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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 9, 19)6. il J ElllSIM AND PRODUCE BARRET TsasaSXt in Whs., fit, Priest Bullae I rractionfcUy Lswtr. 4id. Fatness, aulet: Cieeembef, 4a 4d; January, 4a Id. XRW ' 1 OR K UEIFHtl. MARKET CQUIDAIION . AGAIH IN DECEMBER! Aot Marti. I'rade Bad Rallies An fllalit. Market Beta. tMblt I tare lor Oaterlags Bran . TV la la Cora. OMAHA, Kori 8. I J .iqjiuaiUin in 1 11 txtcember wheat op n continued touay and prices rutcd frac unaiiy lower, 'lrs-iing was light and ral- !. were HMgni. me namei provra en 1 iri i unsbia 10 car for the Increased of ferings rmm. tired holders. ' Hart of tha of a bearish nature and Dart bullish, ' Mverpool was lowrr and Argen urn reported favorable waaihar. With In croasod offerings of new wheat. Receipts shod an Increase, but were not aa large a a year ago. Demand fur wheat fur flour In the northwest waa not an brisk. , The corn' market waa easy. December lt He, May gaining Ho. Good husking weather prevails and with a fair move ment the sentiment U rather bearlah, Prices were off In tha sample market. levator Interaats are selling corn in a hedging way. Prlmery wheat raceipta were 921.900 bush eli and uhlpments 771,000 bushels, against receipts last yr of 1.243.009 buahela and shipments of 437.000 buahela. Corn receipts weie 37.000 buahela and shipments 636,00 bushels, against receipts last year of 4j0,. too bushels and shipments of 287.000 buahela Clearances were 2o6.0uO buahela of wheat. JOT.Wm bushels of corn. 19.000 bushels of oa(s and flour and wheat raual to 127.0UO buahela. Liverpool closed Wd lower on wheat and unchanged to tad lower on corn. The Price Current , will say today: "No material change In crop situation. Growing whom la making good progresa. Com huaktng is not ud to -expectations. Orain movement is llaht In the Interior." Frailer holds thin nninlon of the export trade: "While Argentina ahlpments of corn continue as larga aa at prwsent, it is use less to look for any foreign demand for our corn, especially with tha Roumanla crop exactly twice as large aa a year ago. Loral range of options: NEW YORK STOCKS AND aVrrJcIes. Open.j Hlgh. bow. Close. ITtsT 7- t Wheat. Dec. . May, Corn lVCV May... Oa la Dc.r.t May.-.. I ! ). j . , -.71 3; i a.. I. tV 71 T 37 arv r ti 82 6 71. 37U ST Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT-No. 1 hard. 6"7c; No. t hnt-H tiaijL'iteKLo- Nn. 4 herd. 62(iibC. CORN-No. . 4O'fi40c; No. yellow, K.l-'nl.iA.r. Nn .. 1 wlilie. Hi(Bi41 lie. OATDNo. t - mined, 2oa3oc; So. 1 white, 81$j)31o: No. 4 while, Biflio, TUE No. 2, Wu61c;. No. 3, 60. Carlot ncoalsts. V Wheat, Corn. Oat. Chicago 77 Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha 48 Duiuih .(two day a), 8o9 ail. Louis ' 33 K7 S4 26 69 28 IS 48 nfwd weul V . session, the December xii T lit the mov CIIICAOO CRAI.t A.D PROVISIOfIS VvaUrri of the Trad las; and Closing; I'rleea on Board of Trad. 1 11 11' 1.0 Kov. Kaav cables and in- .r.i.HK., iccflDta in the northwest caused wmUhim tKiv in h local wheat mar- ii.t inn Deiember delivery doming at nt ko. Corn was down ic. Uata were a shade higher. Provisions were s0t Ilk- htaher Kohowliur the sharp decline of yester- ii.v ttie uheet market today showed re- WMRnMI. AS 11 U I I II K I II" l".""ul hura waa liberal aeilinc 01 me ntlon. cash houses being leaaera ovement. With the excepuon 01 unc onfirmed ' rumor -that Ruasia II nn lar-iiia a aerloua wheat famine, the news r,i ih Auv wu favorable to tha bears. ,' Weather in the northwest was favorable to the movement of tiie new crop and ar rivals in that section were nearly aiO cars In excess of those of the corresponding .luv vr.ur In the southwestern m kota the nrlce of cash wheat was again lower. ' In addition to these Influences the wheat market at I-Werpool ,was inclined t a iv weak hec-euse of bearish advices from Argentina. The markt closed weak uh .ri-e iLlmnat at the lowest point of the day. December wheat opened Wl'aC lower, at "irVoTSc, sold at T&&,i3Vc and de-c-iinei tn 72Wa72FV.c. 1-tnaJ quotation, were at ,7:"c. , Clearancea of wheat- and flour u cr. .iuai in ai duo bushels. ' Primary re eclpis were iCl.UUO bushels, against 1.24J.0lO bushels for the same day last year. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago- reported ' re ceinls of I. (HI oars, against 5S cars last anil Q71 rtrra a VRHf aSO The corn market waa steady early in ,the clay, but with an Increase in selling . pres sure due- In some degree for the break In wheat,, prices weakened. The larger part of, lee Uoy'a offerings was taken by com" mlxelon houses apparently for short ac count. The market closed weak. Decem ber opened unchanged to o lower,, at 1 'Viri le- anld . tin to 42tc and then de clined to 42Hc. The close was at the low eat point of the day. Local receipts were 3ii7 care... with 1"7 cars of contract grade. . Trading in oats was fairly active and the market was relatively more steady than Wheat or corn. There waa a good der mand fcy commission houses and local bulls baaed -nil purchases of cash oats by ship pers. 1 December oats opened unchanged, at S41-' sold between J4Mc and I448 34V4C and S-tc and closed -at MHifJSe. Lccal receipts were VS cars. Provisions were active with prices show. Ing 1 moderate gains. There was urgent covering by shorts and fair buying of the January products by Investors. Continued small receipts of live hogs at western pack. Ing centers was the main Incentive to buy ers. At the close January pork was up ' 10c, at I14.07H. l-rd w 50 higher, at . e 474. Rlh W"r UP 6. l el-eSH- Ivsllmated receipts tor tomorrow: Wheat, , ti rare; corn, 268 cars; oats, 166 cars; hogs, K.Ou0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: tatatlos of the Day Varlaas Commodities. NKW YORK. Nov. t -FI-OUR-Receipt. i.i bMs ; e ports. bbla: sales, M'fl r" ; market dull and easier; winter tnf"!ita, M.looM.aO; winter airalKht". $.1.46 fc.V6; Mlnnemita natetit-, 14 lf'a4.;; win ter extras. t:."4ia.l0i Minnesota tinkers. t-tK.3.i; winter low grades, 2.7a-Ul. Ky Pour, firm; fair to good.' H.iia"i choice to fancy 3 4.16. Buckwheat flour, Steady, i 2orii ij5 snot and to srrive. HI .CKWHKAT Steady. II. a per iu nm. C(ill wv.-Aliini.i. nn white end ycl- 1 nn. i itf.,11 tc . ' i 11- 1,11 rlt-lad. -t, i.M-y4.,, L-otfi!, li.ivyi.i., ...... . 02.75. RVK-Btesdv. No. 1 western, 4c; Jersey And state. 4U36iU5, tlellvered New I'ork. KARl.KTftiearlr! feedlnc. 4.1'Q 44c, C. I. I.. New Jfork; malting, 4o361o, c. I. , New IOTK. WHEAT Receipts. 96..TO bu.; exports. 14A.14J bu.: sale. l.tUO.OiO bu. futures and M0 bu. spot. K)ot market irregular; No. 1 red. o elevator snd SlSo f. o. b., afloat; no. 1 norxnern uuiutn, w'ic c. 1. 1., nui falo. There waa continued heavy Decem ber liquidation in wheat today and further declines, the- market closing He net lower. Additional weight was furnished by 'weak rabies and bearish Argentina crop news. May, M 7-lctJjSyc, closed at 3Va:; Decem ber, 816.11io. closed at RlHc. CD KN Receipts. 