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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1907)
1L The Omaha Daily VOI XXXVI NO. 271. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOKXIXG, APRIL 30, 1907 TWELVE FAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. Bee ( CRISIS IS THE DOHA Criticism af the Armr Fro-ckea Ultimatum from tha Cabinat SOCIALIST DENOUNCES IT AS WORTHLESS Ha Etji it it Alwayi Beatn it Fereien br Wars. MINISURS AT ONCE LEAVE THE HALL Threat to Caaaa All Ealationi Unless Stata mast ia Betractei. RADICALS STAND BY THE SOCIALISTS ftffeadla Mfmkfr la Baapended by the President Btelypla He Hopn to Avoid Dlseolv lag Dam. BT. PETERSBURG, April 29 A savage attack made today on the army and the government by the social I at member, M. ZuraboS during the first executive session of the lower house mf Parliament caused rupture between the ministers and the Duma which for a time threatened to pre ' clpltate the dissolution of the house. After M. Zuraboffa harangue. In which he declared that under an autocratic regime the army was worthless, except gainst the people and that It waa beaten whenever It engaged In a foreign war, the ministers withdrew from the house and nerved an ultimatum on President Golnvln that unless the offensive expressions were retracted by M. ZurabofT and the rule pro viding for temporary suspension was ap plied against him they would sever all future relations with the Duma. M. Qolovln v a unable to hat- the de mand compiled with aa the radicals sup ported their colleague solidly and the Poles refused to vote. The suspension and formal rebuke of M. ZurabofT, however, waa pronounced by the president of the chamber, but this failed to satisfy the ministers, who subsequently ordered the government experts to withdraw from the evening session of the budget commission. Immediately after adjournment Premier Btolypln summoned an extraordinary ses sion of the cabinet, which, apparently, brought matters to an Issue between the premier and tho reactionary members of his ministry. Premier Hopes for Settlement. What transpired la not known, but at midnight Premier Btolypln summoned M. Qolovln and Informed him that the In cident had caused serious friction in the cabinet. Ha hoped, however, a way would be found tomorrow to arrange matters without fatal conscquencea to the Duma. 'The early discussion of the army bill In tha Duma today waa stormy, but the culmination tame at 8:30 p. m.. when M. Zuraboff made his speech. President Qolo vln, when he had restored thing to a semblance of order, attempted to explan away Zuraboff's words aa a criticism of , tha old array under the old regime, both . of whlch-had passed away. ' Ha tnen sua- pended the session for ten minutes In or Q 'dar to allow the paaaioes of the members ' to cool. Tha recess waa protracted for almost two hours while a aeriea of weighty confer ences were being held and reports were tolephoned to Btolypln and the emperor. Finally Lieutenant General Rudlger, min ister of war. announced the ministerial ultimatum, adding that the emperor would never stand such Insults to bin faithful army. . ZaraboaT Is Baapended'. When tha house reaszembled M. Qolo vln announced that owing to tha tumult he had not clearly understood the purport Of M. Zuraboff's remarks, and, after having read tha stenographer's reports,, he found the reflections upon the army unparlia mentary and Inadmissible In debate. 3 nererore ne aepnvea Jiuraoon or ngnt to the floor. M. TseltelU tha social democrat from Kutala, Immediately claimed recognition. He declared Zuraboff had spoken on behalf of the entire socialist democratic faction and he shared his sentiments. The wild tumult again broke loose and tha members of tha right refused to permit him to con tinue. Prealdent Qolovln shouted that unless Ihe uproar ceased ba would resign, but order waa not restored until the social democrats, with tha social revolutionists and other members of ths opposition, with M. Tielell at their head, filed out of tha ball. M. Qolovln requested the house to ax press approval of his course, and -this was voted by the minority democrats remain ing. At a conference of several democrats to night tha advisability of M. Zuraboff im mediately quitting St. Petersburg, owing to the certainty of his being challenged to duels and tha danger of his being sum marily daaJth with in case he declined to fight, waa considered. RANSOM .MUST BE REPAID Britain Bars Turkey 31 a at Refnnd iasy Paid Bandits for Prisoner. CONSTANTINOPLE, April I9.-8eventy. five thouaand dollars was tha ransom paid for the release of Robert Abbott, tks son cf a prominent British subject residing at Salvimkl, who waa kidnaped from his father's garden March M snd sventually liberated, -when the demands of his ab ductors had been conceded. The brigands originally demanded 1100.000. The British government will Insist that ths ransom ba repaid by ths Turkish gov ernment. I'mbrlnu Art Exhibit. PERUGIA. Italy. April 29Klng Victor Emmanuel, who waa accompanied by For- ' elgn Minuter Tittonl and Education Mrn- later Kva, today Inaugurated In the mu nicipal palace here an exposition of ancient L'mbriaa art. arranged chronologically rd onmprtslng L0UO pictures and thouaands of other objects. Including sculpture, minia tures, jewelry, arms, porcelains, pottery, etc Among the moat Interesting exhibits Were the pontifical robes which beloneeri Pops Benedict XI 13i-Mi. wblch were found burled with him In tha historic church of aWn Domlnclo here. Autre-Haaiarlaa Delegates. VIENNA, April .