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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1907)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI NO. 2CG. OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, 1907 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. TAFT BACK AT WORK Eecretarj of War Bc1bi Many Callen tad At.ana Cabinat Ifettinc HE EVADES POLITICAL QUESTIONS Fe'ntes to Ditcnes Faraker Epl.oda Be catie of Eia Lone Abienoe. WILL NOT CANCEL PHILIPPINE TRIP Ftpirt That He Will Brand Fall oa Etnmp In Ohio Contradicted. LONG CONFERENCE WITH PRESIDENT Mr. Tntt Wlll Make Three Speeches In Ohio Thtt Weelc and Later Will fovea and Minnesota. WASHINGTON. April 23 Secretary Taft todn rmunifil Ma routine duties at the War department. The fact that It was cabinet day made It necessary for him to cut short the time allowed to callers and to postpone until a more convenient mo ment the consultations he desired to have with General Bell, chief of staff, and the other officials. It la doubtful, if, In his Washington ex perience. the recretary haa had to deal with more newspaper men than he saw to day. They were mainly desirous to learn Just what the secretary Intended to do In answer to the challenges which Senator Foraker has Issued In regard to the contest In Ohio. Mr. Taft frankly told hie news paper callers that ho was under the dis advantage of a considerable absence from the country with only scanty news of the Important political events that had occur red. He did not feel, under the' circum stances, that It was proper for htm to make any kind of a statement as to his political opinions and plans. Ono point developed In the course of the talk with the newspaper men that might bo regarded as significant In view of the fact that It has been reported he Intended to cancel tils proposed Philippine tJ In order to go on tho slump In Ohio. Replying to a direct inquiry, the secre tary stated his Intention to sail for the Philippine, about September 1 next. This statement was made, too, after the secre tary had spent nearly two hours in close conference with the president. Conference With President. Secretary Taft was Invited by the presi dent to remain for luncheon and that time was spent very profitably In a free dis cussion, not only of the secretary's observa tions on his southern trip, but also of the political developments here In his absence and of the policies to be pursued In the future. What the plans are was not disclosed, but after the luncheon the secretary re iterated his statement of last night that he intended to go to Ohio next Friday and would make three speeches while away from Washington, one long one at Cln . olnnatl on the occasion of the meeting of the Western Federation of Yale Clubs; one at Dayton, at the cornerstone laying of the Young Men's Christian aasoclation, and another at Cincinnati before the Business Men's club. But the secretary added, with a emtio, that nono of these speeches would be in any sense political. VI 111 Visit Iowa. Later In the summer he expects to go to Iowa and to Minnesota, In each case to address the stale unlvemttles, but the sec retary did not say that these addresses would be non-political. He was wanted In Oklahoma, and he said he would go it he could. lie had been told that a bitter political fight was to be waged there, and if he went Into the new state he would have to enter that fight. He also was requested to go to South Dakota on a purely political tour and possibly he would make one speech at Fori, Meade. Nothing, however, would probably pre vent him from going to the Philippines In September. The secretary was willing to talk freely about conditions on the Isthmus, but most of his statements had been included in the resume of his trip given to the news paper last night. One new point of in terest was that Chief Engineer Ooethals had suggested that the concrete wora on the canal construction should be dcr.e by contract, although that method was not feasible Just now for the excavation. SENATOR B0RAH AT CAPITAL Idaho Man Visits White Hoaae to Pay Hesuevts to President Roosevelt. WASHINGTON. April 2J.-"I have not come to Washington to make an appeal to the piekldent or to the Department of Jus tice," sajd Senator Borah of Idaho, as he left the White House today after a brief call on the president. Tills statement was made by the senator when lils attent)on was called to reports that he had cume east to Induce the ofU claU here to call a halt on the federal irficlala In his slate in the matter of the alleged indictment of persons charged with having been engaged ln timber land truaids. "The reports that indictments have been returned against me or my clients for al- j the final hearing In the caae of Frank W. leged land fiauds," continued the senator, i Hill. Mr. Harrlman's former secretary, who "are simply rumors. I know nothing of any 1 la charged with having sold for pubtlca aucli Indictments. The graud Jury has not tlon the now famous letter by Mr. Hani yet reported Its fiudings and no one seems , man to Sidney Webster. The publication to have any official knowledge of the re- 1 of the letter drew a heated