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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY TIEE: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER P. 1006. SPECIil EIOTICES Utrliarnrnla far these rolmai will bo taken until 13 to. for the ftlf etUMe p4 vattl M sv ra. tor Ilia- Morulas- Had Hmdir frillln. Mates 1 l-2e it word Urst lasertlon, le a nM' tkrmf)is Ketalasr takea for less thaa BOe for tk frtl Inser tion. These adrartlaeaieata ( ke ran rniirratlrflr- advertisers, hv reunaestlnar a aim-l-ered eheek, eaa bare aaarrera a n riressed to a a sabered letter la ear of The Bee. Aaarrera ao addressed will fee delivered oa areaeatatloa at r heek. T MISCELLANEOUS THB FALL TERM ROYLK8 BUSINESS COLLEGE IS Now ub'EN. TAT AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any day. New Cstalogne Free. Tel. Douglas. 19M. Address II. li. Boyles, president. Loyles Bldg. , Omaha, Nob. R 3 OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BUROESS-GBANDEN CO., Ill 8. 15th Bt. Tat. Douglas SSI. OMAHA Hafe and Iron Works make a spe ciality of Are escape, shutters, doors and s.ifes. G. Andreon. Prop. 102 8. loth St. R-6-J6 SIGN PAINTING-S. H. Cole, 1802 Douglas. R 6ob IOWA Sanitary Cleaning- Co., 101 Farnam. R 668 jlF.FLIN-LockSmlth. moved upstairs; en trance. 1024 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 29i4. ' R669 KRKE for 10 days, ana life size elegant cravon portrait and fitted In an excellent franm for 11.25. This la to advertise our n.! portrait. Call 10 to 6 o'clock. Wal lace Bristol ft Co., G20 North 1th St., near California. R-M510 NovlO HUBBCR STAMrS-Western Btamp and Stencil Co., 312 ti. 12th Bt. Send for cata logue. h-M:m D5 BUSINESS CHANCES Extraordinary Offer Do you wish to engage In the ral estate buslnessT If so, we will sell our business, which Includes office furniture, well ' appointed suite, of rooms, namo lists, correspondence, record of all kinds; every thing most complete, for $5,000. We hav spent $12,000 In tho paat three ' years to build this business up lo Its pretient Immense propor tions. We have over 1,000 di rect, correspondents In the en tire tributary country and we can truthfully assert that "wo are the best known real estate firm In the middle west. We haw mad 1100.009 'in the past three, .years .and are. ready to i retire. This iB an excellent op portunity for a man of some means to step right Into a big paying business. One of- the present members of the firm will remain with the purchaser for at last threo months free of charge. If you are Interested rite and arrange for personal -Interview. Address F 474, care Bee. Y-432 S NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposal for an Addition to the pavilion In Rlvervlew Park. According to plans and specifications pre tared by J. P. Guth, architect, 616-17 Pax ton Hlk.. will be received until No vember . 1106. at 6 p. m.. at the office of the architect. A certified check for 6 per cent of tho estimated cost must accompany each proposal. J. P. GUTII, Architect, 616-17 Paxton Blk. Y M 03 10 Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write. us. IXBU LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb. X M901 El No eharge for treatment at Creighton Dcntnl college. WANTED- Patients, at Dental col i eg a. Treatment free. Y M641 Novll MINES and mining and Industrial stocks bought and sold. Rob'. C. Druesdow, flock Broker, 6u N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-M990 Dl WB OWN property surrounded by mines Is the famous bullfrog district In southern Nevada. For particulars address the Ne vada standard Gold Mining ami Milling Co., 6o9 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Y M9K9 Dl FOR SALE Bakery, restaurant, confec tionary, roommi una coaming noube.--Aa-tlrees Box 77, bt. Paul, Neb. Y-M297 13x WH BUY ALL KINDS OF MINING STOCK Write us what you have to sell. - Utah Nevada Development Co., 3 D. F Walker Bldg., Salt Lake, Utah. . . Y-M391 10x ,FOR SALE 60-barrel flour and feed mill; water power; plenty of wheat; clears Sl.60 annually; price 8S,K0. Address Mllford. Neb., R. F. D. 1 Box B. . . Y-,M390 14x WHITE steamer touring car for sale: fo il. P.: the machine Is In perfect condition and given complete satisfaction; price. $1,300; will consider a trnde for all or part payment. Kerr-Shallcross Co., 114 Farnam St.. Omaha. Y 4 10 FOR SALE Or team, hotel, 20 roorrn, county seat; nicely furnished: mutt sell, u -inwi; possonsion at once; kjo takes It. AddreKH C, Lotian, la- Y 452 8x JTOWNSEND 'HEALTY CO.. Fremont. Neb., buy. sell and exchange farms, lands, city )M,,iYrijr ciuu wcrciiaiiaiaca. itive tnem a trii at- Y M4M Sx (PARTY with $30,000 wants a young man, ex perienced In transfer, storage or coal business with about 84,000, to Join him and manage department. Enquire George Howard, 1144 P St., Lincoln. Neb. - Y M480 15 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE- An up-to-date drug , stook, M H to exchange for South. Da kota or