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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
1(3 THE OMAITA DAILY DEE: TUESDAY, DECTOrBETl 4, 100(5. I H M m n 5 H Exposi tion Wtek SPECIAL SALE ! LADIES' PETTICOATS ; Worth Up to $1.50 49c s 69c at Thousands of fine petticoats from a special purchase, go sale Tuesday, made of fine mercerized Italian cloths and sateens blacks and white, checks and plaids all cut full and made with wide dust ruffles, tucks and pleats, worth $1.00 up to $1.50 each, in two lots Main floor, old. store g Omaha's Pare Food Center g OMAHA AVKATHKH FOItKCAST Tuesday, Fair. 49c 69c : SALE OF FINE FURS s imitation chinchilla. Cluster earfs, Zazas, and doubles, In brook mink, Canadian mar ten, blended coney worth up to 4 at 200 stylish scarfs, in double fox, Jap mink, beavers, etc., pretty Zazas and scarf styles, f QQ worth up up to $12.50. . . 0JO 1.98 Vino fur Rrarfs In Isa- W unuira nuw ova - - of ermine, bella and sable iox, Australian ! genuine und Canadian marten, blended brook mink, squirrel, etc., worth up to 1 ftO 16 at .JJ 4.98 martens,, natural ana blended squirrel, etc., worth up to $10. at. . . . Fine-Scarfs, in ail the most popu lar stylish furs and shapes, worth as high as $20 each, Cg For the household cuisine Pure Food Products are the only onu that should he used. But no matter how strong your desire is for pure food, you might be Imposed upon, if you do not patronize a reliable pure food store. Iots of articles sold, look good but Courtney's attach more importance gj to purity and do not sen an article J altogether upon Its appearance. U Nothing can bear our indorsement Q without we know it to be pure, whole- jj some and of the best quality. A large consignment or rvew iora Buckwheat and Maple Syrup Just re ceived. Ankola Java and Mocha Coffee best 3 pounds for a dollar coffee sol In Omaha. Steadily growing in popi larity. Try It once and you wli always use it. Mi Ladies' Mounted Combs, 1 ZoJpZo Worth up to $1.25 each, at . . . . JLtl V UUj up We bought drummer's samples in 200 combs are mounted in brilliants with beautiful designs of cupid and flow ersalways sell at 50c to $1.25 at styles these d a-w-.' 15c!25( SALE: OF CHRISTMAS SILVERWARE 50 dozen knives and forks, made by Jennings Bros., stamped and warranted 12 pwt., pure silver on nickle a set of six kniws and forks is positively worth $4, C we sell at, each ' Odd silver pieces the W. A. Rogers Oneida : Community 5 brand, 1847 Roger Bros.' silver and . Wallace Bros.' your choice 1847 Vintage pattern tea spoons set of six Our lunch counter where you can be quickly served with many appe tite tempters. Including: Delicious Sandwiches, Rc at. each ow Ankola Java and Mocha, per cup ' Our Home made Plea, Rr per cut Delicatessen Ever tried our delicatessen depart ment? We have a nice-line or, cooked meats and sausages nere that anA mlpht HH VP VOU the H trouble of preparing same at home, b VI . A. A. 4 i IV at prices tnat are morn, leiiinm. y PHONE POTTOT,A8-fi47-Prlvato F.x change Connects All Departments. 25c 5 125 aBa?x- 1 i Christmas Exposition Week See the beautiful display of Holiday Goods. Buy now while the stocks are at their best. ONLY 18 SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL MAS Wlioro You Sco tho Oldest Trees in the World DKAGINB this if you can 3 square miles of forest, containing 3,000 trees measuring; over 300 feet in height and 60 feet around. When yon con alder that every one of these trees Is as high as the ordinary skyscraper of today, and that there are 1,000 of them in this one forest, you haVe only a ' Tague idea of the sight before you aa you ride' among them and look up among their branches. Even these are larger than any tree near your home. Expert es timate places the age of these trees at 8.000 yeara. They were growing before the pyramid! of Egypt were built The UNION PACIFIC Is the way to this and the many other wondera an 4 delights of California. Ask about rate, trains, etc. Get the California books and plan a little trip for this winter. Inquire at ' ' CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARXAM ST. 1 'Phone Donglaa 834. Christmas Slippers The early Christmas shopping is on. ' We are fully prepared to ahow you the best and biggest line of Christmas Slipped ever seen. Fur trimmed Romeos, in red. green and black, for women and children; prices ranging from $1.00 up. Women's Carriage Boots, $3.60 to $5.00. Men's Romeos and Opera Slip pers, black and tan, $1.00 to $3.60. For the old people we have a full line of Felt Sole Shoes and Slippers, from $1.00 up. TRADE EARLY. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnaia St. V 111 1 ,..,::m.. ". .i1 " 1 m-iMl 1,1111 nYi":""i"li;ri,l ww" ti-i 'inw HOTELS. l 1 Eroadway, Filth Ave. and 27th SU New York la a modern, Anst-clase hot, la the can tor of the sDsppIng district. Complete lm all lta appointments a.nd absolutely nre- rroof. USirnUhtna and deoorailooa rely new throughout. Accommodations for 600 auMts; Vii suites with beth. Hit ana cold water and telephone In every room. European plan. Cutelne unei. colled. Rooms II M a day up, with beta 12.10 up. The only hotel In Manhattan fcontlna both oa Broadway and Fifth Ave. QEORIJH W. IWIENSI . . Prenrleta LflFfWETTE ilOTCL 2Ilarli Brown & Borsheim, Reliable Jewelers EVEEY PUFF A DELIGHT Will ITS SHOW THEIR ELEGANT Hew Christmas Stock Complete in every detail today Nflver before have we made such exten sive preparations for the holiday trade. YWd like you to call and let u ahow you. .sk for a copy of "Xmas Hints" 222 Sooth t6th St QAILEY & MACH DENTISTS SD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK HIGHEST GRADE DENTISTRY REASONABLE PRICES Ii ONLY EIGHTEEN SHOPPING DATS TILL CHRISTMAS iwlilll 11 J We Sell Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Christmas Exposition Week It's a present prime condition of af fairsit's uppermost in everybody's mind. We urge you in all earnestness to shop early.' Full Christmas stocks are on display. The Christmas spirit prevails throughout this great store. Clerks are eager to show you Christmas Gifts. Shop Early! Shop Early! Ladies Suits at 20 per cl. discount Ery suit and costume at 20 per ct. discount Great Opportunity n.n ! Women's Coat Sale "Women's Coats, made of fine ker sey, 50 inches long, collar and cuffs, trimmed in velvet and braid ; some are full satin lined; others half lined regular $15 value, Tuesday special $10.95 In the Infant's Dept. Large variety fur robes for go-carts, car riages, etc, each, from $9 to... 2.95 Krinkdown robes, in pink, blue or white, at $3.00 Tretty caps and bonnets for infants and small children, each, up from. . . .50 Embroidered sacques, from $2.95 to.50 Hand made bibs, $1.95 down to. . . .75 Nice assortment mittens, bootees and leggings. Infants' Long Coats, up from 1.50 Infants' White House-2d Floor. Sec Large Ad on Page 6 December Sale OF Men's Clothing, Suits d O'Coats worth up to $25.00, ou sale at THB RELIABLK STORE www Large Id. on Page S Drapery Sale From 10 to 11 a. m. - 100 pairs of Fine Nottingham Lace Cuhtains that sell at $1.25, 3 pairs to customer, at, each 39c $10-$i2.50 $15418 Flour Flour From 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. i 100 pairs of Curtains that sell at $2.00 per pair, only 3 pair to customer, at, each 75c Flour We contracted with one of the larast flour mills In th country for 10 cur. of the Finest Hlph Piitrnt Flour, nmile from the very best Ked Turkey Hard Winter Whet, und makes more loaves, whiter bread and will give better satisfaction than any other flour on the market. We received our lirst carload Saturday, and to make room for the balance of stock we are goinK to give the housekeepers of Omaha a chance to se cure a sack of this finest hlfrh patent flour. Nothing; finer made, at. per .i 4S-lb. sack '' Fiesh Fruits and Vegetables Owing to the enormous Increase of busi ness In this department we were competed to more than treble Its slxe and double the force of clerks, thus assuring you of get ting what you want without trouble or Inconvenience. THE P'OLLOWINO THICKS WILL. PR VAIL TUESDAY Fancy Cooking Apple, per peck 14 Fresh Beets, Carrot, Turnips, Parsnips or Kutabagas, per pound la Large heads Fresh Cabbage 10 Fancy WaV or String Beans, per lb 2 Heads Fresh Celery 6o 2 Bunches Freah Parsley Bo 2 Heads' Fresh Lettuce So. 2 Bunches Fresh Radishes 6o 1 bunch Fresh Shallot Onions 6c Fr all Cucumbers, each 15 Frcsn Tomatoes, per pound l"e Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, per puartlc New Honey, per rack LI'jO Fancy Highland Navel Oranges, per doi.lfxJ Fancy Fard Dalew, per pound ll Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per pound Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart J Silks Tuesday morning we will place on sale several thousand yards elegant fancy silks, consisting of taffeta and Louis iene weaves; styles new and very pret ty, hair line stripes, checks, etc., a great aggregation; these silks sell reg ularly for GOc, 65c and 75c Tuesday morning, per yard 28 . 