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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVKMBKIl V. 1D067 I i ti A J ) PATENTS. V: J. LA18')N CO., pafnt Uwjrr. I atcni book fie. Bee, B'.Cg., Uiaiha, Nb. . -U ;UAF.rK MAI 11INF? WORKS - PUMU procured, Invention developed. drawlnK. uatterne, easting.. mai.hlne work. 4 nil 8. l't,h St. T34 PATENTS procured end wild. 1 fee Nt Investment Co.. Douglas Blk., l'h ami Dodire. . 4:-4 D DANCING WC)RT1 eonHerlr,g Isn't It. when Mo rand' Dancing School for adults will sell yuu a lckt good for 11 lessons ut.tls reduced prc of, laaies It, gentlemen 16. which will teach you now to dunce per- v ecil "I'ormir Vninnii to help JT'OUglSS 1041. Fi f V ? P-' m. ' "ecily. "Former pupils II Ten. Three an- ip beginners, t an or Tel. fall terms begins Friday, MEDICAL 1.R,PR1E, specialist, women"" diseases, weaknesses, discharges, Irregularities cured pslnleesly and ssfely. Wlthnell block, 10th and Harney, Room I, Omaha. . - -728 KFST rerve bracer for men, "Grav's Nerve Fori rill'"," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & Mrf'onnell PruR Co.. -Omaha. "'it it'-. 1 1 4 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, Doug, lea. -418 N. L. Tel -72 rn.- BfwBER. rv,r. WTO. . ; ovor . 1500 i Famsm. Tel, -M544 Nov2 CLAIRVOYANTS .' . MADAME. BUDPHA, The trading tntlnilst of Omaha. Revelations of past n! future described. Parlors, 111 B. 1Mb. St., Opp. Boston Store. POOL AND BILLIARD TABLES FASSfrVY B new WlHard and pool tallies ar till befit 'money on buy and we sold much cheaper! rfly payment; catalogue trrm. Charles Passow & Hon. 21 4. lUth St.- M7 DS ; WfNES" AND- LIQUORS SOL ft -HOLIWl'ROMWhlskies, wines and Itiynrrs far family use. Man oroers given prompt attention. Send for price- list.. SouttrOmaha, Nob. Opposite Stock Turds. rz ;iGDf With Us Ob.'-tn of our regular excursions to: . where you' nan buy fine farm and ranch land at 3 to 15 per acre on, easy terms. The V. P. R. TC' Is ololn out Its lands In Western Nebraska, Kansas, Colo Taffflf snd Wyoming. For Information regarding lajds nd excursion rates apply IjAND.--AGENCY - V. P. R. R. ltU , " 31 B- lsltl Btraet. O ' .GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER B OFFICIO Omah?irN)braska, October 10. 1906. Sealed . proposals, 'In triplicate, will be received here slid ty r.qilHrtvrmsteis at the posts named herein, intil 10 n. m.. central stan .i.rH time. November 10. 19W. tor furnish- Ing shelled -corn duiing the flscal year end x ing June 30. ml, at Oroiiha J. M. depot, a" Forts Crook," Omaha.' and Robinson, Ne r" brasks; Jefferson Barracks, Missouri; Forts V Leaveuworth and Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell, Mackensle and Washakie, Fort Mciide. Htiuth Dakota. Proposals for delivery- at other places will be enter . tained. U."S. reserves right to reject of accept "any .or -all proposals or any part thesvof.-. information' furnished, on applica tion here, or to quartermasters at the sta- ' tibhs us rued. Envelopes containing propos als li 0' 1 1.1 be marked "Proposals for Corn," . sjid.sddieaAi-4 to,Jliur. JkL Xiray .Zallnskl, eXrr-:. j T OeU0-?l -l2-WNav- RAILWAY TIME CARD Vmon TATIOSJ-TKTH AND MARC Y l aloa fraolfc Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited ......a l;40 am l:Wpm Fast- Mall a 4:16 pin a S;10pm Colo. A Cf. Ei a,4 Upm a:!ain Callforniii & Ore. Lx. .a 4. to pin a:10pm Los , Angeloa IJmltd..aai:aO am al0:46 pm i,.li ai s5rm aliaoptn Colorado , B);clal . ......a 7:46 am a 7:44am , North rUue Lnical....a 1:10 am a 4:60 pra Beatrice Local b i-li pm a l:ot pm Hlajola Ceatral Chicago Elxprasa ... :M am a 1:66 pm Chicago Limited... :O0 pm' a 7:30 am t htcaao 'A Kortfcwatar Cedae Rapids Pass..... .a 7:06 am a 1:01 pm Twin City Expresa a 7;W am ol0:00 pm T Chicago WllgUt T P Chicaga 'txl , -..,...ali:j4 am a J 4o pm Kioux City Local b0pu tl:tiim Carroll Local ......... Sioux City Local..,. Chicago Bxpreaa -.. Fast MalL Fast i:ill ............. Twin City Limited. Overland ' limited .. Chicago Limited ..j, Norfoik-Bonaateel Llncoln-Jong Pine.. DeadwOod-LTncoln . ...a 4.3lpm ai:uuam ... b 1.46 pm ...a 6.W em a 7:3uam L.MiJlliu a I Warn . . j a S uj pin ...a 1:16 om a 7:06 am , al:l6am ,...sll:u0 pm a 11 :16 am ,...a 7:40 am al0:U6 am ,...b 7;4um bl0:36am ....a 1:00 Dm a 6:u pm Caaper-Shoshoni ....a l oo Dm a 6:u4 pm Hastinga-Supetlor ,... : pm b 6:u6 pm t Mc. MUw , at. paai Chi. and Colo. Spaolat.. 7:66 am a 718am California and Ore. .&s.a 6:4i pm a i:W pra oveilana Umlted a 16 pra al:20am Marlon & Cedr R. Loo.b 1:46 am bU:v0 pm tuicsks Uraai Woslsra fci. Paul iIU.ii-i.iUa. 1:30pm T:16pm bL' Paul Muinaapulia 7:4kam U.Mpm Chlcagvi,- Limited. 