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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
n i V PERSONAL (Continued 1 I 20RNELI. I'VIVKhKlTT ALl'MNI, or inraifr simi-nts kkiiim in p-corans or WMtwn Iowa, will pleas send their ad- dreesea to J. W. T-Utlln. secretary Ne braska Cornell Aluninl association. New York Life Bldg.. Orosh 118) m 10s LADIES A younK xentleman of good ap pmnnra, character sn1 means, never married, dewlres lady correspondents from M to 3V abject tnaxrlase; farmers' daugh ters and nil. write; will send t.hoto H gl. Bious City. I- (18r-3l7 8x EFFA- VIA AS. music by mall. Adults' sr enlng class . Monday. , 1KU Farnam. Douglas 701. , -1M Mart .REAL ESTATE ClTT PROPERTY FOR BALE - . .. $300. DOWN AND $20 PER MONTH . In r"od neighborhood, walh ' Ing distance, nna block from . :i', corner Int. . new -room ' house, modern except heat, - lnrfte attic, contented cellar. Where ran you , beat this on ,: t these term If yo want this, " buy It today. ... ( V Hastings & Ileyden, .. 170 Farnarri Sh (19)-3o T -; , SITE 1 .FOR FLATS 7120 ft.; northeast comer fcth Ave. and Dewey. A V.. l-room house, now renting for M0 per year. Prtnoe only $4,600. The Byron Heed Co., .''Phon. D 212 -(i, OWNERS W have a buyer for t or 10-room. modern houae, between 20th and tn, Leavenworth and California. Also a good bis tot In the aam territory for. two modern cottages. Stewart Leavepwortn Co., I N. T. Ufa Bid. TaU Douglas 6350. U) &8 8 SOUTH 20TU. ST. BARGAINS 30th and Bancroft St., 100 feet on 20th St., with two amail bouse paving all paid; pric, $l,6M. B. w. corner, 9nlfio feet, with atore, $1,880. W.T. GRAHAM, 604 BEE BLDG, (191361 I A handsome . igut;room, modern houaft. good as new. built by owner for - $r home, hardwood finish; hall SO feet long; with handsome colonial carved oak. case; two large parlors, dining room. "With sideboard built in wan; mantel and gas log, four bed rooms on" second floor, as nice a bath room as you very often see, tiled floor; a good hot- water heating plant, large baserqent, servants' bath and toilet room, plate-glass windows, Urge barn, all .built by days' work; ' grounds are 75x124,' with shade and frujt trees, permanent walks and on paved street. Located at 2117 Wirt street. Owner "has-Just moved to California and will sell for $7,50.' Can b seen any time by calling at 2122 Wirt. W.H.GATES, -" 17 New. York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294 or Red 6029. (19)-M882 10 THE ONLY SOUTH SIDE SNAP! . ... 2794 TH STREET. Six-room, bouse, very, well built, only I yearsago; Water, o lot 40x140 feat; rlose to Rlvervlew park; only one block to 10th street car. Owner leaving city and anxious to-eel!; tl.fOO; terms, about- $300 down, balance time to ault the buyer at ft per cent. BERKA & CO., . V . TKOOM S8 N.' "!-. 1.1FE, ' ' ,. . ' - Thone Douglas-74W7. 1)-M384 -' , , BARGAINS IN LOTS Suburban 'alt of two aerea on 30th Bt car line $1,760. Fine lot on Mhson Bt and J 2d -4850. I.avrg lot oh 2oth, near Charlea St. fl,40. Some good, lota near 30th and Amea Av. ... Lot facliig park, 10th and Plnkney BU. $87. Two fine lota and houae of S rooms on corner 8tnh and Saratoga 8t $1.4:5. W. T. CKAIAM. M HKJS HI, DO. ,.. . ... yge0 8 LANDSCAPE architect. K. C. Foatar, phone iX)Ug. 767, Ul Paxton bile ' (1W-M781 F30 HOMES FOR SALE V :;.;22i0 .WEBSTER' ST. ' . 'V; 6.aW-TMrna H. cah. bal-' ance per year at I per cent; good 10-room houae, all modern, large attic, underfeed . " furnace, laundry with eta . -. "Ilonary washtuba: full alted .- . -lot, C6xlSl feet, with aephalt ' Ted atreet. tin shade ti-eei, - near . Crelgbton college and., high achooL : 138'N. 38T1I AVE. IWaOOO 11-room house, oak finish on first floor, hard pine on second floor, largt attic, ail finished,-billiard room in base ment, has very sttrnctlve Hv- . '' -Ing room with south eposur and large reception hall, face east ou paved street in ex- celletit neighborhood; fine lot. ' f140 ; feet; good barn on ' premises. Inquire vt ' GEORGE A CO.. Phon Douglas 761 1.)1 Farnam Bt. ; . MORTGAGE , :L;;vvrSALE.... tight-room, all modern new house, gas anrf alefrin - lljrhta. cemantad baaemant krirk mantel and gs grate, large square receptlOB hail, on Boulevard In Beml park, price asked only $3,700 IL1M cash, balance $27 (0 month. Including Interasv-coat that to rViild without the lot Beet chance for new home ou easy pay- aisiiLS ui ins niaraei luaay. J, , . .. . , ' 4 N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam 8a (l-al 7 Small Cash Payments, Balance ; $5 Monthly BUILD A HOME TO SUIT VOl'R9ELF. On on ol those bemlruiiot , in Halcyon, lieigiita, the hncst ' and moat sightly location for a ' home, only two blocks south busl naes center of Kenaoa and Mill '' ;try Ave. ear line. Yeu can't buy w such los ilMiwhr at these pricas: lu4 to e&u. Mak your aeleotion to'ly- , Russell & McKitrick Co., " ptile Agent. W-23-M Rajngs lilig, iib sndlUrpey Sts, . . .... . Wo-i FOR BALK Two nvHlers house and larg , barn, one block north Hncon park; paytd riTiil, east front, lot ViixUo. lutai , era owner win sell at a bargaiu. THOMAS BRENNAN. . Uuvw t K Y. L. Bldg. - .-.-. . (1-U ' 1 I ' v - 6-ROOM mo.lirs house, larise barn, lot 'kl:i. auulh trout, nl.