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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
TILE OMAHA.' DAILY BEEi MONDAY, ITTJLY 22, 1907. I tea Want - ads A4mtlwnni for th want-ad column will be (ikra anttt 13 n. for the fViliit edition and antll f p. m. tor the morn I as- aad Monday editions. Caab naat accompany all orders for rrmn (-ad and aa advertisement will be accepted for leaa tkaa lO crate for the Drat Inaertlon. Rate apply to either Tho Dally or Bandar Dee. Alwara eoaat els words to a line. Comblnatloaa of lattlals or aambers eonnt aa oae word. CASH RATRB FOn WAVT-AD8. RRGIIAR CLASSIFICATION Oao Inarrtion, per line, 10 cents. Two or more eonaecatlre insertions, per llae, 6 centa. Kach Insertion made on odd dnre, 10 eenta per line. $1.50 per lino per month. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. nenth and Foneral Notices, Cards of Thanks and Led re Notices, T eents per lino for one edition, mora In a; or rrrnlntl 3 eents a Hue for each ad ditional edition. Sunday, 10 cents line. No ad taken for less than SO cents. SPRCIAIj CLASSIFICATIONS If yonr advertisement Is laaerted nadrr any one of the classifications riven below. It will lie charged at the following rateai On Inaertlon, 4 eenta per llae three to all eonaecatlre Inaertlona, 3 centa per line each Inaertlon I eevea or more coneecntlve lnaertlons, 3 cents per line each Insertion I SO rnta per line per month. IIARTKIl AND EXCHANGE. Ill'KINKSS CHANCKS. HEM WANTK.D FKMALB. HELP WANTED MALE. Except . Agents, Solicitors nnd Kaleameu. OFFERED KOn 1AI.E Conii lllrda, Doll and Pets. Horace and Vehicles. Poultry and (( Furniture. Typewriters aad Sewing; Machines. Pianos, Organs aad Musical Instrn nients. OFFERED FOR RENT. Fnrnlshed Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Housekeeping; Rooms, lion rl Ins aad Rooms. WANTED TO I1UV. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want-ads for Tho Dea may bo left at any of tho folio wlaa; ro( stores oao Is "yoar coraer nrugslsl" they are all branch offices of The Bee and your ad will ha Inserted last as ' promptly and on the aame rates as at the mala office in The Bee Building, seventeenth aad Farnam streets! Albacb, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Keranck, 8. A., 1402 8. 10th St. Bet-lit, Pharmacy. 72V 8. 16U Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. ltomls Park Pharmacy, 88d and Cumins Plake's Pharmacy, 2Si6 Sherman Ave. (.aughlln, C. H., Gth (Uid Pierce Bts. Clifton Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., 8let Ave. and Farnam, Cilssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Ceianak, Emll. Ir04-t 8. 18th St. Kaatman Pharmacy, 4048 Hamilton. Ehler. F. H., ivrl I,eavenworth. Foater & Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St. Dreytag, John J., 1914 N. 24lh Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. .Green's Pharmary. corner Park Aye. sad 8clflc. Orwnough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt. Oreenongh. G. A., M24 South 10th St. Hayden. Wm. C. 2i20 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pnar. 1601 S. 20th Ays. Hoist. John. 624 North Mth Bt. Huff, A. ,1... 29-.M Leavenworth 8t. Kin, H. S.. 223S Farnam St. Kountse Plane Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24tC Patrick Drug Co., lt:'4 N. 24th St. I-athrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. K-, 24th and leaven worth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Srhaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 10th ana Vhlcago. Bchaefer, Atiirust. 2C31 N. 16th St. Rchmtdtr J. H.. 14th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, ?nth and Grace Sts. , Wlrth O TT . oth and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FITNF.RAL NOTICES To the Omaha and South Omaha friends of the late W. P. McDevltt. The remains i will lie In the undertaking: parlors of Heiifey Heafey, at 220 So. 14th St.. Omaha, from 12 ni. till 2:30 p. m., when remnlhs will be tnken to his former home In Philadelphia. Pa. A special notice la Riven to the KnlRhts of Columbus and members of the Royal Arcanum. A re quiem high mans will he read at St. Ag- i ties' church. South Omaha, at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Mr. McDevltt will he remembered as being connected with the South Omaha Joint car Inspection for the last twelve years. ANNOUNCEMENTS IHE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlco 4th and Leavenworth sts. lei. Douglas 13S7. (11-104 8IGN PAINTING 8, II. Cole, 1302 Douglas (D-JU PARTIES wanting concessions for big Dahlman Democracy picnic at Pries' lake Sunduy, July 21. communicate at once with John D. Wear, 509 Brown block. (1) M579 22 AUTOMOBILES 1906 RUICK. two-cylinder. 22 II. P. tour Ing car, overhauled and painted $6ft0.u0 1906 CADILLAC. 19 II. P. touring car, fine sliUUH $525.00 190.) r.AMHLF.u, 11 H. P., almost new several extras Included IWO.'jO 116 KNOX touring car, air cooled... .$uoo i6 OI.PS, with top, 20 II. P 1700.00 1908 RKO, 16 II. P.. used very little. .$750.00 19"6 FRANKLIN, with top, four-cylinder, detachable tonneau $075. 00 19u6 FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton neau, 14 II. P tvm.ot 1906 8TEVEN8-DURYEA, two-cylinder and looks like new, with top t000 liAMHI.KK K. detachable tonneau. lust repainted and overhauled $660.00 V rite for run nescpritlnn. II. E. FREDRICKSON. l&ih and Cap. Ave. tt 3 FOR SALE A Cameron RunlTriout auto, mobile; a bargain. Globe Land and In' vestment Co., 1822 Farnam St. (2) 107 SEND for our list of second-hand automo lles.PER IOyT,lSl 8Fa rn a m. (J) l'M BARTER AND EXCHANGE 1 HAVE a good upright Klmhull piano to sell, or will trade even for $lii worth of aidewlk work at 'SMI t'aas St. 