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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1907)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY T.EE : XOVEMRER 17. IW7. Ut Defeating Extraordinary T BRYAN'S BID FOR THE PLACE 1 rr'K tuZZ gain, nnd the republican parlj had many . men of presidential ralinre. He mentioned Old Line Democrat Stirred Up by the especially Tan, huru.s una crane of T i t j pi j Massachusetts. retries j-eaaers riea. glM th(. )itt(,r wouk mnkP n (1)roi,R , man, on the argument that Now England WHAT HE HAS DONE TOR PARTY had not h'"1 president for a Ions; time. JOIIU l1LU,Alie POII BRYAN' for Cleveland Mayor Will Work Delegation from Ohio. CLEVELAND. u Nov. 15 In an oihh lrter to WTllnm J. Hryan, expressing satis faction with Mr. Bryan' announcement of . yesterday. Mayor Tom L. Johnson says he ; will endeavor to secure an Ohio delegation . Margaret Knolly Slender Mirgnrot Knolly, now. If you tlrae. The fascinating leading Indv of the BIJou, now more fascinating than ever, i appear to bo a rampant Bryan enthusiast, astonished all her friend on Broadway the says: other day hy presenting to their admiring "I cannot understand why Mr. Bryan, gaze a avi It unS willowy form In place of In the of the political history of the plump, not to say tat. outline with j till country for the last few vr-nrs. ca.i """" aiien away to Pew til- make the statement thnf th.. .ipmoeratU Wrrew ftwltslrr Herall ome Facta Connected nltta i:ierlrnce In -Nebraska and Ivlirnhtrr llnr. Inn Uryan' Acendancy. Mr. Bryan announcement that he Is willing to accept the democratic pre!- to ,he na(ina, democratic convention that ! acntlal nomination If It comes to him. wl culI uron Mr nrJnn. again to be the but would neither ak or tight for It. nor democratic candidate for the presidency, assume or dictate the availability of any Thf, Irllvor declare ho Is not an aspirant other map for the candidacy, has led fur , nomination. at 'least one old;11ne democrat, Warren Switxl.r of Omaha, to speak dut a fev things concerning1 Mr. Uryan and the history of recent campaigns. Mr. Switxler does not Our Letter Box umphs and foreign shore last January. After a g-ood deal of diplomatic cross-ex-emlnatlon trom Interested lat tunc s tho secret was cautiously whispered lo a few dear friend, with the result that everybody know it now. It wa not exer cise, nor fasting, nor sen nlr. nor worry about her new venture that had brought about this wonderful willowy change In the charming Margaret; no, none of these; nothing- but a simple mixture which all good druggists are familiar with and can supply at small cost, to-wlt; One-hulf ounce Marmolu, out-half ounce Fluid Ex tract l.ascara Aromatic, and three and one half ounces of fyrup Simplex, "(irown folks need a teuspoonful ufter meals and ut bedtime," explained the now slcnded Margaret. "It Is simply wonderful. It takes off the fat quickly, a much a u pound a day, and keeps it off. You can eat what you like, too. In that respect It Is unllKe anything if the kind 1 ever lieu id of, and besides it has another splendid feature it Is entirely Harmless, it. id Hill not causu wrinkles. I think it is about us essential u toilet article for the woman who Is fat and wants to get thlner us f a. e powder. In order to Ret tho best rcsuh, however, you should buy llio Marmolu in tho original package ami mix It Is with the other two Ingredients after you get home." Adv. party I better organized now than It has been for many years. I think the re verse is true. In fact, after the demo cratic convention of this state In the summer of 1804, in a published Inter view I used the following language: "What of tho future for the democrats In tlii state? The answer to my mind Is perfectly plain that there U no future unlet- there 1 a change of control and a reorganization of the rartv In the stale. Just as there wa a reorganization of ihjjor called populists, non-republican or nbm At nplt? ,S , . C V,y , ; democratic, there 1 a submerged vote , At present there Is no democratic party liii ' , , . " I this state. , n tne state capable, under certain clr- "I think in v Ktaiom-nt at that limp hn ' cu msta nees, of not only Influencing, but Contribution vin timely topics inviied Write legibly on ono side of-the paper only, with name and addrcp appended. On request name will not te printed. L'nued contributions will not be re turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will be BiiMect to being cut down at the discretion of the editor. Publication of view of correspondents does not com mit The Eeo to their endorsement. The Submersed Party. NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. 