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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AVKIL 24. 1907. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS I J Telephone Douglas 618 Pouches all departments. JUST ONE-HALF PRICE . Beautiful $2.00 46-inch All-Silk Voile, $1.00 per Yard. - It cannot be Bold regularly for less than $2.00 a yard. We closwl out the entire surplus stock of one of New York's largest Importers of fine dress fabrics. Silk Voiles reach the highest note of Parisian ele gance this season. For calling, afternoon and evening gowns It Is a lovely, clinging fabric, soft and sheer. The new shades of gray, tans and new brown are simply beautiful, also the nary, Alice blue, old rose and mode are greatly admired. Come Wednesday. You will not be disappointed. Main Floor. Oar Corset De partment, seoond fiMie, wnt com pute experienced eorsetlere la at tendance Don't overlook onr InfiaW Depart ment, second floor, and Its splendid assortment. r Lait Wi Fe'cw tie Niraal in Both Tt m pvatnrs ind i rfcimtatisa. RAINFALL LESS THAN HALF THE NORMAL Temperatnre Fifteen Degrees Below the Sormal with Minimum Six teen Dearrees Ilelew the Frresln Polat. lOth AlMli 1 B-fSTn HOWARD THE DAYLIGHT STORE Is the most e-atlBfactory. as well ts the most economical store, a store where jou have every reason to be gratified witn me K'cl nouns mm are uumiuea wnen Dinning a purrnase nere. Extra Special Basement Bargain Square Wednesday 10.000 yard Shirting and Dres3 Madras, all choice) new styles. In remnants, all lengths and colorings. 32 Inches wide, ng ilar 18c, 20c and 2Dc quallMeu, on sale Wednesday, at per yard 10 Special Sale of French Iland Embroid ered Waist Patterns Wednesday, the final clearance, not a great quantity, about 13 In all, beautiful hand em broidered Waist Patterns, regular price $8.50, Wednesday, each 82.89 Main Floor. Visit Our Beautiful Cloak Department And ree the lovely Rendy-to-Wear Suits. Coats. Waists and Skirts. Every garment new and made for well dressed women. Our one price and cash system enable us to sell better garments for less money than any other store In Omaha. ' Salts at J23.00. Waists at $1.00 to $25.00. Coats at $5.50 to $15.00. . Second Floor. Special Announcement Sea ICth St. Window Display of coming great fale of Colored Dress Goods Remnants. Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street. should be awarded to those who endeavor Improperly to Influence the ccurse of Jus "You would, bf course, be entirely within your rights .ir you announced that you thought Messrs. Moyer and Hnywood were dejtraM citizens.' though In such a case I should" take frank Issue with you and say that Wholly without regard to whether or not they are guilty of the crime for which they are now being tried, they repre sent as thoroughly an undesirable' a type of cltisenahlp sa can be found in this country, a type which In the letter to which you so unreasonably take excep tions I showed not to be confined to any one clans, but to exist among some repre sentatives of great capitalists as well as amofiff some representatives of wags workers. Both Types Condemned. "In that letter I condemned both types. Certain representatives of the great cap italists. In turn, condemned me for In 'rludln Mr. Harrlmsn in my condemna tion of Meosrs. Moyer nnd Haywood. Or- J tain of. the representatives of labor tn their . - . . , turn conaemnea me oecause i inciuum Messrs. Moyer and Haywood as unde Isireble citizens together with Mr. Harri man. ,1 am as profoundly Indifferent to the condemnation in on? casa ,as In the ; other. I challenge as a right ths support of all good Americans, whether wage earn ers or capitalists, whatever their occupa . tlon or creed, or In whatever portion of - ths country they live, when I condemn r both types of bad cltlxenshlp which I have held up to reprobation. It seems to me a mark of utter Insincerity to fail thus to . condemn both and to apologise for either robs ths man thus to apologise of the right '' to ' condemn any wrong-doing In any man, rk'h or poor. In public or private life. 