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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1906)
TTTT3 OVATTA TATLY BTTa? RATTRTYW, nrTOTlKT? 1 11,11 " r " Let Your'lloney Work fcr You. n&ydn'i UU Eink Pays 4 Ptr,Ceat ea Deposit, Special Saturday Offerings of Unusually Low Prices Star t t tt i rn 14b .-iff Hoyden's Sf't Bau'-c 7y$ 4 Per Cent on Deposits, THd rCLIABLC ftTORH 1 W iUr'ili TME KCtllBLr TRt J 1 i ( ( f f -A C"""If SOL OeHjWtol Bargains i. IVcne,.' Garments $5 fhi.drcrt's and misses' outer garments. Two manufacturers' tocks of children's and misBes garments will be pUced on sale j ' tt prices far below their actual worth. ; Bargain 1 Child's Bearskin Coats In grays1! and navy blues, cizes 2 to 6 year, f Qfl $5.00 values, ut '. leOj CAPES AM) LKUfa-IMiA TO MATCH. Bargain 2 Consists of 600 children's and I misses' coats, sizes from I to 14 years, bear skim, kerseys, friezes, fancy mixed fabric and bull's eye Trivets, all color, worth up to $8.00; all y QO new, cleat) merchandise, at Jl.afO CAPES AM) LrXHalXG TO MATCH. Bargain 3 Children V e6ats in velvets. pi u alien, kerseys, astrakhans, chinchillas and farcy mixed fabric;, made to sell at $10.00 and $ 12 00; sale price Real Shoe Value la best shown In our special Saturday offerings. The plndld quality Is In no way indicated by the eicep-. tlonally low prices. You must soe them to appreciate their bargain worth. ladles' fihoes at $2.50 and $2.0t -Good wear, good style, perfect comfort, are assured. Comes In vlcl kid or patent calf, In light or extension soles. $3.0" 1 and $3. B0 values everywhere, Saturday e ft sale price $2.20 and .ell CM IjaxlieV Comfort Shoes Brosd and av, ft , low beels, felt lined at $1.60 and I ,JU Women's Fine Kelt Juliets -Fur trimnvid, light, flex ible sole; Just the thing for cool mornings: 4 at $1.60 and 1.11 lien's Work Shoes, (a good kangaroo cslf, ) (f strongly made, Union Stamp, at $2.50 and. . X.Ul Children's Vlcl Kid, extension sole shoes; the rf aina tnat give perfect satisfaction, at J GROVEL'S EASY SHOES, FELT LINED, WARM AND SOFT I J km Several great purchases of fine furs, suits, skirts, coats and waifta has placed us in a jxjsition to offer you better bargains in stylish garments than ever before. Superior values in all classes of ready-to-wear garments is a feature of this great sale. Com pare our offerings. BEAUTIFUL FURS UNDERPRICED. $15.00 Astrakhan Capes, special sale i cheviots, etc., good vslues at $15.00. price 10.00 1 SHle pHce fl.00 $7.50 Squirrel Scarfs, sale price 3.JJS I fSKi.OO Suits Saturday 9(4.00 Com? f'ine Loug Coney Fcarfs, sale I In fine broadcloths, cheviots, serges price 93.0S i and heavy mixed fabrics, newest WOMAN'S COATS styles a-ad colors special at 14.00 The finest stock of Women's Coats Walking Skirts, in all the latest ever shown in the citv is the verdict of styles and fabrics, sn entire manu- vlsitors to this department. You owe i facturer's stock, worth up to $10.00; it to yourself to investigate our prices. choice 81.05 Three Kpeial lint Saturday: Lot t Stylish Coats, in plain and fancy mired materials, over 200 gar ments from which to snlert. made to sell at $10, our price 5.00 Fine Southern Heaver Coats Skiuner ! satin lined, guaranteed remarkable values ai 59.00 Handsome Kiimmor Coat Skinner J sutin lined, special 40.00 Sable Coney Coats, satin lined, sale 1'REE SATURDAY A Handsome Silk Underskirt to every purchaser of one j of our fine Voile Sltlrts at. . .$9.90 MORNING HOITR SPECIAI-8. I From 8 to 9 t. m. $".00 Silk Under let 2 Fine Kersey Coats. 