14 To the Edi tor of The Bee: Is there a populist party In Nebraska?) The question Is timely, because, whether designated as a party YOU DO.TT tIEED A QAIIK ACCOUNT TO TRADE AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE There is no necessity for you to have even a full porketbook. ad wo are glnd to extend to you all tho rrrtllt you want. Neither do we think we are favoi inis you In giving yoit credit. We don't restrict it or reserve It for only a favored few, but we gladly give It to all, no mat tar what their condition of life, for credit Is something that you are entitled t", something that 19 due every honest man or women. Furthermore the credit that yon jret at the People's Store Is the kind thtit oti are glnd to receive for it IS t'HKDIT, credit that helps, credit that tiphtitlil credit that accommodate at nil time. But not alone do we give you beneficial credit, but we also give you Ixnvct- Trices, Higher Qualities, lietter Goods, without which, credit, no matter how good, would he. worth less. Even n fas lal look will convince you of the truth of these statements. Make It a point to trade at the Peonie s Store the store for the salaried man. The only credit hoife in Omul'.H that ha absolutely one price for all. WE TRUST THE PEOPLE The Store That Saves Von Money. larg-est Assort- mnt of Stores In the city. ...... Over 20 years of sub stantial business life in Omaha has made The Peoples Store the store for the people. We make the terms to suit your venlence. K'jAV?' t 4 'irolliis.r controlling state elections. The sentl mnt, which mlsmnnageuient of state af fairs and the distortion of the laws of production and distribution of wealth crystallized Int.i the reformative party of a deende ago, although chastened ,i;id disillusionized regarding some of their leaders, la still existent and U is a mis- "T been completely verified, not only aR to the party In this state, but as to the party ut large. I then said that there was no democratic party la this state. I will (jo further now nnd say that under the administration of Mr. Uryan nnd his followers" there Is no democratic parly In the nation. What there was left of the party after 1S02 has been scattered take t(1 PPOse that the element of this to the four winds and all there Is left Pnrty nnve batk to ,he oltl parties, of It 1 a crowd of hurrah bovs follow- ! Tnt percentage of political illiteracy In hum biiuuicrgeii party is very low, lor Its members are not captains of wealth, , who cati h a fleeting glance of events from penny editions of city dailies and who ! are only concerned uhout legislation ai- fectlng their private Interests and which j they discus only at the club rooms, bun- I quets or directorate meetings, but these aro farmers, workingmcn and retail deal- 1 1 Ing In the wake of Mr. Bryan and his distinguished p li leal advi cr, Mr. Dahl Itrcord lu NebrnsKn. "How Mr. Bryan can nay that the demo cratic party Is better organized than 't has been for years passes comprehension. Let us look nt some recent figures in this state. In l'.ioo the republican rov- $1.60 Cash Buys a -p endid Hoir.8 Coral Ease Burner to it A fiA your con- j i 4. venlence. f M "T " I I'il-ii,vSi?l rented r "tpA m L irKAy y meat ar -1 1 hj tttiffiZ 1 irgi- .i-J3-, ff I J Lt'-T II 125 Cash zZ"lj Elegant Bullet t f m o m m o 9 Aftvr Urnti,! pr Month l Exactly like cut) Positively the best value ever offered in a hiftli grade lVjffet and one that you will greatly appreciate. It Is constructed of carefully selected stock and has a beautiful quartered oak effect. It is polished to a piano brilliancy. Has two small drawers, one of them being l'lush lined for silverware, and a large lower compartment with a handsome art glass door. It will add elegance and luxury to any home. You will not be able to dui llcale this Duffet elsewhere for less than $20.00 our special price Is only 13.75 $2 pr Month Bushel Work!! We put on velvet collar, put 111 new linings and sleeve linings, put on new bauds and new braid, and niter skirts nd Jackets. Our price are very reasonable und the voik first class in every respoct. Phono 1 lunulas 0(13 for a wugrja. Out-of-town work receives earc ful attention. Write for price list. The Pantorium "Good Clsansrs and Dysrs." 