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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
. , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE? SATURDAY. ATGUST JJ- 1 il ' k ' f W . i OMAHA WEATHKR KOKKCAST Saturday Fair. iwlll lLll 11 J August Art Specials Pyrography, the summer outdoor pastime. SPECIAL BOX BARGAINS. 60c Rose desipn and 'Kerchief Boxes, extra large C- size, Saturday only .JC 90c extra large Glove Box, rose designs, etc., Q Saturday only UaC Double Green Trading Stamps on Picture Framing. Visit our Art Galleries, Second Floor. Wall Paper Bio Reduction Sale A 10, 20 and 50 Per Cent Cut lo all Grades. All papers at Wholesale and many below cost. Crockery! Crockery! Amari Bowls in several different shapes, pretty odd article for ' the table, worth 50c and 75c, 1 0 on sale Saturday, each Big window of German Cooking Ware Baking Dishes, Jugs, Indi vidual Custards, etc. All r on sale Saturday, each $25 New Lot Beautiful Ilaviland Dinner Seta, good shape, pretty, neat spray decorations, pink and green, a $35 set for. . . . Wonderful $10 values in dinner sets semi-porcelain, very pfetty 'shapes, new, full 100 pieces $10 set; also sold on open stock. Buy one piece or a dozen. Pretty thin Table Tumblers with band, a new lot just received, regular $1 dozen, 6 for. . . UC The finest Cut Glass Water Set for $10 six tumb lers and large jug, very swell netting, easily a $15 value. On sale at $10 set. Ton Green Trading Stamps with each dozen Jar rubbers at 10c a Saturday. 1 Thirty Green Trading Stamps with each doien Mason or Econo my Fruit Jars. Special display of fruits and vegetables In the wonderful Economy Jar. Let us show you, the Jar. Once used you will use no other . . I t rr TT"1 mm- QottilMR Your choice of all our $15.00 Suits, in black thibet, blue serge and the new grays, both single and double- breasted, three and two-piece suits, our regular $20.00 suits, at $10 Your c,hoice of any suit in our large stock, blue serge or black clays, fan cy worsted, worth and sold (TIC up to $30 Youth's Suits, 15 to 20, single-breast ed only, sold up to $12.50 , $5 Half Price on Outing Coats and Trousers. Dutchess Trousers 10c a Button! $1.00 a Rip! Cotton kinds, $1.75to $1.00 Wool kinds, $2.00 to $1.60 Special Outing and Odd Trousers, at. $2.50 Sporting Goods Dig Sale on Hammocks Ai shows In window, will, they list, etrta each 39c Less than One-Ball wholesale prices. OMAHA WKATIIKH KOKKCAST Sutunlny Fair. ITS J). CHIN TsttESS STAMPS EVIST Tlii Saturday Shoe Bargains Ladies', misses' and children's white canvas Gibson ties, $1.50- Ojfin Mm's Wah Ties, (3) for a half. Men's Shirts, worth and sold up to 11. SO at 75c Mens' Outing Collar, worth to 40c, with every Jl.l shirt and upwards. Negligee Shirts, the very best to be had. They fit well, wear well and look well; colors, plain blue, tan and black and white effects, extra special Saturday bar- fain, at Ro POROUS KNIT. BALBRIGGAN, LISLE. 75o GARMENTS Shirts and drawers, bargain square 25c BOo Neckwear, bargain . square ...loo Boo Boys" Blue Overalls, bargain square 2So 2fic Fancy Hose, lfic, 2 pair for 5c 75o Mohair and Soisetta Shirts 50c And Ten Green Trading Stamps 11.75 Black Satin Shirts, bargain square t $1.(10 $1.00 Black Satin 8hlrU, bargain square 7So Too Black Satin Shirts, bargain square 50c Any straw hat In the house at one-half the marked price. SATURDAY ONLY $10.00 Panama, at $5 00 $7.50 Panama Hats, at $3 75 $6. On leghorn Hats, at $2.60 $2.50 Panamas, at $1,25 Men's Novelties Telescopes, Rackets and Pandipa $3 00 ones at $1.50 $2.00 onea at $1.00 ones at ROc Men's and Boys' Sailors $1.50 onea at 76c; $1 OA ones at 50c; 50c ones at 25c. Children's Sailors $1.00 ones at 50c; 50c ones at 25c, Saturday only. Men's, Boys' and Children's Hats Odds and ends, worth up to $1.00, at 19c value,, at... Misses' and children's patent colt Gibson ties, $2.00 tfl Re values, at Ot Misses' and children's vici kid ex tension sole Gibson ties, Cl)Q $1.50 value, at;... J'Ot Men's vici kid oxfords, exten-1 .50 sion sole $2,50 value, at....