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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1906)
THE; OMAHA 'DAILY bEEj TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 190(5. The Omaha Daily Bel E. RD8EWATER EDITOR. Kntered at Omlht Poslorfice seo-md cIiim matter. ' TKBMS Or BrBHCRIlTlON. lliy Bee (without flundayt. one year.t Lmliy H- and Sunday, one Xr b'inoy Bee. one year J j Buturiay Hop. n year DELIVERED BT CARRIER UMly Km (Including Hunrtay). per wk.lic i'Miy B iwithout Sunday), per wk..W amns A3e. iwilnout Bunutyi, p-r a-venlng Bee (with Sunday, P-r week.. 10c Sunday be, per ropy :""V Address complaints of Irresulsrltles In de livery to City Circulation Department. omcES. omtht-The Bea Building. Hnuth Omalia City Hall Building. tt'uncll Blurts 10 Pearl Btreel. (. hl.ago 1 I'nlty Building. wew fork IMS Home Llf In. Building. Washington K1 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and edl tnrtai matter should be sddressed: Oinana Mee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poetal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only -cent stamps received as payment or mail accounta. Personal rhecka. except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. TUB BEE PUBLISHING C'OMPANl. iBTATEMENT OF CIRCULATION.. Slat of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss: C. C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aaye that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning, Evening and Sunday Hee printed during the month of ,My, 1W6, was as follows: I stwnr i biao 1 MCI It BIJMQ t aifiio s,hoo 4..... ai.lWW - 1 S3.2T0 1 KLS20 SO.WiO ao.ono 2i 8i,9m 7....: 81.HDO 22 SI. two I 81. BOO 23 81.9.TO ' Sl.KflO 24 &1.MOO 10 81.BOO f.. 25 81,8.10 11 81.HAO ti KMOO 12 B2.SCO 17 81.MO 13 aO.OttO. a 81,trT 14 81, TOO 2... 81.T40 15 81.B20. to.. &1.AUD 31.. 81,040 Total .'. i.. , Less, unsold copies............. .WMM.BTO Net total sales.... ,.I7bV4 Dally average ' .. 81V7Q e- C. C. ROSBWATKR. -. General Manager. .Subscribed "In my presence and sworn to -before me this 4th day of June, IMS'. Beal) M. B- HUMOATB, . . Notary Publlo. WHEN OUT Or TOWN. Rabac-rlbera 1 em --! the city tem porarily aid kava T Be mailed to thaaa. Aadrwa will fc changed as oftea a reqaeete. The, thing to do now lg to beat the ballot Jugglers at their own game. Report from Guatemala are almost as conflicting as those from Iowa. wiucuiuci tt ib a viiuiuu-auiiar rain ' and sometimes it la a two-million-dollar rain. ft I. -.tltl.. J 1, , The press censor at Blalystok real izes that a free press In Russia means a secret one. , ' , In the meanwhile Mayor . Dahlman continues to keep that much adver tised backbone on exhibition. A conference to which the president and Speaker Cannon ' are parties should produce results of some kind. With but three more "suspension" day in . the house congressmen will have to work rapidly to satisfy clamor ing constituents. . The fact that they are still trying foiraer St. Louis boodle councllmen in Missouri would . indicate that reform in that state has not yet run its gamut. New York has decided to erect a monument to Car) Schurs. Residents of other parU of the country will, as usual, be. expected to furnish the money. Kansas has contributed so largely to the population of Oklahoma that the coming constitutional contention there may be expected to be strong in pyrotechnics. New York complains of an advance in the price of meat. That Newi York house which was given a clean bill by the government evidently knows how to take advantage of its advertising. If thq FontaAelle bosses had their way they would - disfranchise every voter who could not show a certificate of American birth and a diploma from some high school or college in addi tion. By placing the omnibus public building bill at the foot of the docket house 'managers can be assured, of a quorum to the finish, as few represen tatlves will leave before the '"pork" divided. - Is The hardest lesson for these im provement clubs, to learn is that with funds available for new work strictly limited, if one club got all it asked for there would be little or nothing left for all the rest. - The report of -a committee of the . Commercial club, which looked into meat-packing methods and conditions of South Omaha, 1s to go into the Con gressional Record. Our Commercial club is losing no chance for free adver tising. ' . , Arkansas union miners who are standing out against the Kansas City agreement with operator on the ground that it violates a state law are furnishing a diversion which is inter esting io the matter of trade agree ments; but Arkansas always was pe culiar. . Roouaniendatons of the late grand Jury for Improvements at the county Jail have already been ordered carried out at a cost of nearly f 1,000 to the taxpayers. Now, If that Jail feeding . contract can also be squared up along lines