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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1907)
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, SEPTEMRER 10. 1907. OF. LAERMACHER IS HERE Celebrated German Scientiit Receives Oration on Hii Arriyal. AT ONCE ASKS OF PHONOGRAPH (.la fit Marhlae, Which U la the Care of Klac Ak-9ar-Be, In Safe mm 8oaa4 Alright. Prof. Wllhelm Lsermacher. known to the scientific world as the foremost authority on phonographic and auricular phenomena and famous among the pleasure loving public as the builder of the world s great est phonograph, arrived In Omaha Monday morning from St. Louis. He was met by a delegation of cltlsens, headed by Mayor Dahlman. and the party proceeded In three automobiles through the business portion of the c!ty, called at the newspaper offices and finally left the distinguished scientist and inventor at his hotel. Frof. Ijiermacher Is decidedly Gorman In appenranre. His tutlr Is black and his beard, of the Governor Hughes' type, is black and curly like that of Jove. He wore the Inevitable glasses and carried the Inev itable cane. A black suit and sort hat. with patent leather shoes, completed his cos tume. The mayor greeted him as he stepped from the train, and the eminent scientist shook hands cordially with Mayor Dahlman and the other members of the committee. His tlrst word was about the big phono graph which, arrived In Omaha last week on the two cars specially built to transport It. All la Well with tha Professor. "Pardon, but Is the phonograph safe?" he said. When assured that the machine was aafa he sighed and placed a hand on his heart. "Ah, then am I at rest," he said. To the newspaper men the professor graclouuly accorded an Interview. He proved to be extremely modest regarding his own accomplishment. 'The combining of the two principles of the conveyance of sound waves and the production of the same on the sensitive wax cylinder were all which I needed to make my discovery," he said. "Edison de serves the thanks of the world for the phonograph. What was the world before the phonograph? A desert; yes, even worse than a desert. "Myself, I was born In Thurlngen. There ; still live with my wife and family there are twenty-two of us. We believe not In race suicide. Ten of my sons work In my workshop. On them -I can depend for doing the delicate work required In making these sensitive Instruments. "It was lute on tho evening of April 1 of this year when we succeeded In evolv ing the problems that confronted us and succesHfully completed this great machine. It attracted the greatest attention In Ger many. The kaiser sent me himself one of his photographs with the royal signature upon It. I prise this highly. He Will Meet Teddy. "In your city. I shall remain only long enough to give tho great exhibition. Many demand of me dates to give exhibitions. 1 meet In Keokuk the president October 1 Hnd go with hnn and the river commission down the stream playing my marvelous and beloved Instrument. The music will be visible a distance of fifty miles on each side of the river. My enemies say the in strument will not work on a moving ship. Them I will show." On the reception committee were these: Mayor Dahlman, H. J. Pcnfold, J. D. Weaver, William Kennedy, J. J. Derlght, Charles Black, Oscar I.leben and the news papor men. Photographers and kodak (lends snapped the professor at the station, somewhat to the eminent scientist's annoy ance. "Such things we have not In Germany," he said with a movement of disgust. Many pressed forward to shake the prp feHsor's hand. . At the newspaper offices and business houses visited he made many friends. New Oss on the Ilarkeep. An amusing Incident occurred at the Rome hotel, where the distinguished vis itor registered. He