- Infants' tan and black ijt sandals, at... v Men's and boys' canvas shoes and oxfords BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY The Best Table Products Mocha i Java and Coffee, tUljftfa." 8 ll.s a.UVfl Ami flftv ereenw ...... ... traaiug stamps. Teas, all kinds, a I pound nHrl at ""Ifil, And fifty green jp.,.io! 1 diamond S Fruit... "Trra-w DCtf'HT-T i-Vwf I VL O A. V.l And thirty grtt TTT , I '-'TJ radlng stamp. 1 1.00 SATURDAY IN HARDWARE ' A WOT f "" 1 A COLD AsbeRtos Sad Irons (set of three), the best Irons on the mar- T P IRON 'ZiihAJfDLS kt, hold heat longer, per set. I. I J A I And Forty Green Trading Stamps. , Water Coolers Different sizes and colors, 20 per cent discount on each Saturday. ' Star Tin Dinner Pails come J4 I Star Ti in two sizes small ....... . aCrC large ' Fruit" Funnel that will fit the fruit Jars, the thing during the fruit, season Tfa Cullenders, come in two sizes, 'J I Scythe Stbhes, 14c and 1-C Saturday.'. 28c ..5c ,.5c TIN FRIIT CANS WILli HOLD OXK Ql'ART KACH Per Doxen ...,,.,.... 38c 25c Damaged Tubs Damaged in transportation from factory; Saturday will sell at 8Sc and : Family Ice Tons Every family using Ice should have one to handle their ice jf regular 26c, Saturday only, each IDC Cigars Cigars La Crono, an Imported 5c Cigar, 9 for. 2.V: 50 for $1.33 La Cinora, a 2 for 25c Cigar. Diplomatic shape, Im Imported, each Rc 50 for $2.50 A genuine French Briar Pipe, straight or bent stem, each 80c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Porto Rico Stogies, a good smoker, 3 for. ,5c 100 for $1.50 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Catlin's 'Mixture, a 10c sack, Saturday 6c We handle a full line of Smokers' Articles. KODAKS! KODAKS! KODAKS! Finest Display of Kodakery in the West. Newest Ideas, Latest De vices, 1 Expert Instruction and Right Prices. SKE THE CLEVER ; PREMOETTE, A Dandy Five-Dollar Machine. Southeast Corner Main Floor. MEATS. MEATS! Pork Loins 11 He Leaf Lard 11 lbs. for $1.00 Choice Sirloin Steak of best quality pound 12 He Spring Chickens strictly fresh dressed, selected stock per pound 20c PROVISIONS. All best grades Morrell's hams and bacon. Full line of Welssel & Co. s Milwaukee high grade sum mer sausages and cervelats. Rex Bacon 13 He Rex Hams 10 to 12 lbs. av erage, at .liic FISH! FlSHlt Bmoksd Pish Smoked Whita Fish. Smoked Halibut, Smoked Salmon, Fancy Bloaters, best grades of Cod Fish, Mackerel and Herring AT LOWEST PRICES. Blood of the Grape, quart FtOc hottle j .. And thirty areen trading stamre. Blood of the Grape, pint 2Rc bottle And fifteen greon trading Stain pa. HOJTBY arxcxAi. Large Jars Pure Honey. ' 25C nd ' thirty ' green 'trading 'sfampg. Red Cross Cream, large fc can V7W And ten green trading stamps. BUTTE. BTTTTBm Direct From Ths Beat Dairies Dally. Bennett's Capitol Creamery, O An pound brick, full weight W Fresh Country Butter,.. . Ofic pound tJS And ten green trading stamps. croundy.?.ut.t?:. i6c CHEESE, ' CHEESE New York full cream Cheese, Ofln pound iVW And ten green trading stamps. SPECIAL Brick Cheese, 1ftr pound BULK FICKLE Uneeda Blacuits, four . packages Ov And ten green ' trading stamps, Worcester Table Salt, two tfir sacks 1VW And ten green tradlnir stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut, pound 2Sc package AicW And ten green trading stamps. I5c bottle Gedney's Pickles for.,.15o Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, 6 cakes S5o Corn. 2-lb. can 6o Tomatoes, 2-lb. can 3o Peas, 2-lb. can So Anderson's Tomato 6oup, can ,...6o Gelatine, package Eo Chocolate Menler, 11 cake And ten green trading stamps. California Ripe Olives, i(c bottle 1UW And ten green trading stamps. BIRKITTI CAKBIEI Toasted Marshmallows, fresh flc made, box tv,w And ten green trading' stamps. . 