-e Im-ution. at If I':.' Wut St.; on 9,il Lorl U.oa for t4.,Vx. - louuir ou All aims. UHl i.t I REAL ESTATE CITT TROPF.RTT FOR SALP1 Conttnueit) A OOC)D Inveetment In four modern cot tage at corner 2?rl and Ornre Bt.. W. T. GRAHAM, WH BEE B1.I.H1 (1S-361 I . , , . - I A FC'R 8AI.t-Snap! Lota and 7, block 10, ilornlngKlde artj. to Cnui'cll Bluffs; make rash offer. Also 40.0X-cre ranch, ' Ne-.V MfXlco: IS houses; 15.fi0 aorea fenced; fine water; wnnt Omsha property, -li 11. Btubba, Grand Hotel. Council Bluffs. (19) Wirt Kx s 1444 TEMFIETOM St., 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace. Inquire tjaxt dor. " REAL ESTATE FARM A!n RA.1CII LARDS FOR SALK Cabs. ' CUBA lands. Robertson. S Nwlll Blk. HOW FSEEKER8! Ba caraful. Locate right. Investigate our famous artesian vauey. Bure crops, matcliless climate. Let us writ you. Miller at Jaoiea, Meade-, Kan. () MUH MI 1 Mtsattwrl. FOR BALE Vernon county, Mo.,' tW-aor stock farm, highly improveo, aounnantiy watered: seven miles to rood market: her is an opportunity for a lively stock man; price fctf.sno, half oash, bslance on time at S per cent. 3. Fred Woltx, tm Botanical Av., BU irois, mo. I SSO ACRE3 of well Improved, Blf'tfllrtble land, Bt. Clare, mo.; gooa soil; price fos to. Incumbrance 10,ow, per cent.- nox S27, reteraon, la. tW uw u Moajtana. MONTANA ranches ray Immense profit. Rend for list stwc ilal bargains. John 8 sober, jr., Helena, Mont. C20) MBS1 FSx Kebraska. - ' FOR SALE v. 100 ACRES OF LAND IN 8ARPT CbllNTt.' ABOUT S MILES FROM OMAHA, CONVENIENT TO B. A. M ' . R. R. AND WITHIN ONE MILE OF SURVEY OF PROPOSED TJ. P. MOTOR LINE TO ; LINCOLN; 1 120 , ACRES IN CULTIVATION. ' BALANCE IN PA8TURJB AND HAT;, THREE-ROOM HOUSE. x ... ' ' ... A SNAP AT. $8,800 ALFRED "KENNEDY, 209 First Nation) fcank Bldg. Tel. )ouelaa 722.. ..v . .' i (20)-2 t FOR SALE 440 .acres unimproved farm ing land In Nebraska.. JBox-142. Frank fort. Ind (20)-M38 8x 160 ACRES well improved, good land, at f 85.00, near Blair. Good lot and 2-story brick, business uses, 41,100.00, and other snaps in Blair property.; K,emp, uiair, Neb. tzuj ait 1257 11 FOR SALE Eregant improvements, 80 acres, adjoining Blair, Neb.; $8,700.00; easy terms. Kemp, Blair, Neb. ... 20)-M25 11 FOR SALE : Mr fine farm of 4S0 acre. Ana of the finest farms in tsurraio county, trice, vi per - acre, half cash. " The price good only until .February 16.' Can give possession at once. Address th owuer. tv. H. Grass- meyer, RIverdalo, Neb. . 120) M83 is . Diry Lands in Oregon Special Inducements for practical dairymen to settle on logged-off lands In Oregon, the paradise for dairying. For authentlo ' information address ; OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE. . Dept 4L , ' . Portland, Or. Wh-HW 14 TEXAS land. Neb. E. Kemp, Blair, (20) 11 Corn and v Wheat Landa Is fertile northwest Texas. W own and control several ' thousand acre of th best land In the Panhandle. Join on of . our big excursion. 108-a S. 13th Bt 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. (20 zu u ' llselia7eoaa. IF you want to buy, sell or trad a farm. send 10 cent lor a copy or tn f armerir Want Journal, Dept 48. Kansas City, Ms. It gives names of owners and deserts .tloas bt 600 to tooo farms for sole and Ud. and what th.. whtobuy.rt. e HOMESTEAD, THE COEUR D'ALeNB REStRVATION will be opened soon. It . eontauu 600.0M acre choice wheat, fruit a&d timber' land. Do you want ISO acres r - i COUCR D'ALENB RESERVATION f?f. FORMATION AGENCT. Booms 17-11, Eg- Changs Bank. Bidg., Spokane, Wash. - t)-Ku4 Ml ANOTHER RANCH. 480 acres la Frotur oounty; good road to two railroad towns; one mile from store, Doatotnce. cream station: In good locality. ona-half mile to church, school n corner of ranch; all good soli, no sand, no rock; one-half smooth, 170 acrea cultivated; good house of rooms, barn, cribs, granary. well, windmill, amail orchard; extra bar gain for IT.lwu; posaaslea March 1. We have others. Write us for lists and maps. Cornelius at company, iiauns, rseo. .-. ..(20H-M35t CUSTER COUNTY FARM ' - - 160 acre, only I miles from Ansley, Neb., only $20 'per . acre. No Improvements. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. AW1J WIlMliUWU yJ., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg., Tel, Douglas. 1781. . ., .. . (20)-4 WESTERN LAND 10,000 acre smooth land. . '. Joins th main ' Ho of th U. P. Ry. and is about miles from a good tows; water caa ' be had 'at a depth from 20 to lt ft; adjoining land is being settled by a Grman - colony and 'th 'land la being acid at from $10 to (if par acre. Price ot thla' land Is $6 per acre, ana-half, sash. Hi . . - . .... .. ..... PAYNE INVESTMENT CO- First Floor N. T. L,"bW. V - - . ..... . . TL Douglas iTJL" ' ' - - 4XlW $ 1IM fl 'i! A ' - , i 1 . oen ) ruing to... Advertisers . MENTION 'ilia liKH. , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. REAL ESTATE FAR Aid R h I.AD FOH At (Continued.) SNAP Must be sold at nnca, lfiO aor. 7 miles from Norfolk. I miles from H oar; n. id land; poorly Improwa; only eX'w Conley. Norfolk. Neh (?o MSJ Ft REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm mm Raaeh Laads. 