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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
omaiia srxnAi' fKTop.rjj l!H)t.. V : - r ;i 1 JUDGE A. N. FERGUSON DEAD rioaterLtwjer FM Away Altar Illnesi of Iwe 'Wei. CAME. TO MAH. HALF CtNTURY AGO on nf Fenner Frr(tn, Wilt Waa ' Appointed (klrf Jnetlee Mf bra Ik Territory br PrriMnt Fierce. Judge A. N. Ferguson died Friday after . nOTi at J o'clock, at hla ptaitlonc, aw J North Eighteenth Hoot, after a sickness i ul lit bout two week. rthur Northeote Ferguson wa born October 4, at Albany, N. V. Ill father wi Femer- Ferguson, who at th time of Judga Ferguson's birth wa a practicing attorney at Albany. Mia mother's maiden name was Helen E. Vp John; both art now dead. In about UiS Judge Ferguson with bla parents moved to Albion. Mich., and realdd there, until laming to Bellevue, Neb., In the fall of MM. At that tlma Fenner Ferguson, thj Judge's father, u appointed chief Justice of tha territory of Nebraska by President Flerc. being the first chief Justice. M looked 1u , tha Omaha Indian Agency l-ulldlnr. which waa prf4 for him. being a. log building at Belleruc. His nest door neighbor at that Umi waa J Sterling Morton. Tha playmate of A. N Ferguaon were Indian boye of the Omaha tribe. A. N. Fergupnn saw tha first newspaper In Nebraska printed, the Ne braskan, being present aa the first lu tan off the presa. In Michigan he attended the district schools, and at Bellevue he attended tha prlviu school of Mrs. Nye. About 1SS7 he attended a, school at Alexandria,. Vs., and afterwards at Klnderhook academy, Co. lumbta county. New Tork. In 162 he went with hie two brothers jnto the employment or tha Union Pacific aa civil engineers. assisting in locating and constructing the railroad. He worked for the fnlon Pacific ntil Ha then entered the University of Iowa and graduated In the Uw de pa.rtme.nt Jn 1870. Amons - Ms preceptor were JohnvF. Dillon. William (1. Ham mond, George B. Wright and C. C. Coin. Partner of Jaha I. Rralek. He began the practice of law at Bellevue In lffiO, remaining there until 172, when he moved to Omaha, which has been hi home ever since. His first partnership waa with Hon. J. I. Rttdi'k, and after wards he formed a partnership with Wil liam Neville., In 177 he was elected to the state senate for Douglas nnd Sarpy counties. In 1879 he waa elected district attorney of the Third Judicial district. In cluding Douglas. 8arpy and Burt. In 1S81 be was elected a member of the Board of Kducation of Omaha. On March 30, 18N. , he was appointed, Judge of the Fourth Judicial dlHtrlct by Governor Boyd. Ha was elected Judge of the district court In the fall of 1831 by the people and served a Judge five years. , , Ha, was married April If".. 1878. to Miss Delia X,. Bears. Two children survive, , Alice F., now -Mrs. CllfTorrt M. Firbes of thia city, and Miss 'Elizabeth F. Ferguson. Hie wife also survives. Fenner Ferguson was the first delegate to congress from the Nebraska territory, being elected In 1857. Judge Ferguson was a lawyer with a large practice and waa tinlveraally trusted and respected. Judge Ferguson was attorney far George Francis .Train In the numerous suits he had while . residing In this community. Judge Ferguaon, while on the bench shut off a move to locate a market house on Jefferaon square, holding that the aqtinra had been perpetually dedicuted to the use , of the Inhabitants of Omaha as a breathing , spot. ... EFFECT OF DEGRAW'S PLAN Xearly Thoasaad Raral arrlera . Xefcraska rnrne 1 a rnr la in recoiniuendation of Fouitli Assistant Postmaster General DeGraw for a substan tial Increase In the maxjmum salnry al lowed letter carriers In the rural delivery service will affect s large number of th rural carriers of Nebraska, of which then, are now 920. The maximum salaries paid to the Nebraska carriers Is or annum and the minimum IS. The difference I regulated by the length of tin- carrier PIMPLES, DLACKHEADS Uet Rid of All Yoor Fate Trouble Iq a Few lays' Time With the Wouderful Stnart Calctnm Wafer. Tkiti. 