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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS ' '" ' .. pfic 0 TeailSt- Tel. 43... , , u . Davis, drugs. .. .- ,, . Clark's rindfls. . Stof kert: tfH. carpets' Flno engravings at IfTerta. I xi Beers'-Tony Kaus. beer. See! Borwlck for Xmuf goods. Plumbing; aiill, Jieatfc), HlxbyA Hon, iewi Cutler, funeral director, 'phone S97. WoofhHttg rdcrtiWlnf company . Tel.' Sa3. Cigar Imnds arid dishes. Alexander's Art Store. 333 Broadway. Vef nw wrt on your shoes for Tic. Bar-gent's-- Family tjfioe Store. DIAMONDS, , AS .AN1 " IN-VrSTMjSNT, T.JK,.Tt,L,EK;t ABOUT IT. " Mrs. SylvrBt.JpyV Is . critically, m with, bey., home;. W7 fcKth avenue. I't- ti tlitiw to fliu your orders for Xma franr-ln?. ' Alexander 'a Art Star), 333 Bruuvlr WHT. !.(' .4 ..'' . . . mism'-ARirwrViarfTS china balk; i AJ1 alzcs. ot storm doors, storm sash, i storm wludovys.atid feather strips at Geo.. ; IIgJajil i, It only rtst -you S-cent stamp, to get ! the-, prx-Ov of ilafer, th Counuil Bluffs, luinlwn-inaa . v f i-t - Men' tee) lined nmhwi tl M Men' Boston pure gum over'shova, $1.50. Duncan i c Dean, a B. Mailt ' ' You will. Una xhVbi-st liianos for the least money oh easy tertna A. Hosps Co., X oouiu aiiu iiii-ri, cuuiiuii oiuui. A beautiful and orniUT.ental gas burner, the Welsboch chick lamp, complete, 11. Btcphatt Bros,, SJ Went Broadway. Mrs. W.'F.1 Rapp experts to leave Sat urday for 'California 'to spend' the winter with hr )arenis, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Ioomts. .. Certainly. Plain, heavy. 1 Inert- hnndker- chles, narrow item, and fancy corners and letter, l.4u a box, or each &c, at The John lieno Co. The Ladles- Aid society of the Peoples l.nlon church will meet Wednesday after- noon lit the residence of Mrs. SHndburg, 3418 Avenue C. . - Certainly. rialn sheer linen handker- chiefs -with. Old Kng-lish letter, hand em- brokii-reil, 1.40 a box, or each 25c, at The John Heno Co. The annual tax sale of delinquent prop, perty whs be-run yeuterdily b the county treiuiurer. 'Hie list this . year is far be- trtZ"T't , ' . , a I pay Hi per ton for cast ironj m xed, HO;, stove. ; thus, iv,c per lb.; rubber 7.o; copiKT, 14c imr lb. J. Katelman.. ao2 .Main, Dotn phonn ut-U, High grade granite work, from the heat Barr imported BranlUS, lettering, carving and 'traeWg. Fine. mriuumentHl work a specialty. Khceley & Lane, 217 Kast Broad way. ;-! - V. -FV Dean,, speelal' pension examiner fot this dlstriet for tfie lust six years, -with )u-udquur.trs In 'Council. Bluffs, has been tninsfeTitul to Erie. Pa.v and has left fut nit new location. ..KT1!ll!,!c.0,ml'',1'i' the bsi SBlectlofl iff up;t().rlate styles u pianos if high gradef lii tnahoiiany. walnut and oak. Km sy terms and uiiiimuhI bargains. 4o7 . West Broadway.- . Tinlng, ieiairing and . storane. ' i. ThiJre. vHl be a -meeting of the ladles' - Aid society of the-Klrht Congrenational chinch this - arfternooti at the residence of Mrs. K. C. Smith on First avenue. A full lterWiiieMstH.slre-.U-fiA officers for, the ensuing year are to be elected. Certainly. Handkerchiefs In fancy boxes. l.iulles' linen embroidered, at, per Vx of half fl'M'.if $i.jj.v, ;irt? The John Beno (o. TlieM -ilMeij jif copta'aiiiiH dlaease were' rcportBdUJ tUnoArfJ of ' H.-iilUi. yeSTetdfiy;,'' Jnclt fli.oii.j.TtiJ. avuue. laiphttU-ria,) WanaiH 'lVlHm ili Fourlk stiseUmein. . nveiuie, rpgeuinotilii'; Eva Chiujey, . ' Qrbph AKM.YtMr tMH TIVW7 A Fl'RNACH IN j TH VT NKWV-HU-HK? I.'F. Y OH . AUK LliT V.H FKJI'HK WITH Vol4 K ONK OF. OUH HOTIA1R iJUliViN FilJlNACJiS WK .. KNOW,,. JV'K CAN 81MT -YtU I.V PKICID ANDWOKKi F. A. SPJiNCK. Is wjc8 iiO)UJAJ4yAjr v ' Thi'':heel'lnK:''i'rti matter of tVie'anplli CRfion' or' Port Awtitlamte 'rOiiny tri ' re nurre tti Portlsrtd (".old Mining ViWipanjr 'to IiroH:re all rif Ita ijcmks itnd Bricorrts ' fur evldmn byrrif cinin,ty" In lis aulrs 'to a: es ti e Block for ;i.ixutlon waa 1 oil tliitint yi siViirav tty."rtgrt-emerit ' of both sldt-H tti December 21. a rtiMiilv.? Uwiitiriils.i ne, .finest sheer llnun tnlitiil handkerchiefs, embroidery In side, Ntjaclt buc at The John Beno Co. . 'Roy..AyUJt:wj. Kg fiia Hfe as 24 and Orlk: K tvs a lil lijiiie, and Ur,ce Halter, w ho 'sjild "lio te'as Uv yeiii-a of h and hfr . botni' ,l .Klmlijon, Jv'eb., applied, foraiid were tvfubed u niiirriagij licruse yesterday. The girl did not look iver ir! tir 15 j-i.ars old at the nioHt. The couplb' left the court hoaajy eviik'iiUy - nluch dlauppolnted. ' Mft !. Aima'ScIl'tr. 'w'fe of Adam lir-iler. 21 'Avenue A, died at. a lute hour Suiul iy ni.Tne ireni (uiraiysis, agt-ii w years. H-ld-s her husliaiid she loaves two' ilaugli ter nnd.uU .. Jtoiia. The funeral, will . h heid Wednesday morning at I o'clock fiMn Bt fnU'r'a nerniun .t'aMMilin ihurch. and burir",wlir'lW in Sr.-J-spirs cemetery. Certainly. Medium - sheer linen, letter haml omtTrKtilvrorl .hanrttaurchlefe, ut, oach 25c, at The Jolm. Bepo.Co, . . John Huks CMSlfe.' Hoya'l Hltrrilaiiaers, elected thesw wtttcers tftnuilght: Illustrious protector. Frank Kigali ; chief counsel, Mrs. Frank Sklpton; worthy evangel, Mrs. J, T. Coitltis; triii surer, 'red -llnsiiiiniscn ecre. ta Mi-e.