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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY ' BEE: "TUESDAY,' .TUNE 13, 19CXT. 5 CLERGY ON DIVORCE UWSi Miaisterial Union Takes Bteps to ImproT j Statute !n Htbrwka. TOO tASY TO SEVER MARITAL BONDS Coadjutor Blhr William Pre posse Actio and Coansntttee la A p pointed ta Draft Bill for lrlolatara. At the regular meeting of the Minis terial union held Monday morning In th parlors of tha First Congregational church Coadjutor Bishop Williams of Trinity ca thrdraj presented tha mattar of dlvorca and urged that tha ministers get a bill through tha next legislature to remedy tha divorce evil, It wm contended that per sona divorced through, other reasons than adultery should not be re-married, and In the case of adultery should not be re married Inside of a year from time of di vorce. Bishop Williams said that for every three marriage licenses granted here one application for divorce was filed Rev. C. M. Herring, Edwin Hart Jenks and J. W. Cooler of the union were ap pointed as a committee to take joint action with the committee of the Episcopal church which Bishop Williams represented. The joint eommlttse will meet and draft a bill k. to be presentees 10 me nexi legislature. Rev, J. B. Btrorn. pastor of the tnrlngton Congregational church; Rev. Byron T. 1 Btauffer, pastor of the First Methodist; pr.,nt. Mi.ny favorable newspaper corn Rev. Fv M. Weeks, Presbyterian pastor-at- menU hav Wn create1 by the following large, and Rev. Uu stare rxyquisi, puior oi the Swedish Baptiat church, were admitted to membership In the union. Dr. Jenke spoke of his recent trip tnrougn tne ioiy Land. I The union adjourned for the summer. I The next meeting win be Monday morning, September IT. HITCHCOCK ET AL FIX THINGS Democrat a' Slap la tno Fees Issnreve- anent CI on Members at Mast Meetlag. Improvement club' members of Omaha who were Instrumental In getting up ths big public meetlnr at the elty hall Satur day night when various orators discussed matters of municipal government are mut. terlng "several things under their breath st the' alight given them by Gilbert M Hitchcock, who promised to speak, ac- cepted a placa on the program ana at tne eleventh hour "ducked and cauea on ir. A. H. Hippie of the Water board, another democrat, to nil mi place. ui ine aoo- tor, not being a specialist on municipal government and ownership of public utili ties. ,flld not appear. It was afterward learned that Hitchcock filled a little so- clal engagement at one of the clubs which he regarded aa more important, man tne one he had agreed to nil on tne program at the city hall. Laurie J. Qulnby, a demo-popullet, was the only partisan of this description who was faithful to his pledge. He spoke. While Hltohaock was dodging his date and having ,. good time at . one of the clubs another prominent democrat, Chair- man Bullard of the city committee, was adding to tha offense to the Improvers by,, holding secret oonfab with a lot of Independent telephone boosters In a room adjoining; the council chamber, where the mass meeting was being neia. mis nine secret powwow also was attended by three other democratic brethren. Councilman I Johnson,. Sheldon and Davis. "It seems the democrats, either dellber- at rly or otherwise, messed things up gen-I erally and handed us a direct slap In tha I face." said one of the prominent Improve- I ment club men of the ejty Monday. - "But that's Hitchcock for you. all right." . 1 CHARLES M. SAN FORD ON TRIAL oath Omaha Baslarss Maa Charged . , tilth Shooting; with Attempt to Kill. Charles M. Sanford, a well known busi ness man of South Omaha, wai placed on trial before Judge Sutton Monday morning on a charge of -shooting with intent to kill. The complaining witness Is Harry Abraham son who formerly worked for tenant of Sanford'a named Moekowlta In a grocery store at Thirty-first and R streets. Sanford decided to go Into the grocery business In the building occupied I by Moekowlta and ths latter moved out. Abrahamson was sent back to the store to 1 get some things which had been left be- hind. He says Sanford tried to push him out of the store and then ehot at htm. Sanford. aaserl ths boy called him names and denies he shot at the boy. The case agalnat Henry Murphy of South Omaha will hot come up until the latter part of tha. week, his attorney, being busy 1 la another court. . , . I Catholle School U terclaea. The graduating Classen of Mount St. Msry s school ahd St. Catherine's school clU hold their commencement exercises at St. Berchman's academy Thursday after noon at 2 J Seven will be graduated from Mount St. Mary's and three from St. Cath erine's. The students of St. Berchman's had planned for a trolley ride and plcnie at Manawa for