50-Uu long, t.Bh,rls' " ' - Knmp aultn lirvo1 thrnnrhntil trim. rn,l c.ou l III. VOinllS med with fine velvets and braids, eq-isl to any $15 coat, shown in the city, sale price 10.00 ' lot 8 r.legaiit K oats, copies of 1m- I ported models, grea; variety of hand- , some materials and colors, made to 1 Special '.".Mjs. , rfa V ... II A i i l ' v r in Sale of Winter Undzrwur Ladir' Harvard Mills Union Suits, In silk aud-woo!, hand finished, all sizes; special Saturday .. $,f)vt We are sole Omaha agents for this underwear. LadieV Sterling and Premium I nderwear, In all wool and teKa silk, at $2.50 and '2.08 LadieV all wool Union Snlts, In grey, white or black, regular $2.60 values. Saturday 91.50 Ladies' two-piece wool Undersells, , good quality, worth up to $1.50 a garment, broken lots oo sals 4 ! $1.50 Coney Eur Scsrfs at.... 09 From 9 to 10 a. m. Farmers Satin Underskirts, worth $1.50 at.. 59 From 9:30 to 10:n a. in. Women ' $1.25 Wrappers at....' OOc rrom iw ut 1 1 a. m. women 8 Water- GREATEST GLOVE DEPARTMENT The most complete of its kind to be found in the weft. Always busy because of the very completeness. pure eaiuraay AW.UU . . . ' ' proof Rain Coats. $5.00 values. Astrakhan Coats, Skinnei satin lined. , " V . 7.. . i5,-iU ' at ..... si r .: :- - V -OO ann '"1"1 t ; Ladles' Tailor Suit., slightly daVsg-tf 7.a i'o itraris, in mis saie ai il.uS ............ cUnS lu eergog, i wortn up to $16.00; choice. . JJq Right Corset Models N A comi)Iete new stock of all nopular and best makes. The La Grenue Corsets for slender, medium and siout firurep, all new models at $8.00, $1.50 Or and J J K. A ;., Warner's, Kaho, Royal Worrexter, W. R.'s, Thomnrion. Glove Flttlnir. etc.. in comulet variety of styles at. $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and . A complete Hue of Ladles' Ferris Waists and Bust Supporters at Special Line of Comets, with double Hose Supporters, special Saturday at. Hit? ,T Ladles' Union Suits, heavy fleece, llued. in cream or taus, great value at 9e and 50( Ladies' Vewts and Pants, heavy fleece lined, best vsl- ucn In city at 50c, 39c, 25c and. lOr Idie' all wool Vrsts and Pants, In grey, white or scarlet; special Saturday at 9S Children's Vests and Pants, all sixes, at 25c and Chlldrvn's nil wool Yests and Pants at.: 50r ' Ladies' Outln Flannel. Gowns, msde extra long and full, good Quality, nicely trimmed; ' special at o snd ..-lOr Special Sale of Men's Furnishings You'll find here riot only the very greatest assortment but you'll find the goods at prices that mean money saved to you. Mxirs Wool Shirts n! REGU LAR ti( VALt.'KS. In rrntuml grey or ' CAtn'i'i hiilr. thoromthljr hrunlc 1 KQ nd wU rol. at, gitnnt :50c Ladies' and Children's hose Lakes' Cashmere and Silk Fleeved Hose, ribbed and garter top, extra fine qualitr Ht ; 25e Ladies Fleeced Hose, heavy quality, worth up to 25c, special at . .". . .12Vi LadieV Cashmere Hose, worth 19c rjair. special, at 12Y2p viuiaren a Mow, n knee; 2Cc values n1 MEN'S SCKN S PRAWBRfl. aro1 hvy weisht, , heavy w yvj " in w ..... . v.niiT. in Liia vi a i riNr MAHRAB SHIHTS-Bnlendtl line t nw pttrri. ll ). worth vp to pedal esturaay at ito 74f JF7RKRT OVEKAH1RT6, evtra ru)a.r Site value. 