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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JUNE CJ, 1007. BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.! OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued. ) LOST AND FOUND (Continued. Want - ads . r f: I I ! - ; Advfrtlormritl for the want-ad rolirani will be taken antll 12 m. for (! errnlna; edition and antll 9 p. tn. for the morning and Sunday editions. Cash mill accompany all order for Trant-ade and no adrertlaemrnt will be accepted for leaa than lO cents for the flret Insertion. Kate apply to either The Dally or Sanday Bee. Alwaya count slat words to a line. fomblnatlone of Inltlala or number count aa one word. CADH H ATKS FOR WAXT-ADH. REHILAH CLASSIFICATION On, Inaertlon. per line, lO eenta. Two or nor ronaecatlva Inaertlona, per line, 9 centa. Each. Inaertlon made on odd .lays, lO cents per line. fl.BO per lias lca month. CASH RATF.S. FOR NOTICES. Death and Fnneral "fotlree, Carda of Thanks and I.odae Notices, T centa per line for one edition, morning- or evenlnai 3 centa a line for enrh ad ditlonal edition. Sunday, lO cents a line. No ad taken for less than SO rents. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS your advertisement la inaerted nnder any aa of the rlaaalflcatlone a-lven below. It will be eharced at the following rates I On Inaertlon, 4 centa per Unci three to six consecutive Insertions, 8 rents pa Una each. Insertion seven or more consecutive Insertions, 3 rents per Una each Insertion SO eats per line per month. f DARTER A.D EXCHANGE. BriMEM CHAXCKS. HELP WASTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, Solicitors nnd Salesmen. OFFERED FOR SALE I Cow a, Blrda, Don and Peta. Horsea and Vehicles. Poultry nnd Eggs. Furniture. Flanoe, Organs and Musical Instru ments. Typewriters and Sewing Machines. OFFERED FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. .Unfurnished Rooms. Housekeeping Rooms. Boarding and Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO RENT. SITUATIONS WANTED. Want-ads for The Bee may be left t any of the following drug stores Be Is "your corner druggist" they Arc all branch offices of The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets! Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A , 1402 S. 10th St. Recht, Pharmacy, 720 8. bith St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2810 Shennun Ave. Caughltn, C. R., 6th and Pierce Kts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. 13.. 31set Ave. and Farnam. Prlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Einll. 1264-S 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4M6 Hamilton. Ehler. F. H-. 2M2 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 813 N. St. Dreytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmary, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough. O. A., 105 8. 10th St. Oreenough. O. A., lmh and Hickory. jiayden, vm. c, 2V2D Farnam bi. Jlanscom Park Phar. 1501 S. 29th Ave. Hoist, John. (524 North 16th St. Huff, A. L.. 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. S., 22.1S Farnam St. Knuntse Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Patrick Prut Co.. ir,:4 N. 24th St. Jathrop, Chas. F... 1324 N. 24h St. I'evtnn, L. E., I4th and leaven worth Saratoga DniK Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Fchncfer's Cut Price Drug Store, lt ii and Chicago. S.-liaefer, August. 2i".31 N. ICth St. Schmidt. J H.. 24th an Cuming Sts. Ptorm Pbarmscv, lfith und Marthn S. Walnut Hill Pharmarv. 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. II., 40th nnd Hamilton Sta. DR ATMS AND FtWFIIAI. NOTICES RIX Mrs. Nicholas, mother of Emlle Rlx, Henry Rlx and Dr. Rudolf Rlx, at Fort Calhoun, Thursday June 27. Funeral Sunday June 30 at 130 p. m. In terment Fort Calhoun cemetery. Friends Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Alfred J. Beaton, 702 North Fiftieth street, girl; Ralph G. Clark. 2513 Decntur street, boy; Claus Gosch, i:tW South Twenty-fourth, boy; II. V. Hllllker, 3"31 llurcy street, boy; H. W. Hicks, Twenty seventh and Dewey avenue, boy; Robert Rachch. 403 Bancroft street. Peter Peterson, 3722 Amos avnuo. boy. Deaths Mary Veohal. 124S Pouth Four teenth street, aged 51 years; Sum PomUe, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 41 years. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Ago. John Anderson, Omaha :6 Li, rtha Erickson, uuiaha 20 Alexan r W. Strieker, Omaha I1) lllldd A. Bandstrom, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS BUMMER TERM UOYLLti COLLEGE NOW OPEN BTUOENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY feu'iKKEEPINQ, SHORTHAND AND 0" VP. WRITING. TELFOKAl'HY. ENG LISH. ELOCUTION. Reud Uoylea' Ad Next Sunday. Catalog is free. U. B. BOYLKS. Prea Ontaltu, Neb -MliO THE CITY CARBAGE CO., office 4th and J-f avar.worth Sta. Tel. Douglas 137. . . (D-104 SIGN P 4.INTING S. II. Cole. 1302 Douglas. (1) 105 PRIVATE tutoring at reasonable terms for high school mathematics and Latin, and for any grade of th common schools. JTel Harney Jf ,44. (1 ) M 11 L8" AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE A Cameron Runabout auto mobile, a bantam. Globe Land and In vestment Co., l-'2 Farnam St. (3) 107 SEND for our list of second-band automo biles. DEK1GHT, ISIS Farnam. (2) lut FOR SALE OR TRADE-Four-cyiinder touring car, good aa now. C E. llkms, Dtwey hotel. (4) 307 J9u5 RUICK. two-cylinder. 