reply from ported Indictments. I did not discuss theae ' the president ln which the statements of matters with the president. My call stlMr- Harrlman were characterized a? un almply one of reapect. I have been In New j true. It Is charged that Hill sold a copy York and am now on my way home, for0' the letter which he transcribed from his which place I expect to leave tonight." j original shorthand notes. Senator Borah, who Is assisting ln the Magistrate Wahle announced after the prosecution of Messrs. Haywood, Moyer harlru that he would give his decision and Petltbone, officials of the Western ' on a,u3r Mr- Harrlman denied today that Federation of Miners, who sre alleged to n" ver Bve permission to any newspaper be Implicated In the murder of former I to publish the letter. On the other hand. Governor Bteunenberg, said the trial, which I n J1 t'1-1 w,'en he learned the letter Is to bega early In May, wlll, la his opin ion, last about two months. NEBRASKA SENDS DELEGATES Governor Sheldon Will Appoint Men to Confer on Babjeet of Tracts. NEW YORK. April 3. Governors Shel don of Nebraska, Johnson of Minor so ia, Beckham of Kentucky and Vardaman ot Mississippi have accepted Invitations to send delegates to the national conference on tiusts called by the National Civic Fed eration to meet In Chicago in May. These acctptani-u were received today. Flftren other governor had previously aocepted InvllakUousi ts) hva their atatea jmUiijl SUMMARY OF THE DEE vxo 1907 APRIL sue aane Tilt WO Tl 4.' sat I 2 3 v'v 5 6 7 8 Ok A 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 "f $ (f THE WTATHIF,. FORECAST FOR N KBHAHKA Showers an'l colder Wednesday. Thursday partly cloudy. FORECAST FOR IOWA Fair Wednrs dny. Thursday partly cloudy, possibly tain. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. DeR. Hour. Dear. 5 a. m 4S 1 p. m a. m... 44 j p. m (W 7 a. m 4S 3 p. m 9 8 a. m ; 4 p. m fS a, ni 5" 6S. lit a. m W 0 p. m 67 11 a. m 58 7 p. m 66 12 in 6li 8 p. m 64 V p. m 63 DOMZSTIO. President Roosevelt In an extended let ter replies to critics who take exceptions to his letter regarding Moyer and Hay wood. He repeats his statement that he considers tiiem undesirable citixens and says that the fact that a man Is charged with crime does not prevent criticism of his manner of life.' Page 1 Fires In New York kill four men, In jure twelve firemen and burn 250 head of horses. Fags 1 President FInley of Southern railway says credit of railroads should not be Impaired, as money must be borrowed for development. Page 1 Charles C. King, president of defunct National bank at Scotland, S. D., is ar rested in Chicago on charge of misappro priating funds of the bank. Page 8 WASHINGTON. Senator Dorah of Idaho visits tho White House and United States attorney for Idaho has conference with Attorney Gen eral Bonaparte. Page 1 Contracts awarded for construction work at Fort Robinson with view to mak ing it a brigade post. Page 1 Secretary Taft refuses to discuss Sen ator Foraker's challenge for contest for control of Ohio, but announces that he will 'not abandon his proposed trip to the Philippines this fall. Page 1 VEBBASXA. State Railway commission is seeking to make state 2 -cent passenger fare law ap plicable to Interstate business by making the rate the sum of the locals. Burling ton road said to be framing up to test the 2-cent rate bill. State to cut out middlemen In the purchase of bonds. Pare 3 Mrs. Julia Sheldon, mother of Governor Sheldon, dlca at her home In Nehawka. Paga 1 Weather bureau crop service reports both temperature and moisture below the normal for last week. Page 8 ronEicm. Nicaragua may declare war on Guate mala. Peace negotiations at Amapala halt. Pag 1 Fire destroys, army and navy arsenal at Toulon, France... Page 1 X.OCAX. Attorneys for Shaw In his fight for city engineership are. doubtful of winning by means of their present tactics and are contemplating a change of base. Page 7 Ladles of the Maccabees and the Royal Aroanums hold stale conventions In Omaha. Page B Rogers' bluff at Nineteenth and Leav enworth will be reduced to grade after old brick structure is rased an J fiats probably erected. Page 8 Union Pacific is expending between $3, 000,000 and $4,000,000 at the summit in Omaha to perfect the Lane cut-off, reduc ing its distance from Omaha to the coast ten miles. Page 13 Eastern authority says Vnlon Pacific has obligations te be met this fall re quiring J75.000.000 or $100,000,000, which must be borrowed. Page 7 Society Omaha Woman's club cele brates its fourteenth anniversary with Enos Mills present. " Page B SPOBT. Omaha defeats Lincoln. Sanders Is hit hard, but keeps the hits scattered, while Jones for Lincoln Is pounded hard In the seventh Inning. Pare 4 Chicago Nationals win from St. Louis In game in which all the scoring Is done in first three Innings. 