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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE; MONDAY, ATOIL 20, 1P07. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room ton HF-NT-Furnlshed room: Indy or gen tleman. 7 ft. 17th Ave. (15i-M"3 Sox rnONT room and aVovn In strictly mod ern house; private fumily; gentleman ferrwl. Address B 21)2, Bee (15) M473 Jfrx FOR RENT For summer. -room house, completely furnished. d" ruble location. References requhed. Address R 2"4 IJee. (1'iP M0i 29 TWO rheerful front room. furnished or unfurnished; modern hmis... 1144 So. 22d au (15) M502 My 4X SICELY furnished room for rent; private family fln location, one block from rnr. 1214 n! Sf'lh St. 1S 555 M4x i MODERN furnished rooms. 2222 Farnam. 1 (15-M4 M27x VICE iRrxn front room, modern, close In. Vacant May 1. 614 So. 2oth St. (15)-637 M4x lafarnlahed Rooui, CENTRAL, modern, 8 deslrabb" room, bath and hall, to food tenant. TC N. (15) M4Mt FOR KENT I or 4 rooms, partly fum'shel. Tel. Harney 612. (15 M27 Ml Two rooms, UJl N. 17th St. (15) 89B UNFURNISHED room; no children. 413 N i3d. (15) Ml'." My4x $lonsekeelnc nooma. BASEMENT floor of four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for family without chil dren. 107 8. 17th St. (16)-M272 2SX TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for light housekeeping. WH Daven port. (15) MH M.lx HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 821 8. 191 h. 06) M298 MylCx NICE unfurnished rooms for housekeeping, single or eni:uite, one block from car Una will rent cheap. 4ui uecatur. (15) M417 SOx ( OR 5 MODERN housekeeping rooms, walking instance; also 7-room cottnge. 131 Burt Bt. (16) M404 30 THREE light housekeeping rooms, modern axoept heat, walking distance; no child ren; references required. Address N 197, care live. (15 M459 3ux FOUR housekeeping rooms; no children; 1320 Kminet St. Telephone Red 4"47. (13) M437 4x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2. 1913 Dodga St. Inquire 24 floor. (16) M44J 4x Apartments ami Flats. - FOR RENT-7-room flat. Tel. Had 460&. modern, H7.50. (15) MSM9 tTOR RENT Thre-room modern flat, 2919 Itouglaa, ground floor; rent reasonable. Ulobe Land & Investment Co., Patterson Block. (15)-MJt3 FOR RENT Lower flat. S nice rooms, op- Soslte lianscomb park; IU4. 'Phone Doug is 623. (15) tfi)A S MODERN rooms In new flat, arranged ' for light housekeeping: walking dlstHnce, KS. 21 N. 26th Bt. (16) 286 29 Furnished Houses and Flats. B EVEN-ROOM house, well furnished. Call llurney J48. (16)-M435 20 Houn and Cottages. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1130-24 N. Ulh. Offlce. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Dvug. 1669. (16)-6U HOUSES in all parts of the city. R, C Peters 4 Co., Bee Bldg. ' U6)-624 WE DO expert piano' moving at lowest prloes. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmoller at Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. U6 619 FOR RENT My residence, 4620 Florence boulavard; strictly modern, hard wood ' finish, cenented cellar under whole house, large lawn and shade trees, cement walks; one block to Sherman Ave. car; vary choice location. To parties without chil dren I will give lease at $40 per month; , possession given about May 1. Telephone ' Red 6799. William I. Kleratead. (16) M660 WE MOVE! PIANOS MagganI Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 1494. Office, 1713 Webster Bt. (15 61 6EE us when shipping household goods to large cities) west; we can save you money. EXPRE38MEN DELIVERY CO.. $14 N. 16th SU .Tel. Doug. 116. (16)--52a . FOR RENT. t4 Hsrney, modern, fine condition. $40.00, $408 mnmet, t rooms, barn, $30.00. O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1001 N. Y. Life, 05) M477 30 FOR RJ3NT-e-room house. Just completed, airimitr modern and first classj. Corner 41 at and Uard. a B. Mercer Co., 223 Paxton Woe. (16)-M47 $0 HOUSES In all parts of the city. The U, jr. Davis -o-, oee xsioej. 1TOR RSNT. l-room modern house, new furnaoe, north part ox city. C. M. BACHMANN, 43 Paxton Block. , ' 06) 87$ HOUSES, insuranoe. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. not warn 203 NORTH ltd, new brick, $46. (16)-M4 TO RENT A modern -room house, practi cally new, corner 40th and Lafayette Ave.: $40 per month. Apply to Dr. U. M. jucv-iauajiao, 1113 M. otn du OS) 43$ MODERN eight-room house. No. 4011 Sew ard Bt. luuulre R. L. Roblson. seoond , Door Ware block. Tel. Doug. 673. (16) C3e l-room all modern houaw; referenoes re quired, inquire 2213 Spenoer Bt. . Uo 646 2x r04 FARNAM, U-room modern brick house. ra; to private family only. Warren M Rogers, $71 Farnam. (15-n) larwvvria -n Krr r 'v. . -i t ia. P W.W, . I . , WW.. V 11.1 1 Tm, ,M. newly papered. Tel. D. $73. B. H. Rob- won. tin) ue FOR RENT Beven-room, attractive, nsw house, 3016 Spruce Bt, w per month. Par Uoulare. 'Phone Harney 2476. (16) M2dB $0x FOR REWT May L 16-room bouse; modern flits location, inquire at u farx Ave. (16r-C:4 Myx l-ROOM modern house, barn; Tel. Harney t-ROOM brick house, new, all modern, walking dlsiance, Mil tnicago nu L... L'NEsJUALIlD, central, all modra 7-rnom nuuae. Apviy, Tlxara. 34) J, va. (16)-M&61 tldlaga. FOR RENT-Gennaala HaU or Bijou Theater building, lull to 131$ Harney; eturee, office and theater; on long lease. c. r. ivoage m v.o iii s arnam. (1&-M3M 1111 HARNEY ST. I floois and basement. 13x14) feet; suitable lor woolesale. Mc tag us luvesttueot Co., iwt Dodge St. lbo4 44 THE entire building now occupied by the Dally News, 44xM) XoeC $ stories and b -nieuL MuCague lovesUneut Co., 1504 Lodge Bu (15)-4U OMR larae office room, ground floor. Ed. ward CreJghtoQ Institute Bldg., $10 8. lath Bit oppwsiie city nau. uuiuut a -LSei FOR RENT TORLd AND OFFICES IN RAMOS BUILDING APPLY TO W. R. HUMAN. 