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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. 190(5. The Omaha Daily Bee E. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha Postofflc a second class matter. TERMS OV SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Pe (without Sunday), on yer..ll0 lily be and, Sunday, one year Jf? fun day Bee, on year JJJ Saturday &, one year DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Daily fce (Including Bundajr). Pr wk'7,0 Lally Be (without Sunday), per wk..U Kvenlng Be (without Sunday), per week c Evening He (with Sunday), per week. .100 Sunday be, per copy r Addres complaint of Irreg "'arltlee In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Be Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluffi-10 Pearl Street. Chicago 140 L'nlty Building. New Tork 16o Horn iJte Jn. Building Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edi torial matter should be addreaeed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, xpres or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 1-eent ilunri received a payment ot mall account. Personal checks, except on Omaha or esstern exchanges, not accepted. THX BE HI PUBUSHINO COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State or Nebraska. Douglas County, : C C Roewater, general manager or The Be Publishing company, being duly sworn, say that the actual 2mb".,or run ana completa oopie or ine ms Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the montn el juiy. follow! L.. ........ 80,140 IT waa as 81,830 81,880 a is.. 83,030 88.S00 , ... as .soo .... 81, MO saao .... sojoo 11..; si,eeo 10 81,680 Jl 88,400 f 80,000 21 81,700 14 81,880 11 81,630 ) 81,070 J7 81,700 SI 38,180 2 80,000 0 81,630 SI.... 81,610 w. . 8 81.S90 10 81.000 11 31,030 IS 83,090 IS 33,360 14 34,080 II 80,400 If 38,800 Total 887,860 Lts unsold copies 10,866 Net total sale 876,894 Dally average 31,018 C. C. ROSE WATER, Uenerai Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me Uts Jlst day of July, 10. (Seal.) M. B. HUNOATE, Notary Public. WHBN OUT Or TOWS. Subscribers leaving- th city tens, perarlly shoald have Th Be sua lied to them. Address will b Anthony Comstock probably felt that the Art Students' league needed advertising. And now the political situation )a Iowa Is to be further Involved by a gift from Rockefeller to wo Iowa col leges. Russian bureaucrats hare the ques tionable merit of constancy, If not the advantage of wisdom. In view of the collision between the Illinois and the Alabama, further proof of the necessity- for -naval maneuvers need not be given. After Secretary ' Root hao partaken of all the feexta prepared for him In South America he may understand the cause of bo many revolutions. Lawyers In .the Hartje case will prove their ability as salvage crews If tbey can' bring their clients anything but dishonor out of the testimony. : The defeat of mutineers in Russia may cause a revision of that opinion which attributes the defeat in Man churia entirely to official incompe tency. The government has evidently de cided that if John D. Rockefeller needs an immunity bath, he shall not have it, and If he doesn't need It, he will be no worse off. When the. United States shall have discovered the way to insure competi tion in the food supply trust on the canal aone It might try the same plan at home. Since Norway has decided to place no restrictions upon the sale ot Ameri can meats, tho United States may ap preciate better the value of the blood less revolution.. North Dakota democrats accused of selling their votes in national conven tion to Parker should easily disprove the story, . as tho nomination could never have been worth the alleged price. Fortunately for Mr. Bryan tno tra dition of Jeffersonlan simplicity is ex ploded, so that the trip from New York to Nebraska in a special train would not necessarily disqualify Mm as a "commoner." Soldiers stationed along the Cana dian line are Bald to be deserting. They will probably report for punish ment when the billiards begin and troops along the Mexican line resume breaking over the border. Tho report that Iowa democrats are to draft a platform from the Ideas laid aside by "progressive" republicans In tho interests ot harmony Is probably started by some one better acquainted with. Iowa democracy than with what waa "discarded." Douglas county continues to defray substantially one-tenth of tho entire burden ot state government. Some of the interior state politician, however, who try to make capital out of preju dice against Omaha would like to fence Douglas county ontalde of the state limits.' Colonel Bryan should hurry home and straighten out things political within the fusion ranks of his owe homo county, where the rivalry ot com petlng candidates for the governorship nomination on the democratic