suggested by the grand Jury the taxpayers may posalblv gt their . money back mUCE AND COM.VE B K POWERS. By raising against proposed Inspec tion 'legislation of tha constitutional point that congress is precluded from Interference in matters comprehended within what Is known ss the police power of the several states, one good result has been securedi in more effi cient exertion of local police author ity without narrowing the national sanitary restrictions. Whatever may be said as to state police power, It Is conceded thst congress has complete and indeed ex clusive constitutional power to regu late commerce between the states and with foreign nations and therefore to prohibit absolutely such commerce or transportation of meats, canned goods and' packing house products not bear ing the government label, "inspected and passed." Such inspection, It con stitutional, can require practically evtery condition that could be en forced under any exertion -of state po lice power. Practically such legislation nder the Interstate commerce power must also go a long way to control - the character of meats consumed In the states where they are prepared, be cause if sanitary conditions must be established in a large packing plant doing business outside of the state, those conditions would In a measure protect all the meat treated there for whatever market. Nor would the do mestic consumers long tolerate a meat, supply Inferior to that sent outside the state or handled under circum stances open to suspicion. The plenary resources of the police power are at hand to supplement as to the local supply any evasion of the national re strictions as to Interstate and foreign commerce, saying nothing of the reme dial potency of mere publicity. FOREIGN MEAT DISCLOSURES. While no one defends any authenti cated abuse in the Chicago packing industries and it is conceded that some conditions exist requiring summary eradication, indiscriminate denuncia tion abroad of American food products has excited Just resentment. There is no doubt that those countries in which such misrepresentation is most ex treme are at least as much addicted to adulteration and defilement of foods. The elaborate report of the chief sanitary , inspector in London therefore comes as a swift retribution at this time, demonstrating the exist ence there of conditions In slaughter ing and canning meats far more ob noxious than anything In the official reports concerning the -Chicago meat Industries. It is unnecessary to repeat the re volting circumstances disclosed in the London canneries and fresh meat trade now directing - British indigna tion nearer home, but It' la some con solation to know that the pres Is ac knowledging that the greatest need of protection to public health relates to the domestic supply For it laxlexnon strated that ; poisonous t meats . are worked over with other materials un der circumstances too loathsome to de scribe and extensively palmed off on the publrc as. tinned "delicacies," while the fresh meat trade is. horribly in volved by systematic slaughter of tu berculous and other diseased animals. Hardly less revolting are the revela tions of official investigation of the British manufacture of preserved fruits and fruit derivatives, which is one of the f reat national industries. Official information likewise demon strates that In some districts in Ger many the condition of the fresh meat trade is such that the worst excep tional, circumstances at Chicago need not excite squeamishness there. The recent, report of a United' States con sul, compiled from official data from the towns of his district, shows that within a year almost 6,000 dogs had been slaughtered and sold at butchers' stalls as fresh meat, and when this happens openly the question is sug gestively ralsedas to what was at the same time done secretly in the ma nipulations of the various meat products, especially as retail prices are there double and often treble what they are here, and the temptation to adulteration and abuse correspond ingly greater. It is a forbidding and repulsive theme, but the truth as 1t is begin ning to be disclosed shows that we are not the worst, but only the first to draw aside t.he curtain. The roost Valuable result may well turn out ulti mately to be that the movement started here, although harmful to our meat and live' stock interests tem porarily, will open the eyes of the world equally to conditions every where, and thus place our industries In the end on a more advantageous and permanent basis. ,In any event the result must vindicate the wisdom of President Roosevelt in insisting on meeting honestly and squarely the sit uation so far as we are concerned. BUSINESS ANU ADJOURNMENT.' The date - for adjournment of con gress, which a month ago was pre dicted for about June XO, has now been pushed forward about two weeks by the Washington prognostlcatorr. They