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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1907)
The. Omaha 'Daily -Bee VOL. XXX" 204. OMAIIA, MONDAY MOBXINO, MAY 27, 1907. SINGLE COrY THREE CENTS. f - - i i I ' If ' IRISH BILL IiD! Its I m:r Wai B fcnna"t A ' i ii Hem of Toik -. - '0 PROSPECT OF ANY ACTIO. .-OH If. Eal.'oir ""ft Imbrae Cpper'.ttthr to Catt'eate Libm'. REY'Y'L OF TR3U31E IS EXPECTED "cian Fioa" "oc ty Frepariae to Bojoott IRISHMEN TO STAY CUT OF ARMY TUcy Will Also Rtfatt ta Attead Pmr llinrnt ar Eater lata r Serial Retail.. wltk Eaillikaei. LONDON. May 21 When Parliament j meets tomorrow E(r Henry Campbell-Ban- nerman. the prima minuter, will tell the ! country what the cabinet proposes to do i with tha Irish council bin. Everyone ex- pecta It will be dropped with aa little cere- j moiry as possible, but Mr. Balfour, leader of the opposition, la not likely to let paas so fins a chance to remind the country how the liberals. In his opinion, muddled the business. Tha chances that tha govern ment will do anything fer Ireland this ses sion are small, since the members of the j tiuiDm resent me repuuianon vj ineir g- Irish allies. Mr. Btrrell, chief secretary for 4 Ireland, betook hlmaelf to tha country be- , for the Dublin convention and hi aecre ' tary refuaea Information aa to bla where about to would-be Interviewers. A revival of troublous times for Ireland, after several years of unwonted quiet, la expected. The society called "Sinn Fein." meaning literally "For ourselves." com posed of the hottest of tha antl-Britona. a majority of whom are young men, has gained considerable importance lately. Its program Is for the complete boycott of England, for the Irish members to decline to attend Parliament, for Irishmen to re fuse to enter Into business or social rela tions with tha English In Ireland, and. as far as possible, for Irishmen to abstain from enlisting In tha army and frsm buy ing English goods Edward Martin, Its leader. Is wealthy land owner and littera teur. Recently ha was expelled" from the aristocratic Klldare club, the Dublin land lorda rallying place. Thla Incident caused a great flutter la Dublin. Aj The next move of tha Irish members of Parliament probably will be a united at ) tempt to Induce the government to remove Blr Anthony Patrick MacDonnell. under secretary to the lord lieutenant of Ireland. When he waa appointed In W the conser vatives considered him too friendly with the Irish, bat ha failed to satisfy them. Sir Anthony has had many years' service in India, where, among ether posts, he held tha lieutenant governorship of tha North ' t Pr07'00 nd tha chief commissioner - . tfe of Oudh. and some of the prominent Uishinent say ha treats the Irish aa he did " Xs ' A cabinet. meeOea was' held Saturday to enrietatoe the ettltnjfo r.r.t w4tM m adopt on the various questions m oa taken op at the approaching Bagua conference, earlier action having been prevented by the pressure of work consequent on the meet ing of the Imperial conference and the heart legislative, program In Parliament. Instructions will be given to delegates to The Hague during the week, but the gov ernment will not make any announcement concerning Oreat Britain's attitude. In tha House of Commons or elsewhere, before the conference meeta. DUBLIN. May M.-John Redmond holds that tha Irish convention decision In re jecting the Irish council Ml! had three weighty effects. Tha devolution Ides, he eays. has gone by the board; the Influence of the Rosebery group In the cabinet has been killed, and tha strength and cohesion of the Irish party has been secured. Interviewed on the future of the home rule movement. Mr. Redmond today de clared to the Associated Press that It waa his conviction that tha convention 'a action would not delay home rule a single boar. He said a powerful and friendly goveram- merit had endeavored to embody tha devotu- Oon Idea ln th. bill and had failed .-.1 that no future government would renew th attempt. He anticipated that the pres ent Parliament would be dissolved ln lMg to enable th government to appeal to the country against th House of Lords. Th. liberal party Irian pro gram must now be horn role, while had th convention Z I ,T 1 i Iicmn fund toT h" church" ' Qtly racked his trunk and .Hnred been rejected In th. Hou of Lorda and Faer Kaspar, carrying a small leather ! .way. In the excitement he was not devolution would hav. remained the high I bag in which hie collection were placed. mied. It is charged that he carried away water mark or liberal policy, not merely ' cama to be a familiar fr'ir In Greek and wh Mn, manv thon.anrta of dollars Te la th present Parliament, but la tha next Armenian circle, here and It la believe,! tective. emplo'yed tv northern investor. BRUTAL MURDER IN CLEVELAND Mats Arte aaata t Lyach Haa Wha Waatealy Killed Wife af Hetel Praarlesar. CLE VELA NT). O.. May K. Mr. Mary Steadtnan, wife of WllMam Steadman, pro- '"v' " bj ui.i ume, was anot j pneai a cunning. ' reign or aaaaaslnatlon- Ha ha been In- three time and Instantly killed today by ' The