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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1906)
The Omaha r Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI -NO. 32. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 23, IDOfi-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. BRYAN IDEA WINS NebruWi Amendment U Model Axbitrt tios Tmty Is Adopted. SLIGHT CHANGE IS MADE IN VERBIAGE It Pro-rides far Conciliation on Ittaei Hot CoTtred by Arbitration. RENDERS CHANCES OF WAR MORE REMOTE Inreiticatioft of Disputes to le Made Be fore Hostilities Are Begun. LIMITATION OF ARMAMENT IS TAKEN UP Interparliamentary talon Ar to Resolution Askings Th. Hague Coafercaee la Conaldr the Saajael. LONDON", July 24 William J". Bryan's proponed rider to the model arbitration treaty waa discussed at a session of the International council of the Interparlia mentary union this moraine nd resulted In It being recaat as follow: If a disagreement should arise which Is nut Included In those to he submitted to arbitration, the contracting parties shall not resort to any act of hostility befoie they separately or Jointly Invite, a the esse may necessitate, the formation of an international commission or Inanity or me illation of one or more friendly powers. In n reoti s t on to take Dlace. If necessary in accordance with article vlll of The Hague reinvention, providing for a peaceful settle ment of International-conflicts. On the resumption of the sessions of the conference of the Interparliamentary union today the above was unanimously adopted, after speeches by former Austrian Minister of Commerce von Plener and Mr. Bryan, warmly supporting the amended rider. The latter said that his amendment waa alined at widening the scope of arbitration so as to Include questions of national honor, the chances being loo to 1 that the proposed Investigation of facts would also settle any question of national honor. If the hand of war could b stayed until the conscience awakened, wars would become more re mote. Th amendment therefore was a iong strp In the direction of peace. Mi. Bryan'a speech waa brief but eloquent and aroused much enthusiasm among the delegates. Disarmament Considered. Baron 'dEstournelles de Constant, head of the French delegation, subsequently opene. (he debate on the limitation of mili tary 'find naval forces. He declared that If the powers were undecided among them selves how to act for their common Inter ests they would be forced to do so, first by bankruptcy und then by revolution. He said that limitation of srmaments had no connection with the chimera of disarma ment. The arguments against disarmament were based on the augmented expenditure . of the power. The argumentations In ths United States were due to the unfortunate example of Europe, but in proportion to th population tlto American forces had not , Ij'-nt tnoreaaed rr aeon, bly , and ;Wsw ex, 'pe.udltuie hud been augmented proportion ately, the arms.rr.ents proving the Inaptitude - of. the Americans to transform themselves Into a nation of soldiers. Germany, continued the baron, commits the' grave fault of struggling with the I lilted Slates for naval pre-eminence and thus divides Its energies both on land and sea useleisly, for the American states were united and Inaccessible, while the states of Europe ' were divided and will always be pienaced by the possibility of a coalition against them. A resolution was agreed to in principle Lining that the question of disarmament be pluced on the program of the next peace conference at The Hague. The uxact wording of the resolution wilt be discussed tomorrow. Congressman U. L. I Granger of Rhode Island was elected Tlce president of the American delegation for the coming year and Congressmen Richard Bart hold t of Missouri and T. E. Burton of Ohio wer elected members of i hu International council. SH0SH0NI PEOPLE UP IN ARMS Sensational New.puper Reports Canao Press Correspondents to Pob llely Shore Their Copy. 8HOKIIONI. Wyo., July 24. (Special Telegram.) A big bundle of Sunday Den ver. Posts, containing a "yellow" story defaming Shoshonl, was publicly burned in the streets this morning, the mayor ap plying the match before a big crowd. A seQsstlonsI article in the Post, stating tlist lawlessness nnd mob rule was pre vailing, with Mayor Quintal locked in a blqck house and guarded by ten deputies, ass denounced at a mass meeting called by Ihe mayor today. Newsboys refuse to Sell Hosts Resolutions adopted declare the article did gross Injustice and Incalculable Injury to the town at registration time. They declare at no time were troopa necessary, that authorities constantly maintained lontrol. . It is believed that the dispatches emanated from jealous neighboring towns In hope of attracting registration from Hl.onhonl and cause the land officials to reconsider their sctlon and hold drawing and at lender. Barrow and O'DonogV.ue. two special correspondents. Invited ufflclsls to inspect the office copy of their stuff and exon erate them. CONVICTED PACKERS APPEAL Meat Corporations Contend thnt Law Was t Violated and that lout Had n nrlsdlrtlon. ST. l.oriS, July 14 Transcript and bills i of exceptions were filed today In the Vnlted States circuit court of appeals bv tha Armour Packing com nan