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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1907)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 2i, 1907. 7 REAL ESTATE citt PRorr.HTi rom uu REAL ESTATE CITT rEOPCBTT FOB lil.C REAL ESTATE PKOPEBTT rOR SALB REAL ESTATE tTITT FROfKBlTT F"0 It SAI.B REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FARM ASD Rl.tCB XASDS FOR, SALS1 FARM ATJ RASCH LAID FOR SALS FAR AID RASCa LA OS FOR gill B sW jr. pabsam surra & oo. Iluwnm Prk bargain. I rxim. thorvxigiily modern la every respect, hail, parlor, ba k parl'ir. large dining rooca al kitchen no flrt Auor; 4 good bedrioms and bath oa sx-ood: fuU sis-d basement, beet furnace ajld niumbing, has otUL finish, on Cm Boor. This is oo racino BL. tut, and bargain at $4,2A On Ame At two block wt of 14th B.. -rrnra cow taa-, all modern except fur nr; I rooms and hail oa f rt floor and S gnod bed room on aecond; hwn AMrtr new and In excellent condition, bl-; newly papered arvi painted. Ownr must har Urgr house, and will sacrifice) . for 0.400. NORTH 24th St STORE Nar Lake Ft,. large tor building, with bring rooms on seennd floor, always rented, lot 47x135, permanent walk and panr. all paid. Eastern owners very aavxioua to aeil. Price. HJOO. VACANT Beautiful vast front resin's lot, S0ilB. oa th fU erwith of Farnam St.. asphalt pa Tier an pe-lrf ; not h Ins; better In West nratm district for the prioa -42. 100. Only few lota lft on Sth Ave. and Rpenrer St.: several new houses wiU ba started In this addition within thirty days; east front lots on 3th At.. with permanent wsJJc. sewr, watr and Die terracex $4:3; weet front, sam aa shore, tf: south front, on Spencer Rt, IjOO and Ur, easy term. We tiara ona Vt lot left on Fowler At., west of Flor ence Boulevard; permanent walks, sewer, water and ru. lot 50x333, about two feet abore street and needs no grading. Easy terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Tel. tWwir. loM. 12 Farnam St. csv- Investments gl-fopt 2-story brick In wholesale dis trict; 4-story wall on one side, 4-story wall on th other side; very little cost win add a couple new stories. t,Zi0. i nis is a oar gain. Comer lot. two blocks from Tier Grand: -room cottage. $4,000. Sure to double In value. One-half block. 7 houses. 1 store, near zetn ana Vinton. I IS, 000. A bargain. Double frame flat, only built last vear. all modern, on pared street and good car line, now making 10 per cent net oa i.wuo. is, suv ours it. BEMIS Phon Doug. SS5. Paxtoa Slock. 3CTH ST., NEAR FARNAM. Beautiful residence lot, Fox IS ft., terraced and sodded, asphalt pavement, ail special paid. Th location la th swell, est In th dty. Mo fancy prlo 1 asked. This won't be oa th market long at the low prlo aakad. Apple CLINTON H.BRIGGS 123 FARNAM ST. 00 MS3 West Farnam Owner say sell my vacant lot, and ell it quick; 50x150 feet, on J2d Ave; paved street; good abad. The best street In the West Farnam dis trict. Kerr & Co. 1(14 Harney St 'Phone Dons. 5487. OA-ax si $1,150 - vm IV IVeasvm W , of pocomc and handy to hirh school and vinuiuu wiipie, w(.iuub uivunci. snap. 14 M UBH OWTKls wJe A I . Ufa XUUe. SOOO.OO Special Prica for Short Time Sie. IM N. Sth Ave le-roont house, located in sxcellent Mtgti bar hood, oa large lot S0x IS feet. aB eak finish on first floor, hard pine second floor, attic ha three room all fin ished, billiard room in base ment, combination hot water and hot air heating plant. House recently painted, large barn oa th premise. Fin lawn and shade trees. If you are looking for a hom ta a good part of th city this should interest you. Lot alone la worth MM Term reasonable. Key at eur office. Gh.ORG B e- CO., im Famam St. 0) Mis) 24 S-ACRE BARGAIN GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE With full slae basement; apple trees, atraw- uei uve, cuemea. pi um, r.