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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Jfi. 1007. The Omaha Daily Uzh )i;.DED BY EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. Kntrred at Omaha Postofflee second !a matter. TERMS OF Sl'HHCRIPTION. I 'ally He (without PtindaV), oni year. . $4 Iaily bee and Sunday, one year Suiulay lief, una year Saturday lire, one year 1.5 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Hally Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. 15c I)aily bee (without unlay, per week. .10c Kvenlng Hoe (without Sunday), per week bo Evening Hee (with Sunday), pe' week. ..100 Addresa all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICER Omaha Tlie Bee Bulldlnir. South Omaha Cltr Hall Building-. Council Bluff 15 Scoit Street. Chicago lbto fnlty Building. New York 150S Home Lafe Insurance Bid. . W ashlngtnn iffl Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCK. Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter should be sddressed, Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. RK.vili TANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company, only 2-eent stamp received In payment of niHll aocounts. Personal checka, except qp Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMKNT Or rtRCUUATlON. State of Nebraska, Douglas county, as: Charlie C. Rnsewatrr, general manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Daily Mvrnlnsr, Evening and Sunday Pee printed ilflrln the month of September, 1907, w as loliows 1 38,700 It , 2 38,640 17 3,60 36,300 1J...V 86.M0 4 38,980 1 36,800 ( 36,360 20 36.390 36,340 il 36,670 7 36.840 2t 38,330 8 38,600 28 37,360 8 36,140 SI. 36,830 10 30,820 15 38,380 11 86,470 it 36,930 12 36,870 . 27 36,600 K 36,030 28 36,660 14 36,810 28 38,663 If 38,400 39 36,890 Total 1083,470 Less unsold and returned copies. 6,887 Net total .... 1,083,53 Dally average 36,11 CHARLES C. ROSEYVATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and swoin to before me this 10th aay of Septem ber, ID 01. (Seal) M. B. HUNQATE. Notary Public. WHEN OUT OP TOWff. S.bacrlber. leavlaar the city tem porarily should have The Be u.iled to them. Address will be chanced as vftea aa requested. The milliner is the handmaiden of the Horse Show. While the Horse Show la on patri otic autotnoblllsts will put mufflers on their toot horns. Latest advlcea from the canebrakea Indicate that the Louisiana beara are an unsociable lot. "Can beer and whisky mix?" asks a trade Journal. They can and do, but the results are often disastrous. Those who think . more of fashion than personal comfort are apt to make a hoarse show after the horse show. There will soon be another newspa per edition of "Twice Told Tales." The Thaw trial will be resumed Decem ber 2. "There Is no room at the top for a quitter," says the Chicago News. Why should there be, when he never gets there? "Why not eat what we want?" asks the Chicago Inter Ocean. Well, one euson is that pay day comes only mce a week. It U now asserted that lithloglycol llcorthocarboxyllc acid will cure drunkenness. The man who can pro nounce It can prove an alibi. There seems to be no question about the fact that a wireless message was sent from Manila to the United States. The only difficulty is that it was not received. Reports froit) Massachusetts show that George Fred Williams has mobil ized himself thoroughly for the coming three-cornered political campaign in that state. Senator Beverldge has written a book to prove that the Bible is good reading. It is, but too many people are willing to accept hearsay evidence on Miat point. If Mr. Harrlman and Mr. Fish keep at It long enough the public may come to a full view of the Inside happenings between the Union Pacific Illinois Central. and the Washington reports that the trade interests of the country are already feeling the good effects of Secretary Taft's visit to Japan and China. What a corking good drummer that man would have made. . Mr. Taft insisted at Shanghai that he was talking purely in his capacity as a private citizen, but It Is suspected that bis official counectlon . with the administration at Washington was not entirely concealed. "Lam satisfied that President Roose velt's plans will not be adopted by con gress," says Colonel Bryan. Then It ought to be time for the colonel to quit worrying about' theni. as be lnsttts the plans are all wrong. Editor Sprecher of the Schuyler Free Lance pays his compliments to the democratic newspapers that have been barking at bis heels in no uncer tain terms. Mr. Sprecher at least has the courage of hit convictions. Colonel Watterson complains that "pretty soon you'll not be allowed to sing. 