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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1907. OFFERED FOR RENT Oftlml on tinned. riM Mr office In Krur block. I4Hi end Homey. Cacsc! Really Co. nf- 'j 1"x Store. )ne store room in new "Scargn" building In South Omthn, near postnfTVe, with lighted basements modern show windows (nil awnlngi; bfst ptilll location. Hall ' Distributor Co.. 317-Flrrt Natl. Hunk Ttlrlg. Thon Red 7. (16) MS.'. 5RITO WORK; .hut unoccupied location for local drug bnsiness In city. Will al ter and It-am- to right party. A I no A-l Kroj-erv lo -ition. HKMIH, s Paxton. 11 Ik. 'Phone Douglas 685. (16) MJ40 ITORFROOM, 631 S. 18th St. Clarke Powell, 4 Farnam Et. (15)-261 -OFFERED FOR SALE , Feael. 4 ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing v 6o per foot. M N. lTth St. Tel. Re 814. . , . (16)-29 ; .7 . 'raltar. ID HAND fLrnlturar bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Kosehberg. formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 10 B. 14th i St. Tel. Douglas 686. , (16 M46 B2W FOR 8 ALTO furniture of a 10-room house j 11 or part; furniture mtist be mostly - eash or terms. 2517 N. 18th St. 16 M447 Plaae, Oraraae, MnsleeJ laatraaeeata. ... Red . Tag Piano Sale . , . V new, slightly used and second-hand ' Pianos at a dee eufr ln prices. A big red tag, on which the price Is marked In 1 'plain flAures, attached to each Piano, Watch for the red tags. Every red tag means a. bargain.". '. Kimball Upright $ 8 Singer Upright 90 Shabert Upright 120 Davis A- Rons Upright 1M Gaoler Upright ; 176 pie same easy terms (4, IS or It monthly, ton't miss this ohance, Mrs. Buyer. Watch for' the red tags. Every red tag , means bargain.," Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Co., . Doug.; 1611. ' 1311-1311 Farnam St ...... 0)-M338 TOR SALE CHEAP-Story A Clark cabinet organ, 18 stops, a beautiful, strong-toned Instrument, .suitable for church or home, . ifood condition,; jeost $3M. Address L 734, Bee, . , ,. (16)-270 . , Pool an Billiard Table. fOR SALE--New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world? tn cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wldk-Balke-Collendar, 407 S. 10th Bt. , U6)-271 . "OR BALE 6 pool and two billiard tables In good condition; must he sold and re moved In 8 days, less than half value. ! 418 N. 24th 43t.. So. Omaha. (16) M426 16 Typewrite ters and Sewing Machines. ;J"OB SALE High grade second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at $50. .. Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6. "In good condition, for . sale cheap. Call at Bee i omce. . .. .... (10) 62SX Miscellaneous. ' " . .1. - J. P. O'BRIEN'S SALOON tnd Restaurant Furniture and Kitchen Utensils, No. 1415 Farnam Bt, for sale. - W. W. DODOE, - . - Trustee IK Bankruptcy, 'I 626 New York Life Bldg. , 'Phone Douglas 12(7. 1 (16) M359 HAY 39.00 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lth. (16)-2a0 FOR SALE About October 1. one 600-gal-" Ion Worthlngton duplex pump, slae lix lOHxlO. 'W. 11. Bridges, engineer, Omaha Bee. 16)-Mt)7 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all ' orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN A MCONNELL DRUO CO.. Omaha. Neb. (16) 271 BEES. BEES. Slaty swarms finest Italian bees for sale cheap. Must be sold at once. 8. A. Josefyo, SM Worth St., Council BlurTs, la . , (16)-M10J 12x OASELECTRIC AND COMBINATION F1XTUEES , Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the olty. select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. , BUKQESSrGEANDEN CO., IU Bo. lUh Bt. ' Tel. Doug. 681. ."H. . - (16) 278 JUDPATH'S History of the World Amer- IcajiUed Enoyolauadla Brltannlca; - new ,.. International eauyclopaedia; on small monthly ; paymenta Webster's Una . bridged DiotKiuary, 10 edition only 83.26 this week. B. B. Roberta, southwest . corner 14th and Farnam Sts. (16) 447 8p2 FOR SALE Onyx soda fountain, 24-ayrup, two body, refrigerator base, counter in tomatlc carbonator, filter, all aa good as " lew, also drug store fixtures, counters ana) show caaea. Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. - (16) 648 FOR SALE Finest boarding house In the city: beat location all furnished; walk ing distance, etc.; cheap. Inquire 80S Karbach Blk., Omaha, Nab. (l)-74 FAIRBANKS-MOR8E Duplex steam pump, diving .outfit. three-quarter-Inch galvan- . Ised guy rope. Iron winch, pile drivers. J. M. Flaglar, Council Bluffs. (16)-M70 10X BEND U8 your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on -$10 lots. Myers-Dillon k Drug Co.. Omalta. (16) 277 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retalL, Btiermaa & McConnell Drug Co. ' " . (16)-76 FOR SALE A butcher's refrigerator, aev eral show cases, a new peanut roaster, large coffee mill. ' two large automatic oil tanks and store fixture too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) 271 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (lfi)-27 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO.. beat mixed paint. Bherman 4k McConnell Drug "o. " ' . (16) 278 8BCWTD-WAND nsbber hoae, tools. Singer, . 