7Q , grr. aplendlil valafs at, and. i ROOT'S fSLKBH AT BD HEALTH i i:KPKRWEAR. vry ft and wall Hn ' llirt. xlrm ousllty, at, aarmsnt, ( )C I and i MS ORJTFON BH1RT la a, firat prin 1 winner with men who ara lew king for iwv, well mad. prf?ct flttina gwr I mnta at a moderate prle. Y' are Omaha aanra and show complete llnea of oew j full atylea snd ra-ttarcs at, Mc, tt.Sn QQ colura, aiMdal P lz'c and 95c pedal Baturdar at MEN'S HEAVY HOSE, in pltlu or far . y lal Saturday at f ff ... "V MEN'S 8CARLKT WOOL BHIRTS and Irawra, peclal at MKN'S TWO-PIKCR UNDKRSt:fT8. Silkl wool fleeced, a bygenic garment, W'irOt f.M to tl.oO, special at Nee Tt. and Men's FWced Shirts and Drawers, WORTH I P TO the, odd lota, mngle or aouoi breaated ahlrta. heaT quality, very ape rial raluea at Tx!r!.r.lSi Extraordinary Sale of Millinery Veils, Ribbons, Hose Supporters and Neckwear Mosqnetaire Gloves, in all thu shades, -12-15-hutton lengths, wt $3.50. $3.98 and SU.9S Jdlew' and t'hlldren's Golf Glows, splendid qualtiles, at io. "A'f new Silk Lined Mocha (iluves, exceplloually flue quality. In all colors. at $1.50 and S1.25 Flei.-ce or Silk Lined Gloves, and 25 Ladies' worth " ic, at and , THE VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Did yoa ever slop to think that for u ery small Investment in s Victor Talking Machine you could hear tho crraf -n sinn ers, mudlclanw and niuuleul ovyanir.Ht.ion? in your owu home and at. your own pleasure? Ask anyone who has a Victor Melhn, I'atti, Caruso. Sembrlclt und hundreds f others sing only for tlui Victor. Prices range from the Victor .lunior st $10.00 to the Victor Victrolia at $2v0.00. The lowest, priced hs tliv ';cior quality as well as the hia'iest. Easy payments If tfosdred. Reefrds h11 at 05e for S-iu.. (10c for 10-ln.. $1,00 rr 'l 2-in. Ri-member there is nothing just as god as the Victor, no matter 'iat others may say. Call and see, hoar New Lace Yells, regular price $1.50, In brown, black, navy and 'white, very latest noeltles: special price Saturday 91.00 Automobile V'-ils, regular price $1.00, all colors, 'of finest hemstitched cbUl'on, o yards long; special price Sat urday 49 Ribbon Sale No. B and 12 all silk Ribbons on rsle at. per yard 5 No. 60 and 80 heavy taffeta Ribbons at 10 Hose Supporters The best Quality lisle elastics. 1-in. wide, till slses side elastics, worth 15c to 26c, Saturday P 10t 30c Satin Pad How Supporters, black, red. yellow, pink and light bine, on sale Saturday at, pair 25 Ladles' Nw Neckwear, all kinds; special Saturday In $ lots, at 15c. 10c and ' - 83: Fancy YelUngs i'ouS Iftc Pure Linen Handkerchief 7.7." .7 1! 5 Sole Agents for Hail Borchert Dress Forms', ' '' r 'InVlMMi-kW Hayden's the Greatest Grocery, Fruit, Fresh Drug Specials vegetable, butter ana Cheese De partment in Omaha. for yourself. .NFost complete, depart ment In O.r.ahs. Piano Players and Self-Playing Pianos tor ?Tif. Player,- St.OO per mo. u;t: S4lf-Pi.-1.vinK Pianos, $10.00 fK-r nii. tip. 10 lba. best Wliite or Tellow Corn meal i 10-lb. Sarks Best Pure Buckwmal Flour 1 10 hara best brand Iaundry Soap ... ' 8 lbs. Beat land Picked Nvy H-ai. ' 2-ib. ' ana B"t Hwt Muaar corn 00 ! " " i i-lh. ran. Kanrv W ax or Strtna BeenB.'o ! Tan'-y Full Cream New Toik White erywhere for R0 to C0c per pouiid, our price, tht sale 1 BTTTTEB AMD CXZEBB IUI, Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, ac Pr pr.11 no bs ,ia . .Stt 1 Kirk's Soap, per box Be 1 Munysn's Witch Hazel Soap..... 10c Juvenile Soap, per box.. 80e Beauty Brushes, each . . '. lOc '.Almond Cream, at 10c 'iMalvlua Cream, at Hoc (Java Rice Powder... 2.1c Tooth Powder lOc Hot Water Bottles. ........... ,Oo Popular Music at Popular Prices All late hits. Hl'ac co.