'When the Swallows Homeward Kly' without breaking the blue laws." Oh. well, Colonel, a man ousht to be arrotkUd for singing It, anyway. i BARM0XT i.V RAILWAY LFQIfLATlOX. "Substantial harmony" Is the watch word of the American Association of Railway Commissioners which has Just concluded an interesting session at Washington. The commissioners did not declare openly In favor of national control of railways doing an Interstate business, although a majority of the members of the convention and nearly all the leading railway men in attend ance voiced their opinion In faS-or of such control. The commissioners satis fied themselves with urging "substan tial harmony In railway legislation." It la unfortunate that the railway commissioners did not take more de cided ground upon the proposition. Their action amounts only to a recom mendation to the forty-five fctate legis latures of the country to pass laws in substantial harmony with the acts of congress. The Jurisdiction of congress over railroad traffic that passes from state to state is not questioned, but each state claims Jurisdiction over traffic completely within its borders and over railroads which do not pass beyond Ha boundaries. The practical difficulty Ilea in separating the two classes of traffic and passing "substan tial harmony" laws relating to them. State and interstate freight are carried la the same trains, often in the same cars, and subject to the same share in operating expenses and earnings of the railroads. Rates for state traffic are inevitably related to rate3 for In terstate business and "substantial harmony" would require successful ad justment of distinctions and differences between all kinds of traffic. Railroad men of the country have come to appreciate the seriousness of the complications possible under the attempt to secure substantial harmony or any other kind of harmony between state and federal laws governing rail way affairs. It Is this situation which has induced the president and some of the wiser railroad managers to favor a federal law providing- prescribed terms of Incorporation for all railways engaged in Interstate commerce and enacting a national incorporation law. The states would find it comparatively easy to pass legislative enactments con forming to a national law, while con gress could not possibly enact a meas ure In harmony with the conflicting laws of forty-five states. No other way has so far been proposed by which "substantial harmony" in railway reg ulation may be secured. CAN THIS VOID Btl FILLED? Down In Lancaster county the re publican organization has made a nomination for state senator to fill the place to which the one and only "Joe" Burns was elected last year, assuming that because the said Burns has made affidavit in a court proceeding that he is now a legal resident of Colorado and that he has vacated his seat in the legislature. On the surface this all appears very plain, but It does not fol low that because "Joe" Burns has made an affidavit to that'effect that he has voluntarily shed his senatorial title, or would not be on the spot as big as life, ready to do business at the old stand should the Nebraska legis lature be for any reason reconvened. This nomination of a candidate for the state senate by action of the county committee raises still another point as to whether it conforms with the requirements of the direct primary law. If the "Joe" Burns seat Is va cant It was vacant before the primary election and the nomination should have been made by direct vote at that time. No vacancy has occurred In the ticket since it was made up which would come within the definition of a vacancy for which the primary law provides nomination by, committee. AH this discussion, however, is and must be academic rather than prac tical, because by the constitution each branch of the legislature is empowered to pass on the qualifications of its own members, and It would be up to the state senate in last instance to say whether it could dispense with the Honorable "Joe" . and recognize any one as qualified to fill his place. If no occasion should arise for an extra session during the coming year this Important question will remain forever unanswered. THE KFFF.CT OF STItlKKS. The Department of Commerce and Labor has just completed a tabulation of statistics relating to the strikes and lockouts of the last twenty-five years. The tables show that from 1861 to 1905, Inclusive, the employes lost In wages, as a result of strikes and lock outs, a total of $306,683,223, of which $257,863,478 was due to strikes and the balance to lockouts. The employ ers lost $122,731,121 In strikes and $19, 927, 983 through lockouts, a total of $142,654,104. The combined losses of employers and employes were $449,342,327. It is not contended that these fig ures are accurate, although great effort was used to make them so. They take no account of the thousands of minor strikes and lockouts In which but few workmen were involved and, while their total Is nearly a half billion dol lars, the chances are that this amount is far khort of the actual loss In wages and products due to differences be tween capital and labor. Even at that, the tables do not take the heaviest losses Into consideration. In every strike or lockout the public In role of consumer Is the final sufferer. It pays the cost In increased prices that follow the settlement of the controversy and the efforts pt the employers and strik ers to recoup their losses. The loss to the public Is probably greater than that of the employers sad employes combined. The fig-are of the Department of Commerce and Labor are therefore valuable largely as showing the cost of disputes be tween capital and labor