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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1906)
T1IK OMAHA SUNDAY. UKK:, NOVEMBER 25. lfxxx ' YrIrrhTrr 1oitplnt CI f I III ObUIU 111 UG I Closed All Dau I Thanksgiving t Millinery Department; Com The definition of the word "economy" will be demonstrated in this as it never has been before. Every hat in this department worth to ? This jo-oat clearing sale should be doubly important.-for as a feiving you nn opportunity to wear a fine hat on this glal day, $iot one of thessq hats sold for Jess than $5.00, from fliis on up to Monday's Choice Fur Neckwear; in Hatu-f ral and Blended Squirrel, Genuine Mink, : Marten, Black"1) Lynx, Fox and- Other Fine' Furs. Few people knW hVh in regard to furs, and It Is ener b. deceived In purchas ing them. Jn haying at'our store, yiu are alaoiys protected, ai no misrepresentations ar ever allowed In our store. BtylJih new nml - hundreds of pretty coats lii velour, broadtail vrlour, fancy mix tures ajid flno bluck broadcloth coats. Separate Skirts, In voile. ,pansttras and choice; fancy material. All our eklrttfvaro fitted with. rare.aui attention to details. t ..f Vallier's Gloves It is, .indeed, a Kiixrb collection, look at It Bft you will. The gloves ar- right In every uu.)i quality, fit, finish, colors, materials anil workmanship all are of the highest order. We guaranty a perfect fit. And as to 'tTie nrlc". thev arc. without the shadow of irxaggeration. In every way the best that ' money can buy. Here fire a few numbers thai Vallicr makes and excels In: An elbow' gace kid glove. In black, made of feal kid, 'nnd the bent, per pair, $4.00. A washable giaee kid glove, that is ari good as any glove In fit and quality, and saves you the price of cleaning. In ,tni pud , white, per pair, 13.50. A black Vstuinlcss" Suede glove, In the it button length, an. excellent glove . for 1U and quality, and every pair guararteed to be . perspiration proof, and not stuin the' hand or dress, "per pair, 12.00. A pique "washable" kid glove, with 2 clnsp and latest stltchJpK, In all- shades of new. tans and white, for your best wear,' per pair, $2.00. ' ', ' A' complete line of overscam glace gloves, witTi 8-oluxp, Jn all the best ' shad a of brdwn. tan, mode, navy, green, red, black Or white, at $1.60 and I2.H0 per pair. We are BOLE AtiKNTS Tot these goods in f)maha- '.! ' ' i JJain Floor. ' Veilings and Dress Nets ' ' Our stock of chiffon Auto Veils Ms large f " -. .: ' ' Tvventu-tour Daus - To Do Your vChrUibgias Shopping Jaiu:e any rate, once established, or -put fori', without giving the railroad com in Slon at least tn Urn days previous noli feec-uno 12 Any rallnud ttiat rails or n lee is to carry out any order, 'or to ah by any finding of the railroad commissi or, otherwise violate any op the provish of thin act, riia.ll be, de nied, guilty of inlBrtemeanor, and upon conviction llier fliull he tlned, at the discretion of the coi any sum not lea man nve ttiousunti 11011 , iK'.O'vi oi mora than fifty th6uitud doll todrMfT or Tur inriTU1 I viitwaw i - y r unc mtnint t alr l, Katt -Portion , of ebr-1 ,y . '.' Toaar-Rala or ow ana'4lar at Mf kt or' Tomorrow. , Jn , ' . j k w' WAolUIGTON,, Nov.: 24.-FvrecuV of'.tha ,-Wuuther fr Sunday and MunUay: - i Pilfer Nebraaka Fair In tt 'portion Suh-j 'ayi. raln-or-stKjw ..sind colder at night o ,Mmda;y;'weHt portion fulrr, tmlder Biinday; .;iolida;,fair. .' .' 1 , ' . f. V'pr ,-lewa Cloudy Sunday; .warmer in YJBttrn portion; rain at night or MHiday; Votdor Aluuday la the west portion. . ' r ' Colorado and Wyoinlng-rGenerally ; fair Bunday and Monday,.'. i;OT South Dakota Fair Sunday; colder .In the central and eust isirtions; . Mourtny. I -fair. Local Record. , ... 4 OFFICE rip THIS WKATJIER I'UHEAU.. OMAHA. Nov, :4.-Omi;iul record, or tm-l-erature ni4 preclpliMiion, ..rouipared wild the corresponding . day of the p threa yaars: v ..IKtW. 11M. WW. 1SW3. .Maximum temperature.... 4J. 4K 03 Minimum temperature.... . ?i !W .XI ' 2! Mean U-mperature. ... s U4 Al 4J - X re:lpltatiou .. ....... . .00 .T .u Temieratut and- preeipitation depurturei rrom the normal at Dinahs sines Al.irc'1 1, and comparisons with the put two years Normal tempeiatura h-xpesrs ror the day Total excess since March 4 i..V.....,.X!.!'.10 .0.1 inch .'.1 . '.OS Inch Normal preclpltailou Kxrea for the day..;...,!..-. Total rainfall sine- Mtrch IVflclency etuce March 1. Deficiency for cor. period. 1 24 7k iwhn . ..... 4 24 Inches 116. . 2 13 inches lieltclein y tor cor., period.. tXH... Viirhos I luuicatea trace or precipitation. ' - , -. -. . Tha GuaranteeifrGoId Cure l ite DruKa!t Will Kfund Vour Money , It lllio.MO-lAX Fail . -.'