-r. Add I cent for postage in ordering by mail. ' v)0Al. "Oond-by. Va y" "WiiHIiv' at the Church." "Good Old U. S. A,," "f Know 11 (li:l l.ikt. Yon." "I'tn Up in the Air About Mary." "After They Gather the Hay," "W hy Don't Ynu Try," "Cheyenne," "Everyone Is In 'lumber Land," "I'm Tlonej Moon Vaitcy" (new). "When the Mocking Birds are Slnjrlng." "In L'ear Old tleoila." "Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie," ' Kiss All the Girls Tor M" "Not Urc;iu.e Your V'air is Curly." lAJiiiiL.MC.MAb Din pickles - (riew rsg ), "Moon Winks" (two-afep). -r-risciiis. tinrermezr.o). Kod Homino' (now two-siep), "Paula" (nei wslti), "Ixjrrts and Ladles," "lolo." "KMiiry Heine." "Alameda Waltres tnew), "Manila American" (two-step), "Rubles and Pearls." "Silver, Hesls." All Slamiard Classics, Utc a copy. Hundreds of titleg to slcct from, vocal sod instrumental, standard sa red aonB and teaching pines only 2 lie a copy. Any 11 copies 23c. -lo. cans Fancy Lima Beana 2-lt. cans Karly June Hli'ted Paaa...8 1-o t-lb. cane Fancy dgiinsh, Pumpkin, Hominy or Baked Beans IHC Rromoanpolon or J-llo. per rk. .....70 lea & Perrln'a Sauce, per bottle 40 sinyder'a or Blue Label Catsup, per ! bottla 0 I 'J-lb. pakajr Beat Pancake Flour. l-3o I yt. cia iuld'!li Table fi-'rup Bo j 'lie B-at Soda or Oyater Crackers, par pound ...Co I 4 pkia. l'reila Riaoults lie i Graham or Oar.meu.1 f'rackera per pka I4 1IA AM it VWTTEB UrUVLXJ. Fancy Santo toffee, per lb IS Fancv Maracslbo Blend, pr lb 17U Fancy Porto llco Blund, per lb aoa Fanc y AiiKola Java snd Mocha, per lb.SJo Finer O. c;. Java an.l Mocha, per !b..a(to Fancy B. F. or Pun Dried Japan Tea, per pound 28a Fancy B. F. Tea Sidings, per lb ltVao . I Fancy Oolong. Oumowder, Cylon or (new E.'jgllsh Breakfast Tea, retails v- l j. Fountain Syringes Cheese, per lb lSa BUM "FECIAL Mannflelit a Great New .40 Over l,0O Handsome Trimmed Hats Secured from one of the largest millinery houses in the east at a great bargain, in fine French Felts, Silks, Velvets, etc., beautifully trimmed with plumes, wings, large roses, velvet ribbons and ornaments. Would sell in reg ular way np to f 10.00 and (12.00 On Bale Saturday In three lots Lot i at $4.98 Lot 2 at $3.98 Lot 3 at $2.98 Every Hat marked In plain figure. Com early Saturday and get your pick of these splendid bargains. See our ltth St. window display. Our Special Saturday Tool Sale rj.wuito .iarinp.iii a ureal rvew i a. m a Trk Pepstn Gum, a alicka In package, Xor Om9n3 S ItidMg mOtlty SSVIHg Meat Section FRKSH FRUITS AND VEGETABLKS. Fancy Canning Plums, per erne, six baakcta ....$1.10 ; Fajioy Cooking Apples, per peck lOo Fancy White Onions for Pickling, H huahel baske. M I ranni MiiKhaifca n.iiaeli aarh ... Am Fancy New Carrots, Beeta, Iarsnipa or Turnips, per pound la Fancy New Sweet Potat,oea, par lb... SVko Fresh Parsley, per bunch So Fresh fplnuch, per peck 10c Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart.,.. - 81 Bunches Fresh Radishes Two Heads Fr-sh Celery S All Other Vcg-tablee and Fruits iu Pro portion. Buy you r Harness, Blankets. Lap Vtoba, etc,, etc., at lluyden's. It will eara you money , Young Roosters 7 Fresh Spring Chickens 12V$ Nebraska City fancy Ham 12- Rib Roast, rolled and boned pound 10 Round) Sitak QYt Shoulder Steak 5l$ Shoulder Roast ...S1. Sirloin Steak . . r 9 SO-ln. 5so. D t Disston Saw .. 91.M ' S-ln, No. D I Wsaton Saw. ,.,..1JI S-ln..No. t t Dtaatoo Rip Saw. , .!. 20-ln. Not! IHaaton,in,. .tl . S-iS. Ko.;ll Disston Bsw,....'.t..'.,.$45 3-ln. No.1 t2 Dlaaton B)p 91 -7 Sic Ratchet Brace r.Bta, tl.tO Ratchet B B Brace $1.18 BalUy Iron Smooth Plana. .... .