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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
8 TIIE OMAHA PATLY REE: FRTPAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. Want - ads AlTrrtlirmriiti Inr tne wmt-ii nIimii will be likra til 12 m. far tne frrilnc edition aad natll p. m. far tk tnarnlna; aad Bandar editions. CASH RATES FOR WAT-OS. Ono Insertlen, 1 1-3 ( ner wardt twa Mora ennseantlve Insertions, 1 rent prr ward rack Insertion mere thti our Insertion, II not raa can aeratlrrlr wll te charged far at rate af 1 1-3 rents per ward. 9IJVO rr liar for oar month. No ad taken for less than SO cents. CASH FOR "OTICE9. Drath and Faneral Notices, Carda of Thanki and I-odge Katlrra, T rente per Una for one edition, maniac ar evenings 71 eenta a Una far each addl tlonal edition. Bandar, in reals a line. No ad takea for leaa tkaa BO eeata. . . BRANCH OFFICES. Waat-ada far The Bra may he left any of the following draar store one la "ranr earner drnararlst" th at ey re all branch offices af The Bee a ad ironr ad will bo - Inserted Just promptly and on the same rates aa the main office In The Bee balldli Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Alhnrh, W. C, 40th nnd Farnam. Reranek. 8. A.. 1402 H 16th St. Kohl's rharmacy, "Jf 8. lth 8t. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bcmls I'ark Pharmacy, 83d and Cumins;. t'auKlilln,' C. R., oth and Pierce 8ta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. U., 31st Ave. and Farnam. f'rlssey Pharmacy, 1:4th and I.ake. Cermak. Kmll. 1204-8 8. 13th St. Kaufman Pharmacy, 4016 Hamilton. Khler, F. H., 2W! Leavenworth. Foster A Arnold!, 213 N. 25th St. Fieytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 2mh and Lake 8t. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, G. A.. HUB 8. 10th 8t. Orcenough. G. A., loth and Hickory, lluyden. Wm. C, 29.10 Farnam St. HaiiHcom Park Phar.. 1601 8. 28th Ave. Hnlst. John, ?4 N. IKth St. HulT, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. H. 8.. 2238 Farnam St. Knuntie Place Pharmacy, 331 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Cliaa. K , 1324 N. 24th St. pfyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co., 1:4th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th Bt. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming 6ts. ' Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wirlh. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. BIRTHS AD. DEATHS. . The following births and deaths were re ported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Thursday noon: Births Michael Todeako, 1310 South Twelfth, boy; John A. Bruce, 148 South Thirty-third, boy; D. Barg, 1461 South Fourteenth, girl; E. J. Hlgley, 206 Miami, flrl; A. Land, 420 North Seventeenth, boy; :. F. Riley. 108 South Thirty-third, boy; Frank A. Shaw, 17 South Thirty-third, boy. Deaths Baby Oatrowski. 2817 Walnut; Baby McArdle, 2608 Pierce; Uoyd W. Steln spiing. 8230 Bmmet, 1 month: Ella Webb, 70s South Sixteenth, 40; Albertlna Prochnow, Florence, 24; Bnby Chllds, 2918 Hamilton. 4 days; Mary J. Graley, 1724 South Sixth, 46; Samuel Lindsay, Tenth and Castellar, 52; Boy B. Lucas. 1821 Maple, 41; Mrs. Josie Kondele. St. Joseph' hospital, 33. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have' granted: I John Fenskl, South Omaha.... ; Katie Magdzlary, South, Omaha . John W. Backdahl, Lincoln Mvlda Anderson, Lincoln... ...... i Andrew D' Molxuhan, Council Bluffs. , Bessie Williams, Council Bluffs Christian H.' Miller; 'Murray.':.....-..... Mary Xoung, Murray ' Charles W. Randall, Shenandoah, la... '..Alice Kerns, Meltland, Mo been .. 25 .. 1 .. 33 .. 27 .. 23 .. a .. 43 .. 43 DEATHS ASH FINER AL NOTICES. jaUBERMANN-EUenor, aged 62 years, ,' Wednesduy, February 6. at 4 o'clock , Funeral will be held from family resl i dence, 3U30 Curtis avenue, Sunday, Febru . "fT. 10, at 2 m- Interment at Prospect : Hill cemetery. Friends Invited. , .LODGE flOTlCK. Elks, Notice! AH Elks are requested to meet at the club rooiiM 'this (Friday) evening at 7:30 sharp and proceed In a body to the resi dence of our doceaxed brother, John A. Crelghton. WILLIAM CANADA. Exalted Ruler. Attention, Members A. O. H. Members of Divisions Nos. 1 and 2, An. , dent Order of Hibernians, will hold a spe cial meeting in Washington hall, Friday , evening, February 8 at 8 o'clock. M. P. O'CONNOR. ' ' W. P. M'QOID. CARD OF THANKS. W wish to extend our. heartfelt thanks for the sympathy shown us by our many frlfnda and neighbors at the sad loss of our -daughter, fcvalln, alad for the many floral offerings. MR. .AND MRS. H. C. KENDI8. ANNOUNCEMENTS , ' DAY SCHOOL. - NIGHT SCHOOL. . BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY. ENGLISH. Btudeots Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free. . AUdreus H. B. BOYLES, Pres.. Omaha, Neb. U-U8 OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS SALE. eHock of above named bankrupt will be sold Monday, February 11, at 2 D. m.. at WU N. 24th St. O. M. DREW. Trustee. , u m BopKS. booklets and fine catalogues printed by Reus Printing Co., Omaha. (1) M779 28 llOYAL ACHATES Fraternal Society. (D-58 24 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of tire eacapes. shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop,, lo2 8. loth St. ..... (D BUY your envelopes and be sure of sani tary gumming. Uurkley Envelope Co. - (D-M768 11 THE CITY GARBAGE CO. OBlce 4th and Lravenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas 1387. i-tni MADAMR8. Bean and Mayo seance Tues- X 1VJ. riiuay. 