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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JULY 22, 1007. V OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and Cottages -Cvnf Inaed. iKNT -114 Webster, Attached hoim-, T rooms, modem, us, bath, laundry, cistern, f urna, c. (T t-. lawn. i . I ; li. (tit 2.1'i Webster, lVatory cottage, rooms, hslh, gas. laundry, cistern, fur rinr Erate. lawn, shade, barn; $J. tu- S. Y. Life. R- Phone Webster 1n6S. (15i-M;50 22x WI'.OOM cottage. 2,lh 8U all modern, barn. jm N. 1J M716 ONE 7-room house, one 6-roynm house, mod em except furnace, $25 anil $:?; one 6 rnom house, city water In kitchen. Chrlt Boyer. 2123 Cutnlni 81. (16 36$ roil RENT-V'dTn house of rooms, close In; rnr'Jr retain 2 room; will rent furnished or will veil furniture; refer ences. Address A 810, Bee. (15)-M74t 22x CM fld-BlRH N. 24TH BT., South Omaha Three and six-room apartments in new ' rVargo" buldlng; all modern conveni ences, including hot water In kitchen and l.alh. (.10 -2517 N. 18th Bt., 9-room modurn house, with attic and barn. 1W7-9 Farnam Bt., six-room apartments In "Qufvef building, all modern conveni ences. Including hot water In kitchen and bath. Hi II Distributer Co., 817 First liank BUI. 'Phone Red 741. (15) 774 11d fl SVTlf ST.. 7-rnom. modrn, $37.50. :.i2 Sherman Ave., 6-rooru, on one Hour, all modern, 0. 1721 Mason, ft-room. water, sewer, 120. O'KEEFK REAU ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 215 16)-M915 23 $?0--ROOM. modern, 2134 N. 28th. $l6A-rom, good repair, 3114 Rnliler. N. FENOER. 626 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red 1217. (16)-M!'l3 23 FOR RKiVT New 7-room cottage, bath, nil modern conveniences, shaoe and fruit trees. 4"th, north of Dodge. Inquire, J. W. Robblns, M Farnam. (15) M946 MODERN house, 8 rooms. 2110 iJike Bt. (15) 907 13 Ilalldlnas. THR entire building formerly occupied by the Dally News, 44x3") feet, t stories nrd basement. McCaguo Investment On.. YA Dodge St, : (15)-8S U12 HARNEY ST. 8 floors and basement, 33T130 feet: suitable for wholesale. He Cague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St. (15J-S37 Wholesale District BUILDING For' Rent The fair-story an J basement brick build ing at 916 Farnam Bt. Appiv F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas Bt. (,lb)-M.;S0 Omcea. DESK room on first floor at 1212 Farnana. ID FLdOR, well lighted; elegant for office use. 1212 Farnam. (la) M0 TOR RENT Desk room In Tee office, city ball building. 41V N. Mh 6t.. Soutn Omaha., Apply to manager. (15) 1J4 CHOICE i ; OFFICES 4jlt la very seldom that good outside space In a well appointed omce bulling is avail able. At the present tlmo we have a beautiful suite ox two rooms on the fifth floor, with east and south light, a large vault, which makes tine a most desirable space during either summer or winter. Room No. MS Is now vacant and la 14x1, with a good-alsed vault! has east light. A new hard-wood f.-.or was recently put in this room. Everybody In Omaha knows the location of the Bee building; iv is central, close t I , the city hall and eounty court house. There are several hundred people who spend more time here than in their homes and any one of tl-en will testify as to the care they receive tiere. To further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. (15-434 ' Stored. FOR RENT Large store room, with good basement, 24W So. 16th St., 415. C. M, BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Blk. (1&)-M71s TORE ROOM. 1103. N. tSlh SU, $20. BKM18, PAXTON BLK. 'Phone Douglas bh&. (16) 414 OFFERED FOR SALE rx-tg. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing ic per toot. 30 N. 17th fcU Tel. Red 114. ll;-4J Fnrattare. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; bual ness on the square. Rosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co.. 103 8. 14th. D. 5S85. U8 M87lJv2J FURNITURE of 10-room houee, complete for housfkeeplng; r nt very low; a bar gain for $.160. Addrcas W 73. Hee. (18; MlOJ 23x Ptaa, Orgaaa, Masteal Iaatrameaita. ' PIANO BARGAINS For close buyers. You choice of twenty different makes In our bargain room this week. Kimball upright 7 . 131 . ia Gem upright, reflnlshed like new. Ludtman upright, large sis Hallett ft Davis. Flemish oak ..... . 1st Hallett Davis, walnut caa ,. is SCHMOLLER & MUELLER ' PIANO COMPANY 'Phone Doug. 1C2&. 13U-1313 Farnam St. (,!-M370 L'fHIGHT Kimball piano. In One condi tion. . 1115 ). Owner leaving cliy. lslj Davenport 8t. t') aU Si KIMBALL upright piano, fine condition, $m, also music cabinet; owner leaving Uly; ukler don't apply. Daven port. (15) M&75 x FOR SALK A lUrdman Cabinet Orand I'liriiin Piano, uearly new. Inquire at 2706 Ohio St. 0)-714 16x aad Billiard Tables. FOR ALE New and secondhand bllllara and puol tables. We lead the world la liieap bar fixtures; easy paymenta. Brun. tck-Ualke-Colleikdar, 402 & lutb 8u (1 tii Tye writers aad gewlasT Macktsiea. FOR BALEv-High grade aecondhsnd type. liter; good condition; a bargain at $. ( all riKiin SOS, Bee Bldg. (ll 71 iNE Remington typewriter. No. i. In good -'xltiiou, tor sale cheap. Call at B Offleew U C WilJCN yoet write te advertiser, remember It lakes tai m (ew eoraunee of toe i t stale Uutt o av tae ad. U TUe Be. OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued J e- M rseellaaeaaa. i FOR SAT.E-filmplex typesetter, condition guaranteed : 5n cound nearly new 8- point Write Int tyre and complete equipment. or wire quick for particulars. Frank O. Edgecombe, Geneva. Neb (16i-M128 23 OAS. KT.ECTTU'" AND COMBINATION FIXTURES. Special low prices during tlie summer td reduce stock. ;order now; goods delivered BURGESS & GHANDEN CO, Telet hon Douglas GS1. $13 8. 