1513 Jones Street, - - OMAHA. ernor of tills state wits elected by only ers who spend tho long winter evenings .8111 votes nnd all that the patriots of tjio j reading exhaustive articles and stutlstics j ; riim- eumu rou up ior ir. .lcKiniey was : on me condition or me naiion ana wno j J keep Informed on legislation and appro- "It Is well understood that the democrats prlations. Theso constitute a' jury, coin poll a larger vote throughout the country petent to at least forirr un opinion, and, in oft years than they do in presidential ' having heard all the evidence, they have years. Let us look at tho figures In recent I rendered a verdict that, except as a cliok-e off years In this state. They show the fol- of evils, or for the promotion of good. Made of the best material, has automatic feed magazine. Has duplex shaking grates and many patent features that win commend it to those who can not afford a higher priced base burner. It is nn excellent heater and We are sure It will Bive splendid satisfaction. Nicely nickel trimmed. 4f Fcr this'Wondertui Soft Coal Kealer 60c per nttk nil the latest Improvements, special steel drum. Constructed of pure gray Iron; good size fire pot, shaker grate and Is handsomely nickel trimmed. Has u very heavy ornamental base and a neat urn. It Is a splendid heater und uses very little fuel. Has $3 Cash, 93 Monthly aaCI For this Msstlva I 7JJ Cod Coin . Base Durncr T'.xactly like cut. U Is the finished product of the master stove workers. It com bines ull the latest Improve ments. It Is guaranteed to beat three rooms h!1 winter on two tons of coal. It Is handsomely nickel trimmed. Special Excursion to Mexico Private car party leaves Omuliu. for tour of Hid Mexico, seeoud week In January, lakliiK in all points of interest In the lupublle. Tour lasts 111 days. Competent aulde. mid interpeter. A few reservations lelt. Uur rales In cludhiK tranportat ion, births and nleals ure very reasonable. Write for Itinerary and further Information. Western Tourist Association ATLAWTIC, IOWA. ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES eith:r hot or co d. The ho: on s served wi h rich brown irav , ten der jjicy b;ef cook:d to the turn, is on: of ths sp:ciaLi:s at The Boston Lunch As to service, THAT is the best in the city, for "Ihey have the proper system at the Coiloa' Try It Op?n every !vur, evsry day. 1612 Farnam Street. Table d'Hotc Dinner AT.... Chesapeake Cale SlDW: 11:31 1. m. b 8:93 p.jn. 1508-19 Howard Street!- Foster's ManJolia Orchestra t lowing republican majorities for supreme Judge, this office being the leading ono in j the elections of these years: I 1!XC, for supreme Judge, U.25T.. for supremo juoae, '.i.L'T. for supreme jude, v i IIK'7, for supremo Juuge, over 2i,tWv. I "It does not look very much as if the democratic party was 'better organized' In this state than it ever bus been, but on the ! Contrary, that what there Is left of It Is becoming more and more disorganized un der the leadership of our distinguished citl xon, who heuds the newspaper known as tho Commoner. "You will 'also remojnber that a few days ago the New Vork World (democratic), in commenting on the late election, used this language! - -' . However anxious we are to Und some thing in Tuesday's elecllcuis which can be Construed us a wholesome and adeuuaco rebuke to President Kooseveli, wc liavo been unsuccessful. Comparatively, the re publican parly polls its heaviest vote in presidential years, the democratic party In olf years. 