and furnishing an additional potent argument In favor tf a wider adoption of the principle of arbitration In the settlement of such controversies. COAL FOB THE FLKKT- In the effort to secure the coal needed for the trip of the battleships to the Pacific ocean, two peculiar conditions have developed, the one showing the complete domination of the coal trade by the coal combine and the other Illustrating how American shippers have used the coastwise laws of the country to practice extortion on their own account. The result Is that At torney General Bonaparte Is now searching the authorities for Borne power to warrant his order suspending the coastwise trae laws, and the officials of the Navy department are wondering If they will get coal enough in the ship bunkers to carry out the program for the fleet's maneuvers. When the naval program was an nounced, the Coal combine made it plain that It would make no effort to supply the coal needed for the trip. The very plausible excuse was offered that it could do no more than fill the orders for private consumers and deal ers throughout the country and, with a promised car shortage, could not promise to deliver any coal to the gov ernment for some months, perhaps not until late next spring, after the rush season was over. The next step was to try to buy foreign coal. This was or dered and the attorney general Issued a decision authorizing a British tramp steamer to land a cargo of coal at Seattle. The collector at Tort Town send caught the tramp steamer and held It tor $2,74, the amount being based on the tonnage of the steamer, which is prohibited from engaging in the American coastwise trade. Before the British steamer was authorized to bring in the coal, the American steam ers engaged la the coastwise trade were offered the Job, but they asked an exorbitant price "for the service and finally refused to accept an advance of 50 per' cent above the bids of the foreign vessel owners. Aside from any question of the merits of the controversy, the spectacle is not a pleasing one. The Japanese and other foreigners who have evinced a keen Interest in the proposed Journey of the American fleet from the Atlan tic to the Pacific must be having a lot of quiet fun over the picture of Uncle Sam hegglng the coal barons to sell him fuel or asking the American vessel owners for the esteemed privilege of allowing a foreign ship to come Into an American port with supplies for an American battleship. , The situation is a pretty good answer to the charge, that the entire power of the nation Is being "centralized" at Washington. However, the president has decided that the battleships are going to the Pacific, and they will go. They will also be supplied with all the coal needed for the Journey In spite of the Indifference of the Coal combine and the rapacity of the American coast trade vessel owner's. It develops that the local demo cratic machine Is assessing city hall employes up to the top notch, with Im plied. If not expressed, threat of losing their jobs If they do not pay up, but the outrage finds no condemnation in the local democratic organ. When the republicans had control In the city ball the annual campaign assessment was always held up by that sheet aB a flagrant example of political oppres tion which should be rebuked at the polls. It evidently makes all yie dif ference in the world whose ox la gored. Since the merger of the office of city treasurer of Omaha with that of the county treasurer of Douglas county the last named position has become one of much greater scope and respon sibility. For this important position the republican nominee, Frank A. Fu ray, is eminently qualified and in ad dition thereto his probity and honesty have never been questioned. Citizens who 'want a competent man of strict Irttgrity to handle city and county funds will see to It that Mr. Furay Is successful at the coming election. It strikes us that the building in spection department rather than the Board of Fire and Police Commission ers is the department of city govern ment that should exercise supervision over 'the seating facilities and exit ar rangements of thajocal theaters. It the theater buildings are constructed right and properly equipped with aisles and ample exits in the first place and so maintained their safety will be reasonably assured Against, stampede and fire. Omaha extends a special welcome to the new commander of the Department of the Missouri no matter how tem porary may be his stay here. We have had a succession 'of rapid-flre4ri,re. In the scheme of government It Is changes in the headship of the depart ment headquarters at this point since the outbreak of the war with Spain and have been unable to get more than acquainted with the department commander before his promotion transfer or retirement. And now it is Intimated that that Alaskan judgeship, which was to have been thrust upon former State Chair man Rose, carries with it more honor than substance, because the cost of living lu the Alaskan climate makes a $5,000 salary, with no opportunity to supplement It on the side, look about a big as a $2,00 salary ln Nebraska. No wonder, Mr. Rose declines to be sidetracked. In an address