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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
6 TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, APRIL 2. 1D07. Want - ads llrrrtlirmrnli for tb want-ad celamns will fee takea aatll IS aa. for .he Trains edltloa and antll B p. lor the aoralif aad faaday edltloae. Cash maet accompany all ordere fnr "tnl-tdi aad no advertlaemeat will la accepted for Irss tltaa lO crate for lha first laarrtloa. tastes apply te either The Dally ar iaaday Boa. , Always count six words to a liar. t emblaatlons of laltlala or aaoabari roaat aa oao word. CASH flATE FOR Rnoi LAR CLASlIFirATlOSS " "" aertlon, per llae, 10 crate. Two of nor eenaeeatlve iBserttone. per Tj il crate, rach laarrtloa made on odd days, lO Per Una. 8)1.30 " ,,B tier tnoatb. PECIAt, CLASSIFICATION" t " r.dvertlsemeat la Inserted " " ' oae of the clasalacatlene ajlveB below. .1 will ba charged at ! ! ateei One Inarrtlon, 4 ran' ta P ,tlve Inerr- Hart three to afx cobscc ilo.a, S ernta per ll-a rach "',o even or mora eeeetlve laser ' S ceata per lino rach Inrertlon. rente per liar per month. BARTER Ann F.XCHAJIOE. BiaiMIC CHANCES. bEI.P WAKTBD-FKMALE. HELP WAHTKD MALE. Except Ageata, ollcltora " Salesmen. HTFREI) FOR fALBl Oowa, Birds, D( ' Berses and Yetalelea. Poultry aad Effi. Vnraltnre. Flaaoa, Orgaae aad Maeleal ,n at rn me at. Typewriters aad irwlnst ehlaea. Mlsoe la neons. OFFERED FOR REHTl Furnished Roams. Uafarnlehed Reoma. Honsekeeplna; Rooma. Boarding aad Rooaaa. Wanted to but. wanted to hetit. itiations wanted. cash rates for notices. Death and Faaoral Hotlcee, Carda ol Thanka aad Lodge Natleaa. T cents .a Una for oaa edition, moraine or rvaalBKi a eaata a lino for earn addi tional edition. Bandar. 1 ernta a Una. No ad taken for leaa than On ceata. BRANCH OFFICES. Waat-ada for The Beo may bo left at anr of the following dm a; atorea nu la "your cerner drnKarlat they are all branch affleea of The Baa and onr ad will bo laaerted Jaat ait fromplly and oa the aamo ratea aa at the mala nffleo la Tho Beo building, te-venteenth aad Far nam atreetai Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. BerRnck, S. A., 140 8. 16th St, Bscht'e Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St it en arm Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Semis Park Pharmacy, ltd and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 216 Sherman Ave, Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 1218 Military Art Conte, J. 11., Hat Ave. and Farnam. Crlaaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak. Emll. 1264-6 S. ISth St. Enstman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2801 Leavenworth. Foster A Arnoldl.' 213 N. 2fth St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 14th Br. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neo. Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Para Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 1028 8. 10th St. Greenough, O. A., loth and Hickory. Haydan Wm. C. 8V20 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Friar., 1601 8. 28th Ava Hoist John 624 North 16th St. HufT, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth Bt King, H. B . 2 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 3.104 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co., 1602 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Chas. B., :I24 N. 14th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th. and Chicago. flehaefer. August, 2631 N. 16th 8t. Schmidt, J. II., ttth and Cuming 6ts. Storm rharmacy, It. Hi and Martha Bta Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H 40th and Hamilton Sta ANNOUNCEMENTS WALL PAPER cleaned. Douglas 6286. U)-M182 SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED ANY? Bee that they coma from THE NEBRASKA SKKD CO., 1613 110WAKD (1) tliwu A 30 THB CITY OARBAOR CO., office 4th and Leavenworth bta. Tel. Douglas 1387. tU 473 eiON PAINTING fi. H. Cole. 13U2 Doiiglaa Uj 74 WILSON hangs paper, quick, clean; paper cleaning a specially. Tel. Weboter 271S. (U-111 Ml kOR BALK Australian Wonder a frrass seed perfectly hardy In every respect, grows where blueKruss falls. Perfect velvet lawns guaranteed. Price, 30 cents per pound. Dr. A. H. Miller, P. O. Box Ml, Denver, Colo. (1) MW 10 t'JRVETINO 'Phone Douglas 7399. (1 M403 M4x OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and area. G. Andre n. Prop., 102 S. 10th bt. D r.i AUTOMOBILES FOR 8 ALB My x:-hore-power Rambler touring car; cups lop, curtains and equip ment coat tl.ti&o. lbt6 model, only used 2 months. Will sell for tswu, J. C. Huteson, Ui 8. 16th St. t2 276 8ECON D-HAND AUTOMOBII.K8. Thomas Flyor, 40-H.-P., full equipment; coat $3,750. now H.SuO, J' 'li Pope Toledo, Type 1, ton and full equipment; coat $3,750, now tl.MO. i lino, uavd 60 mllra; coat ll.i-o, now n.ora. 1 ' Rao. top and full equipment; ooat $1,$H now $400. 1 White Steamer; coat $2,500, now $700. ! 4 Ford. 16-H.-P.; cost $1,150, now $7WX I I'pe-Waverly Electric runabouts, $400 up. DKRIGUT AUTOMORILE COMPANT. W Farnam 8l Ct)-M 4 1 WRITE for list of bargains In second-hand automobllea. Fredrlckson, 1602 Cap. Ave. U) Mall M13 Al'TO for sale; second-hand Rambler, 1H II. P., In good condition; had beat of care, l'rtue, $76o.w). Mrs. C. B. Horton. 1S2 N. ;sth SL (2) M4S1 M6 A I'TOMOBILHi $-cy Under. 16-horsepower runabout, good as new, will trade for real estate. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farna in B t! (2) M 4i4 BARTER AND EXCHANGE l& acres, suitable for platting, between Omaha and Council Bluffs; for aale for WXt per acre. C acrea, Hubbard Co., Minn.; exchange Omaha or Council Bluffs. L -room hotel, steaJn heated and furnished, exohange for good farm In Iowa or Ne braska; It M0. ALVA SMITH CO., Council Bluffs. t$ Mix U0 ACRES. 5 miles from Schell City, Ver non county. Mo.; 80 acrea under cultiva tion; good building; price, tw per acre; Incumbrance, I2.uM; will exchange for gen eral merchandise. Qk ba Land and Invest ment Co., It joins 1 aud $. Patterson blk., Omaha u MS0 WILL EXCHANGE one years' muilo las aona on any Instrument for job printing or advertlaliig in any locality. Address A MU, Bee. a-AUM I OR E3CCHANGB Fine onyx and quarter sawed oak soda fountain, coat about til.OuO, ' as good as new, will exchange for Oinaha ' property or Nebraska laud. Address M it, care Be. (3 M91J 'ANTE 1 ) Itloe building. A party hav ing valuable dock property In Chlcugo dealrea to exchange for a well-located and well-rented office building. Address George H Karchor. Ills First National fcau ttuiUUo. tUoagu. PL BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR KXCHANOR-1! scrra near Orchard, Antelope county, Neb.; price $17. So per acre. Mf acres six miles from O Nell, Holt county. Neb.. Improved; pries $X) per sere. Will exrhanxo either or both of above farm for merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income properties In Omaha to exchange fnr met" handlae. or hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson B10g., Omaha, Neb. (1 77 FOR EXCHA NC1F--I hae 1S7 Franklin automobile and ring White steamer, ore of which I will trade for a good piece of Omaha property or Nebraska lard; (rivs full description of what you have and don't put a fancy prl on It. Address M 27. care Bee. (3-91l EXCHANGF.8 If you have city property, stocks of goods, firm Isnd or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com- filete list. We have properties and lands n all parts of the country to exchange. Our lit Is free. Bend for It at once. Globe Land arid Investment Co., Patter son Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. (3) 7 C. J. CAN AN, 701 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, $Su,0 Highly Improved resldi-nce prop erty In the most desirable renldence part of city, all clear, for a Nebraska ranch. (3)-M366 M17 A NEW hlltrlte cash carrier of five sta tions, for al, or will exchange for cash r'giatcr. Address Lovclk Bros.. PiKek, N. D. (3 M390 My4x SOME good Omaha property to trade for land or merchandise. 110 8. 17th Bt. (3) M321 ml 46-ACRE fruit farm, worth $3,000, to ex change for small home near good town. K. li. Condlt, Plattsmouth, Neb. (3) M96 tx FOR Income property or Iowa farm, well Improved Talley ranch, 2.600 acres, central Nebraska. P. O. Box 173, Omaha. (3) M47J 20x TRADES! TRADES! If you have any thing that you don't want and will trade It for something else, write us. We can match anything. Kelly Investment Co., 220 Neville Block. Omaha. Neb. (8M4S8 M4 FOR SALE or exchange, Automobile 2 cylinder, 16-horsepower, cost $1,000; good as new. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. (3 M403 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools; $4 to M received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting Urea. Address Y 129, Bee. 4-47l MR. TRAVELING MAN, Tour attention, please. Are you looking for something good? We have the best aide line you ever handled; no selling or samples; all you do Is recommend. It s a money maker for you. Address Lock Box ia9, Oinaha. Do It now. (4)-M23 MIS ADVERTISING man to take charge of big Eaylng advertising business In large city. ead-brokes, chronic ne'er-do-wells, and Inexperienced men, don't bother to an swer. $&,(Xi0 a year and up If you can make good. Address P 164, care Bee. (4 M800 29 FOR SALE $4,000 Jewelry stock; can re duce to suit buyer. Pender Realty Co., Pender, Neb. 14) MU2 My8x BUSINESS CHANCE A BARGAIN For sale, furniture and fixtures In Eniropcan hotel and lunch room; doing $12,0u0 busl neas yearly; located In a town of 4.UU0; division point of two railroads; only place of Its kind In town. H. D. M. 416 E. Lin coln St., LaLhervllle, la. 4) M81I 2vx FOR SALE My stock of general mer chandise. In good condition, located In good live town; will etther sell or lease building; terms reasonable; wish to re tire from business on account of fall ing health. For particulars call or write J. R. Young, Lodge Pole, Neb. (4) M466 MylSx MUSIC teachers' local locations bought, aold. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam, Omaha. . (4) Ml63 MODERN MONET MAKING HOTELS, GOOD NEBRASKA TOWNS; PRICES, $l,rt. $2,800 AND $4,000. WESTERN HO TEL BROKERS. 