-h, pear crao appi trees; w grape vines, bam. cr.icaea house. .Na. eia X. 44th ur t-v.,. wixl not be far from new extension of Amee) I w. u.j- uu. rnce 4,am, 4,eju balance mon thly. Peterson Bros. sous S3 Bee BUg, AGENTa. TeL DocgU USt. GOOD 6-ROOM COTTAGE sad email lit east front, city water, gas for PETHResjN BHijA 'Phone Douglas lul. U Bee Bu4!ns FOR SALB-Nlc. hew 10-room Dundee resioence ieavtnsT ctrr: mi. m UM wm oa-Try t&es (or 4 yra. at per cent. AIM mve restdeao lot for half pnue. ii ires 11, fee. BOULEVARD PARK Tha modem bom addition. Know tbe location T A Una drawn directly north from tba rxwtofflc and a 11a drawn directly north from th high school would be tbe eastern and western boundaries, re peetiveiy. Reached by direct car, without transfer, from th heart of th city. Ton caa buy a lot Is this splendid addition, about two feet abore trade, with dty water, sewer, gam, cement ldwalk. tree and shrubbery in and paid for, with electric light and tele phone privilege If taken be fore th advance in prices, . Buy in BOULEVARD FAKJC GENERAL LIST DWELLINGS I KM) buy 3-larre-room cottage, with full lot. X Mocks from car. If such a cottage would meet your need buy this. COOO takes 4-room cottage, full lot. two blocks from Mtb. Bt. car. Good renetr. 12,40 will buy fc-roora, new cottaa;, city water, sewer, gaa. Data, ruil cellar, half block from car. tLnO e-room dwell Inc. modern except fur nace, lesa than block from wermaa Arc. car. adjoining Kountxe Place. C3D0 e-room dwelling, modern except fur nace, nearby car. close to aounue Place, part of plumbing new, cement walk. NINE (9) ACRES IMPROVED 4 or 8-room dwelling. 2 large chicken nouses fruit In bear ing. Price, S3.0G0. Shimer & Chase Co. Investments, City and Farm Property. Trackage. WOt Farnam, Ground Floor. TeL Doug. J8ST. (13 V North 24th Street Large double corner on North 14th St.. Just th place for flat and stores. 34.000. C. G. Carlberg, m V. T. Ufa Bl&g- 'Phon Red 7497. US) HOMES FOR SALE 6.5:0. 230 Webster St., 10 rooms all modern, large attic, full basement, furnace heat, good laundry, large lot (6x122 feet, fine shade trees, south front on asphalt pavement, all special improvement fully puld. Immediate possession key at our office. Terms: cash, balance fjua per year at per cent. S2.50. 244S Spe aiding 8t. t rooms, modern except furnace, lot 4txl3a feet, paved street, owner Uvea on premises. Ge and look this over. S2.300. 1938 South 15th EL modem except furnace, i good rooms, built only on yar, easy terms. tZlOO. 17W South rth 8t. t rooms, dty water and gaa, large barn, lot eOx33 feet, on shade trees, two blocks from car. part castu balance monthly. 11.800. SMS Charles, good room house, city water, gaa, etc. Owner oa premises, leav ing city and want offer for quick sale, 11.300. 3SU4 North 20th St.. I rooms. (Tod repair, large cis tern, very easy terms. CSS Maple St.. room cottage. 3uw cash, balance monthly. Cd. S17 North Uth St, I rooms, easy term a liiJQ cash, balance at per cent. tee us for choice iota in ail parts of th city. GEORGE & CO., im Famam St. d M37 a Corner Near Long School of rooms, with car, kt Vxl3. paved street and specials paid, ta room for s more houses on ground. ISO caah, balance monthly at UT.tM per month. Including interest, gaw. t . u. wiguJ, Jt ijougias. 0h- harney street This property 1 112x19 ft, near th corner of 20th 8L It lay to gred sod la la every way desirable. Finely located for a row eg fiats. It won't be long before this wlU be business property. No fancy price asked. Apply CLINTON H.BRIGGS U3 FARNAM ST. c-ea NEW ADDITION WEST OF FIELD CLUB lot oa easy payment; mail payment down, balance Si per week. We will build IB new houses to suit purchasers, on easy payment. Get your order In early, aa these will not last long. National Investment Co. a Douglas Block. 18th, and Dodge, Dougia IOL OfV-MTXl "WEST FARNAM LOT One f th choicest lots la the district, gssOa. Price, OTTFEFE REAL ESTATE CO Wl New Tork Lifa 'Phone Doug. Dal OSh-Uoiin 2 ACRE LOTS I St SI. SO each In Cote BriUlaata. 1nt I south of Forest Lawn cemetery, not tar irum car; tars mp nice. W. IL GATES IT N. T. UU. 'Phone D1SI4. (it) $10,500 CASH WUl secure I- story brick near eeater of dry. Annual Inootne, P.09CL Aesurancee given that lneesns will pay mpi euov sunount la tea years. Offer wanted. L CONNER, 232 Neville Blk. 0e.M CHEAP VACANT LOTS tZS to-Let , Block IX Clifton KU1. tOxUO fU CO feet east of 4fcth St., N. F. on Erskina, water, sewer and ga la treet. t3u.00-Lot 8, Mock 1. Mount Doug la. SSxlK, South Omaha, N. F.. on Lt Street, 6 ft. west of 4d; opposite school. IS0S.40 Lot 1 Barkalow Place, E. F., on Sth sve.. between Leaven worth and Jones. 