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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1906)
A 10 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOrtEK 2. lrJOf,. CREIGDTON DEFEATS PERU UoifAnitj Takes Gam from Stats formal bj Score f IS U 0. WIND MARS CPEN STYLE OF PLAYING I'rra 1 Inn Ikf To as aaal Tabes or I la Gnl, with -' the Bavrk, locals Marias; PI sad atajre. la high wind that Interfered n-riuusly Willi the new sfyls of open play, Crelghton university defeated tha Stat Normal schrl by a sonre of II to 0 a Vinton street park yeeierday afternoon. It u a spectacular exhibition, but ragged playing caused by 'he old and the hlich wind marred tbe contest from a scientific standpoint. With ' all the odd ajcaihst It the local team In tha first half made a magnificent defend of Ha mj and la the second half, with the breeze In Ita favor, punted It way down the flMl and by strain ht, old-fashioned line smashing forced tlie ball over for two touchdowns. Tbe third score was made n a fluked punt. ' The runt was witnessed by a niedlum nied crowd that wanned up to the play In spite of the bad weather conditions. 'relghtnn rooters wore In the majority, but a bunch of Peruvians came up with the tetun and made themselves beard. The wind win blowing a mile from the north when the ball was kicked off. Toward-the clone of the same It dropped somewhat, but still Interfered with good play, Pera Win the Tun. Peru won the toss and cho5 the north anal, with the wind to their back. This Rave t'relghton, the disadvantage of both the wind and the natural slope of the ' ground. Peru early showed Its style of play by punting the ball repeatedly Into I relghton's territory. Time after time the ball was placed within the Crelghton ten iird line, but every time the Irishmen got the ball and after running It back as far n they could In two downs Brome toed it out of danger. Then Houw, after an at tempt to advance It on end runs, would kick it bark again and the series of plays would bs repeated. The only break in the program would bo when House would send the sphere clear over the line and Brome would down it for a touchback, kicking out from the twenty-yard line. Only once during the game was the forward pass tried and then Uroine threw the ball Into the arms of a Peru man. The wind was loo high to make the play safe and It was abandoned. Creighton's defense of Its goal was nuccrKHful and the half closed with the score 0 to 0. , The scoring began ears' In the second 1 1 ; 1 1 f . Brome, with tho wind to his back, kept the ball in Peru territory a::J grad ually forced it close to the line. House, who li-id been doing valiant punting for lVru. was Injured several times in the tirst huir.and was forced to retire. (Jolt tried a punt and the ball went to Crelgh lon on the eight-yard line. With the slope of the ground in their favor, Crelghton pounded the line, forcing Stevens over for the first touchdown. Brome missed a hard goal, making the score 6 to 0. Spectacular Ran by Miller. The second score was made with a spec tacular run by Miller, and following closely the Urn one put new spirit Into the Crelgh ton players. Oolt tried a punt, but the ball struck one of Ms own men, and MIMer For a Good Complexion, Health and Beauty. I pNOR Clear Eyes jA rura complexion Sweet Breath Clean Tongue Calm Nerves Good Temper Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need II. Carry a ' (tie 10c Emergency box constantly with you, In your Purse or Pocket. When do you need one ? When your Tongue Is coated When you hane Heartburn, Belching, Acid Risings In Throat When Pimples begin to peep out. When your stomach Gnaws and Burns. ' That's the time to check coming Constip ation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will insure you against 90 per cent of alt other Ills likely to attack you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach, i They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the lntlo valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. This stronger action produces greater nutrition from tood and perfect elimination of useless materials. It makes the blood purer, healthier and more reconstructive, insuring a fine, clear color and complexion.- -. Then carry the little ten-cent box con etantly with you In your purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you ncd It. All Druggists sell them over ten million boxes year, for six years. V Be very carrful to get the genuine, -made only by the' Sterling Remedy Com ' pny aad never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." STOttZ BEER won Highest Award at Lincoln Biate Fair, 1893, Itlarbaat Award and Oold Medal at Trans Mlaalsslppl Exposition, Omaha, 1893. Highest. Award And Gold Medal at Lewis and Clark t'en t n n I a 1 Exposition, Portland. Ore., lD5. Thla, when in competi tion with the renowned beera of the world, and when Judged by a Jury or tbe moat critical ex pert a. JWo other beer hue had blgherendorso ment. Drink rtoraU-r for your health's sake. Keen m. rua In home, i Sturs iirewlng f imi!iu:iiiiiM:n. pl-keJ it up and dnh"d over the twenty flve itwda of spsie f'.i ji i"iif lidos n. f'reighton mls-"d n-n npiwtrttinf'y for a goal by s bad kh kout. Peru whs unable to skirt the -mls and the only i hanee f'r s Rain wen by punting. ! With the wind sttalnsl th'iii, the lull w ! gradually forced ssaln bark to their goal. Hrotne returned a punt from the ren'.t-r of the field snd a Crnghton nun fllon the ball on Peru s twenty-yard line. Aided by sn end run by Htevens the 'bell placed