1324 FARNAM STREET, ROOM 3. (4)-MSttl My 23 FOR SALE Cement, stone and sidewalk business. A fine opening for a practical men with a little capital; location one of the best county seat towns in eastern Nebraska; population $,000. Address Y B4, care of Bee. (4 M86 30 FOR SALE Good hotel property; new building and furniture, heat, gas, water and bath. Capacity of house filled all the time. Best of reason for selling. Ad dress Owner, Wm. Schlppmann, Holstein, la. (4 AIS68 80 WANTED A party to buy out a first-class stock of furniture In the best town on the Elkhorn valley; beat of reason for selling. Wlaner Furniture Co., Wlsner, Neb. (4)-M960 FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop with bathroom and cigar stand, with new two-story building; only shop In town of 6o0. Ben Calllson, Hltland, S. D. (4)-M251 My3x FOR SALE 100 shares Omaha & Nebraska Central Railway stook, cheap. Address P m. care Bee. (4) M4S6 My4x HOTEL business and furniture for sale; beat house; thrifty county seat town. D. R. Hughes, Clay Center, Neb. (4) M398 My4x INVESTMENT $500 and services against same amount secures half tnteiost. con trolling business monopoly producing very lurge returns. Address F 206. Bee. (4) M525 SOx FOR SALE Bakery, In small thriving town. Address Y V6, care Bee. (4) M519 SO BUY shares of stock In the Western Land and Realty Co ; after results will please you; shares, $10. Western Land and Re alty, RedrU-ld. B. D. (4 M528 2vx STOCK of merchandise. Invoices $6,000 or $7,000; sales. $3,0u0 per month. Call Dr. Ward. Ramge Bldg. (4) 646 Mix FOR SALE A good bakery and confec tionery business: bakery has a good brick oven; doing a fine business In a live town, and poor health Is reason for selling; will bear close personal Investi gation. Address George Bird, Sterling, Colo. (4)-M248 My2x FOR SALE Stock of Jewelry, fancy china ware, silverware, etc., and store flxturos. Good chance for a wideawake, jeweler. J. K. Jensen, trustee. Elk Point, S D. (4 242 M 3x HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business for sale; good business; will require $4.0u0 to handle same. Writs ttox $8, Nelson. Neb. ( M323 A GOOD stock of drugs In one of the best towns In southern Nebraska for aala cheap; a rare chance for the right man. Address, 411 6th St.. Falrbury, Neb. J M597 SOx Do You "Wish to Make a Change t If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBU LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (4)-M4 M7 DRUG stores for aale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 7u7 N. Y. L-, Omaha. (4) loO ROBERT C. DRI ESEDOW St CO, STOCK BROKERS. SOS New York l.lfo Bldg, Omaha, Neb. (042 BU8INESS CHANCE Invest $1 per week for 2e 'weeks or $S caah and clear tJ60; absolute safety guaranteed by all baaka Sloreheat Mfg. Co.. Loa Angeles, Cal. 4)-M6U J10X FOR BALK First-class stock of drugs and fixtures. Will consider land If priced right. Address Y 87, care of Bee. ( Mill TO BUY or sell any business or real es tate, call on or write E. O. Oangestad, tos Bea Bldg. li) kul WANTED To trade for atock of goods: have a good farm. Address Y 2-aV. Bee. t4r-4i WANT I second-hand automobile; have some land to trade. Addresa Y M, Bee. tJ FOR SALE A paying aaloon, located on one of the best corners In tUoux Falls. 8. I. Address 14 Phillips Ave., south, bious Falls, 8. D. 14 al7t Mix HOME BAKERY aad confectionery; good location; well established trade; owner leaving city, must sail at aace. Addreas X. llu. aar 4 UH3 tvx urss More City Real Estate BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued .J WANTED Your.g man with $200 cash to manage branch office of Incorporated real estate company; exceptional opportunity. Address E ki, care Omaha Bee. (4)-M717 ONLY hotel In good live Nebraska town of 1.210. New modern brick building, forty rooma Everything first-class. Price $2,750. Has cleared more thnn this yearly the last three jeers. Rent reasonable. Peterson Bros., 623 Bee Bldg. (4) 7 BUYER OR SELLER. If you want to buy, sell or exchange any business quick, no matter where, call or write Hild-eth & Williams. 610 lice. (4J-217 FOR SALE First class bl icksmlth shop In thriving western town; doing good busi ness; reason, am no smith myself; will stan.i Investigation; fln clinmte. Ad dress Box 64, Shoshoni, Wyo. (4)-M230 MySX FOR SALE A nice, clean stock of Imple ments and buggies and harness, In a good town In southeastern part of Nebraska; last year's sales $J,0; no competition In either line; this business will bear In vestigation. Addresa Y So, care Bee. (4) M32 My2x MANUFACTURER will lease penny slot breath perfume machinra (for saloons.clgar stores, etc.) to operators who Invest $lo0 to $1,000: Independent income; free trial flven. Feredal Vending Co., Indianapolis, lid. (4) M228 29x FOR SALE Nice stock of Jewelry, In lively railroad town; have Inspection; best location; work too confining Is rea son for selling. Inquire at once. W, Barker, Sanborn, la. (4) Mfc:l Mylx FOR BALE First-class confectionery and Ice cream parlor, complete, In the best town In the state. Good reasons for sell ing. C. Alexander, Sioux Fulls, g. D. (4) M973 M2X A LAWYER (not practicing with special ability as organliter and promoter of busi ness enterprises wishes to bear from par ties needing such services; only high class enterprises considered. Address for in terview. General Promoter, Gen. Delivery, Omaha, Neb. (4) 764 WHEN MR. ANTHONY discovered St. An thony Falls and Interested people In their development, about 47 years ago, Minne apolis had scarcely rVO Inhabitants now It haa 3O0.0UO and Minneapolis bullded herself up on her lumber and her water power. In IS06 SeaUc was populated only by an Adam and an Eve, and now has to show, In 42 years, a population of 2uo,000. What built up Seattle? Location and for est wealth. Kansas City In 1S56, Just 62 years ago, was populated by an old man and his dog. Look at her today the proudest city In the land, with 3u,0u0 peo ple. Lots that sold for $25 and u necktie now soli for $260,000 apiece and are cheap at that. People who grew up with the towns are Utluy their state's proudeet citizens and the backbone of Its wealth and brains. Are you not