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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1907)
Tub Omaha! Daily Bee VOL. X--XVUL NO. 104. OMA1IA, T1IUKSDAY MORNING, OCTOliEIt 17, 1007 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO COURT 0F NATIONS The Eagrue Conference Ado4 ' vrt for Permanent Tribun SEVERAL NATIONS DO NOT Others Make Eeierratloni at to Htg Cy latloni for Ita Conduct. BELGIUM'S PROPOSAL APPROVED T - -1 Li W, J' S1-1 jscci-u-iioa Acaraing uoiigBiurT Arbitration Unanimonily Adopted. DRAGO DOCTRDTE ALSO WINS Modlncatloa f Proposition Prepared by General Horace Porter Receives Talrty-JTla ; Y.tes. , THK HAGUE, Oct. 19. The ninth lttlng of the peace conference today voted upon the question of establishment of the pro posed permanent arbttmtion court. . There were thirty-eight vote In favor of the project, Belgium, Denmark. Greece, Houmanla, SWltxerland and ,1'ruguay did not vote, and 'Mexico, Braall, Greece. Col ombia, Salvador, Persia, Guatemala, Haytl, Veneiuela, Bah Domingo, Paraguay, Pan ama, Ecquadnr, China, Bolivia and Nica ragua voted favorably to a permanent court, but with the reserve that auch court and the regulations In that direction should be conducted on the bas(c principle of absolute judicial equality. The report'iof Baron Gullaume, Belgium, on the declaration of Count Tornlelll, Italy, regarding obligatory arbitration, waa adopted unanimously, with several re serves. Including the United States and Japan, David J. Hill. America, saying that the United ftates would not depart from I It traditional policy of nun-Interference In the affairs of other slates. The next Subject taken up waa the pro posal of General Horace Porter, on the subject of the collection of contractual debt. Tho i substance, of the proposition ll that In order to avoid, between nations, armed conMtels "of purely pecuniary origin" caused by contractual debts claimed by .'the subjects of ono country from tho govesnment of another, and also to guarantee that "all contractual dents Of this nature which are not settled In a friendly manner, through diplomacy, shall I submitted to arbitration," it la under stood that oberclve measures shall not be taken until the creditor country offers arbi tration and 'the debtor country refuses It, j or leaves the offer unanswered, or until J after the decision of the arbitrators is not fulfilled by tho debtor country. The pro posal waa approved by thirty-nine votes. With five abstentions Belgium. Sweden, Rourranla, Switzerland and Veneiuela, twelve American government making reservations. ; The final session of the conference will take place Saturday. yRMY CAPTAINS USE FISTS Transport l.oitnn Rrlnara Two Officers to,.m FrancUco t oiler Arrest. SAN FRANCIS' 'O, Oct. lfi.-Tii transport Logan yesterday brought as prisoners Cap tain 4ame B. Lindsay and Captain Henry 8, Wygant. both of the Thirteenth regi ment. While . the Logan was lying In quarantine at Maravelcs, near Manila, the two officers engaged In a fist encounter, and their commanding officer, Colonel Louthboruugh. ordered both under arrest. Both officer refused to disclose the reason for their encounter. WASHINGTON. Oct. 16.-The Thirteenth Infantry will proceed to Fort Leavenworth, Kn., where It will be stationed. It is assumed here that the court-martial of Captains Lindsay and Wjgant will be ordered by Brigadier General Hall, who Is tumporarily commanding the Department of the Missouri. MACKOWN GEJSHIS CHANGE I', at Webster City, Orders fc-aibessleniaat Case Seat from Hamilton Coanty. WEBSTER CIVY. Ia.. Oct. 16.-(Speclal Telegram.) Judge Lee this morning granted a change of venue to George McKown. al leged firebug and embeszlcr, upon the charge of embezzlement. The case against him for arson,' however, will begin in this city Monday. Dissatisfaction over the rul ing is general, for It Is a sevr set-back to the atate. beuause the ombezzlement case 1 much the stronger of the two. It was contended that on the embezzlement charge the prisoner could not get a fair and Im partial trial In Hamilton county. THEATER MEN UNDER BAN Oraad Jury at Kausaa City Retarna ladlvtmeala Agalast Nine- -. teea of Them. KANSAS CITT. Oct. W.-A grand Jury In tao criminal court here today returned nineteen Indictment against manager of Kanaa City theater for keeping their place of museiniuit open on Sunday. The indictment had been asked by Judge Wll lam H. Wallace, who gave notice two week go that ho Intended .enforcing the Sunday law. The theatrical managers had secured a temporary injunction restraining tho closing ofthelr place. Warrants will now be served and the manager brought to '.rial SPAIN TO SELL TO FRANCE startling Hrnort that Moroccan Con rl Will Paaa Entirely lata These Hands. TANG IKK. Oct a-.V startling report, wiiieh cannot be verified here. Is In circula tion this afternoon to the effect Hint Fiance, Willi the consent of Sultan Abd-Kl-Aili. Intends nuking Spain a monetary offer for all her Interest In Morocco, notably MtWllu and Cruta, which point. If tho deal ia made, will