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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1907)
THE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 24, 1907. n OFFERED FOR SALE Mlirrllmroo-Cnatlaaed. SCHOLARSHIP and book In Mnylos Busi ness college for snle at reduction; psrty taken 111; "books entirely new. dress B 747. He 1I 417 Mix CLC"1.""?r.r."Sr,,V.nJ,: tV'riRKWARD $lReward for Information a with order. J. R. Msaley. Mansn-iu, u. ! 7 24X NEXT summer will be a hot one. Soda niiter pays Isrije jmflts. Fountains from $fl5 tip, on e:isy monthly payments; little cash required. S;nd f"r catalogue of greatest barRsiris ever offered; do not de-i Uy. K. M. Ureen & Sons, Philadelphia, I a. tldi- HKATINO stove and roll-top desk. In Rood condition; bargain. iOVi N Ht., South Omaha. (16l '-2 K NICKEL In slot piano, winds up by spring, cost new ttfoftt, for sale or trade, (rood aa new, atto Bayydorfer. 162 Capitol Ave. (18) K70 2iX t-K. P. 800 volt motor, $.0; $-H. P. 50 volt motor, $40; In good shape. M30 Cnpltol Ave. (16 871 24 TOH BALE Very cheap, on set box seat oak chnlra, new; two oak rockers, new; organ and dining table. S.-3 8. 2Tth 8t. . (Hi) M 26 P Alt NTS jr. J. LARSON St CO. patent lawyers, patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, ib t. O. BARN" ELL, patent attorney and ma iun designer, paxton Blk. lei. lt-d iU7. (17)-M797 MU HARPB MACHINE B1IOPS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, macbiua wurk. 6U4-6U 6. 10th Bt. (17) 667 MACHINE designing and general draught Ing at reasonable rates. W. P. 1 turner, $24 Bo. St. (17)-M7G4 Mil, PATENTS, trade marks, guaranteed or no tea. National Investment Co.. Douglas Blk (17)-M796 M12 PERSONAL CITT STEAM I jAUN DRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 8. lltl cJL lei. LkJUg. 2A. (1AJ-6JS SEWINQ machines rented, any make. 70c per week or $J.00 per month. Becond hand machines for snle, $5.00 and up Meb. Cycle Co., 1Mb. and Harney. (IS) 59 MARQUE costumes. Llebcn. TcU 4J10. Open evenings. USH-Otol X)6TUilK3 W 8. Mlth. Sack- Tel. ItndTO?) (18 Mij. YR1NOES, rubber goods, by mall; cut trices; send for free catalogue. Myers UUon Drug Co., Omaha. (18 2 PLEATING BuTb Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink ing, only 6c per yard. Bend tor price list ajid sample. GOLDMAN PLEATINO CO.. 40 Dougiak Block. Tel. Dougias 1934. U8)-t4 IkADY ag-ent wanted In every community to sell Florida Face Cream; good pay; large bottle prepaid $-'6c. J. Smith, wH Ohio St., OniaUu. (18)-Mi0a 2Ux Private confinement home-mm. Ur. King, Zuli N. Zlst BL Tel. Doug. 2069. (lsl-tkx) BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made to order. Keeae Printing Co., Omaha. (18) M776 F28 OMAHA blcig. Stammerers' Institute. Ramge (18)-6& JOHN CANE 13 IN TOWN! Mow La the time to trim trees, trellses and grape vines; also landscape gardening. Tel lied 616a. Res. 1101 & 2oth Ave. . US) 817 Mil DR. VOQEL'8 prlvaio home for ladle be fore and during confinement; beat and cheapest In the city. 2319 & ISth St (U 664 fcHIS SALVATION ARMY solicits caatort clothing: In 'act, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th BU. for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 416 and wagon will call. (18) 611 Hf AflNTiTTn treatment and bath. Mme. DLtt.UrH.Cj 1.Kj Bmjta, m N. 16th, 2d floor. (U-4W MASSAOE Swedish movement. 410 N. lujaoovurj 16tn room econd noor (18)-M203 M3 BYE defects corrected by glasses, fitted in your home If desired; reasonable prices. Bmith, Graduate Optician, 2&1 Ohio. 'Phone Webster 4337. . (18)-M600 29x EFFA ELMS, music by mail Adults' evening class Moudays. . 1611 Farnam. Douglas 701. (18) 169 M4 BEWINO machines supplies for all makes of machines; machines repaired; machines for rent, liayden Bros., Sewing Machine Dept. Douglas BU entrance. Tel. Doug. 2000. 1S)-71$ M10 SCHULTZE ft BLATTERT. Ill B. 1Mb Bt. Complete line of leading periodicals; aer man and foreign publications a specialty. (18)-S70 M17 NT ONE knowing the whereabouts of Nels and Olaf Olsen will confer a favor upon them by showing them this ad. or by writing to Miss Carrie Olsen, Rock Island, III.. 640 46th BL (18) M789 MUX iWANTED A wife-no objections to young winow woman, nend picture with nret letter ir you have one handy. Address K-7o6, care of Bee. (18) 26 24x BABY boy for adoption. Only people of best character need apply. Address N T78, Bee. (18) M604 25x BOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. . Flodman A Co.. 1R14 Cap. Ave. (18)-M73a Mil DR. N. BOMMER. homeopath, nee Bldg. 08V-m OMAHA Bteam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour pasta. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Douglas 4521. W) THE healing household remedy, Satin Skin Cream, should always be handy. 25c. (18)- .li stUPF.RFLT'OVB HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; nil work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. (18) WOULD you marry if suited? Matrimonial paper containing advertisements mar riageable people, many rich, from all sec tions of the I'nlted Statee and Canada, Bullied free. K. W. Gunnels, Toledo, Ohio. 08)- XF YOU want a wife or husband, send 10 oents lor the National Correspondence Jteglster; best Illustrated matrimonii! paper published. Register, Box 174, Hast ings. Neb. (la) CORRESPOND for pastime and results. Dime for particulars and postofBce ad dresses of members. Elite Corn-spoiid- ance Club, Waltham, Mass. (lS)-777-24x WANTED Gentleman between 4S and 60 by widow with ranch, to take charge of same; one with some means preferred, to take part In tore t in business. Address U 773. Bee. (18) 747 2ix HAVE you heard "Frolic of the Flowers?" Intermesxo, beautiful, for the piano, by Pauline li. Btory. All music dealers, or end 2uo to The Cadillao Music Co., U West 24th St.. New York. (1H) 740 24k BTOP LADIBB' Remove forever that un natural growth of hair on face and arms. Be healthful! Writ now. The Aurora Idfg. Co., Dcpt C, 111$ Delaware St., Den ver, Colo. lS)74 14 A MIDDLK-AGED widow, wealthy, nice looklnK, tired ol stogie bleeseduess, wWhes to correspond. Lock Box sue, Hi. Jos-ph. Michigan. (18) 714-:'4x MERCHANT. American widower, no chil dren, wealthy but lonesome, wishes a congenial wife to brighten his home. Hoc , bt. Joseph. Michigan. (18) 716-24X JTRKK Your fortune told, future and pest revealed, surprising- by America s em inent hlloaophT, astrofogisl, clairvoyant .-St. John, 1$ Sheldon St., I'lilc i-?o. Ptnd birth date and stamp. Knom thvstAlf (W)-7l-U MATRIMONIAL The Homestead club, a high class Institution, offers introductions to reliable ladies and gentlemen of means seeking marriage. Uotuaalead Club. To. PERSONAL (Continued.) CT'RWNI LOTION Will keen hlr In per fwt curl, for a very Ion time, makfi It flurry and beautiful, not only I It harm lees, but Is very beneficial to scalp. Price postpaid 2Sc Btilpling Mfg. Co., Box 34, tit ft Hon B, Atlanta. G. . . . . ua a , to whereabout of Joe CXMIe (sometimes goes by name of Albert Joseph), about I years old. tall, weighs Iriu pounds, dark eyea. probably employed at lacking houses, please communicate with Josepn Ogdle, 221 West th at., Bloux Falls, 8. D. 1 11) -41.3-24 MATRIMONIAL Gentleman, with Borne means, age So, wishes to correspond with refined young lady or widow of suitable age; object, matrimony. Address Box Bomerville, Tex. tis 7 t4x I WILL sell my diamond ring for half original cost; must have cash quick; must be confidential. Address D 7R1, Bee. (18) 760 24x A MT PDLE-A O ED, well-to-do gentleman of good appearance, no bad habits, de sires acquaintance of a healthy, good looking maiden or widow between 26 and s Object, matrimony. Trlflers and di vorced excused. Full description In first letter. Confidentially. Address Post Box 8, Sta. C, Omaha, Neb. (18) 8u0 24x ' REAL ESTATE CITY 1'KOPERTV FOR I A LB The Byron Reed Co. Douglas 297. til B. 14th St $1,850 80S Manderson St., 8-room cottage with bath, closet, city water, etc, $500 cash, balance monthly. $2,650 IW Poppleton Ave., 8-room. 2-story houee, three good bed rooms. Sr.uth front lot, paved street, cement walk, bsrn. Im mediate posKej'slon, Only one block to car line. $2,600 3407 Jackson. 7-room, 2-story htuse. Porcelain bath, marble wash bawl, closet, etc. Good furnace. Near the Boulevard and car line. Owner will sell on easy terms to good party. $3,000 42d and Lafayette, 2-story 7 room house, poroelaln bath tub. closet, marble wash bowl,, gas, cistern, etc. Large comer lot with shade and fruit tree. $3,950 On Chicago between 10th and 20th, 9-room, all modern house renting for $480 per year. A good buy. $4,600 Just west of Hanscom Park near Woolworth Ave. A new 6-rcom. all modern house. East front lot. We have customers for 6 to 8-room houses. List your prop erties with us. Vacant 60 feet south front on CaptU tol Ave., near 28th, $750. 