-Imira J. Monls; wiuder. James .Ho'tigs; sentinel, Mrs. Flank Klgani mem ber lit biHird of rhanagers; J. W. Kubane.' Rev.' J v'.Beri 'of Slifhurn;- Minn.,' who premilmd lianay morntna:' .id evening .at the BuiUal nitHsion, cuilir of Avenue. B and Twenty-second street, will conduct serH'icen there tbls evniiitr,' 'W -dresdiiy-and Tlrurariayv evutiingjt.. "Wm .services, begin M , S ;4i;4i'cJ(. auil,,wUl ,!! airveeded., by song service, at 7 A social meeting will 'be'hcWat' the AilKtfton' FTiilu evening.-" The funeViil 6"f M"-'e Heber, ' the veteran ' of'i t-MexV 1 Und.f-iivil- fwars. will li belli -Itui ,aiu rnin a. S. o'clock .from 'Wooili iia's ' liitdfi laklhtf "rooms afid Tnter meiit will he in the 8oldTeis' Liirylog ground linrkiiitwint'Cttau-Urji, ,Kv, Jit JV. MnyiUr w ill ciMjiUict. .Hi. HeryhM-s , anil all oU a,,. dli-is are' reqid-stvjl tii attend ' tlia' funeral, m thig,,'at'-'tlftj trMderUlkWg'! rooms at i.lB'fH- m. v '' r '-, " ; : fi -.- , ' Cerll'l'iiy,.';' HeVurlfuf hiitiai "hand- kerchiefs. Fancy checks,'- with' rtund em broidered' le'iteis..' at fee 'ami "Sic. at Tha John lieno Co.,fi k M- . k , ., LioVvaavs Ik -paed were ten ft' the following: Klfie-Man', Residence: VV I - . 1 Vl .. i .. J..l.. T.. Age Harry L. Mulr fetla. la,-......,-, -. 25 Kllxabetb 1 KT-iaklin, rvooln. Ja Henry J. DeftHlleY . 'MlmaMif. "Th. '' . Anna Scheol, Pottawattamie county.... Harry Kn-faeksotn'Oiiiahai .r. ........... . Hmu-M b. rwweJl,..iJtiiabatM(f..n...... h UniGG 0. Ll!0 Variety i the apioa of life in food. Experience indicate that upou -tbe whole a mixed diet ia beat for man give tbe most universal good results. Find out wtat tooaa are moat .then do not depart from ha J IVIIEAT FLAKE CELERY sr r r? mm should'b Included In the va'.etjr .as ft'h made from the wfiola gTain ot the wheat witU f elery to lfPDrbve. the taate. TTTalatable-Natrltloaa-Faay -s. Cat k tspoi sat. rat If a set Ail breMI WOMAN ON TRIAL FOR LIFE Takine of Tsitimeny Commencn in the Case of Emma Eipke. DEFENDANT VERY NERVOUS AT TIYILS llnrias Afternoon VuIm Woman Hits Uy Her side and hc Apsrsri More t'aeerful, bnt Trie t Times. , ,.'... F. Parish. 'farmer. Husei Dell. - CbtuVs O'Neill. faftntT, Kovkford.' Otto Kulfs, (nnr, Itwkror.' John. Bundel ' teamster, Crtunclr Bluffs. B. 8. Terwilliger, turent. Council Bluff. fV T HkinttMi. locomotive fireman. Lttuncll Bluffs, a. J. Manderson, retired ' railroad agent, Courcii Bluff. J- P Oretzer, fruit grn-wer. Kstie. K. Morrison, retired fanner, Neola. John llHnltury, farmer. Boomer. mrum rag-lcr. farmer. Kd Howe, traveling salesman, Kane. Thf-se are the twelve men in wnose nanas rests the. fate of Km ma .Rlpke, the 1. -year- old arlrl charged wKh murder Jn. the first degree for the alleged shooting- and killing of Krank Keith. Pott on the niffht of. Oc tober 15, in a room at Ml West Broadway, where they were llvlnc as man itnd wife, whose, trill was commenced yesterday morn In in the district court, with Judge Green on the. lench. The young- woman la being- defended by Attorneys A. W. Askwith of this city and W I. Ttniiirhn. ir.. of Omaha, while the r of tha ,ate , bn,, conducted by Ctunty Attorney Hess. The Impaneling or the Jury occupied a little over three hours and proved a mont tryln)r ordrftl fnr the young woman, who . , . ... ., (h I,R' "lone with her attorneys during the forenoon nem-lon, but was attended during the afternoon by Mrs. l. Dlffei-bnugh,. one f the women who conduct the Fifteenth Bt"t Oospel mlssbm. and who will be . , , , . ... ,,.. constantly at her side during the remainder of the trlaL On Verae of Collapse. When the question, "In case the guilt of the accused In Established, have, you any prejudice ngnlnst Indicting the death pen alty T" was put to each successive Juror, It proved too great a strain orT the young woman's nerves and her attempt at sclf- control 'soon gave way and' she showed ,lrh evident digress that at times it looked as If , she would .collapse. .The companlon- ., ' . T.. . ' . M rf Mrs. Dlffenbaugh, however, after the noon adjournment did much to restore the young womnn's composure, although at times during tho testimony of the witnesses h- ht.o)(, down and rriPd hiding her face" n" ke down and cried, hiding tier rac behind her handkerchief or refltiuglt iipdn the shoulder of the friend" at her side. Tc .witnesses Introduced by. the state . : ' . """V "W" "' -' Russell Pl"y I ndertaker Cutler; Mr. and Mrs.- F. 3. Joehrendt,' from whom Potts and the defendant rented the room which tllBy occupied ana wife under the . .. - . .""'"Pi w.iwr, w, T.. . ireynor, iwro; jirr; uii i uuriinrr je w IB duller. r. Treynor and Mr. ' Cutler -will be' recalled this morning for further, crosn-examluatlon. The testimony- of Mr. - and M. . Joeh- 'rendt wan subsianfiKlIy the s'aTe. They ,told pf4 haw., shortly; before mtvlolght of October.ilS. Miss Rlpke,: who, was-.known 'to thefn as Mrs. Morris, came to their apartments end , told them that tier hus. Iianij was very 111;. how she said ho was suffering from heart trouble, attacks of which he had been subjected to he.3re. Mr. Joehrendt told of going into the room m-obnleA hv Pnltr anA .mini woman And turning on the iVght. He descrlbod tho position of Potts In th-i