went to the bar and called for a glass of "schnapps." The bar tender declared that he could mix ninety seven different kinds of drinks, but that when they said "schnapps" tney certainly "had him." The professor was considerably Irritated that he could not get his favorite drink. Happily at this juncture a retired German bartender was found in the crowd and he volunteered to make the mixture. After he had drank It the professor shook hands warmly with the bartender. Quick Bhlaa Shoo Polish contalna no turpentine or acids, gives satin finish, will not rub off on the clothing, MAY BE OMAHA GIBUS BODY Remains Taken ' from River at Troy, Km., Possibly Those of Miss Wlnqolst. Charles Wlnqulst of the Berg Clothing company believes the body taken from the river at Troy. Kan., .by the Doniphan eounty authorities may possibly be that of his daughter, Delia Wlnqulst. Hhe dis appeared from her father's home, 2116 North Twenty-seventh avenue, about four months ago and all trace of her has been lost since. An effort will be made to Identify the body. It was taken from tha river last week and the Omaha police were notified Saturday by letter. See (be New il Roos Third Floor Fall Styles Carpets Third floor Importers Strips Hih Class LACES In this big special purchase are thousands of yards of net top laces, Irish crochet, Venise and oriental bands, gal loons and appliques the very latest imported novelties shown for the first time ps i worth up to oUc a M 7C jf J a. utouoj at, mm E - a yard 15c Big Sale of Dress Goods New Fall Goods, Worth up to $1.50, at 79c a Yard The newest fall 1907 dress goods in 48 and 54 inch materials, plain shadow check and Pekin stripe Panamas, herrinff- ' r bones, wool taffetas, suitings, chiffon, broadcloths, etc., in newest shades of brown, navy, prune, plum, new green and black none worth! less than $1.50 a yard at, per yard 73c il ' 1 Cool Days Demand a Light Overcoat We Mention Our Complete Line of Men's Top Coats and Cravenettcs Style and comfort demand one at once. Don't shiver all the way down town and back. Wear one of these new Cravenettes (good every month in the year) or one of these dressy fall top coats at a medium price. Have a look at the new things at $10 up o $25 You Can't Run s Your house, store, farm or any other business success fully without correct time. Buy a good correct clock We are selling beautiful gold, gilt, fancy bronze and oiner up-to-date mantel clocks prices ranging from 11.25 to $20 warranted to keep correct time. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 111 Douaiaa Street. KOUNTZE INHERITANCE TAX Heirs Mast Fay on One Million Seven Hundred Thousand. DECISION OF JUDGE LESLIE AND STAIN COMtlNtO A Coat of NATURAL OR CLEAR JAP-A-LAC ap plied to the interior woodwork of your home, will add a hundred per cent to the appearance of the dif ferent rooms. It's easy to do JA-A-U.C-ntO yourself, and yoa will enjoy bringing' about the transform ation with yotur own bands. fclXTttN BeAUTWU. COLORS. ' ' fix . iv 1 KM JAU BY SKltUUUsJ tft Appeal Will Be Taken to the Sapreme Co art of the State by the Heirs of the Late Millionaire Baaker. The Herman Kountze estate must pay Inheritance tax on over $1.7fl0,000 worth of stocks and bonds transfertea by Herman Kountse before his death," according to a decision Just announced by County Judgu Leslie. The case will be appealed by the Kountze heirs to the supreme court and If Judge Leslie Is sustained In the higher body It will mean the addition of several thousands of dollars to the permanent road fund of the county. The question as to whether or not this property should be taxed was brought- be fore the court by the appraiser, W. A. Saunders, last summer.' In his report, Mr. Saunders found the part of the estate which was clearly