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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1907)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, JULY 22, 1907. W- 1y.J ..' ... . ...... l'A.t; r . - . , M ww m mm no mr Frnin En CRETY BONDS. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. 10 ILL . . '.tv.i w -ttr w tv ;..-. vri Hi -t ' "V- f;--;.- '-'iVAV.vvii S5v&sl -f t4r..i 'u n 0 r - - - -.-ixr, mm Feat her your nest J'tBITlBR. If you dealre foods of high quality, low prloeg and M7 ttmi, It be hoove you to trade at THE PEOPLES STORE 18th u( TABSAM STS. I'lA.NOS. XIOK CLASH PIANOS ncaioimuit) terma LnrKe selected etoek nf Wnhnr. Mehlln. Henry an1 8. G. Undormnn, fcg."i: Footer Co. S.'M!l-r. .y.i MATTHEWS PIAWO CO, Mofum. an'i Dealers 1612-15 Harn.y, Omnhn PIAJTOS Everything in Art and Music A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St.. Omaha PIANOS. J. S. CAMERON Manufacturers' State Atfent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS 106-8 Ho. 15th St.. Omaha. Nab. Tal. Red 2 841. PIANOS BORMOLLEB k HUILI.IX PIANO CO. PIAXOB Manufacturers aad I.lri In High Orada Pianoa oer 100 Pianos la Sicca 1311-1313 Farnam tit. Omnha. Neb, AIL'S I O II V MAIL Illustrated Music School, 1611 Farnam Music by Mail i I, as than ll)o l day. Eltrht different courses. Inveett- stnre, of the Perfleld Piano Co., Omaha. PHOOttRAPHS A.VU RECORDS. Columbia Phonograph Co. . - a. r w. Moulded Beo- np. to tu nny Cylin- ( 'rip "alklng Machine f LiVJ ooia or as t der Tt .made You throw awny money If vou pay more. 1631 VABHAJU STBICT Clgrnni, Itnbber Good and Dm sr.. Prescription Accuracy Guaranteed. Syringes, Rubber Uooua by Mail, cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Send us your mail orders for drugs. Freight paid on 110 lots. Cigar at cut prices, 10c cigars, 80, Myers Dillon Drug Co. DRUGS: PAIHTt I eth and Tamam. 1416 Xarney. wholesale a.d retail cigars. BREWERIES 'Always Ask for Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AD BOTTLE BEER .OMAHA. WATER FILTERS. csmx puau, rpAsimia water by usiira mxs- BOTOX WATEB TILTZU. C. n. RUBER, Mfgr. 1301 Tamam St, Omaha. TELEPHONES Nebraska Telephone Go. PHOTO Sl'PIM.IE. KODAKS, PHOTO SUPPLIES plitskixo pob amatiuki Mail Orders Solicited The Robert Dempster Co. lilt Farnam St. Omahs Mi Oil HEIMIIIINti Standard Shoe Repair Co. 1804 rASITAH do the work right, phone Pong. 7187 and we will call for your work. We sell polUh, lares and shoe spucial- tles. ri.KtNixn An dyrtnh We are hvudiiuarlers for all cleaning, dyeing, prcstlng and repairing of l ulee' mill gent mmi'ii's clothing. TOVa TBADl BOUCITEO THE WARDROBE t01 Farnam Branch Of flea, 171 Leavenworth. Telefhune Doug. Hi . I. A I' Mill IKS "1HE KLW WAT" We don't Iron ahirte at all. We rres them. Tina give an attractive finish without wearing out the linen. BY AM' STEAK . LAUXDXY 1S7. Alias B. Bamlltoa, Mgr. 11 . 11th St. TaL PoogUa 854. 'I'll I'Mift IM) I.KATIIF.H CiOOIIM &?Zn TRUNKS q' IM if 1 sh CMrt- -arkr It 1 line racket leaks FIEIJHG STUHLE tel. ag. 4M. IMS Fanw MOVI AND DTORAUB OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Wove, I-acks aod bloras Household Oooda. ISM IT ITS -7--- MAB Of TOBACCO WHg T HATX T3. 1007 Pi BOOST OKAXi BT FATMIIim THE ONLY HOME CO. Surety Bonds Metropolilaa Bond aid Surety Co. 49 lev Tork Lift Baildlar MIIK" AND MIJIINO. For Information oonoernlng legiti mate mlnlag In BrlUah Columbia, address F. II. KNIGHT Offloes irltn an. Orand Porta, - - B. O. HANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHAh. Deposits $12,000,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank . OP OMAHA, NEB. United Statea Depoaitory 16th aod Farnam Sts. BANKS. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L. BRANDEIS Zl SONS BANKERS Capital $100,000 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID SAVINGS RANKS. 4 Interest on Oeposits CITY SAVINGS BANK Omaha INCORPORATORS. Wa Incorporate four Business and Bepr.a.nt Porelgn Corporation The Mercantile Incorporating Co. 425. 428 N. T. Life Bldg. OmaTha. EMPLOY KHS' REFERENCE! ACENCV lit THIS DAT Or. SPECIALISTS you waste time and money selecting your help. WE ABB SPECIALISTS The best ability In the city Is listed with us. Olve us your needs lot us assist vnu no charge to emolovers. WEST. SEP. k BOWD ASSN. Suit 733 IT. Y. Life. Tel. Dour. 4383 REFERENCE AGENTS. HIGH QRAOK POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt Inc. B. B. nona, Oen. Mga. Buit 404 Bee Building. OFFICE FlRNITlnE Best Selection DESKS OMAHA PRIYTING CO. 10th and Ftrsaa Sts. OFFICE SUPPLIES. LEAK DBVICES mtnc OabUets, rile and Xdreva, Offloa rurores, And SupplUs ai AU Xlnos, AXC1I0R PVBLISHIXG CO. la&a Para am mk. Tel. Doug, assa OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies rarythlnv from a Pin to a FOln Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. 10th and Parnam Sts TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRirER TRICKS The tricks In our trade are Just these shrewd buying, minimum ex pense, square dealing. Once a customer, always one. Typewriters 15 to ITS. All makes. Typewriters for rent. 12 a month up. Central Typewriter Exchange AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES. J. J. DERIGHT & CO. Wholesale and RtaU Safes and Automobile 1814-1818 FARNAM STREET LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. TOM S. KELLY Manager Ufa and Accident Pepart- raenta for State of Nebraska. Tke Trarelera Znraranoa Company Hartfort, Conn. 120 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Nek, Mall Order, Novelty and Prean. Goods WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. SkOKIAl ABD BXSTBZBUTOBB NS'holeaaie liealere in BOVBLTIES, PSiBMIXTat GOODS Mall Order Supplies of All Klnas first Class Agents Wanted OMAHA. NEB. MONUMENTS MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM (SL CO. 11S rareana St. Omaha IMBL1C1TY DESIGNS WHLATOH Publicity for Greater Omaha as the Market Town One of the striking needs of Omaha today is the Immediate broadening of national appreciation of the city's importance, attractions and commercial . conse quence, through a systematic distribution of facts re lating to the development of the city and the remark able growth of the tributary country, and the progress that has been made and is being made in every line of activity. The country is full of capital seeking profitable in vestment. Omaha should have its share and the share should be liberal. ( No other city in the country offers so many and 'attractive inducements, in real estate, business enter prises, manufacturing, development and other fields for lucrative investment of capital and energy. Let the country know about Omaha. Make Omaha's commercial Importance known. Bring Omaha into touch with new markets for her goods. Add to the purchasing power of the local popu lation and stimulate every activity that makes for a greater and more prosperous city. Prosperity begets prosperity and the record of Omaha's achievements in the last seven