30 ACRES. rlth house and .barn. Ill 8. ' ()-774 16th Bt. FARM FOR RENT tO acre, well improved, cheap for cash or shure rent. AI.LEHAfSE A HALLER. Council Bluffs, or 1329 South list Street, Omaha, Neb. v (21)-24 lOx 145-ACRE FARM . on mile north of Florence on river road, first farm north of Pries lake; (0 acre cultivated land. 40 acres pasture, lo acres with fruit, balance in willows; this land never overflow and is all fin rich oil. Good house and barn, with water piped to the house. M ill rent for cash or rill accept grain rent. Be us at one about thla N. P. DODQE CO., i 1714 Farnam St., Omsha, . ' Sl8 REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN Payu Investment Co, Wit LOWEST RATES Beml. Paxtan Block. GARVIN BROS W04 Farnam, I and 6H per cent loans on raaj estate; no aeiay. tl.OOO.OOO TO LOAN on bueiaesa and rest- dence property in umaiiai lowest rates, no delay. Thomas Breonan, K 1, N. T. Lit. U KH -e LOANS on Improved- olty -property. W. H. '1 nomas, eu irst Mauonai utnK mat. (22-UJ PRIVATE MONET F. D. Wcad, 1620 Doug izz aju WANTED City loans. R. C. I Peters Co. WANTED City loans And warrant. W, iaraam Pnilta Co.. USO irarnara t. (22-2s RIAL ESTATE WANTED City Property. t-ROOM house,' modern'or not modern, for 12,000 cash, or lot for J1.000; near car line particular in first anawer. Address . 6J0, lie. . . . y (2t 866 tx WANTED or t-room house, modern or not modern, for i-.WU casn, or a good building lot lor about il.uuu. witcin blocks from car line; give full partlcu lars in first answar. Address L 620, Bee. (& M&60 Ix WANTED Full lot with old house within mile Of postofflce. Address 8. U6 Bee. (23) MSiO tx WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture; stoves, carpets, clothing and shoe; pay th bast prices. Tel. Douglas 3071. ' (25)-57 FU WANTED To buy slot machine, soda fountain furniture, coffee urns; must be Cheap. Address L-S7, Be. (26) tXt 17s, DON'T glv your second-hand furniture- away; I pay the highest price; big price raid for office furniture. joe i,evine. 204 N. Jith. Tel. Doug. 771 i (25) M261 M4 TOP prices for 2d-hand books, novels, all kinds. Biscay, lie B. isth. Har. ijno. (2.) M27 M6X WANTED TO RENT MODERN 1 HOTEL Furnished complete; won t buy furniture. Address x I'io. care Be. ' (26)-Ui 14x WILL exchange buck dancing,- ball room or vaudeville coaching, or both, for room. Lynn Monroe, General Delivery, Omnha. ! - uw all sx WANTED By lady, one or two rooms. modern, with board, convenient? to oar line, olose in. Address is tmt, Mee. (26--lHa' 9X WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. A?d-ess H 61, car Bee. (24 M332 X WANTEEP-SITUATIONS BOOKKEEPER Any concern desiring to have Its books examined, posted up, or any other clerical work performed reason ably address vu. care ee. (27) M153 x A 14-YEAR boy who ha had several months experience in a country news paper pfflc desires a position of the gam kind. Address T 132, care Bee. , KiltM.i s GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. . FOrt Macaensie, . wyo., Jan. ltt. 107. eeale1 proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing and Installing fixtures, making service connections and lnstailing Watt meters In buildings, and transformers fat electric lighting at tbta poet, win be re. reived here until 10 a. m. (mountain time). February . 1907. Plans and specifications may be seen at omcee ot depot quarter muer. 01. uuuw, vm.i uuvnciiiwsivri Omaha. Denver, Chicago and Bt. Paul, and at this office, at wnicn tarter place all in formation may b obtained. VI S. reserves th right to accept or reject any or ail bid or any part thereof. Enclose proposal tn sealed envelope marked, "Proposals for Electric Fixtures,-" addressed second Lieu tenant R. H. Kelley, Q. M. J10-ll-13-lr7- PROPOSAI FOR LEASING THE TRI bal Ittiid ol tn otanaing hock Reserva tion. North Dakota, lor urasing purposes. Hi i,artmnt of th Interior, Office of In nJlan Affairs, Washington, D. C, February i. luo;. Sealed proposals for leasing th sur plus tribal pastures on th Standing Rook reservation, in or in uaaoia, ior graving purposes, will D received at this office until 2 o clock, p. tn., on Thursday, March W, 107, and will be Immediately -thereafter opened In the presence of such bidders as may attend, ine lanas win o leased fo period of five years from June 1, lSi7 and no bid for a different period will be considered, me propoeaia must be ad droased to "The Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C," and must b i,lalnly-encioresi on tne outside of the en Velope, "Proposal for Leasing Standing It oca Lavnas. The lauds offered lor lease have been di vided into lour pastures. Pasture No. 1 contain acre, pasture Na. 2 contains ioO.wO Mores. Pasture No. 3 contains 316.3.0 acres. Pasture No. 4 contain 11.40 acre. " Ma'ua showing the location of the rasrurea and posters giving directions for the sub-.l mission of bids, and aJl other necesaarv in formation, niay be obtained on application to tb I'nltad Btatea Indian Agent Fort I rates, isonn t'aaoia. ProDoeals not conformlnr to the reaiflrc mente meationed In the poster Oir be r- jected. If sucn action snail ua fl,-erni ad. vlaaine c r. LAHIUUbE, tUdlHtM Acting Comi)ilaMour, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING , Notice is nereoy given inai me regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of aald company at Lincoln, Neb., st U o clock a. in. on the th day of March, A. D., Uu7. By order of the Botu-d of Directors. r c w. MUrtttiix president Lincoln, Nsb February 4, lo. -ww-,n. NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at office of treasurer, battle Mountain Sanitarium, N. 11 D. V. B , Hot Springs, South Dakota. until 12 o clock noon. February t&. 