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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1907)
8 THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE: 'AFRTTJ 28. W07. j jt a i v . if ri j yi vvm .-t y 7 Ufa, house you'w moved into needs dome new things dott't you fend? you home is whehe you all stay most oj Ufa, time and should not youh, home Ufa, lovliest oj all jylaees? we have many many thlnfS to make domes lovely why not let it Se yoa home? ouh jit nishinfS ae moving now too leeause we sell them ight. eome to See as. youS Piuly Miller, Stewart & Beaton 413-15-17 South 16th Street With House Cleaning Comes Picture Cleaning Valuable pictures, pictures you wish to save, require thorough cleaning not only the glass on the Inside, but the ploture itself the back resealed, the frame corners drawn up where they have opened at the miter, and the frame repollshed or reglldod. Another thing, the arrange ment of the pictures on the walls should be rearranged at least once every two years; It will have the same effect as the rearrangement of the furniture, which Is usually an Inviting change to any well regulated household. This re quires a specialty man's tasto and experience, that Is, to know what Is up-to-date and do the work with care, as many delicate frames must be bandied by experienced hands. Then this same expert will point out how an inexpen sive change In the framing or an Inexpensive picture In the (old, repollshed) frame will enliven the room or wall It hangs on. The A. Hospe Co. has men who have done this work with this firm for more than a quarter of a century. You know the Test. Our telephone Is Douglas 1S3. A. HOSPE CO., 1513 Douglas St. 1 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR "a. PERFECTLY REMOVED 1 1 am 111 I have a aafa and pomtively Sl'KK way tntaka hairs off Fac. Nrk anil k Hta I'lkbtl LU T V- . I Till ,d SECRET. Writ for information I m.l limiM,riur.,)uxui ikiuclas. W 1C SvbaatffiSt. Dottt 0 L NV TAFtj M Mr ARTIFICIAL TEETH Does your plate fit you well? If not. why not have one made that will fit you perfectly and give you satisfaction. You'll be sure to enjoy your meals then. Good set of teeth S5.00 up. TAFFS DENTAL ROOMS HIT Douslaa Street, "gainthe 1 timely Inn," aya Stukaapaaaa, and we think ths Hotel Belmont NEW YORK deserve this title "Timely" it u at the Tery doors of the Grand Central Station with surface and elevated Knes right at hand and a private passage to sub way station (or both express and local trains. And "timely " it is in that it furaifches the wealth of conveniences the com pleteness of service the satis fying environment which mod em hotekraft aims to attain. STATISTICS 'jV I" nil 77 J M f Maaa BlaM4, kvmr rara la aalidiua;. Migbaat trv W traraa a aaraiall Twaaitr-aavaa mtnm. alaia ikaa a haaaaS naju, VrmtT tern thaaaaial taw af ataal aaiS. Syaaeaa af veaillaikuai ay fUlacad mU. AaiaaialK) hasl rBsalaiava. laa aievaiara. 1U imhi agalpaal art Ik ajrliaita aav iaay rtlataana tgliyaaara. TU U!s MXn to tti put tieb if tti world. Opentd Uij EX 1 SOS. . RATES fUoaM rkiaot lath, $2.50 and pwr4 Roou wkk bata. $330 mi apwaei Parlor, baoVoaai md Uth. $10 ad uaiwwil W waaid aim an jem bar aad try as naka y look apoa iLia koid M yon Near Ycxt aoaaa The Hotel Belmont 42nd Street and Park Avenue, New York Gty. B. L. M. BATES, Muru Direter. DECORATIONS FOR THE flOME Art Is Wsjoh tb Avrac IillldnsJ Lsi Bimslf Easily. WIDEST IMAGINABLE RANGE FOR TASTE fa)Jra f -fWLa Aaraalt of mraxrta at Ltttl Caat It Malta ka It. ajawala-a mm Oaa -Cmm Anaai. When one b-rins to dclv Into the art of modern home decorating he Is nearly lost In Its possibilities, so vajrt Is the Arid and so skilled Is the work of those persona who nowadays rive their lives to the art. The better class of home furnishing stores In American cities have decorators who design Interior decorations, drawing the whole scheme out with the care of an architect drawing; the plans for the con struction of a building-. The home dec orator Is. per se, an artist, with the ar tist's appreciation of colors and color schemes. Havln-c drawn out his Ideas, the rent of the work Is largely mechanical, much the same as artisans put Into their rlaces the wood. Iron, steel and other ele ments of the building Itself. Two principal factors enter Into the work of the home decorator the period of the decoration and the color relations. These periods are known aa the Ellzabethlan, Jacobean, Cromwelllan, Queen Anne, Amer ican Colonial, Georgian, Victorian, Qothlo, Charles V, Louis XV. Louis XVI, Empire and others. The color"ldeaa necessitate more than ordinary knowledge of the com plementary relation of colors, such as red Is the complement of green, blue of orange, and so on. , At this season of this particular year home bulldlnrr and home decorating are live questions in Omaha and In conse quence all who are engaged