49x160. ' (125.00 Lot 17. block 1 No. KU Pink, ney street. S250.0Lot 24, block L tOxUS. N. W. corner Kth and Cass. OP) 00 Between Vaple and Bin ney. W. F. on 3th sC, 42x1'. tae.OO-Lot X RascaU & Rogers' 8ub. SExllS on alley, between Vin ton and 18th St. $J75 00-Lot 7. block I, 8PX127H. N. E. corner 3dth and Decatur, Lew Add. taOO.OO-Lot X block D. SMITH Blondo St., Lowe's Add. on T-flOO 00-107x100 feet on ISth t. Just south of Vinton. East front, room for four house. 130 00-Lot IX block X Seymour Add.. 4?xlI4. Between Kth and Sth St. and Fort St. 1135 00 N. F. on PatHck are., west cf Xth. 47x1:4. X. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 FARNAM ST. 4 Lota 4 large lots on proposed Ames are. car extension. IDOO for the bunch. Here is your chance. C. G. Carlberg, (U N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 7497. OS) NEW COTTAGES JUST BEING COMPLETED We hare a number of 5, 4 and 7- room cottag as that wUl be completed darlnc the month of Marcca. If you are thinking of getting a new home In the spring lt will pay yon to call at our office and get the locations. We are not building the cheap class of booses; we hare a good class of work men and bay the best ot materials. $350 LOTS For a short time we are offering 8 lots within one block of the J Oth St ear line, on J 9 th St. Inst north of Plnkney. for the very low price of 1250. and win make terms. We always have the best line of bargains in lota. If we cannot suit you no one can. Office open Monday evening until t o'clock. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St. Bee BIdg, (l BUT WEST END PROPERTY For Bale, over on hundred C00) lots la "Briggs Place." Famam St. extends through the middle of this addition. These lots wiU be sold dirt cheap, as I wish te do them eut at once. They are to be sold la a bunch. They must be sold altogether. Apply CLINTON H.BRIGGS 1 FARNAM ST. cav-vart KOUNTZE PLACE LOT Oa Uth St.. sear Emmet St., east front, ready to build upoc. Ika. F. U. WEATX l&M Douglas. C TWO OPPORTUNITIES THE PUTNAM Ca. 04 N. T. LIFE WILL BELL YOU A NICE MODERN COT TAGH AND W-FOOT LOT. 2U17 HOW ARD ST., FOR HZ HERE 13 AN OTHER EQUALLY GOOD BARGAIN ALL MODERN COTTAGE AND BARN. 71 N. JbTH ST.. UTWt THESE PRICES ONLT GOOD FOR A FEW DAYS. IF YOU WANT A REALLY NICE HOME HERSTS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. DO TOU WANT TO JOLN OUR INDIAN TERRITORY FARM LAND EXCUR SION cJli.Ju ROUND TRIP) TUESDAY. MARCH 6? WE ARE GOING. WRITE US FVR PARTICULARS. (W 801 24 DOWN TOWN HOC SB CHEAP. ru.OW wul buy s flue large home, with oara and full lot, on a quiet street, haif mils I rom tae oourt seuse. Rented to first-class tenant at S7i per month. Pos essloB on reasonable notice. Non-resident owner, rnw just reduced. Irons Imju. J. IL DUMONT & SON, - X. T. Life Bldg. C3i FOR SALE My suburban home; 10 acres; wast line of city limits; good improve ments; fruit. Owner. 411 Bee Bldg. (1 7 2X FOR SALE New. modern, up-to-date Louse, near rrest iinam car line, choice location, quick poeeeeeton. For particular see iiicka, 4s Board of Trad fc-dg C-S St 2408 EMMET ST. rooms snodera, on paved street, select selghborhood. Bee us st once. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Ft K. 1. L Bldg. TeL Do.lg. 17SL tun ui.n.i.vue-ixr untAt are piep- il. v rwa uvuse. MJ inhume inje. rooms rant for tJt per mo-h. throuah car line, li blka. See awaer. Ill Souts evin m. (i 736 iex runctu H A I JO-Owner leering dty. must ;i guud I rucn heues is South Oma&e. nil fires sV A alee OaVe. buuts OmeJte, k-AU4 is FOR RluXT. SBT1 Locust. T-roora house, modern except furnace, xjsiu. 1C1 North 23d. 4-mora cottage, ca Harney t- car line, ( 00. 113 Park Ave., S-room all modern house. J. II. SHERWOOD. B7 N. T. Uf. Phone V. 1 Vlfij- 34 A LOW PRICK And part time will be male on S-roora modem house, on pared street neer com Park. Wanda high sn1 s.ghtly. For particulars address L-7h, Bee. l!3 S10 S4x OLD ESTABLISHED boarding bouse In Blair Neb., to exchange lor vacant lot or reeuence in unvana. McMENEMY & RIKER, Telephone Doug. SIX t Bee Bulg. A SNAP. Cine Lot X bloca 1. Bemia Park, north east 34th and Laifayette Are.; high and s ghtly, one block from Harney car line. Frank Planck, owner, U City Hall. 1 141 H LANDSCAPE architect. E. C. Foster, 7. au Paxton blk. U9-MTl 10 phone Doug. BUT from owner and sare commission; e-room. new. modern cuttage. uu a). 