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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
) House Cleaninfl sjisls imuMMtiMtpjiai imiii Hivo j-O'i ever hod your carpets rift rugs clranod by the I'antor lum, if not, it will pay you to try us. Wo remove pv-pry vnrtlclo of dn"t and dirt, and not only that, they are pterlllzpd and the color brightened as well. THE PRICE Cnrpets, per running ynrd . . . Hups, per square yard 10 If they are full of gmise spots and ntalns they should be denned by the Nartha prorpRR, which costs 10c per yard additional to the above prices. All work guaranteed, wagons to all parts of the city. The Pantoriurrv Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 1613 Jones St. Tel. Doug. 9C3 -HJj n rzr I AH That's Correct and ot Quality in WALL PAPER Is at our store. You will see a dis play that is convincing proof of su periority in this line. Complete in both medium and fine grades, many productions that are exclusive with this store. HENRY LEHMANN & SONS 1305 Farnam Street Tainting Fine Finishing Decorating Your To Preserve The Plate on SILVERWARE it must be cleaned and refinished each year. Our process of taking care of your silverware is far superior to any of the. chemicals sold for cleaning silverware. "We repair or replace uny broken or destroyed parts the name as now. In Clmnclolier Work We refinish these in bright brass, brush bras, old 41 brass or any of the copper finishes. OMAHA SILVER. CO. Manufacturers of Silver Plated Ware Phone Douglan 1773 314 SOUTH TIIIKTKKNTH STREET Itetween Farnam and Harney Streets MUt$i I y$$ Paint il Cv A Department fy-Xjfc&M - ,410I1ARNKV rilONE DOWLAS 3-123 f " "r I , U 11 Carry everything conceivable in Taint used In brightening tn llll V !I ) V up the home during Spring Cleaning. Our Claim m 71 . t "The One Dcst Paint lor Yoar Purpose' 'Phone us your paint troubles we make It a busi ness of straightening them out. Phone order promptly filled by messenger. WE DO GLAZING Myers - Dillon Drug Co. The Conlinental Print Shop Wants to figure on your next order of Job Printing. NeatWork Prompt Service, Low Prices. Get Our Estimates. Continental Print Shop CntlaenUI lesltjr C, Itwu. PrH- Thlrd floor l. S. al'I Bank Bldg. rtaone DongU 4503. Mail Orders Solicited. ASK YOU SlIlMINa of a new piano for that bare spnee In your house? Do not dream that you can't get It w ithout paying; down tha whole sum. J. H. Cameron Is selling hln superb Htork of Iiaiis on easy i)ayi!ients, and It la enay for tho man of inoiVrnte means to make his family happy by this ray of sunlight In the home. BAMPXB PXABTOS nOK 9148 TO 60O A man spends his money where ho Rets the largest value. We soil pianos di rect from the factory to the homes, thus ellminatng the Jobber as well as the re tailer's profits. Write, ctll or 'phono us. . m.m.Mimtn, iiiR-iua in. i&th St., Mc Cague iiank Uldg. 'I'hone Red 2841. Let These Do Your House Cleaning II. & H. Soan. cake, for vc Amnnl:, nlnt bottle, for IOC Ivory Soav six cakes, for 25c 25c Liquid Veneer for 20o 60c Liquid Veneer for J)c Denatured Alcohol, pint, for lws Denatured Alcohol, quart, for 20o Denatured Alcohol, gallon, for Wood Alcohol Same as Denatured Borax, 20-mule team, pound, for 12c 10c Sapolto scouring, three pounds for 25c 10c Old Dutch Cleanser, for 7c Carbolic Acid, once, 5c; pint 40c 25c Formalduhydo Fumigators, for 2c 50c Formaldehyde Funilgators, for 40c The above are about all that are needed for cleaning but wo have Paint, In any alls, any color, lor any purpose, and we deliver any place In Dmnlui Smith lorifih.