lows Isnd. Globe Land and In vestment Company. Omaha, Nebraska IF YOU do not 9nd what you want In this column, put ao ad In and you will soon get It. z si l'OR KXCHANOb A number of good first morii&e lon and good lands to ex- liui.tto lor groceries or a general stock of Merchandise. UUibo Land and Investment Cumpany, Patteisou Aidg., Omaha, Neb. --MW VVANTED-TQ BUY WANTED TO BUT. BECo"o5IANii furniture, stores, carpets, clothing and :ioe; pay the best price. Tel. Douglas UiU N-.44 Novll WANYfc'D ts buy. 10 acres Improved, sum fruit, uaar Ucusog. , AJdree 7i Doigs , , N 1S72 Nj ' PLUMBING 111. If plumblug supplies direct. Whulel lrl:ea. bave on ery article. Onlv nrt. , Ua goods banlded. Prunpt atten'tlun to ' very urdrr Bxnd for vatalugu. H. i Karol. - HilllliOa tit., Chicago, 111. LYNCH BROS Repair work our specialty. Us N. Uiu tit. lei. Douglas 1477. ; : V-jrl'ilL1!!13 ' DETECTIVE SERVICE J" WETMOKB Detective Service. 'Phone Rod 7ti;l. Kwun U sad 14. L'uioa itlo.'K. 1uiq t "m la. IS WANTED MALE HELP WANTFTJ TOT NO MEN OF GOOD HABITS Age 18 to 33, to prepwre for tire men snd hrakenien on nil the leading railroads and fur new rosds now being completed; experleme unnecessary; fire men. $HO per nmnth; brnkt men, t P"r month, with rap'd promoilmi to engineer and conductor. Many positions now open. National Ry. Training Ass n. SX X. Pax ton bltxk. Omaha. Neb. B-102 Dl WHOLESALE IinrpK has an or-nlng for a clean-cut, well-educated young man who has had some business tralolng snd experienc e; must have good knowledge of biiokkepng and be able to handle a small sot of hooks; we liitve a komJ opening for the right mnn. Reply fully stating ae. experience and salnry exiected. Address B Ji. Bee. B M43 leg WANTED Five boys; good wsge.; perma nent Job. A. . T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. B-7 DRUO STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kneist, 624 N. Y. L. B-t.77 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Creigh ton Dental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Creighton Dental college except for ma terial. . B M342 Novll SPECIAL contract men: several expert special contract life Insurance men desired Immediately. Rupert F. Fry. Special Supt., Mason P.ldg.. Houston. TeT. B MSM) x YOUR services ought to bring what they are worth. If they do not, let us put you in touch with a better position. See us nt once or write for particulars. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N, INC., 840-42 N. V. Life Bldg. H 4ii7 HUSTLERS out of employment run do well to call on us; pay weekly. C F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howatd. B MIM DU , WANTED 3 boys. East Omaha- Omaha Box Co., B M30J WANTED 3 good coatmakers, prices start is. 50 upwards at Heflley B.-os.. Lincoln, Neb. B aM 12x , ' WANTED First-class watchmaker; good salary to right party. A. Mandelhorg. 1522 Faniam. B M9 WANTED Young man who is quick at naures to worn, in Jewelry o pi. Apply, with references, to A. D. Brandels, be tween 8 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brand' I & Sons. B 37 4 8 WANTED A responsible architect and structural engineer, enganen auring ma day, wants night and Svind.iy wrt dc. signing heavy builllngs. wni ehousu's, shops, factories, steel structures, trusses, etc.; plans nd perlftcatlon at renson sble rates: satisfaction nd first-cl.u'S work guaranteed. Address P 43. P."e. h :!S5 llx BFtlGHT, honest young men to prepare for coming Exams, for Railway Mall Clerks and Gov't Stenographers. Good S'lury. Permanent. M.iny appointments. Thoro preparation. Address 146 Inter-State Bldg., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. B M389 x BOY wanted for office work; education, two years high school; salary. 25 per month. Address IS 481, The Bee. M-1387' Ux ,i WANTED A bright boy to hold copy. Ap ply Composing Jtoora, Bee. H 47 WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at Avery brick yards,' 2 miles south of Al bright on Bellevue car tine; good wngea; boarding house at plant. B M171 11 WANTED At once, a drugulst. M. M. Sullivan, Spalding, Neb. 15 M47t lOx I Calls for Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Clerks. Far exceed the supplv. If you are ex perienced In any of these lines, see us at once, or write. WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN., INC., 840-2 N. Y. Life Bldg B-M4R4 9 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Housekeepor for three male acinus; no nooaay meat; must he ahle to do all the work, Including washing. Iron ing and mending. Apply between 8 and 9 a. m., southeast corner N. 18th and Mart derson Sts. C M428 lOx WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages, no wasning. inquire 704 No. 23d St. C-MS79 WANTED A good cook; references re quired. 3612 Farnam. C 918 WANTE1") A good nurse girl for 3 chil dren; I2S per month; references required Mrs. Ben Cotton, 432 8. 