6;4pin twm thlcaga l-xprese 7:46 am 110 pm Chloaaa tx press 6 0 pm i:Wpm tkiesxo,- Hue Is Isiaad I'aelae SU.8T. rhicnsn Limited ,...a:r6am a 7:10am Iowa LacaT a7.(sam a4:j0pis t'hloago klalV ...i..a 6:16 am a k:4s pm Iowa, Ixcl h ,..bl2:16pm b:o6pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.) -.a 4 ui pm a 1:46 pin t'LicskO Uowa, Limited .m pm aU.jg pm ..." . WB.ST: Rocky Mountain Lim...a 7:20 am - a l:ilara Colo, aad Cal. Expreaam l:ul pm a 1:66 pm OkU and Tsxaa 6.x .a 4:40 pm all.u put LlnColiv antiury ana-' Belleville ,..., -.. a I 60 pm alO.OO am a Dally, o uauy xcpi nuuuay. MUaoarJI PaclBe u Louis Exprees at.Mnta K. C. and bu U tx.....aJl:14 piu a6.uupa a !,-- St. auI Kxprasa. '. ...'. a l:Npa 'i 1:40 am bt "Loula Locat tfrufn Council Bluffs) ...a:15aia al6;Mpm Bianbeiry lxx-l (from Cuuncil 'Bluffs) b 1:06 pm bll lOara Ml'RLIGTOX TA'l-lUN-intB MASON Darl)at4m Lhv a .-1 . Denver ft California..,. 4 jo ,m a I pm iui-U Hills v. 410 pm a J0p,n Noi tli west, hpeclal a 4.10 pln a :o3 am Noiiiiwtsi r,,i .u.ivpni a SO Din Nebraska Expresa at lOani a 7:40 pm pm Nri.iats .........a, .w am Lincoln X-ci U.OOHV r'ast Mall.. b:w ptu u: . a t ut am Ft. Crook . futtsm tn.D I eo pm bio - am iilllrvua A Pl.tum th.. 7;U)am a ' Im leiivr Limit a. a 7 ,0 am tu-litvue A Pao. Juno... $:30 am a I Ju am flirvue P-; J-r.c...a I !0 am a i.o p, i KL sgo eiat. v. 7:26 am a 7 a6 am I iiicugo r.lM" .a (:u a t ,.i (. hli iiao Fljei ..H.a$:u6pm i l.a (n I,wa Local a t in am aio.6$ o,n bi. Louis l.xpras........a 4 46 pm all JO i,. Kansas City-BU Joe....al0:4i pm a 45 am K City-- Joe... .a la am a 6. 10 pra kaoe C!iy-t. Joe.. ..a 4:46 pm " U k-H rCR TA! lO.M-l&th A WEBSTER I l.l.-aaV- . ", ailaaeaoolle A iiuiaks-- ' J-eave. Arrive. " win Otv rengr.b 1 Su im b 6 10 pm t-U uxClty Passenr...a I 00 pm allr.wam Kikoa Local b 20 pm b 14 am .meisua Local. ..,,.u 8.ti am e 6 6 pm lUxutrl I'scias , . N-t.pmnka.' Local. ta ' ' --Weeping WHf . 8:6 pm bl 30 pm J ' w M!'v. 'b DmIIjt except 8 mitay. t DsMy ekirpt ft turd;iy. aunday uniy. e La.iy "mil ktai.JsjBk . NEWS OF INTEREST -FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 10 IVurl PAT CROWE'S TRIAL SET Lucky Iftu Will Faos at Iowa Jurj ii December. .' INDICTtD ON CHARGE OF ROBBERY Urand Jary irraira Mint with Jala Ini Arthur 11 la Holding Ip I rn at Motor Cars. The trial of I'at Crowe on the charge of holding up and robbing the crew of two motor cars near the east end of the motor bridge on the night of July 2, IPOS, was yesterday act by Judge Oreen of the dis trict court for Thursday, December b. Crowe was Indicted Jointly with Arthur Levi of this city by the grand. Jury In Janu ary of this year. The retrial of Oorg-e Mnthcson. the young man charged with shooting: Consslr.bla Baker a. few years ago. Is set for Mon day, December J. Matheson, on appeal, alter being sentenced to eight years In the ! penitentiary, secured a now trial. I The following assignment of law and ! criminal cases was made yesterday by ' Judge Green: LAW. j Monday, November 12 Saltsman aifainst i Grain 8lilppera Mutual Kirn Insurance As- , soclatlon: llafer SKRinst Schleuter. Tuesday. November 14 State against Mox- ' ley; Kimball atiUnst Cotisigny, county ttewswer; Kverett, executor, galnst Mil- I ler. November 1.1 Katelman BKatnst Water Company: Ralnholt aHint Torbitt. I November 1 Carcv Benton sirallltt i Pilchard; Williams against tJets. 1 November 17 Morse afajnat I'enderK.isf. ' Monday. November 1 Kcrguson against Milwaukee (special). ' ' I November ao Anesnouse aantnst tayior Tli.knl nffnlnRt Ulnnntsr fnimlV Non-ember 21 Reed agalnct 6alnes (spe cinli; Jensen Hgalnnt Moxley. November Zl Price against City (two cases). November 23 Turner against -Van Brunt (special). V-.. ...... I. r , nAi,.d a Ttndh "U""1"" " CRIMiNAu"" - I November 28-8tnte asnlnst Smith: State agiilnK Kaplan; state against Pi ire; State against McMullen; State apalnst' Stevenson. November 27 State ugalnut Sweeney; State nTHlnt Whltemore; State against Kolph: State stgalnst HiKRlne. . November 28 State aKuinst Pentlcrgast et al: State airalnst Sayers. December 3 Stato against Matheson (pe ctiil). . lecember 6 State aenlnst Crowe et al. December 10 Lore.n sen sks Inst Motor t Company; McKesson against National Cash l-f.trlMrr t'omnanv. Di'ccmber 11 Alleshousis nralnst Cook; Hospe, administrator, axainst Ui-eat Weet- n. December 12 Burner against Motor Com pany (special); Tranors ratioai itanx Bnlnst nion rransriT i oropany. , Decomber !. rarnswoi-tn Hninii -ew York numbing Company: Keller et Hi n:iinst Honrd or Park commissioners. ler-einber 14 Ijorenxen BKalnst Motor Company: Everett against Motor Company; .arsen. .administrator, njrainei v iiiiurvna Sons Manufacturing- (. ompuny. iH-cemher