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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
10 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: APKTL 28, 1007. SEE LARGE AD OF DRY GOODS BARGAINS ON EDITORIAL SECTION -- FRONT PAGE Slightly Damaged Pictures 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c In moving our Picture Department to new location quite a few pictures were damaged many hardly noticeable values up to $4 on sale Mon day at 59c, 49c, 39c and 29 PYROGRAPHY BOX BARGAINS One Jewel Box, one "Work Box and one Twine Box, Monday, three for t 29 Artists Materials Fry 's Chian Colors, listing 20c and 25c, for 18t Picture Framing Our values, quality and work manship combined are unsurpassed. 3rd Floor It is the season for housefurnishing and rehabilitating Come Monday and visit particularly our big Carpet, Furniture, Hardware and Picture Sections. EIARDWARE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS $2.60 and ta.00 ! Paints! Painisll Paints!!! We believe we are carrying tLe finest lines of paint", leads, and varnishes that money and skill can produce. Uonar, wt ofrtr DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STUMPS on HI pur cnasej In Paint Section. y Lawn Mowers mi sixts All eVltaVFlBC I IvrinAull HUUitNKtmUl' fia Extra quality Scrub Brushes rice root, tampleo or palmotti) Mon day for 10o And ten green trading stamps Llnon Mop Head Monday for 3So And twenty green trading stomps. Cotton Mop Heads (food quality for 80c And twenty green trading stamps. Extra quality Mop Stick 100 And ten green trading stamps. Floor Brush Broom For hardwood floors, S3. 75 to,.,. 680 And lorty green trading stamps with each. Johnson's Floor Wax. best made. 1-11. ran 45o And twenty green trading stnmps. ' The Great Restorer and Renovator INDISPENSABLE IN THE UP-TO-DATE HOME i6 Colors In Cans, $2.5i to i5c I Floor Prush Polishers IB to 25 lbs Monday, And forty green trading stamps. Best quality Steel Unn Hakes ' 40c And thirty green trading stamps. WOODENWARE SECTION Your Choice Only one Item of a kind thus advertised to each buver each (1) Ulvl4l4 MIRB.OB, (S) GLOBE WASHBOAKD, (3) WI1IOW SCRAP BASKET, (4) SIX BOLLS BENNETT'S TOILET FAPEH. And ten green trading stamps with either cl the two last men tioned. Basement. fe$15 to $2.75 jp 25c GOOD GRASS CATCHER FREE With Etch Monday , RUBBER HOSE-50 feet lon?th.s. complete) with nozzle, every piece ffuaranteed, at 7.50- 6.00- 5.50. 5.00- 4.50 1 Ft..! FURNIWRE---- 50-lb. Elastic Felt Mattress, in art tick, guaranteed perfect, sold elsewhere at $11, Monday our price 7.45 20 Pieces of Weathered Oak Dining Room and Library Furniture Sideboard, was $53.50, now $37.75 Buffet, was $15, now. $32.25 Settee, was $25, now $15.50 China Closet, was $2-4.50, now $17.75 Many Other Items Equally Snappy. Iron Beds Best make, new patterns, up from $2.25 Iron Beds Unfinished gun metal $15.75 Porch Swings at $G.25 and $5.50 Fine line Porch Rockers, Chairs and Settees, up from ... $3 Teach the Baby to Walk Walkers Monday at $2.50 j Many Hems of Interest to Furniture buyers. All articles marked in plain figurei at minimum prices. -Third Floor IN THE BIG CARPET SECTION Third Floor One of the best arranged, best equipped and best stocked Rug sections in 0maha-3d Iloor, east. Tons on Ions and m lies of fine Car pels, Rags and Linoleums at a glance SPECIALLY CROPPED PRICES FOR MONDAY Screen Doors! Screen Windows! Two cars of Screen Doors and Win dows, being the third whole car received just as the flies are be ginning to trust their wings. Thi3 means close prices it means un precedented sales, it means we've a dandy Screen Door and several fine Screen Windows for you. Screen Doors Strong, fine dcors up from 98c Screen Window Frames, from 18c frlWii.a4&?t1 Poultry Wire Best quality, lowest prices. Double Green Trading Stamps Monday. 3 i ' v., r't '2k , v? . ! J : ;1 "A f: ... 'v'.h;1" ::N i . ' i i RUGS -:- CARPETS -:- RUGS Every rug is warranted strictly perfect, all new and select pat terns (not mismatched or odds or ends, but new line goods.) 9.75 Room size extra heavy Brussel Hug, abso lutely fast color, artis- tis designs, sells for $17.50, Monday Iioxbury Brussels Rug, room size, 9x12, best $22.50 quality, will wear splendidly, fast colors, desirable pat terns in all shadings foTdZ.... 