15c i pa. ,.15a 60c ..5c Sour Pickles, lOr- quart tui And ten green trading stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, auart And ten green trading stamps. New Potatoes, peck . . New Potatoes, bushel Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart . Bennett's Copltol Lemon 4Qr Extract, bottle And twenty green trading stamps. Baked Beans, thrf large 25C And ten green trading stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing, three 0r large sticks And tun green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, lOfi package ivw ' And five green trading stamps. Jell-O, assorted. thre rttc packages - J Ana ten green iraami lauifs. THREE SEW PACING RECORDS Th Bronoho Males Sew World's Marks for Harness Bones. FASTEST MILE BY MARE IN RACE She Also Go Futnt Three Consecu tive Heats and Fastest Third ' Heat Results of Other Races. CLEVELAND, Aug. 8. Get-away day at the Qlenvllle track was a memorable one. The program consisted of three events, the Merchants' and Manufacturers' consolation, th 2:1B class pacing and the free-for-all pace,-but three world's records were shat tered by that fleet-footed pacer, The Bron- . cho. This little daughter of Stormcllffe. that Tiras recently purchaaed by Messr. Uochon "and Doble of Winnipeg. Manitoba, for $10,- 000, won the three heats of the free-for-all pace in 2:03, t:03 and 2:024. thereby break ing the world's record for three consecutive heats by one-quarter of a second, the world's record for pacing mares In a race and the world's record for the fastest third heat In a race. Charley Dean, The Broncho's driver, took her away fast and In each heat was so far ahead of the other four starters that It looked like a parade. Baron Grattan won second rrtoney and Maud Keswick third. In the Merchants' and Manufacturers' consolation Csar In. Dawson won In straight heats, never being headed during the race. Fashoda was second and J. N. Blackmore third. Van Nuckols with W. P. Murray's Italia won the 2:19 class pacing In straight heats from a field of eight, J.. B. Hanlon wan second and Who Knows third. Results: Trotting, 2:24 clans. Merchants' and Man ufacturers' Consolation, purse J2.on0: Czarina Dawson, b. m., by. Cxar (Mc- Cargo) 1 1 1 1 FashiMla, b. m. (Geers) S 2 3 J. N. ftlakemore, bl. g. Foote 4 3 2 Frank Hordic, bl. g. Grulyj 2 4 1 Time: 2:11, 2:13. 2:lH. Free-for-all pace, purse 32,000: The Broncho, b. m. by Stormcllffe (Deanl Ill Baron Grattnn. b. ft. (Geers) 6 2 2 Maud Keswick, b. m. (Curry) 2 3 5 .Nervoio, b. h. (Murphy) 3 i I Hiiiel Patch. M. h. (Fleming) 4 4 3 Time: 2:03, 2:08"4. 2:02. Pacing, 2:19 class, purse $2,000: Italia, b. m., by Hombro (Nuckols)... Ill J. R Hanlon, bl. g. (Rhea) 4 5 2 Who Knows, bl. g. (McCurgo) 7 2 4 Ivan B.. b. g. (Stout) 2 6 6 Moore, b. g. (Murphy) 3 3 S Itessie Karl. ch. m. I Geers) 5 4 7 Harry L.. ch. g. (Donahue) 8 7 3 Casslus, b. h. (Benvoni... ds Time: 2:09. 2:10. 2:llVi. DKIVEHS FINED BY .THE JfDGES Belief Fannie C Was Not BetnK Driven to Win. FREMONT. Neb., Aug. 3. (Special Tele gram.) There was a good attendance at the races this afternoon and the way the Judgt-s (11k tied out-fines to drivers brought down the applause of the grandstand. Pool favorite fared hard all around. I -arty On line took the 2:27 trot by steady work In the last three heats. Wax Wing showed some wonderful bursts of fpecd in this race, but wa too erratic. It was in the 2:36 trot that the talent had things fixed with the drivers, It was stated, and got a jar. Urowncll's cheatnut mare. Sequel, won the first two heats, with Fannie C. and Mar garet B. close up. Lew Brown, driver of Fannie C, was removed and fined $i0. C P. Johnson was put in his place and his r Rr CLOTHING ON "SI Hp LlH Want Some Real Good Downright Honest Bargains? Then come here you don't need money to get in on these snaps your promise to pay is good enough for us. 1ST I "9 t I 1 II i ) I CUT PRICES ON --we v iitiXi. 1 LADIES' SLITS SOItT WAISTS SILK WAISTS WALKING SKIRTS MILLLNERY MEN'S SUITS BOYS' SUITS CHILDREN'S SUITS MEN'S BATS MEN'S TROUSERS 58 Busy Stores taUd Ucoye bireet. work was only a shade less rank than that of Brown, and he was given a fine of Sno. Anderson, driver of Grey Fox, was also fined $26 for pulling her. Leona C. did some remarkable work in the 2:30 trot. In the second heat her sulky broke down at the beginning of the last quarter and she was given last place, being led under the wire and allowed to start In the next heat, which she won easily. Results: 2:27 trot: Lady Online, b. m.. by Biamont 3 1 1 1 Helen C 1 4 2 2 ax Wing 2 2 S 3 Mlas Derby 4 3 3 4 I.esto, Jr 6 6 4 6 King Roscoe dls Time: 2:24V. i:234; 2:23. 2:30 pace: Leona U., b. m., by Ham- neitonian 3 Bill Adrian N 2 12 3 2 Fortunella 1 3 3 4 3 Sliver Fox 4 2 4 2 4 Lord Direction 6 4 6 6 6 Jim Booth 6 6 6 6 dls black Douglas dls Time: 2:Z4, 2:30, 2:20V 2:C44 2:35 trot, which was the race the drivers of Fannie C, got in their work, was not finished: Fannie C 3 2 2 2 1 1 Sequel 1 1 3 4 4 4 Margaret B 2 3 112 2 Oakland Flash 4 4 4 3 3 3 Llizie Blgstaff 6 6 dls Time: 2:14V 2:23. 2:234. 2:2414, 2:21V S:23fc. ' BLATHER WICK IX REVERSE FORM Has Btaaja Frlgbt and la Defeated by Hnnt of California. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 3. (Special Tele gramsThrough a change In the schedule, blatherwick of the Omaha Tennis club was matched with R. G. Hunt, tne Californian, today. It was a case of either stage fright or a complete loss of control, (or the Nc braskan pUiyed a very poor name and gave Hunt an easy victory, Incidentally a boost to the championship play. BlathrwliU was completely outclassed In all the rounds, showing hut an occasional streak of some of his past good work with the racket. Beautiful weather brought a large crowd and has about evened up all the matches so that the finals may be played tomorrow. C Collins, who Just won honors in Chi cago, arrived today to defend the north western championship. Nat Kmerson of Cincinnati defeated R. H. Hunt of California this afternoon in the scnil-flnals for the Northwestern tennis championship. The match was the harutst fought of any of the present tournament. The defeat of the coast representative was a surprise, as he was playing in great form and It was expected that he would carry off a victory In his match. The final score was 7-6, -), 3-, 4-6, -7. Tomorrow Waldner and Emerson will meet and the winner is matched with Krelgh Collins for the championship. Drawlnsrs for Field dob Tennis. The handicapping and drawings at the Flifld club Friday evening for the play for the Hamilton cup resulted as follows: Martin (owe 16), bye. McConnell (scratch), bye. Kasmussen (Scratch), plays. Dufrene (receive half 15). Kolin (owe lui, plays. Glen Buck (receive 30). F.peneter (recelvo lo),. plays. Kainey (scratch). Capon (receive 15 and half 16). Collett (scratch). A. C Potter (scratch), plays. Whitman (receive 3UI. gcribner (owe 30), plays. Wood (receive half 16). Rogers (receive '). plays. Chambers (receive half 15). Kennard (receive 15 and half 15), plays. Doherty (receive 15). Warren liillls (receive 15 and half 15), play. fcrfirl Buck (receive 30). William HUlls (scratch), plays. Dinning (receive 16 and half 16). Ld Potter (scratch), plays. Neely (receive 16). Hughes (owe 16 1. plays. Van Camp (receive half 15). Jaynes deceive 3, bye. West (scratch), bye. Play will commence at 2:30 p. m. Satur day and all players must be in readiness to play at that time. rhaler Baals Oat I lyases. SCHUYLER. Neb., Aug. 8 c Special Tel erram ) Schuyler today defeated L'lysses In a splendid game of base ball by a score of 1 to o. Kurt tor b nuyier was in nne form. Mallory also pitched well, except in the sixth inning when the Schuyler boys lauded on mm for three Mts and two runs, enough to win the game. The feature of the gam were the food all- around playing of Richardson and the one- nanaea cairn oy rainter in center neia. Schuyler plays Wahoo here on Sunday. Score: R. H v. Schuyler 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 -2 6 3 I lysses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 2 i Batteries: Schuyler, Ruff and Smith; l'lysses. Mallory and Felex. Two-base hits: White, Booth. Struck out: By Ruff, 4: by Mallory, 7. First base on balls: Off Ruff, 1. Stolen base: Jellen. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Godenschager. CAHSiET IS OIT AT SlOt'X CITY Resigns as Manager on Account of Wife's Sickness. SIOUX CITY, la., Aug. 3 Manager John J. Carney of the Sioux City Western league base ball team, has resigned. Carney's resignation was due to Illness of his wife. lie is now at her bedside In Boston. Field Club ame. The Field club ball team will play the People's Store team on the Field club grounds this afternoon at 8. Manager Knapp is figuring on putting a stop to the winning streak of the Field club, which Is beating all comers, but judging from the records he will have to go some. The lineup: Field Club. Positions. People's Store. Abbott First Pendergrast Chamliers Second Parker Murphy Short P. Kennedy Creighton i. Third McNamee Kelly Left Vincent Hoapland Center '. Kehoe Rogers Right Brown Karr , Catch P. Kennedy Gordy Pitch Kacher-Knapp miser Too Mark for Stanton. STANTON, Neb., Aug. 3. (Special Tele grain. ) Pilger defeated Stanton here today in a one-sided game. Swarts pitched fine !all, allowing but four singles. Score: R H E Pllaer I 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 0-9 7 i Stanton 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 13 4 5 Three-base hit: Tift. Bases on balls: Off Swartz, 4; off Mayer, 2. Left on bases: Pilger, H; Stanton, 10. Struck out: By Mayer, 6; by Swarts. 8; by Chacee, o. Double plays: Holsteln to Kearney; Swartt to Bwartx. Batteries: Pilger, Swartz and Tift; Stanton, Mayer. Chacee and Person. Umpires: Wells and Kitterman. Armonrs and Diets. The Armours play the Diets Saturday at Diets park, Thirtieth and Spalding streets. Game called at 3:30 p. m. sharp. The lineup: Armours. Position. Diets. Buhner Catch Massman Donahue, Garness Pitch Rice Williams First Camp Carey Second Hall Shanahan Short Knight McMahon Third Latham, Casey English Ift Anderson Driscoll Center Laferty Burech Right Hunter to the tune of 18 to 10. Kearney got ten hits and seven errors; Pueblo six hits and three errors. Batteries: Kearnev. Pen- dergraft, Weisbrod and Zalusky; Pueblo, Williams and Rennlcker. Umpire: blata Davis. Nelson Wllllna; to Meet Gans. GOLDFI ELD, Nev., Aug. 3. Battling Nelson, through his manager, today ex pressed a willingness to meet Joe Gans In a finish fight for $30,000 here on Labor day. The money, now on deposit at a local bank, win dc posiea in can rTancisco tomorrow. Gans' acceptance Is expected tomorrow. Miss Sotton .Wins. NEW CASTLE-ON-TYNE, Aug. 8 In the Northumberland tennis championship contests today Miss May Sutton of Cali fornia beat Mrs. Averad in the semi-final of the ladles' singles by 6-0, 6-0. Harvard Wins from Haatlna-a. HARVARD. Neb., Aug. 8. (Special Tele gram.) Harvard defeated Hastings this afternoon In a hard played game by the score of 6 to 3. Perry drove In the win ning runs with a two-bane hit In the last of the eighth. Morse pitched consistent hall from start to finish. Score: R.H E. Hastings 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 1 0 Harvard 0 10 0 0 0 18 6 t 3 Two-base hits: Perry, Bender, Nestle house, Moore, Johnson. Batteries: Crable and Poteet, More and Lang. Umpire: Ling. Attendance, 400. Bradsbaw a Wlaner. BRADSHAW, Neb.. Aug. 3. (Special.) Bradshaw won from Benedict yesterday by a score of 11 to 6. Benedict was saved from a shutout when in the seventh Inning with two passes, three errors and one hit they scored their five runs. Score: R.H E. Bradshaw 0 0 3 0 1 4 1 0 011 15 5 Benedict 0 00000600 66 Balttrlci- Bradshaw, Yoder and Plckrel, Benedict, Urlckey, Chlttlck. Canfleld and Myers. Struck out: By Yoder, 7; by Urickey, 2. Umpire: Belcher. Games In Tnree-I I.eacae. At Decatur Rock Island. 3. Decatur, 1. At Dubuque Dubuque. 8: Bloomlugton. 2. At Springfield Cedai Rapids, 7; Spring field 6 (tnirteen Innings). At Davenport First game: Peoria. 5; Davenport. 1. Second game: Davenport, 6; Pour la. 6 (called end of fourteenth In ning. Pneblo Wins at Kearney. KEARNEY, Neb.. Aug. 8 (Special Telrgram.) Pueblo said they would trim tbe WhU Wings ug lodajr aod Utey did. Sporting; Brevities. Denver and Lincoln each made three hits Thursday, while Denver landed six and Lincoln live errors. That Lincoln man who sends out the Western league scores must see double. He never allows his "attendance" to drop below 1.200. But there's nothing like mak ing a front. Comiskey Is said to have an option on Mike Welday, who Is leading Des Moines In batting this year. Commie probably can have anything Des Moines has If he only says so. The date of the meeting of the Nebraska Golf association Is August 23 at the Coun try club. An effort will be exerted to make the event of wider scope than lat year, when several towns of the state were rep resented. All Field club members not entered In the handicap tournery for the Frank Ham ilton tennla cup must hsnd their names to O. H. Scrlbner by 8 p. m. today at the Field club, when drawings begin. Play starts at 2:30 p. m. Saturday. Low Rate Excursion to ,ew York City On August 28 and 29 tht Nickel Plate road will sell tickets to New York City and return, at rate of one fare plus $2.00, from Chicago. Return limit, September 4, leaving New York City. For detailed In formation call on or address John Y. Cala hsn, general agent. No. 107 Adams street, Chicago. STATE LEVY CERTIFIED UP (Continued from Third Page.) the atmosphere greatly. It interfere! somewhat with threshing, which is the principal Industry on the farm now, and brought many farmers into town to look after business. ALBION Mrs. Hllma Dalstrom of Shell Creek precinct was yesterday adjudged insane and taken to the Norfolk asylum this morning. Mrs. Dalstrom Is the mother of six children, the youngest of which is a year and a half old. She has been showing Indications of insanity for some time and lately ha become quite violent. AUBURN It has been announced that the Auburn concert band of this city will from now on give afternoon concerts In the Cltv park every Sunday, at which time there will be nothing but sacred music rendered. The band is one of the best In southeast Nebraska and the entertainment will bo highly appreciated by all. SARONVILLE Mrs. Charlotte Israel son, wife of A. P. Israelson, died this morning at . her home, one mile east of town. She was one of the first settlers of ('lay county. She was born In Sweden August 6. 