38th Ave. C M360 WANTED Girl for general housework; also nurso girl. 2j08 Dewey Ave. C 677 S WANTED Girl for general housework; no wastilng or Ironing; wages tf per week Inquire 604 8. 36th. St. C M3i I GIRL for general housework; no alundry good wages. 3416 Burt. c 368 8 WANTED Good cook. Mrs. Marsh, R04 rine 01. C 413 9x Bookkeeper. M Must apply at once. nMiuiui n.r.r. cc oijin J t AOS IS. l.r 841 N. Y. Life Bldg. I C Mi: 1 WANTED Experienced cook: also house- inoej. Aiiiy iu. narney bi. cu il 10 WANTED Waist, skirt heliiers; girls learn dressmaking; pay while learning. R. .,46 Ramge Bldg. t: 465 llx WANTED Good sirl for general house work.' C. E. Bunnelxter, 1022 Park Ave. C 46 10 WANTED Headwsitress. Koehler hot-1. Grand Island. c M473 10 WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Family of three. Seven room house. Telephone Harney or call at 1043 8. 30th Ave. C 482 9 WANTED Girl for general housework small family; no children; good wages. nqujj5426lgsrd8t. C M485 U WANTED SITUATION WANTED Situation In city as stenog rapher, by young lady experienced; ref erencus. Address K-478, care Bee. J A-336 27g YOUNG man wants to work in lunch room to learn business; some experience wages light; references best. Please tell proprietors. Addreus Y lis, Omaha Bee A-M3.16 Vx " SITUATION wanted by young expert stenographer, Chicago and St. Iiwls ref erences. Address L 17 care Bee. A-M9j3 10x WANTED Position as nurse, attendant or userul companion, hy competent young woman; hospital anu private experience highest references. Address A-3t8, care JP-rT: : A418 9x WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week: other nov. eluea. Ladies Supply Co., 3265 Prairie Av., O.. Chicago. J Mojo NovUx SAIARY and commission wll be paid to an old line lite man of experieno. Ad dress Box 11 bo. Lincoln, Neb. J 773 Novll THE Columbia Accident Insurance Co. has a good proK)!itloii to olfr Insurance agents. In good territory; accident and endowment. Writu us or call st office, 2ul 6.11th8t... LincolnNeb J M434 14 WANTED SALESMEN ' WANTEDHTwo energetic men to travel for Minneapolis wholeoale house; will pay Wj to $vV per month snd expenses to otarl; wtll meet suitable parties In Omaha about November 13; excellent opportunity for young man to gut start. Adclrena at once F W. Potts, Minneapolis, Minn. L M426 10' DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Mimi Murdy, ZU Davenpurt. 'Phone liar- 11 :i2. m:j M'lx"WELL svstem of dressmaking and cutting; pattern eijt to intsnuir; ltsoiis Tuemiay anl Thursday evenings. lojl Fr.rnam. M j1 Ni6 LAW AND COLLECTIONS i M Macfarland. M N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel Dvug. Ms. -- Nov f """"" ""'"' ""' '' 'Tt"'" ' srnwiwus an mini isn i I YOUR MAY WANT TO BUY A H0ESE AND BUGOY YOU IIAVE TION THE FACT TO YOU. Then -s- FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS W ILL RENT, to gentleman one front room in new. modern iipartment house; new furniture, never before used: sleam heat and elec tric light; bath adjoins room; only two blocks from postofflce and on principal rar line; will make It home like; rio children In family. Price, 12 per month. Address J-477, care Bee. E 334 26 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-8 Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks E-673 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; American or European; steam heat. E 680 ki b turnlshed rooms; new house; one Diocg north of Fnrnam car; gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 8. 31st St. E 116 N18x k''- - targe, southeast room; nicely fur nishe'l; nil conveniences: electric llpht and sas. Phone Dimglas 3S37. 217 8. ilth fit. E101 TVt o furnished rnoins, modern; gcnt1emn preferred. Tel. Harney 32So. 73 Dodge. E 129 Sx MODERN, well furnished southeast front room, with alcove; private family. Tel. Harney 2295. E M427 12x 1 2R N'T Modern furnished rooms, third Moor. Call after 6. 2469 Harney St. s E Vt Sx FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman: prl- val?fam!I.v;J16. N. 18th. E- M448 14x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611. O.M.E. Hauls Trunks F-81 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. F-682 HIE ROSE, 2020 Hsrney St., nicely fur iilshed, warm, comfortable rooms. Good board. F 480 2tiX WITH lioarrt. south room, suitable for two. Address D-472. Bee. F M298 lOx 627 PARK AVE., bright, warm room for two, with breakfast and dinner; private. F-3S2 ONE lirge front room, furnished, with :il cove and steam heat; also one smaller room. 122 S. 25th St. Tel. Dnuelas RSffl K-4.16 lox UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT SUITE of 4 rooms In the Ormond, on first floor 605 S. 2Sth St.; rent, tJS, Bemls. I'axton Blk. G M90S FOR RENT Unfurnished, one large south room In partly modern flat, S& per month. 2H12 Leavenworth St. G 414 9x PARLOR and two hod rooms, modt rn; brst references. l.Hi7 Wirt St. Tel. Red 25.V7. G-4V1 THREE unfurnished rooms, upstairs, heated. 3'! 