on the five-yard line. Peru nmde a plucky fight to prevent the score, but the third down. Maglrl, on a straight center buck, was pushed over the goal under the I posts. This time Drome kicked a beau tiful goal, sending the wore up to 1. Kr exchange of ports followed, neither tim hsvlng much the s Ivsntsge, the game end ing with the ball In the center of the field. The lineup: rr.RV normal I cnrjoMTON. CnlllDi .1. T- R K x r ! r t Siiehs i;oit Sftole, His ... Marrln R tot en. L C R C. Wloeors . VrCormlf . . . U'licsoner Morsan: haler Miller Hmnefk Maa-lrl Sieveot Swenpoa l.'OTl TYlrr Phillip Vtsnr Tothum Zlnli H'u. Cllln... R O 1 L ... P. T I L T ... n f. ' t, k ... L H R H... F B r B ... R ft H ... Q II ! U. P. . . . hronia Officials: Crawford, referee: M( Donald. umpire; Mowle. head linesman. Time of lutlves; 30 minutes. IOWA TOO MPKfeDY FOR TUB TKiKHS llaerkeyra His from llssonrl kr cor of Tnratr-Kli to lour. IOWA CTTT. la.. Oct. 27.-(Bp lal Tele, gram.) FTarly In the first half the llxwk eves demonstrated that Miewmrl would not have a lookln during the contest. Mis souri kicked off and Kirk brought the ball back to the renter or the field. After several esrhangea of punts In which Mis souri had the letter of the exchange. Kent wss foreeil to kick from Iowa's forty-vard line; Kutherford failed to hold the p:int and Carbery fell on the ball liehlud Mis souri's goal line, scoring the fint touch down. Kirk falling to kick goal. Iowa chose to receive, and bv forward passes, wide end runs and tackle backs In which Thompson. Carberry, Kent, Kirk and Allen figured proniinentlv. the Tlawkeves ad vanced the ball within striking distance of the Tigers- goal twice. The first time Washburn loxt the liell after being carried over the line and Missouri immediately put It out of danger. The second time Kirk went over for the second touchdown. Kirk Tclcklng goal. f ollowing this score. Mis souri kicked to Iowa again and the plav was Immediately curried Into the Tigers' territory. Kept from making a touchdown by . penalties, Kent dropped a field goal from the twenty-five yard line from a diffi cult anglo. Missouri's only gain came on a cleverly executed forward pass which com pletely fooled the Iowa team, netting thirty yards. The half closed with the score of Iowa, IS; MLssourl, 0. In the middle of the half Tidd replaced Rutherford. Missouri's quarter back, who had been injured. In the second half Collins substituted Knnwltnn of Iowa. Iowa kicked off. Mis souri only score came late In the second half. After the Hawkeyea held the Tigers' on Iowa's two-yard line, Kent booted the bull out from behind the Iowa goal line and Kldd heeled the catch on Iowa's forty yard line. Miller kicked a clean field goal from the fair catch and the Tigers had cored their only four points. Earlv In the half Kirk went over for another touchdown after' a thirty-yard run, and before Missouri had scored Washburn of Iowa pushed over for the last touchdown. The defenae of the Missouri line was the feature of the Tigers' play. Iowa's heaviest gains were made on Kent's long kicks. Missouri was unable to run back. Kirk snd Kent gained heavily for Iowa. In this feature of the game Missouri's threatened touchdown itr the last half gave Iowa Ita only wore. Kirk fumbled Jewett's kick on Iowa's twenty-yard line and the ball rolled to Iowa's five-yard line, being re covered by Hahbttt of Missouri. Two bucks and one attempted end run failed to gain. Iowa whs outweighted in the line, but the general average of both teams was the same. Ml"snuri's plays were poorly exe cuted and the Hawkeyes played the speed ier game. The lineup: MIHSOHRI. IOWA Peuitlaas I,.R. R I r'artwrry 'ir" I.T. R.T Waahhurn ?" I--"- R O Klllott 'l " Haatlnsa fc ' " bl T L.T Redwood ?V.M,.': RK LK Thomson butherford Q.B.IQD Kant Jt b.H.R.H Allen R H.I L. II Knowlton KHman F B F B Kirk Touchdowns: Carberry, Kirk (2). Wash burn. (Joal: Kirk. lrop kick: Kent. Ooal from placement: Miller. Iteferee: Martin. I niplre: Rmith: Head lineman: Coggehall. Score: Iowa, a!; Missouri, 4, Time of halves: 30 minutes. IXTtnPIlETATIOM OK ldKW Hll.UH American Foot Ball olleglate t'oiii ulllee Ulrea Ideas on Mubjeel NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-Tlie American foot ball collegiate committee, after meeting in this city l.iht night. Issued an Interpretation of the new foot ball rules. I'nder the de cision of the committee, the second umplra may be dixpenticd with under Rule 1 bv an agreement of the athletic management's of the two institutions represented. Considering Ruin 5, It was voted that In putting the balls In play, the center rush may pass the ball back to one etde. onil ned not necessarily snap II between his legs. In either case the ball muat leave Ills possession whllo he Is on the line of scrimmage and must go first to a man who Is behind the line of scrimmage. I'nder the same rule, it was voted that In cure cf a punt out the catcher of tho kick need not raise hi hand sa a signal for a fair (atch. The committee declared that the rule pre venting hurdling Is intended to apply only to the man carrying the ball, anil was puased to prevent a dangerous play. It is Intended to allow under "hurdling In the line'" stepping over a prostrate player with one foot at a time although both feet of the runner be momentarily off the ground at the uie time. The section umler Itule n which provlden that no player of the side which has the ball shall be In motion at the moment wlun the ball Is put into play, is coin.; rued to meun that this will not prevent a