'Phone Harney 3m4. tfj Mltti 27 NEARLY new upright piano for board and room in private family within two miles of puatoillce. 'Phone Douglas "319 for par ticulars. (3 M97I U 0(K)D stock of general merchandise In an low a town of 2,500. Will trade for clear, cheap land. Globe Land and Investment Co., 1S22 Farnam. (3 769 loME Income property, both town and city, to exchange for land or merchan dise. Iowa and Nebraska farms to exchange for Income property; quick exchanges made where property Is offered at Its value. See us for a quick trade. RANDALL REALTY CO., 508 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1614. (3)-M9s 23x 130 ACRES ( miles from Sohell City, Ver non county. Mo.; to acras under cultiva tion; good buildings. Price, $i0 par acre; Incumbrance, $.uuO. Will exchange for general merchandise. Globe Land and Investment Co., l&'i Farnam St., Omaha. (3-Vj WXJR 8 ALB OR EXCHANGE Imported stock and grain farm of )2t acres In north ern Illinois, pries 14 per acre; incumb rance fU,uM a bargain at the price. Ad dress litnshaw Bros., Falrbury, 111. (Xi 24 9VR BALE or exchange for merchandise, S-0 acres unimproved land In Chess Co., Neb.; prloa $)) per acre; Incumbrance. $'.'. Harrington & Co., Crab Orchard, Neb. llj-MTlJ 2 A.UTOMOU1LK runabout for city lot. Will iy cash difference If necessary. Kendia, kl Paxleo Block. i$)-UXi a BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGES If y"U navs city property stocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com- flete list. We have propertlea and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Send for It at onca Globe Land and Investment Co., 1K22 Far nam St.. Omaha. Neb. U U0 BUSINESS CHANCES Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Ranch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dif ference whother you want $100 building lot or a $M".0"0 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy of the Real Estate World. It contains a large list of property and merchandise stocks for sale and exchange, and reaches several thousand readers each Issue, and Is the best advertising medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeseek ers and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and address on a postal card, man it today, and we will send you the Journal for two months on trial fre. Address the Real Estate World, Butt 124) Good Block, Des Moines. Ia. 4)-431 DO YOU want to get Into the stock busl ness? 1,800 acres. 480 of It deeded, 120 school lease, balance filed on. Good ranch Improvements. Ten miles fence, frame barn 40x40; frame cattle shed 20x60; 6-room house, fine grove, 15 acres, splen did hog pasture. All of ranch good pasture and hay land. 100 head ot good cattle: 9 head of good horses snd colts. All machinery, harness and elo- Ranch fully equipped. Everything $9,000 cash if taken at once. One of the best stock ranches In Garfield county. For full par ticulars write, C. D. Long, Blake, Neb., Garfield county. (4) M228 22x FOR SALE First class stock of millinery nnd notions In one of the best towns In the state, having 2,00 population, on the main line of the Union Pacific R. R, Only exclusive millinery in town; stock Is new and In good condition: no old truck; will invoice close to $1,200. Will sell cheap If sold at once. Buyers address Inquiries to A. C. Mayer, Grand Island. Neb. (4) MS83 23 THE KEYSTONE wIMs on August 1, 19"7, open a department for the EXCLUSIVE business of buying and selling rooming houses. The party having charge of this department thoroughly understands tho business, consequently we can guarantee satisfaction to buver and seller. KKVSTONE SURETY & REE. AGT. (Inc.) Suite 404 rtee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Doug. 836, (4) M940 27 LIST your property with us, we have buy ers; nave property lor exchange also. JACOBSON & CO., 835 N. Y. Life Bldg. (4)-M441 Ala TO BUY TRADE OR SELL see "BUSI NESS CHANCE BUNNELL," 822 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 5149. (4)-M968 ROOMING houses for sale, alt sizes. Gangestad, 403 Bee Bldg. (4) M3W FOR SALE The best paying business In nortneasiern Meuraska, stoca oi gro ceries, queensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y 211, Bee. (4)-M87 WANTED A party to buy out a flrst- ciasa stock or rurmture in the nest town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wlsner Furniture Co., Wls ner. Neb. (4) 760 TO BUY or sell any business or resl es tate, call on or writs i& u. uangestad, 4u3 Bee Bldg. (4) 766 COME to Hlldreth & Lowman, with or for. business chances, harms or city prop erty. 510 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (4) M5o4 HALF Interest and help manage towns-He and waterworks proposition; over ZoO lots and fine artesian well; new town on R. R , 700 population; write for par ticulars. John R. Hodfe-ee, Artesla, N. M. (4) M480 aug!5z LIST your property with us. Graham & Wright, 922 N. Y. L. Tel. Red 563. (4)-MW Do You Wish to Make a Change IF you have a farm, home, business or property trial you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO umana, neo. 4.4 M661 Aug. 17 CANDY factory, completely equipped, steam factory, mlddlewestern city; well stocked and in operation; good profit on Investment; liberal administrative sal aries; about $40,000 will handle; good rea son for selling. Address Y 124, care Bee, (4) M6S2 2 ONLY harness stock In good town thirty live miles from Omaha. Box 279, Blair, Neb. (4i M663 A2 FOR SALE 143 shares of stock In Union Stock Vaids Company of Omaha (Lim ited), price, $14,301); pay 6 per cent divi dends, payable quarterly; par value, $lu0 pur share. D. W. GUI, Cheyenne, Wyo. (4)-Jtf7tS9 22 FOR SALE In Fullerton. Neb., blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; one 4 H. P. gasoline engine; only four shops In county seat town about 1,500. Address C. K. Stenbcrg, Indian School, Genoa, Neb. (4) M734 27x SOMEONE to share car shipping household goods to lenver. I), hj. Dungan, Atlantic, la.. 1209 Chestnut St. (4) M743 26x THE new town of Rosalie needs a drug store and physician, harness shop, furni ture and Jewelry stores. New brick store room for rent. Address F. L. Cook, Rosa lie, Neb. (4) M744 26 HOTEL furniture and lease for sale; rea son for selling, owner wishes to nult busi ness; hotel doing fine business. In the best town In the Black Hills. For particulars address box Si, Belie ourche, b. l. (4)-M8S2 23 BAKERY for aale or rent In good county seat town; doing l,2u to l,5iJ0 loaves weekly; going west; cheap for quick buy ers. Cassvllle Bakery Co., Cassvllle, Mo. (4) Mi7 27x A SNAP. STOCK general merchandise. Invoice about $6.5u, located In a good little town In S. E. Nebraska. Will take for quick sale 65 cents on dollar. J. R. Adklns, noom 4. r irsi national Dank Dldg., coun cil Bluffs. (4) 122 22x FOR SALE Hotel and restaurant. oDuoslte depot. Guff, Kan.; three trains stop for dinner. Address c. ti uorjorts, uorr, Kan. (4 MtLI 26x FOR SALE Restaurant and nine furnished rooms, all In good shape, each room with DedToom suite; dining room and kitchen well furnished, and will be sold at a burgaln If sold soon; reason for selling, Ixmr health. Call on or address G. C. Elliott, Belle Fourche, 8. D. i4 M631 A6x MILLINERY stock for sale; a bargain If taken soon. Mrs. A. Jennings, West Point, Meb, (4 M68 Aug. Ux FOR SALE A small steam laundry, mod ern, equipped, in a mountain town of S.iJ population. American Ldry Co., juuno epruigs, ioio. t4 Mti) JoX LIST your property and business; quick maIai II tfanu'.ilAP 1 1 w.u Ct (4) M6i6 Aug IS FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to M received lor shoeing and u 10 It lor set ting urea Address X L2S, nee. (4)-lll BARBER shop wanted for cash, must be raasonaDie, Address Z,M no. K'tn Bt. Omaha. (4) M68S 25x FOR SALE Hotel and fixtures, doing rood business; only hotel In town; will sell cheap. Address M. O Urlen, Carroll, Neo. (4 M642 24X FOR 8ALB Telephone exchange In South eastern Kansas, this has all been built In the past 11 months; price and terms reasonable l might conanier trade ror land at cash value; good reasons. Box lul, birawn, Kan. (4-mm II x NEWSPAPER and Job ernes, doing good business, ror sale In northwest Iowa. Price too cssb. This Is a snap. Guy D. Savage, Alvord. Ia. (4) M4a tig WB can sell your farm, home or business properties, no matter where located; send price and description and learn how we do It, Iowa Land Company, Sioux Rap ldaJowa. (4-Mi 23 x INDUSTRIAL AND MINING 8TOCK8 BOUGHT AN f SOLD. ROBERT C. DIHSkJjOvV A CO STOCK BRuKLRS. su New York l.llu bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4-7 Bee Want WILL IN A SSB BUSINESS CHANCES (Continue!..) MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. A fine wall paper and paint store, do ing fine business; Invoices, $4,ot''; make me an offer. Address or call 111 N. Tejo-i, Colorado Springs, Colo. (4) M128 2fcx BUSINES8 CHANCE For sale, a very nice clean drug store and fixtures, the only drug store In the village; fine location; good trade and reasonable rent; Inven tories under $20,000; a snap for anyone who wishes to get Into business. W. K. Webster, Hudson. Wis. (4) M482 22x FDR BALE Newly equipped bottling plant, best territory In Texas, 5 railroads; no competition; poor health necessitates a change. Address W. M. Dyson, Wichita Falls, Tex. (4) M4S1 22x COME to Hlldreth A Lowman with or fof business chances, farms or city prop erty. (4) M331 DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Kniest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4) 771 NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. Buys, sells or exchanges everything, land, city property, merchandise and automobiles. 53 Douglas block. (41457 Aug. 14. DEWTTT HOTEL for sale. Will sell building and furniture, or sell furniture and rent building. This Is one of the besi paying hotels In the state; I can prove It by what I have made. J. H. Puckett. DeWltt. Neb. (4) M614 24X HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or tradod quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers, 330 Neville Blk. (4) 629 Augrt LIMITED amount of stock for sale In Al mining proposition; mill up and mine proven. For particulars write or call be tween 9 and 11 a. m. G20 N. Y. L. Bldg. J. O. 8. (4) 595 22 x BERKA CO.. 938 N. Y. Life Bldg., sell real estate quick and satisfactory. . l4)-620 Augls FOR SALE cheap, stock of men's furnish ings and snoes, in a good location. Ad dress P 790, care Bee. (4) 62S 22x GROCERY and meat business for sale. Will give good discount. 