26.800 bn.: exports, SS.W4 bu. ; sales, 200,000 bu. spot. (Spot market easy; No. 2, 66c elevator and &ou f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow, G6Vic; No. 2 white, WHc. Option market was without transac tions, closing fcfy'Vio lower. January closed at &2c; May, Slo. - OATS Receipts IX2.9M bu.: exports. 18.7O0 bu. Ppot market atesdv: mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., Sc: natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., S'.'Vtf 40tc: clipped white, US to 40 lbs., 39V84.V-. FEED Firm; spring bran. 12210, prompt shipment; trlddllngs, 222.10, prompt shipment. HAY Firm: shipping. SWSBc: good to choice. Sl.ornffl.oS. HOI 8 Bteadv: state, common to choice. IV crop. 2(i&Uc: Paclflc coast. 1!K crop. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., z"r; 1. aiirornta, 21 to io IDs., zic; lexas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. LEATliRR Bteady : scid, 27iff2Sc. PHOVI8ION8 Heef Hrm: lamllv. I12W) r!3.00; mess, tH.Ou4r4i.O0; beef hams. I21.0W9 2S.00; packet, tlO.GO&ll.OO: city, extra India mess. l B. too CO. 00. Cut meats, steady; plckle.l bellie!-, HO.ZTwrTIJ 50; pickled hams. t12.Orvfr12.50. Ijird, Arm; western prime, t6"4.70; refined, quiet; continent, HO.fO; South American. 110.76: compound. I7.87WCP I2V4. Pork, Arm; family. 119 na 19.50; short clear. I17.KOTR.50; mess, 504111.75. TALLOW Firm: :lty ? per pkg.). V4c- country (pkgs. free), Vilfc. Ku;r; nieany: aomestio. rnir 10 extra. tWiKVic; Japanese, nominal. Bl'TTKH- elrm; street -prteeo, extra creamery, 27c; ofncial prices. creamery. common to extra, livgxwi; held seconds to extra, 213?2Re; state dairy common to fancy. 19i264c; renovated, common to extra, 1CH1"'? 22c; western factory common to firsts, liii r20c; western Imitation creamery firsts, hou fcilHc CHKBSHiuuier; srare, run cream, small 1 1 . t a I a Daoamhae ka.l tu.. State, fair to good, Ktl2ic; state, October best, I2c; state, fair to good, l;"rj:l2Ho; atste. inferior. lW'Mlc: skims. 3W10H- EOO8 Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, JMySTc; state. choice. SWc; state, mixed, extra, 22c; western flrsto, 80c; official prices, 29c: sec ond". 25ffl-'8o. POULTRY Live, steady; western chick ens, fowl, li-iic; turaeys, 11c; dressed, steady; western chickens. ll15o; spring turkeys. lfrSlUc; fowls, 94j12o. -. i.oaia General Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. I. WHEAT Firm: track. No. 2 red, cash, 74VJf76Hc; No. 2 hard, 71ijp76c; December, 71',ic; May, 7 76Hc. CORN weak; track, no. z cash, 4wiic; No, 2 white, 45Vift-Wc; December, 400; Msy. 414i4mc. ' OATw Firm ; trsck. No. I casn. 33M-C; No. 2 white, K6iJ.1Mc; December, 3ic; May, $4e. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 13.05 2.80; extra fancy and straight. Il ium l.t: clear, z.bu w SEED Timothy, steady; 13.25!. 75. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.50. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track. 83?i9Bc. HAY Firm: timothy. I13.0O&17.0O; prairie. $10 00013.00. IRON COTTON TIKa 11.03. BAOOINO-fHC HEMP TWTNE sc. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; lobbing. $1(S.70. Lard, lower; prime stem, $9.06. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts, $924; clear ribs, $9V12H:" hort cleafa, $9.8"H. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, 110.61!: clear rlbex - $9.17: short clears. poultry runrcntogens, c; springs, tc; turkeys. 12V 4uck . friT geese,' 59 ItTTER Quiet;, exeamery, ' JligWc ; dairy, 182c. EGOS Firm; 23c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. W.IKKJ - fS.C0 150.010 178. OUO Market letifity Booedei to LTtl tf Mid Enmmsr Cnlliaii. CALL MONEY RISES TO TEN PER CENT This Basra a Selllaa Mavemeat a the t lose Is Week and Lower Roads Are Heavy. NEW YORK Nov. !.-Ttie rate of attlv. Itv In the stock market receded asnin to diiv to a midsummer level ot dullncrs. The crr'ect on prices waa slight until the flurry In money to 10 per cent, but the snitslnr 1 tendency Inevitable In a neglected market waa peroeP,1M- . A few individual stocks furnished the feattins of the day's market, snl their movements were due to special causes. rno Hill s'ocks were again absorbed on an im pressive scale and often repeated aasertlone wte renewed of an early arrangement for disbursement to stockholders of the bene fits of the ore landa deal In some negoti able form. Pullman was affected by re ports of an extended extra distribution on the stock out of accumulnted snrplit. Out side of such special movements, Readlnr was the most conspicuous future and was alternately weak and stron. as the room traders' operations In tfhe stock shifted. The Intense dullness of the mnrkct was. as a whole, obviously due to tho exigencies of the money situation, which exerclsee a re pressive influence on speculative, activity. Apprehensions that the Bank of England would advance Its discount rate todsv proved unfounded, but any good effect on the New York market that might have re sulted was forestalled by the decline In American securities in lndon before trading began here. The weekly report of the hank disclosed that replenliOwnent of Us bullion holdings had st livst set in. the week's gain amounting to over $3,000,000, while a reduction of M.ita.'XIO In outstand ing loans also contributed to the rise In the proportion of reserve to liability. There were ndilitlonnl heavy repaymemts to the bnnk In Ixmdon today. There was a resumption today of transfers nt -i,rran-v thmiiah the anbtreaaurv. 1200,. iiOO Rolng to New Orleans bv telegraph. Rates Tor time money were strongly held and reports of some large loans for a period of six months at prevailing rates were the- ground for a belief that no early relief from the tightness of money was to he looked for. Brokers occupied themselves with discussion of the likelihood of the tressury measures of relief for the money market instend of denllng in stocks. The closing was weak Under the influence of the flurry In money, but tnere was no great of activity. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par vaiue t1,72O.O0O. United States new 4s advanced 4Pr cent on can. The roiiowmg was tne rang 01 pricra u the New York Stock exchar. Bales, k Uh. Low. Close. ZlD deposits, increased. IK.Monnn frnncs; gold In hand. Increased. 1.7.T..'i0 frsncs; sllyer in hand, decreased, 1.5.mi0 frnc; bills dis counted, decreased lll.BOO.Orn francs; ad vances. Increased. il.ST&.ooo francs. .eT York Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Nov, t. MON E YOn call, firm at IVnlO per cent; ruling rate. 6S per cent; cloelng bid. per cent; offeree at 7 per rent; time loans, wrong; sixty and ninety flaya, 7 per cent; six months. per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6iH per cent. 8TERL1NO EXCHANOE Eeeler. with business In bankers' bills st $4 4.WW6 f r demand and at 4.f0ft)4;5 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4 SlVitM.SiiVi; commer cial bills, $4. WW,. SILVER Bar, ' 7Hic; Mexlcsn dollars. M7o- . ... TiONDS Oorernment, nrm; railroad. I heavy. ... Quotations on oonns tonay were as 101 lows: U. 8. r. Js. reg.,104 IJap. 8s, 2d ser.... ri do coupon I'KH; do 4a ctfa 2H 17. 