Tuesday afternoon, but this is held In abeyance to await the pleasure oi tne w earner man. Is Disease a Crime ? Not very long ag-o, a popnlar mag all no bubllsbed an editorial arlieW In which lbs writer aJaertod, In substanoei, that all Ala should be regarded as criminal Certain It la. that much of the sickness and suttertuf of mankind Is due to ths violation of aortal n of Katore's laws. But to say that afl sickness should be regarded as criminal, must appeal to very reasonable inairtauai as rauiwuiy tmnf. It would be bftraa. unsympathetl, weak, error-worked hoaeewif who sinks voder iho hoary load of household earas and bureaus, and suffers from weak- li tin m vmrtona disntaeMnanta of Dolvls organs and other dorangesaocts peculiar to nor sax. Freqaan tea ring of children, with 1st acting aau4 apes the axstaui. coupled wtia U care, worry sad labor of rearing I laxao family, ts ruu tha eiua of vhIi . aaraugemeaat aad ItUnn whloa are assravaMd be We awf kyamnold eofea, aud tbe bard, aad aerar onfting work wkl: the Dutber la caUsd ix to torfcrm. Dr. Pwaroa, U saakae U slat worU-teaMd rem edy IvC iniri posaitat whWmim and Wis i-f. rrararorvs rreaorlpuau ears we V.0 sue ouetooaas so Ut I litis aiea el i el twiwini Is Ike not (aat tha poor, avor-woraad aoasewUe eea But set ttie heeded Sao trass tor. mawr ' i m 11 earae aad la-bur to enable ha VS savare front Vb tae ta It aaeef pis rwaituwi las ruu baaeai Is a ' af boaaan iimiIiiih a Htaant saaoileixie, ae says, teaewws la taaae na to lh Ukb htt trwemaal talis la bis eaMoaive luoe With Uxm m f taaaiai ft kue MaVnte-e atMUif he sWwla f Vm4 WWW swash to be eat4 lla hi Mis aatrarw tnas koalaaoaa, ml---- and lawetotMi eC Us atorwe so tv dsmn iii I of Sue woaaaoly mveae, b t iMunaaff met, la aauotoa to tak t Bj "Verti rrasuki ahoy JWa oi batiat rery ataab, or lot ktfaf partuda, en hmt Wtl. all heavy htcaug er aValaliat of uy hlud shuald aUo be erutded, at aiaoh iuM-kk aif aa K aitraua u aiaa lh wAnm. Ltahl pas ebrve aWe rale sad Ibe 1 trnVraaurtuawa wul da She , rat Or. Plaror't Medloal Adrtoar Is sent As If slek oocsmU the Doe tor, free of charge br let tar. All such ootnaiunlceUooe are held sacredly aoaAdanstei. - Dr. Fiereo Uses ant Pallet Invigorate and regaiaM etoaiavu, Urar arj tj"t on receipt oc saampa to par aipenao of matnog ofvra bvaS to Dr. E. V. Plorca, Bafiaio, M. T-, Si olio-coot stamps for pa aar-wTorad. og tl staiapa far eivUi-booud. TOOTH TALK NO. 39 LVrtain thinking people prefer to have me do their crown and bridge work because t make a specialty of this brsnch of the profession. It can be readily understood, without my telling you, that I can da crown and bridge work much better than the average dentist who gives It no particular attention. Tha price of crown and bridge- work, governed by the material used. Is such that the majority of people only care to have It done once. Neither do I hurt my patients In In serting crowns and bridges. PH. FICKKR, DentlNt. 338 Hee llltlg. 'Phone Douglas 637 ACTION TO PURIFY SALOONS latted stairs Brewers' Aaaoelatloa terestlng Stead. The United States Brewers" association. MhlAk has l.ia. . I 1a annual nnfl-Alltlnn lndlanapoU reiterated Its determl- n.tion to nut the brewing Industry upon a , d ,h producti of the - - ,., mor. ot . n.tional drink than at rew)luUon, adopted byNthe convention: "Resolved. That this convention heartily ean - r - tui.tes tha many brewing assoela- tlon ,n ,ut., ani Ctes that have taken the lead In eradicating low and vile resorts and fUBn to supply beer to saloons tnat w.r, not approved by the public sent! ment of their respective communities. 'Resolved, That It Is the senss of this convention that all our members continue In this wise policy, so thst the American public may be the more quickly taught that American beer Is a promoter of genuine temperance, a beverage for the home and fireside. 'Resolved, That we urge every brewer to so work that the time may speedily arrive when a fair public will fully understand and appreciate the true value of our prod uct, both as a food and as a beverage, and we recommend that each brewer fre quently call attention to the fact that there la so little alcohol In beer as not to produce drunitetiiiee, when drank unmixed with ar dent Btimulants. H(iaoiTmj. That the Immense Increase in th, cn.umptlon of American beer has done mor to establish sobriety than all the pro- hlbltory laws In existence and will, we be lieve, be the means of a true solution of the drink problem and the establishment of Ideal temperance, besides showing the con fldence the American publle has In the pur- ty and value of the national drink." During the convention the Interesting fact was brought out that the Texas brewers have for two years spent $10,000 each