16.48 Smyrna Rugs, 30xG0, in conventional designs and in all color combi nations, sells for $2 Monday for 89c Wilton Velvet Rugs 3Gx72-inch, Persian and medallion pat terns big varieties, sell for $5, Mon- J QO day for. ,. ...0 Crex Rugs, just the thing for bed rooms and din ing rooms 4.50 6.50 8.50 Size 6x4 for Size 8x10 for. . .' . Size 9x12 for The Genuine Knshnioir Hugs fast colors and good pat terns 6x0 55.75 7-CxiO 9.78 9x12 $12.78 Ilcavy Cotton Chain Ingrain Cairicts, fast colors, big variety of patterns, sell everywhere for 65c, our price Monday, a yard 45J Extra fine Cocoa Mats, 15x 25, sell readily for 50c our r"lce Monday, each 29k .8.95 We Invite Your Critical Inspection. URNITCRE IN MAM FORMS Taiay Cbow All For ail Ihtptg Uidu All Coodltian. fcXAHA DEALIRS MAKE A FINE DISPLAY fc-rr tm BTarjr W OMttA, wltk Raaiaraas Hudr Caatrlr .ea ta DMarM Hama nl Ita Oooaaaiata. With the vuMt array of various styles In furniture and the efforts of manufacturers, artists and deslitners to produce beautiful effects, the purchaser of this greatest ne cessity in furnishing a house finds himself In a dilemma as to a choice very soon after entering any store making any pre tensions of carrying an up-to-date stock. And the further he Investigates the more wonderful the problem becomes and, If he wai not already aware of the fact, ha make the discovery that more work is required to pick out chairs, lounges, bet steads and tha like than cloth for a suit of clothes. Furniture has become a science ant has to be studied. The question is more than merely one of the required body, with the four legs attached underneath and the "upperworks" above, whatever they may be, but it is also a question of when and by whom was this or that design or trifling feature invented; whose mind con ceived this peculiar formation of the legs, or that difficult carved work on tha back. Everything in the way of furniture, that Is, of course, of tha better sort, is created after the designs of olden periods, and in the salesrooms the different sets are labelled according to what period in the blstory of the world their models were born and used. The purchaser should therefore know something of the chairs and tables our forefathers and their fore fathers sat upon and ate from, or ha will lose some Interesting information. As the collector loves his coins, so the man fur nishing his house will And something in the task beside the mere exchange if money for pieces of wood or metal shaped in the forms needed by man. Problem Made Simpler. The elimination of the grand parlor or "spare room" for extra occasions renders the work of selecting furniture much more stnuile and allows one to work with greater singleness of purpose. The parlor having been merged Into the sitting room for the family or guests, it Is only neces sary to combine pleasant, home-like effect with comfort and a show of style and the room the main room of the whole house is fitted. Thereafter, of coure, come the dining room, hall, bed chanr.bers and other rooms to be provided for, but they do not present such vexing problems. The main object of manufacturers Is to copy from antique designs, to produce something of striking uniqueness. Fur than this the fashion in furniture has changed little In years, though makers In ject Individual peculiarities at times and Introduce slight changes, perhaps a round pillar where before It was square, or a curs' where where a straight line pre vailed, and call them the latest style. But while there are new fashions with every season, there is really no attempt even in the smartest homes to keep up-to-date In the small matters. It Is enough at this date to furnish the home with furniture of unique or ancient design. Antique Mast Stand Alone. Pieces actually a century or mora in age themselves must, of course, be for tha man with millions to spend, and the same is to be said of the materials now al most impossible to get. But whatever the material or whatever the design, there should always be aTi attempt to follow the same idea in the separata rooms, not mixing the modern styles with the antique of the beauty of the latter Is lost and their effect dissipated. Manufacturers pro vide everything In "suites" for tha va rious rooms, and with the possibilities of furniture making today there are some ideas worked out that are marvels in The Flescher 1907 Model Motorcycle ft' - - . ... : - v Tho Flescher 1907 Model. Price, $210.00. The new Improvements for 1907 are Flescher Patent Spring Fork and Double fork Stem Combined. luulile llrlp Control. New (ianohna and Oil Tank, Force Feed Oil tSysU-in, Large Hattery I'ase, New Btyle Heller Chains. Larger and stronger Frame, Thor Motor and Carburetor, S-horse power, steel Cylinder Case, Hardened, Hardened (shafts, highly polished. The l$u Flescher has proven It would run In all kinds of weather, anow, sleet, rain and mud. It lias t-n a surprle to the public. This machine worked like a charm when the old reliable