be the base of operations against the pretender to the throne of Morocco. EMPEROR SHOWS NO CHANGE Cvndltlvn Henialna Same and Fever lias Slightly Abated Spirits Hrlaater. VIKNNA. Oct. It-The condition of Km Fiaacis Joseph today was regarded us ttlgt.Uy more farnrable. .Though viitually t'u- same symptoms continue the fever has some what abated and the spirit of tha pa tient are brighter. SUMMARY OF THE BEE Thursday, October IT, 1IT.I 1907 sua MOa OCTODER 1907 rut wis ran rai sat 12 3 4 5 8 9 (0 II 12 15 16 17 18 10 22 23 24 25 2G 29 30 31 $ 1 3 s VK 7 J4 21 ni wiATica Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursdav; For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair Thursday. For Nebraska and Iowa Fair Thursday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. l'eg. m 4 m 4i ni 44 m 47 m ."1 m iifi ni a w m Vi m 74 m T5 m ?S m 74 m 72 m ; 7" m 7 Li " a. "sii 12 in I I ! p. m. l4 ' DOK-STIO. Thirty-eight victims are dead ns a re sult of the Fontanet powder mill explo sion. Page a A plot to kldimp the child of Superin tendent Orier of the Homestake mine at Lead was foiled and suspects ire undr arrest. Pag 1 George Macknwn was granted n change of venue at Webster Clfy on one count j of enibexxlement. He will be tried there on the arson charge. Pae 1 "ettler managers oi ivansas ..icy niui niann prosecutions ior Keeping ineir ; places open on punuay. rgi 1 ' A severe earthquako shock waa regis tered on the Instruments ut Albany. N. Y., and at Washington. It Is said to he a severe as the San Francisco shock. Paga 1 Striking telegraphers have applied for their old positions at San Francisco. Pag 1 A r n. .. ,.un.ln. t .V tl.n TV.Irt.iinlh 111. , . , , ,. ,, . .. funtry are brongli to San Francisco un- I der nrrest herause of a right during tho trip from Manila. 5g I j Call of the national committee to fix j the i-epubllcn convention will b-? Isau-fd next Monday. Page 1 TOBEION. Secretary Taft opens the Assembly of the Philippine Islands. Paffe X Jiipanese Immigration companies have trmie to the wall and a bureau will be formed by the Japanese government. Pag-e 1 Tlve Hague conference holds next to the; hiKt r.v-ison and votes favorably on tho court ft arbitration, many of the coun tries making reservations. Page 1 Kmperor Francis Joseph shows no change of condition. Page 1 Lincoln exchange asks governor to ls.i:o proclamation requiring dipping of cattl;. Railroad to perfect appeal In grain1 rata case. ; . oria-neraia io-i:s in hpitnii court , on case Involving county legal printing. Tf 3 Lancaster county officials, und not llio secretary of state, must decide whethor there Is a vacancy on the senatorial ticket from that county. . Pag 3 LOCAL. Fremont night at the Horse Show, draws larae crowd, society women In brilliant costumes being prominent. Page 1 Business men are forming club to pro mote commercial progress of the city. Pag 0 Grand encampment of Odd Fellows In scshIoii In Omaha elect officers for com ing year. Paj 1 First flour from new Vpdike mill Is used to make biscuit for Commercial cl'ib luncheon. ' Pag 7 Cases agulost G. H. T. Babcock and others charged with land fraud will start in federal court Monday. Pag 7 City Kiigin.'or nosev.-ater uini-nls to Mayor Dahlman to veto action of council letting Izard street sewer contract. Page 5 Bellevue college celebratea twenty seventh anniversary of its founding. Page 7 MOVEMENTS OP OOEAX BTSAMSHIPS. Port. Arrived. Balled. XKW YORK Prmldmt Uncoil N KW YOkK... Dceinlr NEW YORK. ... K. W. der Grossa. ..K. P. Occlil. NKW TOKK . ... Ul KUNFTOWN. LuuaqU I'amriaiiU. "Omah the city of beautiful homes" An edition de luxe of The Omaha Sunday Bee October 20, 1007. It will contain one hundred and fifty pictures of Omaha's hand some homes, parks and boulevards, eight pat'e printed on high-grade paper. You owe it to your city, to advertise Omtiha, by sending copies to your friends or customers. Let peoyle know what a beautiful city we have and that we are proud of it. Sc per copy, 8c mailed for you. I'leate tend your order a$ early as pottibk. ad coplea to all your friends. : : U OLDER SPRINGS nAMAfiP SUIT: San Fra.elaro Kdltor V h Wa Kidnaped Files Aetl.n for llr.vr Damages. v i V I'QlVPIOM n,. i u.ot ... ..I fc-A.N tKAMISlU, Oct. 16. BUlt as 'o- .b. ni.,1 hv Kren,..m ftl.i.e I ' J - - nrown. . -v wyimn ana wen conn ul- irging false arrest and Imprisonment and,. Appointment, for Senator No, ris Brown demanding damage or IH',ii. The Slot i and t'onKrensman Pollard will be grows out of the recent kidnaping of Oldi r, the three defendant having been concerned In that adventure. SCHEME TO KIDNAP FOILED Superintendent brier of Homestake Mine Object of Plot. BIG SUM OF MONEY Threat to steal Child aad Hint In less Payment Was Made Aantrlaas Are inspected. LEAD, S. D., Oct. 16.