.' ' y - -.- . i . 1 ' 1 " : ' Kvery box of BROMO-LAX U sold with ir.e psltlvef ndersiandlng-tuat it IT does 11c t .ut ,your cold jou caii go toiyosr Uvnatst and gel Q.ur-inoin-y. j ihnu.V.AX Is compouudod on mew aittt -ktentic ' basin. vi nivk-'accoiinta for the wcndei tul sucess It is meeting with; it Is not a lot of drugs thrown together, ..ut each IngrCTln-nt ia put In for a spi cule purpobe: eacli iii(irulmt helps the oilier ingredlems do their work. ' BFIOMO-I, A leaves the head free and ilrar after a ftw doses have been taken; oo- nut leave il aluffy and achey Jik tjuluino preparations, ttccautio- ia o QUIB IS E ur rr. It you have a cold In the head get a bos .. ... ..,.1.4 o..,. T i. - " . ' unojn-i.jiA luuay iroin. yoii- drug' a la a llul- OitAkilK coi. 1 Rl'i H'. anu cc.Bia -r.,; ir 11 d,.ea guod and nothing if it doesn't. UWM-ClaCTSlY O 11 AKCSOS VEKOl COMrAsTT, avr ura t (ia at uaaaa. J- a a a a a Grcat-S emi-Annual in Great Sale rat $2.49 Each-PJ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT . . a Ita'riionwt ration of. Iilon 'ttrand Yarns Oonimrnrlnjt Monday, November ;; o . 3th. ..You Are Invited to lie Present. Commencing Monday, Miss 'Nlssen '( expert-j arnr demonstrator for' tho Xlon -brftnd yarns) will give free instructions inall the newest stitches fn fancy knitting and crocheting:. Miss Ninsen having been here before,' will, no doubt be known to a great-many and will be plensed to moet her frlouda. Aa Christmas Is still Beveral weeks off. this will give ynu a Hood opportunity to knit the airiBeasen. (. :! Kecsnd floor.', - L', and varied. "The colors . are pale hte,;i pink, gray, dak red. brown, navy, myrtle,, creum and black. ' With price's-at $1.00, i$l., $1.5i, $2.00, $2.50, $4.00 and $?.S0 each. . The "MON B1JOI"" Auto veil Is dressy and a great protection from the Wind. Ask to see it-. ' ' ' ' ' -V ' FANCY NET FACE Veiling with or with out spots, at 2Tc. 30c, Vk; 50e, 0c. 71io,' $1.00. ft.ft and $1.W aydfd. In all 8nan9 HRIDAL. II.I.tT8ION 72 Inehes wide, Rjc yard. Inches wide, $1.3ti. MALIVK, all colors, 25c per yard. . SKWIXa BUiK VEtMNO.' i In navy, brwn, gray, white and black, at'25c yard. CHIFFON VEILJNO, In white, black, navy brown,- gray, pink, pale blue and dark- red, at 60c and 75c per yard. PRESS NETS, are. In large demand at the i present time. We have an' excellent all sHfc, 45 Inch blai?k silk net at $1.00 per yard-. A heavier, silk net at $t.50 a yard. A num ber of pretty figured nets all 46 Inches wide, at $1.50 a yard. Ask to see our partly made lace.,!!'' In black and colors-..,. . ,. v."i"- ' Hake, free use o$ .thaffallfi ooka' ut this department, nfiuy .afford 'many V4u abJe, hints. : Main floor. Vj.'-. ii '-" ' Bath . Robe Blankets .See' Our Windo" Display it Is so easy to'Jmake one fifv Xhese blankets Into a b&ujlf.uU -RathJ Bdbe- for lady or gentlenian.'Aad draflf trir Is nothing -that would bj! more welcome. .We eras r Bouka Alu lataitir , MlNNE.rOI4S, NoV. H4. Uaniuel Uom pers. was. today re-elected president ot the American eaerailon of labor. -- This Is the twnty-tifth time he hag been elected In the -twenty-six years the f adora tion has been In existence.' There was no opposing candidate.;. Tho entire, executive iuid admlnratrative staff was re-elected by acclamation. . .-, . -.. 8ucoiid in Importance only to the elec tion -was-the action taken on the, proposed dochiratiaiv of principles dran up tor the federation, by the . resolution committee Thesui were endorsed after1 two amend- ir.oitr relative to Ti t,olujtarx ..Hervltu.1 hh the inhlutlVe aud referendum had btftit incarporaled.. . '. 1 ', . ' ; , Declaration l,: This Is tbtdcljaratlon: ,y .-. In furtherance-ot our claim namely,' that our principles ctimprhje ' the fullest' and hlKliest scope of human tictivlty and from tuuv. to lujio will he .euhanco.1 and ad- , Yanied in. iiccoi-dani1 with the .demands to 'cutlffy hviiiiuii needs ' and di'Aireswu ri-commmid the followtriK as a nartiat state- 0 thls'.ttme jt the economic demands 01 me American r tiueratioii ul Utturi' r Free, n-liools, free text books aud com- pulry education. ' ; ' AlKilittoai'ofi all forma of ' Involuntary servitude, expt for Buiilshijiept of crime. 1'nreienttng ' protest . against the itijiuio- "on 'process ill labor flisputi M. " - A-ntrrK auy 01 ool more inun eignt noars in tlie twenty-four hours in a day.. .A Uriel recognition of pot over eight heurs er day 011 nil federal, state or mu nicipal .Work, and at- not lusa than the prevailing p-r diem wage rate of the clans of eiupluy n jit 111. the vicinity whom work is perform -d. ,' Releaxe frem employment one day In seven. . .. The abolition of the contcac'ytem. up public work. ' The ' municipal ownership ot public util ities - . - . . . The ubolltUyi t". the ssteatakop system. fl.1nlt.1ry Innptc lion of factory, woiksliup. niuiw aria uyiuf ''.'""""y .' "'P1 layers for Injury tj 1 or loss or uie 'The imtlon j1, xaifon of telegmnh 'and tele phone. v , , , .