IS Jensen mainsi Motor Lirai- punv: rarnett ntainst i-inaer. Dccemlicr 17 Kvaus-egalnst Rock Island; Tiu-kWlon asalnst FJlwnrth. DcceintK-r 1H Killers nKainsi irsen ri ai. Mrs, Zula L. Jackson of this city was granted a divorce from Barnard M. Jnck son on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. They were married in. Bt. Jo seph, Mo:, April 12, 1302. She was given er former name of Zula u. Meigs, inner divorces" granted yesterday were: Solo mon M. Hattery from Flora, Ellen Hattery, Andrea ChTlsfenscn from 8a rsJt . J. ChHs tens;n. Etta Carlson from-CharWs J, Cvl- Oraon C. Carter from Mabel Carter. Mabel M. Dickson from Henry A. Dick son. Bertha F. Duncan from Monty Dun can. ' 'Diamond Hlasr Olven wa. Thlrty-flve-dollar diamond ring given away to the larty wno receives im number of votes. ; See It In our window. One vote given with every cent's worth of candy purchased. We have a big special sale of home-made candles at l"c a - id. Saturday. O. C. Brown, Purity Candy Kltchon, M0 W. B way. Swltrhoiam linn -trm Crashed, ' Oliver G. Balrd, a fcwltehman n the em ploy of- the Rock Island, had hla right arm so badly crushed while coupling cars In the local yards Wednesday night that the attending physicians yesterday morning at TIIREEFAGTS For Sick Women To Consider FntT. That almoat ererj Operation ln our hospital performed upon women becomes ueceasarv throurh neo-leet of ' appearance, and you will need a new suit, , stomach that you couldn't explain, but Germany immediately for trial. He was re such BvmDtom as backache irreVulal i '.'L" or ove,rooal- P1"cl;ou.,; ordfr- Your ; that mode you grouchy, miserable, out-o'. mended pending the arrival of evidence, andn M;t.orrl:,aVebunta.h,waUT 'yorr ! -rU and generally sour on everybody aid! wlf. and child were with him at of the female orrans, pain In the aid. barnlngr senktion in tha stomach, bearing- down pains, nervouonea, dia aineas and aleepleaanesa. 6cco!(D. The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cures of female Hla la Lydia K. Iinkham'a Veg-etabl Compound. -1 reffulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the female organiam a nothing elte can.. , For thirty year itfiaa been helping women to be strong, curing- backache, nervousness, . kidney troublea, inflam mation ot the female org-ana. veak ncaa and displacements, regelating the period perfectly and. overcoming their paina. It hoa,el&o proved itseli invaluable in preparing women for childbirth, and the change of life. Third. Tha great volume of nao Halted and grateful teatimoniala on file at the Pin Wham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to solute evidence of the value of Lydla E. Pinkham. Vegetable Compound and aire. Plnkbam'a advice. Mra.Plnkham'a StandtnttfiMUttoa to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to Eromptly otxninunlcate with Mrs Pink em, at Lynn, Man. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptom given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery adviaed. Mr. Pinkham ia daughter-in-law of Lydia t. Pinkham and for twenty-Are ypars under her direction and since hw uvceoae aha has been ad viaingsick women free of charge. Out of the vaat volume of experience In treat log female ill Mrs l'iokhaia prolmbly has the very knowledge that will help your eabe. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very fooiisk if the does nit take advantage of this geaeroua oiter of aaaUtauce. BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. Mercy holtal found It necesnsry to am putate the member. Palrd. who resides at 1.M4 Pouth Sixth street. Is well kitown In local basa ball clr cles, having played shortstop on the Ideal Hustlers nlna all of last summer. Buying clothlh Is Ilka buying: real es tateyou are often led astray by smooth talk and outer appearance, peclally in buying clothing. What yoa want Is sub stantial, well-built clothing, like our Hart, fk'htfftiir & Marx suits and overcoats, $7.50 to ISo.fln. The John Beno Co. A. Metsaar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Baksi-y. Ill Mynster Street. Council Bluffs, la. Homomada Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome. Heal Kstate Transfers. These transfers wera reported t The Bea November 8 by th Pottawattsmle County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: John H. Miller and wife to Charles Deltchler. lot 6 and south i' ft. of lot ft block 9. UiHdlea' subdlv. In Council Whiffs, w. d 12,800 Thomas Roott and wife to jonn i,. Orr, part ew4, swh, i-7-42, west ot Executor estate "of A. ' Cochran" Vi llella Mclean, lots 7, 8 snd 9, block Cochran s sdd. to Council Bluffs, t f- wViiiima'sAd 'wirs 'iessV 0 fmlth. lot 