-(8peclal Telegram.) Black hand methods have reached Lead, and although the plot to extort money un der the threat of violence has failed for the time, It Is believed the end of the schemo of blackmail, which originated among a group of Austrians who are tem porarily making their homes In Lead Is not jet, and that further effort will be made by them to carry out their threats. Some months ago Superintendent Grlei of the Homestako Mining company begin to receive threatening letters, dropped in the postofllce at Lead. The letters were not signed, but all of them were filled with threats of murder should the superintendent not comply with the demands of the gang to make a payment of a large sum of money. On Saturday last Superintendent Orier received a letter which not only threatened to dynamite his residence, but also Informed him that should not a large sum of money be it a specified place before Monday evening his residence would be blown up and that an effort would bo made lo kidnap one of his children, and that then, did he not pay over the money, the child would bo sent back to him piece bv piece. Mr. Orler's friends became alarmed !ln,, in-ed him to consent to a person:)! bodyguard and to allow his residence to be I guarded night and day by armed men. Thlfl am, a guard M Bla0 plarei, OVPr his children and now accompanies them to and from school and watches over them while at play. Sunday a dummy package was left at the place designated by the gang and a watch ! was set over it. During Sunday no one ap. pronched the' package, but Monday after noon a woman, Mrs. Chris Miljas, an Aus trian, was seen to take the package. She was followed to her home In South Lead and placed undet arrest, together with her , , . , . husband and an uncle who were found in the house. Mr. and Mrs. Grier are absent In the east nnd will sail from New York tomorrow for a visit In Scotland, but during their ah- I sencs their chiltren will remain In Lead ! about two hours. under guard all of the time, for It Is not BALTIMORE, Md.. Oct. 16. The selsmo bclteved that the three arrests made In- graph at John Hopkins university shows elude all who are Implicated In the plot, that tho earthquake was tho strongest re The works and hoists of the mine are be- corded by that Instrument since the San Ing guarded night and day, for previous Francisco shock. The reoord shows that letters contained threats to burn thorn j disturbance began a few minute past 9 down, destroy the tramway with dyna- I o'clock and continued for two hours. The mite and to Indict other injury to the minea ! most violent tremor was at 9:13 o'clock which would cost thousands of dollars to ' and during the eleven minutes following repair. . The sum demanded In all of the previous letters received wa IO.OOO. The city I worked up over the matter, and should an accident happen to any of Mr. Orler's chll- dren or any of the works suffer Injury, there will certainly be . riot and the .us - pects. besides those now -under arrest. rlll be rough'y dealt with. Mr. Grier left for New York Sunday evening, accompanied by Marshal Bullock, who remained with him until the danger xone was passed. Mrs. MllJas, who belongs to one of the best known Austrian-Italian families In of China tho Japanese government will Lead, was taken quietly hefore a police ; organise a bureau of Immigration and col magistrate this morning for a preliminary onlzatlon. A recent action of the govern hearlng. but on. the request of her attorney ment, resulting from the protests on the the hearing was postponed. The woman, Pacific coast, have forced Into liquidation who had previously been arrested on a twenty-eight Immigration companies, charge of larceny and forgery at the time j The government raised tha indemnity she was taken into custody yesterday, was j which each company Is compelled to fur out on bonds for her appearance before the i nlsh from SD.0O0 each to $25 000, which they grand Jury. were unable to do. Another circumstance j having to do with their failure is the re- MANY OBJECT TO NEW BlLL!usal of the aovernment tn issue passports to Mexico, and Peru.' Emigration to Can- Hollroad and Shippers Request ModU flea t ion of Uniform Bill of l.adtngr. WASHINGTON. Oct. 1. At the meet ing of the Interstate Commerce commls- slon todny the matter of putting Into ef fect upon the railroads of the United States the proposed uniform bill of lad ing, framed by the shipping and railroad Interests, was considered. There wa present a large representation of the ship ping, banking and railroad Interests. All of these Interests are being given an op ' portunlty to present their views on tho subject. In order that an Instrument which will meet the requirement of all Inter ests concerned may be put Into operation at the beginning of the new year. Con siderable opposition to the proposed lad ing bill In Its present shape has developed and If the commission accept the views of those who already have lieen heard a new Instrument will lie perfected or , the one already proposed will be ma- terially modified. Today program ln '. eluded arguments of representatives of both the commercial interests and the ! : railroads. rnttU NOTORIOUS FOOTPAD j Technical Error Cause Release After I Keven leant Hprnt at "in ttnentln. KAN FRANCISCO., Oct. 16.