-PTtvy Councillor Mirsy Van Kipoamere, General Machlo and Prof, llelnnch Lammascb. have been ap pointed 4incipal Auatro-Hungarian dele gates to The Hague peace conference. Tho naval delegates of A uatro-Hungarian will ba Rear Admiral liaus and tha military dele Major General IUivd Von Gleslin- SUMMARY OF THE DEE Tuesday, April AO, 10OT, 1907 aus -cm April rut WIO TUB N' ' 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 VV Z 13 14 15 16 17V 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ' $ THE WIlTHtE. FORECAST FOR N KB It ASK A Fair and , warmer Tuesday. Wednesday fair. ('OKKCAST FOR IOWA Fair Tuesday, preceded hy snow In eastern portions Wednesday fair and warmer. temperature at Oiraha yesterday Hour. Dig. Hour. Deg 1 p. m 36 6 a. m 6 a. m 7 a. in a. m 9 a. m 10 a. m 3.' 32 3:' S3 XI I p. m 3 p. m S3 ; 4 p. m 3i i p. in if, p. m 17 7 p. m 17 8 p. m 26 p. m 86 I 3.1 34 n a. m.. 12 m 35 DOMESTIC. Sentence of packers, convicted at Kan sas City, Is sustained by court of appeals at ft. Paul. Pars 1 Secretary Taft makes three speeches in Cincinnati and confers with friends re garding the political situation In Ohio. rags 1 HEBBJUSKA, Snowstorm which approaches a billiard In some parts of Nebraska. Several Inches of snow has fallen. Page 1 Two Johnson county young men ar rested charged with forging the name of father of one of the accused to a check for 142. rkgs 3 Union Pacific official in letter to State Railway commission Intimates the roads may take the S-cent fare bill into the courts. George E. Lean may not be ap pointed state bank examiner, as there is reason to believe another examiner is not needed. Fags 3 Fate of John Hamlin, tried at Grand Island for the murder of Rachael Engle, Is now In the hands of the Jury. Court room was packed with people to hear the arguments and charge to the jury. Page 3 POKEXOir. German federal council is completing provisional tariff arrangement with United States and French talk of change In trade relations with United States. fags 1 Criticism of Russian army by a social ist member during executive session of the Duma provokes an ultimatum from the cabinet. Page 1 American artists have largest number of pictures in this year's grand salon in Parts. PSgs 1 WASKXHQTOV. Inland Waterways commission meets to form permanent organization and consider matters referred to it. 'age 8 The supreme court of the United States decides that state railway commissions have power to compel railroads to adjust schedules to make trains connect with those of connecting lines. Page 1 X.OCAX A street car Una on Fortieth from Far nam to Cuming streets Is to ba built Im mediately. Page 11 Fake land locators do big baslness prior to opening of North Platte Irrigation dis trict, according to information received by federal authorities. Page 11 Women demand man's saddle for riding snd habits for cross-saddle wear ara tha fashion. Other subjects for fair sex. Pags 7 O. D. Woodward of Kansas City buys W. J. Burgess' Interest In the business of the Woodward ft Burgess Amusement company. Mr. Burgess will retain control of the Burwood theater. Pags 1 Claus Spreckles, on way to Europe, pre dicts certain doom of Abe Ruef and other San Francisco grafters. Pags a Park board adopts a resolution asking the mayor and council to acquire land for Cut-OfI Lake park. Pags 8 POST. They're Off won the Dunton itakes at Jamaica. Pags 4 Results of the baae ball games. 6 Philadelphia vs. Brooklyn 0. 1 Chicago vs. Cincinnati 0. J New York vs. Boston 1. J Boston vs. New York 1. .Philadelphia va. Washington 1. 9 Louisville vt. Milwaukee 4. 6 Columbus vs. Minneapolis 4. I St. Paul vs. Indianapolis 1. 8 Kansas City vs. Toledo 4. Pags 4 OOKMXTKCIAZ. AMU UDU8TBIAX Live stock markets. Fags Grain markets. Fags Stocks and bonds. Fags t NINE JURORS IN RUEF BOX This X umber Accepted by Both Bides and Sworn In After Two Months' Work. BAN FRANCISCO April 29 Four more Jurors were finally selected and five were sworn In today In the Ruef trial. This leaves three additional Jurors to be ob tained for the completion of the trial panel a task begun two months ago. The prosecution is hopeful of beginning the Introduction of evidence some time this week. No session of the grand Jury was held today. Before the resumption of the Ruef trial In Judge Dunne's court today the case of perjury against Chief of Police Dlnan and the case of conspiracy against Dlnan and Ruef were set over for three weeks on motion of the defense. STRIKE BREAKERS IN TEXAS Fifty Men Sent to Oil Fields and Frderntlon of Labor Aettva. BEAUMONT. Tex., April 29 Fifty strike breakers arrived today from New Orleans to work tn tha oil fields for the Guffey com pany. All pumps, plants and pips lines are worklng( today and the company claims to have plenty of men. Samuel Gompars, president of the American Federation of Labor, sent a special organiser here to take charge of the strike. The Ouffey company Is employing a large number of men to act as guards. These sre given authority of deputy sheriff and are stationed about the property. EIGHT HURT IN TUNNEL Gas Explosion Bald ta Have Serlc lajnred Men Working In Data-ten. sly DAYTON, O.. April .