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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1907)
TIIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1007. 15 El OFFERED FOR RENT flu lid I nee Con tinned. Wholesale District BUILDING For Rent The four-story and basement brick build fug at tit Farnam St. Apply at Business office of The Bee. (1) M3i0 "i? HARNET 8T t floors and basement, S.lxVJO feet; suitable for wholesale. He Cagu Investment Co., 1504 Dodge 6t (15 178 Offleea. FOR RENT Peek room In flee office, city hall building. 417 N. 2Sth St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. .1 1.14 DESK room on first floor at 121 J Farnam. (li) CM ' CHOICE OFFICES tt la very seldom that good outside space In ft well appointed ofllce building Is available. At the present time we have a beautiful suite of two rooms -n the fifth floor, with east and south light, a large vault, which makes this a most desirable space during- either summer or winter. Room No. &4 I now vacant and la 14x19, with a good-sized vault; has east light, A new hard-wood floor was recently put In this room. Everybody In Omaha knows the location of the Pee building; it Is central, close to the city hall and county court house. There are several hundred people who spend more time here than In their homes and any one of them will testify as to the care they receive here. For further particulars call THE BEE BUILDING CO. 17TH AND FARNAM. (15) 434 tD FLOOR, well lighted; elegant for office use. 1213 Farnam. (15) 491 FOR RENT The best located corner store In Omaha, Farnam and 16th Rts., Board of Trade Bldg. Bee P. H. Phllbtn, Schlltx Hotel. (15)-181 FOR RENT, 110.00. Large store room with good basement, ZlflD Po. ISth St., 315.10. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Pax ton i-' U;. C15)-M716 STORE ROOM. 1103 N. 18th St., J20. B KIM 18, 'Phone Douglas 6S6. Pa t ton Blk. lti- 444 OFFERED FOR SALE treaclag. ANCHOR and iron fencing; wire fencing to par toot. 206 N. 17th SU Tel. Red M4. 416) lsi (Tnraltnre. WE carry the highest grades of second hand furniture. Some Items worth seeing. Prices right and also we can savo you 40o on the dollar and It would pay you to see us before pu buy. Chicago Fur niture Co., 1413 Dodge. Doug. 4YS7. 416) Kll 728 ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square, 'tosenberg, formerly with Chicago Furniture Co., 103 8. l'4th. D. K86. (16) M970 J27 FOR BALE The furniture of a 7-room modern cottage, close In. Three rooms rented at present for (20.00 per mo. Rea sonable If taken at once. Address D-5i, Bee. (lti M Jy4 FURNITURE!, ruga, kitchen utensils, gas stove, saddle, fly nets, etc., almost new; must be sold Immediately. 2M4 Mander eon. (16 Mb20 30 Pianos, Organs, Musical Instruments. Clearance Sale OF STANDARD UPRIGHT PIANOS. Every ona a perfect Instrument; some little used. Kimball, ebony case, $100.00. Checkering, rosewood case, $173 08. One almost new walnut upright, $148.00. One $750 Knaba Parlor Grand, good as new, $350.00. One $700 Hallet At Cumston Parlor Grand tnly $125.00. Many other uprights, $60.00, $75.00. $90.00 and up. Square ptanoa and organa, $10.00 and up. $G0o to $1.00 weekly payments. Schmoller & Mueller 1313 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 162S. (16)-MSS3 FOR SALE All pianos unsold In Ben nett's since the fire have been removed to 403 S. 16th St., where everyone will be sold regardless of price. Come and get ona at your own price. (16) M878 Pool an Billiard Tables. FOR 8ALE New and secondhand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wick-Balke-Collendar, 407, 3. 10th St. C6r-183 Typewriters and Sewing Machines. TYPEWRITER BALK All machines taken In exchange will be closed out at unheard prices. Typewriter Exchange. 141 Pax ton auock. uoj ivtg FOR SALB High-grade Id-hand type writer; good condition: a bargain at t.,0. Call room M Bee Bldg. (16.-4771 ONE Remington typewriter. No. i. In good condition. for sale cheap. Call at Bee Uto &x FOR SALE A Trl-Chrome Smith Premier typewriter. Almost new. Will sell at a bargain. L. D. Uager, Avoca. la, (16)-M678 Jyl MlMsUtsnsi. WE CARRY a complete line of all the leading periodicals published. Foreign Sublicatlons a specialty. Birthday, wed ing and souvenir post cards. Subscrip tions received for all periodicals pub lished. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. SCHCLZE & BLATTKRT. Newsdealers and 6tatlouers, 111 8. 15th 8t (16) M&34 Jyl BOILERS FOR SALE Three horlxontal o-hori"e-ower return tubular boilers. Hut man make (Cleveland), ech with 63 four Inch burs 18 feet lung, complete. These boilers now being operated under 1'4 lLs. pressure; will be taken out early In July to make room for larger capacity boiler. The Willow Springs Distillery, 4th and Pierce. (16) M976 30 ALLS S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-l4 FOR SALE First-class store fixtures, showcases, etc. Globe Land and Inyesst- ment Co., 1U Faruam bt., Omaha. Neb. U6)-189 FEW bargain In td nand soda fountains, monthly payments. Lm. right, 18K Farnam. (16) isu BEND us your mail orders for drugs; f eight paid on $iv lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (Ue-J'.'l 8HERW1N WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. U6J-I92 HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale and tniall. ghermaa & MoCoanell Drug Co. lli)-U417 OFFERED FOR SALE M lerrllaneon ontlnned. OAS, ELECTRIC COMP1 NATION FIXTURES fcprclal low prices during June to reduce 'wk; order now; g.iod delivered when HURGESS & GRANDEN CO., Telephone Douglas 6X1. 