-After seven I years of bard servitude in Ban yuentin eiilt -ntlary, Simon Munckros von Vet j s.ra, scion of n noble Austrian family, and a notorious footpad who terrorized San , Francisco and the suburban towns in the I spring of 1!!0. has been freed throush the ; Instrumentality of the Austrian govern ! ment. Superior Judge Thomas J. Lennon J of Marine county issued yesterday a writ , of habeas corpus and Vetsera was released on bonds. The court took this action be ' cause the record of the rases were found I to he faulty, noting the fact that Vetsera j had pleaded guilty on three charges of as j sault with Intent to commit robbery, but , aot stating the particular offenses of which I he I nd been accused j With only the record to go uupn, it ap , peared that entenre Imposed upon Vet ; sert, twenty-eight year at hard labor In : an tvuentln, had been too severe, Ave year on taih count being the maximum. APPOINTMENTS FOR SHELDON tisirrsur t. .et Into the C.uin.lan ul Several Datea Are Announced. a , . LIMOLN. Oct. lt,.-Special Telegram.)- The republican state conmlMee has made the follomlns speaking appointments: Gov. rn(). Klie d..n. Imbnis. Oetoher ! Pawn.... V. ... ' . . " . " j v ny. p. m.. i iciooer zo, tame uock, s p. ... ik.,i,r . c.-huvl. r n m fk.miw,. Pollard - niium en in a u.ty or i wo, ana those of or iwo. ami iiiom or with the original John Jacob Aator In fur soon as h return from ! trading. Mr. Holladay left ore son. Ben (jauiiu Holladay, and three daughters. Senator Burkcit i Washington. SEVERE EARTHQUAKE SHOCK Inn-ton, HesrMter Henry Karth Tremor, Al-BASr, K.Y., Oct la. An earthquake a direc tion and at ined. began to re ZTZTl cord Itself about a. m. today on the el Marder m0jrraph at the state museum. At 10:15 a. m. the movement waa sllll In progress, un diminished. The vibrations were traceable for an hour. The record shows that the dlsturu anoe originated about 3.000 miles from Al hany. and the vibrations of one of the Instruments were so violent as to exceed Its limit for registering. The direction of the transmission ronnot be stated with cer tainty, though from a comparison of the two records received the disturbance would seem to have been southwest. The official bullet I says: 'The only dis turbance, comparably In violence that has been recorded this fear Is the earthquako of April 14. which (was so destructively felt In Mexico. Thptesent one may very well mark a continuation of the movements that have been under way for some time In the Cordllle.ran and Caribbean tones, to which may be traced also the earthquakes of San Ftan:';sco, Valparaiso and Jamaica." WASHINGTON, Oct. 1C An earthquake of great violence was recorded by the seismograph at the weather bureau today. The strongest motion of tho disturbance began shortly after o'clock this morning and subsided about six minutes later, the approximate time as first shown by the 9:14 government Instruments being from to 9:20. The weather bureau Issued the following bulletin: "Just after the sheets of the seismograph were changed this morning a great earth quako was recorded, the record of which lias not yet been entirely compietea. ine; precise beginning of the disturbance cannot be made out as yet. The strong part of . the motion began at :14 a. m.. but Its dur- j ation waa relatively snort ana subsided at about 9:20 a. m. Thn amplitude of the strong action was apparently as great aa four-tenths of an Inch at Washington. Full details of the record cannot bo made out until the In struments have ceased recording and the record sheets removed for examination. Tho earthquake, which was one of the most violent ever recorded here, was also shown on the seismograph at the coast und geodetic survey magnetic laboratory at Cheltenham, Md. The Instrument there showed the vibrations began at 8:69:46 a. m eastern standard time, and continued tlie needle of the seismograph was shaken entirely off the recording cylinder. ) Prof. Reld said that the record of the shock was of about the same Intensity as the record of the San Franclaco earthquake. ; the record of the San Franclaco earthquake. ; I ! JAP COMPANIES GO TO WALL Oriental Gorapieo Will Organise Burns -of r Immlgratloa Be cause of Condition, VICTORIA. B. C , Oct. 16.-Accordlng to i advices received by the steamer Kmpress ada and Hawaii averages only about 1,00 per month, which Is Insignificant when di vided among so many companies. Many of the newspapers comment ad versely on the new bureau, which they deem a ladder on which to back down from occidental prejudice. Ono parer attacks Hie statement accredited to Mr. Ishl, whilo In the I'nl'.ed States recently, that Japa nese emigration would In the future be con-, fined to Manchuria, Corea and Russian Siberia, saying that this territory doe not offer sufficient outlet for Japanese emigra tion. STORM IN SOUTHERN EUROPE Portion of Continent In Grasp of Floods II 1Kb Winds and Heavy Rain. PARIS, Oct. 16. Southern Europe Is In the grasp of a tremendous etorm, accom- panted by torrential rains. This, coming