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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1907)
TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT ?o-1907. ' 1 MAUD ADAMS IN PETER PAN Puria Flay 6iTtn Btfore Large Audience at tha Boyd. i i 1 CHARMING ACTRESS DELIGHTS HEAREJtS tersest Attendance of Irnoi Tfii Enthusiastic Over Prodoction that I Fart Allegory, Part Comedy and Mara Scenery. Maud Ailatna and company In "Peter Pan, a p. ay 01 live acts, by J. M. Barrle; under direction of Charles Frohman; at tlia Boyd Uieater. The caat: peter Pan Maud Adams Mr. Darling Ernest Lawford Mrs. Darling (irace Henderson Wendy Muira Angela Darling Mildred Morris John Napoleon Darling Waller Robinson Michael Nicholas Darling. .Martha McOraw Nana C'narles 11. Western Wlza Jane Wren . Members Peter Hand: Tootles Dorothy Cheater J'lb Lulu Peck tJHghtly Frederick Bantley Curly Mabel Klpp First Twin Katherlne Kerpell terond Twin Ella Ollroy James Hook, the pirate captain Ernest Lawford Pirates: Fmee Thomaa McOrath fUarkey Wallace Jackson Cecco Paul Tharp Mulllns Thomas Vslnntlne Noodier Frederick Raymond Redskins: Orest Pig LItUe Panther.... Llnvd Cnrleton Tiger Ll!y Margaret Gordon Maud Adama did two things last night that are really notable: She got the aeat holders to the theater In time to see the curtain go up on the first scene, and It went up on time; and she held them after the fall of the last curtain, applauding and calling for a repetition of the beautiful picture. Only those who are familiar with Omaha theater manners can thoroughly ap preciate Just what a tribute to Miss Adams these two simple, things constitute. Tammas Haggart wasna the only humor ist In the Barrle family; the genial James is something of a Jester himself, and we often wonder If he Is really In earnest or merely spoofing, and do not know whether to laugh or to soberly consider what he has set before us. "Peter Pan" It In a ense a projection of another boy of Barrle-s; the lato Thomas Sandys, Esq., tised to lead something of a hand himself through the purlieus of Thrums and Corp and Grizel and Elspeth were escorted through a series of adventures much like those of Peter and Wendy and Jack and Michael and the others. And we knew for the most part Barrle was laughing at us then through the eyes of Sentimental Tommy, and later he poked fun at his British brethren, with a sly warning to his . American cousins In "Little Mary," and now In "Peter Pan" what Is he driving att Dellshtfol, Droll and Mystifying. "Peter Pan" Is not one thing nor another; It Is but part a play and part an allegory, and something of burlesque. But taken as It Is offered It Is a bit of delightful enter i talnment; quaintly humorous, verging here and there on the pathetic, but drawing back In time to save the situation and offering something absurd Immediately the sober I thought seems arrested. As the story of a toy who didn't want to grow up It offers a .realization of the delights he longed for; j wings, and fairies, pirates, Indians, wild 'animals and all sorts of adventures, with Peter ever uppermost, till he Anally shouts In his triumph that he Is the most wonder ful boy that ever lived. But Peter's companions all long for the another they have missed, and Captain Peter himself feels the need of one; even Bmee, the pirate, wanted a mother, and the -reat story of boyhood Is made complete ' In this common touch. It's all very well to How to Get Rid of Fat A Remarkable Discovery That Con lletluce Fat Harmlessly at the I la to of a Pound a Day. A Trial Bos Sent Tree. A quick, harmless reducer of fat has come Into popular use which far eclipses any method or treatment heretofore used. Starvation diets break down the health almost Invariably, as Is commonly wlt nesaed among many former fat folks who have tried to starve their fat away. Dangerous drugs and mineral acids can row be jut on the shelf. You Eat Besfo XJka Ton Would Trait or ' Candy. In their stead,' many physicians are ow prescribing Rengo, which among ther things contains the extracts of koine, tropical fruits, and which has a re tnarkable faculty not only of reducing he fat quickly and In a natural way, ut also makes the nerves strong, dlges Bon vigorous and muscles more brawny, f-avlng what once was a weak, blubbery, ' loated victim of fat, a normal, vigorous, iiuncular person. Rengo has the faculty of