bed' and stated that he was breathing hoa'vlj'y. "Mr. Joeh'repdt ' thn .telephoned for Doctor Smith Bellinger and returned (to the room where Potts lay, until tho arrival Of the ,'ddctor. Potts,; he said! was lying slightly on his right side wltlf tlie coverlid pulled up under his chin and his left arm outside the covering. Miss Rlpke, he said, appeared somewhat ner vous., but not what- ne would call excited- " .'' ,Saw Itevolver. Mrs. -Joehrendt, lr her story ot .the events of the night that Potts, was shot, told of how the young woman stayed 111 their apartments all night and refused to return' to her-'own room'. She tolif of how? w'heiv' the" doctor . questioned Miss Rlpke, the latter told hlnj that her hus band had had heart trouble and that hla father had dlod the same way. The wit ness Identified 'the revolver which was found by H. B. Ruselt,- the employe' ot Undertaker Cutler, near the- bed where' the Sd , man , lay, as one alio had seen on .Ihe bureau 'In the - room -occupied by "Mr. and-Mrs. " Morris." Her' alterrtloh had been caed ;to the revolver by the young , womtui. wbu. a fww dye. before the 'tragedy, had. asked her If she had seen It In her bureau drawer. ' The wit ness Sttld'hat'sjie '.tdld the youbr woman that she had not, as she had not looked Into- tr, bureuii.- ' .Xlie. nex"t daj' .'ih 'nrf- W. Skinner, president of the West End tlced the weapon on the top of the bljrea'Jt , Improve inent club, and sixty other resl- When anked by County Attorney Hess denta of that section of the city filed a pro lf 'Miss R1k. cried "wjien'tfie doctor;fn- Uest against a permit for a saloon at . that fqf ijl,-i'r. that "her' liusbahdn'a!waT dead, ; plac; being granted. Councilman Hendrix the witness' replied: "She did aot cry of the Sixth ward explained that his con as much us I tWoulf) alf. my .husband was . stltuents objectad to the' saloon for the dead." ' ' I reason there was no police protection In . Both Mr., aad Mrs. Joehrendt .testified that part of the city. - It developed during that . they had not heard any -shot ami the discussion that a local wholesale Arm did not know of any 111-feellug between had purchased the property at Broadway fhe young wdihan and her" aupposud hus'-; aid Twenty-fourth street and reoted a band. . - I M.OuO saloon bonding on. It before any prtj- Sot Tbronab- Heart. test waa filed. Mayor Macrae called atten- Dr. Treynor," who" as' coVoher, held a post tlon'tp the fact that there were two sa niortem on the botljf o,f Potts, described he loous on Weet Broadway, one of which auture of the wound, lje Sfild the bullet, h d Chief of Police Richmond had at- ne of small calber, Had pierced the bot- afrreauio auu nwuuiiii, their ose mm ( Dlgaatlaa KeaJy t Eat re f r f alsatta: ar teek la easa)!. aV( a ui.ww tr . f 4 I. torn of the hesrt Immediately beneath the operrlng Into the left ventricle. Asked by cuun.sel for, the defendant If Potts, after having been shot as he was, could have pulled iij the coverlid on the bed and ar- r ...... . ... ranged It In the position It wag found ta be. Dr. Treynor replied that It was quite possible. He also said It ws possible . . . for a man to live an hour or more after being shot In the manner Potts was. Dr. Treynor's testimony related solely to the character of the wound, but It la under stood he will be recalled this hiortilng for further examination. The testimony of Undertaker Lewis Cutler showed that he discovered the bullet wound In the man's chest before removing the body to the morgue, but that he kept the large barn, granary, cribs, well, mill and fact of the discovery to himself until he ' tanks; 219 acres In cultivation; balance in communicated with Coroner Treynor and clover and timothy and pasture; all can (old him It appeared to be a case which be cultivated. Farms all arouud are highly ought to be looked Into at once. In com-. Improved; deep black Soli; everything pany -with Dr. Treynor the. witness said . In good repair; price, $60 per acre; will he returned to the Joehrendt place, where take $10,000 In other property; balance they questioned Miss Rlpke. In reply to $1,000 per year. I also have 80 acres 12 their question, "Who shot your husband?" . miles north of Co. Bluffs, 2 miles from the young woman, he testified, replied as station, on I1L Cen. R. R. ; 60 acres In cul if surprised, "Is he shot?" - The witness tlvatlon; balance in clover and timothy was proceeding to tell of the different hay; all can be cultivated; good barn and stories told by the young woman to ac- granary; not much house; price, $50 per count for the shooting when court ad-. acre; encumbered for $100, 4 years; will Journed for the day. Mr. Cutler's examina tion will be" resumed on court convening this morning. - The 'testimony of H. B. Russell, Under taker Cutler's assistant, related W the dis covery of the revolver on the floor near the bed, the position of the body of the dead man, the condition of the clothes, etc Witnesses for Defense. I Four witnesses for the defense arrived yesterday from Hanover, Kan., the former home of the young woman. They are 1L R. Kulton, an attorney; H. M. Mueller, i a member of the legislature; A. Bpencer, ' a prominent business man, and