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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
The Omaha Sunday Bee PART II. EDITORIAL SECTION PACES 1 TO 6. No Filthy Sanaatlons THE OMAHA DEC Best .'". West VOL. XXX VI I XU. '22. OMAHA srXDAV MOKN1XU, XOVEMHKK 17, 1!07: SLW.LH COl'l F1VH CENTS. DRESS GOODS FINE SILKS r ( IN. s 9 ; i'1 8 A great combination sale of two extraordinary Dry Goods stocks our own aggrtgsDon of beautiful patterns with the splenid dress goods purchases fr,m the Elf & Walker stocks of St. Louis. LOT 1 licttiit in I jiHsoi'tiiM-iitH ut choice materials for fall awl winter cnr. Muny (mltcm of our own KkmN tlinf wc Hdually offered for JCi.r.O. Itrond-. cloth, fuiiiuiins, WorMetls, plul-ls or Mrles; all width rrom 14 to ."Ml inches wiile; every 7Af folor iiikI weave, Monday, yard f Uv lt 2- llArgain Square, Main Aisle Tills choice lot consists of materials exactly the name as yon see in other Mores at $1..0; iilaiii or fancy tyles, checks or MrincM, in nil tin- new materials; 4 to ."it IiicIk-h wide; bcnntifol all wool nliiiris for child- ' fLA,n rcn's dresses, worth $I.Vi5, Monday, yard. . . . OtT lyot. JI Consists of ."S-inrli all wool fancy broadcloth, worth Ht.'2't; elegant all wool serge Millings, fancy new cheviot effects, pretty children's plaids, worth 91; swell ftl all wool wnistiiiy.s, many pretty plain weaves, in plain colorings, rare bargains In " 'J n this lot, Monday Ja-C Lot I I taiga in Krjuare, Harney Aisle The richest fabrics of tho season voiles, in nearly all shades, elegant black dress goods, worth up to $1.5(1, silk and wool fabrics,' plain, striped or check et feels, ele. gaiit new fancy voiles that are worth $1. .". This lot is the grandest collection ever oflered to Onviha peo ple. Nearly every piece Is imported, asur- 0 Ing the finest qualities, Monday UC Seventeen pieces of the choicest 3.f0 plain broad cloth, every shade; you ask for, sponged anil nlirunk, Mouday S1.95 $2.50 and $- choicest coatings, lu stripes or check ef fects, very liuivy, needs no lining, an exceptional bargain, Monday 81.15 Heat all-wool challles and plain French flannels, plain colors and beautiful patterns, excellent value, worth 59c, Monday 25 u CASHIER'S CHECKS AT A PREMIUM We wont 55100,000 in cashier's checks this week and beffinnino Monday wc will allow three per cent on all purchases paid for in cashier's checlcs drawn by Nebraska or Iowa banks. I Uf nwiJHiin m OMAM3 GRMT SS1 STORE Y Ladies' Man-Tailored Suits We start this sale Monda with 325 mii-tailored Suits. The styles are the cleverest shown this season, including the newest ani smartest variations of the prevailing tailoring designs. Self ni id Showing American Beauty CORSETS No. 107 For the tall, well de. veloped figure; high bust, long hip, three oair of extra heavy hfse supporters attached, which gives ease and graceful carriage so much desired. i n ft Price J. JU Xo. :t()7 For the stout, full fig lire, reducing the nlze to a well shuped, comfortable model, re. gardless.of form. We can 'fit yon properly briugout out the best lines for a urw T f (I tailor made suit J.Uill . Corsets Kitted Free of dilute. The variety of every coat length allows of every figure being fitted becomingly. Regular Values o! These Suits Are $29.50, $35.09 and S39.59, MONDAY, for Smart Tailored Waists Uvular $(.!)