- Aatl-Cbild labor Laws . The pasitaKe. of antl-chlld labor laws in stale wheitv Ui-y. ilu tiot. exlair and rigid di'fenae of the'n, vhere they have been enurtf-d Into law. ' Woman auflnkxe-vo-onual Willi man suf-f--ae.. 'Initiative.' reft rendum, imperative man dutrt and rigid of recall. . tiuitl)le janl pleutifut playgrounds for vhliUien. In ul dtls. , . .. Continued ajritailon for the publio bat,h sy'stein In all cities. ' '-. VI'iaJlQcatWus ln, peruHtl to, build of all - 'li"'! ana towns thl. there shall (4 tiuin room and hath:rooni allachniiits in all houses or compartments uad for' habita tion. , . system of finance' whereby money shall Issued exclusively by the government. with, such TegubitloiiB and restrictions ihut wtll protect it rrom vnanlnulatloii by thl luiiikliig- tnirrtst tor their (wn pi'lvale u.. ' , '. - .'. Ilt )-bJ' r Fottllahaakv ., iFfAln 6T.' UOU9. III.; N. tt.-Wbll a i- wjt" ui proajr. j. at lh brnaJ- -way fpra inx'.js igst.nignt a tion, . tuil. lle list avt; to draw the brrviue In uearancei uur A. rule this special event is not held until after Thanksgiving, thus at a great saving. The smartest styles of the season are included. $10.00. The artistic effects are alluring, all to be included in or crochet some pretty article for hVve a beautiful line of colors. One filanket makes ' the bath robK- prlcen JJ.B0, $1.TS, $2.n, 12 25, $3 50,-2.T5, $$.00, $3.25, $3.R0, $4 00, $4.50, $5.50. $0.50. $6.75. . 'We are headquarters and can suit any requirement. Cords and tassels to match blanket at Wc- 'per set. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a line of Sheets and Pillow Cases In beautiful hem- fcSlrable'ilitltched WcirV and farfry Insertions. Rets of one sheet and two pillow, cases to match at $2.50. $3.00. $400 per set, put up in neat boxes forgifts- - , Baaeaient. ' . ' Monday Bargain Square in Basement Oilecias and inercerlEed' llnlngs, 3i Inches wide, fine qualities, regular price up to 15c per yard, on sale MONDAY at 5c YARD. . Remnants of Outing Flannel, light, pretty colorings, regular 10c quality, on sale MONDAY AT 6o YARD. Remnants of linen finished muslin, reg illaiw I'J'eC quality MONDAY AT 6c YARD. A. Great Special Sale of Manu- k. f acturer 's Surplus Stock of i'Silk. and 'Wool Dress Goods, 'j&tf D .a 'itf. Saturday, Decem ' .bleriisV'llegular $1.50 Qual ; ity33c.' ;j ; '. ; ' " - This is the tii of the year when manu facturers clysoWit all their surplus stocks before they'commence 'work on next sea- From Abroad played in our 16th St.' window. hqwingjnjterior views of our EVenings?' .ITjTTOITv, tv Mm. teelth'Stret.- . U j huggv. became fruthtened anil mmne i r the footlights lni6 the orchestra. The olne fell unconscious to the 11. Mir of the e and three wdmen' in th house fainte.t ile the 'horfe1 tloundered around :ln the hestra .pit. demolishing chairs with lt ts ana creaung, excitement in - the thea 'Presence of mind of a number of men settling the -horse and sitting on It, at same time arimonlahing the people to sli Vn, prevented a panic. . ILNESE ARE ACTIVE :' (Continue Tro'm First Page.) its brains, and with officials who have made thai thoroughness vof their training their glory, .The semi-efficient man. It is said, may scrape through ' his - work In America '-or , Europe, especially If he . ia backed up by? friendly influences. But he can do nothing more than fall In China. The missionaries' who have succeeded in China have been ' meii who have reflected the' character "or the-communities in-whlch they bve ' realjed. 'They ' have been men who would have succeeded In any walk in life' to which tajey might have' been culled. - One tff- the moot, striking things in the missionary- position fs the manner In which 1 the conlidenoe of 11, a nflii'lals lias lie en won. After-the great battle. at I.luoyang between the Russians und'the- Japanese -It- was Tound '.that the' crTlf '.Chlftese njiiglHtrate haft ianjivl'the iwqrk , relieving distress to tho ' well-known minslonary. Dr. West over, upon the ground V)iat the Chinese, wnilld keea thtt money if alloaed to handle it.'