I on the heels of unprecedented rainfalls and floods of the last three weeks. Is causing, very great distress. The storm area ex tend from Morocco northward over Portu- I gal. Bpaln and southern France. War- I ship off the African coast and the Spanish j peninsula have sought shelter. j The village of Olet. near Barcelona, Spain, was literally washed away by a cloudburst, and the River Llobregat, Just south of Barcelona, Is described as being a raging torrent, constantly claiming new victims. The city of St. Sebastian, In the north of Spain, ha been ravaged by the recently flooded river In the south of France. In the department of Savole a great over hanging cliff of 800.000 cubic, meter Is re ported to be moving and In imminent dan ger of toppling over and crushing the vil lage of Tormery. 1.000 feet below. A dispatch from Brest say several smacks have capsixed and their crew have been drowned. UcAD ; WESTERN PIONEER IS " " Jewe lloll.d.y, Who Operated Pan y K.pre nnd Nt... Line, ' ' . c me nuu, oci. io. jegnc itoiiauay, i years old, u pioneers of California, but In ! his hitler year a resident of Chicago, died Vftfi-.-1. v ut Ilia T Qvlnolon t-.n,1 If- -.. . associated with his brother, Benjamin, lnjdUI'n' th Uy' the operation of tlie "Pony Express, " which I CTDI1.DO Dmv AT frnirnn was for many years the only means of I rtlrVLnO ArrLT A I rnloLu rrying tho mail ucrosa the western , wnis. i ney wrrv bibu me owners vi a j ttago coach line which, prior to the advent the railroads, farniched practically the only mcltl)9 of UanHljOI.tlltlon. The 1olu. , days wre Ptrly factoI3 ln lhe devt.,op. .. , ... t... .. I'irm mi vuoiuiuia. r ur niuny years tney : , .. ,, . . UMJ ""'amsnip une plying Detween Bun Francisco and Honolulu. , ago. ' as a daughter of Colonel Ewlng of i .Mr. rionauay s w ue, wno died i nniiuiiu, nnu " aacai-. niru mm m ita. I I fit I if Q AND WORK FOR LODGES Business and Trolley Rides Engross Odd Fellows and Rcbekahs. FOUR HUNDRED WOMEN PRESENT W. fi. Pa reel 1 of llroken Bow la Fleeted Grand Patriarch by the F.nrnmpment of Odd Fellows. The second day's aesslon of the grand lodges and assemhl'es of Odd Fellows was greeted with an Increased attendance and growing Interest Wednesdav morning. The grand lodge convened at t:J0 1" Its fiftieth annual srBslon at Cre'siMon hall. Fifteenth and Harney streets, wi'h Grand Master J. E. Morrison presiding. The Rebekah assembly convened a short while earlier and marched In a body from It hall In Odd Fellows' temple to Crelgh ton hall to partlcplate In the opening exer cises of the grand lodge About 400 women were In the line and made an Imposing parade on tho street headed by their presi dent. Miss Katherine Jackson. A they en tered Crelghton hall they were given a cor dial welcome by the grand lodge and vis itors assembled there to participate In tho opening exercises. After tho gathering was railed to order by Grand Master Morrison. Past Grand Master Charles A. Patterson of Omaha de livered the address of welcome on behalf of tho city of Omaha. Grand Master Mor rison responded on beholf of. the visiting Odd Fellows and Miss Katherine Jackson on behalf of the Rebekah assembly. The entire morning was given over to the annual address of the grand master. , report or tne several grand onicers ana i the appointment of committees. The re ports show that the order Is In a prosper ous condition throughout the grand Jurls- diction, with both lodges and membership increasing. Tho flnnnce of the order are In an exceptionally good condition and tho beneficent work of the order Is manifest In all parts of the state. The session of tho grand lodge wore resumed Wednesday afternoon until 4 o'clock, when an adjournment was taken to enjoy tho trolley ride. Thursday morning the grand lodge, will hold Its closing session at Crclghton hall, when officer will bo elected for the year. Itebekah Assembly. Fnon Its return from tho visit to the grand lodge at Crelghton hall to par- ttclpate In the formal pnoning of the grand lodge meeting, the Rebekah assem Wy opened Ita twenty-fourtli annual busi ness meeting In Odd Fellows' temple, with the largest attendance ever gathered for a like occasion in the history of the were present, including niese omcers: miss Katherine Jackson of Lincoln, president;' Mrs. Clara Eskow Davis of North I'latte, vice president; Mrs. lcima L. , Talbot of . South Omaha, secretary; Mrs. Mary E Stuhl of Omaha, treasurer; Mis Mellla warden; Mrs. rartheim j nt. chaplain; Mr. Kate ! r, .i,i. ,. . Taylor of Blair, Thomas of Fremont, Thomas of Fremont, chaplain; Mr. Kate . Tucker of Auburn, marshal; Mrs. Flor- "5ew ot Tecumseh. conductor; MU i Alice fc'tuht of Sidney, Inside guardian and Mrs. Mary E. Osborn of Omaha, out- sldo guardian The assembly wa called to order by President Jackson, who read her annual address, which was followed by the report of the several officers. These reports show there has been an Increase of nine lodges during the year and a very large Increase of membership with an awakening Interest In the work In all quarters of the state. At 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon a brief memorial service was held for duceasud members. At the conclusion of this inter esting service the assembly took a recess for a trolley ride. Prior to the opening of the regular busi ness sessions of the assembly the assembly degree wu conferred upon about 2c0 meni- hers. Among those present at the meeting are a number of member of the order TAFT OPENS NEW ASSEMBLY from Iowa, Kansas and other adjacent i states as visitors. Secretary of War Officiates at Manila Hea'dquartera for the grand lodge have . at Ceremony Attending; been removed from the Rome hotel to the First Session. Her Grand, where the officers and recorda MANILA, Oct. 16.