8. 3s. reg 103 do 4Hs ctfs do coupon 1"3 do 2d ser 90 U. S. o. 4s, reg..l'! !L A N. tinl. 4i)...1014 do coupon 102 jMan. c. g. 4s 100 U. 8. n. 4s, reg. .13.i. Mex. Central 4s.. (il1 do coupon lflfa do 1st Inc 24'. Am. Tobacco 4s.. 7'VM. St. L. 4s... siiv do 6s 1KH M . K. A T. 4s... H9 Atchison g. 4s....l( do 2s 83 '4 do nd). 4S 92Mt;N.R R, of M.c 4s. 83V4 Atlantic C. L. 4s. IW i N. Y. C. g. 3ts.. Mai. onio -s .... i"i i-i , j. g. OS WVNo. Paclflc 4s....lrtJii 01IAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cittl Otaertllj Itetdr, with Soma of tbt ftit c'troBC. HOGS DLVcLOP LITTLE STRENGTH Liberal Ran of Skeea aaa l.amba, with All Klada Praetlrally steady with Yeaterday aad la Fair Dernaad. Cm tile. Hogs. Blie.p. BOLTH OMAHA, Nov. 8, 19 . Receipts were: Ortlcial Monday .... j Cftlclal Tuesday ... i Official Wednesday. jOftlcial Thursday... It H 14A TUj at I"4 ... tm IT I e M 0 !? Tt llll 1. I ) K H ! 1M i 11 tf to ... is s i a m ...,....'. no m w 7 ?M ... tsi 14 il " V W4 1M . AO 1 tl M I "i n f"t ... i tm m m a it 7 fT ... M 114 ... la M Ill ... l 14 ! a w !4 r 100 t (n't I) 741 .... 4 1 it 141 140 H 4 ... It 74 rj m i nt1 w ttti ... V't SHEEP-Recalpte of sheep huv bee Tl 107 bbla.; shlpmrtits. J ?. average, 15,'-.2j bills. bbla; !.15 0.14W 4.2 4,;uo i,o. i.4 t li.OUo do 34S 94 1 B. R. t. c. 4s 96 do 8s Cen. of Oa. 6s. ...Ill N. A W. c. 4s....loKi do 1st 1nc M O. 8. L. r. 4s 9K do 2d Inc 74 Penn. c $Hs loot, do 3d Inc 71 Reading g. 4s 9H Ches. A O 4s...l06S 8. L.A1. M. c. 5s..ll34 C. A A. 8s 7S 8. L.A8. F. fg.4s. 8,4 C, B. A Q. n. 4s. H St. L. 8. W. c. 4s. 81 C. R. t. A P. 4s. Ti 8. A. L. 4s do col. 5s. 91 ,So. Psclflc 4s 91U CCC.AS. L. g 48..102HI do 1st 4s ctfa... Colo. I. 5s, s. A.. Tf . Railway 6S...11H Colo. Mid. 4b.... Colo. A 8o. 4s.. Cuba 5s D. A R. O. 4s... DIs. 8ec. is Erie p. I. 4S do gen. 4s..... Hock. Val. 4Vis. Japan 41s Asked. 74 Texas A P. Is.... 119' . 92 ;T.. . L. A W. 4s. 81 .losVUntnn Psc. 4s... 103V, .'. p). B. os. Wabash Is do deb. B West. Md. 4s.... 10314 1 W. A L. B. 4S.. 7HiWls. Central 4s .10 . 90 9SV .113 . 8H4 . 83 . MS . 90 1U 43V 4,500 S6H 25 25V4 1,200 74 '41 . .10.0Y) .. . .89.000 ,:..f9.noo ....64,000 Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu.. '. Oats, bu Mlanrapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. S.-KIjOUR First patents, -t4.aii444.3o: second patents, $4.05) 4.15:- first clears, 3:&a"i-'iit second clears, ta.40(6.60. 1 . J1HAN In bulk, $15.756100. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolla and Chicago delivery). The range of prlcea, as reported by F. D. Day A Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. I Open. I Hltfh.l Low. Close. jYes'y. Wheat i I I Dec.. .174141' 74 72 73141 74H May...77nS, 77S "'' 77 41, July... 7W , 78V 784 78; Flax Dec.... 113V 1144 J 11 I 1 Nov... 1 W, 1 17 I lti'd 1 16il 1 16i May... 1 lti lit 1 I6J41 1 17T 4lrl 44Wi 73&14 78 4.: 44'. 83 ' Articles ! Open. Hlgh.l Low. Closa. Yes y Wheat Iec.... ' May... Corn Iecs... May... Juiy.,' -via is f IXiP... May. July. Pork-- Jhii.. May. Lard- Nov. . Det Jan.. May. Ill be Jan.. Mav. 14 10 14 20 374 721 4 A. 47W 1 o 7 75 14 15 14 20 35' 8 75 1 5o T 5 7 77"! 72Hfl, 72S, 77v r.s , 43H 42M, 1 43', , 44 44 1 341 H . 36 3T.S ?, ,-. 14 024 14 07Vi 14 10 14 15 7H 274 ' 8 6 67V t 47V 8 7' , 8v42Vt t 42Vk 7 7 1 ft 70 T 7b 7314 78 42V4 43 1 44I2H4V. 34-4 35 i, 13 97V, 14 10 I 30 8 60 ' I 424 1 a 4Z '7 574 7 70 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, Vi-c: No. 1 northern, 77Vc; to arrive, 76V4c; No. 2 northern, 754c; to arrive, 74"c; No. t, 7230; No. 1 durum, tMc; to arrive, fl&Vc; No. 2 durum, lV4c; to arrive, 6IV4O, Corn: No. t 'yellow, 4414c; No. 8 coin, 43c Oata: No. t white. 31c; to arrive, tllkc; No. 3, 29VuOOc. Barley: 87i34Sc. Ryu: 6ifeU0Bo- riax: casn, ti.M'a. Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provialoaa. KANSAS CITY. Nov. I. W H EAT De cern ber, 66HC; May, 71V4C cash. No. 2 hard, 6i'UOc; No. 3, aWQHc; No. 2 red, S6htia'Mc; No. 8. S"jti8c. CORN December, 3ic; May, V4c; July, 3Sc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 4oy41c; No. t, 40 i-4oVv No. S white. 4VrC- OATS-No. 2 while. j3Vc; No. f ' mixed, 22HUJ2V. RVk) Steady, 67&fl0c. HAY Active; cliou-e timothy, tl3.75iS 14.00; Choice 1 rairle. tll.7i4(12.00. BUTTLK creamery. Mo; packing. 16c. EGX3S Firm; Missouri and Kansas firsts, 24Vc; aeconds, 1SVC. , ibe receipts ana shipments of grain were; , t ' ' Kecelpla. Hhlpmenta. Wheat, tur-.'.'f.;. o,Uli 8J.001 Corn, bu 84.UW ln.OnO Data, bu 1-,J0 16,000 Adama Express A mat. Copper 26.800 Am. C. A F 2,000 Am. C. A F. pfd... Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Am. Express Am. H. A L. pfd.... 200 Am. Ice. securities.. 1,800 Am. Unseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. & R Am. B AR- pfd Am. Sugar' Reflating. Am. Tobacco pfd ctf Anaconda Min. Co... Atchison, ex-dlv .... Atchison -pfd Atlantic C. L Baltimore A Ohio.... Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Paclflo .... Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft N. w.... C M. A St. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C, C. A St. L. ... Colorado F. A I Colorado A So , Colo. A 80. 1st pfd.. Colo. A So. 2d pfd.. Consolidated Oas ... Corn Products, rfg. Corn Prod. pfd. rfg Delaware A H. Del., L. A W Denver A R. O D. A R. O. pfd Distillers' Sec........ Erie Erie 1st pfd. Erie 2d pfd Oeneral Electric .... Hocking Val. offered Illinois Central Int. Paper Int. Paper pfd. Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd.... Kansas City So K. C. So. pfd Ixulsvllle A Nash... Mexican Central Minn. A St. Louis... M., St. P. A 8. 8. M. M. 8. P.AS.S.M. pfd. Missouri Pacific M., K. A T.... M.. K. A T. pfd National Iead N. R. R. of M. pfd.. N. Y. Central N. Y., O. A W Nor'folk A W Norfolk A W. pfd.... North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas P.. C.. C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car.... 500 54 Pressed S. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car. 6.SH0 Readtng 126.5(10 110S 25 V4 2,700 400 100 100 $.900 5,900 1.200 800 3.000 '.7n6 3.400 "iioni 200 500 12.100 2,900 1.000 200 300 700 "'306 300 ' 900 too !00 6.900 200 100 600 '"ino 2,700 100 156V4 118 134 99 271 99 102 135 lit 'eo4 17 '53V4 17 204 172 V 94 52S 37 69 67 '26" 76 220 84 70 44 75 7 176 174 IX '82 154 117 134 99 268 99 101H 134 14 . 