4 MOVEMENTS OP OCEAN BTEAMBSZF8. Port. Arrived. ait4. NRW TOKK...J Ilnd..., K NKW TOIIK..... Pretoria (1 P Wllhlm. srini'nla. nr,n ,wim..... , NAPLES Prujjl Mollis.. . Plorlda. NAPI.KS Italia 1,1 vkk pool Caronla. AMi-TEUDA Rotterdam fllHKALTKH KYod dor OroWM. HALIFAX Mongolian ULAKilOW Plolurlaa HAVHK Sardinia. LONIHIN Otonian BOSTON Ibniian (,i:noa ('ma dl Napoll... IXIVKR Vaderland HARRIMAN AGAIN ON STAND Final Hearlnar in Cnse of Stenogra pher 'Accused of Selling Webster Letter. NEW TORK. April 23 Edward H. Har rln.un waa the principal witness today at waa ln the possession of a New York paper he tried without success to prevent its publication. Alexander Millar, Mr. Harrlman's pri vate secretary, testified that all the orig inal copies of the letter are in his posses sion. IAN MACLAREN IS ILL Dr. John Watson Cancel. Date, for and Goes to Hospital. OTTUMWA. Ia.. April 23.-Dr John Wat son (ln Melren), who arrived at Mount I I'leasant today to adilress the students cf iowa Weslryi.n university, was taken serl- oualy ill with tonisllltls and was removed U a hospital. All Lis engagement have beau C4bUCliod, 'WARSHIPS ARE GATHERING L,areeit Flaet Ever Eeen it Hampton loadi ia Baady for Exposition. FOREIGN VESSELS ON WAY TO HARBOR Great Britain, Germany and Austria, Will Have Ships at Jamertown EipoaMloi In Time for Open lac NORFOLK, Va.. Apr!! rS.-The great est fleet of American vessels ever as sembled in the historic waters of Hampton Roads 300.000 tons of floating steel was made ready today to receive the first of i the vlaltlng foreign battleshlpa and crulsir. which are from time to time to take port . In the celebrations which will mark the progress of the Jamestown Tercentennial exposition. For the opening of the exposition, Friday, the 2th. the war vessels of Great Britain, of Germany and of Austria are expected. One of the visiting Germans, the dark hulled crlser Bremen, commanded by Lieu tenant Commander Alberta, IS already In the roads awaiting the arrival of the Roon. a big armored cruiser, typical of the modern fighting craft in Emperor V II- j Ham. navy The Roon it is expected , r . evening, when It will , be officially welcomed by a boom of cannon Admiral Robley D. Evan., commanding tho Atlantic fleet. All the American vessels now at anchor belong to the Atlantic fleet. There ari ti hi ni mesnips ana line, wnicn is ; 2,1" ,J I probably twenty-five battl cruisers In the far-flung lln headed by tho Connecticut government pier at Fortress Monroe, and which trails away almost to the vanishing point up the broad channelway leading to Norfolk. Fleer "n Exhibition. The fleet has been arranged so as to give the visitors to the exposition the best pos sible opportunity for viewing the fighting strength of the American navy. Th glistening white hulls, spotless In their new coats of paint, and the buff superstructures of the two and three-piped line of battle ships and armored and protected cruisers form a marine panorama, as viewed from the water front esplanade of the exposi tion grounds, such as has seldom, If ever, before been presented to the American public. The vessels are anchored several . thousand yards off the exposition shore and, being arranged In huge seml-clrcles, are visible from every part of the grounds. Practically every type of fighting craft In the American navy Is represented In the positions. Battleships range from the 19,000-ton monsters of the Connecticut and Louisiana class the forerunners of the Dreadnoughts about to be added to the navydown to the all but abandoned old Texas, the oldest American battleship and sister of the Maine, which was wrecked in Havana harbor. The Texas was built at the Norfolk navy yard many years ago and, being a local product, is. to remain at the exposition as a permanent feature of the naval exhibit. With Its eight guns and paltry &316 tons of Weight, the Texas, when ranged alongside the tiiainjnoth Con necticut, which mounts twenty-four guns and displaces 16,000 tons of water, offers a striking example of the progress of the American navy since the days of 1KS&, when the Texas and the first Maine were authorized by congress. The cruisers of the fleet are all modern craft, though the variance In size between the largest and the smallest is us great as that which marks the heavier vessels of the battleship class. The armored cruisers iA U'D.kl, ,v.. v, 11 r.jhj Tennessee and Washington, euch of 14,500 tons and mounting twenty guns each, are the heaviest of the cruisers. They can hurl a weight of metal almost equal to the first class battleships, while they possess the fleetneas of the ocean greyhound the mas sive, throbbing engines In their holds being capable of the development pf 20,000 horse power. The smallest cruisers are the Den ver and Cleveland, of 3.100 tons each the , Klri4 elaaft rvf th nroteeteil VWAll nf thn i navy. In the cruiser class, the most In- I to b-tter the,r n'"" 1"' touch with terestlng vessel ls perhaps the Brooklyn, """'hern opportunities. It asks from the the flagship of Rear Admiral Schley ln the i "hern people only the support of public battle with Cervera's squadron off Santl- I P'nln nnd southern legislatures only ago, Cuba. The Brooklyn, bearing on Its j uch wUe n1 economically sound conser after turret the memorial plate simply and vatlsm as has been displayed by the legls eloquently inscribed "July J, 1898," will also ! lature of Tennessee. remain a permanent naval exhibit during j "It the rillways of the south are to con trie seven month of the life of the expo- j tlnue to be the most efficient means for its sltion. Oxher Foreign Vessels. The British squadron, under command of Rear Admiral Neville, is expected In Hamp- 1 Ity to show to investors in every security Blrlving to bring about some understand ton Roads either tomorrow or Thursday, j that the Income Is sufficient to protect their b(,tween the belligerents. Long con . There wlll be four armored cruisers ln the j Investments, and that future Income Is not feronceB were held today between Assist- homeogenous ui gray ., hoped they will be here In time for the opening ceremonies. The 'vessels of the other navies of the world will arrive on dates yet to be fixed. The Japanese squad ron Is expected May 8. President Roosevelt will revlt . ' the gath ered American fleet and the visiting for- ... fmm Out hrlda-e of the Mtvfie.r . . 1 . u- f . . , un rTiaaj lliurnnw uciuio lunoa on tne Th. fn,.. ... t-i.i..v. .-..... . given the right of line. President Start. Thursday. WASHINGTON. D. C, April 2a-Pres. dent Roorevelt will leave the navy yard I here at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon on the yacht Mayflower for the Jamestown exposition. Accompanying him wlll be Secretary Loeb, several of th. prealdent'a ' children and perhap. some other guests, i The review of the American and foreign 1 ilna now ln Chesapeake bay wlll oceunv 1 an hour on Friday morntt.g and the re ception on board the Mayflower by the president and Mrs. Roosevelt to the offi cer, of the foreign men-of-war will bein at 130 a. m. on that day. Mlaaeaota to Bar ST. PAUL. April 23 The Joint legisla tive committee on free passes thla after noon agreed to recommend a bill providing that ail free privilege on railroads, tele graph and telephone line be prohibited after December SI next. President Asked 10 Ksulala. MONTGOMERY, Ala , April r3 -The Statu Fedcrvtuiu cf liJur In sesiion I. ere today lrej the president for an expUni tlon of his alleged assertion that Haywood and Moyer, the ldalkU laJmera. are uul de lraAle til lasiia, enured freighters built alone: the fleet lines . ,7.7 ,7 , -- am nii., --- loUay upon tne resumption or tne Ruer 1 ernor Bteuiienbcrg. If they are gu ty, 0 1,0 eonf"d hvlng a fixed they certainly ouvht to be punl.heY It ship wilt bTthe God Hope and the com ! d ! !Z re.e o . those enterPrl,9S a result of which It was announced ag to the or nnoceRC, of Ru( f are nct certainly ought nanlon ship, will be the Argyllle Ilamn i ,ocaMie wh" U " ,fet' important developments may be ex- was at once excused. This afternoon i not to b nun-shed. .hire and Roxburgh i The vertlaement that any state can , pected within twenty-four hours oro lde.lrl,le C shlro and KOXDurgn. I have U the widespread knowledge of tho In the present apparently hopeless state fl . lu.le.lral.le C Itlsena. The Austrian vessels, the armored cruiser 1 t t fllat ... ,aUr. hj,.. , " it has been determined that of etr,y-nvo or lu0 n&meu be issued. -Biu no possible outcome either of the Sankt George and the protected cruiser X1 Z,Z , m . .1 w v out ot the dim luy I. by " l" nW a"y fflCla" f the trlal r the my Judgment A.pem. will arrive either late Thursday!""0" . pr?peT protection w me onijw., ua 7' ! United railroad, who may be placed on as to the uudeslrublllty of the type of cltl- evening or early Friday morning. It is i f?'"7 . ,0-emoar11 upon pollcle. "Durat. on 01 - '-' ""-VnJ i trial on charge, of alleged bribery In con- ' xenflhin uf thoi-e whom I mentioned. Mesnrs. wlll be elven positions of honor Inslds th 1 nere ror over jwenty-nve years, no waa uu.iciu... ... - - - , ' 7oVrilrt Zerlcan .h.P. renter by trade and has worked In all aay the native, of Port Barrios believe Gtt, nviter H.e. from "nd manifest., and by the utterance, of during ThTr . 'ay n the road. of the larger .heps In the city and was : thl. fervently enough to begin , work on Chl.aEo. th or l ihplre, and hy nfeen hundred blue Jacket, will b. ono time in business for hlm.elf Ho 1 aandbag fortification, fronting that town. ... the words and deeds of those assocUted i: "rzv. :i:z,r.!z; ,T J,,,. ,,,. . :k , vrATXr?. "; s: rt a vr::;: t.r'-; t r-', they conseni 10 an mo ineir i ore en will Del - - t4 t Vi nnant FATAL FIRES IN NEW YORK CITY I'oar Men Barn to Death, Others 1 n jared, Tim Hundred and Fifty Horses Killed. NEW YORK. April a. Four men were burned to death, SS0 horses killed, twelve firemen Injured, two of them e-erlously, two engines overturned and wrecked by colli sions with street cars, several thrilling res cues from burning buildings, and property loss of JX).0OO. That Is the story of the fire department for the five hours follow ing l.i s t midnight. Six different fires on the upper east aide, in Broadway, on the middle east side and a big stable lire at Christopher and Bar- row streets kept the firemen constantly at i nPrk. Th. ded .r. fn,r Tt.nn -hose hodlca. burred beyond recognition, were found In tm ru,n of ,ne burned gtAble. The fire . . r,.mna,h t,hi. In the block between Christopher. Barrow. Woet and U'ii.iiiiitnn ne TV, .igrmi railed I out a great battery of fire apparatus. In- the contract to the