313 8. 15!li St. (bi-iJ BIG CUT IN PRICE TO REDUCE STOCK IV) Tribunes for li Dayton for 4U. $'0 Emblems for W, $:5 Colonial for $.'0. Second-hand ones lor IS and up. MUST REDUCE STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR MOTOR CYCLES. LOUIS FLESCIIER, 1U Capitol Ave. (18)-M6tt Jyl HOME-MADE GRAPE WINE, 10 TEARS OLD, 31 PER GALLON. CACKLEY BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. (1th 341 Jyl AWNINOS-They're not expensive. Call Doug. 8.S3 and our representative will call. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. (16) 13 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on l!0 orders; catalogue free. SHERMAN & H'CUNNEUj DRUO CO. Omaha. Neb. (16)-M418 FOR SALE Second-hand steam boiler fo: heating. Inquire 21G N. 2.'d fit. (1C M353 29x 331 NATIONAL cash register for sale for II. '3 cash; total adder anil prints every sale, good ss new; will not sell fur less. Address K-562, Bee. 16)-MM1 Jylx PATENTS LARSON & CO -Boon free. Bee BIdK a?)-::'; D. O. BARNKLL patent nttorney snd ma chine designer, Paxton Blic. Tel. Rd 7117. - .17 613 Jyll PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not ironed. 211 B. lltli St. Tel. Doug. I'M. (1S 1W OMAHA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. (18)-lii SEWING machines, rented, any make, 7eo per week or 32 per month. Second-hand machines for sale, 3u and up. Nebraska Cycle Co., loth aod Harney. (18) ;t)2 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices, fiend for free cat.alo.ue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (1M 17 MA I 1 VVTK 1 treatment and bath. Mme. AUIilliJ Smith, 118 N. 16th, 2d floor. (18. 138 PI F A T I Ni BuUo'nVuclu'ng, I LLn I IMU En. broidery. Dyeing and cleaning. 3pongtng and shrinking- only 6c per yard Send for price list and samples. ' GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 10 Douulas Block. Tel. Douglas 1!3. ' (15; m $25 REWARD For the capture and convic tion of Charles Stephens for obtaining money under falso pretenses. Wore darn fray Park suli, black soft hat, low patent 1 eather shoes, Bold watch and chain; wears hat well back on head; 6 feet 7 to 8 Inches tall, weight 140 to 146 pounds; has ! light hair, smooth shaved, Is a good : worker and a great corn shueker; shucked 115 bushels a day for 80 days, and will talk about It. Ieft Angus June 21. Wire John A. Jones, sheriff. Nelson, Neb., June , 26, 1907. (18)-IM72 30 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do no: need. We ccilect. repair and sell, at l.t N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting, to tliv worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 418B and wagon will call. (18) 511 . PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mr.' Dr. King. 1320 N. 24th St. Tel. Doug. 355A, (18 :1S4 BENNETT'S plnno department has been removed to 403 S. 15th St., where all fire pianos are being sold, for a fraction of their real value. (18) M87S TUP "FT 1TF Massage and Bath: ex 111JJ uuiiJJ pert ladv operator: room 200, Barker Blk., 15th and' Farnam Sts. (18.1 669 30x WOULD like to correspond with a nice young lady with object of matrimony: am Just an ordinary sort of person, of good character, with good health and a fairly good position. If this suits you, please write. Don't start any trifling. Address E 608, Bee. (IS) M745 x WANTED A lady teacher to give private I typewriting lessons. Address ItoST. care Bee. (18) KS8 Jy'.'x M VCIVVTIP Osteology and massage. .lU.UjlU Vapor and tub baths. Room 2, 1204 Farnam St., 2d floor. (1S)-MW6 Jy 26 A COMPLEXION satin smooth and fair given by Satin skin powder. Four tints. (18) WANTED At once, companion, over 33 years, by widower 40 years of age. In blacksmith trade; good home: must be of beat character; no objection to widow with child. Address C. W. Reckwtth, Bedlson, Mo. 08 Mi)17 Jy3x REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DU S. Rl'SSELX. & M'KITIUCK CO., 432 Ramge (19) 203 W. H. TCRRKLL, 16 Patterson Blk Doug. 1129. ' (19)-204 SEARS. 521 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red S7. (19J-2o5 PAYNE INV. CO., 1st fir. N. Y. L. Dour. 1781. (1)-2M R. C. PETERS tk CO.. Bee Bldg. (1 2U ALFRED C. bank bldg. KENNEDY. S First Nat'l 'Phone Doug. 723. ilSj 2(7 GEORGE A COMPANY, 1001 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756 (19. 201 L. W. Bt'NNELL. & CO., K2 N. Y. Life. Douglas 6149. (19) )w9 ' CtT PROPERTY FOIt dA LIS. RENTS FOR $27.50 MONTH $2,360 takes It. How Is this for a close-in rental Investment? Walking distance of poBtofflce. $1.: In B. 4t L. Asia n. Only little cash needed. $1,200 Two 7-room houses In Orchard Hill. Lot 50x130. In good repair. Renting $13 monthly. Only $260 cash, balance $10 month. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 Farnam St. (191-537 28 THE best 6-room house In the city for the money; close In; 16 minutes' walk from P. O. on Dodge St.; a neat lawn, with iilenty of fruit; this Is a bargain; price. :',x;0, $1,500 cash. Call room 21 V. 8. Nat. bank bldg. (19) M249 30 IS PER CENT. A brick block of three siores and S3 rooms on a leading business atreet; rented for I .'16 a morth. Price $16,0u0; half cash, balance four year at 6 per cent. THOMA8 BR EN NAN. Room 1, New York Life BUV. (19)-SSt MODERN BENSON HOME. Seven rooms, basement, bath and toilet complete, city water, electric lights. Half block from car. Lot high and level, com mauding beautiful view. Built In Novem ber for home and Is flrsl-clasa through out. F. S. TRI'LLINGER, OWNER. Phuoe: Benson 2251. (!) M104 $0 FOR SAl.E-Flve-acre tract of land In Ban son, three blocks frum car. suitable for planting or for Improvement; an oppor tunity for some one. Address. G 4J3. Ice. (19J-U4X LOOK AT THIS AU modern, 4-room cottage, 3412 Lafavette Ave. Beinis Parle. 'Phoar tlarney 4t. 19-(4t Have you had a strike in the Plenty of girls want bettor places They answer Boo Want Ads. I REAL ESTATE CITT PROI'ttH T PUR SAI,B. (Continued.) PATRICK PLACE Many people have been sur prised that we have sold out the greater part of this addi tion. The public have been tulck to realize that the prices have been reasonable and the trrms easy. This addition Is reached by the best car line in the city and Is located at the n. w. corner of 24th and Lake streets. There are still u few choice lots left and a representative from our office will be on the ground Satur day and Monday afternoons to show you the property, fur nish plats and other Informa tion. We have a few residence lota left on Ohio St. near 2Sth St.. for tifiO each; also three on I.ake St., with sewer, side walk, city water and gas for 3.150 each. One good corner still left at 25th and Miami Sts., 3450. Very easy terms to responsible parties. BUSINESS LOTS Fronting east on 24th St., Just north of l-flkp. with pave ment, permanent sidewalk, sewer, gas and water paid for in full. Be sure and be on the grounds Saturday or Mon day afternoon, and look over the proposition we are offer ing. A number of part'es who have already purchased lots In this addition have been offered quite a substantial ad vance In price and have only held the lots one week. GBORGE Sc CO., 1601 Farnam St. (1-9K 80 1IANSC0M PARK HOME 130S S. 23th St. (Georgia Are.) Large, elegant, thoroughly modern eight-room house In perfect repair, east front, small barn, lot 50 by 150 feet. Non-resident owner will sac rifice for $5,500.00. This Is a bargain. 3177 DAVENPORT STREET Large, attractive 10-room residence on the southeast corner of S2nd and Daven port street. Modern In every r- spect, beet of repair, hard wood finish. Lot 114 by 136 feet. This is a very desirablo property In Omaha's best residence district. Price $13, rtoto. CONRAD YOUNG, 1518 Dodge St. Tel. Doug. 1571. (19) 988 30 t 819 NORTH 42D. Owner cays sell at once 8 rooms, gas, furnace, bath, barnyard has shrubbery, fine trees, jpavlng paid for, 2 blocks from Walnut Hill car. Account of death In family house is vacated and must be occupied at once. $1,500 cash, balance on easy terms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N! T. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2152. (19) idXi 30 6-ROOM COTTAGE Near Rome Miller's All modern, except furnace, lies on a beau tiful little atreet, JubI off Florence boule vard; good permanent walk to It from the boulevard, nice trees; very homelike; almost new $2,360; part cash. Harrison & Morton, (19)-9S5 28 $3,20 Buys a comparatively now and fully modern (-room house In west Omaha, situate on the southwest corner of 36th and Jackson Sts. Tills house was built two years ago and coat something over $3,000. The street In front of the property Is in process of paving and the neighborhood is handsome and growing. V. B. Meikle, 205 Ramge Bldg. (19)-876 30 A SNAP 8-ROOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attic. 2 blocks from 24th St. car. " South front. Lot 60x168, paved street. 2570 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 26u6 Poppleton Ave. 119) M994 1 FOR SALE House, 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, 207 Cuming St. Plica. I2.3u0. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK. City Savings Bank, lain and Douglas. (19)-2U ' IF YOU are thinking of building It will pay you to see the Weatern Home Build ers, rooms 22 and 23. Neb. Nat. Bank Bldg.. for prices and terms. (IS) 410 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a 1 10, (XX) bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Harney. Tel. Douglas 54S7. (19) BEM1S PARK. Two beautifully situsted lots. 40x127 feet each, west front on boulevard, two blocks to car, on giade; corner. $0u; Inside, $,u0. MuM be sold by owner at once. 34 4 I. layette Ave, (1D-III4 Arwtrnot". ot tlt,,: OtJ'ck serrlce. 'Phone AUhiracis tor prlc.,. Guarantee Ab stract Co.. Patterson Blk. 