bright enough to wont to be somebody in a few years, to stay In this country and to leave a name for honesty, thrift and foresight? The new town of INTERNATIONAL FALLS, MINNESOTA, with its miles of lakes, Its 8i,000 horse-power now being harnessed. Its S.uoO.OOO cords of pulp wood, possesses wealth In greater abundance than either Minneapolis. Seattle or Kansas City and will be a larger city. Its location on the International boundary gives It an abso lute cinch on every other town In the stale. It la healthy, away up above the river, has perfect drainage and In July will be approached over two railways, the Northern Pacific and the Duluth, Rainy Lake & Winnipeg. We now have 800 peo ple. Good lots within two blocks of busi ness center. Price, $200; $20 down, $46 August 1. balance one and two yeara Prices will be raised August 1. Write for booklet and Information at once to Ed mund G. Walton, Townslte Manager, 114 8. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. (4)-M560 28 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Advertising; Supplies. lUCjlUXjiiLUliaj, of calendar,, DO MESTIC and IMPORTED, ever submitted to the advertising trade. Before piaclng your older, we Invite your Inspection at our exhibition room, 1218 Harney St., where also can be found Advertising i&upplles and Novelties of every dlscrlp iluu that will bring results. FONDA BROS. & CO. (5J-M324 mi Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probata Att'y. 809 Bee Bldg. (6)-226 Myl4 Civil Engvlneera. L. O. Hicks, surveying, 43S B. Trade, Omaha (CO 106 Ml M EATHRON & JAMIESON. 306 N. Y. L. (5)-340 Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1S06 Farnani St. Doug. 47. OVi 4t4 Clears sad Tobacco, O. C. SIMMONS, 416 Bo. 15th. (6-J78 MyU Carpet Cleanlngr. SEND your carpets to N. A. Chrlrtenson A Son, 2221 N. 2uth St. 'Pho.ia Web. lubX (6)-l0S la. Sanitary Cleaning Co., VIM Farnam. to .$ CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Worka. Max. ing over and retrying carpets. Also rug weaving, loin and Leav. Tel. Doug. 665. lt Mitol Contractora. AUGUST KROFFT, building contractor, 1116 S. 24th St., South Omaha. (R)-M770 M3 P. J. CREEDON A SONS, general con tractora. Office and factory, and Dodge. 'Phones; liar. 2160 and Red I860. (6 MOS Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. t(-M17S EaarrarlaaT. KOTERA & CO, ls06 Jackson. Phone Doug.. 2061. lij-Ulll Florists. HESS SWOBODA, 1411 Farnani J(6 I8t U HENDERSON. 161S Farn. Tel. D. 12U. J. U. BATH, ICS Harney. Tel. Doug. 40. ui 4i Deatlsta. BAILEY MACH. Sd 11. Paxton. D. 1085. (6-4U Para. FURS cleaned, stored and repaired. O. E. Shuktrt, 313-316 o. 16th., practical furrier. ISHUHI Ma Caraaaa Consulate. OTTO 8IEMSSEN, correspondent notary public. S21 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel. D 663. t5 14 Mil Farnaees. W. 8. H EATON American furnaces; tin work. U01 Farnam St, Tel Douglas 3-S2. (5-M7 m5 Hotels. THE Schlltx. European. 16th and Harney. (6)-MJ70 ST. JAMES Rates. $1 and $1.26 per day. 41$ a Uth. (B)-7W un Moaao Clean lag. JOHNSON cleans carpet a. washes windows, aorttl fioyia, X&iA Douglas 2K. t alr-464 Mjl . advertised in Tho Dee every day in the month than in any other Omaha paper, "v (jSTv N BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) lacorpors ora. MER. Incorporating Co., 428 N. T. L, (6) M97S Jewelers and Watchntakera. N P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing, I a I Paxton Blk. Tel. D. 43s7. l5j 110 Massage. A. GOOPSON, msssrur, treats stiff Joints, rheumatism, nervousness. f06 Ware Blk. Tel. Doug. 64. . (6-M16S MS Snrarrkee. LARGEST aod finest assortment of trees and shrubs In the city. Crescent Nur sery. Sales ground, 21st and Farnam. 'Phone Webster $367. (6j M560 M7 FAIRBURY NURSERY CO. haa shipped to their sales ground at Benson two car loads of shade and ornamental trees. We carry a large assortment of ornamental shrubs and rose bushes; also a large as sortment of fruit trees and small fruit. W'e have located at Benson to stay. Call for E. J. Dolph or P. J. Flynn. Tel. Benacn 8961. (6) 887 Mis Stovo Storece. KTOVT'S BTORED Hughes, Store Rap. (5) M76J AM STOVES stored. A. J. Hayne, hardware, palnU and oils, 24th and Lake. Doug. 861a (6) M8ui A30 Plumbing; and Heating-. T. F. RALFE, plumbing, ras end electrlo fixtures. 1607 Howard. Tel. Doug. 743. (6) M7u JullO Osteopathy, JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1B64. (6)-487 Dr. Bowser, over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M40 MIS DRS. RINGLER, 80S Neville. Tel. Red 6467. B' Hra mm Photographers. C. B. TRUSSELL. 116 So. 16th Bt (5-est FRENCH and artistic photographers. 210 S. 14th St. (6)-7M M21 , Print last. JENNINGS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Em tbr-4S BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order, don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngatad & Jorve, printers, 16 & Cap. ave. (61-4S8 THB ACORN PRESS Printers of Qaulity. We make thoae Imitation typewritten let ters that look like the original. Price right Tel. Doug. 891. 1218 Harney. (() 6t6May S BWANSON PRINTING CO., high grade printing at lowest prices, uu b. inn ou Tel. Doug. 3969. (6) MS39 Myl2 SOO BUSINESS cards, $1; 10,000 printed en velopes, good stock, for $10; other work at same rates. Get our estimates and see our samples of work. Call at room 32, U. S. Nat L Bank Bldg.. or 'phone Doug las 4608. (5)-84 Mylf School Fnrnltnre. Omaha School Supply Co., lO Howard. (3) 226 mil liver Plating. Omaha Plating CO., 1220 Harney. Doug. 2636. m M242 M4 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 118 8. 