Graham Construction George- Lawson Sheldon. Jr.. now governor, eluding two big fire boats, and It was only ! company of Denver for the erection of tho Mrs. Wolph and Mrs. Todd, the latter hav after a hard fight that the firemen saved ' following buildings. Including field officers' j "B died a few years ago leaving a daugh the big adjoining tenements and the Palace quarters: Two double captains' quarters, ter who mndo her home with her grand and Knickerbocker hotels. Two hundred one double lieutenants' quarters, one 1 mother. All live near the old homestead, and fifty horses which were quartered In ' building containing ten sets bachelor offl- j which Is the home of the governor. George t,. rrl.he Thm hnitl,.! nf th ' n.r.' ,,o . ,,l,lo rvlr KKP. IjlWSOn Sheldon. the hllShHllli, Who WHS four ,tallftns were ,n the rulng Bn j hmlp Bft)r ,he flre haJ Wn extinguished. I The money , , tms ,table flre lg pIace1 t fmm Anotner 8crloua nre ,tarted in the Man- j ion ,au,,d , Ea8t SeV(.n,y.thlrd street j and swept through the five-story building, of th, uppM. floorg of whlcn wpre occupied as tenements. It was while on . the way to this flio that the two nre enB,ne" wore wrecked. The drivers of both ! enK,npg wpre lnJured but u ls not believed thftt ellher 0f them was fatally hurt. The ' flremn had hard fiht More the laun- i nry and the tenement house lire was bud- i Fort Robinsop tht following additional dued because of the lack of water pressure. 1 contracts were let: J. J. Hanlghon, The families In the upper part of the I Omaha, for plumbing of field officers' building were- -cut off from escape by the ( quarteri captains' and lieutenants' quar stalrway but were rescued by firemen. The Ur, $36-t95. for heating of sama to flre citused a loss of $20,000. It was in a high building In Woooter street that most of the firemen were In jured. Fire had been discovered on the top floor and the firemen had dragged their hose up the stairs to fight stubborn blase In the factory of the R. R. Frome Manu facturing company. The full company had reached the scene when ft hack draught came and the liames and choking smoke swept over them. A doxen of the men were blown down a flight of stairs. Several of them were severely burned .and bruised. The other -fires were In widely separated sections of the city. RAILWCADS MUST BORROW President FInley of Southern Railway Bays Credit Should Kot Be Atlncked. MEMPHIS. Tenn., April 23.-In the course of his speech at a reception given in his honor by the Merchants' exchange here today, President W. W. Finley of the Southern Railway company declared that the results accomplished for the good of the country by the railroads In extending their lines lnjo unoccupied territory and seeking now resources to be developed ln territory already occupied, would have been Impossible had they been hampered and restricted by a spirit of popular and legis lative antagonism and by repressive and restrictive laws. The common carriers are not opposed to legislative regulation within proper limitations, he said, but there Is a 1 point beyond which legislation ceases to be regulative and becomes destrlctlve. ; LaWg for the regulation of railroads, in ..... . ... . . . , order to be Just and equitable, must af ford full protection for the roads. aS'Wel as for the public. He referred to the systematic effort of the system of which lie ls the head to ad vance the development of every locality In the section traversed by it. "It Is constantly working," declared Mr. FInley, "to develop new resources in the southern field and to bring men seeking advancement they must extend their facili ties. The money for this must be bor- 1 rowed, and borrowing power rests on abil- endangered hv adverse lefiialarion r'nnlts.l 0 ----- " DEATH RECORD. C. C. Sherwood. C. C. Sherwood died at the residence of hit son, WaJter W. Sherwood. 3225 Web- 1 "ter street, at noon yesterday after an ! 1 1 '1 n . u nf neveml months Mr Kherwned 1 ts an old resilient of Omaha, having been 1 r 1 Funeral of Jooalha. Martin. BLUE HILL Neh.. April 23. (Special.) Jonathan Martin, an old settler, who died last Saturday, was burled Monday. He was born October 18, 1.18. He was In possession of a number of farms In Illinois, Iowa and Ne'uraska, also owned a number of ttore and lots Id Blue Hill. He has lived here many years. He leaves an aged wife, five son and two daugh ters. One son ls Euclid Martin at Omaha. FIRE RECORD. Corn Mills In Kansas. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 23.-(SpeciaI Tel egram.) The corn mills located at Blue Rapids. Kan., belonging to Ed Miller of this city, were- destroyed by fire thla aft ernoon. Lo... 112, CM), with Insurance of $4.00U. The origin of the fire ts unknown. Standard Iluys O.I Fields. NEWARK. O., April 23,-Edward H. Everett of this city and August Buxrh of St. Ijuls have sold their Interest. In tsjc Illinois oil field to the litar.duM Oil com pany for t'S".iv:. Tnls Is one of the Uat oil territories developed recently. Everett, it I. said, recently drilled la Ute Wiest oil wail found la IlUnula an wuuivi x nuaiiHri 1 1 1 v tm l J 1 Itr I LB IMPROVING FORT ROBINSON Centraota Awarded for a Dumber af Build in ei at That Tost PREPARING TO ACCOMMODATE BRIGADE l'limblag and Electric Wiring; Go to Omaha Firms and Denver Company Gets the Con struction Work. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April 23. (Special Tele- I gram.) Looking to the making of Fort Roblnaon a brigade post, which is part oi , the ceneral acheme of Secretary Taft and ! the general staff toward posts In certain sections of the United States, (juartermas- ter anerl r F Humnhiev today di-i rected Captain L. 8. Roudlcz, construrtlug niLnrtprrimnf -r t Fort linMnton. to award rack,i at R COBt o ,241.470. I one of th most Prominent and respected if William Hamilton of Des Moines, la.. I "" ' Nebraska, died two years ago. wlu wa(ve hu condlllon ln hl8 b.d r.irt- I Mrs. Sheldon was born in Vermont in 18l. alum,num of contract j and came to Nebraska shortly after her wm be awarded to him for the following ' marriage. She suffered all the hardships buildings at Fort Robinson: Two double."' " early pioneers, but only last fall .tables, guard and shop bulldlnKs, four gta g , ,b, at ; ft totai COBt 0f ;(9tio7. If Hamilton will not waive hlg nrovlslons then tlie con- tra.t wlll go to the arai,am Construction W)mpany of Denver, being the next lowest b.dder at $101,700. In conjunction with the enlargement of Hanlghen, 119.1(6; for electric wiring to F. E. Newberry & Co., Omaha, $5,62. Illda Wanted on Canal. The secretary of the Interior ls asking proposala for the construction of a por tion of south canal anl structures of the Belle Fourche Irrigation project in South Dakota. The work involves 670.000 j the resultant damage ls principally ma cubic yards of canal excavation, ,'XQ cubic 1 terial. yards of cocrete ad 1.195 Hear feet of j Shortly after midnight a sentry at the tunnel. Detailed information may be ob- J arsene.l noticed the glare cf flames ln a tallied at the office of tho reclamation ser- storehouse used for rope yarn. Hu at once vice at Crawford, Neb., or Belle Fourcho, ; gave the alarm and soldiers, membeis S. D., bids to be opened at Belle Fourche May 28. t'hanae of Station of Snrsveons. Captain Thomas L. Rhoades, assistant surgeon, ls relieved from duty at Fort Crook, to take effect ln time to enable him to sail from San Francisco June 6 for the Philippines, where, upon arrival, he will be assigned to duty In the Philippines division. The following officers of the medical do- partment are relieved from duty in the I flre was under control It Is reported that Philippines division, to take effect in time 1 more than thirty men have sustained In to enable them to sail from Manila July I Jury from falling walls and some of them IB for fian Francisco and upon Arrival will proceed to posts designated after their re spective names for duty: Major Paul Shll- 1 ,ork gurgeoni Kort Robinson; Major Henry !J,. Flaherr-surgeon, Fort D. A. Russell; Major John Kulp, surgeon. Fort Meade. Postal Appointments, Postmasters appointed: Nebraska, Ida, Dawes county, Richard R. Ballleu, vice T. Neeland, resigned. Wyoming Brooks, Uinta county, Mary N. Splcer, vice W. C. I Phtnkler, resigned; Myrsvlllo, Fremont county, Edward C. McKlnney. vice Charles Pease, resigned; Opal, Uinta county, Wil liam T. Oolllher, vice Michael Hayes, re- ; signed. Upon the recommendation of Congress man Hepburn, Dr. A. E. Nelson has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Centerville. Ia. ARBITRATION JS SUGGESTED Central America Controversy May Be Bronsrht to Washington for Final Hearlnar. WASHINGTON. April 23. The Central American controversy Is no nearer o set tlement today than It was yesterday, ac cording to a dispatch received today at the State department from Phillip Brown, the American charge at Guatemala, ca- bllng from La Union, Salvador. Mr. Brown. stated tnat tne aeaaioca is Btill on. He held out no nope 01 an eariy ; agreement. Both the United states ana mexico are 1 . 0 ..... ii.nn and the renresenta 1 mil an 1 rial j . " - . . t tr-m Nlramru. 1I1U "l""'" " Salvador today have been urged to agree to a proposition of that nature. Should It be accepted there ts no question, It muntu, r purue. 10 was stated from authoritative sources, j whom any money was paid had no legal that President Roosevelt wlll be asked to j or official connection with the city govern sit ln Judgment on the case. meuL ueDIT V tin April 23. passengers arriving here today from Honduras say : .. . --111 deelnre war nralnst ! President Zelaya wlll declare war against FOR A PRISONER Missouri Representative. Join Others Asking; Clemency for Una Who Kscaoed. KANSAS CITY. April 23. -The Missouri ! house of representatives at Jefferson City' . , ... tu trt un in a I toaay, vy . ... petition to President Roosevelt to pardon W C. Anderson, who was arrested ln Kan sas City last Friday and taken b ick to the federal penitentiary at Fort Irf-avenworth, Kan., from which Institution he had es- n In shout two months. They gloats. Cltr (omOlalM that Sioux Kb 1 1 I these men who ltv their r.nhlle utt,iniM , Vli 1 I' PLEA caped nine years ago. oil company from Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, 1 ,hfl formation of societies und in other Anderson