'Phone Red 2M7. '19) 794 Jy3 BEMIS PARK DISTRICT' ( rooms, brand new. strictly modern, $4,006. O'Keefa Real Estate Co.. 1001 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (lt-U977 FOR RENT 10-room modern bouse, 2524 Jones St. Tslephone oaner for keys. Webster 1854. (ll)-47 BF.ST new (-room house, modern with or without furnace for $2,450; forced to sell qui kly. Tel. after J p. m. Wehster 1854. (19) M9sJ GOOD (-room house, all modern except furnace, fine shade and fruit trees; mill sell for less than cost if sold at onca Inquire at the place, 1744 8. lh St REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 8 A I. El (Continued.) DON'T MISS THIS G ROOM HOUSE Close In. on 19th boulevard, nearly new, S rooms and large hutlery down, '3 line bed rooms and porcelain bath up, bricked and cemented cellar under whole house, splendid furnace", cement walks and good barn, fine shade and yard. Owner leaving city. Price $3,260. Have been offered 382.00 a month rent for this place. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, (-3 Bee Bldg. Phone, Doug 47M. (19)-M9C8 2 DUNDEE 4927 Davenport Is an 8-room all modern house; all large rooms, fine attic, cellar under whole house, full lot, a little over H block from car. For quick sale $3,500 part cash will do. Harrison & Morton (19) S8 28 LIST your property with the Western Home Builders, rms. 32-23 Nebraska Natl. Bank Bldg. (!) 714 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRU8T CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres CO (19)-21t FOR SALE 6-room cottage, owner leaving city, will sell at a sacrifice. 104 North 40th South Omaha. Tel, 371. (19)-M 148 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR IALB i'ftllwdwt SOUTHERN Manitoba, near Morris, three quarter section of the choicest dry, clean prairie land; deep black loam; can all bo cultivated; good locality. Norrls Is lo cated In one of the richest farming dis tricts In Manitoba, the land being well adapted for wheat growing. The owner, not being a farmer, needs the money for business, hence a great bargain. For particulars address George C. Popham, Box 661, Winnipeg. Manitoba. ,20)-991 Jyx Kansas. WANTED Ajents to represent ua In tha sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (20)-214 'WE HAVE lands, improved and unlm proved, in central ana eastern Kansas that we can sell you from 120 to $50 per acre. These lands are No. 1. Will con sider good city property or merchandise. Write ua for full Information, wltb de scription of what you have to offer. J. W. STINE, & CO., 1024 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. (20) -926 JylX Nebraska. IMPROVED farms Ij eastern Nebraska, sarpy and Douglas Bounties, a. J. over ton, Gretna, Neb. (20)-215 THIS IS A SNAP We have three sections of good land T miles from North Platte, Lincoln Co., that we can sell at $3.7o per acre ir taken In the next 15 daya. This land Is well worth $5.00 per acre, but tha owner la In a pinch und must have money; H cash, balance time. See us for bargains In cheap lands. KELLY INVESTMENT CO.. 320 Neville Block. (20) M969 30 A GOOD farm, well Improved, 20 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms. 6 per cent interest, it taken in next ,v days. Address Y-244. Bee (2V-U FIRST-CLASS Nebraska farms and ranches lor comes or investment, tie mis, Omaha. (30) M971 IMPROVED and unimproved farms In Dundy county, Nebraska, and Cheyenne county, Kansas, from st'O up; good land; three to ten miles to county seat; main line Burlington; write me what you want, I'll tell you what I've got. WILL C. ISRAEL, Benkelinan, Neb. (20.-M102 Jy5x loath Dsketa. MAKE MONEY Buy a farm In Beadle county, S. D. Another big crop Is daily raising values. A fortune is yours it you buy now. Write for map. D. E. McMONIEb. Huron. 8. D. 20)-M158 Jyl REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22.-317 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1S20 Doug. (22) 218 $1,000,000 TO 1X5 AN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. N. V. Life. (22)-219 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Jk Co., IX Farnam St. (23)-229 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O Keere R, E. CO.. 1001 W. Y. Life BMj. (22) 221 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-224 $600 TO $50,000 TO I5AN at lowest rates; no delay. GARVIN BROS., 1404 FARNAM (22)-22 WANTED City loana R. C. Peters A Co. (22) 22S LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, HA First National Bank PM 22 ?.'t) REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Cottage, southeast Omaha, near loth St- car line. Address S aVl, care Hee. (2f M'jM WANTED 7-room house, between Cuming and Clark, $3.0U0 to $4,000. Address P SoO, care Bee. (26) MS64 WANTED Two cottsges or small houses. between 18th and uth Bis., near Jyeaven worth. Address W 403. care Bee. (21.) M935 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillow s. quilts and all kinds ot tools: or win ouy mo ; furniture of your house complete. Will I buy antique or mahogany furniture. The I highest prices paid. Call the right man. ! Tel. Douglas 3071. (24) u Jy CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foya Co., 313 8. 14tu. 'Phone Douglas 13J1. (26)-327 BUYERS FURNI8HID IN 44 HOUBS Inveslment Dept. Western Ref. ft Bond Ass n Inc., full 721-722 N. Y. Life Bug. (25) 114 WANTED To buy a good horse to use on a grocery wagon. T. W. Shrader. 