8. I'.th. G-4S8 P WANTED--TO RENT WANTED A home to take In emergency cases, such as scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles. Must be without children. Will pay well for tame. Call at Ilenliit Office. City Hall. Telephono Lx.nla: 601. K-.Mi MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS l ! I t t 1 $ $ ; $ $ t $ l MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES: FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES AND WAGONS. This is your opportunity to get money and pay those little annoying debts. Ar range your affairs now so that when the cold weather comes you will only have one company to owe. . . You can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments, best suited to your In come; amounts paid before due, full rebate Is ALWAYS airowed. . Reliable Credit Co. Room 307-308 paxton Block. Corner Fa main ana Sixteenth Sts. ) I I I I I I I I I $ I I I WHEN YOU FIND IT NECESSARY TO BORROW give us a trial, after whieh we will by fair treatment attempt to retain your petronag. We loan from 10 up on furniture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SAJ jARLED people without mortgage or endorser. We transact business quickly and quietly. We do not deduct Interest In advance. We always try to please our patrons. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Tel. Doug. 2296. (Established lb!)i), 806 li. 16th Et. X-M9U4 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay ments; offices In 63 principal cities. Save yourself money by g-ttlng my terms first, i). H. '1 OLaiA.N, 714 New fork. Ufa Bide X-70S DR. PR1BBENOWS MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rales; perfect privacy; Immediate attention; any terms wanted. Payments suspended whea sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk. 2u South 15th St. K-706 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; yuu get money same day .asked for at small coau Open evenings till 7. X 843 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business connUeu'.WI. 1301 Douglas. X 841 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 310 8. l&tn. X-W FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room 8. Barker block. x-845 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnara St, X-840 Cnb 'J?,'1..'"""' ,oana- Phoenix Credit Co.. 633 Paxton block. X 847 PRINTING LYNGSTAD "tgh-grade 1907 Calendars. & JORVK. cspoiTv".! M,h 6t JOB printing snd binding. Springer Print lug Co., 2u6 N. 17tU. Tel. Douglas 3071. MiaW Nov 10 CENTRAL PRINTING CO.: fine Job work typewritten letters. 110 S. 17th St, Hi blocks north Bee Bldg. M644 Novll COMPLETE- line of 1907 calendars Snell Printing Co.. 310 H. 12th Bt .- -M135 D3 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES CHATELAIN Srhool of languages Day and evening clauses. French, German, bpaulsh; fencing. Davldge Bldg. 873-Novl4 MISS IRMA BPRlNUkJt. piano lessons. M cants ISM N..41t bl., Waluu'. Hill car. Moon NovU CHATELAIN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES iiueii-l l'ren.., a t.,4 1. ..i . Monday. November 19, 11 a month- Ki-(. tster now. 417 19 LOST LOHT-.iiihII open face ladle gold watch- eaard. 2u Dtwey Ave. Lui-MH4 U ' .a-itrtiT ir ) mm aim i-a r asa Hiss m ilisansi i s i i n i n '- "' -'r'S CmTiT CLOSEST FRIEND Tell ttlLl Through a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WM. D. REED, 609 N. Y. Life Bldg. On 3Jth St., between Burt ' and Cuming, a new modern house of 8 rooms; built by the owner for a home, who Is leaving the city and will sacrifice It for quick sale; just south of Bemls park. Same party desires to close out the n. w. corner of 0th and Bancroft, 120x100 ft., 4 nice lots. , Also the 8. ' W. corner of 2Sth and Case Sts., . 127x100 ft., 3 nice lots. 8ee mc at once or 'phone me at Doug. 3217, or Harney 2240. WM. D. REED, 609 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 4o9 d SPECULATION Good Business Lot INVESTMENT It has been more than noticeable thst ' Omaha central business property Is not offered for sale. What can you find on the main business streets 7 Hardly a lot or even a foot of ground. Call us up about the lot we offer only 166 ft. distant from the Her Grand. Price, 115,000. BYRON REED CO., Tel. Douglas 297. 212 B. 14th St. RE M43S 9 GOOD JIOME ON EASY TERMS 11,850 for 1704 N. 86th St.. 8-room house, all modern ex cept heat, new open plumb ing, gocd barn; small cash payment down, balance- on easy monthly Installments, or cS2,nno for property and ad ditional lot in rear 60x130 feet, suitable for garden purposes. Immediate possession. GEORGE & CO., lO'l Farnam St RE 421 8 FOR SALE Bt OWNER. A splendid stock and grain farm of 323 acres, 7 miles from South Omahv A good house, barns, sheds, etc., good orchard, plenty of water, good fences, good rnllroad and Intrrurban facliiUes; have R. F. D. and telephone. Price for the next 30 days, 3Jt,""0. Address, LEMUEL NORTON, FORT CROOK. NEB. RE-M1V1 13 CHOICE NEW HOMES ON EASY TERMS. 