taxable to be worth 7W,0!U.9. In addition to this he reported that August 16,' 1904. almost three years before his death, Mr. Kountse had trans ferred In trust to Augustus P. Kountse the bulk of his estate, consisting of stocks and bonds, with a face value of 11,717.600. Vnder thex terms of the trust deed A. F. Kountse was tf Invest this part of the property and look after it. Until his death Herman Kountse was to enjoy the Income from it and at his death It was to go to his heirs. Heirs Deay Aathorlty. When an attempt was made to appraise this part of the estate for inheritance tax purposes the heirs denied tha authority of the appraiser and he appealed to the court. The order of Judge Leslie, issued Monday, directs him to prooeed to appraise it The objections of the heirs was based on the fact that the property had been re moved frout Douglas county to New York. They contended the tax could not be levied here as the situs of the property was New York. They also claimed immunity because the property had already been taxed In New York. Judge Leslie upheld the con tention of County Attorney English that the tax was not upon the property, but upon the transfer and this transfer was actually made In Douglaa county and the property afterward removed. He held the trust deed was made in contemplation of death and was Intended to take effect after the death of the grantor and as such was taxable In this county. The face value of the property listed in the trust deed Is as follows: (,u0 shares Texas Land and Cattle company ( t 666.000 1,144 shares United Real Estate and Trust company 624,400 1.600 shares North Coal and Coke company 160,000 90 first mortgage bonda In above company 90,000 (0 first mortgage bonds in above company 40,000 l.fcS Ohio & Big Sandy Coal com- . I" U2.80J LOU Kentucky Coal company loi.M Total 11.717.60 Steps will be taken by the beirs to appeal the case at once. Tk a Fr1am la It. Irrigated lands In Snake River valley of southern Idaho produce the largest and best crops. The warm south slope of the North Side Tract Is Ideal - for orchard. IM.MO acres will be opened to entry October L 1907. Write today for particulars. Twin Fall North Sloe Land and Water company, UUaer, kUhe. Announceraanta. wsaautc stationery an4 tailing cards, black book ao4 magasitne btias, 'reeue Oeug. UH. A, L Beet, in FITS LIKE A I GLOVE This Is the Universal Opinion The snappiest, handsomest line of new fall shoes for women ever shown. Every shoe made on an Individual last; made to conform to the foot as it should. When we tell ; you , the maker's name you'll know the shoe. The famous Armstrong & Wright and Peters, whose reputation as makers of women's shoes is international. We now have in stock the new narrow toe, the new narrow last or the handsome straight form, Cuban or French heels, lace, but ton of blucher cut, in fact every correct idea in new fall styles and shapes. Made in patent kid and colt, gun metal calf and vlcl kid. $4 the Pair Drcxel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnara SI. fcr 'nil uy"i it., ill.. 1 t a f ' j. US ASK YOU To look over our Bank Statement of August 23. 1907. IT 6 HOWS OUR CASH RESERVES 3,08 1,546.4 2 OUR DEPOSITS 1 2. 12.7,01 0.0 1 OUR RESOURCES $ 13,4A7,417.95 and other equally interesting items re garding the soundness of this Bank, established in 1863 a Depository for funds of the United States, State of Nebraska, County of Douglas and City of Omaha. ; Your checking account invited. First National Bank Omaha, Neb. I WClTBia TOaSCaaT Tuesday, fair as a Warmer. Our New Pall Fashions in Silks, Dress Goads, Ladles' Suits, Costumes and Gowns Western prosperity and development are saeh that we are displaying higher grade lines of merchandise tbaa any Omaha merchant ever dreamed of