player from running backward from the crlin mage line toward his own goal line. t'nder the section of Rule 11 which pro vides that none of the five mn occupying the middle positions, center, guard or tackle, miy drop bark from the line of pcrlmmage on the offense, the committee dcl;trt d : "If captain during the progress of the game wlalu-a to change a center, guard or tackle to a position In the back field, or to the position of end, he may do so by sneak ing to the referee, but no player thus va cating the position of center, guard or tackle shall thereafter during the game go luick to any of thoac posit inns.'' In discussing Rule H, Kxreptlon 1, tht committee decided: " hen a forward puss touches the ground In the field of play, without touching the player at either side, the ball Is dead ami goes to the opponents on the spot where the pass is made, Except In case ihe ball crosses the goal line without touching a Iilaver of either aide, when it Is a touch back. In both Instances the penalty Miay not lie refuced. "In all cafS of unlawful forward pis where the ball goes to the opponents u the spot where the pass was attempted, the ball is d'-ad." (AHI.ISI.E Wl. FHOM OlsKKHI lrfeat of Penusylvaala by Indians I Proves a ;reat Nurnrlae. . PHILADCl.PIIIA. Oi l 27.-A big tips, t oeiurred today on Franklin Meld when the C'arlli-le InilisiiM deluled the I'nlversitv iif I'ennsylMinla eleven, 24 to S. The liniit I ItKllaiiH. tralmd to the minute, bewildered me Quakers, wlio weie In full retreat lie fore Die game was over. The attendance rearlu-d 22.ta. The lnitlaiis mail" their twenty-four rititits Kill! a goal front the rtld. thre ttniclidowiis and a safety. Pennsylvania's six iHjints were scored by a toutiiiluwii and a goal. " 1'euiisylv.inia us tlie, hi t to score a touchdown. I raicr blocked a punt by Mount licasaiit on tle Indians' ten-yard line and then curried the IihII over. Just lie fore this guurteibark l.ll.l.y had scored a tU-lil giul from the forty-elKhl-vard line. In the second half Pennsylvania took a brae. Inn. although they rushed the bull liiMlde the Indian- t went y-tl c-yu rd lina uml time again, they could not com plele the ill-Maine. Canl.iln lireeue tried for four field goals, but iiona wua succca fill. The illiect cause of Pennsylvania's ue feaf was Hie inulalitv of the back field to handle punts. All of th Indians' score. Willi tli exception of the ft-Id aoal by was a safety should go as a louchback. Score at SurlnaBeld. !. ! SI'KINtiFIELD. Mass, Oct. 27,-Thfie no sconna 111 me annual game lx - " nu.inia. ami Darutniutli here to day. W l . i l.i i i - sprung- a big sui ih 1st- bi haling I lie. bet f i haul,.. WiilUin's cbiiins It sli.nild ha won. 2 to 0, bm me vrtieiaU ruled that hat Williams clalincd was u jf t sl.oul I go as a luuelulou. DOANE EASY FOR 'VARSITY Leer; End Baas Titore to Lsrce Extent it tbt Cera buskers' Scoriae- FINAL FIGURES TWENTY-IIGHT TO NOTHING t noke at Qnarlerhark Shows I. real Impiateaseat 0rr Ilia Work In the t'oateat with Intra "tale College. LINCOLN. Oct. 27. (Special Teleyram.) Nebraska university scored an. easy grid Iron victory today over Tloane college, the final result reading Lt to 0. The Corn huskers were lsith heavier and speedier than the collegians and the contest was little more than a practice romp for the Nebraska eleven. Long runs figured prominently In Ne braska's touchdown. Cooke. Schmidt. Denslow and Little each pulling off pec tactilar rprlnts for fifty yards or more. Penalties cost Nebraska heavily, however, the Ccrnhuskers forfeiting two long runs and nearly 100 yards in addition on the ruliiiK of the officials. Holding was the chief offense. Coach Foster tried out Cooke, Renedirt and Johnson at quarter lwtck. where Nebraska has been weak, and Cooke displayed fine Improvement over his performance of a week ago against Ames. His generalship was excellent, while he tan Iwick punts In brilliant ' style, once earning the ball half the distance of the field, evading a half dozen Doane tacklers In his flight. The forward pass was used only occasionally, but Cooke once pulled off a fifty-yard gain on this play. Dosne made Its distance only once on downs. Medlar breaking through the line on a full back buck for fifteen yards, but on every other effort It was compelled to punt. The Cornhusker backs twice fumbled punis near their own goal line, the col legians rapturing the ban and trying for field goals, but falling ou each effort. The Nebraska goal line was never otherwise In danger of Invasion. The game starred with Dosne holding Nebraska for downs. The collegians at once punted, but a trick double p' netted Captain Muson twenty yards and Schmidt circled the end for sixty yards. Two line charges were sufficient to shove Mason over the goal. The succeeding touchdowns followed at. regular Intervals. Doane was jonetantly punting throughout, while the Cornhuskers hammered away In rushing the ball. The lineup: KERRASKA DOANK. Bates Smith, Hiltk Spanrer Tartar Rronana Hlnnls.r Hooper Orlfflth Pay (Capt.l. Hart mail Barbae S'hinldt. l)nalr....R K RI- R.T. Tavlor. HarT.y, Jeukini R.O. I.K.. L.T.. 1.0 Wilds. Vow ItarTer, (.naioiipka. ! Crane .L O IR n. Matlera. Kwlns... Jtihnaun. Beneairt. Cooaa. Benedict, Johnaon Litt W.ll.r, Crals . .L..T.T R.T . R.B. i B q b... R H IL H... UH R H... Maaon 'apt..... . r. B. P.B... Madlar. par Touchdowns: Mason fit. Little 121 w.iiar Goals: Cooke (I), Heneilict. Time of halves M minutes. Referee: K. V. Tornell of Ilncoln. I'lnplie: C. At. I'inneo of Uncoil) Head linesman: 8. L. Mains of Crete. IMAHOOS IIKKKAT THE HOOgF,RJ Game la l.argelr a Paatlag Match Betweea F.ckersall aad Hare. CHICAGO. Oct. ?;.