22 H. P. tour ing car. overhauling and palnied $A).o0 1'jui CAD1LAC. IS 11. P. touring car. line t.haKi K,ui:vC,-"iH"ii-"ii"-iy:.;;-- several extras Included $.n)).u0 1 KNOX louring car, air cooled $U0 16 OLDS, wiln top, jj H. P $;0uw) l:n RKu, 16 H P.. used very little 7Jo.W Jix FRANKLIN, Mith top. four-cylinder, detji hublu tonneuu $u7& 00 Isuo FORD, two-cylinder, detachable ton- nrau. 14 H. P $i0.00 Uw BTEVEKS-Dl RVEA, two-cylinder. and looks like r.ew, with top $Oj.u0 HAMhl.EK K., dctachuhle tonnrau. Just repainted and overhauled fjjo.U) W rile for lull description. II. E. FREDHICKbuN. l&th and Cap Avo. i2) isa BARTER AND EXCHANGE TOn EXCHANGE llano and simplex t layer. Yv'hal lave you? Address 11 fTb, ee. Ui lue 'FOR 8ALI? R EXCHANGE Large Im I ported Spanish Jack and 2u brood mares and some mule colls for half section Da kota lund. Describe fully In first letter. ba & Avon, 8. IX Or-MlUl Jyux EXCHANGE.0- If you havs city property mocks of goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com pleto list. We have properties and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Send for It at once. Oloho I And and Investment Co., 1S22 Far nam Bt., Omaha. Neb. U) 110 120 ACRES R miles from Schell City. Ver non county. Mo.; 80 acres under cultiva tion; rood building. Price, $5o per acre; Incumbrance $2,noo. Will exchange for general merchandise. Globe I -and and Investment Co., 132 Farnam St., Omaha, (8) 109 GOOD stork of pen. mils'. In and Iowa town of 2. WW. Will trade for clear cheap land. Olole Land and Invest. Co., 122 Farnam. (3) M4S.1 WRITE Acme Heal FState Co.. Cherokee, la. Have farms and wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. (3I-M820 Jyl5x FOR EXCHANGE A second real estate mortgage for a stock of merchandise; consideration 11,0". payable at $50 monthly. Address E. F. 1919 Hurt St. n-9S2 Jy4x BUSINESS CHANCES Are You Looking for a Farm, Home, Kanch, Business or Property of any kind anywhere? It makes no dlf for nee whether you want a $100 building lot or a $500,000 tract of coal or timber land, you should not buy or trade before seeing a copy of the Heal Estate World. It contains a large lint of property and merchandise slocks for sale and ex change, and reaches several thousand readers each Issue, and Is the beat adver tising medium to reach the real estate buyers, homeseekers and traders that you can advertise In. Write your name and address on a postal card, mall It today, and we will send vou the Journal for two months on trial f"ree. Addiess'the Real Estate World. Suit 620 Good Block, Dea Moines, la. (4) 431 FOR quick sale results list your property with C. J. Canan, 701 N, Y. Life Hldg., Omaha. (4)-MX28 Jy4 HOMES, lands, etc., bought, sold or traded quickly. Pardee & Braum, the hustlers, m Neville Ulk (4) M544 Jyl2 WANTED A party to buy out a first class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; best of reasons for selling. Wisner Furniture Co., Wlsner,. Neb. (4)-119 WANTED To trade for stock of goods; have a good farm. Address Y-245, Bee. (4)-117 IIILDRETH & LOWMAN can sell your business quick. We have buyers waiting for you with money. 510 Bee . hldg., Omaha. (4)-M6.14 FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; 4 to $6 received for shoeing and W to H for set ting tires. Address Y-129, Bee. (4) 112 FOR SALE-Roomlng house. &. Lowman, 610 Bee Bldg. See HUdr.-th (4) M5S1 FOR SALE Ooof, clean stock merchan dise of about $15,001) In splendid country town of 9u0; large territory to draw from; doing fi good business. Part cash, part time If desired. Address Y-237, care Bee. (4)-Mti95 MUST SELL Too much other business; new stock novelty goods; a money maker; good town; low rent; Invoice about JS00, William Sas, Dexter, la. (4)-M676 Jylx 22-PjOOM boarding house; a snap; good mining camp; $1,100 cash takes It; mine c.ulek. Address Edward Menkel. George town, Colo., Gen. Del. (4) M914 Jy3x UNWILLING I came Into possession of 50 barrels of good (?) whisky; I don't drink so I would like to trade It for land; no equities or anything but clear land; South Dakota land preferred. Address P 607, care Bee. t4)-M927 29 NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO Buys, sells or exchanges everything, land, city proiiertv, merchandise and automobiles. 63 Doiiflas block. (4) M766 Jy3 Do You "Wish to Make a Change? If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBli LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (14)-M543 Jyl2 NEWSPAPER FOR SALE "Delta Inde pendent." Write for particulars. Delta, Colo. 4 -MWH Jy.'lx MARKET for sale or rent; have other business. I'uii Pearl St., Boulder. Colo. (4) MaJO 2:ix FOR 8ALK-.Tho best paying business In northeastern Nebraska, stock of gro ceries, quvensware and notions; will be sold cheap. Answer quick. Address Y iV, Bee. Ms73 TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or wrlto E. G. Gungestad, 4.3 Bee Bldg. (4)-117 FOR SALE Dry goods, millinery and tl.uw stoie, located In one of the best northers Colorado cities; this is a well estnbliphed business with best of t"d connections, good, clean stok. fine op portunity for good business. Further pui llculurs Luck Box 452, lAveland, Colo. (i) MfcD TOx BUSINESS chance; "Miners' Scrap Book." free to you six months. If you write us that you like Square Deal Mining. The C. E. Mitchell Co., cipokane, ash. (4) Mill! Jyfix FOR BALE Two-chair barber shop; town 1.7iai;' good location. Address Y -vl. care Bee. (4)-9W Jy4x FOR PALE One of the very best hotel propositions In the state of South Dakota; a money maker. Will bear the closest Investigation. Shows large profits. Best of ivasons for selling. Address lock box 37, Parker. S. D. (4)-M?56 Jyllx WANT a second hand automobile; hnv some land to trade. Address Y 2)3, Bee. (41-113 ENERGETIC partner wanted In live, pay ing real estate business. Address Y 52, care Bee. (4) MJG5 Jy2x TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS, CALL ON WILLIAMS. 