2227 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. (4) M946 27x CASH for bad accounts, bills, notes or any other claims. For particulars address E-7M), Bee. (4)-M108 27a $4,000 Laundry plant, absolutely clearing i,D per weeK tor ti.ioo uite Laundry, Boulder, Colo. (4) M118 27x FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures In u good Southern Nerbaska town. Invoice about 4,ouo. Address X-207, Bee. (4J-M116 27X $1,250 WILL get right party half Interest and management of a business here In Omaha that clears $1,600 monthly; If you have the money and mean business, ad dress M 821, Bee. (4 M990 23x BUTCHER shop for sale Modern In every respect; tne Dest location in brick build ing: only market In county seat of 1,000; large territory surrounding; employ three men and do heavy business; a splendid op portunity; owner unable to give personal attention to business; terms, $l,iO0 cash, balanoe time. N. J. Frayn, Faulkton, S. D. (4 MHO 27x FOR SALB-Clothlng and gents' furnish ing stock ror sale; only stock In good farming town of about 2,000. For par ticulars inquire Ochsner Bros. & Co., Ed gar. Nob. (5) M104 27X WANTED A buyer for an established hardware business;- must sell at once; good reason for selling; best references given. Lock Box 927, Tulsa, I. T. (4) MG39 24x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS, 411 M CAGUE BUILDING. 15TH AND DODGE STS. (4-76S TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE-e-Lands, iuyci,j, iiiu, iuQit;iiimisa ur chattels. Writs Townsend Realty Co., Modaie, Ia. (4) M60 AligSz FOR SALE At a bargain; a nice, clean coai Duainess. sneds on 1. J. & u. N. railway; near Sioux City; storage 20 cars. Address U R W Sioux City, Ia. (4 M479 Tlx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auctioneers. SALES made on Mdno., jewelry, household goods, live stock, farm Implements, eto. Koth & Tyrrell, 1212 Douglas, Omaha. (5--M."Al Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 191 Farnam. (6-771 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. $, 1500 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. to) M773 Contractra. AUGUST KROFFT. building contractor, loos N. 21st St.. South Omaha. (5) 774 Civil Eaglneera. McEATHRON 4V JAMESON, M N. T. U (5) 775 Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Oinaha. (-m Dreaaaaaktnai. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. (5)-777 M'DOWELlt Dressmaking School. 1623 Far nam St. (5) M65 LADIES learning sewing can have pat terns fit. 619 a 24th ave. Red 5074. (5-7Jt Aug. IS Dentists. BAILE& V MACH, Jd Dr. Psxton. D. KV (5)-778 Flarlsta. HESS 8WOEODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) m L. HENDERSON, 151 Far. Tel. D. 121 (5-7!l . Hotels. THE 8CHLITZ, Europesn, 16th and Harnsy (5)-133 Jeweler aad Watchmaker. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing, $-3 Paxton Blk. TeL D. 4367. ' (5)-;sS Uwi Hswera Sharpened. LAWN mowers sharpened. Lawrence, 2703 Leavenworth St. (6 M653 Aug. 17 Pkstegrapkers. C. B. TKUS8ELU 115 South 16th St (6-7li Safes. Shatter. Sta OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safe. Q. Andr.en. Prop., 103 8. 10th riL t6-72 Osteopathy JOHNSON IN3., 418 N. Y. U TeL D. 144. (5)-7M Dr. Bowser, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 8370. (6-M401 J 21 itla BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngslad A Jsrva, printers. U aV Cap. Ave (5) 787 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters and Job printing; no Job too large or small. Anchor Publishing Co., lsu Far nam St. 'lei. Doug. 5m. (5) M9i6 AuglO Ji-isfsLNGo PiiuUng Co. Douglas 5J30. Ads MAKE IT EASY FOR SMALL WAY AND " 'm fWimm'tr.ijmm. immmi.m mis, i ui..s wi usuii BUSINESS DIRECTORY' (Continued. rianihlna. WANTED Plumbers. D. W. Dudgeor Tel. Harney 1966. (5) Ml&i Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose lear devices and omce fixtures snd sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., Ife23 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas (5) M652 Aug. 17 OMAHA School Supply Co., lflll Howard. tOJ iM AUg. i Bkoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first - class work. im Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 991 (b)-44 Tallorlag. MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles and gents new work; repairing, cleaning and dying. Called for and de livered. 7v9 8. 27th St. Tel. Red U16. (5-7 Typewriters. THE Oliver Typewriter Co., 11 S. 15th M.. will rent you sn Oliver typewriter, with oak stand, and keep you In ribbons for S3 per mouth; will earn more than $3 per month In time saved. Get the hnblt. (6) S22 aug7 Violin Making:. VIOLIN repairing. C. L. Heskett, 647 limine H1K (fi) MloS Allgiz CLAIRVOYANTS Mme. Lo. Retta PARLORS 1709 W. DODGE ST. $2.50 Readings 50c FOR. A 8IIORT TIME ONLY. CALLS YOU BY NAME AND TELLS EXACTLY WHAT YOU CALLED rUK. Third time In city She Is the most won derful spirit medium and clatrvoynnt the world has ever known. She can bo con sulted on all affairs of life business, law suits, Journeys, changes, speculations, wives, love affairs, marriage, whom to marry and control the one you love, make your loved ones at a distance think of you, disease cured, habits corrected. My advices always reliably and highly recom mended by all. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. daily, Sundays 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. All business sacred and confidential. (8) M130 22 MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. tariors lu a. ltttn Bt., upp. Boston store. (6) 796 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical anal Ofltee. YOUNG lady bookkeeper in wholesale house; must be quick and accurate; state experience; good salary. 