10th St., Opp. Boston Store, (164 90 n EDUCATIONAL Spring Term Now Open STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. BOYLES COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, ENGLISH. ELOCUTION. DAY AND NIGHT. Catalogue free. H. B. BOYLES, Pres., Omaha, Neb. M170 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies. SALESLADY In ladles' cloak and ault de partment; one that can do altering pre ferred. Kldgley Clothing Co., 1417 Doug las St. (7) S ACTIVE Catholio lady; also assistant, to represent manufacturer, leaving sam ples; $3 per day;, easy. State nationality, religion. Engwall, 40 Lakeside building, Chicago. (7)-MJ267 3x Factory and Trades.. GIRLS WANTED Burgess Shirt Company, 2024 Farnam 8t (7J-1UM WANTED Machine girla. City Steam Laundry. 211 a Uth St C) 420 WANTED 26 experienced girls to work on coata and skirts in alteration room; good wages. 8. Frederick Berger 4k Co., 117 Farnam kit 7J U2a) GIRLS for work In bindery. Apply Omaha Printing Co., 10th and Farnam. (7)-M73S WANTED Girls to work In candy factory. The Voegele ax Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St (7)-KS2a HoasekeeplnaT and Dvnaeatlca. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Tel. Douglas 6042, 2u Dewey Ave. (7 273 WANTED First-class hotel cook; woman preferred; wages $33 per month. Hotel Maplewood, Alton, la. (7) M971 M2x WANTED Cook. 2610 Farnam 8t 7)-218 WANTED Girl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. (7) 436 WANTED A competent girl: will pay gjod wages. Mis. J. W. Robblna. J N. 38th Ave. (7 M852 30 GIRL for general housework; family of two; good wages. 'Phone Harney 144. (7 Aa) 30x WANTED Experienced girl as cook; good wages. N. E. corner 33d and Farnam. 7)-3 GIRL for general housework; no washing. 3AL6 Burt at (7) i22 31x WANTED Four waitresses. Locke Ho tel. Pierre, 8. D. (7) M235 Myl WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 1623. (7)-o36 SOx kHaeellaaeoaa. McDOWELL Dressmaking School. 1(28 Far. (7 fca ml4 HATS trimmed or remodeled, 26o to 76c 'Phone evenings. Red 6uu6. iTh-M47S Mlix WANTED Cash girls In Brandels' new basement (7 M24S 2 WANTED-fiewlng women for alteration work. Apply ladles' suit department, Haydan Bros. t U) HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Saleaaaea. SOLICITORS wanted; prefer, thoae who have had experience sailing views, por traits or books; pleasant work and Ug uX. CU at fcfliiu M V tut. . - ...-At .A AWB"- 1 animui!iaw bju u ill, -. m iiig HELP WANTED MALE Agent and Sal ontlnnrd. A GOOD side line for a salesman in Iowa territory; give description. L 17c. care Bee, 19 M266 3x WANTED Salesmen to travel In surround ing slates; krv-wlcdge of our business not tieiTHsary, but must lo hustler and sober; portion perimitxmt, with good Income Address J 2nd, Bee otllce. (; Mi4li 4x AOENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value for your customer, big prjfit for you. Write toduy for particu lars and territory. E. R. McCleflun, 60 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ilij 3t WANTED General agent In each county to manufacture our quick-selling live stock remedies in their own homes, ap point and supply township agents. Spare time will do. Pays $1,000 to li,o a yenr. Guarantee Co., Depart. 26, Wyoming, Iowa. ' () M970 My 2x AN OLD established cigar factory wants a first class cigar salesman for Nebraska territory. Our lino has been on the mar ket In the territory for years and Is well known. State experience, references and salary required. Address C 170, rare Bee. () MU38 mix AOENTS through Nebraska to show and sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers and horse users; ready sellers; big profits. HIS Farnam, Omaha. (9) 366 My6 WANTED Young men to solicit real estate for sale or exchange throughout Ne braska. Salary. Call 816 Neville Blk., 16th and Hurney. (9) AI709 M10 WANTED By Omaha firm, wdleawalts young men as traveling salesmen; posi tion permanent, with good prospects for advancement; give past experience and references. Address M 111, Ben office. (9)-M5M 4x AGENTS WANTED Greatest money mak ing novelty out; sells at every house; send for snmple and prices. The H. B. Reynolds Mfg. Co., Froderlcktown. Ohio. Dept. 26. (9)-346 8x STREET fakirs, peddlers, canvassers, any one wishing quick, easy money; some thing new, legitimate, unlimited repeater, enormous profit; full Instructions $1. Parmerbols Co., box 115, Sullivan, lnd. (9) M2S0 Box I MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. () M9S5 Ml WANTED Bright, energetic young man to solicit fire, accident and other Insurance, and may also sell real estate on com mis sion. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co., 404 Bee Bldg. (9) Mj66 29 Dnya WANTED Several good boys, first class pay. A. D. T., 212 8. 