v. Swift and Com- panv. Morris A Co. snd ths Cudahy Pack- ing company, which were convicted In th I'nitrd Btates district court at Kansas City on rhsrgts of accepting rebates. On. of the claim set forth In th. Mils of exceptions is that the court at Kansas City had no Jurisdiction, as the Indictments failed t show that th alleged offense mas committed within Its district. It Is contended that the fact that th transfer of th shipment through th western dis trict of Missouri Is not sufficient reason to vest Jurisdiction in th court of thst dis trict: th. crlmlnsl provisions of th lntr stst. rommerc. law do not apply to an export shipment to a foreign port, and that th indict menu fail to Stat, sufficient facts to constitute sn off.ns. Failure to charge th Jury '-that If ths consignment Is a through export to foreign port ta.n ths vsrdlct should b. for th. defendant" la ajao aUf d 1b th. all l aaVsafiUuftSk . , A EAST IS WATCHING MANCHURIA Japaaeae Have ParehaieS River Froat t Antung asS Other People Walt. TIF.N TSIN. China, July 14. Japan's fulfillment of Its rromlses regarding tha open door In Manchuria continues to he the principal topic of eastern policies. The Chamber of Commerce cf Shanghai has repeatedly requested the dlplomatlo corps to take action to Insure equality of trade conditions, but the majority of the diplomats do not consider that the situ ation demands it, and consequently united action Is Improbable. American negotia tions for the opening of Mukden snd An tung are proceeding. ' One of th most important details to be settled regarding Manchuria is the assignment of tracts of land for foreign settlements. This can not at present be arranged be cause Japanese merchants and speculators bought from the Chinese all the most desirable lands, Including the entire nivl gable water front of Antung. The question whether th purchases are valid must be decided between China and Japan. The American association of Shanghai has pe titioned Minister Rnckhlll at Peking to press China to resume an effective admin istrate 'anchuria at the earliest pos sible m b and to establish customs to regulate S. trolled h ment Is P office at The Ja Hayashl. S tlon of th near futur The Chin over the borders now con n and Russia. The govern ing to establish s customs r- minister at Peking. M. imlsed to take up the qnes Ing of Tort Dnlny In the ' they are unable to take ward administering Man vacuatlon of that terrl the terms of the Potts- any other I churla untl tory accord, mouth treaty. FILIPINOS GOING TO HAWAII Planters May Take Men from Islands to Work on Sngur Plantations. MANILA. July 24.-The Philippine com mission adopted a resolution favoring the scheme of the Hawaiian Planters as sociation to transport Filipino laborers atu their families to Hawaii to work in the sugar plantations. Albert F. Jtidd, rcprc- sentlng the planters, arrived In the Philip- pines two months ago, and after making an Investigation of the labor conditions pre- j sont.-d to the commission a statement of the conditions and needs of Hawaii. Ths commission has authorized an agree ment with the Planters' association per mitting vessels to pick up laborers at vari ous ports on condition tbst they be given good trestment, be permitted to reurn to the Philippines at the explralon of the terms of contracts and that transportation be provided. Laborers desirous of going to Hawaii are advised to accept the offer of the as sociation. Mr. Judd wants to secure 200 laborers with their families. IDE WILL HUNJ PULAJANES L2orpr of JhiJ3p?J. Send Ratvu lara Asialnat tho Osllawi in . L.yte Provlnee. MANILA. July 24. Governor Ide has re quested military aid to puniah the Pula Janes In the province of Lcyle. A battalion of. the Eighth Infantry from Iloilo and a battalion of the Fourth Infantry from Camp Domus have been sent to the assist- nnce of the constabulary. General Allen expected possibly to conduct a campaign in Cebu, but the ladrone chief and forty eight men have surrendered, and Governor Osmena reports that there are no mora outlaw bands there and that the island is completely pacified. The ladrone leaders Montslon, Sakay, Vlllefuerte, Devega, Carreon and Nattvtdad have pleaded guilty to the changes of ban- doleilsm at Cavlte. Bryana Feted ta London. LONDON. July 24 William J. Bryan to day lunched with Moberly Bell of the Lon do Times. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will dine wjth Lord and Lady Weardale tonight, with James Bryce. chief secretary for Ireland, tomorrow and with Ambassador Whltelaw Reld and Mrs. Reld July 27. The Irish resl. dents of London will give Mr. and Mrs. Bryan a reception July 28, Thomas P. O'Connor, president of the Vnlted Irish League of Grcst Britain, presiding. Mr. and Mra. Bryan will probably start for th continent July 29. Iron and Steel Men Meet. IX3NDON. July 24 -The joint meeting of members of the American Institute of Min ing Engineers and of the British Iron and Steel Institute opened at the institution of civil engineers here todsy with a large at tendance. The Americans were heartily welcomed by President Hsdfleld, who, In the course of a speech announced that King Edward would receive a deputation of the Americans July T.. Robert W. Hunt of Chicago replied In behalf of th visitors. l.nnaworlhs