8l N. 16th. Red w5. IU-M579 F26x BION PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas, ;' . tl MO IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1819 Farnam. . . (i r." BARTER AND EXCHANGE 1 8" YOU have anythtna to trade, set In touch with our awapper. Ha s tha original live wire In 4rads and exchanges. Can "match" anything anywhere. Continental Xr-lty Co.. H-ita-l U. g. Natl. Bank (ildg.. Omaha, Neb. Also have offices In tt. Joeeih. Kansas City, Sioux City, Un- twu, IMS Moines ana uenver. (31MSS 11 1) ACRES good bottom land. In Madison i rounly, Nebraska, half mile from town, ti per acre; Incumbrance 12.&U0: for ir.l, or Council KluRs property. "Phooe wusm luasi. rt-ierson. wu jx. loth Bt. 1 " (3 1 Jr Yi-U do not find what you want In this . .i.u. -I nit au ad lu aad ro will very BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR EXCHANGE 1" acres near Orchard. Antel.ine county, Neh. ; price III. 60 pr acre. AM acre six miles from O'Neill, Holt county. Neb. ; Improved; price 130 per ere. Will exchange either or boih of above farma for merchandise or h'dware. We also have several Income pmpertlea In Omaha to exchanre for merchandise or ' hardware. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - (31 M2M 8 EXCHANGES If you have city property, stocks nf goods, farm land or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete list. We have properties and lands In all parts of the country to exchange. Our list Is free. Send for It at once. Globe I .and and Investment Co., Patter son lildg.. Omaha, Neb. (3) WESTERN Nebraska and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property. 110 8. 17th. (3-M9S6 Ml WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who have farms, wild lands, etc., for clear town property and merchandise. . (3)-M.KFlSx BUSINESS CHANCES Do You 'Wish to Make a Chancre If you have a farm, home, business or property mai you wuni to nfii or n change write us. Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, Is. (4-Ml3 M5 15.0(10 WILL swing drug stock In southeast Nebraska, doing Business or fiti.wo a year. Write F. V. Knlest, Omaha, Neb. C4) 512 Feb! WANTED To sell or trade, 25-room hotel; ttmm hfat, gas and city water and a five-room cottage; reason for selling, III health. Address Ave. B, Council Bluffs, la. . (4-M79? FOR SALE Flrst-clasa blacksmith and wngon work business, with tools, 14 to 16 received for shoeing and 14 to 18 for set ting tires. Address Y-129, Bee. (4)-M8l2 INVENTOR wants money to develop model and secure patent. Address J-635, care of Bee. 4.4) 214 lux LOOSE- LEAF LEDGERS and loose leaf devices of all kinds. Rees Printing Co., Omaha, (4r M777 F28 ROOMING llOl'SES I have them at from $150 to 1500; all good ones and money makers. W 8 FRANK 'Phone Douglas 3tX. 8a Neville Block. (4) M119 DRt'G stores for sale. F. V. Knlest, N. Y. Life. (4-13 FOR SALE Only hotel In town of 8(10 peo ple, doing good business: reason poor health. M. Fahey, Waterbury, Neb. 4 M961 14X FOR MERCHANTS ONLY A nice, clean shoe stock, $3,aC0; good, central Nebraska town of 1,000; cheap for quick sale. Box 682 Columbus, Neb. . (4 192 9x IF YOU want to get In or out of business, no matter what your business Is, or where It Is. we can help you. We make all kinds of trades and guarantee to suit. If you have anything to trade, write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Block. (4)-M117 t WE BUY OR SELL Business chances or cxt'hnnge a business, rooming house, or exchange for anything. Money loaned on , chattels. If you have anything to sell or want to buy anything see REAM CO.. Tel. Douglas SPoa. 634-536 Paxton Blk. (4) M380 M7 ROOMING house, 18 rooms, fine condition. Part cash and real estate; snap, at once. 'Phone Harney 2389. . (4) 157 9x FOR 8ALB 11.700 mortgage, payable in In stallments for 4 years, on inside Omaha business property worth 14,600 ; 6 per cent, semi-annually. Address L 603, care Bee. . Ui-M781 150 CAN be made weekly with 75 Hllo pea nut vending machines and be your own boas. For particulars see H. J, Kemtel, Schllts Hotel. (VI 213 lOx ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & , CO., STOCK BROKERS, 809 New York Life Bldg., .." Omaha, Neb. , CW-M237 FOR SALE Barber shop, one of the best paying two-chair shops in western Iowa; pool table and bath tub in connection. Address Y 176, care Bee. (4) M359 10 LAUNDRY for sale or lease. Albion Steam Laundry, Albion, Neb. (4) M877 JO FOR SALE Gents' furnishing and shoe biock; inv sell cheap. stock; Invoice 12,000; good location; will Address x 113, Bee (O 238 11 x ENGAGE! In real estate business as side line. Big profits, and it will not Interfere with your regular buHinesn. For partlcu lam nddrAjia u 1 , r 3 U. 8. Natl. Bank Bidg., Omaha. Neb. (4) M252 11 WANTED Man or woman of business nuimy in real estate oUMlness; must have from 1500 to 2,0()0 to Invest, which will be well secured; good salaried position and share of profits. Address O 640, care Bee. t4-M.263 11 FOR SALE Furniture and undertaking es- ,Uii.Uii,ciii mm Ruou win; oniy one in live town of 2.000 