1ST,, and then opened, for furnishing aru! delivery of subelsteiice suppilaa, In accordance wttn instructions and specifications, copies of which. With blank proposals and other In formation, may be had upon apnllcatlon tn lA A. Tucker, treasurer. It H 1M NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl iYOM AN TAKES HER OWN LIFE Prspsrei to Han Eertelf and Thea Oon eladei to Take Foiion. INMATE OP MERCY HOSPITAL FOR A TIME Hosac Was at Deshler, Nek, mm mt Time Had Bees Seat Haaa ' Proaaasjeed Cared of Her Malady. Th dead body of a woman later Identi fied aa Mr. Amanda Aach of Deehler. Neb., a patient at Mercy hospital, was roumi yesterday afternoon in a small bam i"" ' r' oi a vacant cottage at 2ZT Logan treat. That the unfortunate woman had taken her own life was indicated by the discovery of a small bottle containing ugwasa aar where the body waa found Wr mt toe discovery of the Ka wV sent to th police over th telephone shortly before 1 o clock, but by whom the officers were unabl to learn. Officer Smith was ent to take charge of the premise and body until the arrival of th coroner. When Officer Bmith reached th barn he found the woman . lying In a corner on om hay, face down, with her arm tretched by her aide. That she had been dead for several hours waa shown by th fact that her face and hand were badly rroaen. Marks on the floor of the barn near where the body lay showed that she evidently had staggered, and struggled be- iore lainng, aitnougn with thejxceptlon of s alight bruise on ' the foreleb.d ther were no mark of violence on the body. The body waa at first identified aa that Of a Mrs. Chri Cbrlstensen, a resident of this city, but after being removed to Cut ler'a undertaking rooms on th order of Coroner Treynor, it waa positively Identi fied by Dr. F. T. Beybert aa that of Mr. Asche, a patient of hi at Mercy hospital. Close to where th body lay was found a rope made out of a piece' of a white linen undergarment Thl had been adroitly twisted and platted and attached to a piece ' ot oaied nay wire, formed into th shape of a hook. Th supposition Is that th unfortunate woman had at first planned to hang herself by mean of thl improvised rope, but failed to find any place to which she could attach It Th bottle containing the strychnine waa not found by Officer Smith until after the body had been re moved by Undertaker Cutler. "The bottle originally contained ;an eighth of an ounce of the deadly ; poison arid on a red label bore the nam of th Mallunckrodt Chem ical works, St. Louis-New York. Th bot tle was found In the hay a short dlstano from wher the fdy (ay. Further Investigation brought to light from where- tb.ey had ' been hidden under the hay in a corner -of the bam. opposite from where . the body, was found, a linen undergarment, three handkerchiefs, badlv tained, anda portion of a white linen skirt from which , it waa apparent the plec to mak th rope had been torn. Th undergarment was marked with th nam of th woman and had probably been dis carded by her wiUvjth intention of also Using it, -If necessary;- to make the rope from. ' ' - " Th footprints in the-' snow, leading from the. sidewalk, by the house to the door of the barn were fresh, and from th number tn the Immediate vicinity of the barn In dicated that the woman had entered and left it' more than ono. Mrs. Aach waa fully dreased In a black suit, black jacket. Mack hat and a heavy rur collarette around her neck, but hr feet were encased only in a pair of light house slippers with arctic over them. Mr. Aach came to St Bernard' hospital last November from her home In Deshler, Neb., at the time suffering from melan cholia. About Christmas time she was sent horn, apparently greatly Improved. A week later aha returned, accompanied by her. mother, and was. placed in Mercy hos pital. At the hospital it was stated Mr. Asche was in th habit of taking a walk' In the afternoons when'- the . weather per mitted. She left th hospital about I o'clock Wednesday afternoon,, and when she did sot return the (later in charge supposed she bad gone home, and It was not until th unfortunate women' body wa found about a, block from the hospital that they, knew otherwise. Mrs. Asche, it I said, was about 46 years old( and besides her husband is survived by two children, -I v. ' A. Metagar at Cm. - New Location of ..Wholesale Bakery. . Ill Mynster Street; Council Bluff s-I.' Home-Made Bread a Specialty, Visitors Welcome. . . Real Estate Transfers. These transfer were reported to The Be February 1 by th Pottawattamie County Abstract company 6f Council Bluffs: Julius and Joseph Rosen fold to Con tinental Furniture and Carpet Co., lot 1, Original plat lot llj. and lots 1 and I andtart lot 1. Oriainal nlat lot W7. Council Bluffs, w d $30,000 Mlnden Canning Co. to reter utnger, part se1 15-17-41, w d 8,900 Des Moines Elevstbr Co. to F. H. Alexander, lota 33, o ana 41, block: 1. and lots 1 and t, block 16, Oak land, la., and lot 7, Auditor Sub div. seU nli 12-75-40, w d 1000 County sheriff to Charles F. Paschel, lot - a diock 14, ruuaie Buuaiv., Council Bluff, shffo d 2,864 TOO 60 200 160 James L. Gloaon and wife to Lee W. Taylor, lot 4, block - A, Allen . 