9 rooms alt modern, eloc- trie light; built for a home; owners having changed plans offer to sell for cost; up-to-date In every respect; lot 66x 140; paved street, all special taxes puld; a chance to get a ' splendid home easy; 20tli and Burdette streets, Just being completed. . R. H. Landeryou, Tel. Douglas 2151. Board of Trade. RE M468 10 FOR SALE Houses and lota In North Omaha. Bargains. Inquire 3320 N. 24th St. RE M 477 D8 CHEAP. 99x132 ft. south of south of Cuming St. and 66 ft. off of 16lh St. 115,000. The time to take this Is now, before the rush up 16th St. later. We are selling "houses and lots on easy payments. See us before you buy. It pays. SEARS, ROOM 621 N. Y. LIFE. 'Phone Douglas 3150. RE-419 I WANTED We have large dttnand for homes and Investment property on the south side of railroad tracks, and acreage property In the-vicinity of Omaha. If you have such, send us description and price, and we will sell It for you. Berka Co, 941 New York Lite bldg. RE M290 A DANDY HOME. Nearly new; t rooms and reception hall; rooms beautifully decorated; polished floors, nickel plumbing, Quaker furnace, full cemented celjar; eight minutes' walk to postoffice. on St. Mary's Avenue hill; 11,600 cash, balance same as rent Wright & Laabury, 606 B. 16th Bt. Phone Doug. 152. RE-rM449 9 1300. CASH. 1300. 2247 N. 19th. 7 rooms, lot 40x140; price, 11,850; monthly payments. GLOVER & SON, ROOM 3. N. Y. LIFE. RE 459 11 1350. CASH. 3M. 2712 Patrick Ave.. 7 rooms, gas, bath and barn; price, 12,200. Will allow $50 off on this If bought this week. GLOVER Ik SON, ROOM 3, N. Y. LIFE. RE 460 11 ALL modern 9-room house and lot for sale at a bargain. 923 No. 19th. RE M910 FOR SALE Two half sections Improved land. Half of each, farm land, balance meadow and farm land, making an ideal stock farm; located on Logan river, three miles from Lyons, Burt county. Neb, the garden spot of America. Easy terms. Owner, Box 6, Lyons, Neb. RE M405 II BEAUTIFUL KOiUNTZB PLACE-Modern home, hot water heat, 76-ft. front; space for another house; small house taken as part payment. See owner, W-l Wirt. , RE M 324 ONLY I60D For 4-room house and 60-foot lot In the southeast part of the city; easy terms. Wright Laabury, 608 8. 16th St. Phone Douglas 163. RE M450 I TWO modern house st the southwest cor ner of 31st snd Casa Sts, with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east front, nice shade trees. Make me sn offer for one or .both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Booia 1, N. Y. Ufa bldg. B,E-OI Cosy Home for Two on Easy Terms. 1331 Maple street, nearly new, 4 rooms, gas In every room, city water, sewer, lot 60x120, ' permanent walks, fruit of all kinds, large chicken house, very pretty cottage home, and Is offered for 11.400. Ask to see the property, owner lives there. R. H. Landeryou, Tel. Douglas 3161. Board af Trade. JtE M46J 18 FOR SALE, BUT NOT MEN BEE VMIT ID FOR SALE FARMS YOUR FRIENDS HAVE LOST MONEY on mining stocks". In savings banks, by bad loans, etc. You nevtr heard of any one losing money by buying good land. 8 HELTON'S SNAPS ARE SAFE. Snap 1 l.oso-acre Improved ranch near Julesburg, Colo. This ranch consists of fine upland and irrigated farm land. It is Improved In every respect as an up-to-date ranch and farm. Price 120 per acre. Easy terms. Snap 3-160 acres on the divide, south of Iodge pole. In Cheyenne county, Nebraska. This In rolling farrh land, adjoining a well developed and prosperous farm. If you want a good farm cheap this Is It. Price 16.00 per acre. Easy terms. W. F. 8H ELTON LAND AGENCY, 318 South 15th St., Dipt. B., Omaha, Neb. H-457 10 64 ACRES with good farm house, barn and other buildings, new orchard, woven wire fence around and across the land, largo reservoir and complete water nvsteni; shout 15 acres in alfalfa; on Center St. !avrd road, about 6 miles southwest of postofflce. Price, 110,500. On Improve ments alone over $fi,0u0 has been spent during past few years. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St. H 122 9 I OWN 8,000 acres of tin rice Innrt on rail road, within seven to U.n miles of Hous ton, tho best and most nrnrn-MlvA riiv in Texas. Will sell In tracts of 320 acres aiv.1 over, to actual sol tiers, lor 126 per acre payable In ten annual payments. lurchaser must have monv sufficient to put down Irrigation wells, biilld necessary houses and barns and to p'ant mrl take ' "f nrsi crop or nee. no payment on land required until first cmn Is hrv.,-.j Work should begin by January 1 for 1908 crop. If you are coming to Texas to farm, sec me before you ony. Charles rimey omitn, ill ju&m St., Houston, Tex. II M411 D6 tX ACRE FARM for sale In the Republi can Valley, no better- land than this for Rlfalf.t, corn, wheat or oats. Will sell horses, hogs, cattle and farm machinery with the farm If so desired. This prop erty belongs to a company that wants to dissolve and desire to divide up Write for terms etc., to Moore Merc Co, Franklin. Nehru ska. M M136 10x CHEAP western lands near the 640-acra homesteads a specialy. THE STEWART-LEAVENWORTH