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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1907)
16 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1007. f . H ErV 'WW J W- 1 ' i 8 ! If ON BARGAIN SQUARE , Men's and Children's, both plain and fine ribbed. 8 Ladies iSi"? 1 Specials in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AT THE GREATEST BARGAINS Ladles' fine cotton Vest. In Swiss rib, tape neck and arm holes, at 10c Eadles' lisle thread vesta. hand rochet trimmed, also fine mercerized In J fancr colors mm J S Ladies' lisle thread umbrella and close fitting knee union suits, lace trimmed, each Ladies9 Special V Long gloves, elbow lflngtha. Hals, In black and white, all alias, worth l.oo 69c on ala at. .. I 3 Elbow length silk gloves, extra heavy black, white and gray at 1.49 I i MKT Mt AT EAST I1& WETLAND H ARCADE SATURDAY SPECIAL 13 RICK ICE CREAM Three Flavors Kr rsrtii 20c Quart DRUG SUNDRIES RUBBER GLOVES, the 98o kind, on sale Saturday at 35c Bath Caps 15c Rubber Complexion "SBBasRSJBakiMBMaHHnH Tha largest and moat romplate atoca can be found at our place only tha beat made at prlcee way below other. We Import our own Fire Cracker from China, eo you are alwaya eure to set new and freh ood. We urea people to buy early thle aeaaon. Here are a few special good on sale In our atora: China Fire Crackers, 14 In a package, lo a packaae. T1r Ftra Crackers, (4 In a package. 8c a packaae. Baty lira Craokera, ISO In a pack age, 4o a package. . -Inch Salutea, lu In a boa, 4c a box. -bU Roman Candlea, lo each. . IS-ball Roman Candloa, lo each. It-ball Romaa Candlea, lo each, Sio a doaao. Everything alae In proportl No Wall orders will be eer nt br eziirea or del attention to lMtplay Fire Work for jraoiAXi Atnino errzar to maxx. AJW,-TO IJISUmS Jos. F. Bilz OMAHA 322i.J6th Street ' SSPBJSSK SALE OF HOSIERY LADIES' AND MEN'S FINE HOSIERY AT THE MOST J ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES Greatest bargains ever offered in this sale. Ladies' and Men's, in lace lisle, silk mercerized, with double soles and spliced heel, both plain and fancy-eome with em broidered ' instep greatest bar- S,eavt:r..0.f:..18c-25c-35c . 10c-12lsc-15c 1 Underwear Infants' very fine cotton vests, long or short sleeves, silk tape necks, at Ladies' extra fine Qual ity cotton and mercer ized vesta, in pink, at. 12k 15c 49c Gloves Saturday Elbow length f:lovp, real Ml aneae lisle. In black, white and tan, all 98c sizes, worth 11.60.. Long silk gloves, 16-button, double tipped; black, brown,, blue and all the fancy 1.98 colors 3 TEDDY BEARS I A Sweater or a Cap Free With Every Bear Saturday New importation Just received, white, brown and cinnamon Bears that are well made, the kind you can wash and will keep their shape every child should have a Teddy Bear. The cutest novelty of the day. See the mum -(a big Douglas street window Sf to " display of Teddy Bears prices.-'' THE FOUNTAIN DELICIOUS CANDIES BRANDEIS 01 Evcry K,nd OUR FINE MAPLE WALNUT 0H0C0LATE CREAMS. Saturday Special, 20c Pound EMERY BOARD, for mani curing, regular price 20c 12 for 5c Rubber Sponges ......10c Brushes 10c & K-ball Roman Candle. o each, 4So a doien. tO-baJl Roman Caodlaa, lo each, I for I6o; too a do en. 2 (-ball Roman Candlea, to each, for tie, 0o a doaen. Balloon. 4c, To, llo, lla Lantern. 4c, tc, 4o aach. ttpeolal rate in quantities home parties. for order too large or small for n to fllL rraiaht onlv. i ttena u your order. Hpa. celebrating. Iet u flrure with vnu omnium oit todb Oavscm nr VkOlUPT attbsttiov COUPON This coupon la good for la In trad with kilo purchase of i'lr Work. Void after July 1. 