In Karlsbad. K ARIXHAD, July 24 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ixmgworth arrived here this even ing snd were welcomed st the Hotel Savoy by all th members of the American colony. l4ird Westbury gave a dinner In honor of Mr. snd Mrs. Lonaworth at the hotel tonight. lrlnce Francis of Teck wss pres ent. Root aa Honorary President RIO 1E JANEIRO. July 24. At today s session of the Pan-American International conference. Baron de Rio Branco, the Bra zilian minister of foreign affairs, and Sec letsry Hoot were elected honorary presi dents. Tha conference will reconfen July , v. Aaloinoblllsla Start to Malar. QCKBEC. July 34 -Th Glldden tourista Parted for Jackman. Mo. The speed will mcreasea ry anoiu nve nines an nour j n1 to'"-1" commits expects that th ! number of clean .cores will be reduced be Stromholl Aaaln Active. PALERMO, Sicily. July 24 Tha Strom- , ho v0,'c,n(. , quieting down, has again become violently active The ashes reached Sicily, lava la pouring out of tha crater and th population of th island of Btromboll la moat excited. iastrtan Aathar Eada Lit. VIENNA, July 24. Ferdinand von Saar, th author and member of the upper houa. of th. Austrian Reichsrsth.s who shot himself, died today. He had been Buffering from nervous prostration. , 4 area Wllhrlmlna III THE HAUl fc. July Z4.-Viueen llhel mlns waa taken 111 last night. It was an- pounced today that the expectation of an heir to tn tnron at Hub Urn. trUl not be reiU4s , ARRESTS IN I1ARTJE CASE District Attorney Esyi there Will Be Borne Sensational Developments Boon. PROSECUTION TAKES NEW DIRECTION Witness Mays Xegree. Who Teatlod for Mrs. Hartje Told Him Sho Waa Paid Big Sana for Lying:. PITTBBL'RO. Pa., July tf.-From the statement made by District Attorney John 8. Robb today there are more sensations indicated In connection with the HarU divorce case than have heretofore been die closed. Mr. Robb, while attending th hearing, said today that as soon as th Hartje case was submitted to the court there would be arrests which would de velop pronounced sensations. It is expected that a great legal battle will lake place when Hartje's attorneys endeavor to show how the Madlne love letters were secured. After several hours devoted by counsel for Augustus Hartje to the endeavor to prove the 8usle Wagner letter was written by Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje, which she has denied writing, the evidence In rebuttal of Mrs. Hartje's defense took a new turn to dav. B. B. Smith, an Insurance agent, gwore that he found the -Dear F.dith" letter In the street, and after consulting an attorney, gave it to Edward G. Hartje, brother of the plaintiff. ' Silas Canaily, a negro from Washington, D. C. testified that Blanche Ashby, the ncgress and former servant of the Hartjes, who in her deposition says she never ob served anything Improper about Mrs. Hartjes conduct, hud told him that she lied. Canady'a sensational testimony came Just before the adjournment, but he was put through a rigid cross-examination by Attorney Freeman, for Mrs. Hartje, dur ing which ha became confused several times. Mr. Freeman will finish tha cross examination tomorrow. Canady said that when he learned Blanche Ashby was going to get a lot of money for lying he wrote to Mr. Hartje for telling the truth. Handwriting Expert Persifor Fraser concluded his testimony today alter Bi,ort cross-examination by Attorney preen,al). Counsel for Mrs. Hartje fought the tes timony at every point, subjecting the ex pert to vigorous cross-examination. One of the alleged Helen Scott letters was made public today, although It had not been read In court. It is a letter to "Tom" Madine, the coachman cq-respond-ent in the case, and purporting to show that she "coached" him as to the testi mony he was to give in court concerning the allegation that Madlne had driven Mr. Hartje to Schenley park while Mrs. Hartj was at Memphis - and where he met a strange woman, an incident that has figured in the esse heretofore. ICE HEARING IN, KANSAS CITX Dealers Succeed In Tl crediting Tea tlaaony of Peddler O. B of Peddler Sbaw. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 24.-The de fense In the ice hearing today succeeded In discrediting the testimony of Peddler O. B. Shaw, who testified yesterday that he knew that an c" combine existed here and that the alleged Ice trust made and controlled the wholesale and retail prices of Ice. lie was subjected to a severe cross examin ation, which developed the fact that he knew nothing whatever on which to base his declaraatlon of yesterday. Other Ice peddlers testified that all the ice companies advanced the price of Ice simultaneously here and the witnesses admitted that an advance In prices was advantageous to the peddlers ,ss they then made larger profits. Only one peddler testi fied thst he bought ice indiscriminately from all of the Ice companies. The other peddlers admitted thst they bought Ice from the plants to which they were di rected by the manager of the People's Ice, Storage Fuel Co. LAND GRABBERS LOSE POINT Diamond, Hyde, Benson and Schneider Are to Be Tried la October, WASHINGTON, July 24. Justice Gould, In criminal court, today denied a motion by counsel for the defense in the cases of the United States against Henry