CO, 619 N. Y. Life Bldg, Omaha, Neb. ' H-M440 It THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp be'l Litchfield. Neb H MS15 N1x MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE $500 TO $5,000 To loan on Omaha Improved real es tate at lowest rates, with privilege of paying part or all before maturity and stopping interest. No delay. Money on hand. GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnam. W-M433 19 GARVIN BROS, 1604 Farnarn7iand 814 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-667 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca. W-668 WANTED City loans snd warrants. w remain Smith Co., l20 Farnam St. W 3 BUILDING loans on residence property; g per cent. W. B. Meikle. Ramge Blk. W-7t LOWEST' RATES Bemls. Pag ton Block! W-671 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed. 1520 Doug. W-673 11,000.000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha: lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brer nan. R. 1, N. Y. Life. WC71 WANTED City loans. R- C Petsra Co. W-4VM City It (am loans. O. f". Carson Co, N.T.L W 7 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, Thomas. 606 First National bank Bldg. w sri FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Beeley letter cabinets, In good condi tion, mads of walnut and have two draw ers each. Call at bee business office and get a bargain. y 141x FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead tho world 10 cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke Collendar, 407 S. loth St. Q-6J0 SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co, Omaha. Q 61 LEAVING for Texas; I .will sucrltlco Chlckerlng uprlgut piano; mahogany parlor suite, hall tree, oak stove, horae and buggy, etc. 415 No. 23d St. Q 51472 11 MILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q-673 SODA FOUNTAIN, ary adze. 1811 Farnam. Q-oTi SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, best mixed paint. Sherman 4b McConnell Drug Co, W-4 HALL'S safes, new, t-d band. 1818 Farnani. Q-675 IFOR BALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. K. Campbell, Bee mall room. y-6iS FOR SALE Empty packing cases, cheap. Address U 38, Bee office. Q 444 TO DISPOSE of household goods and stoves call at 709 bo. 16lu. Doug. 8763. Small com. Q M950 Nails 81 keg. Scar Box Co, 1807 St. Mary's sv. Q M941 80 ONE 6-inrh Jenkin s valve for sale. Apply W. 11. Bridges, engineer, bee Bldg. Q M112X TO SELL OR BUY Furniture, stoves, harness, wagons, typewriters, organs, pianor. Call Douglas-5752, or 709 8. 16th St. Q 318 26 600 UNREDEEMED overcoats, 418 No. 16th. Q M366 d15 ENTIRE household goods must be sold by November 8; leaving city. A bar gain. 713 No. 2 2d Su Q M403 9s GOOD STOVE for sale. Inquire M J 8U South Omaha. Q 118 11 OFFICE FURNITURE One fir.e, large, guarter-sawed roller top, oak desk, good as new; two revolving chairs, four straight-back, split-bottom chairs, one new Monarch typewriter and table, a fine oak bookcase, letter press and double-drawer stand, a handsome, new map rack, with city, state and county maps, and one body bruaaels carpet. R- C. PATTERSON, 40i Merchants Nat l Bank Bldg. Q 464 YFJ4. try It. 14 "5 ton. Mo. "Sit coul. 'Phone JdaJuiuu A Werlti Co. g-Mitl VI FOft SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. x THE ENTIRE FURNITURE AND FUR NISHINGS OF A WELL FURNISHED, NINE-ROOM HOUSE WILL BE OF FERED AT PRIVATE SALE NEXT MONDAY, NOV. 13. AT t O'CLOCK. AT 1513 FARNAM STREET. All the furniture snd furnishings of a com pletely furnished private horns, consist ing of many rare and choice pieces; a new Stelnway Baby Grand piano (ma hogany rasa), mahogany library and par lor tables, chairs, dressers, lady's and gentleman's mahogany writing desks, divans and rostumers; also oak library tables snd chairs, dining-room table, chairs and buffet, handsome, heavy Qulgley bed -room set, two very fine, solid brass, three-quarter twin beds, with box springs covered with white curled hair mattresses; a fine quarter-sawed oak Windsor folding lied, with llfe-slsc, bev-eled-edge mirror; oak bookcases, daven ports, chiffoniers, cedar chests, coetunier, two cots snd two feather-edged hair mat tresses, twelve fine Turkish rugs, all ( sixes; carpets, mattings, pictures and pic ture frames, two very fine, ' old-style, olid mahogany mantels, not In use; two sets of old-style brass andirons and fend ers, steel and gas ranges, alt the kitchen furniture, fine refrigerator, a splendid five-minute washing machine, Domestic sewing machine and also a child's sew ing machine, five clocks, one an "El liott'' of London, best snd finest made, equipped with the Westminster chimes and eight bells and of great value, and many other articles too numerous to men tion. The house Is for rent or sale and the place Is at 2613 Farnam street. The sale will be a private one and open next Monday morning, November 13, at 9 o'clock, and will continue from day to day until every thing Is sold, so no reservations will bo made. .. CALL AT 2513 FARNAM ST. MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 12. NEXT. , Q 465 U FOR SALE New No. 4 Underwood type. writer and 826 desk for 3X0; clear title guaranteed: owner leaving city and must sell at once. Call 822 N. Y. Life Bldg, or telephone Douglas 6Z2. gv-JW446 17 COACH dog about year old, bright, good lOQKer. Tel. Red ti 7; y M 4X6 10 FOR RENT HOUSES NEW APARTMENTS 35th Ave. and Hair Howard Sts, i and 6 rooms each, mod- . ern In every respect; rent, 137.60 and 140. GEORGE &. CO, 1601 FARNAM. 