118 '78 174 '62 17 203 170 93 61 7 68 67 - '26" 76 217 83 T0i 43 75 7 17 174 18 82 100 21 81 100 ' 300 1,200 1.1O0 800 29 59 143 23 67 94 34 29 59'4 142 22 67 93 24 700 76 7 2.8O0 4"0 200 "'aoo 41 r,3oo 700 129 4M4 94 '90" 36 141 Reading 1st pfd luO Reading 2d pfd Republic Steel 600 Republic Steel pfd... loo Rock Island Co...... t.7oO Rock Island Co. pfd. 700 St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd 100 St. Louie S. W 200 St. IxhiIb 8. W. pfd.. 2"i0 So. Paclflc 18.300 80. Paclflc pfd 80. Railway 1,30 80. Railway pfd 3n0 Tenneeaee I A 1 Texaa & Paclflc 1.000 T , Pt. U A W., . vo T.. 8t. L. A W. pfd.. 500 Union Pacific 93,4uO Union Pacific, pfd , V. S. Express IT. 8. Healtv V. 8. Rubber...... V. 8. Rubber pfd. U. 8. Steel U. 8. Steel pfd... Va.-Car. Chemical. 269 147 91 2" 98 29 67 48 23 58 93 23 54 3A 85 55 184 No. 2 , Cash quotations ,' aa folhiwa: FL)l'R-8teady; wlfiter patents, tS.ttiei3 j straights, tJ lmo-1 30; rprlnai patents, ; straights. t3.X4l3.00; takers, $J.3U4i2.0. WHEAT No. 2 sprtng. 7fxo,7o; No. 3, 71 4(7!h'; No. 2 red. 71Vb73c. CtRN-No. 2, 44c; No. 2 yellow, 46c. OATS-N-i. :. KJc; No. 2 while. 6c; No. I white. 32V-SaVc. RYl-ii'al'- HAkl.KV-KH'r to choice malting, 47JiS3c. 8KKI18 NO. 1 fUr. tl; No. 1 north western. II 16; prime timothy, t4 Uu4.4), clover, contract grade, tU 25. PKOV lslOM lnrt ribs aides ( Milwaukee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. t.'-WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern.' 78tiV: No. .2 northern, '10 4J77c: I)ecember, 72c bid. RlF-Higher; No. 1. 'i'!'4" - HAHLBV-Steady; No. 2, 5oti6c; sample, (URN-Higher; No. 2 cash, 4t47c; De cember, 42c Philadelphia Proaaeo Market. PHILADEl J"HI A, Nov. t BUTTER Firm; weaiern creamery, ofncial price, ;7c; street price, 28c; extra nearby printa, 30c. rHl& Firm and In good demand; nearby fresh and western freah, iiic. at mark. CHEESE I'nclianged; New York full 4'r-mi, liMjlao. Va.-Caro. Chern. pfd I Wabash j ' Wabash pfd .: Wella-Fargo Ex....:. West. Electric Western Union ... V. A L." B Wis. Central Wis. Central pfd.. No. Paclflc Central Leather .. Cen. Ieither ufd. J Sloss-Sheftleld .... ' Great No. pfd Int. Metropolitan Int. Met. pfd 1.300 400 $2.7') 6.7tiO 400 60O 8f, 49 107 47 10S .27. "19 43 128 45 94 '8914 36 V4 139 63 265'' 145 91 'is 91 S'4 4XVi 57 W ....I 23 1 94 'sr 64 , 182 49 107 , 46 V4 37 '19.; 42 1.200 86. 8014 48,700 7) l'O 410 4.400 . l.loO j0 221 3., U 102 74 327V, 3L '8 218 36 1"3 32.) 14 77 Total sales for the day. 510,)0 shares l.oadoa 110 43 1D1 34 93'4 242 24 9 JS 74 112 104 '4 117 133 99V4 268 9i lolls . 134 118 91 78 174 ieso 52 17iZ 202 170 11 24 ' 93 51 37 IW 67 1 J9'4 75 217 654 39 831,4 70 43 76 ' 17 123 17 18 82 45 ' 81 27 50 67 142 14 22 64 147 165 93 33 08 7fl4 54 128 46 94 90 89 36 13) 88 82 53 97 266 1454 90 93 35 97 28 6 47 23 67 1 119 S3 4 36 84 54 182 120 85 49 107 46 104 .! 107 19 42 20 155 85 21 99 73 324 27 77 Boston Copper Market Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Loft an A Bryan, 2 Board of Trade building, Omaha: Adrentura 4 Mohawk t74 Allnuai f' Nr.i1 ConsolldaiUd . ;"H Atltnllc 14Vt Nnrth Bulla 11!'4 Blnnh.m 1 Old Domlaloa II Rlsrk llonntain .... I" nrceola IM Bnston rono!d.U4.. Pnau. Service It Putt Oontlon 17 pnaii. arTl, pfd... o Calumet Arlon...1M gnlney ..i im Calumat IV Heel... ..Ill Dhannoa M rantanalal tfH Tamarack 1(H Coppar Rant Trinity 114 Pailr West l i nltea rnt ... ...., Vast Hutu 10 t'nllel Stat.'V rranklln n United IUM, pfd. Oraen Copper Ml t'tah Conaoildatad. OranbT 114 '' Copper Halr.ila H Vlrtorla Isl Roral 3i Winona L. 8. Plttaburg Hi . Wlvrln Maaaachusetta I Nlplaaing Mlckliaa imcan.oaa U 4 10 12 u Cattle Hogs . Bheep Four davs this week. . .24.977 17.U.4 7i.4l Ssme days last week....27.1i7 Al.i'oO b'iMi Bame two weeks ago 14.35 .! 8-vLl Same Ihreo weeks ago. . .84. 4f 18.33o 9-.S.1 Heme four weeks ago. .. .So. 557 16 .1t Same days last year. . . .2i.uW 19,831 8.'9i the iouowlng tubis snows tha iclrt of cattle, hogs and sheen at South Omaha for the year 10 uate, compared witn last year: i9l. 1916. Inc. 904. 205 8S8.9U 9.U9a 2,140,619 l,9i3.47o li,144 1,9",482 1.728,972 180.510 I 'A t l Li-. v. . - lt.. Good to cho(ce oorn-feU steers $6.t04f6.:. Ksir to good corn-led steers s.t4" Common to fair corn-fed steers...-. 4('3'J Oood to choico range steers 4 7f-'o" 40 Fair to gtioU range ateei 4 '"fl-J Jj; Common to fait- range ateera i-5o4.o Oood grass corns and heifers Y'SiM Fair to good tows and heireta. ... 2.64j' Common to fair cows and heifers.. ..oj2.4j Oood choice stockers and feedera.. t.Oii-4- Fair to good stockers and tveders.. J.ow4.0 Common to fair stockers t. 75473.2 Bulls, sUgs, etc tWVi i Veal calves ' 4.OO&6.00 iho following table shows the aia price of hogs at South Omar a for the last several days, with comparisons; Date. I ltot. laTil4TIrlM Wool Market. BOSTON, Nov. 8 Wt.M)1-Tlie wool mar 'et is In a heallljril rnilltoi. active snil am. Prominent mill are on ra'iog st -adl'v ' snd sre taking chieliv territory v. isils. l lS) hiislness in territory include pr;n'il?.i!iy 'all varieties. In pulled wools, flne A s an . selling moilerHtely st niV-. Foreign i grsdea are ste.iily. Ie.-iillns tloon-etlc quo itstlons follow: oiiio sod l'-iinsylvanlit XX a Im.v S'i4-:t4c : X. lltat'c: Nn. 1. v,s Very liberal all this week, there being an- 4((,. N(J j 13!H'; fine nnai'shi-1. 2f--'i.Ci other very slsahle run this morning, which j unm,n hantsMe, ;.ti:Mt ; hulf til.sxl nn. makes the total for the aeek to date about I WRshed. ''.Ti.tlHo; thtee-elghtlia M00.I, uti lataer than for the corresponding I washe,), 34ni4c; quarter blood unwashed, daya of last week. . 32ficlAc; Deliiltie washed. 8.M-1,X6c; Iwlslne The few rat elieep in sight this mornlnt unwashed. 2(if(i29c. MichlsrAn fine iniiv.islioJ. brought steadv pitcea' and the market sa jia;-; hslf blood unwashed. S'?fi31c; three a whole was without any noteworthy . eighths blood unwashed, 8'ltJ4c; quarter chanae. There were no rood fat yearlings hiood unwashe1, 31'i22c: Delnlne unwiisliet. or lambs to nut a Iod on the market, but 1 r71-''c: Kentucky. Indiana nnd Missouri right good or choice fed wethers sold up to ts.50. with ewes out of the sams lot at t lb. Practically everything In the way o: killers sold In very good season. No new fealurra of Importance aers de veloped In the feeder trade, prlcea remain ing stationary with yesterday. Th.-rt were, however, mora country buyers In snd a better inquiry than wss the case yesterday ( or the day berore. which or Haeit waa uiu clent to create a somewhat better feeling on the market. As noted yesterday feeders re 15ti26o lower than last week and It would appear that the lower prices Sre set Ing ss an Inducement toward freer buying on the pert of the country. Quotations en killers: Oood to cno'r lambs, t7.00dJ7.2o; fair to good lambs, t 750 7.00; good to choice vesrlings, $5.60itfa.l6; In-ir to good yearlings, t5 26ip6.5o; good to choice wethers. $6ooyw.o0; wethers, 4.;5((t).o; good to cnolce ewes, t4.6ntj5.26. Quotations on feeders: I.ambs, $-V.!rn6.2o; yearlings. $5 2rJSV.i; wethers. t4.761j5.uVi; ewes, n.5iK(t.:6; 1 rccdlng ewes, 14 ,&ui- coinblng. three-elshths blisxl Miti.'Uc; comb ing, quarter blood, ifj:lie Txn (s-oured bnsis.) fine 13 months. 