1617 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOUGLAS M. (lj MfiJo offloes with north llgnt In t Mrrvative building at lti4 liarney BU . llwilmi A Heyden. 1704 Farnam Bt (16) M47t FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, eit: haU OuUdtng. tn N. 3ttn Bt., Bout " '-n AvJ' $0 taAW (16 1M OFFERED FOR RENT Omes Can tinned. ROOM 4. Continental block, and Inrge re ception room: very suitable for dentist a or doctor's office; tower window. Robt. H. Bennett, Agent, Room It, Continental Blk. (16-M1W Stores. FOR RENT The beet located corner etoro In Omnha, Farnsm nnd lth Hts., Board of Trade Bldg. Bee P. H. Fhllbln. Fchllts Hotel. (15)-M:63 THREE splendid modern room on ground floor; rent reasonable. 1822 Fat nam ft. (15) MW 7H) 8 rth ft., per month. t Farnam Ft., 112 iO per month. 2906 Farnam St.. $XI00 per month. N. P. DODGE A CO.. 1714 FATtNAM 8T. (16) 615 NEW DOUBLE STORE Splendid location, opposite public library. Pee us early. SHINIER & CHASE CO., 10 Farnam. Douglas 3S07. (IP) M5C1 I 1103 N. 18th. J0. Bemis, 15-938 STORE ROOM. Paxton 13 Ik. SIS S. 19TH ST. New basement. 47x9 street entrawe. light, high Celling and cement Hour; will divide. Apply to Oarvln Uros., likH Farnam St. (15)-MC M)l OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wlra fencing c per foot, zu n. inn tti. lei. ttea n. (18)-M527 Farnltare. ID-HAND furniture bought and sold; busi ness on the square. Rosenberg Co., formerly with Chicago Furn. Co. 103 8. 14th. D. oMJ. (16) MS43 Myl2 OTtriTMTAT. RllflS. 35,000 worth at 75c on the dollar, for a few uays. 400 . lam ei. vw iii BARGAIN In roll top desk If taken at once. Douglas 161)1. '164-904 Pianos, Orcans. Mnsleal Iostroments. Greatest Piano Bargains in Omaha. 25 UPRIGHT PIANOS, Wagner upright, dark walnut case I 60 Kimball upright, ebonlsed case 66 New Knaland uis-lght. rosewood case.... 75 K imhnll imriiht. wftjn.nt case Gem upright. etonlzed ense 115 Chlckerlng upright, rosewood case 126 Smith A Barnes upright, oak case 165 Opera upright, onk case 175 J. C. Fisher unrlirht. burl walnut cam... 2D0 lvers & Pond upright, burl wnlnut case. 22S 8TK1VWAY. V'OSa EMEIiWIN. HA1 LET & DAVIS, and other square pianos, $15. $26. $35 and up. MHfton & Hamlin. KlmbeJl. ESrtey and other orgnna, $10, $15, $.x) and up. Tppms to anil nonvenlence of purchaser. Pleaae tnke notice, every Instrument ! fully guaranteed. Money refunded If not satis factory. We rent new pianos iroin j up ward: also move, store, lune ana ri"ir in- truments of nil makes. CSill or write at nee if you wlah to obtain choice of bar gains. N. B. The public Is cordially Invited to attend our next I'lanoia ann song recital rext Wednesday afternoon, May 1, :). Ad- tnlseU'n free. SCIIMOLLER & MUELLER, PIANO CO. Tel. Douglaa 1626. 13U-131S Farnam St. (i6)'n FOR SALE Good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrifice. Apply sua iiammon. (16)-oll FOR BE8T values possible In high grade pianos, nigh grade tuning ana repairing. see Bush ft Gerts Piano Co., 60s w. o. w Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6374. (16) M777 A 30 PIANO Square, $10; 60 oents weekly. Per- ntit rignp co., wu aroam et. uoj nin FINES $300 upright piano, nearly new, $150. party leaving town; dealers neea not ap ply. 416 w. ax bi. t)) nu a UPRIGHT piano, $75. 8211 California. as) isu juayzx PIANO CERTIFICATES REDEEMED. We will redeem all credit certificates up to $100 issued by any piano firm in Omaha and allow from $10 to $26 additional as cash payment on a standard-make piano. Bush sV Gerts Piano Co., 609 W. O. W. Bldg. (16) M408 29 Typewriters mmd evrlnaj Machines. ONE Remington typewriter. No. 4. In good condition. lor sale cheap. -au ai nee office. (16)-429x Mlseellaaeoes. . FEW Ice boxes for sale at your own price. 107 No. 12th Bt. (16) M82 Ml J FOR 6ALE First class store fixtures. showcases, etc Globe Land ana invest- men Co., Room $, Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Mod. ti ai BILLIARD table, 4 balls and cues; every thing complete, cheap. Phone Harney 2077. tlo)-l wx FOR BALn Oak dtnlng table and side board. 11 B. 3lst Bt. (.!) iU)U ux FOR BALE Two sodafountalns and a few small show cases, fricea rmicuiousiy cheap. Sherman A MoConoell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. . US) M 460 a $10.60 GOCART for sale cheap. Tnqulre 2613 Heese Bt. us) BEFORE buying your coupon books call up Independent Ice Co. ana get our raies. TeU Red 6209. (16)-M414 M5x TWO splendid poems for Memorial day programs: L "Our riags uerenaere," t "Loyal Women From '41 to '86." Have them recited by two young ladles and you will make a "hit." 26 cents each, or both for 60 cents: money order.. 1. n. Armstrong, Fair bury. Neb. (16)-M23 Mylg AWNINGS: they're not expensive. Call Doug. k3 and our representative win Omaha Tent ana awuing lo. tio wv FEW bargains in $d-hand soda fountains; monthly payments, uerigai, uis rarnam. FOR SALK Men's and women's ready-to- wear ciotmng; new biock jui receivea. nn dollar will be credited to your ao- count on a purchase of $10 or more It this advertisement is presented. Home Credit Ulothlng Co., loO) Dodge. (16)-M421 Myl Butchers' refrigerators on hand. Hot Doug. tie H1H MAX. HALL'S safes, new. td-band. 1814 Farnam. MT RECIPE for cleaning wall paper costs c per room to clean paper, nana ons dollar for recipe. Address V. W. Pries, Piattainouth. Ntb. 04 M60S MUX SEND us your (stall "orders tor drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon urui t-o.. umana. (16) CJ3 Aquarium Mads of Iron, about 1 feet high and 8 feet long, having a width of 4 to 12 Inches; has a plate glass front with reflector In rear; would make A handsome ornament for window dlsolav or in the home. Call at business oOice of The Bee and ask to see iu (i) mo FOR SALE All ths leading periodicals I published. Forelrn nuhiiratlons a sie- I cialty. Birthday, wedding and souvenir post carua. ouoecnptions receivea sor an periodicals published. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. SCHULTZE A BLATTERT. Newsdealers and Stationers. Hi B. ltth St (14) M423 rut BHEKW1N WILLIAMS CO. best mixed pelut. Sherman McCoanell Drug Co, (16-44 SNAP Rid path's History ot the Worl. Encyclopaedia Brltannlca, International Fncyclotaedta: small monthly payments. Webster's Unabridged $10 Dictionary, full leather, only $3 2a. B. B. Roberts, 641 Paxton Bldg., Omaha. (14) M4 A 30 MILLET $E0. A. W. Wagner, $41 N. 1Mb. COAL Nut, good burning. 4 bushsls for 41.00 delivered. ItoeeublaU- Telephone ' Douglas elV Uti-4U4 iPffBTol I No Money in Vacant Rooms Rent them Advertise in The Deo 3 lines (iwourd.) 7 times, only 45 cents OFFERED FOR SALE Mlacellaneon ontlnaed. OAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We furnlBh estimates. If you are going to build, write for catalogue. BURUESS-URANDEN CO., 313 S. l&tu. 'phone Doug. osl. Uo)-M1as FOR SALE Australian Wonder a grass seed perfectly hardy In every resiwct. grow where bluegrass fails. I'erfcct velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. M. Miller. 1'. t) hoi 841, Denver, Colo. (1) M997 It) FOR SALE Australian Wonder grass seed perfectly hardy In every respect, grows where bluegrass falls. t'erieci velvet lawns guaranteed, price, 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O. Box Ml, Denver, Colo. (1) M8 10 GARDEN and field seeds, fruit packages. bee keeners 1 ouiikermnn beod Co., Council Bluffs, la. (16) A CLEAN $H,000 stock of general merchan dise at 86 cents on trie dollar; tine locu tion; will bear closest Inspection. Owner moving away. Address, x 7, Bee. (16) 671 BLOT machines, all kinds; also silver (ng and picture maonines. jnri, iz o. lbtn. 116J MlHi AWI CHOIf'K CURRANT PIANTS for sale. B. C. Smith, Sit Corby St- (16V luo Mix Besley Letter Cabinet Made of walnut and having t wo Indexed nilng cases; an ornamental and useiui ot flce fixture; at a? bargain. See Wright, at The Bes business oince. do) 323 TO BUY or sell any business or property call on uanstad, 403 Bee Bing. ut audi TREES, shrubs, roses. Hard Dell Nur. ery, 24th and Plnkney. Tel. weu. (1W-111 Jl HOME-MADE GRAPH WINE, 10 YEARS OLD. 1 FEK GALLON. tALiUutl BROS., OPPOSITE P. O. ... tl) 41 JUiy IS FOR SALE 1300.00 will buy my $300.00 gnso- llne launch; speak quick. B. B. binoti. Council Bluffs. la. (16) M246 My8x FOR 8ALE-Three hydraulic chairs, onm blnatlnn case, electric massage machine and heater; everything good aa new. call at 216 North 10th Bt. (16) M266 Max FOR BALB-Two sets blacksmith tools, In cluding 6-horse-power Weber gasoline en- glne, emery stand, two blowers, snaiiing. 0 mowers, snaiLiosj also one set wood haners and belting; also one set wood working tools. C. O. Armstrong, 910 nrtn Ave., Council Bluffs, la. (14) M331 My8x BICYCLE TIRES Lawrence's best, guar anteed, $3.75. E. ii. Lawrence, 2703 leav snwortb St. (16) 24)1 18 GO-CART Tires, 15c and up. E. E. Lawrence, 2709 (16)-290 M26 Leavenworth St. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma chine designer, raxton Bik. lei. nea 7U7. (17) 738 My 10 LARSON V CO. Book free, Bee Bldg. (17) 637 PERSONAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed. not ironed. ZU B. UtU St. Tel. Doug. 264. (18)-638 OMAHA Stammerers Institute, Ramge Bldg. 08)-t THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need: we collect, repair ana sen, at lit jm. 11th St., for coat of collecting, to ths worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon win caii. u) on PLEATING Bffji' Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink Ing, unly 6a per yard. Bend for pries Hat ana samples. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1934. (lt oil B SWING machines rented, any make, 76o per week or $4.00 per month. Becond- hand machines for sale, $6.00 and Up. jseDrosaa cyoie co., luia ana Harney. (18) 639 f A R3 A (TF! Swedish movement. 61$ AliiOOdUIiii-.. M rv. Tioer (IB) Mill M3 MAGNETIC Mft" ?fJ A WOMAN with large acquaintance In Omaha and vicinity and some ability as organiser and promoter of high class en terprises, usually along educational lines, wishes to hear of opening where such auallticatlone may be used to advantage. Address Organiser, Gen. Del. Omaha, Neb, (.!) isi SYRINGES, rubber roods, by mall: out prloes; send for free catalogue. Myers- Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Os) 4l PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1320 N. 24th Bt. Tel. Doug. &69. 08) 643 FOR anything In the sewing machine 11ns go to V. nodroan A Co., 1614 capttol Are. Q8) M840 My 12 WESTERN COLLEGE of Piano Tuning, Lincoln, Neb.; backed by leading piano men of Milwaukee and Chicago, with a capital of 3100.000. oners young men with determination a chance to learn this big paying profession at extremely low rates in order to advertise our school In this section. Applicants must be over 18 years of age, of clean appearance, good habits and honest. Ws place student as soon as finished with excellent chances of pro motion. (18) M394 M) 4X WHEN you write to advertisers remember it takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In Ths Bee. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR SALS. HOUSES FOR BALE Also fins lots In No. part of city: prices right; easy terma Call Doug. 663 or Doug. 3709 Office, 3320 N. $410. O. M. UNDER HILL A CO. (19-797 MyU IF SOLD BY MAY 1ST T-room modern, nice corner lot on street car line, reasonable walking distance. splendid residence district. In short, a beautiful borne for far leas than Its value and on vary easy payments. $2,300. National Investment Co., 'Phone Doug. 4491, Douglas Blk. (lii)-MtRS 2 CLOSE IN T-room modern, close to high school, St. John's church, boulevard and paved street. A bargain, W.JbO. 3811 Davenport. N. KKNUKR, 626 N. Y. Life. Tel. Red $217. Ut)-M175 FOR BALJQ A fine 40-room ll-eulte flat building, well located, at a bargain, for cash. 6-room cottage, nearly new, $1.6o0. 4-room house, nearly new, modern except heat. $2.uu. These are bargains. Olobe 'land and Inv. Co., Patterson Bldg Omaha. Neb. C19) M933 Ml FOR SALE Two modara bouses snd lare barn, one block nortn of llaua uni pjrk; paved street, east front, lot 76x160. Last- era owner win sail at a oargain. THOMAS B REN NAN. lUtoul 1 S, . U Bldg. il-e4 REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTT FOR BAI.R (Contlnuca ONLY $14 PER FOOT IN THE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT For Ave nice south front building lots on DoiiKlns St., west of 457: all nicely graded, ready for building, solid ground, sewer, water and gus In street. This block Is rapidly building up with new houses, good abstract of title, all taxes paid. These ara real bargains. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO., Blxth Floor N. Y. Llfa Bldg. Tel. Douglas lvl. (19)-294 29 ElOHT-ROOM, all modern hoise; laundry; also vncant lot, 6xl42; desirable loca tion. Inquire 27ol Woolworth Ave. . (19)-M490 29X Big Snap for Quick Sola Lot on 2Ttn snd Blonde, east front. 77 x 120, ITTjO. Also lots fronting north and outh on Blondo. between 2tth and 17th, tig per front foot, 'pnone Douglas &.S6. BEMIS, Paxton Plock. C)-UI REAL ESTATE CITY PltOI'BRTV FOR SALE (Continued.) ACRES ACRES ACRES ACRES 6, 10 or 20-aore tracts, north west of Benson, close to Mili tary road. Price, $160 to $100 per acre. Excellent ground for truck garden. These tracts are all fronting east on main road. Possession any time. For particulars, sea GEORGE A CO., Sole Agents. 1G01 Farnam Street. (W-M266 29 TEXAS LAND See "add-' Gllmore Real Estate Co., 1419 Douglas. U9) M520 29 BUY FROM OWNER Neat 6-room cot tage, gas, city water In house, nice yard. 15o5 Corby St. (19S-M428 2Sx FOR SALE House, 4 rooms, modem ex cept furnace, 207 Cuming 8L Price, $2,800. Easy terms. JOHN F. FLACK, City Savings Bank, 16th and Douglas. 0 21$ cliB- Williamson Co. u-fBtBrd (19) M50 NOTICE Snap, corner lot In West Far nam dietrlct, 100x126 reet; asphalt pave ment; price, $3,0u0. Address 422 S. 15th Bt. (19) 837 DEPOSITS in the Neb, L. & B. Asa'n la better than mtgs. 8 N. T. Life. G9)-M594 M$ MUST BE SOLD $230 Hamilton St., lH-story house of 6 rooms, large lot, 60 feet frontage on Hamilton and 60 feet frontage on Charles St., few steps from Harney car line and almost adjoining Bemls Park, only $2,300. INVESTIGATE THIS AT ONCE MUST BE BOLD. BEMI3.. Phone Douglas 685. '- Paxton Block. .- -"-: . Os) 78 REAL ESTATE FARM ARD RANCH LANDS TOR ALB Colorado. HOMESTEADS Good farming land near railroad. Bernard uiiliuana, 14 uiayton Blk., Denver, Colo. (20) M527 M27x Kansas. WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our Kansas lands. Write for par ticulars. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (20) M420 Nebraska. A GOOD farm, wel lmoroved. 10 miles west of Omaha, for sale on easy terms. 6 per cent Interest, it taken in next " aayi Address Y 244, Bee. (20) 495 IMPROVED farms In eastern Nebraska; Barpy and Douglas counties. B. J. Over ton. Gretna, Neb. 20)-M878 Texas, TTXAS AND NEW MEXICO LAND. Have some rare bargains tn Texas snd New Mexico land, $6 to $7.60 an acre. Go and see for yourself; low railroad ratea For particulars address ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW, 801 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. v (20) U7 GO TO NORTHERN TEXAS. As much rainfall as northern Iowa, nroducea aa aood crops as eastorn Ne braska, an equable climate; no sudden chanaes. Land. $11 to $16. Go now be fore the raise In price, after the harvest of the big crop now nearly grown. Ex cursion May 7th. Gllmore Real Estate Co., 1419 Douglas St. ; (10) M623 Miscellaneous. 10.000 HOMESTEADS Soon to be opened for settlement on famous Rosebud reser vation. Bend 26c for latest and best map, best and most reliable Information. A. E. Kull, Beo'y Chamber of Commerce, Bonesteel, 8. D. (20)-MKS6 My 2x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Favsa aad Batok Ua4. FARM FOR RENT. 170-acro farm, near Omaha, for rent, $6 per acre, very rich, nign class corn una, good house; some alfalfa. W. L. Beiby, 44 Board of Trade. Phone Douglas 110. Ul)-M3 REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in umana; towem raioe; no delay. 'Ibomns Lreunan. Koom 1. N. X. Ufa. (B)-449 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. tunam bmlih A Co., iw arnan fct. 12-664 MONEV TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. , t3)-Jl PRIVATE MONET F. D. THead. 1520 Doug (22-6i-t UNION LOAN A INVEST. CO. 1 310 Bee Loans on Real La Lata, Bldg. at 4 end $ per cent. 'Phone Dojg. 2v- 'JUJ 4 A JO LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (22)-& $500 TO $60,000 TO LOAN at lowest rates; no delay. UARVIN BROS., 1404 FARNAM. (22)-Mi;0 BUILDINO loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. (22)-fc7 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton Block. (22)-o7 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg -6i4 LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'KEEFK R. E. CO.. 