month In closing vile saloons and low dives. The association has the best legal talent to be found, a cerpe of trained detectives and se cures Its own evidence against saloon keep ers who do not run orderly places. The Texas brewers have received the praise of the leading prohibition papers and of the beat citisens generally. It la stated that the detectives of the Texas brewers close three times as many saloons aa the police officials or tne various cities The Intention of the brewers of the coun try la, It Is announced, . to make beer drink that can be taken In a sodawater fountain or anywhere elm without subject ing anyone to crrttcis-i. . The New . York Herald, In a leading editorial as to safe and keAlthy Summer drinks";" classed beer as the foremost and least calculated to do harm In warm weather. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Nebraska Aaaoelatloa at York Will Be Attendee, by Ussy Omaha Workers. Twenty-five or more representatives of local Sunday, schools will leave Omaha Tuesday for the thirty-ninth annual con vention of the Nebraska State Sunday School association, which meets at York Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The attendance at the convention Is expected to reach too and arrangements have been made for the entertainment of that number, The principal address will bo Wedneaday afternoon on "Building Up a Sunday achool," by K. C. Knapp, director of Bible ..urtv. Hroadwav tabernacle. New York. Mr. Knapp Is a young man, a graduate of the university of Michigan. He was two years i Sunday school work In Michigan, toured ohlo tw0 months in the same work, studied , tha Hartford Theological seminary and tha euperintendent of one ot the u.itin. Dundiv schools of Hartford. . c, rAill Jonklna nf the flmahi Then. , . . H,, .h. rim. " " Z classes at ins convention, ueorge wai- lace and T. v. oiurgess oi umana are aiso on the program. An attractive feature of the convention will be a aong service each evening under the direction of L D. Elchorn of Canon City, Colo. . The convention proper will begin Tuesday evening. Tuesday will be devoted to a school oft Instruction for teachera. Mrs. Oeorge O. Wallace Is the only Omahan on tha program for this and she will con duct a model primary school. Enthusiastic Sunday school workers who cannot go to York may go across the river to Council Bluffs to ths annual convention of the Iowa State Sabbath School associa tion Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Frldsy. VETERINARIANS ARE IN SESSION Mlaaoart Valley Aaaoelatloa Holda Twelfth Aaaaal Coaveatloa at the City Hall. The twelfth annual meeting of the Mis souri Valley Veterinary association began Monday morning In ths rooms ot the Water board at the city hall to last two days. During the - morning a bunineea session was held and . technical papers rtsd by Dr. H, Jensen. Dr. 8. T. Miller and Dr. W. C. Langdon. Tonight the veterinarians will be entertained at the den by Initiation Into the pleasures and privi leges of ths Ak-Sar-Ben. Tuesday afternoon a clinic will be held at Dr. S. T. Miller's hospital. 2S Fourth street. Council . Bluffs, at which difficult operations will be performed. A banquet In the evening will close the meeting. About fifty veterinarians responded to the roll oail at tha opening session, but this number la expected to be doubled during the day. City Veterinarian Ramacclottt la eaairmaa of the committee on local ar rengemente and Is assisted by Dra. i. T. Miller, D. C. Scott. P. Jucklaess. W. C. Langdoa. A. T. Everett and O. It. Young. These oliloers were elected at the after- nooa session: President, Dr. 8. Stewart. Kansas City; first vies president. Dr. H L. Ramaoclottt Omaha; second vice president. Dr. B. F. Miller. Council Bluffs; secretary. Dr. B. F. Kaupp. Kaneae City. Maar Children stoaoaoo'. Many children have baea reecued by Dr. King s New IlacoA ery for Coughs and Col da Guaranteed. 0c and ft Fur sale b' t?rotlt McConnell Di u Ce, ' ASPHALT ON FARNAM STREET Prospects for Heparin Look Good lino Fstition's Lseality is OerUin. TIME FOR ORDINANCES AND BIDS NOW City Engineer Will Preeeed at' Once to Prepare Measare I'nder Which Graalte Blocks Are to Be Snpnlnnted. The prospects for the repavlng of Far- nam street from Thirteenth to Eighteenth with asphalt to supplant the granite blocks seem to be good since the legal depart ment has given assurances that the original petition was drawn In proper form. Although there was no doubt as to the validity of the signatures or their number, question was raised whether the spe cific mention of "asphalt" In the document might not militate against Its legality should any property owner seek to evade the speclsl taxes. The charter makes It clear that for new repavlng or repavlng