P. Diamond. Frederick A. Hyde, John A. Ben aon and Joss H. Schneider, Indicted in con nection with illegal land frauds In Cali fornia snd Oregon. In which It was sought to compel the government to decide upon which indictment the defendanta were to be tried. Th court also denied a second motion to require the government to furnish a bill of particulars as to each and all of the de fendants. The case will not come up for trial until th fsll term, which begins early In October. SURETY COMPANY UNDER FIRE Attorney Genernl Says Bonding Com pa ay's Black List Is Violation of Antl-Trnst Law, TOPE K A, Kan., July 24-The American Surety company, a company that bonds many railroad and express company em ployes, has been cited to sppear before the stat superintendent of insurance and show cause why ita certlflcats shall not be re voked. Th. state attorney general has ren dered an opinion that the American Surety company la a trust In that It restricts em ployes of tha Pacific Express company and the Missouri Pacific Railway company from being bonded in any other company; that should a man be discharged for an alleged misdemeanor he Is blacklisted and Is there for, unable to obtain further employment In any concern, th. surety bonds of which sr. controlled by the Amerirsn. RAILWAY ASSESSMENTS RAISED Maataaa Slat. Board of Eajaallaatlon Decide. Vpoa aa Advaae. of XS 1-3 Per Coat. HELENA. Mont., July S4.-Th. Stat. Board of Equalization, which, under th. law of Montana, fie. th. assessment of th. railroads of the stat. today derided ( upon an Increase of sbout 12 per cent - vr Mi year s assessment of the main lines. Last year th main lines wer as i aesaed at 114 432 per mile. Th. board today Increased this to Sis.JM per mil, with some ,sUfljt Increas slOmn and sjura, FUNERAL OF RUSSELL SAGE Services Are Held la the First Presby. terlan Char eh In Far Rorkawar. NEW TORK. July 14. The' funeral serv ices over the body of ,he late Russell Sage were hld In the. !Firt Presbyterian church at Far Rocksway this afternoon. A number of prominent persons wer among those who came to pay a last tribute to the memory of ths aged financier. The service was condoled by the Rer. Andrew Hagerran, D D..' assisted by th Rer. Robert Leetch. pastor of th First Presbyterian church. Mis. fjage sttended ths service. A party of, Mr. .Rage's friends of this city were at the funeral. After the services In Far Rockaway the body was placed In a special car and brought to this city, where it was tsken to the Page home in Fifth avenue. The casket was placpd In the front parlor and was so arranged that friends of the family who called might have a last look at the fare of the dead financier. Mrs. Sage ac companied the body to the city. The arrangements for the" funeral tomor row provide for the removal of the casket from the Fifth avenue houae about t a. m. to the Grand Central start oh. Two special cars will be attached to the Saratoga spe cial, which leaves this c(ty at 1:48 o'clock. Rrief services will be hlrt at the grave In Troy In the afternoon. 1 Trie casket contain ing Mr. Sage's body, when finally Interred, will rest In a heavy steel case, and which in turn will be encased In concrete. I'ntll such time as these arrangements can be carried out In detail It la said the temporary grave will be carefully guarded. WHOLESALE PEONAGE CHARGED Officers of Jackson Linker Company Accused of Holdlaa-VGornian Im migrants In Slavery. PENSACOLA. Fla., July' 24. Peonage in a. vicious form Is charged against the officers of the Jackson Lumber company at Lockhart, Ala., and United States dep uty marshals armed with warrants for their arrest left here today for that place. If the allegations are true about 100 im migrants, mostly Gt-rma nat ; are held In the lumber camps of that company, virtually as slaves. A party of Germans reschrd here today from the camps stilting that they had escaped. They went, to the German vice consul for protection and told him a tale of 111 treatment and cruelty that ha-, hardly a parallel In the south. They said they were brought south In February under representations that they, would receive $3 and 15 per day. but only It . was received from the company for the labor. They allege that they were compelled to eat after the Americans, and If nothing was left they got nothing. Nftne of them was allowed to leave camp and when they at tempted to leave they' were caught and severely beaten. When in the .woods the bosses go armed and if the. men do not work to suit them they ,re stripped and while two of them held aman. across a log a third plies a strap for- Any Instrument ol torture handy. t J . " -' The Jackson Ltimber. eorniwiny . Is-one of ,lhd largest In the south ' . 