60x135 north front on Capi tol Ave. and $0th St., $1,100. Choice boulevard lot $800. A few good lota. Bherwood Ave. and 16th St., $000. 30 feet oo Chicago and 19th St., $2,000. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US 09) 5-Room Cottage A neat 6-room cottage, bam. fruit and shade trees, lot 60x1 at; water and sewer, on Charle St., near autn Bl iTice i,aw. C. O. Carlberg; 9U N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red-7497 OJ)- IF YOU owned 6 acres of land in the center of a 10.000-acre fluid in the new ' California and that 10,000 acres should suddenly be populated by 1,000 people (600 families), how much would your 6 acres be worth? If interested, call on or write the Rock Island Development Co., U. a. Mat'l. Bank Bldg., omaiia. (19) 040 14 11, 14 or 36 feet on south side of Farnam, between 28th and 2ittii Bts; cheap. B. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney Bt. (19) 3S X4x 50 Lots in Albright From $100 up. near car; will sell o monthly payments. F. D. WKAD, 1524 Dougloa. 09) R, C. PETERS & CO. $1,600 On Orant, near 24th. A five-room modern cottage, with fixtures complete and bathroom, cemented cellar, permanent walks, gus and electric light. House in good condition of repair. $3,260 A new modern seven-room house, with hot water heat, on the north side of Blnney, second house west of 24th street. The house cost that to build less than a year ago. Good terms to right parties. $3,500 Another seven-room modern House, good sized rooms, occupied as a home and In fine condition of repair. Cemented base ment and walks, large full lot, location Is 2427 Spencer street Communicate with us before calling. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $4,600 A seven-room and reception hall modern house on 81st Ave., between Dodge and Farnam. This is an opportunity to get a modern home on this beautiful resi dence street at a low price. Call Douglas 898 for tht location. $fi,000 A new eight-room modern house, with HOT WATER HEAT, large living room, pressed brick fireplace. First story in fine hardwood finish. This is ona block from the Farnam car Una. B. C. PETERS & CO. , t a 17th Bt. (Be Bldg.) Offers Wanted Two weeks ago w advertised under this head three pieces of property. One Is sold; we have an offer on another; the best ne Is left. Who wants it? Corner 124x131, on $6th st., near Far nam; $9,290. This is an exceptionally choice corner and can be bought right. Here is Another. 140 acres One pasture and hay land in the famous hay region of northern Ne braska, 4 to miles from Stuart. Ouod clay sub-soil. School house near tine corner. Farms and ranches on three sides. If you want an investment or speculation, her la your chance. $6.$0 per acre. J. IL DUMONT & SON. OMAHA, NE3. - N. T. Ufa Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR AI.E GEORGE & 1G01 FARNAM STREET. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 114,000 New 10-room house, near JGth and Farnam Sta.. built In 190(, oak fin ish entire first floor, strictly first-class In every way, three good rooms In attic, hot water heat, lot 60xl5 feet. Key at our office. $,000 -room all modern residence on 88th Ave. near Podge St., east front on asphalt paved street, excellent neighborhood, lot 60x166 feet. Terms, $3,000 cash, balance at t per cent. 18,000 On f 8th Bt. near Farnam, new 8-room all modern house, built In 1908, oak finish, asphalt pavement, cement walks, lot 46xl7 feet. IS. 000 8-rnom all modern house n 16th Ft. between Dodge and Farnam, lot 46 140 feet, asphalt paved street and cement walks. A very comfortable home. KOUNTZE $10.000 On Blnney St., new 8-room house, two stories and fine attic, all oak fin ish first floor, hard pine second, full basement with laundry, large cistern, house es pecially well built, 12 feet between house and curb line, large lot, $4x124 feet. $4 000 7-rpom modern house on Sherman Ave. near Spencer, newly built, oak finish first floor, large attic and full cemented baaement. furnace heat; very deslrahl $4,200 9 rooms, all modern, on Binney St. near 2 2d, lot 60x124 feet, fine shade and lawn, paved street and permanent walks. $2.760 8-room all modern house, on Plnkney Bt. near 17th, new underfeed fur nace and bath, full lot. DUNDEE $5.000 New T-room house on Underwood Ave., rak finish, furnace heat, south front, full size lot, 60x128 feet. 14.100 7-room All modern house, new In Mine dn second, furnace heat, near 60th and 14,000 4932 Capitol Ave., 9 npoms, new rurnace ana piummng mrougnoui, newiy decorated, large lot, 100x136 feet, south front, only one block from car line. Terms, 12,200 cash, balance payable monthly. Possession May l, .907. 