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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
Tin-: OMAHA DAILY 'BEE: THURSDAY. JCLY 2( lfKHT. e ? IFFilRS AT SOUTH OMAHA ( Caw of Badly Kfttfirc.ed Child Brooch, to Attrmtitn of the Police. ' LITTLE ONE MAY Bt SENT TO HOSPITAL Collision on. 'iMnck lord Tricki Resolla In Kncln and ninlirr of imrm Bflft Pndly 9innitifil t o.' M4 ar ltvl.. bnrT. v4 Wtcii. ft K vtKMl tha lM ff 67 ?rtf, Kb 4 o fcarrri taatett ft bwenrvrl la properly k1w Arrf qo oauirv flt f alsiiiw (MR. TT. U jV pAr Mitt t lulf f tbt hint t n (ft paiM' "A you M Ui 0 trMB I rtemmte UlmmrnmA'm Crrnm tb fft fcrrrifil of H ih Jin h mh. t k r ..1. v U iiHiita avewt lur J neighborhood it Twenty-fifth and I" streets J FI3XT.HQPI1R&, PrOfU 17 Gntl JoRSI Strt,scwTi jesterday. Ths first Intimation of the affair i vas Riven to the police by the ncillihtr 1 wno reported thaf a 'little f-year-old child , tery. Daltow s story In that he dlseov- wae being- left by Its parents day after day i eved the relations of the two and whs alone in a,' hiije. af JVift y atroet. When the j provoked to auch a degree a to give his representatives r(. the, police and the papers spouse a beating A aisler of the woman arrtred the bov wan Innml iln In a room ' Interfered and had Daltow arrested. He T. Fella Oouraud'e Oriental Cratm or Megloel SJeeutifler. a. m.a Ta, rtwf'a D f rr . Ftrk XMU, .ne Ml. Ita ivivt'p Aonrnc tat nil re J e"Tc'llr finfl m T,n(,u Mua WIM J UlVLLUj fUIV VlLLL .'Blaok . Beauty.'' ridden by Mr Royal, la aald to be the most perfect gait horse In the world. Eaneetrlan rake walking and General ISUet Command for Camp of dancing were amusing features of this part Instructions Hit Eammer. EIGHT OR TEN THOUSAND TROOPS THERE Historic Pawnee Flats 'Hill Be the Iceae of This Mo-fable Gather lag of Stat aad .Na tlaaal Soldiers. of the program. The program closed with the customary series of hippodrome race. In ten eventa. from a contest between Kngllah whippet hounds to the favorite Human chariot rscea. The show la accompanied by the usual aide attractions of Interesting freak, and novelties. which had th appearance of never blng -It. contained a mattress with no bed clothing. A big' baket full of clothes sat on a chdtr and - rubbish of all kinds waa in every earner. Kllea Vere thrre by. horde crawling on the chlld'a head, .which showed marka of their rai-nea. T.h . Infant la affllefeiT by sptnal trouble anlfannof walk, which Dr. DeT-anney delareil -wws the result of neglrct find laelt Cf proper nourishment. In a .second room things Vere In a worse condition. .Here the remains of the bHbv'a breakfaat and dinner wre found on the I floor. rHstlngulshable Iri-lhe mess, through which It hpd rolled, were stewed potatoes and a bfg chunk of holled beef which would be worth the life of ad ordinary child to eat. Tha chUd bad been left to feed ltslf. the dish being set on tha floor and left there. In the make-shift kltoben waa a mesa of partially prepared fnilt ajrid a dlshpan full of green app1 ' At that point of the ln-veatlgatlon-the mothnr and grandmother of tha child arrived, having learned that the police were examining the: honse, The mother,' VCios narti. waa Mrs. John J. Painter, broke down and wept, while she put up a defense for the conditions. Rhe eald her husband worked at the Howland Lumber company and earned $10 a week: that he was not a drinking man. She aald she was working for.' her mother, Mrs. PQUlrea... who runa tha.-New Home restau rant at Twenty-alxth and P streets. She aald they were trying to get money enough together tt pay for having a doctor attend tha child. It. waa the expresaed opinion of 4 Viji nolle that tf th fftthup .rnit much ' i as he did.'' there waa no reason' wby the mnther might not attend to her child, es- rf perlally since It was alck with spinal dla- ease and helpless. Step will likely be taken to have the child placed In flw state Insti tute for crippled children, where It may have proper nourishment and medical atten tlom A fnora thorough examination will be made this tnornlng. and It la likely that the Juvenile authorities will be called on to take charge. Ffew By.teni of Tag Arconnta, , Tha. city! treasurer. J about to Institute ' new plan for handling the personal tax Hat.'" Heratrfora when any party wished to pay personal taxes tha heavy booka werts rtarftM out' and 'the ' accounts gone over.. Th procesa led to many error, and m IstakeaV.. especially on, the., part of tha people themselves, who often thought they were, paying up .sJl the arrears of their taxes when In truth they were paying only on year. Tha plan contemplated li ex actly almllar-to tha card 'catalogue of any public library. Each reatdent will have a card on which , will be placed tha exact condition of hie personal taxes for all the years In which they are unpaid. These cards will be filed In cases alphabetically arraoged. This system Is in vogue In many place. " I.aT Aroke la Rnnaway.