In place ot that deteriorated the original petition must call only for paving and that subsequent petition must deslgnste ttie material after bids have been received for various kinds. It was supposed the same regulations would spply In cases where good paving was torn up merely to floor the street a new way. The Farnam street matter has reached the point where final ordinances shnuld be panned and bids asked for. Engineer Rose water raised the point aa to the propriety of the first petition in a letter to the legal department, which decided that the form or the paper Is all right. As a matter of fact, the petition was prepared In the legal department months sgo and the designa tion of material wai with Intention. In view of the ruling the city engineer will proceed at once to prepare the ordi nance. If special specifications which are necessary cause no controversy, the asphalt snouia go down late In the summer- or early in the fall. XBW HOMES IS TUB WEST. Shoshone Reservatloa to Bo Opened to Settlemeat. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN R'T Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates from All Points July 11 to 29. Less than one tare for the round trip to Bhoshonl, Wyo., the reservation border. The only all-rail route to the reservation border. Dates of registration July It to a at Bhoshonl and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlets telling how to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request at City Office, H01-J Farnam street Opening of ' Carey I -lads at ' 81 Anthony, Idaho, Jane IS, ItMM. Seven thousand acres of choice farm lands lying from eight to twenty miles east ward from St. Anthony, along the line of the new Yellowstone park extension of the Oregon Short Line railroad will be thrown open for entry by the Marysvllle Canal and Improvement company on Friday, June IS, 190C, at 10 o'clock a. m. Cost of land and water 120.80 per acre, payable in ten annual Installments, Interest at s per cent on de ferred payments. A drawing will take place on day of open ing, absolutely fair and Impartial. SeleC' tion must be made at time of drawing. There is no richer soil or more productive region In the Snake river valley. Improved lands In the vicinity worth 130 to tw per acre. - -t Aside from this the "C: C. 'Moore Real Estate company will offer fof sale Immedi ately after drawing 60,000 acres of farm lands, wKh water rights. Improved and un Improved, tracts to suit the purchaser on easy terms. Ashton, a new town In the midst of these lands on the Yellowstone Park railroad offers every Inducement to prospective busi ness men and investors. Keep your eye on Ashton. Plats of above lands and town and all Information relative can be secured at the offices of the C. C. Moore Real Estate Com pany, St. Anthony and Ashton, Idaho, and W. F. Crosa. secretary Marysvllle Canal and Improvement company, Marysvllle, Idaho. Write at once for further Information. BALLAST WITHOUT 'ANY DUST Clean Gravel Taken fraaa Bottom ot River by Illlaols Central (or Roadbed. Officials of the Illinois Central are elated over the discovery they have made of a new ballast which Is dustless. This is gravel taken from the bars of the Mlssls slppl liver near Memphis by a centrifugal pump at the rate of sixty cars every ten hours. The first Is being used on the Yasoo Valley line. It is clean and clear as a Takes 8 Days To Make Perfect Mai Malt Made This Way Is Richest In rood alne and Makes the Beat Beer. You know If you plant a grain of wheat or oats or corn in midsummer where the ground ts moist and warm It will sprout and grow up very quick and rank and with a aickly color not atrong and tough and a healthy bright green as the stalks do when the grain is planted in the spring. in is is because the heat and moisture sprout and grow It so fast In uldsuramer that It doea not have tlmevto develop the vital elements of the grain, while In the spring It Is cooler, and thua alower in sprouting and growing, giving time for the grain to develop all Its nourishing, vital food elements. These same considerations are true In making barley malt from which to brew bear. The usual method of mak ing malt for brewing beer la the quick four-day proceaa which compares with th growth of grain planted In midsummer and produces a malt that larks the nutritious food elements of the barley. Pabst, tha master brewer, found by ex perience that It required careful steady apruuiuig ivr cigm aays to gel ail of til nutrition all of ths life-giving, strength sustaining food elements out of the barley and Into the malt, and It la ths exclualv eight-day method of making malt thai makes Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer the richest and moat wholesome aa well as the basi