9AOXAoa hit rax. lou cannot have an attractive taea or a beautiful complexion when your b:ood h In bad order and full ot Impuritle. im" liir blood mean an Impure face, always The most wonderful as well as the tiioai rapid bhod cleanser t Stuart's Calcium Wafers. You use tbuut for a few days and the difference teila in your fae right SJ. i Most blood puritlera and akin Ireatmeni. 1 are full cf poison. Stuart a Calclun Wafera are guaranteed v free from an j poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. The) ! are aa harmlea aa water, but the result f at astonishing. . Tb worst case of akin diseases havr beea cured In a week by Uila qiiick-aclfii remedy. It contalna the most rnrect'v? working power of any purifier ever il. eovered-ealciuni aulphlde. Moat uluod and skin treatuicnta are terribly uW iiuart s Calcium Wafers have cured bil In three days. Kvery particle of Impurity Is driven out of your system completely never to return, and It Is done withoul oeranging your system n t(,e slightest No matter what your trouble la. whether pimples, blotche. blackheads, rh, tetfr ecaema, or scabby erasu. you can solemnly depend upon Btuerls Calcium Wafers aa never-failing. Pon t b any longer by having a blotchy face. IXn't have stranger, atar at you. or a now yor frleada to be Ashamed of you because of your face ' tavir blood makea you what you' th men and women who fo,g ,head are thoae with pure blood and pure facea. Did you ever stop to think of that? Stuart's Calcium Wafers are absolutely has-mles but the reeulismlghty ,atts- fymg to ou even at the end af a week 1 Thy will make you happy because j-our tce will be a welcome sight not only t. ourtlf when you luok In the g4Mt bu, ' to everybody elae who knows ou and talk with you. ' TVs want ta prov, to yea that Stuart i Calcium Wafera are beyond doubt the beat a.nd ulckeat blood and akin purifier la the world o we will send you a f aample aa aooti aa w get j,our nam tn1 addreaa. Bend for It today, and then whea yoj tried the sample you will not rci ronuiacu uuiu rou nave bought eoc bog at your druggisfa. 6end us your aatno and addreas todiy and wa will at nce send you by mu m aaa-.pla package, free, Address J x. Ktuart Co., H Stuart Bldj . Marshall lies. .,... AM ot Tri fhrk carrier t piM through the Omhi postomee. K( h j carrier I entitled to fifteen day' vacation j esrh. year nn full ray and the substitute ' no mini during the vacation of the nrlglnel canlcr iAld on the basis of $50 per month. INDIAN POLICE OUT OF JAIL Officer bn Remote Tarn Moan fraa Reservation net Writ. ef Habeas Carnna. Judge Munger issued a wilt of halH-a corpua Saturday morning In the esse of Chstles Oreen Rainbow, Peter Peeorah and James Fisher, Indian policemen at the Winnebago ggenry, who arc hold In con structive custody for alleged assault In forcibly removing Thorns t.. Sloan from the agency reserve a week ago. The oc casion for Sloan's removal wss under a Mile of. the Interior department which prohibit collector from being on the IK) acre reserve Immediately surrounding an Indian agency during the payment of lease monies or annuities to Indians. Mr. Sloan waa 911 the reserve to make a collection for aome cll-nt oetenibly. that day being a lease money payment day for the In dian aad Agent McFnttrldga ordered Ills removal fri"i the reserve. ' The Indian pnllrrmen carried out the order by taking Mr. Sloan ntt the leserve j in n nnaon. rioan immeoiaieiy nroiigrii Suit against the Indiana for assault and they ci. arrested and placed In con structive custody by County Judge Kl:ig of Thurstin county, ftilted "tst-a Dis trict Attorney Ooss Immediately sought te have the Indian policemen released on a ! writ of hebe corpus, but. Judge Munger was then out ,f me city and the Usuanee of -the writ could not be had