15th Pt. U6) tHt Bankrupt Sale of Books. Now on sa In the room formerly occu pied by the Wabash tl-ket omce, ism and Farnam Bta., comprising Ridpath's History of the V..rld, New International Encyclupedla, New Amerjcanlzed En cyclopedia Brltixnnlca, Historians' His tory of the World. Appleton's Vulversal Encyclopedia, bmall monthly payments, while they last. H. H. Huberts. (ID M501 31 SNAP. REBTAt'RANT and cafe; rent 115; 6 blocks from post omen. We feed lt per day. Address E 814, Hee. Must sell at once. (16) 777 30x SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Di: ion Co.. Omaha. UM-8S0 BHKRWIN WILLIAMS CO, best mlged puint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug uo. (16)-1M HOMKOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and retail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug (.-o. 06)-M41? DRt'GS st cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & M CONNELL DRCO CO., Omaha. Neb. (1-M41 H ALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. ISIS Farnam. 06)-847 BPR1NO chickens, fresh dressed to order Tel vark J0S2, Forest Lawn, Wyandotte yards. U) M693 25 FOR SALE First-class store futures, showcases, etc. Olobe Land snd I vest ment Co., 1!zJ Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (lfl) 8D0 NEW Harrison oil stoves, different sizes turns coal oil Into gas. 2540 Capitol ave (ltl) M478 2 OROPER'S Ire box for sale cheart. 107 North 12th St. (16)-M.i61 23 FOR SALK Bohn siphon refrigerator; rub. ber-tlred reclining go-cart. Tel. chstor 244. (16) M5V3 23 FOR BALE Fancy cherries and herrW. Ihm's Fruit Farm. 631 and Military Avn. (lli)-67 FOR BALE Car load of white nine lum bvr dimension and flnlahing. 20ft Ho. loth. (re)-7at 22x TWO diamond rlnga, K. J-74W. Hee. each at a snap, (lRj-.Mtl 24 t PATENTS LARSON ft CO.-Book free. Bee BMg. (17J S6a D. O. EARNELL. Datnt attorney and ma chine designer. Taxton Elk. Tel. Red. 7117. (17) 980Augli PERSONAL OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. Ramge (isj ai 8EW1NO machines rented. Neb. Cycle Co, 16th and Harney, f hone Doug. igw. (18)-H5 f AnNT,.rriP'r,'atn't''1t nd bath. Mme. iUAUlMLllljgn,! m N. 15th 2(J noor, via; w FEW bargains In 2d-hand soda fountains. monthly payments. Derlgnt, ibis rurnra, ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Paxton salve. B. J. Scannell. agt., 5C Ware Klk, (16J-M9AS SYRINGES, rubber aoods. br mail: cu prices. Send for fn-e catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. tls)-o THE- EMTF! Expert lady operator 111JJ UUHXj gives massage. baths ana sai genuus ruD. Room iW) uaraer am lutu and Farnain. (18) -M13 22 PLEATING But tons. 'k Aching. ' UL"1 1 111 V- Kmhrnlderv. Dyeing and cleaning, sponptng and shrink ing only 6c per yard. Bend for price list anu samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1936. MAGNETIC ?:t;o0r,OE.yndan,, massage, tub baths. Room Z, 13-4 Farnam St., 2d floor. (18) M92 Jr2s THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-o elothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llth St., for cost of collecting, to the Worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (tfj-SU YOUNG WOMEN romlng to Omaha ai strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association rooms, J51 Farnam street, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslttted 118) S13 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs Dr. King. 1320 N. 24th St Tel. Doug. 1569. (18) 863 GIRL willing to act as companion to lady lor her board and room; excellent place for girl going to school and wanting a home; retei-ences exchanged. For Inter view address K 802, care Bee. 18)-5J5 22x HEALTHY, wholesome, aathl skin be stowed by Hatln skin cream and Satin powder. 26c. (it) REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. RUSSELL M'KITRICK CO.. 431 Ramge. (lai 8tj W. H. TURRELL, 18 Patterson Blk. Doug. 1129. , (!) olio PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. L. Doug. 178L (19)-u L W. BUNNELL & CO.. 822 N. Y. Life. Douglas 5143. R. C. PETERS 4 CO., Bee Bldg. (19)-kS7 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 2ul First Natl Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 723.' (1) 884 GEORGE 4k COMPANY, 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. tl)-89 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALIC FIRST mortgage of $900 secured on 160 acre farm worth $10,0uo; runs full 6 years; 6 pel oent semi-annual Interest. Address A. 6. Bee. t(19)-M937 $1,350 BUYS a nice 6-room cottage, brand new; rental Income JIM) per annum; very easy terms If desired. J. Kendls & Son, tu j-axion uik. (lyi M..SS zi HOUSE for sale cheap if dlately. Its. Mason St. taken imme Tel. Harney (18 MasO 23 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME! If so and you want a home that will help support you, you snouia, y ail means, Keystone Park, where we can sell you a tr to $3;i p rart of I to HO acres from $1 per acre. Two tracts sold this week. Out of cm acres, 150 acres hs already been sold. This Is one of the moat beautiful and attractive spots around Omaha and you should, bv all means, see It before you buy. Gad to take you out In an automobile at any time. Telephone either one of the under signed. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Firs Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781, or 1). V. KHOLES CO. Board of Trade Bldg., Dowlas 4g. . (1S)-M17 24 REAL ESTATE city rnnprnTY for (Continued.) AIC FOR SALE -room cottage, owner leavrng city, wl. 1 sen at a saciince. io iNorto. 40th, South Omaha. Tal. 87L ' . OJ)-Mi48 SEE KEYSTONE tABK Three to twenty acre tracts are selling for $176 to 1375 per acre. These tracts will make home to support you, with the comforts of the country and the ad vantages of the city. Take you out, any day In sn automobile. Telephone, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. IJfe Pldg. DouKlas 17S1, or D. V. SIIOLES CO. Board of Trade Bldg., Douglas 49. (i9)-jnifi a BEMIS PARK DISTRICT rooms, brand new, strictly modern. $4,000. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Lire Bldg. 09)- M977 WHEN DRIVING OUT be sure and see KEYSTONE PARK r we will take you out If you will give us an opportunity. Keystone Park Is the Ideal place for suburban, homes. See It and you will be convinced. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 1781, or I). V. SIIOLES CO. Board of Trade Bldg., Douglas 40. (IK) M918 23 U PER CENT. A hrlck block of three stores and 32 rooms on a leaning Business street; rented rnr $215 a -month. Price $16,000; half cash. balance four years at i per cent. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room L New York Lite Bldg. (13 93 NEW SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE Just Finshed Open Today On a pretty little street Just off the Florence Boulevard, near Rome Miller's elegant home. A pleasant rldo of 19 or 20 min utes from Farnam street on the Sherman ave. car line to Florence Boulevard, (20th St.), walk north on the boulevard to Grand Ave., and this Is the first house west on south side of. Grand Ave. The three blocks along the boulevard to this house ore as pretty as a walk through a park. Take It and see for yourself. House has reception hall, with little cloak room beside the vesti bule, living room, dining room with platerall, pantry with glass door cupboard ' and drawers built In and kitchen with room for refrigerator In entryway, all on first floor. Upstairs are 4 bedrooms, bath room and outside entry way. Lighted by gas and elec tricity. You will see this Is very complete and well built home. The lot Is 50x130 feet, I feet above the street, cement walks In front and around the house. ' Offered for the first time, price $3,500; reasonable terms. Will be kept open for Inspec tion. The house number la 2107 Grand Ave. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 314. (19)-0$ BEMIS tARK. Two beautifully situtted iols. 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on grade; corner. SluO; Inside, $700. Must be sold by owner at once. 3404 La fayette Ave. (19) -MS FOR SALE Five-acre tract of land In Ben :t of land In Ben- son, three diocks irom car, sunaoie for planting or for Improvement; an oppor son, three blocks from car. sultaole for tunity tor someone. Aaaress u in, uee. U9 S34X IF v YOU are thinking or building It will pay you to see the Western Home Build ers, rooms 21'-36 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg., for prices and terms. (19) 210 LIST your property with nd Cuming fits. Chris Boyer, U9)-at REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CHAb. E. WILLIAMS. Pres. CO 09) 893 If looking for a 8, 8 or 7-room cottage on your own terms, 'phone Web. 1854. (19) '90 LIST your property with the Western Jlome Builders, rms. 22-2$ Nebraska Natl. Bank Bldg (1 714 REAL ESTATE FARM AND It AM CM U.MU FOR SALli Iowa. TWO small Polk county fruit and chicken farms for sale near town; price reason able. Address Burkey 4 Graeber, fcjhel dahl. Is. (4-U64l 24 Kanaaub WANTED Agents to represent us In the sate of our Kansas lands, w rite lor par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment 'o., Omaha. Neb. UvJ-W Kenraakua. FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches fur homes or Investment. Bemis, Omaha. iai)-MaI FOR SALE Two tracts of 480 acres each, about fifteen miles southeast of Sidney, Neb., about six miles from station on Union Pacific and same uUt.Jui.e from station on B. ic M., $1.50 per acre. $1 26 cash, balance 1n nine annual payments. This Is open tor few days only. A .'.dress Y 132, care of Bee office. (20)-Mh74 23 Boatk Dakota, ARE YOU Interested In South DakotaT If so write to the A. C. Brink Land Co. of Pierre. S. D.. concerning the 25,000 acres of farm lands they own In Hughes and Sully counties. They will answer you Jladly; (20I-M379 Al REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. IV First National Bank Bid. (&-.$ LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keels K. fc- Co., 1001 N Y. Ufa Bid. U2)-ls $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence properly In Omaha; lowest rales; no delay. Thomas Brennan. Room 1, N. Y. Life. t: mu WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnain Smith 4 Co., ISj) Farnam Bt. U2j-01 MONEY TO LOAN-Psyue Investment Co, (:) 'J01 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. 122)- ua $.0) TO JbOuoO TO LOAN at lowest rates bO delay. GARVIN BROd. L04 FARNAM. t22-90, LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. (22 Su WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters 4 Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued., FOR 9ALK- -A good 7 T' r cent mortgage on fartn land, llee Bldg. $1,S'). Til The O. F. Davis Co., 5 (2 M:tW 24 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stovis, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bd pillows, quills and all kinds of tools: or will buy the furniture of, your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furnltuie. The highest prlcee raid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. (2D)-S. Jy25 CASH psid for old books. Crane-Foys Co., Kia a. 14th. I'rtone uougiaa iji. ()-10 CARD CABINET of 15 to 23 drawers for card 3 bv 5 Inches; state price; must he cheap. Address L PC. Bee. (25) 19 WE NEED two horses. 