flavored and most mellow beer on the mar ket. Pabst scrupulously cleanly method brewing with Pabst exclusive v eight-day malt makes Pabst Blus Ribbon Beer the superior of all others. Doctors recommend H becauae they appreciate that It Is abso lutely clean and the richest lot food valu As one well known Chicago doctor put It "I prescribe Pabst Blue Ribbon and drink It myseir becauae It Is the baer that la never touched by human hands ar.d never oomea In contact with anything but sterl Used air from brew to glasa." PABST BSBWIsO CO. Pheae Dong. f 1ST Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Neb. Pabit BIud Eibbon Beer crystal and ls"abso1utely dustless. Oravel taken from pits has dust from Its contact 1th the soil, but that from the river has been washed for ages. The cost Is less than that from pits and the Illinois Central, with Its tracks right at the banks of the river. Intends to extend It over the entire system. . W. WESSELS IS FOUND DEAD Lying la Roam at Drear! - WoaadeJ Throagh Breaat Bad Pistol Beside Mlm. F. W. Wessels was found desd In his room at the Drexel hotel Monday after noon. A bullet . wound In his chest Indi cated suicide. A S2-callber revolver was found at his side. Mental depression was assigned as the reuse for Wessels taking his life. Coroner Bralley took the body to the morgue. An Inquest will be held. Mr. Wessels was. 66 .year of age and lived alone at the Drexel. Ills wife died a year ago. Two daughters Frances Wessels nd Mrs. B. S. Caldwell live at 19 Geor gia avenue. Mr. . Wessels was cashier of the old Omaha. Savings bank. For two oars he was not engaged In business. It was reported st the Drexel hotel Mr. Wessels complained more or less for a week, although he gave no Inkling of In tended, aulc-lde. The funeral arrangements have not been made. SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPH CAR BBOvalloa Introdaced by I nloa ra tine to Pot Its System Into Art. Ths Union Faclflc started an innovation Monday when It sent out a photograph car from Omaha to cover all points of Interest on the system. The car was In hsrge of J. E. Stimson official photog rapher of the Unlonv Pacific, from Chey enne, and J. Harsew of San Francisco. This csr Is fitted with cameras, dark rooms, glsss roofs, special photographic sp paratus. dining and sleeping rooms, and will accommodate four photographers. It will be run' as special over the Union Pacific, taking photographs of every point of Interest slong the line, thus msklng a complete new set of pictures of all the speclsl sights to be seen on the Overlsnd route. The photographers are expected to secure and develop an average of about sixty good negatives each day. The car will work west of Green River, and then take In the new route to the Yellowstone, work backhand then proceed to the north west. SCOTS H0N0RJ. C. LINDSAY Clan Gordon Presents Token of Re spect to Secretory t'pon His ' Marriage Anniversary. About 120 members Q Clan Gordon Sat urday night paid their rompllments In a body to James C. Lindsay, who has been secretary of the organisation ten years. The occasion waa the tenth wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay and the guests . assembled at . their home, 1309 Evans street. They presented the couple with a fine china closet and Mrs. Lindsay with a gold pin. Chief William Kennedy of the clan acted as master of ceremonies. The Board of Education, of which Mr. Lindsay is a member, was represented by O. Philllppl. Feellnr the pride of the occasion Mr. Lindsay -wore a number of medals received In Scotland for various athletic . and intellectual' achievements. Including one of .whlqh, there is none Ilka It In- the United tates. . . CASS SCHOOL FOR-TEACHERS Instruction ' In .tsynar Training So Omaha Will' Hare Its Own ' " Material. 1 With the idea of educattng'manual train ing teachers so there will be no necessity for sending away from home for Instructors as the work Is extended through the 'grade schools, a special school Was opened Mon day at the Cass building with Miss Lux and Miss Lee In charge. About thirty-five grade teachers began the work, which will be followed two hours a day during the summer and on Saturdays during the school year. Some of the teachers are taking the course with the Intention of fitting them selves for manual training work, while others are doing so merely aa an Item of pedagogical development. . Miss Lux Is the manual training . Instructor at the Caaa sc&pol and Miss Lee at the Pacific. Both came 'from Tope ka Kan. . EVERYBODY CLIMBS STAIRS City Hall Attaches Walk T to Their Offlcea, ns Elevator Men Walk Oat. The old force of engineers and firemen at the city hall "walked out" at 1 o'clock Saturday and declared, the elevator service could go hang for