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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
ft Till: OMA'lf A PT7NPAY TW.F.: OCTOF.KT? lfoT. 4 A "PRETTY MATRON OWES HEALTH TO PE-RU-NA. yMooooooooK) oooooooooooooooooooo 000009 4 if II ' i .'" 1 : 2 ' ." 4 I c i 5 v Y EDUCATOR ADVOCATES VICE Frincipil of Normal Eoliool io Japsn En coursees Immorality. STUMBLING BLOCK TO MISSION WfiRK ntlii e force of the county JtnlK II office to count the small pieces. SENSATION IN MEXICO CITY Ambassador Thompson, Who la (harird with bleliHna AllfKUl Kmhmlrr, l)flfi rkirif, Women Missionaries Report This na KrHrnrr of I rsrenl ff of hrtatlan Tffhl In the Orient. DEMOCRATS SORE AT ALLEN Party Ltsdsrs Are Vad Fecanw He I)n clad Alliance with Railroads. FEAR FICTION CANNOT OVERCOME FACT Spectacle of Flrynn'a Brotoer-ln-l.nw, na Stair Chairman, TrlnK Ip with Corporations Creatra Fornr, MKXH'O C1TV. Oct. 24. Somewhat cf a ' sen mi ion was caused In ftnsnclnl circles ' tonight when It was lonnfd that warrants h-nl been lsic.l for the arrest of J. K. , Slnrr Hunt and three of his asnclats charged with fraud In their handling of the ' i lunds of the defunct Internal ional Rank j " " and Trust Company of America. Tlif sen- The tell-tale lettor of T. 8. Allen, stats The rending of official :rTerp.:iHetM-e Mfm v,a greatly ningnlllcd In the I'ntted 'democratic chairman, published In Tha from the scv. nil for.'lnn th Ur, t-.iiil .'nieiiod, j Rce, has sent a cold chill up the. .spinal by brief talks from missionaries rrnm these , mWsul.jf 'rhiimn-oii oopnlv tiolumim and a hot flimh around tha collar . field", t-pmlored 8nturlny inor I 8 hp "f t in ,.11rc,.,i w;, rndiavorliiK to Kliield Hunt. of 1("'u' domwratH. Tlioy art' acarcd for inot Intrri-MiiiK sr-.sfons i.f tlic iii' flliiK ol j yUr poller nnd ifrr i-crlft H'-iits are lllolr l"y safety and angry ol Air. .3 thr Woi.uiin roroik-n "'"'' j i,H,kn.f for Hint. but ha vp been unablo as In HTPflon at First Metbodlst cluirih. , y,,, U) ,M.te ljnii altboueh thry day they The rrport from Japan, pti-wntou r .yiiks ; ar po,mvp ne s n the city C. .1. ariinlian rf rrnlaib lphln. ton i , cffertivc wmk and rich rpurd. but the! F.inic baniliciip tbut l everywhere expcrl- t AIiViTh candor In disclosing- the true colore of democracy In Nebraska. Of Course, no nienitcr uf the Jcfleraon party, haa been MRS. ANNA N. KAISER. Itiad SuJfereJ, Stvertly From Pelvic Catarrh Cannot Fratst Ptruna Tno JfinhfoR-ai Ifrr Tjtttrr. rH. 'ANNA N. . K.MSKR, Two, , HcportN Ht-r C'tiro. Illvera, Wis., wes n snffi rcr from I After continuing the treatment a uhort jlpalvlc catarrh to such iin eM' iit that i time longer. Alra. Kal r reports her wha could ! hardly do own work. In cure, as follow s: "Held too few wolkcra. Mlsa fieorglann Ilonciia of Toklo, editor of Tokiwa, the only t'hilwtlan Ionian pci,T tn Japan, viv idly plcturctl the need of Christian educa tion in Japan Just at this time. I'pon au thority that h considered un'iuestlenabls, she stated that the principal of one of th largest normal schools openly encourages and advocates his men teachers' patronising the licensed houses of prostitution and re turned to lilm their tickets of expense, the. Ambnssador Thompson denies any connec lo """n -i,h cs. ,i mv the rhnr... rols nor deny Its desirability to the d-mo- . .. . .....j I crats, but many there are .who denounce i The lnternullon'il Hunk and Trust mm Deny was omanlieil in the fall of VM2 and went Into the hands ol' a receiver on Octo ber 17, 1!::. It wag the tlrst bank fnlhire In the republic for fifty-seven yearn and created a sciiantlon at tne time. The bank had seven branctcs throughout the repub lic olid was capitalised for tl.850.wo. AVhen It went to the wall Its liabilities totaled f.