2tftt and Hlondo. eti Ma:3 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Nice front room In modern home with board, by elderly lady; family of two preferred: references exchanged: will pay liberal price for right place. Ad dress E Sbu, Bea t20 M975 Jylx kitchen? WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) WANTED Room and board In vicinity of :th and Sprsgue. Address G 676. care Be. (26) 647 SOX WANTED By married couple 2 or 8 fur nished rooms In private family; no chil dren. Address O-610, care Bee. (261-939 :9x M AN, wife and two children (12 and I). want ROOMS WITH BOARD, vicinity 16th and Locust Sts. I R. Vorce, 2004 Btnney St. 'Phone Webster l'wT resi dence; Webster S, office. (:) 661 30x WANTED SITUATION FOR student help see McCartney Tnstl tute, 1802 Farnam. i n i Mts YOl'NQ man With road experience desires city sales work. Address Y &:, care oi Bee. (27) M686 29x WANTED Position architectural draughts man. Wm. Yowell, Neb. City. Neb. (271-M110 30x FOR student help see McCartney Insti tute, 1802 Farnam. (Zi) mbju REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Forgan and wife to Laura 11. Freeman, lot 11, block 3, Boule vard Terrace $ 1 Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust com pany to Thomas W. heaton, part si'V se4 7-14-13 1 Same to Charles Voll, n se se1 -14-13 1 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer. to Lillian O Toolo, lot 9, block 7, Lyman Place John H. Stein and wife to Moses Horwlch. lot 1. block 66. Omaha.... 800 Union Investment company to John tfamrora, lot w, block 117, uunaee Place 7D0 Melcholr Staudlngcr and wife to Anna Bone, lot 24, Drexel ft Maul a add 450 Martin Telg and wife to Theophele andei bOKaerilc, lot 4, block 6, Exchange Place 1.S0O B. E. Wilcox to Lara P. Larson, lota 23.. 24, 26 and -i6, block 1, B. E. Wilcox's add 200 John W. Rasp to Harris Horwlch, W2I feet lot 7, bldck 34V omana.. 1.8UO Lllley Elfsfeldei to Alouis Vanout- rvve and wife, lot 11, block 49, South Omaha 1,675 Mary Arnholt and huahanl to Char las H. w. Bauermelster, lot IB, Dlock I, Marysvlllo 3,800 Butler Hospital to John D. Crelgh- ton. suiuot in. lot 3. t anitoi adit zi.uuu Amos I. fclabaugh and wl.e to Ci arles K, Lite, lot 4, block 3, Maxwell s 2d add 1,200 Irene and Carl T. Self to the Mis souri River Lumber company, part lots 4 and 6, block 18, Boyd s add... 1,200 Mabel T. Gannett and husband to Hosallo A. Whitmore. e50 feet wSO feet n 100 feet lot 1, block 5, West Omaha 11,000 David E. Smith and wife to George Chadwell and wife, lots 17 and 18, block 19, Halcyon Heights 500 Edgar A. Baird to Jennie Buchanan, lot 8, block 6, Orchard Hill l.sno John E. George to John Maggard, w lot 2. block 11, Omaha 2,000 John O. Carlson to Rose Bernhardt, lots 11 and 12. block 6. Walnut Hill, l.gno Uetz Bros. Brewing company to the Home Keal Kstate and Investment company, wH lot t, block 93 and other lots, Omaha 273,000 Total $324,878 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Atlantic Northern & Southern Railway company, Atlantic, la., until noon of July 1. 1S7, for the grading of seven teen miles of road bed, between Atlantic and Klmballlon, la., aggregating approxi mately 260,000 cubic yards. The work will be let In six sections and separate and Independent bids wilt be re ceived on each section, as follows: Section No. 1, live miles, about $5,000 35.000 36,000 16,000 46,000 cubic yards. Section No. 3, five miles, cubic yards. about about about about Section No. 3. nve mues. cubic yards. Section No. 4, cubic yards. Se"tion No. E, cubic yards. Section No. 6, ruhtc vards. two miles, mile, miles, two about 60.000 Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the company, Atlantic, la. Bids must be accompanied by certified check of one hundred dollars (3100) for each section bid upon, as a guarantee that the contract will be entered Into In case It Is awarded. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Atlantic Northern & Southern Railway company. By Engineering Construction and Securi ties company. Engineers and contractors. J20-22-21-36-27-2B. PROPOSAL FOR LAYING WATER MAINS Sealed proposals will be recelvei bv the city clerk of the city of Randolph, N'ebraska, at his office until the 22d day of July, 1'j07, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the fur nishing and layitig of oCmO feet of 4-lnch cast water mains and 1.520 of 6-lncli cast water mains with six 4-trch double nozzle fire hydrants for 2'-lnch fire hose together with all necessary fittings for all mains and hydrants. Bids to include (he dig ging of all ditches at least five feet below the established grade of said city, and not less than live feet below the surface of the street at any place. Bids to Include all connections ami extras as shown by the plans and specifications on file at the of fice of the said city clerk. One-half of the contract price for the laying and furnish ing said mains as above to be paid In cash and the balance to be paid In warrants 'v H i"? riratvn on the general fund of said clt All bids must be accompanied by a ce Pert check equal to 10 per cent or