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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMHER 4, 1006. SPECIAL NOTICES Adrrrtlif inrnti for Hi me eolamns will be taken oatll 12 nt. for the fTmlni eillllnii and 111 M p. m. for the mnrnlna and ganday edltlna. Hate 1 l-2e a word Inl laaerllon, 1c a word Ikrrriiflrr. nothing taken for Ira than !He for hr flrat Inaer flan. Throe advertisements aaaat be ran ennaecntl vely. Adrerllaera, tir rrqoratlnK a aam hered check, ran bare aaawrra ad d erased to a nomhered letter In rare of The Bee. Answer ao addreaaed will be delivered on preaeatatlon of cfteck. MISCELLANEOUS First Winter Term Hoyles Business lollego and School of Telegraphy Open a Monday, December 3, Day and Night, free catalogue la r-arty ask for It. H B. BOYL.ES. President. Iloyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . R M OMAHA Pafe and Iron Works make a ape ri.'lty of fire escape", shutters, iloora and ' safes. U. Andreen, Prop., U2 S. loth St. R-642 SIGN PAINTING S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. H i43 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1919 Farnin. HEFLIN 1 ocksmith, moved u;.H.alrs; en trance. 13i4 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 297. Ritto R I " P H E ft 8TAMP8-Western Ptanip and Stencil Co., 312 8. l-'th St. Send for cata logue. R-M.I'jo Do DAVIS BROS., machinists: seneril repair ing. H6 Jackson St. lei. Douglas :T:irt. R M7C Dl: FOFt C'Ti'STMAS da and Fctrle Rend ing !., is .ire alwiys ac-op' tide; new stock Jl't In: order now liurvess-Oniri-den Co. 313 Po. l.'.tli Bt Tel. ImuI-i ilM. II nt; t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Must Baorifioe All the f .i. niKi,in.s of my beautiful .mm?. Kvei-ytliint, of tne very host quuhty, ma ter, al an i w.iikm ' "S.-.ip. m stlc In de siKti. and must be sold regardless of cost. I-lvi'-ph ci- in .ili'igany p lor suit hand carved nialiojny leitlier cliulrs and rix k ers. Irili cloc. , odd chairs, library t.ihle, mi hoga ny, and massive oak din.tig set. leather sealed chiiirs. sideboard and buffet; dreHseis and chllTonieis, In mu hogany und quai ter-.-au ed ok; brass bed, hair iiinttiess and box spiln-.', drop-iiead Blnger sewing macliliio, Ii indLOme leather couch, Inlaid mahogany center table, Ax mlnster rus. be.iutlful p. tures, large mantel minor, lace curtains, portlerus, also beauilful mahogany upright piano. These goods ore the very choicest, se lected with great care, and It Is worth your time to see these furnishings If you contemplate rofurn.shlng or beginning houeH-eping. These Koods used less than three months, without si rati'h or mar, and will be sold at your own price. Call at once for choice, selections. lai Park Wilde Ave. T.iko Harney street car; get off at Park H'lulp and Pierce St. y Ml 51 4x TWO llcsley letter cabinets, In good condi tion, made of walnut and l ave two draw ers each. Call at Bee business otlice and get a bargain. J Hlx FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we load the world In cheap bur fixtures; easy payments. iirunswick-Balke-Collendar, 7 S. 10th St. Q lo SEND us you mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 7 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam. Q-475 OMAHA AUCTION CO., 70 8. ltith. . Tel. Douglas bi&2. J-Mi09 DI4 ONBti-lnch Jenkins' valve loe sale. Apply W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee Bldg. y-Aiift 600 UNREDEEMED 16th. overcoats, 418 No. Q M366 Dlo YEH, try It. $4.76 ton. Missouri nut coal. Phono Douglas 2417. HARMON & WEETH CO. 0-M441 D7 FREE music lessons for months with each new piano purchased before January 1. MATHEWS PIANO CO., 1513 Harney St. Q-21I D18 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mall room. Q 618 RUNABOUT, cost 200. sell for $75; Incu bntor, bicycle, double harness, brooders. 'Phone Douglas 6746. Q & 3x A FEW BARGAINS In second-hand soda fountains; monthly paymehts. Deng hi. Ibis Farnam. QiLl BOARDING and rooming house, snap It sold at once. Addreaa K 10, Bee. Q-M9G4 8x 60 USED planoa and organs must be sold before Inventory January 1, 1U07. See ua for nrtcea and terms. MATHEWS PIANO CO.. 1613 Harney St, Q-216 Dl( GOOD row for sale; will be freah In ten days. H, vogel, route 2, Florence, Neb. Q-M9t2 4 FOR SALE Full-blood English MaatlfT dog. 4 yars old, weight 146 lbs.: kind dis position. For particulars and photo ad dress r . JN. Morgan, Bassett, Neb. Q-M996 6z LEAVING city, will sacrifice fine hfah grade uptight piano for $150, which Is lesa man nan coat one year ago. 415 No. ld. Q Ml 43 6x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES NORTH. LIGHT Office on sixth floor, lOHxJO, will be va cant December L suitable for architect or any one needing a good light. Janitor service and electrlo lights free. Ask for Mr. Baker, Superintendent Bee Bldg., 17th and Farnam. I MM FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city nail Duuuing, ii rt. nm bi( soutn umana. Appiy to manager, 1144 FUR HKNT-Large corner store revm, ltth and Vinton bis.. Ml. u. M. Bachmann, tan paxtoo Bloc. I MU MEAT MAHK.E5T Oood location; KS Ban croft. I (26 ix BUILDINO-1006 Farnam; 22x100; I floors and basement. Apply U4 lrat National liana jaiag. i M327 THE two store rooms, with basements, at cb.