416 N. lth. (li;-2) BUILDERS hoisting engine for sale. John F. Byers, Make else SA. Address W-264 ' Bee. ' (16) Mi: 10x FOR -8AIJS--rooni. nicely locate 1. rooming house; close In; cheap rn:' . room all rented. . Y HI. Ree, ' - - (16 MS:l FOR BALK H nine to be moved. Call or address Ml Third avenue. Council Huffs, iiL : ' . (16-M46i l.x TWO bicycles. $ and $; snap. 415 8. lWh. - lit) M Ml 10x PATENTS D. O. BAUNELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, Paxton blk. Tel. H.d 71JT. . . (17)-MlwJ Spl2 jUARSON " fc CO. Uwk free. Bee Bldg. PERSONAL A YOUNG gentleman deslrta the ac quaintance of suir.e youg people who. like hlmlf, speak French. Addrea I, 0". line , office. tlS) ia x WANTED For Callaway. Neb., during fair week. , a tent how, e-imeay cir nliiU-t l. Aisuclat on. PERSONAL (t-Olli'iiUed. J YoL'Nd WOMI.N coming to Omaha at attanira aie lavlted to visit the Young Women's Christum Association rooms, 1M Farnam street, where they will be ill-i-ected to suttsble boarding pieces or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 THF. Pt ITV Expert lady operator 1111 1 1 g ma.sire, chaly beate scrub bat lis. Room HMO, Barker bl K, lot h and r'arnanw New establish ment. (18) 174 9x P L K A 1 I N Cl BuYtons, hSi'g. I l.un 1 Kmbroidery. Eyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrinking only 6c per yard. Bend for prlco list and samples. GOI.IlMAN F'l.r.ATTlVr HI. 10 Douglas Block, j Tel. Doualal 1936. (18) M644 THR BALVATION ARMY aollclts esst-off i ill noiiiiiiH J Va uvi lit need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. Jlth St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 413S and wagon will vail. - (18 11 MAONETIf! Osteology and Massage. tfoom z, 13H Firnam St., 2d floor. - (18) Mini 826 ANYBODY knowing the whereabouts of l.plma Keterson. age 13 years, who dis appeared from home Sept. 1. 1907. please notify Fred Peterson, 2912 Dupont St. U8) 403 llx BEW1NO machines renHd. Neb. Cycle Co.. win ana narney. I'none uouglas 1M3. (18)-.4 BYRINQEB,. rubber goods, by mall; cut rlr""- J?ena ror rr" catalogue. Myers 'illon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18)-287 PRIVATK CONnNKMENT MOMB Mrs. Tie Vln. IMA T.T . m.l . , me n (18) 2h MAflNETTn treatment and bath. Mme itmuixiillV; flmlth, 118 N. 15th. ild floor. (18) Hl FEW bargains In 2d hand soda fountains, monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (16) 2S5 OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Building. (18)-283 A FAIR, sweet sattn skin secured usmg cttln skin cream and face powder. 26c REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE! DEALERS. RUSSELL t M K1TRICK CO., 432 Ramge. rim as PAYNE) 1NV. CO., 1st floor N. T. L. Doug. 178L (19) m R C. PETERS aV CO., Bee Bldg. (19)-282 GEO ROE tt COMPANY. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 7B6. (19) 296 C. M. RICH, 16th and Locust, Tel. Web. 1476. (ia-14 Oct2x CITY PHOPEHTY COR SALE. On Account of the Storm Saturday afternoon only about two-thirds of the lots advertised for a by ua In Benson were sold.' We have -eighteen of the lots left, prices range from $100 to 111 each, bargains every one. Terms $5 catih, balance tl per week ot U per month. It will only cost 10c street car - fare to sea these lots. If you want a lot you can't afford to pass this by. . Salesmen will be on the ground to show lots ' Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 8 to 7 o'clock. Go to the end of Benson car Una, then' north. "You wlll see the flg. .' .' " Benson & Carmichael, Phone Doug. 1462. 642 Paxton Blk 1) 411 10 Keystone Park For : ; Country Homes You can buy three or four acres here for the same .price that a 60-foot lot in the city costs. Wouldn't you enjoy a home In the country. where you could have an acre or two of your own which you could cultivate or beautify as you choose. A home which your friends would consider a treat to visit, away from the crowded city. . Here your children can have plenty of rresn air, aunamne ana exercise to ae veloo a foundation for health. Theee are Just a few auggestlve argumenta which, may lead you to Investigate Key stone Park. Better see. us before It Is all sold. . 50 TRACTS HAVE BEEN SOLD ONLY 40 TRACTS LEFT.' Bend for plat showing dales to date. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Building. "' and D. V. SHOLES CO. First Floor Board of Trado Building. (19)-a8 9 I OFFER for sale, 8177 Davenport SL, larve thnrnufhlv modem 10-room resl. denre, in best of repair,' sltuhted on the -Southeast corner ot 32d and Dav&nport ertv la In Omaha's best residence dlstiiot and is most desirable. Possession given at once. CONRAD YOUNG 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Douglaa 1671. (1) 189 INVESTMENT- $8,000 Rents $840 per year, t brand new, strictly modern i rooiu houses on car line. Id good neighborhood." OK.EEFE REALTY CO.. Kl N. Y. Life. (lfi)-HS It REAL ESTATE TITLE -TRUST 'O CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. V--. (1J Attention! Builders! Bl'T the B. E. corner foth and Manderaon, fcuxltc, 3 fronts, divided Into 4 8.vfoot lota costing $375 each; erect 4 modern COT TAGKB thereon. Will eell readily at a handsome proilt. DON'T It appeal to you that way? J. H. JOHNSON, 843 N. T. LIFE. (IS) 400 8x YOUR CHANCE To get a 7-rooin. house; it has city water, cistern, sower and gas; Just been put In fine repair; good barn; lis vacant now and must b sold at once, therefore the great sacrifice. This la only about two miles from the postofflee. it s vilrl cheap at $1,750. But best offer takes It. $4 cash and $U per month. . . J. W. 'KAtSP CO.. Doug. l'X3. Paxton BHt. (19) MM $3,571. ' . L501-luu3 S. atth St., corner lot.