&.yot. Hunt was the uttorney for the tank ami Mr. Allen's policy of frankness as a stupid piece of campaign mismanagement. "He has placed himself and his party in a bad mess." remarked a certain well known democratic leader to a republican candidate for. tho legislature. "If this Is his Men of runnlusT a campaign he will learn by this experience that his Ideas are not thoso of his purty nor those that will win. It seems to me that common sense would have restrained him from lotting- tho cost of which Is deducted from their fala- tt was charged that he favored creditors .... . ' ' ,,, , ,h and fraudulently and falsely dated mimer- ' e and U8cf, by th(J opposltloll. xhen ho nes. While In the past the teachers have ehleflr been men. the recent war with TUis sia took the men Into the army and oinwd the greatest opportunity that has ever been afforded women In Japan. As u result the graduates cf the Christian schools are In demand and n( salaries greatly In xccs of whnt the mlyxionm les can afford to pay. Women are crowding Into all lines of In dustry nnd the creat cry Is for education. It h:is been estimated that f illy W per C"nt upon them after the Institution was In the rec "Ivors' hands. Associated w ith him in the trnnsricllcns were J. O. Rice, general manager of the defunct laink.; W. O. Staples, a member of the board of direc tors, and Antonio XUncun Alas, confiden tial adviser of Hunt. Charges were brought ugHlnst tho men :ome time ago, but the matter was post poned from time to time. Finally 11 was of the girls nre now In s hoo!. The demand rumored that Influences were being brought describing! her symptoms,- she wrote: I 1 ' have such terrible l'.Uachn, imd frJrta below my' shoulder blades, way' mpwn my bock and across my lit ph. and j timee pains In the pelvic ' organs, so, Itj4t I am not able to He down or sleep..' tiil am afraid I may be fretting heart 1 f trouble." ' " After taking Peruna and following Dr. Ttart man's Instructions for several weeki. ilrr. Kalsef- reported as follows: T feel Wuch stronger nnd do not get ' HnarvouB as I Used to. The ;in Is cn- t!r1y gone, 'except when I work a little ) too hard. The medicine has done me Wonderful good. I am taking Perunii ,and Mannlin. My bowels are also in ikood condition. i for admission to the Christian kindergar tens Is so greatly In excess of the accommo- I datlon that children are reglsterl for ad- i ,. , "I must drop you a line to let you mission nimosi as soon as nicy are norn. know that I am well now and cured with i , Benefits ol the War. your medicine. I must thank you for ! The women of Corea. like those of Jan, the advice you gave me. ! -lve been afforded unprecedented oppor- "The medicine Is something wonder- i tunity by the war The Invasion of Japa ful 1 eann.'t -.raise It enough for tho nese. according to Miss L. C. Rothweller. good It has done for me and I hope j has rendered the people eager for newer others will be freed from their j mean anu so open io nrisimn ui..u-..L. j It is common prediction more, uowever. i ,..- ,iei.e.i ti..ra vlu, a.e suf- ei wiinm nve years me nauve jr-a.oury faring as I did to consult you and many i f Invaders will cause them to with nre taking my advice. If ever I need j th1'' Pre li"-P "allty to the new me.ii. ine again. I know that Peruna w,n i coiner and be difficult to reach, as they , , i never have been before nnd the misslon- many sjiffering.' help tne. ! .An Kxcollent Tonic. Mrs. Kmlly Ross Perry, S19 ISth Ave., : X. K.. MlnucBpolis, Minn., writes.: "I have tried Peruna and found It an j excellent 'tonic and cure for catarrhal i troubles." to bear to quash the proceedings. Not until tonight was It definitely known should have remembered his own personal position. He (a not only the law partner of A. II. Talbot, attorney for the Missouri Pacific railroad at Lincoln, but he Is tho brother-in-law of William J. Ilryan, the body and soul of tho democratic party m the nation. What sort of a fix does Allen's Indiscretion put Mr. Bryan In? Here Is Hryun all these yeurs belaboring himself to estnhlish a record of freedom from coiporation alliance