Frank Rich- ards, sheriff of Washington county, all of whom are expected to teittlfy to the ; good character of Miss Rlpke prior to her i entanglement with Potts. The defense will claim that Potts shot himself and In support of this will lntro duco evidence to show that at least on two occasions he attempted to commit suicide In Omaha. Chief of Police Dona hue of Omaha, It Is expected, will be an Important witness for the defense In this respect. Toys! Toys) "loyal Toys! Look out for our great toy opening; greatest ever In Co. Bluffs. Don't forgot children's day. Petersen & Schoenlng Co., Harward and Furniture. Certainly. Armenian lace edge handker- chiefs at $1.T5, $1 and 65c, at The John Beno ' C.O. VIADUCT FOR WOODBl'RY AVE IE After Many Delays Meaanre Paaae v city Council. Councilman Wallace succeeded In get- ting his Woodbury avenue crosiilng ordl- nance through the city council last night by a' vote of 6 to J, Councilmen Maloney and Smith voting against it. The ordl- nance defines tha need for a crossing upder the tracks of the Great Western railroad but tha railroad haa the right of appeal to ' the railroad commissioners. C. O. Saunders, attorney for the railroad, protested against the passage of the ordi nance, taking the' position that tha neces sity for such a crossing did not exist and that 'there were many far more-dangerous crossings within the city limits which were , entirely unprotected. Mr. Saunders said, such; a ' crossing as proposed by the ordinate would cost, $10,000 at least. The eity soUcitor waa Instructed to draft the requisite resolution providing for the paving- ot tna following streets, .wna.ii 11 P" " 7 : ' lj21kit norm rinil Biroem iruill y umn B wu .- north terminus Nicholas: street, from Broaaway to norm linn of Uelden'a sub. Bloomer street from First atreet to easterly line of Damon street. Perln avenue, from Frank atreet to east erly terminus. 'I homes street, from Pierce street to Broadway. AM-iiue A. rrom tigntn street 10 orin- western - tracks. Nmth street, from Broadway to Avenue B. Tenth street, from Broadway to Avenue B. Seventh- Btreet, from Washington avenue to south, line of Avenue F. Damon street, from Bloomer street to Clinton street. Avenue B. from Eighth street to North western tracks. Tenth street, from. First avenue to Seventh- avenue. - - Third avenue, from Ninth street to Northwestern tracks. Fourth avenue, from Ninth street to Northwestern tracks. Sixth avenue, from Tenth . atreet. to Northwestern tracks. Fifth avenue from Twelfth street to Indian creek bridge at Fourteenth street. Union avenue, between Ninth and Tenth irtfeets. Elder atreet,- from Washington avenue to Colfax street. Eighth street, from Washington avenue to Avenue G. Third street, from High School avenue to rltory atreet. - - Hlkh School avenue, from Third street to Glen avenue. Turley avenue, from Third street to Clark -avenue. The 'application of J. F. Walklngton & Co. . (oconduct a saloon at Broadway and Tw'fiittypurth street was turned down. G .... I1I11WJ1..1 1 1 IV. I Ol" . tempted to close, but the -people of that ward petitioned that It be allowed to run. The application, however, waa turned down by a vote ot I to 1. Several petitions asking that tn the event of a new franchise being gruited the waterworks company, It be required to fur nish all Usera the same service regardless of altitude, were, on the recommendation of the committee of the whole, placed on file. In accordance with the report of City Engineer Etrryre the waterworks company waa held responsible for the washouts on Lawton terrace, and the bill fugr renalrs, amounting to $201.71, was ordered furnished the company with tha request that It settle same. The council adjourned to next Monday night. Certainly. Handkerchiefs are the most useful and always appreciated gifts. Many new, exclusive novelties will be found here. Fancy box filled with handkerchiefs for men, women and children. The John Beno Co. "aa- aur wln .; u.. wa., our asbestos aad Irons the best sad iron en earth ail klnda and six. Basin A Mauar. General Black Eiteaai Thanh. Among numaraua 11 tar received by Ma jor Oaorg H. Richmond from members of tha Sooiety of tha Army of the Tunnrm hi at tend d tha reunion in this city, ex pressing their appreciation of the hopl tality extended theta by the people oX Ceua- ell Bluffs. Is one froth Jheral John C Black, which Major Richmond received yesterday rooming. It follows: ' Csptaln Oeorge H. . Richmond, Council . Y"rf."- ,.!,T"r STV .,ll??.nT. of all, to return njrsia my sincere thanks trt the ' committee the'ivkrsfMisI coilr- testes shown me upon the nct-nslon of my I"" "nr Hluffs November and . at the reunion of tlv Society of Uie Army 0f the Tennessee. . . , Nor will I ever foriret the delights and exaltations of the reunion, and through you I want to thank all who helped to make It what It was, a great success. Very truly your friend and comrade, John c. black. For Exchange 30-acre improved farm In N. E. So. Dakota, 4 miles from 2 good railroad towns, with a fine 8-roorn house, exchange equity for other property. Ad dress D. S. Kerr, 61 B'way,' Co. Bluffs, la. 