75c Taffe.ta. Silk-19 inches wide, in every conceivable shade; this silk will give satisfaction and positive wear, sells' everywhere for 75c Tuesday, at, per yard 43 Extra Special Tuesday we place on sale several thous and yards. of the best Moleskin Flannelettes that 6ell regu larly for 15c, in mill lengths Tuesday, yard, 3C Extra Specials in Silks and Dress Goods for Tuesday 50c Printed China Silk, light colors; Tuesday, yard 23 $1.25 Chamelion Silks (three tone); Tuesday, yard..59 $1.00 Novelty Dress Goods, all colors; yard 52t $1.25 All Wool Black Granite Cloth; Tuesday, yard. 1.39 10c Flannelettes, full pieces; Tuesday 5 Bath Robes, fine styles; Tuesday 75 Comfortables, large size 75 10c Outing Flannels; Tuesday, yard 54 Lonsdale Muslin; Tuesday, yard 7 Christmas China Ready The largest, most complete, lowest priced lines of China ever shown in Omaha on our second floor. Special Bargain Tables-$1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c and 10c. Plates, cups and saucers, vases, creams, sugar bowls, spoon trays,, salad bowls, celery trays, nursery rhymes on China. An assortment of good Christmas presents Cheap. -Beautiful Electroliers, Gas Lamps, Oil Lamps, Cut Glass, Dinner Sets, Etc ni' A f 1TV TIM V It L-W'r 1 I U 1 W i II-iiWVI 9. IU lUco Mercantile Cigar Cu Muufclurr, M. Louia. 1 f DEPUTY BTA7I VETERIHAKLa!.. H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VETKfeltARIAa. Qfflce and Inflrmarr. S"t bad Mason BU I OMAHA. Telephone fc Bennett's Big Grocery corrcsi must be fbesh BOASTED TO B OOOD. WE BOAST WBHil TOO WAIT. Bennett'a Breakfast Coffee, 2 lb. can 48o And twenty green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coltee, lb. pkg. .880 And twenty green trading Mainps. Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack... 41.40 ( And seventy-tive green trading 1 stamps. Tess, your choice, pound SSo And forty green trading stamps. Diamond S Preserves, jar 3SO And twenty green trading stamps. JOS. TITLET8 k OO.'S CBTIiOaT ABD XBOIA TEAS srXCIAIi orjrB. Qreen Label, pound tin Ma And forty green trading stamps Oreen Label, V lb. tin 36o And twenty, green trading stumps Oreen Label, lb. tin 180 And ten green trading stamps. BTuBtlejr and Palmer London Biscuit Uolden Uui-en Corn, II lbs 8 So "Hsl We Have" Tomatoes 2 cans. .860 "Best We Have" L. J. Fes 2 cans .80s "best He Have" Pumpkin, 2 vuns-.86e "Best We Have" lioeia, 1 tuns ...860 Chocolate Menier. pound . . io And thlrtv irrren trading stamps Poultry .ano in inc. can Ho And ten iirarn trading stamps. Shredded Codfish, t pkgs t6o And ten irren trading stamps. Navv Heuns. nnest. s pounds ...,(5o biheppa Cocuanul. i V, lb pkgs.. .8o And twenty green trauiug smuipa. Furniture CAKES UBErVX. AJTD ArFBOPlI. ATE QI7TS TBI XXSTO TMAT XASTS. Bocker (like eut), golden flnlsh, sad dle shaped wood seat, good, strong construction, pretty embossed panel back. Specially priced for Christ mas shoppers Beckers of solid oak, full post back, brace arms, seat upholstered In fig ured velours; regular i.o value, for A large line of odd and fancy chairs, up from 81.1 Ml 0)01 lem3 j U (7 CHRISTMAS EXPOSITION Begins in our store today You'll be (f). very welcome 10 iook anu eiu.v iii ij"s as you please, whether you buy or not. We have plenty of sales people to take good care of you. Come in. LOOK FOR THE NAME. 1 () S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. $ m ONLY aa TO fed 4- ijr nl and LiU Via Via 5 TCABPJS OABLY Via the Only Double Track Route Tickets on Sale Dec. 1st to 5th, Good Till Dec. 10th. May be Extended to Dec. 31 Upon Payment of 50c. . CITY OFFICES, 1401-3 Farnam St. -.ill )U - - ' ' nUli; Mlim H.HIISSI...,.U1JJ I y ifii T'i rum hi i i ' """ 1 I A Very Low Rate to CHICAGO Dates December 1 to 5, inclusive. Rate $H.75 from Omaha for round trip. Limit To leave Chicago December 10. This is for the occasion International Live Stock Expo sitiontickets on sale to general public, however. The Eock Island provides best service to Chicago. Fast through trains to the heart of the city, entering Ia Salle Station only one on the Elevated Railroad Loop. Let me give you our timo-table folder and full information. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. IlilT ls -)