-Secretary Taft for wlll be found during the remainder of the mally opened the Philippine assembly In grand lodge session. the National theater at 11:15, this morning, i in the presence of a large crowd of peo- PATHIAIltllS MILITANT ELECT pie. Behnyler Man Head Office of Mili tary Branrh of Order. The department council of the Patriarch Militant, the military branch of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, elected of ficer Wednesday evening for' the ensuing year as follows: President John K. Arnold of Schuvler. Vice President K. F. Davis of North Platte. Secretary-treasurer I. P. Gage of Fre mont. Sentinel W. P. Samson of Blair. Picket Jacob Mark of Omaha. The following were recommended for the degree of chivalry: I. P. Oage of Fre mont and James P. Shaw of Tekamah, which la to be bestowed upon the postulant at the next meeting of the sovereign grand lodge In l'.iox. Thla degree Is bestowed for efficient service on behalf of the order. The department council of the Patriarchs Militant is the legislative body of the order. However, the militant branch being a mill- tary order, It becomes necessary to choose the military commander of the Patriarch Militant, and these were elected Wednes day evening us follow: Department commander J. E. Arnold. Lieutenant colonel K. 8. Davis. Major of the first battalion Jamea C. bimw. Major of the aecond batUllon-Judson Clark of Beatrice. ' Adjutant of the first battallon-W. p. 1 Bamaon of Hlflr. I Wednesday night the department council !of the Patriarchs Militant besowed the (decoration of chivalry upon Miss Llllle R. . Carrlck of Culbertson and Mrs. Belle Bolo- I shaw of Lincoln with beautiful and lm- ' presslve ceremonies. This degree was given the two women for efficient and , faithful work as members of the Rebekah , d(.areei BuxllUry to the Odd Fellow', order. jMr, PavU of Farbury wa, al80 recom. j mended for the decoration of chivalry j wa unable to be present. but j The grand lodgj sessions will be resumed this morning, as will be In the Rebekah assembly. Roth orders will elect officer Seven Old Men Have Asked for Old Position from the Western I Inn, BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. IS. Superintend ent Miller of the Wthtern I'nlon Telegraph company reports that seven striking telegraph operators applied for their old position today. Five of them were iven employment. Clowrr Mr-elected President. NF.VV YORK. Oct. Hi. Colonel It' bert C. Clowry today was re-elected president of the Wulrru I loon Telegraph company. All the other ofiicera were re-elected. CONSCIENCE PR0VED MASTER Escaped Convict Iteturned lo Inili ana Prlann to Scrc fliilenre of Krnlrirr. CHICAGO. Oct. 16. Immaculately attired as n minister or toe gospel, it stranger rntirril tbe office of the Indiana stato I prison at Michigan City. ln.l.. yesterday and declared that he was an escuped con- vict and had come to serve the rest of his sentence. My name Is Allen .1. Lawrence and I escaped from this prison In September, 1896." he said. Then he told Warden Reid 'his strange story. Ho traced his viander i iniis In the harvest' fields of Kansas and Nebraska, where he sought only to keep from too close association with hi fellow men lest his secret be discovered. He de scribed -an accidental visit to a revival meeting on th" prairie, where. In the flick ering light of torches pitched In front of the "prairie schooner" of a wandering mis sionary, there waa opened the vision of the comfort which came with a belief In Ood. Th( n he told of his decision to preach tho gospel and of the success winch had attended his efforts as a Methodist evan gelist, and at last, his voieo broken with tears, he told of the, lashing of his con science, which spurred Ivlm to reveal his true Identity and return to the rrlson from which he hail fled. ' "It was hard," he sobbed, "but I have won, and I wtl serve the sentence which man's laws have Imposed upon me, even though I am not guilty of the crime for which I am being punished." Lawrence was sentenced In April, 19o$. from Lapnrte. Ind., where he had been employed as a laborer. He, was found guilty of attacking a girl and was sen tenced to serve from two to fourteen yen's. arter ne nan neen in ine prison irun man , mn)h i,. wa. mB1i a tmstv. Almo.i : )rnmdlateiy h escaped. He assumed the