are, however, unable to assign any satisfactory, reasons for th.e latter date, or, Indeed, for any specific date in the near future. There is little better ground for now anticipating early adjournment than there was. when Snator " Allison, a recognised authority, made hla pre diction. The routine buslneaa has dragged and at the same time' new complications have arisen. The prog ress even of the supply bills Is blocked by legislative riders on two of them, the pure food bill on sundry civil ap propriation and the meat' Inspection bill on the agricultural appropriation. Jae agitation and controversy over the latter alone his bn sufficient to nullify all adjournment forecasts. With these and other appropriation bills still pending, with the certainty of a time-consuming senate debate on the Panama canal level question, and" with a number of other measures like Immigration, restriction on any of which complications may arise, as in 4he cane of meat Inspection, It may well be doubted If congress can possi bly dispose of more than a small part of the business before it by July 1. And for congress to quit before the public business is reasonably disposed of would hardly be safe or prudent while Theodore Roosevelt occupies the White Honse. WHAT DID THEY MEAN1 In rendering the opinion on the ro tation ballot cape, declaring that this form of ballot did not amount to such an Interference with the free choice of the voter as to be a denial of his con stitutional rights of suffrage, the pre siding Judge interjected this remark for himself and his associates: "We do not want to be understood as say ing that a rase might not be presented in which conditions were such that a balot as here asked would be a denial of the constitutional rights of the voter." Questioned further as to what this side statement meant, the presiding Judge is said to have explained It by citing as an example a case where so many names might be filed as to make It practically Impossible for the voter to pick out his preferred candidates on the official ballot, or where the .ballot should thus be enlarged until It was forty feet long. The question arises. How long must the ballot be to Interfere with the free choice of the voter to a degree that it violates his constitutional rights? The ballot in the forthcoming primaries, containing the names filed for state delegates only, will be seven feet four inches long, and if the strict letter of the law as enunciated by the court were followed by the adSltion of the candidates for delegates to the con gressional convention, the ballot would be ten and a half feet long. The question is, How long must It be to violate the voter's constitutional rights? If a forty-foot rotated ballot would be clearly Illegal, how about a twenty-foot ballot,? If a twenty-foot rotated ballot would be only half as Illegal as a forty-foot ballot, how about a ten-foot ballot? t what point of the yardstick does injustice begin and Justice end? If six more names bad b3en. filed. for the coming primary, add ing three more Inches' to the ballot, would it have made it illegal? To a man up & tree it looks as if tLe court, over-awed by the Fontanelles, were attempting to inflict this outrage upon the voters at this time while leaving a loop hole to crawl out and reverse its decision next year when delegates to a judicial convention are to be chosen and the interests of the Judges themselves are at stake. We are not only to have Justice measured ont to us with a tape line, but the tape line is to be elastic so It mty be stretched to make it fit the case. A PRATE H ANSWERED. Wi are beginning to need rain out her In Nebraska. We have no complaints to make over re publican management of the sunshine. It has been all the most captious could desire and the spring showers were fine. But we do feel that we are entitled to a few gentle summer rains. : And so we appeal to the republican party for rain. Give us rain; oh! great and good repub lican party, source of all our bleaainga and bane of all Ills, give us rain! World-Herald. June IS. 1901 And by grace of the good Lord and the republican party your prayer has been promptly answered. Is there anything else you want? The Fontanelle bosses arrogantly assume that they have a monopoly of the Intelligence of this community and that by inflicting unnecessary baUot burdens upon the voters they can dis franchise their opponents. In this they are likely to be badly fooled. The American public likes fair play and de tests trickery and underhanded meth ods. A man who is good enough to vote for the party ticket after, it is nominated should be good enough to have a voice in the choice of the party nominees. An Omaha preacher has discovered that Sunday golf playing tends to lower ideals and thus serves to en courage worse Immoralities. The courts may yet be called upon to de cide whether golf