amount bid, as a guarantee that if the bid Is accepted the bidder will enter Into con tract to perform and carry out the bid. The city reserves the right to reiect any or !1 bids. E. 8. MAILLIARD, City Clerk. J?ld24t SEALED BIDS WILT, BE RECEIVED by the Board of Public I.nnds and Build ings on or before July 6, 1907, for the fur nishing and erecting of two 150 H. P. water tube boilers at the Hospital for the Insane at Norfolk, Nebraska, as per specifications now on file In the office of the Secretary of State at Lincoln. Nebraska. GEORGE C. JI NKIN, Secretary of State. J27d7t """is aa m a r gains Before July 4th. Several these are below the cost oi labor aud material. Ihey will eost yoa more If we have to carry them over the Foorth. We have (he harness also that goes with them. I'D itllflUlfU O 18th and Harney GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF Qt'ARTFRM APTFJV8 OFFICE, Omaha. Nebraska, June 1. IM. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 O'clock a. m., central standard time, July L 1807, for the removal of the present heat ing system In the commanding officers' quarters at Fort Omaha. Nebraska, and Installing therein a new steam heating sys tem, Including all necessary alterations to the building. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may be seen. Envelopes ontalnlng proposals to be marked "Proposals for Steam Heating System at Fort Omaha. Nebraska," and addressed to MAJOR THOMAS CRUSE. Chief Quarter master, Omaha, Nebraska. Junel-S-4-5-- CHIEF QfARTFRMASTKR OFFICE.- Omaha, Neb., June 29. 19uJ. Sealed pro- Dosals. in triDllcate. will be received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein until 10 a. m., central standard time, July 29, 1907, for furnishing wood, coal and charcoal, during the fiscal yer ending June 30, lfre, at Omaha quartermaster depot. Forts Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Ne braska; Fort Iavenworth, Kansas; Fort Mackenile, Wyoming. and Fort Dee Moines. Iowa. Proposals for delivery at other places will be entertained. United States reserves right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on ap plication here, or to quartermasters at the stations named. Envelopes containing pro- Dosa sals should bo marked 'Proposals lor . fuel," and sddressed to Major Thmas Cruse, chief quartermaster. J29Jyl-2-3-25-27 RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION -104b. AND M ARC Y. t'nlon Pnelsle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8.46 am a :40 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 8:50 pm a I:N pm Colo. Calir. Ex a 3 .60 pm a 9 90 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:00 pm a 6:60 pm Los Angeles Limited.. .al2:66 pm a 9:16 pm .all . 66 pm a 6:60 am .a 7:42 am a 6:16 pm ,b 7:43 am b 4:16 pm Colorado Special North Platte Local.. Beatrice Local Missouri PaelSe. K. C. St. L. Exp a 100 am a ( 68 am K. C. St. L. Exp all:15 pm a 6:35 pm Nebraska Local a?.0wpm all:40 am thlcaao, A Panl. Chi. A Colo. Special... 7:02 am U:4S pm Calif. & Oregon Exp... 6:&8 pm Overland Limited 9;&8 pm Chlcag A Northwestern. Chicago Daylight a 7:06 am St. Paul-M apulla Exp.. a 7:60 am Chicago Local all Warn Sioux City Passenger... a 7:60 am Chicago Passenger a 4:30 pm Chicago Special a 6:00 pm Bt. Paul-M'polls Lmtd..a 4:28 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:30 pm J:26 pm l:S7 am all 64 pm alO OO pm a 3:28 pm a 8:28 pm a 9 30 am a 9:90 am a 7:44) am al2:36 pm Overland Limited .alOiOO pm a 8:23 atn a 8:29 am .a 3:60 pm a 1:20 am Fast Mall Sioux City Local... Fast Mall Twin City Limited. Overland Limited . Norfolk-Bonesteel . Llnooln-Chadron ... Detd wood-Lincoln Casper-Shoshonl ... Hastlngs-fcuperlor . 3:36 pm ...a 8:21 pm a 7 :06 am ..a (.38 pm a 9:31 am ...a 7:40 am aio:s am ...b 7:40 am a10:36 am ...a ( 00 pm a (.-06 pm ...a 8:00 pm a (:06 pm ...b 3:00 pm b 6:06 pm ...b 6:02 pm bl2:60 pm Fremont-Albion Los Angeles Limited... a 9:60 pm S12.35 pm Cblcaao, Rock Island t Pncle. EAST. Chicago Limited a 1:46 am all -30 pm Iowa Local a 7:00 arc a 4:30 pm Des Molnea Pasa a : pm al2:30 pm Iowa Local all. 40 am b 9:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.) a 4:60 pin a 1:26 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:00 pra a 8:36 am WEST. Hocky Mountain Lmtd..all:40 pm a 2:SS am Colo. & Cal. Express.. .a 1:35 pm a 4:40 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 2:46 pm Lincoln ft Falrburv Paaa.a 8:45 amal0:16 am Wabash. St. Louts Express.. a (:30 pm a 8:30 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:30 am all:15 pm Stanberry l,ocal (from Council Bluffs) b (:00 pmbl0:l am Chicago Great Westers). St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:80 am 11 35 pm 8:27 am 11: pm i W pm St. Paul & Minneapolis. :30 am Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 7:30 am 3:30 pm Chicago Express . Chicago Kxpresa Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:10 am a (:48 pm Minn. & St. Paul Exp...b 7:20 am a 8.56 ptn Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a 8:30 am Minn. St. Paul Lmtd.a 8.30 pm a 8:30 am BURLINGTON ITA. 10th A MASON, Burlington. Leave. Arrive. Denver A California... .