-Chlcago's fleet-footed back field ran up a big score on the Indln-i university foot ball eleven at Marshall field this afternoon. The Maroons succeeded In crossing the Indiana goul line five times, once In the first half and four tlms In the second half. Captain Krkersall scored a pretty drop kick from the forty-three-yard line. The final count was: Chicago, 33; Indiana, 8, The Maroons successfully defended their goal line, but Captain Hare of India mm drop kicked a goal from the fifteen-yard line, and In the second half McOaughev made a place kick from the thirty-yard line following a fair catch. From a spectator's point of view the game was ideal. The game was largely a battle between two clever punters, Kiker sall and Hare, while long runs, trick phivs Involving the forward pass, quarterback kick and double and triple pusses, abounded In the second half Chicago falrlv ran the Hooslers oft their feet. Chicago's first count came when Kckersall drop kicked a goal from the forty-three-vard line. In diana evened the score when Hare dropped back for a kick and Jnarte it from the flf. teen-yard line. Soon, after this Eckersall picked up tho ball on Chicago's twetitv-five-yard line after a punt had gone over Ills head, and tore through tin entire In diana team, eighty-two yards, to the two yard line. Finger went over on the next ilay. In the second half, after McOaughey lad made his place kick. Hare's fumble of a punt gave Chicago tho bull on In diana's slx-yurd-line. A ten-yard penalty was uddod, but Bteffen. on the second down, went over. A few minutes litter Bteffen sprinted thirty-five yards for another touchdown. Then Finger got over the line Free aSasTsi Bad Breath, K'Hawking and Spitting Quickly Cured Fill Got Fret Coupon Below. "My Hew Discovery Qalokl Cars CstarrB." C. B. Oanss. Catarrh is not only dangerous, but It tauses bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking and rea soning power, kills ambition and energy, often causes loss of appelila, indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches a gen eral debility, Idiocy and insanity. It needs attention at once. Cure It with Gauss' Catarrh Cure. It Is quick, radical, per manent cure, because It rrds the system of the poison germs that cause catarrh. In order to prove to all who ate suffer ing from this dangerous snd lothsoma all sea as that Oauaa Catarrh Cur uill actually cure any case of catarrh quickly, no matter how long standing or bow bad, I will send a trial package by mall fie of all cost. Hend us your name and ad dress today and th treatment will h sent you by return mall- Try It! It will positively cur so that you will be wl corns instead of ahunn.d by your Irteuds. C. E. tiAL'8H, 7S32 Main Ht Msralnll. Mich. Fill out coupon b;fr. PRre This coupon Is good for on trial package of Uaues' Ctunhinad Caiarrh Cur, oisiled fr In plain package. Simply fill In your Barn and address on dotted lliuij below mid mail to a k. aAtm, rein ui Sir awanUaUl, ktisaw snd P'efTen repested. Parry kicked all th anal hut one. hh-iiRo s Iwrks were aided by splendH Intel fr-nr e riv 1-srrv and Walker, lndl-itm I itaad the fiu.i rterhar k kl k with c msnl- r- : atile success n the frst half, but once t In- t-aao soiveu me piay II wh w uisasviuus. hirwuril masses by Itoth teams alo met with disaster. CAPKra irk i4ri.k T atiinB West rolat Fool Ball Tram la Defeated hy Harvard. WF.PT l-OINT. N. Y.. Oct. ;7 '-Harvard's I foot ball fain loflav d-f-atcri the a lets j j to . Harvard scored near the end of the second half. I There a good deal of interest t en- i I "red In the contest ard special train"! brought nearly 7.m persona to the cami-us j n the hilltop where so many stirring g id Iron battles have tcen frugbt. The game ( w-as somewhat tame In comparison to the ; contests played under the old rtil'T. Har- j vard did the ltt-r punting, but when It ' came to bucking the line the vbllors were j outclassed. j Fumbles were made it critical moment I by both sides. Penalties were frequent, b.i; here again matters were evened up. ; Toward the end of th first half Harvard had the better of the battle, but a tllteen yard penalty prevented a probable touch down. In the second h;'If .the armv nur prised everybody by Its string pliy. Mcunt ford failed bv a few Inches to kick a goal from the Held. Another a!te;npt fr mi the middle of the field was blinked by Wendle, who, after Hill had made a futll? uttenipt j to tackle him. made n touchdown. Hurl i fulled to kick the goal and the game ended ! a minute later. Foot Ball at Diets Park. This afternoon at Iietg park will witness the oH-ulng game of the seeson for t!n Diets foot ball team, when it will meet the Superior of South Omaha. In the I Diets lineup will be seen such well-known 1 players as tiene Tracy. Cornwell. Hunter, Knight snd Murtagh. Almost without ex- ception the Diet players have In past years srhicved more or less local fum", and thir return to the game should arouse considerable Interest, although it Is ex pected that the new rules will tend to t confute to some extent. The Superiors are the proteges of I Stringer, the ex-Nebraska player, and will have the advantage of practice, having played together since the opening of the season. The game will be called at 3 p. m.. with the following lineup on the field: SlTKRIORg. I DIETZ. Ppellman ! .Harris. Murlartr ! . .Rmeraon, Watla J Huff 1 Oalllithan. Pnehrjr . . .L. K. ! R E Millar I..T. R T arer. Wllllama L.O.K.G