1.W to 1,2no weight; will pay cash or trade gntnl flnro. Mat thews Piano Co., lalX-15 Harney St. C.r M.f74 i7 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To And a desirable property for rent, within easy reach of larllne and with modern facilities. Am willing to pny any reasonable monthly rent for same. Address K., 7S5 Bee. (261467 22x WANTED To rent, in southwest section, modern house or cottage, with nve or six rooms; furnuce not necessary; for desira ble place reasonable rent will be paid. Address C 812, care Lee. (3S M7M 2Cx WANTED At once, 6-room house, located between Davenport and Leavenworth and 28th and 811th Bts. 'Phone Webster S37. (26) M901 LADY desires pleasant front room with board In strictly private family; price no object for the right place; references ex changed; boarding houses and flats need not apply. Address G 816, rare Ree. (2 MM3 24X YOUNG couple, want to rent P to 7-room nouse or tlat, modern or moaern exvepi heut, between Mason nid Dnvenport St east of 80th; best references; give full Information. Address B SI 1. care Bee. (26)-Mi:i2 22x WANTED Desirable rooms In ill purts of the city. Omaha Rental Co., Life Bldg.. Tel. Douulus 3831. 805 N. Y. (261-MK3 Atig2"x WANTED SITUATION WANTED Position In store by young lady; unexperienced; would work cheap. Ad dress Y 143, Bee. (27) M1S0 24 x WANTED Work by the day by experi enced dressmaker. Csll on or address 49J0 Capitol Ave. 'Phone Harnoy-liltil. (27) 917 A9 WANTED Small bundles of laundry to take home, 2707 N. S6th St. Mrs. Kelly. (27)-775 22 WANTED Position by all-round clerk. 10 years experience In general merchandise; reasonable wages; best references. Box 111. Oakland, Neb. (27) MS7S 23x JAPANEBE wants kind of work In Slto 723 8. Kth Sr. a position to do any city or out. Address (27) Milt) 23x RAILWAY TIME CARD LMO?l STATIOJI I (Mb. AND MARC Y, Unlan Paelflo. Overland Limited Lea ve. Arrive, a 9:40 pro .a 8:55 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 3.50 pra a 8:00 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 3:50 pra a 9:M am California & Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a 6:50 pm Los Angeles Limited.... al2:58 pm a 9:15 pm Colorado Special all :55 pm a 6:50 am North Platte Local a 1'42 am a 6:15 pm Beatrice Local b 7:42 am o MS pro Chicago, Rock Island A raclle. EAST. Chicago Limited a :48 am all-30 pin Iowa Local a 7:0 am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Pass a 4:( pm al2:30 pm Iowa Local alj.40am b 9:66 pm Chicago (F.astern Ex. tt V50 pm a 1:25 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pm a 8:35 am WEST.'. ,.- Rocky Mountain Lmtd .ell:" pm. a 2:95 am Colo. A Cal. Express.. .a, 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. & Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 2:45 pm Lincoln A Falrburv Pass.a 8:48 amal0:15 am Chicago Great Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis.' 8:30 pm 7:80 am St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:30 am 11 35 pm Chicago Limited :06 pm 8:27 am Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:36 pm Chicago Express 8:30 pm 3:30 pm Illinois Central. Cklcago Express a 7:70 am a 8:48 pra Minn. & St. PaukExp...h 7:2 am a 8:56 pm Chicago Limited pm a 8:30 am Minn. Si St. Paul Lmtd.a 8:30 pm a 8:30 am Chicago A Northwestern. Chicago Daylight a 7:05 am St. Paul-M apolls Exp. .a 7:50 am Chicago Lccal all :30am aU:54 pm al0:00 pm a 3:28 pm a S:f pm a 9 -JO am a 8 30 am a 7:44 am al2:3o p.n a 8:23 am a 8:29 am a 9:20 am a 1:35 pm eloux City fassenger...a rev am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago hpeclal a 6:04 pm c, K.i.M'nrila T.mtd .a S:?8 nm I t,. Ana.ioS Limited. ...a : pm Overland Limited ..aJ0:GO pm Fast Mall .. Bloux City Local Fast Mall Twin City Limited... Overland Limited .... Norfolk-Bonesteel ... Llncoln-Chadron Deadwood-Llncoln .. Casper-Shoshonl ysstlngs-buperlor ... remont-Alblon Los Angeles Limited Wabash. ,.a 8:W pm a 8:M pm ,.a 8:36 pra ..a 7:40 am ..o 7:40 am ..a 8:( pm ..a 8:00 pm . .b 3:00 pm ..b 6:02 pm ..a 940 pm a 7:04 am a 9:31 am alO.35 am al0:25 am a 6:05 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:05 pm bl2:50 pm al2.36 pm EL Louis Express .a tM pra a 8:80 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) .a 9:30 am all:16 pm 6tanberry I.ocsj (from Council Bluffs) . 6:08 pmblOUt are MXaaourt Paclno. K. C. 4 8L L Exp a :00 am a 6:55 ara K. C t: St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 6:35 pm Nebraska Local a ?. pro all:40 ara Chicago, Milwaukee A . Paal, Chi. A Colo. Special... 7:02 ara U:46 pm Calif, ai Oregon .xp... t:t pm Overland Limited 8:5a put J:25 pin 8:37 am BtRCllttiTOJl STA 10TH MASON Bnrtlngton. Leave. ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pin ...a 9:30 pm ....a 'A am ...a :06 am ...' 1:45 pm Ar.lve. a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pi a 4:10 p. a a 6:46 aru a 6:10 p:a a 6:10 pm al-:0l pin, b 8:05 am Denver Sc California Nortnwest Special.... Black Hills Northwest Express, Nebraska pclnis Nebraska Express. .. Lincoln Fast Mall... Lincoln Local Lincoln Tocal 8:00 pig , Louisville 4 Plattsm th.b 8:10 pra A 10 20 i.j neiiuvnerift'.'.i:iu-vu o.'v pm a j:a a. a plattsmouth-lowa ;.....o am Bellevue-Plattsmouin .. Denver Limited all:56 pm Chicago Siectal a 7:00 am Chicago Express a 4:i0 pm Chicago Flyer a s.30 pm Iowa Local a 915 am b 1:36 pm a 6:4o am all.46 pia a 3:i pm a 8:30 ara all:30 em all. JO am a 6:30 am a 6.10 pm bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City A St. Joe..ai0:46 pm Kansas City & Bt. Joe. .a am Kansas City 4 St- Joe. .a 4:46 pm WlCBtTEB STA lOTIi 41 WEBSTER Chicago, Omaha. St. Pant, Minneapolis Leave. ,.b 6:30 am ..a 2:00 pm ..b 6:46 pm ..o 8:46 am a. rive, b 8:10 pm al1:20 am b 10 am C 6.50 pis Twin C'ty Passenger. rXoux City Psssenger. Emerson local Emerson local Mia. out! Paclne. Local' via Weeping Water , Falls City Local ,.a 8:08 am .a 8:60 pm a t M prr all:) a' j a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday e Sunday only, e I 'an except Monday OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIKIO "EMPREat" Lint of trta Atlantlo QUBC TO UVXSKva. LCC1 TXAJf ruUS DAI AT kA. Empresnes tail July 26; Aug. 9. 