-E1ght men who w,re working in a new tunnel at the Na tional Cash Reglater pUnt this morning were painfully burned In an explosion of natural gas. It Is said sll will recover. The men were shot twenty feet out of the tunnel by the force of the explotdoo. The property loss Is sllghL THREE SPEECHES BI TAFT eoratarr of War Aadrwaaa Cincinnati Law Etudenta ana Buintsa Kan. TALKS OF CANAL AND INSULAR AFFAIRS la the Afternoon He Confers with M. C. WriH of Cleveland an the Political situation la Northern Ohio. CINCINNATI, O., April 19. -"If the Panama canal la not completed within I eight years from now I shall be greatly ! disappointed. If It Is completed In less time than that I shall not be greatly sur prised." This statement, made tonight by Secre tary of War Taft before the Business Men's club of this city was loudly cheered by the W members of the club gathered Inside the banquet hall. The banquet tendered the secretary by the Business Men's club came as the climax to the last of the three days of; his western trip and It was a fitting culml- , nation to the flattering reception that has I been extended to him on every side by 1 his Ohio friends. The hall was packed to ; Its utmost capacity and more than too . applications for tickets of admission to ' the banquet were perforce declined because I there was no room for the late applicants. ' The last official day of the secretary's trip ! was full of wor"k for him and crowded with receptions flattering to him both as' an official and as a man. In the morning he delivered an address to the students ; of the law school of Cincinnati university, i where he still holds his position as dean of the law school. Later he appeared on the floor of the Chamber of Commerce and made a brief address. This afternoon Mr. Taft conferred with N. C. Wright of Cleveland regarding the Ohio political situation. Mr. Wright told him of the position of leading republicans In the northern part of the state. Ovation for Speaker. Tonight's banquet was one of the most pretentious affairs of the kind ever seen in the city. The appearance of the secre tary was the signal for an outburst of cheers that lasted for Several minutes. Judge Horace H. Lurton of Nashville, a former colleague of Secretary Taft on . the federal bench. Introduced him. Secretary Taft said he would speak on "The Panama Canal," and particularly on the Improvements and rapid progress In ths work. "It Is only by a comparison of the con dition existing at the tlms of my two vis Its," said the secretary, "that I am able to give an adequate Idea of the work that has been accomplished and of the present condition of the work. I would like In passing to pay a tribute of justice to the French people, for what they did down there has never been properly appreciated by the American people. The great danger of any work of this character under the auspices of tho American people Is that the work of construction will ba under taken before ths work of preparation Is completed. I do not think that the pre paratory work of the last two years has been productive of anything but tha most beneficial result. ... . . How the Dtrt Fllee. "My visit this ysar was to settle the ques tion of the location of the locks, tha com pletion of which will, in my opinion, msrk the completion of the canal. It Is possible, however, that the finish of the work In the Culebra cut will ba tha end of our labors. In this cut there are yet to be excavated 62,000.000 cubic yards of earth, exclusive of the digging to be done on the approaches to the cut proper. In the nine miles of the cut there ara now fifty-eight steam shovels at work and they will take out on the average 1,000,000 cubic yards a month. This rate may be increased until we have ninety shovels at work, and then It will gradually decline until tt probably will be somewhat below the 1.000.000 cubic yards per month. "We will not be able to work as many shovels aa we get down In the out, where the space Is mors narrow. "We advertised for bids on the canal work and then declined them for the rea son, that ws found that It would be neces sary for the contractors to have the help of capitalists and we would be compelled to allow the contractors 7 per cent Interest on the money they would be compelled to borrow from the capitalists. As we could borrow money at I per cent, this 7 per cent proposition did not appeal greatly to us. "To us In responsibility It Is a great comfort to be able to Introduce the army engineers upon the work. We have three of them there and If one of them falls out the continuity of the work will be undis turbed. It Is only fair to say of the army engineers that there will be no graft, that they can suppress sod there will be no bad work accepted that thev can su pervise. No doubt engineers from civil life would act In a similar manner. But if any of you gentlemen have ever man aged a work of magnitude where oyery body had the right to poke In-his nose and Insist upon this and that, you would know how great Is the relief to have that done away with. The record of the army Is a guarantee that the work will be capa bly and honestly performed" Caban Promise ta Be Kept. As to Cuba, he declared that the Teller resolution had established our policy