4k Cook's Add., Avoca, Ia., w d Fred 3. Boe and wife to N. Lerette, lot $. tlock 2, Hancock, Ia.. s w d.. Joseph It. Hoi i fasts r - and wife to turman Morris, lot e or outiot l. osh's Subdlv. se4 sw4 3-74-40. w d. Anna G. Olsen, guardian, to George Hansen, part nW mw 31-76-11. g d. Agnes Folsom to Margaret Lorinard, lots 7.- a and 10, block 7, Railroad Add., Council Bluffs, s w d Mary H. Abbott et al to Samuel L. Kelly, lots 1, 2, $ and 4. block 6, Piarc' Subdlv., Council Bluff, Q, c d MP Total,' ten transfers.. .$42,166 HIGHEST PRICES' PAID FOR SCRAP lUOH, siriAij Anu nunDtn js x J, KATELMAN. $02 MAIN ST. 'PHONE 460. DO YOU LIKE PROMPT SERVICEt THEN place your ORDER WITH us. WK GET THERE ON TIME) WHEN PROMISED'.' EITHER PHONE 72. THE COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL AND ICB CO. ' Ftaht Oyer MaelleV Estate. The fight over the rata te of th late Ar. tqur C. Mueller of th Arm of Schmoller 4k Mueller, it Is said. Is to t transferred the courts in this city. The failure to aerre papers on George E. Bteger. tb Chicago piano manufscturer. while he was In Omaha a few days age, th purport of which waa to maks hun a party to th litigation In OCEAN STBAMSHIPS. CANADIAN PACIFIC 'rIMPRfll" Lin of tho Atlantlo y-AJTD TO LAJTD V TOVM DATS The Empress of Britain and Empress of Ireland make the voyage from guebec to Liverpool In six daya, two being spent on the majestic Ml. Lawrence. Book now for summer sailings. O. b. asa-jAMr. Ceo, Aft, $38 tv. Clark atlaat. tiMiV, lii. BLUFFS t. TrL 48. th courts there, I said to be responsible for th Intention to bring suit In thl city. It Is aald that Mr. Bteger cam to this city. where he was located at the Grand hotel, and fresh papers, hurriedly prepared an Ihle side of the river, were served upon him. CENTRAL FLOUR, 1 06 PER ACK EVERT 8AK WARRANTED. CENTRAL GROCERT AND MEAT MARKET, 'PHONES M. Weddlaa; Gikt. Choice pictures for wedding gifts, some thing your friend can always use, and a gift that last a C E. Alexander, 831 Broad way. , TALLOW TA3DLB BI RULAR CAIGI1T ft. Joseph Police Laad IMaa Badly Wsstrd la BlaaTs. Th "tallow candle" burglar, who suc cessful oDeratlon In thl city for several week last fall kefct th police department busy guessing, la at last In the tolls. He is Eugene D. Caatner and he I behind bar at St Joseph. Mo., awaiting trial a lonar sen of burxlartea similar Sa those ha carried out in Council Bluffs.-fn authorities of Bt Joseph thlrflt o much 6f the capture of Castner that hi bond were placed at 18,000, Ono of the burglaries committed by the "tallow candle" burglar was "at th horn of Attorney George B. Wright on Novem ber 15, when he secured a valuable gold watch and $10 In cash, while Mr. Wright lay calmly sleeping. Drops qt th cancfle greasa on the bed covers Indicated that the burglar had gnsed long and admtrlngfy at Mr. Wright while the latterlay slum bering. . Mr. Wright prised the watch, aa It wmi girt from hi parent. Front the chief of police at St. Joseph It has been learned that Castner disposed of the gold case of Mr. Wright' watch to a manufacturing jeweler and It had been melted. The works of th watch were found In Castner' possession. While operating In Council Bluffs, It ha been learned through the authorities at St. Joseph, Castner and his wife boarded at th home of Robert Harper, 830 South Sixth street, Mrs., Harper being a. girlhood friend of Castner' Wife, who belong to a moat respeotable family In Clinton, Ia. Mrs. Harper and her husband never sus pected Castner of being a crook, although their house waa robbed while he waa board ing there. When the Castner left Council Bluffs their grips remained behind with the Harper as aecurlty for the board bill they owed. About three week sgo Casfner sent the money to Mr. Harper and asked her to forward the grip to Denver. The ex press company wa unable to deliver them and they were finally sent back here. During a raid on th residence of W. A. Maurer the "tallow Dandle" burglar se cured a cut glass decanter, but dropped It while escaping from .Officer Owens, who happened slong as th fellow left the houae and who took a hot at him and thought he hit him a he Jumped th fence. Mr. Harper, when questioned by th police, recalled the fact that Castner had one foot bandaged, and the police at 8t Joaeph report that examination ahowed he had been wounded In the foot by a bullet. ' The photograph of Castner reoelved yes terday by Chief Richmond show him to be a young man. Several ot the members of the . -police department on seeing the picture recollect seeing th original of it on th streets while he was operating here. but had not the slightest suspicion that h wa the ubiquitous and nervy burglar who had operated almost Invariably with th assistance of a tallow candle. a ." i ' Clock B'way. repairing. O. Mauthe. 22S Wi : Thl wek the handy fruit and vegetable si leer for 26c, for cutting plain fluting and shoestrlngs.N Bee it In our window. Bwalna se Maurer. 