-i or I'oiinril Hluff.4. Now for the most lmnnrtMnt part 1111 all your bug's wltn Scnaeier's sure Death 15c pint, 25c iMf'j quart, ouc nun gallon or uo gallon guuranieeu us us. LSi V C alt n sf ntv'c Flmurt GfTno $ stfZl '4 Paper New Location 11. L. Kndres. formerly lc cnied at -3 Xoitb Kith St., wislie to announce to ' many patrons that he has nn entirely now stock of the lat ent designs in "Wall L'aper, also a full line of Taints, Brushes and Varnish, and is now located at -HO Ames Ave. M. L. ENDIiES Tel. Webster 2138. Corner lOtli and Chicago (Street, Omahu Cttmcri 24tli and N St.H., Ho. Omuha. ."5111 Avenue ami Main Street Council muffs, la. 1 A Clean Job M ol Printing Is an advertisement that will produce results. "When you think about clean printing, think of us it's the only kind we know how to do. "The Best Work at the Lowest Price" Swanson Printing Co. 110 S. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 3959. Your lawn needs fixing. Get your Grass Seed and Flower Bulbs of The Nebraska Seed Co. 1613 Howard Street i r We Are Cleaning House by getting rid of any kind of a buslnesa In the quickest time. To buy, sell or trade Bee Globe Land and Investment Co. Rooms 1 and 2 Patterson Blk., OMAHA. NEB. S. H. COLE SIGN CO. Signs Transparencies Banners 1302 Douglas Street Telephone Douglas 2518 Mercantile Incorporating Co. (Incorporated) 426 N. V. Life Building "Clean house" by Incorporating your buz'i ness, and start right. Telephone Douglas 552 on It) Irt M) I B2, U3SS, Avoid the Hard Work and Worry COXXECTK.D H1T1I nOUSE CLEANING. All Is Immensely superior in every way to old fasmoned soapa, soap powders and vFlCl " scourina; bricks. A natural product in fine, white, powdery form, free from al kali, acid or caustic. Its action is meclmniral not chemical. Old Dutch Cleanser r)fi4tf removes dirt In any form quickly and completely, yet does not injure the surface ISUlllA in the slightest. Cleanser cleans scours scrubs pousiies SOLD IN LARGE SIFTING TOP CANS AT ALL GROCERS 10c A valuable Illustrated booklet. "Hints to Housewives," free on request. MADE BY THE CUDAHY PACKING COMPANY. South Omaha. Neb. AirriQurrirB a specialty. CABIJTET MAKIZrCk The Parlor Upholstering Co. OIUP LAXSEir, Prop. FURNITURE. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING Goods Fack.d for Shipping. First Class Work OnarsntMd. Phone Bad 4883. 1909 Cuming Street OMAKA, HEB. tH A. K.Jeit Carpet Cleaning Works Carpet Cleaning, Laying and Remodling. 27 Years Experience. 2017 Cuming Street Phone Doug. 4096 ....OFFICERS.... E- M SEARLE, JR.. Pres. LEW WENT WORTH, Wholesale Lumber ED. L. CULVER. Manager E. J. ROB IN SOV. State Trs.. Linmlner 14 The New Way The Omaha Cleaning Co. will take en tire charge of your house cleaning, fur nish all the help and superintend the work, and give your house a thorough cleaning. The cost is nominal compared to the old way. The Omaha Cleaning Co. 1.124 Kama m Ntrert, Room 4. T'l. Hod 6212. III 1(((U SANITARY CLEANING CO Compressed Air and Vacuum Combined. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work Called Jfor and Delivered, Oriental Rugs a Specialty. 1919 Farnam Street. Telephone Red 3! w rpTf 1 If It's Heavy I Will Move It! E. J. DAVIS Safe Mover 1818 Farnam St. ' . -. I I I II i j Aivviys l H W F sa J. 62. II aiw 1 1 lei g , CEUTRAL COAL & COKE COMPANY JA of Omaha iifesk Jm Tlllll l V 15th and Harney ? ' ' 1 j ' CTji; Streets jHUHj Y Paints 41 Gtass, R 24th Lynch Bros. PLUMBING ESTIMATES rUKITISHXD First - Class vrork Oaarants.d 118 WORTH rrTTEEWTH STSEST Telephon. bougias 1477 Hardware, Oils, Window LaLwn Mowers, ifrigerators STOVES STORED A. J. Hayne and Lake Streets le Din. 4J1S Gas Fixtures Refinished iphcne68i curgess-uranaen o. jijso. isihst 1 For your business literature is unnecessary if you ave Root Print It" A. I. ROOT, Inc. 1210-1212 Howard St. a 4