'You say you ask for a 'square deal" SHIRTS rOS) VMS IONS INO THIN, TNI SMOST SNO STOUT. SMALLCST (tails essrscT uses- WHITS 0 fSMOV FABRICS. See TMS eiMCTT tMIHT AN , ro VMS hVITT lAeBh. . CLUCTT. PCABODV , CO., hmm ma Omaha, Neb. lbs dearly 10,000 Depositors ; Has Nearly 51,100,000 on Deposit Us conveniences will alao interest you and are cordially solicited to use its facilities Oldest, Largest, Strongest Savings Bank in Hebraska O. E. Corner IGth and Douglas ' Streets ORIENTAL rugs 405 S. Fifteenth Street Greatest bargains ever offered in rare Oriental Rugs of all sizes; $35,000.00 worth to select from at about 75 cents on the dollar, all this week. OS Bomtk Special Sale at Infant's Wear Dept. A special sale that should Interest every mother. Infant's long slips, made of very fine quality nainsook, trimmed with lace or embroidery regular prices $2 and $2.;0. on Eale Wednes day, at. each 91.00 and 81.50 Main Floor. Center Bargain Table, Wednesday. Special selling of women's fine seamless hose, extra spliced heel and toe, at, per pair -.. 12 Bee, 4-M-07 for Messrs. Moyer and Haywood. So do I. When I say a square deal. I mean a square Aral to every one. It Is equally a violation (of the policy of the square deal for one capitalist to protest against the denuncia tion of another capitalist who Is guilty of wrong-doing ss for a labor leader to protest against the denunciation of a la borer who has bevn guilty of wrong-doing. I stand for equal justice to both and so far as In my power lies I shall uphold Justice, whether the man accused of guilt has behind him the wealthiest corporations, the greatest aggregation of riches in the cojntry, or whether he has behind him the most Influential labor organisation in the country. Very truly yours. "TH EODORE ROOSEVELT. "Mr. ' Honore Jaxon, Chairman, G67 West Lake Street. Chicago, 111." FORECAST OF THE WEATHER ShoTvera and folder In SrliS Tu rin y, rartly Clondy Tomorrow Pair tn Iovra Today. WASHINGTON. April 23. Forecast of the weather for Wednesday and Thurs day: For Nebraska Showers j snd colder Wednesday; Thursday partly cloudy. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Wednesdiy; Thursday partly cloudy; pesslbly rain. . For Kansas Fair Wednesday; Thursday showers snd colder. For South Dakrta Bain and colder Wednesday; Thursday fair. Local Record. OFFICES OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April 13.-Ofllelul record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years. Mu7. 19- llsM. Maximum temperature 69 &) Minimum temperature W 4 Mean temperature M 5 K M 1 reclnltatlon 00 T T 20 'n . ,.-,., - , nronlnltntfnn 1 P n rl 11 THS ! , tr: r.r7 ..K.-w,,.h Mh t ironi .no iii'iiiiiti v v.,i.i j ... . .. -, and comporison with the last two years: Normat teniperaturo M Kxc'ss for the day 1 Toial excess since March 1. 1W7 101 Normal precipiuu'.on 12 Inch Deficiency for the day 12 Inch Total rainfall since March 7 1.4 Inches Deficiency since Marcn 1. 1M.. 1. SI Inches Deficiency for cor. priwi, 1!6 35 Inch Deficiency for cor. period. 1905 6fi inch Reports from Stations nt 7 I, to. Station and State of Weather. TomD. Max. Raln- 7 p. nu Temp. fall. Bismarck, cloudy 41 4 Cheyenne, cloudy M &i Chicago, clear 60 M Davenport, clear K tW Ienver, part cloudy 64 70 Havre, snowing 31 32 Helena, snowing Si 44 Huron, cloudy M 00 Kansas City, clear S 74 North Platte, cloudy 4 70 Omaha, cloudy 66 6) Rapid City, cloudy 4)1 M St. Louis, clear 66 CS bu I'aul. clear fio hi Fait I -axe City, clear 62 63 Valentine, cloudy 60 64 no .oo .00 . .00 .10 .16 . 1 'n,, I '. i 00 ! I i .! T .00 .00 Wllllston. cloudy .... 3K 44 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. ivinns me ITOoesUk tseet. OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS BANK PRESIDENT ARRESTED Eetd of De'nrct Concern at Scotland, 6. D,, p srfh'Tjded in Ch ojea CHARGE IS M SAF PLICATION OF FUNDS Money is Supposed to Have Been Lost la Speculation Seventy Per Cent of Paper Held br Dank Valueless. CHICAGO. April Si. Charles C. Kins, pics. dent of the First National bank of Scotland, 6. D., was arrested here today by Deputy United Slates Marshals Griffith and Donovan. The arrest was made on. Information re ceived by the office of the United States district attorney in tills city from