ticket threatens open wsr. Colonel Bryan might deliver a lecture to his followers on the vaAltgr t empty. koaoro. SECRETARY R'tOfJ MISSION. It anything were needed to empha- sixe the success of Seeiretarr Root's mission to South America' It would be abundantly supplied by the signs of jralousr and apprehension manifested among our European competitors, of I which, perhaps, one of the moat no- table so far Is the sensational warning In a leading Parisian paper that the harmony of the American republics Is now secure and the prestige of the Unlted States established beyond all questlon. The secretary's design, It Is now apparent, has been conceived and executed with consummate skill, one great object being to remove any sus picion of a disposition on our part towards territorial aggression or un- due Influence of any kind for selfish ends. The secretary's extended tour through the chief South American countries is by Itself a compliment and evidence of good will, the announce- roent of which produced a favorable Impression. This has now been deep- ened by the ability ana tact wun wnicn he has brought home to those peoples, not merely the pacific purpose 01 tne United States toward them, but also its power to shield them against wrongful aggression irom , me 010. World. I The keynote ot Secretary Root's ad- mlrably conceived address before the T ( . JltVnJ l i suniurritsu these words: "We wish no victories but those of peace, no territory except our own, ana no sovereignty except over ourselves, which we can mae- pendence. And this assurance, doubly significant to small and weak repub- lies, was followed by a statement ot broad commercial policy. "We wish, said the secretary. to Increase our prosperity, expana our traae ana grow in wealth ana wisdom, but our concep- tion of the true way to accomplish this bigger tax burden on Nebraska prop la not to pull down others and profit erty owners and a bigger revenue to by their ruin, but to help our friends the state because ot the Increased to common prosperity and to growth grand assessment which serves as the that we may all become greater and stronger together." To succeed so far ln establishing confidence ln the si n-1 oerlty and righteousness of our pur- poses Is a great step ln advance which is especially opportune at this time when the Panama canal Is well on the way, when we must be more than ever Interested In nearby markets and when colonization schemes are rife ' ln Europe. Moreover, our people are at last be- ginning to, take practical and really serious views of trade opportunities to the southward and to appreciate the great Industrial progress ln recent de- cades there, ln the fruits of which they have not shared as they might. Since 1870 the total annual exports of the countries south of us has risen from $700,000,000 to $1,733,000,000, and of Imports from $340,000,000 to $1,002,800,000. The Roosevelt con- ception, which Secretary Root Is so ef- I fectlvely representing, looking far. be yond the great Isthmian canal enter- prise, alms by winning confidence and atod will to nave the way for our ln- te rests ln these great and growing markets. I AQAISBT THIRD TERM ON PRINCIPLE. While the evidences of popular de sire that Theodore Roosevelt might re main at the head of the government yei anotner term conunue to muiupiy, and are believed by many to be so strong that he must In the end yield to it, every expression that comes au- thentlcally from him amounts to a re- lleratlon of his statement, deliberately made from the White House on the day" when the result of the last presl- dentlal election was known, to the ef- feet that he considered the present term his second and that he would not While Mayor Dahlman is undertak agaln be a candidate. Ing to verify the accuracy of the scales The latest Indication of the presl- by which Omaha householders buy dent's attitude, which Is Identical with that contained In various letters over the signature of his private secretary, Is this statement of Charles Emory Smlth, the well known Philadelphia editor and former cabinet member dur- the McKlnley administration, which waa made after a whole dav unent with the president. ' "The president." Mr. Smith savs. "la oDDOsed on urln- clple to a third term, and he conceives that for him to be a candidate would violate that principle." which involves in the Philadelphia editor's view "the absolute exclusion of President Roose- velt by his own unalterable decision." It is two years till the republican party has to act, and the proof Is con-1 elusive that the president's mind, so far as that Is to be taken as finally de clsive, Is at present substantially as Mr. Smith states It. PROMOTING NEW INDUSTRIES. The Omaha Commercial club has at last undertaken to systematize the work, which It has previously per- formed in a desultory manner, of en- couraging and promoting new Indus- tries to locate ln this city. There Is no 'question but that a great deal can be done along tbla line with telling results for the future growth ana prosperity 01 umana. 