."), $?..")( and ipH.50 values, ' plain colored I1 a f fotn and fancy plaids, eight different styles El J.l"W if n )i The rarest values of the season can be had Monday. Compare our qualities with the silks offered else wheri. P rices talk. 127-inch, extra heavy Taffeta Silk for under skirts, waists or dresses every yard of this iiiality sells usually for N;e to $1.01) they come in chanjjenhlo effects, hrown and green. Mack and green, green and tan, plum and Mack all go Monday, per yd 39c One large lot of Fancy Silks, consisting of nearly everything in Silks for waists, ki mono styles.-plaids. Persian stripes, plain Taffetas, etc. worth up to S"c Mon day 39c l'piuitiful collection of Haiti Silks, worth $!.-'." , Ht S1.00 KU'KHiit Crepe de Chines, in plain or fancy styles, for dresses, waists or scarfs, on sale Monday 69 The range of colors embrace the popular shades of green, garnet, brown, navy and black. Regular Values of Tliese Suits Are $29.50, $35.00 and $39.50, Monday, for SALE MONDAY. 9 A. M. 8 Ailman's Voile Skirts New flare and ideated mod els, all hand somely t a i I o r e d, s o m e trim m e d in Taffeta silk and satin folds, regular $10 and $12.50 Skirts, M o n day only DOMESTICS H-4 Cublcai'licd NhectiiiK, extra heavy, .Monday .. Jf 1.1c Silkolines, :!! in. wide, !x-st grade, Monday . ) lU-incb reppcrcll I'illow Cisin, Monday .... JQ ij (, ;-1 Oil Cloth, best Krade, .Monday Cotton Hlankets, lar;e si.e, Monday '1S m.'i't Cotton I'lauKets, extra heavy; they come in Ki-ey and tan, Monday $1.-18 IKH.oO and SHMIO ot)(. IWauKcts, lark and lijcht style-. These Kobe I'diinkcts are traveling mcu'n snili-ples, "dy S1.05 Rare Bargains for Monday 36-lnrh Flannelatt.i, bct 12120 etaAs to 35c I.mcy tae:io.vnB tot kiruonx., lioma gowna, etc., pretty itylei; Monday..- 3&o S Millinery a, . mi mu .t.. 1.. 1 I'o tuiliir Triced Hats, in blacks, navys and browns, finest lines ever y n f shown in this city. uiJU An clcjant dfaplny of protty Velvet Rata, moit every aUape, rll in the latest atylea the flncat line t c c tho price in America sfJ Elegantly ahaped Hata, even more elegantly t r 1 in m e a atylea than are matched by any competitor, on the con- xinem. many oi them exclusively imported. Other, have paa.ed from the flng-or. of Amerlca'a highe.t-prictd millinery artlsta . . 850 down to ,JU I'll ild ivii'k School Turns, r v r y c i 1 i r, o r y hIukIou'. ,' ,.rv ' hIihiIi' C runcy Ki-atl)i'rs. Ostrich l'lumcs and pom J'onis lit your own price. - -O .u ifit i' ji m- it. In i lite Goods Ttunhsflivinq Linens'o" Luce Drawmvork and Hemstitched Doilies, worth to Lxyeaeh. . .7l. -iV liattenher' Lace (.'enters, 18 inch, round and square, worth 50c, each 39c Battenhorj? Lace linen centers Dresser Scarfs, size 18x54, worth 1.50 each 98f 7 2-itK'h lileached Hatiu Damask