and Influence, and his brother-in-law, as chulrman of the democratic committee of Ne braska and general manager of tho that the men would be prosecuted. When j Rtat campaign, making alliance, with tho S ' ' The Purest and Most Delicious :: t: Confection Made. ! ' The simple reason why;, they are a little hetter than any "other, is ' because we take particular pains to make them better. Our chocolates are made in our own confectionery from the purest material money can buy. They are made under ; our ' 'personaf supervision. Tluw facts count, in re sults Acoimt; in .producing, chocolates of incomparable pu rity and deliciousness. Try a box the next time you vbuy--per pound. .............. .. P"C MINUTE" CHOCOLATES 30c "EVERY FEW per pound. 'Every faw Minutes'' Chocolates Is our new popu lar prise Chocolates. Popular in pries and ' popular In quality. -None half so good for the money. DYBALL'S, 1520 Dougas St. Visit Our Fountain for both Hot and Cold Drinks. frr ... arles recognize in the next few years their j greatest opportunity to obtain for Chrls- , nanny a permanent looiuoi.i. wmr in me . difficulties of the work and much of Its encouraging tide was prest'iited from Ma- I lauslu, the Philippines, Burma, India, I China and Italy also. Bishop W. V. Oldham, the missionary bishop of Couth Asia, was one of Saturday morning's arrivals. He spoke briefly, urg ing the women to work, not iih branches, but as one society, utilizing their mission aries wherever they can do the must ef fective work, regardless of the branch that j sends them out. He emphasized the neces sity of a worker's mastery of the lan guage or the village vernacular of the j people among whom she works and nd . vised that two things be Insisted upon: j Fitvt. that a porker be not overtaxed with I work the first year, and, second, that dur- ! 1 e it thut ven r Him he rontilreH to cret n fntr knowledge of the language. The effective ness of the work done depends largely, Jie said, upon the preparation of the worker. Hospital na Memorial. " A hospital to be built at Kolar, India.' at a tost of tl-,000, as a memorial to Mi-s. Cowen, late secretary of the Cincinnati branch and a sister of Bishop Thoburn of India, was one of the projects informally discussed among the women Saturday morning. The "Quiet Hour" was observed at 2 o'clock uud a children's rally Is being held this afternoon. There will be no session Sutuiuuy evening. An Indian Jubilee Is scheduled for 10:3) o'clock Sunday morning at the First Meth od I si church. Bishop W. V. Oldham pie : Fldlng. Sunday evening's session at the I First Methodist church, at 7:4n o'clock; will be one of the most Important of tho entire conference. There will be no services In the other Methodist churches of the city, ihat all may participate In the anniversary service, at which Mrs. A. W. Patten will preside. The annual report of the society will be made at this time by Mrs. C W. Barnes, secretary. Mrs. Marcus I.. Talt, one of the ablest women of the orgauiza- j ! tlon, will deliver an address, "Is It Worth I Wl.Un e. CKrlutlunl.. - "V t'hsnie tn P row. ram. 'this was made public, H. W. Wilson of the firm of Warner, Johnson Wilson, at torneys of t lie liquidating committee, made hla charges Against the l'nlte.1 States am bassador here. Ho said to n representative of the Asso ciated Press: We have Indisputable evidence that Ambassador Thompson has acted im properly In this case. He went to Presi dent Dlna In an effort to have the pro ceedings against Hunt dismissed, and later wrote a letter to Judge Ortega, before whom the rase was pending. In an en deavor to Influence that Jurist. We have druwn up a statement embracing these charges and will forward the same to the Stale department at Washington. I be lieve we have sufficient proof in the case to warrant llie recall of the ambassador. Ambassador Thompson received the rep resentative of the Associated Press at his home here late tonight. He contented himself with a simple denial of the charges. He said: I never interceded with the president In behalf of Hunt, nor did I ever Improperly try to Influence a court In this case. IjCt tliem file their charges. They will find It is serious matter when they cannot prove them. The authorities at Washing ton know of every move I make here and know I would not do wrong. The president of the defunct Interna tional Bank and Trust company was C. H. Hunt, now serving a sentence In Jnllet. 