23; 6ept. 6, 29. First Caoin 0 up; beccid tSLln 64 up; TUIrd Class $2$. 76. Write for particulars. V. E. Ssnjajnia, OeuL Agent, TeL Harrison 1718. t'ii Clark tU Chicago. Office nours, 6 00 to 8.30 a. n... 12 00 to 2 3o p. in. Telephone Hainey ban. OMAHA VETERINARY HOSPITAL 3SKI Mtioa street, Omaha, Aeh. 11. L. Ramacclottl, D V. S . Deputy Stats and City Veterinarian, Food ln.pwtor, l utef Surgeon. D. C. fetott, iX V. ti.. ilws pilal Surgeon. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Cattle Stronger for the Week, Others Weak. HOGS UP TODAY AND FOR WEEK sheep and I. h tuba Steady Vntll Fri day, When there Was a sharp Break on All Kinds of Killers. SOUTH OMAHA, July 20, 1007. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday a.'M Official Tuesday 3.0"7 13.2ie S.M Official Wednesday 3.m l-.MJ 3.l Official Thursday 3,377 12.M4 4.11 Official Friday l..77 H-318 Ollliial Saturday Ci4 7. In) Six days this week 15.7:5 32.419 IBIS'S Btinu- davs last week 13.2(1 8i.2 14.H- Same clays i weeks ago.. .R!7 50.438 l-.S" Bame davs 1 weeks ago.. 17. 07 .27 12,N Same days 4 weeks ago.. J.l 85.447 U.t3) Sume days last year 15.072 63,9.'9 25,ti24 The following tuble shows the receipts of cuttle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last jear: !7 19". Inc.. Dec. Cattlo .W.237 610.i!53 8S.5S4 Hogs 1.47ii.lt3 1.57t.453 103,2 Sheep Ki4.L3 819,17 3 46.100 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1907. li6.l0i.;i9O4.190t.1S2.llt01. July July July July July July July July July July .lulv July July Julv July 6... 7.... ... ... 10... 11. s. 12... 13... 14... 18... HI... 17... 18... 19... 20... 6 nyt 42 5 25! 6 271 18) 13 8 491 T 1 17 5 39 7 5 71 5 83 8 48 5 Si t 1)3 5 14 5 S4 877 6 5 8 M 5 "9 48 5 2ti $ 19 6 73-Sl 5 2Ui 5 8i (16" ( 5 151 $ 45 5 3:1 6 38 5 281 5 1! 1 80 7 83 7 7 7 77 6 f.4 5 tH $ 744 8 5(1 5 33 6 B5I 5 8;' 6 11 a 64i 6 51) 8 G7 5 33 4 tf9 6 73;-4 71 V, 5 754, t 73 5 Gsa, 6 5 OH 8 13 8 47 7 731 7 17 7 72 7 71 8 M 5 1 6 17 5 231 t 2ol 6 5n 6 19; 5! 52 6 51 6 56 6 21 5 22 7 71 5 7:1 K r.ll 5 18 7 & 8 1 3 8 .7941 S 47 6 69' 6 03; 5 22! 6 tM Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $2.5OCfi6.00 $5.7iCi6 00 Chicago l.i"-7.25 8.iWKuti.l2Vi Kansas City 2 .5tiu6 .5") 6 76u10J4 St. Louis 1.5Wj7.35 6.K"o. I Sioux City S.40i6.85 Thn official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. C . M. & St. P. Ry.. 4 1 2 .. . 22 10 2 3 1 6 23 7 e a 115 Wabash Mo. 1'ac. Ry Union Pacific syBtem C. & N. W. Ry. (east) C, St. P. , M. A O. Ry.. C. & N. W. Ry. (west)... C, B. & O.. (east i C, B. Q. (west) C, li. I. & P. Ry. (east). Illinois Central Chicago Great Western... .. 1 ..18 .. 3 .. 1 Total recelnts The disposition of the day's receipts Vras as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head inJlcated: Cattle. Hogs. Omaha, Packing company..., Swift am! Company , 1.1H4 . 20 .1 !286 . 8 . 16 . 17 .530 2.216 3.046 1.676 Cudnhy 1'atklng comapny.... Armour company , Omuha Packing company, K. Hill A Son Huston .4 Co Other buyers Totals .; 530 8,143 CATTLE The cattle market was to all Intents and purposes bare of supplies to day. In fact for two days In succession there have been hardly enough cattle here to make any showing at all. Still, tho total for the week Is not very different from whut is was last week or a year ago. ' While the supply of beef still consists very largely of corn fed steers, It is noticeable that runge beef Is becoming more plentiful. There has lieen nntlceunle during tne week, a tendency to spread between the different kind of beef steers. Thus, the well finished dry-lot cattle have been grad ually tending upward and at the close of the wctk are safely luu higher than a week ago. On the other .hand, beeves showing more or leaa grass, have declined to about the ssme extent as good cattle have ad vanced. This, as a matter of course, is due to the Increase In the number of range cattle coining forward and the competition from that source. Taking the market as a whole, it has been In a very satisfactory condition throughout the week, as the trii'le on most duys has been reasonably actlvN as a result of a good buying de mend. Cows and heifers have also shown strength and desirable kinds are pretty close to 50c higher than the low time ten days ago. Grass cows as usual this season of the ear, have been weak and the feel ing la that with more liberal receipts of rangers, the market on that kind is liable to sell off most any day. As has been tho case with beef steers, the trade In cows and heifers has been very Satisfactory all the week, the buying demand being active and the trade In a good healthy condition from dny to day. The receipts of stockers and feeders have been very moderate every day this week, but It la still early to expect very many cattle of that description and the demttml as usual, has not been very heavy. Still, such good feeders as have been coming have met with very ready sule all the week and are generally a little stronger than a week ago. Common Inferior grudci have been a little sticky, the Inquiry for that kind being rather limited. BEEF STEERS. N. 1... 8... 1... 1... 1.., At. Pr. N. .. S65 I 00 COWS. ..ines so l . .lie) i to 2 . .lin 1 oi 14 ..1150 t at) i HEIFERS. ..1010 I to t BULLS. ..t!M I 1 CALVES. At. Pr. ..ISM ..116 .. 924 .. 110 1 S5 1 40 i M I 5 ..1045 4 16 ..1830 It 1.. t 4 3 3 75 t i 6ft 145 6 50 HOGS Receipts this morning were very liberal for a Saturday and buyers at first were a little bit sliy esoeclallv as seller were oskitrg for a verj substantial ad r. .. . . . 