coroner', phyaldan aaid that the dieted ln both Breathitt and Fayette coun WlUlam Brown, a veteran of th Bncatah- ! maa had probably been dead six or seven : tie for the murder of Dr. Cox. James American war. Brown waa pursued by a 1 day. The contents of the stomach will CockiiU and James B. Marrum. and ia crowd of men througli th Luna park, near j be examined to determine whether soma under Indictment ln Breathitt county for whre e shooting occurred, and wa j drug waa used. i having forged deeds to hundreds of thou- flnaily cartured. According to the police j The pollcs have sent out a general alarm j aands of dollars' worth of property to he confesjed. saying that he was sorry he ! for Barkis Ermovlan, Serkl Barmorrion which no title could be given. When lat killed the woman. Brown beara a scar on i and Paul Sarisataa. j beard of Splcer waa In Ban Francisco, and Ms forehead from a bullet that atruek him ! j tt la said ha perished la the earthquak. durtr, the charge of tha American troop j M ft ft Q TEMPLE IN DENVER I WhlCh O-" that city last year. -K uu r.ut. crown wa jected from which pierced Mr. Sleadman . heart. DEATH RECORD. C. E. "ertkrepa. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May R orial v . ' ' x (Special.) C. E. N..rthrupp, who for a yea, ha. W. nvwe or Wa of aa Invalid , .ZT Jt. tight at ii. nom or ci n-nther-in.i.- - tt tn tn north part of thla cltv Deceased wa a native of Pennsylvania agej T rears and cam her. about a year ax frira Kanaa City. He leave on daughter. Funeral serv-tce will he held ItiVSiS nTT L a7, 7 wnu o KA.NSAa CITT. Mix. May Sl-Wllllam a Perry, a prominent attorney and bualnea. mn of thl. city, d rocked dead today ef feart fillure, a-ed 3 years. Mr. Perry wai twice 1 nited State attorney for Kan- .. maa ror a uw. ... tua-jn.aa ot icm Baaa atata oaotral cam mm. in MMi'.rjuin hital 4. k. a . . m - . . . t ! n fll m tl r f" ftP I" if -w i 1 '"- to Brown . own story. Later In -, r I LtVtL 1 the Jay Brown returned to the hotel and Pv-af. Gear. David... ReMrt RMal. w" 'he or br Mra. Steadman. , DaUar JT. f who refused la shsk. ha-d. with him. i DENVER, Colo.. May -That th mln- 1 Maaaarewaeata at Baa k Brown professed to be Insulted at thl and 171 ' temple to be erected tn Denver by th Fr-aae-laea. drew a revolver. Bring three ahata ona of National M'.nirg corg-ress shaU b a mag- SUMMARY OF THE BEE lOT. 1907 MAY 1907 aw rst wis r t "f $ T I 2 3H 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 iniTxn. FORECAST FOR NEBRASKA Fair and ir-i.r Monday and Tuesday. Fr.RDrag-r FOR IOWA Fair Monday; fair and warmer Tjesday. Temperature at t'mar.a yesterday: r-err Mnur Dee i . m j; 1 p. m a. m 7 a. m a a. m a. m 19 a. m. .. 11 a. m U m bt 4T 44 47 2 p. m 4S I p m 4 4 D. m W j p. m a a- ro- Mi 8 mi"!"!!""!! n m.!!!!!'.'.!!!! 4T BOKlfTia Vfrs William McKlnley died at her borne In Canton. O, Sunday afternoon at 1 :05 o'clock. President Roosevelt will at- ' tend funeral aervlcea. which will be held : Wednesday afternoon. Pagsl ! National Mining congreaa will erect a mining temple at Denver to cost 11.000.- ; 00- POmEZQB'. Premier Campbell-Banaerman will to- day anr.cunca formal abandonment of Irish bill by government. New Irish so- clety Is preparing to boycott everything ,verybojy English. Paga I Hamburg-American line announces that i It will establish direct service between , coming to the records n the auditors New Tork and Liverpool in retaliation ; office. Mr. Nlma drew pay as a soldier in of move of White Star llne'a entry into th C,VU tir four months and four Southampton. rags X days, but the technical record In the mlli- swiuti j tary secretary's office showed a service Bodies of two Ashland boys who were of on!r m 5r- This record appeared drowned while skating in Pawnee creek 1 tccuse the regiment In whk-h Mr. Nhna shortly after Christmas were found float- ; w" enrolled wss orgnhvd for special lng In tha Platte river near South Bend work in connection with the engineer corps Saturday. Paga I ( ot the army. Afterwards It was found that Pension bureau makes new ruling In they could not be used m this way and case of Frederic Nlma of Lincoln, who following a aervlce of over four months the was about to have his pension, which he '""re regiment was mustered In as the has been drawing for forty-four years, ; Plfty-aixth Illinois volunteer Infantry and stopped because of technicality In tha ' mustered out on the same day. It waa on record. rags t this record of mustering In and out, made Determination of state board to raise ! ,n January, 12. that the pension commts railway assessments 114,000.000 brings i "oner proposed to discontinue the payment tax agents of Union Pacific and Burlinff- cf Mr- J"' penlon. ton to Lincoln. Page Waat the Reeard Sbavra. Judge Sutton hears evidence In election . Xn examination of the evidence upon contest case involving attorneyship con- i which Mr. Nlma' original claim waa al test of Thurston county. Page a , lcwed ,howed that no question was then COTXB-CZL BX.irrrS Ajrn IOWA. raised as to his service, and he has con futon Veteran's Legion. Grand Army