- ' ' James LjeaeeMa had' his leg broken In two places In av runaway, accident yesterday morning. Losaetta is a boy about 1 years of age and waa. coming to tpwn with his father with load' .of hogs. As the team waa paaalpjf. FlfUpth and 0, streets it took f right at a .traction engine and ran down the. steep hill at that .point., landing. In a gulch at the bottom. , There. the wagon waa overturned, the .hogs liberated, a horse's neck,, broken, .and the boy, falling amid the wreckage, broke his right leg in two places. The father suffered no serious Injury. The boy , was .brought ts the city where his Injuries were attended by Dr. Orostnan. V ' Oonialeai lav Stork "Tarda. A small' railroad accident occurred In the South Omaha yards early yesterday morning. A switch engine with' ten cars of Ice ran into a string of stock cars un loading at the chutes near tha L street viaduct at about ( a. m. The engine be longed ' to the- Biliilngton and the stock to the Northwestern. The accident ocourred because the engine crew thought It had the right of -way in the yard, and the grade was too steep to avoid the collision after the "mistake was' discovered. .The engine was ' derailed,' but In the meantime the crew had Jumped off and saved themaelvea. The engine Is fit for the Junk pile. It waa reversed and continued to run after being overturned, and the big drivers dug hole In the ground big enough to let the engine fall In. The ice cars in the front of the string were damaged and a couple of the stock car. were upset. The cattle and hog. had to. be let out by cutting through the roofs. Fortunately none of the atock was Injured. The amount of the damage wll.1 be about 8,ooo or . Pallee Coart- Deiagi. Frank Mooney was arrested this morning charged with aaaault on a buy near the Duffy base ball park. The nature of the aaaault wasreuch that a state complaint will fee flled against . lilin. It Is reported thai a crowd gathered on bearing the boy's story and oaaaed Mooney Into the country. The time of the. allwged aaaault was about dusk Tuesday evening. Joe Daltow caused the arrest of Ed Ak roiv and- ha also has a warrant out for his wife, Mrs. Mary Daltow, charging the two with adultery. Daltow was himself ar resledt on the charge of assault and bat thereupon swore out warrants for the ar rest of the prlnrlpals on the other charg". Arthur Madnen and John McCarthy were each sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail for snatching to out at the hand of J. C. Noyes. All three of the men were In a saloon at Twenty-slnth. between N and O streets. wher Noyes was asked to buy drinks. When he produced the S In old tliev knocked It out of his hands and. after pretending some of the by standers had picked It up. made away with It. Noyes caused their arrest and sufficient evidence was secured to send them up for thirty days. Maatc ( My nnaatn. Wesley Summers Is about to erect a dwelling at Twelfth and J streets. xiiss Th f.-1-ost of central City la visit ing her aunt. Mrs. Amanda Tibbtts. John Russell Is buildlns a house at the northwest corner of Twenty-second and F street. Mlsa Mae Trnnson expects to go to Te kar.iah today for a visit of a couple of weeks. Miss Ceciie I.yon hns returned after finishing a course at the summer normal at Peru. . Peter Donokos and William Smith were flned yesterday for breaches of order und Intoxication. The South Omaha rircle of the Fraternal I.tfe associntlon met last evening at Work men temple. Pemardo 7Jan was arrested at the Omaha Packing company's plant yesterday charged with taking Ave pounds of meat. Mrs. Clemma Hendricks. Miss Marie Swanson nnd John Swanson left yesterday afternoon for a pleasure trip to Michigan. a. OrifTln. William Beer, and William I.ytle were flned for vagrancy and tres passing on the fnion Faclttc right-of-way. rhe rltv attnrnev reports thai me caao of Mrs. H. Lovely against the city was won on a demurrer niea isei wee. l ne Judge handed down hla finding Tuesday evening sustaining the demurrer. Quite a number of South Omaha noys ook the second examination In tne civil service which took place In Omaha yester day. The first examination was held last week. The onject or tne examination wan o aeeure more Inspectora for tne meal in spection under tne new law Mr. and Mra. R. K. Taylor recently cele brated their golden wedding annlveraary at their home. 411 North Twenty-tounn streei. About' twenty a-ueets were present and a most enjoyable evening was had. Plenty of good natured rivalry arose over games of