In these crafts and arts are exceedingly busy. Tnste anil I'arne the l.lmlt. More attention Is being paid to artlstlo homo decorations In Omaha Just now than ever before. The better class of Interior decorations cost money, and plenty of It. There rractlcally Is no limit to what may be spent In this line and yet cling to the artistic; , and yet, the more humble home may be artistically decorated for a mod crate sum, the difference being In the quality of the decorations. For Instance, there Is on the market a serviceable wall paper which sells for II to 13 a roll, and if used with good taste makes a home at tractive. If the purse will allow, the gen uine hand tooled leather (real leather) may be obtained for wall decoration for the sum of R.50 per square foot, or $31.50 per square yard. And so In other things. For parlor, dining room, library and sit ting room wall effects silks are being used with draperies to match. These silks are woven with designs, such as copies of famous scenes and original paintings of the masters. These fabrics sell from $1.50 to $10 a yard. Verdure tapestries over the plate rails In dining room are the correct thing. Some use hand-painted walls to represent tapestries. Effect of SmrroondlnsTS. Suggestions of good cheer should predom inate In the dining room, that "digestion may wait upon appetite." One writer on the subject of dining rooms says: "There Is no doubt that our surroundings exert a great Influence over our minds and con duct The decorations of the dining room should, therefore, be of such temperament as to suggest good-fellowship. There Is, perhaps, no color which Is quite so apt In this particular as red." This is what Edward L. Brooks notes on sleeping room furnishings: "As one-third of our time Is spent In bed, the sleeping room should furnish us with such surround ings as to occupy our minds with cheerful thoughts on retiring, and upon waking to stimulate our hopes for the work of the day. As the quaint old saying', goes, It should furnish us no excuse for getting up over the footboard. If we are unfortunately obliged to decorate to walnut or other heavy woodwork and furniture, the walls call for enough depth of color to harmonlxe the surroundings. It may be a strong ground with plenty of natural flora to give cheer, adding a light celling in Ivory or bun to neutralise and reflect the light." Light, natural wood Is the best kind for fleeptng room furniture. Polished brass or enameled beds are recommended for sani tary reasons. Expensive bedroom sets are being displayed m Omaha, white mahogany sets being marked at $447 and tcakwood sets for $717 a set, thus showing the range of prices. For the Parlor. Colonial style of furniture Is being ex tensively used In parlors. Such has been the domand for this class of furniture that original pieces, overhauled, are to be had In Omaha. A rule set down for parlor dec oration la that this room should be pictur esque without being gaudy. Parler walls are often covered with real fabrics, silk or tapestries, with rich effect. Drapery of a color that will neutralize the effect will re lieve the bareness of 'a door. A general rule to be observed in home decoration Is that whenever a wall is ornate the portlers should be plain, and vice versa. Portieres may be made plain of any material, such as velvet or velour, or may be embellished with embroidery, i which may be designed according to the general design of the room. Lace curtains are being made with decorated borders of fillet net to harmonize with the "period" of the furniture.' I Hnira and Their Rooms. It Is essential that rooms should have hardwood floors to be sanitary and clean. Oriental rugs are used for the best rooms. KermanFhah rugs should t be placed In parlor Turkish or garavans In the dining room. Afgans and Kluchestelns are used 1b bed rooms. The prevailing colors of the floor decorations should In all cases blend happily with wall coverings and portieres. Domestic rugs are being used more than ever by those who cannot afford the ex- i pensive patterns. It is hard to distinguish some of the domestics from the imported rugs and for real decorative purposes there is little or no difference. The relations of the various rooms of a popularly decorated house should be har monious as to color. There should at least be a blending, which need not inter fere with the particular decorative scheme of any one room. Change la Fresco Faahlvoa. There has been a radical change In frescoe decorative art within a few years. The classic styles of designs are fast be coming obsolete and are being replaced by realistic effects In richer and bolder colors. The old. conventional designs did not offer sufficient latitude for color schemes or subjects and patrons of this oUisa of art looked for something new. The new de mand has been met with considerable versatility by the decorators. The new