'J his was an oil year. There should have been decisive democratic ke tones with corresponding repubilce.n de feats. Where are they? "Furthermore, I cannot understand why Mr, Bryun ir. his deliverance undertakts to enforce tho Idea that the demands of the times are for men of his bent of mind, and of his principles, in the face of some recent declarations of his in his speeches. For Instance, in his speecl at Waterloo, la., a few months ago, ho made tiie statement that be was a politician witli but one Issue the tariff as President Kuoscvelt had stolen all, of his other Issues and was ubout lo Bttal this one. Following this speech with one at Warsaw, lnd., last vJuly, Mr. Uryan used tills language as quoted at the time In a dispatch to the Chicago Record-Herald: 'President Kousevell an l others are now bringing to a successful issue the principles and ideas I advocated seventeen years aao,' continued Mr. Bryan. 'This Is particularly true a regards the tariff. The president is co,inpiilug lulure speeches for niu." ' "It will thus appear that Mr. Bryan Is now a politician without'a single ifsue, for President Koosevelt has adopted all of his principles, even Including his tariff. I sav. therefore, I cannot understand why tlieru Is any occasion demanding; the s. rviees f.,R"Vcnior Mr. Bryan lt carry out the policies which lie advocates. "What da I think of the future of the party? That, of course. Is a hard question to answer; but I will suy that personally i t am satislled that there will never be a true democratic party again until Mr. Bryan subsides and goes Into retirement. While a man of gifted capabilities along i.rialn lines, be has certainly b.-ii a failure as a leader, and liiere stems to be j no indications up.m which to base u hope Ihat the parte. will to continue on the I down grade as lone he remains to the j front. i "In this article l:e steles tiiat I.- has been i amply rewarded by the democratic party I tor all thrt he has done. 1 concur In this view, and am satisMed u ai n lie t,,. interests of I lie p irty at heart l,e will s(-e that it is higli time that he lelded the po- ition of leadership. If such he has. w other bunds. "Can you tell me why In the ao-culhd "conomy of nature, that one commonwealth should te given the rcseons'blllty of Imr b'li'li'g two rut h distinguished ring-masters as Buffalo Bill and Silver Tip William?" they will not alHiute with the democratic party. I mention the democratic party in particular because that party seeks ! to exercise a proprietorship over, or sus tain a relationship to them. Spcclfiically, I then, why did not Jud,e Loomls get their votes? Because, as one voter ex pressed it, "There is not much use in vultnir fnr fa little ..lw.l.., ' I having been oajoled and hauled to the polls, if he voicd at ajl, he voted the re publican ticket. Now, what was In that man's mind when he voted against the democratic candi date? The politician will answer, "Because his heart wasn't right." Supposing the voter should retort that the heart of the party wus not right? Anyhow, It was the thought In that voter's mind, and the same thought that pervaded the minds of the submerged party generally, that de feated the democratic ticket, and demo crats might profit by studying this psycho logical problem. Perhaps the legislative record of the democratic candidate h:td occurred to that voter. Submerged people have a retro spective haiit and judgj a party by whut it dot s, rather than from Its platform. Possibly he had gone to some old cup board upstairs and dust up a copy of the house Journal on that famous S-ci'nt fare bill, which the Wold-Herald had proclaimed from the housetops as having Mr. Loomls for Us nuthi r. The evidence of the record and the other members of the committee are that Representative Menimlngcr of Madison county, and now a member of the Oklahoma senate. Introduced that bill, anil that Mr. Ixiomis, who was a member of the committee, refused to vote for It. The populist member of the committee voted with Mr. Meninilnger for tho bill, in after years a republican legislature passed such a law, and this may be the solution of the psychological process that operated to de feat the democratic party. True, Mr. Bryan endorsed the ticket, but even Mr. Bryan endorsement could not "raze out the record." ( The movement of which I read in The Bee, to nominate r.v-Setiator Allen for ' us well u the senator's reply, I euHs a story told of General 11, K. a- ' during his late year.'