-n p. win ik.; vt per monin for both. inquire at R. C. PETFRS CO.. Qround Floor, Bee Bldg. 1-687 DESlv room In one of the larg offices. pariuivma on, iu per monin, eee Mr. uaaer. nupt., tsee ttiag. i 621 STORE ROOM, lth and Harney, 26x100 ft can be vacated about Deo. 16, 1M6. Ad dress F 4t0, B e. I M&S WANTED TO RENT WA.NTr.D A Dome to take la emergency asi-a such as scarlet faver. diphtheria i. a uieasiea; muat De without children I pay well for same. Call at Health "Bice, City Hall. Telephone Douglas 1 - K M996 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HO KB Kta wtnterea; large Dos atalls; no Ira frnclng. Kryatone Btotk Farm Tel. Bauson U8L P. 0. address, Benaoii. K-M32 Zl CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA, The Evading Paludal of Omaha. Revelations of pet and future describes. A-aihMS, ill B Ulb k)l, OpD. Buaton Store. WANTED MALE HELP WANTKn-Fire boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13lh V. S. NAVY enlists for four yenrs young men and mechanic of good physique aril character. Uood pay. according to quali fication. Advancement when qualified. Navy Recruiting Station. Omaha, Lin coln. Huntings, Sioux City nnd IN Molne. B-MM D16 WANTED -2 men and 3 boy. Co.. East Omaha. Omaha Box WANTED Barber, first-class; 90 per cent or $12 straight; steady Job. C. D. Custer, McCook. Neb. B M762 lMx THK well known Moler ystem of Barber Collrges wanta men to learn the barber trade. Few weeka complete. Many ad vantage only obtainable here. PoBitlona waiting for diploma holder. Shop fur nlihea new on easy paymenta. Wage Saturdays. Tools given. Catalogue free. 1116 Farnam St. B-MS01 6x IIOOKKEErai Stenographer. Office cleric. Retail ile.rk. Apply at once or write. WESTERN RIvF. A BOND ASd N. INC., 840-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 19 4 Drug Clerk wanted. T. V. Knleat. N. Y. Life. B M815 MEN and boy. Plumbing or bricklaying trade pays ii to K per day. We teach you by practical Instructions In three months; positl. ;i guaranteed; free cata logue. Coyne Tiade School, 4975 Eaaton Ave., St. Loui. Mo. B M807 PRINTER WANTED A steady position to a good man. Addreaa T. H. W itts, Atch ison, Kan. B M927 4 WANTED Ex per enced foremen to have charge of elevalor construction. Write quick. Mating vos-is wantei and giving r--ff rences. Add ess. Win. Kro tei Co., Stuart, Neb. B M 124 9 ' ri;i) -students to work for i oard. Boston I. ii in h. 1612 Farntun. B M125 & WANTED Man handy with tonls to set tip toys. Apply with your toois ready io po to work before 8 a. m., Tuesday morn ing, at main ottlce. J. L. nr.indei & Sons. B 127 5 WANTED A watch. You get It for a few horns of our time. Write at once to Malena Company, Warriormark, Pa. B M136 Fel)3x TWO hustlers to handle a new line Christ mas articles; city work. l'' Howard. B Ml 56 J3 WANTED-First-class man. nt once, for automobile and general repairing work: good Job, good money and agreenhle posi tion to right man. Apply M. L. Stone, Bla:r, Neb. Box 223. I! 150 4x WANTED FEMALE HELP FOUR or five young women of good moral character wanted, to take tu iriining course for nuises at the iM)UgIas County hospital. Fine opportunity for training In medical ar.d surgical nursing under a. competent staff oi physicians, and standard diploma at end ,of training. L'nii' rm, board and room furnished, with So per month afier acceptance. Apply to superintendent of nurss, Dmg!a County hospital, Omaha, Neb. C Msrjl GIKLS to 'operate power machine In shirt and overall fuctory; permanent work. M. K. Smltii' & Co., 11th and Douglas Sts. C 097 M' DO WELL Dressmaking school, 1823 FariL C Mi21 Uit WANTED Girl for general housework. 1R22 o. 3-'d Bt. C J WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 41 8. SMh St. Phone Harney 2HiO. C 832 SIX housekeepers. Canadian office, 16th C Mi and Dodge. COMPETENT cook wanted, bet wages. Northeast corner 33d and Farnam. C M141 ( WANTED Girl for general housework; references required. Apply 4150 Davenport St. C-M148 fix WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Men with team and rig to sell a line of high-grade family remedies. apices and extracts to consumers; must be honest, sober and Industrious. The Gladstone Medicine Co., liawarden. la. L MwS YOUNG man to travel In Nebraska, sell soda fountains; salary. Address N-431, care uee. L J4 DJ TRAVELING salesmen who have time and Inclination to make money should pro cure our factory to hardware and furni ture dealers' line; catalogue and prices to get the business; commissions paid promptly; state territory. Address L il. umana nee. ly 128 Sx WANTED SITUATION WANTED By young man with best of references, position as coachman. O. Jensen, care Rev. E. M. Nelson. 