j tlnued to draw hia pension because of 111 and Woman's Relief corps hold memorial no incurred during the time he was en- services In Council Bluffs churches. Page a Legislature of sis states have acted favorably on tha Iowa resolution asking for constitutional amendment providing I rr.ent of Fuslleers. who failed to file the for election of senators by popular vote, j proper evidence of the required service. Fare 3 j The technical record from the military seo ayyaaf. jretary's offise waa examined by the pen- Memorial day service, are bald in the L? " " " churches of Omaha . Sunday and le TVw 01 T" bodle. of old wldler. attend various ,hw w" J?? th rt Ueua. of worship.. . Paga .w . j.. . . ... . . . aa the Immediate fruition of ten years of faithful work. Bishop H. W. Warren de- ! i .v. . w.. a Rev. W. S. Fulton. D. D.. of Pittsburg, formally accepta the call to tha pastorate of Westminster Presbyterian church, suc ceeding Rev. T. V. Moore, and preachee hla Initial sermon 6unday morning. Page Charles C. Jameson of Ellsworth says recent rains have made ranges la Ne in kraska very good. Li ounuay raw ana oura, bleak November far tnor. thaa merryM.r GREEK PRIEST IS MURDERED Bady af Beaekea Paster Faaad la Traalt la Sew Tork Lsaslsg Haas. NEW TORK. May K Rev. Father Kaspar of the Armenian Apostolic church of Hoboken, N. J.. wa" murdered ln thi city aome time last week. The body wa found today ln a trunk which had been eft aa security for their room by two Greeks, who three weeks engaged a fur- : the United State under Indictment for nlehed room of Mra. Henry Sherrer, who j three murders for whom no reward has oeupte th. third floor of a tenement at ! ever been offered, and who la a fugitive SS West Thirty-aeventh street. , from Justice, with no one looking for him. After removal to the morgue th body J When the state militia, under the order waa Identified as that of th pnesC He had of the governor, swooped down on feud ltved at 038 Monastery street, wast Hobo- j ridden Jackaon. in Breathitt county, and t ken and franuentlv made trios to this cltv that he waa murdered for the money he carried. The autopsy revealed that th priest had probably been drugged and placed while still allv. ln th trunk, there to be suffo- cated to death. Th. neck and on arm had been broken, but apparently three in- Juries hsd not been the cause of death, Thrown upon th body and a If to fill the ! trunk to th point of suffocation was th I . j , niflcent building, to cost COA0.400. was prac- I tk-ally decided by the executive commit"" . - . 'of the congress at a meeting la this r C last night Secretary James p. Galbraith ' ha1 PreFfd D!an for "ding to cost ! sno-0W' but thU dld mot mt tB Tlw ot : -p.v1ent J H Richard, EL-. ?.. : -rTwenl J " ifcr.araa or Idaho, that it was better to delay i the eo ne ruction until the project can be carrlM oul trmoa acai. He won OTrT th 0'r membrr ot th committee , 10 hl" "C, TlW " tt unWtli 10 for building th. tempi. Th committee Issued th formal call far th next meeting of th eongraa at Joplln. V- NovetTiSer 0 ta U. Th. principal b- j,. wtach tt ta toped t agitata th j drntog of law. for the prevention cf eo- rUVnt. la mmea. th estahtiahmeat of an. iorai Uw, to all states, to ewablish aide- i1o location of claiin aad th abolltin of the apex rtgtits, aad general revlaioa of the aulning law taroughout th eauatrv aa J that they may b aniform la all atataa. NIMS RETAINS HIS PENSION Lisooln Vtern About to Ei Drcppsa Becacti of Toahaiauity. RECORO SHOWS EUT ONE DAY'S SERVICE Illaeaa Caatraeted Wall Mnikn af pe-el.l Rea-iaseat al Pewadaa Baa Bee aa Rail fer Ferty-Fr Year. fFrem a Staff Corrern1ent "WASHINGTON. May W iFpecial-V ! Through the eftTorts of Senator Furkett, a decision has been made !n the case of Frederic O. Nims at the perslon bureau. wherbv that old aold'er win not hare his name dropped from the pension roil. The casa Is one of unusual Interest, because of Its unique featarea. Sir. Nims. whose home Is In Ltncoln. received notice from the pensi-Ti cmrr:e1cneT on April V to tfce ff?ect that If certain rndenre was not furrrtshed by him within thirty days from jthat date his pension would be rtopped. ; As Mr. Nims had been drawing a pension. the original payment In which datd back aa far as January. 15S. the notice was very startling to him. and he at once car.ed Senator Burketfs attention to the rase. The evidencs required refrrred to Mr. Kims" sen-Ice, the pension office say- Ing that the record did not show that h ! ''a1 performed the ninety days' military j d jtr required by the pension lsw. . An examination of the re-ord? cf the adjutant general's office shewed that Mr. Nlrr.a enl'fted and was enrolled for service oeptember 11. 