. The agent Af a I decrepit, and not altogether Irrcproacl'iOle, , commercial company called on Mr. I-ce amf flatteringly proffered to him the. presi- j dency of the company, together with a j liberal salary. Mr. Iac declined lo accept. ) owing to age and other duties d 'volvlng ! upon him. The agent explained that they j merely wished lo use the ..'eii'-rul's name i and that he would have no work to do and a i le ek would be mailed to him regularly. The old general became curious to discover what value his nunc- could have for u I'vnuiu rclal concern, when the agent blandly j hummed him that his inlluenee in the south nould lie very valuable to the com pany. Rising to his feet, the incarnution of feorn. the old veteran replied, "What Influence I may have with the southern p. ople Is not for sah." J. il. MACK AY. j i ! 50 Cash 8oys ytore""1" Special Steel Range After Terms, $2 par Month 1'nfjuentionable this is the greatest Steel Katigo offer ever made to tho public of Omuha. Every housewife appreciates and debiros a good Steel Range. These Ranges are made under a positive guarantee of giving absolute satisfaction. We would not consider them for a 'minute If they were otherwise. They are made of extra heavy cold rolled steel of a apedal guage that insures a lasting quality, has large fire box; -is equipped with duplex grates permitting you to burn either wood or coal; have large KJ-lnch square oven, with patent oven doors; the upper warming closet Is largo and Is exceed ingly useful. The entire Range is handsomely nick vied trimmed; they are very economical and perfect bak ers; they require much less coal thac the aver age s,teel rauso on ac count of their scientific con struction; you will easily understand this when you see the Range. Our price means a bi saving to you. Special price All Goods Mat kcl In Plain Figures. fi R (fj You can rely with Ujs!ii . the ouality and f l f N I It price f any nrti- YA . JJ, 111 ' cle purchased at VW, ftr-" .S The 1'eoples VVS V - ' i r S'o.'c. o 0 QOrk GoMen Finished DJC Ccbb!er Seat DINING ROOM CHAIR (Exactly like cut) .Made of thoroughly seasoned and selected stock. Tull size seat. A special value that cannot he duplicated at double the price asked. f J8.50 KAI1 Cash TREE Monthly ( Exactly like cut 1 Made o f t o 1 i d oak, highly pol- v ished. rood she mirror, brass cast hooks, an extra special value 97? For this Guaranteed 9 COOK STOVE $1.00 Cash; 50o psr Wsek. 26.60 1 9 14 v -V i, -w - nTw " AJ' 161H & TARNAM STREETS. OMAHA. The Ieopl(K Funiitiire and Carpet Co, F.Mahlishctl 1887. 5 Secures a 11 ft. x 9 ft. Tiger Drusscls Rug $1.50 Cash; $2 Monthly. Muil'- of the very best giiiile of Tapestry Krussels Carpeting of a nimii:. ilerol.i'. illinlity tlmt will gin- excellent vi-ir and hold their colors to the lust. The v - u re closely vocii of the finest o'liiite of worst-d yarns. A strictly ht;:h grade nu; at tin- price of an .inferior one. Luri;e assortment. o 9 ODD LOTS OF STOCKS SOLD SBSSBSB Many Small Investors Arc Buying Gilt-Eded Securities. MONEY COMING FROM HIDING KiKhteen Hundred Name Placed on CompMii)' Hook Mure IMarry Beaan Orders tome from Everywhere. lit HHt A (ul. UOti 1 TIIK MtXGRH TABLE D'HOTE DINNER J-TOCAT AT Gfie CALUMETj Watterauu DUeussea Xrbraalan's Matrurul Isaaed Friday. . ri.X)NK, la.. Nov. 15. Colonel Henry ' Walters.. n, asked today by the Ass.x iated t'vess for his e pinion on William J. Eryan's j tentutlve aec.ptanoe of the democratic I presidential nomiiiatlon, declared that lv had labor J with Bryan to decline tin nom'nation and to quit hla "dug In the ' manger" attitude. Colonel Watterson rea lised that Fryan had il in Ida wer to! demand the Iradervolp of the ie party In 1 r "defeat any other candi date by knifing him as he did 4'arker." liryan's acceptance uas no more than he had expected, however grtatly he regretted the action, tieiause he thought Uryan could na longer create enthumaf-m as he bad me heretofore. Asked as to the assertion often made. that th next prcbident would be Koose velt or Uryan. Colonel Watterson said that the nomination of Roosevelt was all Uryan supporters wanted, because