8 703, Bee office. (7)-M84 BTENOGRAPHEU WANTED Apply by letter, stating experience and salary. Ad dress H 712, Bee. (7) 623 factor r anal Trades. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Co., 2024 Farnam St. (7) 797 WANTED HAND IRONER8 AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, 1611 JACKSON 8T. (7)-7W WANTED A first class outter, fitter and tallorlst to take charge of dressmaking farlors, with best of references to re labtllty. Address 1049 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 876. (7) Mfc LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teacli hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, etc., In a few weeks, mailed free. Holer College, Chicago, 111. (7) M739 25x WANTED Ladies and girls for decorating sofa pillows at home experience un necessary, permanent and good pay, call before 3 p. m., 2311 So. 13th. (7-098 27x Housekeeping aad Domestic. WANTED Good lady cook, $40. Phoenix Hotel, Sanborn, Iowa. (7) M884 FAMILY cook and maid, $40 and $30. Can adian Office, 15th and Dodge. (7) M706 COMPETENT girl for general housework; four In family. 4801 Davenport. Tel. Har ney 2113. (7) MU0 WANTED at once table waiter, $26 per month. Board and room. 'Phone answer. Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant. Rox 163, Red Cloud. Neb. (7) M2S6 26x WANTED Competent cook; good wages and steady position to right party. Ad dress D 779, care Bee. (7) 613 GOOD cook wanted by private family; splendid position; good wages. Apply ;i254 Farnam. (7 614 WANTED First class cook, who has had experience In good family, none other need apply. Wages $10.(0 to $12.00 a week. Mrs. Ernest E. Hart, 525 Sd St, Council Bluffs, la. (7 124 28x WANTED Housekeeper on farm; middle aged preferred; good home to right party; small family. Address Mrs. D. Burnett, Struble. la. (7)-M483 22x GIRL tor general housework; German or Bohemian prefered. 1D10 N. 20th St. (7) 618 Z-x WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 424 8. 36th St. Tel. Harney 8436. . (7 6SS 23x GOOD girl for general housework on ranch In wostern Kansas; good home; steady place. Mrs. Charles H. Jackson, box ii, Jetmore, Kas. (7 M6u8 i4x SECOND girl wanted In private family. 225 Farnam. (7 773 GIRL for general housework. 2603 Pierce St. "Phone Maple 8150. (7 772 26 WANTED Competent middle aged woman to help with care of two babies under t years old; must be intelligent nnd neat; good wages. 1mj2 Blnney St. (7)-MS84 27 WANTED Plain cook, also laundress, for an institution. Apply Mrs. W. It. Adams, 3Jj6 Burt St. Tel. Harney 3770. (7-Mi29 x WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good ; no washing. 4wAi Chicago Bt. Tel. Harney 1061'. (7-M&66 i Mlacellaaooaa, WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man love hair groAer; liberal salary to ngnt party. Dr. Minerva James, 20i4 Daven- Tl Diicltta f.'.i ,1. ft...',. (1 U1 WANTED Graduate trained nurse of experience to act as trained nuise ia a small general hospital of 20 beds; 13 to 15 patients; 4 student nursas; salary, $35 to $40 per month, room and board, bend photo and references. Address Box 113, Jamestown, N. D. (7) M487 21s ANY student desiring employment or any. on desiring to enter business honorably snd profitably may register free of charge at McCarenty Institute, 1W3 Fsrnam Sl (7-MJ6rt WANTED Young women to enter tho Mel bourn hospital training school far nurses, 1 x Angeles. Cal. For further Informa tion apply ia Miss A E. DuSold. 950 8. Ollvs SU, Los Angeles, Cal. (7 M71I Alx 1 I YOU TO DEGIN BUILD UP ' - HELP WANTED FEMALE SI larellaneous -Continued. .ADIES and girls to stump transfers at home days or evenings, $1.50 to $1 per dozen, quickly learned. Room vm Paxton Block. (7)--M"'9 22x GIRL willing to do a little work around tho house lor her ooam and room, win nni desirable place by addressing J S"l, care Bee. (7) 524 22x GENTLEMAN desires clean and good washwoman to take washing to her home. Address D 813, care Bee. (7 M731 22x WANTED Experienced hair dresser. Ap ply Hair Dressing Parlor, J. I Brandnls & SonsJ (7) M958 23 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, solicitors aad Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; beat selling proposition ever o - fered; big value lor your customer. Dig rofit for you. writs today ior particu ars and Urrltom B. R, Mcdellan. 603 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nob. (9) 834 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who pave nao experience selling views, pur traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Roam 6o3, Bee Bldg. (9)-&8 WANTED Man to. titre and manage a crew of solicitors; prefer one who has had ex perience in selling to formers; permanent oslllon; good Income. Address O 347, leo office. (9) 310 WANTED Agents, male or female, fine proposition; can make $10 a day; call at Paris Studio, 210 8. 14th St. (9) M737 21x WANTED Traveling men with established trude In Nebraska and Black Hills to carry as side linn to established trade a line of men s neckwear and vests; only men sth established trade and territory need reply. 8. & W. Mfg. Co., St. Joseph, Mo. () M746 22X WANTED A specialty salesman, new prop osition; no competition, good salary, ex pense money advanced, call 8 a. m. sharp Monday, room 108 Paxton hotel, W. J. Kyle. () M982 22x Hoys. LARGE establishment wants several mes senger hoys, must be 16 years of age; good chance fur advancement. Address O 789, care ot Bee. (9) 617 22 BOYS with wheels wanted; good wages. Postal Telegraph Cable Co. (9) M648 30x Clerical aad Office.' WANTED Clerks, both men and boys; also man stenographer for railroad offlce. Ad dress F. B. Southard, A. P. A., IT. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb. (9) M692 25x Factory ana -Trad. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. P. V. Knicst. 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. WANTED At once a good butcher, wages $15 per week; no boozer nor crank. E. A. Crockett, Plalnvlew. Neb. (9)-M444 22X WANTED Gas fitters. Beatrice Gas & Power Co. (9) M681 30 WANTED At once a good all around blacksmith. Address lock box 726, Vllllsca, Ia. (9)-874 WANTED Man with some experience In traveling capable of earning hlrh salary; bond required. Address, with stamp and references, 8 617, care Bee. (9 808 FIRST-CLASS waiters, $21 per week; ten hours. Luzon Cafe, Billings, Mont. () M446 A2x WANTED A first class blacksmith and horseshoer; steady Job; no boozer need apply. John F. Plnne, Rockwell City, Ia, (9-M4S4 22x WANTED Ten bricklayers at Fort Rus sell, Cheyenne, Wyo.; 75 cents per hour. Atkinson Bros., Contractors, Cheyenne, Wyo. (9) M507 21x WANTED. One first class all-around painter and paperhanger. No cigarette or booze fighter need apply. Steady Job; good wages. J. E. Dain, Casper, Wyo. () M170 22X TEN good men wanted at Deshler brick yard, Deshler, Neb.; board and room, $3.50. , (9)-M6 24 WANTED A good shoemaker for repair work; good position for practical man; write. A. K. Mechler, Ouray, Colo. (9)-M637 24x ONE linotype operator, good man, can make from $27 to $30 week; 8 hours; non union. State Cupltal company, Guthrie, Okl. (91-M043 24x ONE all-around tailor wanted at once. Carl P. Llndecrantz, Holdrege, Neb. (9J-M669 SOX WANTED Men to learn barber trade at once; wonderful demand for barbers; top wages now; few weeks completes; tools given; can earn some money from start. Send for particulars. Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St. (9) M740 20x GOOD cornice man and tinners, at once. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, Lin coln, Neb. (9 M770 WANTED First-class barber; no student; guarantee of $15 or 6u per cent. Answer at once. John Stack, Huron. S. D. ) MS75 Aug5x WANTED Engineer at the T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., 1207-17 No. 24lh St. (9)-M126 22 Miscellaneous. WANTED Teams, C. B. Havens A Co., yards, 14th and Webster St.; teams now making from $5 to $50 per day. 9 M510 WANTED Young man as porter at Union Station restaurant (9 M5t7 23 WANTED Several good farm hands. Ala inlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1X12 Farnam St. (9 M131 GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute, circulars, samples, etc.; no canvusstng. National Distributing Bureau, Chicago. 111. 9 M030 24 x LABORERS for handling rrleght at Union Pacific, Council Bluffs transfer; wages V6 cents per hour. Board arranged If necessary. Apply Thus. Scanlan, fore man. (9;-74 24 WaNTED Sound young men, aged 18 to 35, for firemen and brakemcn on leading railroads; experience unecessary. Fire men earn lli. per month, become engi neers, earn, $200; brakemcn earn $76, be come conductors, earn S 1 - . Call or write at once for particulars. National Railway Training Assn., 620 X, Paxton Block, Omaha. Neb. (9 92S Aug ANY student desiring employment or sny one desiring to consult as to best method of entering business honorably and profitably may register free of chargo at McCarenty Institute, 182 Farnam fit. (9 M361 WANTED Intelligent, capable couple; man for general ranch work, wife as house, keeper; small family; aages good, ac cording to ability and experience. Ad- . dresa with particulars E. T. Payton, Ara poolsh, Big Horn county, Wyo. (10)-MrAS 22x YOUNG man to wrap bundles and take care of city deliveries. Nebraska Cloth ing Co. () MT03 WANTED Experienced Janitor. Majeatlo Apartment; references required. (I M95 22 WANTED Til ditchers to' work by rod; maks $2.60 to $3.50 s day. Apply J. W. Ten Brink, Nlckarson, Neb. ($ 628 BAGGAGE truckman wanted at the Union Station. (t) M100 WHEN YOU writs to advertisers remember that It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention th fact that you saw Ilia ad In Th Ben, " i LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle. WE are not selling out at cost, but w ar selling driving wagona, bUKglea, stirrles and stsnhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. Holmss-AdSlns Co., 714 S. 10th SU. oinaaa. (1D-8U RUBBER-TIRED road wagon. W. A. L... ai3 Ave.. Council Itlufri. ' (10)-M,10$ GOOD wagons for sale cheap at 1314 N. $4th Bt. UU- mii'aus" HARNESS, Ssddles, Trunks, Traveling Bags, some good bargains. Alfred tor Dish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. UU 810 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, wagon traps, carts and harness, see Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. 10th and Jones Sts. (lU- WE are selling delivery wagons, teaming gears, buggies, carriages and harness cheaper than any other firm In Omaha. Johnson Danforth Co., 8. W. Cor. loth and Jones Sts. (1D-775 SALT, $7 a bbl. Wagner, 801 No. 16th. (1D-812 FOR SALE Fine blacw coach bred harness horse; young and sound. Inquire, 620 So. 19th St (1D-639 22X One 8-SPRING WAGON, new and one de livery buggy, rubber-tirod. Oscar Harte, 29th and Farnam Sts. (ID 7L8 FOR SALE Having bought automobile, I offer my good, gentle, family horse, harness and swell stanhope buggy. Phone Webster 3030. L. L. Peterson. (11) 776 22x Poultry and Eggs, GOVERNMENT book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11) M3J Augl SPRING chickens, fresh, dressed to order. Tel. Florence 1082, Forest liwn Wyan dotte yards, Florence, Neb. (11) M767 26 Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FOR BALE Fox terrier puppies. 