- 0x112 feet; two collates, rent $35 per nionth; room for two more reunites or flats. Easy terms. . , THOMAS RMRNNAN'. Room 1. New York i.lfe Bldg. ' . 'riioni Puuglag 64... REAL ESTATE ciTi I'HorBHTi roR aits. (Continued FLKABANT home or good Investment 8 room all modern house, laundry, corner Int. good Inrstmn; also vacant lot ad joining, zwi ooiworth Ave. lit) 811 fx THI? KERR ABSTRACT ?0.' AH- STRAt'TS OF T1TLH are the safest. You are protected by a llft.uXO bond against loss by errors. Ynu don t buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Hamey. Tel. Douglas Ms7. U) FOR BALE Furnished, suitable for heat ing, a s-room house, good aa new, apply at ones S&27 Harney St. (19) 8a BUY THIS BARGAIN. Lot at 26th and Fort streets only $22S. 8 O. Nordquist, Owner, 624 S. 10th St. (1 751 X 14 LOTS in Halcyon Heights, Benson, lying well; close to rar line; a minutes ride to Omaha. Will cell altogether ar in bunches of five. For prlcea and terms ad- ' dreaa H 43, care Bee. - (1$) 1ST LIST your property with Chls Boyer, 22d and Cuming Bta. (IK) tn REAL ESTATE FARM A74D nA!CH LAND FOR BALE). Colorado. FOR RENT A number of farms lying near Denver; good nouses are heing mint when needed, so as to provide com fortable accommodations for tenants: the els of the tracts varies, so that anyone with an equipment to properly care for any slscd farm can be accommodated; the land hae been In cultivation from one to ten years and Is provided wltn both direct and stored water for Irrigation; railroad stations are from one to five miles distant; good tenants with suffi cient equipment can secure flrat-claas lo cations on reasonable terms. DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., . 711-14 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Denver, Colo. (30)-M427 1 FOR SALFJ This company owns 12,000 acres of land, lying from nve to twenty miles from Denver, all supplied with fine water rights, both from direct flow and from reservoir; It will be sold In any slsed tracts tn actual settlers at reason able ratea and upon very easy terms; when dealred buildings will be erected to suit purchasers; some parts of nearly every section are In hay and there la no more fertile land to be found In Colorado, It will be a pleasure to show the prop erty to prespectlve purchasers, and ap pointments may be mado at the com pany's offices. . DENVER RESERVOIR IRRIGATION CO., 711-14 El-neat and Cranmer ttldg. Denver, Colo. . (20) M428 19 THE two cheapest Improved farms In Iowa, acree, one mile rrom cneroxee, easy terms; 160 acres, one mile from Larabee, $66; $6,000 cash; write for de scription. Address Y 182, care Bee. (20) M9fl 12 Kapaaa. WANTED Agents to represent Us In the sale of our Kansas, lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20) 288 Nebraska). . FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches for homes or investment, iiemla, Omaha. (20t-$v0 FOR SALE. - i Half section, improved land, eli'M miles northwest of O'Neill, In German commun ity; good rich soil. Price, $26 per acre; easy terms. C, F. McKENNA, O'Neill. Neb. (20) M34J 14 FOR SALE. Hay farm, 240 acres, four miles south of O'Neill; well Improved; will cut 200 tons Of first quality hay. Price $15 per. acre. This Is a snap. C. F. McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. (20) M344 14 FOR SALE. 160 acres unimproved, land, four . and one half mtlee.northeaat of O'Neill; lays nice 'and level;: good soil; In thickly settled -community. Price $15 per acre. n. C. F. McKENNA, O'Neill. Neb. , (20)-MJ42 tt FOR SALE 1280 cares level land In Kim ball county, $7 per acre; $2,000 cash; 61.000 each year at 8 per cent. J. W, Dally, Owner, 8A2 North 28th street, Lincoln, Neb. (JO) M330 14X 20 ACRES, unimproved, near Florence; fine grove, balance farm land; easy terms. A. T. Seybolt, 3622 Grand Ave. Phone Webster 1970. (20) -M360 oath Dakota. OUT THEY GO. You can alwaya find good rich wheat land and Just the kind of a stock farm you want by , selecting from our 100,000-acre tract In the famoua Hettinger county. North Dakota. Go out and see It. Look us up. William H. Brown Co., Rlohardton Or Mandan or Mott, North Dakota, or 131 Lasalle St., Chicago, 111.' (Jo) M362 27 A BARGAIN In South Dakota land; 320 acres in Sulley county,' every acre till able; will be sold for Jeaa than actual value If taken at once.Tr. R. D. Mason, (00 Brown block. (20) 94 Texaa. A RICH little farm for sale cheap; 56, acres,' four miles west of the city: all under' three-wire fence; 30 acres hog proof, plenty of fine water, 2-room .house,, big barn, fruit trees. 30 acres cultivation, 20 acrea good timber. Bert P. Concannon, ,Fort Worth, Tex., route i, box 111; reason . for selling, have big hog farm In Okla homa; price, $5,000. t20) MISS 10a Miscellaneous. CHEAP land-Jacobson ft Co., 9SS N. Y. L. 20)-M4&i 2 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm asd Raaea likyl. FOR RENT Farm of about 360 acrea, sixty miles from Omaha and four miles from railroad town; about 160 acres plow land, remainder pasture; good place to ralae atock; will rent pasture for cash and plow land on shares; will aell very reasonable If I find buyer before renting. W. Haffke, 8310 T 6t., South Omaha. , (20)-M 10 REAL ESTATE LOANS ' LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-$jl WANTED-Ctty l(na R. C. Peters St Co. (22)-302 LOANS on Improved city property. W. li. Thomas. 