236-33S W. Broadway. A New School Hoaee Wasted. Residents north of Broadway . between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets are re newing the agitation for a school house in that section of the city. A petition 1 being circulated and will, It I expected, be pre- ented to th Board of Education at it meeting this month. s Those In charge of th movement for a new school plan to have the question sub mltted at th school election' In ' March. The proposition to be submitted will be for the levying of a tax sufficient to pur chase a suitable sit and erect a six-room building. If the petition bear the signa ture of fifty banafld property owner and taxpayer of the city th Board or Educa tion ha ho alternative but to submit the proposition at th school election. Residents of this section of the city present send their children to the Avenue B school at Twenty -fifth street. The 'dis tance, tbey contend. Is too great for small children. Those who are active in agijatlng the erection of a new school house In the neighborhood mentioned say they will have no difficulty In securing th necessary fifty Signer In order to' have the proposition submitted to the voters of ths school dis trict at ths election In March. A Haadaosae Colas Beueane I not evolved often by th Inexperienced. Still, though, w axe glad to glv advice a to interior decorations. We are to sell wall and celling papers whether you select them or permit us to make suggestions. FW free to do whatever' In your mind. Our goods and prices are right. Glad to prove th statement. Jensen 4V Nlcolaisen, 288 Broadway. Tel. Lell, Black-18; Independ ent. Black-008. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 2S0, Night. 103. 4 Marriage Lleeaae. Licenses to wad were issued yesterday to the following: -' Nam and Residence. ' Age. C. Larsen, Florence, Neb.....'.... tt Hannah Jensen, Omaha it Loney Edwards, Council Bluff 22 Leona Smith, Council Bluffs... 19 RnsrpT niTRNs uta cm a w OLD MA- MEB, AND BPWA 10e CIQA LONE T CIGAR CO., DISTRIBUTORS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, I A. Be Want Ads for Business Boosters. Pets Nelson, alleged member ot a gang of youthful thieves who operated early last summer in ths southern part of th cly, who ha been wanted by the Council Bluff police since th Fourth of July, I under ar- to rl in urnan. out reruses to cross tne river wunoui requisition papers. re'aoi is anegeo. -wua omars oi me ! routhful gasg. to havs broken Into ths vi'iwmrn tha aight of July 2 of last year and stotes a large quantity ot nreworaa ua vtner goods. Ha Is also alleged to havs been Im plicated In the robbery of ths Southard store in the same vicinity. Detective Cailaghan rams upon th young fellows en night after they had stolen a number of shoes from a Main street slurs, but thsy escaped by dividing snd running in different direction. Cailaghan filed two or three shots sfter them and one of the shot la now belkrved to have hit Nelson, ss sine his arrest la Omaha It has been learned that he was la a hospital ther last summer ufferiig from a bullet wound in the leg. T police will secur th necessary requl tlon pftPrs. , 1 MINOR MKNTl" Darla, drtiga ' titockert sells rarpet. Fin engravings at Leffert. . . Ed Rogers' Tony Faast beer. Be Schmidt elegaht new photo. Plumbing and heating, Blxby ft Son. . Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phon 7. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel I3. Watch repairing. 0 Mautoe. 28 West Broadway, v DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT, TALK TO LEFTFRT ABOUT IT. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William J. HelseV, 126 Glen avenue, yesterday, a son. - .The city council Is scheduled to meet In committee of the whole this afternoon. DtTnvvirtairu BDTTI.KI) UEF.R IS SERVED AT FIRST-CLASS BARS AND CAFES. A meeting of the Council Bluffs Fish and Game Protective association has been called for thla evening at No, S engine house.,iA.H. tnin has tendered his resig nation from the police force and, and It Is said, will re-engage in rauruvu The Wnman'a Heltaf Corpe Aid society will meet this afternoon nt the residence of Mrs. D. R. W itter. 830 Eleventh avenue. Bherldan (Wyo.) coal in stock; also all th., r Penloti Wlckham Coal com- nauv. 107 Pearl street Both 'phones 826, a ,m, n t.,r 'iu trial In th tlO.OPO damage suit of Mr. Harnett against Jonn Under was nisa yesteraay oy mi inni". itt e i lira tv BTOH M DOORS. STORM RitH HTOHM WINDOWS AN1 STRIPS AT GEO. HOAO- LAND'S. Illinois nut coal, delivered. 