13th. 19) M 931 M24 BOY 16 to 18 for bowling alley work; good wages. Apply at once. 1313 Harney St. (9 M100 LARGE boy for atock room. Nebraska Clothing. Co. (Hr-215 WANTED An elevator boy. Apply 801-2 Neville Block. (9) 218 WANTED Bright boy to learn sheet music business; one who plays piano preferred. Hayden Bros. ( 282 29 Clerical and Office. WANTED Bright young men, 28 to 31 years of age, to become life Insurance so licitors for the best life Insurance com pany in the country. Apply to John Steel, 238 Bee Bldg. (9 M261 WANTED Paperhangors and painters; only experienced help need apply. H. Borwlck, 211 B. Main St. Co. Bluffs. (9 M3II WANTED Clerks, both men and boys. In railroad office. Address F. B. Southard, A. P. A., U. P. K. R., Omaha, Neb. (9)-M418 lx WANTED By wholesale house, young man aa bookkeeper, over 21 years of age, with some ledger and general office ex perience; requirements are speed, accu racy and good penmanship; good op portunity for right man. Apply In own handwriting. References reqlred. Ad dress D 2u3, care Bee office. (9-M40O 30 Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. L., Omaha. 191494 DENTIST wanted; a No. 1 opportunity for a skillful dentist to locate In Elk Point, S. D. For particulars write M. B. Kent. (9j M924 Mylx WANTED First-class barber; no students; Juarantee of 116 or 60 per cent Address uhn Stack, Huron, 8. D. ,(9)-M978 Mllx WANTED A good all-round carriage, wagon and sign painter; steady job the year round; state wages wanted and ex perience; also an all-round blacksmith. J. H. Kelley, Leadvllle, Colo. (9 M9S2 My2 PRINTERS WANTED 2 first-class Job compositors; permanent work for steady and competent men. Meyer & Roller Printing Co., Milwaukee. Wis.' (9) M963 lx WANTED Good, fast barber; married man preferred. C. S. Leach, Atlantic, la. (9) ilk7 29X WANTED Painters and paperhangers. Apply between 12 and 6 p. in. J. M. An derson, 634 Paxton block. (i M860 Sux WANTED Two coatmakers, refer. F. 1. Caah 4k Son, tailors. Webster City. Ia. (S)-Ms67 30X BARBER WANTED First class man, $14 guarantee, 6o per cent over -l; 8 and 11 closing; no Sunday work. M. Knowlton, Huron, 8. D. (9) Ms61 2ux WANTED Blacksmith; must be first-class floor man; $4 per day to the right man; wire us at our expense. George & Levey, Sheridan, Wyo. (9 M243 My3x WANTED Band people for Barlow Bros.' Wagon Shows, Benkelman, Neb. Open at lienkelnmn. Neb., May 4. (9J-M236 My3x WANTED First-class all-round butcher. C. H. Huber, 112 E. Broadway, Co. Bluffs. (9-M274 WANTED A good letter and monogram engraver; good salary, permanent posi tion; send samples; give agu and refer ences. Edwards & tiloane Jewelry Co., ith and Walnut Sis., Kansas City, Mo. t9J-.M275 23 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; splendid pay after few Weeks with us. Positions or locations to sturt business always on file; special Inducements tnis season. Call or write, Moler Barber Col lege, 1116 Farnam St. (91 M246 Myix WANTED An all-round blacksmith, at once; good pay, steady work. N. Thels, Troy, Kan. (9) M3s3 Mylx WANTED Machinist, all-around, one who can work from mechanical drawings; state experience and salary expected. 6henanduah Iron Works, Shvnandouh. la. (So M4 So WHEN you writs to advertisers remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of tha pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In The Bee. Stlserllaaeons.. WANTED Young man as assistant In mechanics' tools department In large re tall general hardware slure, in South Dakota. Address Y 9u, care Omaha Hee. aox A GOOD proposition for a live real estate man. In each county, who ta a hustler. American 1 and and Immigration Co., Sidney, Keb. 19 fcx WANTED A boy with horse, to deliver The Evening Bee in East Omaha. Call at The Bee office circulation department ( Ml My J WANTED Crew nianagare and solicitors to drive through country; beat proposition over offered; will pay salary or cxiiaila suo, aVaarsM K. 1I. Boa, 1 AijAl ix HELP WANTED MALE Mlacellaaeooe Coatlnood. ENERGETIC young man. over yeara oia, capaDie oi earning nign aniary; oond reoiilred. Address In own handwriting. with stamp and references. H 290, rare Bee. ( WANTED Three men with families to take charge of telephone exchanges In northern Nebraska and South Dakota: experienced men preferred. The Inter state leicpnone io., etuart, .Neo. (9 M926 Mylx WANTED 13" yards of good sodding dona Inquire at v$ N. Y. Life Bidg. (9-M32 WANTEI SOUND YOUNG MEN. agea 1$ to 46, for firemen and bral.emen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100."0 per month, become engineers, earn $200.00; brakemen earn 876.00. become conductora earn $1(4)00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Asa n, aw a. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. (9)-M34S Ml MEN for supply yards; steady work; pay every Saturday. Apply etster street gate Union Paclfio shops; ask for Con tractor Kocher. ( aos sox WANTED Musicians with trades, tuba player, trombone and clarinet playere, that are plumbers, tinners, cltarmakers, carpenters and printers. C. D. Bod'.ey, 6 Id St., Huron. S. D. (9 M268 Sx WANTED An experienced grocery clerk and driver. Apply Drelfuss, 20th and Farnam Sts. (9) M2i9 WANTED Young man to drive grocery wagon. C. W. Shrader, 26th and Blnndo. (9) MXS0 WANTED School teachers and students to travel during vacation months; work pleasant and profitable. Address H 207, Bee office. (8 M549 4x WANTED Old man to take care of yard and house. Inquire 812 Douglas St. (9 M4S4 SOx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horsea and Vehlclec I HORSES, weight 1,200 lba each, wagon and harness. $126; one team, weight 2.3O0 lbs.; one team, weight 3,0t lbs.; 2 farm n.arca 2118 Grant Tel. Douglas 8410. aii-498 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and wuranuiaua, uuugni, auia ana exenangee on commission. Myers, 1718 Jackson. Tel Red 8692. (11) 161 Myl LARGE and small horses for sale. Also wagons. Rosenblatt, lOi Nicholas. (1U-M8&S RUNABOUTS, carriages