13,600 for 8-room all modern house, throughout, desirable location, fine shade ance payable $20 per month at 6 per cent. fnpnt lots In Dundee; else, 100x135 feet. He us lor nn ouuaing lots in mis suouro ai reasonaoio prices. BEMIS .1A0 8-rnom all modern house, oak w In wcllnt renalr. fronts south on car line; fine large shade trees and beautiful 190 feet. Reasonable terms. , 34 600 6-room all modem house, completed lr September, 1908; oak finish first floor, strictly up-t-date, located on Lafayette Ave. near 24th St.; lot 61x147 feet. HOMES IN VARIOUS PARTS OF OMAHA $6.600 8-room all modern house, on 26th St. near St. Mary'" Ave., within walk ing distance of business district. House built In 1906 and good as new. $4,360 for 1912 Corby 8t., new 7-room house, built In 1906. all modern, hot water hest. lot KOxlJH feet, faces snuth on asphalt paved street, fine shade trees, cement walks, within three blocks from Sherman something new and up-to-date go and look $3.200 Nenr Kountxe fiace, 7-room an gfoti location, comer lot. barn on premiaes. IZ.etM) luu B. z-n St., o-room nouow, $2.100 1706 8. 27th St., 8 rooms, city $0x132 feet. Part cash, balance monthly. t , 11,700 2026 Elm St., 8 rooms, lot 44x180 feet. Terms, $500 cash, balance at 0 'i. a ar Mi aa, a . . Wmsxa who is leaving the city; wants offer for quirk sale. . 18004338 Maple St., D-room collage; INVESTMENTS $25,0004 new brick flats, gross rental per year $2,700. 20 000 6 two-story and basement brick flats, rental $2,520 per year. $18 000 each, two brick apartment houses. Gross yearly rental each building $1,920. BUSINESS PROPERTY tg2 600 5-story brick building, wholesale district, lpt 182x132 feet. 140 ooo 3-story brick store and fiat building, 8. 16th Bt. Only $15,000 cash, bal ance to be arranged. Easy Payments m . . ft a, nli., l.i. B rooms near sisi aim urw dm fenced. $260 cash and balance Just about the same aa rent. C. Q. Carlberg, 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red-7497 u)- Modern Homes $ rooms, all modem in every way (brand new), oak nnisn. duui ror a nomi, pavcm street, near 24th and lianderson. Bar gain at $6,000. Three 7-room houses, 1 year old, oak finish, wltn all tne latest moaern im provements, easy walking distance, cor ner lot, both streets paved. The three houses for .l'18,!00. or will sell epa- m IaIv. $ rooms, all modem, full lot, fronting on N. 24tn Bt., paving in ptuu. uuubo v.j $ years old. $8,160. BEMIS Thona Doug. BS5. Paxton Block. 16 Lots with 6-room House and Barn. City water, Grand Ave., near 42d. Just the place to raise chickens and work in city; eay terms, $2,300. . F. D. WBAD, 1624 Douglas. C9)- 3 BARGAINS 3 $7,500 rented for $1,100 PER YEAR ' This la a nice corner on South 10th St., a few blocks from Brownell Hall; always rented; in finest shape. Easy terms. $5,500 RENTED FOR $1,000 PER YEAR This is a first class frame building of five apartments of 6 rooms, modern, each, and store below; lot 72x106, on corner of alley, on Lake St., half block east of the boule vard tmh Bt.) S6,000 RENTED FOR $900 PER YEAR This Is a nice six apartment frame flat on S. ltith Bt. ; nice paved street; on car line; between the two Omaha cities. ROBINSON & WOLF 423 Paxton Block. (IS)-764 U KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAIN and a real one. too. The owner must sell 9 rooms, all modern, well built. It's a gen uine; you will be Interested when you see It, Price $6,600. 0 "KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2162. (19)-M613-2 $1,700 Close in Building Lot, 60x50, a good place for three flats. Come in and see us. J.Kendis&Sori 541 Paxton Block, Tel. Doug. 6477. (19)-8 4 6-Room Cottage and Barn, Hanscom Place a m 4t"aKA 4a stOCW An4 slA CC 1 ner monTh'. ' PernTaTenV ?$. but poZ session can b had if desired. Particulars on request. Bee us at one if you want this. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 906- N. Y. LU Cldg. C9) ' 42d AND FARNAM RESIDENCE. New -ruom house; living rooms finished la oak; oak mantle; four bed rooms, na tural finished; bath room, enameled; per manent walks; strictly modern; about ll.iiOi) cash, balance terms at per oenu Price $4,000. C. P. TRAVER. Ttaom Red 44.$. bus Brown Blk. o a tia REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR t ALB COMPANY THONE DOUGLAS 756. PLACE . . 