until Batur day morning. The hearing on the writ Is set for November 12. The case Is Instigated for the sole pur pose of establishing the legality of the rule of the Indian department rraardintf the prohibition of collectors who have law- ) fill claims JUalmtt the Indians being at 1 the agencies, daring the time of payment j of monies to them. Mr. Sloan holds that , he rule is unlawful. ILLINOIS TAXES FRATERNALS ( sirt Dveiaes Madera Wood- j nr Otbrrs Mast I'ay 1 Faaaa. j Nebraska la not the tmlv stit In the union where fraternal beneficiary orders have boon required to pav taxes on their funds. The Illinois supreme court ha handed down a decision that all such vcon ccin must pay taxes on thoir mortuary funds and all other fund and money of j the societies. I The opinion was rendered In the case of j the e-.ipieme lodge of the Modern American fraternal order against the board of re view of Effingham county. The supreme lodge scheduled office furniture and sup plies tor luxation amounting to K.v, but the board of review added HO.toO, the amount' of mortHnry-nnd expense fund on hand. The lodge appealed the action, Claiming that the fund waa exempt under the provision, of the act of IS116, which pro vides that such money shall be exempt. The court hold that the legislature has not the power to pa such a law. A readjustment of rates may be made necesxary in some of the orders because of the Increase In expenaea thla will necessl. tata, as thousands of dollars formerly ex empt will be placed on the assessment tolls. j The court hold that 'the legislature ita not the power to exempt from taxation any property which Is not exempted in the 1 plain language of 'the constitution. 1 Under j the 6plnion the board of equHlltation Is 'required--to "asses the capital stock of'j mercantile and manufacturing corporations, ' companies orgnntzed for publishing pur- j poses, etc.. and the only exemptions which : can possibly be made are property which 1 la used exclusively for agricultural and ' horticultural societies, school, religious. ; cemetery and charitable purposea and the property of the state. ' county and mu-' ulclral corporation. UNIQUE CASE BEFORE MUNGER salt lavalTlaw Jarlsdlctlea ( Jasllre ' aad the Keaeral Caarta 4 limes tp. ' A petition haa been filed before ' J titty t Uunger of the federal court, to be argued 1 time n'xt ek, which 1 being . Hatched wlih great Interest by the legiU .".atcrnily of Omaha, as It Involves the riiiex'.hm of the Jurisdiction of Justice .-otn ts over cases which may le within the Jurisdiction of the federal court. ' - I Hamuel Kid, plaintiff. 1 the owner Of ! the t.uildings at l.W-S-ll Johe street ahlch ere occurietl by the fi.t IlorschM ttnnufact tiring coinjisny. defendants, who seek, to retain Hseiton of the premise j under a lease, while Mr. Katl is tittemiilltujr j o;it thv pr..ei tenants by an action I lorniuie nrrxry snirn was nrmixnt oerore i be l:is'.ti-e of the neacs cmiit of XV .v i If'osl'.T. 4 ' The defendants have filed a petition .for iho remoal of the case to the federal com Is on the ground of diverse oiMxenshly f the jvaitleii to the proee-dlngs inn) alo i the additional ground that the case In ..veitrove-.y eveeeda fc'.ono in value to the i. rtles rm rned ' This Is presumably the first cae of this 1 ..-.ctlptioii which hs ever laen brought,, -Monarch," the large bull buffalo at the court in thia Jurisdiction . nnd rvi(.w ,,k, will be sold bark to Colone! ,e ultmuue outcome I open to consld- , n m,,,, y (Buffalo Bill) for con- table miet-tion. there being many opinions i slderatlnn of ri. which will bs 0 more ': merits of the controversy. j than ,he pitrh bo4r(J ,4 fl)r ,ne ajumtl ...... Tr out nn r-itsi icxii i nearly three years ago. uKtcN ICA. Dill Nil tuULISH j The matter came up Saturday morning 1 Irish Wiisia Bulks an Raylng V- thing wlih air. Rail's .Name Attached. A West l' street grocer is a customer, a woman, mtive of rlioerald fctle.. r.d she is inherently ..p,M)W.U ' mm.ine ... - w an.vthlng that is Kt.gltso. A d,,v or tao : "' ,h" '"' B1 "J ,hjt ,g the gr,Hr s clerk called at Mis. -'' f '"" cuM .mmii- erty's residence for his mmal ord-r ,, ? Wrs Is. held for the delivery of the Sol ars. Ifferty ked him If thev ha.l any i mH'- hi' " r,'" "n'1 vlrlou' brU,,k' . j. "Ves, we hate a flue uuallty or Knglinh ireskfast tea thai hare Itiat r-.. I.