horse could not navigate on street without being sharp hod. Tht Flescher Is U very Machines have been run about 10,ut0 miles and have done belter work tnan w hen fit si taken out of the show, orders have been taken for machines frwin tariuua vris of the cuuulry. beauty when the sets are followed In their entirety. Mission furniture and "arts and crafts" are as popular as anything on tiie mar ket, and then whole sets are adhered to In furnishing rooms a refined beauty Is obtained which cannot be Improved upon by adherence to the modes of the most fastidious monarch. To dcscrlbo any piece of furniture in mere words without the aid of photographs Is a nurd malter, but Omaha stores are well provided with displays. Grand Rap Ids, Mich, still retains its position as the place from which good furniture comes and the offerings of its many factories are suf ficient for the home of the wealthiest. One of the line products of that city Is a Louis XVI chamber suite, containing beds, chairs, dressers, commides and stands of Circas sian walnut, and which Is a thing of sur passing beauty. It is a fulthful countei part of the French monarch's day, when material was as plentiful as human beings. To uttempt to give an idea of the appear ance of this suite would be useless, and it is merely mentioned because It Is one of the offerings In latter-day furniture and shows the "trend of the times" in furni ture fashions. The days of the most gor geously appointed castle are come again and the sets are named from the ruler on tha throne at tha period when the style was in vogue. Our own colonial days provide tbe manu facturer of today with more ideas, how ever, than the styles of the old world. An tique furniture gathering is a craze with some people, who are continually on the watch for auction sales, when the goods which have gone down from generation to generation in some old but now extinct family ara to be placed on sale, and in many instances they are able to secure old, apparently worthless, pieces at next to nothing, ta have them sprlag Immedi ately into high value. Such salea are fre quent in some of the older towns where once dwelt people of grand homes and re fined tastes. olid Woods are Scarce. But real antiques are expensive on the market, even if they can be secured at all. In lieu of the real thing, however, the fac tories produce counterparts which require an expert to detect from the really old. Of course, one is Just as good as the other, so tax as usefulness Is concerned, or rather, It ahould be sold, the new wftl outlast the old for wear, but the connections are gone and In all too many cases the material is not honest that is, a veneer Is used where the old piece was solid. Reliable deulera make no misrepresentations regarding the wood used and frankly admit veneer where It is used, but the ordinary man cannot tell the difference. Mahogany Is one of the woods which have become so scarce as to be almost prohibitive In price. In fact, some manu facturers make no pretense of putting out solid mahogany goods, finding ready mar ket for the veneered article. But to make up for the disappearance of the hard woods which make the most desirable furniture, endeavors are directed along lines of pro ducing something with the material at hand which does equally as well as what the old time makers used, and of Inventing new articles of furniture with devices and features to add greatly to convenience, comfort and ease, never forgetting style or beauty In the finish. Combination for Men. Among the things which have been placed on the market to sell mora for usefulness than for claims to ancient connections, and which may be found in at least some of tha Omaha furniture stores, is a com bination gentleman's chiffonier -and ward robe, in which the need of every man is anticipated, having certain places within easy reach for every article a man wears, all within tha box lika structure. It has clothes hangers, disappearing mirror, hat box, drawers for handkerchiefs, cuffs, col lars, buttons, scarf pins, gloves, socks, underwear, shirts, shoes, slippers, ties, also place for comb and brush, whisk broom, cane, umbrella, etc. It will hold ten suits of clothes, all being at the owner's flnge ends. The outside appearance of this most useful piece of furniture makes It a hand some addition to any bed room, and is made in any finish or color desired, of oak or mahogany. Such an article Is also built for the office, but not so wide, tho row of drawers up and down being unnecessary. It would add 60 per cent to the appearance of any office nnd do as much for convenience and com fort. . Wrinkle In Tables. Another