carda. After the cards refreshments were served. Numerous girts were pre sented to the happy lovers of fifty good old summer times. BOY INCRIMINATES FATHER gli-Year-Old Barglar Tells Police Parent Coached Him fa t steal. Thst he taught his (1-year-old son the evil art of burglary Is the charge placed against George W. Clark, a tinner living at Sixteenth and Chicago streets, and now locked up at the county Jail. The man came to Omaha but a short time ago with hla family from South Omaha, and it Is alse-sert he bad another- little -boy aa dudII. He had lived in a number of Nebraska towns before coming here The serious charge under . which the father- was arrested- Is made by hla own son, Ernest, the little fellow who was caught in the act of robbing the cash drawer In the grocery store of Welnsteln A Greenberg, Sn North Sixteenth street early Tuesday evening, shortly after the place had been closed for the day. The boy waa arrested and placed on record aa the youngest burglar ever taken Into the Omaha police station. When Asalstant Probation Officer Carver took charge of the prisoner the boy said the father had a hand In the affair. While the little fellow sat In a chair at the police station crying and begging to be allowed to go home to hla mother, and asking when he could go, George W. Clark, the father, aat outside the bare and told of his painstaking efforts to bring up his children In a righteous path, teaching them the terrible' sin of stealing even the slightest article. He said he could not understand where Ernest learned to steal, considering his careful rearing, and had not noticed his having any unusual amount of money. Later in the night the mother also went to the station, but by that time the child had been taken to the detention home and she could not see him. Ernest told Probation Officer Bernstein and Assistant Carver his father helped him through the window Into the grocery atore and coached him in what he wae to do, and also that the father stood guard outside In the alley waiting for him to return with the contents of the money drawer. That still another little boy named '-Johnnie" was a member of Clark's class for child burglars was asserted by Ernrat and a search la being . conducted for the lad. Clark, however, denies the atory In toto. The formal establishment of the camp of Instruction at the Fort Riley reserva tion was accomplished Wednesday morn ing by the Issuance of these orders: Headquarters Provisional Brigade, Camp or Instruction, tort Klley Reservation, Kansas, July in. mofi Uenerai Orders, No. 1. 1. This command wfll constitute a provisional brigaoe coiniirisina troops, regular ana militia, which have reported or may report at any time ior duty in this camp of Instruction. 2. In compliance with general orders -o. 110, current series, War department, and general orders No. 29. current series, northern division, the undersigned hereby assumes rommand of the provisional Drigaoe ana camp. 3. The following slaff is announced: Personal Mart i ii.-i I .leuieiiiim Ed ward lavls. Eleventh cavalry. ald-rte. camp; First lieutenant Charles C. Allen, thirtieth Infantry, aUI-de-camp. Candidates getting ready Mort of Them Will Hbt Headquarter Opened bj P aturdaj Kitfht. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS TO BE TAXED Rooms la All Leadlaa Hotels Rat One Are Already Tafcea for the Dates of the Repaellraa state Cnaveatlon. LAUGHLAND HOLDS RECORDS Retlrta Poaadmaster Refnaea to r- reader Affairs to Hla Poundmaster Alfred Millard has been un able to gain possession of the records and papers of the office from former Pound- master John Laughland and the council ha. ( ncro adopted a resolution ordering all emolu- building, several menls due the latter from the city to be , ,, t,v folding (From a Staff Correspondent ) PE9 MOINF.B. July ZS -iSped' Oeorge D. Terklns. candidate for governor. Is expected to resrh Des Moines Friday or Saturday of this week, and will take up his ousrters In parlor C at the Savery hotel. Thla Darlor la on the first floor fred t '. 8harie. Thirtieth Infantry, chief of staff; Captain John T. Haines, adjutant, f.leventh cavalry, adjutant general: ii'i- nant Colonel CunMlTe u. Murray Eleventh cavalry. Inspector general and Judge advocate; Captain Robert D. Walsh, Ninth cavalry, chief aua.rtermn.ter; First Lieutenant Ollbert C. Jmlth. Second cav- withheld until he turns over the books and documents; also Instructing his bondsmen to be notified of the state of affairs. It appears that Mr. Laughland hn been sick for some time. When Humane Officer EJllson. as Mr. Millard's agent, attempted to get possession of the pound he met with sonic resistance from the superintendent, who la a son of lAitghlands. After conspiracy to In.tur the trade of a num t'r of the Irtrcest h ishicss houses In the 1 1 y. as w us that of all the express e.unpa nl a. CARLAND ACTS FOR MUNGER Hold Dakota Jadae Will Federal Conrt Here Seat W eek. Judge C.