they " could then so to the people on the third term sU.gan. Bryan could carry New Eng-land in such a campaign, be thought Koosevelt uould Mexiranlze iiovernment, holding himself as greater than Washington. I As for hlmnelf. much as ha disliked to do so, hs would vote for Bryan airainit, Koosevelt la such a dilema. lie believed, j Klllnatun Wants Delay. FALLS CITY. Neb., Nov. ID Clyde hi- linston, the neio n ho shot and killed Church Wilson ut tills place a couple of weeks BBo. Is st ektng to have his trial I poslMined until the next term of court. His plea will be self-defcnie. The state is try. Ing lo secure an Immediate trial. The nero Is suffering froty a dislocated shoulder. Ho says that Wilson did i'. tho night Wtore tho killing. ' (Established is;.).) M Cam Whll ton Slp. Vhoop1ngCough( Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem edy, which for a quarter ct a century has earned unqualified praise. Kc&tiul uighu are assured at ouce. CrtsoJeae h m Boon to Asthmatic All Druggist StmJ tostal for d Krtfitv aowiiti, I CTMolena Antiseptic Throat Tabids for Ibe lrrllalad Ihrokt, of your druirgiat or from us. iOc la muii, Tbt V4rabkM (a. IS0rkM&L.N. V. NEW YOHK. Nov. hi. Never in the his tory of Wall stie.t has there been such enormous purchases of securities by In vestors In odd lot and the trunsfer books of ra'lroa I and Industrial corporations show today a reeord-breakliiR number of new shav. hoMiTs. The ; resent low prices of tandai jl securities Is ie p irs'hle. The New York Central railrcad unl several other eonipanles report that the numbers of their stockholders have nearly doubled Iri the lust year. The transfer depart ments of all corporations are working day and night to keep up with their work Where a transfer of slock is .usually ef fected In two days, d'lays of a week are noV not uncommon. The distribution of slock to people of moderate mean "fore tells certain relief for the monetary titra tion, for brokerage houses state today that these pun liases are made outright with cash withdrawn from safety deposit vaults, or with c rtified checks. These sums, raiiK'ntr in amount from tl'U to $l.oui, in the aggregate total many mil lion of dollars. Hankers welcome the small investor, for his appearance betokens a firm conviction that the country's In dustrial wellbeint; will be maintained. Sec retary Trimble cf the Vnited States Steel corporation sa'd today: "Some two years ago 11 was decided not to muko public t lie number of our stock holders, but I can say that the number of investors In small lots during the last niDnth has been unprecedented and our transfer force is streggllng to keep up with the work Imposed on it. As in i thero have been, I believe, heavy pur chases of our securities by banking syn dicates, both here and abroad, which hold them for numerous Investors whose names do not appear oa the steel corporation's books." James L. Carter, who is In charge of the transfers of J. P. Morgan & Co., said today that the purchases of small lots of stocks was breaking all records, added: "With prices at bedrock the small in vestor has availed himself of a. rare op portunity to Invest his savings lu securi ties that will show a handsome return .n the future. Our transfer department ha ull it 'can do to keep up with the press of business. The number of Kharehnlilei s ill railroads and industrial companies is Increasing, rapidly and as this lnoveir. 'nt progresses stocks disappear from the mar ket und Und a resting place In stroll;; boxes. All the way from one to luty shares are belli purchased by the old lot buyer. A feature of the small lot buying is the investment by women, who ncicr enter the market until priees .v at tho ebb. Whether it Is luKl I t or rare Judgment that enables therfi to detect the low ebb I am unable to .iy, but they are buying stocks now." The books of the l'ennsylvania railrea I have Just closed and It Is estimated that the number of shareholder has reached iiO.000, an increase of several thousand In the last ytar. The iVnusyU ania is said to be paining on an nierage of about 100 stockholders u day. Mvard L. Kos slter, treasurer of the New York Centra railroad, said that the stockholders now total about