. ' ....... ; ITALY IS WATCHING CARUSO Real, Verdict Wll Come Wbra Main Makes Ilia Avpearaaee. '- ',' - on Btace. ROMK, Nov. 4. The announcement that Honor Caruso, tin; tenur, was found guilty Jn a New York rxjllce court yesterday of annoying wonieri (n Central r'ark soologtcal gaideti' and 'was fined 110, 'reached Rome so laie inai i.iny cue fli-iMii;iii ut mo morning papers published the newa 'In so doing the paper added: 1 "'Caruso' will Appeal, hut the real yeTdict will be given by the. people of New York In the manner in 'which they receive hint the ' first ' tltnc he appears before an audience after hts condemnation. " NKW YORK. Nov. 24. -The "Ilo fine itt posed upon Enrico Caruso, the famous Italian opera singer. In the Torkville police court yesterday, after he had been declared guilty, of annoying women. In. the monkey hnu-e at'Central park, was not 'paid today. One of bis ' attorneya had gone to court with the Intention jot paying the Ane under prutest and the-money was Jiboul to be paMcd icrotf Hie clerk's desk, when Cu ruso's senior 'Counael ruvhed into theycom t room aiid brought tUa proc-Mdings to a halt. A. cansuttatlpn between .counsel and- the court followed and It was u greed to permit tha, aiatter 4V go over until Monday. In the nieaptlmo Caruso has been, puroled In the custody of pis counael. -Caruso's counsel 'today reiterated the an nonncenieni yesterdr.y that au appeal will be taken. . -,"I saw Idr., Caruso at his hotel today," said. Wis Htorney. uand -had htrq sign an applMatliBn frtr 'an appeal, ahlch wMI be aaked for, tmiaediatrly ot ona uf the ude of the outirt af genervl seAsloiua. .It is tor one of paiwr gnd allow of dlsajlov tto applitstkiB lor. an sprel." . Bm, November 26, 1906. This Store Will Do Closed nil Day Thanksgiving HI, Monday department Monday $10 at, each, $2.49 Second 3loor, son's bifxtness. Thompson, Delden A Co. have been large buyers of dress goods from this manufacturer, so they come direct to. us, knowing that we could use the entire lot. As a result, they finally accepted our J kw offer, and fqr this reason, this will be the GREATEST SALE of really beautiful, dress goods tho ladles of Omaha have ever attended.' . That, you may know1; Just how good they are, and what we are going to sell, wo :balr decided to display them In, our Sixteenth street window about one week before the 'day of sale.-. Tou are In vited to com and see them' (let samp'es and take them home, shoW them to your friends. Note the beautiful ring of choice colors and superior ' quality, and let your fingers tell ' how fine they are. Observe Ltheir handsome lustrous finish (this Is on account of their being part sllk). Never sold for less than $1.50 a yard.' Ol'R SPE CIAL. PRICE NEXT SATt'RDAY AT t A. M. 5C A YARD. i Winter Underwear for iWomen It Is an undisputed fact that our stock of women's underwear Is the best In the city. Why '-Is ft best?. Because we have the largest assortment -of reliable sorts and our prior are the lowest a little fore thought on our part has been the means of' considerable saving for you, As we placed our underwear order a year before we actually needed them (before: wool ad vanced), this means our prices are not a bit higher than last season, while most of the stos have advanced their prices from W to 20 per cent. ABK FOR THE BAR GAINS' WHICH ARB NOT ADVERTISED. Womens fine white cotton Vests, Sterl ing make, heavy weight, drawers to match, made: with tape top, $1.60 each, - Women's fine ribbed silk and wool vests, high neck, long sleeves, drawers to match, ankle, length, made, with tape top, $1.50 each. Extra large slsea, $2.00 each. Women's fine ribbed silk and wool union suits; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, colors cream, flesh or blue, $4.00 a suit. Women's One white Swiss ribbed cotton union suits, high' neck,' long sleeves, ankle 'ength, medium weight, $1.50 per suit. f Main Floor. See Howard Street Window. ' Twentu-four Dau To Do Your Christmas stiopplna .., . ... , ,, "Mr. Caruso felt," continued the lawyer, "that Magistrate " Baker had treated him v ery fairly during the hearing and that his character waa being fully vindicated. It was more than a surprise to him when he heard that the 'court found him guilty. The shock Was most terrible to. Caruso, who la a highly sensitive' man, particularly s he had firmly believed the testimony clearly, exonerated him.". piBsat(facllon was also" expressed by .the attorney with the manner In which Deputy Police Commissioner Mathot had Insisted on the introduction of evidence which waa claimed w;a not proper matter aud Which he suM was Introduced fr theatrical 1 effect and to prejudice the public against the de fendant. ' "' - , It Is expeoted lhat the appeal will be ar gued next Monday. Caruso's counael today asked for a full