In northeast Nebraska; stock will invoice tt.50U. all new, salable goods. Address Y 241, care Omaha Bee. (4J-M343 20 WANT three men with $1,000 each to Join me In land speculation. Will stand full eat Investigation. If you are afruld of your shadow and don't want to double your money, don't write. If you do. ad dress N 639, care Bee. (4 M264 11 LET us have your autos to sell. We hava customers ready to buy. Blair Machine Co., Bialr, Neb. (4) M272 llx FOR SALE Money making restaurant, cigars, tobacco, candles and fruit stock a good chance. Box 2N3, Shenandoah, la! 4)-M286 12x WANTED-A location for a new and second-hand furniture store. In a good bust neis town of about 6,I0; give particu lars. Address F 649, Bee. (4)-M334 lOx FOR SALE A 16,000 stock of hardware and furniture In a good thriving town In east ern Nebraska. Address Y 133, care Bee (4) M27 8 FOR SALE The Sliver Creek. Nebraska, flour mill will be sold at referees sale on March 5. 19n7. at the court house In Central City, Neb. (4) M2S8 13 WP . bVy' or ehanga everything. Nat. Investment Co., 8 Douglas Blk. 4)-33U M5 FOR SALH OR TRADE Half Interest In planing mill and contracting buHlness f,"1!! ,1?,ce for practical carpenter with H.UtO. K Mil. care Bee. (4) 826 18 x NEWSPAPER man wanting snap to run newspaper plant, address, Immediately, A. H. Berggren, Stromshurg, Neb. (4 M371 14x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arrblteets. O. L. BROLINE, 618 Bee Bldg () M340 M Atterneys. - W-W- IP3E. attorney. N. T.' Life Bldg. Office lei. Douglas 4f4; Res. Douglas 17J4. . (5-2ddi Ml Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R-S. 150t Farnam Rt! Doug. 6497. . , i (6) M614 Deteetlva Agency. WKTMORE Detective Service. 'Phona Red 3l. Rooms n and 12, Union Blk.. 16th and J-arnam. (5 348 F19 MRS. BRANDON. 1724 Cap. Ave. Doug. 24. ()-;71 F27 . Dresamaklag. Ladlea" tailoring. Dressmaking. 438 8. ?4th. (5) 6 Fl DRESSMAKING In family oral home. Miss blurdy, 2643 Chicago. 'Phone Red 4708. to tas Printing;. JENNLNGd PrUitlng Co., Ttu. Douglas 4J. 1-4U Don't neglect an opportunity to Improve your position. Hundreds of excellent situations are ad vertised in The Dee want-ad columns weekly. Thousands of bright young men are holding responsible positions today positions secured through the Dee classilied columns. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Printing 4 nt In aed. I VNr.CTlri High grade 1907 calendars. " '""J 8. E. -corner 16 16th St. and fit JOKVE Capitol Ave. (6) 618 SNELL Printing Co., particular printers, 810 8. 12th St. Tel. Doug. 6764. (5)-972 14 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1317 Howard St. (6 731 27 THE ACORN PRESS, 1610 Howard St., Does Printing of Quality. Tel. Doug. 8762. (5) M456 22 WE print everything! Rees Printing Co. (6)-M7?8 28 Springer Printing Co., 206 N. 17th. Doug. 2071 (6-Ku6 2S CALL CENTRAL Doug, 3959 Centra! Printing Co., lowest prices on printing. , 110 8. 17th. Typewritten letters j-pccialty. (6) M2 M2 Florists. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnm. f6)- L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1253. (B 617 Plantain. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 1477. 6 603 F27 Manic and Laagaage. CHATELAIN School of Languages. Day and evening classes. French, German, Spanish. Fencing. Davidge Bldg. t6 760 11 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. Y. L.. Tel. Douglas 1664. 6l 18 DR. BOWSER Over 1500 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 6370. (5) 182 18 Rlprapplng Engineer. H. F. KELLNER, River and Riprap- Engi neer; 20 vears' practical experience; write for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Omoha. Neb. (5) MKJU CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 113 8. 16th St., Opp Boston Store. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced stitcher. Address Battreall-Whlttlnghlll Shoe Co., bt. Joseph. Mo. (7)-M289 8 WANTED Union special machine opera tors; steady work. King-Graham Mfg. Co., 11th and Jackson. t7) -367 Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Girl for general work: six In family, small house, every convenience; . 126 per month. With washing, 130; alno wanted housemaid, 120. . Mrs. Hall, 118 North 39lh St. (7) 226 WANTED Girl for general housework; three In family. 1623 Jackson St. 'Phone Douglas-47&l. Oy-M396 10 Mrs. F. D. Wend. 'Phone Harney 2W7. (71-276 7 CHAMBERMAID 1718 Dodge St. ' (7) M307 x WANT gtrf for housework, good wages. 1329 South 13th, Omaha. (7) 323 12x GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; light work. 2414 N. 21t St. . . , , (7) M333 9x Miscellaneous. M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. 1623 Farn. 7J M658 F8 AT ONCE, stenographer with experience In real estate business, one who under stands some bookkeeping preferred, 150 to IfiO; apply at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ABS'N, INC., Suite 840-S41-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. (7)-M378 8 LADIES We are still In need of more help decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; work taken home; perma nent; good pay. Call mornings. 2311 S. 13th St. 7)-155 M2x 10C TO $1 each paid for names. Saturday Evening Poet and a book, both $1.50. Tel. D. 5664. Walker, magaxlne man. (7 M991 11 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. ADVERTISING FANS May delivery. 