1.1 ...1 Vance. They evidently wanted the hogs, however, anil when the trade was once started everything changed iiands In a very short time, the yards being cleared by 10 o'clock. The prices paid were fully 5e higher than yesterday, the big bulk at $5.7.V4).82!. whereuH ye&terduy most of the hogs sold at $n. 704(5.80. The hog uiuiket all this! week has been In a very uatistactory condition. It has been apparent every day tliut the packers have wanted the hogs and good, strong prices as compared to those paid at other points have prevailed all i the week. At the close of the week the market Is a good 6c higher than one week ugo. The re ceipts for tho week have not shown very much change as compared with the week before, but have been considerably larger thun for the corresponding week a year ago, (3... At. Ih. "i0 140 to W t to Pr. I 7t i 70 8 10 I 10 5 72 6 72 t 7! t 72Uj t 12V, 6 7;vi 1 72 i 72 i 75 t 75 i 71 6 71 i 71 I 7S t 74 t 75 4 74 t 71 t 75 6 76 1 7S 1 75 t 74 I 75 i 7t I 75 i 76 i 71 1 74 t 74 6 74 5 75 1 75 5 7'. 1 T7 t 77 I 77 t 77 6 77 ( 77 1 77 1 77 I 72 I 77 I 77 8 rt 4 77 I 77 I 77 4 71 I 77 Ne. 44.. 46.. SV. 42.. AT. .2 A ..Hi .147 ..141 ..U Pr. 1 71 t to 1 kit I 44 1 Ml I 40 1 10 1 40 1 10 t 80 I 8 4 5 wi 8 44 6 m , I 19 t 40 4 10 I 40 i 0 t 40 I 80 8 80 8 to 6 M 4 to I 8 1 l I IT-' 8 IC 1 8 i U 1 S2 I 82 t 82 8 M f 1 I 84 I l I M I S 1 M I 84 6 85 6 81 I 7 i IT 1 17 1 17 I 87 1 W I 40 I 10 I M t lit) J10 ipJ ai IHI Ul 81U 137 871 i mis ifej W... 40.., 41... 1.., 44... 6A... S3.. 01.., 49.. 71. 11. 40 71 281 71.. .851 47... 71... 44... 44... 4... 43... 44... 70... (... 55... 40... 5... 45... 74... 70... 72.. II.. i 10... M... 51... 44.. 71.. '!. . 74.. 70.. 40.. t.. 64. . It.. 75 . II.. I. 4 . . 10.. 44. . 74.. 17.. 44.. 76 . II. . 74.. 47.. 74.. 48 . it.'. 7. 74 . W. ....J. ....W ....240 ....,4 215 131 841 ....170 880 Ik4 2ft5 ,I 2.l M. 64. 72 6'J 1 5i..... 61 6t ba 61) S4..'... 41 4,1 41 3 4 tl 41 5T .13 .. ' .. 2"4 ,. K4 ,..2l ,.. ...17 ...274 ...8") .. J-'.J ...III ,..940 ..114 ...Ib7 ..HI ...i7 ...245 ...ITt ...: ...t;t . ..4 ...t8 ..141 .. lr,4 ...Hi .. u . . 2i.9 ...143 .. IV 1 ...: ...i:3 ...Ml .. ru .. 2bT .. i.M .. 4t ...2.4 .. i.l .. l .... Ill 140 .... til 3l 241 2'4 MS 14 2.'. I 124 .... 2 til 126 fl 221 144 11 f21 212 225 .... 224 2.1 M t1 lut 211 114 22: :ui 811 lJ t HI 10 IS 55 b .... U 7i) .... 3 44 117 70 M :j.... n (4 ta j3 164 10 I 77v, 77 40 I 14 1! : ll I ft 8HKEF There were nu f,rsh recelyw sheep of any consequent today, the mar ket, as usual on a Maturrisv, being prao tivally bare of fresh suplples. 'file re ceipts for the wek have shown a Consid erable gain over the previous week, but are still considerably short of the record u year ago. The arrivals have con sisted almost entirely of range sheep snd lambs, principally front Idaho and Wy oming. Luting the greater part of the week sheep constituted the big bulk of the receipts. Fortunately, there was a very fair demand for that kind and the trade during the first half of the week was In a good healthy condition. On Mondny prices were, If any thing, a little stronger. After that steady prices were maintained until Friday, wnen there was a break of l(tji2r-o. Lamls during the first half of the week were In very light supply and sold at fully steady prices from day to day until Friday, when they. too. broke badly, the market on that day being 2mrt0o lower than the previous wek. The cause for the sharp decllnne In both sheep and lambs Is to be found In the fact that While prices at this point were well maintained, eastern markets declined until this market was considerably out of line. After the decline prices here are still very satisfactory as compared with eastern markets. Quotations on ranvn sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs. $7.CiHf7.40; fair to good lambs, $ti.50fif7.O0; cull lambs. $4 jKifi .50; good to choice yearling wethers. $r.754i6 oo; fair to good yearling wethers, $..25a6fc; good to choice wethers, $4.7.Vfl6.3B; good to choice ewes, $4.766.26; fair to good ewes, $4.26v4.7fii culls and bucks, $2.504.00. Rcpresentstlve sales: No. 113 native yearling wethers, 1S9 native yearling wethers 300 native yearling ewes ... 24D native yearling ewes wethers , Av. Fr. 60 $ 60 $ 60 64 65 61 and CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lambs Steady Hogs Strong. CHICAGO. July 20 CATTLE Receipts, 8u0 head: market steady; beeves. 84. ", cows. (1.6vi.2c; hellers, $2.6Ki5.50: calves, 86.6o87.26; good to prime steers, $o.7lXtl7.; poor to medium. $4 6048 66; Blockers and feeders. $2.Si'ti6.(K). HOGS Receipts. 10,000 head; market strong; light, $5 8oij'6.12V; mixed, $6.ttUvri; heavy. $6.k6.S; rough. $5.S0fe.80; pigs. .5 SJi-fiti 05; good to choice heavy, 6.f84i6.9f; bulk or sales. $5.7Mi .90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.HO0 head; market steady; native, $:l75fi9; western. $4.(iof B.ei: yearlings, MW"3-0; lambs, $i.7.VJ7.4u; western, $5.7&3r7.50. KannMS City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo., July JO. CATTLE Receipts. 600 head. Including 200 southerns; market, steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.257.00; fair to good, $5.00 rt5.25; western fed steers, $4.6066.50; stock ers nnd feeders. $3.f,j6.25; southern steers. $3.ti4.7'; southern rows, $2.75114.50; native cows, $2.764. Go, native heifers, $3.25(u.00; bulls. $a.0Ou4.50; calves, $3.6O5j0.25; receipts for the week. 01.1. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head; market. Re higher. Top. K-JiCH; bulk of sales. $5.K5JJ 6.96; heavy, $6.75Jj5SB; packers, $5. Kofi 5. 