Wliliam U. roiter, the district attorney at Sioux Falls, S. D. The charges against King are misapplication of the funds cf tho bank In the sum of $-2,177, and of Issuing to him self nine certlllcates of deposit of -$5,000 each and then converting them to his own use. , The deputy maxhals searched the city fcr two days, and flnallyr located King In a ho tel within a half square of their own office. He expressed much astonishment at his arrest and raid that it was due to the spite work of his enemies. He expressed willing ness to return to South Dakota without ex tradition proceedings and denied vigorously that he had ccfnmltted any Illegal acts while In charge of the bank. Money Lost In Speculation. SCOTLAND, 8. D., April 23.-The affairs of the failed First National bank of Scot- land, the president of which. C. C. King, was arrested in Chicago today, are In an exceedingly bad condition. Of the 10i),C00 of paper held by the bank only about 130, 00o Is good. The stockholders In the insti tution have been assesaed ltiO per cent, but this will only net abcut lC,0tk King lost most of tho funds In specula tion. He was considered a p'.unger. He has lived la Scotland for about twelve years and has been In the banking business nearly all this time. In 19T3 he reorganized the Bank of Scotland and It was renamed the First National bank of Scotland, with C. C. King as president; O. 8. Barker, vice president; J. P. Keener, cashier. Its cap ital was 33,000. The same officers had con- ducted its affairs until It failed, February 2. At the time of the failure the bank had about (105,000 deposits. . FEDEHATIOS OF lit SI MOSS CLID9 oath Dakota Men rinm to Boom the State. RAPID CITY. 8. D.. April S3.-(Special.) A call has been Issued to the commercial clubs of South Dakota by G-anvlllo Jonea, secretary cf the business Men's club of Rapid City, Inviting them to send repre sentatives to a meeting at Rapid City at a future date. The purpose of this nieetlne is to perfect a federation of all the busi ness men's clubs and commercial organisa tions In the state. It Is Intended to have a practical program and to make the oc casion one of social enjoyment as wel as business Interest. This movement Is de signed to have far-reaching efJect on the future development of South Dakota and Its resources. It will have a backing of men of Influence In every walk of life. Grearorr Prepares for Fete. I GREGORY, 8. D.. April 2S.-(Speclal.) ! Great preparations are being made for the ! May day celebration. It being the annl I versary- of the date that the homesteaders I had to locate on their homes in the BpMng ' of 1M6. Good speakers will be present and j among them will be Governor Crawford, , who will deliver an address. A special ' train will be run to accommodate those who wish to attend and from here they ; can take rigs and see Tripp county lanl. I which will be opened tt settlement lute I this fall. By coming now they can take ! In the Dallas townslte sale, which comes off on April 29 and 30, and may see the celebration. Gregory la tn great need of a hotel. At the present time there is but one hotel in town snd It cannot take ' care of on-quarter of the people that come here, and private families have to take in transients. Gregory can now sup port a forty or fifty-room hotel, and when the opening comes it will have use for sev eral of that slxe. Smallpox has again broken out In Greg ory. F. M. Whlttecar's and Nick Vender velden's homes being the only places, but as a strict quarantine is being observed there is little fear of It spreading. Tfceroaaaells Beads Illeaal. LANDER, Wjro., April SS. (Special.) I ti the district court here the Thermop-Ju. water bonds case came to a sudden end when Judge C. E. Carpenter decided that the Issue of ftf.ono water bonds of tbfj city of Thermopolls was alleged because a. rioua irregularities in the election -p.d Is suance of tbe bonda. (From a 8taft Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 23.-(Speclal.)