1 'tftAirrtiOLbsT Wife, Mother nnd Slater Present and Wife Denies Divorce Salt Story. I NEW YORK, July 24,-Mrs. William Thaw, Harry K. Thaw's mother; his sister, Mrs. George L. Carnegie, and His wife, Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, paid another visit to the Tombs prison today. While waiting to sec her husband Mrs. Harry K. Thaw was asked if It is true that she is seeking a divorce from him. Mrs. Thaw replied: "That story is per fectly absurd. It Is a cruel canard. Therj Is sbsolutely nothing to It." Much speculation was caused at the dis trict attorney's office late this afternoon by the appearance there of a new witness In the Thaw rase, whose identity none of the officials concerned would make known. She i was a woman past 10 years of age. She came to the criminal courts bu'ldlns in company with P. L. Rergoff, the detective whom Stanford Whits employed when he Is said to have feared injury from Thaw. The detective and the woman .went to the office of Assistant District Attorney Turn bull, where they were closeted for an hour, a stenographer being In attendance. A great deal of attention seemed to be paid to the woman, and her appearance so late In th day was taken to mean that she had something of Importance to contribute to the district attorney's case. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Appointments of Pension Kxnmlnina; Surgeons In lawn and Dakota. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. July 24.. (Special Tele gram.) On recommendation of Congress man Smith Dr. David Williams has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Ijogan. la., vie. Dr. W. W. Colt, re signed. Cpon the recommendation of Representa tive Martin Dr. F. B. Sclinerer has been appointed pension examining surgeon at Dcadwood, 8. 1)., vice Dr. A. H. Bowman, resigned. A. L. linger, who represented the Ninth Iowa congressional district In the Fifty third and Fifty-fifth congresses. Is In Washington on legal business b'foie the departments. Iowa rural routes ordered established October 1: Hills. Johnson county, route 1, population 306, houses SI. Kelona, Washing ton county, route 5. topulatlon 3S0, houses 78. Ixmetree, Johnson county, route I. pop ulation 410, houses S2. North Liberty, John son county, routes 1 slid 2, population 746. houses 149. Oxford, Johnson county, route 4, population 450, houses 90. Tiffin. Johnson county, route 1, houses 79. population 396, STAMP SWINDLE IN NEW YORK Five Men Accused of Defraodinsr State Treasury of Over NEW TORK. July 24. Chsrged with selling mortgage tsx stsmps snd stock transfer tsx stsmps thst had already been used. flv. men were srrested this after noon on complaint of the stat. comp troller, Attorney General Mayer and Dis trict Attorney Jerome. The authorities charge that th. state government has been defrauded of over 1200.000. Th. men, all of whom were arrested in Wall street, sre Frederick Thompson, a clerk; William O'Reilly, Pstrtrk King. C. H. Lawrence and Luke Mchherry. all of Brooklyn. It la alleged thst th. cancellation marks wer. removed hy the us. of chemicals, aXisf wbicb ta atejws ere Ironed, CASS FOR FAVORITE SONS Delegation Instructed for Sheldon for Gov ernor end Pollard for Congress. ANTELOPE TOR BOYD FOR CONGRESS Neither Inatrneta on Senator, hat Antelope Fotots a domination for That Ofllra by State Convention. PLATTSMOt-'TH. Neb., July !4.-(Spe- clal.) The Csss county republican conven tion met In the Parmele theater this after noon at 2 o'clock and was called to order by Chairman George K Sheldon. Hon. R. B. Windham was elected chairman snd George I,. Farley secretary. Mr. Windham thanked the convention for the honor con feried upon him and then raid n glowing tribute to Congressman E. M. Tollard and Senator George I. Sheldon. The convention by unanimous vote In structed Mr. Sheldon to select the delegates to ths state convention, to be held In Lincoln on August 22, and Congressman Pollard to select the delegates to attend the First district convention, which will convene in Auburn on August 9. The dele gates will probably not be named for a week or so. Congressman Pollard was then called for and spoke briefly of what the Inst repub lican congress had accomplished and closed by saying that all present desired to hear from the next governor of Nebrnska. Sena tor Sheldon was then Introduced by the chairman and poke nt length upon the political issues of the day. The Cass county convention followed the example of other counties which have a candidate for governor by endorsing by resolutions only their favored sons, Con gressman Pollard and Hon. George U. Sheldon. It was one of the most harmoni ous conventions ever held In the county. No contests. Antelope for Roys, NELIGH, Neb., July 21 (Special Tele gram.) The Interest taken In politics this year was manifested in a large attendance at the Antelope county republican con vention held here today, which was only for the selection of delegates to various conventions. Among other resolutions the following yere adopted: Believing that the best interests of the people of the state reipitrcs the nomin ation of a candidate lor rutted States senator by the state convention, we direct the delegates of this convention to assist in making such nomination. Having absolute confluence in the hon esty and ability of our fellow citizen, J. . Hoyci. und knowing his fairnexs and special fitness for serving the people of line district In congress, we heartily en dorse his candidacy for that nomination and pledge him our support and the sup port of our congressional delegates, and we hereby instruct our congressional dele gation to use all honorable means to se cure his nomination. No further Instructions were given dele gates. The delegation to the various con ventions are as follows: State-J. F. Boyd. W. F. Wattles, J. C. Jenkins, Vance Anderson, Nellgh; George Metice, Clearwater; u. a. Otis, tieorge u. Boyd. Oakdale; J. A. Davenport, Elgin; J.