1909 Webster. (1D-M9U 31x FOR SALE Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies. E. B. Cook, Benson, Neb. (1D-M971 27x $50 REWARD For information leading to the where abouts of a steel gray mare, 6 years old, weight about 1,250 pounds, strayed or stolen from 2408 Emmet St. night of July 18. Alfred Adams. 'Phono Webster 2299. (12) 119 23x FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer, 1512 N. 24th. 'Phone Webster 3296. (12) M583 22 TAKEN UP Bald-face small pony. In quire 8124 Leavenworth St. (12) M754 LOST Bay mare pony, white face and leprs; reward. 625 S. 81st St. Tel. Harney S676. 02)-778 22 LO8T Pocketbook, Saturday afternoon, containing checks for trunks. Reward for return to matron at Burlington station. (12) M934 23X MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 81$ ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M10I DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 80 years practice In confinements. OlTlce, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha, (18) $14 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super Vised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas-1187. Calls answered day or night. !$) 129 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no deten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over B. W. Cor. 14th snd Douglas. Omaha. (13) 920 Aug MONEY TO LOAN SALAllV AMD OlATlELI. A RUN FOR YOUR MONEY We will give you a run of one month or twelve on your contract If you borrow money of us and you pay for only the time you are using pur money. We make no charges In advance, you get tho full amount In cash. W will loan you any amount you may want. Don't forget that we have been here fifteen years. Come to the "Old Reliable." Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., lit Board of Trade Bldg. (14)-64 A VACATION SUGGESTION. Vacation time Is here. It you need money to see you through that good Urns you have promised yourself this summer, corns to ua Our special low rates tor vacation money are still in effect; you can get the money quickly, privately and confidentially on your salary, household goods, pianos, sto. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 208 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411. (J4-1 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates, perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment susponded when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 2o9 S. 15th Bt, (H)-a Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., dvancos private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You gut money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 1. (14) $lt THE UNION LOAN CO. have Increased their capital, and during ths month of July will make a special rats oa collateral loans, personal property, moit- f;ages and Individual notes without secur ty; terms to suit. 'Phone Douplas 2904 or call at 810 Bee Bldg. (14 M426 Ag2 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others, without security; easy pay ment. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-t21 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. (14) 817 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 134 Douglas. (lt U FURNITURE, llvs stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14)-$20 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO TUB PHOENIX t'nBiui co. tor cnattei or salary loans. &e3 Paxton Blk. 'phone Douular 745. (14)-2 OFFERED FOR RENT ttoardtac aad Room. MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call before locating. Th Pratt, 202-212 So. 26th bt. Private ex change Douglas 8138. (li,) $. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cat. (16)-2 DEV.'EY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. (15--4 ELEGANT room for summer; has outsld entrance, south front, in on of th U?st locations In city; large, beautiful lawn; private family. 627 Park Av. tw;niM $ ROOM8, with board, private bath. 2418 Farnam St, (15)-M666 23 BOARD with of without room, : Harney. (15-MK0 Aug2u GOOD tabl: modern convenlencea; private family. 2409 Harney Ht. (16 MisJ 27x NEWLY furnished rooms, with or with out board, 4u3 No. 16th St. (15)-M116 27x DESIRABLE rooms; first class board; fine location; walking distance, m 8. 26th fat. (16)-MS7 tlx t ROOMS and board, with private family, near dge of loss and oar line. Address A 769, car Bee. (16 121 8x Varnished Haass. FOR KENT Large east front room, nicely furnished, good location, near two car lna Call at one. Tet li. 486. tot a OFFERED FOR RENT ed Room -Continued. ELEGANTLY furnlsl-d rooms 115 Capi tol Ave. (15-3 JrH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In new. modern house; bo.'h on every floor; all conveniences; walking distance. 4?4 Har ney St. Tel. Douglss 4294. (16 M977 ELEGANTLY furnished rtoms with all conveniences. 1919 Burt St. O-70 Jyt6 80S 8. I4TH AVE. ; af. new. up-to-date; gentlemen only; references. (15) M430 Aug2x THREE rooms. 1120 N. 17th St, 05) 4f FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 842 & 19th. (16) M6.SS Augtia GOOD ROOMS, suitable for young men, $1 per week. 192o Capitol Ave. (151 M8 25x NICELY furnished room, south exposure; references. 