505 First National Bank Bldg. (2)-03 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. . Thomas Urennan, Room 1 N. Y. Life. 22 304 UNION LOAN INVEST. Co., 810 Bee Iar.s on Real Estate. Bldg.. Buy 1st and 2d mtgee. 'Phone Doug. .tu4. (2i) Mli Oct6 WANTED City loans and warranto. W. Farnam Smith Co., U20 Farnam St. ( 306 $500 TO $50.00 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. UAKVIN BROS.. 1605 Fa roam. t';-807 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. tU!) 808 $26,600 PRIVATE money to loan; no delay. J. H. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. Bldg. (B)-M4C3 31 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. (;2i-9 LOANS on Improved Omaha ' property. O Keefe R. E. Co.. 1001 N. Y. Life Mg. G2)-.6 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To buy. about 10 acres near small town la eastern Nebraska. Add cms L-214 Bee. . ikj M308 lux WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO BORROW ll.uul to ernargn, a good 4s in business will) pi'tvileatt to'reiiuc lep wariv. Art- NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office 15 Scott Street. OPEMC OF SCHOOLS TODAY Indication! of Increaied Attendance During the Year. SOME CHANGES IH TEACHERS Slaters af Merry Opea Me it raroektal Scfcaol for Bay la Thle City and Also One at Imogen e for - Qlrle a Rays. The public schools of. Council Bluffs will open this morning afteV the 'long summer vacation for the new school year. It Is believed that the enrollment wilt show an increase, as has been the rase for the last four or five years. About eighty pupils will enter the high school today from the Avenue B and Wash ington avenue ' school. They, are; From the Washington 'Avenue School Theodore Alcher, Earl Anderson, Harley Aten, Charles Anderson, Jake Brmnberg, Roger KeWliie, y'erne I-ee. James Leaon, Earl McKeeman, Victor Mortenson, Louis Olaon. Kenneth Parker, Arnold Ranch, Earl Robinson, John Shugart, Frank Smith, Ken neth Snyder, Wallace Wheeler, Hlalne Wil cox, Albert Wilson, Robert Wise, Ethel Anderson. Winifred Ayers, Katherine Beno, Rosa Bernhardt, Ktbel .CofTeen, Jennlw Codk, Helen Cox, Nellie Cox. Ruth Decker, Gladys DeLong, Gladye Ellsworth. Eleanor Fuller, Sylvia Hewitt, Florence Hlggeson. Nina Hayes, May Krlngel, Isabella Kuhl, Adallne Kelly, Uasel Lacy, Mary Leonard, ope Livingstone, Kdith Ijong, Genevieve Lowry, Haael Mills. Lucy Palmer. Kate Ogden. Mary Peterson. Orphia guinn, Leeta Roach, Pearl Robertaon. Hasel Smith, Mar guerite Smldt, Mary Tuchek llasel .Tyler, Huth Ward, Loretia White. From the Avenue R School Floyd Bates, Charles Emafine. Henry Hall, Roy Hart, Lee Bpauldlng, Walter Sellers, Ernest Schoedsack, Merle Blackburn, Ella Citvan augh, Helen Clntterbuck, Natella Durham, MaigaretVFrlclte. HlWl Graves, Vera Hll burn, Mabel Henderson, Alga Hansen, Zella Levi, Anna Ie, Eula Myres, Haxel Mr-ien!la,-Harrl' Moirew, Ranghlld Nelson, Llszle Petersen, Myrtle Rockwell, Catherine oouin, eiena Samuels, Charlotte Moore. Improvements la Balldlnais. During the summer many Improvements In the several school buildings have been carried out. At the Thirty-second street school a four-room addition has been built and a new heating plant installed. A new heating plant has been Installed In the North Eighth street, school and at the Washington avenue schopl , cement side walks have replaced the old plank ones and' the gi'pdnds "hllve -. otherwise been greatly Improved by the construction of numerous flower beds. 'At many of the other' schools the old plank walks have been replaced with cement. ' It probably will be two or three weeks before thTrue building at the corner of Broadway and Eighth street will' be ready for occupancy by the manual training de partment. The- equipment ordered - as a starter by ttie board will permit Hhirty-qne pupils to work at one 'time. Tuesday morning the pupils of the high school will hold tHetr first assembly, at which time they win receive final instruc tions and assignments for the semester's work. Thursday morning; an examination will be held for those pupils who have been studying during vacation to make up grades.. There will be several changes in the faculty)! the hlh'ecbool, as there will be in the CcJrps bf-teachers In the grade schools. . . i ParorksaJ 'Schools. - -. 'The, Sisters of Mercy, in charge of St. Bernard's and Mercy hospitals, will open two new sch"bbU'H8(5kV, one in this city for boys .only andojre(t Inygene, la, .for botk boy's and glilk- , The. schools In this city will be known ie the Mount Loretta seminary, and will be for boys between the ages of t ar.d ISfyears. The new build ing, now' In course cf "erection on East Broadway, will not be read? for occu pancy probably before January 1, and in. the meantime ; tlr,buildingrormerly used for an old ' warned' home, ' at tjie, corner ot' Broadway, and Oak streets, will be used.'' T,he new'ufjding 'will "contain ac commodations for eighty, pupils.", v At -lmogene- the school will be known as St.'' Patrick .'academy: an3 will receive both boys an'd .gJrlg lo the number of 150. While- there may be some' boarders ad mitted, the Institution . in general ,wlll be a day , school,, .receiving pupils fuom lmo gene and the Immediate vicinity. Mother Vincent and Mother Magoalen : went to lmogene last evetilni ta assist hi the open ing of the school... Sister Mary Evangelist will be In charge of8t. Patrick's academy and will be, ass is 8 ,'in the teaching Jy Sisters Mary Aatli.. Mary Irene, Mary wAnteou-to buy WANTED To buy Second-hand furniture, cook and heating ' stoves, carpets, lino leums, 'Offlc furniture, old ol, it lies and Shoes, pianos, tfathers bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the 'furniture of ' your 'house eomptete. The highest prices paid Call' the right man. Tel. Douglas 847l. (2j)-MJ66 &n CASH paid shoes, etc. for second-hand 308 No. . 