72tfT3i; tine I to t month. w7e; fine f.sll clean, 54460!. Call, fornla northern ehoic, iivc; north. Tn goinl, 5-fi6c; middle county. nS'nfru-; south ern. 62v63c: fall free i4S;c. Territory staple tscoured bsals) fln, TWtTIc; flue medium vi?7V: medium. ftr416c. Territory ordinary (scoured hals) fins, C7fi6,'c: flno llieoilllll, wo--,, iiirniiiii, , . . - 1 and New Mexico spring (cOured las1a I -X. 6Si70c: No. 1, 6 Iti --; nulled wools j tacoured basis extra. 69i71c: fine A, Ciueoc; A supers, fi7fiOe; B supers, 4W1o. ST. LOU18. Nov. 8. Wool Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 24iQ27o; IlKht line. lKfi2lc; heavy One, HljlSe; tub washed, 32'37c. No. Oct. 29... .t. to... Oct. .1 . . . Nov. 1... Nov. 2... Nov. ... Nov. 4... Nov. 6... Nov. 6... Nov. 7. . . Nov. 8... Sunday. 4 84 4 90i t 14i 051 4 Hi s va 49; 06 t 09 S ISi1 6 W i 6 4 98! 4 87 4 3 4 92, 9 4 Mi 4 K4 5 00 4 et 7 4 86, 4 87 1 60 4 H8j 4 90i 4 7: o wi 4 69 4 74 61 4 87 i 4 73, t2 4 83. 4 911 4 '18I 55 61 1 5 811 4 61 , 60 6 7li 4 t tsll 6 671 4 4 81 4 96 6 81 6 Ti 6 72 6 6V 44 6 68, 6 U 4 63 t 731 4 60 4 4 4 6t 4 b( 4 71 for short bills Is per cent; for three months' bills, 6fi per cent. Kew York Mlalng Stocks. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 Closing quotations on mining stock - war Adams Con Alice Breece Brunswick .... Comstoek Tun. Con. Cal. A Vi Horn Sliver ... Iron Silver ... Lendvllle Con Offered. 20 Little Chief 7634!Ontarlo 35 .. 60 .. 28 ..125 ..1H0 ..490 ..' 6 Ophlr Potosl Savage .sierra Nevads Small Hopes . Standard ..... .. 5 ..800 ..355 .. 14 ..110 .. 93 .. 35 ..250 Rank of England Statement. LONDON. Nov. 8. The weekly bank statement of the Bank of England shows the followlrg changes: Total reserve, In creased, 919,000; circulation. decreaaea. 2M0Ji0: bullion, increased. 639.124; other securities, decreased, 867,000; other de posits. Increased, 781,000; public deposits. Increased, 765.000; notes reserve, In creased, 1,055.000; government securities. unchanged. The proportion of the bank a reserve to liability this week is ra.w per cent, as compared with 26.61 per cent last week. Hog. Mti.05 S.o6'(l6.40 6.i.i4iu.2o 0. .ys.J b.9ouG.O) i t.JCk RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Omaha 2.:iCtri.00 Cnlcago l.biFii.i5 Kansas City S.Oiku.ho St. Louis 2.0iu6.'.sj Sioux City ..50Kr6.26 1 ne omciai number 01 cars 01 brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H i 'a c., M. A St. P 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific S Union Pacltlc 88 C. A N. W., east 4 C. A N. W.. weot 31 C, St. P., M. A O.... 1 C, b. A Q. east ( C. B. A 4., west 10O C, R. I. A P., east.. C. R. I. A P.. west.. .. Chicago Ot. Western.. .. Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 196 The disposition of the day's receipts was an follows, each buyer pur chasing t.10 num ber ot head indicated: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. 6 1 ik 27 'i 2 3 13 28 6 5 1 13 7 1 2 ? 68 Gt 4 W8 Utah feeder lambs 340 Utah Teedi-r lambs I) Utah feeder lambs SM Utah feeder lambs Ji3 Utah feeder lntnhe 211 Uth feeder yeorllngs 21 1't.ih feeder yearlings 23 Utah feeder lambs 4'7 Wyoming feeder lambs 4f-4 Wyoming feeder lambs, culls 12H Wyoming feeder lambs 27? Wyoming ewes, feeders 6.' Utah lambs, feeders 4"8 Utah lambs, feeders 104 Utah lAinha, feeders 2f.4 Utsh lambs, feelers 103 Utah lambs, feeders 362 Wyoming lambs, feeders 20 Wyoming ewes, feeders 11 Wyoming ewes, feeders 428 Wyoming lambs, feeder culls 4M Wyoming ewes, feeders It? Wyoming lambs 9: Wyoming ewe, feeders 5c South Dakota ewea 83 South iMkota ewea 14 South Dakota wethers 763 South Dakota lambs, feeders I 32 Wyoming ewes, culls 1 9 Wyoming ewes, culls I tU7 Wyoming lambs, culls ' ;i1 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... j 2;t6 Wyoming lambs, feeders Ml Wyoming lumba hig w yomlug ewes 596 Wyoming ewes 471 Wyoming ewes 468 Wyoming ewes : 254 Nebraska ewes, feeders 3; Nebraska ewes, feeders.. ... 97 Nebraska awes, feeder culls. ISO Wyoming ewes 366 Wyoming yearlings 167 Wyoming yearlings 197 Wyoming wethers 252 native yearlings 82 native yearlings 62 native lambs Av. M 63 61 64 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. 20 Ualath Crala Market. DULUTH. Nov. 8. WHEAT On track. ; No. 1 m rthern. 77r; No. 2 northern, 7oc; i November. 76'.c; December. 74V.C, Uiy, ,c; July. isc. t8.4u 7i. Mess si a. per bbl., $16.26. Laid. 1 per l-" U . Vf Hhori cieaJ pides ; ' ihuxcdl.' t.37S4!S 62. Toledo Seed Market. The receipts and shipments of flour and! TOLEDO. Nov. I SEEDS Clover. cah grain were: Receipts. Shipments. November. $8.25: leccmuer. ?..",; flour. bt' 4b.i. l'.3i ti,.p,-ii. mtu. Alalke. 17.75. Timothy, tl.tu. riour. bbla.. bu.. Corn, bu Oaia. bu Hye, bu Uarlry, bu.. 46.H") .... 92.KW ....lTs.anu 221.2UH .... 9. ma) ....142.VJO On the produce exchange today !er tuaikel waa attiady; creamery. ialrv. lhS,jiH. Engs. Arm; at mark. ncluded. 21 --'; Iirsis, J4c; prim 67.2iO S4.l 375. 9 441 4 7.7oO 81.txt) the but-l!s;25Sc; caars firsts. 1 2V; rxtra.. ic. Cheasw, steady, t :3!,o. Prorlu Market. 1EOR1A, Nov. .-CORN Dull: No. low, nominally old and new, 4ic; i)d. 3sc. no grade. S7c. t'lATS-titead) ; Nn- i while. S4c; I'.ie. i3V:; No, 4 white. 224,324. KVE fcieady; No. 2. VlilSKV Oil tll ual of $1.29. oath To arrive. 321c l 1 1 an. pai-inc Ches. A ( hlo . . Chicago Ot. W. C. M. A St. P. IH-Beers D. A R U ! do pfd 1 Erie NEW YORK. Nov. 8 COFFEE Market j ,i, 1st pfd for futures opened steady at unchanged : do 2d rfd prices, which waa about aa due on the I Illinois Central lolic Market. Closlasx . Stocks. LONDON, Nov. 8. Closing quotations on the Stock., exctiange were: Cons., money .... o M . K. A T... do account 86. N. Y. Central Anaconda . . 13 Norfolk A W. Alchiaon 15 do pfd lo pfd 1"4. Ontario A W.' Bal. A Ohio 122 Pennavlvan'H 13 ' Kaiid Mines .. 5j Reudlng 14 So. Railway . .177 ' do pfd ..... M 80. Pactflc ... 41. Union Pacific !4l do pfd . 45 ,U. 8. Steel.... , 7s I do pfd MC4 vvaDash do pra 35c 240 Ni. it... M... 15... 14... 4... It... 1... 4... 4... Mo.N'EV liie rale firm. 327ad cer ounce "Uo per cent. or Uiacount in ths open market bleu, irauing m qu.ei aou mere was a Lojia. t Nash. ..147 Spaniah 4a Utile cereu ecnins. iikh9ii aaainai nrm j SILVER Bar Otters I1UI1I r 1 a-A il. uutiri anitii iuai- j ket eaavd off slighlly during Ihe middle asion. Tha cloae waa steadv and net I uucliaiiged to points lower, tjak-a were 1 ! ilsrtil of 3K.i"W Vaifa. Including December, 3 yl- i6.loc; March. 6oj4-; May. 6.iwt?6.h.V; Au. 1 No, j gust, k lajc; S-pirtnlrr. 6 9X . bst Klo. j quiet; Io. 1 invoice, mc ! . 25 .13214 . 96 . 93 . 46 . 74 . . 75 . 34fe . 9 . 9 1 .189 . 96 . 4H .109 . 20 94 No. Mr-la sera. l.iterpewl braia Market. .... . lVEllPuOL. Nov. t.-V HEAT-!iHjt led, attliTn, winter, os. ru st; I iri-enibvr. is 4'4d; March. y. m 4d in"jl. Jim; Nn. 1 1 ai-e. unlet; il'.d, .May COiiN aicoj, An.ctKan uiUt J . j t xs. , I . Saaar aad I NEW YORK. Nov. quiet; fair renmiig. .i-lw; centritugal 96 t-s. ' t li-16c. Molasses sugar. 