1908, dark oak finish on first floor, hard Webster 8ts. two blocks rnom car line, para pine nnisn trees, beautiful lawn; only $1,400 cash, bal House located on two of the best south PARK finish on entire first floor, only built four Lincoln boulevard, short distance from lawn; lot exceptionally large, being 68x Ave. car line. If you are looking for this over. moaern Dnca nouse, on pavea sireei, uutu umy nii,7 jtoi", ii vM", icn.. water and gas, large barn, shade trees, lot ewatasi atA ew-ca si AAM1I aftA K AWnas duu caan, Damnctj muuiuijr. , Rooming and Boarding Houses 12-ropm' frame house, good aa new, all modern, hot water heut, easy walking distance, lot 68 xl 30. Price only $7,20. 16 large rooms, besides bath room, halls and closets; only built two years ago, till modern and in first-class condition; fine location for hoarding and rooming; cn car line and paved street. A bargain at $7,000. Will consider cottage In trade, BEMIS 'Phone Doug. 685. Paxton Block. U8) Close in Corner Nice corner lot only 16 blocks from heart or city. $l,iw. Just think of 1U C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. OS) 7 Rooms, Hanscom Park Modern except furnace, In No. 1 repair, polltihed floors, house nicely papered, storm and screen windows, full lot, $26.00; on block to car. F. D. WBAD, 1524 Douglas. (19)- BIRKETT&TEBBENS 421 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4764. Near 10th and Bancroft. 6 rooms, city wa ter, cistern, barn, chicken house, lot lux 146, u.m. North 27th, near Lake, 6 rooms, nicely painted and papered, water, sewer, gas. lianderson. near 18th. coxy 6-room house. modern except furnace, city water, sewer and gas, lot 32x120, $.650. Capitol Ave., near 2tU. close in, good seven-room bouse, city water, sewer, gas. 84th and Center, near Hanscom park, rooms, modern except furnace, perm, walks, large barn, lot 60xU6. $2,3uO. Capitol Ave., near 28lh. walking distance. good seven-room house, modern except furnace, electric light, good barn, lot box ltfZ, 12,900. VACANT Good east front lot, Deer Park, 18th and Hprlng, evxist. cheap, l&u. Two east front lots, tttitb and Mason. $1,200. Two 6oxl&0 ft. loU, 29th and Siilrley; must be sold; make us an oner. FARM LAND 40 acres Ztt miles north Florence, 6-room house, corn cribs, barn, chicken nouae, 160 fruit trees. 14.600. 10 acres west of Pries' lake; beautiful sit lor country residence, 1,juo. 09)-749 24 Georg ia Ave. Home East front, fin lawn, cement steps, paved street, good alley, -house has 8 rooms, with large double parlors, dining room and kitchen, with 4 good bed rooms and bath on second floor, very choloe location, on block from car, was built by owner for a home. If you are looking for a good home with nice large rooms don't fail to see this. Price only 1S.00. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 6th Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. ( QUIT RENTING BUY ON EAST TERMS 6-room house, modern except furnace. In good condition, 8. 10th St. $2,000. (-room house, new, modern except furnace, 17tn Ave. and Indiana $2,309. 4-room house, city water and sewer, rents for $1$, on 8. 10th Bt. $1,260. $50 CASH balance monthly, for i-room houa, small barn, 202S Center, (rear.) Price $000. 0. C. OLSEN i '. Cor. lh and Dodge Bt. , (19) 794 24 4 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGES 1S1 N. 22d. lot 13x140 ..$) .. 2.2&U .. tax .. $.uo 3'J15 N. Ud. lot fr.lit I KM N. 2M. lot 13x140 2b Ohio, lot bUMXZl W. IL GATES (17 N. T. Life. 'Phone D. 1294. cm FOR BALE Dot on Parker Bt. near 29th; lies level with street. Address Mrs. hL rondel. 419 Dorcas L (19) 744 W REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR 8 AI.K D, V. Sholes Company 110 Rosrd of Trade. Tel. Douglas 49. 1 1,76 New 7-room all modem residence, on 2d. Just south of Uoiige; never teen occupied. Owner must sell and offer It at a big sacritlce. Bee It and make us an offer. 4,000 9 Maroy Ft., nearly new 8-room modern house. In very desirable lo cation; street paved and paid for. You can't beat It for the money In th. nurlr nnlph Hiirhrwt.t $ 4,260708 N. 40th St., splendid 6-room all modem house, east front, lot 50x110 feet, fine shade. House was built for a home and is finished extraordinarily nice. $ $.600 W7 8. 