Improvement upon home furni ture In these days of cramped quarters Is the banquet table with top, being a round table provided with leaves to be placed on top, extending the circumference of the table to accommodate almost any ordinary gathering. The lenves removed, a table for sitting room or library purposes appears, ready at any time to Increase its capacity. All furniture is made principally In oak, mahogany, Imitation mahogany, or maple, and bird's-eye maple Is also used, but not to the extent it has been lnrecent years. This material, though pretty for bed room seta, and dainty In appearance, has lost much of Its hold because of a fault It has of darkening after several years time, a fault which cannot be remedied. Bolted mission furniture enjoya a pop ularity which It well deserves. All kinds of pieces are put out of this style, from bed steads to grandfather clocks and nothing is more durable, handsome or useful than the offerings of the factories of these lines. Kitchen Cabinets Improve. The housewife has by no means been neglected In the leflectlons of the busy in ventor. To the contrary, he hss apparently put( in much time finding ways in which to lessen her- labors and beautify her work room at the same time. Kitchen cabinets are not exactly new with this season, but more elaborate and more extensive in lt uses. The efforts have been directed toward providing a place for everything needed In cooking In a compact, yet easily reached case, and the latest Improvement In this line Is a thing of beauty end one which would be sidly missed after once used If not retained In the kitchen. It stands as hlah as s cupboard, some operlng with the Inside of the doors utilized and eome with out doors to open, and a polished zinc table for kneidlng douah, nnd with more drawers nnd compartments underneath. Refrigerators that look well enough to stand In the best room are also (immii the latest productions, and their useful. ness and cold-retalnlns; nualltles for wHch thev are Intended, have been Increased ma terially. Fasv housekeeping Is the obteot of the manufacturers and they are fast approaching the goal. WARE FOR DINING TABLES Much Opportunity for Display Taste and Extravagance la Offered. of The department of the, modern home. which Includes dishes for the dlnlnji room. Is one of the greatest Importance, and is one which can add a remarkable amount of beauty to tne surroundings If the proper selections are made, and, also, provided the purse has sufficient length to go be yond the mere plain offerings of the deal ers. Germany, England, Japan and Amer ica labor the year round to produce new effects In dishes for the several dally functions and for state occasions and a visit to a display room where the best goods are kept is one likely to arouse the envy of the visitors for the favored few whose means allow them to provide them selves with full sets of some of the goods. As between the products of the foreign countries mentioned there Is not any great choice for beauty, though the work done on the Japanese ware Is certainly more artistic than that of any other. The daintiest of cups, saucers, plates, bowls and other dishes are hand-painted with the most delicate of colors, representing flowers, birds or plain shadings. There are also the odd and distinctively oriental figures Introduced in some sets, and only produced with the most infinite pains and much labor. Another offering which la of recent origin Raging Drapery Sales Nottingham, Irish Point and Arabian Laces New goods, artistic designs; prices to. make ptoplc talk about us. LOT No. 1 FIXE NOTTINGHAM LACK CLKTAIXH Some neat parlor effects, others ext.ra wide allovpr patterns, sell up to $3. 25, f f Q twenty-five patterns on display Monday, pair lV(j LOT No. 2 IRISH POINT AND MU'SSKLS NIOT ITRTAIXS For liv ing rooms or parlors, new designs, all well made, sell up TOO to $6. 2E Monday for ' D,)0 LOT No. 8 REAL ARABIAN AND HANI) MADE CLI XV LACK Cl'R TAINS for libraries, dining Tooma or living rooms, soli IOC for 5.00 Monday, our price JlD LOT No. 3 REAL HAND MADE ARABIAN AND CLINV LACE CUR TAINS, extra fine for libraries or parloTs, sell up to $12.75 For Manday BRASS EXTENSION RODS 22 to 44 inches, complete with brackets Monday GOLDEN OAK SCREEN FRAMES AND PANELS, 5 ft. C In. OP- high, sells for $1.25 Monday for OjC Third Floor. mA There is a tendency on the part of manu facturers to go back to the old-time styles in shapes for dinner sots, as the furniture men do In their lines. "Antiquity" is the word, and the makers are ever ready to supply the public taste. Green and gold are the prevailing colors being used to the greater.t extent on most wares and among others Indian tree designs and dec orations aro given fsvor. Japanese made goods sell more easily than do tha Ger. man. As with chinaware, so It Is with gluss, colonial styles are the mode and the only thing wanted by the buyers who have money to spend. Candlesticks of (.