117 So. 25th Ave. (15) M513 EL TOO A NT furnished rooms; strictly mod ern. 2559 Dodge St. (16) M570 23 X DESIRABLE rooms, fine location; walking distance. 218 S. 25th St. (16) 9S6 27 x LOWER FLOOR of home, consisting of 4 large, handsomely furnished rooms, com plete for housekeeping, to refined coiiplei responsible parties only need apply. $34 N. lfth. (15)-M7M 30x LARGE, nicely furnished front room, with alcove; everything modern; three blocks from courthouse and city hall. 71t B. Wtlt Bt. Tel. Red 473S. (15) M997 23x BEAUTIFUL large front room; other rooms; south; modern. 614 N. 23d Bt. Phone Red 4S64. (15)-MT33 26 A NICE: front parlor for two. 611 N. 18thl good table board. Red 5204. (15)-M741 26 TWO nicely furnished front rooms, slnsl or en suite, for gentlemen. 2221 Douglas. (15-M496 22x NICE cool furnished rooms, nicely located. Very reasonable. 2011 N. 19th Ave. (161-M&U0 23x STRICTLY modern rooms; newlv fur nlshed. 417 No. 18th St. (15) M550 23x NICE front room, with all modern con veniences Douglas 3S37. 217 S. 25th St. (15)-15 REASON A BIE furnished rooms, thirl floor. 1505 Farnam. (16 626 A17 LARGE cool room. 2815 Dewey Ave. (1 M666 24 X FURNISHED room for gentleman. 818 No. 18th St. (15)-M648 26x FOR RENT Three or four furnished or unfurnished rooms. 416 Ersklne St. (15) MB28 24 X TWO nice rooms, single or ensulte, for gentlemen In private famtlv; close In. Phone Douglas 4S78. (16) M647 Ux ONE block west of High school; large comfortable room; modern house; largo shady yard. 2304 Davenport. (16) 724 26X CLEAN rooms In modern house, roomy porches; large, thudy lawn; attractive surroundings. 128 S. 26th Bt. (1A.-MM0 27 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 2026 Fsrnam. 'Phone Douglas 41 ('2. (15)-M908 Z7x FRONT parlor for light housekeeping. 2206 Farnam. (16) M930 22x FOR RENT Desirable rooms In all parts Of the city. Omaha Rental Co., 308 N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. Douglas &S81. (15)-MM Aug20x THREE large rooms, sink and sewer, $12.60; single rooms. $4.50, 2407 Burt, (16) M981' 7x LARGE south-front room, with alcove; also other rooms, 2702 Farnam St. (16) M107 Tlx LARGE, newly furnished, southeast room, half block north of Hanscom Park. i riviue ramiiy, nne neiguuornooa. i el j TeL. nist TWO furnished rooms 2416 Farnam; firs ciuflai g'-iiijeumn preierrea. tio; lis ,zx Unfurnished lloonts. TWO unfurnished rooms; bath, water ) pleasant, shady surroundings; $S month. 977 No. 27th ave. (15) M489 1 TWO elegant unfurnished rooms, modern. 633 Park Ave. (15) 697 23x Housekeeping! Il'roma. SUITE of unfurnished housekeeping rooms, strictly modern home; heat and light fur nished; best boarding house In city across the street. 2408 Cass St. (1S)-U9 TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2910 Farnam St, (16) M134 24 ROOM for light housekeeping. 1707 Call fornla St. (15) M5f$ Ux TWO light housekeeping rooms, fur nished. 1406 Jones St. (15) M543 23x FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. 113 S. 2uth bt. (U0-MC96 23x FURNISHED rooms, with or without light housekeeping, corner 24th and Cuming, over drug store. (16) 716 25jt FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping and sleeping, Tel, Harney 4us. (15) M761 21 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping. 216 North 22nd St. (16)-M936 27a HOUSEKEEPING rooms reasonable. 1711 Jackson. (16) Mil 27x Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT West Farnam district, ground floor new St. Ixnils brick flat, 6 rooms end bath, modern oak finish, mupla floors, south front 23th Ave. and Harney Bt,, $42.60. Tel. Douglas 3581. (16) M912 Houses and Cottages. OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack, mora, store H. 11. goods; storehouse 1110-84 N. 19th. Office ltjoS Farnam. TeL Doug. 166. U5)-3 FLAT, full modern, 6 rooms, beside bath and private hall; newly duns up; gas range, etc.; entire building being put In perfect order; best flats in north part of city; walking distance; rafereuc required. Call, Investigate this; $26. BEM-lo, Paxton Block. (16) Mm4 t-ROOM ho-ise, modern In every respect. $727 Cuming St (15)-M738 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15J-43S T-ROOM cottage: shade; every convenience; J6. 601 8. 2Mh st. Phone Harney 3418. (16) 16u8 U FOR RENT An 8-room house, all modern, up-to-date; full lot, 6nxlo5; nice shade trees; one-half block from street car. 21t S. Ave. 'Phone Douglua 4507. 8. Sugarman. (16 623 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Mevlng and store. E pressmen s Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. las 894. 05 M3 WE DO expert plsno moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1025. Schmollsr 4k V Mueller Piano Co., 1311-131$ Farnam. Q5)-ta IinTTKSl " (-hits of ths olty. R, UUUblO c. rol;V, Co.. Be Bldg! (!6-4LU 1511 N 83D BT. t-ronm strictly modern, orand new ,$38, O'Keef Real Estal Co., luul N. Y, Lit Bldg (16) MS, NEW. 8-room all modern, on car line, near Bemls park, $15. O'KKKFB HEAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'phone Ioug iitl (16 M914 23 HOUSES ,n " frUt ' th clt. Th UJUQlLa 0 g. Davis Co.. Be Bldg (!- ' TOR RENT Lara stor room. 16th and block. (16- WE MOVE PIANOS-Magrard Van an Storag Co. TeL Douglas LiXi. Ofnc. wu Webster it. U6-S4 MODERN BRICK FLAT At K1A O., Ulh UI .....n.. .- .', unrijr new. In excellent repair, and walking distance; OARVIN BROS., ltot Farnam St. tA)-Mit