2 1-ldc. Refined, 1 quiet; No. t, 4.c; No. 7. 4 25c, No. I, t 3uo; No. , 4.15o; No. 10. t.ooc; No. 11. 4.(s-; No. ii. No- 13, 9iir; No. 14 StV; conftclton. I era' A. 4 6"V: n.ouul A. t-lec; cut lo-if. i jn-; crusti-1. iKiwuerru, 1 ; granuiiiied. Treasary Stateaseat. WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the LAO.ii.O Uj0 gold rajtA-l-Ve shuta- Availul.lM aah i t-2n.793.t92:' gold coin and bullion. titiHi i t. HUOAR Raw, I ; gold reriilicatea t,423,4(i0. Rnak of i'raarr Statruaeal. .IM PARIS. Nov t.-The weekly bank state- I ni-nt of the. Rank of France nhual tha I fullowhig i-hantes: Not--s in rlrculttt on. J d creased ' 51.." i" francs: treasury de , io.sii, uvcredScU. 43,4-a,uu franca, a'tirra1 Coaditlon of Trad a and daotatloas on Staple, and Fancy Prodaee. . EOO Per dos., 23o. , ., IJVE POULTRY Hens. 8c: roosters, 6c; turkeys, 12'p16e; ducks, 9c; spring chickens, 8c geese 8pSV4c. 1 BUTTER Packing rfatock. 17c; choiee to fancy dairy, 19 21c; creamery, 24i27c. HAY Choice upland. $9.E0; medium. $9.00; coitrse, $8.o&tj.60. Rye straw, $6.5Oi7.0O. BRAN Per ton, $1500. VHf7KTABI.ES. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl., $2.50, TOMATOES California, per basket of lbs., 62.25. 1 WAJC BEANS Per -one-third bu. box. $1.25 BEETS AND CARROTS Ber bu., 76c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse-, per dog. heads, 40c. CELERY Per dox., 3O5i0c. CUCCMBER8 Hothouse, per dox., $1.30. ONIONS Home grown, 55c pe" bu.; Bpan Ish. $1.66 per crste; Colorado, 76c. GREEN ONIONS Per doi. bunches, 25c. HORHH5R ADISH Case of 2 dox., $1 90. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, Tic. NAVY BEANS Pr bu., 1.85; No. 2. $1.7$. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6'tC. OREHN PEPPERS Pear market basket, 75c. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dog. bunches. 3c. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, per lb., inc.- EGO PLANT Per dog.. $2.00. POTATOES Per bu.. 40ti6Tc. RUTABAGAS Per lb.. lc. 150 lbs. to nek. TURNIPS Per bu.. 5oc. FRUITS. P RAPHES California Sal way, per box. $1.10; Colorado, $2.26. PEARS-Wlnter. varieties, per bu., $2.25 $.00. GRAPES Tokay. $1 75; M.tlaga, per bbl., $T-.00-q.00. APPLES Ben Davis, $.2S: Jonathans. $3 25fi..50; New York apples, $3.26; Grimes Golden, $2 76. CR A NBERRIP3S Per bbl., $00t,10 00. QUINCES Per box, WATERMELONS Colorado, winter, each. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florida oranges, tl.00. LEMOINB Litnoniers. extra fancy slse, 17.50; fO slxe. $8.00; 260 alxe, 28.00; other brunda bOd'75c less. GRAPE FRUIT Slc 64 to 64 and 80 to 96. 64.006-4. 60. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, $2. 01 n 2 26; Jumbos, t2.5Oii3.0O. FIGS Kadaway, 6c; . saycrs, 6c: new stuffed walnut dates. 9-lb. box. tl. 10; Cali fornia bulk, 5c; 7-crown Turkish. 15c; 6 crown, 14c." 6-crown, 13c; t-crown, 12c. BEEF CUT PRICES. Ribs: No. 1. 14c; No. 2, 9c; No. 8, c. Round: No. 1. 8c; No. 2. 7e; No. 2, c. Ixiln: No. 1. 17e; No. X 12c; No. I. 80. Plate: No. 1, 4c; Na 2, 4c; No. 2, '2:. Chucks. No. 1, 00; No. 2, 5c: No. 2. 80. MISCELLANEOUS. SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, to 31; grsnulated beet. In sacks. t5.31. CHEESE Swiss, new. 16c: Wisconsin brick. 15ic; Wisconsin llmberger. 124.-; twins. 15.-; Young Americans, 15c. COFFEE Roasted, No. 85. 20c per lb.; No. 3C 21c per lb.; No. 2a, 19c per lb.; No. 30, 16c per lb.; No. 21. 13c per lb. COCOANUTS Per sack of 100, $4.50. SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gul. ; In cases, t 10-lb cans, tl.10; cases. 11 5-lb cans. $1.8o; casus. 24 2V-lb 'cans, $1.85. HONEY Per 24 frames, tl.50. CIDER New, half barrel, t2.76; barrel, $5.26. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 55qoOc; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, tl.10. 2-lb. cana. 97ejJl.C0. Pine apples, grated, t-lb., $2.05(32 30; sliced. $1.90 ti2.:-0; gallon apples, faucv. t2 .65; California anrlcnts. ll.90b2.26: Dears. tl.7V2.50: tx-ac ea fnncv $1.7541 2.40; 11. C. peaches, $2 0t2.5o. Alaska sslmon, red, $ fancy Chinook. F.. $2.10; faucy sockeye, F.. tl 95; sardines, quarter otl, $276; three-quarter mustard. t3.a. Sweet poliloea. tl.Hl sauerkraut, tl .00; pumpkins, toctitluO; wax beana, 2-lb., 5a(j tJ: ; lima beana, x-lb.. Tocfell 36; spinach, $1.J6; cheap peaa, 2-lb., 60c; extiaa, 9rs."jtl.lo; fancv, tl 2i$173. CURED FISH Family whllsflih. per quarter bbl., 1"0 lbs.. tt.OO: Norway mack eral. No. 1, $28.00: No. 3, $26.00; No. t. t20.'); Irish, No. J, tl00; herring. In bbla., 2oj Iba. each. Norway. 4k, $900; Norway, 3k, 89 00; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Trout, 12c: halibut. 12c: catfish, 15c; buffalo. 8c-; bullheads, lie; black baas. fine stuck. 2oc; salmon. 12c; pike. 11c: red snapper, freah froxen. 12c; Whitehall, freah trosen, 13c; yellow perch, dresawd and scaled, sc; pickerel, freah frosen, 9c; frog lege, 35c per dos. saddlas. HIDErt AND TA LIXI W (Jreen silted. No. 1. 12r; No. 2. 1lc; bull hides. 10c; green hides, No. 1. lie; No. 2. Ioj; hora-. tl 5o3.75; sheep -eta. 0)H tjtl.26. Tallow, No 1. 4c: No. 1 lc. NUTS French walni'la. 13ic; California walnuts. No. 2. fiaid Hhell. 13c; No. 1. soft shell. 14c; llranlr. VWiU'tf: pecans, 14. I7C ; 1 moerie. ijhvi-; peauius. raw. oc; ' ar, rd Omaha Packing Co 373 Swift and Company 1,2 Cudahy Packing Co M2 Armour A Co 1,049 Cudahy, from country.... 4 Armour, from Denver.... 872 Carey A Benton 240 1obman A Co 182 McCi eoj y A Carey ' 244 W. 1. Stephen 1 Hll! A Bon 1"9 F. P. Lewis S Huston A Co 7 N. Morris 210 L. F. Hust 124 Wolf 66 J. H. Bulla 61 Mike Haggerty 52' J. B. Root A Co 202 T. B. Inghram 9 Sullivan Bros 2 V. A. Bruton Other ' buyers ' 811 '739 1.433 1.623 1.1SS 7?4 8-4 2,003 54 86 73 . 56 62 48 59 79 4 49 4 53 64 56 91 99 61 8S 67 76 110 17 113 6.1 73 102 48 69 53 sV 8S 87 8' 8? 66 70 104 93 98 114 93 95 68 Pr. 6 6 60 6 4 . 6 00 I 50 5 20 6 20 6 11O 10 6 50 10 4 20 4 NO 4 80 -4 80 4 90 6 60 6 n 4 00 t in t 50 4 Si 7 00 t 76 t 00 6 15 6 25 t ' 2 75 6 00 6 25 OO . $ 00 1 00: 4 on 4 00 4 no 4 on 6 50 4 HO 4 00 6 00 6 ST. 6 U 6 80 6 o 6 80 7 10 19,967 At. .loot . Ml .14) . 141 .113 Fr. I OS I 00 M I 10 t t Totals (,862 4.8S8 ' 26,32 CA 1 ILK Receipts of caitle were talr fof- a Thursday, but the total for the week snows quite a targe falling off as com pared with the figures for last week. No great change took place In the mar ket for beef steers. Uood kinds com manded good Arm prices, in fact, tne mar ket might even be called strong on really desirable killers, with all other kinds oruy steady with yeaterday. Among the caitle today were some cornfeds good enough 1o bring $6.25. the top for the week so tar. Cows and heifers were not In very large supply and the better grades sold quite readily at fully steady prices. Other kinds were slow and weak. Oood feeders, weighing from 400 pounds upward, were In active demand at good Arm prices, and receivers of such kinds had no dlrnculiy whatever in disposing of everything on hand. On the other hand, there were a good many very ordinary and trashy stock cattle for which tha demand la not very brisk, and which in conse quence are slow sellers practically every uay. v Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. No. ..1171 t a tl... ..1171 4 1 41 ..12M 1 00 20 , .. ro t u COWS. ..Ml I 16 I ..HV t M It HEIFERS. . . IS4) 4 to CALVES. .. 