17th. Us) MoU H FOR SALE Two modern house and large barn, one bluck north of Hansoum prk; pared street, east front, lot TSxldu. East rn owner will sell st a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 N. T. L B.dg. C13 43 SNAP I room modern house, 2 lot.". 474 3 Capitol Ave, only 12.650. J H. raaptta. (!). 6 23 REAL ESTATE FARM ASD RCH LAD9 FOR ALT. Arkaasae. A GOOD INVESTMENT Through a friend who is on the ground I can buy acres of fine whit oak and hickory timber land In Ar kansas, If taken at once. Price, 15.50 per acre cash. This Is liabl to double In value Inside of a year. If you have the money or a friend who has, call or 'phone after t p. m. on Monday or Tuesday next. 'Phone Douglas 1311. Room 4a Bee Bldg. C30 Csiaea. ALBERfA FARMS On Crop Payments Every dollar of purchase money to be made out of the rrorjerty. No sleepless nights. Purchaser can not lose his home through failinej to meet a payment, as pay ments never come due until the money is made out of the farm to meet them. None ot the buildings on these places are over 4 years old. Everytnlng in the best of condition. Land first-claiw. wheat now in crop is turkey red tAiberta hard.) By cropping two-thirds of any of these farms for 4 to i years your home would easily be paid (or. besides making you a living In the meantime. Any of this land will advance tJO per acre In a very few years. No cash payment is required on the unimproved lands. Only a small cash payment la asked tor on the improved places. 4.0 acses two mile from Cross field, price tKi per acre; 160 acre 6 mile Olds, 120; 320 acres between Didsbury and Olds, $17; IS) acres between Carstalrs and Noel ton, lis; tJO acres one mile from Ca.rstairs, f6. No cash payment on the above places; very dollar of purchase money made out ot land. L&4Q acre seven mile from High River, 0 per acre; 17s acres In fall wheat, 1J acres plowed. Two houses on this farm, one SiS; kitchen, 13x24. One 16x24; kitchen. UxJO; two stables. Uxls and .. Building stone ready for barn, x"0. Granary, 3'xAi Two poultry house, S1J0 and Wx&. Two wells, pump bouses, etc. All fenced. Could be divided suitable for two famllle. Cash, about, balance half of pro ceeds of crop each year until tbe place is paid for. Ill acres four mile from High River, price, (35 per acre, house, stable, chicken house, etc, all fenced, 32 acres In wheat, 31 acres plowed. One thousand dollars cash, balance In crop payments. The above are ail good farms, close to good towns. The conditions of sale are that the pur chaser shall break up. as soon as possible, two-thirds of tbe land and crop the moat of It every year until the pluce is paid for. Thl property will not be on the market kng on these terms Five or six crops should pay for any of these farms. Also 1 hava good building Iota inside the mile limit In the city of Medicine Hat for wile at tltij each, which are splendid Invest ment, easy terms, one-third cash. Write direct to the owner and sar trou ble and expense. CHARLES C. SHORT P. O. Bol 258, High River, Alberta, Canada. 'Phone 85. CAllfersisu CALIFORNIA RANCHES FOR SALE. A C90u-cre stock and grain lanch, mid ray between ban Francisco snd Los An- geies on the Coast R. K. where the an never burns and the winters never blase Mostly rolling land with several thousand acres on the Estralia. river suitable lor irrigation; pasture land is beautifully tim bered wiih large live oaiL. The average yield ot grain is thirty bushels of wheat to the acre; besides the river there are many flowing springs; water piped to all 14 sets of good farm buildings. The land is all fenced and cross fenced; 2,000 head of cattle. 40 horses and ft) head of hugs. Buildings and fences alone cost f&O.duO. The Income is cow tXOM a year and can be easliy doubled by good management. 