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pra a 4 10 pm Northwest Express a 9:30 pm a 4:46 am Nebraska points a !: am a :10 pm Nebraska Express a 9:06 am a 4:10 pin Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:45 pm a!2:01 pin Lincoln Local a 9:06 am Lincoln Local a 8:00 pm Louisville A Plattsm'th.b 3:10 pm bl0:20 am Bellevue-Plat'smoutb ..a 8:1 pm a 7:46 am Plattsniouth-Iowa b 8:10 am Bellevue-Plattsmoutn b 1:35 pm Denver Limited all :66 pm a 6:46 atn Chicago Special a 7:00 am all:46 pm Chicago Express a 4:30 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:30 pm a 8:30 am Iowa Local a 9:16 am all :30 am St. Louis Express. a 4:46 pm all:30aiv Kansas city ft St. Joe..alO:45 pm a 6:30 am Kansas City St. Joe.. a 9:15 am a 4:10 pm Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 4:4 pm WBS'1ER STA. 1BT1C A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Panl, Minneapolis Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b :16 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm ell :20 am Emerson I.ocal b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local Missouri Paolnr. Local via Weeping Water Falls City Local .0 8:46 am C 1:60 pin ..a 8:06 am a 6:30 pm ..a 3:50 pm all:20 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday o Sunday only, a Daily except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ; CCANDMY1AN-AMERICAN LIM I LJ 14.0M Too Twta-gcrew frasssngcr ttasmsrs Direst t Norway, Sweden and Denmark SM'Mnc frnra Nw York at boos. t'DitJ 8tl July HGKtr II Aux. 1 C. V. Tlatiea July iijlill Olsr Aug. U Saloon t:ft and up aflcr July la, t0 sad up; Sti-ond labia " altar July U. 160. A, EU Jahnson at Co., 1 Broadway, K. Y. IM Kaat Klsaia St.. ihkaso. ORIENT CLARK'S TENTH AN NUAL CRUISE. Feb. 4. '8. 70 days, by speclslly chsrtered S S. "Arable." 14.ufi0 tons. 30 TOUHS TO EUROPE. ( ROUND THE WOULD. Z-KAlfX O. CZ.A.SK. Timss Bldg., 3f. T. DOUBLE SHIFT FOR FIREMEN font mission Dlsrnaalnaj pinna lor Potting . ctt La lot E act. The Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners held an extra session Thursday night. Steps were taken toward putting Into effect the new law providing for tha firemen's double shift, which becomes ef fective July 1. Chief Salter was Instructed to prepare a working plan applicable to the twelve-hour ahlft, to be submitted to the board at an adjourned meeting next Monday at ( p. m. A number of the fire department officials attended the meet ing last night and accepted the board's Invitation to discuss the different phases of the twelve-hour shift. It was tha opinion of the fire officials that with an addition to the department of forty-one men the double shift could be put Into effect with aa many men on duty as at preaant. It was explained that this would be possible on aocount of there being no men off for meals under the new system. It was shown that there wilt be on band In the firs department fund on July 1 3S4.722.78, and counting tha addi tional forty men at $12,000 per month, the estimate for running ths fire department for the last stx month ef OOJ was placed at M.(aMa, PICNIC OF THE PIONEERS Large Number Attend Annual Gather ing in Hanicom lark. NUMBER OF INTERESTING TALKS (;loTrlnaj Tributes to the Men laid the Foundation ( Nebraska, and the Women Are) Net Fererottrn. The Douglas county pioneers held their annual picnic yesterday In Hansoom- park. There was a 'large attendance of those who have helped make the present Omaha out of the frontier village. The early exercises were purely Informal and culminated In a picnic dinner. Though scheduled to begin at J:80 P m.. the platform exercises did not begin until 3 30. Chairman A. N. Tost of tha commit tee on arrangements called the meeting to order aud Introduced Judge 1-ee Estelle aa the president of the day. Judge Estelle ex tended a cordial greeting to the ploneera and incidentally remarked that he did not hnva a thing against the Missouri river or the way the ploneera crossed U fifty year ago, but he did not know until recently how Chairman Yost managed to get across. "M was a little balky In those days," said Judge Estelle. "and was afraid of the river, o they had to blindfold him and bark him onto the boat, and they had him over In Nebraska before he knew It." Mayor Dahlman was then introduced to deliver the address of welcome. "Mr. Chair man, gentlemen of tha committee, friends and pioneers: I hailed originally from Texas, and while not exactly a Nebraska pioneer 1 am at least a western pioneer," said the mayor, "and from the fact that my father was a pioneer of Texas and the west of the '40's I claim the right to be ona of you. I am glad to see so many of you here today. It Is needless for me to extend a welcome to our own Omaha cltlxens, but to such of you as are not residents of Omaha I extend a most hearty weloom. We meet here In this beautiful grove, set apart by one of your fellow ploneera for tha entertainment and recreation of the people of Omaha. I pray to God that each of yoa may be here next year and that I shall be permitted to meet with you." Where Credit ta Dae. Judge Estelle then gave a brief eulogy upon the Nebraska pioneers and aald: "To