0 U 1 v.... 140 4 00 ... ill I K FEEDERS. 1 IM I 41 WtrtTERNS NEBRASKA. 10 calves... 2oh 4 50 7 calves... 366 26 cows 63i 2 70 It cows KJO cows 818 2 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. If steers.. ..1174 1 96 49 steers.. ..loot ...I0.18 i 66 37 Sin-i....liCJ ...lo69 $86 67 steers.. ..1076 ...ia t to WYOMING. 4 60 , t cows 972 t 26 - IDAHO. 8 65 t steers.... 740 3 00 COLORADO. 4 00 F. I.ewls-8. D. ..1184 4 60 94 steers. ...1173 4 24 . 1015 2 70 Western Ranches 8 D. ..1121 195 13 steers.. ..1172 4 If H. A. Damson 8. D. ..1131 3 90 16 steers.. ..1218 2 20 ..1136 1 90 C. R. Countryman Wvo. I cows 6i 3 to 12 bulls irrr 2 v, P. Collert Neb. 1 heifers... 731 2 SO 12 feeders.. 663 3 1". E. licwla V vo. 2 15 7 calves... 327 1 26 4 SO J stockers. M0 t oo 2 60 Turgeon S. D. t 05 13 rows 87$ A Benfleld Neb CHICAGO LIVF. STOCK MARKET Cattle steady Hogs Strong Sheep aad Iambi Lower. CHICAOO. Nov. 1. CATTLE) Receipt s, 6,500 head; market steady; common to prime steers, $4.0MH7.3O; cows,; neuers. 12.60ti6.36; bulls. $2,400-4.50; calves. 13.00a;7.&0; Mockers snd feeders. 12.404(4.50. HOG8 Receipts. 18.000 head; market strong; prime heavy, $.SOirH.40; Shipping grades. t6.Soru.42A: butchers, I6.smni.40 light. X6.2isr6.4o; neavy, pacaers. ao.wono.iv; nlas. 15.50a6.15: bulk of sales, t6.004i4.30. Bll&eir AND I.AA1 rto neceipia, a,ij head; market. 10i25o lower; sheep. t4.0JHf 6.60; yearlings, $f.6o4i4j.60; lambs, $6.0097.40. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KAN8A8 CITY. Nov. ..-CATTLE Re- ceints. 7.000 head. Including 700 southerns; market steady to strong; cnoice upon, ami dressed beef steers, &.rt8.!to; tatr to gooa, t3.60ft6.40: western steers,; siock ers and feeders. $2.7541-4. 50; southern steers. t2.7(Va6.00; southern cows, $2.00433.26; native cows, t2.0U3pt.uo; native neirers, ..iaio.w bulls. 2.2b4i;i.75: calves. 12.5c'.. 6.2o. . HOGS Recelnts. 8.000 uead: market strong; top, $6.25' bulk of saiea, $61731 6.2314; heavy. $6. 17 25 : packers, t.17 I'A- nlas and lisht. M.nofttt.2214. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6,600 head; market for sheep steady, for lambs 10c lower; lambs, fl.UKOJ.SO; ewes and year lings. t4.75re.76: western yearlings. Xfi.,iff 6 00: western sheep, t4.2f5.80; stockers and foeders, $3.506.00. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8 METALS Tin was unchanged to 6c lower In the Ixindon market, with spot quoted at 1194 and futures st C196 6s. The locsl market was quiet with spot quoted at $42 40 bid anil $42.60 asked, Cupper waa itia lower in the London market with apot quoted at 98 10a and futures at 199 10s. Iocaliy the market was quiet and unchanged with lake quoted at $21. 760 12.50; electrolytic, at til. 50fl 22.00 and casting at 121.25 -W 2176. Lead was unchanged, at 16.75 & 6.96 In the local market. It was also unchanged In London, st fit 7s Sd. Spel ler wss unrhsngefl. at 127 10s in London snd st $6.201i6.30 in the local market. Iron was td lower in the English market with standard foundry quoted at 66s Id and Cleveland warrants at 66s 10d. Lo cally the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern was quoted- at $24. iifr 25.00; No. 2 foundry northern, $J8.76V' 24.60: No. 1 foundry southern, $24.00ti 4.50: and No. 2 foundry southern, $21.69 tl 24.00. FT. I.Ol IN. NOV. . MBTA1A4 Lead. steady at $6.90; spelter, firm at $6.22. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. COTTON Spot closed 10 points advsnce; middling uplands, 10.3V; middling tfiilf, 10.55c. oie, 6; hHles. LIVERPOOL, NOV. . . OTlHJ.N-r-Kpot It fair demand. ' prices' llg3 prllftta 1 higher; American middling fair. 6.21d: good mid dling, 6.77(1; middling, 6.63d; low middling. 6 45d; good ordlnnry. 6.09d; ordinary, 6.4Nd. Tha sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 0 were for SDeculatlon and exnort and Included 7,400 American: receipts, Si.OoOj bales, including S3, 100 American. - NEW ORLEANS. KOT, 8. COTTON Soot closed quiet. Kales, 4.600, bales. Ixw or dinary, 6c, nominal; ordinary. V.e. nom inal; good ordinary, 8 1-lto;. low middling, 8'4c; middling, 9c; good middling, liSo; middling fair, lc, nominal; fair. l)c, nominal. Receipts. 18.441 talea; stock, 2Jn, 476 bales. 8T. IOUIS, Nor. 8. COTTON Quiet middling, 104c. Sales, 60 bales; recelpta, 648 bales; stock, 654 bales. Foretajn Flaaartal. LONDON, Nov. 8. Ratea for money la the market today were high and tho sup plies were limited owing to the repayment of 110, OIK), 000 to the Bonk of England. Discounts were flrmly maintained. On the Stock exchange few signs of atilmi tlon were visible. The fact thnt the Bank of England's rate of discount was not changed and the good Board of Trade returns failed to stimulate activity, their effort being offset by tight money, and tha approach of the settlement. Consols and other British, securities were barely main tained. Foreigners were dull. In Americans business was slack and unin teresting. Prices during the forenoon were marked up to a fnuitlon over parltv. PARIS, Nov. 8. Prices on the Bourse today were weaker. Russian imperial 4s closed at 74.70 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 491. t Raak Cieariags. OMAHA, Nov. ft. Bank clearings for todsy were $1,492,118.45 snd for the corre sponding date last year $1,883,408.22. REAL ESTATE .THASSFKRS. W steers. 60 steers. a3 a eers 13 calves... 18 feeders. 44 steers.... 198 861 846 8 50 2 2s 1 65 2 05 $ 85 a 10 , 7 steers.... 748 22 steers. cowa... 27 steers.. 39 Steers.. 6 steers. St. Loots Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. . CATTLE Receipts 4.0T.0 head. Including 1.0Q0 Texans; jnarket strong; native shipping and exnort steers, $5.75i6.90; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.6O6.O0; steers under 1.0(0 lbs., $3.2M-i.60j stockers and feeders. $2.0024.50; cows and heifers, $2.25ii6.25; canners. $1 OO432.10; bulla, t2.25W4.50; calves. !3.0Ofii6.50; Texas and In dian steers, $3.Ooy6.50; oowa and heifers, t2.OOK3.50. HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head: market strong; pigs and lights, $5.75416.20; packers, $6.0og6.20; butchers and best heavy, $.15rgi 6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts,' 1.600 head; market stesdy; native muttons. $3.00 &6.60; lambs, t4.004J7.5O: culls and bucks, t2.60fe3.50; stockers. t2.60$3.7&. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.122 head: market steady; natives, to.0cu6.76; stockers and feeders, $2.5044.30. HOUS Receipts, 5.214 head; market ZHc higher; top, $6.26; bulk of sales, $6.120 6-li. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, $50 head; market strong: lambs, $7.60; ewes, $6.60. Sloax City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar ket steaiv; stockers weak: beeves. 14. Mill 6.26; raws, bulls snd mixed. $2 504.50; stockers and feeders, $3.O0fi4.86: calves and yearimgs. $2. &t?2. 60. HOGS Receipts. 3.000 head; market stesdy, selling at t5.tO4u.00; bulk of sales, $9o'j6r, Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: .. i.attte. nogs, nneep. South Omaha. Sioux City Kanaae City . St., Joseph ...i St. - Louis ..... Chicago Totalis ..... tVloo 500 7.000 1.122 , 4,0u0 , ,5t 4.7i) 1.000 8,01X1 ' 8,234 6.000 18.0H0 17,000 6.000 360 1.50 20,000 ..16.222 44.934 43,860 ElleryR- Hume, trustee... to Albert A. riarklns, lot l vtiasoUrl Avenue fiace extension, bovun tmaha $ 1,009 Byiun R. HusilnKS, trustee, to Joust ' iiuuett, lois li and. Is, Uiock 6, Ml, itary addition 1 M Chrraien lianKen and wire to n tirls tian jephLii, lot 19, block I, tiaaer J-tn.CU jw Maigare-t C. Wear and husband to viiiiam T. Martin, lot a, bica 9, . Corrigun Place v0 Horace K. Oludwln and wile to Mich aro Burnell ana- wife, part taxiot 8. 11 Wa of nw',4, 8-lo-ld '.,, 1,600 A. B. C. Dennisiun. to John E. Wil bur, lot 6, block I, Klluy Place 40 Ruue Carroll and wlte 10 William Aar nan, lots 6 anu . 7, bloca 4, Ames Place ....'.. I,ji0 Nels Peterson and wile to John Wna len, iqt 16, block XI. First adoitlon to Corrlgan Pluce 1, JJu Amelia Dent 'I'dwt.r lo Walter An derson, lot 49, Windsor Place 1,0 it) Margaret V. Solomon to Central-West Investment company, lots V, 8. t, 62, 53 and 64. block L Blrkhauscr A Blumer'a subdivison ' -. - 54) Harriet A. Wilcox and husband to 8. C. Dllley, lot I and w of lot 2, block 8, Kountxe Place 6,Uu Bankers' Savings and Ixian associa tion to Andrew M, Gallsglur, lot 14. block 109. South Omaha oo James D. Tultlp, executor, to Hen Ja mie F. Thomas, , lot 1. block 98, Dundee Place,..... 1 Virginia N, H. Wood to Alexander Richardson, let.l, block t, Parker's addition 700 Jerse H. Culver and wife to Nathan Splcer, lot 1. block 2. K. V. Smith s addition 2, Herliert L. Mcintyre and wife to Harry H. lapldus, lot 8. block 1, Ralph Place 2.j0 George W. R. Mstteaon et al. to Union 1'j4 lilc itslljoad company, e22 feet of lot 6, block 88, Omaha 18.6 Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance oompniiy to Oeorge D. Ixmg, a of lol 8. block 89. Omaha.....'.. 18.(00 Timothy T. Munser to Anns Andreas Crooks, lot . Freeman's addition to South Omaha :.'... 1,150 Mrts Bros. Brewing com(aiiy to Her man Oerndorf. lota 7, 8, t und 10. block 23, Village of Millard....; 7.000 Tlie National Bank of Commerce td Emma C. L. Dalley. pert of lota 1 and 2. block 12, Bemla Park.......... . Beatoa Stocks aad Roads. . BOSTON. Nov. 8. Call losns, 647 cent: time loans. per cent quotations on aloci.a ana Donas wsrs: Atch. adj. 4s 91 Binghsm 31 do 4S 1"0 CaL A Hecla 870 per dfflclHl 19 heifers... 6 2 26 2uA 3 90 2 80 2 50 3 !v 2 76 J. 40 cows 804 12 calves... 198 7 heifers... 407 B. 12 cows 840 McK. 20 heifers... Ml 2 40 14 feeders. 661 2 Ml M. Elmora, Nebrasku. 20 feeders.. 637 2 to 27 feeders.. 948 Mrs. Palmore. Nebraska. 42 cowa (.4 2 80 il cows 889 t cows 918 2 26 JO cows 792 H. W. Davis. Wyoming. St sleira....ll70 4 6" 97 feedete.. 91 13 feeders.. 9.(1 2 66 40 cows 1.' 23 cowh 977 2 William N. Campbell, Nebraska. 27 I'ows 1u2i 2 $0 HOOS Buyers seemed to want a few good hogs nils morning and bought such loads as suited them si prices Uiat looked strong to a little higher than yeaterday. This was the case wrtr both good h-svy and good lightweight. One very good load of light hogs, which wert better than anything here yeaterday. sold at t 17. or 74o higher than yesterday's top. The gen eral run of the hogs sold In about the same notches as yesterday, tha strength being limited to the best kinds. As will be noted from the sales below the hogs sold largely at to.95(itf.05. with the average a trifle stronger than yesterday. The strength yesterday and today muses up (or part of the loaa the first of the week, but the average market is still c lower llian It was at ihe i loss of laat week. At the time of closing this report there were a few late arrivals still on sale. All the strength of the morning wss lost, the market closing weak and lower. Repreeentativa aalea: Fltchburg pfd. .137 N. Y.. N. H.AH..1I2 Mex. Ontril 4s.. 79 U 'entennlal Atchison sh'a'Copper Range do pfd l"lDaly Weat .... Roaton A A 241 I Franklin Huston A Me 190 IGnnby Boston Ele 164 Isle Roysle . Mum. Mining . Michigan -Here Marquette. 58 j Mohawk Union Paclrlc ...,lt2.iMont. O. A C. A. A. C. pfd 91 (Old Dominion A. Pneu. Tube.... 14'ilOsceola .lav'j Parrot .131 iQiilncy .1'8 IShantion . 12 (Tamarack .oi;iTrlntty . 26 United t.'opper . Etllaou E. I U 8. Mlnlnx Maaa. Electric... 1i U. 8. Ol, . s Utah . " ,V1ctoria .lsi j'Wmona . 71 Wolverine . ;9', North Butte ... . tr Butta Coalition .lOiv. Nevada . ( Cal. A Arl.ona. . . 3, iTecumsf h ,1104 Greene Con .... 14' Total DOS ..,$05,151 Amer. Sugar .. do prd Amei'. T. a- T. . Amer. Woolen.. to pfd Doni. 1. A B. , , do pfd Maaa Oas .... United Fruit U. 8. Mach do pfd V. B. Steel do pfd Adventure A Hone. Amalgamated .. .Atlantic bid. Asked. to .. 81 .. 19 .. 21 .. U .. 24 .. 8 .. 1 .. ;9; ..126 .. 26 ..103 .. 16 ..100 .. 11 ... 61 - 1 ..10 t .. 66 .. 6 .. 10 I u, 1 .112 . 15a . 25 6 TUP. . ne Us ros sted. :-l.e.l, Inc; soft slieil, iba. forr la alntoiioa, bar ti At lb. . M ... .11 ... .4 40 .::. 1 an 114 :m all U Pt. I 1 he I H t S. i I at V III.. II.. H . 17. . Aff. .:7j t.t ..t-t Stl. las lu IW fr. oti I Vi:, 4 !', I 01 t I 01 M Oils aad Roala. NEW YORK. Nov. I. OIL St -sd ; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, ib'-fjn-; prime yellow, toe asked. petn.leuin. steady; refined Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.45; New York. $7 50; In bulk, 14 36. Turpentine, quiet. W,ti!iHC. M08IN Firm; attained, common 10 good, tt 25. SAVANNAH. O., Nov. t OIL Turpen tine. Arm, 6SVS'e. ROSIN-Firm; A. II, C 13 60; D, f3.S5; E, pyi; F. .",K; O. 14 1: H. 14 20: 1, 14 25; K, ! 64 75; M, 15 25; N, t7u; W ti. V6.25; W. ! J .60. I (JIL CITY. Ps , Nov. Oil, Credit j balance, $1.61; runs, 89.614 bola, average. I have, In connection with-'practical miners, secured noma most promising properties In the great!d, Ns ada, camp. We need aid for quick development. We art) confident of opening up good mines, as w are surrounded by tilts shipping mines. Write for particulars. Address GEO. W. E. Dorsey Fremontt Neb. After Nov. 17th. taoldfleld, Nevada. - i'nc Financial World M: YOKK CIIICAttS 23 llrssCway loailai.aels.hSta T'o Lot'ltDg IntDolal Woolly ValuaM to fUn'.ari sad Fhiaoctcrs Indlaps.iMbia tslavssters aad tpecolsteri The only Satoeial publication ef tta krntl. Send for frtw Sainoin You will beeoQTiuoea 4l lis value and aead jfour subauriptlwa. Till: FI'tACIAI. fORI.D 34 BroaUwar .w7rk