at Jamestown the other day Governor Hughesboldly de nied that the owner of 61 per cent of the stock of a corporation can do what he pleases in the management of Its affairs. The fact remains, however, that the owner of 51 per cent still be lieves In the rule of the majority and has no hesitancy about using it. A car of oil testing below; standard has been headed off in transit to Ne braska consumers. The Nebraska law, however, does 'not undertake to prevent the same oil from being un loaded on the people of some other state which Is only another example of our enlightened telflshness. South Omaha and Omaha are al ready completely consolidated In mat ters of business and social economy. It is simply Impossible to produce a convincing argument why one and the same community should support two separate and distinct city governments. Washington will soon entertain a meeting of eminent physicians who will discuss the best means of prevent ing or curing tuberculosis. The best method Is to locate In Nebraska, where the ozone Is too rich for the tubercu losis germ. The government expects to get back about $100,000 of the $1,000,000 ad vanced to the Jamestown exposition. Even at that the government Ib the biggest financial winner in the trans action. Nearly everybody else lost. (ienteel Robbera fcixpoaed. Philadelphia Record. The railroad merger Investigation In New York goes to ihow that the most cunning of corporation robbera cannot always hide their moccasin tracks. Waste of Tlsnc aad Kuerary. Baltimore American. Every now and then aomeonh, arises and In heated terms defends the constitution. And, after all, this is a waste of time and energy the constitution needs no defense. Fel for Public Wrath. Washington Poet. If this country should plunge headlong into the maelstrom of socialism It will be for the reason that Standard Oil and kin dred concerns loved gain Immoderately and defied justice contemptuously. i The Wireless Limit. Baltimore American. Wireless telegraphy Is an accomplished fact; .wireless telephoning is under ex perimental processes, but the limit of human Ingenuity Is expected to be reached when It comes to wireless politics. pa thy with String-. Portland Oregonlan. The wheat market la still soaring in Chi cago, and every day adds millions to the value of the crop still unsold in this coun try. Our sympathies for the .unfortunate foreigners who have to pay the advanced prices are, of course, acute, but not gener ally expressed. i n Ontelaased by Blea. Brooklyn Eagle. Mrs. Cassle Chad wick merely proved the Inferiority of her sex to deal with large enterprises. Mrs. Chadwick waa a great confidence woman, to be sue, but then she died in Jail. Most of the great confidence men In this part of the country die aa corporation officials. Those who fly Into exile are so few as to emphasize the rule. Consistency a Lost Jewel. Indianapolis News. illiam J. Bryan declares his opposition to the president's suggestions of national incorporation of railroads. He says that "He (Roosevelt) seems to think that the further we get government away from the people the better It la," and he adda lit own opinion that "the national Incorpora tion of railroads, as proposed by President Roosevelt, is the most far-reaching' step for centralization proposed in the country since Hamilton submitted his plan of gov ernment." But did not Mr. Bryan favor a far more radical and centralising scheme when he advocated government ownership of the railroads? OXK KEY TO A CAHKKH. Striking Feature, of the Record o Senator Allison. Cincinnati Enquirer. Steady devotion tj one line of public seivlce has not better vindication than the career of William B. Allison of Iowa, who Is in his seventy-ninth year, with a tenure In the senate lasting till 1909, and with a formidable prospect of being chosen for still another term. He was marked to stay in the legislative department of the gov ernment, though he has had many glitter ing temptations to take executive station. In twenty years or more there has prob ably been no man In the United States who has been so often invited to take the treasury portfolio, either In the beginning of an administration, or In the case of a vacancy. The greater number of hta "sleepless nights" hare doubtless been on account of his hesitation between the treas ury building and the capltol; but he has always though sometimes by a close mar ginmade the right decluton. He has been a presidential "quality" frequently, but somehow the geographical conditions were never ripe until his years became too many to risk him as the chief personality of the republic. He stuck to the senate, and even now the intimation that he will run is sufficient to discourage a number of aspir ants who have been waiting long for him to reach the retiring age. What u-mitri tiflve Keen the result had ha taken up the financial managements Prob ably a single term. In the cabinet, or per haps only a partial term, and a respec table retired life. Very few secretaries have been eminent In the position. Only wars or other great disturbances in finances have furnished opportunities for fame. To be a cabinet officer Is largely perfunctory, and the term that i not cut short Is almost congress that originates and carries out, with-the advisory and veto power of the president carrying considerable weight. Mr. Allison has had much more power In the management of the national money as an Influential senator that he could ever have wielding as the secretary. Mr. Allison Is In one of the coteries of expert In the senate on appropriations and public exp..