1 his is a good colonizing proposition and can be made to pay big returns. To close an estate we offer this pronertr at U .uv per acre, including the stock. Good terms can be arranged. Commission to agent. vt have other good properties, city snd country, to exchange. tor lnromiucon, address RUBERT MITCHELL CO. Uk-Slt Collins Bldg. JJJ W. 3d Bt, Lo Angeles, Cat, ( 81-34 AN Inoom for life. 10-acre California farms in most fertile section of famous San Joaquin Valley, perpetual water guaranteed: 110 down. 110 montn, no Inter eel, no taxes. We cultivate (or you In alfalfa and wheat and share prorits while you are still paying for it. When you come to California your farm ta fully de veloped, producing an lnceme sufficient to support you for life. Writs now, to day, f n besrlooaiion. References, every bank in city. Chane Lehman. Manager Golden Slate Realty Co-, Lne An galea. Cai iJU) 7i -ix Celersde. Colorado ! 68,000 acres in Eastern Colo rado at $d00 to $3.00 per acre. Join our excursion on Tues day, March 5th. KERR & CO. 1614 Harney St, Omaha. CelerwSe Ceatlaeed. COLORADO LANDS WHERE good crvtpe are raised by dry farming. 1 a-res Washington county. 1 miles of Cupe. 14 snilee of r ad, road town, level upismi, f1 soil. 1'iire V crh net and a snap, write or e L- W. Toiler 8t'n. Council Biuffs, la. l't Mm at., up stairs. (ill M BIO BARGAINS TN RKAL F STATU. Bur fertile lands under the tlunnison Ten nel in the heart of the famous I'ncom pHhrre ra!ler. western Colorado, where lame government Irrigation project In sures abundant water S'ipply and cheap home fur thousands. Exce.ient opportun ity for Investment. Prices advancing Act quirk. Address" Colorow Investment I Co.. olatne. Colo. UU) I ladiaa Teerf terry. DO.VT FAIL TO SITR THOSE FINK IN UIAN TERRITORY FARM LANP3 -GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR IN VESTMENT. WE GO WITH OCR NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY, MARCH STH. WILL YOU JOIN IdT 1,5 3u ROUND TRIP. WRITE FOR PATICULARA THE PUTNAM CO.. So4 N, T. LIFE BULIDINU. OMAHA. 0 t-3t 24 le IOWA FARM BARGAIN 120 acres, miles from Atlantic: gently slopes from northwest corner and crek running along east side of farm: soil heary black loam: new 4-room house; leased fir this yar for 11.104. Price re duced to lis an u-re for quirk sale. POULTRY FARM 89 acres, 2 miles from Strong, Neb.; (9 acres in cultivation; In alfalfa: li In pasture: good house, bam. graruu-y, double corn crib, cattle shed, ben bouse, duck house, incubator house. Buildings eloie cost S0. Will sll for It.ifto. IL A. STEAVENSON Board of Trade. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE or rent, 40 acree of Improved farm land, four miles from poexofflce. Addrese 9M West Broadway. Council bluffs. la. i30)-77 24 1 ACRES, t miles of Council Bluffs, 1 houses on It; fine pla-e for dairy farm; llu per acre. H. G. M GEE, 14 Pearl Hi., Council Bluffa t30 87S 24 Kaasas. SOUTHERN Kansas farm land. Kingman and Southern Reno counties offer grestest Inducements. M-'re natural adrantags for agriculture, fruit, live stock and poul try raising of ar.y location In the state. Mild climate, fertile soil. Innumerable streams and springs cf pure water, rail roads, schools, church and progreseire citisens. Land purchased st present prices will soon double in value. For descriptive lists and complete Information write or call on Brown A Temple, Kingman. Kan sas. 3-Mjb Mix HOMESEEKERS! Be carefuL Locate right. Investigate our famous artesian' vaUy. Euro crops, matchless climate. Let us write you. Miller A James. Meade, Kan, CW M2"4 sis 300 SECTIONS beautiful level wheat land lands, w and to be sold on easy payments, ra cultivated. Price. (5.00, 8.00 and H2-30 per acre. Briley A Jeter. Lenora. Kansas. (20 461-24 Xebrasksu Chevenne County Shows, according to State Bureau statistics for 1906, a larger yield per acre of grain than Douglas Co. did. WHY PAY $125 AN ACRE IF YOU CAN BUY LAND JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER, FOR $7. AN ACRE "We have a number of spe cial bargains yet of Chey enne county farming land, in XA, L2 and whole sections at $7 to $10 an acre, sur rounded by good farms, black soil, where every foot can be cultivated. ALSO FINE GRAZING LAND AT $3.75 TO $4 AN ACRE. Also one improved farm where improvements are worth $2,500, all fenced, where oats yielded 40, bar ley 30, bushels per acre last year. This farm is located on high level land, only 3 miles north of Potter, Neb. Owner must leave; will take $10 per acre before March 10. Now is the time to buy