50n special and attractive designs. Samples submitted upon application. Fonda Bros. & Co.. Omaha. 9)-M42 F23 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those wlio hava had experience selUng views.' por traits or books; pleasant work and big money. Call at Room 603, Bee Bldg. (9) MS06 14x TRAVELING aalesmen wanted: four men to represent us In tne surrounding states; knowledge of business not neces sary, but must be business getters, will ing to work and sober. To such we will give a permanent position and good in come. Address W 677, Bee office. () M367 llx SALESMAN, with good address, to meet business men by previous appointments. In and out of town; permanent employ ment. Call or address G 660, Bee. (91 M376 lOx WANTED Men to place our "Noah Vale" 6c cigar and free show case deal. Write with references to Crown Cigar Co. Mil- . waukee, Wis. (9) M397 10 AGENTS wanted for light work. 418 N. 16th. i-M146 F17 A GOOD proposition for adv. novelties Is open for a good man for Kansas: largest . line In 17. 8. on a commission basis. Apply on Saturday or Sunday, Feb. 9 and 10. ; Donker, Williams k Co., li N. Y. Life Bldg. (9j-54 OUR representatives make $75 per week. , Want one or two more. Bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, A 627, Bes. (9) Ml 06 M2 A SALARIED position for a first-class man; steady employment. E. L. Foster, HI Paxton Blk. (9) M331 8x Bays. WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent job. A. D. T. Co., 211 8. 13th St. Clerical aad Ofllea. WANTED A man to run a local news paper in a prosperous western town; would be convenient to know the barber or Jewelry trade. For further particulars write Box 2. Marlon, Red Willow County, Nebraska. 19) 229 Factory aad Trade. WANTED Shipping clerk, brick work, at Avery; must l experienced. Omaha Hy draulic Prcsa Brick Co.. 3o0 Bee Bldg. (9 M loO I WANTED At once, coat maker, steady Job. A. F. Luther. Bedford. Ia. (9 M370 ttx WANTED An assistant drug clerk; good salary; give experience. Address Lock Box 419. Rapid Cily, 8. D. (9-363 8 WANTED Foreman In collar factory. Ad dresa ochulse Brothers Co., Dulutn. Minn. (9 M1SJ A NO. 1 carriage painter. 1 1630 I .en v en worth Bt. (9 MS lOx Dru "oierka wauled. . V. Knlest. N. Y U OJ-4C4 HELP WANTED MALE Mlscellaneoas, WANTED 25 women, well dressed and of distinguished apiearance to appear In (he auditorium scene In "The Pit'' at the Kriig theater Sunday .and Monday. Feb ruary 10 and 11. Apply st the stage door at 10:30 a. m., Sunday, February 10. t7) MJ0 WANTED 150 men, well dressed and of good appearance, to appear as brokers In the great panic scene In "The Pit" at the Krug theater Sunday and Monday, February 10 and 11. Apply at the stage door at 10:30 a, ni., Sunday, February 10. 9) M401 ANY person willing to distribute our sam ples; $JU weekly. "Empire," 92 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Steady position; no canvassing. .(9 M8 8x WANTED At once, 600 sound young men, aged 18 to 36, for firemen and brakemen on leading western railroads and for new roads now being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen 11W) per month; brakemen 175; positions now open; call or write at once for particulars. National Ry. Training Ass n, 64) X, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. 1 (9 228 M3 WANTED Driver for towel supply com pany, good Job for hustler; references re quired. Address P 611, care Bee. (9) 271 7x WANTED Traveling man. capable of hiring and managing other men; must be a good salesman, willing to work and sober. To the right person, a permanent position will be given at a stated salary and expenses. Address L 654, Bee office. (9 M365 llx WANTED For the U. S. Marine Corps, men between ages 21 and 36; an oppor tunity to see the world. For full Informa tion apply In person or by letu-r to Re cruiting Officer, Cor. 12th and Farnam Bts., Omaha, Neb. (9 667 F7 MEN and boys. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays 15 to 18 per day. We teach you by practical instructions In three months; position guaranteed; free- catalogue. Coyne Trade School, 4975 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (9) 878 OFFVCK MANAGER, $100. ASSISTANT MANAGER retail store, $S5. OFFICE CLERK, good penman, !T6. THREE RAILROAD CLERKS. $65 to $70. THREE STENOGRAPHERS. $60. FIVE BOOKKEEPERS AND STENO GRAPHERS, $45 to $H5. FIVE SALESMEN, 175 to $310. RETAIL CLERK AND ASSISTANT MAN AGER. $F0. 1 SHOE CLERK, $65. . If you have ability to fill any of the above or similar positions see us. If you have not. don't. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., Suite 840-841-842 N. Y. Ufe Bldg. (9) M379 8 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Ten positions for every graduate. $12 to $20 weekly paid. Wages while learning. Beautiful 1907 catalogue Just out. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 1116 Farnnm St. (9j M821 Mix LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. HORSES bough t,x sold snd exchanged; driv ers and general purpose horses a specialty. Mjers. 1715 Jackson. Tel. Red 3692. . (1D-M829 Ml FIVE well-broken mares, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs. each; one murej 1,360 lbs., cheap. 2006 Maple street., i , (11) M368 14x FOR SALE Fine famfly driving ' mare, brass harness and stylish buggy. Stan hope style; will sellruheap; purty leav ing city. 'Plipne Har. 2604. J. H. Les- ,er, 656 S. 26th Avev, (.11) M37J 10 2 HORSES, weight 1,900 .lbs. each, wagon and harness, $125; one team, weight 2,500 lbs.; one team, ' welg'ht 3,000 Igs. ; 2 farm mares.. 2J13 Grant. Vel. Douglas 8410. .t: , 11) 231 GOOD team 5 years old, well broke, $265; . team of good, heavy mures, $216; one good, heavy, well broke, 4-year-old mure with foal, $135; one team of blacks, well . matched, weighing $.850, $150; one good mare, 1,250, $70; one sore-footed mare, $15; one cheap horse, $25. Rear 414 N. 16th St. ... (11) M266 FOR SALE 4-year-Old tiorse, city broke, single or double; also buggy. Inquire 902 Capitol Ave. Colwell. (16) M299 It Poultry aad Eggs. FOR SALE Mammonth ' Bronze turkeys; old Toms, 40 lbs, $6; young Toms, 24 to 2 lba., $5; Imperial Pekln ducka, 14 to 18 lbs., per pair, drakes $1.60, ducks $1. W. R. KUnck. Clarksville. Ia (1D--M717 F BEFORE buying Barred Plymouth Rock , Cockerels write for free circular to E. F. Sand, Mitchell. S. D. OD-MTU F OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will, write and ask for It, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultry man; 80, 0J printed. Address JtorrlH Poultry Co., Clay Center, Neb. (Il)-M5o0 F8x BARRED ROCKS. Lot of good cockerels; even, narrow, deep barred and good bone. 200 pullets and hens, fine cues; also' nicely barred and good layers. Address Orvllle O. Jones, R. D. No. L York, Neb. (11 M569 FSx 100 Barred Plvmouth Rock cockerels (ex clusive) for Mile, 6 fo.' $5. J. A. Haney, Elkhorn, Neb. . (11) M840 15 ROSE and Slngi Comb Brown Leghorns, Silver- Srangied Hamburg, White Pekln Ducks. E. Doole.v, Selma, Ia. (11)304 19X BUFF FOWLS-Euff 1 Wyandottes, Buff Rocks, Cochin Bantams, high grade stock. Price reasonable. W. J. Gow, Norfolk, Neb. (11) M SOS 20x BUFF Orpingtons; none better; eggs $3.50 setting. Stock matter correspondence. Jacob Stul's Importer, breeder, 260 Mc Dougell Ave., Detroit. Mich. UD-M284 12X FOR SALE 30 Black Langshan cockerels. Pure bred Black Langs 1 1 an cockerels $1 each, if taken soon.. Mrs. J. W. John son. Loup City, Neb. (1D-M841 15 Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. FOR SALE Shetland ponies, ferrets,' poul ' try, pigeons, pheasants, rabbits, guinea plgst goats, cats, dogs; 2-cent stamp for particulars. Col. Joseph Leffel, Sprlng fleld. O. - (11) MS30 13x LOST AND FOUND LOST Lady's gold watch, Tuesday even ing. Reward for return to 2i)l Farnam. Tel. Harney 2&64. (13 318 7x LOST Envelope addressed, "John Fine ran, Denlson. Ia., containing $50 currency, $113 check, $67 check. $9 check and $12 check. Liberal reward to tha Under. Rice Broa., South Omaha. (12) M4i2 8 MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav. enport Bts.; special attention paid to con. finement cases; all treatment supervised by college profeasors. 'Phona Doug. 1167. Calls auswsred day or night. (U 129 ANY pcor girl to naed of a friend call ' or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Woman at 3824 N. 34ta St.. Omaha, Neb. (13) MluO PRIVATE borne during confinement; ba bies adopted. Ths Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. (13-323 BF.8T nerve bracer for man, "Gray'g Narva Food PUls," $1 box. postpaid. Scerman 4k MeCrmnell Drug Co., Guiana. 03)4B I MRS. PERRY, drugleas healer, treater of circulation and clironie diseases. 21 N. lt h St. U3 M344 M MONEY TO LOAN HURT ASD CHATTELS. CHATTEU salary nd storaga receipt loans. Felex Loan IV Ll pa mam Be il4-AUU MONEY TO LOAN Salary and Chattels Coat Inned. Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, P1ANG8, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED. without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates; with payments to suit your con venience; everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Blk. (14)-S54 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY, PRIVATE BANKERS Have Increased their capital and during the month of February win make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgagee on personal property and notes, without se curity. Tern's r suit. 'Phone Douglas OXH, 310 Bee Building. (14) M834 DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; less than half rates; perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payments suspended when nick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 20 South 15th St. (14) 006 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THIS PHCENIX CREDIT CO.. for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas 746. 04) 408 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments; offices In & principal cities. Save your self money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 New York Ufe Bldg. (14 o$ MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 8. ISth. (14) 910 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money on chattels or sal ary; eay to get; no red tape. You get money snme day asked for at small cost Open evenings till 7. (14) 407 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. (14) til EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14) 10 WOULD MONEY HELP YOU? Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates which honest people can afford to pay. We will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us back later In amounts to suit your convenience. Everything confidential. EASY IAXAN CO. TEL. DOUG. 10. Room 20, Frenxer Blk., loth and Dodge Sta. (14)-M3K1 M7 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Rooms a. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cat. (15) 83 MODERN apartment for three traveling men; 'phone In room; mayor's former residence. 617 S. ISth. (15) M389 lOx FURNISHED rooms, with board. 1713 Dodge. (15)-M32 M7x NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent table; pri vate family. 24Gt) Harney (li) 84 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) BACHELOR'S Q U ARTERS 25th & Dodge. (15) M3t8 Fill THE 8HELTON. 25th and Dodge. . , , (16)-M847 Mix LARGE alcove room; on car line; close In; breakfast privileges; east front; vecant Feb. 10. lit No. 25th st- (15) M846 8 LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th and Jackson. (15) 163 March 4 LARGE modern front room, close in, near cur, near Creighton college. For teacher or student. 720 North 23d. (15) M242 llx LARGE, well furnished rooms; modern conveniences; good board. The Rose, 2O20 Harney Bt. (15)-327 24x Famished Rooms. BACHELORS quarters, new, up to date; prices reasonable. 406 S. 24th Ave. (1)-M523 MIDLAND HOTEL 16th and Chicago. (15) 3tl Flf FIVE elegant unfurnished rooms In new brick flat; main floor; $30 a month. 2018 Davenport. (15) M399 14x WANTED Two or three furnifehed rooms for light housekeeping; heat and light Address K 653, Bee. (16) M396 lOx TWO rooms on parlor floor, ensutte. One large room on seopnd floor, handsomely furnished. 2410 Farnam. Doug. 6933. (It) M300 12X FOUR comfortable rooms for light house keeping, at 443 Farnam, $10 per month. (16) M387 10X NICELY furnished room for gentleman; private family. L So. 26th 8t . (1 407 S-ROOM apartment, modern, 816 8. 22th St. (15)-u0 7x FURNISHED ROOM, new house near Farnam on Bjulevard, faces Turner ' Park; hot water heat. Phone 107 Bo. 31st. (15) MM9 8x MODERN furnished rooms. 2226 Dodge. (15)-MM4 Ml SUITE of connected rooms on parlor floor, fun. lulled or unfurnished for light house keeping. 2627 Harney. (15) 172 9x ONE I.arge room modern in every way. Suitable for two gentlemen, use of 'phone. 2581 Harney street. (15) 159 x BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Douglas St. i (16) 162 Mar. 4 STEAM heated front rooms. 1909 Capitol. (16) 161 Mar. 4 FURNISHED rooms In private family. 637 So. 20th Ave. (15) 226 10 LARGE front room, first floor, east front, strictly modern, close In; 1 or 2 gentle men; $6. 620 N. 18th. (15) M293 8x ONE nicely furnished room; all modern; close In, In good location; use of 'phone. 2318 Douglas St. (16) M347 9x TWO large modern rooms. In very desirable residence section; une of 'phone and par lor. 2222 Howard St. (1-M346 13x I'nfaratshed Rooms. 4 rooms, modern, furnace heat, $26.09; also 4 rooms modern except heat, $16.00. Tele phone Douglas 63u (16) 171 tx LARGE modern front room; very close In and on car Hue. 714 8. 17th Ave. (15) M391 It FOUR ROOMS, ground floor, pantry and cellar; nice lawn. 2612 N. 19th Ave. , (15) M37C 10X ONE large front room and alcove, bed room and kitchen, 6 closets, siaam heat. ta 8. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 6:j3. (16) 214 12x Heasekerylag Raont, FOUR unfurnished rooms, first floor, for housekeeping. 648 8. 24th Ave. (16)-218x Apartments aad Flats. 8-ROOM flat, modern, food repair, opposite Haoscom prk-4tM. i hone Douglas 6-8. $18; 7-RoOM FLAT; bath, toilet, gas; op poslle Stors Bros', brewery, 1044 N. loin fcU Apply 4)0 8. 19lh BL (16-M97t t LOWER flat. 1141 N. 17th Bt. $12.60 (16 MS2t I 4-KOOM flat, modern except beat. Cack le tiros. 111 H. 16th. U) ntlOl OFFERED FOR RENT Apartaaenta aad Flnta 4ontlaaed fi.atb"cT7se in. New flats, ready Feb. 15. 417-41 North 1Mb C. a SHEPARD, $08 N. Y. MFK. fu 3:1 8x Honaea aad Catiatet. HOU8E8. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 0 FOR RENT Modern t-room brick house; 1126 S. 31st St.; $ per month. Thomas Brennaa, room l, n. x. uie Bldg. (15. WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Doug. 149$. Office. ;!$ W abater St. (15) 894 FVR RE NT 9-room all modern house. 112$ Park Ave. (15)-M34 14x 8TEAM heat, all modern, 7-room hod. 120 N. I3d. (15) M63S EIGHT-ROOM all modern house. Refer- encce required. Inquire 2212 Spencer. (161773 TTnTTWS ,n Prt" ' tbe city. Tha 1 1U U Qrj3 o. F. Davie Co., Bee Bldg. (l&J-Mtl HnTTKF.55 "n parte of the city. R. w c peters Co., nee Bldg. G5)-0 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west: we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN 8 DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16th SU Tel. Doug. 1185. (15) 8SJ 224 N. 2oth St. -room flat, strictly mod- ern; tenant pays water; $60. 2210 Clark St, 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas, $20 and water 1231 Park Wilde Ave. 8 rooms, all modern, $40 and water. McCague Investment, 1500 Dodge SL (la; 13 9-ROOM modern house, ' only $35. Large lawn. Big trees. 608 South 24th Ave.. (15)-M390 lOx -ROOM house 4418 Ixard. Telephone Harney 1056. 05) 217 lOx -room house, $904 N. 22d St., near Laird, modern except furnace; good stable, $20. 4-room apartment In "Ormond," 563 8. 