-The past week was cold, with some snow in nearly all i'art of -the state. Tie mean dally temperature average! about 15 decrees below the normal. The temperature was generally at or below freeilng each night during the week. The lowest temperature occurred Wednesday morning, when the maximum wns between 16 and 20 degrees at most places. The precipitation of the week was prac tically all snow and occurred Wednesday night or Thursday In nearly all parts of the state. The amount of melted snow ex ceeded half an Inch In a few eastern coun ties, but In the greater portion of the state it was less than a quarter of an Inch. The weekly precipitation averaged decidedly less than half the normal amount! The total rainfall from April 1 to date has been below normal In all parts of the state, and In most places It has boon less than one-half the normal amount. Kuntliraatrrn Section. Butler The week wns cold, with three and one-half Inches of snow Thursday, which melted tho next day. Cass The week was very cold and back ward, with west wind and freezing tem perature every nlKlit. About five inches of snow fell Thursday. ' Clay It was ciear and cold most of the week. A little fnow fell Thursday. Uage The weather was cold, with freez ing temperature every night. Snow fell on tlie LSth. Johnson Ice formed several mornings and about two Inches of mow fell Thursday. Knox The week was verv cold and cloudy, with snow on Wednesday and Thursday. Lancaster Ixw temperature continued all the week. About two and one-half Inches of snow fell Thursday. Nemaha The week was cold and clnudv, with some snow Thursday and a frost every ninlit. Richardson Snow fell nearly all day ThursdHy. Northerly wind and low tem perature prevailed during the week. Saline Frost occurred nearly every nltrht of the week, anil snow f-ll on the IMh. Thayer Snow fell on Thursday and Ice formed a quarter of an Inch thick every night. York The week was very cold. Snow fell Thursdny. , Northeastern Section. Boyd Snow fell on Wednesday, Thurs day and F'ldsy. A hard freeze occurred nearly every night. Durt Six Inches of snow fell on the 17th and IKth. Tho week was very cold. Colfax A snowfall of four to live Inches occurred on Wednesday snd Thursday. The minimum temperatures were between 15 and 11 degrees. Dixon fold weather prevailed the last week, with nctirl:- four Inches snow Wednesday nnd Thursday. Douglas The week was extremely cnld. with about five Inches of snow. The moisture was very beneficial. Holt Ice formed every n!sht this week. Snow 'ell on Wednesday and Friday. Madison The week was very co'd and disagreeable, with six inches of snow. Wayne The week was very cold, with a hard freeze every night. Six to eight Inches of snow fell. Central Section. Blaine Some snow fell on Wednesday and Thursday and high winds occurred on several days. Buffalo The week was cold and dry, wilh a little snow on Thursdny. Custer-The week wan very cold, with some snow on Wednesday night. Dawson Freezing temperature occurred about every ni(tht. Llpht rain feJl Wednes day night, turning to snow. Greeley Five or six inches of snow fell Thursday. On Ave mornings It was from 10 to 12 degrees below freezing. Howard The week was cold, windy end dlsuRreeahlo, with freezing temperat jres every day. Nance The week was very cold. Two to it :::U,'-' ;-'vw: .:".'::.: ;W XJ ...mitt ..V J :,.tt :v:.:v: .;i;'::v-;.: '. Kataruo U lai do under the origi nal formula it lVruno. Dr. Hart man has sold rhe original prescrip tion undfr nii.h I'eruiia was man ufactarrd. to the K a tar no C'om IMtuy. Millions of families have been users of the original l'rruna for many stirs. They have Ix-conio convhtord of Its great value at a housct.old remedy. Tltey can con tliue to secure the original l'eruna by Inquiring , for Katarno, manu factured by the Katarno Company, 179 Vesejr St., New York City. TOM I1LI BT ' SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORES 18th and Douglas 8t.; 16th and Chicago Sta. nBaAIZA N. W. Cor. 24th and N 8U. BOUTS OKAJLa, VIBBAIEA Bth Ave. and Main St. ooxrvcrx. x.vrrB, xoi in ii..'ifif ke ta --- - - j Wednesday Specials Ladles' Silk Tony Coals Magnifi cent assortment of these most popular little coats, with light and dark linings, neatly trimmed la plain and fancy silk braids. Ions; and length sleeves, great variety of patterns, at $15, 00, $13.50, $12.50, $10.75 and $9.90 Long Klniona