no three or four men Is a greater credit due for the great development of thla great state than J. Sterling Morton, tha sage of Arbor lodge, Robert W. Furnas, both of whom are dead, and tleorge la. Miller, who la with us here today, and I . may Justly add to this the name of Gov ernor Silas Garner, whom only a few year ago departed this life for his eternal re ward as a good and great man. We are gathered here In this beautiful temple of the woods, given to the city of Omaha by Mr. Hanscom, still living, and James Me geath, whose funeral we attended only a few short days ago." A letter was then read from Governor Sheldon regretting that Imperative business engagements elsewhere deprived him of the pleasure of meeting with the ploneera here today. Lieutenant Governor M. R. Hopewell of Tecamah was then Introduced by Judge Efctelle. After alluding to Governor Shel don as on of the best governors that Ne braska ever had and regretting that ha was not here to enjoy this meting, Judge Hopewell said: "I am a little surprised that thla meeting Is not more largely attended. Your pion eer meetings here are a little different from those we have In Burt county. There ' we make them a holiday and ask all tha people to come, that they may see and meet the pioneers and attest our appreciation of them and our regard for what they hav done. I believe that old settlers' day should be made a legal holiday. We cer tainly owe a debt of gratitude to the old settlers, and should fin.-, some means to express that gratitude. We have our decor ation days for the dead, why not a memor ial day for the living to whom we owe so much. But for these old pioneers where would this country havo been today. Rut for them there would have been no Ne braska. We cannot too frequently recall the privations and trials of pioneer days and tha men and women who endured so much for us.'" ome Mora State Ballders. 'These first settlers of Nebraska wer men of culture and Intelligence. They stamped their Intelligence and culture upon this state from the very start and tha growth of that Intelligent foundation hag never wavered an Instant since. In addi tion to the natnea of Morton, Furnas, Mil ler and Garber, I would add the names of that brilliant galaxy of men, Woolworth, Poppleton. Doane and Wakeley. I well remember the great paper conducted by Dr. Miller, but had Dr. Miller In the early history of his paper prophesied that a city of 130,000 would exist on this spot to day he would have been laughed at as the wildest of dreamers.". . . . Judge Hopewell then gave a short sketch of his first coming to N'ebraska, In 1864. He engaged In the arduous occupation of a bull whacker and freighted from tha river to Fort Laramie, and subsequently went to his old home In the east, studied law and then came back to Tekainah, where he has since lived. President B. B. B. Kennedy of the Doug las County Pioneers' association was tha next speaker. He was followed by Jrdga George W. Doane, Judge Eleaxer Wakelejr and Dr. George L. Miller, all of. whom gave a number of Interesting reminiscences of the early days and the atruggles en dured In laying the foundatlona of this commonwealth. Each paid a glowing trib ute to the women pioneers and stated that but for their help and patience the con quest of the west could not have been ac complished. Plcnle Notes. Sarpy county was well represented on tha pli'lnc grounds. Wlllard Newell of Burt county, a pioneer of 1&7. was one of the visitors. Mrs. H. A. Peck, a sister of Samuel Or chard, one of the old pioneers, was a visitor on the picnic grounds. Charles Turner, who came to Nebraska In lh&o, who donated Turner park to Omaha, and now lives in the West Farnam district, is not a member of the association, but attended the picnic. David Topham, an Omaha pioneer of 18oh-70 and one of the first constables of Ixiuglas county, but now of Mlnden, cam down especially to enjoy ths reunion wltn his old friends. Among the Tekamah visitors at the pic nic were E. MKiuIre a former member of the Second Nebraska regiment, Colonel R. W. Furnas' regiment. Mrs. McUuIr ac companied him. J. P. Lai la was another Tekamah pioneer attending the picnic. The present membership of the associa tion exceeds V) and It Is expectnd that an other hundred members will be added dur ing this year. The meetings of the Do.ig las county association are held the second Thursday of each month at 2 p. in. In ths public library building, third floor. Thirty live years' residence In Nebraska and present residence In Omaha la tha only qualification for membership. Among the pioneers present was Henry Llvsey, the well known brick contiactor who came to Nebraska In Putt, and is still In the brick business In Omaha. Mr. IJvsey laid the first brick for the territorial cap Itol building, where the high school Is now located. When the capilol was removed Mr. Llvaey bought the old building for i0. After tearing It down he gave tha lintel over the main entrance to the build ing, which was hewn out of Nvbtxxka grown oak to J. M. Wollworth. Mr. Wool, worth had the old lintel made Into a newel post for tha stairway In his resident ) Bt. Mary' avenue and It si ill ther.