2219 N. ZSth, A 12H 5x WANTED AGENTS wantkd An agent to sell stock In a good southern Nevada Mining Co. Stock a good Investment and seller. Address w l, wee. J M144 10 BUSINESS CHANCES BTOCK In our Electric Air Line R. R. from Chicago to New York haa advanced 30 per cent within 60 days; J-S a month for 10 months buys 10 shares of the par value of tl.uw). Our stock will all be at par within one year. Write me for particu lars. W. T. Portor, room 80 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Y 744 TOWN8END REALTY CO., Fremont. Neb., has Imp. farms, wild lands, stock mdse. for sale. Can use other property as partial payment. Y M186 D17x FIRST-CLASS, paying reetaurant, $2,160; iwu grocery aiocae, si.ouu racn; grocery, feed, coal gnd fixtures. $2,6u0; two-chair barber ahop, $300; blackamlth and wagon ahop, $760. Alva Smith Co., Council Bluffs, la. Y Ml2 Drug stores for sale. T. V. Nnlest, N. Y. Life Y M816 FOR SALE Money making hardware stock or i,iui in oest farming section of Ne braska; a snap. L, F. Stoddard. Edgar, Neb. Y M947 llx FOR BALE Boarding and rooming house. oargain, leaving city, eid Howard. Y-M966 4 ARE you looking for the best location for a dry goods atore In Nebraska, and a town of 6,000. with only one other dry goods store suit you? Then address Bog U, Plattsmouth for full particulars Y-4H7 Do You Wish to Make a Change ii you nave a farm. home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write ua. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Eioux City, la. Y-132 J2 NEW, clean stock of groceries; nothing older than M daya; bualneaa requlrra our attention ln another atate. Call it 271 N. 24th Bt. Y-M843 6x WANTED Location In small town for 'a physician of experience; will buy property if right. Addreaa Y 167. care Bee. Y-130 6x WRITE for market letter. Sent free upon requeat. Complete resume Nevada Min ing operationa Patrick Elliott A Camp, Conservative Brokers and Mine Makers, Gold field. Nev. Y 140 4x WE OWN property aurrounded by mlnea In the famous Bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For partlculara ad dreaa the Nevada Standard Gold Mining and Milllne- Co. 80s New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y MI64 J3 M'VF and mining an lniet rO,1 stocks . bought and sold Roht. C. Druesdow, titoi k Broker, so1 N V M'dj Y M1S5 JS FO" BALE Blackamlth and wagon ahop; well located, with extra gnnd huiies. Townsend Realty Co., Fremond. N 'h Y M"S fc-Sx VOVUVTFNTS Great Westera Granite Co. Douglas "1. v-ieUliDli Have you had a strike in the kitchen? Plenty of girls want better places. They answer Bee Want Ads. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 667 Doug. 611. O.M.E.Uauls Trunk CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Atn. American or European; ateam heat. K-659 MODERN, atear heat 101 Davenport St. E MK.'2 7k FURNISHED room In private family. 40 Codge St. E- 826 $ HEATED ROOM-2673 Harney St. E 2 3z FRONT room, modern convenience. i9 Harney. E M 6x THK "ELMS," Wth and Capitol Ave., nicely furnished front room; steam heat. e-iis a ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. 260 Harney St. E 134 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. MODERN rooms, home cojklng, reasonable prices; aji uoaru nione uuugi-ro. F-661 PLEASANT room, good board 245 liar- ney. 1 l msjs ox LARGE alcove roon? also single room, mndcin, breakfast privileges. Phone. 116 N. 25th. F-M94U 4x CHOICE tnble bonrd, $5.00.' 123 South 2uth Ave. 'Phone Douglas 33. r MMi 4X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FCR RENT FIVE nice rooms, sultao-le for housekeep ing; modern. .KJ4 North ioth bt. T M980 4x 4 ROOMS, parlor floor, near park. 15oJ.S. XXtn. u-.tisio FOR RENT HOUSES 8 rooms, 1117 South 30th Ave., 4 rooms. reception hall, pantiy and china closet dowuslalrs, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, hard wood floors, gas, furnace, meter, storm windows and screens, rooms, 1113 1'ark Ave., modern, $40. rooms, 3j2J Eacillc St , modern, $J0. 8 rooms, iilii Jackson bt., mouern, 6 rooms, 4118 r'arnam St., modern, $i. 7-room flat, JSi!9 Park Ave., modern, 17. 6-rotim nut, .4 Nortn Z4tu t., new, moo- em. Sri. (i-rojiii, 222 North 24th St., new, mod ern. Ll7.sU. -room flui, 2679 Harney St., modern, $35. 5-room flat, new, modern, 27u-8 Jackson St., K2.M. 8 rooii.s, furnished, 2704 North 20th. For north side houses cull othce. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Bt, D 137 4 224 N. Efh St. 8-room flat, strictly mod ern; tenant pays wster $60. 2212 Clark St. 6 rooms, bath, toilet, gas $22.60 and water. 2210 Clark St. rooms, oath, toilet, gas bath and toilet $ju and water. 2208 Clark St. -4 rooms. $16 and wafr. 2i N. Kith St., South Omaha rooms JJ. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. D 133 6 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ' Best of Repair. And 3 lots, only $2,C6u. Easy terms. H. R. STRINGER. 1116 Jackson St. Phone Doug. 7281. D 142 4 1537 Park Ave., 6 rooms, strictly mod.; $35. 1333 8. 2i h. 7 rooms, moaern except iur- nace: 12L 851 8. 21st, 6 rcoms, modern except fur nace; $39. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M.4 4 FOR RENT A modern 10-room furnished house, from January 1 to June 1, front In weat on Bayllss park. Council Bluffs; most desirable location In the city; rent $U0 per month. Address J 3, Bee. D-138 4x FIVE ROOMS, ground Hickory. $8. floor. 