'Phones 417 and 406 red. This is an age of economy and the thrifty person ' buys where his money has the greatest purchasing power, provided i the goods are satisfactory. My reputation ' guarantees the quality my prices speak for themselves. Call and see my Christ- mas stock of Jf-welry. Kverything I have n first-class and up to date. O. Mauthe, 228 W. Broadway. ! . Certainly. Both sheer and medium sheer linen Initial handkerchiefs, 8fc per half doxen, or each 15c, at The John Beno Co. Alfred , Flower hot While Ilnntliia. Suffering from a severe -gunshot wound received while hunting Saturday,- Alfred Flower, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Flower lft.0 fllgh street, was brought to this rity yesterday morning from Indianola, where he Is attending Simpson college, and placed In the General hospital. Young Flower, In company with a fel low student, was hunilng Saturday near the college, and while crossing a stream his gun was accldentaly discharged, the load of shot entering the leg below the knee and making a bad wound. He was accompanied here by his father, who, on ecelpt of word of the accident, went to Indianola Saturday evening. The Injured lad waa 'a student In the Council Bluffs High school up' to the time he entered Simpson college, and was bugler In the cadet company. He went to Simp' son college to play first cornet in the Simpson Symphony, orchestra, .receiving his tuition free In return, Last summer an eldet son of Mr. and Mrs. Flower was struck and killed bv .a Grcat western train at the Third' street crog8ing, almost within eight of the home. ; Now Is the time to decorate for Xmas. The latest styles of , wall .paper, and the new Muralla. A -big. line of pictures to select from oil paintVngs,- pastels, etch ings and water colors. 'Get your pictures framed. The new ovals n all styles'. Also a new line of new moldings, which w-e make up artistically -'aft promptly. W. 8. Hewetson, , ManOnlo'VtieiripJo . ..Council Bluffs, la. " 1. s: - kv " Certainly. The' new all-over handker chiefs, embroieredleffi$s.',oV,nneat sheer llnerr, af$3, $2.80, $2, $1.75, $1.50,' $1, 75c and 60c, at The John Beno Qv,.,. Alexander's Art Store-Is showing a fine assortment 01 the handsomest designs In oval and fancy framesX - Just - tho thing . .. j, . . ror your pnotograpns-ana water-eolor beads. .Before buying a gas or electric portable call and see our llne.: New, up to 'date, and prices are right. "W: A.' Maurer. ' Real Fatnte Transfer. These transfers were reported to The Bee December S by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Edward L. Pardee and wife to August Johnk, se-4 33-76-3ti, w. d $12,tW0 Mary E. Hendricks and husband to Carrie -M. Ottemeler. lot, 10, block t, Jefferls' subdiv., w. .d.v..i George L Judson and wife to - Nels I-arsen, elfc lot 2, block 17, Bayllss' 2d add., w. d v,,.., Ernest E. Hart and wife to Theresa P. Richmond, s4 lots 1 and 2, block 16, Mill add., w. d Ernest E. Hart and wife to George L Judson. eMi lot 2, . block 17, Bay- 5,000 1,450 1,060 11 s 2d add., w. a 1,600 TV . ... ... -' Otto Falk and wife to D. Forssoll, lot 8, block 2, Stutsinar n a sa aim., w. d 1... lflo E. M. Smart and wife 40 Andrew E. IJndblom. lots 5, tt, 7 and K block 4. Big Grove add., Oakland, la., W. d.. Farrand Organ company to Benja-mln-Fehr Re:J KUte company, lot 16, block 27. Beers' subdiv.,' q. c. d.. J P. Grrenshlelda and Wife to Albert A. Mt'Clure and Thomas W. Austin, 1 lot 9, bl ck 4, li s add., q. c. il. I.amlra KIiik ,to.Thimas King, hus band, lots 3, 4 ajid.5, block 5, Street's add.,, w. d '. Ed N Jordan to Ernest E, Hart, eV lot 2, block 17, Bayllss' 2d add., q. c. d 100 75 Eleven transfers, tolal.. :.. Framed Pictures A picture makes . an . Wal, Xmas Lift. Make your selections now, wnue me as- sortment Is unbroken, C. E. Alexander, 333 B'way. 'Phone 366. ' Did you ever; much longer your clothes wear when, you have them cleaned? We can make them look a good as new ones. We dye" everytldng,' any shade desired. Carpets cleaned,, laid and refitted. Both 'phones 116. . Council Bluffs Cleaning Co. and Rug Factory, 14 N. Main. Price Is not' the only inducement. Qual ity often becomes Just as Important. r-?? ,,:;" , , get your trade, because I want to keep it. O. Mauthe, 228 W. B'way. Certainly. Handkerchief centers, fancy and plain, 25c, 15c and 10c, at The John Beno Co. A. Metsarar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 616 Mynster Btreet, Council Bluffs, .la. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. Bee the new line of oval frames and picture moldings at W. 8. Hewetson's, B'way and Fourth St.. Council Bluffs. The new eastern styles for 107 hive Just arrived. If you want to look over some thing nobby, call around at -Van Brunt's. It will pay you. Came early. McDonald Gets Twenty Years. 