18. Auditor's suhdiv. of rwi. sw'i, 26-76-43, except north 5 ft., w. d Frances II. Cromble to J. L. Kaler, lots 29 and , block 4, Webster's First add. to Council Bluffs, w. d.... Baum Iron Co. to Ij. K Krans, lots 6 ajid 7. block 7, Street's add. to Coun cil Bluffs, o. c. d Lon Thomas and wife to Llewellyn 400 130 10 Williams, lot 18. Auditor s sulxllv. nwi, iwU, Sa-,8-4.1, except north 3V ft., q. c. d Elmer L. Fehr to Geors-e W. Llpe, lots 1 and 2. block C. Perry's Socond add. to Council Bluffs, q. c. d Jessie j. i,ioya una nuennna ic ii. r. Gould, lots 9 and 10, bHck 27, Kali road add. to Council Bluffs, w. d Nine transfers, total ...4,9Si Tsrker Roasted Perfect BY T'BINO ONE OF OCR NEW SF.LF- "ABTER AND Al" PANS. CALL AT TO MA TIC ROASTING OCR STORK AND SBK THE DEMONSTRATION MONDAY, THE 12TII. PETERSON A HCHOENING, I P-TO-DATB FCRN1TCRE, HARDWARE AND CARPETS. "Preparedness" should be your "watch word." owing to the sudden weather changes.. Blanket time now. Come and see i the values we are offering at 39c, 75c, $1.00. 1X50, 25.00 and $10.00. pany. The John Beno Com- MINOR METriOX, Pavls. drugs. Clark's, sodas. Stockert sella carpet. Fine engravings at Leffert'a. . Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Get those new photos at Schmidt's. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Ron. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone H7. Wood ring Undertaking company. Tel. tit. DIAMONDB AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Excelsior Masonic lodge will meet this evening lor work In the third degree. Bcwing machines, $26.00 to $W)00. Five dlt- fervnl makes. S. M. Williamson, 17 So. Main St Trotect your face these windy days by wearing one of our auto veils. Very stylish, Indeed. The John Bcno Co. A beautiful, ana ornamental gaa burnqr, the Welsbach chick lamp, complete, 11.22. niepnan iiroe., v. ifioaaway. COAL TEAMS WANTED to haul coal for Fenlon Wickham Coal ' company lllaher wages paid. 107 Pearl street. pay tii par ton for cast Iron; mixed, $10; stove, $8; rags, lVc per la.; rubber, J'fcc; opper, 14c per lb. J. VCalelman, 601 Main, both 'phones 650. WHEN GOING TO BUILD GO TO GEO. A. HOAGLAND. THE PIONEER LUM BER -MAN OF COUNCIL, BLUFFS. J34 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TEL. 245. A GOOD STEADY JOB FOR T H hi RIGHT MEN AT GOOD WAGES. F. A. "SPENCER, TINNER AND PLUMBER, IM W. B'D WAY. You can enroll any day or evening at Western Iowa college. Students are as sisted to positions. Send for catalogue. 'Phone for Information. Both 'phones. High grade granite work, from the best Barre Imported granites, lettering, carvlnt and tracing. Fine monumental work a Specialty. Sheeley A Lane. 21) East Broad way. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to William H. Wsggener. aged 26, of this city and Ullian Llnqulst, aged 23, of Mis souri Valley. They were married by Kev. Henry De Long at the court house. Mrs. Anna J. Oungaard, aged 77, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Esbeck. 1X13 South Eleventh street. Five daughters and two sons in this country and two daughters In Denmark survive her. ine vromsn s auxiliary oi nt. raui s .pis- copal church will hold Its first meeting of the season this afternoon at the residence of 4 ho president, Mrs. T. J. Fo!ey,-on South Bixin sireei. a iuii anenonnce is acsireo. as plans for the winter will be mapped out. Oermany leads the world In broadcioth production; the luster on the cloth lasts It belongs to the quality of the wool. We have a wider range of colors than ever for street and evening wear. Prices very modest $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 to $4.00. The John Bcno Co. All too rapidly, perhaps, winter is com- Ing. In a stiort time we will celebrate the I downfall of turkey. Time flies and Thanks- ' Kivlng day Is utmut to put In its annual and will usa you right. For oorrect style, correct fit. correct goods, see Hicks, 13 Pearl St. . Council Bluffs, Ia. Emanuel Winters Luster dlfd yesterdny, C. A. Atkins, and the funeral will be held from her residence, vat R. Wsshingion ave- nue. Saturday morning at 10:30 o clock and hurlal will lx In Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. W. B. Clemmer. pastor of the First Cbrtstlsn church, will conduct the services. Miss Ellen Wilcox of Iowa City, a nlec Iflf thn riceAK1 n1 h? Hnilth D Alblni are here to attend the funeral. The most satisfactory popular priced un derwear we know of is "Munslng." I'nlon suits and separate garments for intn, women and children. Buy now while the stocks ar complete. The John Beno Com pany. Results la Harrlsoa. . LOGAN, la., Nov. 8. (Special.) Harrison county upon complete returns (Ives Claude R. Porter, the democratic nominee for governor, a majority of 2M, but elects the entire republican county ticket by maiorltle 1 up to I.OhO. will C. Whitney of Monona ' county (dem.) was elected state senator by ! Sro in the district composed of Harrison, Crawford and Monona counties. Young mere-business, college or ochool who wear our Hart. Schaffner A Marx clothes get a high mark for looks, as well as brains. Suits and overcoats, all that Is proper in style and fabric, $12.30 to l-'o.iO. The John Beno Company. oart at l.oaaa. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 8 (Special. )-At the Harrison county district court the equity cose cf L. C. Frown against Harrison county is on trial today. This is drainage ditch UtlgatHm. The petit Jury hss not been drewn vol. The matter of Yeoman against the Incorporated town of Logdn has beA-n set for Monday. Men's khirts made to measure. New line , ' r-itfrns for selection. Ths John li'no Com Dany. ' IOWA RETURNS COMPLETE Onnmiai' flnrality ia fitatt il C?et Twity-Tw Thsiuaid. CARRIES SEVEN Of ELEVEN DISTRICTS Democrats Gain Etaht Members af Are lll l.arnely la the Mlaorlt). (From a Staff Correspondent.) 1K8 MOlNEfl, Nor, l,-(8peclat.)-Prac.-tically completa returns; glra Cummins a plurality of 22.4M. The returns are semi official and the official returns will not vary from that figure more than 100 or 2n0 either way. The reports show thst Porter carried the, First. Second. Sixth and FJghth congressional districts and Cummins car- 1 rled all the re?t. The effect Is to give the northern part of the state e much greater representation In the next 'state conven tion In proportion to the southern part than It had at the last convention. Aside from the governorship the results of tha election shows that the democrats elected ten of the twenty-two members to the sen- ate elected thia year, which at the next session gives them a total membership la the senate of fourteen, where they had hut eight at the last session. In the house the democrats elected thirty-two nernhers out of a total membership of It. They had but twenty-two at the last session, giving them a gain of ten. The republicans will have seventy-six members In the nexl house, as compared with seventy-eight the session before. An increase In the mem- liershlp of the house permits the democrat making a gain of ten, 'while the republicans j lose but two. ' In the senate democrats were elected j from the following districts: Black Hawk- i Grundy. Chlekasaw-Floyd, Clinton. Craw- j ford-Harrlfon-Monona," jRes Moines, Du- buque, Fremont-Page. Lucas-Wayne, Scott, Wapello .Of these district Clinton. -Des Molnee and Dubuque were Yeiiresentcd by democrats at tha lost session. D. A. Lyons, the democratic senator from the Howard Wlnneshlek district, at the last session wat defeated. . ' In the house democrats wore elected from the following counties: Adair. Adams, Allamakee, Bremer. Buchanan. Buena Vista, Carroll. Cherokee. Chickasaw, Clay ton. Clinton (2, Crawford. Davis,' Delaware, Des Moines (1). Dubuque f2), Howard, Iowa, Jefferson. Johnson, Keokuk. Madison, Marlon. Plymouth, .Scott, Shelby. Van Btt ren, Wapello, Wsrrcn and .Washington. Repabllcaas Malataln Headquarters. When the republican Mate central com mltteu Is called together this week or the first of next to close matters up for the campaign the propoeiitlon will be presented of maintaining the' headquarters In this city permanently. Instead of storing the furniture till the next campaign. It Is argued that when tho desks, office furniture i and other property of the state committee is stored till the next campaign, as has been the custom In the post, the letters and ether material are Inaccessible and, cannot bo gotten at for reference or for any other purpose. It -will be urged that the commit tee rent an Inexpensive room, place all tha furniture and property of the commit toe In It and keep up some work during the Interim between this and the next cam paign. Discipline for Drake Student. A niMtlnn. a 'Oia rilUilh,- ....... ..... .... - D,u. n.,. , ' ..ST:: . V. ... . ii .i ,4. .1. ' '' . .. . us an Indication that there la trouble In store for fifty or 100 lWake' students who hauled A. T. Hlsey. rhW Tama candidate for governor, through the -streets In a buggy elactlon day. There Is a rumor about tho university that a large number of the ringleaders In the event (, will be suspended for the remainder f the term. The "af- ...... ...... ... .,,u.,u, x .no j i n inn-, i fair" conslHted of more than giving the I nlTrrslty Atteadaaee ttrawa. peripatetic candidate a free ride about the ' IOWA CITY. Ia.. Nov. 8 (Special Tele city. Hisey went out to the university gram.) The