$1.0$ Jl-tn. Bailey Iron Jak Plane IS-tn. Bailer Iron Fore Plans fl.68 All aises Ship Augers for $ , wrmw rrora sii$naR-a srif Buixxtuia. rka Ipalaa BU( SktlSLs; Baaa Bnrar? ta absolutely tha beat and finest atov '. made. - Coma and It before you buy. TTa carrv a full Una of Universal Bar-a ' Burners, and can aall you a very hand ' aoroe atove of good alaa a rag- T t fl tilar 140.00 atove fur ,,f Alr-Tlght Oak atoves up ' t OK from .Z. Large 4-hole laundry Stove, reg- A AO ular l SO, for f Tout Oradlt la floed la Oor aTlava Bay. Special Sale Stationery A complete stock of fine stationery at rnoney-eavnig price. As Saturday's specials: All our 45c Box Papers All our o5c Box Papers All our 30c Box Papers All our 25c Box Papers All our 20c Box Papers ..38$ .24s ...19 . . .14? A complete line of Crane's Society Stationery; also Tally and Dinner Cards at specially low prices Saturday. CURRENT LITERATURE. "The Kvaslon," by Euaonla Erooks lYothlnghain, author of "The Turn of thy Road," which enjoyed remarkable popu Inrlty a few years ugo, gives n. keen pic ture of one phase of American society life of today. It possesses an Itiuiglnaiivo vi tality tn the conception of the situation: and a natural intensity in t:o clniracters that make It an extremely engrossing study. Fubllshed by Iluushtuii. MiOImi & Co. "Purple and Fine Linen." by- Kmlly Poet Cs a novel ot New York t-arlty. It Is u problem novel of domestic relations und the love of another man. Mr. Pot is aiu to be a rcalitt and to draw her subjects and characters from life. Sue lias con- V If JL Eeechim's PiUs are the "ounce of fretrentioa" that save many a dol ar for cure. Keep di&euc from getting la, and it will never by you out. The saf-Ttroards against all life's common ill arc: A Sound Stomach, Healthy Kidney, Regular bowcU ik! Fur Liood. Hundreds of thousands both men and women keep healthy by DEGGSJALl'G LIS . . . . .... . i nuea to ner puuiHuern tnat "-purpie ano I'ir.o Ltnei IS the most aerioua work sha attempted, and yet it Ik cIimi nilntfly eutertulnlnn. It is only S very pretty womun or an extraordinarily glflod writer Who eu TfToid to be cerlous. Published by the 1). AppleUm company. ' "A Lovatitlne Log Book." by Jerome unit, auiiior i mo Argonauia in Diuin, j is c. ocutt oi .;hi Hhcicnce in; iui cubi. TSo book is illuMialtd with many full page illustrations from plioiogrurihs. Long mans, (irren & Co. are the publishers. "LiLy Uul'ct. the nubble of Denlluy." by I.lnyd Chounie. is an autoniotiilo romance. Mr. t isboiii ti- 's insight into the at tliloiail tics of over-clvlllsed love as evidenced In "Baby Bjllet" contrasts strangely with the wilil., f roe, Inordinate passion nhich he d' -plcts In hi Houth M'H stories. It in diffi cult o rce how tite man who can under stand the love of gowns, frocks and man ners can have al.o grasped the life and death affection of the more primitive peo ples. V. Appleton ait Co. is the fubllsher. "Soinervllle's First Year in Algebra," by Frederick H. Honierville of the William Pfnn Charter athoul, Philadelphia, fur nixhea a satlKfnetory one-year's work for grammar schools or for the first year In hlfch schools. The book takes tha pupil through fractions ami almultaneous simple equations. Although remarkable for Its simplicity and careful gradnltoit. tt is char. Jtt.-rlxed by.un unnaually scientific pre sentation, which enables student a to mas ter Hi fundamental princlp'os of the sub. Jecl with less effort than is commonly the i.wc. Publislled by (tin Ameiian Book tompauy. a remedy that has itod t'.ie test lor hall a century and is now ticd over all. the civilld nlobe. 