-naa. He Is one of the few who lay out the operation of the government. 1 1 la hand la always on the combinations of the treasury vaults, and his mind a store house of Infoimation as to how much money tach detail of the public establishment needs. And he Is the artist who Is Invari ably called on to show that while the out lay may have seemed very large, it was absolutely indispensable. He can make a billion congress took parsimonious. And occasionally he breaks the hearts of the men wlie make the estimates. "OIJID ABOl'T XEW TOR It. Ripple oa the Carrent ef I.lfe la Ike Metropolis. If New Tork papers correctly Interpret local sentiment, taxpayers are overbur dened and all but crushed by the constantly growing burden of municipal expenses. Yet. year after year, In ever Increasing j numbers, they step up to the csshters' j wicket and pour In the means wherewith the municipal machine I run. This year the first day of tax payment. October 7, saw a record-breaking rush to the treas urer's office and the unprecedented sum of tl.M.ff was paid In. This I more than the receipts of the first day last year." If tax burden are oppressive or he money market stringent, the flood of money poured Into the city treasury does not show It. Rather than take the risk of losing money on Us contracts .the Barber Asphalt com pany has notified the authorities of Manhat tan borough that it wilt not undertake the repair of twenty-seven streets which It paved with asphalt. The amount Involved is $160,000 and the contracts with the city were made by smaller companies that have been absorbed by the ' Barber concern. When the paving was done the contracts contained a proviso that the streets should be kept In repair by the contractor for a certain, number of years, and It la this obli gation that the Barber company wishes to repudiate rather than collect the money still due from the city under the original agreements. It I asserted that this action may be Interpreted as a confirmation of the charge that the company has not In the past been" compelled to live up to Its con tract with the city, and that It I the proa pect of a strict enforcement of the con tract obligations that impelled the com pany to take the step. One of the oldest slants on Manhattan Island Is to be seen where the Pennsylvania railroad is excavating for Its tunnel and station In Thirty-third street. The laborera employed on this work are all, or nearly 11, from Italy, and their ambition to ac complish things varies according to th stimuiu behind them. There are many ways of shirking work, and th newly landed Italian son "becomes wise" to one or more of thes way. The tunnel contrac tor on the lob, however, has a wav of discouraging undue Idleness. He lias a hard-looking, muscular man. with a formi dable looking gad In his hand, parading oaca and xortli among the men. The gad I one of those long rawhide whlD used in driving cattle and after a familiar tool among the plantation bosses of the south. Everything about the combination, from the snapper to the muscular arm and hard face of the holder, would induce a love for hard labor rather than a taste of its sting. A "corrective" militarv drill Introduced In New Tork aa a punishment for delln- auent DOlltemen frla-ht n.rt lllf Hv ll wn suooess. and Incidentally iniwan in have stirred up the community. The vic tims were compelled to do near-hating stunt until they dropped unconscious, had to be revived by ambulance surgeons and then were sent home or to the hos pital. The explanation offered by the drill- master 1 that th collaoatna- nnllrnmen were too fat and so got tired easily, all of Which 1 calculated to contribute the metropolis' quota to the ryety of nations, not exactly to that of the unfortunate policemen. When should the whistle blow at the high ball. factory? On th definite answer of this question probably dopends the ver dict of a sheriff' Jury which ia trying to determine the mental condition cf James Bartlett Hammond, the millionaire type writer manufacturer. Mr. Hammond ad mits that he wa In the habit of drinking seven highball dally. One Juror said that fwas no proof of Insanity, a he knew sev eral sheriff' Jurors who drank twice that number daily. In an effort to discover the highball limit and draw the line between sanity and insanity a number of public men, who might be authorities on the ques tion, were asked for their view In the matter. If their opinions are to be ac cepted there will be n strike In the high ball works around the court house. From seven the limit has been raised to four teen; others said If highballs were separ ated from twenty to thirty minutes a man ought to be able to keep In his right mind. Bearing the uleasant renutatlon nf helnir one of the most honest women who cross the Atlantic. Mrs. Collls