n. Hschtrn.. Knapp Hechle W. Ilaihten. Whltlock .... Tnttle Trary Uuchfurd .0. R.O.' R. r.iL T. .R, K. .U B..Q B Pilgrim .Evana, OoodrU bau Oodlard. Pike ..Cornwall. Wahl .Ull.' R H. R.H.IL H .Trarr. Humor. Snow K B. P.B Murtaih. Kni(ht laws Prepares for Wisconsin. IOWA CITY. la.. Oct. 27. (Special.) With the season Anally opened at the Htate I'nlvrrslty of Iowa the men have buckled Into the work, and Coaches Chalmers and Catiin will begin perfecting the men in the team work that Is counted on to win against Wisconsin. Coach Catlin watched tho work of the Badgers a week ago In the Dakota game and declares that Iowa has a chance to win the game; that they are not outclassed by the Wisconsin team. All of the cripples arc back in the gam", and If the men succeed In mastering the new plays and rules by a week from to day local enthusiasts are confident that Iowa haa an even chance to defeat Wis consin. The guard positions still remain the undecided positions on the team, though It is believed now that Elliott has tho best chance for one of them. He has been kept out of the prtctlce the past week by entrance conditions which he had not made up as yet. Iowa's date with the alumni will probably be changed from No vember 10 to November 17, while the Coe college game, scheduled In place of the Drake game, is to be played on Novem ber 10. ' " ' PLATT8MIH TH. INeD.. Ct. Z7. (Special foorbuH ,7m defeated' th. Xiy foot ball team today by the score of 10 to 0. Both teams were In a crippled con dition owing to injuries and disqualified player. Fifteen-minute halves were played. The forward pass was used for long gains several times by the Plattemouth team. The lineup: NEBRASKA CITY. PLATT8MOUTH ..R. E. R. K. . Travla 8lack Bona Swasner Landaraon ... M ora. . . . Ballard Hawl.y SXnhart ..... C. Anneraon . . Egan L. T. L T.... U O IL. O.... 'C R. O. R. O.... R. T.I R. T.... R. K.R. V.. .. Q. B!. B. .. . R. H. R. H... F. B.I F. B. .. . U H L H.... Murphr Root BcblappacaaM Ktiffner Ilatra .... riti-rall Frlcka Mapla Morsan Baal Objection to Adolf Coaches. 8PRINC.FIELJ). Mass, Oct. 27. Adult coaches for school boys' foot ball teams were condemned as making "gladiators" rather than "sportsmen"' out of the players and fraternities In high schools were up held as a means of develoning good citi zenship In an address today before the Hampden County Teachers' association bv Prof. Walter Jacobs of Brown u.i'.vergltv. On the foot ball question Prof. Jacobs said that he thought adult coaches were wholly responsible for making "gladiators" of the members of the teams and teaching them to strive to win the game by fair mean.-! or foul rather than developing manly qualities In them. He thought this condi tion would not prevail if the boys were allowed to make and enforce their own rules. "The coaches." he said, "should be of Just as high a standard as any teacher in the schools." ' liliinrarki vs. Ihe Soldiers The 8hamrockii play the Fort Omaha soldiers at Vinton Street park today. The Shamrocks have won two games this yetr snd hope to put the army boys on their UsX. They are open for dates and would like to hear from Bellevue or Creighton on anv data they have open or for a midweek game. The lineup will bo a follows: SHAMROCKS. SOLDIERS. Robbln R E II. E ... Lltcharland Italy. Warran R.T.I L.T WrOuiklu. By.rly Mlnb.ll. Millet LO Jno SnamWan L.T R.T lary, XlM-o L.E.IR.E Kroll R.4J.I L.O MrKaon. itaanaon. .Q B. I Q B J. rilitarald R H ' L II M. rilifarald P.R.lF.B rcll UH iR H Millar . Hamilton . Laonhardt .. Mrl'loud McCutchan Slambausn Bralaa Smllh . . Kdwardi .. C'iockaio Yale 'Wins from Amherst. NEW HAVEN, Oct. 27.-Yale's great de fense In the last moments of the game with Amherst today saved It from being scored on. the Blue making one of the lel m.ands seen here for some lime. The final score was 12 to 0 In favor of Yale. Amhetit a spry left end gathered the ball in after a rumhlo by a Yale back near the close of the game and carried it to within two yards of the goal. It looked like a score fur the visitors, but Yale not onlv held, but twice drove Amherst back, and a a Ihs: resort a rteld goal was tried, but the kick fell short. A moment later the game ended. Amherst followed the ball better than any team seen here this year and compelled Yale to play its hardest to win. Michigan Defeats Illinois. ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Oct. 27. Michigan defeated Illinois tills afternoon. 2S to li. in a heavy rain on a sodden field. W'emliei conditions considered It was a well played game. Oarrels, the Michigan fullback, brought the Michigan rool-rs to their feet In the first minute of play when he scored a touchdown. Illinois could do llttlo witii Michigan's line and hud to resort to kicks and trials for field goals. Illinois' touch down wua scored in Ihe fli-st hulf ill-. .... Illinois mail nan lllcKetl mi an on-snle kick at Michigan's ten-yard line. Gardner was Thlngrt look pretiv stiuallv lor tlie "tru-t" forced through the Michigan line for the right now and they are llahl to have tiou touchdown. j i,ie jn keening tlie "Siinctlty" of their ter- ; mory. All the base ball tans In Chlca i ahaan Defeat Pnrdne. . will watch with Interest to H.e how the LAFAYETTE. Ind., Oct. 27. Watiash col- I "trust" will withstand Ihe move anl lege surprised its followers by winning from 1 whether tlie "freer.e-out" process will h Purdue litre tialay, 11 lot). The fast play- , brought to work. Hut hen determination, ing of the visitors, their forward passing I coupled with coin, gets ;i-mlng one never and quarterback kicking were the features, j can tell. Chicago Chronicle. The eleven points made bv Waba: h wr scoreti in tne nrst iimji. Hlnaeauln Wins from Ames. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 27.-linnesota today easily defeated Ames. 22 to 4. This was the tlast game of tl-e season for the locals and III j played well. Hcorrs of Utlaer liamrs. At Peoria Monmouth collece. 23: Miliikeo U'i'yerHl y At bVlolt, Wls.-Lawience university, p.; Feloit college. 5. At Danvilie, Ky. Central uuiversitv Miami university. 0. r, At Naahvllle Vanib-rbilt, i; Texas. 0. At Cl.-veland Weaiern Reserve. II; All ghrtiy. s. Al St. Loula I final i Ht. Louis uuiversitv 71: Missouri Seh.nil or Mines tt. At Lawrence Kansas, 1; Culoiado, 0. At C'uluniLjs. O. Ohio Medical unlveis'ty. li: Case, e. At Vushingtuii. Pa. Washington and Jefierasm. 2; Dickinson, u. . At Middletown. Conn. Wesleyau. 22 Vermont, g. Al Annapolis Naval academy null, c Al Fsrso. N. I) A arlcnlt oi ul . - ' University iX North Daitytg, 4 ' ' i e 1 t Radiant I V- "v rrr: 1 f t 'VPS". '- I . 1 f '.-. -',. ri'3, a If you want a heater that will be a lifetime satisfaction, buy a Kadlant Home. It's no experiment you can have absolute confi dence that it'a the most economical, Ihe greatest floor heater, the most easily regulated of all stoves. $55.00 down to S29.00 ..Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments.. ESLTOPJ LOGGERS a SOWS CO. : i PRINCETON BEATS CORNELL Athletri from Ithaca Loie a Hard Foueht Contest U the Tigeri. CORNELL STARTS GAME WITH A RUSH Brawn aad Condition Tell In Lena Ran and Rail Is Pri nertoa's Searlr All of Ihe Second Half. NEW VOKK, Oct. 27. Princeton won a hard fought battle with Cornell on the foot ball tie id at the Toio grounds today. The score was 14 to 6, but there was little to choose between the two teams. Toward the end of the second half Princ -ton brawn and condition told and the ball was theirs most of the time. Cons II started with a and within five minutes had scored by clever forward passes and on-side kicks Twenty thousand enthusiasts crowded ,, .,, r,.l lh.r. ) ' th. lower end of the , grounds. But it was a quiet gathering compared with the old days of the Yale and Harvard, Princeton und Pennsylvania una other struggles. The lthacans were somewhat the lisrhter anrl nlaveil nn fitn ...... ; Buiiic, BiiiiiiK uolii uiouiui wie eiios atiu with forward pars. Cornell also profited throusrh the nennllzlnu- rr Prln(.Alnn The second -half was characterised .by line bucking, at which .Princeton .showed vaat superiority. Cornell's touchdown was made by Wal ders and Cook kicked the ball to what was thought to be a goal by almost every one preHent. There was much astonish ment at the end of the half when the referee announced that the ball had not gone between the posts. Princeton's first touchdown was due to the fumbling of a Cornell player. YVister took the ball over and Cooney kicked goal. The second touchdown was the result of straight down the field work. A few mln- utes later Princeton scored a ground goal, which it was agreed before the game would count two points, the same as a Safety. At the end of play the ball was In tip.- center oi me neia. The lineup was as follows: PRINCETON. I CORNELL. Wists I. E. n E Van Ormnn Stannard L.T.I RT Bremen Laroon L.U lR.G O'Rourk. Ht-rrlng Kewniau Martin RO.U..C, Thomaun "ooner R.T.I L.T Too ll ipt.l Hoadland R.E.JL.K Bato.-U E Plllon t-apt.)....Q.H.Ig B Jamfo Tlbhott L.H.I R H Clbaon Harlan R.H.I I. M Earia MiCormlok FM.FB Waldrra Referee: Edgar Wrlghtlnglon of Har vard. I'mplre: J. H. Mines of Pennsyl vania. OLIl A9 GETS BACK l liA.UK Veteran, with Others, U III Enter Ainnteur Diamond. The semi-professional buae ball trust of Chicago win uoubtlcss haie a big war on its hands si.on. a tnrce new teams ui lj enter lue arena. Mont Tennes, caelum A. ' C. Anson ana Albert ualciaen are lue ne comers anu mean buat.ness. All three have piemy ot money to back their propositions anu iil go into the fle.U witn everything to oack liiein up t-xcepi, possibly, tne huppoit of tne "irusi. ' Tenncs is siiu to naif Bclecleu a rnoica pnee f property on ine n.nh side, out win ""i givi! out lis locdtluii us yel. lu m p-iy 4oo,oi to put in a grand stand and make the grnunds suiluble i r piuy,ng. l aplaln Alison lias the old Hyde Park Hiuca' grounds at 8ixty-iir&t slreei auu bi. Iiwrenco avenue, a trct t.f land seven and ono-ha.f acres in extent, una nauleii i to be located at Kelmont ami We.-lc.a aw- nucs, near itivcrsido ,aik. Inasmuch as I lies., new ground Will en- troHCh on tin tcrritoiy. s-t-callcd, of teanus now playing in Ihe "tru.-d," there Is lik' iy ! to be tiouble at Tuesdays nn tir.g. when the association will olsrus ti o appliratiuns ' of the thrrc men for entrance1 into iii or- i gauizatioii. If their remarks In the past g.i fur anything, it is highly probable that tne three new clubs will he leil out In tne co.d. In which ease the warfare will be miik thing to think about. Whether they succeed in breaking Into the trust or not the new semi-pro loaders are determined to no light ahead with thi Ir plans and will have no difficulty in getting nrst-ciass aiiractioiiH, as ineir tlnuiir'ai ' lincklnir is Ix.nni l.i count fi.r The tendency of college trims to tlioit n their schedulrn does not strike Coach Itcllly of Georgetown as the proper caper of at i lctlc boardsmen to learen nances for In juries by fewer giiints. liellly e .ld y. sle, -day ; "Almost everv man that ever phivrd t'.ie game will agree with the sKttemeiit Hint mere is more