'I hey purify the blood, ktrenplUen the nerves, regulate the boweU, aid the kidneys and cure stomach troubles, build up the nervous force and re pair the ill effects of overeating, the best safeguard against indiges tion, biliousness and dyspepsia. Take Beccham's Fills regularly and you will laaiutatn good health at small cot. At Small Gosf 1 ' tuM tvery acre. la boxes 19c an Sc. "The Faithless Favorite." by luj'SIn fauler, is a mixed tragedy, to which if appended a collection cf dotached trlfl'S. entitled Hchedlasm. Fubllshed by the au thor at The Sign of the Latch, St. Louis. "The Congo'' is tli title of a complete and uccuralu translation of the rtporl of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Congo Free Ktate government. Publialiet by the . p. I'utuain s Sons. X,Tbe Game,'" by Ja-k London, is meiely the account of a prUe tllit bttu a Couple of lightweights In Bun Frnncliaco for a purse of Tha ccnteet la to mark the retirement cf the h'.ro from the riim. lie is ounlideiit of winning the purre, which la to aK'tve aa a "ueat eag" for himself and ins young bride on their approaching Mar rlaae. He persuades the gnl l uveron,e her repugnance and attend the tight in Ji gutee. The description of the battle is a holly Idealised, but spirttd. The host part cf It U the analysts of ttie gtrl'a fe l- iuga when she sees her lover stripped tor I the rliig and her growing excitement as he gradually weakens under the terrific on-j 1 an gilt of his mote powerful opponerd. He bnrely escupea being counted out and then pursues) taetlcn which enable him to re cover his wind Hnd ntrcngth unill he acems to have Ida antagonist at his mercy. But the other man has a "lucky blow' left In him at the last and he delivers it with I ho result that the hero ia not onJy "knocked out," but killed. The MacMlllun compiny Ia the. publisher. "Nuanor: Teller of .Tales'." by C. Liyson Tajior. author of "la the Dwellings of the Wildtrnean," id a story of Roman Britain. Nlcaii'ir, the story-teller, waa the son of a wood cutter lit liv ed In lliitajn when tha Island waa rjled by tlia ltonians, und the slave of a Itomau, lord. Ypen Nicauor went into the world meu and women forgot everything In listening to the spell of hU voice. Varia, the daushter- of a I Ionian lord, was mowt bewitched and forgot that Nlcanor waa a alave. And then came Kl drlat, also a slave, who loved Nlcanor far better than he knew. Of these two of the lord's daughter and the one who went in chain.--ni of Nlcanor'a life and deeda la the story, which Is decidedly mediaeval In coloring and atmosphere. The bvok is orn amented with marginal bordera, initials und he&d-piecca, and five Illustrations In clo. by the Kinney s. A. C. MeClurg la the pub. .is her. "Elisabeth," by Captain James T. Klliott, preaident of the Chicago Society of Proof readers, is a heart tale of Interest, com bining In description the attractive of both r.orth and south, the scene of action ahift Ins; from the tx-autiful southern country to the metropolis of the west, closing In th. pastoral quietude and beauty f (lie coun tryside. Throughout the book he Inter st Is maintained and d by a ell dran plot, prettily unraveled In the clos ing chapter. The book ia illustrated by Tearoom Xlol.lll. and Is attractively bound. The International Press associdtii-n id' Chi cago is the publisher. "The Watermead AfTuir." by Robert IWr, author of -The Muuble Many," "The Woman Interver.ta," etc., ia a love Hory with a bero and a heroine Ingeniously and apontaneously Fj'gliab. a pervaduig atmos pliers of good bleeding and good clothes, a delicious adventure luu motor car. and love triumphing in the en.t There is a frontispiece by Curtis Wagner-Smith. The liunry AUenius company ts the publisher. "Aore) 'a Outlines of Ancient History," by William C. Morey, profeaeor of history and poliUoal science. Fniversity of Roch eater. ta noteworthy for Ita simple an4 direct stj le aad Ucar and graphic piaetuU- tlon. It indicates the historical relations of the various countries and the contributions made by each to the progress of mankind. The continuity of history Is emphasised and the particular features of civilization which tiuvo