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. (22 M736 WANTED city loans. L C, Peters Co. WANTED TO BORROW $75. on year at 8 per cent Interest; good security. Address II 207, Hee. (24) 636 SOx WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, seevnd-hand furniture, cook and heating store, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and shoes, planna, feathers, bed pillows, quilts and all kinds of tools; or will buy the fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. CaU the right man. TeL Doug. $971. 126) 3U Myl7 CASH psld for old books. Crane-Foys Co., 8)3 8. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321. (26)-65S FEATHER BEDS WANTED Highest cash prices pnld for old feather beds; send postal,' will be In the city for one week. Adilress Y 93. care Be. (26) M505 M15x WANTED BOARD IF YOU hsve a home that la costing more than you like, and can spare two or three rooms at a price fair to both parties, a man and wife, who will appreciate, hut not abuse the home privilege, will gladly exchange references. Address L 10, Bee. 654 3ox WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent furnished hotel In good, live town. Address all communications, giving terms, general Information, etc., to Mrs. George Hansen, Elba, Neb. Uti)-Al14 M2x TWO young men desire room and board, strictly modern, private family. Address N 180. Bee. (261 M271 21x Wr ANTED, to rent 6 'Phone Taylor-7096. or 6-room cottage. (2)-M244 2Sx WANTED A large room or two small rooms ensulte, in private family: must be reasonable and convenient to car. Address P 182, care Bee. (24) 283 Zix. WANTED By married couple, apartments in new modern nouse; noara part of time; no other boarders; references. Address W 201, care Bee. (26) M491 30x WANTED TO RENT. Modern 8 or 8-room house. Will take year lease or more, reiepnone narney 673. ( (26) M4M Sox WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 1113. (Z7) 659 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER; good references. Address F, Bee Offire, 10 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. (27) M956 1 SITUATION WANTED Position aa book keeper or office man, and have had prac Heal experience In lumber, grain, hard ware, Implements, flour and feed for eighteen years; married and a graduate of Lincoln Business College. Can give the best of references. W. F. Sheppard, 1419 bo. sa St., council uiurrs, la. (27)-644 80S SITUATION WANTED Young man. mar rled; clothing and rumlr,hing salesman stock man: wide awake, up to date; de sires a change; more money; correspond ence desired. Lock Box No. 2B8. York, Neb. (37) M878 8x TOUNG married man, speaking English ana noncminn, wants a permanent posi tlon with some reliable real estate firm country or city. Address Y 115, enre Bee. (27) M3S4 ZX POSITION WANTED A young printer wants a position In a country office at onco. No bad habits. About seven years or experience. Addrees Y 114. care Hee. (27) M381 Myllx LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids or proposals Will be received at the office of A G. Bower, president of the board of trustees of the First M. E. church of - Kearney Nebraska, until 12 o'clock noon, June 1, 19t7, for the erection and construc tion of the First M. E. church, on the present church grounds at corner Ave nuo A and 22d street. Separate bids will be received for the following estimates Carpenter work, mason work, stone work plaBtenng, heating, glass, plumbing, paint. Ing, electric wiring. All bids must be a companied bya certified check for at least Zhk per cent of the amount of the bid rs an evidence or rood fRlth on part or blaavr, Bids will also be received for erection and construction of church complete In One con tract. Plans and specifications are on lile at the office of A. O. Bower, Kearney, re. braska. The board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. By order of the board of trustees. W. W. BARNEY. Src- retary. NOTICE SEALED BIDS WILL BB RE celved on or before 10 o'clock a. m., May t, 1907, at the office or the land comiris sloner or secretary of the state of Ne braska for the fui niching and erecting of one engine boiler of 125 Ii. P. capacity und one engine of ISO H. P., both of the ahuve at the state penitentiary at Lincoln, Ne braska. Specifications now on file in the office of the secretary. GEO. C. JUNKIN, Secretary of the Board of Public I. amis a n dJBu ljd In $ a. A26-d Ut GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRl-'CTINO QUARTER master. Ft. Mackenxle, Wyo., A pi il 8. 1307. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until lo a. m. (mountain time) Muy 1, 19o7, for the construction of ma cadam ronds and driveways; concrete walks, curbs and culvert; brick gutterH and catch-baslna, and tile drains, at Ft. Mac kenzie, Wyo. Plans and apeclncatloroi may be seen at offices of Chief Quartern). LSters st Omaha, Denver, St. Paul and Chicago: Depof Quartermaster, St. Ixmls, and at this office, at which latter place all Information may be obtained. U. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all propowils, or any part thereof. Proposals should !e en closed In sealed envelopes, marked. "Pro posals for Koads and Walks." and ad dressed. CAPT. VM. D. DAVIS, Q. M ., U. S. A. A8-9-10-11 -29-30 RAILWAY TIME CARD I'NION iTATlOlt TK.KTH AND 31 ARC Y Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:64 am a 8:18 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm s 5:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 9 3) pm California A Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6.10 pm 1,0s Angeles Limited.... al2:o4 pm a 10 45 pm Fast Mall a 1:55 am a 6:00 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local b 3:00 pm b 12:45 pm Chicago, Rock Islantl A Paclllo. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:15 am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 8 46 pm Iowa Local bl2:(6 pm b 1 14 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:06 pm a 1:35 pm Chicago (Iowa Lmtd ). a 4:35 pm al2;2 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lmtd.. a 7:20 am a 3:06 am Colo. A Cal. Express a 1:50 pm a 4:50 pm Okl. A Texas Express, .a 4:40 pm al2:u6 pm Lincoln, Fairbury and Bellevue a 4:50 pm S1010 am Missouri Pacifle K.C. 4 St. L. Exp. K. C. A St. L. Exp. Nebraska Local .... Des Moines Local . Wabash. a 4 30 am ...all:15 pm a 6:36 pm ...a 2:00 pm all 4o am a 4:15 pui St. Louis Express. .a 4:30 pm a 8:80 am St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 8:15 am s 10:30 prn Slanberry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 4:00 pm bll.SOam (alraio Great Wrtltra. St. I'aul 4 Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm 7:10 am Bt. Paul 4 Minneapolis.. 7 46 sm 11 50 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 prn 00 am Chicago Express 7:46 sm 11:60 pin Chicago Express..,.. $ 30 prn 8:30 pm fbleace, Mllwaakee A St. Paal. Chi. A Colo. Special.... a 7:64 am a T 80 am California A Ore. Exp. .a t:45 pm a 3. 10 pm Overland Limited a $.36 m a $.30 aw Des Moinea A Cedar Haplda Local b 4.44 am bll .00 pin RAILWAY TIME CARD"10"1"1 (hiraaje northwestern. Cedar Haplda Pass a 7:06 am a6:0Spm y Fxr .k 7.50 am alO:00 pm Chicago Daylight Chicago Local .. ....a 4:09 ant aiirift pm ....all 30 am a $ 46 pm ....a $ 60 pm a S6 am ...,k 4.33 pm $ 50 am , a $ 45 pm ...,at:60pm a 7:30 am , a IK pm ....a 8 23 prn a 8 90 am ....a 8:38 pm a M am ....a 8:38 pm a t:Sl am ....a 7:40 am alO 35 am ....b 7:40 am alO:S8 am ....a 3 00 pm a 6:06 pin ....a $ on pm a $: pm ....b$:00pm b 6.05 pm ....b 4:03 pm bll 60 pm Sioux City Local Carroll local ... Ploux City I,ocl Chicago Express rust Man , Fast Mall Twin City Limited..., Overland Umlted ... Norfolk-Prtncsteel .... I.lnrolnrChadron .... Deadwood-I.lnooln ... Cssper-Shonshonl ... Hsstlngs-8uperlor ... Fremont-Albion Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a $ 48 pm b $ 00 am a 8:16 pm Minn. A St. Paul Exp Chicago Limited .a 4' pm a 7 so am Minn, at Bt. Paul Lmtd.a 1.30 cm a i :4V am Bl R1.1.1GTOS STATIC." lOVll MA SO narllBgrtoa. Leave. Arrive, a 4 10 pm a $ 30 pm Denver A California... Black Hills ....a 4 10 pm a sv pm ....a 4:10 pm a 3:30 pm ....all:)0 pm a 7:10 am ....a 9:10 am a 7 45 pm ....a 8:00 am a 7 45 pm a 9:05 am Northwest Special . Northwest Express Nebraska Express Nebraska Ixcal ... IJnonln Ixical Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:00 cm al2:01 pin Lincoln I.ncal a 7:30 pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm'th.b 3:60 pm b!0:26 am Plnttsmouth a T:60 pm a 8:10 am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevua A Pfl. Juno. .a 8:30 am al:50pm Chicago Special a 7:25 am a 7:25 am Chlceso Etpress ...a 3:46 pm a $ 55 pm Chicago Flyer .a 8.06 pm a 7:26 pm Iowa Local l a p-16 am -etu'.fra pm Bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm all:!) am Kansns Cltv-Pt. Joe al0:46 pm a 4 45 am Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 9:15 am a 4;10 pm Kansas Clty-Bt. joe a 4:4a pm WEBSTER TATIO!-irtb. A WEBSTER Chleagra, St. Paal, Minneapolis Omaha, Leave. . Arrive. Twin fit Tnaenror...b 4:30 sm b 9:10 pm Bloux CUT l'sssenger...a .( pm ui Emerson Local b 6:46 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local c 8:46 am c 6:50 pm Missouri Pacltlo. Local via Weeping Water a .: am a 8:R0 pm Falls CltV Local a 8:60 pm all:20 pm a Dally, .b Dally except Bmv'ay. ai'auy except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS French Line Compotfnl Ginhral Transattantiqxtt Gigantic, Elegant, Fast Liviathans JVtv yorKr-TarU 6 Tiayt LA PROVKlfCK, new twin screw Over, passen ger tlevstor, gymnasium, roof cafe. This sad the other Twin Screw Steamers havedally newspap ers, orchestra, wireless system snd miny other lnnovationsoa board, both for safety sndcomfort xXa Brstagns xle SaTOle . . . 3a Toralne . Ia Gasoogne X.a PtoTsnoe Ia Xorralne Kit 4 .... May 9 . .. .May 14 .. . May 18 . . . .May S3 May 30 Exr-rn 8tMmra iSrECIlj Enr atpsrtur. Cm of entlr stumer st ehoap second tlaaa rataa. Nl efs-ni' aian-or-war fiaripnna. coatpanrs Taatlhulal iralna. HaTrs-Parla. 1U, noura. obara conTanlant rosnaetlon art sua lor ail points 03 tba Contmant. for plana, reaerratlons ana ran inrortnanon oaii en, Ulapbona. or writs to the folloarlni a-ntf Harry kloona, 1401 Farnam Bl. : I. B. HaynoMa 1501 Farnam it. 1 Louts Naeaa, cara ot 1st Nat l Bank, W. O. DaTlfleon, 1(11 Farnam it. CANADIAN PACIFIC TEMPR5I" Lino of the Atlantlo Nnthinir better afloat tnan our new ex press steamers. Empress of Britain and Empress of Ireland (I4,txj tons), wueDec to Liverpool In six days; less than four days at sea. Bunerlor accommodation available. Comfort, elegance and safety. Send for Illustrated booklet and sailing list. O. B. BEWJAMUT, Oea, Aft, 832 8. Clark tract, Chicago, m. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and .notations on ataple and Fancy Produce. Rnns Per dox.. 1614c, BUTTER Packing stock, lbc; choice to fancy dairy. Iieu20c: creamery. 20u2&c. LIVE POL'L'l'Ri Hens, llo; old roosters, 6H0; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 11c; young roost ers, 7fc0o; geese, 6c. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, $6.6066.00 per crate. 8TRAWBERR1ES Arkansas, 24-quart case, $4.oti4.26. COCOANL'TS Per sack of 100, $4.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS Llmonlera, Soft sixe, $6.50; 360 sixe, $4 75; other brands, 60c less. ORANGES Mediterranean Bweets, 150, 174, 80O, 216 and 2uu sizes. $3.0; 96. 