transcript of the police court proceedings for use In connection with the appeal. ... SCHOOLS. IX BRITAIN (Continued from First Page.). that only a tenth part of It omild be kept In use by a person wealthy enough to keep up an establishment on the largest scale, .The postmaster general. Is making In quiries aa to the Inconvenience and loss Buffered by Inward American travelers 'by reason of the refusal of the Great Southern tt Wuitem Railway company to carry them by the 'trains taking the niaila to Dublin. The matter has been brought to la's atten tion by thl; mayor of Dublin. -- Anything more suicidal tor the Oreit Vuthern & Western Railway Company than adopting a policy calculated to prevent .American, pas sengers from landing at Queenatown la difficult to. imagine. "BILLY" NOLAN IS ARRESTED Manager of "Battling" ' Xelson Ae - enseal at 'Taking- Money Xot ' Heloaglng Hlan. ' t'l.N'CLVNATI, O., Nov. 24. -On a charge of embezxllng. -'Billy" Nolatr, manager of "Buttling" Nelson, was arrested here today. Tire arrest'fame as a senaatkiual finish to the dispute over the proceeds from tht exhibition of the pictures of the Clans-Nelson fight. Nolan, it Is charged, withheld about 7,G0o from the California treasurer pending decision aa to the proper division of the money- and he was therefore ar rested on the embesxlement charge. The warrant was sworn out In Chicago and charges Nolan with eaibeszllng i,ouo from Tex Rlckard, manager of the Goldfleld Nev.) ' Athletic club, where , the Uaus Kelson tight waa held. Engineers Inner Arrest. VALPARAISO, Ind, Nov 54.Coronar Car.n today rendered his verdict on the recent wreck of the Immigrant train on the Baltimore Ohio at Woodvllle. Kruuk Ual nauer. engineer of the tlrsj section of the iinmlKiaiil ttain; Haiiiuel J. Monte, conduc tor nt the freight train, and Daniel Wood war are held responsible. The railroad company was not censured. ; All three uiea. have been arrested. BosTalo People rolseneoY ' BVFFALO. Nov. L Between nf!y "and la twrsoaia Irving In various- Section of Buffalo were poisoned by eating cream pufl yesterday and today. According to repuits this morning, none 'will diu, tttlougu a number arc still very UL . LEUPP HAS HARD PROBLEM Olotoiaf f the fceneffids U'tri Frestiac for Irmediats Attention. IN NO CONDITION TO WITHSTAND WINTC Bareaa Has Mo Moaey la sight to Derate to the P.rpe.e, hat Cos.. mlsslaaer gay a Ho Will l'la a War. From a PtafT Correspondent) ' WA8HINQTON, Nov. Il.-tSpecial Tele gram. ) Commissioner of Indian Affairs Iupp today received a letter from General Oreely to the effect that the renegade White River Cles from Utah would un doubtedly arrive at Fort Meadn, B. P., today. In his letter General Greeley em phasised the destitution of these wandering Indians, particularly as to the need of clothing to protect them from the wintry Weather which they will encounter In the camp selected for them In South Da kota. , r Commissioner Leupp Is sore pressed to find the money necessary' for the unusual outlay put upon the service. He said to-' day. that In casting about he found a small emergency fund hq. could draw upon, "but that Jt was wholly Inadequate to meet the demands of the Indians, as their, condition Is represented tp him by Genera) Oreely today. However,, said Commissioner Leupp, the Indian bureau will find some way of clothing them end there Is no probability that there, will be .any suffering on the part of the L'tes through any Inattention of this bureau as to food and clothing. They will be taken, care of In some manner during the winter and . In the spring It Is hoped the chiefs will have had an oppor tunity to see the Great White Father, discuss . matters and be convinced that It Is best for their people to return to their reservation and take .up their allotments and cultivate the land. ... fieddea Hart In Raaaway. W. M. Geddes, formerly of Grand Island. Neb., assistant secretary of the Jamestown Exposition commission, was driving from Wllllamsburgh, Va., to Jamestown Island Friday, his team became frightened, ran away and Mr. Geddes was thrown from the vehicle and severely shaken up. After re ceiving aid by local physicians he was taken to Norfolk and placed upon a steamer which brought him ' to Washington this morning. It was reported at his apartments tonight that he had a severe wrench of the left shoulder, but that his Injuries were not of a serious character, no bones having been broken, and that It was ex pected he would be about again within a few days. Minor Matters at Capital. Postmasters appointed: NebraskaDen mark. Lincoln county, Marttn G. Keller, vice R. T. Elson, resigned. Iowa. Belfast, Lee