bringing to Omaha. We emphasise this faetl yonr critical Inspection will prove It. Veople who were ready to pay the prloe were never given mnoh assurance that they eonld get what they wanted; they frequently went to Chicago. .Mow things are changed no higher grade Unas of merchandise are displayed on State street or rifth avenue, than are on display on onr first and second floors BTo need In the world for going ontslde Omaha for yonr higher grade needs. OUR JHICES ABLE rBOM IS TO 80 F OEBTT X.E8 THAN THE VBICEB OBAXOED BT GREAT CKIOAOO STORES. ETBRT BODT ADMITS THIS, ETEBT OTTR COMPETITORS. BETTER OOODS THAN BOOT ADMITS THIS, ETEBT OUR COMPETITORS. We stand by yon and you'll stand by us. Thursday's Bargain Bulletin Every Item a Rousing Special Grand Opening Sale of Furnishing Goods IX OUR DOMESTIC ROOM THURSDAY OXI.Y. Greatest bargains In Men's, Women's 11 ml Children's Winter Weight Un. derwear ever known in the history f Omaha mcrchnntlNing. lii!M UEMs THE RELIABLE STORE DON'T MISS WE. BARGAINS IN DOMESTIC ROOM I I I 1U T7TT71TTTT1 fill m W Our Great Blanket Sale The best $G.50 plaid Blanket, in pink only, will be offered Tuesday at the low price of, per pair $3.95 500 pairs of the best cotton blankets offered at 75c, large size, all colors, on sale, per pair 48c 12-4 very best and heaviest cotton blankets, in all colors, per pair $1.39 S1H(Tbf5 A Tuesday Clean-Up Sale 2 1, H HjrvZZ come Early-Your Size May Be Dcre Odd and End Clean-up Sole About 160 pales women's, mUses and children's Oxfords and Slip pers, values up to $1.60, Tuesday's selling only . . 50i Boys' tan, kid and calf shoes, ' A enrtri at nut roIps rpmilnr f ft sv $1.50 and $2 kinds. .... JoC Men's velvet and alligator House Slippers 59c Bennett's Big Grocery LEADERS nr THE BEST 11W4TI Granulated Sufar. Double Orsan Trading" Stamps Bennett's Golden Coffee, pound 86c And Twenty Green Trading tamps Tea Slftlrgs, round.; ISo And Ten Green Trading- Stamps Teas, assorted, pound 3Bo And 80 Green Trading- Stamps PEAXX. BABXiEY SPECIAL One thousand pounds pearl bar ley, per pound 3o Bennett's Capitol Oats, two pkgs 300 And Ten Green Trading Stamps BayUs "Cider Vinegar, quart bot. tie 18a And Ten Green Trading .Htamps GeneHBee Corn, S cans fl5o And Ten Green Trading Stamps Pears In syrup, large ran '. And Twenty Green Trading- Ktamns Three Star Salmon, can '., goo And Twenty Green Trading tamps Snlder's Baked Beans, can 18o And Ten Green Trading Stamps Batavia Macaroni, pound pkg 13Vio And Ten Green Trading Stamps -LIMA BEAXT SPECIAL Twenty-five dozen cans Genessee J,lma Beans, worth 12 He sperisl price, per can i Bo Per dozer, cans 81.05 Diamond C Soap, 9 bars UDo Saturday Next IdO Couch and Bed Davenport SALE IX TIIEKUK NITIKE SECTION SATUtD AY AT COST AND LESS $35 Davenports this sale $10.80 $16 Davenports this sale $9.69 None reserved. Every couch and every Davenport at reduced prices. Saturday raeWihdowHour The Peacock Fall Fashion 2J '' JOS. F. B!LZ' BIG FIRE SALE Will Be Wound Up In a Few Days GREATER BARGAINS Will Bo OFFERED during these last few days than at any time during this BIO SALE. We are compelled to close out all the odds and ends that are left in order to make room for gooda on the way, bought In the eastern markets 1 y out New Tork- buyer. ' ' - ' Watches (warranted for one q year) at D.C Germantown Zephyr (no 71 white), a Bkeln 5C ,7ic :.25c ,5c ...