97 4; pigs and llKhts, $5.90j.20. Receipts for the week, OO.HOO. SHEEP AND LA M RH Receipts, none: market nominally steady. Lambs, $ti.7G$J 7.W; ewes and vearllngs, $B.15'ftfi.l5; Texas ellr.t.e.l vearllhi'a. If, 501 00: Texas clipped sheep, $4.7505.35; stockers and feeders, $3.50 So.uu. St. Lonls Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 20. CATTLE 'Receipts, 1,0I head, including 800 Texans. Murket steady. Native shipping and ex port steers, t6.60rii7.36; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5.MV!i.40; steers tinder 1,0(0 pounds, $4.0i1i5.00; stockers and feeders, $2.5Kft4 .85; cows and helfjrs, $3.154i.00; can nera. 11.75(95.40: bulls, t2.75fd4.5o: culvea, $4. iOiJ 10.00 ; Texas nnd Tndlan steers, 83.JS 4wl 00; cows and holfers. $1.50U4.00. MOOH Recelnts. 2.500 head. Market, higher. Pits and lights, $5.X8.20; pack ers, $5.6035.OO; butchers and best heavy, In MOSTitt Ok SM HEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 head; market steady. Native muttons, uD.hii: lambs, $4.0(1117. 15; culls and bucks, $3.00 4.o0; stockers, $5.0Og8.9O. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal westeru mameis yesieraay were ra uame. no, ouorp, South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . St. Joseph ... 9t. IOUls .... Chicago 654 7.100 5.700 .1.000 . 600 .2W0 .1,500 . 800 $.01 4 i:f6 2.500 10,000 7: 400 4.000 Total OMAHA .6.554 33,235 5,121 WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition of Trade and ftaotatlons on Staple and Fancy Produce. Pfif.S Per dos.. 14il6c. BUTTER Packing stock, 19c; choice to f.ncv itatrv'2no: ereamerv. 25c. LIVE POULTRY Spring chickens, llU 18c: hens. 10c; roosters, 6c: turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; geese, 6e, KRI'ITR ANU MELONS. BLACKBERRIES Case, 24 qts., $3.25.'r tt :V1 RASPBERRIES Red. 24 pts.. $3; black. 24 qts., $3. GOOSEBERRIES Csse, 24 (its., $3. CHERKIKH-Homo grown. 24 qts . $3. HKI) ci'RRANTft Case. ?4 o.ts.. $2. 1 5. CALIFORNIA PEACHES Per bO vellmv froestnnee It. 75. PEACHES Texas Elbertas. 4 baskot crate, $1; 6 basket crate J2 .00. pai.IFORNIA PLUMS Per crate, $2.00. CALIFORNIA CH ERR I ES Per box of a IV.. nr white. 12.00. TIT.VASI 'WATF.RMEI.ONS Eacll. 85 C, 46c and 60c, crated for shipment, $c per lb. i a hit it t hi n ir r it fnrnln tfi to crate. standard! $5 50 : 64 to create, pony, $3.50; Texas, 30 slse, $2. TmiKicit. irnmTS. LEMONS Llmnnlera. 800 size, 48.00; $60 . 1 . . ti. ,Ve Mkn, Kr. rt.t H &Oa less. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch. 19 (k'i2 'SXliimhnn. 12.5053.60. ORANGES Mediterranean nweeta, fancv. 1M else. 14.26: 176. 300. 216 and :in sizes. $4.iu; Sti. 126 nd 288 sixes, ti ore r.nev to more ner box: rt Michaels. 176. 200. tie snd $50. sixes, ti nr.- im and iso .lies, st 60: Valencia, mi u and 112 aixea. 14.50(34.76: 126. 150. 176. jidt ant HIS 14 76626 DU. ti on ,vim f.ncv. 5c. more per box: St lowti. 6c: new stuffed walnut dates. Ho. knv S inf. tiATKi4Ksdawav. 6c: layers, 6c; hal- lowls. 5c: new stuffed walnut dates, s-lD, I l.w t1 1. VRVItTTARLES. NAVY BEANS Per bu., NO. . tl.UUV J. 10; Mo. 2. tl.10tll2.00. POTATO left Per bu.. new. $1.00. NEW PEPPERS-Per 6-besket crate, $2; per Vi bushel box, ibc. . aspai a . k ic ner QUE. ounojiee. BEANS New wax snd string, per hi 1,,,-r or t.nsket. 76c. BEETS. TURNIPS and CARROT-Pw do bunches, 204(250. PIEPLANT Per dog. bunches, 20o, ei'i i mkkk H- fee dos.. 604175c. TOMATOES Tennessee, ' fancy, 20-lb, crate, $1.26. ONIONS Green onions, per dos,, S5c. rAnmiiK-llniM troen. 2c per lb, Li'Alf LKTTLiCK-ilol-nousc per dog 1....1, 90. RADISHES Per do, bnnobea. bom grow n. 2ie CELERYr-Kalamaioo, S0ffj36c per dog. HKKK CITTS. No. 1 rib, 14c; No. 2 nt,, 11c; No. $ rib, 10c; No. 1 loin, 17Vio; No. 2 loin, 13c; No, 1 loin. lJVc: NO. 1 cnucx, ic io. i cnucn t',c; No. 3 chuck, 6c; No. 1' round, 8ic Kn 2 round. k"ic: No. 3 round. 8c : P.O. plate, 3Uc; No. ? plate. 8c; No. 3 plate, He. MISCELLANEOUS. rnrTctrFiHoimteii. No. 38. Jiic per lb . 14V c per lb.: No. 26. ltc ter lb.; No, 20, HV per lb.; No. 21, 12Vc per lb. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prun aro somewhat unsotiled by freer offorlngs fri.m second hands, who seem desirous moving supplies of Immediate grades. Quo latum ranee from 6o to tc for Culifornl fruit and from 6VM&80 for Oregon. Peaches are slluhtly easitr. with fancy yellow nuoted at 13'4c. Ralstns are firm; three- crowu louse Muscatels are quoted at 9c fniir.rniwn 10c: seeded ralsll-.S. S'.'fllle FISH Pickerel. dressed. 'Mc; pike, rlri.HSed. 15c: white flsh. dressed caught, UfU15c; fresh, 16c; trout, 12&15c; hslibut, He; salmon, 16c; catfish. 17c; her ring, diessed, 8c; crapples, round, (kS'Jc; crapples,, fancy, Lc; black bass, 2ic; smelts, sweet and tine, 13c; eel, 18vr; blue flsii, lfc; red snapper, 12c; rc -had. per pair, Cl&Oc: frog legs. jw, - lobsters, green, per in., 27c; lonster ooiiea, per 10., wc; mackerel, Spanish, per lb., 16c; mackerel, native, U&35c per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 25c per lb.; dressed buffalo, 8c; bull hearts 12e; white perch, 7c; white bsss. 15c. CANNED OOOD4 Corn, ta.ard, west em, (Ac. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-iKund cans, $1.46; standard, 1-pound cans. $1.26. Plne-appl'-s, grated, $-.ound, $2 242.80; sliced, 1.?M(2.