2ft h Ave., modern 8-room house, with good barn, lot 85x140 feet. $ $,O0C-i15 Worthlnnton St., magnificent 10 room brick dwelling, llnlnhed In oak, heated by steam and up-to-date In every particular; lot lxl37i feet. This could not be built for double the money. Don't fall to see It If looking for a home. WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE $14,000 Beautiful 14-room dwelling on 37th, near Karnam, brand n-w. oak finish, hot water heat, walls decorated In oil; built-in refrigerator ani buffet. This was built by the owner for a home. He Is obliged to sell and you get the benefit, and get a line home In the bargain, without the trouble of bulldlnE it. $17,0003003 California, absolutely one of the best built and finest finished houses In this or any other city; 9 rooma, with hard-wood finish throughout; hot water heat; 7 magnificent man tels, cedar clothes room, water Al tera, two toilet rooma and every pos ' Bible convenience. Lot 150x120 ft., on the car line and a magnificent point to view the city from. This Is the first time this has been offered for ale and it is a bargain. WEST FARNAM LOTS The Cream of the City. 94x16$ ft. a E. Cor. 39th and Harney $90 per root. 93x166 ft., adjoining above, at $80 per foot. 100x166 ft.B. W. Cor. 3!tn Ave. and Har ney W.600. 60x165 ft., adjoining above $4,500. 10(xl66 ft., N. W. Cor. 33th and Dodge Ill.UUO. The above are the finest residence lots In the city of Omaha. They are not ail we have. Come and see use for others. (19) 827 24X Modern Cotage R-room cottasre thoroughly well built. double floors, surface floor being maple, lu,. kblh vwim ., U n..U -.1 ... aaa and wired for electric light, all :nnirn lummng. south front lot 67xloo; lying Ich and aiehtlv. th Ave. mil Rov.l Rt Price $1,900, $500 cash, balance to suit. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Rcd-7497 ) Benson Bargains Six large rooms, bath room, hall and closets: east front with large porch n two sides; 3 full corner lots, two blocks from street car. House built last fall by owner, who Is a telegraph operator and is npw transferred, and therefore it must be sold. Special price 2,800 $500 cash, balance to suit. BEMIS 'Phone Doug. 685. Paxton Block. (19) DO IT NOW BUY A HOME OF YOUR OWN AU you need Is - a lot and from $J00 to $500 cash and I will build you a home convenient in arrangement and up-to-date in every respect at a very moderate price. My terms are so easy that it la cheaper to buy you a horn than to rent; you can pay for your home with your rent money. I also have a large list of splendid homes for sale at very reasonable prices on easy terms; call and investigate this and I will be glad to show you these homes at any . time. These are fow of the many beautiful homes I have for sale. rooms modern, South 27th. 6 rooms modern. South 29th, 7 rooms modern. South 26th. 9 rooms modern. South 2Uh. 7 rooms modern. North 27th. rooms, part modern. North 4Sd. 4 rooms, part modern. North S7th. rooms, part modern, North 20th. f rooms modern. North 25th Ave. t rooms modern. North 24th. 9 rooms, not modern. North 17th. 6 rooms, not modern. North 86th. . I alao have ten houses rent ing for $J0 per month each. These ten houses a bargain for $17,6o0. I have some excellent flats and lots on which t build flats. Close in and bargains. If you are thinking of buy ing or building. It will pay you to see me. W. B. LONG 609 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 7117. (19)-7a $4 DOUGLAS, NEAR 28th Two 6-room houses, with city water, monthly rental, $26.00; for both, lot 6!)ftx F. D. WEAD. 1624 Douglas. (19)- CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE If You Want to Sell Call, write cr telephone us. We have a customer for a 7 TO 9 ROOM HOUSE Not too far out. Another one for RESIDENT LOT In good , location at medium price, and an other on tor VACANT GROUND Suitable for double flat, and still another one lor ONE OR TWO ACRES McMENEMY &RIKER Telephone Doug. 612. 4045 Bee Bldg. (19) 774 M IF RIGHTLY PRICED I can sell your property, no matter as to wnat aina or wner located; best bank references. I. CONNER, 232 Neville Blk. (19)-e 24 TOR BALE Must b sold Immediately need the money lot (, block 70; lot 1, block 74. South Omaha; ten houses; In come about iJuu montn. trice U7.6oa Gerard Brandenburg, owner, Los An. geles, CaL Agents may list. (19) 2814 Hamilton St. 9-room strictly modern house, desirably located, south front lot. permanent sidewalks; owner leaving city; will con sider offer. Let us show it to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1711. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPKRTT FOR tAt.B Koimtze Place Lots Are Going Fast If you have been looking at make a payment on It before your the rate of one a day. Bold three on Blnney last week. Our Price List Before the Advanced " ALL LOTS ARE 50x124 FEET V Locust St., between ICth and 24th. $950. Binney St., between ICth and 24th. $1,050. Wirt St., between 16th and 24th, $1,150. Spencer Si., between 16lh and 24th. $950 and $1,000. Ixithrop St., between 16th and 24th, $750 to $850. Emmet St.. between ICth and 24th, $800 to $900. Pinkney St., between 1CU and 24th, $650 to $750. If you cannot pay cash we make terms of one-fourth cash, bal ance one, two and three years. Nearly all lots are on paved streets, have water, sewer, gas nnd permanent walks. The prices are only about one-half of what you will have to pav for the same size lots in the west or southwest part of the city that have the same class of Improvements and distance to the business district. Call for plat and new book of Kountze Place Homes. Office open Monday evenings until 9 o'clock. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 Farnam Street. Strictly Modern 7 rooms, nearly new. onk finish first floor. fine mantels, good furnace, nickel plumbing, large corner Int. evervthina Kilt tdne. lo cated on North 20th Bt. Iltulevard ne ir Kountxe I'lace. No use to build when you can buy this for $4.0no. C. G. Carlbercr, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red-7497. (19)- 5-Room Homes 6-room house, one block to Ames Ave., corner lot, bUxi:'B; ji.ouo iyu cash, balance to suit. 6-room house, 2 years old. lot 60x133, n r.r imn Ave. ana rprt St.; $1,100 JJ60 cash. 4-room house, city water and gas, one- nair oiock to Hanscom Park car lino; $800 $100 cash and $15 ner month. 6-room house near iiith and Sprague tils.; ii.uuu iuu casn. BEMIS 'Phone Doug. 686. Paxton Block. U1U Spaulding Street Home Of 7 rooms with recentlon hall: oarlor. dining room, kitchen and large pnntry on first floor; $ large bed rooms. Hewing room and bath on second floor; house complete with gaa and electric fixtures; cellars under entire hoUBe; lot 60x126; fruit, shade and evergreen trees; cement walk; small barn. See me for price and number. It's a snap. tr. u. h uau, luzt Douglas. (19)- GARVIN BROS., 1G04 Farnam An 8-room modern bouse, ltt blocks north of Hanscom park, on car line; lot 60x150 ft, with barn; price $4,100. A bargain. Must be sold quick. Immediate possession given. A 9-room house, all modern, 38S4 Seward St., with lot 50x130 ft.; house U well finished, expensive gaa fixtures. range in kitchen, water filter, cistern, with pump In kitchen; asphalt paved street; all for $3,800. GARVIN BROS (19) BARGAINS Seven-room house, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, gas fixtures; near corner; rented at $18 per month. Price $1,700. Five-room house, ready to move Into, car and school; $1,600. new, near Eight-room house, all modem, paved street and walks; fine location; shade trees; nice home; $3,760. Blx-room house. Just built, fine location, modern except heat. Owner wants to go west; $3,000. L N. HAMMOND, $31 Board of Trade. (19 12 PER CENT INVESTMENT 6-room, modern cottage. In best of repair both inside and outside, only a few blocks from the postomce always easy to rent, brings $Mi per year rental, and we ask but $2,600 for it. Good Investment property Is faat leaving the market, so if you want something good see this at once. Buy from owner and save commission. II. R. STRINGER, Care Paxton-Mitchell Company' 111$ Jackson BL "Phone VgTZSi. $1,750; $200 CASH Balance $16 monthly-1SU Charles) Bt, S room house, room enough for another house on lot. $24 B. 27th St., $-room. lot 66xl49-1.660. large rooms with closets, good barn, all with elate roof and In AI condition; $ lots, prettiest and best home in Central park, all modern $4.5uO, part cash. Two good cottages on on lot, near 80th and Bewaxd $l,to0. Peterson Bros. 62$ Be Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 3157. (1J 79 24 A BANKER'S HOME In beautiful Bemla Park, a pretty place, on a comer lot. 8-room. new and modern In every respect, including hot water heat, 1 acV aVloth and Bancroft, with 7-roonj house, lots of shade and a large orchard, price $.1x If sold before March L. 90S Karbach Blk. J FeilZer. lam and Uougis-Bts A, P Vi An a K-d 4U35. offlo. i ruvuo Kd arrs.Kas. (19) 799 24 CHARLES, NEAR 26th (-room cottage, with city water, gas and electrlo light; good cellar, south