$2 ,75c 75c Pearl Negklaces, 5c 5c 29c (no Imported Saxony black), a skein German Knitting Tarn, a skein , Kmbroldery Bilks, 2 skeins , . . Cardigan Jackets, our own make, S3, .60 and Sweaters for Boys, our own make Sweater Jackets for Boys or Girls, our own make Real eac White Seamless Stocking feet, 10c quality, pair.... Men's 76c Negligee Shirts, 75c quality, each Men's Fancy Dress Vests, CI th J1.75 quality, each $I.UU New line of Newport Scarfs, Ice Wool Shawls and Silk Shawls. ' Men's Tan Hose, 12 Ho quality, at, pair ; DC Baby Prawn laggings, 1C. a pair Children's Underwear, 60o e down to 19c, 10c and 'c Suspenders, a pair, 36c, 2Sc, 1 C. 19c and 'C "?....3c lc BaHb0y.. 5c Lisle Hose, Qc Summer Vests, 10c, X 1 VsC and Winter Underpants, iq. a pair Neckwear, 2 lie, 21c, 19c, 10c, 8c and Hair Pins, a package. .'. Ladies' Gauze pair Call and look around the store. You will surely find something you need and you can. get It during this great sale at less than cost. The most complete line of Beads In the west. Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns. JOS. F.BILZ, 322 S. 16th Omaha pWl,.npli,..Llls., -: j il jl 11 M 111 l T ' ' ' "I ' ' ' DR. BRADBURY, Dentist, If 08 FAR NAM ST OMAHA. Prions Douglas 1756 16 Ysars ssms Iscatlon Extracting 23c Porcelain Fills.. il up Crowns .... .$2.60 up Bridge Work.g2.50 op Plate g2.0O up We make specialty of metal and roofless platea. Painless work In all operations. Open evening till 8 o'clock. Ground Floor Offices... are scarce, especially In the center of the business district of Omaha. This fact Is an indication of the growth of the city, at well as the volume of business which Is being transacted. R. C. Peters ft Co. were compelled ' to move into larger quarters and because we could not give them more space they rented elsewhere. - IS YOLIt BUSINESS GROWING? Don't you want to be on tha ground floor? Here is an opportunity to rent space that will please you and give you a chance to increase the volume of your business. Title E3ee OoiltiLIriQ offers for rent one room 16-6x40-6 and another 19-10x25-10 on the 17th street side of the building on the ground floor There is a large vault In connection with these rooms and they can be rented as one largo room or divided. On the Sixth floor we have for rent three rooms facing 17th street and three rooms which are nicely arranged on the court. On the Fifth floor is a suite of two offices, 22x!0 and 7x20, with good light. There is a vault in the larger of these rooms. We have other, rooms for rent and would be pleased to have you call and let us show you through the building. Remember you do not have to pay extra for light, water, beat nor Janitor service here as it all goes free. i Xsk. for Mr. R. W. Baker. Supt. THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17Ui and Farnam Sis. l-Yoni H:80 Till 0:30 A. M. Heavy ribbed and fleece lined vets and l ants, whites or gray, all slies for men, women and child ren, values up to 50c garmciit; for this one hour, at, irar niont 15c From 10:30 Till 11:30 A. M. Ladles' and children's outing flan nel gowns, good heavy quality, cut extra full and long, regular values to 75c; choice 30J From R:3 Till 10:30 A. M. Men's and boys' heavy woolen shirts and sweaters, worth to $1.60, mostly samples, shirts come in grays, blues and tans, rousing bargains for this ono hour; to close, at 40c From 11:30 A. M. Till 12:30 r. M. Men's and boys' madras shirts, worth to $1, good fall patterns, mostly samples! slightly soiled, on stile, at, choice 23c Afternoon Specials. Ladles' muslin gowns, lace and em broidery trimmed, worth to $1.50; in this sale, choice 59c Ladles' and children's heavy fleeced vests and pants, all sizes, values to 75c garment; choice 25c Ladles' knit underskirts, splendid as sortment, worth regularly to $1; in two lota at 25c an1 39c Men's, women's and children's hose, values up to 25c garment; greatest . lot of bargains ever offered at, per pa,r iOc Special Sale of Flelslier's Yarns. Thursday's Prices Less Than Ilcgular Wholesale Cost. J. knitting yarns that sell regularly at 28c skein; on sale Tuesday at 19 Shetland Floss, very best quality, reg ular 12 He value; on sale Tuesday t 7H B. Saxony, regular 10c quality; Tues day at , 5C Spanish knitting yarns, special three skeins for , 25c1 No telephone orders filled or dealers supplied at these prices.- " 50c and 75c Silks Tuesday, 19c Yard In our great Domestic roqm Tuesday we will place on sale an immense line of plain and novelty silks and silk and linen mixed fabrics which we secured at a fraction of their real value, would sell regularly at from 50c to 76c per yard; all in one lot to close at, yard. , , 19 EYTRA SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY ?rom at!tfl tit tiM a m Vfi will sell one case of American Indigo blue prints, 7 He values, at yard) (10 yards limit) 3jo n rroim 10 to 11 A M. One case of 10c bleached muslin, extra fine (10 yards limit), at, a yard...6Ho rrom 8 to 3 P. K One case of 80o bleached mercerized table damask (6 yards to a customer), at, a '" io Tront 3:30 to 4:30 P. K. One case of 1.50 gray felted blankets (only two paira to a customer) at, a Pa'r 3o 7Hc apron checks Bo 12Hc dress ginghams 6o 12 c Percales T. 7o 16c flannelettes i...., jua 15c outing flannel 7H 10c unbleached muslin fio 16c towels 7o 10c towels 69c dress goods 49c cashmeres 2Sc fancies 1 00 cotton blRnkets. 85c cotton blankets... 11.25 crib blankets.... 11.00 table llnn 30 390 8So ...12lo . ... ..730 es eeo K9a $2.00 napkins" ei.i c conon nans , Bo 10c cotton batts , 7Ho Claret Prints oa 12Hc Rllkollne 7ix0 10c drapery twills. ..-;. 7is0 - WOOL XtXESH OOODS. Prom :30 to 10:30 A. M. 60 pieces of 38-inrh French plaids, tnt waists and children's school dresses, regular price 60o (only one pattern to a customer), at. a yard 24o Prom 8:30 to 330 P. M. 26 pieces of 64-Inch black French Pana mas, regular $1.00 goods (only one pnt voiu iu k customer), at, yard 080 SBECIAL TUESDAY BARGAINS IN OUR LADIES' SUIT DEPT. 8 00 X lagan t Tailor Suits In fine chlf . fon broadcloths and other Imported ma terials, all leading shades and ntyles, values up .to' $36.00; choice. .... .$35.00 910.00 Prsnoh Tolls Skirts Trimmed with bands of talTeta, extra full pleats, - newest styles; choice ' SS.95 PEACHES PEACHES PEACHES The peach crop is a total failure this season in most sections of the country. We have been fortunate enough to se cure a carload ot extra fancy freestones peaches and blue 'sugar plums, which we will place on sale Tuesday. We will sell the PaachM, per crats, f 1 59 Child fan's Sohool Srsssss Fi nn sprees. cheviots, etc.. In pretty plaids, checks and stripes, greatly underprlced Tues duy at $5.00, $3.98. $2.88, $2.60, $1.9. and S1.50 96.00 Silk Underskirts A. new lot Just re ceived, all newest colors and styles at 93.99 PLUMS. PLtTMS. 1 PLTJMS. 4-basket crate of fancy Oregon blua plums, nothing finer for canning; for this sale only, per 4-basket crate.. 91.59 Single basket, each...... 40o GRAPES. OSAPXiS. OXAPXiS. Fancy Concord grapes for Jelly, per basket lo W HAYDENS' SSE 7 TO fortiand 1 74 Every day, to Oct. 31, 1907, you have tho privilege of this low one-way rate from Omaha to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other points in the Northwest, via the ' Union Pacific the short line to PORTLAND. There are daily fast trains. Inquire now for any further information and make berth reservations at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 1828. V r - Gas and Electric Fixtures Why spend your money needlessly for new Fixtures, when wo can make your old ones look as Kood as new for much less. ANY FINISH OR COLOR YOU DESIRE IN BRASS, COPPER, NICKEL OR SILVER. We plate Anything In Gold, Sliver, Nickel, Brass or Copper. Automobile Lamps and Statues. Repaired. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 South 13th Street. Between Fir nam end Harney Telephone: Douglas 1779. t Bee Want Ads Produce Results