effects are taken from plant life, animals; scenes from naturs, such as the woods, lakes and the like. Such schemes as twe apple trees, one st either corner of a room, with branches meeting snd blending, are effectively used. An Omaha Arm making a specialty of fresco work had the other day on display a model for a dining room. This scene representing two stags listening to a dis tant sound. The animals are seen through a clearing in a forest and are set against S soft background, making the effect a yretgr out. TUs particular scene Is dons In forest green, one that Is restful to the eyes and supgestlve of the nature world. This model shows a mahogany wainscoting five feet from the floor. The celling is dona in panel effect, with mahogany strips and a frieze with fruit effects for celling border. Reception Italia the Same. While changes in fresco styles have been made In dining room, library and hall ef fects, there has not been much of a change In the reception rooms, where the Louis XV or Empire style still obtain to a largo degree. The new style referred to Is known as the "art noveau" among the decorators. Libraries and halls are being treated ex tensively In deep oriental or red effects. More attention Is being given this class of decoration in Omaha this season than ever before, some of the decorations being lavish, while others are of the modest class. The work has become a fins art in home decoration and the dollars soon count up In its indulgence. For those whose means will not afford the expensive fresco work, there Is tinting which Is being used in soft and pretty effects. For More Modest Homes. Many pleasing suggestions are to be had for interior decorations of moderately priced houses in the way of papers and paints. Some of the paint and paper men have design books showing just how a dining room, bed room, hall, living room or any part of the Interior may be deco rated to suit the architecture and furni ture. This brines a form of artistic home decoration within the range of ordinary mean a The woodwork of a dining room may be furnished in Flemish oak, old Eng lish or weathered oak style without draw ing very heavily-on the exchequer. If the woodwork be oak, the finish will be the easier, but If the woodwork be pine, then the woodwork will have to be relinished. The living room is made the feature of the modern home and is being subjected to tbs same general treatment In many Instanoes as the dining room, or even library and hall. When there Is a parlor the woodwork can be done In white enamel to advantage. Many bedrooms are being treated In similar manner. Paper and Fnrnltnre Match. Some attractive panel effects are being displayed in wall papers for parlors. Some of these panel effects are made to har monize with the colonial style of furniture. Soft floral designs in papcrlngs are shown lor Marie Antoinette furnishings. These panel effects go well with most modern furniture. A tew small and well selected pictures, hung low and placed close to the wall, look well In these panels and a llower vase on a small table adds ma terially to the setting. For those who Ilka the arts and crafts furniture, there are paperlngs especially de signed, with simple markings, the combi nation of furniture and paper making a happy blending. This is particularly lble for libraries or reception halls. Pic torial friezes In paper for libraries, and oriental effects for cozy corners are la the market and the real surprise Is what pretty and satisfying effects may be obtained in papering and painting for ordinary modern homes at a cost that is not really high. Of course, the same effects carried out in the higher class of decorations soon count up Into hundreds and thousands. But it has been demonstrated that the man of moder ate means need net altogether despair for the want of a little ai t in his home decor ation. Special hall and stairway decorations of a dado hanging and four panels In one width of paper, and large and bold decora tions for small rooms, may be had In great variety. And there are papers showing Spanish leather effect, some to match Louis XVI furniture, the Adams design of me dallion and scroll effects and many others. The simpler styles of paper run riot In col ors and designs. , Advice as to Selection. IL H. Henurick, associate editor of Wall Paper News, advises every woman about to aelect wallpaper to consider her selections from the utilitarian as well as from the his toric and the sentimental standpoint. Del icate woodwork and furniture, such aa birch or maple, should have for an accompani ment papers of a delicate character, and It Is essential that deep-toned paper go with dark woods, he points out in a recent art icle on the subject. He suggests "clothy" effects in paper for rooms having highly polUhed woodwork, and soft antique tap estry effects with mahogany. Strong, durable-looking papers are