411 M'CAOUB BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE STS. (4)-ST WANTED Bright young man to take active Interest In department store, doing large business In gvod eastern Nebraska town. Must have not less than $3,000 to Invest. Address Y 46, care of Omaha Bee. (4) M521 J2 IF YOU want to get In business, see us without fail. Investment Dept., Western Ref . & Bond Ass n. 7-1-722' N. Y. Life Bldg. 4 427 PAINT and wall paper store for sale; doing good contract and retail trade; invoice about $1,5"0; a snap; good town of 6.000. Address Box 643, Sallda, Colo. (4) M744 JySx CLOTHING STORE FOR SALE The greatest bargain' In Colorado, new stork clothing, furnishings and shoes; done rs.ouu last year, first year In busi ness; must sell at once on account of ether business. Address Palace clothing Co., Louginont. Colo. to MfijK x FOR SALE Cheap for cash, a good paying general r.ietcbundlse stock In one of the best towns In Central Nebraska. Invoice about t5.iHie.u0. Address Box 727. Colum i , . i. : furniture . room.. (4 Mlb3 ix all occupied dining room, 40 boarders; best location; paying business. Apply 1"7 Hoilth 17th St 1 4 (Ml'. lx THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Forty lHillsrs will purchase one hundred shares In the last Chance Copper Company. Addresa w . li. Nlcnois, Buite, Mont. (4)-MiH 29x FOR SALE CHEAP Only restaurant In college town of 2,5uu; cash or trade. Bog , Baldwin, han. (4) -Mliiu Jyix TO BUY or sell any business or reul estate quick write or see Hlldrelh & Lowman. 510 Bee Bldg. (U Mj0 LI'MBER YARD for sale. Inquire of N. Duncan, Pawnee City, Neb. (4-M23 Jyx DRUG stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 7u7 N. Y. Ufe, Omaha. (4 115 FOR SALE At a bargain, up-to-date mil linery stuck; best business 1n town; terms to suit purchaser. Maca Tank. Schuyler, Nab, (J M97J Jylux Don't Forget your want ads for the advertisement when you call for BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) IF YOU havs a business to trade for a farm, see JACORSON A CO.. MS New York Life Building. (4) Mo23 29x FOR SALE Newspaper and printing of fice In western Iowa. Jacobson & Co., 986 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4r-iW Jylx ROBERT C. Plil'SKIiOW & CO.. STOCK BROKERS, SUB New York Life lIKlg., Omalia, Neb. (4) 111 SNAP. Furnished rooming house for snle, 10 rooms, full of roomers, within 4 blocks of lUth ami Farnam 44o0 cash. Address K 579, care Bee. 14 till SALOON for sale, 713 N. lfith St., Omaha, Neb. 4-74S Jyi'x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E BRADY, Probate Att'y. 609 Bee Bldg. (5 13 Jul7 Architects. C. L. STAUB, 604H S. Eighteenth St. (6) MA Jyl4x Carpet Cleaning;. SANITARY Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. l&)-124 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R- 2, 1505 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. (5)-121 Contractors. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 1003 N. fflst St.. South Omaha. (5) 675 Civil F.nalnerre. MEATHRON & JAMESON, 306 N. Y. L. (5) x:o Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. (6)-122 Dreaamn king. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 13i3. C5)-L"S M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1GC3 Far. (6)-iM9S7 J17 Dentlata. BAILEY & MACH, 3d fir. Paxton. D. 10S5. (5)-liHi Esgrsvlng. K OT ERA & CO., 1505 Jackson. Doug. 2007. (5) 123 llotela. THE SCHLITZ, European. 16th & Harney. l6j 133 Florlata. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (5) 1J0 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Far. Tel. D. 12TA to) 131 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. () 132 Incorporators. MGR. Incorporating Co., 426 N. Y. Life. (6J-134 Jevrelera and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, click, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 4367. (6) Ltd Music and Languages. GUAN CAMP.IANO, instructor In Spanish and Italian language. Tel DoiirIuh 1112. (5l M'ju4 Jy7x Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1S?4. (5j IM Dr. BowBer, over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (5i-M4i'i Jyl OAlce Supplies. FILING cablnetF flms and ledgers, loose leaf devices nnd olrlce hxtuies nnd sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Pu!)iii.'iin Co., 1522 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas fi',62. 1.1) M'JVl Jyll Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported Una. Lyngslad & Jorve, primers, 16 & Cup. Ave. 15I-VI9 JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 50. 15J-135 HIGH GRADE Imitation typewritten let ters ana lob printing; no 3ou too large or small. Anchor Publishing Co., isji Far nam St. Tel. Douglas 5ot,J. (Li-MCi Jyl ACORN Press, duallt Ptg., 1218 Harney St. (Id jyitt ,., ,,,.. : .T. 600 BUSINESS cards. $1; lO.OrtO printed en- velones. aoori aloclt for S10" other work at same rates. Get eptlmntes nnd see our samples of work. Call at room 32 U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. or 'phone Doug las 4508. (5) 961 Jylti Plsmblsg and Healing. T. F. BALFE, plumbing, gas and electrle fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (5)-M7u6 JullO LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. us n. lum ot. ll. ixiugiaa mi.. (dj-305 Je28 Photographers. B. TRUSSELL, 116 South 16th 8L (5)-137 French artistic photographs. 210 8. 14th St. afea, khnttera. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a spe cialty of fira aacapes. abutters, uoors and aatca. O. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. loth St. ()-140 hoe Kepalrlag. RAPID SHOE REPAIR work. 1418V4 Capitol Ave. CO., rlrst-class 'Phone Red 994 (5)-244 School Buppllea. OMAHA School Supply Co., 11 Howard. (5-M98Jyl7 Tallorlac MORRIS Chicago Practical Tailor for ladles' and gent's new work: repairing, cleaning and dv'r.g. Called fot and ds Uvered. 7ot) a. 37th St. Tel Red 6016. (5)-844 Vlolla Malctaar. ARTISTIC violin making, repairing and supplies, by C. L. Heskett, r. 47 Kain Blk. (5)-574 Jyl2 Wall Paper Cleaalaar. WORK guaranteed. Call Douglas 6339. (5) 142 DON'T fall to call on ma at DougUs 171. (6) 143 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAMA BUDDHA. The Leading Palmiat of Omaha Brvelsilons of past and future described. Parlors 113 B. 16th St.. Opp. Boston Etor. 116) 1JI WHEN you wrlto to advertisers, remember It takes out a few scratches of the oaa to auiie that you aaw taa ad. la To ttsa. That You Can direct to The Dee. Douglas 235, and pay HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trmaee. GIRLS WANTED Burgess pany, 1024 Farnam tit. Shirt (T)- Com--147 WANTED HAND IRONER8. AT ONCE. KIMBALL LAUNDRY, liil JACKSON BT. (7)-MS74 WANTED Machine girls. Laundry, 211 S. 11th St. City steam (71 14S Honerkeplna; and Domestic. WANTED In Juiy, woo cook; two In fiiinlly; permanent place and good wages. 102 S. 3ltli. Tel. Harney 113S. (7) MJK4 HOUSEKEEPER for farm bachelor; no objection to children. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. (7) 149 WANTED Cook and dishwasher, loel Park Ave. (7) M978 30 WANTED Girl to do second work and assist with children. 8216 Burt St. (7) 433 28 OIRTi wanted for general housework. 2903 pierce Bt.; small family, good wages. (7)-6)5a 30 CHAMBERMAID and pantry woman wanted for Wyoming; free transportation. Call at "15 So. th St. (7) M692 Jylx WANTED Competent girl for general housework, three In family, $6.00. 9M Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 2653. (7)-700 Jyl WANTED Good lady cook, $40.00. Phoenix Hotel. Sanborn. Iowa. (7) M9H4 FIA'E girls for pressing, good wages, steady work. i907 Leavenworth St. (7)-872 2 WANTED Girl for general housework. Two In family. Best wages. Mrs. Anna V. Melcalf, 1234 8. 10th. (7) 871 28 WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework; small family; no washing. Apply 21m2 Douglas St. Telephone Doug las t93. (7) 992 Jyl Miscellaneous. 2 stenographers, wholesale, $60. $65. Bookkeeper. $ii0. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $00, and manv otners. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN., INC., 721-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7I-M114 29 WANTED Three waitresses; must be able to do arm work; H6 per month, room and board. Apply P. O. Box l.'. Butte, Mont. (7) M997 30 STUDENTS, any school, deslnng employ, ment, register McCartney Institute, 1802 Farnam. (7) M628 WANTED Lady to demonstrate the Man love hair grower; liberal saliiry to right party. Dr. Minerva James, 2024 Daven port. Tel. Douglas 6G.S6. (7S-M932 LADIES and gills to work steady or part time at home stamping transfers, $1.60 to $2.00 dozen. Room 606 Paxton Block. (7)-M967 SOX HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Bollcltora and Salesmen. AGENTS wanted to drive through ths country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big firoflt for you. Write todav for partleu ars and territory. E. R. McClellan, 60 Bee Bidg., Omaha, Neb. () 834 WANTED Man to hire and manage a crew of solicitors; prufer one who has had ex perience in selling to farmers; permanent position; good Income. Address O 847, Bee office. (() 310 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those' who have had experience selling views, por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (9J-338 WANTED A solicitor and collector; salary will bo raid to competent man after tho flrBt month. Union Loan and Investment Co., 310 Bee Bldg (9)-267 July 21 Boys, WANTED At once several smart, Intelli gent boys, not under 15, to run cash. See Mr. Culver, Main Floor, The Bennett Company. (9) M113Jyl Factory and Trade. GET OUT OF THE WET! Jobs won't be so easy to get next year. We can use umj mui-liiniMs. Highest wages; tteudy employment guaran tors. Transportation advanced to machinists hav- li.g tirst-class reler.nces. We pobltlvely make no charge in any way, maimer, slfapo or form for securing Jobs for machinists. for machinists. Address with references, The Xutlnnal Metal Trades Association, Cincinnati, Ohio. (!)) Mflltf JySx POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Kulest. 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. (9). 160 WASTED- Watchmaker; give age, ex perience and salur) wanted. Address A 621. Bee. (9) 916 28 WANTED 15 molders, house and railroad work; steady employment. Berry Foun dry. St. Joseph, Mo. (9) M964 20 ! PRINTER Wanted at once to lake choree ! of country otlice. Will pay good salary to i the r,Kllt party, T,,e Hlalto Vullev News, t,-,j x-w .... ' .1 INSEA M ER. n'TTTR and other help wanted. Regent Shoe Mfg. Co., Lincoln, Neb. (9) M9io 90 MEN and Voys wanted to learn plumbing or bricklaying trades; pays $5 to $x day; position secured after threu nion'ns In struction. Coyne School, St. Louis. Mi. F:ee catalogue. (9) M376 WANTED 4 moulders. 2 core makers; union wases; open shop; wil' slun con tract for one yesr. Km & On. 1739 RlaW 6t.. lienvcr, Colo. (9) M917 FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, $12 a week; 60 per cent over $20. T. J. Satterlee, Boone, la. (9) M726 Jy 2x WANTED Barber, Immediately; must be a No. 1 workman; no boozer and a man that will stick. Pay, $13 and one-half over $'1. 'Phone at once. Fred T. Phillips. LeMara, la. (9) M918 Jy3x WANTEI Car carpenter. Rip track men. Truckmen. No trouble. New shop Just starting operations. Apply by letter to the Crawford Locomotive and Car Works, Streator, 111. t9) M996 Jv5 XI lacellaneoaa 25 MEN for warehouse work at Webster Street Freight Depot. II. 8. Juynes, Agt. (9)-M974 Jylx WANTED School teai liers snd students to travel during vacation months; work n rdsant and profitable. Addresj H 207, Bee office. (kl-Mil WANTED Energetic young mm with lit tle mnr.ey to manege brsnch ofhee In east em Nebraska. Excellent opening for right man wanting permanent, paying busln-ss. Address Mi Observatory Bldi;., Des Moines, la, (9)-MMilJyix ( STRIKE Ptryker. Men's Shoes. TI2 South 16th. Board of Trade Bldg. (9) MiMo WANTED Two lunch counter men for Wyoming; free transportation. Call 715 So. 8th Bt. (9) Mtfiljylx WANTED SOI 'ND YOUNG MEN, aged 1$ to 5, for firemen and braketneu on lead ing railroads; enperlence unnecessary. Firemen earn $10u "U per month, become engineers, earn, $2jC0u: brakenian earn $75 uO, become conductors, cam $15n.mj. Call or writs at once for particular. Na tional Railway Training A-s'n . 620 X, Paxton Block. Omaha. Neb (9)'-k9 -Iy5 WANTEr-At once, bright young man, r-'gh school graduate preferred, to learn fine arts buslnrxs, picture framing, etc.; must furnish reference. 8ee Mr. Harry Chaim. 2d floor. The Bennett Company. ANYONE out of work can maka big money selling our household specialties C F. Adams Co.. ltU lioward. t M761 J7I I snVaHBXKSK. me B I:- Telephone the answers. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous Ceo tinned. MEN WANTED POR THE UNITED States navy. Self respecting young Americans are needed to make the United States navy the best for Its size In the world. The lazy and trifling and weak need not apply. We want the gun pointers of steady nerves, who can make their shots count, gun crews that can tire the sixty ton gun three times per minute or the elg'it ton gun ten or twelve times per miuutt; we want the machinists, foremen, electri cians, blacksmiths, clerks, hospital appren tices, cooks, bundsmen necessary to keeo our battle ships and their crews of MM men In the finest possible condition. The mtvy's chief ohiect Is to prevent war, but If We have war we will need our best men In the fleet to match the men of other na tions. We must have trained Americans of abllty and stout In iirts behind the gun and at the throttle. Four to live months at training stations. Modern ships nnd methods of training. All recruits now transferred to Norfolk, Va. Write or apply to Navy Recruiting Stations, postotllce building, Omaha, Lincoln. Hastings, Sioux City and Newa Arcade, Des Molm-s. (9)-400 30 WANTED Man wltl sorne experience In traveling capable of earning high salary; bond required. Address, with stamp and references, 8 517 care Bee. (9) 947 A CASETAKER wanted to represent our sanitarium. Lock Box 277, Kansas City, Kas.; reference given and expected. (9 M641 30x WANTED Two tablo waiters at once; $23 per month, board and room. Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant- Box 1;3, Red Cloud. Neb. (9)-M130 30x WANTED At once, five cement finisher?, capable of handling a crew. Address or call on P. F. Connelly, 127 W. 9th St.. Sioux Fulls. S. D. (9-"97 WANTED Three reliable men for work by real estate company, Incorporated In Iowa and Nebraska; experience unneces sary, but references and small cash de posit required; exceptional opportunity for right kind of men. Apply early. :!5 Ramge Blk., Omaha. (9) 92S STUDENTS, any school, desiring employ ment, register McCartney Institute. 