New creations in long Silk Klmonas, loose and belted effects to Introduce our 6prlng lines Wednesday we will Eell $9.90 Klmonas for $0.95 $12.50 Klmonas for.... 8.95 Ladies' Ijoiik Lawn Klmonas Neat black nnd white effects, full fashioned, mude for people who care for nice fitting and well tailored garments, special Wed nesday $1.25 Fitted Backs, with belt and fac ings of plain colors-to match ma terial, Wednesday for... $1.48 Children's New Aprons in sus pender effects, made of a good quality of blue and white check ginghams, special Wednesday, each 25f Lace Curtains Lace Curtains 2 big special lots for Wednesday's selllnp 100 pairs of wide, fine Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains that sell the country over for $3. SO a pair, go on sale Wednesday for I1.VS 200 pairs of extraordinary good values In Nottingham, Cable Net and Brussel effects that are worth "v up to $5.00 a pajr all go Wednes day nt, pair 12. 1)5 Beautiful Wash Goods for nil spring and summer purposes, the good kind that washes and wears to your liking. Zephyr Ginghams at, yard 12V4C ft l-3c and &c Percales at, yard, liic, 12 He and 10c Linen Finished Chambrays, 30-ln. wide. 15c New Sllkollncs and Cretonnes. ... 1 nc four Inches of snow fell Wednesday night ond Thursday. Southwestern Section.. Dundy Tho week wj cold. Snow oc curred Tursday, Thursday and Saturday Franklin The weather was cold and ury. Ice formed nearly every night. Furnas 'I'iiB week waa coid. with north winds nnd much cloudy weather. A heavy frost occurred Friday morninir, with a minimum temperature of IS degrees. Httchoock The week was cold and cloudy, with considerable wind. Kearney -Freezing tbinnerture occurred nearly every night. Light mow fell Tues day. pejklns-The week was very cold, with llfiht snow Wednesday. Western nnd Horthnntfrn Sections. Hrown Six nnd a quarter Inches of snow fell Wednesday and the moisture was very beneficial. Sheridan The week was very cold, with Severe ft'OBts and very little moisture. Sioux The week was cold and cloudy, wltli three to five Inches of snow occurring on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. O. A. LOVE1.ANU, Section Director, Lincoln, Nob. Arrldenta at hadron. CHADRON. Neb., April 23. (Speclnl.) Two accidents oicurred today. Clarence Doak, a lineman In the employ of the Chadron Telephone company, fell from a pole thirty-five feet high, striking the back of his head. He has not recovered consciousness and it Is not expected' by the attending surgeons that ho ever will. His belt ws unbuckled and It Is supposed be failed to fasten It securely before mounting the pole. He had been In the employ of the company less than a week, coming here from Missouri to visit his brother, John Doak, who has been em ployed by the Northwestern company here for many years. BcJison A. Smith, the 12-year-old son of Conductor W. A. Smith, had his collar bone ' splintered by another boy running Into him. head first. They had Just fin ished a game of base ball and were run ning for their coats when the serious frac ture was made. Chamberlain's Innih Meuiedr Aids' Xntore. Medicines that aid nature are always most j effectual. namuenain uugn Kerneay acts on this plan. It allays me cough, re lieves the lungs, aids expectoration, ocous the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thou sands have testified to its superior excel lence. Colonel I'ottle In Oninlia. After nearly a year's absence, Colonol Jitmes H. Pottle, a director In the "Bioth erhood Wine company" of New York, blew Into Omaha lust evening and Is busy shak ing hands with his numerous friends and customers. It has been close on to forty years since the "Brotherhood Wine company" sold their first bill cf goods In this city, and each succeeding year has widened their reputation and added many new names to their list of patrons. ' They produce the goods they sell from their own vineynrds and distilleries, and through absolute purity of products and rtputuble business methods have built up a reputation In Omaha of which they may well be proud. Through their reputation for absolute purity of products, their wines and liquors have become widely known in medical