there. "Change by Insurrection was about to be adopted when we Intervened." he said. "We suggested means of settlement and after conferences with moderates and lib erals the matter waa brought to an end. But when we took charge we promised to stay only until tranquillity had been restored and a stable government estab lished." It may be all right to talk about annexation and a protectorate, but we made a solemn-promise and cannot afford not to carry It out" He estimated that it will require until Beptember, 19u8, to arrange for again al lowing the Cubans to show whether they can carry on a stable government. It win oe men necessary to give them time to show that tha conditions are complied with. Of Porto Rico he spoke, in conclusion, telling of Its natural advantages and Its Improvements and ambitions. The people of that Island want statehood and ciUsen shlp. They now have the protection of the flag and moat of the privileges of cltl sens, but he suggested that great care and consideration should be exercised before statehood was extended beyond the states. Secretary Taft will leave for Washington at noon tomorrow. Rejected Bailor Kills Woman. PHILADELPHIA. April -Becauae aha ald ahe would rather die than marry him. Martha Corlaa, a Uerman servant girl, waa ahot and killed almoat lnati ntly here today by Frans Andrewkaty, the man ir wanted to mk her his wife. The murderer then turned tha revolver upon himself and In flicted a wound ablch prolably w.ll prove fatal. The young won an had left the home of her employer to purchase bread Andrewkatv followed her Into a bakery A brief conversation ensued, which eudJ ana toe enooUMt NEW TARIFF ARRANGEMENT German Federal Council Wll Dispose of Provisional Agreement In "hort Time. BERLIN, April 29. The provisional tariff arrangement between the United Slates and Germany will be disposed of by the federal council In a few days. Then the Reichstag will take up the matter and pass the bill prior to Its adjournment, which has now definitely been fixed for the week be fore, which Is Sunday. The Lokal Anzelger says It hears that there Is considerable opposition developing among the conservative parties to the fea ture of the arrangement prolonging It tacitly. Neither party denounces It. The conservatives profess to fear this will mean an Indefinite continuance of the provisional arrangement, giving the United States all the advantages of a good commercial treaty without giving any of the equivalents which It should have to give In order to get a treaty. The conservatives add that this feature mav postpone the conclusion of a treaty to the distant future. FARIS, April 29. Ambnssador White has Joined Consul General Mason In recom mending that the American government propose the appointment of a Joint tariff committee, similar to the one which has been In session at Berlin, with the hope cf reaching a Jasls for the avoidance of fu ture tarllT complications with France. The American Chamber of Commerce of Paris has forwarded similar recommenda tions to Secretary Root. The chamber Is convinced that unless a reciprocity treaty Is negotiated anon the French government will not be able to resist the demands of the manufacturers and that a tariff war against the United States will be Inaugu rated. AMERICAN ARTISTS IN LEAD They Rave Larsreat Hnmher of Plctnres In This Tear's Salon In Paris. PARIS. April 29. President Fallleres, ac companied by the representatives In France of foreign nations. Including Henry White, the American ambassador, this afternoon Inaugurated the spring salon of the Society of French Artists In the Grand Palais. It Is the unanimous verdict of the critics that the exhibition of paintings and sculp tures surpasses any seen In a dozen years. America, for the first time leads all foreign countries, both in the number and In the excellence of works displayed. This Is recognized and a prominent place has been aocorded the American canvases. England secures second place. The entire exposition Is remarkable for the uniformly high standard of the works. Only L800 pictures are shown, the jury having ruthlessly rejected those of over 4,100 aspirants. All paintings of the de cadent or the Impressionist schools have been rigorously excluded. The sensation of the salon Is a huge canvas by William Lamparra, who won the Prix da Rome last year. The painting originally was entitled "Grandeur . Mlll talre," but this subsequently was changed to "Le PledestaL" Perhaps the moat artistic bit of canvas Is that of Joseph Bait, which shows two nuns In a convent. Marquis de Went worth's portrait of President Roosevelt ranks among the best portraits, while Her bert Ward's "Idol" and B. 12. Fry's "Indian Chief," executed for the City of Oekaloosa, are among the best pieces of s pture. YANKEES AT ST. PETERSBURG Wellman Secures Dogs for Trip to Pole Ambassador Riddle la Alone. ST. PETERSBURG, April 29.