name of Jamea William. His wife's belief In his Innocence had never faltered until he escaped, when she declared that If he really had not been guilty he would not havo run away. She applied for divorce Immediately and It was granted. Lawrence snld he was converted In Ne braska while attending a revival service conducted by Rev. John Williams. NINE-STORY HOTEL, SAYS DEAN Kansas City Man Declares This Smallest to lie Con sidered. Dean Brothers, Knnsns City hotel mag nates, have visited Omaha and gone. They "visited" P. V.. Her and promised to com ntfaln. A. J. Desn told a reporter for The Bee that tho sm"rst building which the company considered was a nine-story structure 131x1X4 feet, and that a twelve story building was by far the most prac- "But there Is nothing to say yet." said Mr. Dean, hefore he took tho train for Kansas rl,.. lrnn.,!.,, nlolil Wa rirstnnJkA 1 II ' , . , , ' , . , ., ., ' bnre for the Hnv nnd have looked tbe tu- J atlon over. The proposition Involve a large P"nllture cf money and w. to Kmhm ' ,ly BnJ t',1"k;h" m Dean Brothers propose to lea will return I matter over " , . , .. . Dean Brothers propose to lease tho pres- j ' ' . . ' h" Gn f'" " " i w'th , ,th fl0r. "T10 fo"rtM,n ..T'- i Should they decide to do ao. they will take not only the she of the Her Grand, but ground which will give them a floor space V , ' , , , , , ling In the air and eye scornfully glisten-' A. J. nnd D. J. Dean orrlved In Omha,ng ke flr(, prouJ dBBor,ptloII, th Wednesday morning and spent the entire ; llor8Cg hown Rt tn() exhlblt proyed nay wnn Mr. ier. j ney are proprietors of the Baltimore and Midland hotels at Kansas City and have Jurt completed a $1 .000.060. hotel it J-piin, Mo. Ill branching out they have hfci. Interested In Omaha for some time anl hAva frequently prcJmled to look the situation over with Mr., Her. It Is felt now that 'i.e firm will como to Omaha, and Mr. A. J. Dean himself say that if they come they will "enter Omaha as It deserves and do things right." I In his opening address Mr. Taft declared that views announced two years ago re- gardlng the Independence of tha Philip pine people were unchanged. Ho did not believe that they would he fitted to govern themselves for at least a generation, but he added that the matter wa entirely In tho hands of congress. The secretary denied emphatically that the I'nited States had any Intention of disposing of the inlands, said he had absolute confidence i In the Philippines, denied that he was disappointed at their ability to legislate conservatively, and asserted his belief that they felt their responsibility and ac knowledged the necessity of supporting the American government. Mr. Taft re- fralned from suggestions regarding specific legislation by the assembly, but recom- 1 mended that attention be paid to tho civil service. MfJTIOfJ TO ni?MKl Rf?IIFn MU ' ,UNJ 1 U MI AHUUtU i Inaaraner In Men'a Case Called Conrt In TVevr York. NEVi YORK. Oct. l,-Motions to dismiss the six forgery indictments against Georire W. Perkins, former vice-president of the life Insurance company, which were found , a the result of the Investigation of the , , , ,. ... . , , i legislative committee, were argued today. The motion to dismiss the Indictment against former Secretary of the Treasury Charles S. Falrehlld went over, an the , P'nts Involved In the cases are similar. ! Mr- Perkln's attorneys argued that to sustain the criminal charge it would he necessary to show intent to defraud, while tho grand Jury which Indicted Mr. Perkins had recorded Its conviction that he and ; Mr. Falrehlld were actuated only by a de- sire to benefit the policyholders of the ! New York Life Insurance companv. NATIONAL CALL DUE MONDAY Itepnlillcan Committee Will e Together Soon to Fix Con vention Date. I WASHINGTON, Oct. K.-Tlie call for the meeting of the Republican Natloial 1 committee for the purpose of fixing the time and place for holding the National j Republican convention, will be Issued proh- I ably next Monday. FIVE HAYTIANS ARE SHOT Mark Lamer .mber of Polltlra! Prisoner Are I nder Charge of Conaplrar jr. WASHINGTON, 10 Five political prisoners wi re shot In Haytl today accord ing to a dispatch to the State department, A much larger number of Haytian are under charge of conspiracy. SOCIETK SHOWS TOGS Third Evening: of Horse Show Bringi Out Gorgeous Costumes. FREMONT NIGHT DRAWS CROWL ' .Boxes and Galleries Filled with j Lovers of Noble Animal, j FEMININE WHIPS APPLAUDED Social Favorites as Drivers Are Given Cordial Reception. nsnanssnaa-a. PROGRAM OF PLEASING VARIETY Saddle and High School Horses, Ladles Pair anil llnnters Are Favorites In l.nng 1. 1st of Interesting; Kveata. Thursday Mtht Lincoln Mgtil Tim. Class. pnrse .87 Park Pair (Loeal) lo0 .87 Lady' EaAdl Kors ISO . B Pair Xodtre 800 .70 Hunt Olnb 150 .17 Pair of High Btepper . . . 800 .63 Combination Mors 800 .38 Unicorn 800 .47 Potato Kao 60 .68 Lady Huntsr.., BOO 8:00. 8:10. 8:90. . 8:30. 8:B0. 8:10. 