- R. Herron, Orchard; Jonn Mcleod, Brunswick; W. H. Areg. Titden; Joseph Crippen, Fialnview. Cfwugrestonai n DV Jsckson. W. F. iiNinriinuiiBi-i,, v.- ... " itne glory ana . Deneni oi uroinn, ineir George N. Seymour, h.. K. Frujblts.. M. B.Tnnavors will tjrotnjhf"to &.-, Hunnian. J. Fletcher, G. W . lannon, J. W. Splrk, Felix HuNi, W. M. olle, L. Thomsen, J. R. Nlchol. John Malzacher, C II. Kelsey and M. C. Bressler. Senatorial W. H. Coney 11. N. Gore, I). M. Decamp. W. W. Cole, W. II. Morgan, B. W. McKean, C. E. Heinenway, B. H. Harkdoll. t. D. Thornton, George 8- West, Orange Brlttell and Henry Nagle. There was no fflscord In the convention. The new central committee organized by electing W. F. Wattles chairman and J. W. Spirk secretary. Two Prohibition Conventlona. ALBION. Neb.. July 24,-(Speclal.) The prohibition county convention met in the district court room yesterday and was fairly well attended by delegates from the differ ent parts of the county. Addresses were made by E. E. Taylor, state secretary, and Mr. Hunter, atate organizer. The county organization was perfected and it is ex pected thst workers will go Into each pre cinct of the county and also form precinct organizations. Delegates were elected to the state convention, but no nominations made. After the other parties make their nominations it Is expected the prohibition ists will endorse such candidates as are acceptable to them. BEATRICE, Neb., July 24 -(Speclal Tele gram.) The prohibitionists of Gage county met today and placed In nomination the following ticket: For senator. A. D. Trum bull, Beatrice; representatives, Joseph Barr, Liberty; Mahlen Neumann, Wymore; Charles Stewart, Cortland. The office of county attorney was left open. SIXTH DISTRICT MKKTS AT KEAIIKV Convention Called for Ananst 81 to ame Congressman. GRAND ISIAND. Neb.. July 24-(Spe- clal Telegram.) The republican congres. slonal committee met here today nnd called the convention for tne sixtn oistnci to meet at Kearney on August 81. Twenty two counties were represented in the com mittee meeting and from the t4k of the committeemen It appeared there was no opposition' to Klnkald. On the senatorahlp there was little Brown sentiment' manlfeat and those present did not think It was strong In this part of the stat.. EIGHT-HOUR LAW NOT LIKED War Department Having nifflralty In Enforrlna Reeeat Order of the President. WASHINGTON. July 24 The application of the president's order relative to the en forcement of the eight-hour law In the case Of government contract work has proven more difficult in th. case of ths War de partment, owing to its more complex ma chinery, than with th. Navy department. so It has been found necessary to prepare circulars of instruction to the agents of the department engayea in oin-reni lines of work, all differing In some essential. The opinion among me furumi """' who hav to do nlih public works is that the rigid application of the president's eight-hour order will sound th death knell of the whole system of government con tract work and that hereafter the govern ment will be obliged to hire Its own labor and carry on the public work under It a ... .a in....i. n'k. own iirriiinrnur.i.I '" - contractor are now working in keen com - petition with the jovtnHn! Is place and it la said are barely holding their own. Th. application of the eight- I..v icrnr1 nr to execut vi offlrera here, will oblige them to do one of two things: Increase the price of their bids for government work to a point beyond th go.ernmeiu estimates, in which th case the department would do the work Itself, or reduce the wages of the laborers and mechanics to make their productive ca pacity correspond dollar for dollar to their employes engagtd a prlvats work at ttn hour per W. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Thnnriershortrr Wednesday nnd Cooler In nrlhvrest Porlloni Thurs day, Fair. Temperatnre at Omaha teaterdayt Hoar, Ilea. Hour. Ilea. K a. m...... lit I p. in...... ft a. m (.'! -t p. n T a. m m ,1 p. in st n. m uh 4 p. m Ml l a. ni r n i. m " 1 n. m T:t Hp. m S,l II n. m 78 7 p. in l lH m 7W H p. nt Th II . m 7 U HUSBAND COMPELS OBEDIENCE Sis-Shooter ns n Peranadrr ProTen Ita Worth nt Casper Depot. CASPF.R. Wyo , July 24 I Special.) When the train from Omaha pulled Into Ihe station at Casper three cf Its passengers became Involved In a quarrel. Two men snd woman comprised the party and the episode caused considerable amusement and excitement. The woman seemed to want to stop at this place, and one of the men, apparently her husband, objected, where upon the third party stepped In and assisted the woman to alight and went Into the lunch room nearby with her. The first jnnn followed them and when inside drew a six shooter and compelled the woman under threat of shooting her to get onto the train again and then he commanded hla rival to keep at a comfortable distance and the command was obeyed. The train carried the trio to Shoshonl fifteen min utes Inter. TELEPHONE MAN KILLS SELF Manager of Cnsper Office Takes Carbolic Arid and Is Dead In n Few Minnies. CASPER, Wyo., July 21. (Special Tele gram.) J. A. Bell, amnager. of the local exchange for