1802 Farnam. (9) M627 WANTED An experienced, competent man to set up furniture. Apply Peoples store, ICth and Farnam. (9) 8S4 WANTED Experienced collector. Call at Palace Clothing Co., 14th and Dnuglus. (ill 87 WANTED A good, steady, strong, sober. slnKle, middle-aged man of good habits and discipline, to attend to an Invalid, drive single horse nnd do light porter work about house during spare hours. A pood home to right party. Inquire from !i:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. in. at No. M South 20th street. (9)-MW5 lx WANTED Gentleman as marker and sorter in laundry. Apply Garrett Laun dry, 1164 N. 16th St. 0I-M2 29 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at greatly reduced prices. Johnson 6c Dan forth Co., 8. W. cor. loth and Jones Sts. (11) 151 RUBBER tired road wagon. W. A. Stone, 803 Lincoln Ave. Council B'.uffs. (10) M103 TWO good, toppy driving horses; also sin gle and double harness, runubouts, top but-'gies and surrlcs, for one or two horses, good as new. Harney Street Stable. GD-154 FOR pony buggies, runabouts, traps, carts and harness see Johnson-Danforth Co., S. W. corner 10th and Jones Sts. (1D-301 HARNESS, Saddles, Trunks, traveling bags; some good barnains. Alfred Cor nish & Co., 1210 Farnam St. (1D-M537 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A DELIV ERY WAGON CHEAP The Mlllburn Wagon Co. of Toledo offers for sale eleven wagons were shipped to tills locullty for samples, and rutlier ' than go to the expense of shipning back to Toledo. WILL BULL THEM AT COST. Thi'fce wnjtoiis are in tlrst -class condition, are brand new and are KUarante.d to b ' ' ,. ' ,,i 1'' J . ,i V , ' f" r,,M' Ub ' 1 i ff and have made the PRICE j 'h''m 1"lrU'' ,h,.y ' a" hl ''") i Simpson U Son Co. s 'Repository. 1 llrst-i liifs in every particular. We will sell ik.) quick to iiiovn at A. J. 1407 Dodgo St.. Omaha. Come early, as tin y will go quick at the price that has been put on them. All prices marked in plain figures. THli MILHURX WAGOX CO., Toledo, Ohio. W. P. RIDEOUT, Representative. (ID M108 HORSES bought and sold; lively i. n I bcarling a specialty. Myers' Douglas Ft. stables. Fred Myers, proprietor, 1111 Douglas bt. Tel. D. lVSi. (11) 730 Jy2 WE are not selling out at cost, but we are selling driving w axons, bimgies. e.irnej und stanhopes clieaper than any oilier firm west of Chicago. Holmes-AdklnJ Co., 714 B. 10th St.. Omaha. (M 6:3 ONE fancy bay driver, pacer and very speedy, weighing l.liO lbs.; one pood black pacing mare, wclRlilntf 1,'50 lbs.; one span good buy 6-year-old driving inures; one span brown pains, 6 years old; one 6-yenr-ohi iron pray sing!" driver, verv geiitln und torpy; one good 1.17.1-lh. chest nut sorrel SLiirey hoi si-. Tlu-so horses are all good, sound, well bioke horses ranging in prli s from $o to $!60 i nch. Also have several good low-prici d drivers ranging from $lo to $75. Written guar antee with evciy hotse. Cash or time. Omaha Horse and Supply Co.. rear 414 No. liiih St. (11) MCt3 FOR SALE Yearling Jack snd Sphinx mare, bred to tiregory the" Ureal. Box 1377, Le Mara, Iowa. (11) M224 Jy6x FOR SALE Good cheap 'Phone Douglan KI'S. work horse. (11) 6,'i3 2fix HAVING bought an automobile, will sell my new physician's driving outlit at a sacrifice. Dr. Morsman. till. N. Y. Life. (ID 99 Jylx Poultry ana Cgi. WHEAT. $1 .65 hundred. Wagner. VI N 16th. (ID M7CS GOV'T book Omaha. free. Model Squab Co , (U)-M4u; Jyl I PI'RE blood Rhode Island R-d rocks, $2 00 each, If taken at once. .Martin, 2802 Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney Imi, (11) Mi-91 BI1 mongrel hens unprofitable In city; get white leghorns, beavlest layers; li. r- at a bargain. Lundstroin, 2itli und Caldwell (11) JIM Jy lx Coma, Ulrds, Dogs and Pets. WHITE pit bull terrier. 9 months old; good pedigree. Hamilton. Pl.itisinouin, I Neb. (11) Mle'i4jy 4x ' FIENCH toy nlk poodle piifiples: perfect beauties. 1M8 Dodge St. (Ill M.MH 2!ix LOST AND FOUND FOUND J. Hanson, the upholsterer and furniture repairer. 1512 N. 24th. Phon Webster 33;. (12i M5h3 Jy22 LOST Tuesday morning, ab-iut 3 miles west of Omaha, on Centt-r street road, poelretl.ook cnntaiiilnK l.-welry und small 1 liaiiK'-. Itewutd of $;uii. New Home Bakery. 24th and Luke. (l.- M:; Si x LfST Gold veil pin with initial L. M. C, on Farnam between 17lt und 2ith. Re ward. 1710 Faruam 6U (1$ Miu9 Sox LOST-Diamond ring. In Kounlze Place or downtown nctween i.,tn sna imn -nam. Liberal reward for return to 2"l Emmet St. (12 .W 29 L WJT-Wednesday evening, between 3th snd CIili .iko and 23d and fuming, a lady s silver watch with rlblon fob. Return to 2 N. Zki St. and receive goixl reward. (12) M9 30 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nervs Food I'illn." $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & Mct-onnel! Drug Co., Omaha. 4.13) 154 MRS. GARDELS. private confinement home; babies cared for. 8724 N. 2th St. Tel. Web. 14.0. (13) M922 Jy6x RUPTURE CURED No knife, no reten tion from business. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., over S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. (13) M426 Jyl ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at SS24 N. 21th St.. Omaha. Neb. (12)-M1D0 FREE medical nnd surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th und Dav enport Sis.; spec-ul attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 116','. Calls answered day or nmlit. (13 129 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women. 30 veurs' practice In continetnents. OthVe, 614 N. 16th; residence. 