5.B0 per ton .n.J.. .rain Bt F,l ner Ion. W illiam Weleh 1 North Main street Tel. 128. yard Eighth street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. Si7. The drawing of thirty-six grand and inrnra for the March term of United State court to be begun in this city March-12. Is announced for today. Rev. James O May. pnstor of Broadway church, was called to Missouri Valley yes : ...... ... en ,k. niiinit Isat evenins foi nv J M WIlllHms. who was taken sick rrtuiv 1.1, i. . . . . - D. S. Kerr has farms of different ! to rent, either cash, or crop rent. House tor sale on monthly "payments. Tels. 417 and 404 Red. MS Broadway. Council Bluffs, ia. The trial of the Dreyer suit against the Omana A Council Bluff. Street Rail way company Is still holding the . Imrds In dH trlct eourt and It I doubtful If It will go to the Jury today, . . . ' A, n..n .n nM.tlme barber of th?s cE died yf.tay at St. Bernsr. hospital". -where he was taxen . go. Tne nooy wn w v. . his daughter resides. - . Lillian I. Miller of Walnut. It.wbo re o.ntiv secured d divorce from Myron S. MU Jr.! iZ MeA s petition in district court asking that her maiden name of Lillian I. Klnceid oe reaiou-u w ... r,.vin two price for manieis andVner.T If you are. ha nrlce In two for you. V e nanaie uu; sey 11 f-llghtlnS and Inverted mantels also all Other connections. W. A. Maurer. 7..- ire of Councilman Olson' WO Avenue B died- yesterday after ?oonnat Mercy hospital follow!" ag opera tion for the removal of a tumor. B J" 46 years of age and be-lde her husband Is iurv'ved by four daughter, and two sons. The service of C. M. Nk-holson as quar antine officer have been dispensed with and the work will now be attended to by Deputy C y Marshal Crum. Nicholson wm appointed by the local Hoard of Health It the outbreak of th threatened epidemic of diphtheria. - , Men tour-buckle arctics (hoods) $5. men pure gum arctlca (Bostons) $Lk; Sen's all ruflber arctlca (old colony) l.a; ladies' two-buckle, (Bostons) $1.S, ad e.' Alaskas 80c. Grekt reduction on all kinds of rubber. Duncan ft Deane, U3 Main street. t,u . lnn.unt entnmlltee oi ine I... assured TMatOin S AlUllum in Parvo orchestra of New York City tor a v.o.c. ..... -"a i. ., tlO- .vn nv at tna C1UO IIOUBV, The concert Will negin ai s o u. members are privileged to bring their I wives and other members of their families. ComDlalnt wa made to the local autnori- tie yesterday that a dressed steer soia by s Lewis township farmer to a meat market on South Main street yesterday wa not fit for food, it oeing aiirg win ih a-imai had died from some disease. The matter wa turned over to Veterinary Surgeon Miller, the city food inspector. 10 investigate. Joseph, Lapidu, son of the lat Henry Lapldus, ' yesterday filed' in the district court a petition for the removal of .Georgo Whltebook as administrator of the) estate of his father and for his appointment In Whltebook's place. The son alleges that Whltebook Js not acquainted with the pawnbrnklng business and is not conver sant with the English language sufficiently to write or read it .intelligently. When Alex Myers secured a .verdict of $100 against Dr. P. J. Montgomery, by whom he waa formerly employed aa host ler, he celebrated hla luck by acquiring a good slsed jag which landed, him -behind the bars of the city Jail. Myers still pos sessed $ of the. $100 and yesterday Chief Hii,hmnnii waa aarved with a karnlshee notice at the Instance of Alice Polen, claim ing the money held at police headquarter belonging to Myers. It Is olalmed that the money, being In the hands of an officer of the law. It cannot under the circum stances be attached. TIRES OF COlkTESS FOR A WIFE Ilsu City Doctor Aak tm Have Marriage Declared Void. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Feb. 7. (Special Tele gram.) Suit to annul the marriage of Dr. George A. Rlcard of Sioux City to the Countess Lolita Bolllnl Bedells Prodesa wa brought by the husband In district court today. The countess 1 a daughter ot Marshal Martlnea Campos of Spain. former governor general of the Island ot Co ha and claims to be a cousin Of Count I Bonl da Castellans of France. She eloped from her ancestral home ia Andalusia with an Italian counts who deefrted her In Ne York. She married Dr.' Rlcard In Chicago Is year ago and their domestic life ha been marked by many vicissitudes. The doctor alleges that her former husband. Count Hermano Bolllnl Bedells Prodesa of Italy la still alive, snd exhibits letters which have been written by the son of Italy to the countess since her second mar liage. He seek to have the second wed ding annulled on the ground of fraud. Fremont Fnrsaera to Meet. SIDNEY. IS.; Feb. 7. (Special.) The sev enth annual session of the Fremont County Farmers' Institute will be held at Sidney thl week, beginning Thursday and con tinuing the rest of the week. Our farmer' Institute . Bav for severs! years been Importance and are now, with m . . ' , . n of our Chautauqua, th laid- growing in the exception Ing event ,of th year snd looked forward to with much Interest by all residents of th county. A splendid program Is an nounced. Among those from a dlstanc whose name appear sr M. La Mosher, J. C. Guthen of the State Agricultural col leg, Amea, Is. ; Mr. Hattle Moore, Mitch ell. Drake university, Des Moines; H. R. Knights, Clarinda. n -J INDIA AND CEYLON Ha beo tatablfshfd la permanent jnay lntrodore, but H takes quality quality. ; ,- , HcCORD-BRADY CO., BEV1SISC THE IOWA RATES BallrcAd Commlulon Deofis t OTsrba. the Whole fchsdule. ss-as-sssasBBSk, LIVE STOCK MEN START BALL RCIUNS .. ladeiermlnate Seatene . Ler l ess Comprehensive .Than Saaader . l.tred.eed la ' ' V the Hees. j ' ' ... f (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Feb. T.