1 A McDonald, convicted on the chars-e of incest with his 18-year-old step-daughter, . . . Goldle Cnrrle, waa yesterday sentenced by Judge Green In district court to twenty- I 1 ., $22, 217 I w by? more. Dandruff vim mula. Iteaa Cure Your. A Friend in Need Al ways with You. HEN you have Heartburn, Colic, Coated Tonpue, Sus pected Breath, Acid-risfnj-tn throat, Cas-belchlng, or an Incipient Cold, laVs a .Casraret. . . ., Remember, ail these are not merely Discomforts, but Indications of a aerloua Cause. v Nip them In the bud eat a Candy Cas carel. Cascareta don't purge, nor punish the stomach like "Bile-driving" "Physios." They act like Exercise on the Bowel Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestfvs Juices of the body Into Food. Cascareta ward off, or cure, the following diseases: Constitialion End lireitlh Headache 'Diarrhoea Flatulence 'Jaundic A'ausea I'erti'ca Tim pies ' Blotches Bilicusness Indigestion -Dysfrpsia Torfid Liver ' A ppetulicitis Cclic I 'cr-ms Met tn such cases a little Cascaret In time Is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment later bn, to say nothing of the suffering, discom fort, loss of Business Energy, and loss of Social Sunshine It saves. ' Headaches, Heartburn, Gas-belchlng, Acid-risings In the throat, and Colicky feel ing are sure ajjns of bowel trouble from food poisons, and should be ' dealt with promptly. One Cascaret will stop the 'coming trouble, and move on the Bowel load, If taken at the first signs. Don't fall to carry the Vest Pocket Box of Cascareta with you constantly. AH druggists sell them over ten million boxes a year. Be very careful to get tho genuine, made Only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." 740 years in the penitentiary at Fort Madison. His appeal bond was pluced at $1,500. Klmer Sayres, Indicted for assaulting a young. ninn whose attentions to his daugh , ter he objected to, entered a plea of guilty Rn,i WUH fiped $25 and costs. Tho retrial of Oeorge Matheson, the young man who slOt and werlously wounded Deputy Sheriff J. C. Baker, which had been assigned fcir this term, was yester- day continued on motion of the defense ! to the next term. I FOR VALUE lUOCKIVED WE FROM SS .... ' ISE TO GIVE YOU A TON OF 'THE BEST HARD COAL SOLD THIS CTtOS CREEK LEHIGH No better hard coal I mined. . It la Just the tiling for your base burner or hard coal stove. It burns to a -clean ash. Co., Bluffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72.. I See our beautiful new Amas photographs and portraits. We are making some' hand some water' colors', sepia and crayon work which mut be ordered before December 17 and we -won't disappoint you.- Schmidt. Certainly. Fancy checks In handker chiefs, with hnnd embroidered corners, 60c 'n4 c. at 'The John lieno Co. -.- : ; . ' ' '.-. ... ., "PV ' - , ' (Special Telegram )-.The announcement of the engagement of Miss Maude of Sioux City, to II. II. Itelinwick of Kansas City, today was the surprise of the season In society, circles. Th-i be trothal Is the culmination of a romance of seven years In which the principals communicated with each other by mall. Combination gas and electric chandeliers and the celebrated . Wel.sbach incandescent gas liurriors. Why not see ua before you buy. We can certainly pleas? you on price and quality of goods. Stephan Bros., 5:3 West Broadway. ' MALOXEY CIGAR CO., 30 PEARL ST., COUNCIL BLUFFS. I A., DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR AND LITTLE ROBBIE. OLD TIMES AND ERRIS Ec CIGARS. Certainly. Madeira handkerchiefs, hand omhrhldcry on finest sheer ilnen, from $10 down, to $1.25, at .The John Beno Co.. Revival at l.ovnn, - - ' LOGAN, la., Dec. S (Si eclal.)-R v. Graves of the . local Methodist Eolscopa! church will open .a .aeries of protracted re vival meltings on December 31, In which he will be assisted by Rev. E. C. New ahJ . of Council Bluffs. Revivals will also be held at the Christian church, beginning on 1 January 6. . 1 v Amttclinian'a OvcraJioea . At Sargent's Family Shoe Store .will out wear two pairs, ordinary 'overshoes. 1 Certainly. Embroidered handkerchiefs at ,up fi-mn 50c. 35c, Soo, 19c, 15c, 10c and 5e, at S- Thj'' l..i,n n'.n. Cn ' -.-. ' ...- -phe John Beno Co. 8e Btephart Broa.-for the latest and best I Inverted burners. 629 West Broadway.' - l.lfe sen fence for Wife Vlnrder.' SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. S.-HSpedal.) In the district court 'tiere today Myron. lark confi used to murdering his wife ami r" celved a life sentence in the penitentiary at Anamosa. ftpada! Spuds! Spuds! Chalce early Ohio potatoes at 56c de livered In' five-bushel fnts 'of more. - Both phones 182. Brldenstlna & Smith, 1401 8. 6th street. Certainly'. This atore IS prepared to serve you better than ever before, with both holi day merchandise and quick service. The I John' Beno Co. For Imported wines and liquors and Byl welser beer, go to L. Rouen f eld, wholesale liquor dealer, 619 South Main street. N. Yl Plumbing Co. TeL 200. ' Night, 60S Ion Von Killed In Wreck. WTI -M I N G TO N, N; C Dec. . fSp clal Telegram.) James Blssett of Crescent, la,, waa scalded to death In a r&llrcad wreck near her. The body will b aei.t to ihe Iowa home for Interment. Sot l.oalnf Mind. CHICAGO. !'. I The friends of John ileisnder Dowle today denied sirenuoily ,1 - .i.,ri-a tnat the mind of th f.