111., for hank, wrecking. He organized the Panamerlcan bank after the failure of the International. He Is no relative of J. E. Starr Hunt. The latter was secre tary of the Third Panamerlcan congress held In this city some three years ago. most powerful corporations of the state, am) then publishing to the world his plans. "Of course, they say we should bo easy on Mr. Alien because of his youth and In experience In politics, but I think In tho first Instance, that In making the alliance with the railroads, he has shown himself quite an experienced democrat; his only error was In declaring , his plans. "The most damaging feature of the whole affair," asserted another democrat, "Is that Mr. Allen's letter reveals the fact that not only Is he In league with the railroads to defeat the republicans this fall, but that hisf action has received, the approbation of the democratic party and leaders of the state. Here are our papers, some of them, making their masquerade fight against 'corporation rule,' and along comes this ac cursed letter to fly up In their faces and disarm them of the best argument they I may put forth. The fact that Allen has 1 bad copies of these letters sent broadcast over the state among the democrats proves more convincingly than anything else could that the party has endorsed the compact with the corporations. I don't mind saying It will take some pretty fine oratory and editorials to overcome the effect of this blunder." Bee Want Ads produce results. The Pianola Piano .. Th only piano that unites in a single in y . strument a piano of the highest grade with the "Standard Piano-Player of the World." . "Whenever you hear this or that "Player-Piano". spo ken of you are hearing a direct tribute to the Pianola Piano, for its success has inspired the many imitations. If you want this new idea in music at all, surely you want it in. the shape of the Pianola Piano, the only . instrument that contains a Piaiio-Player of the grcat 'est prestige,' the' only one with that indispensable help, . the Metrostyle, and the only one that enters into the question at all when well-posted musicians make the election. ' Prices, $550 to $1,000; purchasable on moderate monthly payments. Schmoller (Si Mueller Piano Company 1311 and 1313 Farnam St T. P. A. BENEFIT PERFORMANCE Panda to Re Devoted to Fnrnlshlna; at Room iu . Some Hospital. Friday evening an entertainment was given at the Lyric theater under the aus pices of the Ladies' auxiliary of Post A of the Travelers' Protective association, which was most liberally patronized by friends of the organization. Tho proceeds derived from the event will be devoted toward fur nishing a room In one of the hospitals for the use of knights of the. grip belonging to the travelers' Protective association who may be taken 111 while sojourning in Omaha, as at present the organization Is without adequate facilities for caring for its members in this manner. Several of the lendng musicians of Omaha generously contributed their services. Mrs. Wetanans rendered Mendelssohn's "Rondo Capprlcl oso;" Miss Kllzubeth Humling sang Schu bert's "Serenade;" Fred I Green, tenor, sang "Oh. Come to Me, Mavourneen," and Mrs. Y. D. Holbrook sang "Butterflies," ac- MnmniiH tiv Mlua Rertha Hisalns. Grace i V , u"- - Lennon Conklln pleasingly read one of the dau Misses Welthy B. Hons nger. Alice mafl lec of Jonn Lutn,r nfi ..Mad. Brethorat, Minnie I.. Rank and