county, Henry Rider, vice C. B. Monks, resigned; Cornelia, Wright county, Andrew Fryslie, vice C. Thompson, resigned; Har vard, Wayne county. La n don Horner, vice Daniel C. Campbell, resigned;- Muneta, O'Brien county, Hugo Rlessen, vice. Frank tt Howard, resigned; Rudd, Floyd county. John W. Cllne. vice Solon J. Smith, re signed. Wyoming Hyattvllle, Big Horn county, William' M. Conaway, vice Mary J. Lockhart, resigned; Manhattan, Crook county, Frank W. Williams, vlco Bertha B. Williams, resigned. " Rural route No. 1 has - been ordered es tablished ' February 1 at Lake Andes, Charles Mix county, S. D., serving 400 peo ple and eighty, families. . Rural carriers appointed; Iowa Anthon, route 2, Edgar K, Olllett carrier, Minnie GllleU , substitute; Dudley, . route 1, Oliver E. Warner, carrier, EJffle M, Warner sub stitute; Harlan,, route 6, William F. Berger .carrier. -Charles' A. Miller Substitute; Mon eta, route 1, Louis F. Sanderson carrier, George Slmklns substitute. South Dakota Erwln, route 1,' Frank Ingalla carrier, Emma Ingulls substitute. "' Civil service examination will be held January 4 next at Lincoln? Neb,, to secure eligible from which to make certification to Ull a. vacancy In the position of engineer in tho custodian sen-ice at Lincoln at $900 per annum and similar vacancies as they may occur there In that service. C. IC. Morse has been appointed letter carrier at Nebraska City,' Neb. LIVERYMAN ENDS HIS : LIFE Cat Off from ' I.lqnor, Resident of Casper., Wye.,. No Longer , Desires to Lire. - CASPEJl. Wyo Nov. 24.8peclal Tele gram.) Tony Hendrlckson, a liveryman of this place, shot and killed himself yesterday Afternoon in his barn, lie had been gamb ling and drinking for several days and yesterday morning his wife gave notice to saloonmen' forbidding them selling htm any more liquor. lie had borrowed a re volver the day before and threatened to kill both his 'wife and himself, but yester day'moming told his wife be would 'return the gun to Hs owner. ' Only a few minutes before he shot hlinself he was In the office of h's barn tarklng to several' men. He stepped out, and closing the door went into a hallway of the barn, placed the muxsle of the revolver iu Ids mouth and pulled the trigger. '' ' " '.''', ' ' The bullet ranged upward, tearing off the top of his head, and death was almost In stantaneous. Two men "who were' on the premises and heard 'he, feport of the gun soon found him and carried . the ' body to the office, where he expired a few minutes later, , . - , . Hendrlckson was about 40 years of age and had resided In Casper for several years. Tbe coroner held an,, Inquest late last even ing and burial will luke. place today. . , BLACK HILLS UOLD . P ItODl CTION Ilenaestake Show Increase, bnt Other Mines Kail OAT Bllahtly. PIERRE, 8. D., Nov. 34. (Special Tele gram.) The gold production of the mines the Black Hills for the last year, has been I4.9e6.900, which Is f.'GO.OOO less than for the previous year. The Homestake for this year reports l&.XO.OOO, an Increase of' nearly Ijon.ouo over last yeart 1, HURON. 8. D., Nov. .-(Special) Beadle county farmers will hold a two days' Institute here Monday and Tuesday, ts be conducted by Hon. A.. E. Chamber lain of Howard. lie will be assisted by Prof. Cole of Brookings, ' who will bave charge of hie awarding of prise for the best corn grown by a Beadle county school boy during 1906. Early In the spring Super intendent DuBohv offered a gold watch for the best samples of corn grown by a Beadle county school boy. and for this prlxe more than If boys entered the contest and the result of their efforts has created much interest. During the Institute' M', Howie of Wisconsin will deliver a lecture to women on the subject of dairying from the standpoint of a farmer's wife. The attend. nc 'at these gatherings Is .likely to be large. . .... ' r Digging; to Start tn Sarin". BASIN. Wyo., Nov, 84.-rpeclaI.)-A. B. Apperson, representing the Msdlclne Wheel CiKch comiany, was liere last week, At a meeting of local stockholders It was de cided 'to rommence work at once (ind get. all", the. -Vt eJ s c,ouipU ted , and then let the contracts for tlx- construction of the canal, it is Ut tuteatlon of lba pro- moters to hare the digging start enrly In the spring. This ditch will oover an Im meneo tract of land In the northwestern part of lilg Horn county and all of this body Is first-class Irrigable land and fcr-J tllo to an extent that will surprise even the natives when It Is once brought Into cultivation. Two ltenaee a Hnron. in-RON. S. D., Wov. 14 -(Special )-Two housea belonging to Dr. Van Dalseru were damaged aevernl several hundred dollar by fire, which' originated from a defective gasoline stove. One' house was occupied by Engineer O. K. Rutherford, who recently lost a foot while on duty for the Chicago ANorthweatern, and the other was occu pied by Mr. Ohman and family, a railway mall clerk. Both houses were Insured, but there waa no Insurance on the goods. LANDER, Wyo., Nov. 24 -The body of a colored woman Was found on the road to Fort Washakie at 10 o'clock lost night, near the Shoshonl agency. The woman wore a riding skirt and It Is supposed she fell from a horse. She has not been Identified. The body waa warm when found,'' She W-as taken to the fort, but did not recover. An Inquest will !e held tomorrow. There are Indications that she was drugged. 0ELRICHS WILL CONTEST ENDS Wldnw Compromises' on flOO,OOOMa Bonds (or Herself nnd fAO.OOO Rnneh (or Hon., , NKW YORK, Not. I4.-A1I that awaits how. the jflnal settlement of the contest over the probate of the will of Hermann Oolrlchs,- who died at sea on September 1. Is the sanction of Surrogate Fltxgerald to the terms of tho compromise. They have all been agreed upon and counsel rep resenting Charles M. Oelrlchs, a brother and executor of the will. Intend to ask tho surrogate to' approve the settlement on Tuesday. Mr. Oelrlchs made a will disinheriting his wife, Theresa Alice Oelrlchs, because of her Independent fortune, and giving only some personal effects Jewelry, guns and other articles .to his ' son, Hermann Oel rlchs, jr.. as he stated the youth will eventually Inherit ths fortune bf his mother. Ills principal legatees wvro his sister, Mrs. William Jay, and his brother, Charles M. Oolrlchs. Ills estate' Is believed to be worth almost Cono.000. By the settlement Mrs. Oelrlchs In to receive. It Is said, 100 first mortgage bonds of 1,000 each of the south Pacific Coast Railway company within thirty days sftcr the will shall have been probated, pro vlded no further objections aro taken to It. She Is to execute a release of all claims against the estate of her husband, either here or In California, and also, as to the. administration of tho estate of tho late Senator Pair, the father of herself and Mrs. Virginia Vandorbllt, wife of William K. Vanderbllt,- Jr., and she Is to agree to make no .claim to .400 other $1,000 bonds of the South Pacific Coust. Railway company, 84G of which are In the safe deposit vaults of the Nations Park bank, where Mr. Oel rlchs (had a, deposit box,, aud .the others being held by (be, Farmers Loan and Trust. company, as security, for a loan made to Mr. Oelrlchs, . The young son. In addition to his father's personal effects. In to get a ranch In Solano cpunty, -California, comprising 976 acres, named "Cygnus," and everything con nected with It. This ranch Is valued -at $50,000. This Is In full for all claims that he may have against the estate of his father. . . FIRE RECORD. 1 Two Bolldtnas St Cnsey ' ' CARET, la., Nov. 24. (Special. )-A fire .. 1. .. . A .... ..,, ....1 1... nlo-l.. k. 1 two principal Mors buildings and stocks I "v T """u " of this city. The 'Casejn bank was badly i th "'ckM PWted scorched, but the. building and contents .-"ta,"?lto at" in.tb' bU"'-..,i.Knu- 4., .v, k..i tw .,.i . ness. The body arrived in Homer today. VW.VU ..... ... ..... ......... of the Stuart fire department, which came In time to save the whole town from de- structlon. The burned buildings were the dry goods store of T. J. Burns and the drug store owned by Charles Hanson. , Hanson' stock was worth, according to estimates, K.500, and the building, which was ot brick, tl.ttOO. The Burns loss Is greater. He carried a slock worth frem 115.0O) to (30.000 and his building Is worth 14.000. Estimating the dry .goods stock de stroyed st H2.000, which Is. conservstlvs, the total loss will come to over 121,000. j Depot at Alliance. ALLIANCE,- Neb.. Nov. 23. (8peclal Tel-egramv)-The Burlington depot was entirely destroyed by fire early this morning. This is the second fire, In this depot since last April, when the second floor was destroyed and nearly all resords were lost. An entirely modern depot will be built as soon as the material arrives. Arrangements have been made for the temporary Installation f the general and division superintendents' offices In the Rummer block. - Do You To Driv And NOT That brings Nerroug prostrgtlon and Ha horror. ' ....... - t Hut. BRAINS can work and work bard, feel good and rested every mora.