-rrrr lea.lrr of. the Zmn church bid bciiin. weakened. Deacon Iewia, Inwif I coin- 'aM7. ...1(L however, that Dowt baa been' V"rV. sick and La f& troio weL. because it is auuoymt, uunuy. And because it almost mvanaoiy icaas to Cure It, and save your bair. Get too. at the same time. All easily done Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved for Cures dandruff, otopi uning nair. not uia or shang i. O. ArtrOo. toior or l. Low.. I. a u.. STREET RAILWAY CASE IPiRnVt I pf Ynur United Etrtea Court to Eettle Whether it Has rraichiro in TJea ksiiies. D0LLIVER MAY SETTLE ATTORNEYSHIP Chairmanships of the More Important Committee In Both llonae and Senate Practically Derided 1 pon. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 WOINKS, Dec. . (Special s- Jte fore Juilge Smith McPherson In the I'nlted States circuit court here today was begun the suit Involving the franchise rights of the Des Moines Street railway. The city ordered the coiujiany to vacate the street and a suit was begun In the state courts I t' determine Its franchise- rights. The company went to the United States courts fdr an Injunction to restrain the city from tearing up the tracks. The city, In answer ing the suit tor an Injunction, denied that the company had a franchise and denied also the Jurisdiction of the United States courts since the case Involved no constitu tional questions. The hearing of the argu ments this morning was Interrupted by the 'rgumehts In the case of the Marshalltuwn ;lucose company against tfie City of Mar- nhalltown Involving damages for a sewer. This afternoon tha arguments were re sumed on the part of the railway .company by N. T. Guernsey. The testimony of the street car officials and others has already been submitted to Judge McPherson and the court announced today that he would decide all questions raised after the en tire case had been beard. A recital of the different steps In the litigation and some of the preliminary statements was all that was reached today. Mr. Guernsey will be followed by City Solicitor Bremner for the city. The suit Is one that attract! great attention In this city, since the franchise question has been before the public for some years. . Chnae Needs Only Dolllver. Politicians In the city are saying that D. C. Chase of Webster City needs only the support of Senator Dolliver to get the position of United States attorney for northern Iowa. M. J. Tohln of Vinton Is a candidate for the position, and the Iowa delegation In Washington Is expected to caucus soon on tho appointment. It Is understood that Blrdsall, Haugen, Hub bard, Connor and Dawson favor the ap- polntment of Chase, while Allison and Cousins favor Tobln. If Chase can get Dolliver the chances of his appointment will lie strong, for George of Clinton has the support of some of the congressmen, dividing the support of Tobln. Wreck on Great Western. A work trnln snd a freight on the Great Western collided last night, resulting In the death of H. Field of Nevada, la., and the j serious inlurv of Dan McGratli and l'earl I Anderson, a hrake.oan The work train. It is asserted, had orders to operate till 6:30. and the freight had orders to run 1111 k m,,bn. it r,r.H tha , ri till 5, making it appear that the train dis patcher had given lap orders. Officials of the coad are Investigating the cause of the w reel, but will give out nothing thus far. The collision took place near the Maple Grove coai mine. Field was steal ing a ride on the tender and when the col lision occurred attempted to reach the en nglneer and fire- as caught In the gine, from Which the e man had Jumped. He gangway and Instantly killed. Biaaeat ' Committees Settled The chairman of the three biggest com mittees in both the house and senate of the next, leglalatare are practically settled now. In the senute. Smith of Mitchell "and May tag of Jasper- will have' the eortimlt tees on ways , ami means and appropriations. Just which man will have which commit tee l not decided. Dowell of Polk will retain Judiciary. In the house. Teter of Marlon will have' ways and means, Weeks of Guthrie will have Judiciary and Jones of Page will have appropriations. Subject for Debate. "Should United States senators be elected by popular vote?" Is the question that has been proposed by the Omaha High school for the debate between that school and the West Des Moines High school. Certainly. All pure linen handkerchiefs, plaid effects, also corded hem, at 25c, 15c and 10c, at Tho John Beno Co. For producing heat this coal is hard to bat. Economy washed cgs and lump for your range or cook stove. Council Biuffs Coal and Ice Co. 'Phone 72. ' llnrrlnon County Tax Sale. LOGAN, la., Dec. 3 (Special.) The an nual delinquent tax sale was hold this morning at 10 o'clock at the court house in Logan, selling lands and lots in Hanlsoni county. There waa a light list delinquent. 51,000 PEOPLE Itl OMAHA TOO TillCl .The latest From lUitllu Creek . Forti'-rVye per cent ' of Omaha peo ple itur. loo thin for their heignl. Tinny per cent have more tlefch thun tliey can curry comfortably. Only twenty-live per cent are noruial -neither U10 thin nor too tleshyl' ' The, latest news from Battle Creek will Interest the il,0u0 men and women- who wish to- add Hash. A recent announcement states that a new food 1'eptol increases the weight from 6 to 10 pounds in less than two weeks. ' Sonre remarkable results have been re ported. A professor of International fame iu an .tastern university increased 6 pounds In six days..