all they cared because they would be replaced Monday -morning with a new set. of employes selected by the democratic administration. The re sult waa that everybody had to climb the stairs Saturday, afternoon and evening and that the retiring force will be docked a hajf day's pay. No warning was ac corded of the strike. Monday morning the new employes reported for duty and went to work. Fishing and Campln nta to Clear Lake, la.. Via Chicago Great Woatora Railway. For parties of 10 or more one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for IS days. Tickets on sale daily until Septem ber to. For further Information apply ts H. H. Churchill. O. A., 161. Farnam 8U Marriage Licensee. The following marriage licenses been Issued: Nsme and Residence. John Ryden, Omaha..... have Age. ... 2t ... 23 ... 26 ... U Anna Holm, Omaha.. ; Joseph T. Netsel, Omsha v Clara Lehr, Omaha Warren C. Ward. Eau Claire. Mich... Margaret Isabel Draves. Nlles, Mich.. Lawrence Hooker, Belgrade, Neb Llllle Keenan, Primrose, Neb James J. Gannon. South Omaha Alice telly, Scuth Omaha Mark J. Bandola. South Omaha Margaret Kelly, South Omaha William D. Baker, Omaha Lucy M. Morrlvaey, Omaha George Leydecker, Omaha..' Sadie Nolaa. Omaha to as il 1 . 30 24 Si 22 20 , n DIAMONDb adhoim, 16th ana Harney, Sterling Sliver Frenaer, 1Mb and Dodge LOCAL BREVITIES. Judge Troup has granted a divorce to Julia liuiett from Frederick W. Hulett on the grounda of non-support. The progrsm arranged for the forma opening of "Juvenile City" st the public play grounds has been postponed until Friday night becauae of the rain. Pletro Tumaino haa brourht suit In tha United States circuit court for tlO.OOS nsmag-ea against the I nion Psclflc rot p rsoual Injuries sustained February 11 ISfUI. . A three days' examination for teachers who want to possess certificates enabling thara to teach In the Omaha schools be gun at, the high achool Monday morning at s o riora ana win last inree qayt About thirty applicants will stand th testa - Perry Feeley of tool North Twenty-third street aas neld up Hunnay evening by foot, pads at Twenty-third and Saratoae streets Sir. Feeley gave li U to the atratiaera. Garfield cirt-le No. 11. Ladles of tha Grand Army, will hold Its aid society st Hans coin park Friday afternoon. Members are remquea to brtjpf lunclieon with laeu, k Kid larvcst of Straw Slats for Men iuTVittmrihriurwgoo.! lection of Straw Hats. f it is a dollar Straw Hat, that kind is here if it is a $10.00 Panama, that kind is here. We're Just a bit elated that we are headquarters for Straw Hats this distinction Is made from the fact that we are selllnc more Straw Hats this season than In any former season. Variety Is right prices are right. We have some specials here tomorrow, among them the following: K( 9 Cft 9 AA Fln Spilt Straw Yachts, very )de3u"9e3Us7evU fine-narrow braid, perfectly bleached, carefully made and handsomely trimmed. $3.50-52.50 Fine Soft Milan styles. FARNAM FIFTEENTH BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Colored Oitizsn and Eis Accuser Differ as - to What He Waa Doinc UDGE CRAWFORD WILL SETTLE THE CASE Colored Man Says He Was Herding Hla Children When He Waa Charaed with Corralling Another's Money, John Howard, colored, declared before the people's bar Monday morning he was t Seventeenth and Webster streets at o'clock Saturday evening, rounding up his children while the curfew whistle blew. V. H. Sherlock said he saw Howard at Eigh teenth and Lothrop streets at t o'clock Saturday evening looking for J28 Howard has been chsrged with stealing. The col ored man pleaded not guilty when arraigned Saturday morning on the charge of petit larceny. The case was set for hearing Wednesday morning; Sherlock's story wss. he placed his pay envelope containing (28 between his over alls and his trousers, Intending to put the money In a pocket. Evidently the envelope slipped to the ground, as Sherlock main tained that when he missed the money he looked around and saw Howard drop the envelope, which was then empty. Thinking Howard had planted the money and would return later Sherlock returned about 8 o'clock and waited In hiding. At I o'clock, Sherlock aald, Howard came back and started looking for the money. Sher lock m-de a grab for the man, who van ished. Howard acknowledged finding the en velope in the afternoon. Nit denied having the money.