Tablo Iwiicu, V.esvv and fine, worth $1.23 at, yard 98 T-iiich lileached ..'Ale Damask, oil linen, worth STo, yard G5 Red Spreads, fall nlze, hti.mied, Satin Mar- elllea, worth $3.00, eait. 82.19 Bennett's Big Hardware rCTi, rciiinsular I lane Itiirnera, from r'f wi.m to r?i on 7 fCTTTSv l'f'dnsular llome Oak Heaters, "i 3U.5U lVninsular Hot tllast, No. -J.V2, HK--Ul 810.00 l,.f..ff 111. fill U.kutM.U fik Enameled Roastev, to gl.50 And 40 Oreeu TnilC: Stamps With Each. v Brownie HcAiXttk, tpeclal 29? b't.iiiae Scoops, regu- I Black Ka'gle Stove I'ol- lar 55c value epe- . . . - w regular clal Fire Shovels, 15c value, special 10c Yellow Label Stove I'olUh . . l.V And 10 Green Trading Stamp. Wllbou Bread Toasteru, kpeclal -lc And 10 Green Trading Stami'8. Stove Boards, all prices ii l from 5Ue And o0 Green Trading Stumps with euch. Kkk Poachers, special at Ic ish 10c And 10 Green Trading Stni;i. Comb and Brush Trays hand pointed . . 18c And 20 Green Trading Stani:8 Univeriial Food Chop per, $1.3, fl.OM and 90c And 40 Green Trading Stain;:s. Mrs. Potts Pattern Sad IrotiB, per net . . . .Oe Per set of three Irons, handle aud htand. And 30 Green Trading Stamps. For Thanksgiving-FINE CHINA and CUT GLASS-.For Thanksgiving tiennine Ilaviland China, i;-ood jilain shapes, pretty pniK decorations, yreen Dortler, regular (Ch f , 51.00 value, during this' sale full 100 pieces at Utdmfjf A Limoses China Set, good shape, the finest, of French china, gold stippled, u pretty deco ration, reg ular $25.00 value, dur ing thifc sale, per set $16.75 Over sixty IHniierwurc patterns. Special juices on every full set oi: part of s't; all jmterns easily matched. Pou y a t F r e n c h China, plain edge, heavy mat fold edge on each piece, a $35 value, during this sale per set $21.50 V 1 ..A A SHOWER OF RICH AMERICAN Every Piece of Cut Glass at 20 Per Cent Off. Handsomely cut 8-in. howls, regular $3.50 value. . .$1.93 Regular $5 value $2.98 Sugar and creams, 'J differ ent shapes, regular $3.(JS value, pair $2.68 Regular $1.75 vases, fan cut, at $1.29 Regular $2.75 vases at. . .$1.63 Regular $3.50 vases at . . .$2.42 Regular $3.1)8 vases at. . .$2.48 All other Cut (Mass at 20 ' off Genuine Haviland China, on the silver shape, pretty pink flowers and gold traced, regular "A $511.00 value during this. sale, per set, j fciS MM v w vr Ed win M. Knowies, bobt Am erican Por celain. This is the finest ? A m e r 1 c a n Uyff;' product wiirui ii! $17 a set sets at, Hfl2.K7, $11.75. $10.H7, $9.00 Johnson's Uros. Eng land's hest S e m i I'orcelain Sets at Cut tumblers, regular nine- $13.(7, $13.9H,$13.1)U, ounce size, with pretty fan -$13.40, $11.75 and cutting, worth $4 per doz., j y hi this sale, doz. . .-. . .$2.40 V Handsomely cut Water Set, six l.,,nil.ii. 4:1 J. t,, 4:1 '"(I"1"1 -i ' cut GLASS Libbey's Included tumblers and jug per set to match- S3.28 set Sterling: Silver Tea Spoons, teautlful de sins, set of six; special at . . . . . 