1 28s sixes, $3.25; California Navels, extra fancy, 174, 200, 216, 260 sizes, $4 60; fancy, 126 s.ze, $3.50; 160 size, $4.00; choice, large sizes, per box. 32 75.4J 3 lX. BANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch, $2.0KU2.26; Jumboes, $2.503.50. UKAI'E FHl lT-Sizes 64 to 80, $5 751)6.00. F1U9 California, bulk, Vr", 4-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, lie; (-crown Turkish, 9c. DATES Kadaway, 6e; sayers, 6c; hal lowls, tc; new stuffed walnut dates, 9-lb. box, $1.00. NEW VEGETABLES. BEANS New wax and string, per ham per. $6.00. BEE IB, 1 L nr. 1 fa sou i.nnuio-r dos. bunches, 4Muooc. I.ABBAOE New Texas, per lb., 3Ho. TOM ATOES Florida, 80-lb. crate, 13.50. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dos. heads, 46c. ONIONS Red or yellow Colorado, per bu., $1.00; Texas silver skin, per crate, aboat 46 lbs., $2.00; yellow Texas, per crate, about 46 lbs., $1.86. CUCUMBERS Per dox., $1.26. PARSLEY Hot bouse, per dos. bunches, 40C PIE PLANT 50-lb. boxes. $2.26(32.76. ABPARAUUB $1.75 per dox. bunches. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 46c; extra large bunches, 76c per dox. NEW POTATOE9-Per lb.. 6c. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Table stuck, per bu., 704j80c; seed stock, 90c41.00. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. $1.65; No. 1 $1.60. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, $5.31; granulated beet, In aacas, $5.21. COFFEE Roasted. No. Si, 26e per ln,j No. 30. 21o per lb.; No. 26. 19c per lb.; No 20, 16c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb. CHEESE Block Swiss, 19c; llmberger, 14c: Young Americas, 17c. NUTS California walnuts. No. 1, soft shell, 12c; No. 1, soft shell. 16c; Brazils, 16Vtl'lc; pecans, li2Zc: filberts, 12'c; pea nuts, raw, 7Mic; roasted, K1:; California ai monds. l"Sc; cocoanuts, $5.00 per 1"0. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west ern. 46'ii'ajc: Maine. $1 15. Tomatoes, fancy, 3-11). tans, $1.40; standard, 3-11). cans, $1 2o. l'lntaplles, grated, 2-lh., utandard, 2 o; sliced. $1,764) 35; fancy Hawaiian, Itti lb., $2.75; m-lb., $1,75. Gallon apples. $2.i"4 8.(0. California apricots. $2.u0. Pears. $1.75 iitUI. Peaches, $1 75'a2.40: I. C. peaches, $.' uoi2.50. Alaska STlmon. red, $1.16. fancy Chinook, fiat, $-' 10; fanck sockeye, flat, $1.95. Bai dines, quarter oil. $3.lf; three-tjUHrters mualard. $2.75. Sweet potatoes. $1.10Hj'l 25. Bauer kraut, oc. Pumrklns. 8'c'i$1.0ii. Wax beans. 2-lb.. tfOi fitl.OO. Lima beans, 3-lb, 75c4i$l$5. Soaked pes. -lh., 60c; early June. DtCfllU: fancy, $1. 264116. CALIFORNIA DK1EU r rtt'i rs frunes are somewhat unsettled by freer offerings (rom second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate gradt-e; quo latlons range from $fec to 9c for California fruit and from 3Hc to 6c for Oregon. Ap ricots are practically out or the market anil It Is reported that offerings for prompt shipments are being wiihilrawn; choice are uui'lf 1 at lac. feacnes are unchanged. with fancy yellows quoted at lSvc; fancy Muir, HV. Rslslns are tirm: loose Musca tels are quoted at fctbSc; seeded raisins, 9'1nc. BRAN Per ton, $19.00. HAY Choice upland, per ton, $10.60; medium, $f50; No. 1 bottom, IH00; off grades, $5 Ma$ 60. Rye straw, $7 00, No. 1 alfalfa. $11.00. FISH Pickerel, dressed, vj; pike, dtesard, 12c; white fish, dressed, winter caught. 13'(il6c: trout, ia2fl5c; halibut. 13c; rvlinon. 15c; catfish, 15c; barring, dressed, pan frozen, ftc; perch, scaled nod dressed. 8c; cranples. round. 0Q9c; crapples, large, fancy, 16c; black bab. 2,c: s.nelts, SKier and fine, 13c; eel. 18c; blue fish, 16c, red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 4i) 6'ic; frog legs. 3fsi4oc; loleteis, green, per lb., S5c; lobster, boiled, per lb., 4.(46o; mackerel. Spanish, per lb.. 14r; mackerel, native Ihyfic per lb.; fresh green turtle meat. 26c lb. HIDES AND TALIOW Oreen suited. No. L Kt; HQ- I, 'hc; bull hlues, c: rrn hides. No. 1. 8c; No. 3. 7c; horse. $1.601 76; sheep pelts. 6"ttt41 26 Tallow, No. 1. 4'c; No. J, 440. wool. iMuac GRAIN AND PEODUCE MiRIET Ehurp DiolU4 in Dull Wbttt Vutst AfUt Itronc Opeilne. USUAL SATURDAY LIQUIDATION ENSUES rroflt Taking- Rales ad Few Comsnltt saents Over Issdsy Cause D cllne, Although Crop Coa dltlons Are taekaaged. OMAHA. April V. 1907. The market had another wild opening, but the usual Saturday liquidation ensued and prices declined under heavy realising sales. Corn and oats were in Utile demand and closed weak, while the c'se In wheat was nearly at the low point for the day. Receipts were moderate and there was no change In the condition of crops, but cables) responded to the sharp rise of yesterday. N heat opened strong and higher on ac count of the continued, absence of rain In the southwest, but the gain was not held and the market sagged under profit-taking sales and little support offered. The mar ket was quiet and dull after the opening, as Investors preferred to hold oft and local traders sold out long lines In fuar of rains ever Sunday. Blight showers were reported In Missouri, but precipitation was predicted only for Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri. It wae believed that damage reports have been exaggerated and that the Kansas crop is only two weeks late and In fair condi tion to respond well to heavy rains. Salea of 4UI.1U0 bushels of wheat at seaboard for export were reported. The Chicago Inter Ocean said: "Cash, people who have been bearish on wheat are now talking very friendly. The ad vance in futures and crop damage have forced them into line. Now that the pries is up into the eighties more people are will ing to buy wheat than when It was drag ging around 76c. There were bids here) from eastern millers yesterday for two cax- focs of No. 8 red at July price, o. 