1833, and was married In 1851 to Andrew P. Israelson and came to America with him In 1862 and located in Illinois tU 1878 and homesteaded in Ne braska on the place where she died. HARTINGTON The first threshing of winter wheat Is turning out much bet ter than expected. Fred Cole has threshed 1,700 bushels on the Llnkhart farm, near town, that tests sixty-eight pounds to the bushel. James Steffen has threshed 1.2U0 bushels that yielded twenty-two and a half bushels to the acre. The spring wheat also looks good and Is filling well. There ts a considerable acreage In thU locality. BEATRICE Company C met last night and made final arrangements for k-uv:uv; for Fort Riley, Kan., to attend the an nual maneuvers. The company, together with Company K of Wllber, Company C, Second regiment, Nebraska City, and Com pany L of Alma, left for Fort Riley this evening on a special train over the Union Pacific. The last named companies ar rived in Beatrice on the morning and aft ernoon trains and were transferred here. Seven special trains paxd through the city today over the Union Pacific carrying National Guard troops ior Fort Riley. The presence of the soldier In U city, gavw Beatrice a military appearance. AUBURN Miss Ellxabeth Fenn. who for the last four years has ben studying voice. culture In Parts and who has been quit prominent in uonnon ror tne last year, where she has been giving concerts, ar rived here from Omaha yesterday to visit her sister, Mrs. C. C. West, who resides In this city. Miss Fenn1 was a resident of this place for many years. She expects to spend the summer here and at Omaha, where her mother now Uvea. Hl'LO-The Rulo boys who took the civil service examination for the rural free de livery service made an excellent showing. J. H. Brinegar received M per cent, Newton Hosford !M4 and James Tanguey, Jr., 92 per cent. Brinegar received notice yester day that he is appointed rural letter oar rier on route No. i out of Rulo. No appli cant nut of Rulo ever made a grade of leas than 92, and of high grades Rulo beats any other town In the country. RULO The German camp meeting began last evening at the Relger grove. It will continue six days. German preachers from the adjoining states will be present. The meeting promises to be a profitable one. Some sixty tents are already erected, besides a huge tabernacle for use during services. The preaching Is all In German, except one sermon on Sunday afternoon. This Is spoken In English for the benefit of the ones who cannot understand German. HUMBOLDT George W. Davis, a well known, aged farmer living northwest of the city a few miles, suffered a severe In jury this morning while working with a, haying gang at his home. The fastening of a large hay fork berame loosened in some manner and the fork fell, striking Mr. Davis near the temple and cutting a great gash down the side of his face. It cannot he determined yet whether or not the Injury will result fatally, owing to the advanced age of the victim, but it is thought he may pull through. EDGA R Charles Caldwell, son of Hon. P. A. Caldwell, was badly Injured yester day. While drawing wheat from the shock to the machine In the field the team ha was driving became frightened and ran, away. He was thrown from the wagon, striking with such violence on his ohlti that his tongue was cut nearly half off by his teeth. He was unconscious when picked up and remained so for an hour or more. He was taken to Dr, Anderson office, where his wounds were dreaed. Ha was badly bruised and shaken up, but M 1 thought this morning that his Injuries ar not fatal, though vary serious. I Urn I If you will eat more . you can do more work, enabling you to earn more money, so that you can buy more Uneeda Biscuit do wore work and earn still more money. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY rgT s mm 1 6 S 1 ' i m rr r