53.4S One nt Cracker and Slv N'nt Picks, in ho; speiat at 10 Salts and Peppers, cut ;lass, extra heavy stciliiill silver tops, at, each Iteatitiful ,l!aliliif; llishes, trapc (lesion; "l"-inl f S3.98 Win. .. Uon' ts' Tea Spoins, A-l plate, set of six; special. -0c W in. A. Hogers'" llesscrt or Table Spoons, A-l plate, set of six 98 Holers' Ti inple-Plated Knives and Forks, set of twelve pieces 82 98 Oneida Community 25-year, tri-pius-plalrd Si'nerwai . K. Wallace & Sons Silverware. IMI7 Kt,ers Hros. Silverwan-. Win. A. nosers' Silver. j Bennett's Ba Grocery ' MONDAY'S LIST OF SPECIALS. COFfEE ROASTED DAILY lli'iim tt's (jolili'ii I r i i i u 1 11 1 JliCamuwiuwaj A.,.1 "ii i:n.i.n Tr.i.llnir SI;nnllM f r,n w I' I .Teas, K .Inpiin, OnliuiK. tiuuiiowiW, KllKllsIl ItlisiKtilKt. T' ' Ami 41) liven TiiiilInK Stiunus. J'uiv hhiiniI lllmk l' ipor. i ;n .. And .'i iiii M 'I'liiilliii; Stamps. CAOED ViriE TABLES tifiH'ssfr!''ish, tviiiH for Anil : (iii'i ii Trmllim StainpH. (iclH SHT 1 Illllll t l CllllH Hit !i n Timlinif St'liS. n,;c 111 Gloves Balance of the S. IZ and Hi tiiiUon l.uflle' Kid Olove lrft l'rulll last eik's sale. Onlv 6j, ti and tt'i. oilh .&il lo 9 l.oo : lo l losr. i'el puir $1.19 w. htM rclvad anotbtr blff Ujhlpmnt of Ma a Ulova, tn jji m uu huiu All did on aala. WARM WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN iies better sutisfuction than other makes because it is cut on exact system of measurements of perfectly formed women. Woiiu-n'K 1'iiioii Suits, pari wo.. I Mild r.ilk und v.ojI. heavy ami li.e'lhim, .ff tjaiUHiit Wuiiii-u's Vrsti. I'.iiita and Tlxlit". pail iviml uini hi'.U und mini, in all wights, yai uii nl W T A . Milal FOR CHILDREN Trlniineil by hand with silk crochet by women having; a thorough un- dci-standing of women. . the needs of ollici- $2 $1 Uiiiiii'iin I'nii'H SultM, all iuttuii. all wcitilitx. hard croi lifted, pen giirmeiit Wonitn'si Wots, I'iMil," und Tlttlils, flshts, hand i! uilieti-d, at all L'lur. all SI 50c Lace s Sis and Nuiiisiok Kii.liinid ernn. Iwiir to ten IikIu'M w iJ Monday f'.r 5c Ton lion l.rt-vH in li.ali lud s. tn. worili to Hie; Monday, yd..3t CniM't i 'oi- i rnihroidi i h . 1 Inrhi s wiili-, ."ai ii,'v p:ilti i ns. Vurlli io ;;.'n . yald Ijt Orii-iilal Allov. is. i-i w l i ( -a-' batter, wurtli ", '. ;".loinla: 25c Ilk.oil i.l' tiiap'- Jnlci', iliiart hittli- .".Ut: tin (livni Trailing St'pH. tji'iifssi- t'om, l'. fans l'.'k' :'it lit n Trailing H ps. ( li-nt-si',',' Sti'iiiK beans. thivt- cans Hiii: ::a iln-.i; TrailiiiK Sfjis. lli-st We llr liel ts. 1 wo cans J'ic JiJ ciiven Tradics St'pn. Illood of (liapf Ji. !'', pint holtl" Hie : 1 (ire, n Trinliii'; Sl'ps. Thvee .-'T ir Sahiion. lane r:ill lor -He In Cleea Tra.linj; St'ps.'e I'ocoa. run . . . . J"c 1 n liven 'I'l itdi ni? SI'ps. Jell assorl'-d. tl.lee packakr.'M for 'Jlic In ilreeii Trnilin .srps. l'.llie lao'l.X Stili l-ll, '.' ii pnlllel I x 1 or .... L'.'a: .'I iil'eell TlHtllll Sl'ps. 1 ,. ;iti'!ii's (jiii:;, r Ale. :', 1. oi ties for F1CXLII BEV1A.U SVVeet liXle WplltH, In cloth hats 10 Ii Given TladlliR St'p. lieiiiictt'H t'apitol Pun-Oiik'-H, paekMKe for lie 10 ttiveii Trading St'ps. Ullvm, larnf (iiem, pint fni i6o in