24th and D M115 4x FOR RENT Large, modern cottage; build er's residence; good stable and wagon sheds, $26. O. F. Davis Co. D M752 Do 210 S. 30th St., nice rooms, modern, with furnace. Inquire next door. D M98S 4x WE MOVE planoa. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. llix. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D 667 SEE ua when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN' 8 DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. llitU Bt. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 668 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city; Immediate attention given. 15J9-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 46111. Pa FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern ex cept furnace $20, -room house, all modern, new furnace -$25. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. D 4? FOR RENT a-room modern house. So 8. 26th Ave. $32.60. Thomas Brennan, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. D MM1 7-ROOM brick house, modern, ion N. 29th. $20; good and warm. Turklngton, ji2 Bee Bldg. D MSlo GOING TO MOVE' Coats less, breakage considered, to have an expert pack your china and glafs; 20 years' experience; charges reasonable. Jos. Burns. Tel. Harney 1123. D 111 D21x -ROOM house; 702 N. Room 7, N. Y. L. Bldg. 40th St. Inquire L. D. Holing. D 827 3x WE- DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1l. Schmoller at Mueller Piano Co., 13U-U13 Farnam. D 662 TTrtTTQlT'Q ln " parta oi the city. The I1VJUOIL.O o. F. Davis Co., Bee Bldg. D, oj-t TTnTTQT-''i In parts of the city. R. I1UVOLO c Peters at Co., Bee Bldg. D HOUSES, Incurs nee. Ring wait, Barker Blk. D OMAHA Van tt Storage Co., pack. nio atorv, H. H. gooda; alorehouae ll.U-24 N. Will. Ofnce. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. lfw. D (it CENTRAL, steam. Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. modern 7-room house. D M516 l-ROOM flat, modern, good repair, opposite Kanscom Park $3i. 'Phone Douglaa 623. D 6.0 FOR RENT Modern, (-room, brick house, 1126 8. 31at St.; $40 per month. Thomaa Brennan, room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. D 671 OfTTVO k CiX? Household gooda. mer- Bush c: i VJixniu rhandl"-. etc. ""red Transfer Line, 10o3-8 Farnam Ft. D M51 D FOR PENT 8-room brick house, twwmfl finished all modern, new f:imsee. on'v half b'ock from rnr. nod nelirhtvirhood : rent $3 per rconth (worth $. C. M Bachmann, 436 Paxtnn Block. D 336 modern. Red 190$ n-MW 4x F'Mt R'"r" T-room mod'-rn hnoso. ine'"d Irg cistern; ?413 Ca'dwell St.- w-'lrir, diatar-e; key next door. TV-if Rx Ffn n"'"r vi.. S- -A . K.ii will v I - -nnt live. Id j 8U Inquire at D -MlSS $x FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Something Choice o A strictly modern, 8-room flat, almost new, five minutes' walk from poatofflce. 1912 Webster St. Rent, 147.50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE M14S 6 WANTED We have a buyr for a 8 or 7-rooro two- story, recently built house, with gaa and electric light, furnace, bath, first floor In; hardwood flnlsli; located In Farnam St. district, not further north than California St., at a price between $3,000 and4,0O0. FOB SALE Five 1-acre lots on Leavenworth St. c:r, ' Just outside of city limits, for sale at .6)0 fon, or win tiaile for a small farm close ; to some country town. BERKA & CO., ! (38 N Y. Life Bldg. RE M112 FOR EXCHANGE. f33 acre, located 12 miles of Sedalia. Mo.. and 4 miles of small town and shipping point on the Missouri Paclllc railroad; land lle gently rolling, well set in tame and wild grasses, except HO, which Is a little rough and covered with timber. House with six rooms In good repair, nice lawn, cellar, large barn, sple-ulld water nnd plenty of It. Family orchard, etc.; Ideal stock and grain farm, located In a rich and beautiful country; no better can be seen. Price, $45,000; encumbrance, $.'S.fXi. five veais 6 per cent. Address J. R. Adklns, 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la, Rli MIC0 13 A Strictly Modern Flat Only eight blocks from the postoftice. It's a gem. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 1781. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. RE M145 6 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Let us show you our Hat of city property, acre, Improved fauns and cheap western lands. BERKA aV CO.. Tel. Douglas 26uo. 8JS N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M-33 I WILL offer for a few days a beautiful lot on Farnam street, seventy feet east of 33d at a very low price. It you want something choice for a home or invest ment, here Is your opportunity. Wm. K. Potter, 301 Brokn Blk. RE M 102 WE SELL land in Nuckolls county. Neb., the great corn, small grain, alfalfa and tame grass country In southeastern Ne braska. Write us for land list. O. D. Follmer & Son, Nelson, Neb. RE M900 FOR SALE Houses and lots, near Kountze Place. Bargains. Inquire 3320 N. 24th St. ( ,,; RE M477 DS ALL modern, 8-room house and lot for sale at a bargain. 