Illene Tung. I ,, ..... ., I. .1 . . . , I ajne Butterfly, for the west yterday. to sail from! . , wo. .,.,, n. a...... I- - - - . .. . il... , , . , . " - - the program fr the afternoon and lnntei! of tho candidates telling why they go to tho foreign field, the returned missionaries recited their individual experiences that lead them to go into the misson work. Two bongs In the signs language by pupils of the Nebraska Sehool for the Deuf contrtbut.d in interesting feature to the program. Load of Miuall Chance. five hundred pennies and almost as man;- nickels and dimes were pul.l into county court Saturday morning by H. B. Peters of the Merchants hotel ua garnishee in the case of Gladstone Bios, against Geome Kay. Mr. Kay had the catering privilege at Krug park last bummer and lie lieiHi.rited a part of his money in the Merchants' hotel safe. When the ult wag brought on a grocery bill the plaintiffs at tached the mouey. It required most of th cores were numerous. A considerable sum was realized toward the equipment of the room In the hospital, although it has not been definitely decided In which hospital a room wll be taken. BUY JCsn!ulire Mepraaamauvss 7 - Ta aT iTIr CaZ7tife 11 Scficol Children Aged Ten Years and. Under CAN GET ' ' A Cox of Water Color Paints FREE . Containing sight colors and a brush by 611. log out ttuJ presenting the TollowinaT coupon On or Ccforo SATURDAY, NOV. 3, 190G Kama of party who you illicit N about to buy a plauo. LEEPY EYE KINO OP ALL FLOUR Special for this vvesk A Sst of Artlstle Souvenir Post Cards with ovcry sacK CMAHA FIRM -BRANCHES OUT Western Contractors' Supply t'oan- y Opens Offles In bolae. Idaho. The Western Contractors' Supply . com pany of Omaha, organized a few months ago by Russell 8. Harris and Allan B. Hamilton, both Omaha boys, Is opening a branch office at Boise, Idaho, and some Omaha man probably will be sent to tako charge. This concern ha secured the contract for furnishing the stone and stesl In the new South Omaha city hall and Jail and has also contracted to furnish the steel for the bridge which the Trl-State Land company of Omaha Is building acroas the North Platte river at Morrill, near Scott's Bluff, Srtimciier & Mueller Piano Go. 1311-13 FARNAM STREET. Established Naarly Ona-half of a Cantury. Tha Largsat Piano Houss In tho Waat. In order to sharply reduce stock we offer a limited number of pianos at clearing sale price. Anyone seeking a good oervlceaiiH unrlght piano, or a stylish-looking baby grand piano should embrace tha unusual opportunity now offered by us. All the new sample pianos lately received have been set aside and marked at figures far below thj manufacturers estimate of their value. All pianos that have been rented for brief terms or have been loaned for performances and musicals, or have had other slight use, havo been placed In condition equal to new, and are offered at a avlng to the purchaser of from 20 per cent to 33V4 per cent. Lastly all the ptanos taken In exchange for new Stelnway, Stejrer, Hardinan, A. B. Chase, Emerson and Pianola Pianos, have been thoroughly overhauled In our own factories, and uprights are offered from $75.0) up; good, serviceable squares as low as IX. (0; organs from the best makers, $10.00 and up. Among the names of pianos represented In this clearing sale are: Bteinwuy &, Sons, Knabe. Kranlch & Bach, KJmlwll, Kmerson, Lester, Chickering and many others. We also show yru the largest and finest stock of new pianos ever displayed under one roof. Including scores of 1907 styles, liasy terms of payment may be arranged. Do not fall to make an early visit. For further Information about this great clearing sale, write to the Schmoller St Mueller Piano Co., manufacturers, wholesale and retail deal ers of high grade pianos. OFFICE AND MAIN W.VBE ROOMtS i:ni and 1318 FAR NA'M ST. orH .1 me 'in! ire yerG You can buy from us on MONDAY and TUESDAY tho Greatest Values over offered In