this land, which will soon double in value. See us for further particulars. Join our Tuesday excur sions. We never failed yet to sell to partis who per sonally investigated this land. Otto Siemssen & Co. Office 921, 922 N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Douglas 553 - and cross-fenced. Price tf per acre. No. L CB acre. 1 miles from DeJtoa. aa level a a noor. frwe per acre. No. 9ft. A fine 1 acres, one and a half mile from Dalion. price $10 per acre we are oie to give you a iiai of iz, faruia which are listed for sale with ua bui lt woold take more than half tne Omaha Bee to It, so we have only given you a sample of the best bar .ns we have for sale. Please hand or send this Hat to some ef your best friends whom yo think would like to buy a irm or invest soma money In land W win be only too glad to refund th money you hav paid for your ticket, and cover all your other expense if you Cod that the above statement are not true. Come at once we will py your railroad fare. For further informntItn. inquire of Sidney. Neb.. Office LeGrand Hotel. FOR farms, ranches, relinquishment, "r . rau oa or snu u u. a uenry. ray ler, Neb ijb Mm , MONEY in Nebraska land. Writ ua for or sum good forma ta Clay county. NebrssAa. Ley. A. A21er es Jokneoa, .narvar, io WW sasU uu ReVraatuk Cvatlaee-d. Land for Sale IN WESTERN NEBRASK W bar a numoer of farms, improved and uuimproved, ler sale ail over Nebraska, and In western 'ebraka. We can sail ou fine farms anh the twsi of soil. The prices rang frtira to II. on per )uerter sec- tkun. aci-oniing to the kurav'.toa aud improve ments. The average crop for the last six year ba been fully as gxd or better thsui in the esstern part of this state. Wheat made from a In ' busheis per acre, oats. i rye. beriev and sueltx nude from 40 to 71 bushels per acre; and our made frora t bushel per acre. All the laud we offer for sale Is free from sand, hlils or aikmi. and mont of tbe lands are located in Ger man settlements. Tbe soil has a loot or mure ot black loam with a solid clay sub soil like your at home. IX you buy lnd in the eastern part of th suite at tos to Us) per acre you bare to work all your life to pay the interest, and you will sv-r get out of debt. You are paying from t40i to bud rent fur a quarter section of land In th eastern state a Taka this VxJO snd start a home of your own. It us take two farms, one that wiii cost t to t per acre which has been u. tier cultivation for if. to : years; the hIit farm we speak of has not been under cul tivation and costs only from So to If per acre. We will pay M"0 cash on the S to M farm, balance of 7. to l. at per cent. At the end of every year we pay frora U feu interest, and you pay on your high priced farm from 14) to tt) In terest. Now we bare to ptrt our cheap farm under cultivation, that wUl coat us $. extra. Now let us not put any manure on either farm for ten years, and which farm will produce tbe best crops and take the advsntage In prices at the end of that time? Stop and think about that before you buy land. We know there I on above aw who rules over the world. We also know that so much grain must be preduced to keep us and our live stock alive. We know that th eastern states are played out In producing cropa Do you think Ood made this virgin soil of the west lust for the hot winds or story tellers? If this country was made out of sandhills we would not sdvise you to com out here and starve with th- Jar-k-rabblts. If you cannot And as good soil here as at your home, call on ua and we will be glad to refund the money you paid for your ticket. Below we g:v a small list of farms which you can buy fmm us on very easy terms. on-third to one-half cash, balance on long time. We own 1200 acre In western Nebraska. No. 31 . acres. 4 to 7 miles from town. Price 17.50 per acre. Land la all fenced. Another t0 acre adjoining thl, all fenced, at 17 per acre. No. JS4. A good S40 acres, on mils from Piiney. rnce Wl 50 per acre 146 acres under cultivation: all fenced 160 Acres for Sub Division Two mile south of South Omaha, on the Boulevard snd interurban electric line all lays high and beautiful for subdivision; many nne trees. Boulevard win be ex tended through this place free of cost. If owner will allow. If ecld before Mirch 1. price will be C75 per acre. If unsold by Marcs 1 it will be withdrawn from th market. iJUO per acre was offered and re used for this six months ago. Tber Is fortune In It. Two miles from Florence. 