922 N. laih. RE 674 $1,30 COTTAGE Five rooms, city water, gas, one block to car line, good neighborhood; easy payments. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg , Tel. Douglas-1781. RE-M147 6 TEXAS PANHANDLE YOUR OPPOR TUNITY. Lands from $12. ao to JU per acre; wheat, corn and alfalta; more productive, lays better, soil rich as Iowa or Illinois; easy terms; descriptive niatler sent you tree. Loan Star Land Co., 14 Pearl St., Mi flour, Council uluas, la. - RE MS21 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31si and Cuss Sls, witn round on which to build anolner house. Paved street, east front, nice: hnde trees. Make me an olTer for one or both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 673 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, REAL LfeTATi-:, RENTALS AND FIRE INSURANCE. The care of property and collection of rents a specialty. Aih Eli St Nat l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. RE Near U. P. Shops Yet neighborhood first-class, two houses, always rented, bath, closet, hot and cold water, sewer, gaa, pavement (n and paid for, perma ent walk ln front and around houses, fine terrace with gray stone retaining wall; property with in 11 blocks of postolflce; live In one house and rent the other. Don't fail to see this property at once. Ba gi.ns I ka this are scarce as hen's teeth. Price $3,260. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sole Agenis, Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-MJ&4 i KEKR-6HALICROS CO.'S ABal'liAC'TH OF i' ar toe aaiest. imi are pro tucteu by a 1j,Ojw bond aainal tuka oy enois. luu don t buy a iw sun ntii )ou buy a 'iveir " absiract. Ibl4 r'aii.a.u. lei. Doug. itHi. Hi- . FOR SALE FAuMS I OUN ixaI acres of hue rice tana un rail runu, aluiin ineu tu leu mil a u( liuju ton, II. e bent anu ii.osl prs'ssive cilj ,n I Texas. will sell in liucia ol j-U I anu over, to actual seiners, lor -U ier 1, paabie in teu iuiuai i-a .. i-urclwa i niuHi have money sui.ui.-nt to put down irr-galiun welia, bu.,u neieuary houses and barns and to p.. .it and take care of nrst ciop oi ruv. .u .ineat ou larid unill liiat crop is imrteated. Vvork aiiould begin by January 1 for c.op. ll you tire coining ly i'exa to f.iriu. see me b fore you buy. Charles Finley Smilh. 217 Main bt., Houston, lex. H-V141I Uu POCL AND BILLIARD lABLEb PABSOWS new billiard and pkI tabl-a aie the best money can buy and are old nut Ii chcirer: a piy.niina; catalogue free. Luarles Cum it. Ujh: 11 S lull au Ui.i De PERSONAL TO 1XK)K A GENTLEMAN You must be au wed in ihe pio.ei manner. The pressed shirt is the latest and the prop r thing to wear; aott, smooth ilnisn. LouK new, we do It. CITY SlhiAM LAUNDRY. K. R. Evans, Pres. Tel. Douglas 4 SEWING machines nnted, any 'O per week or IJ.OO per month. Secoud rand ii.u(hlra for sale, to.tO and up. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney. U-7M PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King, iOlS N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. U PLEATING 4Sn' Dyeing and c,dnn.K, panging and shi Ink ing; only 6c per jaid. Scud tor price list ano sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. inn DouaUa Block u'- """ Tel. Douglas 1sb I u THE salvation ahviv .nllelts caatof clothing; In fact, an) thing you do not need: wa collect, retmir and sell, at 114 ilth St., for cost of collecting, to tha worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 1136 and wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, H'.h and Dav enport Sis.; special at:entlon paid to con finement cases: all treatment ,iiorvi -ed by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. V.HUB aitnneiru u;i OI ius.iiv. j i- THE CITY GARBAGE CO., bfflce 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-687 OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. Ram Be U 6tf M AP.N UTIf-'n'ntnient and bath. Mine. i.invjn iv-Smith. 118 N. 15, d fli or. i; si ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the million of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 32t N. VMth St., Omaha, Neb. U-M100 PRIVATE home durlnsr confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 72i First Ave., Council Blufts, In. Tel. 774. U-322 CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Douglas fifiS. 1623 Leavenworth, U MI75 D8 F'ALMQ.UIST-Custom shoemaker, 4124 U-M470 D8 Hamilton. PENNELL Millinery Co., 322 North ISth St. U-oM J 5 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK Ci RE RUP TURE CO., 511 Woodmen of World Bldg.. Omaha. U 6a2 CHRISTENSON, Douglas KwS. carpet cleaning. Tel. U KS D14 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut rices; send ror free catalogue. Myers lllon Drug Co., Omaha. U 683 PRIVATE DETECTIVE. 467, Omaha. P. O lock box U-MHJ Dlox TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.50 per month; ail mages; satisfaction guaianteiu. rox Typewriter at Supply Co., 1822 Farnam Bt. U-M367 Da FOR anything ln the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1514 Cahol Ave. U M443 Di CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co. U M810 D31 Masque costumes. Llcben. Tel. 4116. Open v. U 6M COSTUMES. 3318 8. 20th. Sack. Tel. Red 707$. U-M,l D27x H A CJQ A m" Swedish movement, 410 N. MAOOuiJ 16lh room 2 second floor. U M157 J3 TO FARMERS AND PRODUCE SHIP PERS We pay highest market price ob taining on date of receipt for best quality butter and eggs; we charge no commis sion; remittance In cash or merchunj.s promptly. THE BENNETT COMPANY. U-M.J6 I A Dollar Free for You This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or Cioth Ing, balance paid aa you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th. , U-214 Dl DR. VOGEL'S private home for ladles be fore and during confinement; best and cheap st In the city. 2318 B. 13th St. U-129 J2 REMOVAL WOLF BROS. & CO. HAVE REMOVED to 1313 Howard. Tel. Douglas i4 U 24(1 Dll ARTISTIC piano tuning: work guaranteed. 'Phcne Doug. 7319. Mathews Piano Co., 1613 Harney. U 218 D18 ECZEMA absolutely cured by 0V. A. Pux ton's salve. B. J. Scanell, agent, Sm War Bik. U-270 D20 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent. $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Exchange, 160$ Leavenworth. 'Phone Red 6 99. U M614 Dfit BUY from the Envelope Co. manufacturers. Burkley U-M8U D31 NAME emboss-d ln gold letters on Christ mas presents. Henry E. Tagger. 3.' Barker block. U-331 D$l OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures pure flour oaste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone Ilnuvhis 4.Y.I. U TIME-TRIED, merit-proven, wondrous! v he-'lng Satin Skin Cream Is a standard article. V LADIES If you want a safe, speedy regu lator that will please you address Post Box 747, Omaha, Neb. U MI36 J3 MEDICAL DR PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. cured painlessly and safely. Withnell block, lith and Harney, room 2, Omaha. -5 B EB'P nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Shermin A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. W6 MUSIC AMD LANGUAGES CHATELA1N School of Language Day und evening classes. French, German, Svanlsh. Fencing. Davldge Bldg. VOICE Instruotlon; oera oratorio, concert, etc fir rC A "Itchcock. 620 S " h St. 'Phone Taylor-4fi. MoOD x CANCING. MOHAN D S winter term for children at 2itl S. iMIi, Creigluon Institute, will begin Saturday, December 8; beginners. 2 p. in., nd ance, 3 3o P m. ; term, four months, beginners $10. advance tu. 'Phone DoUUa lul. Adults. 161 ti and Harney; leseons TiKsdays and Friday 8 p. m.; asse-n'dies WedlK h ' iv Mil'! DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss biurdy, -V. Davenport; Phone HariH-I .12 MRS. hi K. FOSTER, dressmaker. 2-04 .V. 2: 'Phone In.ulas-5X4;. -Tjz Ii CHIROPODY AND MANICURING ( VR. ftoY. chiropodist; Miss Alice lull,, manicure. Room 2, lana Farnaui. 'in. Dout,lfcs-i4?7. V"' FOR EXCH'rJGE IF Tor do not find at you want In this coli m n put an ad. lu aud you will .,n gal 1U MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Eaay to Get. Easy to Ilepny MONEY on our new plan, In which we give you a copy of the contract, with a written tuaranteed REBATE. RNITURE, PIANO AND SALARY LOANS. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 1 11 Board of Trade llldg. Tel. - ..Uf . 229a. 4 South loth ut. (Eatabllahed 1J2.) X 6SS SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without aeciir.ty; easy iay ments; ofllces In V3 principal elites. Fave yourself inotwy by aetilng my terms first. D. H. IuLaiAN, 714 New York Lite Bldg. X-V THE UNION LOAN COMPANY hn increased its capital and during the month of December will mike a speclil rate on collateial loans, mortgages' on personal property and individual notes, without security. Terms to suit your con veniences. 'Phone Douglas :-4. or call at 310 Bee Bldg. X-MMO : UK. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furnltuie, salary, planus, horses, , etc., In any amount; lesa than half rates; pei feel privacy, immcniate aitentiont any terms wanted; payments suspended when i sick or out of work. M Karbach Hik., I feouih lith St. K 7u0 A CONFIDENTIAL DEAL If you want a quick loan on the Q, T. me a line. P. O. Box 648. City. drop X-M622 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private itoncy on chatte.s or salary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X M FOR A Hyl.ARK DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT MJ. For chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxlon block. 'Phono, Douglas-746. X M8I6 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X 702 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 S. i 18th. X-7u3 , FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Block. X-704 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. Ia04 I- arnnm St. X i0i MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 5 and 6Va , per ceni loans on real esiaie; no aeiay. W-S.i MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. w-; WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnain St. W-677 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W-6,1 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug. W 6i $1,010,000 TO LOAN on business snd rest- i dence property in Omana; lowest rans; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y. Life. W-6S0 WANTEI-Clty loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W-4181 City ft farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N. Y. L. W 6S2 LONft on Improved city property. W. H. Thomaa. 606 First National Bank Bldg. W J PRINTING I YNfiTAf"; High grade 1907 Calendars, .1 . V 1 corner 16th St. and & JORVE, Capitol Ave. -707 CENTRAL PRINTINO CO.-Flne Job work; typewritten letters, no B. 17th m, lhi blocks north Bee Bldg. M741 13 THE ACORN PRESS. Tel. Douglus-3792. Commercial printers, 1610 Howard St. M2S1 19 WATERS PRINTING CO., 1307 Howard Bt. M731 Keb.7 PATENTS F. J. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 7u; BHARPE MACHINE 8HOP8 - Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, gatterns, castings, machine work. tsil-ul2 . 10th St. 734 PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee. Nal'l Investment Co.. Douglas Block, 16th and Dod ge. 424 6 WANTED TO BUY YOUR NAME and address printed 1O.OT0 times and sent to 10,000 firms sit over the world ao they can send you mall. We Invented this and have satisfied 200,000 custonters. Send j:0c at once to be In the 1KJ7 big issue and get a hlg mall free. Allen, the Mail Man, Dept. D 67, Kennedy, N. Y. N-139 4 WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothing and shoes; pay the beat prices. Tel. Douglas-39?l N--M746 1? LOST AND FOUND LOST Near Florence, Nov. 27," small Eng lish setter bitch, black and white, ticked nose, one eye In black, other In white; reward for return or Information which will lead to recovery. M. L Learned, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Lot-M153 4x LOST Diamond brooch. Finder return to 816 S. 2d Bt., flat 23, and receive reward. Lost M169 6x DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE Delectlve Service, 'phone Red 7401, rooms 13 and 14, Union Blk.. Lth and Farnam. M876 Did AMERICAN DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, County Superintendent, P. O. Iock Box "467. Omaha. MtU Dlix OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. Y. L. TiL Douglaa-1664. -672 DR. BOWSER Over Pouglaa-fffiO. 1500 Farnam. Tel. -M112 2 FLORISTS HESS ft BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. -710 L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. 1253. Tel. Doug. -Ill LAW ANO COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. 309 N. Y. Doug tt.t L. llldg. Tel. - . '4 r x PLUV1BWG LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 11$ N. 16th SU Tel. Douglaa 1417. -Mi'.IS DM FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6o per foot. 2fti N. 17th aa. Tel. Red 814- iZl Di4 c r a: 1 '5 FARfrt RENTERS M w hn rav 11 OS and 14.00 tier acre ' I 1 rem suouia go wim ua o w. .i ur regular excursions to wnore the L. p. R. R. Is selling un uin 1 I! and ranch lands at $ .o r Acr KASY TUMh You can buy In western Nebraa- af s : il ka. Kansas, Colorado or v yomiug. . Fur full information regarding i landa aud special axcuralaua apply UN3 AGENCY. U. P. R. R. GOVERNMENT NOTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE I NT E RIO ft United rltatea Geological Survey, Recla mation Service, Waehlngton. D. C, Novem ber 15. I Healed prosals will be re ceived at the office of the United States Reclamation PW-lvlce, Mitchell, Nebraska, until 1 o'clock p. m , January 9, 19u7, for the construction of a diversion dam and head worka, Involving the excavation of about ti.p yards of earth and rock, furnishing and placing In structures about lO.OUt feet B. M. of lumber, and the construction of about 8,0i cubic yatria of concrete masonry In connection with the North Platte pmject, Nebraska. Partlculara may be obtained from the chief engineer. United Stalra Re clamation Service, Washinston, D. C, or from John E. Field, project engineer, Mitchell, Nebraska. E. A. Hitchcock, Sec retary. N 20-22-24-27-2$ RAILWAY TIME CARD ll 8TATIO TKHTH AND M Altt Y I nlea Paelrle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a :bb am a 8:18 pm The China and Japan Fast Malt a 4:111 pm a 6:10 pm Colo & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pin a f.31 am California at Ore. Ex. ..a 4:io pm a 6:10 pm I jos Angeles Limited. . .al2;i pm alO ij pm Fast Mall a l:6o am a 6:) pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7 44 am North Platte Local a :I0 am a4:Mirn Beatrice t.ocal b 3:00 pm bl2:46 pm Ihiragiii Rock Island Paelge. EAST. Chicago Limited Iowa Local Chicago Mall ... a 3:16 am .........a 1M0 am a 7:10 am a 4 io pm a 8 45 p.n b I.Ei p ii l::i6 pm al; .."i p:n a 4:6 pm a 3:06 am a t . pm aL.o6 pm low a Local bl.':(C pm Chicago (Eastern Bx.E.a 6:' pin Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.)..a 6:35 pm Dcs Moines Local WEST. Rocky Mountain l.iii.d . i 7:70 am Colo. A Cal. Expresi...a 1:50 pm Okl. A Texas Expresses 4:40 pm Lincoln Falrbury nnd Bellevue a 8:60 pm a s:30 am Chicago A Nartkmeatera. Cedar Rapids Pass a 7.05 am Twin City Express a 7:50 am Chicago Daylignt ilnlim Chicago Local all 3' am Sioux City Local a 3:60 pm Carroll, Local a 4:32 pm Sioux Cliy Local Chicago Express a 6:jy pm Fast Mall a 8:2L pm F;ist Mall Twin City Limited a 8:;" pin Overland Limited a 8. .IS pm Chicago Limited all :00 pm Norfoik-Bonesteel a7:40arn I.incoin-Chadron b7:4oam Ihad wood-Lincoln a l:i' pm f'asper-Shoshonl a 3'0o pm Hastlngs-SupTlor b 3.00 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm Chicago Great Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis. S:: pm St. Paul A Minneapolis. 7:)i am Chicago Limited i:t pm Chicago Express 7:46 am Chicago Express :3 pm Missouri Paelgc. a 6:fB pm al'i.wu pm a U 16 pm a 3.4 pm a 9 n m a 9:50 am a 3 46 ptn a 7:3v im a 8:ii am a 2:"" pni a 7;iXi atn a 9:31 am all 51 am aid 3S am itlO 3n am a 6 i pm a 5 05 pm h 5 w pm bU:40 pin 7:10 pra 11 & pm 9.00 am 11 :6i pin 3:30 pm a 6:30 am a 6:36 pm all .40 am K. C. H St. L. Expres..a 9:00 am K. C. & St. L. Express.. all :15 pm Nebraska Local a 2:06 pm Chicago, Mltiraakfe At St. Paul Chi. and Colo. Special.. a 7:66 am a 7:30 am California and Ore. Ex.a 6:4o pm Overland Limited a 8 oo pm Marlon & Cedar H. Loc.b 6:46 am a J Id pm a 9::o am bll:OU pin Illla Central. Chicago Express a 3:00 am a 3.55 pm Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Wabaah. St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm a 3:40 in Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluils) a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Btanoeiry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll :30 am BlRLIJfGTOM 1 TATIOJf lot a at MA SUM Barllagtea. Denver A California... Black Hills North weat Special .... Nor h west Express Nebraska Express Nebraaka Local Lincoln I .oca I Uncoln Fast Mall...... Ft. Crook ft Plattsm th Bellevue ft Plattam'th. Denver Limited Bellevue Pac. June. Leave, .a 4.10 pm .s 4:10 pin .a 4:10 pm .all:W pm .a 9:10 am .a 1:00 am Arrive, a 3:30 pm a 6:30 pin a 9:i6 am a 6:3o pin a 7:40 pm a 4 Oft am ,b $:0b pm .b 1:60 pm .a 7 io am .a 3:30 am .a 7:26 am ,a 1:45 pm .a I:tq pra .a :16 am .a 4:45 pm ,al0:46 pm .a 9:15 am .a 4:46 pin a!2 01 pm blo:25 am a 8:30 am a 7:10 am a 8:30 am a 8:26 am a 3:66 pm a 7:16 am alO:C3 pm all :30 am a 6:46 am a 6:10 pin fhlcnira Sneelal Chicago Express Chicago inyer Iowa Local Bt. Louis Express Kansas Clty-St, Joe.... Kansas Clty-Bt. joe.... Kansas Clty-St.. Joe.... WEBSTER STATION Ida ft WEBSTER Calrage, St. Paal, Mlaaeapolla ft Oaaaba. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... b 6:: am b 9:10 pra Sioux City Passenper... 2:00 pm all:30am Emerson Local b 6:20 pm b 9:10 am Kmeraon Local c 8:45 am C 6:6u pm Missouri Paelge. Iocal via Weeping Water a 8 -06 am a 6:50 pm Falls City Local a 3 60 pm all .iOam a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Dally except Monday. BUSINESS EXHIBIT FOR CITY Merrhaata aad Maaafactarers Esposs lloa May Be Held at Aadl torlans la Febraary. Just to ahow the people some of the thing that are helping make Omaha a 00.000 city and to give local concerns a chance to ex hibit home products collectively a mer chanta' and manufacturera' exposition may be held In the tatter part of February. Manager Glllan of the Auditorium advo cates holding such an exhibition snnuaPy and he will look about to ascertain whether one can be held successfully this winter. There will be no doubt about the success of the venture, he says. If the pickers and some of the larger manufacturers will par ticipate. Mr. Glllan says the Auditorium could he filled with exhibit of articles made In Conaha. If It should become neceaaary to bring exhibitors from the distance In order to All all the space many of the foreign coneernr which had exhlblta at the food ahow laat summer have expressed their de sire to exhibit In Omaha In the winter time and they could be secured. OMAHA WOMENJO NEW YORK Mre. W. P. Harferft aad Mra. KaaasK V. Brers Attead Y. W. C. A. Meetlag aa Delegates. Mrs. W. P Harford of the Omaha Toung Women's Chruatlan aasoclatlon left Sunday evening for New York City, where she will attend the convention for the organisation of the new Young Women's Christian As sociation of the United States of America. Mrs. Harford has bean asked to serve on the convention's nominating committee, and this body will have a peculiarly delicate ' task, owing to the union of the two old organisations, the American committee and International board, ln the new aeocUti. n. Mrs. Emma F. Byera, general aecretary of the Joe al association, Joined Mrs. Harford at Chicago and will serve as the other rep reentative from Omaha. KCUNTZE WILL IS PR03ATED One Not Leave aa Large Task a Kspected, vnl tm Ante-mortem Dlstrlbatloa. The will of th -,te M'rmm Kountro was ad-'tltttd to protnte before County Judge I-sIle Monday. The admission of th? w'll , waa merely a fon" Hty. as there Is no ton- teat. In ccnip'larce with the terms of th I w'll Aurustus F. Kcuntse, Charles T. Kcuntxe and Frederick 1 1. IHvls . ap pointed executon, their bond' being flxe-1 at the nominal sum of $l."u0 It 1 slid ow ing to the fact much of te real etste was distributed bfo-e hi" d'h 'h" est t tt be admln'sie'd will not be a larga as It has generally been supposed. -4 I ) ! i i I ! i V