-irland of Sioux Falls. S II. , hss notified Circuit Court Clerk Thumniel of the I'nlted Slates court that he will be here early next week" to h"M conrt In chambers and may remain during the vacation ab sence of Judge MunKer. lie probably will dispose of the ticket brokers' case during the coming week. Murderer Commit eulrlde. PKOHlA. HI , July ?S-T.lge Wfiges. who yesterday shot and killed James Ponnegan at Fdwarda station, fifteen miles northwest of Peoria, was found dead wltliln one-half mile from the shooting this afternoon bv a posse of residents of the village with a bullet hole In his temple. A nearby re volver told of suicide. Brigade Staff Lieutenant Colonel Al- threats to deport him bodily young I.augh. land left. Soon aftcrwaru James C. l.lnd- doors. State Superintendent Rlggs la oui this week on a lecturing trip and will not reach the city before Saturday, when he will open his headquarters The Cummins headquarters on the lobby floor will be the writing room, which Is now being arranged for him and will also be occupied by Sena tor Garst. candidate for lieutenant gov ernor. Their room will bo opened probably Saturday. The greater number of the candl rlatoa fnr I. nffl Mrl 1 1 nnHII tllPtT head- say. who is a cousin ol.the elder I-augli- . .... . . . . .... '. . . ,, qtiuncrs in me omi-o c.iiui ,i j nv. .- rrc.cMvu wrim,,-,u . .o ...... .,. , j. n p pavpr. Welllng- land. record book of the pound In order that the former master might make up lis final re port to the city. The book not only ts sup- airy, assistant to chief quartermaster; p,,,,, to oontan a complete record and dls v. , 1 1 1 n I I II 111 ill. , u . a i n, vviiniiinrai.,, 1 . , , - . . .. , , ...,,,,, .l . , , C. S. A., chief commissary; Colonel John i""'""" '" ....v i..r Van R. Hoff, assistant surgeon general, V. receipts for dogs redetnu-d. A., chief surgeon; Major Kdward C. . Tht was more than a month nao nnd the S. Carter, surgeon. L'. S. A., medical .in spector; Cautaln Bradner D. Slaughter, paymaster, I. t. A..-enter paymaster, m- lor Thomas H. Rees. corps or engineers, engineer officer; Captain iieorge Vt . Hurt-, Ordnance department, chief ordnance of fleer; First Lieutenant ueorge r;. numpe, signal corps, rhler signal oiih- THEODORE J. WIST. Brigadier General, 1,'. S. A., Commanding. The camp Is located about Ave miles east of Fort Riley on what Is known as the Pawnee Flats. The ground Is historic. on it being located the first stone building erected In Kansas for public purposes. and In which the first territorial legisla ture of Kansaa was held. In this building, too, were enacted certain territorial laws of Importance to Nebraska, which cul minated In the enactment of the Nebraska- Kansas bill. Here, also, was wrought out the Initial features of the John Brown crusade, which culminated In . the Harper's Ferry Insurrection In 1859, which was the "reveille" of the civil war and Its crowning glory the abolition of slavery in the United States. The. roofless old building still stands on the Pawnee Flats and around and about It will the great military maneuvers be conducted for the ensuing two month. Between 8,000 and 10.000 regular troops will be at the camp during the maneuvers. and for several days during August the state militia of Nebraska and Kansas will be encamped there for instruction. The Fort Riley reservation comprises some 60,000 arres, overlooking the Kan- book and all papers of the office, which were taken also, have not leen returned, though repeated requests have been made for them. Finally officer Ellison laid the matter before the mayor, who wrote a let. ter directing the return of the records. Thla produced two sheets Wirn from the book and representing a si;aiiary of the ton, Victoria, Illlnd. Elliott and Kirk wood has been taken for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week for the state con vention. There were a few rooms still available in the Chamberlain today, but these will soon be taken. Arrangements are now being made for taking care of the crowd by systematically keeping track of rooms and boarding houses. The Commer cial club of this city will likely take the matter up and-tipen an Information bureau during the convention days. It is expected that the attendance during this convention will be larger than for many years. A lnrge number of the delegates would prefer tended that everything else In the volume was the personal property of Laughland. Delivery of the torn sheets was made at the T'nlted States National bank to Mr. Millard by Mr. Lindsay. The course did not suit the present offi cers or the mayor and the resolution In the council followed. Between $-'O0 and $300 ts still riiie the ex-noundmaster. As an upshot of the somewhat unusual pro ceedings the pound ,. will he one of the places In which Expert Accountant Gil christ will have his attention specially di rected. The accountant began work Wednesday morning in the treasurer's office. 