9:30. :4S. ,10i05. Fremont night at tne Horse Show drew ono the largest crowds of the week and the boxes and gaerles were well filled with gaily costumed spectators. 8oclety was out In all Its finery and the brilliant display of color In the boxes was In decided contrast to tho previous evening, when modest colors predominated. The program offered a pleasing variety In style, weight and carriage and the beau tlfnl animals were enthusiastically cheered as they rounded the tan hark course. Tho events of the evening were warmly con tested, the rntrles In nearly all of the classes being numerous. The program opened with the selling class, followed by the saddle horse events. Many prominent women appeared In ladles' rlr class and were cori'allv arm'auded ly their friends. Other of the Important classes exhibited Were the high sci.ool. tne road four and the hunters and the heavy harness classes. Crowd XhOTrs Ita Opinion. Cheers of tho aprectntlve assemblage In tho great Auditorium bewildered the Judges ninny times during the evening, us it waa frequently apparent that tho 3,500 who strained their eyes to see every movement of the norsea had reached a declalon far In advance of the experts who watched tha steeds In the ring... There were horses from Kentucky, the horse Arabia of America; there were eteeda from Canada, with English ancestry which runs back to royal stables; and prlxe win ners from the north, made sloek by tha I arrnl wmiih om tnii ev v. . , V 1 . , - .. . ,1 1 - n prairie hay. Then for contrast there were i ponies of the western range, fatened on brush, and given spirit and ginger by meal of cactus. j Park lior.e. aaddle.. liowe roadster hunter And coach horse, promenaded. their ear pricked up, mane hanging over beautlfulIy thgpeA crMU n(mtrl drlnk. Tuesday evening that they needed no arti ficial devices to make them hold their heads higher than kings. Anything but modesty waa apparent In every horse, even when check rein were taken down and they were driven around the tan bark track to show their natural majesty, and they seemed to ay: "Lo. thus my strength 1 tried: And this I do to captivate thn eye Of the fair Judge standing by." Then there wa a shifting of scene. Tha South Omaha cow ponies were ushered In before a bugle could call them. The band played "Cheyenne," there wa a volley of shouts, like tho approach of a band of Digger Indians, and the boy at the ring side whistled: "He wa a bold bad man," was this dt sperado." Moro stood about tho ring than usual to make a close Inspection of the horsea and the gay scene resembled the most brilliant days at tho aristocratic race track of fha country. Not Infrequently the close admir ers of the horse selected winner with no uncertain Judgment. The mol exacting judge coul l not have required more than the ringside admirers, a many in It watched every horse drawn up and started off again. Four years of successful horse show has trained the eye at the ringside aa well aa Omaha horses, as wa shown by the close attention Tuesday evening. KOVTII OMAHA NIGHT AT SHOW 1 Bis; Crowd and m Lively Session la tha Arena. Tuesday night's card wa full of Interest from bugle to bugle and It wa truly South ! Omaha night, as the card Indicated. The cow puncher from the south wrr given two chances to show off their steeds, ones In the cow pony class and sgaln In tha potato race. W. 11. McCord again won from the cracks of the big stables when his Whirling Cloud carried off the top honors In the park horse claBs. A much larger Attendance was noticed Tuesday night than on the opening and the people were much mre enthusiastic and ap plauded louder than on Omaha night. But two teams were entered In th har ness class for n pair of horses over 15.1 hands, suitable lor town work,' Mr; W. II. McCord winning with his large bay, and Mr. Ward M. Burgess taking second will Prairie yucen and Rose Leaf. The park horse class brought out lis magnificent horse, and they were roundly applauded a tfi-y were driven around thn tun Lurk arena by their owner and grooms. MIh Loula Long was th- first to appear with her Glen Kyrie, a nifty brown gelding, and she was soon followed by the other five with their shining appointment. The judges aaked for several drive before they would deign to make a decision from th array of talent from which they had to choose. Miss ixing seemed to be the fav orite with th assemblage and received recognition for hc-r drive on every side of Die arena. The horse were coated with white foam from their drives before tha Judges could get together on th winner. Mr. McCord' Whirling Cloud, th Lawao horse, made a popular win, while James Murray was given second with Honor Bright. . P. Peck won third plac with. Gladstone. Seven saddlers appeared In th green saddle hoise class, which was Judged by their quality, manners. pa c. conformation and ability to carry the specified Weight. Thomas I.t sprang a new one In Cuban Girl, who Is a liver colored chenluut. Grorg Pepper's giant, Governor, was awarded ths blue ribbon midxt the approving applausa of the spectators. The red ribbon went ta Joseph u. t'udtthy with his KUkannMh