enrollment of the State unl rrnund.x and a bunch pf students seeing verslty of Iowa to date Is l.wss, a net gain him broke Into the chapel while the morn- of 17 per cent over the same date last Ing exercises were Under way and had him year. make an address, much agatnttt the wishes of tlie members of the faculty bresent. MALONEY CIGAR CO.. 80 PEARL 8T.. This broke up the chapel hieeting. Mr. Hlsey has returned to Tama county, where he lives. In Polk, county he received a - Happiness in a Tablet Perfect Health, tor Every One Procured at Small CosL How many times havs you sat down at your meals absolutely dluusted tv thought or Bight Of anytalnji to at "1"ual wr awiaing xo eair j How man"" tlme" hav J"ou at "own at your meal without the trace of an appe- tits, lust because It was "time in .a,t How many times have you felt a gnaw ing, unsatisfied "still-hungry" feeling In your stomach, even after you were through eating? How many times have you Xelt that "lump of lead" ,on. your stomach after eating, whether your meal was well cooked or not? And how many times have you suffered a whole lot of other things from your everything? It ia safe to say. you couldn't tell. You don't keep track of those things, ot course, probably have had them tor so loug that they've become a habit with you. and vnu tv come to the conclusion that your fata la to eutter them Indefinitely and, perhaps, i WASHINGTON, Nov. I A far as lu torever. ' . ' i .ulry could be directed today no uch per- . And so men, much like horses, standing "on " K,', 8tau "non In Washington, unhitched at the hitching post, think but K4rl' 0" Cart Hau. 1 a member of the they're tied, and so their habit makes fculty of George Washington university, them prisoners. ' , -, and aa he ia known to be In London at the But no one need have dyspepsia, nor In- t,m"' K believed likely that he Is digestion, burning . sensations, heartburn, th man UIM,er arrest. haubeo. eructations, bad memory, loo ot tr' IUu sraduated from George Wash ylm and vigor and ths happiness ' that ,nton University and later was appointed comes Irom a healthy stomach and a good ofeB"or ot Roman law. He was admlttod appetite, if hs will only leave his old hitch- to ,n br m tn" "am rer ,n1 nad P" Ing post and tie himself to a new one, one t,ced hU P1"10" "P to the time of his that will hold him to health, Joy, ambition abroa4- and a clear mind and memory., and the came, to this country about seven or sunshine that goes with them. i lht yeara ' father Is sold to be a That, Indeed. U heaven 1 And you can 1 weal,ny and retired member of Uie Relch geW it In a little tablet already prepared i ,U' wh"6 hl" mother Is a baroness, for the purpose. In Stuarts Dyspepsia' L"t YT Dr' Hau vl"ul Turkey and Tablets, those little cherubs et health and th"" KurPan eountries as a representa- it-iil.t found In thousands of homes t day. Listen one Ingredient of one of these precious little tablets will digest for you 8.0U0 grains of food. This relieves your stomach of the work of digesting until your stomach can get strong and heaitny again, jour stomach has been overworked and abused. It's (gged out. It need a rest. 11 Stuart'a Pyspepels Tablet do the work ot your stomach. You will be sur prised how . fine you'll feel sfter eating, and how lusciously good everything will Ukte to you. That's because the Tablets are thoioughly dlgtttlng the food which your sioma.-h couldn't digest before. Have these tablets on your dlninc table, and take one or two alter every meal without faiL Then you will realise as never belois that the human stomach decide for every man whether he will go forward or backward and, besides, yuu'll forget you tvar had a stomach iv torment you. total of sixteen votes, while. Norman, the popultst candidate, received but tight. Mr. Hlsry has announced that ha Is now a can didate for president and drrlres to hava both Bryan and Cummins In his cabinet. Jadae rnwaa Comlna; iudge S. H. Cowan of Fort Worth. Tex., will attend the meeting of the Iowa Corn Belt. Meat Producers' association and make an address. He Is the attorney ot th Amerlcsn Live ftock association. Tha mcetltifr of the low association will be held at the same time as the meeting of j the Btate Agricultural society. Discover Abandaaed Battle's. Two baby girls deserted on a baby farm near Greenwood park were discovered Mon day nearly dead from starvation. One bss since died. Neighbors say that the matron of the lylng-ln hospital left tha place Inst Friday. Btrange noises were heard by the neighbors Sunday, but no attention pa'l- Monday the two baoy gins, neuner over a month old. were found. A physician was hastily called, but one died.. The other lias bee"n placed In a