11c will work there, checking back to 1903, until Deputy Comptroller Coegrove completes his investigations and arrangements of the records In the police court. Mr. Gilchrist will then transfer his examination to these book, and return to othe work when they are completed. He spent fourteen weeks checking the treasurer In 1W, and having found things In irreproachable condition at that time, will go back no further. Part of his labor consist, of checklna- everv tax sas river, and Is admirably adapted for receipt duplicate against the dally cash monthly reports made In W. It being con- j ' ,. ,, . to go to cheaper rooms In small holds and all classes of army maneuvers. sheets. RINGLINGS' SHOW GETS WET BURGLAR ASSAULTS WOMAN Rala llara peas Groaad, bat Does Xot Keep the Big Crowd Away. Two Immense crowds witnessed the per formances of Rlngling Bros." circus yester day. The evealng show was threatened somewhat by the heavy rain that fell about , o'clock but the mud -around the tents' was not enough to keep the people away and the monster tent was crowded at' both periorinat)oes. The parade at 11 o'clock drew out one of the largest crowds . that has been on "th Knocks Her Dowa ' "talra, similarly Treats Her Hasband aad Thea Escape.. boarding houses and arrangements will be made to assist these In speedily finding rooms. The hotels. Including the small hotels of the city, will care for 4.000 people, and it is believed these will about care for the entire crowd, though If unaaslsted there will be some trouble experienced In finding the hotels and rooms. Hrfynra Increase of S'J.OOO. Rev. Merle N. Smith, pastor of the First Methodist church of Marshalltown, la., has refused an Increase of $2, out) In his salary. offered by the First Methodist church of Lincoln. Neb. Hla salary in Marshalltown Is $1,800 a year and the Lincoln church. It Is understood, would have pll $3.6,0 a year but because he desires to complete work started where he la the offer has been re fused. - J. SEVERE STORM KAft OSAWA Railroad Track Washed Ont and Crops Damaged. ONAWA, la.. July 25 tSpeclal Tele gram.) During a severe storm this after noon lightning struck the court house, but did not do any serious damage, except to frighten the officials badly. At Ticonlc Monona county, 1,500 feet of the Illinois Central track was washed out and all the glass In town was broken by hall. Crops were blown flat to the ground. There was tome hall at' Castana and other points in the Maple valley. The rainfall at Onawa was 1.80 Inches in a few minutes. No hail MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. July 26. Spe A man who the nollce believe to be a circus follower entered the home of Mr. fclal Telegram.) There was an exceptionally a..i r it.. v. i-i, t- . . . . I . ...... ... end Mrs. Hugh Flanagan, Twenty-second and Seward-streets, while the Rlngling Bros.-circus was pltchlugUs tents nearby, and upon being discovered pushed Mrs. Flanagan down a Htairwsy,'. Injuring her arm, and forcing Mr. Flanagan over a balustrade to the first floor, then making his.- escape, , Wednesday, forenoon. Mrs. streets of Omaha for a long time. The FUnW?aD WX th en"", Ient" ot the street along the line of mnrch were lined with people who craned their necks and stairs from the second to the first floor and her arm was badly bruised; Her husband, strained their eyes to take In every feature Uhoulh he fe" ft,en 't. not of the Drocession of concentrated snlenrior I jurea. All the usual spectacles were on exhibition, from the clowns In the band wagon to the steam callope. It was said to be one of the largest parades ever given In Omaha. - V. The burglar secured entfarice by removing a window screen while members of the family were either watching the circus or otherwise engaged outside. When Mr. and The weathef man made good with the Mr- Flanagan returned and started to In- best of circus weather until 5 o'clock In vestlgate. upon finding the screen missing, the afternoon, when he pulled the rain tney were confronted by a tramplsh looking atopper and let the water down In bucket- man "Psla'-rs. He had some plunder in fulls on the afternoon crowd Just after n,B hnnda but . dropping all but a watch. took the two by surprise and threw them down stairs, when he was able to make his escape. The police, who were notified, found a coat lying