playing infracts the law for an inviolate 8abbath. It transpires that canned meat pur chased for use of British soldiers has for some time been required to bear the date of its manufacture, so Amer ican packers may already be equipped to carry out one of the suggestions of the president. Colonel Greene would have people believe the trouble at hla mines was an outbreak against the government of Mexico rather than an , ordinary strike. If this idea prevail! it will be easier to secure soldiers than to pay watchmen.' Few political parties have the honor of recounting as much accomplished in fifty years as the republican party now holding its golden Jubilee at Phil adelphia. And none ever faced the future with brighter promise. The latest "president of the Philip pine republic" has surrendered because, as he says, the Filipinos will never se cure Independence until entitled to it and When that time comes there msy be no opposition to It. Our amiable democratic contem porary has to go all the way to Lincoln to discover that there are taction in the republican party in Nebraska. Why not look Into the cltv hall t Omaha, where the democratic factions . are lined up with hip pocket artillery and bowle Vnlves? The Water board will now proceed to draw another batch of salary war rants, order a few more payments to the lawyers and retire for further cog itation pending the arrival of the long awaited appraisement. Kzaaapl Shatter Araraaaeat. Buffalo Express. Some persons are wondering why Gen eral Corbln spends so much time worrying about the small pay of young army offi cers. He has done pretty well himself. Cat It Oat. Wsshlngton Post. It will be Juet like some fool reporter to spoil Mr. Bryan's home-coming as soon ss he steps on the wharf by asking him. how he Is now standing on the question of the sacred "rasho." Hlah Title for Beglaaer. New York World. The new senator from Kansas Is to be chairman of the select, committee on the examination and disposition of documents. It Is a' high .honor for any new senator to have such a tttle' conferred upon him. Rsik of American to Earope. Boston Transcript. The demand for passports st Washington transcends all past experiences, which means that more money Is going out of the country than ever before In a season. But It also Indies tes that there Is more money than ever before. A Fall Senate. Baltimore American. x For the first time In many yeare the sen ate of the United States has a full quott of members ninety. DuPont's election closed the gap caused by the prolonged I'Addlrks or nobody" campaign, and the governors of Maryland and Kansas lost no time In filling vacancies made by death and resignation. There Is no prospect, how ever, of all being In their seats at the same time at the present session. How to Treat Appoadlcltl. Brooklyn Eagle.'. Dr. Ohauvel, medical Inapector of the French army, deala a heavy blow at the popular aurgical treatment of appendicitis In a special report of a statistical nature. He shows that out of (68 case of ap pendicitis In the military ' hospitals of Frsnce 180 were operated upon, while 480 received only tnedlcal treatment. - Of the latter there were only three that resulted fatally, whereas of the much smaller num ber dealt with by the us of the knife twenty-three were lost. PERSONAL NOTES. - Senator. Money of Mississippi declares one western man to be the equal of Ave eastern men, and Money talks. Tho richest woman In England Is now married, and the richest woman In Ger many and the world soon will be. The grooms receive Just a bar mention. A. W. Benson, the new senator from Kan sas, has joined the olass of senators known as the "Short Leggers," It. Includes all the senators whose bodies ar long and whos legs ar short. - The only member 'Of' the United States senate from the south who Is rated as a millionaire la JgmeJT. Taliaferro of Flor ida. He made " tits "money in lumber and banking enterprise'. i The heaviest , cadet to graduate at West Point the other day"wa'"an Indiana youth.' Charles A. Lewis or .-Warwick county, who tips the beam at 21poynds. He expects to be sent to the Philippines shortly. A cousin of Russell. Bags has Just died penniless and will b burled by the county. There la too quick an Impulse to blam Mr. Sage. Doubtless he would have let the rela tive have money had the request been ac companied by proper, collateral. . . J.' O. Armour of Chicago hae given to the Armour Institute of Technology 128,000, the money to be' expended for equipment. It makes a total of $1,000,000 which Mr. Armour has given In the last five years to the insUtution which his father founded. A was to be expected, William Plnekney Why!, th venerable successor of Senator Gorman, has made a most favorable Im pression on his colleagues. Pressed fault lessly and with his courtly bearing, fine burgundy complexion and snoW-whit hair. he attracts much attention. RAILROAD EMPLOYER"' LIABILITY. New Law Proaonaeeo lavaaloo of 8a4ea RtsHt. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. The overahadowlng Importance of ' th railroad rat bill has excluded from general notice another Important measure affecting Interstate railroads. This Is th railway employers' liability bill, which passed the house, with no discussion worth mention ing, and has now been adopted by th sen ate without considerable change. It Is de manded by a great body of organised rail road employes and Is evidently going to become a law at this session. This measure Is of radical consequence In two particulars. First. It sets aside th common law principle of an employer's liability for accidents t the employe and substitutes the principle of liability for a'.l damages to any employes. Whether caused directly by the neglect of the employer or by the action or neglect of a fellow employ or servant ; and the burden of proof, sa we understand the measure. Is thrown upon the employer or railroad. Many of the American states have already by statute greatly modified the old common law rule In the direction noted, but this act lifts railroad employes Into a olass subject to none of the variations and neglects of state law In this particular and favors them with a uniform rule drawn on J he liberal lines noted liberal for the employe and quite the opposite for th railroad companies. Th second radical consequence of the measure Is further to Invade th powers of the states and limit their Jurisdiction In a matter heretofore atSpposed to be exclu sively their own. And It Is at this point that th prospective law may meet with trouble In the federal courts; for It Is a question whether th federal government, can constitutionally extend Its power ever interstate commerce to the degree her In volved. A great majority of railroad em ployes live and work exclusively within the boundaries of this and that state. Com paratively few of them are trslnmen mov ing between states. But under this act th switchman, or track hand, or atatlon man, or watchman, who worka at a particular point on a road engaged In interstate com-merce--aa practically all roads are will It lifted out of state and brought under federal jurisdiction In damage cases; and the asm is true apparently of shopmen and ma chinists, etc., employed by railroad com panies. The connection of all thess local railroad employes with Interstate commerce eonalsts only of touching It directly or In directly as It passes by. and Injuria re. eelved by then) In the performance of their duties have no sort of necessary relatlnn ship with federal jurisdiction in Interstate commerce. Her Is apparently a ess of needles ex tension of the powers of the national gov ernment at th expense of those of the state. XKflltAftKA. SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN. toker Father-la-lw Plads Favor. Norfolk Press (rep.). The Omaha World-Herald and the Fre mont Herald, both democratic orgsns, are the only newspapers In the state that are supporting the Crounee candidacy for nomination as t'nlted States senstor on the republican tlrket. Hitchcock Is a candidste for th democratic Indorsement fur senator, and It looks as though these papers were hunting for an easy mark. A Roost for Carrie. Loup City Northwestern (rep.). Hon. F. M. Currle of Custer county Is out for United States senator. From a personal acquslntsnce and knowledge of Senator Currle we consider him as the peer of any man yet mentioned, and in Intellect, honesty, oratorical ability and brain power by fer superior to many. This Is our candid unsolicited opinion. But we ar for the man th convention names: no poor sticks In the bunch mentioned so far. Readlasr the Wall Wrltlaa. Bancroft Blade (rep.). Webater, Greene end Wattles, the cor poration candidates for the T'nlted States senate from Omaha, read the writing on the wall and dropped Out of the race. From Frylnc Pan to Fire. Auburn Republican (rep.). Senator Millard's plea for the state con vention to let the senatorial question alone for th reason that h could easily land the Job when ths legislature meets conclusively proves that gentleinsn to be a poor poli tician. It would only be a question of Jumping out of th frying pan into the fire. Rosewater's Beaatorlal Chaaees. ' Pub Ho us In the Examiner. Bid ward Rosewater Is now abroad, at tending to his dutie's as a representative of the United States at the International Poatal congress now meeting In Rome. It wit with little hope that this was his year for the eenste that he went to Rome. In fact he confessed himself as being less Interested In the campaign than heretofore. He had, practically, reached the conclusion that unless some method was established whereby the will of the people could be expressed without hindrance or bias, he would not entrust himself to t tie politi cians of the