10T. Cut out this coupon and bring it wilh jruu. Boa Hit Weitler Specials MI"HB I.IIIIIIMUIU HIMIIJ.H.HIUIIIW IBIIHllliaH1.B'l'M.BMI.WWIl.llllHI.I HIIMan II UIJ .mil Mini 'I IMIII I.HIOILJIIIHIHIIIII f,- SIHIUJJ.IW 1IM1IIUII1IIIIIB.MH1WT fl 57.50 for men's light grey wor steds (2-piece) Outing Suits $2.50 for men's fine pure white Silk Shirts $1.50 for ene of Young'a Straw Hats a $2 value cts. for men's silkfour-in.hand in tha latest black and white checks $20.00 for an Alfred Benjamin's Suit of clothes, the equal of tailors $50 production IB We take unusual pride in our ability to supply the little fellows with those good things for growing feet. Quality in the leather of all boys' shoes sold in this store is an item never overlooked here. Our ability to fit the boys is an other attribute we claim. Boye' sizes, 2 to 5 V6... 82.50 Youths', 1 to 2 82.75 Sizes 10 to 13 $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Famam St. 1322YaBiamSt. 50c Per Gcxrment A COMPLETE LINE OF Summer Underwear Shown in my West Window The best Union Suit In the City for $1.00 Business Boosters Try tfcs Want AM' Ooruooaa of Tbo Besv SATISFYING DENTISTRY Guarantee Ootlim For Little . OBiaps P If rip aivcf V V1 Every operation performed In this of flo I sample of our work. At our low frlcea there would be Yio profit In one im patients. Wa will aatlsfy you every time In order to gain your future patron age. Oold Bridge Work. r e r r per tooth JiUU TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS pit PoafUs , $2.43 Men's fine Outing Pants 25 CtS. buys a man's Dandy Belt $2.50 buys men's good blue Sergo Coats 95 cts. for men's white and fancy Vests worth up to $2 $2.48 for men'B all wool blue Serge Pants 1519-21 DOUGLAS STREET llMJlJ.IIJTllimiH.-J.IMWT.1WWWI CHICAGO Shorter Time arid Improved Service to Chicago EFFECTIVE JUNE 30th The Limited Electric Lighted will leave Omaha at 6:05 p. m., arriving Chicago at 8:35 a. m. Club Car, Pullman Dining Room, Sleeping Cars and Observation End Parlor Dining Car. The Day Express will leave at 7:30 a. m. and arriving Chicago 10:00 p. m. First Class Coaches, Dining Car to Oclwein and Obser vation End Parlor-Dining car Oelwein to Chicago. Both trains make close connections with trains for the east. Notice The morning train for St. Paul and Minneapolis will leave at 7:30 a. m. after June 2 9th. Full Information and tickets at City Ticket Office, 1512 Farnam St, Union Depot, Omaha. '0 I ft VaLaJKA i rxrav roo ossttkb r Courtney's Coffees U Are the hRt in us. T7er! hv tho w het We roast them fresh dally. Our Si ft AN KOLA Java and Mocha la the best g; B pounds tor a dollar cofTee In thefS ft world. Include a pound with yourW uruwr. aiiu you win convince vuurseu w of the truth of our assertion. n Hot Meals Without a Fire B Have you tried the Etna, ready pre.aj K pared soups, entrees, etc.? Just punch ft R water, then the Carbides get hot. In 4 5 minutes you have a hot soup ready N to serve, at per can, 25c to 45c. Liquor Department i KJ llaif Oallon Maryland Rye for tl.:. .') k! Half Caiion Bour .on (9 y.a a old) 1.8 i i Half (.iallmi line I'ort or Slu-iry.. Half Gallon line Catawba Wine. . 7 0 Ki Fruits and Vegetables Visit our Fruit and Vgetable De- S llpartnient, and note cleanliness withjJ Ljl which all the fruits, vegetables, etc., tl are displayed, free from the dust and U flirt of the streets, thereby carrying U out the ever present intention and , M IdeA of this great Sanitary pure Food ft l.l Center M Meat Department Si In our great Meat Market you will U H surely find somet U appetite during tl U Ve have all son M table" meats. tning to tenijit thejk he hot weatfier. ?? rts of "ready for the A one of our home cooked Beef M fk Tongue at, per pound R Pork Loinsi (Pig Porki. per lb., V4cS y California Hums (sugar cured), at, ( ) R Pr pound 9l.cj r e rom t p. in. to a p. m. we w rill sellfS at, per ij e j.uud pounds boiling beef K pound I Ponrtney & Go, i K Frtva'e Excnana eonneeis all Jaeata, C 17th and Douglas HU. TaL Sooa-laa 4T Q2BBBSBB OUR 60c SMART SET CHOCOLATES on Saturday only for 29 Cents Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farnam. 1 aii aay eaturaay we win give a O'l.'jB SS bottlo of California wine. FHk.K. B with each purchase of J1.00 or more ijj ti of our own bottllntt. R A Papsr for tha Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West $8.50 for all wool blue serge (2-piece) Outing Suits $1.50 for men's Mohair Shirts 95 cts. for meD's near-silk Shirts S SBSGEB 25 cts. for light weight balbrigan Underwear $15.00 lor Suits of Clothes for vfhich others get 22.50 i5 zj GREAT WESTERN Railway Our $2.50 OXFORDS Two-fifty Is rather a low price for a good pair of Oxfords. Many women who would like to buy Oxfords at this price are afraid to do so, fearing that they would not be satisfactory. We Sell $2.50 OXFORDS that are satisfactory In every way the styles are the same as higher priced Oxfords and the shoeraaklng la splendid. Come here and sco what Two-fifty will do In buying Oxfords. Think you will be surprised. FRY SHOE CO. Til IIOIBI 16th and Douglas Streets. Albany Dentists Boom la, Bushman Block. Entrance, 116 8. 16th Street Dental College Prices WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Set of Teeth, $2 Absolutely No Pain IS THIS NOT ENOUGH? Open iTrotuga Until 10. uadays 10 to 3. Only Two More Days of Our P re-Inventory Clothing Clearance Quick Redaction of Stocks is Our Desire. THE RELIABLE STORE You're Not Experimenting With Clothes J wnen you tmy a nayden tsuit at any price, UUK J u JN ri l LiiiiAit ANCE offers you almost unlimited selection from garments per fect in workmanship, faultless in fashion in complete lines of I ,.1 4 i 1 I. 1 Copyright I907 fcjr Children's Wash Suits All new styles at 35c up to 2.50 I 35c Silk Taffeta Ribbons 10c. The biggest bargain of the season on these popular ribbons an unusual line Saturday at, A t yard , IVC m Hk YDENS' SEE JV EXPOSBTION The low rate excursion tickets on sale by the CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY. On account of the Jamestown Exposition afford one of the finest opportunities to visit the Atlantic Seaboard that has been offered the traveling public in many years. Special routings and side trips provide for visits to Niagara Falls Chautauqua Lake Champlaln Atlantic City Tha St. Lawrence New York City Hudson River Trip Adirondacks The Cafskilts Berkshire Kills and various seaside and mountain resorts Direct connections are made in Chicago by the Chicago & North-Western Ry. with trains of all lines east. For apply SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATES VIA mm CHICAGO Dlt laal lldir MICmGaN CENTlal AMERICA'S GREATEST RAILWAY SYSTEM" TO flAQTHW mnA 17 IT XI TIM JULY 9. II, 22. 25 " " AUG. 6, 10. 20. 24i SEPT. 10. 14. 24 as Rat from CHICAGO. $34.00 Rata from ST. LOUIS. $27.30 ' BOSTON OLD HOME WEEK jvli 2J. a6. aT. as Rata from CHICAGO. On Far Plu $2.00 far tha Raund Trla Rata from 61. LOUIS Oo Vara Plus Si.OO for Uo Round Trip SARATOGA and RETURN jviv i 4, i, . i Rat. from CHICAGO jffoV f A IGcEnTRAL Rat from ST. LOUIS. S2J.16 NEW ENGLAND RES0R.TS 8EPT. I014. M CANADIAN RESORTS DAILY UNTIL SEPT. SO. 1907 Rat from CHICAGO. On Far Pfua $2.00 for th Round Trio Rat from ST. LOUIS, On rr Plua $2.00 for tb Mound "I full Ptrtlcalar mtj St atalacl tria aajr Vcktt aitat at lb NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES Willi J. ITNCI. raaaifer Traffic Msaaser. CUKiM Tremendous Clothing Values Is the Result, Men's Suits Worth $15 to $25 ' All hand tailored garments, marl' ' ufactured by the world's best makers of ready-to-wear suits all newest shades, styles and pat terns sale prices Men's Suits Worth to $15 AU newest fabrics and styles, su perior in workmanship and qual ity to any offered elsewhere $J50sni$jQ00 Summer Outing Suits Perfect , two-piece suits in unlimited as sortment, at Children's Wool Suits, worth to $5, every imaginable stylo and color at $1.95 & 291 LiJ Boston Philadelphia Washington Baltimore rates, tickets and full Information to TICKET OFFICES I40I-U03 Farnam Straet OMAHA, NEB. rrwa ST. LOUIS Vat "bis rout toinrr t A to.WaniAda.lMMesiilis