or eight years holds a cheering promise of greater development for the future. Twelve cities are bidding for the trade of the coun try between the Mississippi and the Pacific and of these Omaha occupies the commanding position, by reason of its location, transportation advantages and the friendliness of dealers, won by square dealing in a fair JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS NJ.STIUJII6. Blaatend Expert 'JmMz J ewVfr yepalrln tgWV Sperlal attention 1 d ng. to complicated and Intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. Boon a Pazton Bloek. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Guatafaen Zl Henrickaorv Snocssora t P. B. nOBKAJT B OO. Jewelers (EL Watchmakers 1014 Oapltol Ar.nna. PHOTOGRAPHERS. JTEW LOCATION WE AD BLDO. 18th and Parnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY. RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery S17 SOUTH lth STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY. MATTHEWS OHICUHAX) VAXWLBBS DZSTIR Largest and Pin est Dental Offloo West of Chicago 'Suit 4. Bushman Blk.. ltth and! Doug. HAIR STORE. SEE MONHEIT'S EXCLUSIVE KAIB BTOBB Por Everythlna- In Hair Goods, Hair Work, Hair Dressing, Switches, wigs and Topees. 1411 PABNAM ST OMAHA, BBS. Telephone Donglaa 8333. OPTICIANS Z3b Th8 H. J. Penfold Go. WE LEAD. OTHBHS TOLLOW SCXEHTXPXO OPTICIAXf S Sea Our Maw Torio Lenses 140S Farnam tit. Omaha, Neb. Olive Oil, Candy, Mineral Watera. Imported Olive Oil Direct Prom Italy 18.26 per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agents for Huylsr'a fin. candles. Fresh dally. Agents for White Bock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myers-DUloa Drug Oo. lath and Parnam. Ena-lneer and Mfg. Machinist. P. HELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS BCAHTrPAOTTrBIHO ABB BB PAIHIHO OP ALL HXBBS OP KACKTBBBT Braotlng and Consulting Bngtnaata N. K. Cor. ltth and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS. ANDREW MURPHY & SON Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOILERS WILBOB ITSAM IOILIS CO. Ian. at Tesetar riat a.4 fire Bex S.Bert Sll and Mater faaks, Cf a I 1 w (laesi aa4 Brccealaf VtI X Seaaa-las . nDl ITP ) M Baa4 Salltra BeagtH k fm M I Muf 1 Milts' aa4Sel4 Factory ltth and Pierce 8 1 a., Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES. JOSEPH R. LEHMlTR. Beadanartoro for Bverythlng Bleotrteal Hallway. Steam and Mill Supplies. Prompt Bnlpmeat and BaUsfaotioa Oaa re steed. 1Z18 PARNAM STREET ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Frelfhl Elevators SUPPLIES aaWI REPAIRING Phoave Donglaa BOOT. 1B4 H. 18th St. fight with competitors. This advantage should be pressed until Omaha secures a dominant trade influ ence in all the great empire that embraces the heart of the prosperous west and northwest. No other city in the vast territory of which Omaha is the logical trade capital has shown such growth in bank' clearings, packing house receipts, values in real estate, grain shipments and prosperity in JobbiTj cir cles. Omaha's 140 Jobbing houses and 300 manufac turing establishments are breaking records every month and their success offers a special inducement for other Jobbers and manufacturers to locate fiere and . share in rich trade that is already great, but will be come greater and larger every year with the develop ment of the transmlsslsslppl region. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis and Kan sas City appreciate the advantage Omaha holds in the trade of the great west and are all making determined efforts to make those cities the buying points for western merchants. Complete and comprehensive plans are being made to carry the trade campaign into Omaha's rightful territory. The mere fact that sucn campaigns have been started in those cities Is an ad mission that they realize Omaha's present and growing hold on the coveted trade of the region in which the trade war is to be waged. Omaha has a tactical and actual advantage that should be pressed for all it is worth. Let Omaha's advantages be known. Every firm and Individual can help. Advertise Omaha The Mar- ket Town. SANITARY PLUMBING. T. F. DALFE nTruBnra, hot wateb ajts STEAM HIATIWO Oaa and Uleotrto Platurea B.palr Work a Specialty !. Bong. 743. 1.07 Howard . PLUMBING REFLATING Cold and Oliver Plating Table Ware, "le Fixture, Brass Beds and Jewelry Reflated as New. OMAJKA PXATTBO OO. Reliable Gold1 and Silver Platers. Established 'lm. 1220 Harney CORNICE WORKS Ceraloa Bat. 1S. Steal Ceilings B, X. CAB TBS IBYBT MBTAX WOBKS Plnlala, Metal Booting, Tank a. Sky. llgbta, Sheet Metal, Ptre Proof Win. down. Large Stock of Metal Celling 171 8-20-f 2-14 tit. Marys Avenue Tel. Doug. 602. Omaha. ELECTRIC SIGNS. SBS VS POB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Pswer Co. TEL. DOVOLAS IMS. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Fixtires 5g' Wholesale and Retail BURCESS-GRA.DE CO. M. Seas. 41 HI S. Uta St. GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal range Just to heat water when a Oaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. Wa sail them. OMAHA GAO CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING. ETC, KOTERA CEL COMPANY Steol and Copper Plat En- graving. Embossing and Printing 1S9S Jacksss SL. Osiaha. Nea. ENGRAVING ENGRAVING. ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER rYasletale tad leiall Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS feL Dauglaa 1143 .9-11 N. loth St.. Omaha FEED POR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Wholesale Kay, Bran, Oats, Toad BEOT GRADES OF COAL Offloo, Coal Yard and Ctraia xaerator Tel. 1412. 1222 Nicholas BU CATTLE POWDERS Farmers Hog it. Catt.t Pcidir Ce. Manufacturers of PABbfEB'S COSTDITIOH POWDBB SHAD IBOf WOBVaf XILLSSk .ZMPOBTXD BHBEP aad CATTLE KIP Local As.nU Wauled, lilt Farnam St. Omaha CARRIAGES FOR HIRE OULA3 nAtJUSTAMS ft rea JLrrua CALL t- e.-TctiLTSb NIM BUSINESS BROKERS Do you want to sell or buy any business We do the work qulok. Also exchange your store for land, or land for business. We handle Parms, City meal Bstata, Bantala, Loans and Insnranoe. Let us have your patronage. EILBBITH MWaCAJT, 810 Bee Bldg . Omaha. Veb. BUSINESS BROKERS. If yen want to bar or trade, or, If yon want t. sail any kind of business ehanos, see BUSINESS CHANCE VNNCLLn. lit N. T. Life Bldg., Phone Doug. E14t BBAZ) B8TATB, XVSTTBAHCB, BTO. BUILDERS. The Western Dome Builders Will build your home for you and let you pay for It like rent. S1-3S V. 8. Rational Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6617. Wholesale and Retail Paint. Ws are sel. agents for Lew Bros. High Standard Palate and tLhU. Jap-A-Lao, p. m. Bnkota and a complete Una of Tarnish Call or write for color card. Kyon-BlUom Drug Co. BmUOBl PAIITTl lath and Parnam. 141 Barney. SIGN PAINTING. S. D. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS f Bvery Baaorlpttoa isoa Donglaa at, TaL Bono. aaiS FURNACES. American Furnace BtrrxT Lrsra a bozlxb OT.BAW, BUTSt BT.B, BOOHOMZOAX W. S. HEATON rat. ISM rsras St. Taeae Beaa. KM COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. Or OMAHA 15th and Harney PRINTING. PRINTING. "Have Root Print If 1210-121 a Howar . Omaha. Nobraaka, Tolophono Doagla 1604 PRINTING. Bee. B. Bnell Albert w.t SNELL PRINTING OO. PABTICITLAB PBXHTXBS 810 Bontb 18th St., Omaha, H.b. Telephone Donglaa S7S4 COLOB WOBX -I- -I- XMBOB8ZXO PRINTING. ImlUtlon Typewritten Letters. Psa.Uaal Printing, Bo 9o Too Largo or Too Bmall. WOBX BIOXT PBICBS BIQKT ANCHOK PUBLISH IXO CO. IBM Parnam at. TaL Bong-. SSBS PRINTING. Continental Print Shop ALL WORK Seed as Sat Best ..J.riZ, taa.UMal 21-36 V. S. Nat. Bank UUg. Continental Baalty Co., Trttum. 11-24 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Telephone for eetlmaies, Douglas 4501 PRINTING Good Printing- No lob too small. No Job too large And the same careful attention to details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth aad Parnam Bta. PRINTING. tvpi:writtb:n letters ABE TBX HIT BOOSTEKB POB TOUB BVS1BESS WB HAIl TUB PXaj-XOT XZaTO MANGUM A CO. eWaa last loo so. lath St. NEW 5-R00M COTTAGE Modern cottage with large rooms, near gnod car line SOU Charles St., Price 12.400. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1801 Parnam Tel. Doug. BIB REAL ESTATE. D. V. SH0LES CO. Real Estate, Insurance 110 BOABB OP TBADB TaL Donglaa 4l OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Loais Berka Chaa. Stelger . BERKA (h CO. BXAL ESTATE City Property, Parm Lands, Loans, Xnrestments and riro Insnranoe Office: JJS N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglns 74S7. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OTJB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS auioo to 91,600 Each Harrison & Morton BIS B. T. Life TeL Dong. 814 REAL ESTATE. W. H. THOMAS Real Estate, Loans, Insurance 60S Plrat Xatloaal Bank Bldg. TeL 164. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET 613 Bow Tork Life E all fling Bulldsr of High Clsss Rosldsnoss SoToral Bow Beady at 33rd and Barney (Farnam Hill Ulstrlct) Beo Them Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (EL CO. Rjoal Eotat Ab.traots of Titlo Invootmont Soourltlos 1601 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE. R. C PETERS Q. C0.t Bee Building MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE. RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Buy and sell XsBAXj SBTATB. Collect-Bents. Boat Property. Loan Money on Baal Estate. 104 PAXJTAM ST. REAL ESTATE. BIRKETT & TECBENS Real EsUte, Care of Pro per tie. Insurance and Loans. Phons Dong. 4764. 488 Boo Bldg. REAL ESTATE. CJobe Land and Investment Co. Bool Estate aad ZnTestmenta Parm and Banoh Lands Pott Bala or TraAo. laaa Parnam St, TaL Boar, aasa REAL ESTATE. Fine t-room modern house, full lot, large porch. In Orchard Hill, 14.000.00. South front lot 2th and Woolworth, $900.00. HITTCXXBOH-BOLLABD OO 1833 Parnam St. TaL Song. 41. REAL ESTATE. 2S14 INDIANA AVENTE. SI, 3150. Six rooms, cellar, city water and newer, street paved and paid for. Come and see us. McCACil'K INVESTMENT CO. TaL Doug 415 1604 Dodge St. REAL ESTATE. Botary la Offloa. Pheno Dong. lo3 J. W. RASP CO. BXAL ESTATE, ZHYXBTMESTTB ZBSUBABCB, LOABS. ABSTBAOTS 488 Paxton Block loth and Parnam Sta. OMAHA REAL ESTATE m pnEEEHHBEl fl If UlolM RE tL ESTATE. IMOS Parnam St. TeL Doug. Bi7 Skimer QL Co. BXAL XBTATX, ZHYXSTMXHTS, BE XT ALB, ZXBUBAXCX BXTTLSXXB OP MODXBB XOOBXS Omaha, B.braoka. r.i:t:. KSiAiK, a. BL Damon