-. nd It's fine." 1 ,n Pari n f' year ago. W'hfti lluffalo "Xot any' KitKlisl. lay f.,r me. f Vou , "'' '"' returning home the animal please. I w. uldn t dih. or ineself i.y 1 placed in Rcervliw park and lter Irlnklug it." ' so'tt " H rlty of Omaha after an Incident "But. Mrs. Ifferty, it is a green tea " th Ilr- ,,, r, "n'nf"l ''' unl K- J "Well, tnat s different. If It Is rale green i t orn,!,U ' r" vl"luK- r '"" feon ye can send n e half a pound. Ilui no '"fsmnn and the park c.nimUnloner were Kngllsh In mine." standing axaiuM the ire sereering which - - (Separated "Monarch" from the broa 1 iU0PI IFTFR rallCUT IM iPTIPlains . VMWI too fc.. I wnyyu I f tJ t . as. tinea ta Jail aad Sear eh I Ream Discloses Several Ptolea Articles. Lte Friday afternoon Mr. I,. It!. M South Thlrt-euth street, was arrested by Dretttlve Malonev 011 the charge of shop lifting. Mrs. Reed Was seen Meullitf v eral fneces of lac from a loonier In a dea Bros. store and the d-teeticr aa called. In the police court Saturday she was sentenced ta ttdrty days in Jail, llor rooms Were searched, four silk waists be longing to the ll.iMon store being (ountk and 4 fuiorf-r imvh by Detectives Maloiuy and afcIVmaid brought to light other stolon property, tor which no claim haa be-n Biaaa 1 We Trust " fSnriM the People ' Xj . N OTU ! :..--'- V',,-. ', , ' M 1 t . , ' a 'a, w I ar-aaafc.,sMii3 . . .- " 1. - k Our Wgl Whether advertised or not advertised, is guaran teed by the maker and ourselves. Iron Bed Outfits tExactly like cut). . Consisting of Vernls Martin Iron led. a cotton top and bottom 1 cotton top and bottom jn.fftZ' mattress and a good I f Fi d T mhatantial spring, spc- I j 1 1 ! i :-ial price for com- i UU pleto outfit aUa V Terms, 91.00 Oash W.0 Moathly lit if.. 1 w-- i e- at - -1 1 n all is ! Ur3 OUR EASY CREDIT TERMS: On On a bill of tiS.OO $2.50 Cosh and a bill of IvO.OO lo.oo Cash and on a bill of ITn.oo ti.BO Casli and On a bill of $100.00 ilO.OO Cash and $8.00 a month Larger bllla In proportion. Our Special Steel Range Is made of cold rolled ateel, as'.iestos llneu, a very high quality, LMiplex guiles, nickel trimmed. We offer tills si-lioie sperm, steel range, Inclnd- i ing high warming closet, with large 16 Inoh oven for Terms, 93.60 Cask; 93.00 Monthly m I BUFFALO BILL GETS MONARCH j - i f Colotel CodT FaJI Tilt i Otrd llilj 1 01 1., Tr.minm for Old Bisoa. j THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS THE fRICt I ( ounnssloaers llei-lde . to Make si j pravemeafls at Rlvervleev : rsrk Before tke First the Yea a, nt the reuular nieftlng the Park coiu- ma)lniiers thr ugh a cummuiiicatlim from ; Hll McCune, HuPlalo Bill' rt pi-esentatlva in thnnha. Commissioner I'-. J- CornUSt j moved that Mr. MeCune's cffT be accepted , j and the m.ithn carried. In making his inc t'he ! "n Mr- C' rolslv wanted It expressly under- A Ulie (!ISl'UI-ins nil" e I.- 10 .n'liaii.o Kjtuiday mnrnlny It deyelopfj tlmt the aniiiisl r1" a grocery store out of business Oae of the l ist of HU M-..e "Ot.e of tin- lat of his race: a noble brute he is." remarked the colonel to the cxiii rrdionr. Then Monarch made a tcloin lunge to aat'4 Colonel - Codr. a ho Jun.ped about thirty-six ardn 'hrounh the clear niornlng tt n'Oaphere and landed in another part Of the park. Now Colonel t'miy is luinkcring for M n arch. A few wrk ago a hen the colon. mas In Om.ih on hH way home from Ku rope he btoaihed tlie subject to Bill Mo Cune. Althosgh the buffalo like to break the monotony