2t)th St., $25. 12-room house, modern, 604 8. 27th. $60. BEMIS. Paxton Block. (15)-M1M S-ROOM modern house, except furnace. Inquire 623 B. 24th Ave. (15) 660 FOR RENT 7-room bouse, modern except furnace; 211 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent reasonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th. or room 903 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-M764 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest rices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller 4k ueller Piano Co., 1311-1312 Farnam. (15)-87 FOR RENT. (-ROOM modern cottage. No. 2031 Marcy St.. $26. Chas. L. Thomas, Room 412 Bee Building. (15)-43 OMAHA Van dt Storage Co., par, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1558. (16)-fcl COTTAGE SNAP CLOSE IN . At 606 8. 18th St., 6 rooms, modern plumb ing, gas, cement cellar, fine attic, for rent, only $27.60; all nicely furnished, ready to move right In, with furniture for sale very cheap. This Is a snap. See us quick. PAYNE, BOSTWICK 4 CO., 801 N. Y. UFE (16) 3fi4 8 FOR RENT 8-room house , all modern eg cep furnace, $20. C. M. BACHMANN. 436 Paxton Block. - (IB) 740 , Bnlldlags. FOR RENT Entire floor, 42x120, or part of same. 1116-17 Farnam. (15)-2U 10 Offieaa. FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. fcth St., South Omaha. ' Apply to manager. . (15) 134 DESIRABLE street front offices for rent. Omaha Loan & Building Association Blk., 16th and Dodge. , ... (16) M902 9 ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Creighton Institute bldg., 210 So. 18th St., oppoalle city hall. Inquire building. (16)-230 ONE large room for office, newly papered and painted; steam heat. Apply Wind sor Hotel. (15) M298 10 Stores. FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16th and Vinton Sis.. 30. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. '16 M621 FOR RENT Entire floor, 42x120, or part of same. 1116-1117 Farnam St. (16) M266 12 OFFERED FOR SALE FenclnsT. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, to per foot. 205 N. 17th BL Tel. Red 814. (16)-K) F21 Farnltnre. FOR 8ALB Furniture of 6-room flat; will sell on account of bad health; flat for rent. 1517 Capitol. (16) M241 llx FOR BALE Equity In high grade piano. In fine condition. Small cash pavment and balance monthly. Address 8 -MI. H -e, or Telephone Red 3648. (16) M265 llx DESK FOR SALE Bookkeepers' office desk, stands high and In good condition. Apply R. W. Baker, SupL Bee Bldg. (16)-M44tx FOR BALE A handsome bookcase, na hogany finish, at a bargain. 3903 Dewey Ave. (16)-656x Jewelry. Bargains In unredeemed Jewelry. 418 N. ISth. (16)-M410 F21 Typewriters and tewlasj Machines. TYPEWRITERS WE RENT typewriters, all kinds, $2 to $4 per month. We do repairing on all machines, and you will find our prices strictly right. We have never bad better bargains to offer than these: Underwood, model 4, new $75 Remington, model t, new 75 Blickensderfer, model 7, new..,.,.... $0 Chicago 16 Oliver, model S, new 0 Smith Premier, $40, $45 and. 60 Remingtons, $16. $20 and 25 We absolutely guarantee each and every pne of our machines to be a bargain. Write us for what you want. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. ItOt Leavenworth St. 'Phone Red 4599. ... (!) 15S t FOR BALE No. 6 Romlngton typewriter, in good condition. Addreaa C 646, care Bee. (ltt M2ee kx ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, la sx condition, for sale Jheap. Call at Dee emok. . (la) Uka Peal and Billiard Taalee. FOR BALE New and second hand billiard and pool tables; we lead tne world ia cheap bar Matures; eaay pay men ta Bruuswlck-Balks-CvlUndar. 407 t. 10th U (16) a. Mlaecllaaeaaa. FIRE BALE oa coal. Burr egg. tt.H ton, for atove or furnace. TeL Harmon A Weeta. (16-7i Fit DO YOU like -honey? Delicious honey randy. Pure Nebraska honey, 4ucis pound, 10a box. postpaid. English wal nut butter acptch, 60c lb; 10c box, post Mid. Honey Candy Co., Albion, Neb. (1$) M373 14x FOR BALE A few first class show cases and couulers; very cheap; nearly new. Kennard Glass Paint Co.. 16th and Dodge sta, - OU-WW1 OFFERED FOR SALE Mlapellaaeonn:enlaned. ON PI HOE drum cylinder presa. RiirVley Printing Co., Omaha. U6V-984 FI4 FE V bargains In 2d-hsnd soda fountains; monthly payments. DerlghU 181$ Farnam. (1 S4 BEND us you mall orders for drugs; freight iwld on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon. Drug Co.. Omaha. (!)- ABSOLUTELY pure canned fruits. Jellies, unfermenlod grape and cherry Juices, 2-yenr-old grape wine. K. O. Solomon, phone Benson 156. (16) 867 8x 8HF.RWIN WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed . paint. Sherman dt McConnell Drug Co. U6 93 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam, FOR SALE Twenty-five heavy weight V suns, worm up 10 ; your rnoice, urnni to your measure, only $-X). Heriog Tail orlng Co., 1415 Douglas St., next to Calu menl restaurant. (16) 08 T FOR SALE Two National cssh registers, one total adder; also nice line of store fixtures. Globe Land and . Investment company, Patterson block. (14) M728 GOOD large heating stove and roll top desk. In good condition. I420H N PL, South Omaha, Neb. u) M264 llx FOR Sale Jupiter pencil sharpener. In good condition. Call G. R. Wright, Bee office. (16) M7B4x FINE upright piano, parlor suit,' bookcase, rugs, hail iree and other furniture. Cn!l at once. 415 N. 23d St. 11) 271 M4 Pianos. Organs, Maslcal Instruments. EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF FINE PIANOS AND ORGANS. These Instruments have been taken In exchange during our holiday trade, hove been repaired, and are now offered at prices that establish a new low price record nf standard makes. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Some are so fine that the tone Is like new. A splendid opportunity to secure an Instrument at one-third Its original cost. - The prices are as follows: Original Our Sale Price. Price. Stelnway $MO.0 $300X Kranlch & Bach 460.00 2i5.00 Vose A Sons, large slse 450.00 jno.00 Chlckerlng Bros 4V 192 00 Smith ft Barnes 8.W0O 1W on Chlckerlng A Sons $76.00 136 00 Kimball, rosewood 300.00 116.00 Estev A Camp 2f0.00 75.00 Stelnway. square 6O0.00 6000 Union, square 4V00 J. P. Hale, square $75.00 28.00 Mason A Hamlin, Fstey, Farrnnd Votey, Story A Clark, Packard, Kimball and other organs, $10, $15, $20, $26 and up. We will accept payments from $3 to $14 cash and from 50c to $1 per week. . New pianos for rent. $3 per month. We move, store, tune and repair at lowest rates. BCHMOLLER MUELLER PIANO CO., 1311-1313 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglas 1625. OS) tox FOR SALE A fine piano, new In October, of standard make, excellent tone and action, at a very reasonable figure. Rea son for sale, moving. 432 80. 24th St. 'Phone Douglas 8206. (16) MS36 UPRIGHT STEINWAY PIANO. In fine condition. 318 McCague Bid. (16) M346 MO PRINTING press; 10x15 Gordon, t4-lrtrh paper cutter, one horse power motor, 2C0 fonts of type. Above property at a sacrifice. 110 8. 17th. (16)-M3 t . SHOW CASES and national cash register, cheap. 308 No. 16th St. (16) M830 Mix ABSOLUTELY pure canned fruits. Jellies; :' unfermented grape and cherry Juices, 2 y ear-old grape wine. IB. G. 8olaition, 'phone Benson 166. 06) 856 Bx 1 TWO Troy washing maachlnes, two port able wash tubs, one Eclipse gas range. Apply proprietor Midland hotel. 16)-158 t ELECTRIC fan. two pool tables, 4x8. 4V&S 8, fine condition; two gasoline stoves--. cheap. Goodrich, 1419 Douglas. (16)-M24S llx It COPIES popular music $1.00, assorted; closing out sale; add 1c each fpr post age. Haller-Music Comrany (In!), Blair. Neb. (16) M259 11 , EDISON phonograph; best deals offered yet; freight paid; payments. Haller Music Company, Blair, Neb. (It) M260 11 PIANO, runabout. Incubator brooders, sin gle and double harness. Call 1112 Farnam, top floor, after 12 o'clock. (16) M976 tx SEND 10e for mending tissue; makes mend ing and patches invisible; men and women's garments; directions furnished. Vernon Co.. Redlck block, Omaha, Neb. (16) 325 13x ' HAVE room In car for freight going to Milwaukee; very low rate. Tel. Harney 2706, f16 M342 tx PATENTS F. J. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . (17) 813 Patents, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. National Investment Co., Douglas Block. (17)-663 F8 PATENT attorney, machine designer. D. O. Bamell, Paxton Blk. 'Phone Red 7117. an 784 FH BHARPE MACHINE! 8HOP8 - Patents procured. 'inventions aeveiopea, arawins. patterns, castings, machine work. 604-6II B. lWh St (17) -914 PERSONAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not ironed. 211 8. Uih BL Tel. Doug. 264 (18-87 WHERE Is Guy Clark, formerly of Hall county, Nebraska? By addressing T 184, Bee office, he can learn something to his Interest. (18) M374 14x THE healing household remedy, Batln skla cream should always be handy. 25c (18) BEWING machines rented, any make. 75a per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5.u0 and up N.eb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney MASQUE costume Lieben. Tel. 4U& OpJ evenings. (18) W4 COSTUMES, 3318 8. 20th. Back. Tel. Red 707$ (15J-l(wZ BLANK BOOKS and ruled forms made M order. Rees Printing -. nt F ' A LI, KINDS. I PAT Nf I Buttons, Ruohlnfc LLr 1 llV-i Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink lug, only 60 par yard. 8end for price list and njPbMAM pLEATINO CO.. " 40 Douglas Block. Tel. DougleWt, DR VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; best aad cheapest In the city, lilt 8. 11th St. (18)-MM1 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodiuaa A Co,. 1614 Cap, Ave. (18-M717 Fit SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: eut 6 rices; send for free catalogue. Myers rlllon Drug Co., Omaha, 08)-408 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 2uj N. tlsl St. . Tel. Doug. 3669. (li)-til DR. N. BOMMER, homeopath. Pee Bldg. (18) U00 V THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 1'th BL, for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 413t and wagon will call. (U 411 f AflVl'TlH treatment and bath. Mme. Siulih. 118 N. li, 2d floor. U-ese f A K-J ATI F Bwadleh movement. 410 N. aiADOAUL room 2. second floor (18 m 203 Ms eczema absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's aalve. B. 1. Scsnnell, agent, lot Ware Blk. lU M41I FH OMAHA Stammerers Institute, Ramge Bidg. (18)-21 REFINED, middle sged widow, stranger, desires correspondence with sensible elderly man; vUw to matrimony If suited, Address W 643, ears Bee. QXf Ml I i Farnam, A i (16)-a39 I weight V. 1 e. II i V 11