home. The authorities are making ait effort to locate the matron of the hopp'tal- Kxtras In the third fluor carpet store: Special lots of odd lace curtains at next to nothing prices. The John Bcno Co. Special ale Pnstou frrtis and Jardiniere. A nice fevn. lnr,iing a Jardiniere, only 6T cents. Tours- day, Friday and Saturday. J. F. Wilcox. That old frame Is beginning to look shabby. Let us put on a new one. We oan frame It right. Just to ault you and up-to-date. Borwlck, 211 South Main. Some fine bargains In second-hand pianos at the Bourlclus Piano House, 335 Broad way. Council Bluffs, where the organ standi upon the building. Mills Cnuatr Official (). GLEN WOOD. Ia., A'ov. . (Special. ) The official canvass ot the vote In Mills county win give Cummins for governor 323 majority; Greenwood (rep.), representative, 43; Ajran (rep.), county auditor, 827; Fickle (dcm.),. treasurer, 86; Davis (dem.), clerk, (C; LlnvlUe (dem.). sheriff, 21; Rhodes (rep.). ' recorder, 612; Btarbuck (dem.), county attorney, 398; Moore (rep.), superin tendent of schools, 867. The "new" or "west side" board Is elected by majorities ranging from 19 to 60. For Imported wines and liquor, and Bud wrlser beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, 61 South Main street. Boalder, THE COAL THAT TAKES THE PLACTJ OF ROCK SPRINGS. SOLD ONLY BY THE COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL AND ICE COMPANY. PHONES 72. Seethe Beckwlth Round Oak before you 1 buy. They last for thirty years. None genuine without the name on the Swalne A Mauer, 336-334 Broadway. legs, CENTRAL FLOUR-$1.16. 'JCvery sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both phones 24. Tvro Mrm Asphyxiated. DF.8 MOINES, Nov. 8 Ed R. Campbell of Strecter, 111., and Frank Mc'rrlan of Shannon City, Ia., were found dead In bed here this morning, the room filled with gus. It Is believed that they left the gas Jet open by mistake upon retiring. Paradise I. a mo. Best selling coal mined. Both 'phones 182. Brldcnsteln A Smith, 14th Ave: end 6th St. Pyrogmphy outfits and supplies, C. E. .,n , a exanoiT, aw uroaaway. ' ' Combination gas and electric chandeliers ,nd ln celebrated Welsbach Incandescent burners. Wny not see us before you buy.- We can certainly please you on price Bnd quality of goods. Btephan Bros., 629 West Broadway. j COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA., DISTRIBUTERS f OR THE ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR AJro LITTLE BOBBIE. OLD TIMES : AND ERR1S 6c CIGARS. See Stephen Bros, for the latest and beat . Inverted burners. 69 West Broadway. Understand that Hater ia always Increas ing in all of the departments except tha price department. LAWYER WANTSEARLY TRIAL Amerleaa HeM at Loadoa tu Charg of Murder Woald Go to Geranaay. LONDON, Nov. lA-Karl Stau. alios Hau. described as a lawyer of Washington, was arraigned at the Bow street police court today fM extradition to Germany on the charge of murdering hie mother-in-law at Baden-Baden. The prisoner declared that th charge wae due to a misunderstanding "na ""n magistrate to send him to 1 the Hotel Cecil here when he was arrested. Tn P1,c 'ound a loaded revolver and 1-c on the P"on ' the prisoner. oiau registerea at me notei under the nam of Hau. His wife refuse to see- any one and apparently they have no friends In uinaon. ,,T" various nusuiess interests. He re turned to this country and In June last again went abroad, taking his wife snd child with him. He expected to return here to take up his duties In the college early in the present month. CHANGES IN EDUCATION BILL llonee o( Lords Amends Meaenre Oat of All Semblance to Its Original Fern. LONDON, Nov. 8. The House ot Ixrds continues to batter tha education bill out of all semblsnce of Its original form. To night numerous slterstlon were mad to i clause five, dealing with appeals from local - authorities to the Board of Education, and ' tUuees six and seven, referring, respec- lively, to new voluntary schools and the slloaing of attendance only duiing secular T4) 4 r he overcoat you bought last winter Is out of style, no matter how good it is. When fashions HlU self -I'll UillliiliM:!!!!!!., "tit 1 V Instruction, were deleted. While the union ist peers are eager for a battle at each sitting, tho liberals now treat all the oppo rllion amendments with almost careless Indifference. They are apparently domi nated by the Idea that after so many changes there Is no use In contending fur ther alteration and are letting the opposi tion go as It pleases. There Is as yet no suggestion of a compromise. DURAND TO LEAVE SERVICE British Ambassador at Washington Will Retire from OH' Corson May aaeoeed. LONDON. Nov. 8 The retirement of Sir Mortimer Durand. the British ambassador to th United States, will take place nt the end of this year. He has been permitted to resign at his own urgent- request, and intends to permanently leave the diplo matic service for private life. The Foreign office has not yet considered the .question of 8lr Mortimer's successor, and it Is un derstood there will be an Interim during which the new councillor of the embassy. Whose name will be announced shortly, will probably be appointed acting ambas sador. The Foreign office says there is absolutely no foundation for the reports that Lord Curson Is to succeed Ambassador Durand. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8.-Lord Curson. former viceroy of India, Is mentioned In diplomatic circles as a possible, successor to Sir Henry Mortimer Dursnd. The fact that Lord Curaon Is now on the sea be tween Great Britain and this country and has announced that he will visit In this country for some time, lend color to the rumor of his appointment to the Washing ton post. FRICTION IN MANCHURIA Japanese aad Rasstaas Press for Ad- raatage la Land In Tsl An. ST. "PETERSBURG, Nov. 8. According to advices received here from Vladivostok there is constant friction between the Rus sians end Japanese in Msnehurla. The Japsnese. according to newspaper - of Vladivostok, sr continually pressing northwestwards in Manchuria, with the ap parent Intention of establishing themselves in the hinterland of Vladivostok, where their presence would constitute a serious menace to the fortress In the event of the possibility ot the resumption ot hostilities. The charge that the Js panes are fortify ing the Island of Saghatln, In violation of the terms of the treaty of Portsmouth, is reiterated by the Ussur Zhlsn. Conrt-Martlal at Odessa. ODESSA, Nov. 8. The court-martial which ha been trying the agitators In dicted for Instigating a revolt of the garri son of Odessa today sentenced two of them, Ths Perfection it Sweets thai never cley, though yon eat a nennd. DE.LICIOUS CARAMELS Tlif confection of purity, riclinrs and quality thst nitric Re petti" famous. The name on every caramel. Chocolate, Bonbons, Candy Pebble, and all kindi of tuperior confections. Mail orders esralully and promptly tilled. Wrii lor Pries I.iit. Mtssfsclarlaf CtsUcUeew 411 filth tsai. H.w Tsrk FOR BALE BY COlTtTJCKY OI. 11KNNKTT 0. BOSTON MTnltK imili DKPT. OMAI1 i I 'i mini,,,... 9 V I 1 change so frequently i t you see the1 wisdom jf wearing Kirschbaum ready clothes at mod erate prices ?' Ybu can afford, to change oftener and look better all the time. A man buys IC i rschba u m clothes to save frnnv irii rS Vi.m, better dressed in better clothes - quality than ever before in his life.- Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes (Warranted) Good Stores - Every vrhere, $12 tc Leado and Polltsovsky, to be transported to Siberia and eight other to Imprisonment t hard labor for from four to eight year. FIERCE FIREAT HONG KONG Blase Is Confined to Kntlre Town, bnt (Jreat Dnmace Is Done. HONG KONG. Nov. 8. A dlnptrh from Canton today reports thrtt a conflagration Is raging on the riverside opposite tho Eu ropean quarter on the island suburb of Shamenn. A strong 'Wind ' Is blowing and over 100 houses have already been destroyed. The European settlement is said to be In no danger. Over 600 houses have been destroyed, In cluding .all the restaurants and gambling houses, and the fire Is still burning fiercely. The window of a godown on the Island of Shameon became Ignited, but the blaze was promptly extinguished and Shamoen 1 not now in peril. Marines from the foreign vessels In the harbor have been landed and are heroically combatting the flames. No lives have been lost, but the damage ' already, exceeds $1,000,000. The cause of the fire Is unknown. German Minister Resigns. BERLIN. Not. 8. The Lhkal Anrelger says that the minister of agriculture, .Herr von Podblrlskl, hss resigned. Stop WKipping Your Nerves' A horse will go further on oats than a whip and live longer, too. Just so with your nerves. If you are driving' them with stimulants stop it, FEED THEM CfemS SINEW-TONE NERVE & MUSCLE TONIC It win fill your veins with rich, red blood.; makevou eat and aid digestion; make solid flesh and strengthen your nerves and muscles, . .. 20 Days Guaranteed Treatment $1.00 Etui form tamvU and Ut-mtlM r aU skoal it E. T. RICHARDS . Station L 13oxO. . Cnicag-o GAff Wales Adding .Machine Is the latest, nw i tQ? rn. up-to-date .1 d -nil IJnltiiU Mncliln' on Ihc market. It uiuet Imb secu ' to Iff nire-lutel. trreKiil,ii-' Solicill. 'I rial KtainiiMtiuu I rt-e. A. L. McCreary Nebraska Ageul, l. 4. liOX LINCOLN. f f it I .TTSjwtr t ---mBm