14th St. clothing. Tel. Red l26)-31i WANTED To buy, iO shares' or any-parti iNfDreBKa leiepmme eioca. li urn nave lowest figures. Address Y-:5 Bee. (iil-MMU lSx CABII paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., 81$ 8. 14U. JPhona Douglas 1321. . (25)-3U) LWANTED Small motor, or would buy ercona-nanci ctecii ac tan; win pay casu. Addresa N tin, ' are Bee. (25) M890 16 WANTED-TO RENT IF you have rooms tar rent call Smith i Lin toil, McCague Bui.. Doug. 695. (26) M'J6t 12x WANTED One or two rooms with bosrd In private family by man and wife, or apurlment, suitable for housekeeping, In good location. Addresa M so. rare Hee. (26) 18s Six WANTED By a lady, board and room; front toom witn alcove; must ce in gooa location; reference. . Address H 84. rare Bee. (36) M6 11 WAN T ED By gentleman employed, room and board in strictly private family In western part of city: give all particu lars. Address U I1& Hee. (36)-461 lCx WANTED-SITUATION JAPANESE BOY. 1 'years old, going to school, wishes position lu private family before and after school. Address K 1IJ, Bee. - ' UI) Ai Wx r""- rTT r y young nmr- I'okITION wanted aa cashier or assistant m large bank, by young riea man with four yea re exprlence; Al bank man. Address Box lift. WIMer, Mian. (27) MD76 Ux . r, , , . . WANTED Situation as correspondent and eftWe manager by young man fully quali fied tnMhla llnV of ,work. Very . hUheut class of references on request. Address Y 1M. eare of Omaha Bea ; M4A) 12x WANTED--By first-class accountant, em THoymeat evenings. .Address K--';l. care Bee. '. ; I&i HMi J4x WANTED Stenographic '.position by 'ex prlesced young lady; competent and neat. Addresa, K M. poe. , (7) 17$ 9x YOl'NG mail wants , place to work for board and -MWni wlUle attending Boyle --", Duoalas U4. ilT't Ml BLUFFS Both 'Phones 43. Benedicta and Mary l.yola. all of whom have been connected with the order of the Sisters of Mercy In this City. METHODIST" COMtSQ THIS WEEK I Conference Expected to Attract Ser I eral Haadred. There are two Important proposed changes In the church law to be voted upon at the forty-eighth session of the Dee Moines conference of the Methodist Epis copal church, which will open today In this city.. One Is a resolution to change the present system of the appointment of the presiding elders, and the other Is a propo sition to lessen the number of the law-making body of the church. These changes have been suggested by some of the east ern conferences and will have to be voted upon by every conference before being pre sented to the general conference, which meets In Baltimore next May. At present the presiding elders are ap pointed by the bishop and It has been pro posed to change this by having them elected by the ministers, inasmuch as the j presiding elders very often control the preachers' positions by their advice to the appointing bishop. It Is contended that they ! ought to be elected by the preachers of the conference-at-large, afhd this would do away with any chance of favoritism being shown. The representation to the general confer nee Is at present one for every forty-five charges. It has been proposed to change It to one representative from every sixty charges or one from every ninety charges. This conference will elect six clerical and Six lav renresentatlvea tn the aeneral mil tl. .i .i . v.!.. . mornlna- aeaalon on Thtiradav. There are 217 charges In the Des Moln. conference and It Is expected that between 260 and 260 ministers will be In attendance. Every minister Is required to attend the conference, except In case of sickness There will also be about 220 lavmen t.rea. ent end they will hold their meetings .it the Filth Avenue church, while the con ference will be held at the Broadway church. About forty or fifty women con nected with the various auxiliary organisa tions will be In attendance, aa well aa twenty-five or thirty church officers and a num ber of superannuated clergymen, making a total expected attendance of about 600 per sons. ' The program for this conference Is said to be the strongest In twenty-five years and i a number of notable men In the church' will be heard here. Tonight Rev Dr. W. M. I Batch of Lincoln, Neb , will lecture on ' "The Prnklema and Methods nf the tfethn- ! dlst Ministry." Tomorrow, evening ReV. William A. Qiiayle, D. D., pastor of Bt. James' Methodist church of Chicago, will lecture on "Sydney Carton." Wednesday evening General James B. Weaver will de liver kn address on behalf of the Preachers' Aid society. Thursday evening DeV. Dr. Edmund M. Mills of Cincinnati will deliver an address on "Christian Education." Fri day evening there will be a general college rally celebrating the anniversary of Simp son college, the program for which Is In course of formation. Saturday there will be addresses by Dr. H evening K. Car - roll of New York City and Rev. Dr. J. B. Trimble of Kansas City. Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Charles M. Boswell of Philadel phia will deliver an address on "American lam." ...j- .. The conference. It Is expected, will close Monday morning, September; 16, with the reading of the appointments. Bishop Daniel Ayrea Goodselt of Boston will preside over the conference, which will formally open Wednesday .morning. Today and Tuesday will be devoted to the recep tion of delegates and the examination of ministerial students, with the lectures as announced In trie evenings. Apartments fbr some of the notables have been engaged At the Grand hotel, but the clerical and lay delegates will be enter tained by the .-members of the several Methodist churches of the city, the com mittee, having this matter In charge being headed by Rev. Charles Muyne, pastor of Trinity church. HEW'TIRX IN WATER ttl'ESTIO Opponents , of Franchise . Preparla Their Solution of the Problem. . It la reported that the opponents to the granting of' a new franchise to the Council Bluffs City Water Works company will Introduce at the meeting of the city council tonight another resolution providing for the construct kn ot a new Water plant. Accompanying. ' the resolution It Is said, will be a new rate ordinance, which, It Is stated, has been prepared by the attorneys who took such a prominent part In the opposition to the new franchise, which wus defeated at the recent special election. The resolution' calling for the construction of a new plant, It Is said, will not pro tide for the appointment of any experts, but will authorize advertisement for bids for a plant to meet Ihe present require ments of the city, the bids to be based on the ratea aa provided for in the proposed new ordinance. II Is stated tnai the reso lution end ordinance will be -introduced by Ouncllntt.n Younkerm in. The council will alao. meet this after noon to complete the work of atisessing the cost of the recently constructed curbing on Lower Broadway. VETERANS MEET AT SARATOGA Fifty Thoaaaad Expected to Attend the Anusm! Earsnp- tueot. SARATOGA, N. Yv Sept. . Amid aily decorated streets veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic have been arriving all day for the forty-first national en campment, which will be held here this week. Fifty thousand veterans 'are ex pected. This may be the last encamp ment held elsewhere than Washington, D. C. At the business meeting of ths or ganisation a resolution will be Introduced fixing that place as the permanent meet ing place of the organization hereafter. It la also probable that within a few years the annual encampment will become only a meeting of delegates, for the veterans are, it was slated by Grand Army of the Republic officials tonight, becoming too feeble to attend the meetings In a body and to take part in the annual paradns. Although the e:u-AHipment program will not begin until Tuesday, there were many arrivals today. Statistics made public to- j night give the HR-mU-rahlp of the National r"J Army ot the RlP"bllc " 202.000. Of these the organisation loses annually $ per cent. Am the average age cf the members is 60 years, the organisation will exist, it is estimated, tor twenty years more. If you lose any money, or your pug dog, or your Sunday umbrella, you should say something about it In the want columns of the Bee. Many thousands of honest people read these columns every day, and there will be pretty large chances In your favor IX you mention your . loaa to them. Of course, every Oreahan recognises that The Bee la the "Lost and Found'' medium of the;ctjr. "' ' ' INLAND TOWNS HOLD SACK low' Interior Qitiet Oct Small End of Freight Rates. DISCOVERED BT DES MOINES MEN I Disclosed o la vesications Pre paratory to Complalat Before Commerce Comsat1 aloa. .. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DKS MOINK8, Sept. .-(Speclal.)-Eery one of Iowa's Inland towns are discrimi nated against In the matter of freight rates. This fact has been disclosed in the Investi gations in preparation for the suit which the Greater Des Moines committee of this city hss brought before the Interstate Com merce commission. According to the com mittee the discrimination Is especially un tenable and Inrxplalnable. but exists never theless. . The grossest of .the discriminations Is In the faot that the rate from the eaat bank of the Mississippi river to Inland Iowa towns Is lower when the shipment orlgl- nates on the east bank ot the river than i It Is when the shipment originates east of the Indiana-Illinois line. For Instance, on first-class freight the rate from the east bank of the Mississippi river, say from Rock Island, In cents per hundred pounds, the rate to Des Moines Is 36 cents, but If the shipment originates In Cincin nati or Indianapolis or some other eastern tlty, the rate from Rock Island to' Des Moines Is 48V4 cents per hundred pounds. The ratea at Cedar Rapids are typical of the rates to other Iowa cities and show the proportion of discrimination In a form nt the Greater Des Moines committee claims is Indefensible. The first column of ' w gives me rate iirara no Inland to Cedar Rapids, and tne second , column gives the rate when the shipment originates in tne east. ' I Irst-class freight 23.6 20 6 16.73 11 8 8.26 36.6 21.0 27.0 19.0 12.5 Second-closs Third-class , Fourth-clnsa Filth-class , On a carload of first-class freight to Cedar Rapids the difference on a minimum weight of 80,000 pounds Is $38.70 and on a car of the fifth-class the difference Is $12.72. The Interstate Commerce commission made a ruling that on the reduction of rates where It Is for the purpose of