circles, as well us In the general home circle. The "Brotherhood Wine company's" old 5X rye has become famous for Its purity and oge. and in line with the national pure food law the following guarantee ap pears on every .label: "Guaranteed to be pure, straight whisky, uncolored and un favored." Their sparkling wines have st tracted wide attention In eastern circles and are sold to be fully up to the standard of the be!;t foreign brands. Messrs. Glad stone brothers, whose reputation in this city for upright business mttheds is thor oughly established, sell the "Brotherhood Wine company's" old X rye. ls well as other leading brands of their wines and liquors. DIAMONDW KTenser, lth and Harney. Dakota Banker Arrested. CHICAGO. April tt. -Charles C. King, president of tht First National bank of Ht'otland, 8. D., was arrested here today by United States Marshals Griffith and Donovan. King was recently Indicted by the federal grand Jury in South Dakota on charges of having misapplied the funds of toe bank and of having Issued certiorates of deposit la his own Zavur amounting ta i Silks Pongee Silk, the itlcul suit and waist silk, natural and white, full 3C-ln. wide and warranted to wash and to wear, a superb quality at one dollar Wednes day special, for only, yard. -G9 Spring I'mierweitr one great case ol misses' high neck, loug sleeve vests, In a fine ribbed cotton these are a regular 35c value, which we will put on sale special for Wednesday. . . . H) Special White Goods for Wednes day One case Dotted Swires, in all slzo dots, very sheer quality, and other checked ftud striped white goods that are splendid values at 19c, on sale for Wednes day at, yard f)f 20 pieces Highly Mercerized Wash Dress Materials in all plain col ors, Including, black, warranted to retain its brilliancy nfler laundering. Special for Wednes day, yard 29 The usual price is one third taoro Wednesday Bargains In Oil Cooking Stoves The new Per fection, as advertised by the Stand ard Oil Co. In another column 2 burner sU 7.50 2 burner size $10.00 Refrigerators and Ice Ftones Ice chests that hold 60 lbs. of tee for $8.50 Ice chests that hold 75 lbs. of Ico for $11.75 Ice chests that hold 100 lbs. of Ice for $13.50 North Pole Kef rlgerators Ice chests that hold 00 lbs. of Ice for $11.25 Ice chests that hold 75 lbs. of Ice for $I3.1!5 Ice chests that hold 100 lbs. of Ice for $21. 5 25 IHscount on China One great booth filled with all kinds of fancy China Plates, Cups nnd Saucers, Salad IMshes. Vases, all fine hand painted goods will nil be offered Wednesday at 25 discount. SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. LIVER TROUBLE. A dull, sluggish liver always brings a dull, sluggish feeling to tho entire body. When the liver works properly the Mood courses through the body In .1 bright red stream. When tho liver Is Inactive the blood becomes dull and muddy, and It Is full of poisonous matter. A great many noople try to get a fine, clear, pink and "white complexion by rubbing things on their faces. Ther MICHAEL, SILK. might rub a life time and the same yellow complexion would remain for tho liver causes It. Only bright, red blod brings fine com plexions. Blood losded with Impurities from the liver sends the Impurities out through the pores of the skin and turns the skin a brownish yellow. To get rid cf tho dull, besyr feeling and muddy, yellow complexion get ths liver to working strain. Two bottles of Coop er's Now Discovery will do this nlns t'mos out of ten though sometimes tt tskes four or five bottles. Here's what a man who tried It tayst "My health had been poorly for everst years. My face was yellow and eoverel with pimples. I was bothered constantly with chronic constipation, had little or no appetite and could not sleep well at night. I beosme w-H and lost sll ambition, t tHd runr different msdlotnes, but nothing I seemed to help me until I began taking j Cooper's New Discovery. It seemed t I help me at once. Now. after I have taken several hnttlea I feel entirely well. My I face Is clar, I sleen well, have a good j appetite and am quite myself again." "I am deeply graterul for my restored health." Mlchsel Bilk. 34 Kentucky ys.. Indianapolis, Ind. W