1KL in a company known at Regiment cf Mechanic Fnslleers. Ac- camped with tha regiment of Fusile-ra. The question arose at this time because of a decision made a abort time ago upon the case of another member of thla same regl )" "r ' " i served with notloa that hia pension would . . . . .. ', , - Following the protest of Senator Burkett against the discontinuance of Mr. Nims' pension, the commissioner made a thorough study of th. case. To drop the nam. from tb. roll, meant an admission that for forty vein and more a nen.ion t-. hun .i - , -. k-.v. without autherity of law. To retain it after th notloe filed was a llttla tra W . , .. .1 i". uui me pension ornce aeciaed th tatter, -ying that as Mr. Nlma --.a V1J tn .H .e... V,.. n . I n(, contraetM dlw,!ty whu. unaeT mU1. I tary supervisloa. he haa title to pension for the disability incurred under th. afiresald circumstances, and for thla reason hia name will not be dropped from the pension rolla." "PIG PISTOL" SPICER MISSING So He war Offered far Pasitlve Ckarira wltk Three Mar era ail Other Criaaea. LEXINGTON. Ky, May JB-"P-g Pistol Jesse Splcer is probably th only man ln itrmnrt tk. mmm ! . . . reported that for several years Splcer was j the leader of a band of men that had been recelvlr.x money from all carts of ik. , fnited State, advertising extensively and selling claims to Breathitt and county land, to which ther a-ave titlea Thed. tnv... .t hi. wir. w.r. L...i. j deeds were executed and recorded, but the ' described nrooertv waa .ft.. . - i fletltioua Sr,t-r ,i nected with the Haraia elaa durtne- the SAN rRANCISCO. May BL Prof. George Davidson, president cf th Seismologies! . iuivw, y . u . v. ria- t a ... at a meeting of ; th society held yesterday at th United Btatea weather bureau office, that there . has been no difference la th level of the OT eartn surrac about tan Francisco bay since isTT, sua C began hia Investigations of earthquake Slnae that date he has had a solid concrete pier sunk off the Sauaali: ahore, aad according to th anoat mtnut measurements which he recently flniahed th change that ha taken place 1 to small for hla caJculatlona. No ot Weal hav taken plaoa. aaya ynL rTVUo- or filled u- Th rock m not changed to any perowptibla degraa. report waa received at th maeting of a new stearacg-raph Invented by Prof. Odenbach, which had th advantage of I reoordlxig vibraUoa at a depth la in oa .aa uuiimuuiii tn raoora to ta : SLOW PROGRESS AT BOISE Little Fimrttt that Owealaar State seats win bm nu POISE. Idaho, May SI Front preaent In dication it nsld seem that another week must elapse before the taking of testimony can begiif In the trial of William Haywood, flrat of the alleged "Inner circle" of tha 'Western Federation at Miners to face a Jury in answer to th stats charge of conspiracy in the njarder ol former Oov- Jeraor Stsunenberg. j But twelve members of the second special ventre of proposed Jurymen remain. A thirteenth talesman was Craw Saturday , afternoon Just prior to adjournment and is confined with the trial panel. He has yet to be examined aa ta all of his qualiflca- j Uons. In addition to tha vacancy which he . there remain four twe with theprose- be oefenae. The op- may or anay not fill. peremptory challenges. cuUon and two wlta the oefenae. The op- posing attorneys seem determtaed to use up every challenge tha law allowa. Thla m..n. tb.t nlv mmn Anal Ijrora have k " r..v . . , ana me tnaj nas Deen in wrocrm mr nwre , than two weeks' actual time. ! It la predicted that tha remaining mem- . bera of the venlra no In attendance will j be exhaur-ed by tomorrow evening and a ; third venire will then have to be summoned j bv the sheriff. If thla sten becomes neces- sary. the task win oceapy the grester part , of Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Thurs- i day. Memorial day. there will be no session of court. The Jury may be completed Fri- I day evening or Saturday. In either event, j It la probable that the attorneys for the state will ask for an adjournment until Monday morning, in order that the opening rfrtr... or tet.mer.t nf the nmeecuilon .. . - r may be Immediately followed by support- lng evidence. The people of Boise, busy with the social and commercial activities of thetr prosperous little city and never wildly excited about the trial, have become leas Interested than ever, because of the delay ta securing a Jury. FORECAST OF WEEK'S EVENTS Prealdeat Roosevelt Will Rake A.t dreea at Caveiltig af Lswlu oaaaaea la laataaaaalie. WASHINGTON. May Rv Th feature of vine I uuuui i day next Thursday will be the unveiling of a monument to General Henry W. Lair ton at Indianapolis, where President Roo velt will . deliver an address, and the un veiling of a statue of General J. E. Jl. Stuart by the United Confederate Veterans at Richmond. Va. On tha same day Gov ernor Charles E. Hughe of New Tcrk aid Governor Curtis Guild. Jr.." of Massachu setts will speak at the unveiling of tablet to celebrated Americana - la th. Hall cf Fame at New Tcrk university. The program of the grand eaur.p of Unite! Confederate Veterans, which will be held at Richmond. Va.. beginning next Thursday and continuing until the following Monday, will Include the unveiling of the sensorial erected to th memory of Jefferson Davis. Thla will take plaoe on the dosing day, when an Imposing parade will be held, President Roosevelt arm deliver an ad dress at tha seml-oentermtaj celebration of the faunaing- of agrlaujtaral eoQaga la the Unltad States at Lapsing. JOcii on Friday. Secretary or vrr v unam- tt. Tan will speak before th National Millers' aaaocla- Oon at St. Louis next Thuraday. Memorial ! day. Th. wage of about K.0O0 cotton mUl I operative, m aouthem New England are to be advanced an average of M per cent on ! w .