now and thrn by trarln? things tip he is said to lie one of the bea. specimen of hi lace row living. U 1 the present plan of the' park Uiard to makg improvement on the pavilion at yourself. You will find all goods marked in plain figures; everything exactly as advertised. You can obtain any article advertised at the advert i set! price when you answer any of our advertisements. Cuts ued in this and all our ads are absolutely correct and the descriptions accurate. AVe invite you to cut from thi advertisement any article with the description, and verify both with a personal visit here. Everything & '. ' , f -K 1 ' L..-, K at- f-7 Base Burners We are sole agents for Star Ins tate steel ranges, Estate 'Oak Heaters, Home Coral Bone Kur tiers and the famous Gar land stoves and ranges. We ore ;tig itaae Humeri nickel trimmed, jm with large guar-efl anteed tiro pot. I 1 upward 1 from URae riurnera heavily Carpets. Rugs and Dedding All wool Ingialu car pet, our r'-gulur 7"o aradc. special (5QC Heavy blankets, extra heavy weight, regular ft!?.:?.'" Tiger Brussels Rug, lixi-i. luxifc HMSiirtitient, Plieclal designs nnd patterns. A 7SC special priOi. ,u' " Terms, $1.50 Cash) S2 Monthly 13.0" a month a moniii. t.00 a month Box Seat Diners (Exactly like cut) Made of aolid oak, highly polished, tiaa genuine leather seats, structed very and durable usually re tails for St. our special price 1612 The Peoples Rlverview park before January 1 by en larging that structure to nearly double Its present dimensions. The expenditure will run from KOttt to $5.oni. The present archi tecture of the building will be preserved In the addition. Particular attention will beof given to public accommodation rooms. J. P. Outh. architect, was Instructed to se cure bid and present them to the board aa soon as possible. NEW HERD AT NEBRASKA CITY Klka Corral Mia Batch at M lid Unea that Osaaha l.udae Will Helai Tame. Omaha lodge of Eiks proposes to invade Nebraska City Saturday evening, Novem ber 10. where a herd haa been cilleated fir Initiation and Instruction. The work of in stituting the new lodge will be In charge of lu. C. Page of Omaha, district deputy of the order, and Omaha and Plattsmouth lodges will furnish the working force and spictntor. Omaha Klka are negotiating for a apecial train to take 1W or more mem ber. The young Elk In Nebraska City will entertain the visitors with a banquet Humphrey s' Serein j -Bcvea Cures Grip and Old firenie-u say "that the first fif teen minutes of a fire often decider the fata of a buildiov." It's so wit.' a Cold if you take ' Seventy-seven at tbe flrat feeling of lassitude; tha FODC, let down fcelitig of weakness and before tbe eneegina; begins it all break up your Cold at once. ' Seventy-seven" cure a Cold In inor id a need stages but it takes longei "Seventy-seven" is put up In a smal vial of pleaaant pellets that fits tb est pocket. At Oruggists, cents or mulled. Doctor's l'.oik mailed free. Humphrey's Honn o. Medicine Co. 1 'u William and Joint streets. New Voik. con-strong - ;-.-. . . . -1. . ) ti'V: ', awa? Banquet Oak Heater (Kxactly like cut) This itanquet Oak leater is nicely nickel trimmed, has screw draft regis ter, oil castings are smoothly jrktii- Dressers (Kxactly like cut) Made, of solid oak. highly polished, Inrge roomy drawers, French beveled mirror of oblonsr shape. trimmings are oild brass, guaranteed sround WfJIJill Will ftlllltllHMI', our special and tit snug our special. , . price. . Taraas, 1.00 Cash; He Our Tlir-Rooin Out f Ita, Fumlhed Complete $71.30. Terms -1)17.50 TsjhIi; M.OO MouUily. jnsion TaL (Exactly like cut) Filiished In the latest quarterrawed has large 4;-lnch top with very 4 These tables are nuiu extra strong . am are of a high grade ord recular 12.oU value, our sp price TERMS, fl.00 CA; $3.00 mm? ' W N V - . & TARNAM STREETS, OMAHA, Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1887. at the conclusion of