2421 Charles, Omaha, (1.1)-U7 MONEY TO LOAN 8 ALA It i AND CHATTELS. JUNE IS THE MONTH OF ROSE 8. But Is not rosy with all of us. If you ore suffering with the heat In your last winter s clothing and haven't got the price to buy the "coolest In town," don't let that worry you. Call on us and wo will buy them for you. NO OTHER WAY Is as simple or cheap us our way. You get the money the saino day you apply. You get It confidentially. Vou get your payments spread out thin over a whole year if you want It. You gjt a large rebate It you pay up before that time. WE ARE YOUR BANKERS. WE AHE RELIABLE. WE ARE HERE FIFTEEN YEARS. WE HAVE, NO STAIHS TO CLIMB WE ARE ON THE FIRST FLOOR, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. (14)-179 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. advances private money on chattels or sal ery; easy to get; no red tape. You get I money same duy asked for at small oust. Open evenings till T. (14) 1U0 CHATTEL, salary and storage 'receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., HA 4 Farnam St. (14) 162 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half ratss, perfect privacy; immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbuch B!k., 209 8. 15i.ll Bt. (141 lb3 j A VACATION SUGGESTION. I Vacation time Is here. If you need I money to see you through that good t nn; you have promised yourself this summir. come to us. Our special low rales for vs cation money are still In effect; you can get the money quickly, privately and con lldentiully on your saiury, household goods, planus, etc. Low rates; easy terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. 'Phone Doug. 1411. (14I-MSS0 FURNITURE live stock, salary loans. Duff Ureen Loan Co., room 8, Barker 1311c. (141166 MONEY LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLH and others, without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. 14 161 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 13"l Douglaa. Qt) ifi4 ! FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. C23 Paxton Blk. Thone Douglas 746. (14) 161 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 167 DEWEY European Hotel, I3th and Farnam. (1G1S MOST convenient and pleasant location; de sirable rooms. Call before locating. The Pratt, 2(2-213 So. 2Dth bt. Private -x-change Douglas 3138. (15) M5J3 22(0 FARNAM, rooms and board. U5)-673 Jyl2 ! NEWLY furnished rooms, with or without I board; nice locution, iti Wirt St. (15) M! Jy4x LARGE south front room with board; mod ern hou.-e; beautiful lawn; most conven ient location; references. 12.'! So. 2"t!l ave. (15)-Mtfe jy lx D1--5I HAI'.LE room; first class board; pil vate family. 'M S. -.'ill St. (15) M7J0 Jy2x JiOOMS AND BOARD First c1lss accom modations; under new munugement. 714 S. Wth St. ( 1.1) MM 2 Jy3 EXCELLENT, cool furnished rooms with ull modern convi idem table hoard If r.-iiutred. Meals, lfac. "The Boston," 107 South 17th. (11 MM lx Famished Ruotm, NICE newly furnished rooms; walKlng dls. tance. 220 N. 23d St. (li) 914 FOR RENT One large southeast room, elect in.- lifiht u'ul all conveniences. 2iJ S. Slh St Tel. Douglas a37. (15)-C00 NICE ROOMS Good place for young men or man snd wife; also other rooms. 211 N. lfcih. (13) 922 Jylx FURNISHED room for single gentleman In i family of two; house new, modern, references. Address J 6'1, care of Iiee. tl5)-M51S 29 PA K LOR Suitable for permanent couple, nice and cool and very nicely furnished, modern home, nice shady lawn; also llht housekeeping rooms. 2318 Douglas. (lf-MJC!i 29x HOUSEKEEPING 1712 JucllKoll hi. and sleeping rooms. (15) Mi.! 2!;x 12S S. 25TH St., line front room In fine local ity; suituble for one, two or three g. ntle men. (15) -M64I 2x 3 ELEGANT futninhed rooms to good parlies; ull modern. 220 N. 23d. (15-651 ROOMS with brenkfest privileges, modern, walking distance, llti N. 25tli. Gentlemen preferred. ( 12J J 13 FoR RENT Furnished room strictly mod ern. 4711 8. 24th St. (13) 7t Vx PLEASANT south room, private family, new house, wulklng distance; refci en-,-g. Address F 591, cure Bee. (151-993 Jy4x $19 I'ER MONTH A nice clean room for I en! leiuun. 315 N. 20th St. 'Phone Kd I 0 03. (lo 9M 30x I ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. 1IM5 Cap itol Ave. (151- 9-13 Jy27 NICELY St. furnished noms. 5r4 South 2th 11- sl Jylx ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, in new, modern bouse; batti on ev ry floor; all conveniences; wulklng distance. See Frank Suutre, care iluyden Bros 05 M977 FURNISHED rooms, eaBy walking dis tance from down town. 24' Harney St. (15)-M 693 Jylx NEATNF.--S a specialty: nicely furnished roi ni for gentl. iuan In new modern house; walking distaiK-e; small family, adults; lent r HKoiiulile. 315 No. ath St. 'Pin, no Red Clfcl. (15) 17 2x VERY pleasant rooii.s, modern detached hoesi . privai- family, clus. in. very rea, bonuble. 2'.'19 Cacs. Tel. Red ( 16 1 M 734 Jy2 ELEGANTLY furnls! ed itnnn with all I c oiin nl.-iM-ea. 1919 Burt bt. (15) $70 Jy7Sx ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished southeast room, 1 private family; t.aif block from ILina com purk; very d.sirsble nelghtorh ood. Untarnished Ttooms. and R. 26TH AVE--Three rooms; light housekeeping; modern. 1.", M m; Housekeeping Ttoouta, ROOMS, 1120 North 17th Bt. (;r.) lit FOR RENT Tliree-rootn, modern rial. 231$ Douglas, ground floor; rent rcdK..n,ihia. Globe land and Investment Co., ivj Far nam St, (I..) -i;o LARGE furnished front room, with or without linht housekeeping. Corner 24lh and Cuming, over drug store. (!.')- 9io L9x 2 FRONT ROOMS, furnished, on Harney csr line, gas htove; rent $i2 . p, r mo 6JI 8. 32d St. tl;',i- Mio7 Famished Houses and Flats. IN DUNDEE. 10 rooms, all modern and completely fur nlshed. 1 bloc k from cur, for 2 or 3 lu'otitha, $40 per month. REM IS. Phone. Douglas i. Paxton block, (i:.)