-Through the agency of the American Consul General Mr. WattB, a train of twenty-nine Siberian sledge dog, has been provided for the Wellman expedition. They were secured In the remote Interior of Siberia and are now at Tobolsk. The dogs will be shipped via Archangel to Wellman's baae In' Norway. Ethelbert Watts, the American consul general here. Is only awaiting the arrival of Instructions from the Slate department before departing to his new post at Brus sels, where he will succeed the late George W. Roosevelt as consul general. Nelson O'Shaughnessy, ex-thlrd secre tary of the American embassy at Berlin snd recently sppointed third secretary of the embassy here has rellnguUhed the latter appointment to accept a similar post at Vienna. Ambassador Riddle Is now alone at the embassy, as first Secretary Schuyler, Is unable to leave Roumanla before the arrival of Minister Knowlee. and Third Secretary Miles, Is In America on a four months sick lesva. FRANCIS JOSEPH FOR PEACE Emperor of Anatro-Hongary Tells Bohemians He DeaTres Better Feeling Among People. PRAGUE, Bohemia, April 29. Emperor Francis Joseph left Prague for Vienna to day after a fortnight's stay at the Bohe mian capital. His majesty signalized his departure by addressing a rescript to the governor of the province, earnestly appeal ing for conciliation between the Czech and German nationalities. He pointed out that a start had been made In this direction by the Introduction of universal suffrage and concluded: "I would consider It the greatest hnppl ness if I, who have shared all the sorrows and struggles, should now at least shars the Joys of pesce." Competition for Gold. LONDON, April 28. There was keen competition from Paris today for the large supplies of gold In the market, totalling $6,0DO,OuO. The bank of England, however, outbid its French competitors and secured t3.500.00i) at a half penny advance. India took Jl.O0O.0rtO and Paris obtained ths balance tl.5u0.000i HILL ROAD INJUNCTION SUIT Stockholders Will Seek to Restrain Officials from Obeylaa; Minnesota Two-Cent Law, NEW YORK, April 29 The Tribune to morrow will say: Certain stockholders of the Northern Pacific Railroad company. It Is understood, will brlr.g a friendly suit against ths officers of the company for an Injunction to restrain them from accepting the 2 cent fare law In Minnesota. As they could not bring action against the sovereign state their only alternate was to bring it against the officials of the company. The latter are compelled, unless restrained by the courts, to comply with the provisions of the law. Thoae who are familiar with this proposed legal action attach great Im portance to It, aa If the Injunction Is gi anted It will serve aa a stay to the en. forcmnt of the law aa far as the Northern Pacific la concerned, for prrnapa two years The Oreat Northern company doubtless will become a party to the proposed e-ilu HOODWARD BUYS BURGESS Wall Knawn Theatrical Firm Di waive It Successful Psr.nership. KANSAS CITY MAN CONTROLS BUSINESS W. J, Bargees Disposes of Ilia Intereats to O. D. Woodward and Retlrea from All Bnt the Burwood. KANSAS CITY. April 29.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Negotiations are pending between O. D. Woodward and W. J. Burgess, mem bers of the theatrical firm of Woodward & Burgess, for a dissolution of Interests. Whether the deal succeeds or not, Mr. Woodward will remain In Kansas City, he said today. This Is taken In local theatrical circles to mean that the business will be divided, Woodward taking the local Inter ests and Burgess those controlled In Omaha. The disposition of the theater In Slnux City Is not known. The firm controls and manages the Willis Wood and Auditorium theaters here, a house at Sioux City and the Burwood and Boyd theaters In Omaha. tp until the present season the firm had things pretty much their own way In Kan sas City. The Willis Wood, one of the most costly play houses In the west, housed practically all of the best attractions on the road, while the Auditorium was fortu nate In having a stock company of great drawing ability. The present season, how ever, Is said to have been rather disap pointing. The new Shubert has been mak ing serious Inroads In profits at the Willis Wood and unfortunate selections In the personnel of the stock company has done much toward destroying the popularity once enjoyed by the Auditorium. Woodward Boys Bora-ess' llnldlnars. Word was received In Omaha Inst night to the effect that Mr. Woodward had pur chased all the Interest of Mr. Burgess In 'he Woodward A Burgess Amusement com pany and would continue till July 1 In con trol of all the theaters managed by that firm. After July 1 Mr. Burgess will hnve control of the Burwood theater in Omaha. The engagements booked at the theate-a will be filled under the management of Woodward & Burgess for the rest of the present season. The partnership between Messrs. T. Woodward snd W. J. Burgess was formed In ISM. the first venture being In ownership of the Woodward 8tock company, which was Installed at the Crelghton theater. The managerlai firm at that time was Paxton & Burgess. Mr. W. A. Paxton, Jr., being the senior member of the firm. In 1897 Paxton A Burgess secured control of the Boyd theater also and the Woodward Stock company was made a permanent feature at the Crelghton. Later ventures took the firm to Denver and to Kansas City. Mr. Paxton soon retired and the Woodward & Burgess Amusement company was formed. It has opersted in Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, South Dakota and Ne braska. At the time of dissolution It con trolled the Willis Wood and Auditorium theaters In Kansas City, the Boyd and Bur wood In Omaha, the New Grand In Sioux 'City, tho Overland theater