tun atul lesc hard work In tho I aatm s ihan in the .h.ilc c, i.t .. ,, u , rtinly a well-known fact that j fewer serious Injuries are rcc.ivtd .luri-ig the contests lliau at any other tl during the svason. It la when a msu la dend fiiggtd nut that he gets carek.ii about tuk Ing those precautions u lilch ui a Mrt of fr.ottaill instinct, and It is th-n that the injury utuaiiy ctimes. "Not In the game do a tills comlitio.i i come, for the coaches are always on th. .'alert, and men are sub it ut-d al tlie licet j symptom of flaming eneiay. in t,e pi . i tlce. wlien Hie men ure blng diiveii for ull , there is in llieui, the coaches deniHitdira i their lust ounce of vtreugili. Indifferent 22; Ironies over a player ami injjrv g-m-iallv ir-sulls. It Is the pcsslhilli y of uck- Raines that make., bna- ball u rs.t.iilnr start I seems a pity mat nn effort s'n.uld h- niaiit lit iua snorier scuedulca. 111 a siini t vaia uilrtl to lb players, for RADIANT STEEL .QANGES tiav many points of merit not found In any other. Tatented air blast lining producing ihi fort combustion of fuel no waste. Double walls of hammered polished steel lined with asbentos. Re movable duplex grates removable reservoir for coal or wood. Guaranteed perfect bakers and warranted from top to bottom In every detail. Speclil Low Prices on all sizes effhese ranges Monday. Ho me hJA jfcsal m aW Fourteenth and Farnam Streets game ,daed ruth, r than the long season ol grinding practtte."i;x. It is now spoken of as certain that Jor Canilllon will the management of Milwaukee for th:tt of Washington, ami among the nspfrants fur his shoes In the ('nam ity l disKi Ix.noliU", Comiskev's craek first Iceman, who Is said to have the managerial bee In his bonnet. It Is not thought Comlskey will readily ndhre to Jlggs' plan. , Ban Johnson had been slated -by rtunor to Iwome head of the Chicago National league, team, but whfn It was positively an nounced that Charl-s W. Mttrphv had bought the controlling Interest in the CulM that rumor died aborning. Johnson h mid to be willing to get another Job since he and Comlskey have locked horns over the management of the Atuerieun leasriie Tho fact of Commy's umiisputable supremacy in ne nase Da 1 1 worlrl Is sa'd to he u.i w.Th h,7f fron, purchasing the plant even Comlskey acquiring greater strength by ll,e Pml of "", t"n" r franchise. The "op means of his recent triumph In Chicago. ' J tlon of purchase" clause was 8TRICKKN WITH TIIK ItOWI.F.H. Standing of the teams In the Omaha Bowling league at the end of the sixth We k: , , ... on. Lost. PC. 1"n-. l: 5 .72.' 17.::i 12 t; .or; m.iiio i 11 7 .tilt Pl.Tst S 7 .5S.1 1.1.H17 ! 7 S .;7 13.5M 7 11 .:tvi 15 714 ti 12 15.3-0 5 13 .27S 15.n7 Stnri Blues . Krinr Parks 'O. D. Ks Onlmods .... Meti Bros. . Mtm!ltoi'i .. Diet Alh. .. Cudahys ....IS ....IS IS ....15 . . .15 ...,1K ....IS IS Detailed work of the teams I 1 Storl Blues PC. Stkg. Sprs. 8pts. lir's 71 S7M 14 Hl'l 7 7s ; jo. d. ks .!i4 .Kin .S.19 .UK ..Vfl .7C :k7 7s Kl SI , Krug Parks Onlmods I Men Bros. t'lil! :!l!) :!'! Xft7 .U4 W4 :i:7 !iS t",,janvB " Diets Atli. .! 1 K9 PHi (ianira. Avp. .... 19 lis Came. Ave. o. o. Franiiaio. V. J. Frani liuo. . ir. i Fia-ai utt 2iliWrliar I'.lakeney ... I! Hartley 11H Frenrh m Wllllama ... IMITrai-v I2I Heynolda ... l!U:Kriiali ...... l! -'i Penman . . . . imlMaelll 1.11! II. fl. Hmh1. 1P N'lrnll ..... 11V A. ('. Rami. UivChatalaln .. 1MI (iritr.llia 14: Faie-tiar IS2!(inrdv l--e Chandler ... !.!! Eldaun IU (J.ifi H'Ji Welty I Mi rathirvood 17X 177 I IV 17 174 174 174 174 171 N'eala Andaraon Hpraau. , Marltla ... : Sheldon . CrH-hran I Frliwher 12 IH 18 12 9 lk I 18 Mi ( ague I "empks Kmi , Molyneaux pI,,I1Ir"'n," ; pii k.rln'i", 17:4 152 r.i 171 lis I tit! loa I fa Hi; I2 I Tonnaman ; tiw" 11 at ' "unilnsion ir, j 'v?f,'i )l ir. 12 .1 12 :i Johnson In 13 Jonaa . This m. It's howling? of the Commercial Knulina lv.i. ,,,, tt... t n... ..ii"- has been the best that has been lulled since the season opened. The Fslstaffs c'.i'ts ".L'.''i1 Th, l''1or,C";",0.1l Colts. Oold Tops and Omaha Hicycle Com - P tny having a haul fiKht for second place. The Life Malts are fifth, but have scored ol"!!-'!1 p1'!'"' ,,ney havi"f J'?rd luck on losing (tames, losing most of their games by a small margin. The O Hrlens have a" last broken the Ice and won a game. Cap- tain Kagerbiitg says from now on watch in nimu. neraer is man 1ml v tlunl. the rest to follow are tirettv well hnnchoH v ..r.t.. .ii i, i7j Following are the Individual averages: Gamea. Ava.l (ianiaa. va. Barrar lj lull rolllni ... Knlr 177iBelln ... Cai man 15 17i Voa bavlgn. 15 174 Polcar Hull 1 I7; Folaii J"l 1721 Lindroolh Ihmann IT, nn Kaufman . Klom-k If, 171 Havana ... ifi; IK i: K i. lis I.-.7 l.i 7 li7 K-7 1.4 I. i I I I. 4 i-; V.l 111 r.i i.i iv Pins. 1V.H?5 1 Jay I .' 1" 1711 Nalaon ... IS ITu Ji l.nann .. IS UH Seaman ... 15 19'firulta .... 15 ls Clark 13 lt9 Hunlar ... 12 k M.liee .... 15 I(n Solomon . . lb ihlc lit It 1M Pirtniilre . 1'. 1 Harhr 15 nu;' Patl-rron . Ifi Uo' Wnlte 16 WSUn ! Moore .... i Mahonry . j J,l,n ; JJsrikoph Hi'tirlrhi . r.iifci,i, " Htmblet Primaau .'. i Htapanlmrat Huiion ' Ptlnkwster j i Falf taffs Played. Won. Itist. PC. 17 .721 .7.1 ( .7:11 .4,7 .4U7 ...l.i l:t t olts Oold Tops , I tniaht Kicych ...15 ...15 ..l.i 11 II 11 1?.'S t ' ll.s'd lira 1I.7U9 II. .179 U7 St. 10.WH Life .Malts .... 1 .t El Caiidillus In Hlaeks Kuts I."