-A Chicago man who had been refused by Insurance companies on the around of underweight. Is gaining at I i,a mi, of two nnunria a week. A Chicago lady who baa weighed 120 pounds, for ten yeara haa put on two and three-quarters pounds - of flesh ' In a few 4Jays and reports steady gains. . These few incidents are mentioned from a hundred cases where tha new food haa been tried. Ptjptol resembles honey In ap pearance and. taste. ' It can either be eaten ax honey Is eaten, or mixed Willi water and taken as a drink. Any thin person In Omaha can get a supply of Peptol by sending one dollar to the i'eplol Company, Firm National liiuik Bldg., Chicago. With the first supply of Peptol la given a guarantee that If you do not gain ill flesh your money will be re funded. Start today to Increase' your weiffht. Every ounce of flesh added la health Insur ance. Peptol Is made by the leading diet siieclalists in Battle Creek for the Peptul Company. Evory 7cnai. L lUUrwt41tria14vw Mmtl Vbirime Sara -JM.'.t CoB.aaiaii UhnUbl W. ' ft ti- o.itnwiadpai? the stai a .. a-Mxci ma -cKiier. i-u vna tLauiti fur iiiiiirird ft ttee lull rwtnoailimanu -orni-,- i,ii iu. 1 1 iaos. Kf IKVII I a. aaasi.. ax anjk. For Bum by SHERMAN a M t'uNNKUL DRUG CO, ' liltli and Lodge Bi. MTElui-DIl.LON DKLU CO. S. iL. Cur. loin and aruatn aUa. I."'i?vksi. Piles Grow Kvorjr llcniorrliohlnl I lei-r I a rYrtllo MrUl for Cancer ami Oilier Deadly Oismsr. TRIAL riCKAOl rBEl, Constipation unchecked brim's Inflamma tion. Inflammation begets pllea and piles to often superinduces tumors of malignant na ture. It is utmost Tolly to allow this condition to continue. If you have piles the veins ot the rectum are congested, and the excessive straining of the abdominal walls to force a pnsFHge in many canes leads to rupture and cracking of the tlssm s. There Is no greater suffering than this. If you are a sufferer from piles you know it. It Is fixillsh to think that any ami unt "f cathartics will relieve you. On the con- trary purgatives are favorable to the pro ductlon of hemorrhoids.' Do not be de ceived either by the illusion that an opera tlon always cures. It sometimes does, but "Vera Is Ho Greater Tortara Than PUaa. the agony of the operation Is too great t warrant tho experiment, except as a laa resort. There Is only one natural way to cure plies. There are medicaments which to gether heal the mucous membrane of the bowels and rectum and give It life. The Pyramid Drug Co., havo prepared supposi tories convenient for Insertion Into the af fected part and containing the soothing,' healing. Invigorating . medicines needed to effect a quick and permanent cure. That these do cure piles is proved by the volun tary testimonials of thousands. By every mail we get letters like this: "Wishing to give credit where credit Is clue, I feel It my duty to humanity as well as yourselves to write you rewarding your pile remedy. 1 have not finished lny iirst box and am now well. After the Mist treat ment of Pyramid Pile Cure, the soreness "n" ''-' ellillgs have kept dereaa- I ln- 1 u!,cd our P"ls a,,d am fe,41n J like yclf again. Thanking you kindly. I nm, y.ours truly. C.Crowley, 170 9th Ave., Seattle, Wash." We do not ask you to lake our word. We are willing that you should try. our treat ment and decide for yourself. Send to the Pyramid Drug Co., 72 Pyramid Build ng. Marshall, Mich., and you will receive a frta trial package by return mall. After you ,iave vsed the cotl'nt!, lf thle .package you ca" eL'ure exactly the same medicine. It you win rhk tor ine ryraiiiiiu me cure. For sale at all druggists, 60 cents per box. That's the Guarantee Your Druggist Puts Ik-hind Kvcry l)ox of BKOMO-LAX No chance whatever do you take when you buy a box ol BROMO-LAX, lor your druggist will refund your money if -'.AX does not cure your cold. Now, we must Know thai Bitu.vlO-LAX Is the surcht and safest cold cure or wa could not afford to say tills. Bhn.u'j-i..i.i i oi.iiient from all other cold cures IT'S BETTER. Not Just because we nay so, but because we make It so; Bid 1.M1 i-LAX Is scientifi cally prepared: it's not Just a lot of druas thrown togther, but each drug Is put in lor a specific purpobe: each Ingredient helps the other ingredient to do their work. B HOMO-LAX contains no quinine, therefore does not leave the head stuffy like quinine cold cures. Get a box ti day, 25u at your druggists, in orange colore d box., J5e Valcs Addii M&Lchiie la the latest, most modern, up-to-date' Adding and ' Listing Machine on s 'the market. It must be eeen lo be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Vree. A. L. McCreary ... Nebraska Ajcent. P. O. ItOX 891. L1ACOL.1. alUE Ingredient of Klorx lieer are the best obtainable. Barley malt made from the choicest grain grown In the west. Bohemian hops Imported direct at three times the cost of American hope. Arte sian water, pure and sparkling, from a 1,400 foot welU The hlh quality of theaa Ingre dients greatly Increase the cost of making fetors Iieer. Yet you pay no more for It than for common bear. Always order felon Hs. Oct qllty.( Ott Tvwr moneys worth. Stars Brewing Co OmaJaew Bt imp mim iiffimin)ji)iii)!iit' Koney Back if it Fails ;'-''.''w PP""" eWejiaBaa'Tsnja) smmmmmmemimmiw0a 1