at Nebraska City, the New Grand theater at Bloux Falls., fl. D-, the Mankato (Mnnn) theater, the St. Peter (Minn.) opera house, the Wllconson opera house in Carrollton, Mo., and the DeGraw opera house In Brookfleld, Mo. Rearotlatlona Hot Sadden. Negotiations for a dissolution of the firm have been in conference for some time and Mr. Burgess went to Kansas City on Mon day to close the deal. The relations be tween the partners have been amicable, but Mr. Woodward waa anxious to take In his son, who has recently been married. and for that purpose sought to purchase the Interests of Mr. Burgess. SALOON RECEIVERS REPORT Kansas Court Officials Expect a Fight Will Be Made by Brewers. TOPEKA. Kan., April 29. Tha three re ceivers appointed by the state supreme court last week to take charge of the prop erty In Kansas of eight outside companlta and a real estate oonctrn run by one liquor firm, made his report to the court here today. The report shows that the recelveia are holding nine buildings, four at Atchison and five at Leavenworth. They also are in possession of a large assortment of bais, fixtures and mirrors. Not much liquor has been taken. Most of the places where seizures were made, have been saloons, and the liquor was claimed by parties other than the brewing companies. The receivers believe that the brewery companies will take some action to protrct their property now that the first report of the seizures has been formally filed. The brewery attorneys say they are wait ing for definite authority on how to pro ceed. On Thursday next the motion to ap point a receiver for the Anheuser-Bupch Brewing company will be heard in the su preme court. This company was the nnly one of the foreign concerns to fight tha move for receiverships and it was net In cluded In the list of companies for which receivers were named. KANSAS CITY. April -Tudge 3 V. Oarber, one of the receivers appointed by the Kansas supreme court to take charge of tha affairs of nine brewing companies, arrived In Kansaa City, Kan., today and conferred with officiala there regarding the seizing of the brewery property. The other two recelvera will arrive tomorrow, nhen. j It Is said, actual work of taking poss-salon of the property will begin. NEW RULE IN RAILROAD CASE ! Snpreme Conrt Decides State Can Compel Trains to Connect with Others. WASHINGTON, April 29. The supreme court of the United Stales today decided In effect that the railroad commlaalontra of the state of North Carolina can crinpel a railroad company operating In that state to so adjust its schedule as to accommodate I passengers on other lines from any par ticular part of the state. The opinion was delivered by Justice ; White in the case of the Atlantic Coast Line ' Railroad company against the corporation . commutation of North Carolina. The torn ; mlsaloners directed the company to make ' connection at Selina at 2:15 p. m., with a train on another line. The company re ' slated on the ground that the order could not be compiled with without putting on a j sieclal train. This, It waa contended, I amounted to taking property without due j proceas of law. The supreme court of North Carolina held against the railroad and Its decision was affirmed by today's action on the ground that the order does not affect raws, but la a proper aot of regulaUuB. SEVERAL INCHES OF SNOW FALL Storm In Some Parte of the State Approachea the Character of a nilsaard. BKATRICE. Neb., April 28. (Special Tele gram.) A snow storm, assuming the pro portions of a blizzard, has been raging In this vicinity today and continues unabated this evening. The ground Is covered to the depth of several Inches with heavy snow and the moisture will be of Inestimable value to wheat and oats, and pnt the ground In fine condition for corn planting. LONG riNR, Neb., April 29 (Special Telegram.) A heavy snowstorm has been prevailing over the northwest portion of Nebraska and there Is now five or six Inches on the ground. In some sections It Is drifting badly. STERLING. Neb., April 29. (Special Tele gram.) Five Inches of wet snow has fallen here. The temperature Is rising and the snow Is melting fast. CRBSTON, la.. April 29. (Special Tele gram.) Commencing early this morning a snow storm has raged In this city all day. Over four Inches of snow has fallen. Peach and cherry trees here are In bloom and milch anxiety Is felt for the fruit crop. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. pril . A com bination of snow, sleet and rain was re ported this morning in this part of tho southwest, with freezing weather prevail ing from the Nebraska line to Texas. There was a fall of snow at Concordia, Kan., following rain; sleet at Baker, Kan., and a heavy rain at Wichita, with a flurry of snow In northwestern Missouri. The temperature at Dodge City, Kan., was 30 and In the Panhandle 3i. There was a heavy fall of rain last night In western Missouri and generally In Kansas and Oklahoma.- PES MOINES, Anril 29 Snow has been falling since noon. The local weather bu reau states that the storm will continue all afternoon. Further damage to small fruits is feared by Iowa hortlcultiiralls'a. OSKALOOSA, la., April 29. An almost unprecedented snowstorm prevailed here today, with the temperature near freeslng. DL'Bl'QVE, la.. April 29 Four Inches of snow fell here todny. MILWAUKEE, April 29-Enough snow fell In Milwaukee today to delay railway traffic. The storm was general throughout the state. BURLINGTON WINS ONE POINT Railroad Company Eacapea Salt Be cause Xot Legally Realatered In Pennsylvania. WASHINGTON, April 29. In an opinion by Justice Moody the supreme court of the United States today decided the case of Robert G. Green, a citizen of Pennsyl vania, against the Burlington Railway company, adversely to Green. This was an action to recover I10O.00O damages on account of Injuries sustained by Green In a railway accident at Brush, Colo., In September, 1905. The suit was Instituted In a federal court In Pennsylvania, but that court refused to entertain It on tha ground that Burlington la not legally doing business In that district, because it was registered In Pennsylvania ns the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company and not by Its later name, the Chicago. Burlington A Qulncy Railway company. That decision was affirmed by today's de cision. Justice Moody saying: "The question here Is whether service upon the agents was sufficient, and one element of Its sufficiency Is whether tho facts show that the defendant corporation was doing business within the district. It Is obvious that the defendant was doing there a considerable business of a certain kind, although there was no carriage of freight or passengers. "The business shown In this case was In substance nothing more than that of solicitation. Without undertaking to formulate any general rule defining what transactions will constitute "doing buslne-ss' In the sense that liability to service Is In curred, we think that this Is not enough to bring the defendant within the district so that process can be served upon It." FLOOD AT OKLAHOMA CITY One Suburb Is Partly t'nder Water and River Is Rising Steadily. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl., April 2.-Wlth Lightning creek out of Its banks and the Canadian river rising steadily, the people In the lowlands cf Capitol Hill, a suburb of Oklahoma City, are facing a situation that will become critical If the heavy rains of the last twenty-four hours continue. Low lands have been converted Into a veritable swamp, crops have been ruined and much stock drowned. No human lives have been lost so far aa can be learned to night. Residents of the bottoms were forced to leave their homes Sunday night and several persons were kept In trees all night. One house floated down the Can adian with a family Inside. The occupants were rescued. Four Inches of rain, accompanied by heavy hall and high winds, fell throughout southwestern Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle district early today. Telephone and telegraph wires are down and com munication with many towns la cut off. The rain will be of great benefit to the cotton crop. The wind damaged several houses In Walter and Mangum. In Tulsa, I. T., tonight the temperature Is below t0 degrees. Three' Inches of rain fell there today and It Is raining again tonight. PUSHING W0RK OF RESCUE Men Imprisoned Three Days In Penn sylvania Mine Mnat Walt One More Pay. JOHNSTOWN. Pa., April 29. -At 10 o'clock tonight the officiala of mine 28 of the Ber-wind-White operations at Foustwell, where seven men have been Imprisoned by water for the last seventy-two hours stated that It would take at least twenty-four hours more to effect a rescue. The first dip between the pit mouth and the Imprisoned men has been drained and the pumps being used by the rescuing party have been started up on the second dip. A wall of water 400 feet through completely filling the mine heading now separates tha unfortunate men from the rescuing patty. When thla section of the mine haa been cleared of water the way will be clear and the seven miners can be brought outside. Today there waa taken Into the mine a pump brought from the Berwlnd mtne No. 30, at Wlndber, having a capacity of 1,700 gallons a minute and are five times the size of any at work previously. It Is now believed that the men will be reached early tomorrow night. Troops Start for Manila. FORT RILEY. Kan.. Arrll 29 -The head Huuriere ba;.d and the First aquadron of tne Ninth cavalry, under comnitr.d of Colonel Peter Bomua. left Furt hlley to night for the Philippines by way ol ban Fiauclsca PACKERS LOSE CASE Csnrt of Appeal Upholds Finn A sowed at Xancai City. CHARGE WAS ACCEPTING REBATES Kailrtadi Hide Cooeenieni on Thrtoth Ehipmenti to Europe, QUESTION OF JURISDICTION DECIDED Commiasion Haa Tower to Bnparviie Batei an Export Ih prueuU. FCUR COMPANIES FINED $15,000 EACH Appeala In Caaea of Railroads and Hallway Managers Convicted at Same Time Are Still PrndliiR, ST. PAUL, Minn., April 29 Judge San born today filed the opinion of tho United States circuit court of appeals, which he had written, affirming the Judgments of the United States district court for the western district Of Mis.isourl agalmt certain pack ing companies for accepting concessions of 12 cents per luo pounds from the portion of the established rate for the transportation of provisions on through bills of lading from Kansas City to Christ Ian la and Oiher points In foreign countries. Judges Hook and Adams concur In the opinion. The defendants in the case Involved In the decision are the Armour Packing company. Swift and Company. Morris & Co. and the Cudahy Packing company. These cases are the first of the so-called rebate cases brought by the United States against the packers, which were deter mined by the appellate court, and they will form the basis for future action until the supreme court reviews the decision. Gist of Opinion. The substance of the conclusions reached, by the court are as follows: 1. That the giving or receiving of a re bate or concession whereby property In in terstate or foreign commerce Is transported at a less rate than that legally filed and published Is a violation of the Elklns act and Is a continuous crime ndjudicuble In any court of the United States having Juris diction of crimes through whose dlstrlot the transportation Is conducted. 