1SR acres with plendid impovemeni. making It one of tne most beautiful country home In the state. Less than a quarter of a mile to railroad station. Spend id f-room houe large barno and all necessary Improvements oi tne nnest quality. etatrnirtcent view MAe-nlftcent from house and grounds. Must be sold at once. Price SJO.Ol'Jl which is lea than the property cost. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 110 Board of Trad. Tel. Douglas 49. (3W (UV Itx $75 PER ACRE 171 acre of good rolling land 14 mile south of Calhoun, ex cellent improvements: H-reom lH-story house, good bars and outbuildings: t acres of beauti ful grove around the house; 1 acre of fruit. If taken at one owner will consider Omaha residence of tfwO a part pay ment. $60 PER ACRE S60 acres, all lerel bottom land, not ubeet to overflow; f-room house, large barn, sheep sheds, comcribs for 10.000 hu. Splendid stock farm with feed kit to Widl S,0uv bead. GEORGE CO. Excluaig Agents. ldUl Farnam St., Omaha. 0) Central Nebiaska IL 4 L Th beat 480 acre farm in cen tral Nebraska, la nly three-fourth mil from court house, and haa tst acre of aa fin valley land a lie la Nebraska. Good set of frame building complete, large grove S year old. orchard, etc.. uo acre in pasture. Price tit par acre. C. 1.2MJ acre farm, fenced only 4 mile from Sargent, ha 300 acre of fin land la cultivation, balance fenced in two pasture, good set of bunding, windmill, well, etc, a bargain at tit aa acre. Hartley & Lundy Box M. Sargent, Neb. (Ai-MA4 AUx A BARGAIN in well improved M acre adjoining Broke Bow; two on houses, on 1 and on t rooms; barn, granary, corn crib and had, well, mill, elevated water tan, on tn mill house and on In barn; on wood and on steel water tank for stock on steel hog dipping vat; twaive lot ni entire eighty fenced hog tight; water Iilped to both bouses, barn and I of the ots; fins lot of trees; la acres alfaita; geared mill, feed grinder. manure spreader, good as new. Luprov eaten is coet tn.uuw, land valued at to, jou; loiai, ti,jO). Will lake Co, Juu; half cash, if old prior to March J. 107. mi; to towa school. Willi CadwelL Broken Bow, Neb. tJDj Mii a WILL exchange three full city lots and new 4-room house for improved Nebraska farm. Address Owner, P. O. Box liti. Benson. Neb. i M4U tut FOR BALE-LANDS. Several gxl quarters tn Hayes. Kim ball, Cheyenne, Lsuoxiy, Frontier and liar Beia counties, cheap for quick sale; easy terms. F. J. Irwin, Lincoln, Neb. li 734 24 FRUIT FARM Eighty acres. Nemaha county, Nebraska. Seventy acre la beet variety ot fruit known, all bearing, having been selected and planted out by the lata ex-Guvernur Fumae. The revenue to the owner from tela orchard for lsue a as tXuuu. Owner will erll tola valuabi orchard with good Ira pro vrnienis aad all property at right price, and take half value in good western land. W hat luve you? i. h. Johnson, n. t. life. (J) H0 Z4X See I a Dakota. ONE MILLION ACRES ROSE BID LAND BOON to be opened ln Tripp county. South Lahota: new nd authentic map Just out; price. cents, postpaid. Yri Ketcn niann. bonrsied. S. D. ) M4 M'.l SOUITI DAKOTA LANDS iuu acres prairie farm land, one mile frota Gettysburg. utter eeunty. Scuta Lkakota. No improvemeau); price Li per acre, ,. able li per acre cash, balance elgr.t ytr'y payments, t per cent mtereat. Aise have quarter and naif section at VI per scr up. Write tor free map to A. li. William, owner, Gettysburg. Potter county. South Dakota. (JuB atar GOOD LAND. Don't go north. Go e her H wanner. Go to northera Texas good land git, one-laird do m a : Axis cliiuate, ur erupav Wrtt tor particular, U Ja Turkingtea, M t, Ouuwaa. I3b-A at Teiss Ceatlaaed. THE PAN HANDLE TEXAS THE LAST CHANCE TO SE CURE GOOD FARM LANDS CHEAP. THE RUSH FOR THESE LANDS IS UNPRE CEDENTED. THEY WILL NOT LAST LONG. If you want to Invert your money where, without risk of loss, lt Is sure to be multiplied many fold In a comparatively short tme. Join the procession for the Pan Handle A word to the wise Is sufficient. Remember that in