- m.... Th. international cotton eonferano will w. w . w. w . w .v : b held at Vienna. May to . More than 1 th ri.r.ta ten nt whom are Aauirinn. . . . Zj delegate, ten of whom are Americana. ! wlU atund th. convention. TEXAS SWEPT BT STORMS Paar Paiseas Killed Sear Eaaary aa4 Several Bart at Other Pa lata. , EMORT. Tex.. May L-Ton!ght It la , , .v,. age don by yesterday a storm, which passed tnrougn r-raory, sn-uxnng on xour i lives and Injuring and crippling many peo ple, aome of whom may die. The dead: WALTER MARTIN. Mr M'lVT. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN, aged about J EIGHT i eak-olu sum Ut l. r LITTLEJOHN. Among th Injured are several white per- son. Thathreceeo weJ. being-eanlmated that thirty received wotmd. and bruises of greater r less severity. The corn and cotton erooa rn the oath of . the storm were completely punea up. FORT WORTH. Tex May .-Aecordtng to meager reports received today. Arbola and TaieweH. small vllia.e. In the Interior or Hopk-m. ooun.y. were in tne r,n ot th. tornado that devastated Will Point and Emory Saturday evening. At Arbola, the little daughter of Pmk Kirk and a child of George Davis were fatally hurt, th latter dying today. WI11- j hurt and two other, whose name, could not be learned were slightly injured. Several residences were badly damaged. At Taaewell a number of house were blown down, but no on waa hurt, th peo- ' m Kavlna taken refuff. In eellara Ma u.hmm u. rnrti point ta tt.a path of th tornado. LOCOMOTIVE STRIKES AUTO Walter Fester af Mlaaaaaall Killed aad Twa rsassslssi Serlaasly Iajarad Sear Laa Aagelea. LOS ANGELES. May 36 As th result of a collision between a heavy touring car and th engine of th Sant P. limited Just before I o'clock last evening Walter Foster of Minneapolia. a guest of th Al-exa-adrla, ta dead; Mis GeaterUv Hart, hia oorrpanVon oa th ride. 1 uaconacloa and seriously Injured, and Carl Wold, th chauffeur, la tn a Paaadena hospital with a broken arm and other sever Injuries. Tha accident occurred at Launanda park, four mile east of Pasadena. Poster and hts cerr panion had vistted Monrovia and reached th Santa Fa crossing. Tha id- proachlng train waa Invisible to th chauf- t . .f ti.. . - . " 0 house. When almost on the track Wold saw the train and apparently became con- fused. He turned the automobile almost directly t award th engine, which wa run ning about forty mile an hour. As th. big machine was struck aO three were thrown out and the big automobile was ground to fragment. Th three victim were taken to a Paaadeaa hospital, where Fester died shortly after midnight Faster arrived la this city two daya ago. aad I i ..... . . , . . . 1.1 u can D teame or r..M connecttona. I TnVvung vuciaQ is a raaiaant at Lo. I . . MORE NOVEMBER THAN MAI lov yrcur aid PraotTmtinr Itawpbero Ea.daT Misar.blt TEMPERATURE DOWH TO FORTY-SIX Weather Bareaa Last Sight Aa- laaeed ladleatleae fer Fraat Were F.vera.le Overcoat Are Peaalar. The wiercury went down to 44 yesterday anj the weather bureau announced that in- oicatlons for a frost during tha night were fsvorable. And u,re was none to say It nay. 1 Br the calendar it waa surDosed to be in J me cawncir l was sui'poer-a m iu . the beautiful month of May, thla yesterday. ; but by the atmosphere It might have been ! m the bieair month of November. m the Dlea month of November. Sunday. May i, LWr-niark It In your , Bushman. Marxarite Verret. Deborah Mc fcat was raw. cold and miserably disagree- T . ,, .-..k.. r -v. - .... , . :k " u De a rainy spring aay, out oeiore n m .. far advanced the good people of Omaha. , looking longingly from their windows, per- celved that this outward sign was but a hat TtT perceived the clouds did not ' mn rtla nor the breess merely a chill ; atr, but that both together meant a day of ; -v...... -t ... .. ....wr. : ,nd fipi,., indoor, were needed. i and Saturday heavy anew, fell I , ir, wvoi. .a wi-.t.e .im. ! phere prevailed. Sunday s weather in ' Omaha was supposed to be a har.g-cver frorn tnM, depredations further west, whlca ar. but th(! of a nisUaX winter : whlch lt,ve, the worI1 wlth mnch f.T. , v . , ; i ucn mM uu a i i u 1 .a J uu a uvue. nv. i j .T Colonel Welsh says ln one respect winter la like everything else, namely that tt an end. and he seriously believes ; u-,, present generation will live to see that j I m yesterday and th. festivs straw hat was remembered only for the Joya It once n;g- gested. On a few corner lota and . In some base ball parks thickly clothed and hot- blooded young men braved the northern clime and paid homage to the great nJonai game, but generally, it was an Indoor day. Predletloa af Frost. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. May .