-, lug and grow stronger on the wprk : , " If -Fed Right v:;i GrtifNult food contains delicate particles of Phosphate of Potash taken from the field gralna (Nature's own laboratory), thla element Jolna wltL ; albumen and water In the body, and thug make the soft, gray filling of the 1 brain and nerve centre. Build In each day aa much at the daily work take away from Biala and you are aafe. That" the only safe way. ' '- - t GraptNuli food la toothsome and delicious when nerved with rich cream. . 1 ' ' "TfcerVc- Usage a" for the Brain Grape uet tbe little book, "The Road to INVESTORS ME SHflWlXI. On 'ana Oil Men of TefVitofy Submit Innolrrtiott td 8raiton RESTRICTIONS SHOULD BE MODIFIED Present negnlntlona Hegardlns! Lenses Mnld to Work Hardship on the Mannll Prodorer anil Indian Landowner. f UARTLKRVILLE, I. T., Nov. 34,-The senate Indian committee Investigating ron- omunn in ins inaian lerruory mnveu. tirrr this morning from Tulsn. The committee expects to finish Its ITork here on Mnndny afternoon, when It will leave Immediately for Washington. During the session today a set of resolu tions drawn up by a number of Individual g;ts aud oil operators, business men and citizens of Bnrtlosvllle and the nearby, ter ritory, and embodying their wants, na presrnted to the committee! The 'resolu tions favor the prohibiting of' any Indi vidual .or corporation from leasfng or con trolling more thaa 4.S00 "acres of oil or'gus lands In the Cherokee nation; opposes .in dividuals Ind corporations 'obtaining Inn? grants of gas lands; requests that the ruM now lri force requiring oil nnd gs!i leajex to' make financial showings beforeth Ap proval ' of leases can be obtained be abol ished, asserting that It Is working a great hardship on the small producer as well us upon' the Indian lesiors, anfl'opposeii the general removal of reatrlct'lbns on Indian lands. On this, last point tho resolution say. "We believe (t to be best Tor the Indian and the development of this section df the country that restrictions' upon the aliena tion of. surplus lands be removed and that provisions should be made for the TetnoVal of restrictions upon homesteads Mu cases where the applicant clearly shows that such removal would result In hll'bene'fit and that he Is competent to manage his own affairs." DEATH RECORD. namael Mortensen. The death of Samuel Mortensen, aged 63, who resided In Omaha . for over twenty three years, occurred last Tuesday at Lcs Angeles, where he had removed about three years ago on account of his health. Mr. Mortensen came to Omaha In 187! and Tor many years waa a well known tailor. ' He was also a collector of rare coins and postage stamps. ' V . Mr. Mortensen has suffered considerably with asthma for many years, but ' the climate .of California had given him great relief and bis death was unexpected. He Visited his two sons In South Omaha, John J.I and Edward 8., about a month ago. In addition to his widow he Is survived by the two sons In South Omaha, end an other, Arthur, at Los Angeles, and five daughters, Mrs. Anson Lynce, Laura M, Ida M., Marie and Pearl G. Mortenson, at Los Angeles. " Harold O'Connor. DAKOTA Cm, Neb.i Nov; 24. (Special.) A telegram was received announcing the death at Kansas City, Mo., of Harold O'Connor, youngest son of C. J. O'Connor, banker and business man at Homer. Mr. O'Connor had long been at sufferer wllh tuberculosis, returning last spring from Fort Bayard, N. M., all hopes of his re covery having been given up a the gov ernment hospital at that place. He put up a plucky fight for life all summer, and when death overtook him he was en route to the hospital at Port ' Bayard, accom panied by his step-mother, ' Mrs. Mario Whlttter-O'Connior, physician t and nurse. Colonel Aden G. Cnvlns. Colonel Aden O. Cavlns, aged 78, an uncle of City Attorney Bumam, died at Ills home at Blootnneld, Ind., after a short illness. Colonel Covins waa one of tho pioneers or Nebraska, having come here some time be fore the civil war and settled at Nebraska City. He was the first law partner of Judge O. P. Mason, who later became a Justice of the Nebraska supremo court. Colonel Cav lns went to California during the oarly set tlement of that country and lost bis wife crossing the plains. Ha returned via the Isthmus and located In Indiana, after which he served In the civil war aud then suc ceeded .his father In the Uiw firm that has been In existence for the last eighty years, and is now .In turn succeeded by his son. . . err Hessian Rteamshlp Line.. t NEW YORK, Nov. ,:4 The Russian steamer Gregory March arrived today from tNlcesa Inaugurating the new service of the Russian Htanv Navigation -and .Trading company between Rlaca sea ports and New York: It brought 40 psssengers, about half of them Russian Jews. . Expect a Set of Feed Thorn? fooft - Nuts WeilriUe," la pkg