sell the famous Cooper medicines. BEATON DRUG CO. Cor. 15th nd Farnam Sis-, Omaha, You should magnetize your Income with savings account and let It draw Into Its safe coffers the pennies, the nickels nnd i the dimes you would vasie. ft will start an acount with us, on I which we will pay 6 per cent compounded j semi-annually. Remember also you can buy a home by monthly payments j through the j OMAHA LOAN AND ! BUILDING ASSOCIATION Offloe B. B. Corner lath and Dodge Booth Omaha Offloe Opposite Postoffloe J. X. Xapllts, Agt. O. K. Vsttloger, Secy. O. W. Lomts, Pres. THE PAXTON" CAFE Will Serve a . SPECIAL NOONDAY LUNCH PMnest eulslne. quick service, cheerful, ail let. attractive svaciuus serving rwom. r"". 1 1 ,ui)W .U.ISJ ;.,. tit i 83 pieces Printed Hatlntc Klegunt patterns, striped and floral de signs, one of the season's latest dress novelties, worth ;!5c yard, Wednesday only, yard 19 "The man who knows wears Princeton clothe." NOT KVKllVt INK'S LICK. It isn't everybody's luck to bo a young man. It isn't every youog man's luck to be well dressed and yet that Isn't wholly s matter of luck. It's a question of Clothes and; where to get them. It s a sat isfaction to provide Clothing for the young men. because they ap preciate the care bestowed upon the style and making. The young men are no more particular about their Clothes, however, than i. are and Wednesday we offer tho young men two special qualities at two remarkable prices $10 nnd $15 and tho best selection of pat terns possible to be found. Tbey die certainly wonders at the price. Men's Tants worth $4.00, Wednes day for $2.30 and $1.95 O jr Caylipht Basement o.inlen Needs Supply your wants here for the garden the weathor has come to Flay now that Is needed , n'ld we can furnish the necess iry things to make the vegetable beds. Hakes, each, ,15c, 2,"c and 1 5o H ies, each. 2,rc and 15o Spades, each, i'.'c and SHo Spading Forks, each, IT.c, 7!c nnd 59c Poultry Netting, by, roll, per hundred square feet 6oc Daylight Store Grocery Values. 4 lhs. liayllght Challenge Flour $1.00 1 lb. B. X'' I-'- Japan Tea 40 $1.40 Koth for $1.25, gunrnnte"d to please. 4 pkgs. llneeda liiscult 15o famine's afternoon Tims. ran... 1 So Helns Malt. Cider and Pickling Vlne- krar, bottle 25c Philips' Digestible Cocoa, can....40o Saul-pure A! Ilk. for Infants and In valids, can ;no 4-lh. pkjt. Old Dutch Cleanser .... Jfto A touch of color. A fancy Waistcoat Jfor Spring with "saucy" buttons of wiish nble materials In all colore and all kind of weaves and patterns. Gives Just the necessary touch of bright color to a man's spring; and summer attire. We will only "touch" you for $3 for such a Waistcoat. Suits to order, $25 to $30. MacCARTIIY-WILSON TAILORING CO. 'Phone Doug. 1806. 504-306 8. ISth St. Near 8. W. Cor. 16th and Farnam St. Open Evenings. A MI'S EM F. JIT. Auditorium rIDAT AND BATtrmSAT, APRIL 88 and 87, '07 Matinee Saturday Magnificent Presentation of D. Hope Leonard's Spectacular Extravagansa, Alice in Wonderland 850 Great Cast and Chorus 050 Auspices Omaha Cfxmp, No. I, W. 0. W. Beautiful Costumes, Elaborate Proper ties, Appropriate Scenery and Colored Culclum Effects. rOPUXAB PSIOBS. Evenings 25c, 36c snd 60c; box Beats, 75c. Matinee, children under U years, loc; adults, i6o. Iiei-erved Beat Sale Begins Wednes- H . ..... Wi day morning, April z. CfttxcvftOH Phone Every Blgi-i, Matinees Tuar sat, Bon. MODERN VAUDEVILLE fames J. Morton, The Ponr Tords, Prank Mostyn JCslley and B. X. Calvert, Xiners-aloulin, SutcUffe Troupe, Wsrd.a and aiaddish, Bobert Borne and ths Wins drome. raicxs loo, aso, soo. Burwood 812ASO.N ! m sca.t. Todar Tonight RICHARD CARVEL Mats Thurs and Sat. Next Week WHY SMITH LKFT HOMB KRUG THEAJ,ER I11 15o-a50-eOO-78c. Matinee Today, 8 Bo Tonight, 8:16 MISS PATTTjIVB OOTJBTbTET, In TBI PBISB or VISUIfll ; Thursday JAMBS BOTS. ! LYRIC THEATER ThnrsaayTsatnrday Ruth Grey Prices Mats.. 8 Sc. Xlghts, 8SC-3&C CONCERT UNDER THE DIRECTION CF Wagner Chorus (Omaha School Teachers' Soclsty) Tnder Direction of M3SS PAHBIB AS BOX.D! Assisted by Miss Keys, Keaderf P. O. BUstrom, Baritone. Calvary Captist Church 86tA and KAMH.TOB BTBZBTB Friday. April 2Gtb. 8:15 P. U. l Jf