-M74i FOR RENT -'"3 S. 2.1th Ave.. 7 ro.c s, strictly tnodiTti, alino."t new. nicely furnished, im ludlng platnv M ill . u.--.( for tlirce months 1 -ginning July 1. Ooni referitice required. UeOIge A Co. 1 V1 Farnam St. (13) .vs2 30 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE lll RENT. I have a very fine ami hand somely furnished honsn of 10 rooms. In an iittrnctive and convenient district for ront. W. R. METKI.n 205 Ramge Building. Ofd P77 19 5 ROOMS, good location, no children. $20. AddresB I) 041, cure of Rne. (ID) )7U Jy.x llonsrs and Cottages. OMAHA Van & Storage Co. pack move, store II. H. goods; ntorehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. OfTIco ltW) Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15.9. (1W 171 6 ROOMS, modern except furnace. K.KI 3. 21st. Tel. Harney 27oi. tlfti Mill TiniTSFS! ln a" parts of tbo city. The UUUOIiOy p. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. (1W-178 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1C2B. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Jo 1311-1313 Farnam. (16)-174 TirnKVS ,n 8,1 Parts of the city. R. UUUOLO c Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. (lu) 172 HOUSEHOLD goods packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates. Moving nnd storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel Doug las 394. 15) MB02 FOR RENT Three new modern 7-ronm Iioubcs; built of hollow concrete block. THE O. F. DAVIS CO., 508 Bee Bldg. Q5)-M715 30 1519 N. 83D ST. l-room strictly modern, branu new, $35. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. LI fa Bldg. (1)-M97 FOR RENT Lartre store room, ICth and Vinton Sta C. M. Bacbniann, 437 Paxton block. (15) 3C0 WE MOVE PIANOS Maggard Van and Rtorapo Co. Tel. Douglas 1490. Office, 1713 Webster St. (15)-177 CENTRAL, -room corner flat. 220 N. 23d St. (ir.)-M203 FOR RJiNT 9-room modern house. 2210 Seward. Call Red 4558. (15)-M'J73 SO New Brick Houses CLOSE IN We are Just completing some 7-mom tiout-es at 2;th and Dewey Aves., Joining All Saints' church on the west; hot water heat, hardwood finish, splendid laundry rooms and everything tho very best; especially light nnd airy. Considering the neatness, the Inbor-saving conveniences, the saving of fuel In the hot water heaters and tho saving of car far" because of the close ! cation, these are very economical as well as elegant l ouses to live In. Rent, $45 and $47. 50. Three of these are token. Apply at once If Interested. Harrison & Morton 913 N. Y. Life, Tel. D. 314 05 M9M Jy4 WE HAVE a new S-rootn house on car line, complete with combination fixtures, furnace. Will be rented reasonably to a flrst-chiFs tenant. Call at office. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1H1 N. Y. Life Hldg. (15) M9ii3 $0 33d St., new S-riium all mod , near Bemls Park. $3.1. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., luul N. Y. Ufe Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2lf,2. (15)-MW1 30 M9 N. 42d, K-r, mod. barn. $12 30. SiiM Grand Ave.. t-r., f ur.,huth.. $22.50. 33o2 Sherman Ave., 6-r. mod . $:K. I O'lteefe Real Estate Co., luul N. Y. L fa. Thone, Doug. 21.2. (15 M9W 3) 9-rootn. all modern house, 2210 Seward FL Inquire Tel. Red 4'i'A. (15) MLI74 30 FOR RENT 7-roem house, modern, with furnace. 211 N. 2xth Ave.. JT5. Ai'ply at 007 N. 19'h EL C5)-Mj3 FOR R'JNT 8-room, all modern house, $2t. 4.2.' Harney tit. Inquire i:n 8. 17th St. N 115 571 A FINELY furnished, strictly modern 8 room cotiaso for rent. 662 S. 27tl St T-L WebKler 7y4. (15)-Mit2 NINE-POOM bouse wltb barn, modern. HI S. ltith St. Tel. Douglus 7X3. 06)-U9 FLAT, full mojirti. six rooms Ivs-'ii" bath and private hall: newly done up; gas largo, etc.; entire building t' .'i put In perfect oidr; h-i tluU Hi noith part of cltv; walking; distance; reference required. CalL luvestigute this; !. BEM IS, I'uiu.a Block. (15)-Mii4 HOUSE.S, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (151-173 SIX -ROOM house, modern ln every inspect. 2727 Cuming St. (la)-M738 FOR RENT A good ten-room, all modern hoLLhe, choice location, close in, $4 per tiuuiih,. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th. Phone, Douglus 297. (15;-M720 Jy6 2T;0 RUOCLES ST., 6 rooms, brand new, all rntidern, 1 blocks from Dodge tar, only $22.i. J. W. I.a.-ip Co., 435 paxton block. Douglas lf63. lo) 11U2I FOR RENT 6 rooms, modern, except heat; water paid. lSufc No. 2;d Si.; $!h" 1'iiona 1 ' Harney 2700. (If' M '22 Ztc RENT 2214 Webster St., detached house, 7 room.", modern, gas, balh. laundry, cis tern, furnace, grate, lawn, and back shade; J-k'.OU. 9c2 N. 1. Life. (15) M919 30x FOR RENT H-room cottuge, modern ex cept f-.rnacv $.0. Inquire at 2710 Decatur St. or 'Phone Webster 2711. (151-943 FOR BENT-Neat t-room cottage ut S4th and Dewey Ave. -$15 per month. bee Uurvlu Bros., lbih and Furnuin St. 1 15i- 9 Jyl HOUREH FoR RENT. W.s N. 7th Ave., 20 rooms modern, y). It irio y. 9 rooms, modern, i'.'jj. . 4117 liarnf-y, H rooms, modi'm, ? M. 4224 I'oJKliis, 7 rooms, bath. Uu ho. ulth. 6-rooin ctt.-i-e. $!5. 2210 iJingd in Court. 6 room bonne, $15. 2oi9 .Marina St , 3 looms. V...i. GARVIN BRoS, 10", i'Vinam St (15i-.M:'.i7 30 7-r. modern, $J5. B-r. modern, $.'7:10. TERRELL St CO., Room It, Patterson Bldg., 17th ui.d Farnam. (13)-.J1I2 2 nalldlags. THE ent're bulld'nu formerly occupied b the Dally New. feet. $ stoiie an1 Uwmuit. McLagua luvsatoienl rVi., 1S4 iHMlga til, CUi-14 is