compelling krvper assimilation, of food and driving iff the surplus abnormal tissue present. Thus, no tiresome exercises are neces tary and there is no Interference wltU IJnVs dally labors. . Rengo la very pleasant to take, and It si chewed like candy. It attacks abnor kial tissue with unerring accuracy, and fount a gradual, harmless but effective reduction In weight, and without leaving wrinkles which are nearly always present after taking drugs and other dangerous materials commonly called "anti-fats." There is only one company in the Unit ed States making this remedy and that Is the Rengo Company at Detroit. Mich. For some time they have made It a prac tice of sending out trial boxes of this re markable treatment to anyone who sends them their name and address. We recommend that any one suffering from excess fat, prove to his or her own satisfaction what this powerful product can do, and Just send for a box on trial, i Address The Rengo Co. rra Rango Coupon Rengo Company, 1657 Ret go Bldg., Detroit Mich. Bend me st once a free trial packivo of Rengo, the fat -reducer In - plain wrapper, with, proofs, etc I ' - v w a if mm range far and high, but when evening comes and sport begins to weary. It's nice to have a kind, loving mother to come home to. If the production have another moral. It la not easily discerned. As far as the boys locally are concerned, Nebraska's re cent legislature has ordained that their boyhood shall Inst until the age of It Is attained; by that time they will be well past the Peter Pan age, and It la likely that they will then see the necessity of at last growing up. The humor of the play Is Barrio's, gentle and kindly at all times, laughing and occasionally rollicking, but never acrid. Mnnd Adams as a Roy Miss Adams Is a charming boy; for many months she has been the target for more adulation than many stars receive In a lifetime. Her .Peter Pan has almost at tained the station of a national Institution, and has been praised even beyond her Lady Babble. Her picture of the boy who ran away from his mother and Joined the Lost Boys because he did not want to rrow up Is a very taking one, with Just a note of pathos In It; especially his renunciation of Wendy, because to go with her entailed getting old; he could feel his newer nature stirring within him, the Impulse to mate crowding the Impulse for mother, and yet he went to his home In the tree tops In order to escape the Inevitable. His Joypus crow and his unaffected self-exaltatlon were part of a natural boy. In fact,- Miss Adams merely gives us a boy, a trifle ab normal, maybe but all of Barrie s boys are abnormal one that we can love, and does It with the same unaffected devotion to the details of her art that has made her unapproachable In certain ways. Production Wonderfully Effective. The whole production Is good. , It Is won derfully staged, offering the very acme of realism In some of its pictures; the com pany enters with seal and understanding on the interpretation of " the . author's thought and all the wonders of the story as told later by . Wendy, are set forth In detail and exactitude, to the Intense delight of all. Belief In fairies Is asseverated by the audience in ample season and with suf ficient energy to save Tinker Bell's life from the effect of Hook's poison, and Peter single handed and alone tosses Smee over the side of the ship and later dispatches Hook at the end of a desperate conflict and flings him to the waiting crocodile. Even little Michael vanquishes a pirate bigger than his papa, and the most Imaginative youngster would have to think long and hard to Invent some feat these did not achieve. And . the final scene, Peter standing In the doorway of his little home In the tree-trip, waving fare well to the audience, while all about him are the fairies, flitting hither and yon, or lighting up their homes. Is one that fairly deserves to be called beautiful. Children Enjoy the Show. It was a gathering of children that filled the Boyd theater last night as It has not been filled before this season; some of them bore on their heads the snow cf more than seventy winters, and others had but lately begun to tread the way of life; but all enjoyed the tale of "Peter Pan," and the enthuBlastlo endorsement of Its progress found vent at the close of each act, to swell into a genuine ovation at the van quishing of Hook and his