state. Scarcely had he embarked, when his son, Victor Rosewater began what now seems to be the most amasing political campaign ever waged In the state. When lid ward Rosewater waged battle In behalf of another he always succeeded; and when he fought for his own political Interests he generally met with failure. Victor Roaewater observed this, and from the fertile resources of his genius for execution, formulated th plan of having the demand for Edward Rosewater's candidacy spring from the peopled He failed in securing assent to his state primary proposition from , the state committee, but nothing daunted, he continued his campaign of en listing the people. Needless to state, th plan ha been suc cessful. Rosewater's absence lent the op portunity, a.d the means were easily . available. Perhaps no' man In Nebraska has so many enemies and so many ad mirers as Edward Rosewater. In a long career as Journalist who Interested himself In every question that pertained to munici pal and state affairs, he has established a fierce and relenting opposition not mollified by the fact that he generally defeated the opposition directed against his plana, pur poses and candidates. Notwithstanding the fact that he aspired to the United States senatorshlp- he never- conciliated, nor did he ever temporise. He has always been a relentless fighter. At th earn time he has been a good friend to many a campaigner. Ho haa stood by his friends at the cost of personal Influence, political preferment and I financial .advancement. ; Then, too, . he ; has been a consistent friend and champion of th people. . I have seldom praised Rose water, and. never htve I bent myself, to comply with his demands where they seemed incorrect and unjust, but I do not withhold the "meed of praise that Is hla due." Out in the state the farmers and work-. Ing people believe In him. Possibly the railroads have little use for, him, yet In preference to Norrls Brown they would support Rosewater. He will make a mighty strong bid for the nomination, and It will be a surprise to even his enemies if he doe not suoceed. It is not necessary to mske any state ment as to his ability. His career speaks for him. He Is as -strong mentally ss any man Nebraska has, and while his Stature and oratory preclude pride In forehelc ap- pearance. he would keep Nebraska to the front In senatorial affaire, for thla Is tho day when the real work Is done In the committee room. Other cltlsens of Omaha ma have been preferred to Rosewater as a matter of pride, ability and personal sentiment, but they have declined to enter th rar. Purely as a matter of personal antagonism, w hav no sympathy with the cry "anything to beat Rosewater." For th sak of Omaha and the Interests of the stste, Rosewater's election to the United States senate Is, In my humble opinion, preferable to any other candidate. Oae Thins; at a' Time. Cambridge Clarion (rep.). Every -two or three week during th laat few month th Clarion ha received from Lincoln or some other plac where candidate boomers ' bask In comfort - and work country editors, a batch of machine editorials booming Attornsy Oenersl Brown for United State senstor. and this week we received a long article from a Furnas county cltlsen lauding the attorney general for Instituting suit against the Nebraska lumbermen and urging that for thla bit of activity and brayery Mr. Brown ahould be sent to the senate. The machine editorials have not been used for the reason we are opposed to that methyl of campaigning. The article re ceived this week Is not published for two reasons: First, because the author signs a fictitious name to It, and, second, because In the main It 1 nap-doo.11. Norrls Brown Is probsbly a good man. We believ he la But It Is hard for pub Ushers who know Frank Harrison to warm up to Mr. Brown so long as Harrison Is running a Brown preas bureau. A man who spent the better part of his life lob bying for an evil ahould con fens his sins to men befor expecting tbem to hsve faith In his boasted attempt to destroy th evil. A large per cent of the people of Ne braska believe th suit against th lum bermen and some other wre started ss a grsnd stand play, and If ths attorney general Is taken from his present poeltion snd sent to the senste before he has time to prove himself they will always think a If Mr. Brown started thess suits In good faith he should want to stsy right where he Is until he hss convinced a mul titude of sceptical voters thst he Is sin cere and has been actuated by pure snd honest motives. Last fall when a party of prominent politicians stsrted a Folk presl denttal boom the splendid governor Of Missouri said: "No! The people have chosen me governor of this commonwealth and my only ambition now Is to be gov ernor; I hav commenced a work which I went to finish." The people of Nebrsska have chosen Norrls Brown as their at torney general; h