-(SpeclJ Tlv gram.) The Board of Railway commis sioner made short work, today of th com plaint on freight ratestn the tt by ordering a complete i rerlslna f freight schedules. Th hearing came up n com- plaint of the Com Belt Meat Producer aesocthtlon snd the tjreamry men. Inas much aa ther were general complaints on the whole Schedule by different parties, th ' board decided 'to go- down the line and . revise all the rate. . .. ... ladetrrmlaate .Seateaee law, Holmes, In ths house, offered a b?l for an Indeterminate sentence, a parol board an making th prison at AhamoSa a reforma- tory for criminals between th age of 1C and 30 year. The bill Was prepared after a conference ' with Senator ' Saunders of Council Bluff snd prominent authorities on penalogy of the state, and It Is tinder stood that Senator Saunders will with draw th measure ha-ha In th senate and substitute thla on Instead. The bill Is not radical. It doea not abolish th present maximum and minimum terms of sentence, but providea that after a criminal has. been sentenced the Board of Parol shall exercise Its powers to parole th criminal, with no authority to make th sentence longer than the maximum or shorter than the minimum sentence. Weald Break 'Down Freeedeat. Doran of Boone tried to break down a time-honored precedent In the house today and have a petit loo printed In the journal In stead of pigeonholed In the clerk's desk. The petition waa from the Farmers' Grain Dealers association, which recently met In Fort Dodge. He' wanted It printed so that all the members would hav ait opportunity to read it. The house balked and. refused to break over.. .The petition Is, now In a pigeonhole, where "it will remain till th Janitor cleans up, after the session Is over. The petition asked for national and stats reciprocal demurrage -bills and wanted tho railroad commission's powers enlarged. It also declared that over-capitalisation of railroads and favoritism In rates ar crying vl! of the time., Favor Brande Bill.'. The Brandcs bill for a bounty on pocket gopher was reported for passage by th committee on agriculture In the house to- , day. ! : ;' .-:- ' . ,, Bills , la the House. , Geneva of Keokuk offered a bill In th house today providing for a tax of $3 a year on every dog In the state, the money to go to a "domestic animal" fund to b used for paying claims for damages dons by dogs. .i '. Sparks of Wapello Introduced a bill ia the house today changing th com pen sa- -tion of attorneys sprolnted by order ot court to defend criminal to $10 a day . . for time actually put in Instead of $10 for each case In full. The houae today-passed the Sullivan bill providing for taking ths evidence of core-' '. nets' juries In shorthand to be preserved. It ..also passed the Brande bill providing ., support, for keeping the Indigent children at th School for the Deaf throughout ths entire twelve months, sd. they will not hav to be sent to poor house during ths vacations. " What the Senate Did. The' senate receive4 nd placed, on flla petitions numerously signed and presented - by Senator Klmmel, Olllllland and Nichols In favor of greater appropriation In sup port of th state bacteriological labora tory. A bill was Introduced by Senator Eckles . to Increase the per capita, allowance for the soldier' homes from -$14 to $11 a month; also a bill by. Olllllland providing , that counties may retain costs In fore- . closure cases Involving school funds; also. , a bill by Wilson of Fayette revising th . poison schedule In the stat laws; als a bill by Allen limiting the time for com mencing action on contracts. A favorable report was' received In ths senate on the bill to prohibit campaign contributions by corporations. Th bill I drastic In Its terms and forbid cor porations or officer thereof from making ' contributions to political committees, etc. Conrf Uphold Baa Ball. ' Th Iowa supreme court Upholds baa ball as a proper, game.. Judge MeClala, wrote th opinion. A case csms from Lucas county,' wher a lot owner had" been enjoined from per mitting the boy, to play base ball on his premises because of - alleged annoy ance to residents nearby. Ths,- supreme court say thl wa not right. "Th playing of base ball," say the court, "Is not a nuisance per .se -agaisst whloh persons living In th vicinity where th game la played my necessarily , be en titled to equitable, relief.".. And In this speelal ' esse It was ale found thst th gam ss played la Charl ton was attended by ministers of th gospel and by th women of the first racial circle of the city, bancs It could not hay been .very had, , . . ; Iowa Hew Notes. SIDNEY The funersl of McKlnney Lam bert was held Monday st his lste horn near Perctval. The deceased was an old settler, who came to the county In 18L2 and settled on the Missouri at Civil Bend, a place which is no lonser on th map lis was a food ' hlhlr ""ITT'1' . SIDNEY A new Christian church has) )ultt finished at Rlverton snd waa dedlcatud Sunday. Th building cost 14.8U and i a comfortable and handsome struc ture. The dedicatory services were core ducted by Rev. L. L. Carneuter of Wabash, lnd., who has dedicated 614 churches. , ervlee Peaslua Bill Law. WASHINGTON. Feb. T. Th president has signed, the general service pension bill recently passed by congress. popularity by Its quality. Advertising to establish. TKTLfcJYU tr has td Wholesale Agents, OmafcC