front, lot 8uxl26. $ cash, baL monthly, $1,6M. JT. D. W&AD, 14U Douglas. C9 REAL ESTATE CITY PHOI'KRTY FOR KAI.R any particular tot you had 'hotter choice la gold. They are Kolnft at on Spencer, two on Wirt and one Bee Building. (19)- N. P. DODGE & CO. $1,375 Balance monthly, buys an l-rnom, ai modern house, and laundry in base m.nt; barn; on paved street, in Kountse Place and close to 24th; per manent walks, 'lhls needs some re pair and would muke an elegant house for some one. $1,1S0 New 8-room house In Uemls park and on boulevurd. Halance monthly. House empty and ready to move in. Now is your chance for a new home cheap. $2.100 6-room cottage, enamel bath and stationary washataml soft water Ira kitchen and good barn and lots of fruit and flowers and nice shad trees. On ast St., north, three blocks of car. Lot 60x121 $2,100 8-room cottage. A nice home plac and hard oil finish, soft water Ira kitchen, small barn and cemented cellar, lots of fruit and shade, on 22d St., north, 2 blocks of car. Want cash offer. $ ICO Cash, balance payments, buys a 4-room cottage on N. ith Ave., lot 40x120. Price $0. $ 2C0 Cash, balance $10 month, buys the choice of three 7-room houses and lots, 60x120 each. How is this? ACRE BARGAINS $ 260 Only for our beautiful acres In Ben eon Heights, and can make you easy terms, what more do you want? $2,000 Eight acres of high, sightly land .. , overlooking Omaha and Benson. $1,260 Fiv acres same locality. SOUTH OMAHA 850 to 460 acre lota In Bouth Omaha, 40th muuiuD ur iucKBon era., near Mellas Add., high, sightly lots. $1,0004 -acres of rich garden land, east ruiiuins waier ait year, in Bouth Park and 66th St, $1,2506 acres near above. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 FARNAM ST. (19)- Double Your Money 6 lots 60x127 each, south front, near 27th and Fort St., $ for the bunch. Speak Quick if you want them. . C. G. Carlberg, 811 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7197. (19) Building Lots $8,600 l$2x200. east front, on Flore no Boulevard. $1,600 80x166, corner, near 20th and Manderson. $3,000 74x166, paved street, walking dis tance, good flat site. $ 700 each for two lats In Hanscom Park District, paved street. $ 400 For corner lot, 60xll$H. southant east front, near Harney car line. $2,200 For downtown business lot. Will trade for cottage. And many others. BEMIS Phone Doug. 685. Paxton BlocR. (19) Suburban Fruit and Chicken Farm With timbered pasture and some corn land, close to Omaha and Florence. Pluc too large for present owner. Will take as part payment 10 acres vacant land near Omaha or a moderate priced home In Omaha or Benson. This is an exceptional chance for some thrifty man with a fanu lly of children to get rich. Fruit Is la bearing and place has always made money. J. n. DUMONT & SON, 905-6 N. T. Life Bldg. 1 BARGAINS. 8. W. 14th and lxdge, 41x66 feet, 8-story and baaement brick, J3,5oo. 6 brick stores, $1,618 rental, $12,600. t brick rials, $1,440 rental, $12,0u0. 2 brick flats, $MO rental, $7,6u. Near high school, $mo rental, $7,000. $ stores and flats, $0 rental, $4,6u0. Near P. u., 7-room house. $4,6uo. -114 S. itih Ave., 6-room modern housa, east front, close In, $3,600. & W. Cor. 9th and Caatellar, 122x160 feet. 6-room house, $3,300. 8. K. Cor. &)d and California, $9x6$ feet. $:(,.' rental, $2,!u0. 2731 Davenport, 7 rooms, $2,000. $3xllt-foot lot. close in, $l,3uo. 6 sightly acres, very choice, $1,600. 4 acres. 7th and Dorcas. Iz.500. 10 acres near Benson, $2, Ooo. 10 acres southwest, lmpioved, $3,800. mo acres 11 miles out, $,mju. U0 acres 12 miles N. W., $,00. JOHN N. FltKNZKR, OPP. OLD P. O. (1S 771 !A BARGAINS $-room house, nearly new, South Omaha, $Joo. $2ot oash. 4-room cottage, city water, near 25ih and Grant, I'joo. t-room cottage, full lots, tld and Pinknny, many fruit trees, splendid plaoe to ruia chickens, $l,2u. (-room house, nearly new, modem except heat, close to school, near loth street car line, $1,900, M cash. 7-room house, 3uth and Burdett St. east front lot, iar car line, $l,luu; small cU payment. (-room bouse, modem except beat, slat roof, near 22d and Clark, (2.1W, $Jo0 oash. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block 09) 7(4 94 26 ACRES With t-r. house and barn and city water, about ( acres for garden, balance In pas ture, near 4th snd Bancroft. V. D. WUAD, lA Douglas. (21) FOR IAUM lot in L. P. Hammond's, add. on &Ah and Pratt at. Write a. Uuu on, Boone, la. (UO-OtXMt I ! li