behind a back fence containing dirk knife and a newspaper clipping giv ing information regarding the circus pa rade. Neighbors' ' children said they had noticed a man lying behind the fence a' FOREMAN KILLED ' AT. WORK Harry R. Mllllsiai Meets la.taut Death, While Otarr Mem Escape Iajarr. Hurry R. Williams; foreman at the Dsuke-Wllllans-Mount company's boiler works at Twenty-third and Hickory streets, was killed at 7: Wednesday morning on the sidetrack at the works by being caught under a large sheet of Iron which was being tMken from a car. Williams was working with John Kuan, Max Voss and Charles Beatty with a der rick.. A large sheet of metal, weighing over a ton, slipped out of a clamp and fell over Williams, killing hint Instantly. The other workmen escaped Injury. Wil liams' body was badly crushed. Coroner i .1 , ... W . h. Vuulif t Ik. mnr.liu Kvary torn. ghoTJ hva a supply of. ; whM n ,nqUMt wll, hel(1 Thursday. it i . It ! Williams was 31 years of age and lived llAkellClQ S at 810 South Eighteenth street. He left a DIAIUtHOEA It you or soma member of your family were taken, suddenly to-night with Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Flux. Cholera Morbus, or Cholera Infantum, would you t prepared to cneca itr the show closed. This made the grounds bad for the evening, the water standing In puddles In some places, but the crowd splashed through It good-naturedly , and fortunately found the Inside of the tents high and dry. The rain did not affect the finality of the performance. The display of animals was an Interest ing attraction and the crowd seemed reluc tant to leave the menagerie tent for the forenoon watching the Flanagan house main show when the time came. The giraffes, occupying a space In the csnter of the tent, came In for a good deal of attention. The big tent was lined with cages and pens containing almost every conceivable form of animal. The program, which waa almost bewilder ing with the three rings and two stages waa opened with an Introductory spectacle, "The Field of the Cloth of Gold." one of the most elaborate of the kind every wit nessed here. All of the magnificence of EVERYBODY LIKES II AW All A BVM Flae Program aad Concert Dance Wll Draw a Big lloaae at the Auditorium Tunlght. The circus and the threatening weather cut Into the attendance at the Royal Ha waiian band concert last night In the Au ditorium, but the falr-slxed audience present made up In appreciation and ap- heavy rain here this evening. No damago was done except to delay farm work. OUTPUT, OF PACKING HOUSES Marketing af Hobs a little Heavier Thus al Same Sraana Lnt Year. CINCINNATI, O.. July io.-(Ppeclal Tele gram.) Price Current say: Marketing of hogs was welt maintained for the season of the year. Total western packing was 33.0CO. compared with SO.rtiO the preceding week and last ye.r. From March 1 the total Is lrt.2S.nnrt. against .SSO.OnO a year ai;o. Prominent places compare as follows: 190 ?.31rt.0ix iw 1.M.OM l.:,0.'H Chicago Kansas City South Omaha 8t. lmls .... Ft. Joseph ... Indianapolis Milwaukee ... Cincinnati ... Ottumwa Cedar Rapids Sioux City .. St. Paul Cleaveland ..l.e-w .. T04.'! .. if..M . . iM.'") ,. 4ift.ft .. ;is.oi .. r43. .. i-l.'"! .. 4,t.V'l . . 3'. S .. liiWOOn letii , tv.noi 7j D 0 JiM o I'tt.lM) IS . JI,"A 2.1. ..WO tlUALITY-QUANTIT fit Stay of nntte Hemri Pillsbury's name ii a guar-' ante of the beat the world over. Pillabury's Best Breakfast Food is the white heart of the wheat berry the best part of the whole wheat It'a the food of the people whose motto is "buy the best." A 1 5-cent package of Pillsbury'a Best Breakfast Cereal makes 1 2 pounds of dainty appetizing food of more than 1 2 packages of the ordinary ten-cent dry foods. It is the most economical food . in all the world, but mote, it's the best Delicious every day in the year. Never sticky or lumpy. Eaiily and quickly prepared. Best Breakfast Food Ask Your 20 DISCOUNT ON Traveling lings, Suit Cases and Japanese Matting Hult Cases' tills month. Largrwt stock . and greatest range tf prices lit the west. We are fole agenta for the Barnum Wardrobe Trunks. We carry everything in Traveling Ilaga, Trunks nnd Sample discs. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, 1200 Farnain Street, Omnlia, Neb. plauae what It lacked In numbers, and the medieval chivalry is summed up In the prOBram went w,,n a "n,p and "Plr,t ,hat pageant and It closes with an Immense ballet danced by seventy-five whirling girls in rich costumes. The feats of dmlng and skill follow each pleased everybody. The overture from Rossini's "Semaramlde" was particularly well rendered and caught the audience Just right. . The selection from "Lohengrin" was 4 Blackberry BcJsixm It Is a most reliable remedy for all loose condition of Uk bovaU. All druggist aeU 1U HAND S A PO LI O ' It ensures aa enjoyable. Invigor ating path; makes every per - raspoad, rtneve dead skin, ENERQ1ZC3 .TUB WHOLB BODY ' sxarta tha ctrcalatia aad leaves a glow asjaal f a TarHsh kaU. 4LL GXOCaMkA AMI X& JOOigrT' wife and 7-month-old boy. Law Rates to Okobojl and Spirit Lake Tla Chirac. Mllwaakee St. Paal Railway. Round Trip from Omaha. SS 30. on sale Friday or Saturday, good returning Monday, tx.fto on sale dally, return I mit SO days. $9 96. on sale daiy. return limit Oct. list. An ldal spot to spend a summer vaca tion. Write for Okobojl folder. F. A, NA8H. G.n l Western Agent, lfr Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Hs.baaa tieta Dlvoree. Charles R. Hopkins wsa granted s de cree of divorce Wednesday In district court on the ground, of extreme cruelty. Ha declared hla wlfs evinced an uncon trollable temper and atruck him ever the head and choked him when in her tant rums. He said her mother had been dl vorcod three tlmee and he saw a decided resemblance between his wife and her mother as she grew ids Mra Hopkins dlil aol fight the case. other so closely that the nervous and alllfully executed and proved that t aptaln excitable are held In a succession of thrills Berger and his Hawaiian musicians need from the beginning to the end. One fat not fear to P'"5' c'asslv music by the side woman almost fainted from nervous ex- I of "" band ln tnls or any ot'"r country, cltement last night when the young woman When It came to the singing then the swinging on ' the arm extension trapese audience gave unatlnted applause both to held by her companion dropped twenty feet tna soloists and the Qlee club for their to stop with a Jerk when the end of the singing is simply captivating and Irre- rope was reached. A chorus of half -sup- alstlble pressed exclamations of horror greeted the I Tonight will undoubtedly be pne of the Clarkonlana in their feat of turning two I D'K nights of the concert season. The ad summersaults and a complete side twist I sale has been large for tonight, and while whirling through the air. A company after the full two hours of concert the floor of Japs furnish plenty of amuMement with will be cleared and fhere will lie an hour sensational slack and slant rope acts, hand of dancing, the music to he f-nnlshed by balancing and Juggling. the famous Royal Hawaiian Olce club. This Then there were the usual club swinging glee club will not only pl'av the dance and throwing numbers with variations from music tonight, but following a custom of last season. Contortionists, fancy dancers their own country they will sing It In their and tumblers of all kinds completed the enthusiastic and beautiful style program of skill. The Rlngling clowns. In number some thing less than fifty, were very much alive and kept the crowd In spasms of .laughter during the entire evening. All the old favorites were there, with a number of new ones. Comedy exploits of unusual skill on tne aerial ladier by Oeorge O. Dole and on the horlsontal bars by the tour Nelson comiquts drew liberal applause for their skill and laughter for their drollne.s. The antics of Albert Crandall and Fred Schadle and their troupes in bareback feats kept the crowd laughing. The trained animals did not have as prominent a place on the program aa they had other seasons. The three groups of trained elephants were both skilful and comical In their pranks. Educated pontes and dogs also proved entertaining. One of the groups waa accompanied by a trained game cock. The acting aeala and rasor- back hogs are missed from the program thla year. A little leas thrilling than the other acta, but none the less popular, were the exhibi tions of driving and riding horses, the pair orivea by Mr- aad Mra Kaeda Royal being BRICK PLANTS TO BE MERGED Hydranllc Pressed Brick Companies at Omaha aad Other Places ', to I alle, ' " - i . ST. I5CI8, July 2B. Announcement waa made' today that, according to plans now being perfected, brick plants ln Omaha, Findlay, O. ; Kansas City, Kan.; Chanute, Kan.; West Superior, Wis.; Zanesville, O. ; Rochester, N. Y.; Chicago Kansas City Mo.; Philadelphia, Washington, Toledo, Cleveland and Minneapolis will be merged Into the Hydraulic Press Brick company of St. Louis. The merger includes fourteen companies. The capital stock of the St. Louis com pany will be Increased from 13,500.000 to IIO.OOO.OUO and exchanged for the stock of the other companies. The companies included manufacture all grades of brick, from the finest decorative cornice work to street paving and sewer lining material. The entire organization will take the name of the Hydraulic Press brick com pany of St. Louis, It will have an output of 600,000.000 