'Phone Douglas-756. D M274 10 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. iSchntoller A Mueller Piano Co, 1311-1313 Farnani. D 63 HOUSES 1? I1 rta of th clt- D-fe4 HOUSES ,n P"rt ' th ciir The D 6S5 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 666 OMAHA Van & Storage Co, pack, move, s'--e H. H. goods: storehouse 1120-24 N. ..... Office. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 155. D-4SI7 FOR RENT Nice 7-room bouse. $16.00. 2641 Patrick Ave. For Rent Fine flat, all modem, good fur nace. 406 8. 26th Ave. William K. Potter, receiver, 301 Brown Blk. D MS79 RTORAOFl Household goods, mer DJ.UXWi.ULi cnanoi,, Fred v Transfer Line, 10O3-6 Farnam St. D M568 N10 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. U'Ji. Office, 1713 Web ster St D 688 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S HBXIVERY CO, 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1186. D 689 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern; fur nace; $25- C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D-823 COUN8MAN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given. 1623-31-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D 600 CENTRA! steam, modern 7-room house. Tlzard. 220 N. 23d. D Mbl 6-ROOM cottage. cKy water, 17.00. Breen ft Bloom, 613 Bee Bldg. D M7S 4 ROOMS, modern flat; adults. 1112 So. Uth. D-168 FOR RENT 8-room flat, modern, good re pair, opposite park 833. 'Phone Donglas 23. D 158 FOR RENT After November L 8-room house, all modern except furnace, 820.03. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Block. DM8U 2S05 BRISTOL BT, 7 rooms and barn; mod ern; $22.60. , 23 Bristol St, 8 rooms; modern; $30. 8223 Paclflo Bt, 8 rooms; modern: $30. 1313 S. 2Mh St, 8-room cottage; $31.60. 13 N. 17th Ave, 8 rooms and barn: 130. 3W3 Parker St, ( rooms; modern; $18. SEE BALANCE OF LIST AT OFFICE. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 FARNAM ST. D435 8 CENTRAL, steam, modern, 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. D-M372 FOR RENT Modern, 9-room, brick house. iijs couin oii oi.; w per month. Thomas brennan, room 1 Bldg. - N. T. Life D M358 4-ROOM flat, second floor, very pleasant; gas and city water; 110. 2323 So. 29th St. D M38S 9x FOR RENT 8-room house, modern except heat. 520 N. 19th St., Inquire m N. 23d ts. a w - v. tx . . i k St, South Omaha. ' D M107 9x 12-r, mod, desirable. 2416 Sherman Ave. $30.00 8-r, mod, choice, 2204 Maple 23.00 6-r, mod, very choice, close In 14.00 -I . IllOU, S-"J( iri'nil, " O. 6-r, city water, 218 Rees St 10.60 Russell & McKitriek Co., 432-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. - D 423 9 $35 2418 Seward Bt, 9 rooms, all modern, In excellent condition. 115-1317 So. 32d St, 8 rooms, all modern. $20 6-room new flat, modern except fur- N. P. DODGE ft CO, 1714 FARNAM. ' D 4cj3 10 1139 N. 17TH ST, 112.60. D M431 12x 2816 Bristol St, 7 rooms snd barn, modern, full lot, paved street, 122.50. ?,28 Bristol St, 8 rooms, modern. $30. 3527 Charles St, 8 rooms, 126; will be made modern. 830. 8217 Cuming St, I rooms. 24. 31 Pacific St, 8 rooms, modern, $27. 1313 South 28th St, 8 -room cottage, $31.60. 220 North 24th St, 6 rooons, $19. See balance of list at office. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. D-479 9 EIGHT-ROOM house, modern except fur nace, large barn, lawn and shade trees. 2M7 Nii. Uth Ave, between Corby snd Ohio. Jarnes b. Kelkenney. Karbarli Blk. D MT8 11 FENCING ANCHOR snd Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing, 5c per foot. 2'J N. 17th bt. Tel. Red 814. 87 NovU DEATH NOTICES CHRISTUNSEN Anna. November . 1M I aueri 34 veais, beloved oaupnter oi wr Christensen. k Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 oVI.m T from the family residence. I4f pbetpa P' I Interment Laurel HU1 Jemctory. Friends A Invited. ' v FLORISTS 11ESH ft 8WOBODA. 1418 Fsrnsm. 730 L. HENDERSON, 1511 Fsrnam. Tel. Dug. IL'St . -731 MONUMENTS Ureet Western Granite Co. Douglss mA. M9H1 Novll PERSONAL SEWIK'fl m.r.hln.. ranlirl snV make. 75t: per week or 12.00 per month. Second hand machines for aula. 8S.00 and UP Neb. Cycle Co, 15th and Hrn,y,url3 1R. ROY, chiropody, Doug. 497, 1W Far. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. list St. Tel. Doug- 3. PI.FATINIP. at i - irtviifl Butt"". KucMiif, - .......... w Embroidering. JJyeing snd cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 6c per yard, fceim lor price list and sample. liOLPMAN PLEATING Ut O0 Douglas block. Tel. Dout LAUNDRY CITY T F, A M. Tel. Doug. '4. 