and harness at ? ready reduced prices. Johnson A Dan urth Co., a w. cor. 10th and Jones sts. OD-M268 TEAM matched black work mares, $160; sorrel horse weighing 1,400 pounds, $06: pair drivers, $78 each. 28U N. 16th Ave. (U M208 AGENTS through Neb. to show ft sell ROYAL BUCKLES to farmers & horse users. Ready seller Big, profits. H15 Farnam, Omaha. (11) M3&4 M6 PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive single or double and ride. 43d and Center. (11) M268 WE are not selling out at cost but we are selling driving wagons, buggies, lurries and stanhopes cheaper than any other firm west of Chicago. IIolmea-Adklna Co., 714 S. 10th St, Omaha. (11)-S1S Mil FOP. SALE High power 2-cyllnder 1906 automobile, at a bargain. Address E 172, Bee. OD M983 My Sx HAY $9 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. lth St (11) M62S A30X CARRIAGE and wagon painting. Harry Frost 714 So. Uth St (ID M30B M16 TWO good toppy driving horses: also gin ale and double harness runabouts, top buggies and surrles, for one or two horses, good aa new. Harney Street Stablea (11) M637 BEST family horse In the city. Room 8, 1324 Farnam street (11) M868 30x FOR SALE-i-Klmball Royal Snider phae ton, used In horse show, nearly new; re duced price. Can be aeen at Drummond's. W. II. McCord. (11) M878 30 r- FOR SALE A handsome surrey and horse: periectiy gentle tor laay to drive; will sell separately If desired. F E. Van Brunt, 12 Fourth St, Council Bluffs, la. (LI) M 230 My3x GOOD, hesvy work teams and several other horses; thorough trial with every horse and written guarantee that is worth what it says. Omaha Horse Sup ply Co., rear 414 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglns 6oa, (11) 2s8 $275 WILL BUY an extra fine 7-year-old driving bay mare, sound; any lady can drive; also a new undercut runabout and good harness. Room 81, Barker Blk. , (11) M51J 4x NICE, gentle Shetland poney, ruber-tlred cart, and harness, $100. 'Phone Harney 2077. (1D-M510 30x PHAETON for sale, In good condition: cheap. O. W. Butts, 820 First Ave., Council Blus. (11) 641 M4x Ponltry and Euga, RHODE ISLAND RED eggs, Martin. 830) Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney 18U3. (1D-601 HOMER pigeons; earn -em spare time. Nebia Co. 11 Mill A30 TEN THOUSAND Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale; Bradley Bros, and Judge Norval stock: $1 per 16, $4 per 100. Aye Bros., Blair, Neb. (1D-M769 Mllx OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book 1 free to all who will write and ask for It telling where they saw this ad. A valuable Took for every poultryman; 80,000 printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center. Neb. .(1D-463 May$8x BUFF WYANDOTES. line bred, fine show record, heavy winter layers. Eggs, $1.60 per 15; guarantee satisfaction. H. G. Klddoo, Twenty-second and O Hts., S.mth Omaha. Tel. 17114 or 47. (11) M917 Mix WHITE P. Rock cockerels and Pens egg. ItHo each. W. B. Flagg, Atlantic. Ta, UD M120 M2x CHAMBERLAIN'S Perfect Chick Feed la the only original dy chlk feed. Use this only arid save all young cnlcksns. Once used always used. Stewart's Seed Store, 118 N. 16th St, aula agents for the city. (1D-M942 My 13 SQUAB book free. Model Squab Co. Doug. 6664. (ID M8L2 A30 ROSE COVB BROWN LEGHORN EGGS, 80, 1. loo. $3. A. W. Ruth. Whiting. Ia. UD-M921 A30X DUSTON'S White Wyandottes, pure bred; eggs, $1 60 for 15: $6 for 100. Forest Lawn Wyandotte Yards, Florence, Neb. Tele phone Florence 1082. (11) M46S M ROSE COMB Rhode Island Reds; best eastern stock, a good color; rgga. $1.78 per 15. Mrs. James H. Halpine, 4602 Center St. Tel. Harney S52S. (11) M736 My lux BUY Barred Ply south eggs of W. T Clay. Council Bluftr la., a breeder. $25 cock erels. (11) M2o8 Mia WHY send east for White Leghorns? Eggs from thoroughbreds. $1.60 per 16. Lund Strom, N. W. Cor. 20th and Caldwell. (11) M4Ut My4x WH have them. What? Eggs for hatching. Some prlie-wlnnlng White Plymouth 'Kocks. For sale cheap; come quick If you want any. K. C. White, 3313 Parker St., Oinaha (U) M400 My4 Cows, Birds, Doga aad Pets. FOR BALE Angora klttena 122 N. 26th. (11) 747 Sux TWO beautiful thoroughbred Scotch Collie bllchea, very cheap; excellent breeders. Jacobsen, 128 Van Camp Ave. (11) M418 SOx FOR SALE Pomperanlan puppies. 'Phone Doug. M)i5 (ID M4"2 Mix LOST AND FOUND LOST K. P. fob charm. Return to Bae office, 10 Pearl St, Co. Bluffs, and receive reward. (12; MU1 2$ MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, ltth and Dav enport Sts.; spwcial attention paid to con finement case; all treatment supervisor by college profesaora 'Phone Doug, liaf. Calls auaerved doy ot night. iMt Lot MEDICAL (Continued. BEST nerve bracer for men, "Grav's Ner Food Fills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman eV McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, (13 50$ MRS. OARDEL8. private confinement home: bablee cared for. 8724 N. L'Mh 8t Tel. Rod 2210. (13) 220 M3x PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Son l. tarlum, 728 Ftrst Ave., Council Bbiffs. In. Tel. (1$-SI DR. PRIES, specialist dlsenses of womsn, 80 years practice In confinements. Oilice. 414 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles. Omaha. U3)-504 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write lo the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S34 N. 24th, St.. Omaha, Neb. l.i)-Mlo MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHAI1;I,S. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC.. OR ON YOUR SALARY I? STEADILY EMPLOYED, without security or publicity, at the very lowest ratca with payments to suit your convenience; every thing strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 807-308 Paxton Block. Uil-Mtl VE HELP OUT WITH CASH Some people help yo by their Influence, some by their advice, but very few with the loan of money. The 'Omaha Mortgage" helps you out with the ready cash on short notice In a PRIVATE, CONFIDENTIAL way. We advance any sum $10 to $300 at a low, reasonable cost aomethlng you can afford to pay. A claim on your household goods, pianos, horses, etc., will answer until the debt is paid. 16 YEARS ESTABLISHED. WE'RE REIJABLE. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (14)-M46C MONEY H TO BORROW - . TO PAY BACK in payments to suit your convenience, at rates that honest people can afford to pay. Salary, chattel or any good security. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 1960. Room 20, Frenser Blk., 15th and Dodge Sta. (14)--72 M7 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan a. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St (14)- FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton block. 'Phnna Douglas 746. (14)-608 UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS9CI4 Will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without security. Terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. (14) MM0 MS Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advance private money on chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You gel money same day asked for at small coat Open evenings till 7. (14) 606 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy. Immediate at tention; any terms wanted; payment sus pended when sick or cut of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 2o South 15th St. (14)-07 FURNITURE, llv stock, salary loana Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (H)-f EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Rellable. accom. modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) fill MONEY loaned on plcnos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 810 8. 16th. (14) CU FURNITURE. PIANO AND SALARY LOANS Positively lowest rates, easiest payments. STANTON LOAN CO.. 601 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 6669. (14) 513 MONEY LOANED SALARIED FEOPLH and others, without security; easy payment-. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Hldg. (141-10 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; enfe (1S)-B1I AT HANSCOM PARK, pleasant front roonr and alcove, with board, "or one or tw gentlemen; price reasonable. Call Har ney 1171. (15)-M2U2 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Fainnm U5J-61S FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 922 N. lti. (15) M591 MytX FURNISHED rooms with board, 123 8. 2."th Ave., 'phone Doug. 3-J. (15) 808 30 EXCELLENT furnished rooms, modern, close In, for gentlemen. Good board 11 desired. "The Boston," 107 8. 17th St. (15) M 273 29x FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board, home cooking; Mock and a half from Omaha car. 120 South 7th St., Council Bluffs, la. U5. M258 M3x GOOD location and home cooking. 2G.S0 Harney. (16) MiSJB 2x ROOM with good board. 34.50 Dor wi an nioucrn, wanting ai stance. 2406 Cass bt Phone Douglas 5406. (16) M526 4x Famished Rooms. NICE, clean, well-furnished, well-heated uuuiiue room; muu-so sxriouy mouerrk .vJt Harney street. (.15) 616 ONE newly furnished front room. In pri vate ramuy. f none uougias I;.. u 3. 24th Ave. (li) M828 NICELY furnished rooms, 1702 No. 24th St. Tel. Webster 2896. (15) M 981 My 2x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern. 540 So. 24th St 'Phone Douglas 6076. (1)-MDW My2r NICELY furnished room, now, moder.i house on Park Ave., near Leavenworth, strictly private family, gentlemen pre ferred. 'Phone Harney 715. (16) M2 x PLEASANT furnished room In private family; house Is modern. 24H9 Harney St (15)-M3U M5X FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen preferred. 2301 Douglaa Tel. Douglas 6377. (16) M426 MCx FINE rooms, reasonable. 508 8. 24th Ave. (li) M41S6 M6x NICE front room, with bath. 20SS Harney Bt U6)-M2eO EXCELLENT modern furnished single room. 'Phone in house. 5574 Harney St, Oi)-lJ FOR RENT La rge front room with alcove; modern. HXi S. .'d St. Tel. Red 434. (15) M2S My3x A SIX-ROOM furnished flat for summer; give reference. Address K 177, care Bee. (L5)-M206 $X FURNISHED outside rooms; board; rea sonable. Lange Hotel, 13th aud Jackson. (U.) 193 021 FURNISHED rooms, suitable for gentle men, at2083 Harney St (15) MS06 2a x NICELY furnished rooms, gentlemen pre ferred. 1756 Leavenworth St. (15 Ml Jtx A LARGE modern room, breakfast privl. leges. 116 N. 25th. (15) 9o0 Myl NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 317 8. 2fith St. (15-ai May2x FURNIBHED room, private family! Eli California. (16) 37 May 2 FURNISHED rooma, suitable for gentle men; also rooms on parlor floor. 2510 Farnam. 'Phone DuugUs 533. (15)-2W 29 LARGE modern furnished room, cool, light and airy, $3 per week. 412 No. luth, room 1, 3d floor. (1T) M435 80 LARGE, nice sleeping rooms, In all modern house; house clcrilng ail done; small room. 1701 Caidtol Avu. ( M372 Mix ONE unfurnished room, with use of bath and na: west Part of cltvt i,n 1,1.,,.- frurn Farnaut car. Atldrwa M 16. (are (UJ-riUal m. J y