the matter of securing good farm land cheap, quick, action alone wul sulBc. IT IS NOW OR NEVER as prlre hare already beran to soar and will soon be beyond th rach of tbe man of small means. WiU you be one of the fortunate one who will, while you may. se cure for yourself and your chil dren affr you. a piece of the choicest of God's footstool In order that you and your may forever alt under your owa vine and fig tree, with none to make you afraid. If so. prompt action on your part I necessary be for th opportunity lpars fnrerer. We have personally inspected th lands in every section of the great Pan Handle country and hav chosen the localltr where th lands are the best and richest nd every condition favorabl to the development of rich and pros perous farming communities. ABUNDANT RAINFALL; SA- LUBRIOUS CLIMATE, GOOD SOIL; GOOD WATER; GOLDEN HARVESTS. Th land of corn, cxyrroN. wheat. OATS. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, WHERE FOUR CROPS OF ALFALFA are grown each year. Personally conducted excursions on th first and third Tuesday of each nionth. The next excursion will leave Lincoln on March S. We have procured speciaj rate on railroads, wf.jon le lee than on fare for round trip. Sleeping ac commodations FREE Call upon or writ na at one nd arrange to Join next excur sion on evening of March S. We are exclusive re preservative ttvt the state of Nebraska of a syndicate controlling acre of th choloeat land In the Pan Handle and want an active agent I ji every town la th slat. Writ Maher & Devine 17 Funk Bldg., i-JocoIn, Neb. 0 LAND SEEKERS! FARMERS MAKE 300 PER CENT LV TUB fv2 H.HAtMANl" ADVANTAGES ANT OTHER SECTION (75 It ba 4S lnehe of rainfalL It has more productive soil. i nss no orusn to grub out It don t have to be irrigated. It has pure water at It It grows best cotton in Texs. i f natu'' clover country. ' iu im i, rnv. ?! . uar can land. It Is a good alfalfa country ti f P'end'd hog country. li f,i'n, m'."?th' growing season. it nas lowest .nipping rates. I sell. ,t 112.00 lo t per scr. Illustrated list free, HiLAND P. LOCKWOOTJ, San Antonio. Tex. 0 MEU MS Corn and Wheat Lands la fertile northwest Texas, w own an control everal thousand acre of the hM M . lerew land co.. 9-t B. Uth St., First Nafl Rank Bldg. . , (30) M541 Ml mam. . - .7 wwtvw Kin, rs . nave a rrnt-r nr lmm . v. , uiamn wou, located I county, in the famous Panhandle located ln Bailey he land retail, r-, m ei. ... ,e ' We want good agent to bring ue buyer '"'these 10U.WO acres before April L , .hY Pclal proposition to offer JJde-awake land men on lo.uuo-acre tracta Thl U something that is bound to Interest you. Write or wire for full perUeulari iP L.a.dJe"'?n" m,r. Now is the tlrr.eT TEXAS A SO L TH W EST COLONIZATION COMPANT. Cor. 3d and Nlc Av.. Minneapolis. Minn. Out FOP. SALE OR TRin i n , j 'id chicken ranch cf IS acre near Teeomav Wash. K. Bradley, Wolbach. Neb. U0 MM! : . FARlgsj FOR SALE. Don t buy a farm of any kind, an rw here, before writing ua A postal will bring you Alls 1 1 ar t SI 17J - ,11a., SL l j . . Wolbacb. ureaiey voutlv. Neb. (au urn tax RANCH for sale; tuet) acre deeded. t sections leased sohool land, all fenced: locals central Neb. Writ for full descrlpl Con. J. V. Anderson. Grand Island. Neb. 30 HA Mix FARM land for al ln Nebraska and South Dakota, improved and unimproved, large and small tract. Also some good trading proposition. Addres J. p Val. ter. PUtUuiouth. Neb. CO; ui mj. Wyosala. OMrNG IRRIGATED LAND Valley land H to tJk per acre. Also lrrigntloa project for Investment. Address Box u. Tk-rfi..rM.l i LA" ..... ...... . (JOI Max Mlseellaaeeee. WESTERN LAND Ten thousand acre smooth land at Ciw per acre, a chance to retail at a profit. Call fur put. O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, N. T. L. Bldg. r-noo l. (30-MS44-2g Stock and Grain Farm IX 'Tee. all level land, good bli k soil. Improremenis ixmsist of 5-rm. house, stable, eurr4. good well and mill, ir ; all fenced snd eroe fenced. Write ue auuut .U O'KEEFE REALTY CO. Iftrtl N. T L. Rldg. TuL Duug. llL a M64&-aa OWING to th death of any son la Mexlo I niust ell or exchange sums mining properties left by him In Mexicu. or sail my Lu aure of prairie In North Xaa. AJ ilrve bweV Us taTUetl.-