lb. 00'! and that in the last file weeks over l.Silu new n.uiies hne been placed on the company's book). Comptroller Oallttp of the Atchison, To peka & Santa l"e suld today that in vestors had come Into the market for Atchison stock In such numbers that li e company's transfer force was working far into the night. He said that the buy In;; of small iuantltle of stock came fro.n eery city und hamlet throughout the I'nlted Stat-s. It is approximated that in the last six weeks tile number of stockholders in the Northern Pacific has increased nearly 6,000, while Union and Southern Pacific have each increased their number of stockholders by severul thou sands. A lurge brokerage house reports today that mall order for stocks are being received In Quantities from ull ovur tiie country. THAT VANDERBILT WEDDING Proposed Departure of llticltes of .l a Seemingly fixes liate in The annouiiLCnK lit I lint the duchess of Marlborough is to terminal, her visit with American relatives uml return to tendon Noveuibi r J-; blind's much relief to those wiio have spei elated on the probable datu that Miss (lladvM Vanilerbllt will bc 10 a countess. Tie sit recy that h;is Inn maintained regarding the date i f the v.ed oiug of this yuim.y.-st daughter of the Van. derbilts wltii the Austrian count has greally agitated Newport ever since the n-age-lin nt rnnounced and it Is CHtiinateil by the Interested ones that as the duchess of lliirilioriuiLtii certainly o;uoc home for the wedding fi e as certainly Would not il.nart ' before it eouius oil', hence tne conclusion ! tiiut it will lake phiec t i i j h month. Very j mysterious things huve l. en Kolng on I... , hind the storm boards of fie Vunderblli I bouse at No. 1 West I'll ty-se stn-. i, ; which Ni w York has conclud-d Ih.i! li,o ' dici.s are b.'iliK- chared J',(r,n. Minnesota and Carlisle, JIlNN'K.U'PI.IS. Minn.. N.v. P'.-Wjth u. clear sky. u dry ticiuun ;1 n. hiui tv No vember Weather. !!' .Mivn koi;i- arlisle font biill eoiit s phiypj (.. Nnrttnu;i Held this afternoon aroused rooters to liUn i n -tliiish.sw. Wliile the bo! tirj, runs at 1 lo J mid as high as D to I on". Minne solans hopi d their favorites w uld tlay a surprisingly strong game. Dm and Perfums Sale Monday us a. i i.'.n n si iiik liigiit 1. 1 watcn the throng o. custoiinis at our stoia partieehirly so on j busy like Monday. . Tin- wide nup. of nrtliles xul n-.i and the proniptltud" of service gem r ally elicits favoi ,iol.. cnnnneiil. PgKE ADO STOCK ure alwais "l'uruiiiouiit Issues" with us and it is seldom indeed that we do not hale the exact uriicie ucsireu ami a price low enougli to be entirely satlsfaci lory. SOME SPECIAL MONDAY CUTS. l-lb.Mule Team Rnax So I-; i.-y Tiineis, Monday 14c tlood ( lu st I'roteetors. i.oc, h.o . 1,19 ltuppl" Linen Paper, 15 sh' l aper, tS cm elopes, tor 3Jo i'lnaiol's k."c and 11 1)1! I'erf urn. , Mouilay, per ounce 50c Luliln s genuine ICxtracts, Moiulac. per ounce 60c linger .V (illlett's nuadruple extracts. Moiulay SOo Newhios Ilcrpiclde, 450 and b'Jc 8lo R9o 75o box aeo .HUo . B0 .75c ISO 25o Take tsu sh What's tiiut can't get it? That's ex actly what most successful men hava thought early In life, but they have all found out that they are pretty sure to gee what they deserve if they ask and work for It; and they are equally as sure not to get It If they don't work and ask for It. If you want anything, ask for 11 through ths want columns of The Ilea. These col umns are read by ths people who can sat isfy your warts. , lilycotliymollne. 4So ar.d Lambert's Llsterine. 83c, 45c and. llorhck's Multid Milk, 45c and liorilen's Malted Milk. 4Uo und foe I'ozzonia i'owder CI shades i for Pinkhum's Compound, for tierce's tloMeii Mel. Ills. for... Wine Cardiil. for Maker's Hirh-y Malt ror Borden's Condensed Milk. can... ' Stove i'lpe l.namel, 15c and Chest Protectors Our assortment is a most com plete out' comprising all ap proved styles. Prices ranging from 50c to $3.50 each. ClQAJt DXFAKTaCEXT This is a growing feuture of our business a It well should be as we are saving ii smokers of Omaha from one-third to on. -half on their cigar bill. M SHERMAN & McCOfJNELL DRUG CO. OWL DRUG CO. Cor. lota and Hm. Cor. Htn. and Dodge. SI