2. The rates of transportation from plac- In the United States to ports of trans shipment nnd from ports of entry to places In the United States of property In for eign commerce oarrled under through bills of lading are required to be filed and puo llshed bv the amended Interstate commerce act of 1M7. If carried under an aggre gate through rate, which Is the sum of the ocean rate, and the rate from or to a place In the United States to or from port ff shipment or of entry, the latter Is required to ii tiled and publlsned. If carried under a Joint through rate by virtue of a com mon control, management or arrangement of the inland and ocean carriers, the joint rate Is required to be tiled and published. I. The giving or receiving of the rebate or conceiislon whereby property In Inter state or foreign commerce Is transported at less than the established rate, is the essence of the offense pertinently de nounced by the Elklns act. Tho "device" by which the concession or transportation la brought about la not an essential ele ment of the crime and It Is unnecessary to plead It n the Indictment. The meaning of the clause "by any device whatever" In the Elklns act Is, "directly or Indirectly, in any way whatever," When Contract Falls. 4. A contract between a carrier and a shipper to transport the letter's goods In Interstate or foreign commerce at the thet established rate for n definite time ia Inef fective after a higher rate has been died and published as required by luw. The time during which n rate different from the agreed rate Is established by filing and pub lishing Is excepted from the term of such contract by virtue of the national acts to regulate commerce which sre a part thereof. Such a contract conmltutes no defense to a charge of giving or receiving a rebate or concession from the filed and published rate. 5. The only criminal Intent requisite lo a conviction of an offense created v statute which Is not malum In se Is the purpose to do tha act in violation of the statute. No moral turpitude or wicked Intent Is essen tial to a conviction of such a crime. History of the Caae. KANSAS CITY. April 29. The defend ants named In Judge Sanborn's decision were Indicted by the federal grand Jury In Kansas City December 15, 1905. The trial was held here at the April term In 1906. The grand Jury also Indicted three railways and several officials of rail ways. The officials were charged with conspiracy and the railways with giving rebates. These cases are pending before the United States court of appeals. The cases were tried here before Judge McPherson, who, on June 22 last, lined the four packing companies $15,000 each. "Well, the decision certainly disposes of the question of jurisdiction over export rates," Frank Hagerman, attorney for tht Armour Packing company, said today when told of the court's decision. "It B) the flrat time the queatlon haa been 4a elded. The caaea can ba taken to tha United States supreme court only on a petition for a writ of certiorari. We may try for It. I shall have to conault with the other Intereats before I can telL" BRYAN ON JTHE OUTLOOK Nebraskaa Baya Demoerata Will Oa Into Campaign tatted oa Right Side of Iaauea. PORTLAND, Me., April J9.-Wllltara J. Bryan, as the guest of honor at the ninth annual banquet of the Maine Democratto club, spoke for an hour on political 4sues here tonight. Mr. Bryan said he had been exceedingly honored by the people and added: "I have nothing to ask of the American people. All I ask Is a chance to pay back the debt I owe to them." In reference to the last presidential cam paign, he said he did not get just the ! platform he wanted and added: "But I got Just the candidate I did not want at all. However, I did what I could to sup port the ticket. Our party had Its ex periment and will not try It again. Per haps It Is Just as well tt did. There will ' be no more experiments. At last ws ara going Into a compalgn united on the right lde of the questions. Two years ago wa ,' were united on the wrong side." (EXHIBITS STAY IN COURT Attorney Peabody Refused Perml slon to Take Papera in Harry Thaw Caae. NEW YORK, April 29 Justice Fitz gerald In the supreme court today refused to algn an order giving Into the cuatody of A. Ruaaell Peabody the exhibits Intro duced by the defenae In the Thaw trial. Mr. peabudy, who Is one of Thaw's reg. ulkp AfrornevM. bad uakil that nil Hia v , hlhlts, Including the letters offered before . the lunacy commission, be turned over tq ; him. The exhibits sre now In the cuatody ef the clerk of the court before which Th was lrl4 1 i