recommended for use where the wood work and furniture are of a severe or substantial character. "There are times when a light Japanese paper with dark woodwork la very effective and artletio. Thus the theory of contrast applies In some cases and the theory of analogy In others. The character of the room should always be given duo consider ation, for It Is one of ,the most Important Influences In the proper selection of wall coverings. In children's bedrooms the color schemes and wall hangings should invaria bly reflect youth and gaiety. Some of the picture friezes which - can now be readily obtained make excellent decorations for rooms of this description. For a study, where alt Is quiet and repone, ths environ ment should be consistently sober, quiet and dignified, both In color and design." writes Mr. Hendrlck. Honae Fa In tins; Ideas. Extensive building operations In Omaha this and last season has brought out a large variety of ideas In outside bouse painting. The one particular change noted In this form of house decoration has been the demand for trimmings. For several yours It was the style to paint the house with one color, this being known as the "California style." Painters say the use of trimmings has come back and .la now quite general. A light body and dark trimmings Is the combination being used more than anything else. Cream and drab colors are reoommended for body colors, with a strong contrast for trimmings. L)inlii Room Decoration. Pictures are not used as much In dining rooms aa they once were, the idea being to carry out the decorative scheme in the paper, fresco or silks or whatever the material may be. Any pictures used are of the very best If the other decorative features are at all pretentious. There are so many styles of dining room friezes being offered In the various forms of decorations that pictures would dull rather than heighten the general effect. Many of the frleses now used are works of art In themselves and need no further embel lishment. , The same general rule Is laid down in the matter of using flowers for home decoration. Cut flowers placed on a small table in the right port of a living room adds to the general tone. While more latitude may be used In the distribution of flowers in a home than may be used In hanging of pictures, It has been pointed out that it is not how many or what kind of flowers are used, but Just how they are placed, that counts. Judgment and good sense, of course, should be exer cised in the use of flowers for interior decoration If good effect Is to be ob tained. , rarela Curtains. In the selection of curtains the thought should be to select materials that will soften snd yet not exclude the light. To this end new fabrics are being offered. Fishnet may be had for curtain use In white, cream or offee color, snd In some places are sold in green and red, the two latter colors being serviceable for use as panels In vestibule doors. White swlse curtains ar vecoauasoded far a colonial Are You Aware THAT- Thos. Kil patrick . Co. conduct an unusually well appointed department of Artistic Curtains, Draperies andkindred lines for home embellishment. Expert selections and suggestions at your servico without cost. More than usually moderate prices if you buy just now at the very moment they're needed wo nnnounco a special sale of Curtains. High class patterns principally small lots onvhich wo mako great price concessions to sell quickly. NOTE The statement of prices below are copied from our price tickets and are forceful because exact. f T I. t- i. i Irish Point. Marie Antoinette. I fM J'uciiess, iwiuenocrg, Cluny, Brussels, 17 numbers in all, 2 to G pairs each, priced up to $6.00. FEB Mil 2542G 2 41922 108283 73782 411G 4 1052G 2 25G3G 2 74062 Arabian. Cluny and Brussels in pure whito and deep ecru, 14 numbers, 2 to 6 pairs each, worth up to sf'J.OO. Duchess Curtains pairs, pairs, pairs, pairs, pairs, pairs, pairs, pairs, price price price price price price price price $10.00, $11.00, $10.00, $18.00, v$15.50, $20.00, $20.00, $35.00, sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at 75 S 7 $ 8.40 $ 7.75 $11.00 $12.00 $15.00 $10.50 $25.00 Real Brussels Curtains 6316 iy2 pr., price $11.50, sale at 6181 1 pairs, price $11.00, sale at 6324 3 pairs, price $14.00, sale at 1816 2y2 pr., price $15.00, sale at 13002 pairs, price $17.75, sale at 14993 pairs, price $18.00, sale at 1355 2 pairs, price $23.00, sale at 13872 pairs, price $22.00, sale at 3252 2 pairs, price $35.00, sale at 9 9 8.00 7.50 $11.00 $12.00 $12.50 $14.75 $15.00 $1G.00 $25.00 Cluny and Arabian Curtains Hand-Made Laces 13991 pair,' 7072 pairs, 83314 pairs, 4952 pairs, 199a 6 pairs, 35S 4 pairs, 200412 pairs, 228016 pairs, 300292 pairs, 3554 6 pairs, 20073 pairs, 3579 3 pairs, 21063 pairs, 95002 nairs. aV I 23912 pairs, 24002 pairs, price $ 7.50, price $ 8.00, price $ 8.00; price $ 8.50, price $ 9.00, price $10.00, price $10.00, price $10.00, price $12.00, price $12.50, price $12.00, price $15.00, price $15.00, price $17.00, price $30.00, price $29.50, sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at sale at salo at sale at 5.90 G.00 G.