the evening a buaincft Tho annual stag social of Omaha Elks , set for Thursday evening. November Plans for this event promise a departu from former entertainments. A numb. amateura aapirittg for atage honors w be given a chance to ahow the Muff thul In them before the members, who will il.. penae encouraging applause and a fe prizes. Secretary Furay la rapidly boui Ing entries In this clasa, but there Is roun for mure and blue rlhboua are plentiful. IMPLEMENT MEN'S MEETING ( osestls ut lorra aad VrhratLi Dealera la Be Held In Uanaha it Month. Assistant Secretary J- l- Klngcr if the Nebraska and Western Iowa Retail Imple merit and Vehicle Dealers' association hae Issued the official program 'fur the convrii tion, which Is to be held In Omaiia, No vember IS. 14 and 15. Business sessions w-ill be held Tuesday WedneFday and Thuratlay mornings an: Wednesday evening. A smoker will b, given Tucsdny evening by the Jobbers for the dealers, at which V. U HalW of the I.lnlnger Implement company will preside 4nd Mayor Ialhnin will deliver an ad dref r.f welcome. At the Wednesday even ing session addresses will be given by Je rome Slianip of Lincoln and Henry Wal lace of lien Moines, editor of Wallace' Farmer. All meeting will be held at the Commercial club. In the afternoon the dealers will visit the implement house of Omaha and Council Bluffs. STUBBS STORY IS DOUBTED 1 amor that He Will aaceeed Harri man la 5vt Taken fterlonely In Omaha. The story sent out from Chicago that H. Harriman is to retire from the "residency ef his various Hues and assume he chairmanship of the board of directors .f each, and that J. C. Stubbs will become resident In hla place, dnea not Impresa self seriously on t'nlon Pacific offlclula in tmaha who have taken time to give It a hought. One of these official point out 'tar it would be like returning to the old jllcy, for less than three year ago It "is .hat Mr. Harriman absorbed the preal encles of his roads, thus inaugurating his resent policy. Hie thinks there Is little i.ellhood of Harrlman's I everting himself. !e also points out that while Mr. Stubbs, 1 his Judgment, la the best traffic man In le wo: Id. he la a fccl;ilit. or an expert 1 a single line, and not a general execu te, nor a financier, sxich as the man who v JUL mm AKK IT EASY for you-FAH KASIEIl thnn you think, to )ost'ss a cozy anil comfortable home. Our way of extend ing credit is genteel and refined--greatly different and far better than you can get elsewhere. terms are trenerous our treatment i liberal; in short, the wage-earner gets at this store just what he wants; bis convenience is con sulted as to how and when to pay. We do not re quire payments during sickness or loss of em ployment. ( "We want you to visit our store and seo for 1 yn - ' 1 WTT- .---It':'-''" - ' j ' 4 50 ' ta.00 Moatkly U The Peoplei Store Tl I j Special Kitchen 1 y Cabinet ll (Exactly Ilk cut) Terms. $1.00 Cash: S1.00 Monthly This cabinet has golden oak finish, is built by master workmen, made very strong and durable, Hie construction is ierfect, the base has two large bins each holding 50 pounds of flour or other ineal. Right above this, as 6hown in illus tration, are two large drawers for knives, forks, spoons, etc. There is a large bread board and good sized meat or chopping board. The top has four good sized drawers'for spices, and two large glass door compartments. This cabinet stands 61 inches high, is 47 inches wide and has a depth of 25 inches. It occupies the space of kitchen oak effect, heavy rim. table and has th room of a cupboard our special price, complete. . . . icciai a- 0 KOITTaIX.T t; hi nanaisri r atatiMMaarti n j ii mM , The Peoples Store Soecial Velour Couch (Exactly like cut) The frame la made of solid onk and Is highly polished, the coverings are 01 seiecien veiours over guar- iS" nn toed and highly tempered springs. We are fv J rt IB showing this couch In tops our special prioc TXXMS, (1.00 lucceeded Mr. Harriman certainly would ;ive to be. For these and other reasons the story going begging In Omaha for adnercnta. a matter of fact, and thls is a point L overlooked In Omaha, Mr. Stubbs la t next In line of succession' to Mr. Har ;mn, snyway, snd If the latter were eon .niplatlng the change ascrllied 14 him, it not thought that Mr. Stubbs would sue eed him as president. Julius Kruttechnltt lands next to B. H. Ilanlnian In the mnn igoninnt of the vast Pacific system, and .'