distinguished one nation from another are given prominence in the narrative. The Important relation of geography to history ia kept constantly in view. Published by the American Book company. "At the Emperor's Wish." by Oscar King Dav la, Is a pretty little Jupanese romance of the time of the conclusion of the Kusso Japanese war. Jlr. Davis, as war corre spondent, had many opportunities for se curing material for his novel at firat liund, and this novel allows a new side of tlio versatile war correspondent. The D. Apple tuu company is the publisher. "The Torch." by Prof. George Kdward Woodberry, comprises his fortes of Lowell Institute lectures delivered In 1903. The theme of these lectures la race poser lu literature, or the power of the human race to Inherit and make its owu, for the pur poses of aplritual expression, the accumu lated knowledge and experience of puat generations. This idea Prof. Woodberry develops In the two first lectures, on "Man anr the Race" and the "Language of All Hie World." and illustrates in the six suc ceeding lectures, two on the "Titan Myth" and one each on "Spenser," "Milton," "Wordsworth" end "Shelley." Published by V-Clr.rg, I'hilllpa & Co. "The Woman in the Alcove" is another abaoibi: detective story by Anna Kather tue Green, author of "The Leavenworth Case." The murder of a very beautiful woman fr a diamond at a very unusual time and place is the crime about which the author weaves her story. No one la whom the reader ia particularly interested Is incriminated, but to discover tha identity cf the murderer keeps up the reader's at tention past his usual bedtime hour. Thoae who are familiar with Mrs. Green's stories will enjoy this book. Published by the Bcbbs-Merrp! Co. "Money and Currency." by Joseph French Johnson, alms to present a complete ex position of facts and principles of mone tary science. Tbe book is intended for the UFe of practical men as well ss students of Mgh schools and colleges, it contains very few technical terms or phrases, as used . in t-conomlo science. He discusses in an able manner the monetary experi ences of the United States. Bibliographies attached to every chapter and useful ap pendices are very belpfvl to the student. The book is published by Glna Co. "The Story of Paul Jones," by Alfred Henry Lewis, author of "The Wolrvllla Biortea," "IXa Sunset Trail." Xae Throw back" and others. Is an historical ro mance. The life of Paul Jones from boy hood until the close ot his career is one of the most interesting subjects for a his torical romance, and Mr. Lewis In this work haa excelled any of his former writ ings. The book is Illustrated by Seymour M. Btons and Phillips Ward. The Q. W. Dillingham Co. Is the publisher. "The Praying Skipper and Other Stories" Is a collection of seven stories by Ralph D. Paine. For eight years Mr. Paine acted ss war correspondent In Cuba, Chine, and the Philippines and has travelled exten sively. For two of his storles he has drawn on his trip to the orient, while the other five are stories of the water. The ft rat of i he collection, from which the book derives its title, Is the story of a religious captain whose ability ts doubted by the manager of the line. The skipper proves his worth by eteorlng the ship through a storm, with Its rudder gone, and himself suffering with a broken rib and ankle. The other stories sre of equal interest. The book is published by the Outing Publishing com- p: "Chip of the Flying U," by 11. M. Bower, is an entertaining story of life on a Mon tana cattle ranch. As there is not a woman at tha ranch, great speculation and excitement prevails after the news that the "old man's" slater