J. M. Damont J. U. DUM0NT H SON XEAL XBTATX, STOCKS, SOBDB, BBXTALS, LOABS, PLXX IXSOXAXCX SOa-B B. Y. Life Bldg. TeL Dong. (M OMAHA HEAL ESTATE Payne Investment Co. CAT I BXAL EBTATB. LOAXS ABB BXXTALX, LAID! ABB BAXOHX8 "The "Alfalfa Land Man" Main f loor. N. V. L Bldg., Omaha. REAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBA-L XBTATX, LOAXS, EXSVBABOE, BXXTALB BOB Plrat Batlonai Bank Building, VOL Dong. faa. OMAHA, XXX. WESTERN LAND Will trade for a good livery stock W. S. FRANK 321 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 3600 REAL ESTATE. Genuine Investment Snap 11 rooms modern, good repair, on car line, east front. Walking dis tance,; rents 128.00. Easy payments. 12.600. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. T'nnplrxs Plorh, Thnne IVnig g11. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER C. P. Traver Have lots In all parts si the city to build on roenc Bed 4721 1824 lamaot REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES of 1 mile west of Kim wood park. &ently rolling land, every foot can n cultivated; fine spring. Fine for a country home, dairy farm or garden land. O'XBEPB BXAL EBTATB CO, 1001 N. Y. Life Hldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE 110, 212, 115 Menthly Payment. Hi. ttf. 875. 1100 Cash Are the torms on which wa sell lots, houses, homes and properties of all kinds. Only 6 per cent Interest. Etart paying for a home today and waato no more paying rent. Bniifll t McKltrlch f e., 422-24 Ramge Blcf. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne, 8. p. Bostwlck, B. aC B la tar PAYNE, BOSTWICK A OOMPAJIT BE At EBTATB, BEXTALS CITY LOABS, 1XSOBABOB BOl-a-8 X. T. Life Bldg., Omaha Telephone Donglaa 1014 HEAL ESTATE. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Loans, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurance 1880 PABBAM BT. OMAHA- HEAL ESTATE. Investments, R,eeJ Eatee, Rentals, Mortgage Loans INSVRANCE N. J. KENNARD ca CO. 309-3IO Brown Block. REAL ESTATE. Bool Batata Xnanranoe Abstract of Titles Xioaoa Bontals The Byron Reed Company SIB South lttk Street Phone 897 OMAHA, REAL ESTATE. BENSON (SL MYERS SIS N. Y. Llfo Bldg, OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty for out-of-town client. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS DRENNAN First Floor Now York Llfo Bldg. Makes a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and has ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on hla books. Lesas Mency .1 the Laweal Csrreal BsW el In ten St REAL ESTATE. SOUTH SIDE BARGAIN Two brand new houses, one 6 rooms, one t rooms, on 60x120 ft. lot, near 24th Ht. car, rented for 122.10 per month. Price, $1,760. WBIOKT B LASBVBY 804 X letk Street "Phone Donglaa IBS REAL ESTATE. BENSON & CARMICIIAEL Real Estate, Care of Properties, Insurance, Loans 648 PAXTOB BLOCK, OMAHA- REAL ESTATE. If you want to buy or sell Improved city property; Im proved farm property; unim proved land, aee Be Can m Yto. Out! ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractor and Title Examiner New Loeatloa JOS Sooth IS St A HSTR ACT OF TITLES f EALENNORTO 1 ABSTRACTS Vl nri -i-b-xs I 1 aiaS-ITSrC gOYTASsrxftllOKt I f BBS BU MM MJfJlM A ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1866 Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance 1714 Parnam St. TaL Dong. 838 ABSTRACTORS. EED ABSTRACT CO. A saah A l . a AAI. 111 Farsaai Street, Omaha, He. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES ilu. 1 SJbbI