- Dally News 12 Armours 12 O'Briens 15 lt .1 1 .2."s) .OHI Schedule for this week : Monday, Ful- Billot vs. 1'attersons Dallv News: Tue day. El 4'auilillos vs. Armours: Wcdnes day. 4 ainian'j- 4'olis vs. tjold Tops; Thurs tlay. Life Malls s. Omaha Picvcl" Co Kri(lu. lllack s Kats vs. O'llrb-n's Monte CrlHtns. Heliuont to Plaj Imperials i lie cm iineui loot nail learn vein n-nc it third game today al Twenty-sixth and ' Lake f'lf i In lis opisiients will Is- the, Imperiils of 4 oiincil Uluffs. Tlie tt ong Helinonl team deleated the buys from ov r i the river nine tlila season and the HluT The aches and pains of Rheumatism are only symptoms which may be scattered or relieved with liniiuenU, plasters, blisters, etc., or quieted with opiates. As soon as the treatment is left off, however, or there is any exposure to dampness, or an attack of indigestion, the nagging pains, gore muscles and tender places on the flesh return, and the builder finds that he lias merely checked the symptoms, while the real caute remains in the system. The cause of Rheumatism is a too acid condition cf the blood, brought on by indigestion, chionic constipation, weak Kidneys, and a general sluggish condition of the system. Waste matter collects in the system each day which nature intends shall be carried off, but when it is left because of a ,' sluggUh condition of the system it sours and forms uric and other acids. T' U u i 1 . . 1. . . 41... 11 ....4 Hya : . 4 1 1 1 . . f tv. 4 .1.. a ..,4 ...... a uuc an: uilu u ' jy uiwu euu taoicvi lu an yxi ka vi mc l-vj w jfiuukw the pains and aches of Rheumatism. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by goini? down into the blood aud driving out the cause and making this life stream rich, pure and healthy. When the blood has been purified and built up by 8. S. S. the pains and aches pass away, the muscles become soft and elastic, and Rheumatism is driven from the system. Book on Rheumatism and medic4 advice f n. THE 8 WfT SPLCUIO CO., A TIAXTA CJU -A i c;.:', testis I hoys are determined to conquer or die. Tha Iowa Foot Rail fiames. I'KS MOIXF.8. Oct. :"7.-( Social T.Ie gram.) Today's foot ball: Giliiiiell. 2: Drake, v. at Drake stadium Xl'es Moines Crllcge. :"3; Cornell. 5, Mount Vernon. PLAN WILL DEFEAT THE CIT Veronal Telephone Franchise Proposed Prevents Public Ownership. Voters should understand that the pro posed second telephone franchise gives to Its grantees a VESTED RIGHT for twenty- ' five veins anrl that I h ,.tv- will K eA--v. I OCT ON TIIK NIGHT THE COUNCIL . PASSED TUB ORDINANCE. It is u free and easy proposition for thus? "ceklng the franchise to PELL IT. In the , market. iSee See. 7 and Its PROVISOS!. It Is ptoptised to grant to NONRESIDENTS OF OMAHA n very valuable and a very broad privilege for an altogether ; Inade quate consideration. The wording and the provisions of the franchise are in open de- LIC OWNERSHIP OF PCBLIC 1ITII ITiES. The granting of It would n only ie a mack eye for that sent men i In Omiiha and Nebraska, but It will, offer full opportunity for a repetition of all the troubles and dangers of THOUGHTLESS 18 FRANCHISE GRANTS which the people ' of late years have belli seeking to avoid. ,A minor objection, perhaps, is that It will inevitably double tho 'cfcsf ""of 'fkiephoiie service and multiply the vexations of tele phone users through two conflicting sys tems of telephone connection. If the fran chise Is worth large sums to the "pro moterrV surely it ought to be worth as much to the city, which gets practlcallv nothlng but a . very . small Interest, FOR THE CSE OF. ITS CREDIT. (Adv.) GOVERNOR STILL THINKING Mickey Promise to Act Boleronly anil Independently on Flra and Police Board Case. Members of the Omaha Board of Flra and Police commissioners are arlclaed hs ! t t.i ... . ,...m .. vi oui uiai lie liss arrneu at ' " "cIuhIoii as yet In tho Issue between ! the Civic Federation and the board. Ha ! says he IncS taken the subject (under th '.,.., , . , . . . ,, . ' losrRt fairest and fullest considera- ,l0". where outside influences cannot In- terfere with his private deliberations, and .o. . . , ... . . wl" ""l Te,"r verdict until he has completely satisfied himself of the Justice of the result. This leads members of tha j t-., I ' ueiieve their position will be vindicated. FORECAST OFJTHE WEATHER Fair and Mariner lu Nebraska and Month Dakota Today Partly 4 londy Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Oct. r.-riecast of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska. South Dakota and Kansas j Fair and warmer Sunday; Monday, partly cloudy, warmer In east portions. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Sunday and Monday, warmer Monday. For Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday, warmer Monday. ' ' For Wyoming Fair and manner Sunday; Monday, partly cloudy. . . . l.urii aet-frti. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bl'RKAi '. OMAHA. Oct. 27. 4")ftirial record of temper in ore and pro Ipltai I m compared with tne cort csHjnding day of th last three years: 1!. It iS. Irt4. 1. Mtxlmum temperature. .. . rl 47 tl Minimum temirature... .at H4 ;t ;( , Mtatn temperature ". 44 4-t 4 ;n Precipitation .lai .uo .IX) .in Temp-ratiirc and precipitation departures from the norms I at ttniaha s nee March 1. and cnmiiai isnn with the last two e?rs: Normal temperature i Deilii- ncy for Ihe day total excess since March 1, 19tai 24 I v.,.,ul ........ t. .i,.. Drnci-ncv for the day "' Total rainfall since Murch'i" Deficiency mnce March 1 l!Vi" lieuciency for cor perlo i lifi" Dclldcncy for cor period 1!4" . ."7 Inch . .07 Inch .34.5"! Inch-s . 3.40 inch, a . t.tti Inches . 3.81 Incl e 0 DRIVES OUT o RHEUMATISM 1 S