-Following two days' aleady rain the temperature here . dropped to 47 degree today. Tonight it Is clear and cold and the weather bureau has given warning of frost. i i MILITARY MASS IN NEW YORK Ttfteea Taaaaaa Armed Rea Par tlclpate la Meaaorlal Service la 31 et resells. NEW TORK. May SR. Fifteen thousand i armed men knelt ln the sodden grass of i the parade grounds at the Brooklyn navy yard today, participating In the fifth mili tary field mass ln memory of the sailors and soldiers who lost their live during the war with Spain. In th. center of the parade an altar had been erected and at this th priesta. robed In white and gold, celebrated solemn high anaaa m memory o4 th dead. f The military ferce preaect Included US tailors and marines from th. navy yard ni fVe Twelfth United States Infantry ; .. . T!trt States lnfantrr t , , ... . , j of National Guard of New Tork and j a naval reserve battalion. There were also - . m" Ir1,h volunteers and 350 boyTln """" "m, .11 S whit, uniforms represeoung tne iainoiit i . , ....... t. . !.... Knmf ; """r " 1 ' . -e !ln brilliant scarlet were a detachment of .l trZ. who came to New Tork 1 Canadian troops who came to ew I on . r n ' r ' . . : L j " th. PrU ef the local branche. of th. Ppanwh-Arnerican war veterans to taae i - in fh nrWa The Poan ah war ' ,..,... th. orand Armv of th RetMlblic the Hebrew veteran., the Son ot Veterans ( .... , , and the Army and Navy union were among the seml-milltary organisation who par- Uctpated. I HflMRlIRCi MNF FIGHTS BACK i Gerasaa Csasaay Win Establish Direct Servtea- Be-twc-ea I.lver paal s'si Hew Terlc LmSPOOL May 51 The Hamburg Amerlran Steamship company has definitely decided to establish a direct service be- her de- w this ' , , tween Liverpool and New Tork. Other J velopment are expected to folio move. Herr Balling, director general of ""-'t" "T" " . M,r. Maclvor. Liverpool ship owners, a I th mrlL,T agents. This Arm ha for a I wL . ,k. rs..nt Will. l-T-f vv-...... - ! line. The move of the Hamburg-American ;w to be an offset to th competltion of the White 6oaiJimmlMk rr.T have Star line at i . ar..i r.ivr an imcortar.t m pUn. of the Cunard corn- pa-ny ETHEL BARRYMCRE IS BETTER Ulaesa Fvavea Slight aad Ska Will RawasB Her Tost at Oaee. CHICAGO. May J. The condition of MU Ethel Barrymor. who 1 CI at th Audi- 1 tortum hotel her, la aald to b much i Improved tonight. Her physician considers that th danger of pneumonia with which ahe wa threatened Is past and that Miss Barrymor win b able to leave her room within a day or two. A private telegram from Manager Eberle. who ta directing th tour of Barry' more, to Agent McGeechy of th. company, aay Mis Barrymor will play at Peoria on Manday craning aad win fill all her waatera date. CINCINNATI TO CLEAN HOUSE CINCINNATI. O.. May 2a. By praclama- tlon of the mayor, on request of the Board of Public Service. Cincinnati will hold a 1 municipal house clean' r.g beginning on ! T... 11 rttaan. naaeoiw mr- 1 . . . . , . i quested to empty Into the street and within j reach of team, all refuae from cellar, and aaura and at th same ume to clean up their yard Tha street cleaning fore 1 to b reinforced for the day so that all auch rubbish may be at once carted away. It I probabl that the city wCl be divided Into distrV-ta. with a separata day being de voted to cleaning each district. tlnwara Fall.. v-r i n d i w.rra r at., w il . - vv i--. . mmj M " ' ! (Wiral Kuruii f the lirwrl liiantk 1 army waa ner uxiay wiin i.s suna I ttrsnt to Itiiffa'i tanlht arwl wTi'. Ur. K Mayor Isaaea rraalaaaatlaa far Cea eral Reaavatl.a af Attta aad Cellara. AFTERNOON JN FAIRYLAND PaplI af at. Berehaaaa's Academy Glv Catertalaaieat at trelf itsa (.lierslty Hall. A iel'ghtful entertainment was given hy I the pupl'.s of 9c Ferchman s academy Sun- day afternoon at Creighton university hall. ! j Twenty-fifth and California street The J ! audience was only limited by the sis of the hall and standing room was at a premium. The Creigliton university or- I chestra furnished the music during the la ! terrolsston and also for the fatry dances an3 drills and acquitted Itself most ad- , FUNERAL mlrably. Quaint, Indeed some of the little misses In their long gowns and beautiful were some cf the smaller girls dressed aa falrlea. The second number on the pro- .y. rv, r-,.,.. r-.-i v.i.i. gram was The Pretty rance" and it was righ therf preUy mm i. ,., . -.tiy named, for me pretty maids. Those tak- lng part In this number were Misses Agnes " -" .. v,t1 Fo1 Schmidt. A Wish of Ireland" was the title of a recitation by Miss Millie McDermott. The first scene of the "Vestals" Included a delightful flower dance with both the Juniors and the senior members of the school participating. Miss Maud McCardle j kf ln th" prt f lha prr"m' BtWM,n V 5IS'rnt c'n" e-tala tha regular program of was the In- terspersed, including a duet. "Home of Our Mountalna," hr Miss Gertrude ConneU and Miss Anna Rowley; boys' recitation. "I'm ' In-" Maat.ra Redmond. O Malley and Burkley; "Echo de Naples." by Mis. Vir Buck: "La Farfelletta." a wait. ! - or.8-. by Misses Welch. Donnelly and Kearr.s; waltx song. "Through the Valley." br Miss Gertrude Connell with Miss Wlnl- fred Treynor as accompanist. The characters In the "'Vestals" were: '. Anemone, nu niece Nellie McDermott ' ! px u via , Octavta . ; Sj'"aa , tonatis j carmen . I Gerta .... 