$5. Gallon spples. $3 25. California sprlcois, $!t). Pears. $1.7f.ia2 50. Peaches, $l.i74i2.4u; L. C. ptachas, $2.uuu2.a6. Ala.aa sulmoii, red. $1.2ti; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.10; fsncy sockeye, fist, $1.86. Ssrdlnea. quarter oil, $126; three-quarters mustard, $3.10. Sweet potatoes. $1.2531.86. Sauer kraut, boc. pumpkins, bocfyjl tt). Lima beans, 2-lb., 75 foil 25. Soaked peas, -lb., 60c, fancy, $1.254 1 45 NI'TS California walnuts. No. t soft Med. 12c; Brasils. lirWulkc; pecans. Kwa.c; hll-erls. 14c; peanuts, raw, 7Vc; roasted, tr; California almonds, n)i couoauuta, ,$.la V 4Mfc ef RAIN AND PRODUCE MARRE1 Wheat in North Dakota Reported ik Better Condition. NOT UP TO AVEEA0E, H0WIYI1 Cori la Weak and s shade Lwet Than rrevlons Day, hat Weather Is Perfect Grov4th. for OMAHA. July JO. 1907. was wesk. Reports f rot mmm ennnietlna- and wltl The opening near sections he usual light Saturday trade, very little as doing. Some North oaaoia wiree re port wheat In better condition there wns lenty of moisture anil late wneai in muuu iherr condition, nui not yei up iu Wheat opened atxiti yesieraay s oioeing with no feature. Cables came surprisingly firm. Short sellers are again in evlrtnc nd unloading by longs gave me tnaraei set back. Commission nouse iraoe wai divided. September wheal opened at mt nd closed at S4Mr). Corn opened weak and a snaas lower Weather was perfect for growth and ail reports are that It Is rapidly catching up lost ground. The demand wss moderan and the market seems to bo neglected. September corn opened at 4o and closed 400. ... Oats were wesk with wheat and corn. Th market was slow snd crop report conlllcting. Beptember osts opened at s"S nd closed at sc. , . j Prlmarv wheat race Dts were tusi.ow pusn. els snd shipments 414. OK) bushels, sgalnst rec.sipts last year or i.ivt.wv mwni "j hlpments or ousneie. '"-L:" .ere hia.oou huslieis ana inipramn noheU .noin.t recelnts Isst year of 418. 000 bushels and shipments of 40i,0os bushels. Clearances were lwt.oiw DU. or corn. su,. bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal 10 191.000 bu. ....... Liverpool closed unchanged on wnewi d lower on corn. . Seaboard renortefl lflo.ow nu. or wntn mam 128.000 bu. of corn for export Local range of options: Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y. Whet-I I July .. FJ'i Sept. . Dec. .. WV4 Corn I July .. WU! Sept. . 4;t4 Dec. .. 43; Onts- 1 Julv .. 41 S! Seit. . S, Dec. .. 87! 83' $5 SvVi tfi'i) 4.;J 48j 41SI 82 81 84 8KV 84H S5 tfi-! 45S1 46' 43 I 43Vkj 414 86 6l 4'4) 41 'A 81 87 4H4 36 36H1 Omaha Cash Pries. WHEAT No. 2 hard, S2(34c; No, I hard. '9fiKlc; No. 4 hard, 7Sy7So; 8 spring, 81 CORN NO. 1. )1i'"c; io. . n-uru, no grade. 4tx)747lc; No. $ yellow, 46Hc; No. 8 white. 4.Wi7c. . . . . OATSl JNO. 3 mtxen. r; roo. a 27.c; No. 4 white.-43(S42tc; standard, 430. RYE No. i, 72c; No. 3. (i71c. Carlot Receipts. WheBfTCorti 58 2M 143 22 24 ..s 16 103 Oats. 113 Chicago .... Kansas City Omaha Duluth St. Louis ... St. Lonls General Market. BT. LOUIS, July 20 WHEAT Lower; track No. 2 red cash, 87W(TS!c; no. z nam. WfH0c; September, 88HlUVic i December, 92'Vv. . , u .Mi-. CORN Liower; i . ..t Beptember. 6040; December, ti'ifcc; no. 1 white, 63Hc. .... ,, . OATS Lower; track wo. 1 casn, oc: September, 86c; December, sue; no. s white, 4Mc. m FlyOlR Btenny; ren winirr $4 25H.40: extra fslr and straigni, s.'vw 4.15: clear, $2.3.&2.70. pfcED TKnothy, steady: $3.25'4.2B. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, $1.00(9 HAY I 'ull: innoiny, n.wii.iw,. $io.wrji3.w. ., IRON I'ornin nr.s-ii.wii. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: JobWnff, $16.50. Lard, higher; prime steam, I)ry salt mais. sieaov; urara $:t.26; clean rlhs. 1.2; snort oiear, Bacon, steady; noieo exim mnn 1, 'V.ti clear ribs, $10.l2y snort clears, HEMP TWINK ho. POULTRY Dull; chickens, WHc; springs. 16c; turkeys, 13c: ducks, sc: aws sc. Bl'TTBK-rlteany; creamery, vytn m nr FXIGS Steady, 12c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bu i',w Wneat bu. " liw Corn bu ;,'! o,(.m ostsi bu. w,ooo 19.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 20-WHEAT-Bep- tember, 84c; December 87Hc; May, 4o oiinh No. 2 hard, 835) 84e. No. 3, 76(&S2c; No. 2 red, 8S(W4c; No. 3. 82(tl83c. CORN Sept emoer, lic; Liecemoer, May, 4c. Cash No. 2 mixed, 4VC No. 4!o; No. I white. 60c; iso. a, o. OAT3-No. 2 white, 40W17c; No. 2 mixed. 44"-Mi45e. , HAY Steady to one lower; cnnice 11m othy, $ll.oO(i 12.00; choice timothy, poor, $84S KTr-cJtesny; itxe inc. svios Firm: extras. 16Hc per Aotam; firsts, 15c per dozen; seconds, 14c per doxen. iil'TTKn Creamery, 24c; packing, lo. Iteceipis. cuiipiiienis. Wheat, bu 14,1000 4i,vw Corn, bu 14,0.4) 46.0U0 Oats, bu 2.000 13,000 Kansas City cash pslces as furnished b Logan A Bryan, 112 Board of Trade Bund ing: . Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Wheat- I 1 Sept Dec 854, '484t4J'IM'WR4V. b 88e,:se'Vils74HB Corn 47d 47 1 44 Bept Dec 47 47HA 43U 4441,1 A asked. B bid. St. Joseph Lira Stoesr Msrkrt, BT. JOSEPH. Mo., July 20. CATTLrV Recelpts, 2.0(0 head: market steady. Na tives, $4,504(7.00; cows and heifers, $2.264 6 60; stcckers and feeders, $3.6orfM.ftO. HOG 8-Receipts, 4,935 head; msrket, IVSIM higher. Top, $6.00; bulk, $6.Wi.95. SHEE-P AND . LAMBS-Recelpfs TO. head; market steady. Lambs, yearlings. $il 25rti 65; wethers, $6.2t.7t ewes, $5.0Oii6.26. Ml I wan We Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, July 20. WHKAT -. Ixjwer: No. 2 northern. SScfJUl.OO; Septem ber, tnic asked. RYE Steady; No. L 87H. BARLEY Dull; No. I, 7(Hic; aampla, S&9 70c CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 637o8o; Sep tember, 62Vkc. Liverpool Ural a and Provisions. LIVERPOOU July WHKAT tsaot, quiet; No. 1 red western winter. 7s Id. Futures, steady: July. 7s2Hl; September, isSSid; December, 7s 6id. OORW Rpot, quiet; Hess dried, (a; aid northern, fcs ti. Futures, quiet; July, normal; Soptember, 4s lOVid. Peorta Grain Market. PEORIA, July JO.-CORN-FIrm: No. t yellow. 62c: No. $. 51c; No. 4, 4c; no grsde. 4uu43Hc. OATS Lower: No. t white, 44")4jC. RYF-Nominal; No. I. s54,c. W1I18K1T-61.81. Philadelphia Predace Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 20.-EOO8Flrra, good demand; western firsts, free caaettj ISc at mark. , CHEEeilC Firm, fair demand; New Tar full creams, 124)Uc. DIVIDENDS ACTUALLY . GUARANTEED Tor Particulars Address The HIBUS M. a M. Co. 1032 Fourtetntk Sf., Otortr, Co. Oaly a limited amount of OuaraateaC toes io i I