removing a discrimination only one day's notice is necessary and hence the Greater Des Molnea committee argues that there is no reason for the discrimination being con tinued for more than a single day. Proaty to Hear It. Secretary Wallace of the Corn Belt Meat Producers' association has been notified that the rase appealed to the Interstate Commerce commission on live stock rates will be beard , by Commissioner Prouty of the Interstate Commerce commission. The date, however, has not yet been fixed. Discover Vinton Paper. The first day of work on sorting over the material to be placed In the archives de partment disclosed the abstract of title for the land occupied by the State School for i the Blind at Vinton filed with a lot of 1 vouchers. They were all tied up In a bundle together and had the abstract been wanted the original record would have been necessary, The work of filing .away the material in(ie Young Men's ".Christian association. the archive department was started Wednesday. . The first work .In tlta process Is 'o sponge off all the must and microbes. This Is done by Cash Stiles, formerly a clerk In the secretary of state's office. Then the document is turned over to an other clerk, who moistens the document and straightens It out flat and then presses the wrinkles out between two blotters, by j Which process the document Is also dried. It 1s then ready to be filed and Indexed and placed in Its proper steel caac. Charlea Aldrlch. curator of the historical building, whose mind has long been trained to the historical value of documents, re sents the thoughtlessness of a reporter In calling the archives department the state cemetary. Far from being a cemetery It Is a. resurrection place. Documents are dug Out of a heap in the vaults of tho yaripus offices and are being classified and properly Indexed where they can be found. The department la an absolute necessity for. the preservation of Important papers and before the work Is far advanced many of great value will be dlacovered. Waat Basement Fixed. Baaement occupants of the statehouse re advocating the proposition that the Blaes floor In the center of -he rotunda of the first floor be removed and a railing be placed around the opening. They are go ing to present the matter to the executive council. They claim that the basement will then beas light and as well ventilated as ths first floor and will be quite as com fortable.. They ' propose furthermore to have the winding stairway in the east wliig of the statehouse under, the grand staircase torn out and a atralrfht stairway run down to the baaement floor. This will further Improve the baaement by allow ing niore light In. Furthermore, the wind ing stairs are so dark that a person must feel his way In using them. tory lily Maa lllerh. ' Tj. C. Peterson of Story City scored the highest on creamery butter at the state fair. The awards have Just been made up. His butter scored 97H. whirh Is considered very good. In addition io receiving a gold medal he receives $S$.40, besides a high price for his butter. The premiums are awarded In ' proportion to the score the butter la given. ' Disclose t'oat of Living;, In the archives department the clerks are working on the vouchera Aled by the trus tees of the College for the Blind at Vinton. Vouchers back In 1K58 show that a man and team got $2.50 a day. A stone mason got $2 a day and his helper $1. dining room help- $2 a week. Lime sold for 20 cents a bushel, stone for' $1.23 to $1.7$ a perch; 500 feet of No. 2 clear two-Inch pine lumber, $3.60 per 100 feet, and the same No. 1 grade $4. A steel shovel, $1.25, and a hoc : cents. Printing lot) blank notes came to 12.60. In 18(3 vouchers show that poultry was worth 4 cents a pound, eggs 6 rents a dosen, catbagc (In March) 3H cents a head, oats $6 cents a bushel, shellbark hickory cotdwood $2 a cord, pots toes 10 cents a bushel, butter 12-H rents a pound, kerosene 70 rents a gallon. Young Hyson tea $1.37" a ' pound, coffee $6 cent a pound, sugar lt'4) cents a pound. eau 9 rents a bar, beef CH cents a pound. ' Board Isaacs List. The State Board of Education Kiumin ers has lasued a temporary list of th accredited schools and collegers pf the state to graduates of which certlflcatis to leach will be Issued upon ths allow ing of the diploma of graduation In ac cordance with the law on the subj:t. Alcohol I , y cine tor thin, impure blood. . Follow bu tITT ffr1 vice every time. He knows. Trust him ULkJL iltLtZ.LJky.Lj ye.Heve-ae aeeretsl We yu.lua f .An The board aome time before January 1 will revise the list asd Issue iheu a per nanent list. The list Is as follows: Drake university, Des Moines college, Upper Iowa university, low Wesleyui university, Tabor college, Leander Cl-uK college. Parsons college, Buent Vista college, Simpson college. Highland Park college, Penn rwllegre, Cornell collcae, Mornlngslde college. Central university, Coe college. Luther college. Lenox col lege, Normal echool of Drake university, Normal School of Highland Park college. Normal school of Upper Iowa university, ramntin at Oeeeela. Governor Cummins hss accepted an in vitation to deliver an address at Oaceola, Bcptemher rs. on the occasion of the Old Sctllers' association gathering there. It la to he made a "Home Coming" for Clarke county, and among other things for the entertainment and honor of the home com ers an ox Is to he roasted and a general picnic and good