.iliua Kruttachnltt, aa director of mainle. .ante ami operation, exerclsea the func ion of a genetal executive, while J. C. -tubbs, aa general tiaffic director, exer ises powers of less comprehensive scope. o the Impression prevails locally that iviuttschnilt would be the mini selected by Harriman for president should the Iktt'.r tiike the notion of turning over that pos'l lon to any other person. 3ENTIST ASKSJOR DAMAGES Or. tieorge W. Todd goes Valley foi Arrest When He Hefases to Pay License. Dr. George W. Todd, a dentist in tin Karbaeh block, not only objects to paylnc (1 a day for the privilege of pulling th teeth of citiaena of Valley, but he wantt that village and Oscar Talbott, the tuwi marshal, to pay him 5,Xi0 for allege, false arrrst. The village council passci. an ordinance requiring visiting dentists n pay 1 a day license fee. Pr. Todd rafuso to pay It at first and was arrested by Tal bott. Then he paid the money under pro test, but, he asserts the village authorities were wrong in levying the tax. Suit foi fo.ojo was begun In district court Satur day. The eV represents the money 1 ha OmoJiOL Likes .1. 1 f . T' ir.-ri l : a- : r F r P. If anybody in Omaha has any doubt about "Tha Hurdler" being th craze of the day, let him ask Julius Thlele, musical director of the Krug theater, and be will tell you what the people think about it when hla orchestra plays it. It is being whistled on the streets by the newsboys and la being played la the homes by the meet fashionable. The music stores are busy supplying the de mand and the publishers. The Tolbeit It. Ingram Music Co., Denver, Colo., who agree to send copiea to those outside of the city desiring them for Z cents each, write that ihey have been flooded with ordeis, but are able tf eupply all demand. : I U : - ' C MO . '". t both smooth and tuneu CASK a.00 H01TTXZ.T paid under arrested. protest to avoid being r- DETECTIVES ONJMURDER CASE Forre Detailed ga tarda? Marnla After Chief ana Hnaamelbarta Held aa Interview. The seared for th murderer of Miss Kummelhsrt still orenpies the attention f a considerable portion of the police force. Friday afternoon the brother of th fnur-dotx-d woman, Joseph A. Hummrlhart. and hla wife were calle.t to th police station and had an extended conference with Chief of Detectives Savage. Following this In terview several detectives were detailed on the rasa Saturday morning, but Chief Sav age aid there were no clues at present which could be considered a protnlel ii;. yet Interest in th case haa In no wire abated and tha work of Investigation aid be continued Indefinitely. ' Goad Caagh Medlclna'tor Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care cannot be used to protect the children. A child I much mora likely to contract diphtheria or aearlet fever when he haa a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. Chamberlsin's Cough Remedy Is the so reliance of many mothers, snd few of them who have tried II are willing 'o u; any other. Mrs. K. F. Starcher of r.ipley, W. Vs., saya: "I have never used anythli.g I other than C'hamberlaln'a Cougli ltcmvdc ' 'or mv children and It haa sin-iiv eti-n good satisfaction." Thla remedy contain no opium or other narcotic and may be given a confidently to a child as to an adult. Dr. Aberly, ftith and N. Tel. A 13 the New "Hit" - - a r r m : . t . . y . .4 TWi J afT F F - ' ' a. 4. ti r' ' r: 4 t . , i ! i ' 'it ! i I : f I f M