11 Is recognised on all sides that Omaha's greatest need Just at present Is more uiiu auu lacioritw auu it.tu- tlons that will give Steady employment in men and women waea workers, who ... in turn win cuusuiuig au eucvun patronage lor. our retail establish- menta. The location of every new industry that comes to Omaha spreads out Its benefits in countless ways. The occu patlon of a warehouse or factory site not alone affects the real estate mar ket at once, but is followed Up by a demand for residences and dwellings by those who are to be employed in connection with it. Each new Indus - try opens up new bank accounts col - lecllvelv and Individually, adds to the volume ot mall coming through the ..... postofflce, Increases the freight traffic oa tbo railroads la and gut ef the city fend spreads Its benefit In a constantly widening circle. Everr new Industry, although It may start In but a small way, la worth while going after because of Its poasl- bllllles of growth. Whatever plans the Commercial club committee msy develop, that promise substantial suc- cees toward Interesting capitalists to go Into business here, should receive the unqualified and cordial backing of the entire business community, be- cause the measure of success will de- pend upon the support given by our public - spirited citizens. UyPRECEDKNTEDPHI IRON PRODUCTION The authoritative figures show that the production of pig Iron for the first half of the year by far eltCeeds that of tho game per0(i Df any year in our hls- torV( 12, 603, 000 tons, against 11,829,000 tons during the first six months of 1905. the latter then being tne hlgh recor(i. plg ir0D( beinafbaalc ln the va8t Kr0UD Gf jron an(j 8teel ln- dU8trie. is regarded as always one of the true8t barometers of general busl- neg8 and industrial conditions, and from thl8 BtandpolD.t the showing Is ex ceeungly gratifying and encouraging. It l8 corroborated by tho specific facta rennrtnd hv in a nnvAral crnnt cornora tlong representative of Iron and steel lntere8ts and particularly the United . . . states Steel company, which, after a perJod of Beveral yearB JuBt de clared a dividend on common stock. The pI lron production ot the UnUed States for the year, we are as- Bured( wni reach the prodigious total ot 25,000,000 tons, or Immensely more than wag annuaiiy produced In the wh.ole world only a few years ago, Tne tax ieTy fixed by the state ooard at the same rate as last year means a basis. With an addition of more than $8,600,000 to the assessment roll, the proceeds of the state levy for 1906 of 7 mills will be some 160.000 more tnan OI the levy for 1905. With this ln addition to the extra mill the entire assessment ought to go a great way toward wiping out the state debt. But wm jt There Is no danger that the Venner proposition to Increase the water works load now carried by the city will ever be accepted. But ln the Interval Omaha has a $6,000,000 water works appraisement hanging over its head with municipal ownership tied up in definitely In the courts while the high- priced-lawyers are serenely milking tho cow all as a result of a so-called 1m- mediate compulsory purchase law. Omaha may delay tackling the Job, but the water works problem will have to be solved sooner or later. Insurance companies are putting In & new schedule of local fire rates said to b based on a careful inspection of tne Individual risks. It Is safe to say lnal lne cnanges wnen tne ratings are completed will be found to be largely In favor of the fire companies with only enough exceptions to be pointed out as shining examples when the kicks come to be registered. After returnlllK to the stockholders ,a dividends 23V6 per cent of their subscriptions the Portland exposition has gone out of business as a corpora- tlon Tnlg ieaVeB the Omaha exposl- tlon, which paid back 90 per cent to the stockholders, still with the record tor 8UCceB8fUi financiering among all American expositions ever held. their meats and groceries he should not overlook the scales held aloft by the blindfolded Goddess of Justice who surmounts the court house statu- esquely Just across the street. from the city hall. According to figures of the local weather bureau atation the tempera ture for the month of July ln Omaha considerably below the average If the weather man win now see to it that tne montn ot August is as com- portable as was the month of July his popularity will increase. The British insurance Inspector who reported on the San Francisco disaster evidently understands the situation better than some American concerns since he tells stockholders bluntly that they can either pay losses without haggling or prepare to surrender American business. That reminds us that If Colonel Bryan has set himself to the task of cleaning out the democratic national committee, the member for Nebraska might on close Inspection reveal some "corporate connections" that would at least put him upon the probationers bench End of the Snap Washington Poet. The Treasury d. partn.ent has ruled that ,omethnB more than a I-cen ctatp and a liberal allowance of nerve. Who Will Do Itf 1 n-,n niah Mr EdiS0n has taken out 784 patents ainca lwiD. but as yet he hasn't devised ny successful way to get th tr hu mldlty out of the atmosphere In dog days. Etlinrs of a tlianae. CWcago New. Evidently some of the Standard Oil mag n.ta hav,i materially revised their viewi I to tn, importance of th public alne they make such manifest effort to Jolly I R. 1 ... rowaaed. 1 Philadelphia Record, A New York tat dairyman Is using V'nrZt milk thirty-two cow In ten minute nrly thre. p., minute. The .entimentai- iu se4 nut wp. hwvr. ew th d- thronement of the strawberry -and-cream oomplexloned dairymaid: the hands that milk this and most other farmers' cows re those of unpirturesque men with their rouser hitched op hy one suspender. "WHIte Winn" sad the tan. Cleveland Flaln Ivaler. ' It Is quite right to provide the employes of th South Omaha packing houses with whit duck suits and a complete change for every day. But In the amended lait- uage of the poet, "Clothes do not make the man, nor guarantee the content of the can." Graft la F.nsland. Atlanta Constitution. A deputation of city functionaries went from York. England, to Hull, the other day to see about the proper pslntlng of a bound- ry post connected with the navigation of the River Ouse. The post was duly painted few minutes and the deputation dis tributed a good deal of metaphorical red paint in the vicinity. The bill for t'M which the corporation of Tork has been asked to pay for painting the post and vi cinity Include such necessary Items a case of champagne, two dnien bottles of ne Scotch whlxky, liquors, salmon. Ice, cigars, chickens, ducklings, t.on. plne- pples, grspes, oranges, breakfast and tea. Oh, no: there Is no such thing a graft ln dear hold Hengland!" Dewey and the Veteran. Washington Star. Admiral Dewey, In an address to an as sociation of war veterans at Vtlca, N. Y., voiced an old truth ln good style. "This Is beautiful world and none of us Is anx ious to leave it." 80 say we all. admiral. We complain of It no little, and 'tinker with it constantly, but It 1 a mighty good place after all. So far ss this particular part of the world Is concerned the Amer ican part no men have a better right to the good things going and to the satisfac tion which comes from viewing and consid ering them than those who helped forty odd years ago to keep the country together. The admiral was addressing a few of them, and belnff one of them himself must have found especial pleasure ln making his ob servation. Rallronda and the Law. Bprlngfleld Republican. It Is fair to assume that the rallrosds are not conferring with their lawyers to de vise plans for circumventing or overthrow ing1 the new Interstate rate law. More likely the recent conference at Chicago waa for consideration of the requirements of the law and of how to conform to them. This s not saying that the mads will not test the power of the commission to fix maxi mum rates. They may do so, but It will be time enough for them to think of this when the commission has begun to exercise Its new power. Meantime the general traffic manager of the western New York Central line expresses tho belief that the strict enforcment of the -new law in the matter of rate discrimination, "midnight tariffs," publicity of rates, free passes, and so on, will prove of the greatest benefit to the caVrlers. He predicts that the law will prove far more obnoxious to the big ship pers, hlthertoenjoying unjust desorlmlna tlons, than to the rsllroads. . . . . TO MAXDAMIS AX ASSESSMENT. Kansas to Try Expedient Parsned hy Editor of Bee In Nebraska. Bloux City Tribune. Kansas railways have wielded their power ln politics so skillfully that they are underassessed as compared with other property and now David Overmeyer, a well known lawyer who Is a democratic candi date for the office of attorney general, has advised that the state board be man damused for the purpose of compellng It to make a new assessment based on the true value ot the property. The success of the proposed procedure will be of- In terest 'to the taxpayers ot many of the other states which assess railway prop erty through the agency of state boards, since any taxpayer who feels thaUhe can prove that the railways have been under assessed, and there are many of them, can Institute such a suit which will pass the matter up to the courts. Bueh a suit was brought against the State Board of Equal isation of Nebraska In 1902 by Edward Rosewater, who Is now a candidate for the United Bute senate. He lost his suit, the court holding that the board had acted without an abuse of the discretion allowed It. The success of such litigation would hinge largely on the good faith ln which the board acted. If a state board deliber ately underassessed the corporations ln face of evidence as to their true value. such proceedings as Overmeyer proposes might be of great service. MAN MEEDS A NEWSPAPER. Danger Encountered hy Not Keeping I'p with the Times. Kansas City Journal. It la stated that one of the Justices of the supreme court never reads a news paper. He fears the distractions of In formation and misinformation which no might encounter and which would dis turb the delicate equipoise of the Judi cial mind. It had been stated that he customarily reads only some papers, and that there are other wnicn ne never reaas, nt Judgment might be praised and hi dH crlmlnation applauded. But the announce ment that he closes up practically x all avenue of communication between him self and the outside world Indicates a narrowness that cannot be commended. Newspapers reflect life the breathing, palpitating life that is electrical with all that Is happening and being said and thought and hoped and labored for and condemned by the people of a world of which every well balanced man should consider himself an Integral part. He cannot segregate himself from that life and that world without losing some thing which would make him a more completely rounded man and therefor a better Judge. Th law la often criticised for being too far removed from the source whence It sprang the words and deeds and better Instinct of the race, of the men and women whose life is reflected in the newspapers. The highest tdeal of a Judge is not a man who Is set apart ln an Intellectual Isolation which reduces him to a mere walking axiom of the law. The best Judge I on who knows men as well as he know the law, and knows both thoroughly whose sympathies are keen, who feels acutely the throb of tho life and movement that Is going on around htm. There 1 no better means of getting into and keeping In this atmosphere than the constant and Judicious perusal of the right sort of nespapers. The man who adopts It will find him himself continuously Informed, and. ln proportion to the wis dom of his selection, rarely misinformed. There should te little danger of 0110 equipped with the Judicial mind having hi mental equilibrium thrown out of bal ance. The Information which might be Imparted to him through the medium of the public press will be found quite as accurate, at least, as moat of that whlcn ho finds In the muckraking magaslnc and the books which purport to Instruct. There was once a sybil who, according to mythology, lived to be so old that only her voice survived the wasting pro cess of time. A Judlclel equipoise which I so delicate that It may be thrown out of gear by reading newspapers Is ln dsn ger of sou ach etberealUlng attenuation. HOI m AROt'T KKW YORK. Rome of the F.reats of the Pay la) the Rosy Metropolis. Not since a tattered tramp was discov ered sleeping In the golden Artor bed, sev eral year ago. has the frsternity been so thoroughly wrought up es when thre member of the brotherhood wer haled to Jefferson Market pollre court rlmply because they took up residence In a four story brown-stone front adjoining the fash ionable Hotel Oregorlan, In West Thirty fifth street, snd only a few doors from Fifth avenue. Without the formsllty of pushing the brass door button, the policemen entered. In the Immense drawing mom. decorated after the picturesque fashions of centuries ago, sat three of the frowsiest looking tramps ever seen north of Chatham square. On n Improvised table was spread a banquet consisting of cheese, pickles, llverwurst and other delicatessen commodities. In the center was a huge cuttle of beer, capped by a flowing white collar, which protruded fully an Inch above th rim. The diners were apparently oblivious of the presence of the Invaders, for one of the policemen said he never saw men act with such "sang fraud." "Ah, visitors." calmly remarked on of the trio. "Didn't you pass Jame at the door?" "Beastly humid." chimed In the second, looking peevishly at the Intruders. When Informed that they were under arrest, the third meekly said: "And such Intolerably Inclement weather to remain behind doors." The police searched the house and found that the trio had evidently Intended to stay permanently In the fashionable neigh borhood. They had arranged sleeping places and on a rear porch festooned with vines they had placed boxes, where they sat In the evening snd listened to the soft music that was wafted from the dining room of the Greeorlan. One of the men, whose face proved con clusively that he had not been caught In a rainstorm recently, told the policemen that he wbs William Hlnes of Ruffalc. Asked at the station where his place of abode was, he replied: "Just mark It down transient, please." John Foster of Canajoharle simply stroked his long, flowing heard when asked hi address, pulled off a well worn hat, and, pointing to Its Inside, smilingly said: "Tou'll find It In there." Joseph Flanagan described himself as a visitor from Omaha, Neb. "How long do you Intend remaining In the city?" the sergeant queried face tiously." "Much depends upon the hospitality of the magistrate," was the rejoinder. When the men were taken from the house many of th fashionable guests pf the Gregorian watched the cortege move away. "It's humiliating." sighed Flanagan. The men were taken from the Thirtieth treet station to the police' court ln a pa trol wagon. "I sincerely trust." vehicle moved away, this at the club." The house at No. street Is now closed'. said Foster as the "they won't heRr of West Thirty-fifth The agent had new locks put on the doors. Miss Flora Scheer, the 19-year-old. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheer of 819 Marcy avenue, Brooklyn, who are spending the summer at their handsome cottage In Arveme, Is receiving the congratulations of friends on her daring rescue of a man on Sunday. The facts of the brave deed of Miss Scheer only became known yesterday, and when asked relative to the matter, she said she did not desire any notoriety. It seems that Miss Scheer was enjoying her dally bath In the ocean at the foot of Cedar avenue at noon on Sunday, and when she beard cries for help coming from a man far out ln the tumbling surf she did not go mto hysterics, but plunged Into the billow and swam to where the man was struggling to keep afloat. She reached him Just In time, and kept him afloat until George 8chappert, the life guard stationed at that point, came and brought the man to shore, where he was soon revived. The man said his name was John Bretsfelder, and that he had been carried out into deep water by the strong undertow. , Robert Morgan of 124 West Eighty-third street, and James Johnson of 128, were ar rested for fighting at Eighty-second street and Columbus avenue. Morgan was locked up in the West One Hundredth street police station charged with assault by Johnson. Both are Janitors. Morgan has an ex-black cat named Pete, which was a black cat a week or o ago. Pete was In the habit of roaming around the areaway of Johnson's place and John son didn't like It. He told Morgan to keep the cat away. Morgan says that about three days ago Johnson caught Pete and painted him red. The turpentine in the paint injured the cat' hair, and even after a veterinary surgeon got through with him the cat looked oxidized. The treatment cost $2.), and Morgan tried to get Johnson to pay Jt whn they next met. Thst was the cause of the fight yesterday. Morgan says he will start a civil suit and get the 8. P. C. A. after John son. Confidence men who play upon persons about to sail for Europe have adopted a new method which detectives term the "sick friend" game. Three men were ar rested on the Anchor Line pier one day last week. The method Is for on of the confederates to make the acquaintance of a passenger about to sail. He tells the lat ter about a friend who Is ill, and whom he ha accompanied to the stesmshlp and how worried he feels that his friend may not be looked after on the voyage. The real ras senger usually promises to take supervision of the friend's welfare upon himself and the confidence man takes the passenger ashore for a drink. There they meet a so called doctor who demands the fees for the treatment of the patient. The confidence man Is short about lion, which he borrow from the passenger and then disappears. New Tork's department of health hts gone Into vaudeville and will open the sesron with a tubercular exhibition next week. These shows, plsnned by Dr. Thomas Darlington, president of the department, are designed solely to Instruct the people of the city In simple preventives of the white plague," and Incidentally In how to care for those who are suffering with this disease. There will be four or five per formances each week from now until Sep tember. They will he held In the various parks and on recitation piers. These exhibitions, entertaining a well as educational, will eonnlet of stereoptlcon views showing how the "white plague" Is contracted In poorly ventilated and dirty rooms and a few Illustrations of localities where consumption la trested, th camp ln which the patient sty during their Ill ness and some of those fortunate enough to be convalescent. Between these Instruc tive health studies there will be pictures of well-known public men. funny kidnaping, burglar snd flre-Tlghtlng scenes, with n occasional song from a quartet to make the exhibition entertaining and to hold the In terested attention of the crowd. Inaugu rating these performances the department of health believes that by a combination of entertainments and Instruction It ran reach thousands of persons who would not read literature or attend lectures to learn how to prevent contracting th dread disease, or bow to care for tho suffering with It. PIANOS-PHONE They May Be Ordered Over the Wires as Safely as In Tenon. If It were not for the operation of the Hospe Plan which Insures safety In Tlano buying, who would have ventured to order a Flano by telephone or telegraph? Why. even a horse tradei" who Is said to be the best trader in the world shrinks from a piano-purchasing ordeal in the store which has a sliding price. No matter what price the cus tomer Is asked or finally pays In that kind of a store, he never knows whether he haa paid too much or too little, but usually finds, later, somebody who paid less than he.' From us you may as safely order by telephone, by telgraph or by mall as In person, and the chances are ten to one that our experts will select a piano for you better than you could yourself; or than anybody else could select for you. All we need to know Is, how much you wish to Invest; whether you want mahogany, walnut or oak; how you wish to pay, and we will do the rest. We have shipped pianos to the Pacific coast, Florida and other Southern states, and the New England states and north to the Canadian line, to people who gave us carte blanche to use our own Judgment, and from every one we have had enthulsastlc letters of commendation. A child of 10 ran call up Douglas 188 and get the same price ex actly as you would If you called In person. Here is a list of the pianos and prices that cannot be duplicated by any other store in the world. I'sed Vose ft Bona for 9143. I'sed 932.1 Hnspe for 9103. faed 9S23 Walworth for 9163. I'sed Cramer Piano for 9138. I'sed .Kimball .(Baby Grand) for 9450. Vsed Weber (Concert Grand) for 9-140. EXTBAORDtXARY BARGAINS IX BEACTIFIJIj TIANO PliArERfl. Never before have we had as fine a line of perfectly cared for, well conditioned, splendid values ln Piano Players. , A Beautiful 9230 Angel us for 9173. A Kimball Piano Player, In fine condition, for 9130. -XOTK We have many more bargains in the Piano Player line in stock and Invite most critical, searching Investigation. Terms of payment, 93, 90, 97, 9 and 910 monthly. These are only a few ot the special things to be found in our great Midsummer Piano Sale. A. HOSPE PERKOV4I, KOTKS. L. B. Abrahams, head master of the Jews' free school at Spltalflelds, England, ha retired after fifty-three years of serv ice. Israel Zangwell was once his pupil. When Miss Angela Burdett-Coutts was created a baroness by Queen Victoria, thirty-five years ago, there was not a single peeress In her own right In the British kingdom. ; Th prettiest hands in the world. It Is said, belong to Mile. Marie de Castellano, member of the famous French family cf that name and one of the reigning beau ties of Paris. Dr." Elizabeth Blackwell, America's flrst woman physician, who has spent the last forty tears In England, will arrive In Bos ton this week to spend the summer in her native country. Prof. Adolf Harnach and probably Dr. Hoch will be among the Germans who will visit this country In April, 1907, at the time of the opening of the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg. Lord Rendel of England was by profes sion a barrister and was raised to the peer age twelve years ago. His father, Janira Rendel, was a celebrated engineer, who built the harbor of Holyhead and Port land, as well as the docks at I.eltli, whilst his eldest brother has been consulting en gineer to the Indian office for more, than thirty years. Prof. Boernlel, the favorite sculptor of the kaiser, will stdimlt to the mayor of San Francisco a plan for the erection ut various points in the city of water tow era fed from the sea, securing the city fiom a. repetition of Its great fire. The machlneny ln the towers will be so ar ranged aa to move In sympathy with the movements of earthquakes. The youngest and most democratic of all the Rockefellers Is Edna Augusta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rocke feller of Russell. Kan. This young woman, whom John D. Rockefeller Is wont to style his "favorite niece." though he and her father are only cousins, has Just inarrlei John Porter Brook, keeper of a modest millinery shop in Los Angeles, Cal. BETTER AM, AHOIMI. Protective Xot Perfect, but Good for Something Cleveland leader. Neither the pure food law nor tho mea Inspection law is entirely satisfactory In Itself, but fortunately the deficiencies of the former are largely made up for by the latter. The officials having their enforce ment In charge will work together and the result. If their efforts are properly di rected, will be satisfactory to the public. The pure food law supplements the meat Inspection law In that It prohibits mis branding. Canned veal cannot be sold as chicken without Incurring a severe pen alty. A mixture of lard and cottonseed oil cannot be labeled "pure leaf lard." There will be a noticeable falling off In the num ber of "Westphalia" hams on the market. There is little doubt that the oft-made prediction that the meat Inspection law will prove to be the best thing that ever happened for the packer will come true. The secretary of agriculture emphatically expresses the opinion that within a short time the meat products of the t'nlted State: will be purer and more wholesome than any others In the world. The condi tions existing In many of the packing and slaughter houses of Europe are aa hxA as. If not worse than, those which recently prevailed In Chicago. As a consequence, American meat products are likely sorn to enjoy prestige In Europe greater than tr.ey have ever had. AST Today is the last day of our great suit sale, and there are some splendid suits still left in your sizes, and if you want a genuine bargain, don't overlook this last opportunity of getting a $25, $20, $10 or $1? high grade suit for Browning, Ming & Co H. S. WILCOX, lAanaaer- t'sed Kranlch A Bach (Mlng non) for f.370. laexl Hal lot & Parts (Parlor) for 440. 1ed Hlnse for 9 ISA. I'setl Weser Bros, for 200. i Used Burton for f-l&O. CO., 1513 Douglas St( Omaha, Neb. WARM WKATHER WIT. Church Every chance i gts our min ister preaches that it I "more blessed te give than to receive." Wise Wt II. thHt would seem to Indloat thnt he thoroughly believes It. Church Or that he want us to believe It. Philadelphia Press. Harold Newlvwed is greatly worried over a thirty-day note. t Rupert Can t he meet It? Harold It ain't thnt It's a not his wlf gave him to mall thirty dnys ago and hit Just thought of It Judfre. "Knowledge Is power," remarked the quo tation dispenser. "That being the case." rejoined the man who has an occasional original thought, "1 suppose hcrse sense Is horse power."-. Columbus Dispatch. Sensitive (lolfer (who has foozled) Did, you IhiirIi nt me, hov? Caddie No, sir; I was lauyhin" at anlther man. Sensitive Golfer And what's funny about Caddie Me rjlava eowf awfu' like you. sir. Punch. The nervous young man backed Into the nearest cliRlr. The fair girl glared at him. "You're a bird," she cried sarcastically. ny-er-wnat ne gaspeo. "You're on my hat!" she fal she fairly shrieked. -Philadelphia Press "Is that actress sn devoted to her art as to be capable of great self-sacrifice?" "Sure she Is."- answered the manager. "There's scarcely any chance she wouldn't tike for the sake of an advertisement. Washington Star. Miss ' Thumper That old gentleman cried when I played the nocturne. H said It reminded htm of his past life. Is he a gre-u player? Mr. 1 humper No, ne usen to ne a piano tuner. Cleveland Leader. "What Is it the poet said was 'sorraw'j crown of sorrow?' "I don't know. SMayhe he meant tho arhlng crown you have the morning ' you try to drown your sorrow. catnouo Standard and Times. "And vou will not reproach me for not being ot noble lineage i" said the senu niental heiress. "Certalnlv not," answered Count Fu cash. "1 prefer vou so. peorje of nnh' lineage are nowadays seldom distinguished hy the pecuniary plenitude which your father enjoys." Washington Star.. Daughter What! Mother, do you menti to sav that I must marry that horrid Mr. Jones? I liatf him; I detest him; I de spise him. Mother But, my dear, you can tell him sll thnt after you are married. Filcgende Blaetter. TH B FAIMRE9. We burnt our youth out gaily. ' And. faith, we had our fun! We laugh, and dream, and trusted Luck, And now, at last, we're done. The river is our kinsman: Fettered, and foul, and blue, With Its yearning lap St the arehe Where the tugboats elbow through. One dav, when the farce Is ended. He'll'glve us a friendly bed. When the New Year's caught US napping With a gray, dishonored head. Not vet we'll claim our lodging. Good cousin, your sheets are damp The bitter east wind snatche At the flame of the flaring lamp. Not yet. We'll risk our fortune. If the game goes up again. We'll kiss Marie at the corner And try vour rest house then. Sara H. Blrchall ln th Reader. AN OLU and WELfc-TKrED REMEDY. rOS OVKR rflXTT TEARS. km. wxxax,ows) aooTarxara rrmu k.i ten Uifl tor OY.r SIXTT TBABI tof MILLIONS .( MOTHERS tor thlr CHILPREN WH1L1 TESTH. INO WITH PKKUCCT 6UC( EM. IT SOOTHS Iks CHILD SOFTENS th OUslS. ALLA1S HI VAlHt CIHKS WIND COUi:. n U Uw bt rM4r lor DIARRHOEA Sol4 by . IruscaU IB wy ptS f the world B ur n4 ssS lor MRS. W1NSLOW S bOOTHINQ SVRCP Aa uhs ether kia. St mu MY I ns