1 Ferna j Gratia .Winifred Traynor j Maud McArdle Francla Ryan Gertrude Lannon Mary Reading Margaret Malchten ...Margaret M. Beavers Grace Kelly Helen Kearns Margaret O'Toole Bessie McDermott ' Parenr.i . tappi . nu Eva Lovely Mary McGellegoth Cornelia Tatra .. Francis Gaul Winifred Donaghue I Athena Helen Murnhv 1 c.av-s in Riienaanre: Laiiien Ktelly, Mar rret Flanauhan. Catherine Carrlck. Mary Louise Letitecees. Mary Louise Farren, Vivian Foley. Carcl'ne Keysor. Francis Schmld. Catherine Welch. M. King. KEEN RACE FOR THAT CROWN harp Ceaapetitlaa Aatoag Prleada af Teeaa- Woaaea far Qae-ea af May. It la worth the price of admission to stand near the blackboard on which the records of the Queen of May vote la kept at the Auditorium and watch th change 1 the list during th evening. Some of 1 the leaders in tha race for queenly honor j hr powerful backers and no air! ! - cOnteat 1 eTmltted to gam mora momentary advantage. I P5- Chambers will put on th. May pole dance and the buddlna of tha aueen Hon- 5 d-T- Wednesday and Friday nighta. Th ung contest wiu close Wednesday night I at 19 o clock and th. queen will be crowned Friday night at I p. m. A special pro- ' r bn prepared for Woratlon - ' uay. f New and novel art. have w .A1 to d novel acta have been add t attractiorfs for th. com ii week Tesklne s nomnlet ehanee of P' of I -'v I th ood: ; Anra Weltael May Bovee . .... 514 f"0 iMane i. o.Tman. . .v v irrin'a rieaneia. Marearet Edna Vorwall.... Rosaline Hun ! Hnuln. With a nn t iLr ,MM i Marion Connell. . .5. 57 L- Crow Julia H!ggineon..s.7 Marv M'Cutcheon 1(1 10 10 10 ! Fancn Howland 1.T14 Mabel Enailah.... :"?ter 1.410 May Irwin. Minnie kod Roberts... L104 DUSS AND BAND COME TODAY Will Begia tk answer's Eaa-aaeBieat at Kra Park Thla Evealaa-. Duss and his band will arrive ln thla ' c!ty at " 25 tCKla-r 'rom Cleveland. O., ' over the Milwu-se railroad. The opening ! concert of th. engagement will be given engagement win be given at Krug park at o'clock this evening. i T.e pavilion band.tand has fc.; JnlTr, concert to be riven at 1 ' " concerts, to o :ve ml lnd ?- m- commencing Tueaday. -ri-. Ck-,.1.. K.r, IM -I..- fc Finn's Omaha band will give their dally , rr0gT,m l 1 na ' p' m' cn "Peclai band- program at 1 and T p. m. on a special band- . . u, . i... uiuv : - . .iti.i'i i:M hi.u nrwir inf. . i riiM Much interest is manifested in musical clrcle and in society concerning the limited ' man of extraordinary culture and reflne engagemer.t of the Duaa band at Krug ment. Ida Sax ton waa reared in a horn park. A dinner party of sixteen, to b given : of comfort and ease. After attending th at the Country club this evening, haa al- , Canton schools she waa a pupil at a private ready arranged to attend the opening con- J school at Delhi. N. T. Laier she went to cert, aad others will probably follow their ' a Cleveland academy and flni-ihed her edu exampl A downtown dinner carty m the ' cation at Brook Hafl seminary, Media, Pa-. West Far-cam district similar arrangement. - haa also road ; MILWAUKEE MAY GET LINE St. Paal System Believed ta Be After Little Seath Dakota Railroad. C. D. Crouch, president of the Missouri River A Northwestern Railway company, a line In operation from Rapid City. 8. D.. to the town of Mystic en the Burl:r.gton. waa la Omaha Sunday. Ha waa aceom- j pan led by Mayor Badger of Columbus. O.. i County Attorney Weber f Franklin i county. Ohio, and J. S. Goodloe of Colura- ! all of whom are Interested la the M s- eouri ruver at jvortnwastarn Railway com- " pany. Th party wa en route from Rapid!1"1 Id Elton WRr unltJ 10 aiarrUge. City for the east. i The wedding was the flrrt performo.1 in A considerable part of the stock of the th th" new Presfcyterian church. Rev. Dr. railway company is owned by Akron and Buckingham of that congregation Columbu people and it is thought the ; Vr EndI'y ot u' Ti Methodist church visit of these parties to the west at thia i officiating. Urns U to negotiate for the transfer of Dtk of Twa Daaghtera. the property of the road to th Milwaukee 1 n ter" trJP- Including Wash- railroad system. Mr. Crouch and his in'xon- "nd ,hort ,nT! of "'-'rdlng, th friends wsre In conference while here with ! McKinleys purchased the horr.e on Ntrth ' number of prominent railway Investor. i but they declined to diacuas th matter for 1 ,wwiinii Tr-i(Tefit (-rniiet. mA 1 publication. President Crouch and party Saturday afternoon for Chicago. Three Boys Killed by Trala. MORRIBTOWN. lad . May J An accl- dent causing the loss of live oe the Cincinnati. Hamilton A Dayton railroad bridge over B'ue river, one wi le east of here, today Frank St. John, Orviii. Bab ,iph.'llrCh"'t ' 17 kU .aU lor.nmr down into the stream when f-it r (Mln K." - sweerir. ail three inu. -he -iver Th . , . . . . , . , , . , , , lHi:-. PTC ln'tl J -T Jltl WT.en I 1 i i:n nlnriva rrh .j infi .ni mr a t. k- MRS. M'KINLEY DEAD Widow of Lit Prordrst Tie at Eos im Ca.Ui at 1:05 P. V. END COMES WITHOUT PAll na mil un.cor.i3 OBI Dine iariy Friday BlbL WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Serrioet Will Bo Conducted by Hex Tutor, Ci. Eoiioa. PRESIDENT R00SlYi.lT WILL ATTEND Ha Will Reach Caataa Weaaeeaay Manlaf la Coaapaay with Dr. Rlxey and Seeretary Laea. CANTON, O.. May M.