was convicted of breaking Into ' Missouri and Kanta met here today and j ways to Influence the coursx of Justice a postoffice ln Sweetwater, Ckl., and was passed resolutions endorsing II. H. Tucker, In th!s matter. I have reeelved many such sentenced to five years In the penitentiary, the Indicted manager, and Insisting that ; letters as you-.. Accompanying them were After aervlng three year, he escaped and the company is solvent and aliould not be ' newepaper clipping, announcing demnnatra cam to Kanaaa City, where he went Into reorganized. Manager Tucker said that . tlon.. parade, and mass meeting, designed busine.1, married and raised a family. He he would Immediately set In operation a i show thti the representative, of labor, beoiune highly re.pected and Ills rearrest i plan whereby he could raise $75,000 to be without regard to the fact., demand the ) aa resulted ln the circulation here of hun- j used to secure machinery to refl-ie the j acquittal of Mt sm a ' .Hay wood and Moyer. dreds of petitions to the president asking crude oil now In the various refineries of j Such inert lints can, of course, be designed that he grant the man a pardon. Thou- the company. Several of the stockholders i only to co:-re court or Jury In rerdortng a sands of signature tit tue jv.titiuu bar. attendixig the meeting today offered to Uurilict and they therefore deaerve all the JjilraaWlj taa asMured, MOTHER OF GOVERNOR DIES Aged Pioneer of ehmW Succumb. After An Illness of About Two Weeks. (From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Neb.. April 13. (Special Tele gram.) Mrs. Julia Sheldon, mother of Gov ernor Sheldon, mid widow of the Into George Lawson Sheldon, died nt her home In Nemaha at 5 o'clock this afternoon after an Illness lasting ahnut two weeks, whleh began with an nttnek of pneumonli Funeral arrnnirements have not yet been made, but the burial will not occur before Thursday. Govcrror Sheldon was at his mother' home when she died. Mrs. Sheldon was a pioneer settler of .ctirnsKa. navmir come to wnai is now Nehnwka from Vermont In 157. With her husband she settled on a homestead, which was her home until he last few years, when she moved across the town to her : "'" resilience. Mif i ine nwtnpr m mr Lchlldren, Frank Sheldon. Vilas Shelden. 8,18 BIil(l she dl1 not Relieve the young poo- pie of the present day enjoyed themselves as did the young people of the old d.iys. Up to within a short time of her deuth Mrs. Sheldon enjoyed splendid health and after she was Ti years old she mada tho trip back east to her old home. Biie was a sister of Hon. Inane Pollard and lived to see a son governor and a nephew ln con gress at the same time. FIRE IN FRENCH ARSENAL Lame Qrinntltr of Naval Stores Are Unrned at Toulon and Thirty Men Are Injured. TOULON. April 23.-For the alxth time within a few months this port has been stricken by disaster from flre, but this time of the crews of warships in port and the employes of the arsenal turned out : to fight the flames, which spread with Incn dl ble rapidity. The buildings ln the vicinity of the storehouse contained 2,000 pounds of material to clean machinery, 60O0 pounds of oakum, 50,000 sponges, enormous quan tities of ballast hampers, sail cloth, linseed oil and other Inflammables. j It was late this afternoon before tho wlll hardly recover. The cause of the flre is unknown. The finding of two pieces of fuse of a kind not used in the French navy has aroused suspicion that It was not altogether acci dental. The authorities are becoming more und more convinced that the outbreak of the fire was due to malevolence. A num ber of persons have come forward with more or less convincing testimony in sup port of this view. The arsenal police JudKe wlll hold a special session of his court to morrow to examine Into these stattements. A survey of the scene of the disaster shows that Ave large buildings have been completely destroyed, while the submarine depot, the torpedo workshlp and the tor pedo school have been seriously damaged. RUEF CASE IS CONTINUED Venire la Exhausted and Ileceas Taken Intll Another Is ' Secured. U SAN FRANCISCO, Arrll 23-Captaln of Police Mooney, commanding the Burch street station, was the principal witness j criticisms on his gencrul conduct and man today before the grand Jury, whoso ses- j ner of life. In my letter, to which you ol sion was devoted to the investigation of j Ject, I referred to a certain prominent finan alleged grafting of officers and men of cler, Mr. Harrlman, on the one hand, ard . the police department, especially among J saloons, gambling houses and disorderly ; houses. An adjournment was taken until Friday. , The trial of Abraham Ruef on the charge of extortion was also adjourned until Frt- day, when the task of completing the Jury 1 have been brought against Mr. Harriinan. will be renewed. I 1 neither expressed nor indicated any opln- The last talesman of the venire, John ! Ion as to whether Messrs. Moyer and Hay II. Curtis, a mill manager, was examined ' wood were aulltv of tho murder of Gov. .1 .1,1, lh. .r,,tl. .V,. j - " franchise will plead that they were black- ; RIVER TOWNS IN CONFLICT Chicago to bloux City are unreakoiiblo and unjust ab compurod with those given t'X the defendants from Chicago to Sioux iFall- nnd that they subject the merchant and Jobbers of Sioux City to unfavorable d-scrlmlnatlon. 1 lie .commission Is I quested to adjust the rates on an equitable basis ENDORSEMENT FOR TUCKER .... ) gtuekiioiafri in 1 ncie s am oil Co pany Say the Corporation la Solvent. KANSAS CITY, April 22.-One hundred and fifty stockholders of the Uncle Bam aalaurU to U1I1 t uad, SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL Fresidsnt Answers ftrict'.ma on Hecent Letter Rrcardin Yovtr and Haywood, SAYS THEY ARE UNDLS RABLE CITIZENS No Oiinion FxrrMfd Eeeardmr Quilt tt IniKG'nce of Sttnnenber? Crime. NO ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE COURT TB3t That Man is on Trial toes Not Ex empt Him fro-v Criticism'. STRONG WORD AGAINST HIS ACCUSERS President Says Their Ortanlmtlnn In Demanding Acunlttal Is llulnx liinctly Whnt They 1'harne Attains! Illm. WASHINGTON. April 2-In a let . r ad dressed to llonore Jaxon of Chlcngii, chnlr Inan of the "Cook County Moyt r-Hay wood conference," made public today. President Roosevelt replied to the criticisms of his recent letter In which he referred to Moyer nnd Haywood, officluls tf tho Western Federation of Miners, charged with Implica tion In the murder of former Governor SteunenbiTg of IJado as "undesirable citi zens." The president s.tys he regrets any body of men should so far fowt their duty to their country, as by the formation of societies or In other way, endeavor to In fluence Justice and coerce court or Jury; that they, not he are trying to Influence Justice and he rnndeius what he culls their flnrrant Impropriety In' the matter. He says that he Indicated no opinion as to their guilt of the Steunenberg murder, but that It was a simple absurdity to suppose that because a nuin ls on trial he is free from criticism as to his manner of llfo. He said he might as well be accused of trying to Influence the suits against llar rlmaii, some of whoso friends hud also criticised him. Ho said that Moyer and Haywood stand as representatives of those who habitually appear as guilty of incitement to or apology for bloodshed and violence. He added that he was profoundly Indif ferent to the condemnation of lilm for his criticism of tho undesirable types of citi zens, regardless of tho power of either labor or capital. Text of the Letter. The president's letter io Jaxon follows: "Whito House. April 22, 1!7. Dear Sir: I have received your letter of the l!th Inst., In which you Inclose the draft of tho formal letter which ls to follow. I hnve been noti fied that several delegations bearing similar requests are on tho way hither. In the let ter you, on behalf of the Cook County Moyer-Haywood conference protest against certain language I used ln a recent lettef which you (insert to be designed to in fluence the course of Justice In the ense of the trial for murdor of Messrs. Moyer and Haywood.1.' I ot.tlrely agree with you that ' It ls Improper to endeavor to Influence the course of Justice, whether by threats or In any plmliar manner. For this reason I hnve regretted moist deeply the action of such organizations as your own In undertaking to accomplish this very result ln the very case of which you sieak. For Instance, your letter ls headed: 'Cook County Moyer - Haywood - Pettlbone Conference," with the headlines: 'Death cannot, will not and chiill nut claim our brothers,' This shows that you and your assoclutos are not demanding a fair trial, or working fur a fair trial, but announcing in advance that the verdict shall only be ono way and that you will not tolerate any other ver dict. Such notion is flagrant in its Im propriety and I Join heartily In condemn ing it. Right of Criticism. ) "But ls Is a simple absurdity to suppose ; that liecause any man ia on trial for a given offense therefore he is to be freed from all j to Messrs. Moyer, Haywood and Doba or. , the other, as being equally undnslrabla 1 citizens. It is as foolish to aasert that this was designed to Influence the trial of ! Moyer and Haywcod as to assert that It ; was designed to Influence the suits that Moyer. scnlatl' Haywood and Debs stands as rcpre- nlatlves of those men who have d-ne as much to dincrcdlt the labor movement as the worst speculative financier, of most un scrupulous employers of labor and debauch ets of legislatures havo done to discredit holiest capitalists und fair-dealing business men. "They stand as the representatives of !,,,,,-, ,,. T . ,h .. ,h,e- . ..a tiees which cut them rff fnmi those who ,M ,v,i, ,..,, movemen t. In every wv , Hn..n gllrrirt thc ia.,. y I Hh-.ll surr-Tt thc la.-b'd!rg and rc" uprlj-ht r 1 reentotlves of lnlor and In no wny r-'n I In ttT surp' rt th"ni than by rtrnwlrir the shnrprst fiossl)lo line between them on the one h:ind nnd on the other ban 1 ther d thoFe rrnehers of violence who are mseive. tho worst fo"-s of the honeHt ,n- rialvtrlnffmen. Attempts to Tnf nfarr Conrt. "Ix-t me repeat my deep regret that any "'ay "f n,rn ph"l,;1 "n 'orget their duty to thi-ir country as to. endeavor by cwudemuiUou wUuU jroa la f etsr nAtor s )