3UB.lUhS,.m 3 HE SALVATION ARMY solicits rsstoft clothing; In fact, -anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at U.4 N. 11th St, for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. V 6U J" REE medical and surgicsl treatment at Creighton Meflcal college. 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special sttentlon paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. I1i. Calls answered day or night. U 130 , T ,,i ST1E CITY GARBAGE CO, office 4th und Leavenworth SU. Tel. Douglas 1387. U 711 PURVEYING, Bllckensderfer. 113 Bee Bldg. U-719 OMAHA Bldg. Stsmmerers' Institute, Ramge XT 720 i- lLf A ClUWTn treatment and bath. Mme. ""'U1V1J11V Smith. Ill N. le, d floor. ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend CsJl or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th et, umaha. Neb. . . u mh PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Sajnaritan San- . Itarium, 728 First Ave, Council Bluflo. la. Tel. 774. U-322 r ' , ,. , - CHAMPION carpet cleaning. Douglas 6s. 1623 Leavenworth. . U M475 D8 PALM QUI ST custom shoemaker. 4i: Hamilton. U M470 D8 A GLANCE In the glass gives Joy sftcr using Sa'"' skin cream and face powder. U MASSAGE ?'',J!lfrmr.,J?3 ' U-M9S2 Dl ' MOTHER'S BREAD Ask your grocer for Z. li. Keedor s MOTHER'S BREAD. U M967 Dl A Dollar Free for Yon - This coupon will be taken as 11 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing balance paid as vou earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY. 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16tb, , Omaha. U-UI Nil PENNELL. Millinery Co, 123 North 16th St U 723 Jin V RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or wrlle ,,r.,2?ok,et e,c QUICK CURB RUP TURE CO, 611 Woodmen of World Bldg, Omaha. U 523 CFIGHTON Dental college. Patients free r, treatment ai iretgnion jiental .col lege. U-M540 U 11 C J. PALMQUIST, customer shoe maker. iiainiuon ov. una iw a. 15th ut. U-M566 N 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax- ' onivB. d. j Dcaneu, agent, fi ware U-M8S6 N 1 CH RI BTENSON. carpet cleaning. TeT jjoug. ji. U S74 N14 THE ACORN Press. Tel. Doug. 87'JI. vuiiiiiiciuiu primers, ioiu ioward St. U M999 N18 TYPEWRITERS All makes, for rent. $2 ( tA mrrtttl fawnf-! Tvn.. ir . iwriter Kxehange, t me Red-fil. V : U-Mfxr 2C I Is. by mail; rut I Malogue. Myers- . ( i..- U-724 wvw m.cii-uiio, none prices; send for free cata uuiun j-rrug omah DRS VOGEL, private hospital for women , and for ladles before and during confine ment, 2319 S. 13th St, Omaha, Neb. U M948 N3t TYPEWRITERS rented, 12.60 per month; ail makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter ft Supply Co, 1822 Farnam St. U-MI67 D E. V. Your father has charge of business, satisfied your partner snd cleared-you Anxious to hear from you. J. U-M109 B N'OTICE. Whereas my wife. Mrs. C. O. Metsler. has left my home, bed and board without cause or provocation, I hereby notify all persona to refuse her credit on my account. 1 will refuse to pay bills contracted by her. DR. C. O. METZLKR, U-M447 .X Sugar City, CX TOR anything In the sewing niac-liiim line go to P. E. Flodman ft Co, 1614 Capitol Ave. U M443 D7 Masque costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Open ev. U-M443 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A VERY DESIRABLE office, room 648 with south snd east light, ts partitioned' one room being 6-11x19-8 and the othr 19-8x21-7; has large sise fire-proof vault janitor service and electric light free' This Is one of our best suites of offices In the building. See Mr. Baksr, 8urH, Bee Bldg, 17th and Farnani. l-6 FOR RENT Desk room In' Be office city hall building, 417 N. 26th 8t Boulk Omaha. Apply to manager. 1124 FOR RENT Large corner store room. 16th and Vinton Its, .Wu c. M. pVch. inann. 436 Paxton blk. I MCI THE two store rooms, with basementa. ?' 14th Pr $ for both. Inquire R. C. PETERS ft CO, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. K-J44 BUILDING 1006 Farnam, will be vseant November 15; 23x100; 9 floors snd bsse ttient. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-sou DESK room In one of the large offices, partitioned off. 310 per month. See Mr ttaxer. Bunt. Be Bldg. 1521 STORE ROOM. 16th and Harney. V6xl00 ft Can be vacated about Dec, 18, lnu. Ad dress. F 440. Bee. I HU FOR RENT STORKS. $.'51(08 Harney St, opposite library. Y-a't karnam. new. $jn ;i8 Farnam. new. Ijo Z7U6 Cuming St. N. P. DODGE ft CO, 1714 FARNAM. 1 4a 10 BAKER f--Large store room: large bake room with cemented floor; furnaoe heated. 1718 Nicholas St, Just the place and loca tion for a live uisji to supply the trade and St the same time retail. HKYIIU I'ol.n Hick 'Phone Doug. 55. 1 M483 I r:" : " -rTv HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE V 110H3Ka-AU kinds. Myers, 1715 Jackso r rx. i tar. I lon-H !4t n N, r f -V r- J f