bricks a year, baaing the esti mate on the present output. Oeorge F. Raker, secretary and treasurer of the parent company, says the deal will be completed ln sixty or ninety days. From the offices of the Omaha plant It Is learned the Hydraulic-Press Brick company of St. Louis has aent out circulars to the stockholders ln nearly a score of subsidiary companies scattered all over the country. Inviting them to exchange their stock In the local companies for stock In the parent concern. The St. Louis plant is the nucleus and controller of all the others, which are stretched all the way from New York to Omaha. Patent rights held enable the con- , cem to be the sole producer of hydraulic- , press brick, which Is only one form of j pressed brick manufacture. A subsidiary ' company exists in Omaha under the name ! of the Omaha Hydraulic-Press Brick com pany. The local plant Is located at Avery, near Omaha. As in the other subsidiary companies, local capitalists own stock, though the controlling Interest is vested at I St. Louis. It Is optional with the other i stockholders whether they will exchange thrlr holdings or not. i n Mm TO AND RETURN August 4, 5 and 6 Limit August 1 5th Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam St. , J i li Labor Leaders ludlcted. CHICAGO. July tt New Indictments were returned today by the grand Jury against Cornelius I". She, president of the International Broths: nOod of Teamsters, and forty-two oiner iaoor leaders and olfl cials, thirty-one of whom were Indicted at the same time as Shea one year ugo. Twenty-seven counts are brought out in the Indictments, the burden of them being High Grade Treatment (If responsible, you may pay when cured.) u yea nave a oisease er weakness peculiar to the Pelvle region, your eanditlen calls promptly for tne best treatment the medical profession affords. Of this fact you must be thoroughly convinced when you stop to consider how maay different doctore you have consulted, and hew many bottles of worthless medicines you have taken. We have no fault to find with the man who employs such Inferior treatment, for that is his privilege, but the money he this expends would go far toward securing for him a cure that ie safe, rapid and permanent. ' We have long studied and thoroughly mastered infirmi ties of this character male pslvlo diseases. Recently we have treated scores of stubborn cases, and not a single failure or unpleasant result bas been reported to us. Other physicians may treat men, but we cure them, cure them to re main cured, and this fact we are prepared to prove to the entire satisfaction of any maa ain- cerely Interested. Our fees are as low as they oaa be consistent with high grade treatment. 9y fhe fifeif and bet f mefheds are cure fe remain curtd. VARICOCELE. VRlTHKAl OBSTRUCTIOH.SPECmC BLOOD F01$0H. HEKV0. VITAL DEBILITY. PROSTATIC. BLADDER and KIDHEV freuhJe. and Mil assecate diseases and a-taknessts, wfa fflafr refei cemsffcafionj. Northwestern Medical Surgical Institute.... Off' Mm XjJdDDddODd Every womn eoret t shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the lost of their girlish forma after marriage. The bearing of children ia often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother' Friend before baby comet, at thit great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes-all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through thit critical period without paia. It it woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at Si.oo per bottle. Our little book, telling all about thit liniment, will be test free TU Bntfsl. Rii!.ti Ct,, ACuti, 1 T It hud (Baud D i IFirfiooddl Is Northwest Cor ear 13th and Farnam 5t$M OMAHA, NEB. JMr-."- si. WE, -CURE FOGS lr the Old Ettlibk M, SXAILB C7ARUS Established in Omaha for 11 yeara. The many theai sands of rases cured by as make us the most extsrl enced Specialists in the west, in all dlaeaeos and alW merit, of men. Wo know just what will aura you aad cure gulokly. ( hi au veu, van ymj fay us oti ixz We snake ao misleading er false statexaonto er effet you cheap, worthless treatmeaU Our reputatioa and Steme are too favoraXly kaown -erery case we treat, our reputation le at stake. Your health, life and ba Bloess 1 toe serious a matter to place in the hands el a 'ViaaLlll DOOTOaV" doctor, of ability use their owe aaata ur Tatars uamaae. w. caa eft eat for everyone a Ufe-long CUSS for Weaa NerVwes Men. Varicocele troubles, Nervoue lability, Blool Poison, Prostatic troubles. Kidney. Bladdea, WAJiXaS biaSA-aCa, Hyarocele. Cbreule Dieeaae Contrasted Lneeeees. Mtamach and Skin Disease. Fnpp CieailaatloB and Cou.ultailoa. Write fag Symptom Blank fur Horns Treatoaeaf. M tJaAjBXaa at aaaaS, &aJa aad bos.Ua txeeta, sauuu, a sen ibl