time had. (ieolonical Maps. "(he geologlco maps of Iowa have bee printed and ' are now being dlatrlbulM by the department. The map are the same else as the railroad commission maps, and some are to be mounted while others are on thin paper for mailing. Fiftieth Anniversary. The fiftieth anniversary of Plymouth Congregational church of this city Is te be celebrated Soon and the first stepg toward laying the plans for the celebra tion were taken today at the morning church service. The church was estab lished here In 1857. In December, and It was one of the first churches in the city. To Prevent Kxtortlnn. In the hopes of stopping extortion dur ing state fair week In the 'future, the Commercial club of this city Is taking stepa to get f flxM rate of prices for all public service places. Restaurants, barber shops, shoe shining parlors even and hotels have been raising their prices during every state fair and Vvery Mg gathering In town. The Commercial club says that If Des Moines is evef to be a big convention city this must stop. The effort will be to get the merchants to agree to fixed rrlces and then compel them to keep them. TAFT SPENDS BUSY SUNDAT Delivers One Addresa and lias PleatT lld Out for Following Osfi. a""""" a SEATTIE. Waslm'sept. 9. -Secretary Taft and party arrived irom Tacoma at 8 o'clock this afternoon on Chester Thorne's private acht, El Prlmero. Prevloue to his arrival thousands of apectatOTB gathered at the en trance to the pier and lines were mntntalnc by a force of police. Congressman Frank Cushman and Cheater Thome were with the parly on the yacht. The secretary was first greeted by Colonel L. C. Woodbury of, the Third Infantry, and W. S. Wood of , Fort Lawton. As tho secre tary stepped oh the pier ha was greeted by the reception committee, which Included United States Senators lilies and Ankeny. Congressman W. E. Humphrey1, ex-Senator John L. Wilson, Mayor William H. Moore, President J. E. Chllberg and Director Gen eral I. A. Nadoau of the Alaska-Yukon ex position. Mrs.: Taft was received by Mrs. John L. Wilson and, takes directly to her residence. Secretary Taft was driven In an auto mobile to the qpera housv, where he de livered an address under the auspices of The address Included an account of the settlement of .the friars' -yronlem in the Philippine' and ' of ' the negotiations con ducted directly ' with the pope and details of how the final settlement avoided many delicate u,ursliuns of diplomacy. The sec re al ry whs then taken to the Ranler cluh, where he Informally met the members. He was then taken to , the residence of ex Senator Wilson,- whose guest Secretary Taft and his wife will be during the'r stay In Seattle;. .. . The secretary' will make another addresa in the Grand opera house tomorrow after noon. A dinner will be given at the Uni versity club in the evening and this will be followed by a reception given by ths Yale alumni at the aaine club. At a late hour the Ohio society, the Taft club and the Seattle Athletic club will tender hint a reception at the Athletic club. . He will Inspect the Lake Washington ' canal on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he will gv to Gray's Harbor.' 'On Wednesday evening the party will return to Seattle. . The steumer Minnesota, on which he will sail for ManlUt, will leave at 11 o'clock Thursday. v RIFLEMEN ARE CONGRATULATED President Ilonaeerlt Wire the Palm Trophy' Vimaers Hla Con. , , arra lata t Ions. OYSTER BAYv N. Y.. Sept. 9.-Presldent Roosevelt is avatlt,mf ' himself of every opportunity to ahow hla appreciation of good .rifle shooting, sack was exhibited when the American, team wpn the Palma trophy in Canada... Besldea sending . hla congratulations, ..the president will tomor row personally '.receive and congratulate the members of the rile team. Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, sent the fol lowing telegram to President Roosevelt: "Lrt me congratulate you on the mar velum shooting of the United States team who have won the Palma trophy with a record score of 1.712." In reply the president wired: "I greatly appreciate your congratulations. I believe In rifle shooting aa. being much more than merely an W tractive pastime and that It should be encouraged In every way In all self-governing commonwealths. Therefore International contests like these do a real service." FLEET MOVES WITH PRECISION abmartae slaoal Bell Works Well Uurla Host Off . taekot. NEWPORT, R. I.. Sept. 9 Members of the Naval War college who arrived here today after several days spent on board the ships of Rear Admiral Evans' battle ship fleet during the maneuvers in southern waters and on-the trip up Into Maaaa chusetta wate.-s speak In terms of high t-ommcndHtlon ot the work of the ships. They said that in all the evolutions the d stunots were kept admirably and all the movements were carried put with great precision. While off Nantucket shoal ths shlpH ran into thick fog and the ajew submarine Signal bell system -was glvea severe teat. The o (Titers of the war college said It was thoroughly successful: The fleet's speed was reduced, but although they could not sea each other tn the mist,' the dlstancei were maintained perfectly. . Ayer'a Sarispanila Is out a trong drink. As now mad, tberg is not a drop of alcohol In it. It Is noa-alcoholic tonic an4 alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medi cine for thin, impure blood. . Follow bis ad- Oe.