P. Huntlna-tnn. the widow of the California millionaire, ar rived In New Tork last week after a sum mer In Europe. Two years ago she declared 8C2.rtX In dutiable goods, last year $20,000 and last week she said she had more than xi?mn worth of baggage. Her declarations ar noted for the care and clearness with which everything that she acquired In Europe is listed. A long list of dutiable goods was await ing the custom officials when thev ar rived at Quarantine, but they were quite sure that Mrs. Huntington had not forgot ten any of her purchases. When on the dock Mr. Huntington was told of the reputation she had made. She said: "If you mean that I am honest, I will certainly say I am. like thousands of other women. If there are those who are not, I do not know of them." x Two men entered a Broadway restaurant and after putting a question to the head waiter went out again. "What did they want?" aikvd a cunto mer. "They wanted to know if we have scales here so they could weigh themselves before beginning to eat. That seems to be a fad nowaday with dletarlan who are con cerned aa much with th quantity as well as the quality of the food they eat. They allow( themselves a certain number of ounce each meal. They are not content with weighing the food, but Jump onto the scales themselves before and after eating to make aure that they neither overdo or underdo the process of feeding. Unfortu nately we are not prepared to so exactly gauge the Indulgence of a man' appetite. They assured me that aeveral other restaurants are so equipped, so they went on to look for one." PERSONAL NOTES. It appears that instead of fighting the Japs we shall sell them our steel raisj. Evidently when the president went to the Loulalana canebrakes he was not "loaded for bear." Unprecedented numbers of women are studying architecture at Columbia. This looks like plenty of clothes presses. Boarding house keepers and others to whom domestic economies are a considera tion will be gratified to learn that the prune crop la excellent this year, both In quantity and quality. Hon. William Butt of Fannin county, Georgia, la a candidate for aoltcitor general of the Blue Ridge circuit. Here's a chance for somebody to handle the Butt end of a few election beta. The defeat of an American base ball nine in Honolulu by a team composed of China men would seem j call for some expres sion of opinion as to - 0( :,h. oriental Invasion. r h M M f i Cream Used in Millions of Homes. 50 Years the Standard. A Pure, Cream of Tartar Pow der. Makes finest cake and pastry, light, flaky bis cuit, delicious griddle cakes, palatable and wholesome. Note. .Avoid baking powders made from alum. They look like pure powders, and may raise the cake, but no one can eat food mixed with alum without risk, to health. NEBRASKA , POLITICAL POIXTEHS Fullerton Post: When the republican party "went Into power" In Nance county the floating Indebtedness was about $lo.fl(0 beside its bonded tji'bt. Today the float ing indebtedness Is less than $l,0ii0 and the bonded debt has been reduced $14.0ilo. Lynch Journal: The Taft presidential stock seems to be rising In value dally. The timewas when It was not safe for a candidate to announce himself too early In the campaign for an office of that kind, but now the people want to know their candidate and If a man has a clean record that will stand the test of publicity he can come out and make his ambitions known and not suffer for It. York Times: From now until election we will hear nothing from the democrats except a plea for a "non-partisan Ju diciary." They expect to lure some hon est republicans Into their camp by thU appeal to their magnanimity, but we have learned by long experience that our demo cratic friends never think of allowing republicans to squeexe In where they have a safe majority. Let Nebraska give a good account of Itself this year, not only on the state ticket, but In every county and precinct. Hew to the line and the chip will fall in your own baaket. Papilllon Republican: John C. Sprecher, editor of the Schuyler Free Lanoe, has the mud batteries of the democratic Rta-o press turned upon him because he Una Hared to expose the record of Judgo Loom Is, democratic candidate, ror aupn-iug Judge, during the time he was a member of the legislature. Truth will hurt ajid 8preher ha the records to bear him out on every charge he ha made against tha-j- democratlo candidate. The democrats b Ing unable to refute the records, are now endeavoring to besmear the character of the Schuyler editor, which Is not an lasuo In this case whatever. Kearney Hub: The endal sement of Wil liam H. Taft by the late republican state convention will go a long way toward clearing up the political situation in the state and crystalixing the Issue for 1, for It makes reasonably sure that neither Intrigue nor manipulation can take the state out of the list of supporters of the Roosevelt policies. Many things may hap pen before next June, affecting the presi dential situation, that may make for Roose velt as a candidate, or the situation may shape up naturally for the nomination of Taft, who can be trusted t,o continue the policy of the Roosevelt administration. Columbua Tribune: With a strong ele ment In tha fusion party opposing Judge I-oomls on the ground that he Is a railroad man and the other faction completely ab sorbed In the task of defending him from the charges, the Independent voters of the state will go solidly for Judge Reese, who won hls n11 n t,,e Primaries as the champion of the anti-railroad forces and the progressive element of the repub lican party. With a chance to vote for a Judge who ha been lined up on the right side for twenty years the voters will wait until tho fusionlats settle their quarrel be fore they run any more risks. Whether Loomis Is right or wrong, he got a sus piciously large vote in Douglas county, which is Invariably lined up on the side of the big corporations. "Just the Same As Making You A Present." Canadian Clear Red Cedar Shingles $3.75 Per thousand for CASH. Think of it, made in British Columbia and well made, thickest and go farther than any others. Also 20 dis- , . count on our big stock of lumber for CASH. C. IM. DIEXZ LUMBER CO. 1214 Faxnam St. - 'Phone Doug. 35. SATISFACTION IN EVERY KIMBALL ALL music may be produced in a more or lens pleas ing manner on any Piano, but its lunej meaning may only be known; its rich eat treasures may only be revealed. Its true beauty may PIAXO ECONOMY, PIANO f.'l'AIJTV.' YOU'LL KIM THEM BOTH IIKItE. only be discovered, when It is executed on a Piano of careful make and per fect material such as the Kimball. Musicians very often express com mendation or attempt to display their accomplishment through the Indiffer ent medium of Indifferently made pianos. But the s'jontaneous outburst of their talent, the most perfect Inter WK HAVK YOU $50.00 T 8150.00 OS A PIAXO HEE. A. II0SPE COMPANY1513 Douglas S(. ONE PRICE NO COMMISSION PLEA9WTI.Y POINTED. ' Mildred, why did you lie abed tdl . o'clock? 1 called you at 7, a you told rft to do." "I know It, mamniH. I only wanted th pleasure of knowing that l wa Cuing to sleep two hours longer." Chicago Tribune. "Do you bellve there Is any future for mo In politics?" "Yes," answered Bt-nator Sorghum; "but In these days of graft 'you want to take mighty good care not to ts "ne Of those fellows who start In with -a fine futdns and come out with a terrible past." Wash ington Star. "Oh, dear," cNrluuned the society Woman, "I feel no wretched, and this4 Is my re ceiving dav, too. 1 do hope no one will cull, for 1 11 be In misery all the lime." "Well," answered her husband . face tiously. "I always understood that 'mlserv loves company.' "Catholic Standard ' and Times. "There Is one advantage which a Judg always has In his profeaalon." , , , "What is that?" "Whether he succeds1 In a given cuse oi not. he can always try lt.'"Ba1timor American "Did your husband go abroad this sum mer to take the hot baths?" "Dear me, no. He found his: health re quired him to stay home and take an In munity bath." Hu It I more American. Nan Did you notice how dreadfully thai piano needed tuning? Fan Why, no. dear; I thought It har monised perfectly with your voire. Phil adelphia Press. . "Theoretically." muttered the professor pocketing the small amount of change lliiil Dad been handed bark to him, "all th products of nature ought to be free, but some of them cost like blast's." He had Juat paid his . bill for electric light: lag. Chicago Tribune. Now. Mandy, I like cheerful service. Dl you wasn wnn aiacrny? "No'm: I Jest uses plain soap." BalU more American. TIIK I,AT M MMEH BOARDER, Chicago Post, "l'i the last summer boarder Left boarding alone; All his hungry companions Have settled and gone; No clerk, no school teacher. No salesgirl Is nigh To hear him Imploring A third piece of pie. He has packed up his gripsacks, He's loaded his trunk ' With his golf suit and flannel And similar Junk; Soon to the veranda Again he'll repair, And for one restful evening He'll now find a chair. Ah. the last fly of summer Has dropped In his tea. And the last lonely chlgger Has bitten his knee; The last girl of summer This morning must go, Aral slxteenthly .and lastly blie whispered her "No." 1 A nil the last lorn mosquito Has buzxed in his ear, With the faith of the lonely That casts out all fear; , -It sat on his eyebrow And bit its last bite; Frostnipped and exhausted, Its spirit took flight. 'T1s the last summer boarder He' looks at his bill, - And the silence grows thicker On valley and hill. , The extras are charged In, The bill is quite high And the last Item "Lxtra" la one for "Cioodbye." pretations of real music are given only on such Instruments a the Kimball. just as true musicians' art Is developed to Its fullest measure only through the assistance of such a carefully made CiAuu aa lue niiuuftii. i uc rwiuiuaif i. the master key of music. To the be ginner, to the student, to tha virtuoso It oDens a door to a new realm of de light. It Is essentially a piano for home use. yet on which the concert player loves to perform. iloth quality' and economy are ob tained by every Kimball buyer. You ran buy one here (or f 200. That price is the lowest in the United. States (or this make of piano. We have Just received the new 1808 styles and will be pleased to show them io you. If you cannot call write lor catalogues.