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 8.00 9.00 9.00 $11.50 $12.00 $12.50 $24.00 $22.00 9 9 Bpeolal lot of Pra prry Materials, Silk olines, Sateens, Cre tonnes, Swiss, Dim ity, Denims etc. worth 15c and 18c, M 10 Sale Begins Monday. April 29 Second Floor N. B. We will clean, rcbind and store j our, Ulankets until Sep tember for SI. 25 per pJr' Orifflnal mUl finish, bedding Dept., basement. r Eiilrafirkls & house. White dotted swlss curtains for general use are pleasing. Inner curtains of chlnti, cretonne or sateen over the white curtains are used in bed rooms and dining rooms that are not furnished too formally. Figured curtains go well with plain walls and plain curtains with fig ured walls, the same rule aa referred to In the tapestry decorations. Towns with Troubles. IOndon's trouble Is Its fog. Toklo's trouble Is earthquakes. In Its worst 200,000 residents were killed. Calcutta's trouble Is cholora and the bubonic plague Is the trouble of Bombay. Eaoh city pays to Its trouble an annual tribute of 9,000 souls. Madrid's trouble Is the solano, a summer wind from the southeast. It Is exoeedlngly hot and is accompanied tur blinding, chok ing clouds of dust, so that, notwithstand ing a temperature of 106 or 110 degrees, all windows must be closed. The mistral Is the trouble of Marseilles, an east wind that Increases the city's death rate 60 per cent. liagdad's trouble Is the "Bagdad button," a sore that attacks practically every resi dent and visitor, leaving a button-shaped permanent scar. Philadelphia Bulletin. Toe Loaj tacloat. The inhabitants of ths Canary isles, find ing themselves oppressed toy famine, sunt to the governor of Gallcla one of their head men as an ambassador. They advised him not to lose himself In long wlnaed talk. Hs promised, and kept his word. He took with him a large number of sacks, and, arriving at the town where the governor was on cir cuit, be opened one of them before him. saying only these words. "It's empty; fill """You had no need to tell me that the sack was empty, nor that It was necessary to fill It; we would have readUy guessed that. Another time be briefer In your tulk."-13on Vivant. Seeking- Lost Treasure. Occasionally, even In these prosalo days, when Captain Kldd is seldom heard of and Jules Verne Is gathered to his fathers, a real expedition sets sail after sunken treasure. At the beginning of the Boer war ITesldent Kruger of the Transvaal is believed to have dispatched $3.000.00 to Eu rope on the vessel Dorothea, which was lost off the Bouth African ooast. Tlia wreck of the Dorothea has been located, and the yacht Alfred Noble has recently sailed from the Thames on a voyage of re oovery. Many other treasure-laden ships beside the Dorothea are said to have been lost near the Cape of Good Hope, and It Is claimed that some' 130,000,000 la recover able. Bprhngflela Republican. If you have anything to trade advert Iro It In the For Exchange oolunuia of Ths Bee Want Ad page. No Home Complete Without a Sewing Machine We are Independent Sewing Machine Dealers Exclusive representatives for the celebrated "White and Standard Sewing Machines. They have built up a reputation for quality work that is world wide. It is no trouble at all to show what they can do. See them before you buy. XT TOV DOST CASH TO BUT A XIOK-GXASB SEW XX O MAOKZJTS, BUT WISH TO WJLCXA8B A CXXAF OWE, BEE US. WJB MATE MACHINES FSVOM $18.60 TO 36.00. Save money by buying a machine this week. We need the room, so we will sell all used machines at one-half the price they are usually sold. Singer, seven drawers, drop-head $20.00 "Wheeler & Wilson, seven drawers, drop head . .$19.00 New Home $17.50 White, drop head .$22.50 Other drop head machines. $11.00 These machines are slightly used, but are In first-class condition, guaranteed, complete, with attachments. Box top machines from $3 to $12.00 We Rent Machines at 75 Cents Per Week REPAIR AND BELL PARTS FOR EVERY MACHINE MANTFACTURKD. Western Headquarters for the EDISORJ PHONOGRAPH-' Victor Talking Machines 1 B tl ii it Votom Our Great Oiler HOTaTUra SOVI-Wt offer to seU to you sn Kdlaon or Victor Talking Machine on the condition that you pay for the record only, and bea-ln to pay for the machine SU days later Our Wholesale Department Is separate from our retail and Is complete with full line of accesoriea. Write for proposition. c 1 lEB Ul BETOIS BITTIJIO. MOT MODZX.S OM $16 JJT. OWULWD SB OOHCEXT DAH.T. Klebrasba Gycle 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs both "phones 559. wirm rom catalogue. 69,000 azOOBDS TO SELECT raVOaC. GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha.