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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1906)
The Omaha Sunday Bee N rtatiy j-tln THE OMAHA DEE Ccst & West i:ev;s sectig:l Pig:s 1 (a 11 OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, IMG-FIVE SECTIONS-FORTY-FOUR PAOES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XXXVI -KO. 23.- SCHOOLS IN BRITAIN Government Will Sot OWe Way to House f Lord on Itt Bill. ASQUrTH'S MANIFESTO IS OFFICIAL Some Effort Made to Hiaim w Effect of Hit rcltrtian. AMBASSADOR REID LENGTHILY QUOTED American Diplem&t Makes Speeoh Which Awakens Intereet in Iritain. NO INTENTION Of INFLUENCING RESULT IRON TRADE IS BOOMING CHINES- ARE ACTIVE Urntlaml Surprised that Price la High Wkn It Is nt Bnl . . ' . . . . . ti . t): Uracil?. V -erican Auerusin: .uea Are eeing Adopted by Van of the Orient, ,v a thD .ket in not , tt Is some- la Effort to Carry Meueure Thranfk Parliament Friends of Bill Show Results of Amec . least. System. . LONDON. Nov. . I't.-tSpeclsU Der-pltc tne .constant snlftlng of tne kaleldescopt! nf British, politics. It in beginning to tie iceogmseu evtrywnere thai Mr. Asciultn did not mane a momentous onnotincenittii when I) a stated that the government couiU not give way to Ibe How of Jr1 on tne education hill and wutinl not d' no it they could. Efforts evtry where lietng made to tntnlmiie the influence attaching to Mr. Asquitn'a words, but. aa a genera. Ihlng ministers of Mr. Asqutth's great In fluence and position do not mukn state ments like thla without tho full consent of j tiieir colleagues Mr. Aaquith's snnounc irient beam the Imprint of official sanction GLASGOW. Nov. "4. fKpeelal.)-' N ? market Is attracting a great de' v n tinn ttmnu the rifirnwinrfl of .v and Scotland, especially Seotb Glasgow Herald editorial' "Th- position of the lrj only full f Interest Just no thing of a puisle to other than the men In the street. It does seem extraoroinary, mr Instance, that pig iron like copper should he rising. If not to unprecedented, at all events to abnormal prices at a time when the chlaf consuming Industry In this coun try is In a languishing condition. For not only Is there slackness In the Clyde ship building- yards In consequence of the strike, but ship building all over the country is on the down grade, so very little new business having been booked anywhere since the great spurt In contracts towards the close of last year. "Although there have been some little re actions within the last few days owing to dearer money and the closing out of con grated 'bulls' ' account. Cleveland Iron war rants have reached a point as high as 53 Shilling 6 pence, while Cumberland hematite warrants have, reached 70 shillings. Of Cleveland warrants It Is noteworthy that the present market has reached 3 shilling 6 pence per ton above the artificial figure at which the famous 'Cleveland' corner compelled 'bears' to settle In May. 19CC The prloe of m shillings then Hxd we forcd and temporary, the pure result of the rela tive positions of speculaiors. but the pres ent price of M shillings 15 pence, or there abouts Is not tho result of any organized speculation. It has been reached In an or ! dliiary trade manner, though It was difficult TEA AND SILK TRADE SHOW DECLINE Adulteration of Tea ia Ha-in Its Logical Beiult on Exportation. MISSIONARY EFFORT IS INCREASING HU Remarkable Chanee fhown in Field of Effort of Treacher. BEST MINDS NEEDED FOR THE WORK Evangelists t ome Into Contact with Rriahtrst Thinkers of Orient and Most Be Able to Hold lirsasl. now as It ever hos been since the 'Cleveland Hut It begins to appear as though the I corner to say wno are m- ... . government must either d-op the bill lor I ft the torlc nf No- 8 foundry iron In the ttls session or appeal to the country. And J Middlesborough warrant stores. After the this. too. In SDlte of the aossln to the con- ! close of the speculative movement last year irary, and tho various plays which have lately peea made for parliamentary posi tion. . And everywhere It Is being argued that tho government is not inclined to drop the education bill for this session. This crista, apparently being forced in 1'arllament by the terms of the education bill, hus forced Into unusual prominence tba address just made by Whitelaw Reld, the American ambassador, on educational problems In America when recently pre sented the freedom of the city of Dundee. Tho cabled reports, and even the news paper reports, have not done tho Ameri can ambassador Justice, for It was not until the American, ambassador had fin ished his a'tfress that even the newspaper men present became, aroused to the fact that Mr. Reld had made what was In reality an epoch-making speech upon the subject of education, contrasting the sys tem of England with the system of Amer lea. , . Relit Kot Interested. Of course Mr. Reld himself did not have the slightest, Intent that Ms remarks should be used In conneetlon' with the present controversy now ranging among people and ' members of Parliament, but It is difficult to see how he can now escape the notoriety which has been thrust upon him. . Speaking of education. In America. . Mr. Reld ld that In a. country controlled by pular suffrage. and among a people pas sionately convinced that the succes of their Koverrujnant depended upon the widest dif fusion, of Intelligence, it was evident that a system of free publlo schools supported by public 1 taxation Would Inevitably become there a. fixed public policy. With two systems In force It would be obvious that Hi one where tuition waa free would grow the faster, and therefore it waa equally obvious that those who paid for their own the stock went on increasing for some time and rearhed close upon 700.000 tons In March last, hut it now seems to te aecreamng week by week. The apparent cause of the recent ad vance In warrant Is the fact that what was only a hope or expectation when the Cleve land speculation began has now become a reality. America has come Into the mat' ket two years later than the " aforesaid speculators anticipated. And . America has also come Into the market for Scotch ordi nary Iron. But after all the purchases for American, both of Cleveland and Scotch Iron, do not seem In the aggregate to have as Vet exceeded 100.000 tone.e That is but a small proportion of our aggregate produc tion, and but a flea bite In comparison with American 'figures: It may be said that the furnaces In the states are producing at the rate of M, 000,000 tons per annum. DEATH PENALTY MUST GO Sentence Prison Mar Mnke Con ' rlrtlon of Criminals Feeler la Fmnce. PARTS, Nov. JI.-(8peclal.)-A bill for the abolition.. 'of. -M1 death penalty . signed by the president Is being laid before the Par liament. Bnch a Htep Is in accordance with the'theorlcs'of.'the average FreWnman," ss has lieeu demonstrated by the extreme tendcrnesa shown to lh worst Criminals by countless juries, As a matter of fact capital punishment has been guillotined In Torls nines Veug nlex was executed In 1FW that Is to say In the last century and during the Rome PEKING, Nov. 24. (Special.) The tea and silk trades of China arc In a bad way and there Is no use on the part of t lie government to longer attempt to disguise this fact. In 1M4 the silk represented 82 per cent of the Imports of the empire. Now they account for only 45 per cent. The commissioner of customs at Canton la au thority for the atatement that the tea Industry seems doomed. The Ixmdon customs tn 1&04 registered (.000 chet of tea, adulterated with filings and sand; hence it may be Inferred that the tea consumer alone are not to blame. TIiIb shifting of the fa trade can best be shown by the fact that In 1904 the United Kingdom consumed lfi.S37,73) pounds of China tea, as against 240.238.925 pounds from India, and Ceylon, Hnd In 1905 only ,.V.0 pounds. Other countries will show an even greater percentage of loss, though the sta tistics are not as well kept as In the case of tho I'nlted Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Yankee Device lard. British and American commercial agents are at lat moving In Chlnn. which swarms with Japanese agents, traders and peddlers. The modernising of China Is procefuing rapidly. The railways are heavily patron ised. Peking is plastered with posters j showing great commercial activity along the moat approved Yankee lines. One single thing will give the outsider an Idea of how the modern Peking is Improving along modern lines. Though It will hardly be believed, it is nevertheless the truth that the best equipped of steam rollers are used in flattening the streets. The latest statistics would make it ap pear as though the boycott of American goods in China la proving futile. It is stated that the latest statistics bearing upon the subject show an Increase from $2t0flu,0tt In 1104 to ti, 01)0.000 In IMS. Work of Missionaries. A groat deal of discussion is going on in the Chinese newspapers Just at present an to tho .work of the missionaries In China. Perhaps nothing: could show the difference between the old China and the new like a eltnplo statement of the fsct that Chinese editors evau Ur-to print nrguni-nts in favor of . the missionaries without shiver ing and trembling for foar that .their offices may be mobbed by tho indignant natives. It appears to be. the consensus of the opin ions of the editors of the various publica tions that In order to learn the truth about tho missionary movement Inquiries must be TOTAL ABSTINENCE TALK Prohibition Is o rnaalbte I'nder Conditions Which ovr Kxlst In "rollnnd, GI-.W.OW. Nov. It. (Ppei lnl.i At' o .re cent public meeting under the auspices of tho R. ottlsh legislation vail the solicitor general for Scotland. Mr. Alex ander Trc. N. C, M. P.. the principal arker. said If It were practicable ho would hold that the best cure for the drink problem would be the extinction of the drink traffic altogether, but he was a prac tical politician, lie regarded the problem not as a vice to bo extinguished, not as a crfmo to be suppressed, but aa ft question nf the halilta and the customs of the peo ple. Now they were powerless to effect a change In the habits of a nation unless thev had at their back the vat over whelming mass of public opinion. In his opinion It would lie impossible to com mand at the present moment an adequate torce and volume of public opinion to abso lutely prohibit the drink traffic In all parts of Scotland, and it was now almost uni versally agreed that If prohibition was to be carried, at all It must be by a very substantial majority, and the minimum that had! been suggested even by extreme temperance reformers was a two-thirds ms Jorlty of the ''electors voting, or. a clear majority of the electors on the roll. Now, In favor of absolute prohibition they would no doubt be able to count upon a generous estimate 10 pr cent of the electors to giej them steady support, but in order to carry absolute prohibition they would require to reinforce their ten out of ion by fifty-seven out of the remaining ninety. He did not dispute that In sparsely populated districts they never would be lucky enough to se cure fifty-seven out of ninety nonabstaln ers In support of absolute prohibition. The proposal was that nonabstalners. who were In the vast majority. wett to have prc sentocl to them only two alternatives ab solute prohibition on the one hand or ki ting things remain as they are on the other. The result was that they could not con I sclentlounly support either alternative. Tho consequence waa that they were shut out of the fighting ranks altogether, and tem perance reformers lost the aid of men whose aid waa absolutely essentia! If they wero to attain succes. The consequences were twofold. If tliey. failed to carry ab solute prohibition they gave great encour agement to the out-and-out supporters of the drink traffic, and they seriously dis couraged temperance reformers amongst nonabstalners. In his opinion there was another and a better way than to leave things aa they are. If they could not find it practicable to carry absolute, prohibition. COAL BEFORE GRAIN Builiuston Will Hani Bo More Cereal Till Fnel Famine Is Oyer. SOME TOWNS WITHOUT A TON OF COAL Car Concertion Pret enti Shipment of Both Ireicht at Once. DEMAND SUPPLIED THAT IS IMPERATIVE Presence of Winter Makes Immediate Belief Fecesaary for Safety. OFFICIALS . NOW , CONFERRING ON IT ftrarrlty of Care Originating; Colorado Is !oorre of the . Extreme ltaatlon AeTerllna. Wide Territory. In THE BEEBULLETIN. 1 51 AN V RATE BILLS Knrrcast for ehraska-Eaa Portion I"alr ftandnri Bain or "now nnd (older at IM or Monday. West Portion Knlr nnd older nnday Monday Fair. period ery few heads have been chopped I ,""u"' ' ireu.j- pons, out in me in- , . v.,,ki' ini,.n Km. i terior of the country. As may be readily understood, a missionary Is no more of a novelty at the troaty ports than Is a clerg-y- off In the provinces. Public oplnkn has I uiunlstakablv set Us face against the death and wero ta.xed for the pther would wish ! penalty, and this. In spite of the fact that to limit as far as possible the scope and murders and murderous assaults have been consequently the cost of the one they didn't growing alarmingly frequent. It ia note- use. Two rival tneories aa to tne taxing i worthy that men like M . tioron, wno was everybody for the education of the rising I generation would thus develop; one that such taxation waa only necessary and justifiable far enough to fit them for the common duties of cltlienshlp and the other llvit It was also to the public Interest to fH them for anything. Heavy taxpayers would naturally lead In the first; those who felt leas the burden of taxation or paid no - taxes tn the second. Thus could be easily . foreseen a struggle between those who wished to limit tha free public school to primary education and these who wished ' to carry It through secondary achoola to colleges and universities, Aaacrlcaa Progress. Two centuries of educational evolntlon In the I'nlted States seemed to be ending in a system' ranging from the alphabet to the classics, the modern languages, literature, history, civics, the tojgher mathematics and - sclmtcn. with a strong leaning to practical applications cf science In all. fiel-ls of art nnd Industry, sustained absolutely at the public expense and free to all with every iii ade open to the poorest and the most rrlendless pupil In the grade below, on the aingle requirement that his standing thwe fitted him for It. This system has grown tn the early years of the present century into a total enrollment in the schools and cjollega and universities of the Unltod flutes, aublio "'l private, of 17.S30.0OO u plls, of whom H.i:7,U0O wera In publio In stitutions, supported by taxation. When the enrollment for certain teperlal Interests, evening schools. Ipdlan schools, schools for deaf, dumb and blind, feeble-minded, etc., were added, the grand total waa rear'ied of la.W7.000. Nearly one-fourth of the total population waa at school tn a population of K.GOU,t. One nf the richest and most Independent of the new universities, that of Chicago, endowed try John D. Rncke feller, had just determined to admit only ruvle atudenta hereafter. A final peculiarity ft the Amerti-an system might he noted tha extraordinary readiness' of rich men to found colleges and universities, to endow chairs In them, or to make to them gifts of libraries and museums, or to help on the lower schools In a multitude of ') In ten years the gifts to universltlea. collegef and achoola of technology In the t'nltad , States amounted to 113.i),' The tide was steadily rising, for In the last of these y-ers, IS the gtfts to su h Institutions amounted to HS-saMo1. Talk mt Marlhoroagka. . In connect 'on with the report of the separation between the duke and duchess ef Marlborough lh statement la made that the duchess has consented to settle Iiuri.oou a year on the duke and that she la to have In return the custody of the Imo children of tr marriage. The duke will for some time head of tho criminal detec tive department, and M. Jaume, who was !tf chief Inspector, are not opposed to the step which the government Is taking. M. Jaume frankly says that murderers mike as light of the guillotine as their victim They Invariably speculate on the Indul gence of the assize courts, and If the worst comes to' the worst well. It Is all over In three minutes. Criminals are being trans ported to New Caledonia, and It Is to soli tary confinement and to transportation that the authorities appear to be turning. COD FISHERS LONG OVERDUE Crlstonhe Colons b, ftlve-a Ip for Lost, Comes Into Cam a OarprUIng GtvtriiirBt. COURTS-MARTIAL TO CEASE liearra'. Plrqnart Desires to Abolish Korea of Conviction Id French Army. PARIS, Nov. Hpeclal.)-GeneraJ Ptc quart Is engaged on a scheme for the aboli tion of courts-martial and his colleagues are devoting a great deal of attention to bin project at the council. Some of , tha suggestions of the new. minister of war have been modified and lie Is to draw up a definite text on lines accepted - by the cabinet at large. The drift of the whole matter nee me to be that serious css aril) be tried byjthe ; The Hurllivgton rallrnsd Is considering the advisability of hauling no more grain until the coal famine, so called. Is relieved. This action Is being taken In response to s demand that is regarded an almost. If not' quite, imperative, nnd the opiDion seems to prevail that the Kurllngton will decide to transxrt no more grain until sdtquatc relief Is provided for the con gestion in the supply of coal. lie porta have been received that some towns In Nebraska are absolutely without a ton of coal In reserve. , This condition has alarmed those who feel tho responsi bility resting upon them. "The Hurllngton olliclal j ae now In seBsioiv In Chicago, so The Bee learns from Inside sources, and a decision Is expected without delay. The source of the congestion Is In Colo rado, where great numbers of cars sro tied up.'i The heavy Nebraska grain crop Is not yet In the vortex of transportation, but would be noon . If - natural conditions ob tained. But the railroad officials take the view that with winter at hand and some towns wholly . without a. coal supply the grain can wait, and wait' long If need be, until the coal famine has been relieved. They believe it is Impossible to satisfy both demands at the same time and there is no doubt which cemes nearer being Impera tive. Jf the Burlington takes this action . K may result In tho Union . Pacific following suit to some extent and also the North western, nnd again It msy have the effect of altering .the .normal-conditions of grain routing, though It l ,the belief. of the of ficials that action of this sort' would only have the effect of .Ingratiating the Burling ton In the esteem of shippers, no matter what their commodity may be.. SEWS "ErTIOW Twelve Paaes. 1 School Svstem nf Great Britain. Chinese Tnhlna ls Modern ) Coal to Be Hnnled Before firsls. Many Bate Bills for l.ealalntare. 3 llnnnrn Aaalu Chosen to lend. Omaha Indiana Tnke Forward Step l.rnpp Una Hard Problem tn Solve. A Sews from All Parts of Nebraska. 4 Herman Hoontse Laid to Rest. Slow Pruareas In Land Cases. 5 Affairs al South Omaha. C Mew Clan to Promote Boad Sports. Lincoln tonka Over Jnvenlle Court t Orenn Flyers Mammoth Affairs. H Cornhnskern Crore on i hlenao. loir- Claims Chnninlnnshtn. f I te Scare Proves tn Be Fnrre. Bellewe Wins from nesting's, in Events In fonnrll BlotTs. 11 Xews from the Iowa Capital. 13 anda Services at the Cnarrhea. EDITOR! l, ECTIO Twelve Pages. 3 Past Week In Omnha society, a Women In Club and Charity. ' Hafapenlnas fn Omaha anhnrns. I'.choes of the Anle-rtootn 4 Editorial. 5 Timely Heal Estate Topics. Many Uvea l.ust In the Industries. Connty AndHor Plan Is Popular. One of Omaha's Model Homes. Want Ada. Want Ada. Want Ads Want Ads. Court Intrlaaes at tiermaa Capital. 10 Commercial and Financial Mews. 11 Condition of Omaha's Trade. 13 o Reports Made on l.lahta Oat. A 7 H ; STATE ENDING MURDER CASE Preseeotlon Mar End Direct Testi mony In Gillette Hearing Befor , Seat Adjonrnment. ' IIERKIMKR.t N. V., Nov. f4. -District torner Ward. Just before the opening jconrt. today, declared ho hoped to have of the state' evidence before the Jury THAKiC.lVIfJ HKCTION Elaht races 1 President Roosevelt's Proclama tion. 2 Man of Style and His Fancy Vest l.lttle Stories for Little People. . Early Life of Mark Twain. H Ir. Miller's Thnnksajlv In Reasons 4 Nebraska Ministers on the Oeen- slon. 5 I .a r men Tell of Thnnkfnlness. In the Field of Electricity. Basis of Omaha's Thankaal vlna. Short Stories Well Seasoned. T Thanksicl vlna nt Brook Farm. Sandy Crossing of the Delaware. K Bonl Klnar uf the Spendthrifts. American Women Who Wedded Titles. HLK-TOSK NECTIOW Elaht Paaes. 1 Llfv.ketch of W illiam A. Paxton. Hay for Thanks and Rejolclna. X Mails and Musical Matters. Uosalp About oted People. . H Chat About Plays nad Players. 4 Crow Indiana Hold a Fair, it Mining- for Sand Alonat the Platte. Interview with Robert Collyer. 41 Womaai Her Ways and Her World. T Weiekly Grist of Sporting fioBjlv 1 ... .. r PARIS. Nov. 24. tBpeelal.) The membere of the crew of the French Newfoundland I cod-fishing vessel Chrlstophe Colomb. con tinue to tell the most remarkable tales of their disappearance. For they were un heard of for over seven months, and had long slnca been given up as lost. . When brought to . Fecamp the boat waa badly disheveled, tho mlssen meat being missing. All of the members of the crew wero In good health. ' They still had over a ton of biscuit on bord and sufficient water, but other provisions had given out, and for two or three daya they had lived on salted cod and biscuit. When the ves sel slowly forged Ita way into the wide rhajinel leading to Fecamp harbor, and Us captaJu called out the name of the man a novelty In the streets of Nsw York and Ban Francisco. Then, too, the treaty port trader his mind's eye fixed on trade rather than upon religious subjects knows little about the matter. lie Is quite likely to argue rtg&liiMt the missionaries more so than any of the educated Chinamen. If arguments, will -not suffice the treaty port trader can generally be relied upon to dig up one or two atories of "rice" Christians familiar to the early-comers. One thing may be taken for granted. It Is a absurd to srgue from old facts either in America or :hina. A generation ago there was no doubt some grounds for sus pecting that ninny sd-callcd converts adopted Christianity for what they could get. The policy of making "rice" Chrts- I lions, to use the: expressive phrase In the I old days, wus even upheld by the wisest j of missionaries. It has long si mo been definitely abandoned. A generation ago I men were often sent out as missionaries In the Orient becauso they were not clever to work at home. It Is claimed that thla has all been changed and that the Orient now sex; .ires for the missionary field the pick of the Scottish and American colleges. Cer tain It Is that many of these men were tested by flm and blood during the recent Boxer uprising and that they stood the test. Ideas Are ( kasglsg, "When I first came, to China," said one cf the most fsmoua of the living mission aries, "I raw the odd side of missions. I wrote accordingly. But since I have lived arid traveled In the land and have come to understand the people I have commenced to consider the more serious phases of the work. Then, too, X suppose that something ! mav be said for the tact that I am older now than then. civil courts and thst ordinary professional , ,ha of tUtr K. Glllettee, accused shortcomings Will be left to 'Walls i tho murdcr of m .wce',heart. Grace Brov discipline. As might be Imagined, .M. j if, tne afternoon ' session; ' is end T. " " ,n T 7 ' , , ! When court adjourned last night It, was ardent defendant of Dreyfus. Is well pleased , mt tht(l mornlnj 9:30 oVloc Inst- ..... r- "" "' """I of 10. as had been the.rule for, the last f. tlon that he Is In favor of the suppression! " , , ,' . , , Opposing counsel lost, nearly an hour of courts-martial excent for offense above ' ... ..iu -in ..i.i . . .i. ..' 'the close of yesterdsy, afternoon a sess discipline, which will be tried by the con-,, . '. , . . u" Th ...T.n. r.m.i th '" d scuss ng the technical, points of at Ure or m-v he stored M Wtnaeh ,.,.. ' nl Moose lake. The Issue at stake v th opinion expressed by the first Napoleon ' ""ether or not the drawing showed a an that "on the continental territory of the Projection of land which was depicted republl,;" every man was a cltixen before'0"0 of the Ptographs of the scene of K.i.r ...uu. .,i .h iki. j. .. laiiegea muraor. ummv najuuuimnii condemnation of the application of special j taken' however, the prosecutor had dn Jurisdiction to Infringements of the com mon law by officers, noncommlxsloned of ficers and soldiers. AMERICAN WOMAN CRITICAL Remark of Secretary starts Rouh House" la Woman's Clab( at Berlin.' UERIJ.N; Nov. !4. (Special.) noma time ago American women In Berlin founded a woman's club, where no distinctions of nationality were to be observed. The other evening Miss Hay, the club secretary, made a speech which has caused a split among the Berlin club women. She vlokiinly. attacked the morality of the Ger man women and suggested that they should take as a model their American sisters. She also Implored all American women living In Germany to devote their energies to raising the moral standing of German omen. She concluded, "Wo must rsiso them from the slough of Immorality In which they live." Hardly had these last words been uttered when numerous German women present stormed the platform, uttering fierce cries. Miss Hay was with difficulty rescued from the hands of the most excited of the Oer- mans. Many or tne American women pres ent, terrified at the anger of the Germans- rushed out of the room. Most of the Germans present had come poat to tne isgmnous. Keeper n vne e. u ; There are today over , Protetunt mls of the J-tty. When he telephoned the ! lorulries st work In China, nearly all of new a to the marine bureau he was told English or American. Most of these that lie must be mad for making the state- , r youruJ pec,p)a tn ,he prime of life. They ment. When he Insisted upon tho accuracy of the statement It Is unnecessary to aay that the greatest excitement prevailed throughout ilia harbor and the town. ENGLISHMAN have knowingly and willingly placed them selves In positions where any outburst of national passion means death In the most terrible of forms. And any child knows that the salaries are not so large that they can be accused of going abroad for the money. , Perhaps the most remarkable of the mis sionary movements going on lit the orient todiy can be found In northeastern China and In Oirra. There communities are betnf t ii m si .Inwilt wVi ri-ma 1 f,, flirll' jiUMB-M. sov, -v.-r,. ..... ..v j fX)Ur or flve yo,jnB Amcrlrinil willed at Sunchnn five years ago. Today they have VISITS THIBET Hlatory Enropeaa Par First Time I investigates Gold Fields Thek Jafaae. HlerUielm and Sunderland , I..,,.. j , mww 1111 in nimruiiv wmk m nri i mn , . , . i , . . . . h ituohui t.robablv does not "'". . cam ministers, jowns in ine nisiono .-o retain bolh house, as ted aa laige a residence In London as me hitter. Though Bunderland house cost an Immense sum of money. It Is said to be still only ps'" famished. The cost of maintaining Blenheim In proper repair is gbut tTS.OwO a year and the Income of the duke cats sarcely stand each a strain. The trobabll'tiee are that both Blenheim nnd HunderUnid house will be let. though the former Is something of a white elephant, even for a millionaire, for It is so enormous of tlia Indian c'vll service has arrived i safely at Kalu after an exploring expedl I lion In western Tibet, along a route r.evor before traveraed by any European and marked on no existing maps. The entire Journey to Naggar extended over l.uu) miles, of which over WW miles were In Tibet proper. The highest camp waa pitched at 17.06" feet. For many weeks the party never got below 15.00 feet. Tlia Tlbetana were generally friendly or Continued eo iooml I'ugt j In their district eighty churches a-)d !?.') adherents. It is doubtful whether the his tory of ar.y land or any time will show so ' gmat a change In so short a period of time. unless the conversions have been conver sions toned st the point of the sworl That there Is nothing forced about this particular movement is demonstrated by I the fact that the converts build and pay I for their own churches, and pay for their enoed In nhteimng yaas tor xrsnspori. w.n-. Land"-tho bandit realon between In the course of the tou.- every district t.or4 fcr(J Ms,ni.nur),r, being outwardly In Western Tloet wss visited except thoee transformed, schools are arising and even in the southeast corner. h WOmen are comlna from a life of suV At Chukang Mr. Cslvert found the Indus .j-via to a Ufa of comradeship with to be a small stream easily fordab'e and thplr jju.bands. flowing In a narrow, steep valley, barely Clash of Bright Klads. half a mil wide. Thok Jalune. the famous Th. wiedom of sending to China the pick gold field, was discovered to be practically of th brajnl of the Christian countries Is deserted. Mr. Calvert made a thorough In- demonnrated by tha fact that In China the estlgatlon of tho gold held. He Is the .. st ; n,,,0narlea have to deal with the most European who lias aver been allowed to do j thla, - j lOonlluued gu fcecond Page) - near to. tho closing chapters of hls-nai five. The Jury was told, In minute de of the circumstances surrounding the tij lug of Grace Brown's body, and of Its p tlon and general outward condition. Today It Is expected lhat ull the doctf who. took part In the autopsy will be hei- There are said to be half a dosen itik) witnesses and if their testimony proves to have the important bearing on the -rasa which Is expected the cross-examination of the physicians may occupy much more time than the district attorney anticipates. In a brief session IWstrlCt Attorney Ward today failed to reach the evidence of the physicians. The first Intimation of the de fense's claim that abrasions on Grace Rrown's !: were made after It was re lnoved from the water came out when tha driver of the wagon In which the body was taken tu !he station was crows-examined. He denied that the road was rough. Court adjourned until Monday morning and the prosecution will probably swenr the doctors then. I ft M T H lO IX lit Dear. '-1 SH 27 - 31 3.1 37 4v rtnahat rsterdayt Hour. .1 P. Up. 4 p. n p. p. T p. De Members of Cominc . Legislature Have Snmcrom Railroad Measures. MULTIPLICITY MAY CAUSE TROUBLE Apprehension Felt that Too lfany Cooks May Cpoil the Broth. j PLAIN, SHORT, DIRECT LAW IS DESIRED Ho Ambienom Terms Wanted in Act te Guide Commission. NEW GOVERNOR'S FORMER BILL AS BASIS M While Some thenars May Be.Sepe aary Proposed Measure as Here Given May Be Found Effective. From a Staff Correspondent.)' LINCOLN. Nov. 24. (Specll.)-Reporte I brnurht In by members-elect of the stnta j lcRlslature are to the effect that numerous ; bills will le introduced giving power tn u j FtJle Railway commission to do buslne.Hs I and some apprehension ha been express t icsi ine nr.liuu Cltv or hi Ms result In the defeat of the object aimed at by all of them. Those who have expresed themselves desire a measure, plain and to the point, which will leave no doubt of the Intent of Its provisions. During the last session of the legislature j Senator Oeorgo I,. Sheldon, now povernr- olect. Introduced a bill creating a railway commission to be comiosd of the governor, the attorney general and tho state treas urer, and detlning the duties of this hoard Because of the, great power conferred upon the commission the railroad lobby fought the bill to Its death, after Its author had mode a gallant fight for its passage. Aj a basis for a bill to be Introduced this com ing session It has been sugegsted the Phet 'don bill Is a good one. At this time Governor-elect Hhcldnn would doubtless sug gest some changes In the details of tha powers given tho commission In his ovn bill, owing to changed conditions, though as a whole It still meets his Ideas. The bill introduced by Mr. Hheldon and killed by the senate Is as follows, with the slight amendments mude by the senate commit tee : A BILL For an act to regulate rnllroads, to provld'i for a railroad commission, to di rtne its duties, to confer certain powers thereon snd lo provide for a penalty for the vio lation ui us orueis and li. the vimatlon ol this acL Be It enaetod by tho legislature of the stste of Nebraska: Section 1 The governor, the-state treas urer and the attorney general of this stato shsll constitute a railroad commission, of which the governor shall be the presi de!, t. Section ? A majority of tho commission shall constitute a quorum necessary for the transaction of business. Ail quesilons before the commission shall be decldotl by a majority vote. Section .The railroad commission shsll neet at lenst once a month, and at such iiher thne as may ne rieeewiary. for ransactlim of such busiiKise as msy prop rly irme hofor it. "An ncCi'Kitff-rerriTfl---hull be kept of Its rrmellngs. its lnv-stlH-iions. Its orders and its findings. The tec- ro or tno commission snail at su rues ror puoiic inspection. section Any memner or tne raiiroi;(t minWnlin .bs secretary of. ssid rem ission, shall have power to administer th. .-Section S Tho term "railroad," ax used this act. shall be construed to- mean a ilroad company, or any person, persons, m, company or corporation engnged ss common carrier, or carriers, in tnt insoortail.m .f ptrsons or property by I from any point In the state of Ne iska to any other pvlnl within said te. Powers Denned.' action The railroad commission shall o power: To adopt such rules .and regulations may hj- necessary to trnnsuct the busi s that ma come before It. To enrcreo tne collection 01 taxea am uent against any railroad. To investigate ana nave a general rvli'lon over any and all railroads of Mute. T. , t ...... i - I ., .-. , I, .1., 1 1 1 , o , .1 n.un. .A. meat of the nuslness or any railroad. f. To compel any and all railroads to file 4U 41 42 42 42 with the railroad .commission schedulws showing she classification of freight snd 42 SHAW VISITS ST. LOUIS Secretary of Treasury Looks Case of Shortage of I'nlted States Funds. Int CHICAGO MANUFACTURER HELD Head of Steel Ball Company Involved 'In Case of Paul O. Stensland. ' CHICAGO. Nov. 54. Chaunoey L Graham, vice president of the Steel Ball company, was arrested last bight by detec tives from the office cf State'a Attorney ST. LOUIS. Nov. 24. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw, who arrived yesterday fron Kansas City, spent a part of this forenoon tn close consultation with F. W. Lehinann, special counsel for the government In the prosecution of the subtreasury 01,5) short age esse, Aftor leaving Mr, Lehmann he went to the subtreasury to ascertain addi tional Information concerning the condi tions there. "I have no Idua when the case will go to trial." aald the secretary- "As head of the Treasury department, I am naturally In- on the Invitation of Mra. Thackeray, wife ucaly on a bench warrant Issued by Judgo tereated deeply In this affair. I have had of the Berlin. United States consul general in CONNAUGHT TO VISIT CANADA Dike W 111 Hart on Tour of Inspection of Army. lnelndlna" Amert.-a. LONDON. Nov. S4. (Special.) The duke of Connaught will start for the east next month on an official tour as Jaspecruir gen eral of the forces. It Is understood that he will visit among othtr places Ceylon, Hong Kong and Singa pore. His royal highness will then pay a visit to India. This will, however, be unr official. The duke will afterwards make sn official tour of Canada. He will be ac companied by the duchess of Connaught and the Princess Patricia. Kersten. the charge being uttering fictitious the report 01 Assistant cnued nistes paper. The accusation grows out of the Treasurer Akins and of the special eoni Mllwaukse Avenue State hank failure. The mission that, w.: sent here from Washing-su-el ball concern owes the bank approxl- ton to make an Investigation, but I thought .netelv lifftoO)) and most of the notes It save' that 1 could get a better understanding of the rales snd fares and charges for the ti anstMrtation of persons and property, thai ' I are established and which arc In force, ti. To comncl railroads to make annuitl " I reporta and to furnish such other Informii- 44 I tlon uhd reports nt any time as- may be required, such annual reports snail con tain whatever Information may be required by the commission. 7. To compel railroads to construct eurb. side tracks of a reasonable length, to ele-vat-jra, tn mills and to Warehouses, as may be necessary for good service, and for the relief of the public' - 8. To compel railroads to provide suitable facilities for the accommodation and com fort of passengers and for the reception, transportation and delivery nf property. i. To prevent competing lines of rail roads from consolidating or entering, lnt- any combination that muy eliminate com pel itlnn. 10. To hear complaints, tn investigate the same, and lo render such orders and find ings as may be Just and equitable. 11. To require the attendance of wit nesses, and the production of all books, papers, tariffs, contracts, agreements and documents, relative to any matter under complaint or Investigation. 12. To prohibit rebates, special rate and discriminations of every sort to any par. tlcuiar pcri-m. company, firm, corporation or locality. 13. To make all necessary rules and reg ulations ss shall be necessary to requlra any rntlrnad, or all rullroarfs, to render good, certain, safe ond efficient service, without favor. 10 anv iersin, firm, cor poration or locality whatever; and ta en force the same. NEW WIRELESS TELEPHONE Swedish Lieutenant Perfects Device Which lew Works Over a Short gpace. STOCKHOLM. Nov. :M (Special.) A Bwedlah lieutenant. Herr Gang man, who baa already patented a clever telephone In vention In England. France and Oermny, haa apparently solved the wireless telephone problem. So far telephoning by his method has only been ponstble between rooms within a hotel or between passing trains, but the as security are considered worthless. The fijeel Ball company, shortly before Its j business begsn to wane owing to the de- i cllne In popularity of the bicycle, bought a ' building from Paul O. Btensland, then prea ident of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank. It Unproved the building and paid for It i partly. In the aubseiuent years of the bus- I inesj relations between the manufacturing 1 company and the bank the bank was trying to gets its money back. Good money went after had. Btensland, In a mistaken Idea of saving liuo.000 he had loaned to the con cern, loaned more money to keep the busi ness running. Mr. Graham appeared -In criminal court I today and was released on bonds of I'.i.OJO. 1 Presi.ient Wlllism D. Ttlden, president of the Steel Ball company, surrendered today. Both men were later Indicted. the matter If I made a personal Investiga tion. "That Is as much as I care to say about the case at present. I shall spend the day here looking over matters pertaining to the shortage and will leavo tonight for Pitts burg. I am expected there Monday to at tend the dedication of a public building." UTE INDIANS AT FORT MEADE t Renegades t amp an . Government Resrrve and Are Given, Food anj 1olhlag. IAD, 8. D -Nov. . 14. The l.'te InUluns who have been traveling through South ; Ing TILLMAN TALKS IN CHICAGO ays He Will Mot Change apeeru at Request of Megroes nf lty. CHICAGO. Nov. 24,-Benator Tillmsn of South Carolina passed through Chlrsgo on his wsy to South Hiven toduy. When Informed thst the negroes of Chi cago had protested against the delivery nf a lecture by him lie said: "I am surprised that, there should be any talk in this city of n negro uprising to prevent a lecture which Is for' the benefit of a hospital which has never yet dosed its doors to one of the colored race pop!e tu think that they can prevent a senator from the 1'nited Htet-e fiom talk- They might as well try to stop 1'resl- (ontrol Over Rates. II. To prevent unreasonable and unlaw ful charges of wnaievrr sort, und 10 cnange alter or amtud any or nil schedules. ! tarins, that are In force, or may hereafter le put In force, by any railroad, so that tha rates, fares and changes snail be rv sunnlile. Just snd equiiaiilp: wherv certain rales sre or may be 4i force us provided by law. in winch case the legal imius stiuil lie ree-itc'ied. li. To inuke such changes in the schsd. ulus, time for the running of trains, as may le neeessary to require sate, good ant ettjcleiit ser"ices. 1. To enfnreu oil laws of the state rela tive to r.illroads that now exist, or that may te lieieafter enacted. 17. To resort to ull lena.1 means within the power of the state to enforce the nru vlsloii of tills act. Section 7 Th riillroad commUslort shaii lie sublect to maiiiUnius proceedings, by ;ny one should It fil or neglect In the leael ; tu assume or enfoi.e the p,ers conferred I upon U by this fcet. I Section -TM railroad commission may 1 apiKiiut a secretarv at a fca'ery nut to ex ceed eighteen hundred dollars ill KI and a stenographer at a mlary not exceeding eight hundred and forty dollars (ltoi is f annum. The secretary mid stenogTHjint-r shsll hold ofiice during the pleasure of the commission and shall perform urh duties nl commission sitsll require. Dakota' Into Wyoming in defiance cf the government's order, arrived at Fort ileade today, eccompariled by the Sixth I'nlted States cavalry. Tonight they are camping on the government-reserve, hiving been new Invention Is regarded as specially -Irn- given provisions and slothlnff by offloers at yvtrt-nt tor military puriiosea , Itha fort. 1 He, tlon is-Tlie iallr)d commission shall It is absurd for the colored' p.Hlh an annual ie.rt, and shall piake a rvjiOTl lo .uni rra'iiir e.'i-Mn ii inu legislartire; and such t.ther reports aa mav l- inulre1 by lw or resolution of eltlier bian'h nf the i.-nWlature. S.-ctl,,n Nothing I'i this act shall pre vent any one (nun bringing suit under the Jaws of the sts'e Bslnt any rntli-oad: not siioll it pievent any officer f the. state, other the rsllroad rnsinilMun from taking eii-ii ste,e or sm-n prices of ka nji may necr.i-aai y b er,fore or provent the violation of Hie laws of the stale by, any I taiiroad. . titrctiou 11 N railroad ooinpauy shall a4 e dent Roosevelt. I h;iil not charge my n-ture In the slightest degree. Tiie subject is 'The Annexation of Culia.' snd this question I so Interwoven with the ncaro problem in thl,ccuntry thst 'it will bo bnposslble fut me to avoid dl, um-ing the latter. ' . (