1. f.f luffalo. Kaatern millers have bought loo.Ouo bushels of No. $ red here the last two days and the steamer Armour loaded it yesterday for Detroit." I rost w as reported in Ohio and freexlng weather In the northern grain belt. Aus tralian wheat shipments were 4N8.000 bush els this week, against H24,ouO bushels last week and l.onn.Ooo bushels last year. Indian shipments were 64,t0 bushels, as compared with 600.000 bushel lust week and 100.000 bushels one year ago. Weakness character ised the close and the undertone was heavy. Strength was shown only In July options, which closed Ho higher. Corn opened firm and. after a slight reaction, closed slightly higher. Trading was light on moderate receipts, but 300,00i) bushels were reported at seaboard for ex port. All options closed firmer at an ad vance of He. Oats were weak and in poor demand, al though early sales caused an advance of He. but the close was practically at the opening figures. Primary wheat receipts were 753,000 bush els and shipments 649,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 200.000 bushels and shipments of 314.000 bushels. Corn receipts were 469,000 bushels and shipments 4(9,000 bushels, against receipts of 5.TK.0H0 bushels and shipments of 3n6.0i0 bushels last year. Clearances were Slfi.OoO bushels corn, 4.000 bushels oats, and wheat and flour equal to 6M.UO0 bushels. Liverpool closed HdTd higher on wheat and v,d higher on corn. Broomhall estimates the world's ship ments of wheat this week at ll.enO.ooA bushels against 12.B6fl.onn hushels last week and in.O40.Ooo bushels Inst year. Local range of tptlons: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yee'y. Wheat I I May... 74V,B July... 76vn Sept... 7bB Corn Mny... ,45ViA July... 444A Sept... 43A Oats I 1 Muy... 414HI July... 41VU Sept... 36,B 74S4B 74HB 74b 74H 7V4 76 B 7B4H 76VH 78HB 76H 78B 78B 45ni 45HA 4f.HR 45HI1 44B 444A 4474H 44H 44B 4S-4A 44B 43B 41fiB 41HB 41HB . 41HB 41HHI 41MjB 414B 41"4U 354Bi 35Vn 3GB 85 '4 13 A asked. B bid, Omaha Cnsh Trices. WHEAT No. hard, 733731,c; No. hard, 7(72c; No. 4, 60(S68c; No. 3 spring, SiiiTic. . CORN-No. 2, 43H'3i44e; No. (, 48V i No. 4, 4iVy4lHc; no grade, SOJnTOo; No. 8 yellow. 43Vi'u44V;- No. 8 white, 44Hff45C OATS No. $ mixed, 8?Vj.&394ic: No. I White. 40Hc; No. 4 white. 39U4140C. RYE No. 2. 62c; No. 3. 40?. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 60 134 1ST Kansas City 48 36 18 Minneapolis i.235 . ... ... Omaha 16 28 23 Duluth 224 Bt. Louis 27 118 7 St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, April 27. WHEAT Weak: track, No. 2 red. cash, 80r,j8iic; No. 2 hard, 78fo80c; May, 77(&75c; July, B0& 80;o. CORN Lower; track. No, 2 cash, 6orJ 60V; May, 47c; July, 48c; No. 2 white, 51Vn62o. OATS Weak ; track. No. 2 cash, 421io; May, 41c; July, 3Wc; No. 2 white, 44c. FliOUR Firm; red winter patents, $3 65 63.K6; extra fancy and straights, 43.Hl'4.6: clears. tt-Wa?-;: BE EI Timothy steady, $3.00(Hfl.76. CORNMEAIy 8(eady, $2.40. BIIAN-Steady; sacked, east track, 63Uj HAT Dull; timothy, $15.00Q1860; prairie, $10 (A&13.00. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.10. BAOOINO 10.c. HEMP TWINE 10c. . PROVISIONS Pork. lower: Jobbing, $16.25. Lard, steady: prime steam. $H.42V4 Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, $9,874; clear ribs. S76; short clears, $9 75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. $10.76 clea1- ribs. $1076: short clears, $10.87H. POULTRY Weak: chickens, lie; springs, KKg'28c; turkeys, ll'el2c; ducks, 11 Vie; geese, 6c. BI'TTER Weak ; creamery, 24tfSlo. EQGS Steady at 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.WO 4,0 Wheat, bu 27i0 ,0of Coin, bu 178,000 79,00$ Oats, bu 71. M 46.00$ Kansas City Grain and Provisions KANSAS CITY. April 27. WHEAT May, 72c; July, 754c; September, 77. Cash: No. 2 hard, 74(fl78c; No. 3, 7w476c; No. 2 red, 794 KOc; No. 8. 724i77c. CORN May, 44i4c; July. 45c; September. 4r,ic. Cash: No. 2 mixed, esc; No. 8, 4tVct No 2 white, 4''; No, 3. tiV,c. OATS No. 2fchtte. 4244343c; No. t mixed. 424i -ilc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $14.26(pl5.00( choice prairie, $9 6111 10.00. RYE Steady; 62f(i64c. E4K18 Weak; extra fanry, 16e; current receipts, new cases Included, 144c; second hand cases, 14c; cases returned, 134c southern, cases Included, IZc. BUTTER Creamery, 27c; packing, 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 4. ft') 84.0" Corn, bu Oi.ooO V.w4 Oats, bu 13.0(10 24,0uS Kansas City cash prices: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. heat May July Corn May July 721,073 734 724 724 7&VtStl W4 ' 704 44444HfiT4 07iS44 44A. 4C'A 46HI 4M 46 A ssked. B bid. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOU April '27. WHEAT Spot, No. 2 red western winter, steady, 4s 24; No. 1 California, quiet, 4a 4id' futures, strong; May, 4s 7d; July, 6s rd; Sep tcinliT. ts i'Sad. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new. 4a B4d; American mixed, old, 6s d; fu tures, quiet; July, 4s 4d; September, 4a 8yi liOPS In London (Pacific coast), 2 14a t A3 6. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., April 27. CORN-Higher: No. 3 yellow. 4Ml4bc; No. $, 48c; No. 1 444c; no rrede. &41c OATH Higher; No. 2 while, 43HCr444o; No. $ white, 42c; No. 4 white, 414c H YB Firm; No. t OTHHc WHISKY-On basis of $129 for finished goods, Dalatk Grain Market. DULUTH, Minn., April 27. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 64e; No. 1 northern, 35T4iei No $ northern, 84 4c; May, 66 a; July, $4 4c; September, 64 4c OATS April, 42c. i Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, April 27. SEEDS Clover, raah and ApnC $7.90; Ixscen.her, $7 66; March, $7.40, Aislke, $J.$0, 'lluioli.y