the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company, died shortly after noon today from the effects of carbolic acid, supposed to have been taken with suicidal Intent. Mr. Bell walked Into the telephone office and emptied the contents of a small lal of carbolic acid Into his mouth and swal lowed It. Medical aid was summoned, but he died seven minutes after drinking the poison and before a physician could reach him. Boll -is said to fiave been gambling snd drinking quite linnvtly and remorse Is thought to be the cause of his taking hi life. Bell has been here but a few weeks, coming from Sheridan. He leaves wife and little girl. TRADE EXCURSIONISTS OFF Boomer. Who Go to the Black Hills More nmeroas Thnn Expected. A special Northwestern trsln of live sleepers, a day coach and a baggage car, pulled out of the 'Union station shortly after S o'clock Tuesday evening, bearing W0 men and women who will shout, talk, blow and make all the nols. they can for the. glory and 'benefit of Omaha, Their people or me mam runs country, The crowd forming this excursion party waa somewhat larger than was antici pated and each person was supplied with the latest, most effective contrivances for the promotion of pure din. Many spent the time waiting for the train to start In practicing and it Is safe to say they will be heard approaching by the northerners. TAMMANY IS FOR HEARST Leader Marphy Says It May Snpport Newspaper Owner for domina tion for Governor. NEW TORK, July 24. Charles F. Mur phy, leader of Tammany hall, said today that it was possible that Tammany would support William R. Hearst for the demo cratic nomination for governor in the next state convention. Mr. Murrhy said: "Mind, 1 don't commit myself. I don't say that Tammany will be for Hearst. I only say that his opposition to our ticket lastyear will not of Itself make It Im possible for Tammany to support nlm In the convention." Mr. Murphy said that he had no opinion to express at this time aa to whether or not Mr. Hearst will be nominated. PASSENGER RATE WAR BEGINS Illinois Central Will Sell Ronnd Trip Tickets to t hlrnato for F.larht Dollars. CHICAGO, July 24. The Illinois Centra railroad today gave notice that an JS round trip rate would be put In effect from the Missouri river to Chicago, npplying from sOUX oily. Bioux Falls. Albert fj (Inr Rapids and Intednedinte points. The tickets will be sold August 4. S and . and will be honored for return passage up to an4 Including August 15. This move was taken by the officials of the Illinois Central, It Is said, because of Its com petitors having been contracting for dele gates to the convention of Eagles, to be held In Malwaukee August 5, at figures considerably below the agreed basis. KANSAS MAN KILLED BY WIFE Mr. John Dan ron Husband Was Choking- Her and She Shot to Scare lllui. CHEROKEE. Kan.. July 24. -John Dauron, aged R years, a well known farmer, was shot and killed todnv by, his wife, who Is 45 years old. Dnuron and his wife had many quarrels of luie and re cently they separated. Mrs. Dauron made a statement in which ,ha , fai( that she was afraid to go Into" the house when she returned home lust night , and that she slept In Ihe barn. When she nartM to leave the place today her bus- band, she said, attempt to choke her. i of General Baron Fi rd rli ks. side de camp She said she then fired the pistol, Intending j to the einpror. forty miles fioni the cspl only to scare him. (h) hH, hfr, plundered by peasants. Oen- . eral Fredericks ai-ked for troops from Gat- Movementa of Ocean teasels Jnli !fl. , . , . ... . ., ., .... , , ' ' chiiu. but h informed that the situation At New York -An ivrd : Oskar II. f,,r ' , . .. Copenhagen: t 'artnanla. from Iiverpuol; ' a nn "'"r," P rmit of the changing ':"":" .." u - jneim. rioni mi emeu, eaiieo: Hremen. for i Bremen; Mol'ke, for Naples, Neapolitan' .ri.sMirAmved: i for j.,,iadelpliia At Genoa -Arrived : Cltta dl Messina. Cltta dl Milano. I!"". r . s u. . At Cherbourg -Arrived : Kaiser Wilhelrn if, ironi jxew ioik At London- Arrived; Sardinia. from Montreal. Al Cbristlanla Sailed: C. F. Tietgen. for New York. Al Dover Arrived : JCecland, f.m New York. I Al Queenstuwn Arrived : Carunia, from New York. Al Montreal -Arrived: Corinll.U, for Glasgow. Sailed: Mount Royal, for I-on- M UverjiooUSaai Zvvula, for Bestim. CZAR DECLARES WAR Fremier Stolypin Sends Orders to Goernor$ to Suppress Ketolutioniit. CALLS THEM ENEMIES OF SOCIETY Manifesto Bears StrikiuK- Reremblsnce to Documents Drawn by Von TlehTe. FIRST OUTBREAK EXPECTED IN SOUTH Members of Railway Employes' Union Are Beady to Tie Op Boada, MEMBERS OF DUM. IN CONFERENCES Doaen Meeting of Re rnlntlonlsta of arylna Shades of Opinion Held In Secret In St. Petersburg. ST. PETERSRCRG. July 24. War to th. knife with revolution, and tha knife to the hilt, was proclaimed today hy Premier Htolypln In a telegram addressed to the governor generals, governors and prefects throughout Russia and to the viceroy of the Caucasus, who are ordered to strike and spare not In efforts to preserve order and crush the "enemies of society." Included In this category, as shown by the events of the day, arc not only rev olutloulHta und socialists, but also the edu cated liberal, and landed classes repre sented In the constitutional