piratical crew. It was kept up until Miss Adams declined to respond further. Her pleasure was plainly apparent In her face, but the show had to go on. FEDERAL COURTJN THE FALL Important Term Will Be Held In Omalia Fourth Monday In September. United Statea Marshal Warner and Dep uty Marshal Nlckerson returned Saturday morning from Lincoln, where they have been assisting In the Lincoln term of the federal courts. The court adjourned for the term late Friday night. The next term of the federal .courts for the Lincoln district will be held the fourth Monday In October. An Important term of the federal courts will convene In Omaha the fourth Monday In September, when a grand Jury will bo summoned to take cognizance of such coses as have originated In the northern Nebraska district since February 27. Grand Jnrte will be empanelled only - at . Omaha and Lincoln.' Short terms of the federal courts win be held at Chodron the second Monday In September and at Norfolk the third Mon day In September. Several of the . minor civil land cases wfll be tried during these terms at Chadron and Norfolk on account of these cities twlny nearer the scene of the alleged offenses. Owing to the lack of funds available for Jury purposes, the appropriation for the current year being exhausted, there will not be any more Jury trials at Omaha until the new appropriation la available after July 1. This will necessitate the delay of Jury trials at Omaha In the federal courts until the September term. American Drtnklna Habits. "There was a time, especially In the southwest, when the whisky decanter had a prominent place on every sideboard not so nowl Instead, bottled beer Is rtnred lit the refrigerators of many residences." ' This remark was made recently by an official of the Internal Revenue Bureau In speaking of the large Increase In the use of bottled beer. Times have changed Indeed. Within the memory of many a man now living, po farmer, however moral or religious, thought of sending a harvesting crew into the fields without a Jug of whisky; and, even on the sideboards of the clergy one could usually find a nip of Rye or Bourbon. Now it Is all different; although prohibi tion agitators still hold forth In futile ef fort, as theJk did In the days of Hero dotus and Tacitus, tha real temperance movement Is going along quite Indepen dently of them. The truth Is that In the stress and strain of. modern life, the human system, while greatly benefited by the moderate use of mildly stimulating beverages, cannot cope with the evil effects of strong drink as It could In the days when men were more rugged and had more leisure. This Is, no doubt, one of the main causes of the substitution of bottled beers for stronger drinks, and with ths advent of Luxus, the new, light beer brewed and bot tled In Omaha by the Fred Krug Brewing Company, "Exponents of the Fine Art of brewing," it appepars that at last we havs an Ideal drink for the home. Luxus Is pure In a sense beyond the comprehension or understanding of ths average brewer; and, being a light, clear beer. It may be Indulged In quite freely without the slightest adverse effects. Luxus is gently stimulating, Inducing a healthy activity of all functions of the body and Is greatly appreciated by Nature as an assistant In restoring energy, quick ening the Jaded spirits, quieting tired nerves and bringing about a delightful sense of physical harmony and good cheer. oath Dakota Banks Consolidate. HURON, S. D, May IS. (Special.) Negotiations have been consummated whereby ths Standard Savings-bank, one of Huron's oldest financial Institutions, Is merged with ths Bank of Huron, a new corporation, to begin business hers June 1. It Is proposed to increase ths capital stock to $60,000 and eventually to moke the new institution s national bank. pee want ads produce results AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Cammisiion Van and Packers Lock Horns 0ar Wha Eh all Stand Inspection Lees?, SHIPPERS ADVISED TO HOLD OFF STOCK Packers Want to Pay After Inspec tion of Carcaa, Which Wonld Throw Losses for Rejected Stock on Shipper. Following the report from other packing centers to the effect that the packers have Insisted on the rule that no stock be paid for until the animals have passed the final post mortem Inspection, the Indications are that the same matter will precipitate a warm fight here. The commission men, like those of Sioux City and Kansas City, have refused to sell under the now condi tions and have advised customers not to ehip cows and heifers until the matter could be adjusted. Formerly as soon as an animal was weighed out to a Arm and not separated as "subject to Inspection," the stock had to be thus received and paid for by the packer. The packers complain that too much stock Is condemned and the new rule Is the same as If all stock were sold -subject to Inspection. This will put the losses all on the shipper, for If an animal falls to pass the Inspector the price will be nominal. Justice Tempered with Mercy. The police court was busy with a number of cases yesterday, In which the Judge mingled far more commlserntlon and mercy than strict Justice. The first case was that of Peter and Katie Ruane, husband and wife. She charged him with abandonment and nonsupport. She declared that ha had only given her $5 since last September and had not made any effort to please her. She was a thin little creature. Illy adapted to a life of struggle. Neither did she have the Independence that a woman thus alone should have. The man, however, lookrtl the part Indicated In her charges. The men sulked before the court and hinted at dark things In the life of his wife. The Judge bound htm over to the district court, and then the courage of the woman failed her and she begged piteously that he might be released. She wanted the court to give him another chance. The Judge was con siderably exasperated at this change in what he thought a highly merited prosecu tion, but the woman said she would not appear before the higher tribunal to testify against her husband on a criminal charge. As a compromise the Jndge placed Ruane under (200 bonds to support his wife and to protect her. The woman spent all day fixing up the bond that her husband might be released from custody. Another case was that of John Nemes, a Hungarian Jew, employed at the Omaha packing plant. He was arrested for al leged forgery. It was said that he forged the name of Adolph Fried, proprietor of the Roosevelt hotel, on a check at the Packers National bank. When .the case came to trial the prosecution weakened. They were both of the same nationality. Nemes paid back the money secured by the check and then the prosecution refused to testify against the man. He was al lowed his liberty on paying the court costs. He has a wife In Hungary and has sent her over $100 in the last few months. It was partly on her account that he escaped punishment on a felony charge. The third case was the trial of W, E Bell and William Sawyer for displaying a gun and threatening to shoot the Inmates of one of the houses of all nations on lower N street All the parties were col ored and the case had all the usual fea tures of a rough house among the Afri cans. The two men were preparing to leave the city, they said, but got Into an altercation with Eva Still, the landlady. This passage of arms consisted of throw ing crockery at each other's head. Bach side made free with the soup bowls and other utensils. Finally tha woman re sorted to a chair as a weapon more nearly In order of progression, and the two men drew guns and threatened to perforate the anatomy of a half dozen women who were more or less Interested In the "high Jinks." Someone warned the police and the men were taken up and fined Bell $2 and Saw yer $10. They promised to leave town at once and the Judge for this reason re frained from his original Intention of giv ing them the limit Senior Fair and Art Bxhlblt. Everything Is now In readiness for the welcome to a large crowd at the fair and art exhibit to be given by the class of '07 thia evening at tho high cchcol, and tho booths are all In readiness. Rooms have been set aside for the visitors' wraps. The art exhibit consists of reproductions of famous masterpieces which will be found adorning the walls of the building. The exhibit comes from the Horace K. Turner Company of Boston. On the second floor will be found the show prepared by the "stunt" committee. Here, too, will be the peanut booth, the Ice cream and cake parlor anda candy stand. In the south wing punch and wafers will be served. On the way to the third floor the visitor passes another candy booth and also a fortune-teller's tent, where the past pres ent and future will be revealed. In the ssombly room on the top floor