-lass, to be placed one at each plate at the table, as In olden times, are among the popular Ideas. iiaiiiuiriou urass jiiruinieres, rem jura and the like, of Russian make, Is one of the popKnr fancies which has merit for pretty effect. Is the "Coalport" English china, which lias one of its greatest claims to beauty in its plainness and simplicity. The body of the pieces Is of clear white and a plain band of gold traces around the edges, rather a wide band, giving It a stunning appearance. A complete set of dinner dishes of this ware present a very smart "front-" An exceedingly popular line and one which is selling almost as fast as the de mand can be supplied even In the west is decorated In old Dutch onion blue for brenkfast dishes, also made In Kngland. Many of the plates mentioned are priced to retail from 115 to $20 per plate and more, and their beauty can be better realized when this fact Is considered In estimating the amount of work which must have been required on the pieces. A line that Is not exceeded" in popularity by any other is one called the "Royal Doulton." A large assortment of bowls, for fruit and such things, and pitchers of various sizes and shapes for suspending on the wall by a brass chain from the picture molding. These have the finest of decorations. The line is also extended to dinner sets, but special attention Is given by Its manufacturers to display and decorating vessels. In the east the demand for expensive plates for the walls Is greater than can be supplied, the custom being on the return, thounh more time Is required In Omaha. The plate rack, how ever, Is not resumed. In Ilavlland chinas the offerings ara varied and the demand Is as great as ever. Woman's I.ove for Mostache. "Women In the old country lay much more stress upon the mustache than Amer ican women do," said the German woman at the tJerman restaurant when some com ment hud been made upon the mustaehlie that were long enough to tie In a bowknut back of the head. "A German woman or a Hungarian will work all day long and half the night for a husband who has a nice long mustache, but it Isn't so here. "American women don't care. They ara not so particular. s a rule, about working for husbands. Their husbands generally work for them, so they oon't care whethor they are mustached or clean shaven." Near York Globe. in Jots! as losing Kequire no blacking ebony finish new, all J-teel con struction not found in other gas stoves. Kemovable, clean able burners. GREATEST GAS SAVERS. FINEST BAKERS. Fine rtasr ofTHIea. TMilalonaknrn, klnir of Slum. bos this portentous strlnir of titles: Most hlh. il lustrious. Invincible and powerful mnna'oh. crowned with 101 golden crowns, each adorned with nine species of precloua gems, sreatest, purest and most divine msster of Immortal souli, who sees all things. Sov ereign emperor, under the shadow of whose wings lies the rich and incomparable king dom of filam, king, to whom is subject the most fruitful of all lands lit by the sun, greatest of lords, whose palace is of fine gold and gems, divine master of tha golden thrones and of the white and red elephants, sovereign god of the nine kinds of gods, king who is like unto the sun" at Ita zenith and lika the full moon, king whose glance la more dazzling than the orb of the morn ing, king who la above all emperors, mon arch! and potentates of the universe, from the rising to the avtUcg sun. We buy in carload lots so we get and give you the advantage of the lowest prices. i SPECIAL- Jewel (like cut) with 4 regular burners and one burner on top has large oven 18' inches by 18Va inches, all sizes and patterns up to $35.00 only s simmering $11.00 Refrigerator 7 mmm . .. ii The most complete line shown in umana sizes and Btyieg to in p. I F JlLl i " i. i'l;6' L? every purse. f" C)Nh f BADGER REFRIGERATOR Hardwood case, removable, clean- t'f4n&1 t i l$l v Klv'fci 1 able flues, galvanized steel lining, up from $8.01), Jf ' 7tf M' r J 3 TIIE PEERLESS Packed with mineral wool, white enamel lined J ' .' iiL f J. v f -i ? Q superior heavy construction up form $16.50 P ' V Tik fri--!-! TIIE BOHN SYPHON The kind used by the railroads, sold on mJ ' . "V ' JT'-? 4 tne "Home lest ' plan see cut up irom 5piS7.7a v. r- "' ivj 7" for fine residences, $14.00 to $48.00 ligjtltierd TraS HarH. Ma"" 14th and Farnam Streets 3 Z3C