democratic party whoso clubs everywhere have been closed, and all the progresslvo newspaper which are not permitted to lift their vole, anywhere throughout the entire laud. Text of the Address. Premier Stolypln's telegram Is as fol lows; . . In conformity with Instructions re ceived from the empetnr with the"vlew to securing full co-operation between the dif ferent local authorities, 1 hereby inform you that the government expects you to cxerclne vigilant and untiring supervision over your subordinates so that order may be promptly und dellnltely restored. Dis turbances must be suppressed and revolu tionary movements must be put down by all legal means. The measures you take must be carefully considered. The struggle begun Is against the enemies of society, and not against society Itself. Consequently wholesale repression cannot be approved. Improvident and Illegal acts are likely to give rise to discontent Instead of conduc ing to calm and cannot be tolerated. The Intentions of the emperor are Immutahle. The government firmly desires to assist in the amendment of the legal procedure and the laws hitherto enforced which no longer serve their purpoHe. The old regime will oe regeneratea, nut order must be fully maintained. You must act upon your own Inltlstlve as you are Invested with re sponsibility. Firm and vigorous steps taken on these lines will doubtless be upheld by the nest part ot society. rne manifesto bears a remarkable simil arity to the earlier compositions of Min isters of the Interior von Plehv. snd Bou- ligln, and the reactionary press has had slight difficulty in cutting It down, as they already had done with yesterday's imperial manifesto, into an appeal to the "leagus of Russian men," and other old school Russians to rise and smite all the progress sK? eluMa.' C 'v V- EVen before the declaration of the dis solution of ths lower house of parltam.nt tho war office had perfected Its plans for handling expected disorders, both military and civilian. General Muller Zakomelsky, who suppressed the Sebastopol revolt and co-operated with General Rennenkampf In the reduction of the Siberian rebellion last winter, was recalled from the command of a corps and placed at th. disposition of the war office to be used wherever trouble may first be manifested. Both the govern ment and the revolutionists expect this outbreak in the south and that It will roll north to the two capitals. This may In duce the proletariat to postpone the dec laration of a general strike from St. Peters burg until contagion is borne up from the south. The railroaders, however, are anxi ous to have this strike declared at once. , members of the Railway Employes' union, with whom the Associated Press corre spondents here and In Moscow have talked, declared that they were ready to walk out nt the first call from Ihe League of Leagues, with which tho union Is federated. Tha strictest censorship over news of military disorders Is maintained. As an example, the mutiny at Brest-Lltovsk, July 1.1, when a band of artillerymen from the fortress fired on the officers' club, killing two officers, has been transformed Into a fire, destroying the house of the. officers' club. The ministry is obtaining slight Bid from the forces of society nt large In pulling through its policy. Mm. Shlpuft and (luclioff and practically all the others who have been approached have refused flatly to participate In the enlarged cabinet pro posed. Of the members of the late Parlia ment only Prince Nikolai Lvoft of Saratov, who. though a constitutional democrat, la a personal friend of Premier Ptolypln, Is understood to have given the plan favora ble consideration, and It Is said tonight that he probably will accept a ministry wit hout a portfolio. Members of Duma In Conference. The Constitutional Democratic club and two other political clubs were closed to night by order of the police authorities. A caucus of constitutional democrats was luing l M at the club at the time. Prince Paul Dolgourokoff, chaiiman of the central executive committee appointed at Vlboig on Monday, has called a meeting of that committee which will arrange a secret caucus tomorrow to discuss further tactic. Moscow constitutional d'iucrsts ate recommending the summing of a national convention of the party, but this will scarcely be iillo-.ved by 'The authorities. Meetings are being held tonight 111 a dozen holies in St. pi terburg snd Just across the frontier railway employes, p as ants. socialists and revolutionists of differ ent shades of opinion aie discussing the best j plan of action to ihrow the whole roa- , hlnery of the government nut of gear, j Agrarian li.or.lers hae broken out In I the vlcinltv of St. Petersburg. The estate ,.., i-. Plaua of itearllonarlra. The way has been prepared for a mili tary dictatorship by a proposition now under consideration at I'eicrhof to create an advisory council to as!.t t lie emperor. Prcuici tStilM'in. ibmiil Ti'-poff and I others are today conferring with the cm the n I. "pie Is I i for ii no li a cniih. il oui of th'- i, fen. In i of (he council of the empire and "lis. i ;ol liberals like t M fhlpnff i..i hkoY aln, possi- til;-, sever il coui H ull'HH 1 democratic leaders with the purpose of reassuring th. LpuUea cX U. s.Mwiijf U Aaswjuvsxfcw