will be found the stereoptlcon and klnodrome. At" 9 o'clock the following program will be given free In the auditorium: Instrumental solo, Marlgall Ren wick; reading, Edith Bach elder; vocal solo, Aida Mead; violin solo, Hiram Scovllle; reading, Catherine Row- Uey; vocal solo, Miss Myrtle Keefer; In strumental soio, Alice Davis. Sunday Services. Most of the South Omaha churches will hold special S3r vices of a patriotic nature In commemoration of the patriot dead. Rev. Father White of Council Bluffs will speak at 11 a. m. at St. Mary's church. The annual memorial service will occupy the morning hour at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Wheeler's address will be "Beauty for Ashes." Patriotic music will be .rendered. The evening service will be evangelical. The evening service at Leffler'a Memorial church will be of special nature In cele bration of the day. The morning service will be under the direction of the Young Men's Christian association. Mrs. Copper of the Woman's Auxiliary will speak. The theme of the morning service at the Lutheran church will be from the story of "The Rich Man and Lazarus." There will be a congregational meeting after the services. ' "The Mind of Christ" will be the theme of Rev. George Van Winkle at the Baptist church Sunday morning. The evening serv ice will be evangelical. The sacrament of the Lord's supper and the reception of members will be the order at the First Methodist church Sunday morning. In the evening Rev. William Qorst, presiding elder, will conduct the services. There will be no services at the United Presbyterian church. The Lutheran Frledenagemetnde of South Omaha will have services In the Swedish Lutheran church. Twenty-third and K streets, Sunday afternoon at 1:9). Services conducted bRev. William Engelke. T. M. C. A. Rotes. During the time of ths building move ment wbioh will begin June 1, Mr. TaJboe, the association barber, will locate In BoJle vue. Finch IM still wrestling with ths base baU with any sale of $3.50 a high grade CARVING SET BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 27TH we inaugurate the greatest FREE GIFT distribution ever attempted in the west. We give you absolutely free a valuable present with every purchase that has double the value of any trading stamp ever issued. GIVEN ON ALL CREDIT AS WELL AS GASH PURCHASES MOST LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS TO ALL 3, RQQ PulS complete" $69.75 1 4 ROOSSS" $89.50 aH03ii Small Payments XrMh&K TtU! Beo Ad. and 190 We stop all payments when sickness or acci- IPiffeilO T dent ov"'ak" you' or when out ot empIoymen'-&M-MBB ttJSSt&JFX Liberal Credit, Best Terms ' .aESS out this ad. n FREE with each $20.00 or Vt-.-A-.V:- "IV' ! FREE With Any Purchaa of S7.60 A FINE DECORATED WASH BOWL AND PITCHER to ft. SANITARY COUCH And bed combined, solid stool rnn structlon, folds compactly, double Bteel coil spring supports. F.egular pn. alb price $7.o0 on sale gr Of; ' weeK f . w FREE With Any $15.00 Purchase .3 A PAIR OP FINE LACE CURTAINS YOU Get Ths Valuable FREE GIFTS At Tim of Purchase WoTfsl situation bugbear. A game for June 8 ta his present The Lelnads defeated one of the boy teams of the city last Wednesday. Tlie score was $ to 0. The auxiliary "War of the Roses" Is being waged. All over the city the rivalry Is In evidence and both sides are enthusi astic and earnest, lioth sides are also sure of the Victory. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr. Van Winklo will speak to the boys at 8 o'clock. This meeting is under the auspices of the LflnadB. but they Invite all the boys of South Omaha to unite In this Sunday meeting with them. The program at the men's regular 4 o'clock meeting will be In the form of a sacred concert. This con cert will be given by the E-A-L-M Ladles' quartet. The program as prepared Is s varied and excellent one. R. C. Walker will have charge of U'O devotional exer cises and the usual scripture quls will be participated In by the men of (he audience. There will be a rousing song service. All men Invited. Male C llr OoaHlp. Samuel McDowell Is spending a short va cation at Kxct-lslor Springs. Del Green and "Dock" Warner have re turned from r.xcelsior Springs- Chapter M, P. E. O. society, will meet with Mrs. J. B. Watklns June 1. Irvln Howe and wife, rw-e Miss Iona Mc-Candli-ss, have returned from Lincoln. A. H. Murdock has returned from his western trip. Ho vlmted the Pacific coast. Mrs. Prank Bmttii, who has been very seriously 111 for some time pant, la recover ing. Yesterday was puy day for the South Omaha teachers. The roll amounted to atut $.s.u. W. J. Mcllurncy has sufficiently recovered from a recent severe attack of Ulneaa to be on the street. James O. Garrett and Mary H. Tempest, both of this city, were married yesterday by Judge P. C. Caldwell. Ths following births -ware reported yes terday: Myer Lipujky, la North Twenty sixth street, a boy; Bert Mulllns, 19V North Tliirty-nxth street, a boy; Oeorgs iVffl, KM North Nineteenth street, a slrU '3 ki BflKiEY mwm AT THE OMAHA CLOTHING AND FURNITURE CO., 1310-1318 FARNAM STREET EXAQTLY AS purchase of more a fine ROCKER TABLE 6-foot Ex tension pedestal. piano pol ished quartered oak top, masalve pedes al, beautifully car vpd claw feet. Our $23.50 table, Mon day and Tuesday 16.50 DINNER of fine porcelain China, consisting ot 100 PIECES Beautiful floral deco rated design, gold trimmed edges. Biggest bargain ever offered in Omaha M wmmm 9.95 GO-CART Solid reed body, back and loot board, all steel run ning gears, sateen para sol, rubber tires, ball bearing, upholstered cush ion, worth $10.00, on ale Monday H i I si l H s 6.95 DAVENPORT And combination bed, quartered oak frnmes upholstered In finest Chase Leather, has largo wururuue, rKuiar on sale Monday FREE With Each $12.S0 Purchase a H tndsoice CENTRAL DRAFT BURNER 1ft MP DRESSER Solid oak construction divided top drawers, extra large french plate mirror. French turned legs. Recrular price i $13.50 on sale all 9.75 GO - CART iLIke cut) Rteel running gears rubber tires, perforated wood back, worth $3.00 1.95 on sale BRIEF CITY NEWS. Box Oar TUtf-W. H. Wilson war bound over to the district court by Judge Crawford Saturday morning on the chargd of breaking Into a Burlington boxcar and stealing a quantity of shoes. Bond waaf ei at touu, Maglo City Barrel Company The Magic City Barrel company of South Omaha has filed articles of , Incorporation with the county clerk. Charles U Fay, James JL Qlynn and Henry A. Hodder are ths In corporators. The authorized capital . Is $,0u0. Ths business of the corporation will be the manufacturing and sals of barrels. atathleson Gets Wrong Bat License Clerk Mathleaon Is anxious to meet that banquoter at ths Equal Rights club enter tainment who failed to claim his own hat at tha end of the feast. Mr. Mathieson has a new hat, a little too large In cir cumference of crown, a little too narrow as to brim, which he will exchange for the head covering he wore to ths feast. Hsw Ash-bonss Ordinance Tha new ash-house ordinance has been completed and will be presented to the council at the next session. It provides for a fine of $5 to $60 tor persons violating the terms, which are to maintain a Are-proof can or brick receptacle on all lots In the city. An additional penalty of $2 is provided for every day In which violators fall to remove ashes after being notified by the proper authorities. Mrs Street Car Balls "The Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Street Hallway company has begun work on soma extensive Improve oients on the line at tha east and of the Douglas street bridge. Additional right-of-way has bean bought on each side of ths track and from this dirt will be moved to make ths approach to ths bridge of solid earth Instead of ths structure which now stands. It 1 estimated that about $160,000 will bs expended en this work, which will Asa ADVERTISED FREE with each $10 purchase a hand some pair of panel IRON BED This beautifully designed Bed has extra massive chilled posts and rails, heavy baked enamel finish. Our $8.60 Bed, on sale Mon day and Tuesday 5.95 SIDE BOARD Solid oak, unique design, swell front, top drawers, large bevel French platf mirror. Velvet lined silver chest. Our $15.00 side-board, Monday and Tues day 11.50 f easily operated, best coll price I3D.00 26.75 CHINA CABINET With four adjustable Shelves, quartered oak frameB, bent gloss ends. Our beat $18.00 cabinet, on rale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday week iD;-'II pllllgl with any parous of SO ws slvs band- UkUil 1 mi: .' 'I 4. -.s -r- also Include the sandblasting and painting (Df the steel work on the bridge. The floor structure will also be rebuilt. Bosh Does to Colorado Assistant At torney General 8. It. Hush has gone to .Colorado to assist In the coal land lnvestl- LTRtinna now riklni, K..r... u i o " ' o . i uciuiu ilia ivuuihi Lrand Jury there. He will return to Omaha 'early next wek to be present, at the hear ing on the motion for a new" trial In the Huntington, Hoj t and Todd land case. The motion for a new trlul will be filed on June 1, but It Is not probable that the arguments will be undertaken until the week following. John S. JCnos galls Home John K. Knox, a former cltlsen of Uuialia, hue sold his apartment house on Fifty-filth boulevard In Chicago for fc.u00 to William Potter of Lafayette, Ind. Mr. Knox now residua at St. Louis and was formerly a member of the Payne-Knox company, which was re organized about three years ago Into the Payne Investment company when Mr. Knox retired. He was the owner of considerable real estate In Omaha and has extcnuive Investments In St. Loots and Chicago. Traction Engines on Bead Work George W. Craig & Co., who has the contract for paving the Fort Calhoun road north of Florence, will use traction enalnes Instead of teams to haul the stone from the rail road at Florence to the point along the road where It will be used. They have secured an engine which will be able, they believe, to haul from eight to ten, wagons at once. The . reason for the chanKe to steam power la the scarcity o( teams. Work on the Fort Calhoun road will begin Tuealay. Bod of Frank Worth from Bast The body of the late Frank North Is expecUl to arrive In Omaha 'Sunday morning from Washington with the funeral party, which left that city Friday night. The party will be joined In Omaha by a number ot frlnnds who will aocompany It to Columbus, where ths funeral will take plaoe at $ p. m. Suit dy. Will Beech er and Charles W. Pmu mU. fcsssV4ipniassiniia sWal pwan fB rm rajai IT LuLl2i with any purchase of $5.00 a beautiful FRAMED PICTURE PICTURES (Just llkn rutl Handsome design, han1 rubbed, selcrtod quarter sawed oak, glased1 Klims dnor, tui'i'li plato mirror. Regular price $25.00, on saie 18.50 M 111,1 &j fl BUFFET if COUCH Chnse lenther, full sl2i, quartered oak frames, double st.'el coll springs. Will last a life time, worth $20.00 ou 11 cn sale all week I 4.3U lllll' KITCHEH CABINET 5 iJu3Iij! I rExaetlv like mt 7j Made of hard wood 2 zlno lined flour bins, 2 drawers, bread boards, a large top with a place for every thing at tha sacri fice price 'Of I 9.98 ' s-'i , 4a '11. t"i".S. ,tf. 13.75 ip-'n 49-PIECE sV.d.?r! DINNER SET FREE With Any $33 Pur chase a Beautiful Solid Oak CENTER TABLE of Omaha will go to Columbus to act as pallbearers, both being old friends and schoolmates of Mr. North. Will bf Pater Blrkhanser The will of the lata Peter lilrkhauser was admitted to probate by County Judgo Leslie Saturday morning and Mrs. Beatrice Olmstead. his daughter, was appointed executrix. Under tlio terms of a pre-nuptlal agreement mads between Mr. Blrkhauaer and his second wife each renounced, all claims to ths other's property. This agreement was mads In 1V4 JuM before tho marriage and ths will was dated the same day and place. Ail of the property, estimated to be worth, tU.M. goes to Mrs. Olmstead. Team Stock la ths Mad Ths flippant lines of John U. Saxe on Omaha anOJUia Ultllculty of hauling on the streets were " recalled Saturday morning on kwer Doug- 1 las street when a teamster driving a load of sand talked to see a hole In the asphalt. His t.m found It and found It could not get out of It. After some delay another team was secured and four horses brought the load of sand to the street level, wblC those property owners who are working fof new paving started out with renewed vigor' to secure signatures to petitions. Savins; to County Employs County CommlrMoner Solomon Is going after ons of the profitable branches of the warrant brokers' business at the courthouse. Hs has asked tha county attorney to furnish him an opinion as to whether sr not It would be legal for the county to p7 its employes twice Instead of once a month. At present the employes are paid but ones a month, and as a result many of them are forced to sell their claims against ths county at a discount. If they could get their money twice a month Mr. Solomon believe the praotlcs would be broken up, or at least decreased In extent and ths employes would get the full benefit of their salaries Instead of ha. v lug tOjS&td up WUA ths brokers a i ) J