- Sunday afternoon at the city jail Howard prayed that the Lord would visit his wrath on those who caused his arrest. He also prayed for an earthquake In Omaha. G. Watterman of 1909 California street appeared before the police Judge Monday on a charge of assault and battery on Mrs. li. Turnbull. Watterman will have a hear ing Wednesday morning. He pleaded not fiUty. .... ' The complainant alleged Watterman J threw her from his porch Sunday evening when she made a forcible entry to her room for which she said she had paid rent a month ahead. The woman entered by cutting a screen door and forcing an open ing In the other door with an tie. A. I Sty res of 209 South Thirtieth street went home Sunday evening with a burden of strong drink and a desire to break the law. He started In by breaking the dishes and then abused his wife. Patrolman Mor rison called at the place and waited on Mr. Styres, who tried to take the officer's club and star. The police Judge gave Styres thirty days. C. H. Antrim pleaded not guilty and waived the preliminary examination when brought before the police Judge Monday morning on a charge of grand larceny. The prisoner was bound over to the district court In the sum of $300. Antrim was charged with stealing fifty butts of tobacco from the Illinois Central freight house. JOE WARREN ASKS NEW TRIAL Attorneys File Motion on Gronnd of Conrt's Error In Overruling Abatement Plan. A motion for a new trial waa filed '.n behalf of Joe Warren, who was convicted of robbing the saloon of Nels Lausten the night the latter was murdered. A Jury found Warren guilty Friday night. Error of the court In - overruling the plea in abatement and refusing to allow evidence of former Jeopardy to go to the Jury are among tha reasons urged why the case should be tried again. . Cholera Morbus fared. This Is one of the most severe and dan gerous diseases. In almoat every neighbor hood some one has died from It. lr. W. E. Smith of La Marque, Tex., writes: "My little girl waa taken with cholera! morbus, brought on by bad drinking water caused by the great Galveston storm. The attack was so severe that I feared ahe would die. A druggist advised me to give her Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I did, and three doses of It relieved her. Since then I have rec ommended this remedy to many friends and It has never failed In any Instance." Mortality Statistics. , The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births Thomas Ixive, 904 South Eigh teenth, boy, William R. Haughn, 2108 South Thirty-fourth, boy; Henry Dull.', 8411 South Fourteenth, boy. Deaths Ivy Ann Watson, 7:4 South Nineteenth, if. Harold Rue. 118 South (BHD All of this can be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from tha use of this wonderful remedy. Sold by all druggists at ft.oo per bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will be sent free. Til Inm Itrtlitir Cl. IbiH. b. SPKCIAIi Genuine the newest Pasha worth fa.OO, at Braids, In the Pasha 25 styles of nice at InZTZiuu in n inTnWnmmrJ iglt Grade Treatment (If rsponslbl. you Hi you nave a atsease er weakness peculiar to the relvlo region, your condition calls promptly for the best treatment the medical nrofeecion affords. Cif this fact you must be thoroughly convinced when you stop to consider hew many different doctors you have conaulted, and how many bottles of worthless medicines you have taken. We have no fault to find with the man who employs such Inferior treatment, for that Is his privilege, but the money he thus expense would go far toward securing for him a cure that Is safe, rapid and permanent. e have long studied and thoroughly mastered infirmi ties of this character male pelvla diseases. Recently we have treated acores of stubborn cases, and not a single failure or unpleasant result has been reported to ua. Other physicians msy rest men, but we cure them, cure them to re main cured, and thla fact we are prepared to prove to the entire satisfaction of any man sin cerely Interested. Our fees are aa low aa they can be conaiatent with high grade treatment. BV the 'sftsf and tr methods w csre fo remain curto', VARICOCELE, URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION. SPECIFIC BLOOD fOISOH. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY troublti, and all associate slsssscs tnd weaknesses, wiffe -?1 thtlr reffer complcaffons. Northwestern Medical . Surgical Institute... OUR GUuLsPxI FOR a lEAJtLM, latfc aad Twenty-fifth. 