav ing recently returned there from a visit in Chicago. .Mrs. Potter Palmer recently back from fresh social triumphs abroad, is expected to arrive In Washington a tew days before the wedding. &. JOHNSTON FOR SALE. - 1 f f T ! ! Hliulvht all kimlH ef lu-asa to iuapect belnie piircliatilnt: workx. 50c elhi W lu l l-. A. TAMIN0SIAN 6373 or 15th and Dtxlg Harnty 337. Bta. U1" BROS. Xo othpi' storo ever dared make such a Ircmcndous pincliasc of liih class ('oats. It was 11 frrvat undertakinji;, but we realize that the women of Omaha have learned that this is the place for hi-;H class jrannents and we have their eo-tior-ation hack of us. Tlic Annual Coat Sole Is Now In Full Force mid it will possible to fount! here orohalily show such i i i Thesi elsewhere, W hether siljiy necessary. We injr shades and also lined and tailored. Special Annual Coat Sale Prices $25, S29.7S, $35 and $45 Smart New Street Coats You will find here every fashion innovation in fitted, half fitted and full, loose box effects, plain and beautifully trimmed in rich broadcloths, kerseys and a number of novelty weaves. There is also an elegant variety of short and medium length, fitted, semi-fitted and box Jackets, in various plain and fancy materials including a splendid froup of Coats of covert cloth and velours. Special Annual Coat Sale Prices $29.75, $25, $19.50 and $15 New Taffeta Silk Petticoats at $5.00. A very choice showing ol' new silk petticoats, made of best quality taffeta, properly cut, to be hail in every shade lo match your new skirt or the best petticoats on tho market, at. FOOTPRINTS OF TRACK WALKER Seventy Thousand Vile lo Hie Credit of n I'nllhfiil I'ii I rol in nn of the Hull. A track pnlroliiinii on an eastern railroad walked Into u station mi his line tin- oilier night and remarked that be had just com pleted Ills T0,(it)th milt of track walking. He had conic In from his Ut.Sl'Jth inspection of a stretch of railroad two and one-lifth miles long with lo.noo rail joints to scrutin ize in the course of a- night's shift. This patrolman's distance record Is unusual, but not unlqut he Just happened lo keep ac count of his trips, and the total attracted attention. There are others who have walked as far. I'sually a track has a beat of only four miles on this rail road. Some arc little more than hull' that, because unusual watchfulness is needed. To th safety of railroad travel the Im portance ol the obscure track walker is In inverse ratio to his conspleuousnesH. Pas sengers think little alsiut lihu, but Ids be ing constantly on duty is what enables them to fly over tin? laud in safety at lifty or sixty miles an hour. On the biK roads track inspection lias 'been reduced to an exact system. A patrolman registers in the tower at the etitl of his beat t li- hour and minute of Ills arrival; departs on his journt y, and registers similarly in the tower at the other end. At night he has only the lltjht of his standard lantern, but ho must see thut every frog, switch und signal Is In good order. If a nearby tree looks danger ous, he must report, so thut It may be chopped down. An overhanging rock may become loose the truck walker must know about it in tlinii to avert a possible acci dent. The wasli of waters must be looki-d after. Koad crossings musl be examined for danger to teams as well us to trains. Other tilings thut come within the truck wulkers province are outlying water sta tions, overhead wires and even the cattle loose ill the tiekls. The lust duly of all for the night patrolman, is to extinguish the signal lamps at sunrise. Then he goes lo bed. Harper's Weekly. h S u n ffaill''ml,'aj-ffl'l!wM,' THOSE 15 DAYS Are slipping by and the people are clipping in to take advantage of that 15 Cash Discount On Jewelry work of any kind and on jobs In hand. It will pay you and it ie paying us. :-: :-: S4 OVAvHASiiv 1I520 DOUGLAS ST.' SAM, "Tfc he many a year before this or beautiful Coat nurin: tins sale. Exclsiuve Evening beautiful garments are all exclusive models for evening or reception wear, have a inavrnit icent collection of them in whitt in black all richly and elaborately trimmed. Beautiful New Waists A charming display of beautiful new models in while, ecru and black net and lace waisis, exquisite novel ties, mescalines and crepe de chines in white, pink, light blue, etc., and an unprecedented variety of taffeta silk waists in both tailor-made and fancy trimmed effects, in black and all colors Jot street or evening wear. Kecil iuiiiiImt shown this week, at suit positievly $5.00 $3.50. $5.00. Repairing and BLACK IYNX ' 1 WfJ&)Jx&i TI"' most popular Kur, in sets, i t Wm'MS'' from $50 to $75 f Vm& Klinvl Coals . .$65 and $75 1 j YVW ()ltt'r's l,p ,Vom $135 I !W Jm BEST ALASKAN SEAL ' ?i;yg Coat, $303.00 ifinnrfllii ' m Al1 nuu,t t() your sl)(,''lal ilrij IW ler wo us( mithing lmt. tho Jml ' 1 i I I w ut'st ol s,i,ls linings ;md tin- L If illlUf '"'" r I I ' M't us rciiiotlt'l vour old i-oat. ip!L yUnk St'ts fr"1" - ..$39.00 Remodeling ZOZtfirnam St. Omaha. , """ mmm "" "' ""' " ' ' 'ii ' ' ''"'! " li-.'-''- MAWHINNEY & RYAN CO., Jewelers FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS. ..GOLD MEDAL. CHOCOLATES AND PERFECTION IN CONFECTION 1 hi' eijtial of any confection made and Hiipei lor to r great many that will cost you more. Thidr i rich, creamy and delU-louii renters win t ne uinovai 01 an. rut up hi Vi, 1. -. 'i, 5 and 10-pound boxes, per pound G0 Packed in beautiful fancy boxes . different Blzex, diffeieut prices. TntSiOBEfoitDfiiacirs. I3IK-JII f'urnaiii Street. 'Plione 711. sons fSCDFIELD lCLDAK&.SUITCa any other. hoiie will find it at such reasonable prices (hat are to be Coots and cannot In duplicated these se garments arc indispen in all even handsomely $6.75. $8.75, $12.50 L4 Cheer Up! IT WON'T LAST Wo are still selling Diamonds at the same low price OMAHA. NEBRASKA. The Perfected American Shoe Showing tilt' ni'w shapes in J.inlifs' Shoes in all tin tlt'sirable leathers. Sorosis are made to lit the feet, which account for that comfort feeling. Do not ask for the izc Ask to bo fitted. Sorosis Shoe Stcra 203 South 15th St. mm I W