tlreeii Trading St'p (liahum Crackers, pack- aue for . . . loo In Ur"en TrMdinif St'p. Oatmeal 1'ruckora, pack- a'-,e for 1 lie In (Ificn TradlnK St'ps. (ielietoll Applf h. pick 45c lu Urfen Traifintf sit'ps. St-efled Kaisliis. pound ! ickiiRe lor 3o in HiM.n Trolinif Ht'iia. SOMETHT1TO HEW I'otiito WuffU-K. nlcn for linichi'K, brcnkfiists, etc.. special Monday. doven lOo BUTTER BUTT BR i-'resh c'onntry Butlnr, ponmt je 4aV -- A GREAT UNLOADING SALE OF HIGH GRADE .This niDftTITITOF DlirC nniDrnir We are overstoc'ied. Here's ths I' I III ft I I I'. la I III i I I i a llll LI I' ii et ... vmiii tk&Aj9 iiwuu uuu s ah & uniutr made such sweeoma reductions in our n?s Drive. ilandsome Roomy Rocker ly finili ed in ' lieauti- r. - aaaaaaa .aa ; ikk en oak, z-ii i!:;rfu,.. M. AAA- VA J fc ReaiilifuUl- OAK BUFFET ; i !',;! - 1 1' , ;,.;iit.l 1 1 1 l im ill :i' lull VlK, G pi ii n . lake (.'ut. Has' French llate in irror, larjre linen draw er, one drawer plih lincl for sil- tOR verware, sjecial price OTHII1 AT rtO. 98 opportunity to save i nfir in e fi'n'p Gifts stored till you want them. Every article strictly guaranteed and all prices marked in plain figures. Dollars on Dollars. Articles selected for Holiday We never IRON BEDS--Low Priced A Car ol Iron Beds to i linns p 9 From OAIMTY FOOT BTOOL A2f D BLIPrtfl BOX il l. call lioLolHtled Willi fl;;ure. cleloiine: and Iiuk fancy IjiasHeil claw t'-et. only a IllllKeil Si,ll,ll, wlnle tie l..i-t 39c Velvet Huy.f 2,"xj4, wtrlctly u 1 ! wool pile. In arti-'le tnleiital ilesiciis, yell far l-V.'j. Miniilav al ... 81X9 Uouni xle Uoxlniry anil .VI Khanl .taii i'.ru.-s. I. Huk.-. KklJ. in splendid f loial and conventional ttesltfity. h-M lor .V.(i. Monday al .-.$16. Itoeio HlZr AXIIllllKler lliigi. N .IxlH-O, In m w up-to-d it p;rtt. rns, many ii.-ui parlor etfei'tri in u!l the leadii" !iucle. a hi,.' line. On Male .Mommy i 918-VS liennlne Koal Wilton Huks, Uxl, In lan. n. nM or nils, new. artistic paltei ie. On sale Monday (36.00 We h a ' e specially priced AI,X our iRoir Bcda fur thiK l) ik kale and ire now of lering hed from I ' oo up tu fix.wo, cvi'Diiiii' uno of which arc wortli pel lent laole limn our price. No. 10V bfd. like cut. ax xhow n 111 ear window, any s:.e, thiee culoiri, tor 298 A PRETTY CXBTTZR TAB(.E SO Inch tunUed top, polished oak. Center Table, for only 98c I'ubolsteicd with plain blraw tnul tlnn, i" lncheH lung, 15 iucbt-K iMt, a big bargain Monday at SlliRT WAIST BOX (Like cu ) 238 L 'tT. -l?-1? 'I rV,-V?. I ( i V n.low SI, ...I. 'Is. in odd sizei. I lalld-llilule ( ' horn i-piin loll .'Uli: Momla, each t oiicn i 'o ei h. I'er.iai lill'ee yja. lollit, w ilh Couch Cuii-iii, extra luui pal tenia. Also Hat lad sale Monday, at a. iiioiintcd on llartn wmtli to .00. 4mi 490 Kiriped iiiptry. fill Ini hea wide It InK" on ull aides. lapestrv 1'oitiereH, full si..., 1'iliK. with Iouk lultlee fill, d-t. pair Monday, each 680 ' ilHiimk in Oriental colora and Stlipes, iortli up to fj.oii. im 3.48 .0 im-liea wide, three ardn on top and hotioiu. 1n- i .4S J 4 t rif. r ' mr.ri mm.rm I.