-Mra. William M Klr.:y, widow of the iate president, died aa her nom br" at 1; o'clock this eOer- I For many years Mrs. McKlnley Lad been ! an Invalid. She rallied from the shock ot I her husband's death but It left Its mark, and when it waa known that she had suf- l9T9a ol P.y..s i.vtm rrU ,n eould urT,v- " " ' ' , "rtlt,'Trf Mr . , . ,7" 1' he th 'Sorta made for days to prolong her Ufa. nor of the solicit lous hope against hope of her sister and other relative and frler.ds for her recovery. At the McKlnley home when death cam there were present Secretary Cortelyou. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Barber. Mrs. Sarah Duncsn. Mrs. Luther Day. Justice an4 Doct or Port man and Rlxey and the nurse. "Mrs. McKlnley lived hours longer thaa we expected." said the secretary. "Her vitality was wonderful." said Dr. Portman It was by Secretary Cortelyow that the announcement of the demise waa given to the public As this was flashed over the land William McKlnley post and George D. Harter post. Grand Army of i the Republic, were forming In line and to the strains of "The March RellgoW went to the First Methodist Episcopal church to listen to the annual memorial addr which was given by Dr. Buxton, Mrs. Mo Klnley's pastor. The funeral arrangements so far aa mad re that Dr. Buxton will hav charge of the service, wnlch are to be simple. They will be held at the McKlnley home at I o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Prealdeat Will Attea. Secretary Cortelyou Is directing the ar rangements and win remain here until after the funeral. Dr. Rixsy left her at IM thla evening for Washington. He will Join President Roosevelt and go with him on hla trip to Indianapolis and Lansing this week. It waa announced tonight that President Roosevelt and Secretary Loeb will arrive la Cantoa Wednesday rooming to attend th fuaaral se: Vice President Fair banks, who had often oeea a nous guest of the McKlnleys, Is expected to reach her ln time to attend th funeral service. The body of Mr. McKlnley will be placed in the vault ln West Lawn cemetery whlca holds also the body of her husband, until the completion of the National mausoleum on Monument Hill, when both casket will be transferred to receptacles ln that tomb. From numerous friends of deceased. Mra, Barber this evening received telegram of condolence on the death of her sister. Among them were telegrams from Presi dent Roosevelt and Vice President Fair banks. Mrs. McKlnley life cf almost sixty year had been made familiar to the nation by !" ! the fact that more than half of It waa a 1 period of Invalidism. Through all thla. however, she showed a firm and unwaver ing belief In the career of her husband and by her cheering words. In spite Of per sona! afflictions, encourajred him when there was darkness at hand. She believed that h's star ef destiny would never set until he had become r-resl. dent of this lsnd. and for more than a quarter of a century cherished that belief until her hopes were realired. After President VcKlnlev's death she ex- ' presr-ed a deire to Join him ai ! dav hy day that she might d! ', however, ahe frequently told fr delre to Join him and prayed Later. however, ahe rrequertuy toia rnenas ana i-)esired to live until the completion of th 1 McKlnley mausoleum, which I. the gift , of the nation, and which Is to be dedicated ! " .. c, , . K : on Monument Hill September next. Sketrh af Her Life. , Ua -,-rton McKlnley was bom in Canton p jur.e r. ;m.. jamee a. wimn. nr ftHer. w in 1rtelle--t lal snd Jro-rrea1v s.irnei man and banker, h's wife a wo- where she spent three years. Part of her young womanhood was spent in the Stark County bank, which belonged to her father. On aeveral occasion ah tad charge of th. Institution. Whlls she taught Sunday school la th Presbyterian church yeung Lawyer Mc Klnley was superintendent of th First Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. Among many admirer, and suitors, the ha rv! some i young soldier, who had been with Grant ! ar.d Sheridan, and won distinction in th , valley, was the favored one. i BT Jm( Saxton. her father, these word j wr ! to McKlnley when th band f the daughter wa. gained' ! "Too are the only man I have ever know, to whom I would entrust my daughter." aiaraei street wnicn m later years oeca-ns famous as th. McKtnley cottage It was during their short sojourn In this home that uvv-iri.v h tw ik. . tt tl j were bora to them two daugMere. Katie on Chnatma day of 1T1. and Ida oa April April L 1!71. , . ... , . . . ,, M i"1 ' "ru. Katie th f foUowit.- year. During thla period Mr. i McKiniey mother also passed away, and mtea ia , ,v. r, , Her life as the wife of V k -a Vr. , ' : Kjiirv waa a most har.r v arjl fl.v.-.tMf ar a hli h was Ir