has commenced a work and ahould be retained In his present posi tion until thst work Is finished. H is young, able, vigorous and his futnr politi cal aaoandaney or degcendancy depends largely upon how he finish work he ha commenced as attorney gtotraL . , , Wake up Your Liver Not too much, just a little, just enough to start the bile nicely.' One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly on- the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. Ask your doctor about them. 1. -i We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Msa ky th . C. Aver Oe.. Lewen. Msee Alse Xasatsaturer ef ATTR'B HAIR YI001l-Fer tes ksir. ATH8 SCHRTFBCT01tAL-Frosofs. ATKR'S SAK8APARILLA- For tkt blood. ATBR'i AGCI CURB For mUrusltt. ARMY GOSSIP IS WASHIUTn. Correal Event Gleaned from the Army and Kavy Register. The War department lias not been so busy In a long time as It Is with the prelim inary details of arranging for the mobil isation of the regular army at seven camps of concentration from July 16 to October . 16. Important changes have been made In the commands of three of the camps, on account of the designation of Brigadier General W. P. Duvall to observe the army maneuvers In Germany, where that officer gogs as the associate of General T. H. Barry. General Duvall was on the list ' to command the camp at Chickamauga park, wher his place will be taken by Brigadier General John W. Bubb. The latter was to command a camp In the vicinity of Fort D. A. Russell, where the command will now devolve upon Brigadier General Constant Williams, whose orlginnl assignment at American Lake, Wash.wlll be taken by Brigadier General Frederick Funston. The artillery authortltle hope to have an opportunity for the regimental formation and operation of field artillery during the summer mobilisation period. There will be a chance of this at Fort Riley and probably at Fort D. A. Russell, and It Is expected ' there will be substantial results of enduring value on account of this con centration of field artillery commands. It has been the cause of regret that it haa not been possible to do more work with the field artillery In regimental organisation and It Is Intended hereafter to' take ad vantage of every possible opportunity where may be enough batteries of field artillery to form a regiment. Thla ar rangement would undoubtedly be carried out In real warfare, a was conclusively shown In the artillery operations In Man churia. It 1 realised that It Is necessary to anticipate such a condition and require ment and be able to meet U fully without the peril of lack of familiarity . with such employment of field artillery. , There will another, preliminary .. ex amination far admission . to the medical corps of the army on July 11. when It Is hoped to obtain more qualified applicants than was a result of .the examination on May 1. The qualified candldatea will attend the next session of the Army Medi cal school, taking the final examination for commission as lieutenant and assistant surgeon upon completion of th course of Instruction. In the May 1 examination fifty-seven applicants were Invited to ap pear, six of whom declined and ten of whom failed to appear. There were forty one candidates examined, ope of whom withdraw, eleven of whom wer found phy. Ically disqualified, twenty-two of whom were rejected snd seven of whom were found qualified. , There are at. present twenty-nine vacancies In the junior grade of the 'army medical department. If the seven provisionally qualified candidates are admitted to the corps there will still be at least twenty-two vacsncles to b filled. It look aa if the present session of congresa would end with no nrov1ton mad to pay th claims of military and naval people for reimbursement of loses sustained In the Galveston flood, the Porto Rico hurricane, the typhoon In the Philip pines, and which must now be added the earthquake and fire in San Francisco. It will require a change of law to permit th payment of claims of this sort, and for two or three years the .War depart ment has made recommendations for such amendment of the statutes as will enable the claims to be paid. If the truth must be told, there Is an Inclination at thr capltol to do nothing In the direction de sired, and apparently no amount of argu-l ment Introduced In behslf of ths victim' of flood, wind and fire serves to nv the legislators from their determined r unfriendly position. The army bill wss signed by Preslder Roosevelt on June It It contains mue'.i new legislstlon affecting the army which became effective at once. Among the more Important Items are these: Expert riflemen In the army are entitled to S3 a month extra psy. sharpshooters to 2 and marksmen to $1. The unjust rule of deducting 12V4 cents each month from the pay of retired enlisted men for the support of the Soldiers' Home hss fTaessTtw TTWBeansn v I The "Why" of