1; Mrs. Truelove, 2715 South Thirty-second, 80; Jane Rlach. Toplnabee, Mich., 64; John C. Drexel, Nebraska City. 48. BOY BURNED BY "HOT OIL eta Fire to Can and Carries it Ip stalra with a Blase At tached. Port Brown, office boy In the Natlonnl Cash RcglsteV company's store at Fifteenth and Harney streets, was painfully burned on his right arm Monday morning while carrying a biasing can of floor oil from the; basement of the store to the sidewalk. The boy waa taken to his home at Twenty fourth and Parker streets. Brown was working with the can of oil in the basement aad set fire to the fluid. He rushed upstairs with the oil and while passing the draped shelves In the store the fire communicated to the drapery. Drown threw the can to the walk. A fire alarm was sent in and the fire extinguished with small loss. Very Low Hates -meaday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, the Chicago Great Western railroad will soil bomeseekers' tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory flrst and third Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill. O. A, Isl2 Farnam street State number la party and when going. Cobalt, a newly discovered region, rich In silver and other metals, Is conveniently reached by the Grand Trunk Railway System. A well prepared booklet descriptive of the section will be mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux. A. Q. P. a- T. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams St., Chicago. , Fishlnc nnd t ampin- Hates to Madi son Lake, Watervtlle and Elyslnn, Minn., Via Chicago Great Weattrs. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for tea days. Tickets on sals dally until Sep tember 80. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill. G. A., Iil2 Farnam St. WATCHES Frenxer, 1Mb. and Dodge sl ftlrkaey at Commercial t'lnb. President Btlckney of the Chleneo Orest Wetiiern and the board of directors of the Omaha Grnln exchang" lll lie the g'leits of the executive committee of the C'nii nierclul club at luncheon Tuesday. -After the lum heon Pietid'.-nt 8tckney will ad dress the Commercial club. Every woman covet shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destrnctive to the mother's shapeliness. WE Di. aaaai.K UUUIWLWUL&U IF trues no all "Straws" Imported Leghorn soft braids. In and telescope styles, (prt sp eJaJeiO soft braids In split straw, FARNAM AT FIFTEENTH ST. may pay when cursd.) Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam 5tSe, OMAHA. NEB. By the Old Reusble DI. SEARLES, SKARLES Established In Omaha for It years. The many thou sand, of cases cured by us make us the most expert enced .Specialists In the west. In all diseases and alU menta of men. We know Just what will cure you and oure quickly. WE ORE YOU, THEN Y6U fAY US 011 FEE We make no misleading or false statements or offer you cheap, worthless tieatment. Our reputation ana name are too favorably known every case we treat, our reputation Is at stake. Tour health, Ufa and haaw plness Is too serious a matter to place in the hands on a " AMBI.ES JPOOTOaV" Honest doctors of abilli use their OWsT STAMX XX TI1IB TJ80rHB. We can effect for everyone a life-long OVaVB for Weak, Nervous Men, Varicocele trouble.. Nervous Debility, Blood Poison. Prostatic troubles. Kidney, Bladder. WAJTXXrO DiaZASSS, Hydrocele. Chronlo Disease. Contracted Diseases, Stemach and Skin Disease, pnpp Examination and Consultation. Writs law BvmDtom Blank for Horn. Treatment. Danglna Streets, amavaa. aeaawaka. MATTING SUIT CASE Matting Suit Cases are light, neat and servlcable and are just the thing to take with you on your summer vacation trip. We are offering a special value this month in a 24-in. Japanese matting case leather bound, very servlcable and attractive, one of our $4.60 values specially '.'..$3.69 priced thla month for Other matting cases from $2.00 to $6.00. We carry everything in Traveling Bags, Trunks and Sample Casus OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory. 1200 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Diseases of Men Cured for 05.00 Pay what you can and begin treatment now. Dr. McGrew Is and alwaya has been the pioneer of low charges for treatment and fair dealing with men. Over Thirty Thous and Cured Caaen of all forms of Dis eases snd Disorders of Men guarantee this fsct. Thirty years experience. Over years prac tice right here la Omaha and throughput the West. A Guaranteed Cure practically- assured fur only $5.00. Consul tation and advlca FREE. Treatment by mall Call or write. Box 7tM. Offices U5 Buuth Fourteenth attset. Omaha, Neb. Every Xloum 1. IntTMl I Aaul ... I J & .. . ,. slui lh wondf-rfnl ""stti whirling bpray TU i twr a,Ual Ijrto... ,. ftvesad .lurtum. ltaatlUr W- VI.Kt ('eu.aaiaul. Avaar rtf 1.1 Sir M. 1 1 ti. 4II Hot .Mt.plv tl a. a Ma ' I.. .. ------ - HV trtlr. uul krrtd aiajnn torn Hhtaira'ed Ikhi mm. It (ire. lull irii..;.,. ...h .,. F:T."!ea. tllKlll. l. a. aBT..w Fur Bale py , IHKKUAN a WcCuNNhLL DRUG CO lHih and Ddite Sis. MYEK8-D1LUN VHVQ CO., M. Cor. Kth and Farnam ta IHIHAIiU WUHIN. X 1 OwBafSKarssaataral inl SIca.r.a..iaSaaiaa41a., J IrtltalloM M alcaraiwa M. v af w.eeS. M.iabfa.aa, m.mmm . Ml t.M a, B a V B. . rataiea., ... Bai aalrgM Ot. f aal af aolaaaous. 4 SVaUl by sernaariais. I a aaai la stain ar'aev, r 1 ay lists, t'aeatd. US J SI a-l U'tllMki It. r at nuTVla. I sat so Hasan. bv" at mm tiau lilkln , .. l aa, ta wm -" fcstHMktn.i t