Furniture. Carpets Stoves, and Draperies evmy nrci or nurrm in the iowe utvvma to almost hit its kkl value THING SOLD ON credit z mm mm Extension Table Quarter-sawed Oak hand polished top, hand turned legs, regular Jrt"C pries I12.S0. on sale n.U MONDAY. W Art Square v Very finest quality ID-wire body Bru Slz.8-3i10-2. Retu!arprlce'J 2 lh S20.00. I I 1 U MONDAY, 10 I I A. M. until 2 I I gggI s CHIFFONIER Golden pk, divided too drawer, regular SCJCin price .0tt, on 5W sale MONDAY - All-Stcel Cook Stove Without Keservoir. Constructed almost entirely of best planished steel, asbestos lined, Built Q0 into a range, iwniimi price a aifi r.n nn MONntv "i BED Just like cut. Extra heavy brass top, rails and knob. Regular price J Ti.eU, on bate MONDAY Dresser Solid Oak, well froat, V. 1 rroucu jinwo j,. mirror. Regu- Ur nrlce 112.60. 5 on sale MONDAY, 185 SO00 V - ; ... t- , . . wltb Each Purchase pr n jt X-S PI sBM 3 awe-w TXW A lr1LTrC There is a vast difference in 11 AlMJINlJvJ Quality and prices of diamonds. A printed, written or spoken price la no criterion of value unless quality is considered. If you oonslder yonrself compe tent to Judge values, buy on your own Judgment if not, buy on ours and if dissatisfied within one year we will refund you in cash nine-tenths of what you - paid US.". sagBB-saa- RINGS FROM AMAlCA S5.00 to $600.03 lJZ Instant Relief and Speedy Cure for..., 9 i r La Grippe, Counts, Colds, etc. Are obtained by using SALUBRIN Contains no injurious, drugs. Try it ajid be convinced. SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Druj Stores Cor. 16th and Chicago Streots. OMAHA W. Cor. 24th and N 8ts. So. Omaha, Cor. 6th and Main Bts., Co Bluffs, la. Name. ) Address . tZZ HOW MANY NAMES YOU CAN SECURE A. HOGPE CO. 1S13 Douglas Street Omega Oli. nnd 'fold la Cheat Trial bottle 10c. If Yeur Croeer dees not Keep It Address Sloan Grocery Co. Distributers OMAHA. LOCAL BREVITIES. Fannie Ryan has begun ault for divorce from iiennla Ryan, a member cf the police force, on the grounds he alutndoried her. Maud J. H viand has filed a suit In district court against the Omaha & Council Bluffs fetreet Railway company for fc.lXH). She : says she was alighting from a car July U at Military avenue and Wadsworlh street i when the car gave a sudden Jerk, throwing her to tha street cud budiy Injuring her. Charged with stealing $150 from a pas senger between Oreen River. Wyo.. and Omaha, Robert Lyman, a waiter on a I'nion Pacini: dli.lng car, who reeld. at 2r.2 Burdette atreet. wa arrested FYtduy night by Detectives Yuxard and Bfiwera. When searched ll'W In bills was found se creted Inside of oue of Robert's stockings. May AIIhud has begun suit against the city of ttinaha, the lioulevard I'ark Im pnivenient winp-ny and the V. T. Whelaii I lumblng company for li,v damages for injuries rha sustained by falling into an opn sewer trench. She waa walking after .lark between Twentieth atreet and Sher man avenue on Laird street when a ho stepped Into the ditch, which she sas wai not barricaded or guarded. The birthday of Ralph Carson Friday was inade the occasion of a party given in hia hon.r by th Kauai club at lis rooms. California atrevt, Friday evenl.i. I'hose present were: Misea CMlvIa yuinn. Aits rtha Blase he Bale". Ida Walker, Harriet Ripple, McCann, Carrio Plerman, Kay Brown, Oraee Marshall, I Htella Swellu, F..!!th Emery, Moon, (iladya j Rurr. Marie Kelley. Inne tturr, Bertna Luborlck; Messrs. R. Corson. H. Walker, I A. Quiuu, R. PUnteen, C. Weston. O. Rier. 1 man. Q. Hoye, O. Urlc n. G. Plauteen, I F. Thomas. H. Osehmibeln, C. Malm. Carl 1 PUottna, Coii hm mb Uri WlL FAST TIM E TO CHICAGO VIA ins Tv on r uidllllll mm Leave Omaha 6:00 P. M. Arrive Chicago 7;30 A. M. Connecting with all early east bound trains. Union Depot connections. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe Car Service. Reservations and Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha. EM J