Crex Superior Qualities. SANITARY Dust-proof, ferm-proof and moth-proof. ' CLEANLY A fw strokes of a carpot-boater removs all dust : DURABLE Msde from tba toughest prairia grasa. ARTISTIC A variety of shsdos of all colors. KCONOMICALr-Will outlast and outwear any other floor covering at double the price. CREX Carpets, Art Squares and Kugs are made in all widths and sixes. Suitable for any room aa aa all-year-round floor covering. The 20th Century Sanitary Carpet Caution i Avoid Imitations b sure yea get CHE X there 1 only one) genu in. Hubstttate which may b rpreated to be Just the earn as CKUX are of inferior quality and lighter grade. Insist 0a having "CKKX." Cres Caraets. Rues sad Art tquse sr sa trass th tough, wiry prairie ar. frown In the Korlkweat and woven wild Ui bett and trengeal cot ioa lwlae. Oe account of its heavy body Cres lies flat wiikuut curling. ' 'Sold nufurtvtr Ctrptts rt,$old AMERICAN CRASS TWINE CO-i VZVhIZJ1" JOBBERS IN OMAHA ORCHARD WILHEL.M CARPET CO. been stopped. In the future, colonels snd lieutenant colonels on the retired list of the army, when assigned to active duty, will receive the same psy snd allowances that a' retired msjor would' receive under like assignment. A section of great Interest to many offi cers provides thaf officers who hsve had service outside of the United States and have not received the 10 per cent Increase In pay, or who have received It for service In China, the Philippine -Islands and Alaska can now be paid by paymasters for such service while en route to and from the places named. Paymasters are not, however, authorised to pay foreign service psy to any officer of the army on duty with the Panama canal. The act provides that enlisted men, If in current enlist ment, may be paid the 20 per cent Increase for service since July 1, 1904, under the same circumstances. . - - MERRY JINGLES. Rivers (stopping to sharpen hi pencil) How do you spell th plural of "dodoT" Brooks (who Isn't quite sure You don't have to spell it. There's no such blamed bird now. It's extinct. Chicago Tribune. Knlcker Do you think we should wash our soiled linen In public? . . . ,. Booker No; I favor sending It to the laundry for total destruction. New York Bun. Tired Tresdwell Dey say dla stuff you get in cans Is dangerous. Limping Lem Well, mebby; but de stuff wot bothers me de most Is de kind you get In r'sces where de lsdy Is doln' her own cookln'. Chicago Record-HeTald. "Hello," says the man, seeing- his friend sallying forth with the pole and net. and bait bucket. "Going fishing?" "No," .replies the friend, turning on him solemnly. ''No. I'm going to stand on my head and keep my hair from falling out. What mad you think I was going fishing?" Puck. "I suppose yon consider yourself s leader of publlo opinion." "Not at all," replied Senator Sorghum. "Publlo opinion doesn't need leading. The thing to do la to keep your eyes open and find out which way It I going next." Washington Star. . "We hadn't any chips at the cluo last night, so we played poker with poaUga stomps." "How did the game go?" "Oot all mixed up. The fool government has made the reds worth twice as much aa the blues." Philadelphia Press. "Whew! That Is the first time I ever mad a speech. I felt like I had forgotten all I had ever learned." "You appeared to be talking just as you felt." Houston Post "How did you feel when you found your self overboard?" "As If I were all In," gssped the resusci tated joker, gurgling merrily.-rPhlladelphla Ledger. Member of Congress Spesker Cannon Is perfectly friendly to your people, but he can't help taking the stand he does on the statehood question. He has to do 1J. to aave hla face. Aiisona ManTo aave his face! . Gosh! He's forty yeara too late! It ain't worth savin' I Chicago Tribune. . . THE FORTlUE TELLER, . - Witter Bymer In Metropolitan MMgaxIne. Turning to the secrets from her pack of oards, - , Warning of sickness, tracing . out a theft. Guarding from danger aa an omen guards, Her hand grew withered as it grew more deft. . ' . ' - Till In the stuffy psrlor where she lies. Now to these clients, neighbors, debtors, friends. Truest I proven, of her prophecies '1 shall be dead before December ends." That' old man, facing us, who many years Boasted the subtle wonders of ber srt, Now hear him how he tells us with his tes rs The simpler, larger wisdom of her heart. For she was quick to share the good that cam. "o that pal mothers turned at last and slept, I 1 loafers gruffly reverenced her name. et more than all she gave sway, she kept! 'pt red geraniums on her window sill. Kept a gay garden In that narrow plot '"-need In behind the house you'll find there still Her hoe, her rske, her rusty watering pot! , Jrlght, In the midst of all these dingy ysrds, Her roses, hollyhocks snd panslea grew; As though some hsppy Jester In the cards Whlnpered the sweetest secret ' that be knew.