la coming to spend her vacation with her brother. The fact that she has just completed ' her course at a medical college in tho east adds to the interest incident to her ar rival. Chip Is one of the cowboys, who adds much to the story, as well as to the business of the ranch. The reception the "little doctor" receives on her way to the ranch prepares her for n.uch that Is to follow, but after becoming accustomed to life ehs continues her vacation Indef initely. The atory is written In a very entertaining manner and will create many a hearty laugh, while holding the reader's attention to the end. Published by the O. W. Dillingham company. "The Life of a Star" is the title of a number of entertaining reminiscences, by Clara Morris, In addition to a short auto biography of herself. While there is noth ing of great Importance related, the Inci dents are told In a vivacious and interest ing manner. Those who have bad the pleasure of reading soise of this author's serial work will be especially pleased- ta read her book. McClure, Phillips fc Co. is the publisher. Above books st lowest retail prices, (hews, 112 South Fifteenth street. Mat- Br vast In Ohio. MILLKRSBt'Rfi, O., Oct. W. J. Brvan begjn the second dny of his speech making tour of Ohio here today, delivering an eWtuent nddres to an audience of sev eral thousand people. Mr. Bryan spoke of the tariff, taxation and cf Uie trusts. A TREACHEROUS TROUBLE. The headaches and dizzy feellnga that trouble so many persons, are often but symptoms of Kianey com plaint. Kidney diseases are very treacherous. They come on silently, gain ground rapidly, and cause thousands of deaths that could have been prevented by N treatment in the beginning. Nature gives early warnings of every disease, If you would but note and heed tbem. Backache, twinges of pain when stooping or lifting, head aches, falut spells and urinary disor ders are among the first warnings of kidney trouble. If these signals are unheeded, tbero comes a steady, dull, heavy aching la the back and Hons, a noticeable weak neas and lo.s of fleBh, rheumatic at tacks, weakening ot the eight, irregu lar heart action, langor, attack of gravel, irregular passages of the kid ney secretions, sediment, painful scald ing sensation, dropsical bloating, etc.. But there Is do need to suffer long. Do an 'a Kidney Pills cure all kidney troubles. This remedy haa made a reputation for quick relief god lasting cures. It la a simple compound of pure TT (Ls every T icture vol fTel,s roots and herbs that have a direct action of the kidneys, it was the secret 76 years ago of an old Quaker lady. It was given to the public by James Doan, a druggist, and is knows and recommended the world over. Home cares prove the value of Doan's Kidney Pills to our readers. OMAHA PROOF: Mrs. S..J. Gaymore, of 1209 Arbor St., Omaha, Neb., says: "I did not say opo word too much about Doan'a Kid ney Pills in my statement given in the spring of 1899, and which bas been published in our Omaha papers. The remedy proved the. permanency of its cure by keeping me free all this time from any trouble with the kidney se cretions. I have tried other remedies b"t derived little or no benefit from them. Doan'a Kidney Pills were in every sense of the o'rd a perfect suc cess in my case and since using them I have never had a symptom which would la any way indicate kidney trouble. My son places great value on Doan's Kidney Pills. Their use cured him of kidney complaint and backache. We are ever ready to recommend this sterling remedy." .BOAN'S MONEY- PILLS sow y an teaJsrs. rrfc a oaatu. resTsA Miiswtta Banal., H.Y.. rrspvwtor. SES3 jasslBasBW t t I